eboard chess no sound

Asked by Alec Cormack

eboard is a graphical chess board. It is quite an old program and tries to use OSS /dev/dsp device which no longer exists in recent Kubuntu/Ubuntu versions.

In order to get sound the menu file for the program needs to be changed to call eboard via /usr/bin/padsp which magically fixes the sound problem.

I propose changing /usr/share/menu from:

?package(eboard):needs="X11" section="Games/Board"\
  title="eboard" command="/usr/games/eboard"


?package(eboard):needs="X11" section="Games/Board"\
  title="eboard" command="/usr/bin/padsp /usr/games/eboard"

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Ubuntu eboard Edit question
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Eliah Kagan (degeneracypressure) said :

This sounds like a bug report, rather than a support request. I recommend filing a bug. To do that, first read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs carefully. That explains the procedure for reporting bugs (and important considerations while doing so).

After you've reported the bug, you can link to it here by using the "Link existing bug" link at the top of this page. That will also put a link to this question in your bug report. Your bug report should be self-contained, however, and should not require that the developers refer to this question page. Furthermore, please make sure to include your proposed solution in the report. (It's fine to report bugs without proposing solutions, but when you have one, you should certainly provide it!)

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