trying to boot, no desktop

Asked by willybartel

My computer boots the cd to a menu and when i click start/install I get a screen with a logo and a moving bar, the bar stops moving then begins growing left to right when it finishes a cursor blinks at top left a couple times then it goes to a blank screen. That's it. Cd drive is inactive. Help?

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Andrea Corbellini (andrea.corbellini) said :

Try the Safe Graphics Mode.

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willybartel (willybartel) said :

Thanks andrea I tried safe graphics mode but it hung on a screen with a blinking cursor and the message checking battery status. For clarification, how long does it take to load from cd? I haven't got a clean hard drive to install on and I obviously need XP until I get ubuntu running.

Revision history for this message
willybartel (willybartel) said :

I tried my burned cd on my old p2 366 and it worked! So I reset my bios to all defaults and went through my customization ( I made sure there were no longer any conflicts between my PCI graphics and onboard VGA. Then I picked start ubuntu in safe graphics mode: Success!