--- mesa-9.1.4.orig/.dir-locals.el +++ mesa-9.1.4/.dir-locals.el @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +((nil + (indent-tabs-mode . nil) + (tab-width . 8) + (c-basic-offset . 3) + (c-file-style . "stroustrup") + (fill-column . 78) + (eval . (progn + (c-set-offset 'innamespace '0) + (c-set-offset 'inline-open '0))) + ) + ) --- mesa-9.1.4.orig/debian/libgles2-mesa.symbols +++ mesa-9.1.4/debian/libgles2-mesa.symbols @@ -0,0 +1,270 @@ +libGLESv2.so.2 libgles2-mesa #MINVER# | libgles2 + glActiveTexture@Base 7.8.1 + glAttachShader@Base 7.8.1 + glBeginQuery@Base 9.1~ + glBeginTransformFeedback@Base 9.1~ + glBindAttribLocation@Base 7.8.1 + glBindBuffer@Base 7.8.1 + glBindBufferBase@Base 9.1~ + glBindBufferRange@Base 9.1~ + glBindFramebuffer@Base 7.8.1 + glBindRenderbuffer@Base 7.8.1 + glBindSampler@Base 9.1~ + glBindTexture@Base 7.8.1 + glBindTransformFeedback@Base 9.1~ + glBindVertexArray@Base 9.1~ + glBindVertexArrayOES@Base 9.0~0 + glBlendColor@Base 7.8.1 + glBlendEquation@Base 7.8.1 + glBlendEquationSeparate@Base 7.8.1 + glBlendFunc@Base 7.8.1 + glBlendFuncSeparate@Base 7.8.1 + glBlitFramebuffer@Base 9.1~ + glBufferData@Base 7.8.1 + glBufferSubData@Base 7.8.1 + glCheckFramebufferStatus@Base 7.8.1 + glClear@Base 7.8.1 + glClearBufferfi@Base 9.1~ + glClearBufferfv@Base 9.1~ + glClearBufferiv@Base 9.1~ + glClearBufferuiv@Base 9.1~ + glClearColor@Base 7.8.1 + glClearDepthf@Base 7.8.1 + glClearStencil@Base 7.8.1 + glClientWaitSync@Base 9.1~ + glColorMask@Base 7.8.1 + glCompileShader@Base 7.8.1 + glCompressedTexImage2D@Base 7.8.1 + glCompressedTexImage3D@Base 9.1~ + glCompressedTexImage3DOES@Base 7.8.1 + glCompressedTexSubImage2D@Base 7.8.1 + glCompressedTexSubImage3D@Base 9.1~ + glCompressedTexSubImage3DOES@Base 7.8.1 + glCopyBufferSubData@Base 9.1~ + glCopyTexImage2D@Base 7.8.1 + glCopyTexSubImage2D@Base 7.8.1 + glCopyTexSubImage3D@Base 9.1~ + glCopyTexSubImage3DOES@Base 7.8.1 + glCreateProgram@Base 7.8.1 + glCreateShader@Base 7.8.1 + glCullFace@Base 7.8.1 + glDeleteBuffers@Base 7.8.1 + glDeleteFramebuffers@Base 7.8.1 + glDeleteProgram@Base 7.8.1 + glDeleteQueries@Base 9.1~ + glDeleteRenderbuffers@Base 7.8.1 + glDeleteSamplers@Base 9.1~ + glDeleteShader@Base 7.8.1 + glDeleteSync@Base 9.1~ + glDeleteTextures@Base 7.8.1 + glDeleteTransformFeedbacks@Base 9.1~ + glDeleteVertexArrays@Base 9.1~ + glDeleteVertexArraysOES@Base 9.0~0 + glDepthFunc@Base 7.8.1 + glDepthMask@Base 7.8.1 + glDepthRangef@Base 7.8.1 + glDetachShader@Base 7.8.1 + glDisable@Base 7.8.1 + glDisableVertexAttribArray@Base 7.8.1 + glDrawArrays@Base 7.8.1 + glDrawArraysInstanced@Base 9.1~ + glDrawBuffers@Base 9.1~ + glDrawBuffersNV@Base 8.0~rc1 + glDrawElements@Base 7.8.1 + glDrawElementsInstanced@Base 9.1~ + glDrawRangeElements@Base 9.1~ + glEGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOES@Base 7.8.1 + glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOES@Base 7.8.1 + glEnable@Base 7.8.1 + glEnableVertexAttribArray@Base 7.8.1 + glEndQuery@Base 9.1~ + glEndTransformFeedback@Base 9.1~ + glFenceSync@Base 9.1~ + glFinish@Base 7.8.1 + glFlush@Base 7.8.1 + glFlushMappedBufferRange@Base 9.1~ + glFlushMappedBufferRangeEXT@Base 9.1~ + glFramebufferRenderbuffer@Base 7.8.1 + glFramebufferTexture2D@Base 7.8.1 + glFramebufferTexture3DOES@Base 7.8.1 + glFramebufferTextureLayer@Base 9.1~ + glFrontFace@Base 7.8.1 + glGenBuffers@Base 7.8.1 + glGenFramebuffers@Base 7.8.1 + glGenQueries@Base 9.1~ + glGenRenderbuffers@Base 7.8.1 + glGenSamplers@Base 9.1~ + glGenTextures@Base 7.8.1 + glGenTransformFeedbacks@Base 9.1~ + glGenVertexArrays@Base 9.1~ + glGenVertexArraysOES@Base 9.0~0 + glGenerateMipmap@Base 7.8.1 + glGetActiveAttrib@Base 7.8.1 + glGetActiveUniform@Base 7.8.1 + glGetActiveUniformBlockName@Base 9.1~ + glGetActiveUniformBlockiv@Base 9.1~ + glGetActiveUniformsiv@Base 9.1~ + glGetAttachedShaders@Base 7.8.1 + glGetAttribLocation@Base 7.8.1 + glGetBooleanv@Base 7.8.1 + glGetBufferParameteri64v@Base 9.1~ + glGetBufferParameteriv@Base 7.8.1 + glGetBufferPointerv@Base 9.1~ + glGetBufferPointervOES@Base 7.8.1 + glGetError@Base 7.8.1 + glGetFloatv@Base 7.8.1 + glGetFragDataLocation@Base 9.1~ + glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv@Base 7.8.1 + glGetInteger64i_v@Base 9.1~ + glGetInteger64v@Base 9.1~ + glGetIntegeri_v@Base 9.1~ + glGetIntegerv@Base 7.8.1 + glGetInternalformativ@Base 9.1~ + glGetProgramBinary@Base 9.1~ + glGetProgramBinaryOES@Base 7.8.1 + glGetProgramInfoLog@Base 7.8.1 + glGetProgramiv@Base 7.8.1 + glGetQueryObjectuiv@Base 9.1~ + glGetQueryiv@Base 9.1~ + glGetRenderbufferParameteriv@Base 7.8.1 + glGetSamplerParameterfv@Base 9.1~ + glGetSamplerParameteriv@Base 9.1~ + glGetShaderInfoLog@Base 7.8.1 + glGetShaderPrecisionFormat@Base 7.8.1 + glGetShaderSource@Base 7.8.1 + glGetShaderiv@Base 7.8.1 + glGetString@Base 7.8.1 + glGetStringi@Base 9.1~ + glGetSynciv@Base 9.1~ + glGetTexParameterfv@Base 7.8.1 + glGetTexParameteriv@Base 7.8.1 + glGetTransformFeedbackVarying@Base 9.1~ + glGetUniformBlockIndex@Base 9.1~ + glGetUniformIndices@Base 9.1~ + glGetUniformLocation@Base 7.8.1 + glGetUniformfv@Base 7.8.1 + glGetUniformiv@Base 7.8.1 + glGetUniformuiv@Base 9.1~ + glGetVertexAttribIiv@Base 9.1~ + glGetVertexAttribIuiv@Base 9.1~ + glGetVertexAttribPointerv@Base 7.8.1 + glGetVertexAttribfv@Base 7.8.1 + glGetVertexAttribiv@Base 7.8.1 + glHint@Base 7.8.1 + glInvalidateFramebuffer@Base 9.1~ + glInvalidateSubFramebuffer@Base 9.1~ + glIsBuffer@Base 7.8.1 + glIsEnabled@Base 7.8.1 + glIsFramebuffer@Base 7.8.1 + glIsProgram@Base 7.8.1 + glIsQuery@Base 9.1~ + glIsRenderbuffer@Base 7.8.1 + glIsSampler@Base 9.1~ + glIsShader@Base 7.8.1 + glIsSync@Base 9.1~ + glIsTexture@Base 7.8.1 + glIsTransformFeedback@Base 9.1~ + glIsVertexArray@Base 9.1~ + glIsVertexArrayOES@Base 9.0~0 + glLineWidth@Base 7.8.1 + glLinkProgram@Base 7.8.1 + glMapBufferOES@Base 7.8.1 + glMapBufferRange@Base 9.1~ + glMapBufferRangeEXT@Base 9.1~ + glMultiDrawArraysEXT@Base 7.8.1 + glMultiDrawElementsEXT@Base 7.8.1 + glPauseTransformFeedback@Base 9.1~ + glPixelStorei@Base 7.8.1 + glPolygonOffset@Base 7.8.1 + glProgramBinary@Base 9.1~ + glProgramBinaryOES@Base 7.8.1 + glProgramParameteri@Base 9.1~ + glReadBuffer@Base 9.1~ + glReadBufferNV@Base 8.1~0 + glReadPixels@Base 7.8.1 + glReleaseShaderCompiler@Base 7.8.1 + glRenderbufferStorage@Base 7.8.1 + glRenderbufferStorageMultisample@Base 9.1~ + glResumeTransformFeedback@Base 9.1~ + glSampleCoverage@Base 7.8.1 + glSamplerParameterf@Base 9.1~ + glSamplerParameterfv@Base 9.1~ + glSamplerParameteri@Base 9.1~ + glSamplerParameteriv@Base 9.1~ + glScissor@Base 7.8.1 + glShaderBinary@Base 7.8.1 + glShaderSource@Base 7.8.1 + glStencilFunc@Base 7.8.1 + glStencilFuncSeparate@Base 7.8.1 + glStencilMask@Base 7.8.1 + glStencilMaskSeparate@Base 7.8.1 + glStencilOp@Base 7.8.1 + glStencilOpSeparate@Base 7.8.1 + glTexImage2D@Base 7.8.1 + glTexImage3D@Base 9.1~ + glTexImage3DOES@Base 7.8.1 + glTexParameterf@Base 7.8.1 + glTexParameterfv@Base 7.8.1 + glTexParameteri@Base 7.8.1 + glTexParameteriv@Base 7.8.1 + glTexStorage2D@Base 9.1~ + glTexStorage3D@Base 9.1~ + glTexSubImage2D@Base 7.8.1 + glTexSubImage3D@Base 9.1~ + glTexSubImage3DOES@Base 7.8.1 + glTransformFeedbackVaryings@Base 9.1~ + glUniform1f@Base 7.8.1 + glUniform1fv@Base 7.8.1 + glUniform1i@Base 7.8.1 + glUniform1iv@Base 7.8.1 + glUniform1ui@Base 9.1~ + glUniform1uiv@Base 9.1~ + glUniform2f@Base 7.8.1 + glUniform2fv@Base 7.8.1 + glUniform2i@Base 7.8.1 + glUniform2iv@Base 7.8.1 + glUniform2ui@Base 9.1~ + glUniform2uiv@Base 9.1~ + glUniform3f@Base 7.8.1 + glUniform3fv@Base 7.8.1 + glUniform3i@Base 7.8.1 + glUniform3iv@Base 7.8.1 + glUniform3ui@Base 9.1~ + glUniform3uiv@Base 9.1~ + glUniform4f@Base 7.8.1 + glUniform4fv@Base 7.8.1 + glUniform4i@Base 7.8.1 + glUniform4iv@Base 7.8.1 + glUniform4ui@Base 9.1~ + glUniform4uiv@Base 9.1~ + glUniformBlockBinding@Base 9.1~ + glUniformMatrix2fv@Base 7.8.1 + glUniformMatrix2x3fv@Base 9.1~ + glUniformMatrix2x4fv@Base 9.1~ + glUniformMatrix3fv@Base 7.8.1 + glUniformMatrix3x2fv@Base 9.1~ + glUniformMatrix3x4fv@Base 9.1~ + glUniformMatrix4fv@Base 7.8.1 + glUniformMatrix4x2fv@Base 9.1~ + glUniformMatrix4x3fv@Base 9.1~ + glUnmapBuffer@Base 9.1~ + glUnmapBufferOES@Base 7.8.1 + glUseProgram@Base 7.8.1 + glValidateProgram@Base 7.8.1 + glVertexAttrib1f@Base 7.8.1 + glVertexAttrib1fv@Base 7.8.1 + glVertexAttrib2f@Base 7.8.1 + glVertexAttrib2fv@Base 7.8.1 + glVertexAttrib3f@Base 7.8.1 + glVertexAttrib3fv@Base 7.8.1 + glVertexAttrib4f@Base 7.8.1 + glVertexAttrib4fv@Base 7.8.1 + glVertexAttribDivisor@Base 9.1~ + glVertexAttribI4i@Base 9.1~ + glVertexAttribI4iv@Base 9.1~ + glVertexAttribI4ui@Base 9.1~ + glVertexAttribI4uiv@Base 9.1~ + glVertexAttribIPointer@Base 9.1~ + glVertexAttribPointer@Base 7.8.1 + glViewport@Base 7.8.1 + glWaitSync@Base 9.1~ --- mesa-9.1.4.orig/debian/libgl1-mesa-dev.install.in +++ mesa-9.1.4/debian/libgl1-mesa-dev.install.in @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +dri/usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}/libGL.so usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}/mesa +dri/usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}/pkgconfig/gl.pc usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}/pkgconfig/ --- mesa-9.1.4.orig/debian/libegl1-mesa-drivers.install.in +++ mesa-9.1.4/debian/libegl1-mesa-drivers.install.in @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +# This file gets tweaked in an os-specific fashion (see libegl1-mesa-drivers.install.linux.in) +dri/usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}/egl/egl_gallium.so usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}/egl --- mesa-9.1.4.orig/debian/libgl1-mesa-dri.install.hurd.in +++ mesa-9.1.4/debian/libgl1-mesa-dri.install.hurd.in @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +dri/usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}/dri/*_dri.so usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}/dri +dri/usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}/libdricore*.so* usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}/ --- mesa-9.1.4.orig/debian/libegl1-mesa-drivers.install.linux.in +++ mesa-9.1.4/debian/libegl1-mesa-drivers.install.linux.in @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +# OS-independent part (from libegl1-mesa-drivers.install.in): +@noegl@dri/usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}/egl/egl_gallium.so usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}/egl + +# Wayland support, only on Linux: +dri/usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}/libwayland-egl.so.1 usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}/mesa-egl +dri/usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}/libwayland-egl.so.1.0.0 usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}/mesa-egl --- mesa-9.1.4.orig/debian/libgl1-mesa-glx.install.in +++ mesa-9.1.4/debian/libgl1-mesa-glx.install.in @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +dri/usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}/libGL.so.* usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}/mesa --- mesa-9.1.4.orig/debian/libgbm1.install.in +++ mesa-9.1.4/debian/libgbm1.install.in @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +dri/usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}/libgbm.so.1* usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH} +@nogbm@dri/usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}/gbm usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH} --- mesa-9.1.4.orig/debian/libxatracker1.install.in +++ mesa-9.1.4/debian/libxatracker1.install.in @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +dri/usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}/libxatracker.so.1* usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH} --- mesa-9.1.4.orig/debian/libgles2-mesa-dev.links.in +++ mesa-9.1.4/debian/libgles2-mesa-dev.links.in @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +/usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}/mesa-egl/libGLESv2.so /usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}/libGLESv2.so --- mesa-9.1.4.orig/debian/libegl1-mesa.symbols +++ mesa-9.1.4/debian/libegl1-mesa.symbols @@ -0,0 +1,88 @@ +libEGL.so.1 libegl1-mesa #MINVER# | libegl1-x11 +# These are all internal symbols between libEGL and the +# drivers. Handle the dependency explicitly in the driver +# package. + (regex)"^_egl.*@Base$" 7.8.1 + dri2_add_config@Base 8.1~0 + dri2_create_image_khr@Base 8.1~0 + dri2_create_screen@Base 8.1~0 + (arch=linux-any)dri2_get_device_name_for_fd@Base 8.1~0 + (arch=linux-any)dri2_get_driver_for_fd@Base 8.1~0 + (arch=linux-any)dri2_initialize_drm@Base 8.1~0 + (arch=linux-any)dri2_initialize_mir@Base 9.1.4-0ubuntu6~ + (arch=linux-any)dri2_initialize_wayland@Base 8.1~0 + dri2_initialize_x11@Base 8.1~0 + dri2_load_driver@Base 8.1~0 + dri2_load_driver_swrast@Base 8.1~0 + dri2_lookup_egl_image@Base 8.1~0 + dri2_setup_screen@Base 8.1~0 + dri2_to_egl_attribute_map@Base 8.1~0 + eglBindAPI@Base 7.8.1 + eglBindTexImage@Base 7.8.1 + eglBindWaylandDisplayWL@Base 7.11~0 + eglChooseConfig@Base 7.8.1 + eglChooseModeMESA@Base 7.8.1 + eglClientWaitSyncKHR@Base 7.9 + eglCopyBuffers@Base 7.8.1 + eglCopyContextMESA@Base 7.8.1 + eglCreateContext@Base 7.8.1 + eglCreateDRMImageMESA@Base 7.9 + eglCreateImageKHR@Base 7.8.1 + eglCreatePbufferFromClientBuffer@Base 7.8.1 + eglCreatePbufferSurface@Base 7.8.1 + eglCreatePixmapSurface@Base 7.8.1 + eglCreateScreenSurfaceMESA@Base 7.8.1 + eglCreateSyncKHR@Base 7.9 + eglCreateWindowSurface@Base 7.8.1 + eglDestroyContext@Base 7.8.1 + eglDestroyImageKHR@Base 7.8.1 + eglDestroySurface@Base 7.8.1 + eglDestroySyncKHR@Base 7.9 + eglExportDRMImageMESA@Base 7.9 + eglGetConfigAttrib@Base 7.8.1 + eglGetConfigs@Base 7.8.1 + eglGetCurrentContext@Base 7.8.1 + eglGetCurrentDisplay@Base 7.8.1 + eglGetCurrentSurface@Base 7.8.1 + eglGetDRMDisplayMESA@Base 7.9 + eglGetDisplay@Base 7.8.1 + eglGetError@Base 7.8.1 + eglGetModeAttribMESA@Base 7.8.1 + eglGetSyncAttribKHR@Base 7.9 + eglGetModesMESA@Base 7.8.1 + eglGetProcAddress@Base 7.8.1 + eglGetScreensMESA@Base 7.8.1 + eglInitialize@Base 7.8.1 + eglMakeCurrent@Base 7.8.1 + eglPostSubBufferNV@Base 8.0~rc1 + eglQueryAPI@Base 7.8.1 + eglQueryContext@Base 7.8.1 + eglQueryModeStringMESA@Base 7.8.1 + eglQueryScreenMESA@Base 7.8.1 + eglQueryScreenModeMESA@Base 7.8.1 + eglQueryScreenSurfaceMESA@Base 7.8.1 + eglQueryString@Base 7.8.1 + eglQuerySurface@Base 7.8.1 + eglQueryWaylandBufferWL@Base 8.1~0 + eglReleaseTexImage@Base 7.8.1 + eglReleaseThread@Base 7.8.1 + eglScreenPositionMESA@Base 7.8.1 + eglShowScreenSurfaceMESA@Base 7.8.1 + eglSignalSyncKHR@Base 7.9 + eglSurfaceAttrib@Base 7.8.1 + eglSwapBuffers@Base 7.8.1 + eglSwapBuffersRegionNOK@Base 7.9 + eglSwapInterval@Base 7.8.1 + eglTerminate@Base 7.8.1 + eglUnbindWaylandDisplayWL@Base 7.11~0 + eglWaitClient@Base 7.8.1 + eglWaitGL@Base 7.8.1 + eglWaitNative@Base 7.8.1 + image_lookup_extension@Base 8.1~0 + use_invalidate@Base 8.1~0 + (arch=linux-any)wayland_buffer_is_drm@Base 8.1~0 + (arch=linux-any)wayland_drm_buffer_get_buffer@Base 8.1~0 + (arch=linux-any)wayland_drm_buffer_get_format@Base 8.1~0 + (arch=linux-any)wayland_drm_init@Base 8.1~0 + (arch=linux-any)wayland_drm_uninit@Base 8.1~0 + (arch=linux-any)wl_drm_interface@Base 8.0-2~ --- mesa-9.1.4.orig/debian/libgl1-mesa-dri.install.in +++ mesa-9.1.4/debian/libgl1-mesa-dri.install.in @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +dri/etc/drirc etc +dri/usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}/dri/*_dri.so usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}/dri +@noegl@dri/usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}/gallium-pipe/*.so usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}/gallium-pipe +dri/usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}/libdricore*.so* usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}/ +dri/usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}/libllvmradeon*.so usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}/ +@noegl@dri/usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}/lib*gallium*.so* usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}/ --- mesa-9.1.4.orig/debian/libosmesa6-dev.install.in +++ mesa-9.1.4/debian/libosmesa6-dev.install.in @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +dri/usr/include/GL/osmesa.h usr/include/GL +dri/usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}/libOSMesa.so usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH} +dri/usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}/pkgconfig/osmesa.pc usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}/pkgconfig --- mesa-9.1.4.orig/debian/libegl1-mesa-dev.install.linux.in +++ mesa-9.1.4/debian/libegl1-mesa-dev.install.linux.in @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# OS-independent part (from libegl1-mesa-dev.install.in): +dri/usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}/libEGL.so usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}/mesa-egl +dri/usr/include/EGL usr/include +dri/usr/include/KHR usr/include +dri/usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}/pkgconfig/egl.pc usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}/pkgconfig + +# Wayland support, only on Linux: +dri/usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}/libwayland-egl.so usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}/mesa-egl +dri/usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}/pkgconfig/wayland-egl.pc usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}/pkgconfig --- mesa-9.1.4.orig/debian/libgl1-mesa-glx.shlibs +++ mesa-9.1.4/debian/libgl1-mesa-glx.shlibs @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +libGL 1 libgl1-mesa-glx | libgl1 --- mesa-9.1.4.orig/debian/libgl1-mesa-dri-experimental.lintian-overrides +++ mesa-9.1.4/debian/libgl1-mesa-dri-experimental.lintian-overrides @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +# virtual packages only: +breaks-without-version libgl1-mesa-glx-no-multiarch +breaks-without-version xserver-xorg-core-no-multiarch --- mesa-9.1.4.orig/debian/libgl1-mesa-dri-experimental.install.in +++ mesa-9.1.4/debian/libgl1-mesa-dri-experimental.install.in @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +# empty for now. --- mesa-9.1.4.orig/debian/libegl1-mesa.install.in +++ mesa-9.1.4/debian/libegl1-mesa.install.in @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +dri/usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}/libEGL.so.1* usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}/mesa-egl --- mesa-9.1.4.orig/debian/libgl1-mesa-dev.links.in +++ mesa-9.1.4/debian/libgl1-mesa-dev.links.in @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +/usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}/mesa/libGL.so /usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}/libGL.so --- mesa-9.1.4.orig/debian/libgl1-mesa-glx.postinst.in +++ mesa-9.1.4/debian/libgl1-mesa-glx.postinst.in @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +#!/bin/sh + +set -e + +THIS_PACKAGE=libgl1-mesa-glx +THIS_SCRIPT=postinst + +case "$1" in + configure) + # on upgrade from previous versions, clean up our non-arch-qualified + # alternative + if dpkg --compare-versions "$2" lt-nl 7.10.3-0ubuntu1; then + update-alternatives --remove gl_conf /usr/lib/mesa/ld.so.conf + fi + # Use alternatives to make it easier to switch between Mesa and 3rd party modules + update-alternatives --force \ + --install /etc/ld.so.conf.d/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}_GL.conf ${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}_gl_conf /usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}/mesa/ld.so.conf 500 \ + --slave /usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}/xorg/extra-modules ${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}_xorg_extra_modules /usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}/xorg/x11-extra-modules + + # ldconfig needs to be run immediately as we're changing /etc/ld.so.conf.d/ with + # alternatives. + LDCONFIG_NOTRIGGER=y ldconfig + +esac + +#DEBHELPER# + +exit 0 + +# vim:set ai et sw=2 ts=2 tw=80: + --- mesa-9.1.4.orig/debian/watch +++ mesa-9.1.4/debian/watch @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +#git=git://anongit.freedesktop.org/mesa/mesa +version=3 +opts="uversionmangle=s/-rc/~rc/,dversionmangle=s/\+repack//,pasv" \ +ftp://freedesktop.org/pub/mesa/([\d\.]*)/ MesaLib-(.*)\.tar\.gz --- mesa-9.1.4.orig/debian/git-cleanup.sh +++ mesa-9.1.4/debian/git-cleanup.sh @@ -0,0 +1,75 @@ +#!/bin/sh +# © 2011 Cyril Brulebois +set -e + +### First phase, files known to make dpkg-source unhappy. + +# List broken symlinks: +symlinks=$(find -type l) + +# Symlinks vs. directories: +dirs_vs_symlinks='' + +# Modified binaries: +binaries=' +src/gallium/state_trackers/d3d1x/progs/bin/d3d10tri.exe +src/gallium/state_trackers/d3d1x/progs/bin/d3d11gears.exe +src/gallium/state_trackers/d3d1x/progs/bin/d3d11spikysphere.exe +src/gallium/state_trackers/d3d1x/progs/bin/d3d11tex.exe +src/gallium/state_trackers/d3d1x/progs/bin/d3d11tri.exe +src/gallium/state_trackers/python/tests/regress/fragment-shader/frag-abs.png +docs/gears.png +' + +case $1 in + "") clean=0; echo "I: No parameter given, listing only (-f to remove).";; + "-f") clean=1; echo "I: Removing files.";; + *) clean=0; echo "I: Unknown parameter given, listing only (-f to remove).";; +esac + +# Readibility: +echo + +for x in $symlinks $dirs_vs_symlinks $binaries; do + # Do not fail if the file went away already, only warn: + if [ -e $x -o -L $x ]; then + if [ $clean = 1 ]; then + git rm $x + else + echo "I: Would remove $x" + fi + else + echo "W: Unable to remove non-existing: $x" + fi +done + +### Second phase, kill all files in git not in the tarball +version=$(dpkg-parsechangelog|awk '/Version: / {print $2}'|sed 's/-.*$//') +tarball="../mesa_$version.orig.tar.gz" +if [ ! -f $tarball ]; then + echo "E: Missing tarball ($tarball), you could use: uscan --download-current --rename" + exit 1 +fi + +# Be lazy for now, temporary files would be better: +one=1 +two=2 + +# Strip one directory, Mesa-$version/ is the top-level: +tar tfz $tarball | sed 's,[^/]*/,,' | sort > $two +# List all files known to git, except those under debian/: +git ls-files | grep -v ^debian/ | sort > $one + +for x in $(diff -u $one $two|tail -n +3|grep ^-|sed 's/^-//'); do + if [ -e $x -o -L $x ]; then + if [ $clean = 1 ]; then + git rm $x + else + echo "I: Would remove $x" + fi + else + echo "W: Unable to remove non-existing: $x (maybe gone during 1st phase)" + fi +done + +rm $one $two --- mesa-9.1.4.orig/debian/not-installed +++ mesa-9.1.4/debian/not-installed @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +# Keep track of files we don't install: + +# Common list: +NOT_INSTALLED := \ + dri/usr/include/GL/wglext.h \ + dri/usr/include/GL/wmesa.h --- mesa-9.1.4.orig/debian/libopenvg1-mesa-dev.install.in +++ mesa-9.1.4/debian/libopenvg1-mesa-dev.install.in @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +@noegl@dri/usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}/libOpenVG.so usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}/mesa-egl +@noegl@dri/usr/include/VG usr/include +@noegl@dri/usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}/pkgconfig/vg.pc usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}/pkgconfig --- mesa-9.1.4.orig/debian/libosmesa6.shlibs +++ mesa-9.1.4/debian/libosmesa6.shlibs @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +libOSMesa 6 libosmesa6 (>= 6.5.2-1) | libgl1-mesa-glide3 --- mesa-9.1.4.orig/debian/libglapi-mesa.install.in +++ mesa-9.1.4/debian/libglapi-mesa.install.in @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +dri/usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}/libglapi.so.0* usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH} --- mesa-9.1.4.orig/debian/libgles1-mesa-dev.links.in +++ mesa-9.1.4/debian/libgles1-mesa-dev.links.in @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +/usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}/mesa-egl/libGLESv1_CM.so /usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}/libGLESv1_CM.so --- mesa-9.1.4.orig/debian/libegl1-mesa.lintian-overrides +++ mesa-9.1.4/debian/libegl1-mesa.lintian-overrides @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +package-name-doesnt-match-sonames libEGL1 --- mesa-9.1.4.orig/debian/libopenvg1-mesa.install.in +++ mesa-9.1.4/debian/libopenvg1-mesa.install.in @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +@noegl@dri/usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}/libOpenVG.so.1* usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}/mesa-egl --- mesa-9.1.4.orig/debian/libopenvg1-mesa-dev.links.in +++ mesa-9.1.4/debian/libopenvg1-mesa-dev.links.in @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +/usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}/mesa-egl/libOpenVG.so /usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}/libOpenVG.so --- mesa-9.1.4.orig/debian/libxatracker-dev.install.in +++ mesa-9.1.4/debian/libxatracker-dev.install.in @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +dri/usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}/libxatracker.so usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH} +dri/usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}/pkgconfig/xatracker.pc usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}/pkgconfig +dri/usr/include/xa_composite.h usr/include +dri/usr/include/xa_context.h usr/include +dri/usr/include/xa_tracker.h usr/include --- mesa-9.1.4.orig/debian/libgles2-mesa.install.in +++ mesa-9.1.4/debian/libgles2-mesa.install.in @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +dri/usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}/libGLESv2.so.2* usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}/mesa-egl --- mesa-9.1.4.orig/debian/control +++ mesa-9.1.4/debian/control @@ -0,0 +1,680 @@ +Source: mesa +Section: graphics +Priority: optional +Maintainer: Ubuntu X-SWAT +XSBC-Original-Maintainer: Debian X Strike Force +Uploaders: Cyril Brulebois +Standards-Version: 3.9.3 +Build-Depends: + debhelper (>= 8.1.3), + quilt (>= 0.40), + pkg-config, + libdrm-dev (>= 2.4.42) [!hurd-any], + libx11-dev, + x11proto-gl-dev (>= 1.4.14), + libxxf86vm-dev, + libexpat1-dev, + dpkg-dev (>= 1.16.1), + libxfixes-dev, + libxdamage-dev, + libxext-dev, + autoconf, + automake, + libtool, + x11proto-dri2-dev (>= 2.6), + linux-libc-dev (>= 2.6.31) [linux-any], + libx11-xcb-dev, + libxcb-dri2-0-dev, + libxcb-glx0-dev, + libxcb-xfixes0-dev, + python-libxml2, + libudev-dev [linux-any], + flex, + bison, + llvm-3.2-dev (>= 1:3.2repack-7~) [amd64 i386 kfreebsd-amd64 kfreebsd-i386 armhf powerpc], + libwayland-dev (>= 1.0.2) [linux-any], + libmirclient-dev [linux-any], +Vcs-Git: git://git.debian.org/git/pkg-xorg/lib/mesa +Vcs-Browser: http://git.debian.org/?p=pkg-xorg/lib/mesa.git +Homepage: http://mesa3d.sourceforge.net/ + +Package: libxatracker1 +Section: libs +Architecture: amd64 armel armhf i386 powerpc +Depends: + ${shlibs:Depends}, + ${misc:Depends}, +Pre-Depends: ${misc:Pre-Depends} +Multi-Arch: same +Description: X acceleration library -- runtime + This package contains the XA (X acceleration) library. It is used exclusively + by the X server to do render, copy and video acceleration. + . + XA is intended to be used by the vmware driver for virtualized X acceleration. + +Package: libxatracker1-dbg +Section: debug +Priority: extra +Architecture: amd64 armel armhf i386 powerpc +Depends: + libxatracker1 (= ${binary:Version}), + ${misc:Depends}, +Pre-Depends: ${misc:Pre-Depends} +Multi-Arch: same +Description: X acceleration library -- debugging symbols + This package contains the XA (X acceleration) library. It is used exclusively + by the X server to do render, copy and video acceleration. + . + XA is intended to be used by the vmware driver for virtualized X acceleration. + . + This package contains the debugging symbols for the xatracker library. + +Package: libxatracker-dev +Section: libdevel +Architecture: amd64 armel armhf i386 powerpc +Depends: + libxatracker1 (= ${binary:Version}), + ${misc:Depends}, +Description: X acceleration library -- development files + This package contains the XA (X acceleration) library. It is used exclusively + by the X server to do render, copy and video acceleration. + . + XA is intended to be used by the vmware driver for virtualized X acceleration. + . + This package provides the development environment for compiling programs + against the xatracker library. + +Package: libgbm1 +Section: libs +Architecture: linux-any +Depends: + ${shlibs:Depends}, + ${misc:Depends}, +Pre-Depends: ${misc:Pre-Depends} +Multi-Arch: same +Description: generic buffer management API -- runtime + This package contains the GBM buffer management library. It provides a + mechanism for allocating buffers for graphics rendering tied to Mesa. + . + GBM is intended to be used as a native platform for EGL on drm or openwfd. + +Package: libgbm1-dbg +Section: debug +Priority: extra +Architecture: linux-any +Depends: + libgbm1 (= ${binary:Version}), + ${misc:Depends}, +Pre-Depends: ${misc:Pre-Depends} +Multi-Arch: same +Description: generic buffer management API -- debugging symbols + This package contains the GBM buffer management library. It provides a + mechanism for allocating buffers for graphics rendering tied to Mesa. + . + GBM is intended to be used as a native platform for EGL on drm or openwfd. + . + This package contains the debugging symbols for the GBM library. + +Package: libgbm-dev +Section: libdevel +Architecture: linux-any +Depends: + libgbm1 (= ${binary:Version}), + libudev-dev, + ${misc:Depends}, +Description: generic buffer management API -- development files + This package contains the GBM buffer management library. It provides a + mechanism for allocating buffers for graphics rendering tied to Mesa. + . + GBM is intended to be used as a native platform for EGL on drm or openwfd. + . + This package provides the development environment for compiling programs + against the GBM library. + +Package: libegl1-mesa +Section: libs +Architecture: linux-any kfreebsd-any +Depends: + ${shlibs:Depends}, + ${misc:Depends}, +Recommends: libegl1-mesa-drivers +Provides: libegl1-x11 +Conflicts: libegl1-x11 +Replaces: libegl1-x11 +Pre-Depends: ${misc:Pre-Depends} +Multi-Arch: same +Description: free implementation of the EGL API -- runtime + This package contains the EGL native platform graphics interface library. + EGL provides a platform-agnostic mechanism for creating rendering surfaces + for use with other graphics libraries, such as OpenGL|ES and OpenVG. + . + This package contains modules to interface with the existing system GLX or + DRI2 drivers to provide OpenGL via EGL. The libegl1-mesa-drivers package + provides drivers to provide hardware-accelerated OpenGL|ES and OpenVG support. + +Package: libegl1-mesa-dbg +Section: debug +Priority: extra +Architecture: linux-any kfreebsd-any +Depends: + libegl1-mesa (= ${binary:Version}), + ${misc:Depends}, +Multi-Arch: same +Description: free implementation of the EGL API -- debugging symbols + This package contains the EGL native platform graphics interface library. + EGL provides a platform-agnostic mechanism for creating rendering surfaces + for use with other graphics libraries, such as OpenGL|ES and OpenVG. + . + This package contains the debugging symbols for the EGL library. + +Package: libegl1-mesa-dev +Section: libdevel +Architecture: linux-any kfreebsd-any +Depends: + libegl1-mesa (= ${binary:Version}), + libegl1-mesa-drivers (= ${binary:Version}), + libdrm-dev (>= 2.4.19) [!hurd-any], + x11proto-dri2-dev (>= 2.1), + x11proto-gl-dev (>= 1.4.11), + libx11-dev, + libxext-dev, + libxxf86vm-dev, + libxdamage-dev, + libxfixes-dev, + libxcb-glx0-dev, + libxcb-dri2-0-dev, + libx11-xcb-dev, + libmirclient-dev [linux-any], + ${misc:Depends}, +Description: free implementation of the EGL API -- development files + This package contains the development environment required for compiling + programs against EGL native platform graphics interface library. + EGL provides a platform-agnostic mechanism for creating rendering surfaces + for use with other graphics libraries, such as OpenGL|ES and OpenVG. + . + This package provides the development environment for compiling programs + against the EGL library. + +Package: libegl1-mesa-drivers +Section: libs +Architecture: linux-any kfreebsd-any +Depends: + ${shlibs:Depends}, + ${misc:Depends}, + libegl1-mesa (= ${binary:Version}), + libglapi-mesa (= ${binary:Version}), +Pre-Depends: ${misc:Pre-Depends} +Multi-Arch: same +Description: free implementation of the EGL API -- hardware drivers + This package contains the EGL native platform graphics interface library. + EGL provides a platform-agnostic mechanism for creating rendering surfaces + for use with other graphics libraries, such as OpenGL|ES and OpenVG. + . + This package contains the drivers required for hardware accelerated rendering + of EGL-based graphics libraries, such as OpenGL|ES and OpenVG. + +Package: libegl1-mesa-drivers-dbg +Section: debug +Priority: extra +Architecture: linux-any kfreebsd-any +Depends: + libegl1-mesa-drivers (= ${binary:Version}), + ${misc:Depends}, +Multi-Arch: same +Description: free implementation of the EGL API -- driver debugging symbols + This package contains the EGL native platform graphics interface library. + EGL provides a platform-agnostic mechanism for creating rendering surfaces + for use with other graphics libraries, such as OpenGL|ES and OpenVG. + . + This package contains the debugging symbols for the drivers required for + hardware accelerated rendering of EGL-based graphics libraries. + +Package: libopenvg1-mesa +Section: libs +Architecture: amd64 armel armhf i386 powerpc kfreebsd-any +Depends: + ${shlibs:Depends}, + ${misc:Depends}, +Provides: libopenvg1 +Conflicts: libopenvg1 +Replaces: libopenvg1 +Pre-Depends: ${misc:Pre-Depends} +Multi-Arch: same +Description: free implementation of the OpenVG API -- runtime + This package contains the mesa implementation of the OpenVG 2D acceleration + library. OpenVG provides a device independent and vendor-neutral interface + for sophisticated 2D graphical applications, while allowing device + manufacturers to provide hardware acceleration on devices ranging from wrist + watches to full microprocessor-based desktop and server machines. + +Package: libopenvg1-mesa-dbg +Section: debug +Priority: extra +Architecture: amd64 armel armhf i386 powerpc kfreebsd-any +Depends: + libopenvg1-mesa (= ${binary:Version}), + ${misc:Depends}, +Multi-Arch: same +Description: free implementation of the OpenVG API -- debugging symbols + This package contains the mesa implementation of the OpenVG 2D acceleration + library. OpenVG provides a device independent and vendor-neutral interface + for sophisticated 2D graphical applications, while allowing device + manufacturers to provide hardware acceleration on devices ranging from wrist + watches to full microprocessor-based desktop and server machines. + . + This package contains the debugging symbols for the OpenVG library. + +Package: libopenvg1-mesa-dev +Section: libdevel +Architecture: amd64 armel armhf i386 powerpc kfreebsd-any +Depends: + libopenvg1-mesa (= ${binary:Version}), + libegl1-mesa-dev, + ${misc:Depends}, +Description: free implementation of the OpenVG API -- development files + This package contains the mesa implementation of the OpenVG 2D acceleration + library. OpenVG provides a device independent and vendor-neutral interface + for sophisticated 2D graphical applications, while allowing device + manufacturers to provide hardware acceleration on devices ranging from wrist + watches to full microprocessor-based desktop and server machines. + . + This package contains the development environment required for compiling + programs against the OpenVG 2D acceleration library. + +Package: libgles1-mesa +Section: libs +Architecture: linux-any kfreebsd-any +Depends: + libglapi-mesa (= ${binary:Version}), + ${shlibs:Depends}, + ${misc:Depends}, +Provides: libgles1 +Conflicts: libgles1 +Replaces: libgles1 +Pre-Depends: ${misc:Pre-Depends} +Multi-Arch: same +Description: free implementation of the OpenGL|ES 1.x API -- runtime + OpenGL|ES is a cross-platform API for full-function 2D and 3D graphics on + embedded systems - including consoles, phones, appliances and vehicles. + It contains a subset of OpenGL plus a number of extensions for the + special needs of embedded systems. + . + OpenGL|ES 1.x provides an API for fixed-function hardware. + +Package: libgles1-mesa-dbg +Section: debug +Priority: extra +Architecture: linux-any kfreebsd-any +Depends: + libgles1-mesa (= ${binary:Version}), + ${misc:Depends}, +Multi-Arch: same +Description: free implementation of the OpenGL|ES 1.x API -- debugging symbols + OpenGL|ES is a cross-platform API for full-function 2D and 3D graphics on + embedded systems - including consoles, phones, appliances and vehicles. + It contains a subset of OpenGL plus a number of extensions for the + special needs of embedded systems. + . + OpenGL|ES 1.x provides an API for fixed-function hardware. + . + This package contains the debugging symbols for the libGLESv1_CM library. + +Package: libgles1-mesa-dev +Section: libdevel +Architecture: linux-any kfreebsd-any +Depends: + libgles1-mesa (= ${binary:Version}), + libegl1-mesa-dev, + ${misc:Depends}, +Description: free implementation of the OpenGL|ES 1.x API -- development files + OpenGL|ES is a cross-platform API for full-function 2D and 3D graphics on + embedded systems - including consoles, phones, appliances and vehicles. + It contains a subset of OpenGL plus a number of extensions for the + special needs of embedded systems. + . + OpenGL|ES 1.x provides an API for fixed-function hardware. + . + This package provides a development environment for building programs using + the OpenGL|ES 1.x APIs. + +Package: libgles2-mesa +Section: libs +Architecture: linux-any kfreebsd-any +Depends: + libglapi-mesa (= ${binary:Version}), + ${shlibs:Depends}, + ${misc:Depends}, +Provides: libgles2 +Conflicts: libgles2 +Replaces: libgles2 +Pre-Depends: ${misc:Pre-Depends} +Multi-Arch: same +Description: free implementation of the OpenGL|ES 2.x API -- runtime + OpenGL|ES is a cross-platform API for full-function 2D and 3D graphics on + embedded systems - including consoles, phones, appliances and vehicles. + It contains a subset of OpenGL plus a number of extensions for the + special needs of embedded systems. + . + OpenGL|ES 2.x provides an API for programmable hardware including vertex + and fragment shaders. + +Package: libgles2-mesa-dbg +Section: debug +Priority: extra +Architecture: linux-any kfreebsd-any +Depends: + libgles2-mesa (= ${binary:Version}), + ${misc:Depends}, +Multi-Arch: same +Description: free implementation of the OpenGL|ES 2.x API -- debugging symbols + OpenGL|ES is a cross-platform API for full-function 2D and 3D graphics on + embedded systems - including consoles, phones, appliances and vehicles. + It contains a subset of OpenGL plus a number of extensions for the + special needs of embedded systems. + . + OpenGL|ES 2.x provides an API for programmable hardware including vertex + and fragment shaders. + . + This package contains the debugging symbols for the libGLESv2 library. + +Package: libgles2-mesa-dev +Section: libdevel +Architecture: linux-any kfreebsd-any +Depends: + libgles2-mesa (= ${binary:Version}), + libegl1-mesa-dev, + ${misc:Depends}, +Description: free implementation of the OpenGL|ES 2.x API -- development files + OpenGL|ES is a cross-platform API for full-function 2D and 3D graphics on + embedded systems - including consoles, phones, appliances and vehicles. + It contains a subset of OpenGL plus a number of extensions for the + special needs of embedded systems. + . + OpenGL|ES 2.x provides an API for programmable hardware including vertex + and fragment shaders. + . + This package provides a development environment for building applications + using the OpenGL|ES 2.x APIs. + +Package: libglapi-mesa +Section: libs +Architecture: any +Depends: + ${shlibs:Depends}, + ${misc:Depends}, +Pre-Depends: ${misc:Pre-Depends} +Multi-Arch: same +Description: free implementation of the GL API -- shared library + The Mesa GL API module is responsible for dispatching all the gl* + functions. It is intended to be mainly used by both the libgles1-mesa + and libgles2-mesa packages. + +Package: libglapi-mesa-dbg +Section: debug +Priority: extra +Architecture: any +Depends: + libglapi-mesa (= ${binary:Version}), + ${misc:Depends}, +Multi-Arch: same +Description: free implementation of the GL API -- debugging symbols + The Mesa GL API module is responsible for dispatching all the gl* + functions. It is intended to be mainly used by both the libgles1-mesa + and libgles2-mesa packages. + . + This package contains debugging symbols for the GL API library. + +Package: libgl1-mesa-glx +Section: libs +Architecture: any +Depends: + ${shlibs:Depends}, + libglapi-mesa (= ${binary:Version}), + ${misc:Depends} +Recommends: libgl1-mesa-dri (>= 7.2) +Conflicts: libgl1, libgl1-mesa-dri (<< 6.4.0) +Replaces: libgl1, libgl1-mesa-dri (<< 6.4.0) +Provides: libgl1 +Breaks: + libgl1-nvidia-alternatives (<= 275.09.07-1), + fglrx-glx (<< 1:11-6-1), +Pre-Depends: ${misc:Pre-Depends} +Multi-Arch: same +Description: free implementation of the OpenGL API -- GLX runtime + Mesa is a 3-D graphics library with an API which is very similar to + that of OpenGL. To the extent that Mesa utilizes the OpenGL command + syntax or state machine, it is being used with authorization from + Silicon Graphics, Inc. However, the author makes no claim that Mesa + is in any way a compatible replacement for OpenGL or associated with + Silicon Graphics, Inc. + . + This version of Mesa provides GLX and DRI capabilities: it is capable of + both direct and indirect rendering. For direct rendering, it can use DRI + modules from the libgl1-mesa-dri package to accelerate drawing. + . + This package does not include the modules themselves: these can be found + in the libgl1-mesa-dri package. + +Package: libgl1-mesa-glx-dbg +Section: debug +Priority: extra +Architecture: any +Depends: + libgl1-mesa-glx (= ${binary:Version}), + ${misc:Depends}, +Multi-Arch: same +Description: Debugging symbols for the Mesa GLX runtime + This version of Mesa provides GLX and DRI capabilities: it is capable of + both direct and indirect rendering. For direct rendering, it can use DRI + modules from the libgl1-mesa-dri package to accelerate drawing. + . + This package does not include the modules themselves: these can be found + in the libgl1-mesa-dri package. + . + For a complete description of Mesa, please look at the + libgl1-mesa-glx package. + . + This package contains debugging symbols for the GL library with GLX and DRI + capabilities. + +#Package: libgl1-mesa-glx-i686 +#Section: libs +#Priority: extra +#Architecture: any-i386 +#Pre-Depends: libgl1-mesa-glx +#Description: A free implementation of the OpenGL API -- GLX runtime [i686 optimized] +# This version of Mesa provides GLX and DRI capabilities: it is capable of +# both direct and indirect rendering. For direct rendering, it can use DRI +# modules from the libgl1-mesa-dri package to accelerate drawing. +# . +# This package does not include the modules themselves: these can be found +# in the libgl1-mesa-dri package. +# . +# For a complete description of Mesa, please look at the +# libgl1-mesa-glx package. +# . +# This set of libraries is optimized for i686 machines and will only be used if +# you are running a 2.6 kernel on an i686 class CPU. This includes Pentium Pro, +# Pentium II/II/IV, Celeron CPU's and similar class CPU's (including clones +# such as AMD Athlon/Opteron, VIA C3 Nehemiah, but not VIA C3 Ezla). + +Package: libgl1-mesa-dri +Section: libs +Priority: optional +Architecture: any +Pre-Depends: ${misc:Pre-Depends} +Depends: + ${shlibs:Depends}, + ${misc:Depends} +Recommends: libtxc-dxtn0 +Suggests: libglide3 +Conflicts: xlibmesa-dri (<< 1:7.0.0) +Replaces: xlibmesa-dri (<< 1:7.0.0), libgl1-mesa-dri-experimental (<< 7.11.1) +Breaks: + xserver-xorg-core (<< 2:1.10.2-2), + xserver-xorg-core-no-multiarch, + libgl1-mesa-glx (<< 7.10.2-4), + libgl1-mesa-glx-no-multiarch, + libgl1-mesa-dri-experimental (<< 7.11.1), +Multi-Arch: same +Description: free implementation of the OpenGL API -- DRI modules + This version of Mesa provides GLX and DRI capabilities: it is capable of + both direct and indirect rendering. For direct rendering, it can use DRI + modules from the libgl1-mesa-dri package to accelerate drawing. + . + This package does not include the OpenGL library itself, only the DRI + modules for accelerating direct rendering. + . + For a complete description of Mesa, please look at the + libgl1-mesa-glx package. + . + The tdfx DRI module needs libglide3 to enable direct rendering. + +Package: libgl1-mesa-dri-dbg +Section: debug +Priority: extra +Architecture: any +Depends: + libgl1-mesa-dri (= ${binary:Version}), + ${misc:Depends}, +Replaces: libgl1-mesa-dri-experimental-dbg (<< 7.11.1) +Multi-Arch: same +Description: Debugging symbols for the Mesa DRI modules + This version of Mesa provides GLX and DRI capabilities: it is capable of + both direct and indirect rendering. For direct rendering, it can use DRI + modules from the libgl1-mesa-dri package to accelerate drawing. + . + This package does not include the OpenGL library itself, only the DRI + modules for accelerating direct rendering. + . + For a complete description of Mesa, please look at the + libgl1-mesa-glx package. + . + This package contains debugging symbols for the DRI modules. + +Package: libgl1-mesa-dri-experimental +Section: libs +Architecture: linux-any kfreebsd-any +Depends: + ${shlibs:Depends}, + libgl1-mesa-dri (>= 7.11.1) [linux-any], + ${misc:Depends}, +Breaks: + xserver-xorg-core (<< 2:1.10.2-2), + xserver-xorg-core-no-multiarch, + libgl1-mesa-glx (<< 7.11.1), + libgl1-mesa-glx-no-multiarch, +Multi-Arch: same +Description: free implementation of the OpenGL API -- Extra DRI modules + This version of Mesa provides GLX and DRI capabilities: it is capable of + both direct and indirect rendering. For direct rendering, it can use DRI + modules from the libgl1-mesa-dri package to accelerate drawing. + . + This package does not include the OpenGL library itself, only the DRI + modules for accelerating direct and indirect rendering. The drivers + in this package may provide more features than the drivers in the + libgl1-mesa-dri at the cost of less stability. + . + For a complete description of Mesa, please look at the + libgl1-mesa-glx package. + +Package: libgl1-mesa-dri-experimental-dbg +Section: debug +Priority: extra +Architecture: linux-any +Depends: + libgl1-mesa-dri-experimental (= ${binary:Version}), + ${misc:Depends}, +Multi-Arch: same +Description: Debugging symbols for the experimental Mesa DRI modules + This version of Mesa provides GLX and DRI capabilities: it is capable of + both direct and indirect rendering. For direct rendering, it can use DRI + modules from the libgl1-mesa-dri package to accelerate drawing. + . + This package does not include the OpenGL library itself, only the DRI + modules for accelerating direct rendering. + . + For a complete description of Mesa, please look at the + libgl1-mesa-glx package. + . + This package contains debugging symbols for the extra DRI modules. + +Package: libgl1-mesa-dev +Section: libdevel +Architecture: any +Depends: + mesa-common-dev (= ${binary:Version}), + libgl1-mesa-glx (= ${binary:Version}), + libdrm-dev (>= 2.4.24) [!hurd-any], + libx11-dev, + libx11-xcb-dev, + libxcb-dri2-0-dev, + libxcb-glx0-dev, + libxdamage-dev, + libxext-dev, + libxfixes-dev, + libxxf86vm-dev, + x11proto-dri2-dev (>= 2.6), + x11proto-gl-dev (>= 1.4.14), + ${misc:Depends}, +Conflicts: libgl-dev, libgl1-mesa-dri-dev +Replaces: libgl-dev, libgl1-mesa-dri-dev +Provides: libgl-dev, libgl1-mesa-dri-dev +Description: free implementation of the OpenGL API -- GLX development files + This version of Mesa provides GLX and DRI capabilities: it is capable of + both direct and indirect rendering. For direct rendering, it can use DRI + modules from the libgl1-mesa-dri package to accelerate drawing. + . + This package includes headers and static libraries for compiling + programs with Mesa. + . + For a complete description of Mesa, please look at the libgl1-mesa-glx + package. + +Package: mesa-common-dev +Section: libdevel +Architecture: any +Replaces: xlibmesa-gl-dev (<< 1:7), xlibosmesa-dev, libgl1-mesa-swx11-dev (<< 6.5.2), libgl1-mesa-dev (<< 7.5~rc4-2) +Depends: + libx11-dev, + libdrm-dev [!hurd-any], + ${misc:Depends}, +Description: Developer documentation for Mesa + This package includes the specifications for the Mesa-specific OpenGL + extensions, the complete set of release notes and the development header + files common to all Mesa packages. + +Package: libosmesa6 +Section: libs +Architecture: any +Depends: + ${shlibs:Depends}, + ${misc:Depends}, +Replaces: libgl1-mesa-swx11 (<< 6.5.2) +Pre-Depends: ${misc:Pre-Depends} +Multi-Arch: same +Description: Mesa Off-screen rendering extension + OSmesa is a Mesa extension that allows programs to render to an + off-screen buffer using the OpenGL API without having to create a + rendering context on an X Server. It uses a pure software renderer. + . + This package provides both 16-bit and 32-bit versions of the off-screen + renderer which do not require external libraries to work. + +Package: libosmesa6-dev +Section: libdevel +Architecture: any +Depends: + libosmesa6 (= ${binary:Version}), + mesa-common-dev (= ${binary:Version}) | libgl-dev, + ${misc:Depends}, +Conflicts: xlibosmesa-dev, libosmesa4-dev, libosmesa-dev +Replaces: xlibosmesa-dev, libosmesa-dev, libgl1-mesa-swx11-dev (<< 6.5.2), mesa-common-dev (<< 6.5.2) +Provides: xlibosmesa-dev, libosmesa-dev +Description: Mesa Off-screen rendering extension -- development files + This package provides the required environment for developing programs + that use the off-screen rendering extension of Mesa. + . + For more information on OSmesa see the libosmesa6 package. + +# vim: tw=0 --- mesa-9.1.4.orig/debian/libgles1-mesa.lintian-overrides +++ mesa-9.1.4/debian/libgles1-mesa.lintian-overrides @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +package-name-doesnt-match-sonames libGLESv1-CM1 --- mesa-9.1.4.orig/debian/mesa-common-dev.docs +++ mesa-9.1.4/debian/mesa-common-dev.docs @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +docs/bugs.html +docs/debugging.html +docs/envvars.html +docs/faq.html +docs/osmesa.html +docs/RELNOTES-* +docs/relnotes* +docs/*.spec --- mesa-9.1.4.orig/debian/libgles2-mesa-dev.install.in +++ mesa-9.1.4/debian/libgles2-mesa-dev.install.in @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +dri/usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}/libGLESv2.so usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}/mesa-egl +dri/usr/include/GLES2 usr/include +dri/usr/include/GLES3 usr/include +dri/usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}/pkgconfig/glesv2.pc usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}/pkgconfig --- mesa-9.1.4.orig/debian/libgl1-mesa-glx.lintian-overrides +++ mesa-9.1.4/debian/libgl1-mesa-glx.lintian-overrides @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +package-name-doesnt-match-sonames libGL1 --- mesa-9.1.4.orig/debian/mesa-common-dev.install.in +++ mesa-9.1.4/debian/mesa-common-dev.install.in @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +dri/usr/include/GL/gl.h usr/include/GL +dri/usr/include/GL/glext.h usr/include/GL +dri/usr/include/GL/gl_mangle.h usr/include/GL +dri/usr/include/GL/glx.h usr/include/GL +dri/usr/include/GL/glxext.h usr/include/GL +dri/usr/include/GL/glx_mangle.h usr/include/GL +dri/usr/include/GL/internal/dri_interface.h usr/include/GL/internal +dri/usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}/pkgconfig/dri.pc usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}/pkgconfig/ --- mesa-9.1.4.orig/debian/libegl1-mesa-dev.install.in +++ mesa-9.1.4/debian/libegl1-mesa-dev.install.in @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +# This file gets tweaked in an os-specific fashion (see libegl1-mesa-dev.install.linux.in) +dri/usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}/libEGL.so usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}/mesa-egl +dri/usr/include/EGL usr/include +dri/usr/include/KHR usr/include +dri/usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}/pkgconfig/egl.pc usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}/pkgconfig --- mesa-9.1.4.orig/debian/libgl1-mesa-glx.prerm.in +++ mesa-9.1.4/debian/libgl1-mesa-glx.prerm.in @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +#!/bin/sh + +set -e + +THIS_PACKAGE=libgl1-mesa-glx +THIS_SCRIPT=prerm + +case "$1" in + remove) + # Use alternatives to make it easier to switch between Mesa and 3rd party modules + update-alternatives --remove ${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}_gl_conf /usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}/mesa/ld.so.conf + + # explicit ldconfig due to alternatives + ldconfig + +esac + +#DEBHELPER# + +exit 0 + +# vim:set ai et sw=2 ts=2 tw=80: + --- mesa-9.1.4.orig/debian/libosmesa6.install.in +++ mesa-9.1.4/debian/libosmesa6.install.in @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +dri/usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}/libOSMesa.so.* usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH} --- mesa-9.1.4.orig/debian/gbp.conf +++ mesa-9.1.4/debian/gbp.conf @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +[DEFAULT] +debian-branch=ubuntu --- mesa-9.1.4.orig/debian/README.Debian +++ mesa-9.1.4/debian/README.Debian @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +Documentation for the libegl1-x11, libgles1, libgles2, and libopenvg1 virtual +packages. + +Although there are is no standardised linux ABI for GL|ES or OpenVG, there is +a “strongly encouraged” set of standard headers, type and linkage definitions +supplied by the Khronos group[1]. The mesa implementation provides this ABI. +Any non-mesa implementation that wants to provide these packages should +conform to the Khronos group's de-facto ABI. + +The case of EGL is similar; Khronos again supplies a de-facto linux ABI. +The EGL ABI is necessarily tied to the native windowing system by the +eglNativeDisplayType, eglNativeWindowType, and eglNativePixmapType typedefs. +The EGL virtual package therefore includes the name of the x11 windowing +system to leave room should further windowing ABIs be standardised. + +[1]: http://www.khronos.org/registry/implementers_guide.html#uncontrolled + + -- Cyril Brulebois , Sat, 22 Jan 2011 06:03:46 +0100 --- mesa-9.1.4.orig/debian/libegl1-mesa.postinst.in +++ mesa-9.1.4/debian/libegl1-mesa.postinst.in @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +#!/bin/sh + +set -e + +THIS_PACKAGE=libegl1-mesa +THIS_SCRIPT=postinst + +case "$1" in + configure) + # Use alternatives to make it easier to switch between Mesa and 3rd party modules + update-alternatives --force \ + --install /etc/ld.so.conf.d/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}_EGL.conf ${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}_egl_conf /usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}/mesa-egl/ld.so.conf 500 \ + + # ldconfig needs to be run immediately as we're changing /etc/ld.so.conf.d/ with + # alternatives. + LDCONFIG_NOTRIGGER=y ldconfig + +esac + +#DEBHELPER# + +exit 0 --- mesa-9.1.4.orig/debian/libgles1-mesa-dev.install.in +++ mesa-9.1.4/debian/libgles1-mesa-dev.install.in @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +dri/usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}/libGLESv1_CM.so usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}/mesa-egl +dri/usr/include/GLES usr/include +dri/usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}/pkgconfig/glesv1_cm.pc usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}/pkgconfig --- mesa-9.1.4.orig/debian/libgl1-mesa-glx-i686.install.in +++ mesa-9.1.4/debian/libgl1-mesa-glx-i686.install.in @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +dri/usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}/i686/cmov/libGL.so.* usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}/i686/cmov --- mesa-9.1.4.orig/debian/README.source +++ mesa-9.1.4/debian/README.source @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +------------------------------------------------------ +Quick Guide To Patching This Package For The Impatient +------------------------------------------------------ + +1. Make sure you have quilt installed +2. Unpack the package as usual with "dpkg-source -x" +3. Run the "patch" target in debian/rules +4. Create a new patch with "quilt new" (see quilt(1)) +5. Edit all the files you want to include in the patch with "quilt edit" + (see quilt(1)). +6. Write the patch with "quilt refresh" (see quilt(1)) +7. Run the "clean" target in debian/rules + +Alternatively, instead of using quilt directly, you can drop the patch in to +debian/patches and add the name of the patch to debian/patches/series. + + +The X Strike Force team maintains X packages in git repositories on +git.debian.org in the pkg-xorg subdirectory. Most upstream packages +are actually maintained in git repositories as well, so they often +just need to be pulled into git.debian.org in a "upstream-*" branch. + +The .orig.tar.gz is upstream's MesaLib tarball. + +While building from git, dpkg-source can complain about symlinks vs. +normal files mismatches. To work around this issue, before uploading, +and without committing: + + find -type l | while read dest; do src=$(readlink -f $dest); rm $dest; cp $src $dest; done + +The Debian packaging is added by creating the "debian-*" git branch +which contains the aforementioned "upstream-*" branch plus the debian/ +repository files. +When a patch has to be applied to the Debian package, two solutions +are involved: +* If the patch is available in one of the upstream branches, it + may be git'cherry-picked into the Debian repository. In this + case, it appears directly in the .diff.gz. +* Otherwise, the patch is added to debian/patches/ which is managed + with quilt as documented in /usr/share/doc/quilt/README.source. + Thus, the patching system requires a build dependency on quilt. --- mesa-9.1.4.orig/debian/rules +++ mesa-9.1.4/debian/rules @@ -0,0 +1,310 @@ +#!/usr/bin/make -f +# debian/rules for the Debian mesa package +# Copyright © 2006 Thierry Reding + +# Uncomment this to turn on verbose mode. +#export DH_VERBOSE=1 + +ifneq (,$(filter parallel=%,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS))) + NUMJOBS = -j$(patsubst parallel=%,%,$(filter parallel=%,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS))) +endif + +DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH ?= $(shell dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_MULTIARCH) +DEB_HOST_ARCH ?= $(shell dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_ARCH) +DEB_HOST_ARCH_OS ?= $(shell dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_ARCH_OS) +DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE ?= $(shell dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE) +DEB_BUILD_GNU_TYPE ?= $(shell dpkg-architecture -qDEB_BUILD_GNU_TYPE) +DEB_HOST_ARCH_CPU ?= $(shell dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_ARCH_CPU) +DEB_BUILD_DIR ?= $(CURDIR)/build +ifeq ($(DEB_BUILD_GNU_TYPE), $(DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE)) + confflags += --build=$(DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE) +else + confflags += --build=$(DEB_BUILD_GNU_TYPE) --host=$(DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE) +endif + +buildflags = \ + $(shell DEB_CFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND=-Wall DEB_CXXFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND=-Wall dpkg-buildflags --export=configure) + +buildflags-i686 = \ + $(shell DEB_CFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND="-Wall -march=i686" DEB_CXXFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND="-Wall -march=i686" dpkg-buildflags --export=configure) + +# keep a list of files we don't install (yet), but since it's a bit +# large, use an external file: +include debian/not-installed + +# build the following configurations by default +CONFIGS = dri + +STAMP_DIR = debian/stamp +STAMP = $(STAMP_DIR)/$(DEB_BUILD_GNU_TYPE) +BUILD_STAMPS = $(addprefix $(STAMP)-build-, $(CONFIGS)) + +QUILT_STAMPFN = $(STAMP_DIR)/patch +include /usr/share/quilt/quilt.make + +DRI_DRIVERS = +GALLIUM_DRIVERS = + +# hurd doesn't do direct rendering +ifeq ($(DEB_HOST_ARCH_OS), hurd) + confflags_DIRECT_RENDERING = --disable-driglx-direct + confflags_EGL = --disable-egl + confflags_GALLIUM = --with-gallium-drivers= + DRI_DRIVERS += swrast +else + EGL_DISPLAYS = x11 + + ifeq ($(DEB_HOST_ARCH_OS), linux) +# Gallium drivers require libdrm-{nouveau,radeon}, only available on Linux + GALLIUM_DRIVERS += nouveau r600 r300 svga +# +# Although the KMS egl drivers will probably build on kfreebsd & hurd +# only linux actually has KMS drivers implemented at this point. + EGL_DISPLAYS += drm +# Non-Linux ports also lack *_CLOEXEC and epoll, so wayland isn't ready yet: + EGL_DISPLAYS += wayland + EGL_DISPLAYS += mir + ifeq (,$(filter $(DEB_HOST_ARCH), s390 s390x)) + DRI_DRIVERS += r200 radeon nouveau + endif + ifneq (,$(filter $(DEB_HOST_ARCH_CPU), amd64 i386)) + # Radeonsi needs LLVM, so only build it on the subset of archs + # where we have LLVM enabled. + GALLIUM_DRIVERS += radeonsi + else + EXTRA_SED="-e/libllvmradeon/ s/^/\#/" + endif + endif + + +# Build the llvmpipe driver only on amd64, i386 until it's tested elsewhere + ifeq (,$(filter $(DEB_HOST_ARCH_CPU), amd64 i386)) + DRI_DRIVERS += swrast + else + GALLIUM_DRIVERS += swrast + DRI_DRIVERS += i915 i965 + endif + + # LLVM is required for r300g and recommended for swrastg on x86: + ifneq (,$(filter $(DEB_HOST_ARCH),amd64 i386 kfreebsd-amd64 kfreebsd-i386 armhf powerpc)) + confflags_GALLIUM += --enable-gallium-llvm + confflags_GALLIUM += --with-llvm-shared-libs + endif + + confflags_DIRECT_RENDERING = --enable-driglx-direct + confflags_EGL = --with-egl-platforms="$(EGL_DISPLAYS)" + confflags_GLES = --enable-gles1 --enable-gles2 + ifneq (,$(filter $(DEB_HOST_ARCH),arm64)) + confflags_GALLIUM += --disable-shared-gallium --with-gallium-drivers="" + confflags_OPENVG = --disable-openvg --disable-gallium-egl + EXTRA_SED += -e 's/^@nogbm@/\#/' -e 's/^@noegl@/\#/' + else + confflags_GALLIUM += --with-gallium-drivers="$(GALLIUM_DRIVERS)" + confflags_OPENVG = --enable-openvg --enable-gallium-egl + endif +endif +EXTRA_SED += $(if $(EXTRA_SED_ARCH),$(EXTRA_SED_ARCH),-e 's/^@nogbm@//' -e 's/^@noegl@//') + +confflags-dri = \ + --enable-dri \ + --with-dri-drivers="$(DRI_DRIVERS)" \ + --with-dri-driverdir=/usr/lib/$(DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH)/dri \ + --with-dri-searchpath='/usr/lib/$(DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH)/dri:\$$$${ORIGIN}/dri:/usr/lib/dri' \ + --enable-osmesa \ + --enable-glx-tls \ + --enable-shared-glapi \ + --enable-texture-float \ + --enable-xa \ + $(confflags_DIRECT_RENDERING) \ + $(confflags_EGL) \ + $(confflags_GALLIUM) \ + $(confflags_GLES) \ + $(confflags_OPENVG) \ + $(buildflags) + +configure: $(QUILT_STAMPFN) configure.ac + autoreconf -vfi + +# list the configurations that will built +configs: + @echo Building the following configurations: $(CONFIGS) + +$(STAMP_DIR)/stamp: + dh_testdir + mkdir -p $(STAMP_DIR) + >$@ + +$(QUILT_STAMPFN): $(STAMP_DIR)/stamp + +build: build-stamp + +build-stamp: $(BUILD_STAMPS) + >$@ + +$(STAMP)-configure-%: configure + dh_testdir + + mkdir -p $(DEB_BUILD_DIR)/$* + find $(CURDIR)/* -maxdepth 0 -not -path '$(DEB_BUILD_DIR)*' | \ + xargs cp -rlf -t $(DEB_BUILD_DIR)/$* + + cd $(DEB_BUILD_DIR)/$* && \ + ../../configure --prefix=/usr --mandir=\$${prefix}/share/man \ + --infodir=\$${prefix}/share/info --sysconfdir=/etc \ + --libdir=\$${prefix}/lib/$(DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH) \ + --localstatedir=/var --disable-silent-rules \ + $(confflags) $(confflags-$*) \ + ac_cv_path_LLVM_CONFIG=llvm-config-3.2 + touch $@ + +$(STAMP)-build-%: $(STAMP)-configure-% + dh_testdir + + cd $(DEB_BUILD_DIR)/$* && $(MAKE) $(NUMJOBS) + + # Remove extra po files. These confuse pkgstriptranslations + # and aren't shipped anyway. + rm $(DEB_BUILD_DIR)/$*/src/mesa/drivers/dri/common/xmlpool/*.po + + touch $@ + +install: build + # Add here commands to install the package into debian/tmp + dh_testdir + dh_testroot + dh_prep + dh_installdirs + set -e; for config in $(filter-out dri, $(CONFIGS)); do \ + $(MAKE) -C $(DEB_BUILD_DIR)/$$config DESTDIR=$(CURDIR)/debian/tmp install; \ + done + $(MAKE) -C $(DEB_BUILD_DIR)/dri DESTDIR=$(CURDIR)/debian/tmp/dri install + for file in debian/*.in; \ + do \ + sed -e"s,\$${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH},$(DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH),g" \ + $(EXTRA_SED) \ + $${file} > $${file%%.in}; \ + done + +clean: unpatch + dh_testdir + rm -rf .pc + + rm -f config.cache config.log config.status + rm -f */config.cache */config.log */config.status + rm -f conftest* */conftest* + rm -rf autom4te.cache */autom4te.cache + rm -rf build + rm -rf configure bin/config.guess bin/config.sub config.h.in + rm -rf $$(find -name Makefile.in) + rm -rf aclocal.m4 bin/missing bin/depcomp install-sh bin/ltmain.sh + rm -f bin/ar-lib bin/compile bin/ylwrap bin/install-sh + rm -rf $(STAMP_DIR) + for file in debian/*.in; do rm -f $${file%%.in}; done + rm -f src/glsl/builtins/tools/texture_builtins.pyc + rm -f src/mapi/glapi/gen/*.pyc + rm -f src/mesa/main/*.pyc + rm -f src/gallium/auxiliary/util/*.pyc + rm -f m4/libtool.m4 m4/ltoptions.m4 m4/ltsugar.m4 m4/ltversion.m4 m4/lt~obsolete.m4 + + dh_clean + +# Build architecture-independent files here. +binary-indep: install + +allpkg = $(shell dh_listpackages -s) +dbgpkg = $(filter %-dbg, $(allpkg)) +otherpkg = $(filter-out %-dbg, $(allpkg)) +havedbgpkg = $(patsubst %-dbg,%,$(dbgpkg)) +nodbgpkg = $(filter-out $(havedbgpkg),$(otherpkg)) + +# Build architecture-dependent files here. +binary-arch: install + dh_testdir + dh_testroot + dh_installchangelogs -s + dh_installchangelogs -pmesa-common-dev + dh_installdocs -s + dh_installexamples -s + + # Also get rid of other files which aren't installed. Do not + # use -f to ensure we notice disappearing files: + set -e; for file in $(NOT_INSTALLED); do rm debian/tmp/$$file; done + # Files only in git, not in tarballs, OK to use rm -f here: + set -e; for file in $(NOT_INSTALLED_EITHER); do rm -f debian/tmp/$$file; done + # No need for these .so, they're just convenience libraries: + rm debian/tmp/dri/usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}/libglapi.so + rm -f debian/tmp/dri/usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}/libdricore*.so + rm -f debian/tmp/dri/usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}/libgallium*.so + # purge .la files + find debian/tmp/ -name '*.la' -exec rm '{}' ';' + + dh_install -s --fail-missing + + # Create an ld.so.conf which says where to find libGL from Mesa + echo "/usr/lib/$(DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH)/mesa" \ + > $(CURDIR)/debian/libgl1-mesa-glx/usr/lib/$(DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH)/mesa/ld.so.conf + + # Empty directory for the alternative + mkdir -p $(CURDIR)/debian/libgl1-mesa-glx/usr/lib/$(DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH)/xorg/x11-extra-modules + + # Create an ld.so.conf which says where to find libEGL, libGLES{1,2} + # and libOpenVG from Mesa. + echo "/usr/lib/$(DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH)/mesa-egl" \ + > $(CURDIR)/debian/libegl1-mesa/usr/lib/$(DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH)/mesa-egl/ld.so.conf + + dh_installman -s + dh_lintian -s + dh_link -s + # Install bug control and script: + set -e; for p in $(allpkg); do \ + install -d debian/$$p/usr/share/bug/$$p && \ + install -m 644 debian/local/control debian/$$p/usr/share/bug/$$p && \ + install -m 755 debian/local/script debian/$$p/usr/share/bug/$$p; \ + done + set -e; for p in $(havedbgpkg); do \ + dh_strip -p$${p} --dbg-package=$${p}-dbg; \ + done + # dh_strip -s --remaining-packages doesn't work with resumed + # builds (see changelog for mesa 7.10-1): + dh_strip $(foreach p,$(nodbgpkg),-p$(p)) + dh_compress -s + dh_fixperms -s +ifeq (,$(filter sparc sparc64,$(DEB_HOST_ARCH))) + # Resolve EGL/GLES/OpenVG symbols in the private library path. + # Because there's no packaging problem so onerous that accomodating + # proprietary alternatives can't make more difficult… + ifneq (,$(filter $(DEB_HOST_ARCH),arm64)) + set -e ; for PACKAGE in \ + libegl1-mesa libgles1-mesa libgles2-mesa ; do \ + dh_makeshlibs -p$$PACKAGE -- -c4 \ + -edebian/$$PACKAGE/usr/lib/$(DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH)/mesa-egl/\* \ + ; done + dh_makeshlibs -s -Nlibopenvg1-mesa --remaining-packages -- -c4 + else + set -e ; for PACKAGE in \ + libegl1-mesa libgles1-mesa libgles2-mesa libopenvg1-mesa ; do \ + dh_makeshlibs -p$$PACKAGE -- -c4 \ + -edebian/$$PACKAGE/usr/lib/$(DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH)/mesa-egl/\* \ + ; done + dh_makeshlibs -s --remaining-packages -- -c4 + endif + +else + # Temporarily work around FTBFS on sparc, ignore new symbols: + dh_makeshlibs -s -- -c1 +endif + dh_installdeb -s + dh_shlibdeps -s -l/usr/lib/$(DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH)/mesa:\ +/usr/lib/$(DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH)/mesa-egl + dh_gencontrol -s + dh_md5sums -s + dh_builddeb -s -- -Zxz + +binary: binary-indep binary-arch +.PHONY: configs build clean binary-indep binary-arch binary install + +# For maintainer use only, generate a tarball: +gentarball: SOURCE=mesa +gentarball: UV=$(shell dpkg-parsechangelog|awk '/^Version:/ {print $$2}'|sed 's/-.*$$//') +gentarball: + git archive --format=tar upstream-experimental --prefix=$(SOURCE)-$(UV)/ | gzip -9 > ../$(SOURCE)_$(UV).orig.tar.gz --- mesa-9.1.4.orig/debian/libgles1-mesa.install.in +++ mesa-9.1.4/debian/libgles1-mesa.install.in @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +dri/usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}/libGLESv1_CM.so.1* usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}/mesa-egl --- mesa-9.1.4.orig/debian/libegl1-mesa-dev.links.in +++ mesa-9.1.4/debian/libegl1-mesa-dev.links.in @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +/usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}/mesa-egl/libEGL.so /usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}/libEGL.so +/usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}/mesa-egl/libwayland-egl.so /usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}/libwayland-egl.so --- mesa-9.1.4.orig/debian/libgles2-mesa.lintian-overrides +++ mesa-9.1.4/debian/libgles2-mesa.lintian-overrides @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +package-name-doesnt-match-sonames libGLESv2-2 --- mesa-9.1.4.orig/debian/libgles1-mesa.symbols +++ mesa-9.1.4/debian/libgles1-mesa.symbols @@ -0,0 +1,236 @@ +libGLESv1_CM.so.1 libgles1-mesa #MINVER# | libgles1 + glActiveTexture@Base 7.8.1 + glAlphaFunc@Base 7.8.1 + glAlphaFuncx@Base 7.8.1 + glAlphaFuncxOES@Base 7.8.1 + glBindBuffer@Base 7.8.1 + glBindFramebufferOES@Base 7.8.1 + glBindRenderbufferOES@Base 7.8.1 + glBindTexture@Base 7.8.1 + glBlendEquationOES@Base 7.8.1 + glBlendEquationSeparateOES@Base 7.8.1 + glBlendFunc@Base 7.8.1 + glBlendFuncSeparateOES@Base 7.8.1 + glBufferData@Base 7.8.1 + glBufferSubData@Base 7.8.1 + glCheckFramebufferStatusOES@Base 7.8.1 + glClear@Base 7.8.1 + glClearColor@Base 7.8.1 + glClearColorx@Base 7.8.1 + glClearColorxOES@Base 7.8.1 + glClearDepthf@Base 7.8.1 + glClearDepthfOES@Base 7.8.1 + glClearDepthx@Base 7.8.1 + glClearDepthxOES@Base 7.8.1 + glClearStencil@Base 7.8.1 + glClientActiveTexture@Base 7.8.1 + glClipPlanef@Base 7.8.1 + glClipPlanefOES@Base 7.8.1 + glClipPlanex@Base 7.8.1 + glClipPlanexOES@Base 7.8.1 + glColor4f@Base 7.8.1 + glColor4ub@Base 7.8.1 + glColor4x@Base 7.8.1 + glColor4xOES@Base 7.8.1 + glColorMask@Base 7.8.1 + glColorPointer@Base 7.8.1 + glCompressedTexImage2D@Base 7.8.1 + glCompressedTexSubImage2D@Base 7.8.1 + glCopyTexImage2D@Base 7.8.1 + glCopyTexSubImage2D@Base 7.8.1 + glCullFace@Base 7.8.1 + glDeleteBuffers@Base 7.8.1 + glDeleteFramebuffersOES@Base 7.8.1 + glDeleteRenderbuffersOES@Base 7.8.1 + glDeleteTextures@Base 7.8.1 + glDepthFunc@Base 7.8.1 + glDepthMask@Base 7.8.1 + glDepthRangef@Base 7.8.1 + glDepthRangefOES@Base 7.8.1 + glDepthRangex@Base 7.8.1 + glDepthRangexOES@Base 7.8.1 + glDisable@Base 7.8.1 + glDisableClientState@Base 7.8.1 + glDrawArrays@Base 7.8.1 + glDrawElements@Base 7.8.1 + glDrawTexfOES@Base 7.8.1 + glDrawTexfvOES@Base 7.8.1 + glDrawTexiOES@Base 7.8.1 + glDrawTexivOES@Base 7.8.1 + glDrawTexsOES@Base 7.8.1 + glDrawTexsvOES@Base 7.8.1 + glDrawTexxOES@Base 7.8.1 + glDrawTexxvOES@Base 7.8.1 + glEGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOES@Base 7.8.1 + glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOES@Base 7.8.1 + glEnable@Base 7.8.1 + glEnableClientState@Base 7.8.1 + glFinish@Base 7.8.1 + glFlush@Base 7.8.1 + glFlushMappedBufferRangeEXT@Base 9.1~ + glFogf@Base 7.8.1 + glFogfv@Base 7.8.1 + glFogx@Base 7.8.1 + glFogxOES@Base 7.8.1 + glFogxv@Base 7.8.1 + glFogxvOES@Base 7.8.1 + glFramebufferRenderbufferOES@Base 7.8.1 + glFramebufferTexture2DOES@Base 7.8.1 + glFrontFace@Base 7.8.1 + glFrustumf@Base 7.8.1 + glFrustumfOES@Base 7.8.1 + glFrustumx@Base 7.8.1 + glFrustumxOES@Base 7.8.1 + glGenBuffers@Base 7.8.1 + glGenFramebuffersOES@Base 7.8.1 + glGenRenderbuffersOES@Base 7.8.1 + glGenTextures@Base 7.8.1 + glGenerateMipmapOES@Base 7.8.1 + glGetBooleanv@Base 7.8.1 + glGetBufferParameteriv@Base 7.8.1 + glGetBufferPointervOES@Base 7.8.1 + glGetClipPlanef@Base 7.8.1 + glGetClipPlanefOES@Base 7.8.1 + glGetClipPlanex@Base 7.8.1 + glGetClipPlanexOES@Base 7.8.1 + glGetError@Base 7.8.1 + glGetFixedv@Base 7.8.1 + glGetFixedvOES@Base 7.8.1 + glGetFloatv@Base 7.8.1 + glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivOES@Base 7.8.1 + glGetIntegerv@Base 7.8.1 + glGetLightfv@Base 7.8.1 + glGetLightxv@Base 7.8.1 + glGetLightxvOES@Base 7.8.1 + glGetMaterialfv@Base 7.8.1 + glGetMaterialxv@Base 7.8.1 + glGetMaterialxvOES@Base 7.8.1 + glGetPointerv@Base 7.8.1 + glGetRenderbufferParameterivOES@Base 7.8.1 + glGetString@Base 7.8.1 + glGetTexEnvfv@Base 7.8.1 + glGetTexEnviv@Base 7.8.1 + glGetTexEnvxv@Base 7.8.1 + glGetTexEnvxvOES@Base 7.8.1 + glGetTexGenfvOES@Base 7.8.1 + glGetTexGenivOES@Base 7.8.1 + glGetTexGenxvOES@Base 7.8.1 + glGetTexParameterfv@Base 7.8.1 + glGetTexParameteriv@Base 7.8.1 + glGetTexParameterxv@Base 7.8.1 + glGetTexParameterxvOES@Base 7.8.1 + glHint@Base 7.8.1 + glIsBuffer@Base 7.8.1 + glIsEnabled@Base 7.8.1 + glIsFramebufferOES@Base 7.8.1 + glIsRenderbufferOES@Base 7.8.1 + glIsTexture@Base 7.8.1 + glLightModelf@Base 7.8.1 + glLightModelfv@Base 7.8.1 + glLightModelx@Base 7.8.1 + glLightModelxOES@Base 7.8.1 + glLightModelxv@Base 7.8.1 + glLightModelxvOES@Base 7.8.1 + glLightf@Base 7.8.1 + glLightfv@Base 7.8.1 + glLightx@Base 7.8.1 + glLightxOES@Base 7.8.1 + glLightxv@Base 7.8.1 + glLightxvOES@Base 7.8.1 + glLineWidth@Base 7.8.1 + glLineWidthx@Base 7.8.1 + glLineWidthxOES@Base 7.8.1 + glLoadIdentity@Base 7.8.1 + glLoadMatrixf@Base 7.8.1 + glLoadMatrixx@Base 7.8.1 + glLoadMatrixxOES@Base 7.8.1 + glLogicOp@Base 7.8.1 + glMapBufferOES@Base 7.8.1 + glMapBufferRangeEXT@Base 9.1~ + glMaterialf@Base 7.8.1 + glMaterialfv@Base 7.8.1 + glMaterialx@Base 7.8.1 + glMaterialxOES@Base 7.8.1 + glMaterialxv@Base 7.8.1 + glMaterialxvOES@Base 7.8.1 + glMatrixMode@Base 7.8.1 + glMultMatrixf@Base 7.8.1 + glMultMatrixx@Base 7.8.1 + glMultMatrixxOES@Base 7.8.1 + glMultiDrawArraysEXT@Base 7.8.1 + glMultiDrawElementsEXT@Base 7.8.1 + glMultiTexCoord4f@Base 7.8.1 + glMultiTexCoord4x@Base 7.8.1 + glMultiTexCoord4xOES@Base 7.8.1 + glNormal3f@Base 7.8.1 + glNormal3x@Base 7.8.1 + glNormal3xOES@Base 7.8.1 + glNormalPointer@Base 7.8.1 + glOrthof@Base 7.8.1 + glOrthofOES@Base 7.8.1 + glOrthox@Base 7.8.1 + glOrthoxOES@Base 7.8.1 + glPixelStorei@Base 7.8.1 + glPointParameterf@Base 7.8.1 + glPointParameterfv@Base 7.8.1 + glPointParameterx@Base 7.8.1 + glPointParameterxOES@Base 7.8.1 + glPointParameterxv@Base 7.8.1 + glPointParameterxvOES@Base 7.8.1 + glPointSize@Base 7.8.1 + glPointSizePointerOES@Base 7.8.1 + glPointSizex@Base 7.8.1 + glPointSizexOES@Base 7.8.1 + glPolygonOffset@Base 7.8.1 + glPolygonOffsetx@Base 7.8.1 + glPolygonOffsetxOES@Base 7.8.1 + glPopMatrix@Base 7.8.1 + glPushMatrix@Base 7.8.1 + glQueryMatrixxOES@Base 7.8.1 + glReadPixels@Base 7.8.1 + glRenderbufferStorageOES@Base 7.8.1 + glRotatef@Base 7.8.1 + glRotatex@Base 7.8.1 + glRotatexOES@Base 7.8.1 + glSampleCoverage@Base 7.8.1 + glSampleCoveragex@Base 7.8.1 + glSampleCoveragexOES@Base 7.8.1 + glScalef@Base 7.8.1 + glScalex@Base 7.8.1 + glScalexOES@Base 7.8.1 + glScissor@Base 7.8.1 + glShadeModel@Base 7.8.1 + glStencilFunc@Base 7.8.1 + glStencilMask@Base 7.8.1 + glStencilOp@Base 7.8.1 + glTexCoordPointer@Base 7.8.1 + glTexEnvf@Base 7.8.1 + glTexEnvfv@Base 7.8.1 + glTexEnvi@Base 7.8.1 + glTexEnviv@Base 7.8.1 + glTexEnvx@Base 7.8.1 + glTexEnvxOES@Base 7.8.1 + glTexEnvxv@Base 7.8.1 + glTexEnvxvOES@Base 7.8.1 + glTexGenfOES@Base 7.8.1 + glTexGenfvOES@Base 7.8.1 + glTexGeniOES@Base 7.8.1 + glTexGenivOES@Base 7.8.1 + glTexGenxOES@Base 7.8.1 + glTexGenxvOES@Base 7.8.1 + glTexImage2D@Base 7.8.1 + glTexParameterf@Base 7.8.1 + glTexParameterfv@Base 7.8.1 + glTexParameteri@Base 7.8.1 + glTexParameteriv@Base 7.8.1 + glTexParameterx@Base 7.8.1 + glTexParameterxOES@Base 7.8.1 + glTexParameterxv@Base 7.8.1 + glTexParameterxvOES@Base 7.8.1 + glTexSubImage2D@Base 7.8.1 + glTranslatef@Base 7.8.1 + glTranslatex@Base 7.8.1 + glTranslatexOES@Base 7.8.1 + glUnmapBufferOES@Base 7.8.1 + glVertexPointer@Base 7.8.1 + glViewport@Base 7.8.1 --- mesa-9.1.4.orig/debian/libgl1-mesa-dri.lintian-overrides +++ mesa-9.1.4/debian/libgl1-mesa-dri.lintian-overrides @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +# virtual packages only: +breaks-without-version libgl1-mesa-glx-no-multiarch +breaks-without-version xserver-xorg-core-no-multiarch --- mesa-9.1.4.orig/debian/copyright +++ mesa-9.1.4/debian/copyright @@ -0,0 +1,196 @@ +This package was debianized by James A. Treacy treacy@debian.org on Thu, +6 Jan 2000 01:11:34 -0500. It was newly debianized by Marcelo E. +Magallon on Sat, 25 Dec 2004 14:50:02 -0600. It was +again debianized by Thierry Reding on Sat, 14 Oct 2006 +02:01:12 +0200. + +It was downloaded from http://www.mesa3d.org/download.html + +For more information see: + + http://www.mesa3d.org/ + +The tarball was built by combining MesaLib and MesaDemos tarballs, and +deleting the progs/objviewer/ directory. + +Copyright: + +Upstream Author: Brian Paul + +License: + + License / Copyright Information + + The Mesa distribution consists of several components. Different + copyrights and licenses apply to different components. For + example, GLUT is copyrighted by Mark Kilgard, some demo programs + are copyrighted by SGI, some of the Mesa device drivers are + copyrighted by their authors. See below for a list of Mesa's + components and the copyright/license for each. + + The core Mesa library is licensed according to the terms of the + XFree86 copyright (an MIT-style license). This allows integration + with the XFree86/DRI project. Unless otherwise stated, the Mesa + source code and documentation is licensed as follows: + + Copyright (C) 1999-2003 Brian Paul All Rights Reserved. + + Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a + copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), + to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation + the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, + and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the + Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + + The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included + in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. + + THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS + OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, + FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL + BRIAN PAUL BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN + AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN + CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. + + Attention, Contributors + + When contributing to the Mesa project you must agree to relinquish + your work to the holder of the copyright for the particular + component you're contributing to. That is, you can't put your own + copyright on the code, unless it's a modular piece that can be + omitted from Mesa (like a new device driver). If for example, you + contribute a bug fix to Mesa's texture mapping code, your code + will become a part of the body of work which is copyrighted by + Brian Paul and licensed by the above terms. + +---------------------------------------------------------------------- + +Some files, as listed below, are made available under the SGI Free B +license. This license is as follows: + +SGI FREE SOFTWARE LICENSE B (Version 2.0, Sept. 18, 2008) + +Copyright (C) [dates of first publication] Silicon Graphics, Inc. All Rights +Reserved. + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of +this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in +the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to +use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies +of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do +so, subject to the following conditions: +The above copyright notice including the dates of first publication and either +this permission notice or a reference to http://oss.sgi.com/projects/FreeB/ +shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, +EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES +OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND +NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL SILICON GRAPHICS, INC. BE +LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN +ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR +IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS +IN THE SOFTWARE. +Except as contained in this notice, the name of Silicon Graphics, Inc. shall +not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other +dealings in this Software without prior written authorization from Silicon +Graphics, Inc. + +-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +Some other files listed below are made available from Silicon Graphics, +Inc. under a more liberal, MIT-style license, as follows: + + Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for + any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above + copyright notice appear in all copies and that both the copyright notice + and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that + the name of Silicon Graphics, Inc. not be used in advertising + or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific, + written prior permission. + + THE MATERIAL EMBODIED ON THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED TO YOU "AS-IS" + AND WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE + INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR + FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL SILICON + GRAPHICS, INC. BE LIABLE TO YOU OR ANYONE ELSE FOR ANY DIRECT, + SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY + KIND, OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, + LOSS OF PROFIT, LOSS OF USE, SAVINGS OR REVENUE, OR THE CLAIMS OF + THIRD PARTIES, WHETHER OR NOT SILICON GRAPHICS, INC. HAS BEEN + ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH LOSS, HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON + ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE + POSSESSION, USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. + + US Government Users Restricted Rights + Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to + restrictions set forth in FAR 52.227.19(c)(2) or subparagraph + (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software + clause at DFARS 252.227-7013 and/or in similar or successor + clauses in the FAR or the DOD or NASA FAR Supplement. + Unpublished-- rights reserved under the copyright laws of the + United States. Contractor/manufacturer is Silicon Graphics, + Inc., 2011 N. Shoreline Blvd., Mountain View, CA 94039-7311. + +-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + Mesa Component Licenses: + + Component Files Primary Author License + ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- + core Mesa code src/*.[ch] Brian Paul Mesa + include/GL/gl.h + + GLX driver src/X/* Brian Paul Mesa + include/GL/glx.h + include/GL/xmesa.h + + OS/Mesa driver src/OSmesa/* Brian Paul Mesa + include/GL/osmesa.h + + 3Dfx driver src/FX/* David Bucciarelli Mesa + include/GL/fxmesa.h + + BeOS R4 driver mesa/drivers/beos/ Brian Paul Mesa + + MGL driver include/GL/mglmesa.h SciTech, Inc GNU LGPL + + Windows driver mesa/drivers/windows/ Li Wei GNU LGPL + include/GL/wmesa.h + + SVGA driver mesa/drivers/svga/ Brian Paul GNU LGPL + include/GL/svgamesa.h + + DOS driver mesa/drivers/dos/ Charlie Wallace GNU LGPL + include/GL/dosmesa.h + + GGI driver mesa/drivers/ggi/ Uwe Maurer GNU LGPL + include/GL/ggimesa.h + + GLUT src/glut/* Mark Kilgard Mark's copyright + include/GL/*glut*.h + + GLU library src/glu/* Brian Paul GNU LGPL + + SGI GLU library src/glu/sgi/* SGI SGI Free B + include/GL/glu.h + + Ext registry include/GL/glext.h SGI SGI Free B + include/GL/glxext.h + + demo programs progs/demos/* various see source files + + X demos progs/xdemos/* Brian Paul see source files + + SGI demos progs/samples/* SGI SGI MIT-style + + RedBook demos progs/redbook/* SGI SGI MIT-style + + +On Debian systems the full text of the GNU LGPL license is found in +/usr/share/common-licenses/LGPL. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + +The Debian packaging is (C) 2006, Thierry Reding and +is licensed under the GPL, see `/usr/share/common-licenses/GPL'. + --- mesa-9.1.4.orig/debian/libgbm1.symbols +++ mesa-9.1.4/debian/libgbm1.symbols @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +libgbm.so.1 libgbm1 #MINVER# + _gbm_create_device@Base 8.1~0 + _gbm_fd_get_device_name@Base 7.11~1 + _gbm_log@Base 7.11~1 + _gbm_mesa_get_device@Base 7.11~1 + _gbm_udev_device_new_from_fd@Base 7.11~1 + devices@Base 8.1~0 + dri2_loader_extension@Base 8.1~0 + dri_fd_get_driver_name@Base 8.1~0 + gbm_bo_create@Base 7.11~1 +#MISSING: 8.1~0 gbm_bo_create_from_egl_image@Base 7.11~1 + gbm_bo_destroy@Base 7.11~1 + gbm_bo_get_device@Base 8.1~0 + gbm_bo_get_format@Base 8.1~0 + gbm_bo_get_handle@Base 7.11~1 + gbm_bo_get_height@Base 7.11~1 +#MISSING: 8.1~0 gbm_bo_get_pitch@Base 7.11~1 + gbm_bo_get_stride@Base 8.1~0 + gbm_bo_get_user_data@Base 8.1~0 + gbm_bo_get_width@Base 7.11~1 + gbm_bo_import@Base 8.1~0 + gbm_bo_set_user_data@Base 8.1~0 + gbm_bo_write@Base 8.1~0 + gbm_create_device@Base 7.11~1 + gbm_device_destroy@Base 7.11~1 + gbm_device_get_backend_name@Base 7.11~1 + gbm_device_get_fd@Base 7.11~1 + gbm_device_is_format_supported@Base 8.1~0 + gbm_dri_backend@Base 8.1~0 + gbm_surface_create@Base 8.1~0 + gbm_surface_destroy@Base 8.1~0 + gbm_surface_has_free_buffers@Base 8.1~0 + gbm_surface_lock_front_buffer@Base 8.1~0 + gbm_surface_release_buffer@Base 8.1~0 --- mesa-9.1.4.orig/debian/changelog +++ mesa-9.1.4/debian/changelog @@ -0,0 +1,2672 @@ +mesa (9.1.4-0ubuntu6) saucy; urgency=low + + * Add Mir EGL platform + + -- Christopher James Halse Rogers Fri, 02 Aug 2013 13:30:23 +1000 + +mesa (9.1.4-0ubuntu5) saucy; urgency=low + + * Fix the build on Aarch64, disabling most of the acceleration + packages. + + -- Matthias Klose Mon, 22 Jul 2013 14:29:24 +0200 + +mesa (9.1.4-0ubuntu4) saucy; urgency=low + + * Fix build on Aarch64. + * debian/rules: Split out a configure target to be able to restart + builds. + + -- Matthias Klose Sun, 21 Jul 2013 13:43:45 +0200 + +mesa (9.1.4-0ubuntu3) saucy; urgency=low + + * Add fix-os-mesa-exports.diff from upstream. (LP: #1066599) + + -- Maarten Lankhorst Tue, 16 Jul 2013 11:29:32 +0200 + +mesa (9.1.4-0ubuntu2) saucy; urgency=low + + * control, rules: Again, add llvm-3.2-dev to build-depends for + powerpc, enable gallium llvm and shared libs (FTBFS). + + -- Timo Aaltonen Tue, 02 Jul 2013 15:26:47 +0300 + +mesa (9.1.4-0ubuntu1) saucy; urgency=low + + * Merge from unreleased debian git, remaining changes: + - don't build libgl1-mesa-swx11* + - use alternatives for libEGL, libGL*, libOpenVG + - build a common libgallium library to save disk space + - clean up extra po files + * Drop patches now upstream. + * Update revert-a64c1eb9b110.diff. + + -- Timo Aaltonen Tue, 02 Jul 2013 10:06:51 +0300 + +mesa (9.1.4-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=low + + [ Julien Cristau ] + * Don't call wayland_buffer_is_drm from libgbm, it's in libEGL + (closes: #712556). + * Make sure libgbm doesn't have undefined symbols. + + [ Andreas Boll ] + * Use dpkg-buildflags. + * Disable silent rules. + * Cherry-pick commit 0829b89 (mesa: Fix ieee fp on Alpha) from upstream + (Fixes FTBFS on alpha) + + [ Timo Aaltonen ] + * New upstream release. + + -- Julien Cristau Tue, 25 Jun 2013 21:26:56 +0200 + +mesa (9.1.3-6) unstable; urgency=low + + * Team upload. + + * debian/libegl1-mesa.symbols: + + More kfreebsd build fixes. Mark some symbols as linux-any. + + -- Emilio Pozuelo Monfort Fri, 07 Jun 2013 20:27:55 +0200 + +mesa (9.1.3-5) unstable; urgency=low + + * Team upload. + + [ Andreas Boll ] + * debian: Don't install libllvmradeon*.so on kfreebsd-*, fixes FTBFS. + + [ Emilio Pozuelo Monfort ] + * Upload to unstable. + + -- Emilio Pozuelo Monfort Fri, 07 Jun 2013 14:12:43 +0200 + +mesa (9.1.3-4) unstable; urgency=low + + * Team upload. + + [ Andreas Boll ] + * debian: Fix another kfreebsd-* FTBFS with adding libgl1-mesa- + dri.install.kfreebsd.in, where we don't install gallium-pipe/*.so + + [ Emilio Pozuelo Monfort ] + * Release to unstable. + + -- Emilio Pozuelo Monfort Fri, 07 Jun 2013 00:50:34 +0200 + +mesa (9.1.3-3) experimental; urgency=low + + [ Andreas Boll ] + * debian/not-installed: Remove /etc/drirc, it's shipped since 8.0.5-1. + Fixes build on hurd. + * debian: Fix build regression on !hurd. + Fix it with libgl1-mesa-dri.install.hurd.in, where we don't install drirc. + * Cherry-pick commit 7de78ce5, 07f2dee and 9622049 from upstream + (Fixes FTBFS on kfreebsd-*) + - configure.ac: Remove redundant checks of enable_dri. + - configure.ac: Build dricommon for DRI gallium drivers + - configure.ac: Build dricommon for gallium swrast + * Memory corruption (OOB read/write) in i965 driver [CVE-2013-1872] + + [ Julien Cristau ] + * Build i915 and i965 on kfreebsd. + + -- Cyril Brulebois Thu, 06 Jun 2013 10:29:15 +0200 + +mesa (9.1.3-2) experimental; urgency=low + + * Team upload. + + [ Julien Cristau ] + * Fix build of swrast only without libdrm, causing build failure on hurd + (cherry-picked from upstream). Thanks, Andreas Boll! + + [ Andreas Boll ] + * debian/not-installed: Remove glut headers + * debian/patches: Drop 05_kfreebsd-egl-x11.diff, fixed by eglibc (2.17-4) + * debian/rules: Use rm -f instead of rm for deleting libdricore*.so, fixes + build failure on kfreebsd-*. + * glapi: Add some missing static_dispatch=false annotations to + es_EXT.xml. Fixes FTBFS on powerpc and ia64 (cherry-picked from + upstream). + + [ Emilio Pozuelo Monfort ] + * Release to experimental. + + -- Emilio Pozuelo Monfort Mon, 03 Jun 2013 15:25:19 +0200 + +mesa (9.1.3-1) experimental; urgency=low + + * Team upload. + * New upstream release. + - Set close on exec flag when opening dri devices (Closes: #651370). + - Don't emit a .note.ABI-tag section anymore (Closes: #628758). + + [ Timo Aaltonen ] + * Refresh patches + - disable 05_kfreebsd-egl-x11.diff for now. + * control: Added libtool to build-depends. + * rules: Drop special handling of config.{guess,sub}, not needed anymore. + * rules, libosmesa*: Build only the 32bit OSMesa library. + * control: Bump libdrm build-dep to 2.4.39. + * control: Bump libwayland-dev build-dep to 0.95. + * rules: Update the clean target. + * rules: Add --disable-shared-glapi to the swx11 targets. + * libosmesa*.install.in: Install files from the correct path. + * rules: --with-driver= is deprecated, use --enable-foo. + * rules: Purge .la files before dh_install. + * Update symbols. + * libgl1-mesa-dri.install*.in: Add libdricore. + * control: Add new dependencies to libgl1-mesa-dev. + * rules, libgl1-mesa-dri.install.linux.in: Add support for radeonsi. + * rules: Build llvm shared libs on platforms that support llvm. + * control, rules, libglu*: Remove libglu packaging, since it's been split + off upstream. + * rules: Disable dri for the swx11 targets. + * not-installed: Updated. + * Update symbols for libgles2-mesa and libxatracker1. + * libegl1-mesa-drivers.install.linux: Bump libwayland-egl.so version + * control: Add libdrm-dev to mesa-common-dev Depends. + * control: Build-depend on llvm-3.2-dev (Closes: #678822). + * libgl1-mesa-dri.install.in: Include gallium-pipe/*.so and libllvmradeon*.so. + * rules: Add files to clean. + * control: Add libxcb-dri2-0-dev to libgl1-mesa-dev depends. + + [ Steve Langasek ] + * Install all dri drivers from the DESTDIR tree, instead of copying them + from the build tree; this simplifies the install rules since we know + already that we're only building drivers that we want to ship, and + avoids rpath problems with libtool linking to in-tree convenience + libraries. + * debian/rules: don't install libdricore*.so, this isn't a public library. + * Add Pre-Depends on multiarch-support to libgl1-mesa-dri, since we're + shipping a shared library in the package; not an issue in practice since + this is all post-wheezy / post-precise, but it's an archive reject error + in Debian right now so let's just be complete. + + [ Maarten Lankhorst ] + * Bump standards-version to 3.9.3. + * control: Bump libwayland-dev build-dep to 1.0.2. + * Remove 13-llvm-config-pick-a-version.diff and just pass a flag to configure. + + [ Robert Hooker ] + * Drop xutils-dev build dep, makedepend is no longer required + * Recommend libtxc-dxtn0 in libgl1-mesa-dri for easier use with multiarch + installs (Closes: #668645). + * Drop 02_use-ieee-fp-on-s390-and-m68k.patch, upstream in 9.1.2. + * Drop 10-hurd-configure-tweaks.diff, upstream in 9.1.2. + + [ Sven Joachim ] + * Bump libdrm-dev build-dependency to 2.4.42. + + [ Rico Tzschichholz ] + * Update packaging mesa packaging with xorg-edgers + + [ Emilio Pozuelo Monfort ] + * integer overflows calculating memory needs for replies [CVE-2013-1993] + * Bump llvm-3.2-dev build dependency to 1:3.2repack-7~ for a fixed + llvm-config-3.2 --libdir, otherwise configure fails. + + -- Emilio Pozuelo Monfort Tue, 28 May 2013 21:15:55 +0200 + +mesa (9.1.3-0ubuntu3) saucy; urgency=low + + * Added patches to add/fix Haswell pci-id's (LP: #1175533) + - add-vlv-ids.diff + - fix-hsw-gt3-names.diff + - fix-missing-gt3-id.diff + - add-more-reserved-hsw-ids.diff + + -- Maarten Lankhorst Wed, 19 Jun 2013 14:16:47 +0200 + +mesa (9.1.3-0ubuntu2) saucy; urgency=low + + * Add back a patch that reverts a change which made blur slow on i915, + add two other reverts so the big one applies cleanly. (LP: #1187500) + + -- Timo Aaltonen Fri, 07 Jun 2013 15:11:32 +0300 + +mesa (9.1.3-0ubuntu1) saucy; urgency=low + + [ Robert Hooker ] + * New upstream bug-fix release. + * Drop upstream patches: + - 0001-nv50-fix-3D-render-target-setup.patch + - 0002-nv50-nvc0-disable-DEPTH_RANGE_NEAR-FAR-clipping-duri.patch + - 0003-nv50-nvc0-fix-3d-blits-restore-viewport-after-blit.patch + - 0004-nvc0-fix-for-2d-engine-R-source-formats-writing-RRR1.patch + - 100_no_abi_tag.patch + - 119-libllvmradeon-link.patch + - vbo-fix-crash.diff + * debian/patches/117-static-gallium.patch: Refresh for minor change + in 9.1.2 + + -- Maarten Lankhorst Thu, 23 May 2013 10:06:41 +0200 + +mesa (9.1.1-0ubuntu3) raring; urgency=low + + * Hide x86sse symbols on i386, preventing conflicts. (LP: #1170074) + - 120-hide-x86sse.patch + + -- Maarten Lankhorst Thu, 18 Apr 2013 12:27:32 +0200 + +mesa (9.1.1-0ubuntu2) raring; urgency=low + + * control, rules: Add llvm-3.2-dev to build-depends for powerpc, enable + gallium llvm and shared libs (FTBFS). + + -- Timo Aaltonen Wed, 17 Apr 2013 01:42:38 -0600 + +mesa (9.1.1-0ubuntu1) raring; urgency=low + + [ Timo Aaltonen ] + * Merge from unreleased debian git + - new upstream release (LP: #1112147, #1164093) + * Revert a commit to fix slow blur on intel. + * vbo-fix-crash.diff: Patch from the stable tree that fixes a crasher + with shared display lists. + + [ Maarten Lankhorst ] + * Add some more patches to fix image copy regressions on nouveau. + + -- Timo Aaltonen Tue, 16 Apr 2013 15:35:32 +0300 + +mesa (9.1~git20130207.f1c46c84-0ubuntu1) UNRELEASED; urgency=low + + [ Timo Aaltonen ] + * Merge from unreleased debian git. + * Refresh patches. + + [ Robert Hooker ] + * Drop ubuntu specific libtxc-dxtn-s2tc0 recommends from libgl1-mesa-glx, + libgl1-mesa-dri now recommends libtxc-dxtn0. + + -- Timo Aaltonen Thu, 07 Feb 2013 18:09:58 +0200 + +mesa (9.0.3-0ubuntu1) raring; urgency=low + + * New upstream release. (LP: #1134466) + + -- Maarten Lankhorst Thu, 14 Mar 2013 12:18:29 +0100 + +mesa (9.0.2-0ubuntu1) raring; urgency=low + + * New upstream release. + * Decrease size of mesa's libgl1-mesa-dri again + - re-enable 117-static-gallium.patch + - add 118-dricore-gallium.patch to link against libdricore again + + -- Maarten Lankhorst Tue, 22 Jan 2013 11:54:09 +0100 + +mesa (9.0.1-0ubuntu1) raring; urgency=low + + * Merge from unreleased debian git. + - release 9.0.1 + * add 118-automake-ldrm.patch to ease backport to precise + - upstream commit, targeted for 9.0.2 + + -- Maarten Lankhorst Mon, 19 Nov 2012 12:03:50 +0100 + +mesa (9.0-0ubuntu2) raring; urgency=low + + * patches/118-wayland-0.99.diff: Upstream port to wayland 0.99 API + * patches/119-wayland-no-0.85.diff: Drop wayland 0.85 defines + * patches/120-wayland-no-egl-pixmap.diff: Drop wl_egl_pixmap usage + * debian/control: Adjust build-depends to match the above patches + + -- Adam Conrad Sun, 18 Nov 2012 02:52:31 +0000 + +mesa (9.0-0ubuntu1) quantal; urgency=low + + * Merge from unreleased debian git. + - final 9.0 release. + * rules: Don't try building gallium swrast for arm, since it doesn't + work and wasn't actually built anyway. + + -- Timo Aaltonen Tue, 09 Oct 2012 15:55:51 +0300 + +mesa (9.0~git20121004.b2048c5e-0ubuntu1) quantal; urgency=low + + * Merge from unreleased debian git. + - new snapshot leading to final 9.0. + * Drop patch 118, obsolete. + + -- Timo Aaltonen Wed, 03 Oct 2012 18:23:24 +0300 + +mesa (9.0~git20120917.7cfd42ce-0ubuntu3) quantal; urgency=low + + * Add 118-undefined-symbols.patch, fixing libglapi and libosmesa + missing symbols. (LP: #1053088) + + -- Timo Aaltonen Thu, 20 Sep 2012 13:25:46 +0300 + +mesa (9.0~git20120917.7cfd42ce-0ubuntu2) quantal; urgency=low + + * Add Recommends on libtxc-dxtn-s2tc0, required by Bastion, Psychonauts, + Amnesia and other games on Intel graphics. This package provides + patent-free s3tc texture support. + (LP: #1053029) + + -- Bryce Harrington Tue, 18 Sep 2012 21:17:11 -0700 + +mesa (9.0~git20120917.7cfd42ce-0ubuntu1) quantal; urgency=low + + * Merge from unreleased debian git. (LP: #1047306) + + -- Timo Aaltonen Mon, 17 Sep 2012 13:24:35 +0300 + +mesa (9.0~git20120903.e1673d20-0ubuntu1) quantal; urgency=low + + * Merge from unreleased debian git. + * Remove 118-remove-assertion.diff, included upstream. + + -- Timo Aaltonen Thu, 06 Sep 2012 18:09:56 +0300 + +mesa (9.0~git20120821.c1114c61-0ubuntu2) quantal; urgency=low + + * Added 118-remove-assertion.diff from upstream (LP: #1042293). + + -- Timo Aaltonen Mon, 27 Aug 2012 21:12:44 +0300 + +mesa (9.0~git20120821.c1114c61-0ubuntu1) quantal; urgency=low + + * Merge from unreleased debian git. + - Includes support for ATI Trinity PCI IDs (LP: #1009089) + * rules, control, libgl1-mesa-swx11*: Remove swx11 support. + * Refresh patches: + - drop 115_llvm_dynamic_linking.diff, + 117_nullptr_check_in_query_version.patch, and + 118_glsl_initialize_samplers.patch, all upstream + - disable 116_use_shared_galliumcore.diff until it's reviewed and + reworked to apply + * not-installed, libegl1-mesa-drivers-install.linux.in: Updated to + match the single-pass build. + * libgl1-mesa-dri.*install.in: Drop libglsl.so, it's included in + libdricore.so now. + * rules: Don't disable GLU on the common flags, we need to build it + on the dri target. + * libglu*install.in: Fix the source file paths to match the build target. + Drop the static lib from -dev since only shared libs get built. + * libgl1-mesa-dev.install.in: Fix the source file paths to match the + build target. + * libgl1-mesa-dri.install.linux.in: Don't try to install libgallium.so, + which isn't built yet. + * rules: Enable llvmpipe on armhf to see if it works or not. + * rules: Remove bin/install-sh on clean, and don't create a symlink for + it. + * control: Add Pre-Depends on dpkg-dev due to the binaries using xz + compression. + + -- Timo Aaltonen Thu, 23 Aug 2012 15:37:30 +0300 + +mesa (8.0.5-4) unstable; urgency=low + + * Cherry-pick commit 17f1cb1d99 (dri/nouveau: fix crash in + nouveau_flush) from upstream master branch. + + -- Sven Joachim Wed, 13 Mar 2013 17:52:18 +0100 + +mesa (8.0.5-3) unstable; urgency=high + + * mesa: add bounds checking for uniform array access (CVE-2012-5129). + + -- Julien Cristau Thu, 06 Dec 2012 10:20:40 +0100 + +mesa (8.0.5-2) unstable; urgency=low + + * Fix regression in 8.0.5 (spurious GL_INVALID_ENUM errors): + mesa: test for GL_EXT_framebuffer_sRGB in glPopAttrib(). + Thanks to Simon Chopin for the report. + + -- Julien Cristau Wed, 28 Nov 2012 22:09:14 +0100 + +mesa (8.0.5-1) unstable; urgency=low + + * New upstream stable release + * Pull a couple more fixes from upstream's 8.0 branch, including: + - nvfx: handle some unknown PIPE_CAPs (closes: 674965) + * Install drirc in libgl1-mesa-dri package with some settings for i965 + (closes: #671747). + + -- Julien Cristau Sun, 04 Nov 2012 16:55:17 +0100 + +mesa (8.0.4-2) unstable; urgency=high + + * Use xz for all binary packages not just *-dbg. + * glsl/linker: Avoid buffer over-run in + parcel_out_uniform_storage::visit_field (CVE-2012-2864; closes: #685667). + + -- Julien Cristau Fri, 24 Aug 2012 00:09:47 +0200 + +mesa (8.0.4-1) unstable; urgency=low + + [ Sven Joachim ] + * New upstream stable release (Closes: #682703). + * Cherry-pick commit fbf86c7f0f (i965/gen7: Reduce GT1 WM thread count + according to updated BSpec.) from upstream. + + -- Cyril Brulebois Sun, 29 Jul 2012 13:17:06 +0200 + +mesa (8.0.3-1) unstable; urgency=low + + [ Robert Hooker ] + * New upstream stable release (Closes: #673532) + * Refresh patches. + + -- Cyril Brulebois Wed, 13 Jun 2012 14:58:54 +0200 + +mesa (8.0.2-2) unstable; urgency=low + + * Upload to unstable. + + -- Cyril Brulebois Tue, 01 May 2012 21:42:35 +0200 + +mesa (8.0.2-1) experimental; urgency=low + + [ Timo Aaltonen ] + * New upstream bugfix release. (LP: #926379) + * control: libegl1-mesa-dev should depend on -drivers so that the + symlinks work. + + [ Robert Hooker ] + * Add libudev-dev to libgbm-dev dependencies. + + -- Cyril Brulebois Sun, 29 Apr 2012 15:51:10 +0200 + +mesa (8.0-2) experimental; urgency=low + + [ Julien Cristau ] + * Only build the radeon, r200, i915 and i965 dri drivers on Linux. They + require KMS. + + [ Cyril Brulebois ] + * Fix FTBFS on GNU/kFreeBSD with libgl1-mesa-dri.install.kfreebsd.in: + there's no *_dri.so file left in the top directory, only swrast is + built and shipped under gallium/. So mention it explicitly, in the + same way as it is done in the libgl1-mesa-dri.install.linux.in file. + * Enable wayland support again, but only on Linux. Wayland needs some + porting (it uses *CLOEXEC flags and epoll). For that, add those files + since EGL packages are also shipped on GNU/kFreeBSD, and we need to + add a few files for Wayland, but only for Linux: + - libegl1-mesa-dev.install.linux.in + - libegl1-mesa-drivers.install.linux.in + * Limit the wl_drm_interface symbol to arch=linux-any accordingly, + and bump the version. + * Limit the build-dependency on libwayland-dev to linux-any too, and + bump it. + * Automatically revert changes to bin/{config.