Comment 8 for bug 1969243

Revision history for this message
Matthijs Kooijman (matthijskooijman) wrote :

Jeremy, I'm not sure the fix is complete yet, did you test this? I believe our added patch still removes the nvidia-only guard block (leaving only the gdm_nvidia_end label, but no jump to it), so the nvidia suspend checks are still applied to other machines (which will not have e.g. /usr/bin/ and thus have wayland disabled).

I confirmed this by cloning ubuntu3 from salsa, applying your debdiff, applying all quilt patches, manually patching up data/ (@libexec@ -> /usr/libexec) and installing that rules file. With that, I still see the problem - no wayland.

If I re-add the guard block (and reboot), I do get a wayland session as expected.

I've attached an updated debdiff against ubuntu3 that I succesfully tested with.

Note that in addition to the guard block, it also leaves in this comment and run line that I'm not sure is relevant anymore, but I'll leave that for you to judge:

# The vendor nvidia driver has multiple modules that need to be loaded before GDM can make an
# informed choice on which way to proceed, so force GDM to wait until NVidia's modules are
# loaded before starting up.
RUN+="/usr/bin/touch /run/udev/gdm-machine-has-vendor-nvidia-driver"