problems enabling wifi with MacBook Pro

Asked by arcangel

I have a MacBook Pro with Ubutu 8.04 installed. The only thing I have not been able to make work is the wifi internet connection. I have tried the step-by-step instructions in

and also in

I installed ath9k driver and also Madwifi, but always when I reboot, and I go to System-Administration-Network the wireless connection is not present.

I am a not very experienced Ubuntu user, so maybe I'm no doing something well, but no idea of what it may be...
Any help about it may be really appreciated.

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Moritz Maisel (mail-maisel) said :

Wifi on the MPB works with an older version of madwifi (svn revision 3344).

The madwifi-ng-r3344-20080207.tar.gz snapshot which I use is not available for download any more, so you will have to checkout via svn:

svn checkout madwifi -r 3344

Make sure you have "build-essential" installed.

Change into the directory and do:

sudo make install
sudo modprobe ath_pci
sudo modprobe wlan_scan_sta

Reportedly the madwifi module prevents the system from going into suspend. To fix this add "ath_pci" to the MODULES variable in /etc/default/acpi-support.

When using wifi for a while it may stop working and your syslog will get spammed with the message "wifi0: ath_rxorn_tasklet: Receive FIFO overrun; resetting." In this case you will have to shut down your MBP (warm boot not sufficient) und start it up to get wifi working again. I fixed this (works fine for some months now) using the following script "/etc/network/if-up.d/no_bgscan":


[ "$IFACE" = "ath0" ] || exit 0

/sbin/iwpriv $IFACE bgscan 0


This will do a "iwpriv ath0 bgscan 0" every time the interface comes up. Note that you will have to reinstall the driver after any ubuntu modules update!

Revision history for this message
arcangel (a-jimenez) said :

What I did up to the moment is typing the following commands:

svn checkout madwifi -r 3344
cd [madwifi directory]
sudo make install
sudo modprobe ath_pci
sudo modprobe wlan_scan_sta
sudo gedit /etc/default/acpi-support
[adding "ath_pci" to the MODULES varaible and saving] (leaved MODULES_WHITELIST variable in blank...)

Then I rebooted the system, and the wireless connection is still not present in System-Administration-Network... :S Should I do anything else to enable it?

I did not understand the last part of your answer... I'm sorry... I never got the message "wifi0: ath_rxorn_tasklet: Receive FIFO overrun; resetting."

Thanks for your answer...

Revision history for this message
Moritz Maisel (mail-maisel) said :

Are the modules loaded after reboot? You can check that using the "lsmod" command.

If the modules are loaded, you may want to have a look the output of "dmesg" to check the proper initialization of your wifi hardware.

On my system the "wifi0: ath_rxorn_tasklet: Receive FIFO overrun; resetting." error appeared after some time (maybe hours? I don't remember) of successfull wifi usage. So it might be sufficient to set up the workaround once you got wifi running.

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