{guess,sub},install-sh} in + the clean target. The first two are modified, the last one needs to be + turned back into a symlink. + + -- Cyril Brulebois Tue, 14 Feb 2012 16:18:14 +0100 + +mesa (8.0-1) experimental; urgency=low + + [ Cyril Brulebois ] + * New upstream release. + * Disable patch temporarily (needs a refresh): + - 11-hurd-ftbfs-again.diff + * Drop patch, no longer needed since swrastg was renamed to swrast: + - 14-load-swrastg-before-swrast.diff + * Update rules file to strop building DRI1 drivers, they went away + with the following upstream commit: + - dri: Remove all DRI1 drivers (e4344161bd). + * Update not-installed for removed files. + * Stop trying to ship swrastg through libgl1-mesa-dri-experimental, + it replaced the non-gallium variant. + + [ Timo Aaltonen ] + * Refresh patches. + * control: Add libxcb-glx0-dev to build-depends. + * control: Drop libglw1-mesa, libglw1-mesa-dev, glw got moved to a + separate source package. + * libegl-mesa.symbols, libgles2-mesa.symbols: Add new symbols. + * rules: Drop obsolete configure options. + * Enable vmwgfx gallium driver & xatracker. (Closes: #652501). + * Build llvmpipe swrast only on non-hurd x86, traditional for the + rest. + * rules: No need to copy nouveau_vieux to the gallium dir, it's + installed in libgl1-mesa-dri now. + * rules: Handle installing r300_dri.so like other gallium drivers, + in libgl1-mesa-dri.install.linux.in. + + [ Robert Hooker ] + * Bump libdrm build dep to 2.4.30, x11proto-gl-dev to 1.4.14, and + x11proto-dri2-dev to 2.6. + * Add libxatracker packaging. + * Add libxcb-glx0-dev to libegl1-mesa-dev depends. + + [ Christopher James Halse Rogers ] + * debian/control: Add libx11-xcb-dev to libegl1-mesa-dev depends. + + -- Cyril Brulebois Fri, 10 Feb 2012 14:02:04 +0100 + +mesa (7.11.2-1) unstable; urgency=low + + * New upstream release: + - Fix a few intel bugs. + + -- Cyril Brulebois Sun, 11 Dec 2011 15:43:40 +0100 + +mesa (7.11.1-1) unstable; urgency=low + + [ Sven Joachim ] + * New upstream release. + * Move the Nouveau drivers to the libgl1-mesa-dri package + (Closes: #645239). + * Install the swrastg driver in the libgl1-mesa-dri-experimental package + (Closes: #605444). + - New patch 14-load-swrastg-before-swrast.diff to prefer swrastg over + swrast. + - Build-depend on llvm-2.9-dev also on kfreebsd-{amd64,i386}. + + -- Cyril Brulebois Sun, 27 Nov 2011 18:54:24 +0100 + +mesa (7.11-6) unstable; urgency=low + + [ Julien Cristau ] + * Inline what's left of debian/scripts/choose-configs in debian/rules. + * Enable texture-float for dri (closes: #635651). + * Update from upstream's 7.11 branch (commit e7794048) + * Merge changes from 7.10.3-4, including: + - Fix comments in libegl1-mesa.symbols to avoid impending FTBFS with the + upcoming dpkg-dev 1.16.1 (closes: #642690) + + [ Cyril Brulebois ] + * Document the symlink dance in README.source. + + -- Cyril Brulebois Sat, 24 Sep 2011 20:32:55 +0200 + +mesa (7.11-5) unstable; urgency=low + + * Merge patch from Pino Tiscano (thanks!): + - Use hurd-any instead of: hurd-i386 (“wildcard archs are free”). + - Use any-i386 instead of: i386 kfreebsd-i386 hurd-i386. + - Rewrite a check in debian/rules to follow the same logic. + - Switch libgbm1-dbg to arch: linux-any. This fixes uninstallability + on kfreebsd-* by getting rid of this package there. + - Switch libglapi-mesa{,-dbg} arch: any. This fixes the FTBFS on + hurd-i386^Wany. + + -- Cyril Brulebois Sun, 28 Aug 2011 19:07:48 +0200 + +mesa (7.11-4) unstable; urgency=low + + * Use xz compression for dbg packages. + * Simplify dh_strip calls a bit using make variables. + * libgbm-dev is also linux-only, not just libgbm1. + + -- Julien Cristau Sat, 27 Aug 2011 12:02:42 +0200 + +mesa (7.11-3) unstable; urgency=low + + * Don't build libgbm on kfreebsd, it needs KMS/udev. + * Build/ship r300g on all Linux architectures, not just x86. + + -- Julien Cristau Fri, 26 Aug 2011 11:04:45 +0200 + +mesa (7.11-2) unstable; urgency=low + + * Work around the lack of O_CLOEXEC on kfreebsd, fix FTBFS. + * Don't crash on BadRequest from DRI2Connect, just fall back to sw or + indirect. + + -- Julien Cristau Thu, 25 Aug 2011 23:13:35 +0200 + +mesa (7.11-1) unstable; urgency=low + + [ Christopher James Halse Rogers ] + * New upstream release. + - Fix regression from 7.10, missing characters in text display with + intel drivers (Closes: #631516). Thanks to Martin Steigerwald for + the report and the tests. + * Temporarily disable Wayland EGL backend as it requires a newer + libwayland-dev + * Update rules for configure changes + * debian/lib{egl1,openvg1}-mesa.install.in: + * debian/libegl1-mesa-drivers.install.in: + - Stop trying to install st_{GL,OpenVG} and pipe_* + as they are all now built in to egl_gallium.so + * Add libgbm{1,1-dbg,-dev} packages for the new buffer-manager library. + * Drop 12-llvm-config-check.diff; upstream. + * Refresh 13-llvm-config-pick-a-version.diff for new upstream. + * Add strictly versioned dependencies on libglapi-mesa to libgl1-mesa-glx + and libegl1-mesa-drivers as they also now depend on this internal library. + * debian/rules: + * debian/libgl1-mesa-dri.install.linux.in: + - Manually install r300g only when we actually build it. Fixes build on + non-i386, non-amd64 linux. + + [ Julien Cristau ] + * Don't use dh_testroot in clean. + + -- Julien Cristau Thu, 25 Aug 2011 00:15:27 +0200 + +mesa (7.11~0-2) experimental; urgency=low + + * Thank you sbuild for giving a green light when that's not actually the + case. Fix missing Pre-Depends for the libegl1-mesa-drivers package + (multiarch-support). + + -- Cyril Brulebois Sun, 19 Jun 2011 21:26:00 +0200 + +mesa (7.11~0-1) experimental; urgency=low + + * New upstream snapshot, from the master branch (up to 2fe39b46e7). + * Drop 05_hurd-ftbfs.diff, merged upstream (as 758561786c). + * Refresh 06_kfreebsd-ftbfs.diff (due to 8fd8de3995). + * Refresh 08-kfreebsd-gallium.diff (adjust offsets). + * Add 10-hurd-configure-tweaks.diff to enable x86 assembler on Hurd, + thanks to Pino Toscano. + * Refresh 11-hurd-ftbfs-again.diff (adjust offsets and drop the + src/gallium/auxiliary/os/os_time.c hunk, which should be OK since + PIPE_OS_UNIX is used there, and should happily replace the use of + PIPE_OS_HURD; and adapt for the removal of the PIPE_OS_EMBEDDED check). + * debian/libegl1-mesa.install.in: Stop trying to install egl_dri2.so and + egl_glx.so, since they are now built-in (since c98ea26e16). + * debian/libgles{1,2}-mesa.install.in: Stop trying to install + st_GLESv{1,2}_CM.so (respectively), which got removed. Quoting the + commit message: “Remove GLES overlay. With core mesa doing runtime API + checks, GLES overlay is no longer needed.” (12583174c5). + * Drop --enable-gles-overlay from debian/rules accordingly. + * Add 12-llvm-config-check.diff to handle --disable-gallium more + properly. + * Add 13-llvm-config-pick-a-version.diff, so that llvm-config-2.9 is + searched by configure, instead of unversioned llvm-config. + * Add a NOT_INSTALLED_EITHER variable to debian/not-installed. A few + files might have to be removed, but only if that's a git snapshot + (those files aren't in the released tarballs). Let's consider it's OK + to run “rm -f” on them: {,dri/}usr/include/GL/glut{,f90}.h + * Add libglapi-mesa{,-dbg} packages. + * Use a package-name-doesnt-match-sonames override accordingly. + * Update libegl1-mesa.symbols with new symbols. + * Update libgles{1,2}-mesa.symbols now that internal symbols (_glapi_* + and _glthread_GetID) moved to libglapi-mesa. + * Add a gentarball target, to generate tarballs for git snapshots. + * Replace “The OpenGL utility library…” with “Mesa OpenGL utility + library…” in the description of the libglu1-mesa* packages. + * Replace radeon with r300 in GALLIUM_DRIVERS to match upstream renaming + (5722286be2). + * Build r300 classic (through DRI_DRIVERS) everywhere, since r300g comes + with a few additional requirements: LLVM is needed for this driver, + and apparently only works fine on x86 platform. As a consequence, only + build r300g on amd and i386, and add llvm-2.9-dev build-dep on those + platforms accordingly. Disable it explicitly on other platforms. + * Stop building i915g at all, it's apparently never going to be a + suitable replacement for i915c. + * Add libwayland-dev build-dep. + * Add wayland to EGL_DISPLAYS on Linux. + * Ship wayland-egl.pc and libwayland-egl.so in libegl1-mesa-dev; and ship + libwayland-egl.so.1* in libegl1-mesa-drivers. + * Update libegl1-mesa.symbols with new wl_drm_interface symbol. + + -- Cyril Brulebois Sun, 19 Jun 2011 19:01:52 +0200 + +mesa (7.10.3-4) unstable; urgency=medium + + [ Cyril Brulebois ] + * Accept libmotif-dev as an alternative to lesstif2-dev in + libglw1-mesa-dev's dependencies, as requested by Michael Hanke + (Closes: #631236). + * Merge upstream 7.10 branch up to e041956cb2. + * Wrap Breaks fields. + * Add Breaks: {xserver-xorg-core,libgl1-mesa-glx}-no-multiarch to + libgl1-mesa-dri* to handle upgrades from squeeze-backports (without + multiarch) to wheezy (with multiarch). + * Add lintian overrides for breaks-without-version accordingly, those + packages are only provided in squeeze-backports. + * Replace “The OpenGL utility library…” with “Mesa OpenGL utility + library…” in the description of the libglu1-mesa* packages. + * Rename all remaining *.install files as *.install.in and use + “${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}” instead of “*”. + * Use the sed substitution on all debian/*.in files accordingly. + * Remove debian/clean, and use the same for loop to remove the generated + files. + * Set urgency to “medium” to speed things up. Migration to testing is + a prerequisite for squeeze backports. + + [ Sven Joachim ] + * Fix comments in libegl1-mesa.symbols to avoid impending FTBFS with + the upcoming dpkg-dev 1.16.1. + + -- Cyril Brulebois Sun, 07 Aug 2011 21:50:46 +0200 + +mesa (7.10.3-3) unstable; urgency=low + + * Update the “Breaks: xserver-xorg-core” from “(<= 2:1.10.2-1)” to + “(<< 2:1.10.2-2)”. The first binNMU migrated to testing too soon, + so it was needed to rebuild it again, in testing. Updating the + Breaks makes sure that a multiarch mesa doesn't get installed with + a server built against a pre-multiarch mesa. + * Merge upstream 7.10 branch up to 1ad06c7a25. + + -- Cyril Brulebois Sun, 19 Jun 2011 17:31:17 +0200 + +mesa (7.10.3-2) unstable; urgency=low + + [ Cyril Brulebois ] + * Add Breaks against nvidia and fglrx packages, since they are also + affected by the multiarch changes, and need fixing. Until fixed + packages reach the archive, nvidia and fglrx users should stick to + mesa 7.10.2-3 packages, currently available in testing. Thanks to + Andreas and Patrick for the version strings (Closes: #630710). + * Set CXXFLAGS along with CFLAGS (Closes: #630602). Thanks for the + report and the patch, Fabio Pedretti! + + [ Julien Cristau ] + * Prepend the multiarch dir to the dri driver search path. ${ORIGIN}/dri + works for libGL, but not for egl_dri2.so (which lives in /usr/lib/*/egl/). + Thanks to Michel Dänzer for the heads-up! + + -- Cyril Brulebois Fri, 17 Jun 2011 11:46:20 +0200 + +mesa (7.10.3-1) unstable; urgency=low + + * New upstream release. + * Add flex and bison build-deps (even though the generated files are + stored in VCS, and shipped…). + + -- Cyril Brulebois Tue, 14 Jun 2011 15:37:41 +0200 + +mesa (7.10.2-4) unstable; urgency=low + + [ Steve Langasek ] + * Build for multiarch. + + [ Cyril Brulebois ] + * Explanation of the “Breaks: xserver-xorg-core” part for our users: the + server queries the DRI driver path at build time, which is getting + changed for multiarch, so the server needs be rebuilt; a binNMU will + take care of getting the server ready. + * Many thanks for multiarch, Steve! + * Update Uploaders list. Thanks, David and Brice! + * Wrap Build-Depends. + + -- Cyril Brulebois Tue, 14 Jun 2011 12:19:33 +0200 + +mesa (7.10.2-3) unstable; urgency=low + + * Merge upstream 7.10 branch up to eaadbacb5c. + * Ship r600g again, it should be more usable now. + + -- Cyril Brulebois Tue, 31 May 2011 17:48:47 +0200 + +mesa (7.10.2-2) unstable; urgency=low + + [ Cyril Brulebois ] + * Merge upstream 7.10 branch up to b8c6362389. + * Get rid of leading article in short descriptions, taking care of this + lintian tag for almost all binary packages: + - description-synopsis-starts-with-article + * Get rid of libgl1-mesa-dri-i686, already commented out in control file. + + [ Sven Joachim ] + * Avoid installing the nouveau_vieux driver into libgl1-mesa-dri + (Closes: #622222). + + -- Cyril Brulebois Mon, 02 May 2011 12:29:37 +0200 + +mesa (7.10.2-1) unstable; urgency=low + + * New upstream release. + + -- Cyril Brulebois Sun, 10 Apr 2011 23:42:41 +0200 + +mesa (7.10.1-1) experimental; urgency=low + + [ Cyril Brulebois ] + * Revert to r600 classic, r600 gallium doesn't seem ready yet, after all + (Closes: #612609). + + [ Julien Cristau ] + * Set the DRI driver search path to "${ORIGIN}/dri", allowing libGL to find + the drivers after being relocated to /usr/lib32 by ia32-libs + (closes: #466790). Thanks to Javier Serrano Polo for the suggestion. + + [ Christopher James Halse Rogers ] + * New upstream release + - Lots of intel bugfixes, mainly for Sandybridge. + - Lots of GLSL spec conformance fixes + - Drop 12-fix-fdo-31940.diff; included included in new release. + * Remove talloc from build-depends. This has been re-implemented in-tree. + * Also drop patch fixing talloc linking. + * Cherry-pick fix from master for changed nouveau headers in libdrm 2.4.24. + - Also bump build-depend on libdrm to 2.4.24 + * Build and install nouveau_vieux driver in libgl1-mesa-dri-experimental. + (Closes: #586062) + + -- Cyril Brulebois Sun, 03 Apr 2011 21:26:05 +0200 + +mesa (7.10-4) unstable; urgency=low + + * debian/not-installed: Ignore the same files on *i386. + * debian/local/control: Report-with: xserver-xorg{,-core}. + * debian/local/script: New bug script, calling glxinfo if available, + then the server's bug script. + * New patch, thanks to Pino Toscano, fixing FTBFS on GNU/Hurd: + - 11-hurd-ftbfs-again.diff + * Make a lot of binary packages linux-any kfreebsd-any: + - libegl1-mesa + - libegl1-mesa-dbg + - libegl1-mesa-dev + - libegl1-mesa-drivers + - libegl1-mesa-drivers-dbg + - libopenvg1-mesa + - libopenvg1-mesa-dbg + - libopenvg1-mesa-dev + - libgles1-mesa + - libgles1-mesa-dbg + - libgles1-mesa-dev + - libgles2-mesa + - libgles2-mesa-dbg + - libgles2-mesa-dev + * Disable EGL/Gallium/GLES/state trackers on GNU/Hurd. + * Fix FTBFS on sparc64, treat it the same way as sparc. Thanks, Aurélien + Jarno! (Closes: #613106). + * Add patch for a crash in dri2_invalidate_drawable, thanks to Kai + Wasserbäch (Closes: #612640): + - 12-fix-fdo-31940.diff + + -- Cyril Brulebois Wed, 16 Feb 2011 11:53:26 +0100 + +mesa (7.10-3) unstable; urgency=low + + [ Julien Cristau ] + * debian/rules: RIP lpia. + + [ Cyril Brulebois ] + * Cherry-pick from upstream (thanks to Dave Airlie for the hint): + - radeon: fix build on non-KMS systems. + This fixes the FTBFS on GNU/kFreeBSD. + * Ship r300g (r300 gallium) on Linux only: Introduce Linux-specific + libgl1-mesa-dri.install.linux to that effect. + * According to Michel Dänzer, r600g (r600 gallium) is working well + enough to be shipped now. Let's ship it, then! + * Cherry-pick from upstream, fixing X's failure to start with UMS on + r300g (Closes: #612380): + - dri_util: fail driCreateNewScreen if InitScreen is NULL + + -- Cyril Brulebois Tue, 08 Feb 2011 16:06:38 +0100 + +mesa (7.10-2) unstable; urgency=low + + * Fix FTBFS on i386: Add some files to debian/not-installed, on a + per-architecture fashion (those are under /usr/lib/i686/cmov/). + * Work around FTBFS on sparc due to new symbols: pass -c1 to + dpkg-gensymbols instead of -c4 (on sparc only). Those symbols probably + shouldn't be exported, but let's make it possible to build xorg-server + 1.9 in sid. + + -- Cyril Brulebois Sat, 05 Feb 2011 11:16:26 +0100 + +mesa (7.10-1) experimental; urgency=low + + * New upstream release. + * Add patch: 10-fix-talloc-linking.diff + * Use debian/not-installed to keep track of files which aren't getting + installed for now. Delete them before running dh_install. Use the list + of files appearing in the build logs for 7.9+repack-2. + * Switch from --list-missing to --fail-missing accordingly. + * Pass -c4 to dpkg-gensymbols through dh_makeshlibs to make sure + symbol-related changes are noticed and dealt with. + * Update symbols files with new symbols: + - libopenvg1-mesa.symbols + * Remove “mesa internal ASM optimized functions” lines from symbols + files, those seem to be gone, and with -c4 passed to dpkg-gensymbols, + any related issue will break the build: + - libgles1-mesa.symbols + - libgles2-mesa.symbols + * Stop using dh_strip -s --remaining-packages. When a build is resumed + (-nc), this dh_strip call is a no-op if it was previously written to + the debhelper log files. Specify all remaining packages instead. + That's boring, but avoid getting non-stripped packages. + * Add debian/git-cleanup.sh script to ease removing files in git which + aren't in the release tarballs, and make dpkg-source error out. + * Keep my eyes wide shut and add myself to Uploaders. + + -- Cyril Brulebois Tue, 25 Jan 2011 00:20:57 +0100 + +mesa (7.9+repack-2) experimental; urgency=low + + [ Cyril Brulebois ] + * Specify PASV in watch file, and mangle +repack. + + [ Christopher James Halse Rogers ] + * debian/control: + - Add libudev-dev to build-depends. This is required for the DRI2 EGL + driver to work with a drm display. + + [ Sven Joachim ] + * Update for the latest libdrm-nouveau API: + - Cherry-pick commit c25fcf5a from Mesa master. + - Build-depend on libdrm-dev 2.4.23 or newer. + * Use linux-any for linux-libc-dev and libudev-dev build-depends. + + [ Julien Cristau ] + * Update from upstream 7.9 branch, commit 0ff45dd. + * Refresh patches. + + -- Julien Cristau Tue, 04 Jan 2011 12:46:59 +0100 + +mesa (7.9+repack-1) experimental; urgency=low + + * Repack the upstream tarball to get rid of duplicate files which make dpkg + choke. Thanks to Luca Falavigna for his help diagnosing this. + + -- Julien Cristau Mon, 15 Nov 2010 23:04:45 +0100 + +mesa (7.9-1) experimental; urgency=low + + [ Christopher James Halse Rogers ] + * debian/control: + - Add EGL, GLESv1, GLESv2, and OpenVG virtual packages. The Khronos group + specifies a de-facto linux ABI for these libraries. We have a similar + package for libgl1. + * debian/README.Debian: + - Document the virtual packages above. + + [ Sven Joachim ] + * Bump libdrm-dev build dependency to 2.4.21-2~, the Nouveau Gallium + driver does not build with squeeze's libdrm-nouveau1. + + [ Julien Cristau ] + * New upstream release. + * Update patches: + - 03_optional-progs-and-install.patch dropped, demos moved to a separate + package + - 07-nouveau-update.diff and + 09-intel-fix-invalidate-before-initialisation.diff dropped, they were + backports from upstream + - 04_osmesa_version.diff updated + * Add build-dep on talloc. + * Drop the mesa-utils package, demos were moved out of the mesa tree. + * Use --with-egl-platforms instead of --with-egl-displays, and replace kms + with drm. + * Merge some packaging changes from ubuntu: + - libegl1-mesa-drivers-x11,kms: There are no longer separate kms or x11 + drivers for EGL, libegl1-mesa-drivers now contains a single driver that + provides both backends (Christopher James Halse Rogers) + - Remove pre-generated .pc's, use the ones generated at build time instead + (Robert Hooker) + - Build the r600 gallium driver + - Update symbols files + * README.source: we don't need to repack MesaLib.tar.gz anymore. + * Kill old sourceforge url from debian/watch. + * Ship the gallium r300 driver instead of the classic one. + + -- Julien Cristau Sat, 13 Nov 2010 00:36:11 +0100 + +mesa (7.8.2-2) experimental; urgency=low + + * Add missing dependencies to libegl1-mesa-dev, thanks to Alexandros + Frantzis (LP: #600243). + * gallium: handle kfreebsd like freebsd, fixing FTBFS (closes: #585618) + * intel: Fix invalidate before initialisation (stolen from fdo bugzilla + #29091, fixes server 1.9rc crash when starting an app using GLX 1.3) + * Pull from 7.8-branch up to commit d06e011. + * Fixup hurd and kfreebsd patches to apply. + + -- Julien Cristau Tue, 20 Jul 2010 15:57:31 +0200 + +mesa (7.8.2-1) experimental; urgency=low + + [ Robert Hooker ] + * Adjust the build system to install the dri target in a separate + DESTDIR, no longer passing --libdir=/usr/lib/glx at configure time + messing with the .pc's since it is used for a majority of the + packages now. + * Fix up the mesa-common-dev header install location. + + [ Julien Cristau ] + * Add ${misc:Depends} to all packages. + * libc6-dev is build-essential, no need to depend on it. + * Replace nonsensical dependency of libglw1-mesa-dev on libxext6 with a + dependency on libxt-dev and lesstif2-dev. + * Add new lintian overrides for the package-name-doesnt-match-sonames stuff. + * Don't ship progs/objviewer in the tarball, it's insanely big and unused. + * New upstream release. + * Refresh patches. + * Stop shipping an upstream git log, it's unlikely to be useful to anyone, + and it's big. + * debian/scripts/choose-configs: use DEB_HOST_ARCH, not DEB_BUILD_ARCH + (closes: #451648). + * Rename radeong_dri.so to r300_dri.so in build, not binary. + + [ Christopher James Halse Rogers ] + * debian/patches/07-nouveau-update.diff: + - Pull in nouveau_class.h header no longer shipped by libdrm 2.4.21 and + update nouveau build to use it. Fixes FTBFS against libdrm 2.4.21. + * debian/rules: + - Simplify selecting which gallium drivers are built. Use this to only + act on gallium packages on archs where we're actually building them. + Part of the fix for FTBFS on Hurd and kFreeBSD. + + -- Julien Cristau Thu, 01 Jul 2010 12:50:18 +0200 + +mesa (7.8.1-2) experimental; urgency=low + + [ Tormod Volden ] + * debian/rules: Do not strip the same packages twice + + [ Julien Cristau ] + * Stop building the ffb dri driver on sparc, it no longer exists. + * Merge changes from 7.7.1-2. + + [ Christopher James Halse Rogers ] + * debian/compat: + - Bump to v7 for dh_install search path behaviour + * debian/rules: + - Enable gallium for dri build. + - Enable egl for dri build. + - Build nouveau, radeon & swrast gallium drivers + - Build OpenVG, OpenGL|ES, dri, glx & egl state trackers + * debian/libegl1-mesa-dev.install: + * debian/libegl1-mesa.install: + * debian/libegl1-mesa.symbols: + - New libEGL package. + * debian/libgles1-mesa-dev.install: + * debian/libgles1-mesa.install: + * debian/libgles1-mesa.symbols: + - New OpenGL|ES v1.x package. + * debian/libgles2-mesa-dev.install: + * debian/libgles2-mesa.install: + * debian/libgles2-mesa.symbols: + - New OpenGL|ES v2.x package. + * debian/libopenvg1-mesa-dev.install: + * debian/libopenvg1-mesa.install: + * debian/libopenvg1-mesa.symbols: + - New OpenVG package. + * debian/libegl1-mesa-drivers-x11.install: + - New gallium EGL drivers package. + * debian/libegl1-mesa-drivers-kms.install: + - New gallium EGL kms driver package. + * debian/egl.pc: + * debian/vg.pc: + * debian/glesv1_cm.pc: + * debian/glesv2.pc: + - Pull pkg-config files from master and install them in the respective + -dev packages. + * debian/libgl1-mesa-dri-experimental.install: + * debian/libgl1-mesa-dri.install: + - “make install” puts classic and gallium drivers in the same path, but + builds gallium drivers in the gallium/ subdirectory. Copy the drivers + directly from the build path, rather than trying to separate them out + post-hock. + * debian/control: + - Add new packages. + - Add new build-depends on libx11-xcb-dev, libxcb-dri2-0-dev, + libxcb-xfixes0-dev and python-libxml2 for gallium. + - Bump build-depends on dpkg-dev for regex in symbols files. + + -- Julien Cristau Fri, 11 Jun 2010 03:19:09 +0200 + +mesa (7.8.1-1) experimental; urgency=low + + * New upstream release. + + Pull from upstream 7.8 branch up to commit db3b3421. + * Refresh patches. + * Bump build dependency to libdrm-dev 2.4.19, x11proto-gl-dev 1.4.11, + and x11proto-dri2-dev 2.1. + + -- Brice Goglin Sun, 18 Apr 2010 09:25:39 +0200 + +mesa (7.7.1-2) unstable; urgency=low + + * debian/rules: use DEB_HOST_ARCH_CPU instead of DEB_HOST_GNU_CPU. Prompted + by Ubuntu which changed the latter to i686, breaking their packages on + i386. + * Pull from mesa_7_7_branch (commit 8ba378d). + + -- Julien Cristau Thu, 20 May 2010 17:34:19 +0200 + +mesa (7.7.1-1) unstable; urgency=low + + [ Brice Goglin ] + * Remove Thierry Reding from Uploaders, closes: #572539. + * Bump Standards-Version to 3.8.4, no changes needed. + + [ Timo Aaltonen ] + * New upstream release. + + -- Brice Goglin Tue, 30 Mar 2010 17:15:09 +0200 + +mesa (7.7-4) unstable; urgency=low + + * Pull from upstream mesa_7_7_branch up to commit 293f4d51. + + r6xx/r7xx: emit relocation for FRAG & TILE buffer, closes: #569663. + + -- Brice Goglin Wed, 24 Feb 2010 22:44:11 +0100 + +mesa (7.7-3) experimental; urgency=low + + * Pull from upstream mesa_7_7_branch up to commit f5145a6e. + * Build against libdrm-radeon1 2.4.17 to get DRI2 support. + + -- Brice Goglin Mon, 01 Feb 2010 22:55:36 +0100 + +mesa (7.7-2) experimental; urgency=low + + [ Julien Cristau ] + * Rename the build directory to not include DEB_BUILD_GNU_TYPE for no + good reason. Thanks, Colin Watson! + * Remove myself from Uploaders + + [ Brice Goglin ] + * Pull from upstream mesa_7_7_branch up to commit 2f28ca0a. + + Fix funky colors on radeon/r200/r300. + + -- Brice Goglin Wed, 27 Jan 2010 09:14:38 +0100 + +mesa (7.7-1) experimental; urgency=low + + [ Brice Goglin ] + * Bump libdrm build dependency to 2.4.15, closes: #561058. + * New upstream release. + * Pull from upstream mesa_7_7_branch up to commit 6d6c9c66. + + [ Julien Cristau ] + * Add freedesktop.org ftp to watch file since that's where newer upstream + tarballs are. + * Don't include GLUT sources since we don't use them. + + -- Brice Goglin Mon, 11 Jan 2010 17:52:31 +0100 + +mesa (7.7~rc2-1) experimental; urgency=low + + * New upstream release candidate. + + s3v and trident DRI drivers removed since they never worked. + + -- Brice Goglin Sat, 12 Dec 2009 13:02:55 +0100 + +mesa (7.6.1-1) unstable; urgency=low + + * New upstream release + + Pull upstream mesa_7_6_branch up to commit da876fa3 + * Bump linux-libc-dev build-dep to 2.6.31 for the r600 dri driver (fixes + ftbfs on mips). + * Drop hunk from 05_hurd-ftbfs.diff that was applied upstream. Refresh + other patches. + + -- Julien Cristau Tue, 29 Dec 2009 10:42:24 +0000 + +mesa (7.6.1~rc3-1) unstable; urgency=low + + * New upstream release candidate. + + Pull upstream mesa_7_6_branch up to commit 7d41b424. + + Includes sparc64 xform asm patch from #560403. + * Update debian/rules to fix sparc64 FTBFS, thanks Aurelien Jarno, + closes: #560403. + * Build r600 DRI driver. + + -- Brice Goglin Fri, 11 Dec 2009 18:36:36 +0100 + +mesa (7.6.1~rc2-1) unstable; urgency=low + + * New upstream release candidate. + + Pull upstream mesa_7_6_branch up to commit b2953ee. + + i965: Fix the bounds emitted in the vertex buffer packets, + closes: #556541. + + Fix window drawing regression in Kwin on older Radeon hardware, + fix assertion failure leading to crash on kwin when compositing + is enabled, closes: #549588. + + Refresh patches. + + -- Brice Goglin Sun, 06 Dec 2009 00:14:34 +0100 + +mesa (7.6-1) unstable; urgency=low + + [ Brice Goglin ] + * New upstream release. + + Fix software fallback assertion on RS480, closes: #539162. + + Fix segfault in _swrast_ReadPixels on i915, closes: #545085. + + [ Julien Cristau ] + * Don't run install from the various configs in parallel, hopefully fixing a + bug in the previous debian/rules. Thanks to Bernhard R. Link for the + suggestions. + + -- Brice Goglin Tue, 29 Sep 2009 11:51:58 +0200 + +mesa (7.5.1-1) unstable; urgency=low + + [ Brice Goglin ] + * New upstream release. + * Add README.source. + * Bump Standards-Version to 3.8.3. + + [ Julien Cristau ] + * Override 'package-name-doesnt-match-sonames' lintian warnings for libGLU, + libGLw and both libGLs. + * Use dh_lintian and bump debhelper build-dep accordingly. + + -- Brice Goglin Fri, 04 Sep 2009 11:38:46 +0200 + +mesa (7.5-3) unstable; urgency=low + + * Pull from upstream mesa_7_5_branch up to commit b4ba6a66 + (early 7.5.1 release snapshot). + * Only install the huge upstream changelog in mesa-common-dev, + closes: #538094. + * Enable i686 optimized libraries on hurd-i386. + + -- Brice Goglin Fri, 24 Jul 2009 00:29:28 +0200 + +mesa (7.5-2) unstable; urgency=low + + * Pull from upstream mesa_7_5_branch up to commit a6b31415 + + radeon/DRI1: if we have HW stencil, only expose fbconfigs with stencil, + closes: #537732. + * Install the upstream changelog. + + -- Brice Goglin Tue, 21 Jul 2009 22:21:50 +0200 + +mesa (7.5-1) unstable; urgency=low + + [ Timo Aaltonen ] + * Move dri.pc to mesa-common-dev (closes: #521667) + + [ Brice Goglin ] + * Enable i686 optimized libraries on kfreebsd-i386, closes: #537345. + * New upstream release: + + i915: Fix assertion failure on remapping a non-BO-backed VBO, + closes: #537147. + + GLX/DRI1: Mark GLX visuals with depth != screen depth non-conformant, + closes: #532980. + + -- Brice Goglin Sun, 19 Jul 2009 12:53:41 +0200 + +mesa (7.5~rc4-1) experimental; urgency=low + + [ Timo Aaltonen ] + * New upstream release candidate. + + xdriinfo now works with DRI2 (closes: #527132) + * rules: Disable EGL. + * mesa-common-dev.install: Don't install glxew.h, conflicts with libglew. + + [ Julien Cristau ] + * Update patches: + + 02_use-ieee-fp-on-s390-and-m68k.patch moved from imports.h to compiler.h + + 03_optional-progs-and-install.patch refreshed + + 05_hurd-ftbfs.diff partly applied upstream + + 06_kfreebsd-ftbfs.diff refreshed + * Install dri.pc, which will be needed to build xorg-server 1.7. + * Don't build gallium for now. + + -- Julien Cristau Sun, 28 Jun 2009 20:21:37 +0200 + +mesa (7.4.4-1) unstable; urgency=low + + [ Julien Cristau ] + * New upstream release. + + fixes a crash in swrast glXWaitX (closes: #528708) + * Don't build hardware dri drivers on s390. + * Update 04_osmesa_version.diff, refresh 06_kfreebsd-ftbfs.diff. + + [ Brice Goglin ] + * Enable motif in GLw, closes: #527483. + + -- Julien Cristau Sun, 28 Jun 2009 18:58:27 +0200 + +mesa (7.4.1-1) unstable; urgency=low + + [ Julien Cristau ] + * Make libgl1-mesa-dev and mesa-common-dev 'Architecture: any'. This gets + rid of uninstallability when a new upstream version isn't built on all + architectures, and allows us to ship potentially arch-specific .pc files. + * Install pkgconfig files for libGLU, libOSMesa and libGLw. + * Make libgl1-mesa-dri{,-dbg} 'Architecture: any', as swrast_dri.so should + get built everywhere. + * Drop the dependency on libgl1-mesa-glx from -dri, and make -glx recommend + -dri instead. The dri drivers are also loaded by the X server, which + doesn't need libGL. On the other hand, libGL needs one of the dri drivers + for direct rendering (either software or hardware). Mark libgl1-mesa-dri + as breaking old xserver-xorg-core and libgl1-mesa-glx, to avoid + incompatibilities. + * Add patch by Samuel Thibault to fix FTBFS on hurd-i386. + * Pull from mesa_7_4_branch as of May 3rd (commit 63375254). + * Move -dbg packages to new 'debug' section. + + [ Brice Goglin ] + * Add patch by Aurelien Jarno to fix FTBFS on kfreebsd-i386, closes: #524690. + + -- Julien Cristau Sun, 03 May 2009 16:05:09 +0200 + +mesa (7.4-2) unstable; urgency=low + + * Upload to unstable. + + -- Julien Cristau Wed, 08 Apr 2009 23:53:47 +0100 + +mesa (7.4-1) experimental; urgency=low + + [ Timo Aaltonen ] + * New upstream release. + + -- Julien Cristau Wed, 01 Apr 2009 20:25:00 +0200 + +mesa (7.4~rc1-1) experimental; urgency=low + + * New upstream release candidate. + * Fix watch file to make uscan not consider release candidates as newer than + actual releases. + * debian/control: add lpia to the Architecture field for + libgl1-mesa-dri{,-dbg} to match Ubuntu. + * debian/rules: on lpia, only build the i915 and i965 dri drivers (based on + Ubuntu changes). + * Build-depend on linux-libc-dev >= 2.6.29 on linux archs. + + -- Julien Cristau Wed, 25 Mar 2009 11:34:42 +0100 + +mesa (7.3-1) experimental; urgency=low + + [ Timo Aaltonen ] + * New upstream release. + + [ Julien Cristau ] + * Try to make the diff a bit smaller by removing directories that are in + upstream git but not in tarballs. + + -- Julien Cristau Fri, 30 Jan 2009 20:00:34 +0100 + +mesa (7.3~rc3-1) experimental; urgency=low + + [ Timo Aaltonen ] + * New upstream release candidate. + + [ Julien Cristau ] + * Refresh patches 03 and 04. + + -- Julien Cristau Wed, 21 Jan 2009 19:01:21 +0100 + +mesa (7.3~rc1-1) experimental; urgency=low + + * New upstream release candidate. + + provides DRI2 (closes: #411141). + + i915: fallback for cube map texture. Fixes GPU hang with scorched3d + (closes: #484049). + + [ Timo Aaltonen ] + * Remove debian/patches/01_disable-intel-classic-warn.diff, the + warning is gone now. + * debian/control: + - Build-depend on x11proto-dri2-dev (>= 1.99.3) + + [ Julien Cristau ] + * Require libdrm-dev 2.4.3. + * Merge packaging changes from unstable, from 7.0.3-5 to 7.0.3-7. + * Delete unused configs/debian-*, and install-source.sh script. We've + switched to using autoconf, and mesa-swx11-source is gone. + * Delete some now unused code from debian/rules. + + -- Julien Cristau Sat, 10 Jan 2009 22:14:55 +0100 + +mesa (7.2-1) experimental; urgency=low + + [ Brice Goglin ] + * Fix grammar and punctuation in glxinfo(1), thanks Sam Hocevar, + closes: #498595. + + [ Timo Aaltonen ] + * New upstream release. + * Refresh patch 04_osmesa_version.diff + + [ Julien Cristau ] + * Remove the build-dep on dri2proto, DRI2 support has been removed. + * intel: don't warn about TTM init failure. + + -- Julien Cristau Wed, 24 Sep 2008 14:28:21 +0200 + +mesa (7.1-1) experimental; urgency=low + + * Add parallel build support. + * New upstream development release + + libGLU now only exports its public interface (closes: #319388) + * Some more parallel build updates. + + -- Julien Cristau Wed, 27 Aug 2008 19:52:24 +0200 + +mesa (7.1~rc3-1) experimental; urgency=low + + [ Julien Cristau ] + * New upstream release candidate (updated to git commit 4fab47b1). + * Build against libdrm >= 2.3.1. + * 04_osmesa_version.diff: fix libOSMesa versioning, to revert accidental + SONAME bump. + + [ Timo Aaltonen ] + * Refresh patches, and drop obsolete 00_create-libdir.patch and + 01_fix-makefile.patch. + * Build-depend on x11proto-dri2-dev. + * Drop mesa-swx11-source. + * Add dri_interface.h to mesa-common-dev. + * Add gl.pc to libgl1-mesa-dev + * rules: Replace the old build system with the new autotools-based + system. + * Run autoreconf before building the various flavours.. + * Add automake & autoconf to build-deps. + * Use --enable-glx-tls for dri. + + -- Julien Cristau Sun, 13 Jul 2008 19:41:42 +0200 + +mesa (7.0.3-7) unstable; urgency=low + + * Cherry-pick patch from upstream: + Use 3Dnow! x86-64 routines only on processors that support 3Dnow! + (closes: #484180). + * Also build the x86-specific dri drivers on kfreebsd (closes: #492894). + + -- Julien Cristau Sun, 14 Dec 2008 07:34:58 +0530 + +mesa (7.0.3-6) unstable; urgency=high + + * Update debian/copyright to the SGI Free Software License B, version 2.0. + It now mirrors the free X11 license used by X.Org (closes: #368560). + http://www.sgi.com/company_info/newsroom/press_releases/2008/september/opengl.html + + -- Julien Cristau Sat, 20 Sep 2008 16:30:44 +0200 + +mesa (7.0.3-5) unstable; urgency=low + + * Disable the i915tex driver, it doesn't build against libdrm 2.3.1. + * Pull from mesa_7_0_branch (27425708). + + -- Julien Cristau Sat, 12 Jul 2008 18:56:19 +0200 + +mesa (7.0.3-4) unstable; urgency=low + + * Pull from mesa_7_0_branch (2ac4919d). + * Put back our configs/ changes into the .diff.gz since choose-configs + needs them before quilt is invoked. Put 04_cleanup-osmesa-configs.patch + there as well for #485161. + + -- Brice Goglin Wed, 18 Jun 2008 20:59:14 +0200 + +mesa (7.0.3-3) unstable; urgency=low + + * Pull from mesa_7_0_branch (718724de). + + Fix intel_batchbuffer_space on i965, closes: #455817. + + Fix busy error in i915_wait_irq for real now, closes: #467319. + * Move our configs/ changes from the .diff.gz into our quilt patches, + with 04_cleanup-osmesa-configs.patch renamed into 04_debian-configs.patch, + closes: #485161. + + -- Brice Goglin Tue, 17 Jun 2008 20:00:51 +0200 + +mesa (7.0.3-2) unstable; urgency=low + + * Pull from mesa_7_0_branch (03447de3). + * Set right cliprects for the current draw region on Intel, closes: #467319. + * Use BRW_TEXCOORDMODE_CLAMP instead of BRW_TEXCOORDMODE_CLAMP_BORDER + to implement GL_CLAMP on i965, closes: #478880. + * Fix segment fault with BASE_LEVEL set to 5 for MipMap on i915, + closes: #451339. + * Disable low impact fallback on r300 by default, closes: #440868. + + -- Brice Goglin Fri, 13 Jun 2008 06:53:29 +0200 + +mesa (7.0.3-1) unstable; urgency=low + + * New upstream release. + * Only call ProgramStringNotify if program parsing succeeded, + closes: #473551. + + -- Brice Goglin Fri, 11 Apr 2008 08:42:37 +0200 + +mesa (7.0.3~rc2-2) unstable; urgency=low + + * Pull from mesa_7_0_branch (1e83d70b). + * Fixes regression in the i965 dri driver (closes: #470984, #470084) + * Update 02_use-ieee-fp-on-s390-and-m68k.patch. + * Change libgl1-mesa-swx11-i686's pre-dependency on libgl1-mesa-swx11 to a + regular versioned dependency, and add ${shlibs:Depends}. + + -- Julien Cristau Mon, 31 Mar 2008 16:47:31 +0200 + +mesa (7.0.3~rc2-1) unstable; urgency=low + + * New upstream release candidate. + + enable user-defined clip planes for R300 (closes: #408679) + + 03_optional-progs-and-install.patch: partly applied upstream, fixed up + * Stop building with -O0 on hppa. Bug #451047 should be fixed in recent gcc + versions. + + -- Julien Cristau Sun, 24 Feb 2008 10:22:54 +0100 + +mesa (7.0.2-4) unstable; urgency=low + + * Update to mesa_7_0_branch head (commit 48ae5cf0). + * Add Vcs-Git, Vcs-Browser and Homepage fields in debian/control. + + -- Julien Cristau Thu, 17 Jan 2008 22:23:06 +0100 + +mesa (7.0.2-3) unstable; urgency=low + + * Update to mesa_7_0_branch head (commit 0107acde). + * Bump Standards-Version to 3.7.3. + * Move libgl1-mesa-swx11-dbg, mesa-common-dev and libosmesa6-dev to section + libdevel. + * libgl1-mesa-swx11 conflicts with libgl1-mesa-glx. Move it and + libgl1-mesa-swx11-dev to priority extra. + * Fix typo in mesa-common-dev's long description. + + -- Julien Cristau Tue, 18 Dec 2007 19:13:18 +0100 + +mesa (7.0.2-2) unstable; urgency=low + + [ Julien Cristau ] + * Don't set -fno-strict-aliasing in configs/debian-default. It is set + upstream now. + * Workaround gcc ICE on hppa: build libOSMesa with -O0 (see bug#451047). + * Add build-dep on libxext-dev. Thanks, Timo Aaltonen! + + -- Brice Goglin Tue, 13 Nov 2007 21:43:40 +0100 + +mesa (7.0.2-1) unstable; urgency=low + + * New upstream release. + + Fix Blender crash in triangle_twoside(), closes: #439668, #446315. + + Fix crash in _generic_read_RGBA_span_RGB565_MMX(), closes: #445313. + + Fix the new __gluInvertMatrix() function, closes: #440137 ,#441071. + + Refresh 03_optional-progs-and-install.patch since libGLU is not + built when building progs/xdemos. + + Refresh 04_cleanup-osmesa-configs.patch. + + Drop 05_static-nonpic.patch,, applied upstream. + + Remove DESTDIR from INSTALL_DIR in configs/debian-default since + the upstream Makefiles now support DESTDIR. + * Add myself to Uploaders. + + -- Brice Goglin Sun, 11 Nov 2007 11:53:26 +0100 + +mesa (7.0.1-2) unstable; urgency=low + + * Update to latest git (from mesa_7_0_branch) + + adds support for some new intel chipsets (i915 and i915_tex dri drivers) + (closes: #437333) + + broken inline asm in dri drivers fixed (closes: #423739) + + -- Julien Cristau Tue, 28 Aug 2007 12:11:30 +0200 + +mesa (7.0.1-1) unstable; urgency=low + + * New upstream release. + * Upload to unstable. + + -- Julien Cristau Thu, 09 Aug 2007 11:56:16 +0200 + +mesa (7.0.1~rc2-1) experimental; urgency=low + + [ David Nusinow ] + * New upstream release candidate + * Bite the bullet and add myself to uploaders + + [ Julien Cristau ] + * Modify the short descriptions of various packages so they fit in .changes + files without being cut off. Thanks, Marc 'HE' Brockschmidt! + * Add a shlibs file for libgl1-mesa-swx11-i686. + + -- Julien Cristau Fri, 27 Jul 2007 20:17:48 +0200 + +mesa (6.5.3-1) experimental; urgency=low + + [ David Nusinow ] + * New upstream release + + [ Julien Cristau ] + * Cherry-pick commit 65faf023679988f93da82b4c7ebdc689f2094459 by Michel + Dänzer to fix r300 crash. + + -- Julien Cristau Mon, 21 May 2007 11:34:51 +0200 + +mesa (6.5.3~rc3-1) experimental; urgency=low + + [ Brice Goglin ] + * Split out libGLw libs and headers from libgl1-mesa-swx11 and ship both + static and shared libraries, creating libglw1-mesa and libglw1-mesa-dev + (closes: #374904). + + [ Julien Cristau ] + * New upstream release candidate. + + 06_fix_texture_data_corruption.patch, + 07_call_radeonSetCliprects_from_radeonMakeCurrent.patch, + 08_r300_update_window_state_when_bound_but_stamp_changed.patch, + 09_i915_always_enable_pixel_fog.patch: remove, included upstream. + + 01_fix-makefile.patch, 02_use-ieee-fp-on-s390-and-m68k.patch: refresh. + * Add build-dependencies on libxdamage-dev and libxfixes-dev. + * Resync debian/scripts/install-source.sh. + * Build mesa-swx11-source only in binary-indep. + * Update from upstream git (commit + dee1b0d5bbe91f83854813cbbcd3090327bcb5c2). + + -- Julien Cristau Wed, 25 Apr 2007 10:36:50 +0200 + +mesa (6.5.2-7) unstable; urgency=low + + [ Brice Goglin ] + * libgl1-mesa-dev does not need to depend on libgl1-mesa-dri, + libgl1-mesa-glx is enough (since their split in 6.4.1-0.1); + closes: #432081. Thanks, Samuel Thibault! + + [ Julien Cristau ] + * libgl1-mesa-dev Depends on libgl1-mesa-glx (>= ${source:Upstream-Version}) + instead of >= ${Source-Version}. This way it's still installable on + architectures where mesa isn't built yet when a minor revision is + uploaded. + + -- Julien Cristau Wed, 11 Jul 2007 05:50:45 +0200 + +mesa (6.5.2-6) unstable; urgency=low + + * libgl1-mesa-swx11 needs to depend on libosmesa6 (>= 6.5.2-1) because + it used to contain libOSMesa.so.6. This means that programs linked + against this lib got a dependency on -swx11 which was broken since + 6.5.2-1. + * Fix build on hurd-i386 (build libgl1-mesa-glx without dri support and + don't build the dri drivers); closes: #420403. Thanks, Samuel Thibault! + + -- Julien Cristau Thu, 05 Jul 2007 00:56:35 +0200 + +mesa (6.5.2-5) unstable; urgency=low + + [ Brice Goglin ] + * Add 07_call_radeonSetCliprects_from_radeonMakeCurrent.patch + (closes: #420164). Thanks to Christian Ohm. + * Add 08_r300_update_window_state_when_bound_but_stamp_changed.patch + * Add 09_i915_always_enable_pixel_fog.patch + + -- Julien Cristau Fri, 18 May 2007 13:36:25 +0200 + +mesa (6.5.2-4) unstable; urgency=low + + [ Julien Cristau ] + * debian/control: libgl1-mesa-dri now suggests libglide3, with an + explanation in the description (closes: #387339). + * Upload to unstable. + + [ Brice Goglin ] + * Add 06_fix_texture_data_corruption.patch (closes: #412346). + + -- Julien Cristau Fri, 20 Apr 2007 05:57:35 +0200 + +mesa (6.5.2-3) experimental; urgency=low + + * Set LIB_DIR and EXTRA_LIB_PATH in configs/debian-default to override + settings in configs/linux-x86-64. This fixes a FTBFS on amd64, thanks to + Marc 'HE' Brockschmidt for the report (closes: #410118). + + -- Julien Cristau Wed, 7 Feb 2007 23:04:28 +0100 + +mesa (6.5.2-2) experimental; urgency=low + + * Sync Section/Priority for all packages with the override. + * Build the arch:all debs in binary-indep, and use the debhelper -s option + for commands in binary-arch, to fix FTBFS on non-i386 archs, thanks to + Marc 'HE' Brockschmidt (closes: #409638). + * Add myself to Uploaders. + + -- Julien Cristau Sun, 4 Feb 2007 21:14:02 +0100 + +mesa (6.5.2-1) experimental; urgency=low + + [ Thierry Reding ] + * New upstream release. + * Set the Debian X Strike Force as maintainer. + * Add myself to uploaders. + * Build the i915tex DRI module on the i386 and amd64 architectures. + * Add patch 04_cleanup-osmesa-configs that makes the OSMesa configurations + behave as expected. + * Add patch 05_static-nonpic to build static libraries without -fPIC. + * Make debugging symbol packages depend on the corresponding binary package + and put them into the libdevel section. + * Bump shlibs file for the libosmesa6 package to account for added symbols. + Thanks Julien Cristau. + * Build the DRI modules with the default optimization flags. Thanks Julien + Cristau. + * mesa-common-dev now ships the GLX header files so it needs to replace + libgl1-mesa-swx11-dev and libgl1-mesa-dev. Thanks Julien Cristau. + * All OSMesa libraries were moved to the libosmesa6 and libosmesa6-dev + package, so have them replace libgl1-mesa-swx11, libgl1-mesa-swx11-dev and + mesa-common-dev respectively. Thanks Julien Cristau. + + [ Julien Cristau ] + * Drop obsolete depends on xlibs. + + -- Thierry Reding Thu, 11 Jan 2007 15:06:52 +0100 + +mesa (6.5.2~rc3-0.1) experimental; urgency=low + + * Non-maintainer upload. + * Update to latest upstream release candidate. + + -- Thierry Reding Fri, 1 Dec 2006 01:06:28 +0100 + +mesa (6.5.2~rc2-0.1) experimental; urgency=low + + * Non-maintainer upload. + * New upstream release candidate: + + Refresh 02_use-ieee-fp-on-s390-and-m68k.patch. + * Add manual pages for the glxdemo, glxgears, glxheads and glxinfo + utilities (Closes: #385463). + + -- Thierry Reding Wed, 22 Nov 2006 20:49:06 +0100 + +mesa (6.5.2~rc1-0.1) experimental; urgency=low + + * Non-maintainer upload. + * New upstream release candidate. + * Update patches: + + Drop hunk #2 of 01_fix-makefile.patch, applied upstream. + + Drop 03_handle-sync-and-dont-unlock-display.patch, applied upstream. + * Bump build-dependency on libdrm-dev (>= 2.2.0). + * Use the new upstream minstall utility to install files and directories. + Using /usr/bin/install would result in a symlink's target being copied + instead of the symlink. + + -- Thierry Reding Sat, 18 Nov 2006 22:23:04 +0100 + +mesa (6.5.1-0.6) experimental; urgency=low + + * Non-maintainer upload. + * Rewrote the debian/rules file to make it easier to understand. + * Provide i686 optimized versions in libgl1-mesa-swx11-i686 instead of in + libgl1-mesa-swx11. + * Statically link libOSMesa with the software rasterization code from libGL + so that it works independently of the installed libGL. (Closes: #387706) + * Make libosmesa6-dev depend on mesa-common-dev because it only needs the + gl.h header file and no libGL anymore. + * Move glx*.h headers from libgl1-mesa(-swx11)-dev into mesa-common-dev + because both packages provide identical files. + * Add debugging symbol packages for libgl1-mesa-swx11, libgl1-mesa-glx and + libgl1-mesa-dri. + * Repack the contents of the three Mesa tarballs (MesaDemos, MesaGLUT and + MesaLib) as the original source tarball. (Closes: #392715) + * Make mesa-common-dev depend on libx11-dev. + * Provide a new package: mesa-utils. These utilities are shipped in the + MesaDemos package so mesa is the right package to provide them. + + -- Thierry Reding Sat, 18 Nov 2006 18:50:07 +0100 + +mesa (6.5.1-0.5) unstable; urgency=low + + * Non-maintainer upload. + * Build with -fno-strict-aliasing to fix misbuild of i965_dri.so + (closes: #394311). Thanks to Michel Dänzer for the fix, and to Ryan + Richter for the report and testing. + + -- Julien Cristau Wed, 3 Jan 2007 13:48:20 +0100 + +mesa (6.5.1-0.4) unstable; urgency=medium + + * Non-maintainer upload (and brown paper bag release). + * _Depend_ on libx11-dev from libgl1-mesa-dev; revert previous change. + Fixes FTBFS in other packages. (Really Closes: #396498) + + -- Steinar H. Gunderson Sat, 11 Nov 2006 13:55:20 +0100 + +mesa (6.5.1-0.3) unstable; urgency=medium + + * Non-maintainer upload. + * Build-depend on libx11-dev; fixes FTBFS. (Closes: #396498) + + -- Steinar H. Gunderson Wed, 8 Nov 2006 20:58:40 +0100 + +mesa (6.5.1-0.2) unstable; urgency=low + + * Non-maintainer upload + * Disable generation of SSE instructions (closes: #390560) + * Remove duplicate and unused build configurations + * Remove extra source files left from CVS snapshots (closes: #389283) + * Enable i965 DRI driver on i386 and amd64. Thanks to Ryan Richter + for the patch. (closes: #392030) + * Enable Unichrome DRI driver on amd64 (closes: #391900) + * Enable FFB DRI driver on sparc, not i386 (closes: #388025) + * Consistently compile C sources as C99 (closes: #373623) + * Fix X display locking error in GLX. Thanks to Josh Triplett for + the patch. (closes: #391681) + + -- Ben Hutchings Fri, 13 Oct 2006 02:25:52 +0100 + +mesa (6.5.1-0.1) unstable; urgency=low + + * New upstream version + * Build-dep on x11proto-gl-dev >= 1.4.8 + * Stuff not in the upstream tarballs + + os2 glut stuff + + docs/gears.png + * Bump libdrm-dev build-dep to >= 2.0.2 + * Add libdrm cflags to the debian-dri config. This allows the build system + to find drm.h + * Make sure that libGl looks for the dri drivers in the proper location. Do + this by setting the appropriate variables in the debian config + * Re-add s390 and m68k to the USE_IEEE test in src/mesa/main/imports.h. This + package seriously needs to store patches somewhere that are easy to find + and re-apply. + * Add patch from Cyril Brulebois to allow package to build on HURD, which + lacks DRI and directfb. This includes not using lib-directfb in the + build-depends for hurd-i386. It also creates a new debian config, + debian-indirect, which is used when building for HURD. This config is + invoked in the debian-dri config on hurd-i386. Thanks to Cyril Brulebois + for the patch, Michael Banck, Michel Dänzer, and Samuel Thibault for + input on an appropriate fix. (closes: #358065) + + -- David Nusinow Mon, 25 Sep 2006 21:21:47 -0400 + +mesa (6.5.0.cvs.20060524-1.1) unstable; urgency=medium + + * Non-maintainer upload. + * Upload mesa 6.5 cvs to unstable, because we need it for Xorg 7.1. + * Upload with medium urgency instead of high, since this is a new + upstream that should get some testing in unstable in spite of the + multiple RC bugfixes. + * Update debian/copyright with the full text of the SGI Free B and SGI + MIT-style licenses in use in the package, and take a stab at + cleaning up the list of paths and licenses. + Closes: #368562. + * Make mesa-common-dev Replaces: xlibosmesa-dev from sarge. + Closes: #384057. + * Fix libgl1-mesa-glx to not Provides: libgl1-mesa-dri, since it + definitely doesn't provide DRI support and this Provides: breaks + upgrades from sarge. Closes: #384282. + * debian/libgl1-mesa-swx11.shlibs: create a static shlibs file, + because libOSMesa.so.6 is not provided by all implementations of + libGL and so needs a separate shlibs declaration. Also make + libgl1-mesa-glx the default alternative instead of libgl1-mesa-swx11 + for consistency even when building against libgl1-mesa-swx11, + because to the extent these are interchangeable (i.e., 99%...), + there should be no reason to prefer one over the other -- and to the + extent that they aren't interchangeable, it's wrong to list libgl1 + as an alternative dependency at all. Closes: #386185. + * Don't provide shlibs at all for libgl1-mesa-swx11-dbg; this is an + unnecessary duplication of the existing libgl1-mesa-swx11 shlibs + since packages should not really be linking against /usr/lib/debug/ + separately. + * src/mesa/tnl/t_vb_render.c: Drop a pointless printf() in the + RENDER_LINE macro, getting rid of copious debug output on console. + Closes: #369895. + * libgl1-mesa-swx11 has no reason to depend on libglu, anything that + wants libglu will have its own dependency on it; drop this + hard-coded dependency from debian/control. + * Have libglu1-mesa-dev Provides: xlibmesa-glu-dev, since it's the + successor to that package and xlibmesa-glu-dev is still referenced + in a number of places and this makes for more reliable builds than + depending on alternatives without requiring another dummy -dev + package from xorg. + * Replace references to Source-Version in debian/control with either + binary:Version or source:Version, depending on whether the + relationship references an arch: any or arch: all package, making + mesa binNMU-safe; add build-depends on dpkg-dev (>= 1.13.19) to + ensure these substvars are available. + + -- Steve Langasek Fri, 15 Sep 2006 15:51:16 -0700 + +mesa (6.5.0.cvs.20060524-1) experimental; urgency=low + + * The "-O666 -fwater-c00ling -DBE_F4ST" release + * New pull from CVS + * Merge back and forth with 6.4.2-1 + * configs/debian*_i386: disabled, optimized build fuxxored. + + -- Marcelo E. Magallon Wed, 24 May 2006 14:12:13 -0600 + +mesa (6.5.0.cvs.20060512-0.0.1) experimental; urgency=low + + * New upstream release (6.5.0) + * Pulled CVS as of 2006-05-12 + * debian/control: remove DirectFB packages + + -- Marcelo E. Magallon Fri, 12 May 2006 15:23:49 -0600 + +mesa (6.4.2-1) unstable; urgency=low + + * The "please, please, please don't hate me" release. + * New upstream release. + * Ack NMUs + * debian/control: mesa-common-dev Replaces xlibmesa-gl-dev (<< 1:7) + AGAINST MY BETTER JUDGEMENT. The problem here is gratuitous package + renames within a system that does not support them. (closes: + bug#362063) + * debian/control: hurd-i386 doesn't have drm. Doesn't fix #358065, + yet. + * bin/mklib: fix from Robert Millan to support hurd-i386 and + GNU/kFreeBSD. Thanks Robert. (closes: bug#358066) + * src/glx/x11/indirect_vertex_array.c, src/mesa/main/glheader.h, + src/mesa/drivers/dri/common/glcontextmodes.c: fix broken indirect + rendering on 64-bit platforms. Thanks Aaron M. Ucko. (closes: + bug#364228) + * debian/control: b-d on x11proto-gl-dev. Please don't hate me! + * debian/control: Standards-Version: 3.7.2 + * debian/rules: export DEB_HOST_ARCH + * configs/debian-dri: use DEB_HOST_ARCH to decide if certain DRI drivers + should be built or not. + + Built only for i386: i810 i830 sis. + Rationale: integrated chipsets available only for i386 processors. + + Built only for i386: ffb. + Rationale: Michel Dänzer said so, no idea why. + + Built only for i386, amd64: i915. + Rationale: Apparently this is available in the 64-bit Intel chipset. + Please file a bug report stating which drivers should be included/excluded + for which architectures. Positive lists are preferred. If possible state + why. + * debian/mesa-swx11-source.install: nuke this abomination. Dinamically + generate the list at build time. + * debian/drivers.map: add gl-debian-dri_i386 + * debian/README.build: updated, add big friendly letters in short sentences. + Perhaps I can read it myself this way... + * debian/rules, configs/debian, configs/debian-dri, configs/debian_i386, + configs/debian-dri_i386, debian/libdir.map, debian/drivers.map: hack in + support for variable driver's dir. If you want this for your pet + architecture please provide BOTH configs/debian_arch and + configs/debian-dri_arch. If you just want to include/exclude DRI drivers + on your architecture look in configs/debian-dri. + * configs/debian*_i386: disabled, optimized build fuxxored. + * debian/rules: remove misguided Perl construct, replace by