Comment 20 for bug 355801

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bruno (brunob) wrote :

Till, I use EOG on my main system and Gimp on another one. Same problem on both systems so I suppose that Gimp also prints with Cairo...? How can I know if a photo application use Cairo or not (or you can point me some titles as a temporary workaround). I could test and confirm.

Also on post#10, you said that the ghostscript 5.1 version was the key. I tried 5.2 and 5.3 with no success (5.1 not available). Is it possible that a regression between 5.1 and 5.2 explains why I have the bug? If yes, how can I install the 5.1 version on my 64-bit lucid?

Finally, if I can confirm that my problem is purely with libcairo generated PDF, what's the best place to watch to see a fix (bug# or anything)?