how to fix ''dpkg was interrupted you must run 'dpkg--configure-a' to correct problem .''

Asked by rebecca

try to install updates and the mess i used on my summery line keeps popping up what do i need to typ in my terminal to fix problem?

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Revision history for this message
Gord Allott (gordallott) said :

you need to type
sudo dpkg-reconfigure -a

into a terminal
then do a normal update

Revision history for this message
rebecca (djspiffymixes86) said :

i entered sudo dpkg -reconfigure -a and it asked for a password but won't let me enter one nor will it let me install the updates any suggestions please?

Revision history for this message
Gord Allott (gordallott) said :

the password is not showen when you type it for security reasons. just do
"sudo dpkg-reconfigure -a", type in your normal password and press enter

Revision history for this message
rebecca (djspiffymixes86) said :

it now tells me command not found

Revision history for this message
rebecca (djspiffymixes86) said :

it now tells me command not found

Revision history for this message
thom (tsk) said :

 "dpkg-reconfigure" differs enourmously from "dpkg -reconfigure" (note the inserted space)

Revision history for this message
rebecca (djspiffymixes86) said :

dpkg: conflicting actions -e (--control) and -r (--remove)

Type dpkg --help for help about installing and deinstalling packages [*];
Use `dselect' or `aptitude' for user-friendly package management;
Type dpkg -Dhelp for a list of dpkg debug flag values;
Type dpkg --force-help for a list of forcing options;
Type dpkg-deb --help for help about manipulating *.deb files;
Type dpkg --license for copyright license and lack of warranty (GNU GPL) [*].

Options marked [*] produce a lot of output - pipe it through `less' or `more' !

Revision history for this message
rebecca (djspiffymixes86) said :

ok entered right sudo now it saids :Normally, home directories can be viewed by all users on the system. If │
 │ you want to increase the security/privacy on your system, you might want │
 │ your home directories only readable by the user. If you are unsure, │
 │ enable system wide readable home directories. │
 │ │
 │ This will only affect home directories of users added with the adduser │
 │ program later. │
 │ │
 │ Do you want system wide readable home directories? │
 │ │
 │ <Yes> <No>
is this what i'm looking for and should i hit yes or no

Revision history for this message
Gord Allott (gordallott) said :

depends weather you want other users to be able to view documents in your documents folder or be able to view files on your desktop. things like that.
if you want people to be able to view them go for yes

Revision history for this message
rebecca (djspiffymixes86) said :

thanks for the help

Revision history for this message
Daniel Hahler (blueyed) said :

JFI: the command that should have been run (and that should have been pointed at by the error) is "dpkg --configure -a" to configure all extracted but not yet configured packages.

"dpkg-reconfigure -a" instead re-configures any installed packages! You'll get a lot of questions then and it's not what you normally want.

Revision history for this message
Ronald (r-hensbergen) said :

I had the same problems. I did "dpkg-reconfigure -a" first, but that didn't solve it. Now I tried to "dpkg --configure -a", but it said: "dpkg: requested operation requires superuser privilege". I am the only user on this machine, reconfiguring Users and Groups didn't help so far.

Revision history for this message
ninjamonkey (evilninjamonkey) said :

You need to type sudo before the command, so it looks like

sudo dpkg --configure -a

Revision history for this message
dicky priyatna (dicky-priyatna) said :

everyone seems to have experienced a problem like this, now I also have the same problem, I've tried all the solutions that you mentioned above. But still could not fix my problem, there appears a message like this :

dpkg-query: parse error, in file '/var/lib/dpkg/status' near line 17567 package 'x11-common':
 `Conflicts' field, reference to `ascd': version contains ` '
/usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure: adduser is not installed

Is there any solution for this? or what should i do next??

Revision history for this message
Miguel Mayol (mitcoes) said :

What I had to do after uninstalling python to reinstall and i was not able to was in MAverick 10.10 reboot, select rescue options, dpkg, and from console "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop"

it worked, but as i had Libreoffice, installed Now i have Openoffice and Libreoffice installed.

I hoe it will be a hekp with problems with STATUS problems that should e better treated by the system. Every day a status copy status_dd_mm.bk for trying to repair main status with all those backups for example.

dpkg from recovery is good, at least better than console orders when you are in GUI.

Revision history for this message
Amigad (rams-smartchat) said :

I'm fighting Version 0.152. I can only see the Mame/Mess style 2-colour-text-list with the words coleco COLECO only without anything else listed & have not yet been able to get any game or gnomemess working! Must be a bug, regression or no compatible gui available to make it work!

Does not show error messages making it harder to work on the fix!

Gnomemess or cli mess would be appreciated!

Revision history for this message
Amigad (rams-smartchat) said :

I'm using unTrustyamd64.tthe Mess 4 colour-text-list-box is the only thing I can see doing anything, but it wont show any other entries in it's list.
I'm now thinking g(no)mess is no longer supported coz I can't see it in USC!

A working mess of any type will be appreciated.