invalid operation dist

Asked by jhcoles

While attempting to download latest security updates I receive the instruction to run "sudo apt-get dist upgrade" in terminal mode. After doing this the following line appears in the terminal window "E: invalid operation dist".
What do I do now!!!
I have Dapper Drake.
Regards - John Coles

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English Edit question
Ubuntu gnome-terminal Edit question
No assignee Edit question
Solved by:
Ralph Janke
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Revision history for this message
Best Ralph Janke (txwikinger) said :

The instruction should read

sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

You are missing a dash in between 'dist' and 'upgrade'

Revision history for this message
jhcoles (jhcoles) said :

Many thanks - I'm very grateful. Prior to using the correct instruction line you supplied I went back to attempting to download the updates and again received the "incorrect" instruction line (without the dash). I therefore assume the "incorrect" line is being generated by my existing ubuntu installation.