install real player

Asked by Doja

I have downloaded realplayer11gold.bin but cannot run the installation.

sudo chmod +x RealPlayer11GOLD.bin

command fails with, No such file or directory.

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marcobra (Marco Braida) (marcobra) said :

You have not typed the right downloaded file name please check it typing:

Please open a Terminal from the menu Applications->Accessories->Terminal and type:

ls -l

then make it executable type:

sudo chmod 700 Realxxxxxxxxxx.bin

give your user password when requested, you don't see nothing when you type it, then press enter.

Hope this helps

Revision history for this message
Doja (reidojackson) said :

still not finding the file. here is what I have tried.

reidojackson@reidojackson-desktop:~$ sudo chmod 700 RealPlayer11GOLD.bin
chmod: cannot access `RealPlayer11GOLD.bin': No such file or directory
reidojackson@reidojackson-desktop:~$ sudo -i
root@reidojackson-desktop:~# sudo chmod 700 RealPlayer11GOLD.bin
chmod: cannot access `RealPlayer11GOLD.bin': No such file or directory
root@reidojackson-desktop:~# chmod 700 RealPlayer11GOLD.bin
chmod: cannot access `RealPlayer11GOLD.bin': No such file or directory

that is where the file is located. Just cant make it executable.

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Shane Fagan (shanepatrickfagan) said :

I had the same problem I think my problem was that I wasnt in the correct directory. If you have downloaded it to the desktop then type:
cd /Desktop
And then try to run your command

Shane Fagan

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marcobra (Marco Braida) (marcobra) said :

Please copy and paste the result of:

 ls -l

Thank you

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Jim Hutchinson (jphutch) said :

Or skip the downloaded one and install from the repository via add/remove. You have to enable the "partner" repo. See for more info. It doesn't mention gutsy or hardy but the steps are the same. If that doesn't work there is also a .deb you can download that is linked on that page.

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Jim Hutchinson (jphutch) said :

Or try Helix ( You can install from add/remove.

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Doja (reidojackson) said :

root@reidojackson-desktop:~# ls -l
total 0

or logged in normally

reidojackson@reidojackson-desktop:~$ ls -l
total 28
drwxr-xr-x 2 reidojackson reidojackson 4096 2008-05-28 16:27 Desktop
drwxr-xr-x 2 reidojackson reidojackson 4096 2008-05-24 09:30 Documents
lrwxrwxrwx 1 reidojackson reidojackson 26 2008-05-24 08:51 Examples -> /usr/share/example-content
drwxr-xr-x 2 reidojackson reidojackson 4096 2008-05-24 09:30 Music
drwxr-xr-x 2 reidojackson reidojackson 4096 2008-05-24 09:30 Pictures
drwxr-xr-x 2 reidojackson reidojackson 4096 2008-05-24 09:30 Public
drwxr-xr-x 2 reidojackson reidojackson 4096 2008-05-24 09:30 Templates
drwxr-xr-x 2 reidojackson reidojackson 4096 2008-05-24 09:30 Videos

Revision history for this message
marcobra (Marco Braida) (marcobra) said :

Open a terminal and type:

cd Desktop
sudo chmod 700 RealPlayer11GOLD.bin

But please follow the Jim Hutchinson suggestion...

Hope this helps

Revision history for this message
Doja (reidojackson) said :

got it running. Here is a big 'duh' lightning bolt. Right click on the download, and chose to make it executable. Then navigate to the exe file. It should run the setup , and then test out fine. Did not even need to run any commands on it.

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Neil Robinson (cneil) said :

I'm new to all this and don't know how to 'make it executable'. Right clicking doesn't provide the option, neither does pasting the commands suggested in Terminal. Please help! Is it always this frustrating?

Revision history for this message
Doja (reidojackson) said :

Some things are frustrating, but mostly its just getting out of windows mode, and learning the basics about the command line language. I was able to right click on the file and on the tabs mark the item as executeable. I had another similar issue that the file needed to change, and the commands given were much easier to work with. I think there is a very subtle context difference that needs to be used. Please check my other 'fixed' issues to see if they help.