Why Gedit thinks my notes are "executable text files" ?

Asked by Wladston Viana

I wonder why Gedit keeps thinking that the notes I create are "executable text files", since they don't have the .sh ending.

If I configure gedit not to ask to execute, the .sh files won't execute anymore :(

Anyone can help me ?

Thanks! ;)

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English Edit question
Ubuntu gedit Edit question
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Solved by:
Chris Kirk
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Chris Kirk (sktx) said :

It's likely that your notes file has executable permissions. If that's the problem, it can be fixed by typing...

chmod a-x /path/to/notes/file.txt

...into a terminal window or at the console. Of course, you'll remember to change /path/to/notes/file.txt to the actual path to your notes file ;)


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fatsheep (jesse-fatsheep-deactivatedaccount) said :

Just right click on the file, go to properties, select the permissions tab and then make sure the executable boxes are NOT checked. :)

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Wladston Viana (wladston) said :

Oh - this was it - thanks guys!

Now, please, allow me to change the question : Why is ubuntu detecting my simple txt files as executables, and, is there a way for him to mark my .txt text files as "not executable" automaticaly ?

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Jonathan Anderson (jonathan-anderson) said :

Did they come from Windows? Are they on a Windows "shared drive"? Since Windows doesn't have an executable bit, Linux treats all Windows (or SMB-shared) files as executable, just in case.

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Ubuntu User (anotherubuntuuser) said :

If these comments answered your question, please consider closing this ticket. If not, please let us know and we'll keep working with you to resolve your issue.


Good Luck

Jim Jones

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Wladston Viana (wladston) said :

Yeah - they did come from windows - from my backup before wiping the windows partition....

But tell me .... no executable on windows runs at Ubuntu, so I really don't get the point in assuming the windows files are executable files.... Why not to treat the files (specially the ones that end with .txt) as non-executable files ?

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Jonathan Anderson (jonathan-anderson) said :

Why / why not? I'm not really sure... that's a question for the Samba
developers. I think that Windows *does* have separate "Read" and "Read &
Execute" permissions, but they're never really used (or something like
that... I'm certainly no expert).

Anyway, to remove the executable bit from a whole tree, run the following:

chmod -x `find /path/to/files -type f`

Note the use of backticks, not single quotes...

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Wladston Viana (wladston) said :

well, the files I'm refering to are not on a windows dir - they were copyed from the old "my documents" folder ....

Thanks for the hint, it was very usefull!

So you mean that the Ubuntu developers _wanted_ this problem to happen ? Ubuntu trying to execute windows text files ?

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Wladston Viana (wladston) said :

This is what I get :
wladston@wlad:~$ chmod -x `find ~ -type f`
bash: /bin/chmod: Argument list too long

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Alexandre Vassalotti (avassalotti) said :

You should use:
$ find path/to/files -type f -print0 | xargs -0 chmod -x

Although, be careful while changing file permissions.

I think it's possible to ignore the executable bit for file on Windows partitions. I'm not sure, exactly how, but it would involve setting the correct masks in /etc/fstab

$ gksudo gedit /etc/fstab

Locate the line for your Windows partition. And change it, so it looks like this:
/dev/[xxx] /media/windows ntfs user,fmask=0111,dmask=0000 0 0

Change [xxx] for the device name of the partition. If you're using an older version of Windows (prior Windows 2000), the partition type should be `vfat' not `ntfs'.

P.S. Try opening a new request, when you got a new question.

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Wladston Viana (wladston) said :

ok, thanks!

It's not actually a windows partition, the filesystem is ext3, but these files were copyed from the windows partition....

I guess my ideas are more like a request - I'll create one.

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Bernhard (b.a.koenig) said :

Actually, I agree with Wladston. Files should not be executable just because they come from a FAT partition.