something + simpler in shell. I actually meant to do something else with the Perl + thing, but got distracted and forgot about it. Thanks Aaron M. Ucko! + * debian/rules: make it work like debian/README.build says it works wrt to + building optimized targets. + + -- Marcelo E. Magallon Tue, 16 May 2006 18:07:53 -0600 + +mesa (6.4.1-0.4) unstable; urgency=low + + * NMU + * Add versioned conflict between libgl1-mesa-dri and xlibmesa-dri so that + the xlibmesa-dri transitional upgrade package works + + -- David Nusinow Mon, 6 Mar 2006 21:46:18 -0500 + +mesa (6.4.1-0.3) unstable; urgency=low + + * NMU + * Add s390 and m68k to the USE_IEEE test in src/mesa/main/imports.h. + (closes: #349437) + + -- David Nusinow Sat, 11 Feb 2006 17:59:26 -0500 + +mesa (6.4.1-0.2) unstable; urgency=low + + * NMU + * Re-add dh_installdirs call to binary-indep target so that we get + arch-specific dirs for the mesa-swx11-source package + * Remove makedepend from build-depends. Now we'll just build-dep on xutils + to get the app, which will translate over to our own xorg 7.0 plans. + + -- David Nusinow Tue, 31 Jan 2006 19:21:12 -0500 + +mesa (6.4.1-0.1) unstable; urgency=low + + [ Marcelo E. Magallon ] + * debian/control: build-depend on xutils + * include/GL/glx{int,proto,md,tokens}.h: missing upstream (closes: bug#326466) + * debian/libgl1-mesa-dri-dev.install: install GLX include files here, too. + * debian/rules: GLU and GLW don't have arch-specific targets. + + [ Daniel Stone ] + * New upstream version, incorporating changes from Ubuntu 6.3 packaging. + * Rename packages: + - mesag3 -> libgl1-mesa-swrast + - mesag-dev -> libgl1-mesa-swrast-dev + - libgl1-mesa-dri -> libgl1-mesa + - libgl1-mesa-dri-dev -> libgl1-mesa-dev + - libgl1-mesa-dri still exists, but now contains the DRI modules only. + * Drop dependency *from* mesa-common-dev on libgl1-mesa-dev and + libglu1-mesa-dev; it should be the other way around. (closes: #336565) + * Add Build-Depends on pkg-config to get flags from libdrm, and libexpat-dev + for DRI configuration. Break out xlibs-dev Build-Depends to the + individual libraries required. + * Bump libdrm-dev Build-Depends to >> 1.0.5, in order to get new + via_drm.h to build the unichrome DRI driver. + * Configs: pare DRI drivers down to a sensible set for each architecture. + * Remove completely broken Glide target, which caused FTBFS. + * Add mesa-swrast-source package, providing the source for the software + rasteriser for libGLcore in the X server. + * Drop tight libosmesa6 -> libgl1-mesa-swrast Depends, replace with + shlibs:Depends. + + [ David Nusinow ] + * New upstream version (6.4.1) (closes: #232665) + * Merge changes from Ubuntu version 6.4.1-0ubuntu1. + (closes: #341479, #340168, #334742) + + Add new files required by xorg-server GL build to mesa-swrast-source. + * NMU to begin getting Xorg 7.0 in to Debian + * Change libgl1-mesa-swrast Depends on libx11-6-dev to libx11-dev. + * Change libgl1-mesa-swrast to be named libgl1-mesa-swx11 + * Change libgl1-mesa to be named libgl1-mesa-glx + * mesa-swrast-src.install stop looking for the swx11 dir and look for swrast + + -- David Nusinow Sat, 21 Jan 2006 21:43:37 -0500 + +mesa (6.3.2-2.1) unstable; urgency=low + + * Non-maintainer upload. + * Adjust Build-Depends: + + xlibs transition (Closes: #347129). + + xutils, xlibmesa-gl-dev (Closes: #326466). + * mesag-dev: Depends: libx11-dev (Closes: #347205). + + -- Christoph Berg Fri, 20 Jan 2006 20:45:43 +0100 + +mesa (6.3.2-2) unstable; urgency=low + + * debian/rules: build only whatever needs to be build according to + debian/control. + * debian/libdir.map: it's usr/lib/debug not usr/lib/dbg + * debian/rules: select optimized targets for the current host architecture + only (thanks Michel!) + * debian/README.build: reword some of the directions, add more info. + * debian/control: forgot to add CPR relationships in the new packages + (thanks Michel!) + * debian/control: Set maintainer to pkg-mesa-devel, add myself as uploader + + -- Marcelo E. Magallon Sun, 28 Aug 2005 14:41:15 -0600 + +mesa (6.3.2-1) unstable; urgency=low + + * New upstream + * configs/debian-dri: new target + * debian/control: add build-depends on libdrm-dev + * debian/rules: pass SRC_DIRS instead of SUBDIRS on the command line. + This allows for configurations to override the command line in a + sane way. + * configs/debian-dri: override SRC_DIRS + * configs/debian: add -D_GNU_SOURCE (required by dri drivers) + * debian/control, debian/rules: drop glide out of this package, it + will be moved to the mesa-legacy package, forked from 6.2.1-7. + * debian/drivers.map, debian/rules: take into account that some + drivers have external components. + + To be fixed: debian/drivers.map hardcodes locations + * debian/control: libgl1-mesa-dri, libgl1-mesa-directfb: new drivers + * dh_makeshlibs for libgl1-mesa-dri and libgl1-mesa-directfb + * debian/control: priority is optional... again... + + -- Marcelo E. Magallon Sun, 21 Aug 2005 17:13:19 -0600 + +mesa (6.2.1-7) unstable; urgency=low + + * Previous upload got lost somewhere + + bin/mklib: add GNU/kFreeBSD, patch from Aurelien Jarno (closes: + bug#307154) + + recompile with newer g++ + + -- Marcelo E. Magallon Tue, 02 Aug 2005 06:47:20 -0600 + +mesa (6.2.1-6) unstable; urgency=low + + * bin/mklib: add GNU/kFreeBSD, patch from Aurelien Jarno (closes: + bug#307154) + * recompile with newer g++ + + -- Marcelo E. Magallon Sun, 24 Jul 2005 11:47:16 -0600 + +mesa (6.2.1-5) unstable; urgency=low + + * debian/rules: big mess up, files are not being moved to their proper + places. I naively assumed that command-line options to debhelper + commands would override DH_OPTIONS, that is, that having + DH_OPTIONS=-i (as suggested in the documentation) would mean + something like "use -i unless -p is passed on the command line". It + actually means "use -i in addition to -p passed on the command + line", which does not make any sense, but is consistent with the + wording in the documentation. (closes: bug#306499, bug#306918, + bug#307095) + + -- Marcelo E. Magallon Sun, 01 May 2005 09:45:12 -0600 + +mesa (6.2.1-4) unstable; urgency=low + + * debian/control: fix description to reflect the exact content and + purpose of package (libosmesa-dev, mesag-dev). + * debian/rules: DH_OPTIONS=-s added to binary-arch target. (closes: + bug#306091) + + -- Marcelo E. Magallon Sat, 26 Mar 2005 08:03:44 -0600 + +mesa (6.2.1-3) unstable; urgency=low + + * debian/control: try to match the override file. If mesa is "extra" + (for whatever reason), all the packages should be extra. + * debian/rules: quick workaround for left-over libGL.so in GLU -dev + package. + + -- Marcelo E. Magallon Thu, 24 Mar 2005 19:35:34 -0600 + +mesa (6.2.1-2) unstable; urgency=low + + * The "thank you so much, I'm still voting against you" release. + * debian/rules: correct artifact of me not having had a proper + pbuilder environment to build stuff on and the repackaging from the + previous release. The -glu- and -glw- targets now explicitly depend + on the matching -gl- target, and symlinks are placed in the build + directories in order to actually have a libGL.so to make ld happy + when creating the libraries. + * debian/rules: uncomment dh_install :-\ There was a reason why I had + commented that out... + * First change closes: bug#298922 + * Second change closes: bug#300302, bug#300284, bug#300430 + * debian/control: "An X", whatever, I've been corrected multiple times + in both ways (translators beware). (closes: bug#300012) + + -- Marcelo E. Magallon Sun, 20 Mar 2005 22:03:29 -0600 + +mesa (6.2.1-1) unstable; urgency=low + + * The "autobuilders, please please please don't hate me" release. + * New upstream. + * Repackage: + + Fall prey to debhelper + + Entries below this one preserved for historical reasons or + sentimental value, pick as many as you want. They bear NO + relation to the actual packages! + * configs/debian, configs/debian-debug, configs/debian-debug-i386, + configs/debian-glide, configs/debian-glide-i386, configs/debian-i386, + configs/debian-osmesa16, configs/debian-osmesa16-static, + configs/debian-osmesa32, configs/debian-osmesa32-static, + configs/debian-static, configs/debian-static-i386: new files. + * configs/debian-sparc: Dave Miller confirmed that the sparc assembly + files do work on Linux. I don't know where to install the optimized + libraries, so the file doesn't actually exist. Please read + debian/README.build if you want to have a sparc-optimized library. + * debian/control: GGI and glide2 are gone. glide is glide3. + * debian/rules: modify shlibs file for the glide3 target to require glide3 + and only glide3 because that library exports functions not available in + other libGLs. Rationale: if someone is compiling a Debian package and + uses the glide target either he doesn't know what he is doing or he knows + exactly what he is doing. In the first case the package should not be + installable and in the second case the package requires this particular + version. + * debian/control: libgl1-mesa-glide3-dev does NOT provide a proper OpenGL + development environment (see above). + * PCR is bound to be wrong... *sigh* + + -- Marcelo E. Magallon Sat, 25 Dec 2004 14:50:02 -0600 + +mesa (6.0.1-1) unstable; urgency=low + + * New upstream release. + * debian/rules: redid a bunch of stuff in order to support new build system + without autoconf and automake stuff. The next version is going to change + this _again_. + + -- Marcelo E. Magallon Sun, 11 Apr 2004 07:00:19 -0600 + +mesa (5.0.0-5.1) unstable; urgency=low + + * Non-Maintainer Upload. + * Rename "GGIMesa"-references in src/GGI/default/Makefile.am to + "MesaGGI", which makes the package build again with newer libtool. + (Closes: #213836) + + -- Steinar H. Gunderson Sun, 15 Feb 2004 17:37:08 +0100 + +mesa (5.0.0-5) unstable; urgency=low + + * debian/control: yank and put error? Remove hard-coded + nvidia-glx-dev from mesag-glide2-dev dependencies. + + -- Marcelo E. Magallon Sun, 09 Feb 2003 10:31:51 +0100 + +mesa (5.0.0-4) unstable; urgency=low + + * debian/rules: fix typo in definition of GLIDE_ARCHS. (closes: bug#179622) + + -- Marcelo E. Magallon Mon, 03 Feb 2003 20:19:12 +0100 + +mesa (5.0.0-3) unstable; urgency=low + + * The "it's amazing how people pick severities" release + * debian/control: mesa-common-dev conflicts with xlibmesa-dev. Actually put + dependency of mesa-common-dev on the mesa-*-dev packages to avoid having + to track other libgl-dev packages popping up. IMO this is less error + prone. You can't install mesa-common-dev without installing mesa-*-dev, + and those packages conflict with other libgl-dev packages. (closes: + bug#177996) + * Rename libglu1c102 to libglu1-mesa; the libglu1c102 is incorrent since + this library does not export C++ functions. Sorry about the mess. + * Rename libglu1-dev to libglu1-mesa-dev to be consistent + * debian/rules: use grep-dctrl to extract architectures from debian/control + * debian/control: add grep-dctrl to build-depends + * debian/shlibs.libglu: libglu1-mesa | libglu1 + * debian/rules: install include/GL/xmesa.h in /usr/include/GL/xmesa.h; I'm + not 100% sure this is the right thing to do, but it's a niche so I don't + think it will actually make trouble (closes: bug#148866) + * debian/rules: install include/GL/glx*.h in the common package. (closes: + bug#178562) + * debian/rules: nasty hack to work arround libtool's idea of how libraries + should be linked (closes: bug#178514) + * debian/rules: even nastier hack. Getting environment variables to + percolate thru all the make calls isn't getting anywhere. + * si-glu/Makefile.am: export only glu.* symbols + * si-glu/Makefile.am: add -lm to link line + * src/Makefile.am: god damm it. If you use libm link to it! + * debian/control: mesa-common-dev depends on libglu1-mesa-dev to satisfy + libgl-dev's requirements + + -- Marcelo E. Magallon Mon, 27 Jan 2003 17:15:25 +0100 + +mesa (5.0.0-2) unstable; urgency=low + + * debian/control: Not funny, I'm sure I put lesstif and xlibs-dev in the + build-depends. CVS says I didn't. (closes: bug#176730) + * debian/control, debian/rules: regenerate auto-stuff (closes: bug#176729) + * debian/control, debian/rules: GCC C++ 3.2 transition (libglu1c102 -- ugly!) + * remove Makefile.in from CVS control + * si-glu/libnurbs/interface/Makefile.am: fix INCLUDES macro + + -- Marcelo E. Magallon Sun, 19 Jan 2003 00:48:32 +0100 + +mesa (5.0.0-1) unstable; urgency=low + + * New upstream release, it looks like glide and GGI are in working + condition again. + * FX patches from previous releases gone. They'll be back later. + * debian/rules: some clean ups. + * debian/control: add libglu1 packages + * debian/control: Standards-Version: 3.5.8 + * debian/rules: Build Xt widgets (if you need this stuff, you need to depend + on mesag-dev, libgl-dev is not enough) + * debian/control, debian/rules: add mesa-common-dev package + * debian/control, debian/rules: add osmesa packages. + + -- Marcelo E. Magallon Sun, 15 Dec 2002 12:28:49 +0100 + +mesa (4.0.3-1) unstable; urgency=low + + * New (and long delayed) upstream version + * Redid a bunch of FX patches, probably broke. + + -- Marcelo E. Magallon Thu, 03 Oct 2002 11:27:29 +0200 + +mesa (3.5-1) unstable; urgency=low + + * New upstream version. + * Redid patches. + * Disabled building GGI target. Someone with a good understanding of GGI + needs to write a driver for mesa. The old version doesn't cut it + anymore. + * Most makefiles won't work. Copied them out of CVS. + * src/Makefile.am: add -lm to library list. (closes: bug#102717) + * configure.in: adjust GLU's version info to match previous release. + + -- Marcelo E. Magallon Mon, 25 Jun 2001 22:13:40 +0200 + +mesa3 ( unstable; urgency=low + + * So, here's the deal: the 3Dfx backend is going nowhere in 4.x and 5.x is + just arround the corner. Same thing for the GGI stuff. In order to leave + the people who need this stuff with _something_ to work with, I'll compile + those targets out of the mesa3 source package and the mesa package will + stuck to plain old X. + * debian/control, debian/rules: strip out all the parts concerning to mesa3g + and mesa3g-dev + * debian/control: update GGI architectures, let's see what happens + * debian/rules: special case alpha for stripping options. Chris, did you + ever figure out what the problem actually is? (closes: bug#99284) + * debian/rules: hereby I decree that everything in etc is a conffile. Die + future bugs, die!. + * configure: fix ggi_libdir, ggi_confdir (closes: bug#139598) + + -- Marcelo E. Magallon Sun, 29 Sep 2002 11:21:00 +0200 + +mesa ( unstable; urgency=low + + * Actually install widgets on the mesag-dev package (closes: bug#98988) + + -- Marcelo E. Magallon Sat, 9 Jun 2001 16:39:36 +0200 + +mesa ( unstable; urgency=low + + * src/X/xmesa1.c: I knew it, I knew it. This was bound to break. Stupid + typo. Restored MESA_GLX_FX (got renamed to GLX_FX accidentally, if you + have to know) (closes: bug#94114) + + -- Marcelo E. Magallon Mon, 21 May 2001 08:52:07 +0200 + +mesa ( unstable; urgency=low + + * Upstream released 3.4.2. + * Hmmm... thought about it on my way home. The code to parse 3dfx.conf + is wrong. Redid. Still not tested. (closes: bug#94114) + * debian/README.Debian: document 3dfx.conf + + -- Marcelo E. Magallon Sat, 19 May 2001 11:57:33 +0200 + +mesa (3.4.2-1) unstable; urgency=low + + * New upstream version. + * debian/config.guess, debian/config.sub: newest versions from + http://subversions.gnu.org/cgi-bin/cvsweb/config (closes: bug#95338) + * GAAAAAAARGGH! src/X/xmesa1.c: horrible hack to use /etc/mesa/3dfx.conf + if there's no MESA_GLX_FX environment variable defined. I. Hate. + This. I'll make a deal with you: you find another of these things, + and you send me a nice tested patch. I don't have a 3DFX card and I + *HATE* uploading stuff I can't fully test. (closes: bug#94114) + * debian/rules: use the new files + * debian/rules: s/TMPDIR/DTEMPDIR/g + * gl3DfxSetDitherModeEXT from Zephaniah (closes: bug#65860) + * Disable GL_EXT_shared_texture_palette per default. Patch looks funny, + but I'll blindly trust Zephaniah. + * Hmmm... I hope Zephaniah tested this, because it broke in a rather silly + way at compile time. + * Fancy what people regard as "pretty important". + + -- Marcelo E. Magallon Fri, 18 May 2001 09:23:49 +0200 + +mesa (3.4.1-3) unstable; urgency=low + + * PLEASE SUBMIT NMUs TO THE BTS, DAMN IT! + * debian/control: exclude m68k from libggi2-dev build-dependency. + + -- Marcelo E. Magallon Sat, 17 Mar 2001 19:45:09 +0100 + +mesa (3.4.1-2) unstable; urgency=low + + * debian/control: add missing dependency on xlibs-dev and corrected the + one for libglide2-dev + + -- Marcelo E. Magallon Wed, 14 Mar 2001 00:21:42 +0100 + +mesa (3.4.1-1) unstable; urgency=low + + * New upstream version. + * New maintainer. (closes: bug#81139) + * Some fixes to get it to compile. + * debian/rules: some reorganization happened to allow me test different + builds better. + * debian/control: nuked widgets package, if you miss it, you are doing + something wrong. + * debian/rules: -dev packages will be missing some garbage they used to + install. If you miss any of those files, I'm fairly confident you + are doing something wrong. + * configure, ltmain.sh, aclocal.m4, acinclude.m4, ...: vicious hacks to + allow the GGI version to compile. + * TODO: add the widgets to the packages + * TODO: make OSmesa packages + + -- Marcelo E. Magallon Sat, 10 Feb 2001 18:34:13 +0100 + +mesa (3.2.1-1) unstable; urgency=low + + * New upstream version. + + -- James A. Treacy Mon, 31 Jul 2000 15:13:34 -0400 + +mesa (3.2-2) frozen unstable; urgency=low + + * add MMX and 3Dnow opts for x86. + + -- James A. Treacy Fri, 7 Jul 2000 16:06:43 -0400 + +mesa (3.2-1) frozen unstable; urgency=low + + * New upstream version. + * Made minor changes to README.3DFX. Closes bug#56827 + * Added symlinks for mesa widget libraries. Closes bug#63115 + + -- James A. Treacy Wed, 28 Jun 2000 11:21:09 -0400 + +mesa (3.1-17) frozen unstable; urgency=low + + * Fixed Makefile for demos in mesag-widgets-dev. Closes bug#62674 + + -- James A. Treacy Fri, 19 May 2000 13:23:00 -0400 + +mesa (3.1-16) frozen unstable; urgency=low + + * Add --prefix=/usr to ggi build. Closes bug#61705, #61486 + + -- James A. Treacy Wed, 12 Apr 2000 15:12:48 -0400 + +mesa (3.1-15) frozen unstable; urgency=low + + * Remove ggi from the build on m68k. Closes bug#59273 + + -- James A. Treacy Mon, 6 Mar 2000 13:20:29 -0500 + +mesa (3.1-14) frozen unstable; urgency=low + + * Fixed hard-coded location of config file in library. This is release + critical, even though no bug was filed (relates to bug#58267). + + -- James A. Treacy Mon, 28 Feb 2000 10:58:34 -0500 + +mesa (3.1-13) frozen unstable; urgency=low + + * Add missing ggi libraries. Closes bug#58267, #57760 + + -- James A. Treacy Thu, 24 Feb 2000 00:59:30 -0500 + +mesa (3.1-12) frozen unstable; urgency=low + + * Dependencies are now computed in a more intelligent way. Closes: bug#55861 + + -- James A. Treacy Fri, 21 Jan 2000 16:26:40 -0500 + +mesa (3.1-11) frozen unstable; urgency=low + + * Remove svgalib support from the software only package of mesa + + -- James A. Treacy Sat, 22 Jan 2000 05:33:13 +0000 + +mesa (3.1-10) frozen unstable; urgency=low + + * Fix the mesag3-glide2 postinst. Closes bug#55462 + + -- James A. Treacy Sat, 22 Jan 2000 02:06:27 +0000 + +mesa (3.1-9) frozen unstable; urgency=low + + * The ggi based packages are now built with the other versions of mesa. Closes: bug#49218, #55221 + + -- James A. Treacy Sat, 15 Jan 2000 22:24:13 -0500 + +mesa (3.1-8) unstable; urgency=low + + * fixed the postinst and prerm for the glide packages + * added Provides: mesag-dev to the mesag-glide2-dev package to maintain + backwards compatability + + -- James A. Treacy Sat, 15 Jan 2000 01:01:58 -0500 + +mesa (3.1-7) unstable; urgency=low + + * Fix version number for soname in the shlib file. Closes: bug#54926 + + -- James A. Treacy Thu, 13 Jan 2000 01:37:03 -0500 + +mesa (3.1-6) unstable; urgency=low + + * Include docs/README.3DFX in mesag3-glide2 package. Closes: bug#54625 + * Remove Provides: libgl1 from mesag3-widgets. Closes: bug#54774 + * conflicts with older versions of mesa. Closes: bug#54831 + + -- James A. Treacy Mon, 10 Jan 2000 11:50:49 -0500 + +mesa (3.1-5) unstable; urgency=low + + * now Conflicts: libgl1 + * remove extra '.' in library name + + -- James A. Treacy Sun, 9 Jan 2000 20:47:31 -0500 + +mesa (3.1-4) unstable; urgency=low + + * Added links libGL.so.1 <- libMesaGL.so.3 so existing progs don't break + * Copyright changed for version 3.1 + + -- James A. Treacy Thu, 6 Jan 2000 17:11:11 -0500 + +mesa (3.1-3) unstable; urgency=low + + * copyright file now refers to /usr/share/common-license/LGPL. + + -- James A. Treacy Tue, 4 Jan 2000 11:50:45 -0500 + +mesa (3.1-2) unstable; urgency=low + + * Second try. Fixed shlibs file. + + -- James A. Treacy Tue, 4 Jan 2000 00:00:29 -0500 + +mesa (3.1-1) unstable; urgency=low + + * New upstream version. + * glide version of packages added, since glide is now under the GPL. + * mesa widget libraries are now in a separate package + * library names are changed to lib{GL,GLU}.* + + -- James A. Treacy Tue, 14 Dec 1999 10:06:14 -0500 + +mesa (3.0-2) unstable; urgency=low + + * added symlinks from libMesaGL* -> libGL*. Fixes bug #37160 + * added lines (commented out) for building a glide version of mesa. Fixes bug #39758 + + -- James A. Treacy Thu, 13 May 1999 01:02:42 -0400 + +mesa (3.0-1) unstable; urgency=low + + * mesa libs moved to /usr/lib. Fixes bug #26874 + * motif widget library libMesaGLwM added (compiled using headers from lesstif). Fixes bug #25380 + + -- James A. Treacy Thu, 6 Aug 1998 13:49:37 -0400 + +mesa (2.6-4) unstable; urgency=low + + * call to ldconfig in postinst put back in. Fixes bug #20552 + * changelog.Debian file created for the mesa-doc package. + * deleted miscellaneous files. Fixes bug #21481 + + -- James A. Treacy Sat, 23 May 1998 23:41:34 -0400 + +mesa (2.6-3) frozen unstable; urgency=low + + * No changes. Just trying (again) to get this back in the distribution + + -- James A. Treacy Tue, 24 Mar 1998 00:53:09 -0500 + +mesa (2.6-2) unstable frozen; urgency=low + + * point copyright to LPGL in /usr/doc/copyright. Fixes bug #19633 + + -- James A. Treacy Sun, 15 Mar 1998 14:00:33 -0500 + +mesa (2.6-1) unstable; urgency=low + + * New upstream Release + * strip static lib with --strip-debug and shared with strip--unneeded: Fixes bug#17301 + * create doc package in build-indep: Fixes bug#16090 + * added widgets-mesa library to package: Fixes bug#15729 + * created mesa-glide* packages + + -- James A. Treacy Mon, 19 Jan 1998 23:45:50 -0500 + +mesa (2.5-2) unstable; urgency=low + + * Corrected i386 specific debian/rules file: Fixes bug#15640 + + -- James A. Treacy Fri, 5 Nov 1997 11:46:13 -0500 + +mesa (2.5-1) unstable; urgency=low + + * New upstream release. + + -- James A. Treacy Sun, 23 Nov 1997 20:46:13 -0500 + +mesa (2.4-1) unstable; urgency=low + + * New upstream release. + * New maintainer. + * libc6 release. + + -- James A. Treacy Mon, 3 Nov 1997 01:11:34 -0500 + +mesa (2.2-2) unstable; urgency=low + + * debian/control: mesa-doc no longer depends on mesa (bug #8840). + + -- Karl Sackett Wed, 30 Apr 1997 10:25:25 -0500 + +mesa (2.2-1) unstable; urgency=low + + * New upstream release. + * Make-config: linux-elf libraries compiled with -D_REENTRANT. + + -- Karl Sackett Wed, 19 Mar 1997 09:10:22 -0600 + +mesa (2.1-4) unstable; urgency=low + + * debian/control: lib packages moved from 'graphics' to 'libs'. + * debian/rules: headers moved from /usr/include/mesa to /usr/include + (no more -I/usr/include/mesa). + + -- Karl Sackett Tue, 25 Feb 1997 09:30:23 -0600 + +mesa (2.1-3) unstable; urgency=low + + * debian/control: mesa2 provides mesa and conflicts with mesa + (bug #7394). + + -- Karl Sackett Mon, 17 Feb 1997 09:25:42 -0600 + +mesa (2.1-2) unstable; urgency=low + + * debian/rules: install gmesa.h, osmesa.h, FooMesa.h in mesa-dev + (bug #6864). + + -- Karl Sackett Tue, 28 Jan 1997 09:37:41 -0600 + +mesa (2.1-1) unstable; urgency=low + + * New upstream release. + * Added soname to mesa and mesa-widgets. + * Moved static libraries to mesa2-dbg. + * debian/postinst, postinst-widgets: call ldconfig without explicit + pathname (bugs #6176, 6180). + + -- Karl Sackett Mon, 6 Jan 1997 09:30:10 -0600 + +mesa (2.0-2) unstable; urgency=low + + * Created mesa-widgets and mesa-widgets-dev (Bug #5029). + + -- Karl Sackett Wed, 30 Oct 1996 08:44:19 -0600 + +mesa (2.0-1) unstable; urgency=low + + * src/draw.c: replaced with upstream patch. + * Make-config: linux-elf target builds libMesaGLw.so library, looks + for XLIBS in /usr/X11R6/lib, removed -mieee-mp from CFLAGS. + * widgets-sgi/Makefile: builds libMesaGlw.a library + * New upstream release. + * Converted to new package standard. + * Maintainer address changed. + + -- Karl Sackett Mon, 14 Oct 1996 15:37:19 -0500 + +1.2.8-3 + * Package split into runtime, development, and documentation + packages. + * widgets now made as a sharable library. + * GLUT removed. This will be released as a separate package. + +1.2.8-2 + * Support files now architecture-independent + +1.2.8-1 + * Upgrade to latest release + * Brought support files up to latest packaging requirements + * mondello/Makefile: fixed error in realclean target + +1.2.7-2 + * debian.rules: clean all Makefiles out of widgets directory + * debian.postrm: remove /usr/lib/mesa entry from /etc/ld.so.config + (bug #2817) + +1.2.7-1 + * Added Debian support files + * Included the GLUT OpenGL Utility Toolkit + * Makefile - disable building programs in demos, samples, and book + directories + * mklib.linux - disabled building *.a libraries + * widgets/Makefile.in - disabled building demo programs --- mesa-9.1.4.orig/debian/libegl1-mesa.prerm.in +++ mesa-9.1.4/debian/libegl1-mesa.prerm.in @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +#!/bin/sh + +set -e + +THIS_PACKAGE=libegl1-mesa +THIS_SCRIPT=prerm + +case "$1" in + remove) + # Use alternatives to make it easier to switch between Mesa and 3rd party modules + update-alternatives --remove ${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}_egl_conf /usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}/mesa-egl/ld.so.conf + + # explicit ldconfig due to alternatives + ldconfig + +esac + +#DEBHELPER# + +exit 0 --- mesa-9.1.4.orig/debian/compat +++ mesa-9.1.4/debian/compat @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +7 --- mesa-9.1.4.orig/debian/libgbm-dev.install.in +++ mesa-9.1.4/debian/libgbm-dev.install.in @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +dri/usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}/libgbm.so usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH} +dri/usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}/pkgconfig/gbm.pc usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}/pkgconfig +dri/usr/include/gbm.h usr/include --- mesa-9.1.4.orig/debian/libxatracker1.symbols +++ mesa-9.1.4/debian/libxatracker1.symbols @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +libxatracker.so.1 libxatracker1 #MINVER# + driver_descriptor@Base 9.1~ + xa_composite_allocation@Base 0 + xa_composite_check_accelerated@Base 0 + xa_composite_done@Base 0 + xa_composite_prepare@Base 0 + xa_composite_rect@Base 0 + xa_context_create@Base 0 + xa_context_default@Base 0 + xa_context_destroy@Base 0 + xa_copy@Base 0 + xa_copy_done@Base 0 + xa_copy_prepare@Base 0 + xa_fence_destroy@Base 0 + xa_fence_get@Base 0 + xa_fence_wait@Base 0 + xa_format_check_supported@Base 0 + xa_solid@Base 0 + xa_solid_done@Base 0 + xa_solid_prepare@Base 0 + xa_surface_create@Base 0 + xa_surface_destroy@Base 0 + xa_surface_dma@Base 0 + xa_surface_format@Base 0 + xa_surface_handle@Base 0 + xa_surface_map@Base 0 + xa_surface_redefine@Base 0 + xa_surface_unmap@Base 0 + xa_tracker_create@Base 0 + xa_tracker_destroy@Base 0 + xa_tracker_version@Base 0 + xa_yuv_planar_blit@Base 0 --- mesa-9.1.4.orig/debian/libopenvg1-mesa.symbols +++ mesa-9.1.4/debian/libopenvg1-mesa.symbols @@ -0,0 +1,94 @@ +libOpenVG.so.1 libopenvg1-mesa #MINVER# | libopenvg1 + mapi_get_proc_address@Base 7.9~ + mapi_init@Base 7.9~ + mapi_table_create@Base 7.9~ + mapi_table_destroy@Base 7.9~ + mapi_table_fill@Base 7.9~ + mapi_table_make_current@Base 7.9~ + vgAppendPath@Base 7.8.1 + vgAppendPathData@Base 7.8.1 + vgChildImage@Base 7.8.1 + vgClear@Base 7.8.1 + vgClearGlyph@Base 7.10 + vgClearImage@Base 7.8.1 + vgClearPath@Base 7.8.1 + vgColorMatrix@Base 7.8.1 + vgConvolve@Base 7.8.1 + vgCopyImage@Base 7.8.1 + vgCopyMask@Base 7.10 + vgCopyPixels@Base 7.8.1 + vgCreateFont@Base 7.10 + vgCreateImage@Base 7.8.1 + vgCreateMaskLayer@Base 7.10 + vgCreatePaint@Base 7.8.1 + vgCreatePath@Base 7.8.1 + vgDestroyFont@Base 7.10 + vgDestroyImage@Base 7.8.1 + vgDestroyMaskLayer@Base 7.10 + vgDestroyPaint@Base 7.8.1 + vgDestroyPath@Base 7.8.1 + vgDrawGlyph@Base 7.10 + vgDrawGlyphs@Base 7.10 + vgDrawImage@Base 7.8.1 + vgDrawPath@Base 7.8.1 + vgFillMaskLayer@Base 7.10 + vgFinish@Base 7.8.1 + vgFlush@Base 7.8.1 + vgGaussianBlur@Base 7.8.1 + vgGetColor@Base 7.8.1 + vgGetError@Base 7.8.1 + vgGetImageSubData@Base 7.8.1 + vgGetMatrix@Base 7.8.1 + vgGetPaint@Base 7.8.1 + vgGetParameterVectorSize@Base 7.8.1 + vgGetParameterf@Base 7.8.1 + vgGetParameterfv@Base 7.8.1 + vgGetParameteri@Base 7.8.1 + vgGetParameteriv@Base 7.8.1 + vgGetParent@Base 7.8.1 + vgGetPathCapabilities@Base 7.8.1 + vgGetPixels@Base 7.8.1 + vgGetString@Base 7.8.1 + vgGetVectorSize@Base 7.8.1 + vgGetf@Base 7.8.1 + vgGetfv@Base 7.8.1 + vgGeti@Base 7.8.1 + vgGetiv@Base 7.8.1 + vgHardwareQuery@Base 7.8.1 + vgImageSubData@Base 7.8.1 + vgInterpolatePath@Base 7.8.1 + vgLoadIdentity@Base 7.8.1 + vgLoadMatrix@Base 7.8.1 + vgLookup@Base 7.8.1 + vgLookupSingle@Base 7.8.1 + vgMask@Base 7.8.1 + vgModifyPathCoords@Base 7.8.1 + vgMultMatrix@Base 7.8.1 + vgPaintPattern@Base 7.8.1 + vgPathBounds@Base 7.8.1 + vgPathLength@Base 7.8.1 + vgPathTransformedBounds@Base 7.8.1 + vgPointAlongPath@Base 7.8.1 + vgReadPixels@Base 7.8.1 + vgRemovePathCapabilities@Base 7.8.1 + vgRenderToMask@Base 7.10 + vgRotate@Base 7.8.1 + vgScale@Base 7.8.1 + vgSeparableConvolve@Base 7.8.1 + vgSetColor@Base 7.8.1 + vgSetGlyphToImage@Base 7.10 + vgSetGlyphToPath@Base 7.10 + vgSetPaint@Base 7.8.1 + vgSetParameterf@Base 7.8.1 + vgSetParameterfv@Base 7.8.1 + vgSetParameteri@Base 7.8.1 + vgSetParameteriv@Base 7.8.1 + vgSetPixels@Base 7.8.1 + vgSetf@Base 7.8.1 + vgSetfv@Base 7.8.1 + vgSeti@Base 7.8.1 + vgSetiv@Base 7.8.1 + vgShear@Base 7.8.1 + vgTransformPath@Base 7.8.1 + vgTranslate@Base 7.8.1 + vgWritePixels@Base 7.8.1 --- mesa-9.1.4.orig/debian/libgl1-mesa-dri.install.kfreebsd.in +++ mesa-9.1.4/debian/libgl1-mesa-dri.install.kfreebsd.in @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +dri/etc/drirc etc +dri/usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}/dri/*_dri.so usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}/dri +dri/usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}/libdricore*.so* usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}/ --- mesa-9.1.4.orig/debian/libopenvg1-mesa.lintian-overrides +++ mesa-9.1.4/debian/libopenvg1-mesa.lintian-overrides @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +package-name-doesnt-match-sonames libOpenVG1 --- mesa-9.1.4.orig/debian/libglapi-mesa.lintian-overrides +++ mesa-9.1.4/debian/libglapi-mesa.lintian-overrides @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +package-name-doesnt-match-sonames libglapi0 --- mesa-9.1.4.orig/debian/patches/egl-platform-mir.patch +++ mesa-9.1.4/debian/patches/egl-platform-mir.patch @@ -0,0 +1,1550 @@ +Index: mesa/configure.ac +=================================================================== +--- mesa.orig/configure.ac 2013-08-02 13:52:39.909145976 +1000 ++++ mesa/configure.ac 2013-08-02 13:52:39.893145977 +1000 +@@ -1547,7 +1547,9 @@ + + android|gdi) + ;; +- ++ mir) ++ PKG_CHECK_MODULES([MIR], [mirclient]) ++ ;; + *) + AC_MSG_ERROR([EGL platform '$plat' does not exist]) + ;; +@@ -1575,6 +1577,7 @@ + AM_CONDITIONAL(HAVE_EGL_PLATFORM_DRM, echo "$egl_platforms" | grep 'drm' >/dev/null 2>&1) + AM_CONDITIONAL(HAVE_EGL_PLATFORM_FBDEV, echo "$egl_platforms" | grep 'fbdev' >/dev/null 2>&1) + AM_CONDITIONAL(HAVE_EGL_PLATFORM_NULL, echo "$egl_platforms" | grep 'null' >/dev/null 2>&1) ++AM_CONDITIONAL(HAVE_EGL_PLATFORM_MIR, echo "$egl_platforms" | grep 'mir' >/dev/null 2>&1) + + AM_CONDITIONAL(HAVE_EGL_DRIVER_DRI2, test "x$HAVE_EGL_DRIVER_DRI2" != "x") + AM_CONDITIONAL(HAVE_EGL_DRIVER_GLX, test "x$HAVE_EGL_DRIVER_GLX" != "x") +Index: mesa/include/EGL/eglplatform.h +=================================================================== +--- mesa.orig/include/EGL/eglplatform.h 2013-08-02 13:52:39.909145976 +1000 ++++ mesa/include/EGL/eglplatform.h 2013-08-02 13:52:39.893145977 +1000 +@@ -104,6 +104,13 @@ + typedef struct egl_native_pixmap_t *EGLNativePixmapType; + typedef void *EGLNativeDisplayType; + ++#elif defined(MIR_EGL_PLATFORM) ++ ++#include ++typedef MirEGLNativeDisplayType EGLNativeDisplayType; ++typedef void *EGLNativePixmapType; ++typedef MirEGLNativeWindowType EGLNativeWindowType; ++ + #elif defined(__unix__) + + #ifdef MESA_EGL_NO_X11_HEADERS +Index: mesa/include/GL/internal/dri_interface.h +=================================================================== +--- mesa.orig/include/GL/internal/dri_interface.h 2013-08-02 13:52:39.909145976 +1000 ++++ mesa/include/GL/internal/dri_interface.h 2013-08-02 13:52:39.893145977 +1000 +@@ -766,10 +766,12 @@ + unsigned int pitch; + unsigned int cpp; + unsigned int flags; ++ unsigned int fd; /**< Only available with DRI2_LOADER_VERSION >= 4, */ ++ /**< Only valid if name == 0 */ + }; + + #define __DRI_DRI2_LOADER "DRI_DRI2Loader" +-#define __DRI_DRI2_LOADER_VERSION 3 ++#define __DRI_DRI2_LOADER_VERSION 4 + struct __DRIdri2LoaderExtensionRec { + __DRIextension base; + +@@ -1021,6 +1023,9 @@ + #define __DRI_IMAGE_ATTRIB_WIDTH 0x2004 /* available in versions 4+ */ + #define __DRI_IMAGE_ATTRIB_HEIGHT 0x2005 + #define __DRI_IMAGE_ATTRIB_COMPONENTS 0x2006 /* available in versions 5+ */ ++#define __DRI_IMAGE_ATTRIB_FD 0x2007 /* available in versions ++ * 7+. Each query will return a ++ * new fd. */ + + typedef struct __DRIimageRec __DRIimage; + typedef struct __DRIimageExtensionRec __DRIimageExtension; +Index: mesa/src/egl/drivers/dri2/Makefile.am +=================================================================== +--- mesa.orig/src/egl/drivers/dri2/Makefile.am 2013-08-02 13:52:39.909145976 +1000 ++++ mesa/src/egl/drivers/dri2/Makefile.am 2013-08-02 13:52:39.893145977 +1000 +@@ -62,3 +62,9 @@ + libegl_dri2_la_SOURCES += platform_drm.c + AM_CFLAGS += -DHAVE_DRM_PLATFORM + endif ++ ++if HAVE_EGL_PLATFORM_MIR ++libegl_dri2_la_SOURCES += platform_mir.c ++AM_CFLAGS += -DHAVE_MIR_PLATFORM ++AM_CFLAGS += $(MIR_CFLAGS) ++endif +Index: mesa/src/egl/drivers/dri2/egl_dri2.c +=================================================================== +--- mesa.orig/src/egl/drivers/dri2/egl_dri2.c 2013-08-02 13:52:39.909145976 +1000 ++++ mesa/src/egl/drivers/dri2/egl_dri2.c 2013-08-02 13:52:39.897145977 +1000 +@@ -594,6 +594,12 @@ + return EGL_TRUE; + return dri2_initialize_wayland(drv, disp); + #endif ++#ifdef HAVE_MIR_PLATFORM ++ case _EGL_PLATFORM_MIR: ++ if (disp->Options.TestOnly) ++ return EGL_TRUE; ++ return dri2_initialize_mir(drv, disp); ++#endif + #endif + #ifdef HAVE_ANDROID_PLATFORM + case _EGL_PLATFORM_ANDROID: +Index: mesa/src/egl/drivers/dri2/egl_dri2.h +=================================================================== +--- mesa.orig/src/egl/drivers/dri2/egl_dri2.h 2013-08-02 13:52:39.909145976 +1000 ++++ mesa/src/egl/drivers/dri2/egl_dri2.h 2013-08-02 13:52:39.897145977 +1000 +@@ -65,6 +65,11 @@ + + #endif /* HAVE_ANDROID_PLATFORM */ + ++#ifdef HAVE_MIR_PLATFORM ++#include ++#include ++#endif ++ + #include "eglconfig.h" + #include "eglcontext.h" + #include "egldisplay.h" +@@ -134,6 +139,10 @@ + int formats; + #endif + ++#ifdef HAVE_MIR_PLATFORM ++ MirMesaEGLNativeDisplay *mir_disp; ++#endif ++ + int (*authenticate) (_EGLDisplay *disp, uint32_t id); + }; + +@@ -182,7 +191,9 @@ + struct gbm_dri_surface *gbm_surf; + #endif + +-#if defined(HAVE_WAYLAND_PLATFORM) || defined(HAVE_DRM_PLATFORM) ++#if defined(HAVE_WAYLAND_PLATFORM) \ ++ || defined(HAVE_DRM_PLATFORM) \ ++ || defined(HAVE_MIR_PLATFORM) + __DRIbuffer *dri_buffers[__DRI_BUFFER_COUNT]; + struct { + #ifdef HAVE_WAYLAND_PLATFORM +@@ -204,6 +215,10 @@ + /* EGL-owned buffers */ + __DRIbuffer *local_buffers[__DRI_BUFFER_COUNT]; + #endif ++ ++#ifdef HAVE_MIR_PLATFORM ++ MirMesaEGLNativeSurface *mir_surf; ++#endif + }; + + +@@ -265,6 +280,9 @@ + EGLBoolean + dri2_initialize_android(_EGLDriver *drv, _EGLDisplay *disp); + ++EGLBoolean ++dri2_initialize_mir(_EGLDriver *drv, _EGLDisplay *disp); ++ + char * + dri2_get_driver_for_fd(int fd); + char * +Index: mesa/src/egl/drivers/dri2/platform_mir.c +=================================================================== +--- /dev/null 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 ++++ mesa/src/egl/drivers/dri2/platform_mir.c 2013-08-02 13:52:39.897145977 +1000 +@@ -0,0 +1,349 @@ ++/* ++ * Copyright © 2012 Canonical, Inc ++ * ++ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a ++ * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), ++ * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation ++ * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, ++ * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the ++ * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: ++ * ++ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next ++ * paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the ++ * Software. ++ * ++ * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, ++ * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF ++ * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND ++ * NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT ++ * HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, ++ * WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, ++ * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER ++ * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ++ * ++ * Authors: ++ * Christopher James Halse Rogers ++ */ ++ ++#include ++ ++#include "egl_dri2.h" ++ ++#include ++#include ++ ++static __DRIbuffer * ++dri2_get_buffers_with_format(__DRIdrawable * driDrawable, ++ int *width, int *height, ++ unsigned int *attachments, int count, ++ int *out_count, void *loaderPrivate) ++{ ++ struct dri2_egl_surface *dri2_surf = loaderPrivate; ++ struct dri2_egl_display *dri2_dpy = ++ dri2_egl_display(dri2_surf->base.Resource.Display); ++ int i; ++ ++ dri2_surf->buffer_count = 0; ++ for (i = 0; i < 2*count; i+=2) { ++ assert(attachments[i] < __DRI_BUFFER_COUNT); ++ assert(dri2_surf->buffer_count < 5); ++ ++ if (dri2_surf->dri_buffers[attachments[i]] == NULL) { ++ /* Our frame callback must keep these buffers valid */ ++ assert(attachments[i] != __DRI_BUFFER_FRONT_LEFT); ++ assert(attachments[i] != __DRI_BUFFER_BACK_LEFT); ++ ++ dri2_surf->dri_buffers[attachments[i]] = ++ dri2_dpy->dri2->allocateBuffer(dri2_dpy->dri_screen, ++ attachments[i], attachments[i+1], ++ dri2_surf->base.Width, dri2_surf->base.Height); ++ ++ if (!dri2_surf->dri_buffers[attachments[i]]) ++ continue; ++ } ++ ++ memcpy(&dri2_surf->buffers[dri2_surf->buffer_count], ++ dri2_surf->dri_buffers[attachments[i]], ++ sizeof(__DRIbuffer)); ++ ++ dri2_surf->buffer_count++; ++ } ++ ++ assert(dri2_surf->base.Type == EGL_PIXMAP_BIT || ++ dri2_surf->dri_buffers[__DRI_BUFFER_BACK_LEFT]); ++ ++ *out_count = dri2_surf->buffer_count; ++ if (dri2_surf->buffer_count == 0) ++ return NULL; ++ ++ *width = dri2_surf->base.Width; ++ *height = dri2_surf->base.Height; ++ ++ return dri2_surf->buffers; ++} ++ ++static __DRIbuffer * ++dri2_get_buffers(__DRIdrawable * driDrawable, ++ int *width, int *height, ++ unsigned int *attachments, int count, ++ int *out_count, void *loaderPrivate) ++{ ++ unsigned int *attachments_with_format; ++ __DRIbuffer *buffer; ++ const unsigned int format = 32; ++ int i; ++ ++ attachments_with_format = calloc(count * 2, sizeof(unsigned int)); ++ if (!attachments_with_format) { ++ *out_count = 0; ++ return NULL; ++ } ++ ++ for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) { ++ attachments_with_format[2*i] = attachments[i]; ++ attachments_with_format[2*i + 1] = format; ++ } ++ ++ buffer = ++ dri2_get_buffers_with_format(driDrawable, ++ width, height, ++ attachments_with_format, count, ++ out_count, loaderPrivate); ++ ++ free(attachments_with_format); ++ ++ return buffer; ++} ++ ++ ++static void ++dri2_flush_front_buffer(__DRIdrawable * driDrawable, void *loaderPrivate) ++{ ++ (void) driDrawable; ++ ++ /* FIXME: Does EGL support front buffer rendering at all? */ ++ ++#if 0 ++ struct dri2_egl_surface *dri2_surf = loaderPrivate; ++ ++ dri2WaitGL(dri2_surf); ++#else ++ (void) loaderPrivate; ++#endif ++} ++ ++static EGLBoolean ++mir_advance_colour_buffer(struct dri2_egl_surface *surf) ++{ ++ MirBufferPackage buffer_package; ++ if(!surf->mir_surf->surface_advance_buffer(surf->mir_surf, &buffer_package)) ++ return EGL_FALSE; ++ ++ /* We expect no data items, and (for the moment) one PRIME fd */ ++ assert(buffer_package.data_items == 0); ++ assert(buffer_package.fd_items == 1); ++ ++ surf->dri_buffers[__DRI_BUFFER_BACK_LEFT]->name = 0; ++ surf->dri_buffers[__DRI_BUFFER_BACK_LEFT]->fd = buffer_package.fd[0]; ++ surf->dri_buffers[__DRI_BUFFER_BACK_LEFT]->pitch = buffer_package.stride; ++ return EGL_TRUE; ++} ++ ++/** ++ * Called via eglCreateWindowSurface(), drv->API.CreateWindowSurface(). ++ */ ++static _EGLSurface * ++dri2_create_mir_window_surface(_EGLDriver *drv, _EGLDisplay *disp, ++ _EGLConfig *conf, EGLNativeWindowType window, ++ const EGLint *attrib_list) ++{ ++ int rc; ++ struct dri2_egl_display *dri2_dpy = dri2_egl_display(disp); ++ struct dri2_egl_config *dri2_conf = dri2_egl_config(conf); ++ struct dri2_egl_surface *dri2_surf; ++ MirSurfaceParameters surf_params; ++ ++ (void) drv; ++ ++ dri2_surf = calloc(1, sizeof *dri2_surf); ++ if (!dri2_surf) { ++ _eglError(EGL_BAD_ALLOC, "dri2_create_surface"); ++ return NULL; ++ } ++ ++ if (!_eglInitSurface(&dri2_surf->base, disp, EGL_WINDOW_BIT, conf, attrib_list)) ++ goto cleanup_surf; ++ ++ dri2_surf->mir_surf = window; ++ if (!dri2_surf->mir_surf->surface_get_parameters(dri2_surf->mir_surf, &surf_params)) ++ goto cleanup_surf; ++ ++ dri2_surf->base.Width = surf_params.width; ++ dri2_surf->base.Height = surf_params.height; ++ ++ dri2_surf->dri_buffers[__DRI_BUFFER_FRONT_LEFT] = ++ calloc(sizeof(*dri2_surf->dri_buffers[0]), 1); ++ dri2_surf->dri_buffers[__DRI_BUFFER_BACK_LEFT] = ++ calloc(sizeof(*dri2_surf->dri_buffers[0]), 1); ++ ++ dri2_surf->dri_buffers[__DRI_BUFFER_BACK_LEFT]->attachment = ++ __DRI_BUFFER_BACK_LEFT; ++ /* We only do ARGB 8888 for the moment */ ++ dri2_surf->dri_buffers[__DRI_BUFFER_BACK_LEFT]->cpp = 4; ++ ++ if(!mir_advance_colour_buffer(dri2_surf)) ++ goto cleanup_surf; ++ ++ dri2_surf->dri_drawable = ++ (*dri2_dpy->dri2->createNewDrawable) (dri2_dpy->dri_screen, ++ dri2_conf->dri_double_config, ++ dri2_surf); ++ ++ if (dri2_surf->dri_drawable == NULL) { ++ _eglError(EGL_BAD_ALLOC, "dri2->createNewDrawable"); ++ } ++ ++ return &dri2_surf->base; ++ ++cleanup_surf: ++ free(dri2_surf); ++ return NULL; ++} ++ ++static EGLBoolean ++dri2_destroy_mir_surface(_EGLDriver *drv, _EGLDisplay *disp, _EGLSurface *surf) ++{ ++ struct dri2_egl_display *dri2_dpy = dri2_egl_display(disp); ++ struct dri2_egl_surface *dri2_surf = dri2_egl_surface(surf); ++ int i; ++ ++ (void) drv; ++ ++ if (!_eglPutSurface(surf)) ++ return EGL_TRUE; ++ ++ (*dri2_dpy->core->destroyDrawable)(dri2_surf->dri_drawable); ++ ++ for (i = 0; i < __DRI_BUFFER_COUNT; ++i) { ++ if (dri2_surf->dri_buffers[i] && !((i == __DRI_BUFFER_FRONT_LEFT) || ++ (i == __DRI_BUFFER_BACK_LEFT))) { ++ dri2_dpy->dri2->releaseBuffer(dri2_dpy->dri_screen, ++ dri2_surf->dri_buffers[i]); ++ } ++ } ++ ++ free(surf); ++ ++ return EGL_TRUE; ++} ++ ++/** ++ * Called via eglSwapInterval(), drv->API.SwapInterval(). ++ */ ++static EGLBoolean ++dri2_set_swap_interval(_EGLDriver *drv, _EGLDisplay *disp, ++ _EGLSurface *surf, EGLint interval) ++{ ++ struct dri2_egl_surface *dri2_surf = dri2_egl_surface(surf); ++ if(!dri2_surf->mir_surf->surface_set_swapinterval(dri2_surf->mir_surf, interval)) ++ return EGL_FALSE; ++ return EGL_TRUE; ++} ++ ++/** ++ * Called via eglSwapBuffers(), drv->API.SwapBuffers(). ++ */ ++static EGLBoolean ++dri2_swap_buffers(_EGLDriver *drv, _EGLDisplay *disp, _EGLSurface *draw) ++{ ++ struct dri2_egl_display *dri2_dpy = dri2_egl_display(disp); ++ struct dri2_egl_surface *dri2_surf = dri2_egl_surface(draw); ++ struct dri2_egl_driver *dri2_drv = dri2_egl_driver(drv); ++ ++ (*dri2_dpy->flush->flush)(dri2_surf->dri_drawable); ++ ++ int rc = mir_advance_colour_buffer(dri2_surf); ++ ++ (*dri2_dpy->flush->invalidate)(dri2_surf->dri_drawable); ++ ++ return rc; ++} ++ ++static int ++dri2_mir_authenticate(_EGLDisplay *disp, uint32_t id) ++{ ++ return 0; ++} ++ ++EGLBoolean ++dri2_initialize_mir(_EGLDriver *drv, _EGLDisplay *disp) ++{ ++ struct dri2_egl_display *dri2_dpy; ++ MirPlatformPackage platform; ++ const __DRIconfig *config; ++ static const unsigned int argb_masks[4] = ++ { 0xff0000, 0xff00, 0xff, 0xff000000 }; ++ uint32_t types; ++ int i; ++ ++ drv->API.CreateWindowSurface = dri2_create_mir_window_surface; ++ drv->API.DestroySurface = dri2_destroy_mir_surface; ++ drv->API.SwapBuffers = dri2_swap_buffers; ++ drv->API.SwapInterval = dri2_set_swap_interval; ++/* drv->API.CreatePixmapSurface = dri2_create_pixmap_surface; ++ drv->API.CreatePbufferSurface = dri2_create_pbuffer_surface; ++ drv->API.CopyBuffers = dri2_copy_buffers; ++ drv->API.CreateImageKHR = dri2_x11_create_image_khr; ++*/ ++ ++ dri2_dpy = calloc(1, sizeof *dri2_dpy); ++ if (!dri2_dpy) ++ return _eglError(EGL_BAD_ALLOC, "eglInitialize"); ++ ++ disp->DriverData = (void *) dri2_dpy; ++ dri2_dpy->mir_disp = disp->PlatformDisplay; ++ dri2_dpy->mir_disp->display_get_platform(dri2_dpy->mir_disp, &platform); ++ dri2_dpy->fd = platform.fd[0]; ++ dri2_dpy->driver_name = dri2_get_driver_for_fd(dri2_dpy->fd); ++ dri2_dpy->device_name = dri2_get_device_name_for_fd(dri2_dpy->fd); ++ ++ if (dri2_dpy->driver_name == NULL || ++ dri2_dpy->device_name == NULL) ++ goto cleanup_dpy; ++ ++ if (!dri2_load_driver(disp)) ++ goto cleanup_dpy; ++ ++ dri2_dpy->dri2_loader_extension.base.name = __DRI_DRI2_LOADER; ++ dri2_dpy->dri2_loader_extension.base.version = 4; ++ dri2_dpy->dri2_loader_extension.getBuffers = dri2_get_buffers; ++ dri2_dpy->dri2_loader_extension.flushFrontBuffer = dri2_flush_front_buffer; ++ dri2_dpy->dri2_loader_extension.getBuffersWithFormat = ++ dri2_get_buffers_with_format; ++ ++ dri2_dpy->extensions[0] = &dri2_dpy->dri2_loader_extension.base; ++ dri2_dpy->extensions[1] = &image_lookup_extension.base; ++ dri2_dpy->extensions[2] = &use_invalidate.base; ++ dri2_dpy->extensions[3] = NULL; ++ ++ if (!dri2_create_screen(disp)) ++ goto cleanup_dpy; ++ ++ types = EGL_WINDOW_BIT; ++ for (i = 0; dri2_dpy->driver_configs[i]; i++) { ++ config = dri2_dpy->driver_configs[i]; ++ dri2_add_config(disp, config, i + 1, 0, types, NULL, argb_masks); ++ } ++ ++ dri2_dpy->authenticate = dri2_mir_authenticate; ++ ++ disp->VersionMajor = 1; ++ disp->VersionMinor = 4; ++ ++ return EGL_TRUE; ++ ++ cleanup_dpy: ++ free(dri2_dpy); ++ ++ return EGL_FALSE; ++} +Index: mesa/src/egl/main/Makefile.am +=================================================================== +--- mesa.orig/src/egl/main/Makefile.am 2013-08-02 13:52:39.909145976 +1000 ++++ mesa/src/egl/main/Makefile.am 2013-08-02 13:52:39.897145977 +1000 +@@ -103,6 +103,11 @@ + AM_CFLAGS += -DHAVE_NULL_PLATFORM + endif + ++if HAVE_EGL_PLATFORM_MIR ++AM_CFLAGS += -DHAVE_MIR_PLATFORM ++AM_CFLAGS += $(MIR_CFLAGS) ++endif ++ + if HAVE_EGL_DRIVER_GLX + AM_CFLAGS += -D_EGL_BUILT_IN_DRIVER_GLX + libEGL_la_LIBADD += ../drivers/glx/libegl_glx.la +Index: mesa/src/egl/main/egldisplay.c +=================================================================== +--- mesa.orig/src/egl/main/egldisplay.c 2013-08-02 13:52:39.909145976 +1000 ++++ mesa/src/egl/main/egldisplay.c 2013-08-02 13:52:39.897145977 +1000 +@@ -59,7 +59,10 @@ + #include + #include + #endif +- ++#ifdef HAVE_MIR_PLATFORM ++#include ++#include ++#endif + + /** + * Map --with-egl-platforms names to platform types. +@@ -74,7 +77,8 @@ + { _EGL_PLATFORM_DRM, "drm" }, + { _EGL_PLATFORM_FBDEV, "fbdev" }, + { _EGL_PLATFORM_NULL, "null" }, +- { _EGL_PLATFORM_ANDROID, "android" } ++ { _EGL_PLATFORM_ANDROID, "android" }, ++ { _EGL_PLATFORM_MIR, "mir" }, + }; + + +@@ -134,6 +138,47 @@ + #endif + } + ++#ifdef HAVE_MIR_PLATFORM ++static EGLBoolean ++_mir_display_is_valid(EGLNativeDisplayType nativeDisplay) ++{ ++ typedef int (*MirEGLNativeDisplayIsValidFunc)(MirMesaEGLNativeDisplay*); ++ ++ void *lib; ++ MirEGLNativeDisplayIsValidFunc general_check; ++ MirEGLNativeDisplayIsValidFunc client_check; ++ MirEGLNativeDisplayIsValidFunc server_check; ++ EGLBoolean is_valid = EGL_FALSE; ++ ++ lib = dlopen(NULL, RTLD_LAZY); ++ if (lib == NULL) ++ return EGL_FALSE; ++ ++ general_check = (MirEGLNativeDisplayIsValidFunc) dlsym(lib, "mir_egl_mesa_display_is_valid"); ++ client_check = (MirEGLNativeDisplayIsValidFunc) dlsym(lib, "mir_client_mesa_egl_native_display_is_valid"); ++ server_check = (MirEGLNativeDisplayIsValidFunc) dlsym(lib, "mir_server_mesa_egl_native_display_is_valid"); ++ ++ if (general_check != NULL && ++ general_check((MirMesaEGLNativeDisplay *)nativeDisplay)) ++ { ++ is_valid = EGL_TRUE; ++ } ++ else if (client_check != NULL && ++ client_check((MirMesaEGLNativeDisplay *)nativeDisplay)) ++ { ++ is_valid = EGL_TRUE; ++ } ++ else if (server_check != NULL && ++ server_check((MirMesaEGLNativeDisplay *)nativeDisplay)) ++ { ++ is_valid = EGL_TRUE; ++ } ++ ++ dlclose(lib); ++ ++ return is_valid; ++} ++#endif + + /** + * Try detecting native platform with the help of native display characteristcs. +@@ -154,6 +199,11 @@ + return _EGL_PLATFORM_FBDEV; + #endif + ++#ifdef HAVE_MIR_PLATFORM ++ if (_mir_display_is_valid(nativeDisplay)) ++ return _EGL_PLATFORM_MIR; ++#endif ++ + if (_eglPointerIsDereferencable(nativeDisplay)) { + void *first_pointer = *(void **) nativeDisplay; + +@@ -188,7 +238,7 @@ + _EGLPlatformType + _eglGetNativePlatform(EGLNativeDisplayType nativeDisplay) + { +- static _EGLPlatformType native_platform = _EGL_INVALID_PLATFORM; ++ _EGLPlatformType native_platform = _EGL_INVALID_PLATFORM; + char *detection_method = NULL; + + if (native_platform == _EGL_INVALID_PLATFORM) { +Index: mesa/src/egl/main/egldisplay.h +=================================================================== +--- mesa.orig/src/egl/main/egldisplay.h 2013-08-02 13:52:39.909145976 +1000 ++++ mesa/src/egl/main/egldisplay.h 2013-08-02 13:52:39.897145977 +1000 +@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ + _EGL_PLATFORM_FBDEV, + _EGL_PLATFORM_NULL, + _EGL_PLATFORM_ANDROID, ++ _EGL_PLATFORM_MIR, + + _EGL_NUM_PLATFORMS, + _EGL_INVALID_PLATFORM = -1 +Index: mesa/src/egl/main/egldriver.c +=================================================================== +--- mesa.orig/src/egl/main/egldriver.c 2013-08-02 13:52:39.909145976 +1000 ++++ mesa/src/egl/main/egldriver.c 2013-08-02 13:52:39.897145977 +1000 +@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ + char *Path; + _EGLMain_t BuiltIn; + void *Handle; +- _EGLDriver *Driver; ++ _EGLDriver *Driver[_EGL_NUM_PLATFORMS]; + } _EGLModule; + + static _EGL_DECLARE_MUTEX(_eglModuleMutex); +@@ -134,7 +134,6 @@ + + #endif + +- + /** + * Open the named driver and find its bootstrap function: _eglMain(). + */ +@@ -147,8 +146,12 @@ + + assert(driverPath); + +- _eglLog(_EGL_DEBUG, "dlopen(%s)", driverPath); +- lib = open_library(driverPath); ++ if (*handle) { ++ lib = *handle; ++ } else { ++ _eglLog(_EGL_DEBUG, "dlopen(%s)", driverPath); ++ lib = open_library(driverPath); ++ } + + #if defined(_EGL_OS_WINDOWS) + /* XXX untested */ +@@ -194,13 +197,13 @@ + * Load a module and create the driver object. + */ + static EGLBoolean +-_eglLoadModule(_EGLModule *mod) ++_eglLoadModule(_EGLModule *mod, _EGLPlatformType plat) + { + _EGLMain_t mainFunc; +- lib_handle lib; ++ lib_handle lib = (lib_handle) mod->Handle; + _EGLDriver *drv; + +- if (mod->Driver) ++ if (mod->Driver[plat]) + return EGL_TRUE; + + if (mod->BuiltIn) { +@@ -226,7 +229,7 @@ + } + + mod->Handle = (void *) lib; +- mod->Driver = drv; ++ mod->Driver[plat] = drv; + + return EGL_TRUE; + } +@@ -240,8 +243,10 @@ + { + #if defined(_EGL_OS_UNIX) + /* destroy the driver */ +- if (mod->Driver && mod->Driver->Unload) +- mod->Driver->Unload(mod->Driver); ++ for (int plat = 0; plat < _EGL_NUM_PLATFORMS; ++plat) { ++ if (mod->Driver[plat] && mod->Driver[plat]->Unload) ++ mod->Driver[plat]->Unload(mod->Driver[plat]); ++ } + + /* + * XXX At this point (atexit), the module might be the last reference to +@@ -255,7 +260,9 @@ + /* XXX Windows unloads DLLs before atexit */ + #endif + +- mod->Driver = NULL; ++ for (int plat = 0; plat < _EGL_NUM_PLATFORMS; ++plat) { ++ mod->Driver[plat] = NULL; ++ } + mod->Handle = NULL; + } + +@@ -599,17 +606,17 @@ + while (i < _eglModules->Size) { + _EGLModule *mod = (_EGLModule *) _eglModules->Elements[i]; + +- if (!_eglLoadModule(mod)) { ++ if (!