Comment 15 for bug 453885

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Serhiy Kachaniuk (serzholino) wrote : Re: bluetooth in karmic is nonfunctional

I'm now on lucid and manually installing only bluez_4.32 fixes this problem for me... So looks like kernel version is irrelevant. Also i have recently this conversation in #bluez-devel (if i remember correctly channel name) :

[13:46:19] <serzholino> Hi! can someone please point me< where can i file bug
report for bluez?
[13:46:42] <serzholino> It is actually already reported for ubuntu here
[13:47:12] <serzholino> but i have the same problem with opensuse as well, so
i think it's an upstream issue
[14:06:38] <jhe> serzholino: usually the mailing list is the best option
[14:07:42] <jhe> serzholino: that bug report seems to be lacking important
logs though, like a hcidump
[14:09:01] <serzholino> jhe: thanks, when i should run it and with what args?
[14:13:29] <jhe> serzholino: usually -XV is enough but if the issue is somehow
timing related then timestamps with -XVt might not be a bad idea
[14:13:54] <jhe> serzholino: and you start running it before starting to
reproduce the issue and stop running it once the issue has been reproduced
[14:14:23] <serzholino> ok, thanks, will try it at home
[14:14:59] <jhe> in this case I think it'd be enough to start it right before
starting bluetoothd and stop it once bluetoothd has initialized itself
[14:15:09] <jhe> since it seems the issue occurs when bluetoothd is trying to
initialize the adapter
[14:16:00] <jhe> it'd also be important to check with the very latest git to
make sure that the issue isn't already fixed there
[14:16:21] <jhe> iirc there has been some adapter initialization related code
changes since 4.51

Unfortunately i didn't have time yet to collect suggested info and write to bluez mailinglist. If someone can do this it would be great.