Bad sound in FireFox, and URL clicked in Thunderbird don;t work

Asked by oocevin

Sense I upgraded to kubuntu my sound is very low to none.
Plus when I click on a URL in my Thunder bird a window
pops up and asks choose an application.

How do I fix these.

I even reinstalled my system to see if that would fix.

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actionparsnip (andrew-woodhead666) said :

You need to make a small script to open the links with to make the browser act properly.

Revision history for this message
oocevin (ccct007) said :

I did not have to do this when I first install Kubuntu 10.4.

I just reinstalled it because I could not get sound on FireFox.

Is there another way to down load firefox so I do not have to do this.

I mean I have no idea how to do what you are saying:-(

Please help

Revision history for this message
actionparsnip (andrew-woodhead666) said :

Really. Jesus. Ok let me spoonfeed.

gksudo gedit /usr/bin/openlink; sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/openlink

paste in the below text:

exec /usr/bin/firefox "$url"

Save the file and close gedit, Then run:

cd ~/.mozilla-thunderbird/

cd XXXXXX.default

(replace XXXXXX with the randomly generated name the profile has. You can run:


to see what it is)

then run:

gedit ./prefs.js

and add this to the bottom of the file:

user_pref("", "/usr/bin/openlink");
user_pref("", "/usr/bin/openlink");
user_pref("", "/usr/bin/openlink");

and save the new file and close gedit, next time you restart thunderbird it will work fine and open links in firefox. If you change browser just edit /usr/bin/openlink to point to your desired browser.

Revision history for this message
oocevin (ccct007) said :

I got my sound up and going.....

Thanks to all of you...


Revision history for this message
actionparsnip (andrew-woodhead666) said :

Do links in Thunderbird now work?

Revision history for this message
oocevin (ccct007) said :

No I did not get them running.

I'm terribly new to all of this.

I'm sorry about it.

Revision history for this message
Best actionparsnip (andrew-woodhead666) said :

It's ok, just follow the steps I gave and it will work perfectly.

Revision history for this message
oocevin (ccct007) said :

It started wit my sons CD ROM not working, and all it was it was not
making connection inside. And it went from there.
When one has no idea in what is going on and then stuff like that
happens it makes one 2nd guess one self.

But I'm saving all of this info on a CD so next time, well you get
the ider...

Cevin (oocevin)