_eglLoadModule(mod, dpy->Platform)) { + /* remove invalid modules */ + _eglEraseArray(_eglModules, i, _eglFreeModule); + continue; + } + +- if (mod->Driver->API.Initialize(mod->Driver, dpy)) { +- drv = mod->Driver; ++ drv = mod->Driver[dpy->Platform]; ++ if (drv->API.Initialize(drv, dpy)) + break; +- } + else { ++ drv = NULL; + i++; + } + } +@@ -661,7 +668,6 @@ + _eglGetDriverProc(const char *procname) + { + EGLint i; +- _EGLProc proc = NULL; + + if (!_eglModules) { + /* load the driver for the default display */ +@@ -673,15 +679,18 @@ + + for (i = 0; i < _eglModules->Size; i++) { + _EGLModule *mod = (_EGLModule *) _eglModules->Elements[i]; ++ _EGLProc proc; + +- if (!mod->Driver) +- break; +- proc = mod->Driver->API.GetProcAddress(mod->Driver, procname); +- if (proc) +- break; ++ for (_EGLPlatformType plat = 0; plat < _EGL_NUM_PLATFORMS; ++plat) { ++ if (!mod->Driver[plat]) ++ continue; ++ proc = mod->Driver[plat]->API.GetProcAddress(mod->Driver[plat], procname); ++ if (proc) ++ return proc; ++ } + } + +- return proc; ++ return NULL; + } + + +Index: mesa/src/gallium/drivers/nouveau/nouveau_screen.c +=================================================================== +--- mesa.orig/src/gallium/drivers/nouveau/nouveau_screen.c 2013-08-02 13:52:39.909145976 +1000 ++++ mesa/src/gallium/drivers/nouveau/nouveau_screen.c 2013-08-02 13:52:39.897145977 +1000 +@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ + #include + #include + ++#include + #include + + #include "nouveau_winsys.h" +@@ -86,7 +87,18 @@ + struct nouveau_bo *bo = 0; + int ret; + +- ret = nouveau_bo_name_ref(dev, whandle->handle, &bo); ++ if (whandle->type != DRM_API_HANDLE_TYPE_SHARED && ++ whandle->type != DRM_API_HANDLE_TYPE_FD) { ++ debug_printf("%s: attempt to import unsupported handle type %d\n", ++ __FUNCTION__, whandle->type); ++ return NULL; ++ } ++ ++ if (whandle->type == DRM_API_HANDLE_TYPE_SHARED) ++ ret = nouveau_bo_name_ref(dev, whandle->handle, &bo); ++ else ++ ret = nouveau_bo_prime_handle_ref(dev, whandle->handle, &bo); ++ + if (ret) { + debug_printf("%s: ref name 0x%08x failed with %d\n", + __FUNCTION__, whandle->handle, ret); +@@ -111,6 +123,8 @@ + } else if (whandle->type == DRM_API_HANDLE_TYPE_KMS) { + whandle->handle = bo->handle; + return TRUE; ++ } else if (whandle->type == DRM_API_HANDLE_TYPE_FD) { ++ return nouveau_bo_set_prime(bo, (int *)&whandle->handle) == 0; + } else { + return FALSE; + } +Index: mesa/src/gallium/include/state_tracker/drm_driver.h +=================================================================== +--- mesa.orig/src/gallium/include/state_tracker/drm_driver.h 2013-08-02 13:52:39.909145976 +1000 ++++ mesa/src/gallium/include/state_tracker/drm_driver.h 2013-08-02 13:52:39.897145977 +1000 +@@ -10,6 +10,8 @@ + + #define DRM_API_HANDLE_TYPE_SHARED 0 + #define DRM_API_HANDLE_TYPE_KMS 1 ++#define DRM_API_HANDLE_TYPE_FD 2 ++ + + /** + * For use with pipe_screen::{texture_from_handle|texture_get_handle}. +@@ -17,9 +19,10 @@ + struct winsys_handle + { + /** +- * Unused for texture_from_handle, always +- * DRM_API_HANDLE_TYPE_SHARED. Input to texture_get_handle, +- * use TEXTURE_USAGE to select handle for kms or ipc. ++ * Input for texture_from_handle, valid values are ++ * DRM_API_HANDLE_TYPE_SHARED or DRM_API_HANDLE_TYPE_FD. ++ * Input to texture_get_handle, ++ * to select handle for kms, flink, or prime. + */ + unsigned type; + /** +Index: mesa/src/gallium/state_trackers/dri/drm/dri2.c +=================================================================== +--- mesa.orig/src/gallium/state_trackers/dri/drm/dri2.c 2013-08-02 13:52:39.909145976 +1000 ++++ mesa/src/gallium/state_trackers/dri/drm/dri2.c 2013-08-02 13:52:39.901145976 +1000 +@@ -231,7 +231,13 @@ + + templ.format = format; + templ.bind = bind; +- whandle.handle = buf->name; ++ if (buf->fd != 0) { ++ whandle.type = DRM_API_HANDLE_TYPE_FD; ++ whandle.handle = buf->fd; ++ } else { ++ whandle.type = DRM_API_HANDLE_TYPE_SHARED; ++ whandle.handle = buf->name; ++ } + whandle.stride = buf->pitch; + + drawable->textures[statt] = +@@ -452,14 +458,14 @@ + } + + static __DRIimage * +-dri2_create_image_from_name(__DRIscreen *_screen, +- int width, int height, int format, +- int name, int pitch, void *loaderPrivate) ++dri2_create_image_from_winsys(__DRIscreen *_screen, ++ int width, int height, int format, ++ struct winsys_handle *whandle, int pitch, ++ void *loaderPrivate) + { + struct dri_screen *screen = dri_screen(_screen); + __DRIimage *img; + struct pipe_resource templ; +- struct winsys_handle whandle; + unsigned tex_usage; + enum pipe_format pf; + +@@ -499,12 +505,10 @@ + templ.depth0 = 1; + templ.array_size = 1; + +- memset(&whandle, 0, sizeof(whandle)); +- whandle.handle = name; +- whandle.stride = pitch * util_format_get_blocksize(pf); ++ whandle->stride = pitch * util_format_get_blocksize(pf); + + img->texture = screen->base.screen->resource_from_handle(screen->base.screen, +- &templ, &whandle); ++ &templ, whandle); + if (!img->texture) { + FREE(img); + return NULL; +@@ -519,6 +523,39 @@ + } + + static __DRIimage * ++dri2_create_image_from_name(__DRIscreen *_screen, ++ int width, int height, int format, ++ int name, int pitch, void *loaderPrivate) ++{ ++ struct winsys_handle whandle; ++ ++ memset(&whandle, 0, sizeof(whandle)); ++ whandle.type = DRM_API_HANDLE_TYPE_SHARED; ++ whandle.handle = name; ++ ++ return dri2_create_image_from_winsys(_screen, width, height, format, ++ &whandle, pitch, loaderPrivate); ++} ++ ++static __DRIimage * ++dri2_create_image_from_fd(__DRIscreen *_screen, ++ int width, int height, int format, ++ int fd, int pitch, void *loaderPrivate) ++{ ++ struct winsys_handle whandle; ++ ++ if (fd < 0) ++ return NULL; ++ ++ memset(&whandle, 0, sizeof(whandle)); ++ whandle.type = DRM_API_HANDLE_TYPE_FD; ++ whandle.handle = (unsigned)fd; ++ ++ return dri2_create_image_from_winsys(_screen, width, height, format, ++ &whandle, pitch, loaderPrivate); ++} ++ ++static __DRIimage * + dri2_create_image_from_renderbuffer(__DRIcontext *context, + int renderbuffer, void *loaderPrivate) + { +@@ -610,6 +647,7 @@ + + switch (attrib) { + case __DRI_IMAGE_ATTRIB_STRIDE: ++ whandle.type = DRM_API_HANDLE_TYPE_KMS; + image->texture->screen->resource_get_handle(image->texture->screen, + image->texture, &whandle); + *value = whandle.stride; +@@ -626,6 +664,11 @@ + image->texture, &whandle); + *value = whandle.handle; + return GL_TRUE; ++ case __DRI_IMAGE_ATTRIB_FD: ++ whandle.type= DRM_API_HANDLE_TYPE_FD; ++ image->texture->screen->resource_get_handle(image->texture->screen, ++ image->texture, &whandle); ++ *value = whandle.handle; + case __DRI_IMAGE_ATTRIB_FORMAT: + *value = image->dri_format; + return GL_TRUE; +Index: mesa/src/gallium/state_trackers/egl/common/native_helper.c +=================================================================== +--- mesa.orig/src/gallium/state_trackers/egl/common/native_helper.c 2013-08-02 13:52:39.909145976 +1000 ++++ mesa/src/gallium/state_trackers/egl/common/native_helper.c 2013-08-02 13:52:39.901145976 +1000 +@@ -428,6 +428,7 @@ + + memset(&wsh, 0, sizeof(wsh)); + wsh.handle = nbuf->u.drm.name; ++ wsh.type = DRM_API_HANDLE_TYPE_SHARED; + wsh.stride = nbuf->u.drm.stride; + + res = screen->resource_from_handle(screen, &nbuf->u.drm.templ, &wsh); +Index: mesa/src/gallium/state_trackers/egl/x11/native_dri2.c +=================================================================== +--- mesa.orig/src/gallium/state_trackers/egl/x11/native_dri2.c 2013-08-02 13:52:39.909145976 +1000 ++++ mesa/src/gallium/state_trackers/egl/x11/native_dri2.c 2013-08-02 13:52:39.901145976 +1000 +@@ -177,6 +177,7 @@ + } + + memset(&whandle, 0, sizeof(whandle)); ++ whandle.type = DRM_API_HANDLE_TYPE_SHARED; + whandle.stride = xbuf->pitch; + whandle.handle = xbuf->name; + dri2surf->textures[natt] = dri2dpy->base.screen->resource_from_handle( +Index: mesa/src/gallium/winsys/i915/drm/i915_drm_buffer.c +=================================================================== +--- mesa.orig/src/gallium/winsys/i915/drm/i915_drm_buffer.c 2013-08-02 13:52:39.909145976 +1000 ++++ mesa/src/gallium/winsys/i915/drm/i915_drm_buffer.c 2013-08-02 13:52:39.901145976 +1000 +@@ -95,9 +95,13 @@ + unsigned *stride) + { + struct i915_drm_winsys *idws = i915_drm_winsys(iws); +- struct i915_drm_buffer *buf = CALLOC_STRUCT(i915_drm_buffer); ++ struct i915_drm_buffer *buf; + uint32_t tile = 0, swizzle = 0; + ++ if (whandle->type != DRM_API_HANDLE_TYPE_SHARED) ++ return NULL; ++ ++ buf = CALLOC_STRUCT(i915_drm_buffer); + if (!buf) + return NULL; + +Index: mesa/src/gallium/winsys/radeon/drm/radeon_drm_bo.c +=================================================================== +--- mesa.orig/src/gallium/winsys/radeon/drm/radeon_drm_bo.c 2013-08-02 13:52:39.909145976 +1000 ++++ mesa/src/gallium/winsys/radeon/drm/radeon_drm_bo.c 2013-08-02 13:52:39.901145976 +1000 +@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ + #include + #include + #include ++#include + + /* + * this are copy from radeon_drm, once an updated libdrm is released +@@ -113,7 +114,9 @@ + /* Winsys. */ + struct radeon_drm_winsys *rws; + +- /* List of buffer handles and its mutex. */ ++ /* List of buffer GEM names. Protected by bo_handles_mutex. */ ++ struct util_hash_table *bo_names; ++ /* List of buffer handles. Protectded by bo_handles_mutex. */ + struct util_hash_table *bo_handles; + pipe_mutex bo_handles_mutex; + pipe_mutex bo_va_mutex; +@@ -369,12 +372,13 @@ + + memset(&args, 0, sizeof(args)); + ++ pipe_mutex_lock(bo->mgr->bo_handles_mutex); ++ util_hash_table_remove(bo->mgr->bo_handles, (void*)(uintptr_t)bo->handle); + if (bo->name) { +- pipe_mutex_lock(bo->mgr->bo_handles_mutex); +- util_hash_table_remove(bo->mgr->bo_handles, ++ util_hash_table_remove(bo->mgr->bo_names, + (void*)(uintptr_t)bo->name); +- pipe_mutex_unlock(bo->mgr->bo_handles_mutex); + } ++ pipe_mutex_unlock(bo->mgr->bo_handles_mutex); + + if (bo->ptr) + os_munmap(bo->ptr, bo->base.size); +@@ -636,7 +640,8 @@ + static void radeon_bomgr_destroy(struct pb_manager *_mgr) + { + struct radeon_bomgr *mgr = radeon_bomgr(_mgr); +- util_hash_table_destroy(mgr->bo_handles); ++ util_hash_table_destroy(mgr->bo_names); ++ util_hash_table_destroy(mgr->bo_handles);; + pipe_mutex_destroy(mgr->bo_handles_mutex); + pipe_mutex_destroy(mgr->bo_va_mutex); + FREE(mgr); +@@ -668,6 +673,7 @@ + mgr->base.is_buffer_busy = radeon_bomgr_is_buffer_busy; + + mgr->rws = rws; ++ mgr->bo_names = util_hash_table_create(handle_hash, handle_compare); + mgr->bo_handles = util_hash_table_create(handle_hash, handle_compare); + pipe_mutex_init(mgr->bo_handles_mutex); + pipe_mutex_init(mgr->bo_va_mutex); +@@ -817,6 +823,7 @@ + enum radeon_bo_domain domain) + { + struct radeon_drm_winsys *ws = radeon_drm_winsys(rws); ++ struct radeon_bomgr *mgr = radeon_bomgr(ws->kman); + struct radeon_bo_desc desc; + struct pb_manager *provider; + struct pb_buffer *buffer; +@@ -838,6 +845,10 @@ + if (!buffer) + return NULL; + ++ pipe_mutex_lock(mgr->bo_handles_mutex); ++ util_hash_table_set(mgr->bo_handles, (void*)(uintptr_t)get_radeon_bo(buffer)->handle, buffer); ++ pipe_mutex_unlock(mgr->bo_handles_mutex); ++ + return (struct pb_buffer*)buffer; + } + +@@ -850,6 +861,7 @@ + struct radeon_bomgr *mgr = radeon_bomgr(ws->kman); + struct drm_gem_open open_arg = {}; + int r; ++ unsigned handle, size; + + memset(&open_arg, 0, sizeof(open_arg)); + +@@ -861,8 +873,20 @@ + * The list of pairs is guarded by a mutex, of course. */ + pipe_mutex_lock(mgr->bo_handles_mutex); + +- /* First check if there already is an existing bo for the handle. */ +- bo = util_hash_table_get(mgr->bo_handles, (void*)(uintptr_t)whandle->handle); ++ if (whandle->type == DRM_API_HANDLE_TYPE_SHARED) { ++ /* First check if there already is an existing bo for the handle. */ ++ bo = util_hash_table_get(mgr->bo_names, (void*)(uintptr_t)whandle->handle); ++ } else if (whandle->type == DRM_API_HANDLE_TYPE_FD) { ++ /* We must first get the GEM handle, as fds are unreliable keys */ ++ r = drmPrimeFDToHandle(ws->fd, whandle->handle, &handle); ++ if (r) ++ goto fail; ++ bo = util_hash_table_get(mgr->bo_handles, (void*)(uintptr_t)handle); ++ } else { ++ /* Unknown handle type */ ++ goto fail; ++ } ++ + if (bo) { + /* Increase the refcount. */ + struct pb_buffer *b = NULL; +@@ -876,27 +900,38 @@ + goto fail; + } + +- /* Open the BO. */ +- open_arg.name = whandle->handle; +- if (drmIoctl(ws->fd, DRM_IOCTL_GEM_OPEN, &open_arg)) { +- FREE(bo); +- goto fail; ++ if (whandle->type == DRM_API_HANDLE_TYPE_SHARED) { ++ /* Open the BO. */ ++ open_arg.name = whandle->handle; ++ if (drmIoctl(ws->fd, DRM_IOCTL_GEM_OPEN, &open_arg)) { ++ FREE(bo); ++ goto fail; ++ } ++ handle = open_arg.handle; ++ size = open_arg.size; ++ bo->name = whandle->handle; ++ } else if (whandle->type == DRM_API_HANDLE_TYPE_FD) { ++ /* Oh, oh! What to do here? */ ++ size = 0; + } +- bo->handle = open_arg.handle; +- bo->name = whandle->handle; ++ ++ bo->handle = handle; + + /* Initialize it. */ + pipe_reference_init(&bo->base.reference, 1); + bo->base.alignment = 0; + bo->base.usage = PB_USAGE_GPU_WRITE | PB_USAGE_GPU_READ; +- bo->base.size = open_arg.size; ++ bo->base.size = size; + bo->base.vtbl = &radeon_bo_vtbl; + bo->mgr = mgr; + bo->rws = mgr->rws; + bo->va = 0; + pipe_mutex_init(bo->map_mutex); + +- util_hash_table_set(mgr->bo_handles, (void*)(uintptr_t)whandle->handle, bo); ++ if (bo->name) ++ util_hash_table_set(mgr->bo_names, (void*)(uintptr_t)bo->name, bo); ++ ++ util_hash_table_set(mgr->bo_handles, (void*)(uintptr_t)bo->handle, bo); + + done: + pipe_mutex_unlock(mgr->bo_handles_mutex); +@@ -959,12 +994,15 @@ + bo->flink = flink.name; + + pipe_mutex_lock(bo->mgr->bo_handles_mutex); +- util_hash_table_set(bo->mgr->bo_handles, (void*)(uintptr_t)bo->flink, bo); ++ util_hash_table_set(bo->mgr->bo_names, (void*)(uintptr_t)bo->flink, bo); + pipe_mutex_unlock(bo->mgr->bo_handles_mutex); + } + whandle->handle = bo->flink; + } else if (whandle->type == DRM_API_HANDLE_TYPE_KMS) { + whandle->handle = bo->handle; ++ } else if (whandle->type == DRM_API_HANDLE_TYPE_FD) { ++ if (drmPrimeHandleToFD(bo->rws->fd, bo->handle, DRM_CLOEXEC, (int*)&whandle->handle)) ++ return FALSE; + } + + whandle->stride = stride; +Index: mesa/src/gallium/winsys/svga/drm/vmw_screen_dri.c +=================================================================== +--- mesa.orig/src/gallium/winsys/svga/drm/vmw_screen_dri.c 2013-08-02 13:52:39.909145976 +1000 ++++ mesa/src/gallium/winsys/svga/drm/vmw_screen_dri.c 2013-08-02 14:00:26.397125601 +1000 +@@ -163,6 +163,12 @@ + int ret; + int i; + ++ if (whandle->type != DRM_API_HANDLE_TYPE_SHARED) { ++ fprintf(stderr, "Attempt to import unknown handle type %d\n", ++ whandle->type); ++ return NULL; ++ } ++ + /** + * The vmware device specific handle is the hardware SID. + * FIXME: We probably want to move this to the ioctl implementations. +Index: mesa/src/gbm/backends/dri/gbm_dri.c +=================================================================== +--- mesa.orig/src/gbm/backends/dri/gbm_dri.c 2013-08-02 13:52:39.909145976 +1000 ++++ mesa/src/gbm/backends/dri/gbm_dri.c 2013-08-02 13:52:39.901145976 +1000 +@@ -44,6 +44,8 @@ + #include "gbm_driint.h" + + #include "gbmint.h" ++#include ++ + + /* For importing wl_buffer */ + #if HAVE_WAYLAND_PLATFORM +@@ -281,9 +283,11 @@ + switch (format) { + case GBM_BO_FORMAT_XRGB8888: + case GBM_FORMAT_XRGB8888: ++ case GBM_FORMAT_XBGR8888: + break; + case GBM_BO_FORMAT_ARGB8888: + case GBM_FORMAT_ARGB8888: ++ case GBM_FORMAT_ABGR8888: + if (usage & GBM_BO_USE_SCANOUT) + return 0; + break; +@@ -318,9 +322,9 @@ + struct gbm_dri_bo *bo = gbm_dri_bo(_bo); + struct drm_mode_destroy_dumb arg; + +- if (bo->image != NULL) { ++ if (bo->image) + dri->image->destroyImage(bo->image); +- } else { ++ if (bo->map) { + munmap(bo->map, bo->size); + memset(&arg, 0, sizeof(arg)); + arg.handle = bo->handle; +@@ -348,6 +352,9 @@ + case __DRI_IMAGE_FORMAT_ABGR8888: + ret = GBM_FORMAT_ABGR8888; + break; ++ case __DRI_IMAGE_FORMAT_XBGR8888: ++ ret = GBM_FORMAT_XBGR8888; ++ break; + default: + ret = 0; + break; +@@ -356,6 +363,37 @@ + return ret; + } + ++static uint32_t ++gbm_to_dri_format(uint32_t gbm_format) ++{ ++ uint32_t dri_format = 0; ++ ++ switch (gbm_format) { ++ case GBM_FORMAT_RGB565: ++ dri_format =__DRI_IMAGE_FORMAT_RGB565; ++ break; ++ case GBM_FORMAT_XRGB8888: ++ case GBM_BO_FORMAT_XRGB8888: ++ dri_format = __DRI_IMAGE_FORMAT_XRGB8888; ++ break; ++ case GBM_FORMAT_ARGB8888: ++ case GBM_BO_FORMAT_ARGB8888: ++ dri_format = __DRI_IMAGE_FORMAT_ARGB8888; ++ break; ++ case GBM_FORMAT_ABGR8888: ++ dri_format = __DRI_IMAGE_FORMAT_ABGR8888; ++ break; ++ case GBM_FORMAT_XBGR8888: ++ dri_format = __DRI_IMAGE_FORMAT_XBGR8888; ++ break; ++ default: ++ dri_format = __DRI_IMAGE_FORMAT_NONE; ++ break; ++ } ++ ++ return dri_format; ++} ++ + static struct gbm_bo * + gbm_dri_bo_import(struct gbm_device *gbm, + uint32_t type, void *buffer, uint32_t usage) +@@ -457,9 +495,8 @@ + struct drm_mode_destroy_dumb destroy_arg; + int ret; + +- if (!(usage & GBM_BO_USE_CURSOR_64X64)) +- return NULL; +- if (format != GBM_FORMAT_ARGB8888) ++ if ((format != GBM_FORMAT_ARGB8888) && ++ (format != GBM_FORMAT_XRGB8888)) + return NULL; + + bo = calloc(1, sizeof *bo); +@@ -474,6 +511,7 @@ + if (ret) + goto free_bo; + ++ bo->base.base.format = format; + bo->base.base.gbm = gbm; + bo->base.base.width = width; + bo->base.base.height = height; +@@ -495,6 +533,25 @@ + if (bo->map == MAP_FAILED) + goto destroy_dumb; + ++ if (usage & GBM_BO_USE_RENDERING) ++ { ++ struct drm_gem_flink flink_arg; ++ memset(&flink_arg, 0, sizeof(flink_arg)); ++ flink_arg.handle = bo->handle; ++ ret = drmIoctl(dri->base.base.fd, DRM_IOCTL_GEM_FLINK, &flink_arg); ++ if (ret) ++ goto destroy_dumb; ++ ++ bo->image = dri->image->createImageFromName(dri->screen, ++ width, height, ++ gbm_to_dri_format(format), ++ flink_arg.name, ++ bo->base.base.stride / 4, ++ bo); ++ ++ if (!bo->image) ++ goto destroy_dumb; ++ } + return &bo->base.base; + + destroy_dumb: +@@ -529,24 +586,10 @@ + bo->base.base.height = height; + bo->base.base.format = format; + +- switch (format) { +- case GBM_FORMAT_RGB565: +- dri_format =__DRI_IMAGE_FORMAT_RGB565; +- break; +- case GBM_FORMAT_XRGB8888: +- case GBM_BO_FORMAT_XRGB8888: +- dri_format = __DRI_IMAGE_FORMAT_XRGB8888; +- break; +- case GBM_FORMAT_ARGB8888: +- case GBM_BO_FORMAT_ARGB8888: +- dri_format = __DRI_IMAGE_FORMAT_ARGB8888; +- break; +- case GBM_FORMAT_ABGR8888: +- dri_format = __DRI_IMAGE_FORMAT_ABGR8888; +- break; +- default: +- return NULL; +- } ++ dri_format = gbm_to_dri_format(format); ++ /* Round-trip gbm_format->dri_format->gbm_format to canonicalise ++ GBM_BO_FORMAT_* into GBM_FORMAT_* */ ++ bo->base.base.format = gbm_dri_to_gbm_format(dri_format); + + if (usage & GBM_BO_USE_SCANOUT) + dri_use |= __DRI_IMAGE_USE_SCANOUT; +Index: mesa/src/mesa/drivers/dri/intel/intel_regions.c +=================================================================== +--- mesa.orig/src/mesa/drivers/dri/intel/intel_regions.c 2013-08-02 13:52:39.909145976 +1000 ++++ mesa/src/mesa/drivers/dri/intel/intel_regions.c 2013-08-02 13:52:39.901145976 +1000 +@@ -284,6 +284,39 @@ + return region; + } + ++struct intel_region * ++intel_region_alloc_for_fd(struct intel_screen *screen, ++ GLuint cpp, ++ GLuint width, GLuint height, GLuint pitch, ++ int fd, const char *name) ++{ ++ struct intel_region *region; ++ drm_intel_bo *buffer; ++ int ret; ++ uint32_t bit_6_swizzle, tiling; ++ ++ buffer = drm_intel_bo_gem_create_from_prime(screen->bufmgr, ++ fd, height * pitch); ++ if (buffer == NULL) ++ return NULL; ++ ret = drm_intel_bo_get_tiling(buffer, &tiling, &bit_6_swizzle); ++ if (ret != 0) { ++ fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't get tiling of buffer (%s): %s\n", ++ name, strerror(-ret)); ++ drm_intel_bo_unreference(buffer); ++ return NULL; ++ } ++ ++ region = intel_region_alloc_internal(screen, cpp, ++ width, height, pitch, tiling, buffer); ++ if (region == NULL) { ++ drm_intel_bo_unreference(buffer); ++ return NULL; ++ } ++ ++ return region; ++} ++ + void + intel_region_reference(struct intel_region **dst, struct intel_region *src) + { +Index: mesa/src/mesa/drivers/dri/intel/intel_regions.h +=================================================================== +--- mesa.orig/src/mesa/drivers/dri/intel/intel_regions.h 2013-08-02 13:52:39.909145976 +1000 ++++ mesa/src/mesa/drivers/dri/intel/intel_regions.h 2013-08-02 13:52:39.905145976 +1000 +@@ -89,6 +89,12 @@ + GLuint width, GLuint height, GLuint pitch, + unsigned int handle, const char *name); + ++struct intel_region * ++intel_region_alloc_for_fd(struct intel_screen *screen, ++ GLuint cpp, ++ GLuint width, GLuint height, GLuint pitch, ++ int fd, const char *name); ++ + bool + intel_region_flink(struct intel_region *region, uint32_t *name); + +Index: mesa/src/mesa/drivers/dri/intel/intel_context.c +=================================================================== +--- mesa.orig/src/mesa/drivers/dri/intel/intel_context.c 2013-08-02 13:52:39.909145976 +1000 ++++ mesa/src/mesa/drivers/dri/intel/intel_context.c 2013-08-02 13:52:39.905145976 +1000 +@@ -1090,31 +1090,43 @@ + if (num_samples == 0) { + if (rb->mt && + rb->mt->region && +- rb->mt->region->name == buffer->name) ++ rb->mt->region->name == buffer->name && ++ buffer->name != 0) + return; + } else { + if (rb->mt && + rb->mt->singlesample_mt && + rb->mt->singlesample_mt->region && +- rb->mt->singlesample_mt->region->name == buffer->name) ++ rb->mt->singlesample_mt->region->name == buffer->name && ++ buffer->name != 0) + return; + } + + if (unlikely(INTEL_DEBUG & DEBUG_DRI)) { + fprintf(stderr, +- "attaching buffer %d, at %d, cpp %d, pitch %d\n", ++ "attaching buffer %d, at %d, cpp %d, pitch %d, fd %d\n", + buffer->name, buffer->attachment, +- buffer->cpp, buffer->pitch); ++ buffer->cpp, buffer->pitch, buffer->fd); + } + + intel_miptree_release(&rb->mt); +- region = intel_region_alloc_for_handle(intel->intelScreen, +- buffer->cpp, +- drawable->w, +- drawable->h, +- buffer->pitch, +- buffer->name, +- buffer_name); ++ if (buffer->name != 0) { ++ region = intel_region_alloc_for_handle(intel->intelScreen, ++ buffer->cpp, ++ drawable->w, ++ drawable->h, ++ buffer->pitch, ++ buffer->name, ++ buffer_name); ++ } else { ++ region = intel_region_alloc_for_fd(intel->intelScreen, ++ buffer->cpp, ++ drawable->w, ++ drawable->h, ++ buffer->pitch, ++ buffer->fd, ++ buffer_name); ++ } + if (!region) + return; + +Index: mesa/src/mesa/drivers/dri/intel/intel_screen.c +=================================================================== +--- mesa.orig/src/mesa/drivers/dri/intel/intel_screen.c 2013-08-02 13:52:39.909145976 +1000 ++++ mesa/src/mesa/drivers/dri/intel/intel_screen.c 2013-08-02 13:52:39.905145976 +1000 +@@ -442,6 +442,10 @@ + return false; + *value = image->planar_format->components; + return true; ++ case __DRI_IMAGE_ATTRIB_FD: ++ if (drm_intel_bo_gem_export_to_prime(image->region->bo, value) == 0) ++ return true; ++ return false; + default: + return false; + } +@@ -514,8 +518,8 @@ + names[0], strides[0], + loaderPrivate); + +- if (image == NULL) +- return NULL; ++ if (image == NULL) ++ return NULL; + + image->planar_format = f; + for (i = 0; i < f->nplanes; i++) { +@@ -528,6 +532,52 @@ + } + + static __DRIimage * ++intel_create_image_from_fds(__DRIscreen *screen, ++ int width, int height, int fourcc, ++ int *fds, int num_fds, int *strides, int *offsets, ++ void *loaderPrivate) ++{ ++ struct intel_screen *intelScreen = screen->driverPrivate; ++ struct intel_image_format *f = NULL; ++ __DRIimage *image; ++ int i, index; ++ ++ if (fds == NULL || num_fds != 1) ++ return NULL; ++ ++ for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(intel_image_formats); i++) { ++ if (intel_image_formats[i].fourcc == fourcc) { ++ f = &intel_image_formats[i]; ++ } ++ } ++ ++ if (f == NULL) ++ return NULL; ++ ++ image = intel_allocate_image(__DRI_IMAGE_FORMAT_NONE, loaderPrivate); ++ if (image == NULL) ++ return NULL; ++ ++ image->region = intel_region_alloc_for_fd(intelScreen, ++ 1, width, height, ++ strides[0], fds[0], "image"); ++ if (image->region == NULL) { ++ free(image); ++ return NULL; ++ } ++ ++ image->planar_format = f; ++ for (i = 0; i < f->nplanes; i++) { ++ index = f->planes[i].buffer_index; ++ image->offsets[index] = offsets[index]; ++ image->strides[index] = strides[index]; ++ } ++ ++ return image; ++} ++ ++ ++static __DRIimage * + intel_from_planar(__DRIimage *parent, int plane, void *loaderPrivate) + { + int width, height, offset, stride, dri_format, index; --- mesa-9.1.4.orig/debian/patches/06_kfreebsd-ftbfs.diff +++ mesa-9.1.4/debian/patches/06_kfreebsd-ftbfs.diff @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +From: Aurelien Jarno +From: Cyril Brulebois + +mesa fails to build on GNU/kFreeBSD, since some parts are not enabled. + +Debian bug: http://bugs.debian.org/524690 + +--- a/configure.ac ++++ b/configure.ac +@@ -1026,7 +1026,7 @@ + ;; + esac + ;; +- freebsd* | dragonfly* | *netbsd*) ++ freebsd* | dragonfly* | *netbsd* | kfreebsd*-gnu*) + DEFINES="$DEFINES -DHAVE_PTHREAD -DUSE_EXTERNAL_DXTN_LIB=1" + DEFINES="$DEFINES -DIN_DRI_DRIVER -DHAVE_ALIAS" + --- mesa-9.1.4.orig/debian/patches/revert-a64c1eb9b110.diff +++ mesa-9.1.4/debian/patches/revert-a64c1eb9b110.diff @@ -0,0 +1,393 @@ +--- a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_fs.cpp ++++ b/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_fs.cpp +@@ -219,46 +219,6 @@ fs_visitor::CMP(fs_reg dst, fs_reg src0, + return inst; + } + +-exec_list +-fs_visitor::VARYING_PULL_CONSTANT_LOAD(fs_reg dst, fs_reg surf_index, +- fs_reg offset) +-{ +- exec_list instructions; +- fs_inst *inst; +- +- if (intel->gen >= 7) { +- inst = new(mem_ctx) fs_inst(FS_OPCODE_VARYING_PULL_CONSTANT_LOAD_GEN7, +- dst, surf_index, offset); +- inst->regs_written = 1; +- instructions.push_tail(inst); +- } else { +- int base_mrf = 13; +- bool header_present = true; +- +- fs_reg mrf = fs_reg(MRF, base_mrf + header_present); +- mrf.type = BRW_REGISTER_TYPE_D; +- +- /* On gen6+ we want the dword offset passed in, but on gen4/5 we need a +- * dword-aligned byte offset. +- */ +- if (intel->gen == 6) { +- instructions.push_tail(MOV(mrf, offset)); +- } else { +- instructions.push_tail(MUL(mrf, offset, fs_reg(4))); +- } +- inst = MOV(mrf, offset); +- inst = new(mem_ctx) fs_inst(FS_OPCODE_VARYING_PULL_CONSTANT_LOAD, +- dst, surf_index); +- inst->header_present = header_present; +- inst->base_mrf = base_mrf; +- inst->mlen = header_present + dispatch_width / 8; +- +- instructions.push_tail(inst); +- } +- +- return instructions; +-} +- + /** + * A helper for MOV generation for fixing up broken hardware SEND dependency + * handling. +@@ -443,7 +404,6 @@ fs_reg::equals(const fs_reg &r) const + type == r.type && + negate == r.negate && + abs == r.abs && +- !reladdr && !r.reladdr && + memcmp(&fixed_hw_reg, &r.fixed_hw_reg, + sizeof(fixed_hw_reg)) == 0 && + smear == r.smear && +@@ -1569,81 +1529,6 @@ fs_visitor::remove_dead_constants() + return true; + } + +-/* +- * Implements array access of uniforms by inserting a +- * PULL_CONSTANT_LOAD instruction. +- * +- * Unlike temporary GRF array access (where we don't support it due to +- * the difficulty of doing relative addressing on instruction +- * destinations), we could potentially do array access of uniforms +- * that were loaded in GRF space as push constants. In real-world +- * usage we've seen, though, the arrays being used are always larger +- * than we could load as push constants, so just always move all +- * uniform array access out to a pull constant buffer. +- */ +-void +-fs_visitor::move_uniform_array_access_to_pull_constants() +-{ +- int pull_constant_loc[c->prog_data.nr_params]; +- +- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < c->prog_data.nr_params; i++) { +- pull_constant_loc[i] = -1; +- } +- +- /* Walk through and find array access of uniforms. Put a copy of that +- * uniform in the pull constant buffer. +- * +- * Note that we don't move constant-indexed accesses to arrays. No +- * testing has been done of the performance impact of this choice. +- */ +- foreach_list_safe(node, &this->instructions) { +- fs_inst *inst = (fs_inst *)node; +- +- for (int i = 0 ; i < 3; i++) { +- if (inst->src[i].file != UNIFORM || !inst->src[i].reladdr) +- continue; +- +- int uniform = inst->src[i].reg; +- +- /* If this array isn't already present in the pull constant buffer, +- * add it. +- */ +- if (pull_constant_loc[uniform] == -1) { +- const float **values = &c->prog_data.param[uniform]; +- +- pull_constant_loc[uniform] = c->prog_data.nr_pull_params; +- +- assert(param_size[uniform]); +- +- for (int j = 0; j < param_size[uniform]; j++) { +- c->prog_data.pull_param[c->prog_data.nr_pull_params++] = +- values[j]; +- } +- } +- +- /* Set up the annotation tracking for new generated instructions. */ +- base_ir = inst->ir; +- current_annotation = inst->annotation; +- +- fs_reg offset = fs_reg(this, glsl_type::int_type); +- inst->insert_before(ADD(offset, *inst->src[i].reladdr, +- fs_reg(pull_constant_loc[uniform] + +- inst->src[i].reg_offset))); +- +- fs_reg surf_index = fs_reg((unsigned)SURF_INDEX_FRAG_CONST_BUFFER); +- fs_reg temp = fs_reg(this, glsl_type::float_type); +- exec_list list = VARYING_PULL_CONSTANT_LOAD(temp, +- surf_index, offset); +- inst->insert_before(&list); +- +- inst->src[i].file = temp.file; +- inst->src[i].reg = temp.reg; +- inst->src[i].reg_offset = temp.reg_offset; +- inst->src[i].reladdr = NULL; +- } +- } +-} +- + /** + * Choose accesses from the UNIFORM file to demote to using the pull + * constant buffer. +@@ -1670,31 +1555,8 @@ fs_visitor::setup_pull_constants() + /* Just demote the end of the list. We could probably do better + * here, demoting things that are rarely used in the program first. + */ +- unsigned int pull_uniform_base = max_uniform_components; +- +- int pull_constant_loc[c->prog_data.nr_params]; +- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < c->prog_data.nr_params; i++) { +- if (i < pull_uniform_base) { +- pull_constant_loc[i] = -1; +- } else { +- pull_constant_loc[i] = -1; +- /* If our constant is already being uploaded for reladdr purposes, +- * reuse it. +- */ +- for (unsigned int j = 0; j < c->prog_data.nr_pull_params; j++) { +- if (c->prog_data.pull_param[j] == c->prog_data.param[i]) { +- pull_constant_loc[i] = j; +- break; +- } +- } +- if (pull_constant_loc[i] == -1) { +- int pull_index = c->prog_data.nr_pull_params++; +- c->prog_data.pull_param[pull_index] = c->prog_data.param[i]; +- pull_constant_loc[i] = pull_index;; +- } +- } +- } +- c->prog_data.nr_params = pull_uniform_base; ++ int pull_uniform_base = max_uniform_components; ++ int pull_uniform_count = c->prog_data.nr_params - pull_uniform_base; + + foreach_list(node, &this->instructions) { + fs_inst *inst = (fs_inst *)node; +@@ -1703,16 +1565,14 @@ fs_visitor::setup_pull_constants() + if (inst->src[i].file != UNIFORM) + continue; + +- int pull_index = pull_constant_loc[inst->src[i].reg + +- inst->src[i].reg_offset]; +- if (pull_index == -1) ++ int uniform_nr = inst->src[i].reg + inst->src[i].reg_offset; ++ if (uniform_nr < pull_uniform_base) + continue; + +- assert(!inst->src[i].reladdr); +- + fs_reg dst = fs_reg(this, glsl_type::float_type); + fs_reg index = fs_reg((unsigned)SURF_INDEX_FRAG_CONST_BUFFER); +- fs_reg offset = fs_reg((unsigned)(pull_index * 4) & ~15); ++ fs_reg offset = fs_reg((unsigned)(((uniform_nr - ++ pull_uniform_base) * 4) & ~15)); + fs_inst *pull = + new(mem_ctx) fs_inst(FS_OPCODE_UNIFORM_PULL_CONSTANT_LOAD, + dst, index, offset); +@@ -1724,9 +1584,15 @@ fs_visitor::setup_pull_constants() + inst->src[i].file = GRF; + inst->src[i].reg = dst.reg; + inst->src[i].reg_offset = 0; +- inst->src[i].smear = pull_index & 3; ++ inst->src[i].smear = (uniform_nr - pull_uniform_base) & 3; + } + } ++ ++ for (int i = 0; i < pull_uniform_count; i++) { ++ c->prog_data.pull_param[i] = c->prog_data.param[pull_uniform_base + i]; ++ } ++ c->prog_data.nr_params -= pull_uniform_count; ++ c->prog_data.nr_pull_params = pull_uniform_count; + } + + bool +@@ -2655,7 +2521,6 @@ fs_visitor::get_instruction_generating_r + end->predicate || + end->force_uncompressed || + end->force_sechalf || +- reg.reladdr || + !reg.equals(end->dst)) { + return NULL; + } else { +@@ -2776,7 +2641,6 @@ fs_visitor::run() + + split_virtual_grfs(); + +- move_uniform_array_access_to_pull_constants(); + setup_pull_constants(); + + bool progress; +--- a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_fs.h ++++ b/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_fs.h +@@ -121,8 +121,6 @@ public: + uint32_t u; + float f; + } imm; +- +- fs_reg *reladdr; + }; + + static const fs_reg reg_undef; +@@ -256,7 +254,6 @@ public: + + fs_inst *emit(fs_inst inst); + fs_inst *emit(fs_inst *inst); +- void emit(exec_list list); + + fs_inst *emit(enum opcode opcode); + fs_inst *emit(enum opcode opcode, fs_reg dst); +@@ -292,8 +289,6 @@ public: + fs_inst *end, + fs_reg reg); + +- exec_list VARYING_PULL_CONSTANT_LOAD(fs_reg dst, fs_reg surf_index, +- fs_reg offset); + + bool run(); + void setup_payload_gen4(); +@@ -311,7 +306,6 @@ public: + void spill_reg(int spill_reg); + void split_virtual_grfs(); + void compact_virtual_grfs(); +- void move_uniform_array_access_to_pull_constants(); + void setup_pull_constants(); + void calculate_live_intervals(); + bool opt_algebraic(); +@@ -424,8 +418,6 @@ public: + struct brw_wm_compile *c; + unsigned int sanity_param_count; + +- int param_size[MAX_UNIFORMS * 4]; +- + int *virtual_grf_sizes; + int virtual_grf_count; + int virtual_grf_array_size; +--- a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_fs_visitor.cpp ++++ b/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_fs_visitor.cpp +@@ -117,7 +117,6 @@ fs_visitor::visit(ir_variable *ir) + return; + } + +- param_size[param_index] = type_size(ir->type); + if (!strncmp(ir->name, "gl_", 3)) { + setup_builtin_uniform_values(ir); + } else { +@@ -161,41 +160,21 @@ fs_visitor::visit(ir_dereference_record + void + fs_visitor::visit(ir_dereference_array *ir) + { +- ir_constant *constant_index; +- fs_reg src; +- int element_size = type_size(ir->type); +- +- constant_index = ir->array_index->as_constant(); ++ ir_constant *index; ++ int element_size; + + ir->array->accept(this); +- src = this->result; +- src.type = brw_type_for_base_type(ir->type); +- +- if (constant_index) { +- assert(src.file == UNIFORM || src.file == GRF); +- src.reg_offset += constant_index->value.i[0] * element_size; +- } else { +- /* Variable index array dereference. We attach the variable index +- * component to the reg as a pointer to a register containing the +- * offset. Currently only uniform arrays are supported in this patch, +- * and that reladdr pointer is resolved by +- * move_uniform_array_access_to_pull_constants(). All other array types +- * are lowered by lower_variable_index_to_cond_assign(). +- */ +- ir->array_index->accept(this); +- +- fs_reg index_reg; +- index_reg = fs_reg(this, glsl_type::int_type); +- emit(BRW_OPCODE_MUL, index_reg, this->result, fs_reg(element_size)); ++ index = ir->array_index->as_constant(); + +- if (src.reladdr) { +- emit(BRW_OPCODE_ADD, index_reg, *src.reladdr, index_reg); +- } ++ element_size = type_size(ir->type); ++ this->result.type = brw_type_for_base_type(ir->type); + +- src.reladdr = ralloc(mem_ctx, fs_reg); +- memcpy(src.reladdr, &index_reg, sizeof(index_reg)); ++ if (index) { ++ assert(this->result.file == UNIFORM || this->result.file == GRF); ++ this->result.reg_offset += index->value.i[0] * element_size; ++ } else { ++ assert(!"FINISHME: non-constant array element"); + } +- this->result = src; + } + + void +@@ -620,21 +599,6 @@ fs_visitor::visit(ir_expression *ir) + */ + assert(packed_consts.smear < 8); + } +- } else { +- /* Turn the byte offset into a dword offset. */ +- fs_reg base_offset = fs_reg(this, glsl_type::int_type); +- emit(SHR(base_offset, op[1], fs_reg(2))); +- +- for (int i = 0; i < ir->type->vector_elements; i++) { +- fs_reg offset = fs_reg(this, glsl_type::int_type); +- emit(ADD(offset, base_offset, fs_reg(i))); +- emit(VARYING_PULL_CONSTANT_LOAD(result, surf_index, offset)); +- +- if (ir->type->base_type == GLSL_TYPE_BOOL) +- emit(CMP(result, result, fs_reg(0), BRW_CONDITIONAL_NZ)); +- +- result.reg_offset++; +- } + } + + result.reg_offset = 0; +@@ -1883,16 +1847,6 @@ fs_visitor::emit(fs_inst *inst) + return inst; + } + +-void +-fs_visitor::emit(exec_list list) +-{ +- foreach_list_safe(node, &list) { +- fs_inst *inst = (fs_inst *)node; +- inst->remove(); +- emit(inst); +- } +-} +- + /** Emits a dummy fragment shader consisting of magenta for bringup purposes. */ + void + fs_visitor::emit_dummy_fs() +@@ -2321,8 +2275,6 @@ fs_visitor::fs_visitor(struct brw_contex + + this->force_uncompressed_stack = 0; + this->force_sechalf_stack = 0; +- +- memset(&this->param_size, 0, sizeof(this->param_size)); + } + + fs_visitor::~fs_visitor() +--- a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_shader.cpp ++++ b/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_shader.cpp +@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ brw_link_shader(struct gl_context *ctx, + bool input = true; + bool output = stage == MESA_SHADER_FRAGMENT; + bool temp = stage == MESA_SHADER_FRAGMENT; +- bool uniform = false; ++ bool uniform = stage == MESA_SHADER_FRAGMENT; + + bool lowered_variable_indexing = + lower_variable_index_to_cond_assign(shader->ir, --- mesa-9.1.4.orig/debian/patches/revert-d61b1fdad6a.diff +++ mesa-9.1.4/debian/patches/revert-d61b1fdad6a.diff @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +commit 2264ad5eb05dde2271c70cbcb52359aa1e8a7981 +Author: Timo Aaltonen +Date: Fri Jun 7 14:56:14 2013 +0300 + + Revert "i965/fs: Remove creation of a MOV instruction that's never used." + + This reverts commit d61b1fdad6ad4168f55eea335a5174e3318b76aa. + +diff --git a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_fs.cpp b/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_fs.cpp +index 2524125..55a9bc0 100644 +--- a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_fs.cpp ++++ b/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_fs.cpp +@@ -245,6 +245,7 @@ fs_visitor::VARYING_PULL_CONSTANT_LOAD(fs_reg dst, fs_reg surf_index, + } else { + instructions.push_tail(MUL(mrf, offset, fs_reg(4))); + } ++ inst = MOV(mrf, offset); + inst = new(mem_ctx) fs_inst(FS_OPCODE_VARYING_PULL_CONSTANT_LOAD, + dst, surf_index); + inst->header_present = header_present; --- mesa-9.1.4.orig/debian/patches/revert-7f2a65d896bf.diff +++ mesa-9.1.4/debian/patches/revert-7f2a65d896bf.diff @@ -0,0 +1,79 @@ +commit e12be1a9f3d7133e74121bb05f8ce1f1881686f1 +Author: Timo Aaltonen +Date: Fri Jun 7 14:26:36 2013 +0300 + + Revert "i965/fs: Move varying uniform offset compuation into the helper func." + + This reverts commit 7f2a65d896bf51811f213cd9dcd0c6ccd25a1362. + +diff --git a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_fs.cpp b/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_fs.cpp +index 3c3b3a1..2524125 100644 +--- a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_fs.cpp ++++ b/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_fs.cpp +@@ -221,15 +221,11 @@ fs_visitor::CMP(fs_reg dst, fs_reg src0, fs_reg src1, uint32_t condition) + + exec_list + fs_visitor::VARYING_PULL_CONSTANT_LOAD(fs_reg dst, fs_reg surf_index, +- fs_reg varying_offset, +- uint32_t const_offset) ++ fs_reg offset) + { + exec_list instructions; + fs_inst *inst; + +- fs_reg offset = fs_reg(this, glsl_type::uint_type); +- instructions.push_tail(ADD(offset, varying_offset, fs_reg(const_offset))); +- + if (intel->gen >= 7) { + inst = new(mem_ctx) fs_inst(FS_OPCODE_VARYING_PULL_CONSTANT_LOAD_GEN7, + dst, surf_index, offset); +@@ -1628,13 +1624,15 @@ fs_visitor::move_uniform_array_access_to_pull_constants() + base_ir = inst->ir; + current_annotation = inst->annotation; + ++ fs_reg offset = fs_reg(this, glsl_type::int_type); ++ inst->insert_before(ADD(offset, *inst->src[i].reladdr, ++ fs_reg(pull_constant_loc[uniform] + ++ inst->src[i].reg_offset))); ++ + fs_reg surf_index = fs_reg((unsigned)SURF_INDEX_FRAG_CONST_BUFFER); + fs_reg temp = fs_reg(this, glsl_type::float_type); + exec_list list = VARYING_PULL_CONSTANT_LOAD(temp, +- surf_index, +- *inst->src[i].reladdr, +- pull_constant_loc[uniform] + +- inst->src[i].reg_offset); ++ surf_index, offset); + inst->insert_before(&list); + + inst->src[i].file = temp.file; +diff --git a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_fs.h b/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_fs.h +index c776c77..d1bb111 100644 +--- a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_fs.h ++++ b/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_fs.h +@@ -293,8 +293,7 @@ public: + fs_reg reg); + + exec_list VARYING_PULL_CONSTANT_LOAD(fs_reg dst, fs_reg surf_index, +- fs_reg varying_offset, +- uint32_t const_offset); ++ fs_reg offset); + + bool run(); + void setup_payload_gen4(); +diff --git a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_fs_visitor.cpp b/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_fs_visitor.cpp +index 007c8ef..0e5872b 100644 +--- a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_fs_visitor.cpp ++++ b/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_fs_visitor.cpp +@@ -626,8 +626,9 @@ fs_visitor::visit(ir_expression *ir) + emit(SHR(base_offset, op[1], fs_reg(2))); + + for (int i = 0; i < ir->type->vector_elements; i++) { +- emit(VARYING_PULL_CONSTANT_LOAD(result, surf_index, +- base_offset, i)); ++ fs_reg offset = fs_reg(this, glsl_type::int_type); ++ emit(ADD(offset, base_offset, fs_reg(i))); ++ emit(VARYING_PULL_CONSTANT_LOAD(result, surf_index, offset)); + + if (ir->type->base_type == GLSL_TYPE_BOOL) + emit(CMP(result, result, fs_reg(0), BRW_CONDITIONAL_NZ)); --- mesa-9.1.4.orig/debian/patches/aarch64.diff +++ mesa-9.1.4/debian/patches/aarch64.diff @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +Index: b/src/mesa/main/compiler.h +=================================================================== +--- a/src/mesa/main/compiler.h ++++ b/src/mesa/main/compiler.h +@@ -314,6 +314,7 @@ + defined(__hppa__) || defined(hpux) || \ + defined(__mips) || defined(_MIPS_ARCH) || \ + defined(__arm__) || \ ++ defined(__aarch64__) || \ + defined(__sh__) || defined(__m32r__) || \ + (defined(__sun) && defined(_IEEE_754)) || \ + defined(__alpha__) --- mesa-9.1.4.orig/debian/patches/01_gbm_egl.diff +++ mesa-9.1.4/debian/patches/01_gbm_egl.diff @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +diff --git a/src/gbm/backends/dri/gbm_dri.c b/src/gbm/backends/dri/gbm_dri.c +index a3a0530..92d1a36 100644 +--- a/src/gbm/backends/dri/gbm_dri.c ++++ b/src/gbm/backends/dri/gbm_dri.c +@@ -376,9 +376,6 @@ gbm_dri_bo_import(struct gbm_device *gbm, + { + struct wl_drm_buffer *wb = (struct wl_drm_buffer *) buffer; + +- if (!wayland_buffer_is_drm(buffer)) +- return NULL; +- + image = wb->driver_buffer; + + switch (wb->format) { --- mesa-9.1.4.orig/debian/patches/02_gbm_no_undefined.diff +++ mesa-9.1.4/debian/patches/02_gbm_no_undefined.diff @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +diff --git a/src/gbm/Makefile.am b/src/gbm/Makefile.am +index e22c55c..556eb03 100644 +--- a/src/gbm/Makefile.am ++++ b/src/gbm/Makefile.am +@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ libgbm_la_SOURCES = \ + main/gbm.c \ + main/backend.c \ + main/common.c +-libgbm_la_LDFLAGS = -version-info 1:0 ++libgbm_la_LDFLAGS = -version-info 1:0 -Wl,-z,defs + libgbm_la_LIBADD = $(LIBUDEV_LIBS) $(LIBKMS_LIBS) $(DLOPEN_LIBS) + + if HAVE_EGL_PLATFORM_WAYLAND +@@ -39,6 +39,8 @@ libgbm_dri_la_CFLAGS = \ + + libgbm_la_LIBADD += \ + libgbm_dri.la $(top_builddir)/src/mapi/shared-glapi/libglapi.la ++ ++libgbm_la_LDFLAGS += $(LIBDRM_LIBS) + endif + + all-local: libgbm.la --- mesa-9.1.4.orig/debian/patches/fix-osmesa-exports.diff +++ mesa-9.1.4/debian/patches/fix-osmesa-exports.diff @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +From e790e2489535538ac0a7d1486ca6bb1f002c7700 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Maarten Lankhorst +Date: Tue, 16 Jul 2013 10:18:38 +0200 +Subject: [PATCH] osmesa: link against static libglapi library too to get the + gl exports + +This should fix missing symbols in a osmesa built against shared glapi +osmesa build. All opengl exports were missing that are defined in the +static glapi, so link against both to fix this. + +This is a candidate for the stable series. + +Bugzilla: https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=47824 +Signed-off-by: Maarten Lankhorst +(cherry picked from commit b20b2b6dc8b72fc099afb9690f61596e1d0b0902) +--- + src/mesa/drivers/osmesa/Makefile.am | 6 +++--- + 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) + +diff --git a/src/mesa/drivers/osmesa/Makefile.am b/src/mesa/drivers/osmesa/Makefile.am +index 2503401..4bde617 100644 +--- a/src/mesa/drivers/osmesa/Makefile.am ++++ b/src/mesa/drivers/osmesa/Makefile.am +@@ -40,11 +40,11 @@ lib@OSMESA_LIB@_la_SOURCES = osmesa.c + + lib@OSMESA_LIB@_la_LDFLAGS = -module -version-number @OSMESA_VERSION@ -no-undefined + +-if HAVE_SHARED_GLAPI +-GLAPI_LIB = $(top_builddir)/src/mapi/shared-glapi/libglapi.la +-else + GLAPI_LIB = $(top_builddir)/src/mapi/glapi/libglapi.la ++if HAVE_SHARED_GLAPI ++GLAPI_LIB += $(top_builddir)/src/mapi/shared-glapi/libglapi.la + endif ++ + lib@OSMESA_LIB@_la_LIBADD = \ + $(top_builddir)/src/mesa/libmesa.la \ + $(GLAPI_LIB) \ +-- + + --- mesa-9.1.4.orig/debian/patches/117-static-gallium.patch +++ mesa-9.1.4/debian/patches/117-static-gallium.patch @@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ +diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac +index b9fcb0b..be89843 100644 +--- a/configure.ac ++++ b/configure.ac +@@ -747,6 +747,19 @@ if test "x$enable_shared_glapi" = xyes; then + fi + AM_CONDITIONAL(HAVE_SHARED_GLAPI, test "x$enable_shared_glapi" = xyes) + ++AC_ARG_ENABLE([shared-gallium], ++ [AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-shared-gallium], ++ [Enable shared gallium core @<:@default=yes@:>@])], ++ [enable_shared_gallium="$enableval"], ++ [enable_shared_gallium=yes]) ++ ++SHARED_GALLIUM="0" ++if test "x$enable_shared_gallium" = xyes; then ++ SHARED_GALLIUM="1" ++fi ++AC_SUBST([SHARED_GALLIUM]) ++AM_CONDITIONAL(HAVE_SHARED_GALLIUM, test $SHARED_GALLIUM = 1) ++ + dnl + dnl Driver specific build directories + dnl +diff --git a/src/gallium/auxiliary/Makefile.am b/src/gallium/auxiliary/Makefile.am +index f14279b..3cdec83 100644 +--- a/src/gallium/auxiliary/Makefile.am ++++ b/src/gallium/auxiliary/Makefile.am +@@ -3,14 +3,19 @@ AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = subdir-objects + include Makefile.sources + include $(top_srcdir)/src/gallium/Automake.inc + +-noinst_LTLIBRARIES = libgallium.la +- + AM_CFLAGS = \ + -I$(top_srcdir)/src/gallium/auxiliary/util \ +- $(GALLIUM_CFLAGS) \ +- $(VISIBILITY_CFLAGS) ++ $(GALLIUM_CFLAGS) + +-AM_CXXFLAGS = $(VISIBILITY_CXXFLAGS) ++AM_CXXFLAGS = ++ ++if HAVE_SHARED_GALLIUM ++lib_LTLIBRARIES = libgallium.la ++else ++noinst_LTLIBRARIES = libgallium.la ++AM_CFLAGS += $(VISIBILITY_CFLAGS) ++AM_CXXFLAGS += $(VISIBILITY_CXXFLAGS) ++endif + + libgallium_la_SOURCES = \ + $(C_SOURCES) \ +@@ -29,6 +34,8 @@ if LLVM_NEEDS_FNORTTI + + AM_CXXFLAGS += -fno-rtti + ++libgallium_la_LIBADD = $(LLVM_LIBS) ++ + endif + + libgallium_la_SOURCES += \ --- mesa-9.1.4.orig/debian/patches/101_ubuntu_hidden_glname.patch +++ mesa-9.1.4/debian/patches/101_ubuntu_hidden_glname.patch @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +--- a/src/mapi/glapi/gen/gl_x86_asm.py ++++ b/src/mapi/glapi/gen/gl_x86_asm.py +@@ -176,7 +176,6 @@ class PrintGenericStubs(gl_XML.gl_print_ + print '' + print '\t\tALIGNTEXT16' + print '\t\tGLOBL GLNAME(gl_dispatch_functions_start)' +- print '\t\tHIDDEN(GLNAME(gl_dispatch_functions_start))' + print 'GLNAME(gl_dispatch_functions_start):' + print '' + return --- mesa-9.1.4.orig/debian/patches/120-hide-x86sse.patch +++ mesa-9.1.4/debian/patches/120-hide-x86sse.patch @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +See LP #1170074 + +The refresh of linking libgallium against dricore patch caused a conflict. +x86sse was taken from an earlier gallium implementation, but is no longer compatible. +Fortunately these symbols are not needed outside libdricore, so the entire +implementation can be hidden, forcing it to use the correct implementation in libgallium +and in libdricore. + +diff --git a/src/mesa/x86/rtasm/x86sse.h b/src/mesa/x86/rtasm/x86sse.h +index f6282f5..35d8906 100644 +--- a/src/mesa/x86/rtasm/x86sse.h ++++ b/src/mesa/x86/rtasm/x86sse.h +@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ + + #if defined(__i386__) || defined(__386__) + ++#pragma GCC visibility push(internal) ++ + /* It is up to the caller to ensure that instructions issued are + * suitable for the host cpu. There are no checks made in this module + * for mmx/sse/sse2 support on the cpu. +@@ -252,5 +254,7 @@ void x87_fucom( struct x86_function *p, struct x86_reg arg ); + */ + struct x86_reg x86_fn_arg( struct x86_function *p, unsigned arg ); + ++#pragma GCC visibility pop ++ + #endif + #endif --- mesa-9.1.4.orig/debian/patches/08-kfreebsd-gallium.diff +++ mesa-9.1.4/debian/patches/08-kfreebsd-gallium.diff @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +Index: mesa/src/gallium/auxiliary/rtasm/rtasm_execmem.c +=================================================================== +--- mesa.orig/src/gallium/auxiliary/rtasm/rtasm_execmem.c 2012-01-18 16:04:58.230651581 +0200 ++++ mesa/src/gallium/auxiliary/rtasm/rtasm_execmem.c 2012-01-18 16:06:09.872798989 +0200 +@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ + + #include "rtasm_execmem.h" + +-#if defined(PIPE_OS_BSD) ++#ifndef MAP_ANONYMOUS + #define MAP_ANONYMOUS MAP_ANON + #endif + +Index: mesa/src/gallium/include/pipe/p_config.h +=================================================================== +--- mesa.orig/src/gallium/include/pipe/p_config.h 2012-01-18 16:04:58.238651821 +0200 ++++ mesa/src/gallium/include/pipe/p_config.h 2012-01-18 16:06:09.872798989 +0200 +@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ + #define PIPE_OS_ANDROID + #endif + +-#if defined(__FreeBSD__) ++#if defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__FreeBSD_kernel__) + #define PIPE_OS_FREEBSD + #define PIPE_OS_BSD + #define PIPE_OS_UNIX --- mesa-9.1.4.orig/debian/patches/series +++ mesa-9.1.4/debian/patches/series @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +01_gbm_egl.diff +02_gbm_no_undefined.diff +04_osmesa_version.diff +06_kfreebsd-ftbfs.diff +08-kfreebsd-gallium.diff +#11-hurd-ftbfs-again.diff + +# Ubuntu patches. +fix-osmesa-exports.diff +101_ubuntu_hidden_glname.patch +117-static-gallium.patch +118-dricore-gallium.patch +120-hide-x86sse.patch + +# make unity dash blur quick on i915 again +revert-7f2a65d896bf.diff +revert-d61b1fdad6a.diff +revert-a64c1eb9b110.diff +aarch64.diff + +egl-platform-mir.patch --- mesa-9.1.4.orig/debian/patches/04_osmesa_version.diff +++ mesa-9.1.4/debian/patches/04_osmesa_version.diff @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +--- a/src/mesa/drivers/osmesa/Makefile.am ++++ b/src/mesa/drivers/osmesa/Makefile.am +@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ + nodist_EXTRA_lib@OSMESA_LIB@_la_SOURCES = dummy.cpp + lib@OSMESA_LIB@_la_SOURCES = osmesa.c + +-lib@OSMESA_LIB@_la_LDFLAGS = -module -version-number @OSMESA_VERSION@ -no-undefined ++lib@OSMESA_LIB@_la_LDFLAGS = -module -version-number 6:5:3 -no-undefined + + if HAVE_SHARED_GLAPI + GLAPI_LIB = $(top_builddir)/src/mapi/shared-glapi/libglapi.la +@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ + all-local: lib@OSMESA_LIB@.la + $(MKDIR_P) $(top_builddir)/$(LIB_DIR); + ln -f .libs/lib@OSMESA_LIB@.so $(top_builddir)/$(LIB_DIR)/lib@OSMESA_LIB@.so; +- ln -f .libs/lib@OSMESA_LIB@.so.@OSMESA_VERSION@ $(top_builddir)/$(LIB_DIR)/lib@OSMESA_LIB@.so.