Comment 125 for bug 1922342

Revision history for this message
Thomas Schmitt (scdbackup) wrote :


the fix for #1977644 does not solve the problem of #1922342. It only reduces
the need for ISO patching to a single operation which can be done on the
ISO image file before putting it onto a USB stick (and not a second time
directly on /dev/sdX after the first boot):

  # Patch the ISO already as image on hard disk
  dd if=/dev/zero bs=1 count=16 of="$ISO" conv=notrunc seek=462

I think that #1922342 can only be considered solved if the users of Ubuntu
ISOs can easily find this procedure and an explanation when it should be
My proposal would be to put a brief hint into
and to add a new page
which gives details.

The brief hint would be like:

  "On some very old and meanwhile rare machines it can last 8 minutes or
   longer until you see this welcome screen.
   If you plan just a single installation then simply wait until the screen
   But if you plan to repeatedly use the "Try Ubuntu" offer on such an old
   machine, then see [link to new page tutorials/remove-boot-flag-from-iso]
   for a way to substantially shorten this time span."

Does anybody here know how to contact the custodians of the tutorials ?

Have a nice day :)
