My adept will not work

Asked by Geert Vlastuin

It is a stupid thing a specialy becoase me englisch socks.
But it will not open when i try to open after the notification tells me there are new uploads.
It tells me that sume other part of that program is using it but that is not the case.
I have tryed closing everything starting the machine new but still nothing.
How can i find that socalled sub part that supossed to be open still and how can thumting still stand open if i did not open anything yet?
So pleas gif me a solution.
Thanks Geert.

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Revision history for this message
Geert Vlastuin (geert-vl1) said :

Bug repord`s does not work to!
It gets to be a pain in the you now!
My e-mail adress is ; <email address hidden>
Thank you all.

Revision history for this message
Ralph Janke (txwikinger) said :

If you double click on the update alerter, you must make sure that no other package tools are open (i.e. adept, synatics, add package etc).

if you still get an error message, send there might be a lock file left (/var/lib/dpkg/lock) that needs to be deleted.

I hope this helps

Revision history for this message
Geert Vlastuin (geert-vl1) said :

There is indeed a lock file but i can only delete in root.
I do not now how to get in that position.
So still there is the problem.
Sorry for the late responce.
Nederlands is makkelijker.
de lock file zit daar in maar ik kan het lien deleten daar ik niet in root kan komen daar en ik moet root zijn om het eruit te halen.
Bij voorbaat dank.
Leuk zo`n bericht maken maar hier onder kan ik alleen kiezen voor This solved my problem!
En ik wil this does not solved my problem yet.

Revision history for this message
Geert Vlastuin (geert-vl1) said :

So the problem is still there.

Revision history for this message
Geert Vlastuin (geert-vl1) said :

Sorry weer een leesfout ik moet een beetje meer gedult gebruiken.

Revision history for this message
Ralph Janke (txwikinger) said :

you can delete the lock file with sudo and then use your normal user password when asked.

    sudo rm /var/lib/dpkg/lock

from a command line terminal.

Let us know if this helped

Revision history for this message
Geert Vlastuin (geert-vl1) said :

Sorry. But.
I put in the line ; " sudo rm /var/lib/dpkg/lock "
And get the aswer that that does not exists on my system.
I try "sudo rm" and no thing to
If i loke for any program called sudo it is not to be found on my system.
So i do have a mass here.
i put the command in the command line of Konqueror.
Greetings Geert.

Revision history for this message
Geert Vlastuin (geert-vl1) said :

Maybe it helps if i tell you that if i look in the var/lib/dpkg/lock
file the loch tells me it is an empty file.

Revision history for this message
Ralph Janke (txwikinger) said :


The file /var/lib/dpkg/lock is always an empty file. Its sole purpose is just to exist if an application accesses the database. After finishing the application should delete this file. This has apparently not happened, therefore you should delete it.

I am a little surprised, that you say sudo does not exist on your system. Do you have an Ubuntu system, or a different Linux distro?

what is the exact error message? does it say sudo does not exist, or that the lock file does not exist.

In the second case, things should be fine now, and you should be able to use you package manager.

In the first case, you can try to use "su -" instead followed by the root password for the system (sudo requires your user account password, not a root password, which normaly does not exist on ubuntu systems). The you are a root admin in the commandline and you can just remove the lock file via normal rm command

rm /var/lib/dpkg/lock

I hope this helps, please let us know

Revision history for this message
Geert Vlastuin (geert-vl1) said :

I just found out that that sodo must exist on my system, i use kubuntu 6.6.1 edgy eft.
When i wand to start the adept prog. it tells me that sum other application is using the program.
Just like you explained.
Your line "the you are a root admin in the command line" i do not understand.
And witch command line do you mean ,the conquer or in terminal or in the sudo.
I have tryed it with rm/var/lib/dpkg/lock , were i think rm stands for remove, but no thing is happening.
It could be that i have locked myself out off the root use and locked myself out totally.
So thank you sill very much and i am open for more advice.

Revision history for this message
Geert Vlastuin (geert-vl1) said :

It never asks for my password to, so if i am tipping sudo in the Konqueror
command line there is not happening much.

Revision history for this message
Ralph Janke (txwikinger) said :

If you use kubuntu, you can use Konsole in the systems menu.

Yes, rm means remove. It will not give you any message if it successfully removes the file.

If there is no such file you would get an error message.

sudo asks you the first time for a password, and after a timeout. In between you can use it without a password.

You can't lock yourself out being root. It is the same password you use for sudo as the one you use for your user account to log in.

Try to install your application with

sudo apt-get install <packagename>

and see if that works, or you get error message.

Revision history for this message
Geert Vlastuin (geert-vl1) said :

Your last answer was helpfull but let me tell you the rezult.
I did the next ; In konsole, sudo rm /var/lib/dpkg/lock .Then looked in var/lib/dpkg and lock was gone, then i opend adept and got the same messige, again i looked in var/lib/dpkg and loch was there again.
Then i thouht if i get the adpt program again it could help solving the problem, so i did the next; in konsole, sudo apt-get install<adept> and the answer was, bass:syntax error near unexpected token 'newline' .
So i think the last line was wrong made (syntax) or the alredy existing program adept gife a signal that installing is not needed.
annyway it sill is a problem, if lock is gone, it is back again when i open it and giffing the eror message in the stard.
So half a sollution, and stil a problem.

Revision history for this message
Ralph Janke (txwikinger) said :

The command should be

sudo apt-get install adept

The <> in <packagename> just indicate that you have to replace the text with the correct value, i.e. the name of the package to be installed.

I hope this helps

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