@OSMESA_VERSION@; ++ ln -f .libs/lib@OSMESA_LIB@.so.6.5.3 $(top_builddir)/$(LIB_DIR)/lib@OSMESA_LIB@.so.6.5.3; + endif + + pkgconfigdir = $(libdir)/pkgconfig --- mesa-9.1.4.orig/debian/patches/118-dricore-gallium.patch +++ mesa-9.1.4/debian/patches/118-dricore-gallium.patch @@ -0,0 +1,186 @@ +--- a/src/mesa/libdricore/Makefile.am ++++ b/src/mesa/libdricore/Makefile.am +@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ + libdricore@VERSION@_la_LDFLAGS = -version-number 1:0 + libdricore@VERSION@_la_LIBADD = \ + ../program/libdricore_program.la \ ++ $(top_builddir)/src/mapi/shared-glapi/libglapi.la + $() + + if HAVE_X86_ASM +@@ -65,8 +66,10 @@ + -I$(top_srcdir)/src/mesa/sparc + endif + ++lib_LTLIBRARIES = ++ + if HAVE_DRI +-lib_LTLIBRARIES = libdricore@VERSION@.la ++lib_LTLIBRARIES += libdricore@VERSION@.la + + # Provide compatibility with scripts for the old Mesa build system for + # a while by putting a link to the driver into /lib of the build tree. +@@ -76,6 +79,17 @@ + ln -sf libdricore@VERSION@.so.1 $(top_builddir)/$(LIB_DIR)/libdricore@VERSION@.so + endif + ++libmesagallium_la_SOURCES = \ ++ $(STATETRACKER_FILES) ++libmesagallium_la_CFLAGS = @LLVM_CFLAGS@ ++libmesagallium_la_CXXFLAGS = @LLVM_CXXFLAGS@ ++libmesagallium_la_LIBADD = libdricore@VERSION@.la $(LLVM_LIBS) ++ ++if HAVE_GALLIUM ++noinst_LTLIBRARIES = libmesagallium.la ++endif ++ ++ + CLEANFILES = \ + $(top_builddir)/$(LIB_DIR)/libdricore@VERSION@.so.1 \ + $(top_builddir)/$(LIB_DIR)/libdricore@VERSION@.so +--- a/configure.ac ++++ b/configure.ac +@@ -928,6 +928,8 @@ + AC_SUBST([GLESv2_PC_LIB_PRIV]) + + DRI_LIB_DEPS="\$(top_builddir)/src/mesa/libdricore/libdricore${VERSION}.la" ++MESAGALLIUM_LIBS="${DRI_LIB_DEPS}" ++AC_SUBST([MESAGALLIUM_LIBS], ${MESAGALLIUM_LIBS}) + + AC_SUBST([HAVE_XF86VIDMODE]) + +--- a/src/gallium/targets/dri-i915/Makefile.am ++++ b/src/gallium/targets/dri-i915/Makefile.am +@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ + i915_dri_la_LDFLAGS = -module -avoid-version -shared -no-undefined + + i915_dri_la_LIBADD = \ +- $(top_builddir)/src/mesa/libmesagallium.la \ ++ @MESAGALLIUM_LIBS@ \ + $(top_builddir)/src/gallium/auxiliary/libgallium.la \ + $(top_builddir)/src/gallium/state_trackers/dri/drm/libdridrm.la \ + $(top_builddir)/src/gallium/winsys/i915/drm/libi915drm.la \ +--- a/src/gallium/targets/dri-nouveau/Makefile.am ++++ b/src/gallium/targets/dri-nouveau/Makefile.am +@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ + nouveau_dri_la_LDFLAGS = -module -avoid-version -shared -no-undefined + + nouveau_dri_la_LIBADD = \ +- $(top_builddir)/src/mesa/libmesagallium.la \ ++ @MESAGALLIUM_LIBS@ \ + $(top_builddir)/src/gallium/auxiliary/libgallium.la \ + $(top_builddir)/src/gallium/state_trackers/dri/drm/libdridrm.la \ + $(top_builddir)/src/gallium/winsys/nouveau/drm/libnouveaudrm.la \ +--- a/src/gallium/targets/dri-r300/Makefile.am ++++ b/src/gallium/targets/dri-r300/Makefile.am +@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ + r300_dri_la_LDFLAGS = -module -avoid-version -shared -no-undefined + + r300_dri_la_LIBADD = \ +- $(top_builddir)/src/mesa/libmesagallium.la \ ++ @MESAGALLIUM_LIBS@ \ + $(top_builddir)/src/gallium/auxiliary/libgallium.la \ + $(top_builddir)/src/gallium/state_trackers/dri/drm/libdridrm.la \ + $(top_builddir)/src/gallium/winsys/radeon/drm/libradeonwinsys.la \ +--- a/src/gallium/targets/dri-r600/Makefile.am ++++ b/src/gallium/targets/dri-r600/Makefile.am +@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ + r600_dri_la_LDFLAGS = -module -avoid-version -shared -no-undefined + + r600_dri_la_LIBADD = \ +- $(top_builddir)/src/mesa/libmesagallium.la \ ++ @MESAGALLIUM_LIBS@ \ + $(top_builddir)/src/gallium/auxiliary/libgallium.la \ + $(top_builddir)/src/gallium/drivers/r600/libr600.la \ + $(top_builddir)/src/gallium/state_trackers/dri/drm/libdridrm.la \ +--- a/src/gallium/targets/dri-radeonsi/Makefile.am ++++ b/src/gallium/targets/dri-radeonsi/Makefile.am +@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ + radeonsi_dri_la_LDFLAGS = -module -avoid-version -shared -no-undefined + + radeonsi_dri_la_LIBADD = \ +- $(top_builddir)/src/mesa/libmesagallium.la \ ++ @MESAGALLIUM_LIBS@ \ + $(top_builddir)/src/gallium/auxiliary/libgallium.la \ + $(top_builddir)/src/gallium/drivers/radeonsi/libradeonsi.la \ + $(top_builddir)/src/gallium/state_trackers/dri/drm/libdridrm.la \ +--- a/src/gallium/targets/dri-swrast/Makefile.am ++++ b/src/gallium/targets/dri-swrast/Makefile.am +@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ + swrast_dri_la_LDFLAGS = -module -avoid-version -shared -no-undefined + + swrast_dri_la_LIBADD = \ +- $(top_builddir)/src/mesa/libmesagallium.la \ ++ @MESAGALLIUM_LIBS@ \ + $(top_builddir)/src/gallium/auxiliary/libgallium.la \ + $(top_builddir)/src/gallium/state_trackers/dri/sw/libdrisw.la \ + $(top_builddir)/src/gallium/winsys/sw/dri/libswdri.la \ +--- a/src/gallium/targets/dri-vmwgfx/Makefile.am ++++ b/src/gallium/targets/dri-vmwgfx/Makefile.am +@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ + vmwgfx_dri_la_LDFLAGS = -module -avoid-version -shared -no-undefined + + vmwgfx_dri_la_LIBADD = \ +- $(top_builddir)/src/mesa/libmesagallium.la \ ++ @MESAGALLIUM_LIBS@ \ + $(top_builddir)/src/gallium/auxiliary/libgallium.la \ + $(top_builddir)/src/gallium/state_trackers/dri/drm/libdridrm.la \ + $(top_builddir)/src/gallium/winsys/svga/drm/libsvgadrm.la \ +--- a/src/gallium/targets/egl-static/Makefile.am ++++ b/src/gallium/targets/egl-static/Makefile.am +@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ + $(API_DEFINES) + + egl_gallium_la_LIBADD += \ +- $(top_builddir)/src/mesa/libmesagallium.la ++ @MESAGALLIUM_LIBS@ + # make st/mesa built-in when there is a single glapi provider + if HAVE_SHARED_GLAPI + egl_gallium_la_LIBADD += \ +--- a/src/mesa/Makefile.am ++++ b/src/mesa/Makefile.am +@@ -75,9 +75,6 @@ + else + check_LTLIBRARIES = libmesa.la + endif +-if HAVE_GALLIUM +-noinst_LTLIBRARIES += libmesagallium.la +-endif + + SRCDIR = $(top_srcdir)/src/mesa/ + BUILDDIR = $(top_builddir)/src/mesa/ +@@ -119,15 +116,6 @@ + $() + libmesa_la_LDFLAGS = + +-libmesagallium_la_SOURCES = \ +- $(MESA_GALLIUM_FILES) \ +- $(MESA_ASM_FILES_FOR_ARCH) +- +-libmesagallium_la_LIBADD = \ +- $(top_builddir)/src/glsl/libglsl.la \ +- $(top_builddir)/src/mesa/program/libprogram.la \ +- $() +- + pkgconfigdir = $(libdir)/pkgconfig + pkgconfig_DATA = gl.pc + +--- a/src/gallium/auxiliary/Makefile.am ++++ b/src/gallium/auxiliary/Makefile.am +@@ -34,14 +34,14 @@ + + AM_CXXFLAGS += -fno-rtti + +-libgallium_la_LIBADD = $(LLVM_LIBS) +- + endif + + libgallium_la_SOURCES += \ + $(GALLIVM_SOURCES) \ + $(GALLIVM_CPP_SOURCES) + ++libgallium_la_LIBADD = ../../mesa/libdricore/libmesagallium.la $(LLVM_LIBS) $(GALLIUM_DRI_LIB_DEPS) ++ + endif + + indices/u_indices_gen.c: $(srcdir)/indices/u_indices_gen.py --- mesa-9.1.4.orig/debian/patches/11-hurd-ftbfs-again.diff +++ mesa-9.1.4/debian/patches/11-hurd-ftbfs-again.diff @@ -0,0 +1,69 @@ +From c43546d2c9d877df6963a18f93377f93a169d43a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Cyril Brulebois +Date: Sun, 13 Feb 2011 06:58:45 +0000 +Subject: [PATCH] Fix FTBFS on GNU/Hurd due to missing PIPE_OS_HURD detection. + +Thanks to Pino Toscano. + +Signed-off-by: Cyril Brulebois +--- + src/gallium/auxiliary/os/os_thread.h | 12 ++++++------ + src/gallium/auxiliary/os/os_time.c | 2 +- + 2 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-) + +--- a/src/gallium/auxiliary/os/os_thread.h ++++ b/src/gallium/auxiliary/os/os_thread.h +@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ + #include "util/u_debug.h" /* for assert */ + + +-#if defined(PIPE_OS_LINUX) || defined(PIPE_OS_BSD) || defined(PIPE_OS_SOLARIS) || defined(PIPE_OS_APPLE) || defined(PIPE_OS_HAIKU) || defined(PIPE_OS_CYGWIN) ++#if defined(PIPE_OS_LINUX) || defined(PIPE_OS_BSD) || defined(PIPE_OS_SOLARIS) || defined(PIPE_OS_APPLE) || defined(PIPE_OS_HAIKU) || defined(PIPE_OS_CYGWIN) || defined(PIPE_OS_HURD) + + #include /* POSIX threads headers */ + #include /* for perror() */ +@@ -314,7 +314,7 @@ typedef int64_t pipe_condvar; + * pipe_barrier + */ + +-#if defined(PIPE_OS_LINUX) || defined(PIPE_OS_BSD) || defined(PIPE_OS_SOLARIS) || defined(PIPE_OS_HAIKU) ++#if defined(PIPE_OS_LINUX) || defined(PIPE_OS_BSD) || defined(PIPE_OS_SOLARIS) || defined(PIPE_OS_HAIKU) || defined(PIPE_OS_HURD) + + typedef pthread_barrier_t pipe_barrier; + +@@ -442,7 +442,7 @@ pipe_semaphore_wait(pipe_semaphore *sema + */ + + typedef struct { +-#if defined(PIPE_OS_LINUX) || defined(PIPE_OS_BSD) || defined(PIPE_OS_SOLARIS) || defined(PIPE_OS_APPLE) || defined(PIPE_OS_HAIKU) || defined(PIPE_OS_CYGWIN) ++#if defined(PIPE_OS_LINUX) || defined(PIPE_OS_BSD) || defined(PIPE_OS_SOLARIS) || defined(PIPE_OS_APPLE) || defined(PIPE_OS_HAIKU) || defined(PIPE_OS_CYGWIN) || defined(PIPE_OS_HURD) + pthread_key_t key; + #elif defined(PIPE_SUBSYSTEM_WINDOWS_USER) + DWORD key; +@@ -457,7 +457,7 @@ typedef struct { + static INLINE void + pipe_tsd_init(pipe_tsd *tsd) + { +-#if defined(PIPE_OS_LINUX) || defined(PIPE_OS_BSD) || defined(PIPE_OS_SOLARIS) || defined(PIPE_OS_APPLE) || defined(PIPE_OS_HAIKU) || defined(PIPE_OS_CYGWIN) ++#if defined(PIPE_OS_LINUX) || defined(PIPE_OS_BSD) || defined(PIPE_OS_SOLARIS) || defined(PIPE_OS_APPLE) || defined(PIPE_OS_HAIKU) || defined(PIPE_OS_CYGWIN) || defined(PIPE_OS_HURD) + if (pthread_key_create(&tsd->key, NULL/*free*/) != 0) { + perror("pthread_key_create(): failed to allocate key for thread specific data"); + exit(-1); +@@ -474,7 +474,7 @@ pipe_tsd_get(pipe_tsd *tsd) + if (tsd->initMagic != (int) PIPE_TSD_INIT_MAGIC) { + pipe_tsd_init(tsd); + } +-#if defined(PIPE_OS_LINUX) || defined(PIPE_OS_BSD) || defined(PIPE_OS_SOLARIS) || defined(PIPE_OS_APPLE) || defined(PIPE_OS_HAIKU) || defined(PIPE_OS_CYGWIN) ++#if defined(PIPE_OS_LINUX) || defined(PIPE_OS_BSD) || defined(PIPE_OS_SOLARIS) || defined(PIPE_OS_APPLE) || defined(PIPE_OS_HAIKU) || defined(PIPE_OS_CYGWIN) || defined(PIPE_OS_HURD) + return pthread_getspecific(tsd->key); + #elif defined(PIPE_SUBSYSTEM_WINDOWS_USER) + assert(0); +@@ -491,7 +491,7 @@ pipe_tsd_set(pipe_tsd *tsd, void *value) + if (tsd->initMagic != (int) PIPE_TSD_INIT_MAGIC) { + pipe_tsd_init(tsd); + } +-#if defined(PIPE_OS_LINUX) || defined(PIPE_OS_BSD) || defined(PIPE_OS_SOLARIS) || defined(PIPE_OS_APPLE) || defined(PIPE_OS_HAIKU) || defined(PIPE_OS_CYGWIN) ++#if defined(PIPE_OS_LINUX) || defined(PIPE_OS_BSD) || defined(PIPE_OS_SOLARIS) || defined(PIPE_OS_APPLE) || defined(PIPE_OS_HAIKU) || defined(PIPE_OS_CYGWIN) || defined(PIPE_OS_HURD) + if (pthread_setspecific(tsd->key, value) != 0) { + perror("pthread_set_specific() failed"); + exit(-1); --- mesa-9.1.4.orig/debian/local/script +++ mesa-9.1.4/debian/local/script @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +#!/bin/sh + +SERVER_BUG_SCRIPT=/usr/share/bug/xserver-xorg-core/script + +exec >&3 + +echo "glxinfo:" +echo "--------" + +if [ -z "$DISPLAY" ]; then + echo "DISPLAY is not set." +else + if which glxinfo >/dev/null 2>&1; then + glxinfo + else + echo "glxinfo is not available (missing mesa-utils package)." + fi +fi + +echo + +if [ -x "$SERVER_BUG_SCRIPT" ]; then + $SERVER_BUG_SCRIPT 3>&1 +else + echo "$SERVER_BUG_SCRIPT not available" +fi --- mesa-9.1.4.orig/debian/local/control +++ mesa-9.1.4/debian/local/control @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +report-with: xserver-xorg xserver-xorg-core --- mesa-9.1.4.orig/bin/test-driver +++ mesa-9.1.4/bin/test-driver @@ -0,0 +1,127 @@ +#! /bin/sh +# test-driver - basic testsuite driver script. + +scriptversion=2012-06-27.10; # UTC + +# Copyright (C) 2011-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# +# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify +# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) +# any later version. +# +# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the +# GNU General Public License for more details. +# +# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +# along with this program. If not, see . + +# As a special exception to the GNU General Public License, if you +# distribute this file as part of a program that contains a +# configuration script generated by Autoconf, you may include it under +# the same distribution terms that you use for the rest of that program. + +# This file is maintained in Automake, please report +# bugs to or send patches to +# . + +# Make unconditional expansion of undefined variables an error. This +# helps a lot in preventing typo-related bugs. +set -u + +usage_error () +{ + echo "$0: $*" >&2 + print_usage >&2 + exit 2 +} + +print_usage () +{ + cat <$log_file 2>&1 +estatus=$? +if test $enable_hard_errors = no && test $estatus -eq 99; then + estatus=1 +fi + +case $estatus:$expect_failure in + 0:yes) col=$red res=XPASS recheck=yes gcopy=yes;; + 0:*) col=$grn res=PASS recheck=no gcopy=no;; + 77:*) col=$blu res=SKIP recheck=no gcopy=yes;; + 99:*) col=$mgn res=ERROR recheck=yes gcopy=yes;; + *:yes) col=$lgn res=XFAIL recheck=no gcopy=yes;; + *:*) col=$red res=FAIL recheck=yes gcopy=yes;; +esac + +# Report outcome to console. +echo "${col}${res}${std}: $test_name" + +# Register the test result, and other relevant metadata. +echo ":test-result: $res" > $trs_file +echo ":global-test-result: $res" >> $trs_file +echo ":recheck: $recheck" >> $trs_file +echo ":copy-in-global-log: $gcopy" >> $trs_file + +# Local Variables: +# mode: shell-script +# sh-indentation: 2 +# eval: (add-hook 'write-file-hooks 'time-stamp) +# time-stamp-start: "scriptversion=" +# time-stamp-format: "%:y-%02m-%02d.%02H" +# time-stamp-time-zone: "UTC" +# time-stamp-end: "; # UTC" +# End: --- mesa-9.1.4.orig/bin/.cherry-ignore +++ mesa-9.1.4/bin/.cherry-ignore @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +d60da27273d2cdb68bc32cae2ca66718dab15f27 st/mesa: set ctx->Const.MaxSamples = 0, not 1 +5c86a728d4f688c0fe7fbf9f4b8f88060b65c4ee r600g: fix htile buffer leak +496928a442cec980b534bc5da2523b3632b21b61 CopyTexImage: Don't check sRGB vs LINEAR for desktop GL +3ee602314fc22054f69ee476f2e1037653d269bc mesa: Allow glGet* queries of MAX_VARYING_COMPONENTS in ES 3 + +# Already cherry picked without -x +96b3ca89b153f358de74059151d2b0e8bd884dfa scons: Allows choosing VS 10 or 11. + +# This patch is superceded by 7d4f1e6 +dbf94d105a48b7aafb2c8cf64d8b4392d87efea1 glsl: Replace constant-index vector array accesses with swizzles + +# This patch is superceded by 34a4fc5 +0967c362bf378b7415c30ca6d9523d3b2a3a7f5d i965: Fix an inconsistency inb the VUE map with gl_ClipVertex on gen4/5. + +# This patch was backported as c3eb301 +a8246927e35a49097f70cffb7fa8dd05ec1365e1 r600g: Fix UMAD on Cayman + +# These patches cannot be backported without other, too invasive changes +eb19163a4dd3d7bfeed63229820c926f99ed00d9 radeonsi: Initial support for multiple constant buffers +e3befbca5ed9f22effcdc91c5886c86b644bc190 radeonsi: Handle TGSI_SEMANTIC_CLIPVERTEX + +# These patches are performance improvements that are difficult to backport and cause regressions +740350c982bd2735b9eb9063c2b91856b6f1ad31 i965: Make the fragment shader pull constants index by dwords, not vec4s. +dca5fc14358a8b267b3854c39c976a822885898f i965/fs: Improve performance of varying-index uniform loads on IVB. +70b27e0e4b5d15e575ea477d63c0f6cb19d645c2 i965/fs: Use LD messages for pre-gen7 varying-index uniform loads +62501c3af85089b423218a41a2e2433ac849c2d3 i965/fs: Allow CSE on pre-gen7 varying-index uniform loads + +# Reverted in master +98dfd59a0445666060c97b0dccaf0e9f030b547a i965: fix problem with constant out of bounds access (v2) + +# Already cherry-picked, but squashed with the commit that broke what this fixed +4405ff4055685841c9d9545da52c7edc8708b14b i965: Fix haswell_upload_cut_index when there's no index buffer. --- mesa-9.1.4.orig/src/mapi/glapi/glapi_x86-64.S +++ mesa-9.1.4/src/mapi/glapi/glapi_x86-64.S @@ -0,0 +1,39672 @@ +/* DO NOT EDIT - This file generated automatically by gl_x86-64_asm.py (from Mesa) script */ + +/* + * (C) Copyright IBM Corporation 2005 + * All Rights Reserved. + * + * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a + * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), + * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation + * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sub license, + * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the + * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + * + * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next + * paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the + * Software. + * + * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR + * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL + * IBM, + * AND/OR THEIR SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, + * WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF + * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE + * SOFTWARE. + */ + +/* If we build with gcc's -fvisibility=hidden flag, we'll need to change + * the symbol visibility mode to 'default'. + */ + +#include "x86/assyntax.h" + +#ifdef __GNUC__ +# pragma GCC visibility push(default) +# define HIDDEN(x) .hidden x +#else +# define HIDDEN(x) +#endif + +# if defined(USE_MGL_NAMESPACE) +# define GL_PREFIX(n) GLNAME(CONCAT(mgl,n)) +# define _glapi_Dispatch _mglapi_Dispatch +# else +# define GL_PREFIX(n) GLNAME(CONCAT(gl,n)) +# endif + +#if defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) || defined(_WIN32) +# define THREADS +#endif + + .text + +#ifdef GLX_USE_TLS + + .globl _x86_64_get_get_dispatch; HIDDEN(_x86_64_get_get_dispatch) +_x86_64_get_get_dispatch: + lea _x86_64_get_dispatch(%rip), %rax + ret + + .p2align 4,,15 +_x86_64_get_dispatch: + movq _glapi_tls_Dispatch@GOTTPOFF(%rip), %rax + movq %fs:(%rax), %rax + ret + .size _x86_64_get_dispatch, .-_x86_64_get_dispatch + +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + + .extern _glapi_Dispatch + .extern _gl_DispatchTSD + .extern pthread_getspecific + + .p2align 4,,15 +_x86_64_get_dispatch: + movq _gl_DispatchTSD@GOTPCREL(%rip), %rax + movl (%rax), %edi + jmp pthread_getspecific@PLT + +#elif defined(THREADS) + + .extern _glapi_get_dispatch + +#endif + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(NewList) + .type GL_PREFIX(NewList), @function +GL_PREFIX(NewList): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 0(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq (%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 0(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 0(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(NewList), .-GL_PREFIX(NewList) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(EndList) + .type GL_PREFIX(EndList), @function +GL_PREFIX(EndList): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 8(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + movq 8(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 8(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + movq 8(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(EndList), .-GL_PREFIX(EndList) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(CallList) + .type GL_PREFIX(CallList), @function +GL_PREFIX(CallList): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 16(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 16(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 16(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 16(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(CallList), .-GL_PREFIX(CallList) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(CallLists) + .type GL_PREFIX(CallLists), @function +GL_PREFIX(CallLists): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 24(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 24(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 24(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 24(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(CallLists), .-GL_PREFIX(CallLists) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(DeleteLists) + .type GL_PREFIX(DeleteLists), @function +GL_PREFIX(DeleteLists): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 32(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 32(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 32(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 32(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(DeleteLists), .-GL_PREFIX(DeleteLists) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GenLists) + .type GL_PREFIX(GenLists), @function +GL_PREFIX(GenLists): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 40(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 40(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 40(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 40(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GenLists), .-GL_PREFIX(GenLists) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(ListBase) + .type GL_PREFIX(ListBase), @function +GL_PREFIX(ListBase): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 48(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 48(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 48(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 48(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(ListBase), .-GL_PREFIX(ListBase) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Begin) + .type GL_PREFIX(Begin), @function +GL_PREFIX(Begin): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 56(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 56(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 56(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 56(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Begin), .-GL_PREFIX(Begin) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Bitmap) + .type GL_PREFIX(Bitmap), @function +GL_PREFIX(Bitmap): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 64(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $56, %rsp + movq %rdi, (%rsp) + movq %rsi, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm0, 16(%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 24(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 32(%rsp) + movq %xmm3, 40(%rsp) + movq %rdx, 48(%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 48(%rsp), %rdx + movq 40(%rsp), %xmm3 + movq 32(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 24(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm0 + movq 8(%rsp), %rsi + movq (%rsp), %rdi + addq $56, %rsp + movq 64(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 64(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $56, %rsp + movq %rdi, (%rsp) + movq %rsi, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm0, 16(%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 24(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 32(%rsp) + movq %xmm3, 40(%rsp) + movq %rdx, 48(%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq 48(%rsp), %rdx + movq 40(%rsp), %xmm3 + movq 32(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 24(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm0 + movq 8(%rsp), %rsi + movq (%rsp), %rdi + addq $56, %rsp + movq 64(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Bitmap), .-GL_PREFIX(Bitmap) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Color3b) + .type GL_PREFIX(Color3b), @function +GL_PREFIX(Color3b): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 72(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 72(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 72(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 72(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Color3b), .-GL_PREFIX(Color3b) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Color3bv) + .type GL_PREFIX(Color3bv), @function +GL_PREFIX(Color3bv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 80(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 80(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 80(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 80(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Color3bv), .-GL_PREFIX(Color3bv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Color3d) + .type GL_PREFIX(Color3d), @function +GL_PREFIX(Color3d): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 88(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $24, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 16(%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $24, %rsp + movq 88(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 88(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $24, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 16(%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $24, %rsp + movq 88(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Color3d), .-GL_PREFIX(Color3d) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Color3dv) + .type GL_PREFIX(Color3dv), @function +GL_PREFIX(Color3dv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 96(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 96(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 96(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 96(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Color3dv), .-GL_PREFIX(Color3dv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Color3f) + .type GL_PREFIX(Color3f), @function +GL_PREFIX(Color3f): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 104(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $24, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 16(%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $24, %rsp + movq 104(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 104(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $24, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 16(%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $24, %rsp + movq 104(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Color3f), .-GL_PREFIX(Color3f) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Color3fv) + .type GL_PREFIX(Color3fv), @function +GL_PREFIX(Color3fv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 112(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 112(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 112(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 112(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Color3fv), .-GL_PREFIX(Color3fv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Color3i) + .type GL_PREFIX(Color3i), @function +GL_PREFIX(Color3i): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 120(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 120(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 120(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 120(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Color3i), .-GL_PREFIX(Color3i) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Color3iv) + .type GL_PREFIX(Color3iv), @function +GL_PREFIX(Color3iv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 128(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 128(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 128(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 128(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Color3iv), .-GL_PREFIX(Color3iv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Color3s) + .type GL_PREFIX(Color3s), @function +GL_PREFIX(Color3s): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 136(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 136(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 136(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 136(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Color3s), .-GL_PREFIX(Color3s) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Color3sv) + .type GL_PREFIX(Color3sv), @function +GL_PREFIX(Color3sv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 144(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 144(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 144(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 144(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Color3sv), .-GL_PREFIX(Color3sv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Color3ub) + .type GL_PREFIX(Color3ub), @function +GL_PREFIX(Color3ub): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 152(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 152(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 152(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 152(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Color3ub), .-GL_PREFIX(Color3ub) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Color3ubv) + .type GL_PREFIX(Color3ubv), @function +GL_PREFIX(Color3ubv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 160(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 160(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 160(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 160(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Color3ubv), .-GL_PREFIX(Color3ubv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Color3ui) + .type GL_PREFIX(Color3ui), @function +GL_PREFIX(Color3ui): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 168(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 168(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 168(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 168(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Color3ui), .-GL_PREFIX(Color3ui) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Color3uiv) + .type GL_PREFIX(Color3uiv), @function +GL_PREFIX(Color3uiv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 176(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 176(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 176(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 176(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Color3uiv), .-GL_PREFIX(Color3uiv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Color3us) + .type GL_PREFIX(Color3us), @function +GL_PREFIX(Color3us): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 184(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 184(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 184(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 184(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Color3us), .-GL_PREFIX(Color3us) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Color3usv) + .type GL_PREFIX(Color3usv), @function +GL_PREFIX(Color3usv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 192(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 192(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 192(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 192(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Color3usv), .-GL_PREFIX(Color3usv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Color4b) + .type GL_PREFIX(Color4b), @function +GL_PREFIX(Color4b): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 200(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 200(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 200(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 200(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Color4b), .-GL_PREFIX(Color4b) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Color4bv) + .type GL_PREFIX(Color4bv), @function +GL_PREFIX(Color4bv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 208(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 208(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 208(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 208(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Color4bv), .-GL_PREFIX(Color4bv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Color4d) + .type GL_PREFIX(Color4d), @function +GL_PREFIX(Color4d): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 216(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $40, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 16(%rsp) + movq %xmm3, 24(%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 24(%rsp), %xmm3 + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $40, %rsp + movq 216(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 216(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $40, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 16(%rsp) + movq %xmm3, 24(%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq 24(%rsp), %xmm3 + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $40, %rsp + movq 216(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Color4d), .-GL_PREFIX(Color4d) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Color4dv) + .type GL_PREFIX(Color4dv), @function +GL_PREFIX(Color4dv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 224(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 224(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 224(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 224(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Color4dv), .-GL_PREFIX(Color4dv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Color4f) + .type GL_PREFIX(Color4f), @function +GL_PREFIX(Color4f): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 232(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $40, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 16(%rsp) + movq %xmm3, 24(%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 24(%rsp), %xmm3 + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $40, %rsp + movq 232(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 232(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $40, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 16(%rsp) + movq %xmm3, 24(%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq 24(%rsp), %xmm3 + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $40, %rsp + movq 232(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Color4f), .-GL_PREFIX(Color4f) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Color4fv) + .type GL_PREFIX(Color4fv), @function +GL_PREFIX(Color4fv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 240(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 240(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 240(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 240(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Color4fv), .-GL_PREFIX(Color4fv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Color4i) + .type GL_PREFIX(Color4i), @function +GL_PREFIX(Color4i): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 248(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 248(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 248(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 248(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Color4i), .-GL_PREFIX(Color4i) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Color4iv) + .type GL_PREFIX(Color4iv), @function +GL_PREFIX(Color4iv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 256(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 256(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 256(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 256(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Color4iv), .-GL_PREFIX(Color4iv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Color4s) + .type GL_PREFIX(Color4s), @function +GL_PREFIX(Color4s): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 264(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 264(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 264(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 264(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Color4s), .-GL_PREFIX(Color4s) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Color4sv) + .type GL_PREFIX(Color4sv), @function +GL_PREFIX(Color4sv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 272(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 272(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 272(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 272(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Color4sv), .-GL_PREFIX(Color4sv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Color4ub) + .type GL_PREFIX(Color4ub), @function +GL_PREFIX(Color4ub): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 280(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 280(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 280(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 280(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Color4ub), .-GL_PREFIX(Color4ub) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Color4ubv) + .type GL_PREFIX(Color4ubv), @function +GL_PREFIX(Color4ubv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 288(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 288(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 288(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 288(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Color4ubv), .-GL_PREFIX(Color4ubv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Color4ui) + .type GL_PREFIX(Color4ui), @function +GL_PREFIX(Color4ui): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 296(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 296(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 296(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 296(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Color4ui), .-GL_PREFIX(Color4ui) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Color4uiv) + .type GL_PREFIX(Color4uiv), @function +GL_PREFIX(Color4uiv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 304(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 304(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 304(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 304(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Color4uiv), .-GL_PREFIX(Color4uiv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Color4us) + .type GL_PREFIX(Color4us), @function +GL_PREFIX(Color4us): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 312(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 312(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 312(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 312(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Color4us), .-GL_PREFIX(Color4us) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Color4usv) + .type GL_PREFIX(Color4usv), @function +GL_PREFIX(Color4usv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 320(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 320(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 320(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 320(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Color4usv), .-GL_PREFIX(Color4usv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(EdgeFlag) + .type GL_PREFIX(EdgeFlag), @function +GL_PREFIX(EdgeFlag): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 328(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 328(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 328(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 328(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(EdgeFlag), .-GL_PREFIX(EdgeFlag) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(EdgeFlagv) + .type GL_PREFIX(EdgeFlagv), @function +GL_PREFIX(EdgeFlagv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 336(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 336(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 336(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 336(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(EdgeFlagv), .-GL_PREFIX(EdgeFlagv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(End) + .type GL_PREFIX(End), @function +GL_PREFIX(End): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 344(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + movq 344(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 344(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + movq 344(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(End), .-GL_PREFIX(End) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Indexd) + .type GL_PREFIX(Indexd), @function +GL_PREFIX(Indexd): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 352(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $8, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $8, %rsp + movq 352(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 352(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $8, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $8, %rsp + movq 352(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Indexd), .-GL_PREFIX(Indexd) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Indexdv) + .type GL_PREFIX(Indexdv), @function +GL_PREFIX(Indexdv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 360(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 360(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 360(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 360(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Indexdv), .-GL_PREFIX(Indexdv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Indexf) + .type GL_PREFIX(Indexf), @function +GL_PREFIX(Indexf): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 368(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $8, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $8, %rsp + movq 368(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 368(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $8, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $8, %rsp + movq 368(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Indexf), .-GL_PREFIX(Indexf) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Indexfv) + .type GL_PREFIX(Indexfv), @function +GL_PREFIX(Indexfv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 376(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 376(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 376(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 376(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Indexfv), .-GL_PREFIX(Indexfv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Indexi) + .type GL_PREFIX(Indexi), @function +GL_PREFIX(Indexi): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 384(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 384(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 384(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 384(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Indexi), .-GL_PREFIX(Indexi) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Indexiv) + .type GL_PREFIX(Indexiv), @function +GL_PREFIX(Indexiv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 392(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 392(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 392(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 392(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Indexiv), .-GL_PREFIX(Indexiv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Indexs) + .type GL_PREFIX(Indexs), @function +GL_PREFIX(Indexs): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 400(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 400(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 400(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 400(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Indexs), .-GL_PREFIX(Indexs) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Indexsv) + .type GL_PREFIX(Indexsv), @function +GL_PREFIX(Indexsv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 408(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 408(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 408(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 408(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Indexsv), .-GL_PREFIX(Indexsv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Normal3b) + .type GL_PREFIX(Normal3b), @function +GL_PREFIX(Normal3b): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 416(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 416(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 416(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 416(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Normal3b), .-GL_PREFIX(Normal3b) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Normal3bv) + .type GL_PREFIX(Normal3bv), @function +GL_PREFIX(Normal3bv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 424(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 424(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 424(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 424(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Normal3bv), .-GL_PREFIX(Normal3bv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Normal3d) + .type GL_PREFIX(Normal3d), @function +GL_PREFIX(Normal3d): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 432(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $24, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 16(%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $24, %rsp + movq 432(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 432(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $24, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 16(%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $24, %rsp + movq 432(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Normal3d), .-GL_PREFIX(Normal3d) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Normal3dv) + .type GL_PREFIX(Normal3dv), @function +GL_PREFIX(Normal3dv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 440(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 440(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 440(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 440(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Normal3dv), .-GL_PREFIX(Normal3dv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Normal3f) + .type GL_PREFIX(Normal3f), @function +GL_PREFIX(Normal3f): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 448(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $24, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 16(%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $24, %rsp + movq 448(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 448(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $24, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 16(%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $24, %rsp + movq 448(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Normal3f), .-GL_PREFIX(Normal3f) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Normal3fv) + .type GL_PREFIX(Normal3fv), @function +GL_PREFIX(Normal3fv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 456(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 456(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 456(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 456(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Normal3fv), .-GL_PREFIX(Normal3fv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Normal3i) + .type GL_PREFIX(Normal3i), @function +GL_PREFIX(Normal3i): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 464(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 464(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 464(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 464(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Normal3i), .-GL_PREFIX(Normal3i) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Normal3iv) + .type GL_PREFIX(Normal3iv), @function +GL_PREFIX(Normal3iv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 472(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 472(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 472(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 472(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Normal3iv), .-GL_PREFIX(Normal3iv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Normal3s) + .type GL_PREFIX(Normal3s), @function +GL_PREFIX(Normal3s): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 480(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 480(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 480(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 480(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Normal3s), .-GL_PREFIX(Normal3s) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Normal3sv) + .type GL_PREFIX(Normal3sv), @function +GL_PREFIX(Normal3sv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 488(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 488(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 488(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 488(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Normal3sv), .-GL_PREFIX(Normal3sv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(RasterPos2d) + .type GL_PREFIX(RasterPos2d), @function +GL_PREFIX(RasterPos2d): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 496(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $24, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 8(%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $24, %rsp + movq 496(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 496(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $24, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 8(%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $24, %rsp + movq 496(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(RasterPos2d), .-GL_PREFIX(RasterPos2d) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(RasterPos2dv) + .type GL_PREFIX(RasterPos2dv), @function +GL_PREFIX(RasterPos2dv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 504(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 504(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 504(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 504(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(RasterPos2dv), .-GL_PREFIX(RasterPos2dv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(RasterPos2f) + .type GL_PREFIX(RasterPos2f), @function +GL_PREFIX(RasterPos2f): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 512(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $24, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 8(%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $24, %rsp + movq 512(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 512(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $24, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 8(%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $24, %rsp + movq 512(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(RasterPos2f), .-GL_PREFIX(RasterPos2f) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(RasterPos2fv) + .type GL_PREFIX(RasterPos2fv), @function +GL_PREFIX(RasterPos2fv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 520(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 520(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 520(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 520(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(RasterPos2fv), .-GL_PREFIX(RasterPos2fv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(RasterPos2i) + .type GL_PREFIX(RasterPos2i), @function +GL_PREFIX(RasterPos2i): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 528(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 528(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 528(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 528(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(RasterPos2i), .-GL_PREFIX(RasterPos2i) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(RasterPos2iv) + .type GL_PREFIX(RasterPos2iv), @function +GL_PREFIX(RasterPos2iv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 536(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 536(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 536(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 536(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(RasterPos2iv), .-GL_PREFIX(RasterPos2iv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(RasterPos2s) + .type GL_PREFIX(RasterPos2s), @function +GL_PREFIX(RasterPos2s): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 544(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 544(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 544(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 544(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(RasterPos2s), .-GL_PREFIX(RasterPos2s) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(RasterPos2sv) + .type GL_PREFIX(RasterPos2sv), @function +GL_PREFIX(RasterPos2sv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 552(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 552(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 552(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 552(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(RasterPos2sv), .-GL_PREFIX(RasterPos2sv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(RasterPos3d) + .type GL_PREFIX(RasterPos3d), @function +GL_PREFIX(RasterPos3d): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 560(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $24, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 16(%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $24, %rsp + movq 560(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 560(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $24, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 16(%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $24, %rsp + movq 560(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(RasterPos3d), .-GL_PREFIX(RasterPos3d) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(RasterPos3dv) + .type GL_PREFIX(RasterPos3dv), @function +GL_PREFIX(RasterPos3dv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 568(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 568(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 568(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 568(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(RasterPos3dv), .-GL_PREFIX(RasterPos3dv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(RasterPos3f) + .type GL_PREFIX(RasterPos3f), @function +GL_PREFIX(RasterPos3f): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 576(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $24, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 16(%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $24, %rsp + movq 576(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 576(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $24, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 16(%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $24, %rsp + movq 576(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(RasterPos3f), .-GL_PREFIX(RasterPos3f) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(RasterPos3fv) + .type GL_PREFIX(RasterPos3fv), @function +GL_PREFIX(RasterPos3fv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 584(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 584(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 584(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 584(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(RasterPos3fv), .