Comment 8 for bug 874834

Revision history for this message
Eliah Kagan (degeneracypressure) wrote :

Sorry, I don't how how I missed that.

Since you tested for that at the outset, why did you reopen this bug? This bug was specifically about all audio not working in Firefox, not just Flash audio not working.

Unless you have some reason to think there is a particularly strong similarity between what you're experiencing and setiamon's problem, you should mark this bug back to Invalid and post a question ( OR to get help with your problem. If your problem turns out to be a bug, you can then subscribe to and indicate you are affected by whatever bug applies, or, if it's a new bug, you can then report it.

Please feel free to post a link here to the question, to link the question to this bug report (using "Link existing bug..." on the question page), and to subscribe me to the question.