Windows driver installed via ndswrapper but wireless connection does not show in Network Settings.

Asked by Prince Ranger

This is for a D-Link RangeBooster USB wifi adapter, model WUA-2340 HW ver A1 FW ver 1.00.

No native driver is automatically assigned by UBUNTU 7.10 to this unit.

 I was able to install the RangeBooster Windows Wireless Driver with ndswrapper. The driver shows up in System/Wireless Drivers installed as "neta5agu", Hardware present: YES. To verify the report on seeing the adapter, I removed the USB adapter and it reported: Hardware present: NO. So at this point I am confident that the report is sensitive and accurate.

But when I click on the Configure Network button there to bring up Network Settings, no Wireless Connection shows up. This being the case, Network Manager is OFF even though the icon still shows up.

What do I need to do to force the system to see the wifi adapter and report its existence in Network Settings and turn on Network Manager?

I am a new user to Linux trying to convert to this OS, UBUNTU distro, as a fairly experienced Windows user and some UNIX experience long, long ago. So I would need a step-by-step description to carry this out. I can't make this desired conversion to Linux if I can't get the wireless to work. An answer to this is very important to me and will be greatly appreciated.

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Revision history for this message
Vojtěch Trefný (vojtech.trefny) said :

What "says" command "iwconfig" (maybe with sudo)?

Revision history for this message
Prince Ranger (mayaranger) said :

prince@prince-desktop:~$ iwconfig
lo no wireless extensions.

prince@prince-desktop:~$ sudo iwconfig
[sudo] password for prince:
lo no wireless extensions.

prince@prince-desktop:~$ ifconfig
lo Link encap:Local Loopback
          inet addr: Mask:
          UP LOOPBACK RUNNING MTU:16436 Metric:1
          RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
          RX bytes:0 (0.0 b) TX bytes:0 (0.0 b)

Revision history for this message
Vojtěch Trefný (vojtech.trefny) said :

So else please:

ndiswrapper -l and content of files /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist nad /etc/modules

Revision history for this message
Prince Ranger (mayaranger) said :

prince@prince-desktop:~$ ndiswrapper -l
neta5agu : driver installed
        device (07D1:3A08) present

# evbug is a debug tool that should be loaded explicitly
blacklist evbug
# these drivers are very simple, the HID drivers are usually preferred
blacklist usbmouse
blacklist usbkbd
# replaced by e100
blacklist eepro100
# replaced by tulip
blacklist de4x5
# causes no end of confusion by creating unexpected network interfaces
blacklist eth1394
# snd_intel8x0m can interfere with snd_intel8x0, doesn't seem to support much
# hardware on its own (Ubuntu bug #2011, #6810)
blacklist snd_intel8x0m
# causes failure to suspend on HP compaq nc6000 (Ubuntu: #10306)
blacklist i2c_i801

 /ETC/MODULES does not exist. There is no folder by that name in /ETC.

Revision history for this message
Vojtěch Trefný (vojtech.trefny) said :

" /ETC/MODULES does not exist. There is no folder by that name in /ETC."

Are you sure? /etc/modules is file with kernel modules to load at boot time...

Revision history for this message
Prince Ranger (mayaranger) said :

The only Folders beginning with the letter “M” in /etc are:

Some searching on the web reveals that a second inf file is to be installed along with the one already installed. If this is done running ndiswrapper -l would give:

Installed ndis drivers:
athfmwdl driver present, hardware present
neta5agu driver present, hardware present

The problem with this is that athfmwdl.inf in zipped into the self-extracting setup.exe file. I have tried unzipping it in both Ubuntu and WinXP with no success.

The athfmwdl.inf file must be specifically related to neta5agu.inf. as included in an installation package. I have searched the web for this specific one and cannot find it.

Revision history for this message
Vojtěch Trefný (vojtech.trefny) said :

"The only Folders beginning with the letter “M” in /etc are:

it isn't folder - it is a file - simpy use this command in terminal (Apps → Accesories → Terminal) and give here output: 'cat /etc/modules'

Revision history for this message
Prince Ranger (mayaranger) said :

Thank you Vojtech for your time and interest in my problem. With your help I am learning about the folder and file structure in this distribution.

Hopefully this D-Link Rangefinder wifi usb adapter problem can then be solved. In the meantime I am using a D-Link pci adapter with the native rt61pci driver. It will connect if the signal strength is above -65 dBm

Here is the Terminal Session you requested:

prince@prince-desktop:~$ 'cat /etc/modules'
bash: cat /etc/modules: No such file or directory

Revision history for this message
Vojtěch Trefný (vojtech.trefny) said :

Here is the Terminal Session you requested:

prince@prince-desktop:~$ 'cat /etc/modules'
bash: cat /etc/modules: No such file or directory

→ it must be withou '' - so only: cat /etc/modules

Revision history for this message
Prince Ranger (mayaranger) said :

prince@prince-desktop:~$ cat /etc/modules
# /etc/modules: kernel modules to load at boot time.
# This file contains the names of kernel modules that should be loaded
# at boot time, one per line. Lines beginning with "#" are ignored.


Revision history for this message
Vojtěch Trefný (vojtech.trefny) said :

Now I think we have it - just add to this file new line "ndiswrapper" (without quotation marks).
gksudo gedit /etc/modules (it will open this file in gedit as root)

Revision history for this message
Vojtěch Trefný (vojtech.trefny) said :

Now I think we have it - just add to this file new line "ndiswrapper" (without quotation marks) and reboot computer.
gksudo gedit /etc/modules (it will open this file in gedit as root)

Revision history for this message
Prince Ranger (mayaranger) said :

I tried doing this in File Manager, adding the line "ndiswrapper", without quotes.

The problem is that I was logged in as Prince and did not have permission to save the changed file.

I'm too new at this to know how to log in as root so that I have permission to save the changed file.

Please advise.

Thank you, Vojtech, for your continued interest and help. I very much appreciate it.

Revision history for this message
Vojtěch Trefný (vojtech.trefny) said :

In terminal run command "gksudo gedit /etc/modules" (without quotation marks) - this will open this file in Text Editor as root...

Revision history for this message
Bob Ruoff (rruoff) said :

I can not get wireless connections to show up [in network settings box] when I try to configure network from wireless network drivers box[shows windows driver net8187b with hard ware present]The only connections I show are Wired connection and Point to point connection. Any suggestions. Thx. Bob

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