lost xsystem

Asked by kzickefoose

while attempting to update skype, (mostly the dependencys) I tryed to back track the process removed the xwindow system and left me with only a console login. Can I reload ubuntu to repaie the damage

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attikon (attikon) said :

Hello there.

I'm not sure I understand what you did but have you tried pressing <Ctrl+Alt+Backspace> or running the "startx" command?

Have a nice day.

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Cesare Tirabassi (norsetto) said :

Try this command:

sudo apt-get install --reinstall ubuntu-desktop

I don't know if it will work, as I have the impression you might have messed up your apt configuration too.

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attikon (attikon) said :

Hello again.

Sorry for the above answer, I was a bit confused when I first read your question.
You have to follow Cesare's suggestion. One issue though, in case that it won't work I think it would be a good idea to try with the following packages as well: "x-window-system-core" and "xorg".
I'm not sure if this will be of any help though.

Have a nice day.

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kzickefoose (zick1970) said :

when I tried the startx command I got an error box which said:
xsession:unable to start X session--- no "/home/keith/.xsession" file, no "/home/keith/.Xsession" file, no session manager, no windower manager, no terminal emulator flund; aborting

when I tried apt-get install the last lines of the display were:
errors were encountered while processing: scim-gtk2-immodule
  /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code 1.

Im thinking that I lost my apt configuration.

not sure where to go from here.

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Cesare Tirabassi (norsetto) said :

To tell you the truth, I think a complete reinstall would be the best solution.

We can try to fix the scim-gtk2-immodule error, but I'm quite sure some other will pop up.
If you want to try, we need to know what caused the error (most probably a postrm or postinst script). Check it in your error log, its few lines above the one you gave us.

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kzickefoose (zick1970) said :

Cesare thanks I was thinking the same but wanted some one else to confirm. You and Ioannis have helped a lot thanks