Comment 15 for bug 1919322

Revision history for this message
Robie Basak (racb) wrote :

I SRU reviewed the and containerd uploads in the Bionic and Focal queues. I did not consider SRU acceptability in general since this has already been accepted into Groovy; only differences for Bionic and Focal, and anything possibly overlooked, matter.

I found three changes in packaging for which I don't see any mention in the bug so far. I don't know if these are intentional, oversights that are OK, or oversights that could be a problem. Please could you analyse?

1. Focal and Bionic's postinsts for contain upgrade path handling from older versions of Presumably these are for users upgrading either from previous Ubuntu releases, from the versions of published in the respective release pockets, or both. This upgrade path handling looks like it'd be significantly changed by these SRUs. Will they still cover their intended use cases correctly?

2. In Focal and Bionic, the binary package golang-github-docker-containerd-dev will be renamed to golang-github-containerd-containerd-dev. Is this appropriate for SRU? Have reverse depends been checked? What about users who will be left with a binary package installed that we will no longer update? Shouldn't the old package be converted to a transitional package? The new package will need an archive admin approval; maybe we can get one in advance of accepting the change, to avoid confusion later?

3. is getting its "PartOf=docker.service" line removed, but I don't see this mentioned in your summary of systemd unit changes. This also affects Groovy. Was this overlooked? Is it an intended change?

Do any of the above points add to "Where problems could occur"?