"report a problem" is not working

Asked by Gary Mercado

on applications>other>report a problem
when i click that "report a problem" nothing happens..
before as i remember , when i click that , it will gather some info on computer problem from my laptop then
it will automatically open connect me to launchpad..
but now, when i click it to report a problem,, it became the problem now?
so what is the problem ?


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Revision history for this message
Sasa Paporovic (melchiaros) said :

 open up an terminal and use



 ubuntu-bug help

to see your options(not much, but helpfull).

See also:


Revision history for this message
Best Sasa Paporovic (melchiaros) said :

Sorry, I have ment

ubuntu-bug --help

Revision history for this message
Gary Mercado (gary18) said :

thanks for reply..
ubuntu-bug --help it showed what i can do to file report..
i understand now..
so no need to use "report a problem" on this 10.04 (for now)
before i used that apps on 9.04, 9.10
but i hope the default app will be fix so for new linux user like me will not find it hard to
report computer problem..

again thanks sir ,melchiaros

Revision history for this message
Gary Mercado (gary18) said :

Thanks melchiaros, that solved my question.