Firefox profile and ~/Downloads, ~/Public permission.

Asked by daniel CURTIS

Hi. As we know, default Firefox profile contains something like this;

,-----[ Default profile allows (...) ]
| owner @{HOME}/ r,
| owner @{HOME}/Public/ r,
| owner @{HOME}/Public/* r,
| owner @{HOME}/Download/ r,
| owner @{HOME}/Download/* rw,

Default profile allows downloads to ~/Downloads and uploads from ~/Public, right? So, what should I do or add to achieve this functionality. For now I can upload and download files everywhere I want. I would like to achieve that the profile will block (permission denied etc.) any attempts to save files in another directory.

I've added a one option, but it did not work;

,-----[ added option ]
| deny @{HOME}/ r,

Best regards.

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Revision history for this message
actionparsnip (andrew-woodhead666) said :

You can upload and download files from wherever you desire, provided you have the correct access.

Revision history for this message
daniel CURTIS (anoda) said :

Hi Andrew. Thank you for the information, but I would like to achieve situation where Firefox/user can not save file anywhere; just in Download directory. The same thing applies to upload files and Public directory. I'd like to do that for security reasons. Default Firefox profile is good, but in my opinion missing a few features.

Revision history for this message
A. Denton (aquina) said :

A solution would be to remove the @ mentions and specify manually. Everything not specified explicitly will be denied then.

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