ubuntu 10.04 does not boot

Asked by laurens

I fixed a previous problem with installing ubuntu (by downloading it again) and i have now had it for a little more than a week. i goggled best things for ubuntu and found this top 10 list of things to do.the 2nd thing was download compiz.i got that and a tray icon thing and it worked fine.the only weird thing i noticed is rit after t flashing _ thing goes away there were a few colerd lines on the side of the screen,looking like they were getting worse every time i started up,but did not pay much attention. when i wanted to play runescape,an online game,i turned off compiz via the tray thing.i trund it off and the next day when i tryed to boot ubuntu again it sead the graphics card was not found!i cudent even run low graphics mode. i updated ubuntu and booted again in low graphics and sead that it didn't find gome at the top right of the login screen. if i tryed to login to my acount it gave me an eror and sent me back to the chuze account screen.

well,i hope that was inuf detail,sorry for the bad English.

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actionparsnip (andrew-woodhead666) said :

The system wil beep like crazy if there is no video card found. It is necessary for the system to even allow access to the bios. Even headless systems MUST have a video chip even if it is never used. If the video chip is on a video card (and not on the motherboard) I suggest you power off and ensure it is seated in the slot right.

I'd also hold shuft at boot and select memtest to make sure your RAM is healthy

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laurens (laurens-weyn) said :

well i can run windows 7(side by side) , AND CAN RUN IT IN aero (wich makes windows transparent and blury fith a fancy window changer) so this may not be the problem.it sead that it didnt find it,i find that weard because i have booted of ubuntu many times.

ANYWAYS i think i may have found what was wrong,
i have many things on a small ubuntu partition like videos,and the ISO of ubuntu itself! it warned me that there was little spase,but ignored it. runescape puts a few files on the computer so it does not load all the time you play it. these files are big,i think 100 MB i had only 10MB left,but it warned me only wile i was in the middle of the game,so i thout to do it later.i forgot and thout i chud do it tomorrow but i chudunt.

so the problem is,i think it is trying to unpack files from my hard dive such as drivers,and there is not inuf space.when i tryed this morning it gave me a different error so i guess thats it.

now,i cant find the partition on windows,and its not on my c and d drive,

i tryed running ubuntu from the memory stick i installed it from,fownd the partition but chudunt delete the ISO or resize the particion because you cannot do that with the demonsration as it is designed to not edit files on your computer(you chud copy tho)

so the compiz thing probably didnt have to do with it,now i need to find out how to delete that ISO off my desktop...

enyone have eny ideas?
                                                                  help!!! and read!!!

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laurens (laurens-weyn) said :

OK i have a plan. i am going to install ubuntu onto my external hard drive (if that is possible) remove the file,then uninstall it of the eternal hard drive.

now my questions:
can you install ubuntu on an external hard drive?
how do you resize and remove partisions?(i have 2 half installed ubuntus,and on sda1 i have vista(loader) but the OS is gone)
can you uninstall ubuntu?
do you think this is a good idea?/can you give me an easier method?

just answer eny of those questions,they are sorted by importance(/how much i think it isn't possible)so the top ones i think shud work,and at the bottom needs more urgent answers.
anser ASAP because i realy nead to get those documents within 2 days.

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laurens (laurens-weyn) said :

what,no replys? well i have to try it now,wish me luck!this is the last thing im doing on windows and then im going o try my own idea.

well,here it goes... goodby

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laurens (laurens-weyn) said :

it worked!and once i booted of the external,it was like i was on my previus ubuntu,like it was designed to fix this glich! my data is saved!