Comment 15 for bug 1918427

Revision history for this message
Date Huang (tjjh89017) wrote :

After reading log in #14, and some code from cloud-init and maas
I still cannot find any code that will let cloud-init try to install flash-kernel wtih zfsutils-linux.
and it seems the error because squashfs didn't have any kernel installed.
So `linux-version` cannot find any kernel version to pass to flash-kernel to process postinst script.
`Can't find /boot/vmlinuz- (see /tmp/flash-kernel-no-kernel-error.log)` $kvers is empty.

and as I know, squashfs only for temp utils?
It will create an environment for curtin to install real system into disk
Am I correct?

Do you have any custom cloud-init config for xgene?

> RE: EFI-STUB - GRUB is the default way to boot Ubuntu on EFI systems. Users can choose to boot using EFI-STUB, but they can also remove any Recommended packages. Adding grub-efi-arm64 to Recommends will also get arm64 on-par with amd64, which also recommends GRUB.

Got it.