Comment 127 for bug 1922342

Revision history for this message
Chris Guiver (guiverc) wrote :

Lubuntu daily booted (2022-09-17) on
- motion computing j3400 (c2d-u9400, 4gb, intel mobile 4 series)

boot started (used arrow keys at grub to stop booting, hit enter at grub prompt) at 16:44
just blank screen & cursor top left until 16:52 so nothing seen for 'ages'
at 16:52 the lubuntu plymouth started
by 16:53 the session had started

system boots fine... just slow with >8 mins of nothing changed on screen but a non-blinking cursor ... which leads people to think the boot failed as per initial bug report in my opinion.

(I've not tried Ubuntu desktop; can if helpful; but it always responded the same except slightly slower.. I'd expect the same here unless it was changed & Lubuntu/flavors weren't)