Paltalk express connection

Asked by Donald Sykes

I go through the paltalk sign on and it works till i get to password, it doesn't enter password and log in

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Ubuntu gnome-nettool Edit question
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Donald Sykes (nevaenufflaptop) said :

plz answer what do i do it works on other computers so it is ubuntu plz answer

Revision history for this message
Donald Sykes (nevaenufflaptop) said :

plz help me i left all info and need help and you are supose to help and i don't have time to wait days, so do your job and help

Revision history for this message
Jeruvy (jeruvy) said :

There really is no guarantee of timeliness in getting help. I suggest if you need more timely assistance try IRC:

Join irc://
channel #ubuntu.

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