Comment 120 for bug 1922342

Revision history for this message
Thomas Schmitt (scdbackup) wrote :


tlk wrote:
> which post details the "removing MBR partition 2"?

#112 by me, confirmed by #114 by Chris Guiver:

If the USB stick with the the slowly booting ISO is overwritten meanwhile:

  # Patch the ISO already as image on hard disk
  dd if=/dev/zero bs=1 count=16 of="$ISO" conv=notrunc seek=462

  # Put it onto the USB stick as you usually do. E.g.
  sudo dd bs=4M oflag=sync status=progress of=/dev/sdX if="$ISO"

In any case after the USB stick has already booted once, you have to apply
the change again directly to it, because casper installed MBR partition 2
again after creating its persistent partition:

  # Take care not to name any of your valuable disks as USB_STICK
  sudo dd if=/dev/zero bs=1 count=16 of="$USB_STICK" conv=notrunc seek=462

Have a nice day :)