-GL_PREFIX(RasterPos3fv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(RasterPos3i) + .type GL_PREFIX(RasterPos3i), @function +GL_PREFIX(RasterPos3i): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 592(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 592(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 592(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 592(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(RasterPos3i), .-GL_PREFIX(RasterPos3i) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(RasterPos3iv) + .type GL_PREFIX(RasterPos3iv), @function +GL_PREFIX(RasterPos3iv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 600(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 600(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 600(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 600(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(RasterPos3iv), .-GL_PREFIX(RasterPos3iv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(RasterPos3s) + .type GL_PREFIX(RasterPos3s), @function +GL_PREFIX(RasterPos3s): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 608(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 608(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 608(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 608(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(RasterPos3s), .-GL_PREFIX(RasterPos3s) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(RasterPos3sv) + .type GL_PREFIX(RasterPos3sv), @function +GL_PREFIX(RasterPos3sv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 616(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 616(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 616(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 616(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(RasterPos3sv), .-GL_PREFIX(RasterPos3sv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(RasterPos4d) + .type GL_PREFIX(RasterPos4d), @function +GL_PREFIX(RasterPos4d): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 624(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $40, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 16(%rsp) + movq %xmm3, 24(%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 24(%rsp), %xmm3 + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $40, %rsp + movq 624(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 624(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $40, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 16(%rsp) + movq %xmm3, 24(%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq 24(%rsp), %xmm3 + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $40, %rsp + movq 624(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(RasterPos4d), .-GL_PREFIX(RasterPos4d) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(RasterPos4dv) + .type GL_PREFIX(RasterPos4dv), @function +GL_PREFIX(RasterPos4dv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 632(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 632(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 632(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 632(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(RasterPos4dv), .-GL_PREFIX(RasterPos4dv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(RasterPos4f) + .type GL_PREFIX(RasterPos4f), @function +GL_PREFIX(RasterPos4f): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 640(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $40, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 16(%rsp) + movq %xmm3, 24(%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 24(%rsp), %xmm3 + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $40, %rsp + movq 640(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 640(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $40, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 16(%rsp) + movq %xmm3, 24(%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq 24(%rsp), %xmm3 + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $40, %rsp + movq 640(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(RasterPos4f), .-GL_PREFIX(RasterPos4f) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(RasterPos4fv) + .type GL_PREFIX(RasterPos4fv), @function +GL_PREFIX(RasterPos4fv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 648(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 648(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 648(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 648(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(RasterPos4fv), .-GL_PREFIX(RasterPos4fv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(RasterPos4i) + .type GL_PREFIX(RasterPos4i), @function +GL_PREFIX(RasterPos4i): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 656(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 656(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 656(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 656(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(RasterPos4i), .-GL_PREFIX(RasterPos4i) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(RasterPos4iv) + .type GL_PREFIX(RasterPos4iv), @function +GL_PREFIX(RasterPos4iv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 664(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 664(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 664(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 664(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(RasterPos4iv), .-GL_PREFIX(RasterPos4iv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(RasterPos4s) + .type GL_PREFIX(RasterPos4s), @function +GL_PREFIX(RasterPos4s): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 672(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 672(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 672(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 672(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(RasterPos4s), .-GL_PREFIX(RasterPos4s) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(RasterPos4sv) + .type GL_PREFIX(RasterPos4sv), @function +GL_PREFIX(RasterPos4sv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 680(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 680(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 680(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 680(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(RasterPos4sv), .-GL_PREFIX(RasterPos4sv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Rectd) + .type GL_PREFIX(Rectd), @function +GL_PREFIX(Rectd): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 688(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $40, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 16(%rsp) + movq %xmm3, 24(%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 24(%rsp), %xmm3 + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $40, %rsp + movq 688(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 688(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $40, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 16(%rsp) + movq %xmm3, 24(%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq 24(%rsp), %xmm3 + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $40, %rsp + movq 688(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Rectd), .-GL_PREFIX(Rectd) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Rectdv) + .type GL_PREFIX(Rectdv), @function +GL_PREFIX(Rectdv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 696(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 696(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 696(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 696(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Rectdv), .-GL_PREFIX(Rectdv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Rectf) + .type GL_PREFIX(Rectf), @function +GL_PREFIX(Rectf): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 704(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $40, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 16(%rsp) + movq %xmm3, 24(%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 24(%rsp), %xmm3 + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $40, %rsp + movq 704(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 704(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $40, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 16(%rsp) + movq %xmm3, 24(%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq 24(%rsp), %xmm3 + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $40, %rsp + movq 704(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Rectf), .-GL_PREFIX(Rectf) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Rectfv) + .type GL_PREFIX(Rectfv), @function +GL_PREFIX(Rectfv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 712(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 712(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 712(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 712(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Rectfv), .-GL_PREFIX(Rectfv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Recti) + .type GL_PREFIX(Recti), @function +GL_PREFIX(Recti): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 720(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 720(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 720(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 720(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Recti), .-GL_PREFIX(Recti) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Rectiv) + .type GL_PREFIX(Rectiv), @function +GL_PREFIX(Rectiv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 728(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 728(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 728(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 728(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Rectiv), .-GL_PREFIX(Rectiv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Rects) + .type GL_PREFIX(Rects), @function +GL_PREFIX(Rects): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 736(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 736(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 736(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 736(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Rects), .-GL_PREFIX(Rects) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Rectsv) + .type GL_PREFIX(Rectsv), @function +GL_PREFIX(Rectsv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 744(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 744(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 744(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 744(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Rectsv), .-GL_PREFIX(Rectsv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(TexCoord1d) + .type GL_PREFIX(TexCoord1d), @function +GL_PREFIX(TexCoord1d): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 752(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $8, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $8, %rsp + movq 752(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 752(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $8, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $8, %rsp + movq 752(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(TexCoord1d), .-GL_PREFIX(TexCoord1d) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(TexCoord1dv) + .type GL_PREFIX(TexCoord1dv), @function +GL_PREFIX(TexCoord1dv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 760(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 760(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 760(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 760(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(TexCoord1dv), .-GL_PREFIX(TexCoord1dv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(TexCoord1f) + .type GL_PREFIX(TexCoord1f), @function +GL_PREFIX(TexCoord1f): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 768(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $8, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $8, %rsp + movq 768(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 768(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $8, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $8, %rsp + movq 768(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(TexCoord1f), .-GL_PREFIX(TexCoord1f) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(TexCoord1fv) + .type GL_PREFIX(TexCoord1fv), @function +GL_PREFIX(TexCoord1fv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 776(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 776(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 776(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 776(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(TexCoord1fv), .-GL_PREFIX(TexCoord1fv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(TexCoord1i) + .type GL_PREFIX(TexCoord1i), @function +GL_PREFIX(TexCoord1i): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 784(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 784(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 784(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 784(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(TexCoord1i), .-GL_PREFIX(TexCoord1i) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(TexCoord1iv) + .type GL_PREFIX(TexCoord1iv), @function +GL_PREFIX(TexCoord1iv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 792(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 792(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 792(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 792(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(TexCoord1iv), .-GL_PREFIX(TexCoord1iv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(TexCoord1s) + .type GL_PREFIX(TexCoord1s), @function +GL_PREFIX(TexCoord1s): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 800(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 800(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 800(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 800(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(TexCoord1s), .-GL_PREFIX(TexCoord1s) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(TexCoord1sv) + .type GL_PREFIX(TexCoord1sv), @function +GL_PREFIX(TexCoord1sv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 808(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 808(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 808(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 808(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(TexCoord1sv), .-GL_PREFIX(TexCoord1sv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(TexCoord2d) + .type GL_PREFIX(TexCoord2d), @function +GL_PREFIX(TexCoord2d): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 816(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $24, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 8(%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $24, %rsp + movq 816(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 816(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $24, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 8(%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $24, %rsp + movq 816(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(TexCoord2d), .-GL_PREFIX(TexCoord2d) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(TexCoord2dv) + .type GL_PREFIX(TexCoord2dv), @function +GL_PREFIX(TexCoord2dv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 824(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 824(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 824(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 824(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(TexCoord2dv), .-GL_PREFIX(TexCoord2dv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(TexCoord2f) + .type GL_PREFIX(TexCoord2f), @function +GL_PREFIX(TexCoord2f): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 832(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $24, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 8(%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $24, %rsp + movq 832(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 832(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $24, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 8(%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $24, %rsp + movq 832(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(TexCoord2f), .-GL_PREFIX(TexCoord2f) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(TexCoord2fv) + .type GL_PREFIX(TexCoord2fv), @function +GL_PREFIX(TexCoord2fv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 840(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 840(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 840(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 840(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(TexCoord2fv), .-GL_PREFIX(TexCoord2fv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(TexCoord2i) + .type GL_PREFIX(TexCoord2i), @function +GL_PREFIX(TexCoord2i): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 848(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 848(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 848(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 848(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(TexCoord2i), .-GL_PREFIX(TexCoord2i) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(TexCoord2iv) + .type GL_PREFIX(TexCoord2iv), @function +GL_PREFIX(TexCoord2iv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 856(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 856(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 856(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 856(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(TexCoord2iv), .-GL_PREFIX(TexCoord2iv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(TexCoord2s) + .type GL_PREFIX(TexCoord2s), @function +GL_PREFIX(TexCoord2s): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 864(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 864(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 864(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 864(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(TexCoord2s), .-GL_PREFIX(TexCoord2s) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(TexCoord2sv) + .type GL_PREFIX(TexCoord2sv), @function +GL_PREFIX(TexCoord2sv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 872(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 872(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 872(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 872(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(TexCoord2sv), .-GL_PREFIX(TexCoord2sv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(TexCoord3d) + .type GL_PREFIX(TexCoord3d), @function +GL_PREFIX(TexCoord3d): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 880(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $24, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 16(%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $24, %rsp + movq 880(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 880(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $24, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 16(%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $24, %rsp + movq 880(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(TexCoord3d), .-GL_PREFIX(TexCoord3d) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(TexCoord3dv) + .type GL_PREFIX(TexCoord3dv), @function +GL_PREFIX(TexCoord3dv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 888(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 888(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 888(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 888(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(TexCoord3dv), .-GL_PREFIX(TexCoord3dv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(TexCoord3f) + .type GL_PREFIX(TexCoord3f), @function +GL_PREFIX(TexCoord3f): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 896(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $24, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 16(%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $24, %rsp + movq 896(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 896(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $24, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 16(%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $24, %rsp + movq 896(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(TexCoord3f), .-GL_PREFIX(TexCoord3f) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(TexCoord3fv) + .type GL_PREFIX(TexCoord3fv), @function +GL_PREFIX(TexCoord3fv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 904(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 904(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 904(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 904(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(TexCoord3fv), .-GL_PREFIX(TexCoord3fv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(TexCoord3i) + .type GL_PREFIX(TexCoord3i), @function +GL_PREFIX(TexCoord3i): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 912(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 912(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 912(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 912(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(TexCoord3i), .-GL_PREFIX(TexCoord3i) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(TexCoord3iv) + .type GL_PREFIX(TexCoord3iv), @function +GL_PREFIX(TexCoord3iv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 920(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 920(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 920(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 920(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(TexCoord3iv), .-GL_PREFIX(TexCoord3iv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(TexCoord3s) + .type GL_PREFIX(TexCoord3s), @function +GL_PREFIX(TexCoord3s): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 928(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 928(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 928(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 928(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(TexCoord3s), .-GL_PREFIX(TexCoord3s) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(TexCoord3sv) + .type GL_PREFIX(TexCoord3sv), @function +GL_PREFIX(TexCoord3sv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 936(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 936(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 936(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 936(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(TexCoord3sv), .-GL_PREFIX(TexCoord3sv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(TexCoord4d) + .type GL_PREFIX(TexCoord4d), @function +GL_PREFIX(TexCoord4d): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 944(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $40, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 16(%rsp) + movq %xmm3, 24(%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 24(%rsp), %xmm3 + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $40, %rsp + movq 944(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 944(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $40, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 16(%rsp) + movq %xmm3, 24(%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq 24(%rsp), %xmm3 + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $40, %rsp + movq 944(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(TexCoord4d), .-GL_PREFIX(TexCoord4d) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(TexCoord4dv) + .type GL_PREFIX(TexCoord4dv), @function +GL_PREFIX(TexCoord4dv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 952(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 952(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 952(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 952(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(TexCoord4dv), .-GL_PREFIX(TexCoord4dv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(TexCoord4f) + .type GL_PREFIX(TexCoord4f), @function +GL_PREFIX(TexCoord4f): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 960(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $40, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 16(%rsp) + movq %xmm3, 24(%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 24(%rsp), %xmm3 + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $40, %rsp + movq 960(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 960(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $40, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 16(%rsp) + movq %xmm3, 24(%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq 24(%rsp), %xmm3 + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $40, %rsp + movq 960(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(TexCoord4f), .-GL_PREFIX(TexCoord4f) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(TexCoord4fv) + .type GL_PREFIX(TexCoord4fv), @function +GL_PREFIX(TexCoord4fv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 968(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 968(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 968(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 968(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(TexCoord4fv), .-GL_PREFIX(TexCoord4fv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(TexCoord4i) + .type GL_PREFIX(TexCoord4i), @function +GL_PREFIX(TexCoord4i): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 976(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 976(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 976(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 976(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(TexCoord4i), .-GL_PREFIX(TexCoord4i) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(TexCoord4iv) + .type GL_PREFIX(TexCoord4iv), @function +GL_PREFIX(TexCoord4iv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 984(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 984(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 984(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 984(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(TexCoord4iv), .-GL_PREFIX(TexCoord4iv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(TexCoord4s) + .type GL_PREFIX(TexCoord4s), @function +GL_PREFIX(TexCoord4s): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 992(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 992(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 992(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 992(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(TexCoord4s), .-GL_PREFIX(TexCoord4s) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(TexCoord4sv) + .type GL_PREFIX(TexCoord4sv), @function +GL_PREFIX(TexCoord4sv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1000(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 1000(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1000(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 1000(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(TexCoord4sv), .-GL_PREFIX(TexCoord4sv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Vertex2d) + .type GL_PREFIX(Vertex2d), @function +GL_PREFIX(Vertex2d): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1008(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $24, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 8(%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $24, %rsp + movq 1008(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1008(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $24, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 8(%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $24, %rsp + movq 1008(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Vertex2d), .-GL_PREFIX(Vertex2d) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Vertex2dv) + .type GL_PREFIX(Vertex2dv), @function +GL_PREFIX(Vertex2dv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1016(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 1016(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1016(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 1016(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Vertex2dv), .-GL_PREFIX(Vertex2dv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Vertex2f) + .type GL_PREFIX(Vertex2f), @function +GL_PREFIX(Vertex2f): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1024(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $24, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 8(%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $24, %rsp + movq 1024(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1024(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $24, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 8(%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $24, %rsp + movq 1024(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Vertex2f), .-GL_PREFIX(Vertex2f) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Vertex2fv) + .type GL_PREFIX(Vertex2fv), @function +GL_PREFIX(Vertex2fv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1032(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 1032(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1032(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 1032(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Vertex2fv), .-GL_PREFIX(Vertex2fv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Vertex2i) + .type GL_PREFIX(Vertex2i), @function +GL_PREFIX(Vertex2i): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1040(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 1040(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1040(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 1040(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Vertex2i), .-GL_PREFIX(Vertex2i) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Vertex2iv) + .type GL_PREFIX(Vertex2iv), @function +GL_PREFIX(Vertex2iv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1048(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 1048(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1048(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 1048(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Vertex2iv), .-GL_PREFIX(Vertex2iv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Vertex2s) + .type GL_PREFIX(Vertex2s), @function +GL_PREFIX(Vertex2s): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1056(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 1056(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1056(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 1056(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Vertex2s), .-GL_PREFIX(Vertex2s) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Vertex2sv) + .type GL_PREFIX(Vertex2sv), @function +GL_PREFIX(Vertex2sv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1064(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 1064(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1064(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 1064(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Vertex2sv), .-GL_PREFIX(Vertex2sv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Vertex3d) + .type GL_PREFIX(Vertex3d), @function +GL_PREFIX(Vertex3d): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1072(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $24, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 16(%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $24, %rsp + movq 1072(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1072(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $24, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 16(%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $24, %rsp + movq 1072(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Vertex3d), .-GL_PREFIX(Vertex3d) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Vertex3dv) + .type GL_PREFIX(Vertex3dv), @function +GL_PREFIX(Vertex3dv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1080(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 1080(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1080(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 1080(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Vertex3dv), .-GL_PREFIX(Vertex3dv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Vertex3f) + .type GL_PREFIX(Vertex3f), @function +GL_PREFIX(Vertex3f): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1088(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $24, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 16(%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $24, %rsp + movq 1088(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1088(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $24, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 16(%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $24, %rsp + movq 1088(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Vertex3f), .-GL_PREFIX(Vertex3f) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Vertex3fv) + .type GL_PREFIX(Vertex3fv), @function +GL_PREFIX(Vertex3fv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1096(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 1096(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1096(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 1096(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Vertex3fv), .-GL_PREFIX(Vertex3fv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Vertex3i) + .type GL_PREFIX(Vertex3i), @function +GL_PREFIX(Vertex3i): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1104(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 1104(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1104(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 1104(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Vertex3i), .-GL_PREFIX(Vertex3i) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Vertex3iv) + .type GL_PREFIX(Vertex3iv), @function +GL_PREFIX(Vertex3iv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1112(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 1112(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1112(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 1112(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Vertex3iv), .-GL_PREFIX(Vertex3iv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Vertex3s) + .type GL_PREFIX(Vertex3s), @function +GL_PREFIX(Vertex3s): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1120(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 1120(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1120(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 1120(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Vertex3s), .-GL_PREFIX(Vertex3s) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Vertex3sv) + .type GL_PREFIX(Vertex3sv), @function +GL_PREFIX(Vertex3sv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1128(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 1128(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1128(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 1128(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Vertex3sv), .-GL_PREFIX(Vertex3sv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Vertex4d) + .type GL_PREFIX(Vertex4d), @function +GL_PREFIX(Vertex4d): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1136(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $40, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 16(%rsp) + movq %xmm3, 24(%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 24(%rsp), %xmm3 + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $40, %rsp + movq 1136(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1136(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $40, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 16(%rsp) + movq %xmm3, 24(%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq 24(%rsp), %xmm3 + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $40, %rsp + movq 1136(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Vertex4d), .-GL_PREFIX(Vertex4d) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Vertex4dv) + .type GL_PREFIX(Vertex4dv), @function +GL_PREFIX(Vertex4dv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1144(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 1144(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1144(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 1144(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Vertex4dv), .-GL_PREFIX(Vertex4dv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Vertex4f) + .type GL_PREFIX(Vertex4f), @function +GL_PREFIX(Vertex4f): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1152(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $40, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 16(%rsp) + movq %xmm3, 24(%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 24(%rsp), %xmm3 + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $40, %rsp + movq 1152(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1152(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $40, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 16(%rsp) + movq %xmm3, 24(%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq 24(%rsp), %xmm3 + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $40, %rsp + movq 1152(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Vertex4f), .-GL_PREFIX(Vertex4f) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Vertex4fv) + .type GL_PREFIX(Vertex4fv), @function +GL_PREFIX(Vertex4fv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1160(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 1160(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1160(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 1160(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Vertex4fv), .-GL_PREFIX(Vertex4fv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Vertex4i) + .type GL_PREFIX(Vertex4i), @function +GL_PREFIX(Vertex4i): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1168(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 1168(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1168(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 1168(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Vertex4i), .-GL_PREFIX(Vertex4i) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Vertex4iv) + .type GL_PREFIX(Vertex4iv), @function +GL_PREFIX(Vertex4iv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1176(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 1176(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1176(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 1176(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Vertex4iv), .-GL_PREFIX(Vertex4iv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Vertex4s) + .type GL_PREFIX(Vertex4s), @function +GL_PREFIX(Vertex4s): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1184(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 1184(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1184(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 1184(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Vertex4s), .-GL_PREFIX(Vertex4s) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Vertex4sv) + .type GL_PREFIX(Vertex4sv), @function +GL_PREFIX(Vertex4sv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1192(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 1192(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1192(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 1192(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Vertex4sv), .-GL_PREFIX(Vertex4sv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(ClipPlane) + .type GL_PREFIX(ClipPlane), @function +GL_PREFIX(ClipPlane): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1200(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 1200(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1200(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 1200(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(ClipPlane), .-GL_PREFIX(ClipPlane) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(ColorMaterial) + .type GL_PREFIX(ColorMaterial), @function +GL_PREFIX(ColorMaterial): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1208(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 1208(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1208(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 1208(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(ColorMaterial), .-GL_PREFIX(ColorMaterial) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(CullFace) + .type GL_PREFIX(CullFace), @function +GL_PREFIX(CullFace): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1216(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 1216(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1216(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 1216(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(CullFace), .-GL_PREFIX(CullFace) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Fogf) + .type GL_PREFIX(Fogf), @function +GL_PREFIX(Fogf): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1224(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $24, %rsp + movq %rdi, (%rsp) + movq %xmm0, 8(%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm0 + movq (%rsp), %rdi + addq $24, %rsp + movq 1224(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1224(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $24, %rsp + movq %rdi, (%rsp) + movq %xmm0, 8(%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm0 + movq (%rsp), %rdi + addq $24, %rsp + movq 1224(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Fogf), .-GL_PREFIX(Fogf) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Fogfv) + .type GL_PREFIX(Fogfv), @function +GL_PREFIX(Fogfv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1232(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 1232(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1232(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 1232(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Fogfv), .-GL_PREFIX(Fogfv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Fogi) + .type GL_PREFIX(Fogi), @function +GL_PREFIX(Fogi): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1240(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 1240(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1240(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 1240(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Fogi), .-GL_PREFIX(Fogi) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Fogiv) + .type GL_PREFIX(Fogiv), @function +GL_PREFIX(Fogiv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1248(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 1248(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1248(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 1248(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Fogiv), .-GL_PREFIX(Fogiv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(FrontFace) + .type GL_PREFIX(FrontFace), @function +GL_PREFIX(FrontFace): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1256(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 1256(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1256(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 1256(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(FrontFace), .-GL_PREFIX(FrontFace) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Hint) + .type GL_PREFIX(Hint), @function +GL_PREFIX(Hint): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1264(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 1264(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1264(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 1264(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Hint), .-GL_PREFIX(Hint) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Lightf) + .type GL_PREFIX(Lightf), @function +GL_PREFIX(Lightf): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1272(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $24, %rsp + movq %rdi, (%rsp) + movq %rsi, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm0, 16(%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm0 + movq 8(%rsp), %rsi + movq (%rsp), %rdi + addq $24, %rsp + movq 1272(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1272(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $24, %rsp + movq %rdi, (%rsp) + movq %rsi, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm0, 16(%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm0 + movq 8(%rsp), %rsi + movq (%rsp), %rdi + addq $24, %rsp + movq 1272(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Lightf), .-GL_PREFIX(Lightf) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Lightfv) + .type GL_PREFIX(Lightfv), @function +GL_PREFIX(Lightfv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1280(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 1280(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1280(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 1280(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Lightfv), .-GL_PREFIX(Lightfv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Lighti) + .type GL_PREFIX(Lighti), @function +GL_PREFIX(Lighti): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1288(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 1288(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1288(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 1288(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Lighti), .-GL_PREFIX(Lighti) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Lightiv) + .type GL_PREFIX(Lightiv), @function +GL_PREFIX(Lightiv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1296(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 1296(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1296(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 1296(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Lightiv), .-GL_PREFIX(Lightiv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(LightModelf) + .type GL_PREFIX(LightModelf), @function +GL_PREFIX(LightModelf): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1304(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $24, %rsp + movq %rdi, (%rsp) + movq %xmm0, 8(%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm0 + movq (%rsp), %rdi + addq $24, %rsp + movq 1304(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1304(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $24, %rsp + movq %rdi, (%rsp) + movq %xmm0, 8(%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm0 + movq (%rsp), %rdi + addq $24, %rsp + movq 1304(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(LightModelf), .-GL_PREFIX(LightModelf) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(LightModelfv) + .type GL_PREFIX(LightModelfv), @function +GL_PREFIX(LightModelfv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1312(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 1312(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1312(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 1312(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(LightModelfv), .-GL_PREFIX(LightModelfv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(LightModeli) + .type GL_PREFIX(LightModeli), @function +GL_PREFIX(LightModeli): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1320(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 1320(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1320(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 1320(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(LightModeli), .-GL_PREFIX(LightModeli) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(LightModeliv) + .type GL_PREFIX(LightModeliv), @function +GL_PREFIX(LightModeliv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1328(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 1328(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1328(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 1328(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(LightModeliv), .-GL_PREFIX(LightModeliv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(LineStipple) + .type GL_PREFIX(LineStipple), @function +GL_PREFIX(LineStipple): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1336(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 1336(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1336(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 1336(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(LineStipple), .-GL_PREFIX(LineStipple) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(LineWidth) + .type GL_PREFIX(LineWidth), @function +GL_PREFIX(LineWidth): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1344(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $8, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $8, %rsp + movq 1344(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1344(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $8, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $8, %rsp + movq 1344(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(LineWidth), .-GL_PREFIX(LineWidth) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Materialf) + .type GL_PREFIX(Materialf), @function +GL_PREFIX(Materialf): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1352(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $24, %rsp + movq %rdi, (%rsp) + movq %rsi, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm0, 16(%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm0 + movq 8(%rsp), %rsi + movq (%rsp), %rdi + addq $24, %rsp + movq 1352(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1352(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $24, %rsp + movq %rdi, (%rsp) + movq %rsi, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm0, 16(%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm0 + movq 8(%rsp), %rsi + movq (%rsp), %rdi + addq $24, %rsp + movq 1352(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Materialf), .-GL_PREFIX(Materialf) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Materialfv) + .type GL_PREFIX(Materialfv), @function +GL_PREFIX(Materialfv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1360(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 1360(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1360(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 1360(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Materialfv), .-GL_PREFIX(Materialfv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Materiali) + .type GL_PREFIX(Materiali), @function +GL_PREFIX(Materiali): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1368(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 1368(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1368(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 1368(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Materiali), .-GL_PREFIX(Materiali) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Materialiv) + .type GL_PREFIX(Materialiv), @function +GL_PREFIX(Materialiv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1376(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 1376(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1376(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 1376(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Materialiv), .-GL_PREFIX(Materialiv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(PointSize) + .type GL_PREFIX(PointSize), @function +GL_PREFIX(PointSize): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1384(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $8, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $8, %rsp + movq 1384(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1384(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $8, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $8, %rsp + movq 1384(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(PointSize), .-GL_PREFIX(PointSize) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(PolygonMode) + .type GL_PREFIX(PolygonMode), @function +GL_PREFIX(PolygonMode): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1392(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 1392(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1392(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 1392(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(PolygonMode), .-GL_PREFIX(PolygonMode) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(PolygonStipple) + .type GL_PREFIX(PolygonStipple), @function +GL_PREFIX(PolygonStipple): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1400(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 1400(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1400(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 1400(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(PolygonStipple), .