Have been unable to find way to preserve screen resoloution setting benq E2200HD Monitor?

Asked by Ron B.

Have just installed a Benq E2200HD 22" Broadscreen Monitor. Have tried all the usual ways - incl. everything I could find with google to get a change in the screen resoloution (to the native 1920x1080 of the lcd screen-) to be maintained after a reboot/re- login etc.

Each and every time I start or re-login to the system I have to call up nvidia-settings to change the resoloution.
Have of course tried gksu nvidia-settings and saving the change etc - but none of this and all other methods found with google have worked.

This monitor is apparently not formally supported by ubuntu but I would still like a soloution for the problem.
There are only a few "Full HD" monitors with 22" and hdcp support so I assume a whole load of folks will be confronted with this problem?

I have also tried re-naming and re-locating the .nvidia-settings-rc and putting a command in /etc/rc-local for nvidia-settings to call up this config but this also did not do the trick?

Any ideas, or what about full support for this Monitor?

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Ubuntu Edit question
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Solved by:
Ron B.
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Revision history for this message
Ron B. (flybye882001) said :

Have just got the soloution to this problem from a friendly user in irc freenode #ubuntu-de.
It just needed correcting the screen resoloution settings in the file ~/.config/monitor.xml

and that was it .. how this helps others <especially newbies/relative newbies like myself.>