Comment 8 for bug 1637800

Revision history for this message
Kamilion (kamilion) wrote :

read up idle < /proc/uptime
USER_AGENT="curl/$curl_ver $lsb $platform $cpu $uptime"

Uh, okay, I can understand the curl version, the platform and the cputype; but the uptime of my nodes is nobody's business but my own.

The platform and CPU type are exposed by normal browser user agent strings anyway, I'm not really concerned if someone knows I'm amd64 or arm64; there will be other ways to discover that.... but my uptime?! really? REALLY?

And I wouldn't have minded as much if there was a comment describing why uptime was even being included ("This data is used to improve the graphs publically available at") and some kind of documentation somewhere that this was occurring.