Comment 30 for bug 173470

Revision history for this message
Hilary Wright (dreamstogo) wrote :

.. and here is the output of,

ls /etc/rc5.d/

README S11klogd S18portmap S20hotkey-setup S20powernowd S41apcupsd S98usplash
S05vbesave S12dbus S19cupsys S20makedev S20rsync S89anacron S99acpi-support
S10acpid S12hal S19spamassassin S20nfs-common S22consolekit S89atd S99laptop-mode
S10sysklogd S13gdm S20apmd S20nfs-kernel-server S24dhcdbd S89cron S99rc.local
S10xserver-xorg-input-wacom S18avahi-daemon S20apport S20nvidia-kernel S25bluetooth S90binfmt-support S99rmnologin