Install Ubuntu on Win XP

Asked by Bart Holswade

I am a novice with Ubuntu so I am not sure that my question has been answered. Before my hard drive crashed I had Ubuntu installed as a program (some specfic software). So when I booted up I was given the option of using Win XP or Ubuntu. Tlheir was no partitioning involved as XP treated Ubuntu as a program. Now I can't locate the software that allowed me to install Upuntu. Can anyone help.I have a Dell 530s w/ 4g mem and 300g harddrive. Am I being clear enough ?

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Best sin (sin-avatar) said :

Probably you describe Wubi:
Installed by default into c:/ubuntu/

9.04 iso image already contain such installer

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actionparsnip (andrew-woodhead666) said :

Make sure you MD5 check wubi as well as the ISO you download. If you install Ubuntu as a true intall in a true dual boot, then you don't have the issue of ubuntu relying on XP and its flakiness.

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Bart Holswade (bholswade) said :

thanks for assistance. This was what I was looking for.

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Tom (tom6) said :

A much more robust way of installing Ubuntu is to use the following guides

Good luck and regards from
Tom :)