Is there a reason why the latest versions are not available for ubuntu 16.04?

Asked by Igor Bogoslavskyi

The version 2.2 introduces pkg-info file so that the library can be used with cmake. Is there a way to distribute the latest version also with Ubuntu 16.04?

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English Edit question
Ubuntu gflags Edit question
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Solved by:
Igor Bogoslavskyi
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Revision history for this message
Manfred Hampl (m-hampl) said :

The reason is that Ubuntu is no rolling release.
This means that packages usually stay at the version which was the current one when the Ubuntu release was published.
Only when there are important improvements or bug fixes, packages also in older Ubuntu releases are updated.

You can create a bug report to request that gflags be upgraded to 2.2 in Ubuntu xenial.
Please state the improvements that come with that new version.
The developers will decide whether the publish an update.

Revision history for this message
Igor Bogoslavskyi (zabugr-gmail) said :

Thanks so much. I will do that.