Comment 7 for bug 984082

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Olivier Subilia (futilite) wrote :

Capture data:

a) openoffice.
Stop printer and print text. Output document in Cups queue is perfect (pdf data). When I restart the printer, the document is printed awfully. The problem seems to come with cups and not with openoffice

b) cups-pdf.
output document in ~/PDF is perfect. Printing this PDF gives a correct document (as always).

A workaround for the problem could then be:
- to always print with cups-pdf;
- to write a script something like

for rep in `ls /home`;do
if [[ -d $prep ]];then
for file in `ls $prep`;do
lp "$prep/$file" && rm "$prep/$file"

and to put this file in /etc/cron.d to have it run every minute.

But it's a bit dirty...

Best regards

Olivier Subilia