[wish] updated graphics drivers in backports (or proposed)

Asked by Savvas Radevic

This is not a "bug" literally, but sometimes people are frustrated because of some bugs that get in the version that is supported in lts (long time support) or normal releases.
The subject is that we need a package maintained or not, to give some folks a chance to actually use their graphics cards in a bug-free way. Let's face it, desktop machines and personal computers need graphics drivers to work, and updated drivers just make it better, fixing bugs bit by bit. I have friends that were complaining that graphics drivers were using up the fan 100%. Or maybe the drivers didn't support their graphics card at the time, and they were stuck with an unsupported graphics card.
I know about the Ubuntu policies and about the fact that "it should work for all", but there are bugs, updates and - how a developer expressed it - foo-updates, such as the flashplugin-nonfree.

If there was a package that would give these people the hope to easily install it from proposed updates or using backports (and probably http://packages.ubuntu.com), it would be great. The backports if I'm not mistaken are not maintained, but we could give the first impression to some bug triagers and see if it's not breaking anything and it can be passed in there. I believe that a lot of people could volunteer and post their opinion on a wiki.ubuntu.com site about new graphics card drivers. They are volunteering anyway and taking considerable risks to break their ubuntu system by installing a new driver using the envy application.

So backports is my main proposal, but if some of the versions hit the proposed it would be great! This way everyone is happy, persons with new featureful,up-to-date drivers and persons with fixed,working,policy-approved and bug-free drivers.

I was hoping to assign this to someone or a team, I do not know which one, and I think there would be a lot of packages to be added to this bug report.

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Solved by:
Savvas Radevic
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Revision history for this message
Jorge Castro (jorge) said :

Brainstorm (brainstorm.ubuntu.com) is a better place for this.

Some of the envy stuff has been merged into hardy so this will be much easier, more information here: http://albertomilone.com/wordpress/?p=163

Revision history for this message
Savvas Radevic (medigeek) said :