Comment 11 for bug 1548783

Revision history for this message
Matthew Paul Thomas (mpt) wrote :

No, you can’t address an issue that is specific to one set of people by changing the UI translation for a different set of people. Specifically, translating “middle name” and “surname” to “apellido paterno” and “apellido materno” respectively in Spanish (a) wouldn’t help any Spaniard who is in the address book of anyone who doesn’t use Spanish as their UI language, and (b) would be misleading for every non-Spanish person who has a middle name in the address book of someone who *does* use Spanish as their UI language. In addition, it would be (c) misleading for every Spaniard born since 1999 whose parents had decided to put the mother’s name first, father’s name second, and (d) inappropriate for Hispanic Americans who really do have a middle name.