LibreOffice starts up after closing Firefox

Asked by Thomas D.

Everytime I close Firefox (8.0) LibreOffice starts up - although I don't want it to.
I read about a mysterious LibreOffice-Plugin ( but I don't have such a plugin.
I have a OpenOffice plugin which is disabled - didn't find an option to remove it completely.

I'm running Ubuntu 11.10 Kernel 3.0.0-13

Starting firefox in safe-mode didn't solve the problem.

Starting firefox from shell (and closing it afterwards) displays the following output:
Warning: -nologo is deprecated. Use --nologo instead.
Warning: -nodefault is deprecated. Use --nodefault instead.
Warning: -nolockcheck is deprecated. Use --nolockcheck instead.
Warning: -accept=pipe,name=634598487;urp; is deprecated. Use --accept=pipe,name=634598487;urp; instead.
NOTE: child process received `Goodbye', closing down

Question information

Revision history for this message
Eliah Kagan (degeneracypressure) said :

Immediately after Firefox quits and LibreOffice starts up, in the Terminal please run


and paste the output at Then post a link to it here.

Revision history for this message
Thomas D. (thfrdue) said :

Okay, I did what you said. Here's the output:

Revision history for this message
Eliah Kagan (degeneracypressure) said :

Unfortunately, that did not reveal any useful information.

Does the problem happen when you log in to your Ubuntu system as a different user, and run (and quit) Firefox? If you only have one user account, you can create a second one for testing purposes.

Revision history for this message
marcobra (Marco Braida) (marcobra) said :

On some other system i get acroread licence agreement starting when i close Firefox...

Revision history for this message
Thomas D. (thfrdue) said :

I created a new user account and there no LibreOffice appeared befire or after closing FF.
After relogging into my normal account and startig FF, LibreOffice started up before Firefox.
All the other times it was the other way round.

May it be that there is some kind of link to LibreOffice anywhere in FF?

Revision history for this message
Eliah Kagan (degeneracypressure) said :

Since the problem seems specific to your user account, resetting your Firefox profile should fix the problem.

First, back up your bookmarks so they can be restored when you're done (

Next, make sure to close all open Firefox windows.

If you do not use other Mozilla Suite applications like Thunderbird and Seamonkey, then run this command in the Terminal:

mv ~/.mozilla ~/.mozilla.old

If you do use other Mozilla Suite applications, run this instead:

mv ~/.mozilla/firefox ~/.mozilla/firefox.old

Then reopen Firefox and see if you still have the problem. If you do not, then you can restore your bookmarks (if you had any you wanted to keep) and mark this question as Solved. If the problem does still occur, then please post a reply here indicating that it does, and please also include all the text from the Terminal (Edit > Select All; Edit >Copy; then paste it here).

Revision history for this message
marcus aurelius (adbiz) said :

it's a bug. i experienced the same thing just after installing the libreoffice updates today.

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Myroslav (mgalan) said :

I am experiencing the same issue as Thomas D. with ubuntu 11.10amd64.

Revision history for this message
marcus aurelius (adbiz) said :


in terminal, type

ubuntu-bug firefox

and log a bug.

i think i logged a bug under libreoffice. the developers who monitor the bug forum will merge the bugs. if they see more than one person having the same problem, they'll fix it.

the bug i logged is #893866

Revision history for this message
Glen Turner (gdt-gdt) said :

Bug #882588. Workaround: "apt-get remove mozilla-libreoffice".

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