Comment 1 for bug 1887577

Revision history for this message
Seth Forshee (sforshee) wrote :

I think the problem might be an unnecessary backslash in common/Make.rules:

CAPABILITIES=$(shell echo "\#include <linux/capability.h>" | cpp -dM | LC_ALL=C sed -n -e '/CAP_EMPTY_SET/d' -e 's/^\#define[ \t]\+CAP_\([A-Z0-9_]\+\)[ \t]\+\([0-9xa-f]\+\)\(.*\)$$/CAP_\1/p' | LC_ALL=C sort)

I wrote a dummy makefile to test this and $(CAPABILITIES) was empty. Changing to this:

CAPABILITIES=$(shell echo "#include <linux/capability.h>" | cpp -dM | LC_ALL=C sed -n -e '/CAP_EMPTY_SET/d' -e 's/^\#define[ \t]\+CAP_\([A-Z0-9_]\+\)[ \t]\+\([0-9xa-f]\+\)\(.*\)$$/CAP_\1/p' | LC_ALL=C sort)

gives what I think is the expected output.