Can't Uninstal Ubuntu in Windows, exe dosen't work

Asked by ValentinD

I have installed Ubuntu within windows Vista and after it rebooted during the install i received an error message about mismatch between file sizes. Afterwards it restarted and i tryed to uninstall Ubuntu from Vista to reinstall it. But the uninstall exe doesnt do anything. I have tryed to redownload the uninstall exe from the oficial site and it didn't fix the problem.
The Ubuntu is 8.10 AMD 64
The Windows is Vista Ultimate 64 SP1
I have tryed to install Ubuntu on a empty separate NTFS partition with 30GB free space.

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Tom (tom6) said :


Welcome to linux :)

In Xp i would say find 'Control Panel' - 'Add/Remove Programs' and scroll down the list until you see ubuntu and then click the uninstall button - worth looking around in Vista for something like that?

To set-up a dual-boot the best way is to follow this link

Installing Ubuntu as a prgram inside Windows is like building a house on shifting sand. Go for a proper dual-boot install to get more joy from Ubuntu :)

Good luck and have fun,
Regards from

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ValentinD (dobrevali-16) said :

I had the same problem on XP, it dosen't work from add/remove, i have downloaded the exe and it worked, but now on Vista it still dosen't work. But i still don't understand why the instal give me erorr if the kit was on the HDD.

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Tom (tom6) said :

Hmmm, tricky

Have you tried finding Ubuntu through the 'Start' button on the bottom taskbar? It should be in 'Programs". You might also need to look at Config.sys using a text-editor like Notepad or something. Is there one from before you installed Ubuntu? Config.sys is a hidden system file on the root of the drive so that'd be your C: drive. Is there a hidden file C:\Config.sys and another C:\Config.bak ?

This is really a Windows problem rather than an Ubuntu one but we'll try. Perhaps try to reinstall Ubuntu as you did before, from within Windows and then try uninstalling it again.

For some reason uninstalling the Wubi install of Windows doesn't correct the Config.sys problem and i think it probably suffers from the classic Windows problem of leaving stuff behind in the Registry too - that's is the way that Windows likes things done. Sorry :(

Hoping for the best

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ValentinD (dobrevali-16) said :

No, the files don't exist. And I have the same problem, when I try to reinstall, it dose an "Extracting..." and after the proces stops. It is like the setup stops. So the problem is the uninstal dosen't find the config files from C:/ ?

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Tom (tom6) said :

Sorry i have made that as clear as mud lol

No. Config.sys is a standard Windows system file that Ubuntu has to rewrite in order to produce a bootup menu but it usually backs it up first.

The reason you can't see it is because Windows protects you from accidentally seeing any useful systems files in case seeing them makes you want to delete them or do horrid things to them. Try going up to Tools - Folder Options and scroll down so that you can tick (or is it untick) options about seeing hidden/system files. Now you should be able to see it/them ;)

The main problem sounds like the Ubuntu Cd itself might be a bit wonky. Try downloading again from
check the md5checksum if thats easy? and then put it onto a new blank cd - try to burn it slow as possible without it being so slow it drives you up the wall.

Try the new one instead ...

Any better?

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ValentinD (dobrevali-16) said :

I've done that, the files don't exist.All I got is a file version, wubildr, wubildr.mbr and BOOTSECT.BAK. The boot loader can see Ubuntu, but it can't start because the setup failed and I can't start a new setup because, like I seed, the setup extracts something and stops.

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ValentinD (dobrevali-16) said :

I didn't burn the cd, I mounted it whit daemon tools because after it copies its files there is no need for the cd :). I will check the summ, but this is for the reinstall, right now i need to uninstal, because my F: is full, it was an 30GB instal.

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Tom (tom6) said :

Daemon tools is great, that should be fine. But to do a proper dual-boot is going to require booting off a bootable cd/dvd i think.

Ahh, looks like Vista is quite different. The wubi files are to do with Ubuntu. Just to clarify that Ubuntu install inside Windows completely filled up a 30Gb drive with nonsense. That Add/Remove programs , the Programs menu and Program Files folder couldn't uninstall bt also it was blocked from doing a reinstall. It's not sounding good. Can you file this as a bug-report against the Wubi please?

Sorry i can't help here :(

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Tom (tom6) said :

In Xp i'd just delete stuff and clean the registry, use GPartEd to resize partitions etc but Vista seems a bit too stroppy for stuff like that.

I'm still not clear if the 30Gb drive is a real drive or partition or virtual drive and also whether its the D: or F: drive or (more importantly) whether knowing any of that would help me figure out. I hope someone else pops by soon

Good luck with this
Regards from

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ValentinD (dobrevali-16) said :

I found a diferente between the original iso and the one in F:\ubuntu\install\installation.exe, can this be the problem from the install error?

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ValentinD (dobrevali-16) said :


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Tom (tom6) said :

Could be. Can you replace the one in F: with the one you know is right? or will Vista get upset?

Definitely worth a try i reckon. Let me know how it goes.


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ValentinD (dobrevali-16) said :

I didn't change it, I had just restarted the PC to try ans see if I can do anything, I press TAB to see Ubuntus meniu and enter the normal setup mode and it worked, it verified and install normaly and now it works. This came has a shoc to me because the last time I enter Ubuntu it coudn't load and now it restarted the setup, maiby because I re"extracted" the setup when I tryed the CD setup from windows. Anyway, best of luck fixing the uninstal, I hope I will not need it soon. :)
PS: I didn't put the Solved Problem tag because the uninstal still dosen't work.

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Tom (tom6) said :

Ahhh, that means it should be reported as a bug separately, but the question is solved in that you don't want people trying to hunt for an answer for you. Sending a bug-report means that a developer might look into it.

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Tom (tom6) said :

If you are still having trouble with this then please post it as a new question. Only the most recent questions tend to get looked at so posting/reposting a question just before america arrives online gives the best chance of getting a good few answers.

If the problem has been resolved then please follow the link to the forum thread and mark it as Solved.

Good luck and many regards from
Tom :)

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Tom (tom6) said :

Ahhh, i have found a couple of links that maybe might help with this.,%20and/or%20get%20rid%20of%20Windows%20entirely?

I think maybe this second one is better?

Anyway, good luck and regards from
Tom :)

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