Comment 8 for bug 960770

Revision history for this message
Marty Vona (vona) wrote :

As of 12/11/12, this seems to still be happening with a fresh install of precise.

1) flash ubuntu-12.04-preinstalled-desktop-armhf+omap4.img
2) boot pandaboard, run os configuration
3) sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
4) sudo apt-add-repository ppa:tiomap-dev/release
5) sudo apt-get install ubuntu-omap4-extras
6) boom, pvr-omap4-dkms fails to build

In addition, after this

(a) the dpkg database behaves strangely for a while, seems to be locked when I didn't expect anything to be using it; may be becuase the gui "your system has had an error" bugreporter thing kicks in and takes a *long* time to do its thing

(b) booting the new kernel is very unstable, on one attempt it was hanging reliably at boot with something like"kernel BUG linux-ti-omap4-3.4.0 page_alloc.c". On one try (it takes about 2h for each attempted install) I tried removing linux-headers-3.2.0-*-omap as Ricardo suggested in bug 1033091 and then reinstalling pvr-omap4-dkms; then I got it to boot further but system was still unstable, kernel crashing with other mm looking error messages. I just found which basically suggests mem=1G@0x80000000 and u-boot-linaro-omap4-panda, maybe will try that.