How do I redirect sound output from local to remote computer via network?

Asked by Someone

I have two computers: a laptop which I carry everywhere and a desktop computer at home. Both are running Kubuntu/Dapper and are updated daily.
I need all my sound output from laptop to go to desktop and play in its speakers. I am using Kubuntu.

How do I do that?

There is an option in System Settings in KDE about networked sound. But I wasn't able to google any sane how-to or inspiring documentation to make it usable for my purpose.

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Roberto Rosario (roberto-rosario-gonzalez) said :

There is a software called Network Audio System

and it is available under ubuntu, and there are plugins available for most audio players, ie: package xmms-nas

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Someone (s4910321931-deactivatedaccount) said :

There is a potential in NAS technology. With KDE, it is unusable to redirect ALL sound to nasd running on another computer. artsd has a nas output plugin but the quality of the sound is awfull - there are skips a lot of skips.

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Gabriel Patiño (gepatino) said :

You could use esd, it runs as a nework sound server if you pass the right arguments:

esd -tcp -port 16001

Then, from the laptop you should have some option in sound configuration that enables you to redirect the sound to a esd daemon. Sorry I don't know the name, but I use Gnome.

I have some machines working this way in a LTSP environment, and works fine. We have some breaks while playing music if there's heavy network traffic, but it's acceptable for us.

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daemon_alec (alec-keyword-launchpad-net-82a6bb) said :

If you're trying to get the KDE notification sound effects moved onto another computer, you can use a small script and a little configuration. Here's the script:

ssh sound_host artsplay "$@"

and then on the panel at kcontrol/Sound & Multimedia/System Notifications hit the Player Settings button, select "Use an external player" and then enter the path to the script. The sound_host will need arts and the rest of KDE on it for this to work. If it doesn't, you should be able to do something like:

cat "$@" | ssh sound_host play -

where play can play a sound via stdin.

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Best Someone (s4910321931-deactivatedaccount) said :

Thanks for the suggestion, but I need to redirect all sound.
I haven't yet tried the esd approach though.

Currently I just plug my external speakers jack into the laptop. Fortunaly external speakers have two selectable inputs.

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Ebon Elza (ebonelza) said :

For anyone else that might end up here looking to redirect audio from one computer to another, you might want to skip NAS and try PulseAudio:

It seems like PulseAudio will be the sound system of future in Ubuntu.