Comment 38 for bug 182927

Revision history for this message
Radek Stastny (tonous) wrote :

Eric L., I tried to upgrade on Karmic 64bit, and also 32bit, firstly I need to change the source row to:
deb experimental/
otherwise (without slash at the end) it was not accepted.

I tried to find the key I can import for your repository, do you have same?

program itself refuses to start it writes:
The pattern file format has changed and it seems, that your pattern file '/home/../.freemind/patters.xml' is formated in the old way. Should I try to repair the pattern file.....?
with 'yes' and 'no' options.
The file does not exists when this dialog is displayed. Ragardles what I choose I get 2nd dialog with Mode not available: MindMap with OK, and then 3rd dialog with freemind.main.FreeMind can't be started.
after that file '/home/../.freemind/patters.xml' is created and has the same content as /etc/freemind/patterns.xml.

I also tried to purge the package and reinstall without help.
my default lang is LANG=cs_CZ.UTF-8, but attached log is grabbed with LANG=C