SHA256 mismatch for flex_2.6.4-6.diff.gz

Asked by Airbus Cyber Support

The hash of the file "flex_2.6.4-6.diff.gz" downloaded from "" does not match the has listed on the site.
This means it cannot be verified.

Is there an alternative source for this, or can this be fixed?

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English Edit question
Ubuntu flex Edit question
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Revision history for this message
Black Hole (black236) said :

It seems like there's a hash mismatch for the 'flex_2.6.4-6.diff.gz' file, which prevents verification. Could there be an alternative source for the file, or is there a way to fix the hash issue on the site?

Revision history for this message
actionparsnip (andrew-woodhead666) said :

I suggest you report a bug

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