Ubuntu 9.10 ibus hangul input broken.

Asked by iggybdawg

I just installed Ubuntu 9.10 from the live CD. I enabled the Korean language support and wanted to use the hangul input. However, when we type in hangul, when it goes from one syllable to the next, it replaces some characters with stuff not related to what we were typing. It's really annoying. We can get around it by forcing an end to the syllable with space bar or right arrow, but that's not the way hangul typing should go.

For example typing these chars with no space, ㄱ ㅣ ㅁ ㅎ ㅡ ㅣ ㅈ ㅓ ㅇ should make 김희정, which it did in SCIM and Windows XP, but in ibus, it makes 깪ㅢ정.The first syllable looks right until I type the ㅎ which should start the next syllable, but instead it got sucked into the first and morphed it into a beast.

I don't want to rip out ibus and install scim, because getting scim to work right in ubuntu 8.04 was a pain for me.

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