Comment 10 for bug 474514

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Gabriel Burt (gabaug) wrote :

Banshee sets sqlite's PRAGMA synchronous = OFF, so I'm not sure it's anything to do with the filesystem.

This query (among others) is way too long; it makes me think your indexes are either broken/missing or not being used correctly.

Executed in 979ms SELECT COUNT(*), SUM(CoreTracks.FileSize) FROM CoreTracks,CoreArtists,CoreAlbums, CoreSmartPlaylistEntries WHERE CoreArtists.ArtistID = CoreTracks.ArtistID AND CoreAlbums.AlbumID = CoreTracks.AlbumID AND CoreSmartPlaylistEntries.TrackID = CoreTracks.TrackID AND CoreSmartPlaylistEntries.SmartPlaylistID = 2

Can you paste here the output of running this:

sqlite3 ~/.config/banshee-1/banshee.db ".schema CoreSmartPlaylistEntries"

After doing that, backup your database again (if needed) and try running

sqlite3 ~/.config/banshee-1/banshee.db "analyze"

and restart Banshee, see if things are better.