Where do I extract Firefox 5 to and do I choose to overwrite?

Asked by jegpad

Ubuntu 11.04
Downloaded Firefox 5 for Linux.
As someone who fails to RTFM could anyone advise me
Where do I extract the downloaded archive file to.
I tried the firefox folder without overwriting files (scared of losing settings) with no change.
I use Tab Mix Plus and love it so do not want to compromise this set up.
Indeed, do I benefit from upgrade? I already have ABP and Noscript.
Thanks guys....

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actionparsnip (andrew-woodhead666) said :

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mozillateam/firefox-stable; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get -y upgrade

Will upgrade your browser to version 5.

You can extract the file you downloaded to anywhere in your filesystem. I'd advise /opt but you can even hold it in /home if you se desire. You just need to make a symlink to /usr/bin for the firefox 5 binary and it will run. The PPA method is far asier and neater

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