-GL_PREFIX(PolygonStipple) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Scissor) + .type GL_PREFIX(Scissor), @function +GL_PREFIX(Scissor): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1408(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 1408(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1408(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 1408(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Scissor), .-GL_PREFIX(Scissor) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(ShadeModel) + .type GL_PREFIX(ShadeModel), @function +GL_PREFIX(ShadeModel): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1416(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 1416(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1416(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 1416(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(ShadeModel), .-GL_PREFIX(ShadeModel) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(TexParameterf) + .type GL_PREFIX(TexParameterf), @function +GL_PREFIX(TexParameterf): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1424(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $24, %rsp + movq %rdi, (%rsp) + movq %rsi, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm0, 16(%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm0 + movq 8(%rsp), %rsi + movq (%rsp), %rdi + addq $24, %rsp + movq 1424(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1424(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $24, %rsp + movq %rdi, (%rsp) + movq %rsi, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm0, 16(%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm0 + movq 8(%rsp), %rsi + movq (%rsp), %rdi + addq $24, %rsp + movq 1424(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(TexParameterf), .-GL_PREFIX(TexParameterf) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(TexParameterfv) + .type GL_PREFIX(TexParameterfv), @function +GL_PREFIX(TexParameterfv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1432(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 1432(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1432(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 1432(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(TexParameterfv), .-GL_PREFIX(TexParameterfv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(TexParameteri) + .type GL_PREFIX(TexParameteri), @function +GL_PREFIX(TexParameteri): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1440(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 1440(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1440(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 1440(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(TexParameteri), .-GL_PREFIX(TexParameteri) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(TexParameteriv) + .type GL_PREFIX(TexParameteriv), @function +GL_PREFIX(TexParameteriv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1448(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 1448(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1448(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 1448(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(TexParameteriv), .-GL_PREFIX(TexParameteriv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(TexImage1D) + .type GL_PREFIX(TexImage1D), @function +GL_PREFIX(TexImage1D): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1456(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + pushq %r9 + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %r9 + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 1456(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1456(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + pushq %r9 + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %r9 + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 1456(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(TexImage1D), .-GL_PREFIX(TexImage1D) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(TexImage2D) + .type GL_PREFIX(TexImage2D), @function +GL_PREFIX(TexImage2D): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1464(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + pushq %r9 + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %r9 + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 1464(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1464(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + pushq %r9 + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %r9 + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 1464(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(TexImage2D), .-GL_PREFIX(TexImage2D) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(TexEnvf) + .type GL_PREFIX(TexEnvf), @function +GL_PREFIX(TexEnvf): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1472(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $24, %rsp + movq %rdi, (%rsp) + movq %rsi, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm0, 16(%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm0 + movq 8(%rsp), %rsi + movq (%rsp), %rdi + addq $24, %rsp + movq 1472(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1472(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $24, %rsp + movq %rdi, (%rsp) + movq %rsi, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm0, 16(%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm0 + movq 8(%rsp), %rsi + movq (%rsp), %rdi + addq $24, %rsp + movq 1472(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(TexEnvf), .-GL_PREFIX(TexEnvf) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(TexEnvfv) + .type GL_PREFIX(TexEnvfv), @function +GL_PREFIX(TexEnvfv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1480(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 1480(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1480(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 1480(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(TexEnvfv), .-GL_PREFIX(TexEnvfv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(TexEnvi) + .type GL_PREFIX(TexEnvi), @function +GL_PREFIX(TexEnvi): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1488(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 1488(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1488(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 1488(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(TexEnvi), .-GL_PREFIX(TexEnvi) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(TexEnviv) + .type GL_PREFIX(TexEnviv), @function +GL_PREFIX(TexEnviv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1496(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 1496(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1496(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 1496(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(TexEnviv), .-GL_PREFIX(TexEnviv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(TexGend) + .type GL_PREFIX(TexGend), @function +GL_PREFIX(TexGend): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1504(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $24, %rsp + movq %rdi, (%rsp) + movq %rsi, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm0, 16(%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm0 + movq 8(%rsp), %rsi + movq (%rsp), %rdi + addq $24, %rsp + movq 1504(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1504(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $24, %rsp + movq %rdi, (%rsp) + movq %rsi, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm0, 16(%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm0 + movq 8(%rsp), %rsi + movq (%rsp), %rdi + addq $24, %rsp + movq 1504(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(TexGend), .-GL_PREFIX(TexGend) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(TexGendv) + .type GL_PREFIX(TexGendv), @function +GL_PREFIX(TexGendv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1512(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 1512(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1512(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 1512(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(TexGendv), .-GL_PREFIX(TexGendv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(TexGenf) + .type GL_PREFIX(TexGenf), @function +GL_PREFIX(TexGenf): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1520(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $24, %rsp + movq %rdi, (%rsp) + movq %rsi, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm0, 16(%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm0 + movq 8(%rsp), %rsi + movq (%rsp), %rdi + addq $24, %rsp + movq 1520(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1520(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $24, %rsp + movq %rdi, (%rsp) + movq %rsi, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm0, 16(%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm0 + movq 8(%rsp), %rsi + movq (%rsp), %rdi + addq $24, %rsp + movq 1520(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(TexGenf), .-GL_PREFIX(TexGenf) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(TexGenfv) + .type GL_PREFIX(TexGenfv), @function +GL_PREFIX(TexGenfv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1528(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 1528(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1528(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 1528(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(TexGenfv), .-GL_PREFIX(TexGenfv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(TexGeni) + .type GL_PREFIX(TexGeni), @function +GL_PREFIX(TexGeni): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1536(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 1536(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1536(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 1536(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(TexGeni), .-GL_PREFIX(TexGeni) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(TexGeniv) + .type GL_PREFIX(TexGeniv), @function +GL_PREFIX(TexGeniv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1544(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 1544(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1544(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 1544(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(TexGeniv), .-GL_PREFIX(TexGeniv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(FeedbackBuffer) + .type GL_PREFIX(FeedbackBuffer), @function +GL_PREFIX(FeedbackBuffer): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1552(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 1552(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1552(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 1552(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(FeedbackBuffer), .-GL_PREFIX(FeedbackBuffer) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(SelectBuffer) + .type GL_PREFIX(SelectBuffer), @function +GL_PREFIX(SelectBuffer): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1560(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 1560(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1560(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 1560(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(SelectBuffer), .-GL_PREFIX(SelectBuffer) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(RenderMode) + .type GL_PREFIX(RenderMode), @function +GL_PREFIX(RenderMode): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1568(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 1568(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1568(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 1568(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(RenderMode), .-GL_PREFIX(RenderMode) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(InitNames) + .type GL_PREFIX(InitNames), @function +GL_PREFIX(InitNames): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1576(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + movq 1576(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1576(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + movq 1576(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(InitNames), .-GL_PREFIX(InitNames) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(LoadName) + .type GL_PREFIX(LoadName), @function +GL_PREFIX(LoadName): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1584(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 1584(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1584(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 1584(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(LoadName), .-GL_PREFIX(LoadName) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(PassThrough) + .type GL_PREFIX(PassThrough), @function +GL_PREFIX(PassThrough): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1592(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $8, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $8, %rsp + movq 1592(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1592(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $8, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $8, %rsp + movq 1592(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(PassThrough), .-GL_PREFIX(PassThrough) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(PopName) + .type GL_PREFIX(PopName), @function +GL_PREFIX(PopName): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1600(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + movq 1600(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1600(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + movq 1600(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(PopName), .-GL_PREFIX(PopName) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(PushName) + .type GL_PREFIX(PushName), @function +GL_PREFIX(PushName): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1608(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 1608(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1608(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 1608(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(PushName), .-GL_PREFIX(PushName) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(DrawBuffer) + .type GL_PREFIX(DrawBuffer), @function +GL_PREFIX(DrawBuffer): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1616(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 1616(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1616(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 1616(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(DrawBuffer), .-GL_PREFIX(DrawBuffer) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Clear) + .type GL_PREFIX(Clear), @function +GL_PREFIX(Clear): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1624(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 1624(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1624(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 1624(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Clear), .-GL_PREFIX(Clear) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(ClearAccum) + .type GL_PREFIX(ClearAccum), @function +GL_PREFIX(ClearAccum): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1632(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $40, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 16(%rsp) + movq %xmm3, 24(%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 24(%rsp), %xmm3 + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $40, %rsp + movq 1632(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1632(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $40, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 16(%rsp) + movq %xmm3, 24(%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq 24(%rsp), %xmm3 + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $40, %rsp + movq 1632(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(ClearAccum), .-GL_PREFIX(ClearAccum) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(ClearIndex) + .type GL_PREFIX(ClearIndex), @function +GL_PREFIX(ClearIndex): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1640(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $8, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $8, %rsp + movq 1640(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1640(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $8, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $8, %rsp + movq 1640(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(ClearIndex), .-GL_PREFIX(ClearIndex) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(ClearColor) + .type GL_PREFIX(ClearColor), @function +GL_PREFIX(ClearColor): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1648(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 1648(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1648(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 1648(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(ClearColor), .-GL_PREFIX(ClearColor) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(ClearStencil) + .type GL_PREFIX(ClearStencil), @function +GL_PREFIX(ClearStencil): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1656(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 1656(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1656(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 1656(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(ClearStencil), .-GL_PREFIX(ClearStencil) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(ClearDepth) + .type GL_PREFIX(ClearDepth), @function +GL_PREFIX(ClearDepth): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1664(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 1664(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1664(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 1664(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(ClearDepth), .-GL_PREFIX(ClearDepth) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(StencilMask) + .type GL_PREFIX(StencilMask), @function +GL_PREFIX(StencilMask): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1672(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 1672(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1672(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 1672(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(StencilMask), .-GL_PREFIX(StencilMask) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(ColorMask) + .type GL_PREFIX(ColorMask), @function +GL_PREFIX(ColorMask): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1680(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 1680(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1680(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 1680(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(ColorMask), .-GL_PREFIX(ColorMask) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(DepthMask) + .type GL_PREFIX(DepthMask), @function +GL_PREFIX(DepthMask): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1688(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 1688(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1688(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 1688(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(DepthMask), .-GL_PREFIX(DepthMask) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(IndexMask) + .type GL_PREFIX(IndexMask), @function +GL_PREFIX(IndexMask): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1696(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 1696(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1696(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 1696(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(IndexMask), .-GL_PREFIX(IndexMask) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Accum) + .type GL_PREFIX(Accum), @function +GL_PREFIX(Accum): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1704(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $24, %rsp + movq %rdi, (%rsp) + movq %xmm0, 8(%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm0 + movq (%rsp), %rdi + addq $24, %rsp + movq 1704(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1704(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $24, %rsp + movq %rdi, (%rsp) + movq %xmm0, 8(%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm0 + movq (%rsp), %rdi + addq $24, %rsp + movq 1704(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Accum), .-GL_PREFIX(Accum) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Disable) + .type GL_PREFIX(Disable), @function +GL_PREFIX(Disable): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1712(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 1712(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1712(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 1712(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Disable), .-GL_PREFIX(Disable) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Enable) + .type GL_PREFIX(Enable), @function +GL_PREFIX(Enable): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1720(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 1720(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1720(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 1720(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Enable), .-GL_PREFIX(Enable) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Finish) + .type GL_PREFIX(Finish), @function +GL_PREFIX(Finish): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1728(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + movq 1728(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1728(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + movq 1728(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Finish), .-GL_PREFIX(Finish) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Flush) + .type GL_PREFIX(Flush), @function +GL_PREFIX(Flush): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1736(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + movq 1736(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1736(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + movq 1736(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Flush), .-GL_PREFIX(Flush) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(PopAttrib) + .type GL_PREFIX(PopAttrib), @function +GL_PREFIX(PopAttrib): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1744(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + movq 1744(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1744(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + movq 1744(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(PopAttrib), .-GL_PREFIX(PopAttrib) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(PushAttrib) + .type GL_PREFIX(PushAttrib), @function +GL_PREFIX(PushAttrib): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1752(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 1752(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1752(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 1752(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(PushAttrib), .-GL_PREFIX(PushAttrib) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Map1d) + .type GL_PREFIX(Map1d), @function +GL_PREFIX(Map1d): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1760(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $56, %rsp + movq %rdi, (%rsp) + movq %xmm0, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 16(%rsp) + movq %rsi, 24(%rsp) + movq %rdx, 32(%rsp) + movq %rcx, 40(%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 40(%rsp), %rcx + movq 32(%rsp), %rdx + movq 24(%rsp), %rsi + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm0 + movq (%rsp), %rdi + addq $56, %rsp + movq 1760(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1760(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $56, %rsp + movq %rdi, (%rsp) + movq %xmm0, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 16(%rsp) + movq %rsi, 24(%rsp) + movq %rdx, 32(%rsp) + movq %rcx, 40(%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq 40(%rsp), %rcx + movq 32(%rsp), %rdx + movq 24(%rsp), %rsi + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm0 + movq (%rsp), %rdi + addq $56, %rsp + movq 1760(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Map1d), .-GL_PREFIX(Map1d) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Map1f) + .type GL_PREFIX(Map1f), @function +GL_PREFIX(Map1f): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1768(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $56, %rsp + movq %rdi, (%rsp) + movq %xmm0, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 16(%rsp) + movq %rsi, 24(%rsp) + movq %rdx, 32(%rsp) + movq %rcx, 40(%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 40(%rsp), %rcx + movq 32(%rsp), %rdx + movq 24(%rsp), %rsi + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm0 + movq (%rsp), %rdi + addq $56, %rsp + movq 1768(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1768(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $56, %rsp + movq %rdi, (%rsp) + movq %xmm0, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 16(%rsp) + movq %rsi, 24(%rsp) + movq %rdx, 32(%rsp) + movq %rcx, 40(%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq 40(%rsp), %rcx + movq 32(%rsp), %rdx + movq 24(%rsp), %rsi + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm0 + movq (%rsp), %rdi + addq $56, %rsp + movq 1768(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Map1f), .-GL_PREFIX(Map1f) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Map2d) + .type GL_PREFIX(Map2d), @function +GL_PREFIX(Map2d): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1776(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $88, %rsp + movq %rdi, (%rsp) + movq %xmm0, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 16(%rsp) + movq %rsi, 24(%rsp) + movq %rdx, 32(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 40(%rsp) + movq %xmm3, 48(%rsp) + movq %rcx, 56(%rsp) + movq %r8, 64(%rsp) + movq %r9, 72(%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 72(%rsp), %r9 + movq 64(%rsp), %r8 + movq 56(%rsp), %rcx + movq 48(%rsp), %xmm3 + movq 40(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 32(%rsp), %rdx + movq 24(%rsp), %rsi + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm0 + movq (%rsp), %rdi + addq $88, %rsp + movq 1776(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1776(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $88, %rsp + movq %rdi, (%rsp) + movq %xmm0, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 16(%rsp) + movq %rsi, 24(%rsp) + movq %rdx, 32(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 40(%rsp) + movq %xmm3, 48(%rsp) + movq %rcx, 56(%rsp) + movq %r8, 64(%rsp) + movq %r9, 72(%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq 72(%rsp), %r9 + movq 64(%rsp), %r8 + movq 56(%rsp), %rcx + movq 48(%rsp), %xmm3 + movq 40(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 32(%rsp), %rdx + movq 24(%rsp), %rsi + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm0 + movq (%rsp), %rdi + addq $88, %rsp + movq 1776(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Map2d), .-GL_PREFIX(Map2d) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Map2f) + .type GL_PREFIX(Map2f), @function +GL_PREFIX(Map2f): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1784(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $88, %rsp + movq %rdi, (%rsp) + movq %xmm0, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 16(%rsp) + movq %rsi, 24(%rsp) + movq %rdx, 32(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 40(%rsp) + movq %xmm3, 48(%rsp) + movq %rcx, 56(%rsp) + movq %r8, 64(%rsp) + movq %r9, 72(%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 72(%rsp), %r9 + movq 64(%rsp), %r8 + movq 56(%rsp), %rcx + movq 48(%rsp), %xmm3 + movq 40(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 32(%rsp), %rdx + movq 24(%rsp), %rsi + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm0 + movq (%rsp), %rdi + addq $88, %rsp + movq 1784(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1784(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $88, %rsp + movq %rdi, (%rsp) + movq %xmm0, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 16(%rsp) + movq %rsi, 24(%rsp) + movq %rdx, 32(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 40(%rsp) + movq %xmm3, 48(%rsp) + movq %rcx, 56(%rsp) + movq %r8, 64(%rsp) + movq %r9, 72(%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq 72(%rsp), %r9 + movq 64(%rsp), %r8 + movq 56(%rsp), %rcx + movq 48(%rsp), %xmm3 + movq 40(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 32(%rsp), %rdx + movq 24(%rsp), %rsi + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm0 + movq (%rsp), %rdi + addq $88, %rsp + movq 1784(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Map2f), .-GL_PREFIX(Map2f) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(MapGrid1d) + .type GL_PREFIX(MapGrid1d), @function +GL_PREFIX(MapGrid1d): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1792(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $24, %rsp + movq %rdi, (%rsp) + movq %xmm0, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 16(%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm0 + movq (%rsp), %rdi + addq $24, %rsp + movq 1792(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1792(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $24, %rsp + movq %rdi, (%rsp) + movq %xmm0, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 16(%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm0 + movq (%rsp), %rdi + addq $24, %rsp + movq 1792(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(MapGrid1d), .-GL_PREFIX(MapGrid1d) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(MapGrid1f) + .type GL_PREFIX(MapGrid1f), @function +GL_PREFIX(MapGrid1f): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1800(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $24, %rsp + movq %rdi, (%rsp) + movq %xmm0, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 16(%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm0 + movq (%rsp), %rdi + addq $24, %rsp + movq 1800(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1800(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $24, %rsp + movq %rdi, (%rsp) + movq %xmm0, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 16(%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm0 + movq (%rsp), %rdi + addq $24, %rsp + movq 1800(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(MapGrid1f), .-GL_PREFIX(MapGrid1f) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(MapGrid2d) + .type GL_PREFIX(MapGrid2d), @function +GL_PREFIX(MapGrid2d): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1808(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $56, %rsp + movq %rdi, (%rsp) + movq %xmm0, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 16(%rsp) + movq %rsi, 24(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 32(%rsp) + movq %xmm3, 40(%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 40(%rsp), %xmm3 + movq 32(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 24(%rsp), %rsi + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm0 + movq (%rsp), %rdi + addq $56, %rsp + movq 1808(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1808(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $56, %rsp + movq %rdi, (%rsp) + movq %xmm0, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 16(%rsp) + movq %rsi, 24(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 32(%rsp) + movq %xmm3, 40(%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq 40(%rsp), %xmm3 + movq 32(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 24(%rsp), %rsi + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm0 + movq (%rsp), %rdi + addq $56, %rsp + movq 1808(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(MapGrid2d), .-GL_PREFIX(MapGrid2d) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(MapGrid2f) + .type GL_PREFIX(MapGrid2f), @function +GL_PREFIX(MapGrid2f): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1816(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $56, %rsp + movq %rdi, (%rsp) + movq %xmm0, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 16(%rsp) + movq %rsi, 24(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 32(%rsp) + movq %xmm3, 40(%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 40(%rsp), %xmm3 + movq 32(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 24(%rsp), %rsi + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm0 + movq (%rsp), %rdi + addq $56, %rsp + movq 1816(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1816(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $56, %rsp + movq %rdi, (%rsp) + movq %xmm0, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 16(%rsp) + movq %rsi, 24(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 32(%rsp) + movq %xmm3, 40(%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq 40(%rsp), %xmm3 + movq 32(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 24(%rsp), %rsi + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm0 + movq (%rsp), %rdi + addq $56, %rsp + movq 1816(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(MapGrid2f), .-GL_PREFIX(MapGrid2f) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(EvalCoord1d) + .type GL_PREFIX(EvalCoord1d), @function +GL_PREFIX(EvalCoord1d): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1824(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $8, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $8, %rsp + movq 1824(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1824(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $8, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $8, %rsp + movq 1824(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(EvalCoord1d), .-GL_PREFIX(EvalCoord1d) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(EvalCoord1dv) + .type GL_PREFIX(EvalCoord1dv), @function +GL_PREFIX(EvalCoord1dv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1832(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 1832(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1832(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 1832(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(EvalCoord1dv), .-GL_PREFIX(EvalCoord1dv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(EvalCoord1f) + .type GL_PREFIX(EvalCoord1f), @function +GL_PREFIX(EvalCoord1f): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1840(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $8, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $8, %rsp + movq 1840(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1840(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $8, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $8, %rsp + movq 1840(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(EvalCoord1f), .-GL_PREFIX(EvalCoord1f) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(EvalCoord1fv) + .type GL_PREFIX(EvalCoord1fv), @function +GL_PREFIX(EvalCoord1fv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1848(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 1848(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1848(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 1848(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(EvalCoord1fv), .-GL_PREFIX(EvalCoord1fv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(EvalCoord2d) + .type GL_PREFIX(EvalCoord2d), @function +GL_PREFIX(EvalCoord2d): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1856(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $24, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 8(%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $24, %rsp + movq 1856(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1856(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $24, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 8(%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $24, %rsp + movq 1856(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(EvalCoord2d), .-GL_PREFIX(EvalCoord2d) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(EvalCoord2dv) + .type GL_PREFIX(EvalCoord2dv), @function +GL_PREFIX(EvalCoord2dv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1864(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 1864(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1864(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 1864(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(EvalCoord2dv), .-GL_PREFIX(EvalCoord2dv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(EvalCoord2f) + .type GL_PREFIX(EvalCoord2f), @function +GL_PREFIX(EvalCoord2f): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1872(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $24, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 8(%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $24, %rsp + movq 1872(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1872(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $24, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 8(%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $24, %rsp + movq 1872(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(EvalCoord2f), .-GL_PREFIX(EvalCoord2f) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(EvalCoord2fv) + .type GL_PREFIX(EvalCoord2fv), @function +GL_PREFIX(EvalCoord2fv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1880(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 1880(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1880(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 1880(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(EvalCoord2fv), .-GL_PREFIX(EvalCoord2fv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(EvalMesh1) + .type GL_PREFIX(EvalMesh1), @function +GL_PREFIX(EvalMesh1): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1888(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 1888(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1888(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 1888(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(EvalMesh1), .-GL_PREFIX(EvalMesh1) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(EvalPoint1) + .type GL_PREFIX(EvalPoint1), @function +GL_PREFIX(EvalPoint1): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1896(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 1896(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1896(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 1896(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(EvalPoint1), .-GL_PREFIX(EvalPoint1) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(EvalMesh2) + .type GL_PREFIX(EvalMesh2), @function +GL_PREFIX(EvalMesh2): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1904(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 1904(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1904(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 1904(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(EvalMesh2), .-GL_PREFIX(EvalMesh2) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(EvalPoint2) + .type GL_PREFIX(EvalPoint2), @function +GL_PREFIX(EvalPoint2): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1912(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 1912(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1912(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 1912(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(EvalPoint2), .-GL_PREFIX(EvalPoint2) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(AlphaFunc) + .type GL_PREFIX(AlphaFunc), @function +GL_PREFIX(AlphaFunc): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1920(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 1920(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1920(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 1920(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(AlphaFunc), .-GL_PREFIX(AlphaFunc) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(BlendFunc) + .type GL_PREFIX(BlendFunc), @function +GL_PREFIX(BlendFunc): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1928(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 1928(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1928(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 1928(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(BlendFunc), .-GL_PREFIX(BlendFunc) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(LogicOp) + .type GL_PREFIX(LogicOp), @function +GL_PREFIX(LogicOp): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1936(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 1936(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1936(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 1936(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(LogicOp), .-GL_PREFIX(LogicOp) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(StencilFunc) + .type GL_PREFIX(StencilFunc), @function +GL_PREFIX(StencilFunc): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1944(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 1944(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1944(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 1944(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(StencilFunc), .-GL_PREFIX(StencilFunc) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(StencilOp) + .type GL_PREFIX(StencilOp), @function +GL_PREFIX(StencilOp): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1952(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 1952(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1952(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 1952(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(StencilOp), .-GL_PREFIX(StencilOp) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(DepthFunc) + .type GL_PREFIX(DepthFunc), @function +GL_PREFIX(DepthFunc): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1960(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 1960(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1960(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 1960(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(DepthFunc), .-GL_PREFIX(DepthFunc) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(PixelZoom) + .type GL_PREFIX(PixelZoom), @function +GL_PREFIX(PixelZoom): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1968(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $24, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 8(%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $24, %rsp + movq 1968(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1968(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $24, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 8(%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $24, %rsp + movq 1968(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(PixelZoom), .-GL_PREFIX(PixelZoom) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(PixelTransferf) + .type GL_PREFIX(PixelTransferf), @function +GL_PREFIX(PixelTransferf): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1976(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $24, %rsp + movq %rdi, (%rsp) + movq %xmm0, 8(%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm0 + movq (%rsp), %rdi + addq $24, %rsp + movq 1976(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1976(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $24, %rsp + movq %rdi, (%rsp) + movq %xmm0, 8(%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm0 + movq (%rsp), %rdi + addq $24, %rsp + movq 1976(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(PixelTransferf), .-GL_PREFIX(PixelTransferf) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(PixelTransferi) + .type GL_PREFIX(PixelTransferi), @function +GL_PREFIX(PixelTransferi): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1984(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 1984(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1984(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 1984(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(PixelTransferi), .-GL_PREFIX(PixelTransferi) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(PixelStoref) + .type GL_PREFIX(PixelStoref), @function +GL_PREFIX(PixelStoref): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 1992(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $24, %rsp + movq %rdi, (%rsp) + movq %xmm0, 8(%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm0 + movq (%rsp), %rdi + addq $24, %rsp + movq 1992(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 1992(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $24, %rsp + movq %rdi, (%rsp) + movq %xmm0, 8(%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm0 + movq (%rsp), %rdi + addq $24, %rsp + movq 1992(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(PixelStoref), .-GL_PREFIX(PixelStoref) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(PixelStorei) + .type GL_PREFIX(PixelStorei), @function +GL_PREFIX(PixelStorei): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2000(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2000(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2000(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2000(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(PixelStorei), .-GL_PREFIX(PixelStorei) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(PixelMapfv) + .type GL_PREFIX(PixelMapfv), @function +GL_PREFIX(PixelMapfv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2008(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2008(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2008(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2008(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(PixelMapfv), .-GL_PREFIX(PixelMapfv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(PixelMapuiv) + .type GL_PREFIX(PixelMapuiv), @function +GL_PREFIX(PixelMapuiv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2016(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2016(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2016(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2016(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(PixelMapuiv), .-GL_PREFIX(PixelMapuiv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(PixelMapusv) + .type GL_PREFIX(PixelMapusv), @function +GL_PREFIX(PixelMapusv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2024(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2024(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2024(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2024(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(PixelMapusv), .-GL_PREFIX(PixelMapusv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(ReadBuffer) + .type GL_PREFIX(ReadBuffer), @function +GL_PREFIX(ReadBuffer): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2032(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 2032(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2032(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 2032(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(ReadBuffer), .-GL_PREFIX(ReadBuffer) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(CopyPixels) + .type GL_PREFIX(CopyPixels), @function +GL_PREFIX(CopyPixels): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2040(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2040(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2040(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2040(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(CopyPixels), .-GL_PREFIX(CopyPixels) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(ReadPixels) + .type GL_PREFIX(ReadPixels), @function +GL_PREFIX(ReadPixels): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2048(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + pushq %r9 + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %r9 + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2048(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2048(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + pushq %r9 + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %r9 + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2048(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(ReadPixels), .-GL_PREFIX(ReadPixels) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(DrawPixels) + .type GL_PREFIX(DrawPixels), @function +GL_PREFIX(DrawPixels): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2056(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2056(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2056(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2056(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(DrawPixels), .-GL_PREFIX(DrawPixels) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetBooleanv) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetBooleanv), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetBooleanv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2064(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2064(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2064(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2064(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetBooleanv), .-GL_PREFIX(GetBooleanv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetClipPlane) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetClipPlane), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetClipPlane): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2072(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2072(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2072(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2072(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetClipPlane), .-GL_PREFIX(GetClipPlane) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetDoublev) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetDoublev), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetDoublev): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2080(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2080(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2080(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2080(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetDoublev), .-GL_PREFIX(GetDoublev) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetError) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetError), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetError): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2088(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + movq 2088(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2088(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + movq 2088(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetError), .-GL_PREFIX(GetError) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetFloatv) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetFloatv), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetFloatv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2096(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2096(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2096(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2096(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetFloatv), .-GL_PREFIX(GetFloatv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetIntegerv) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetIntegerv), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetIntegerv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2104(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2104(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2104(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2104(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetIntegerv), .-GL_PREFIX(GetIntegerv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetLightfv) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetLightfv), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetLightfv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2112(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2112(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2112(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2112(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetLightfv), .-GL_PREFIX(GetLightfv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetLightiv) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetLightiv), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetLightiv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2120(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2120(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2120(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2120(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetLightiv), .-GL_PREFIX(GetLightiv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetMapdv) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetMapdv), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetMapdv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2128(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2128(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2128(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2128(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetMapdv), .-GL_PREFIX(GetMapdv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetMapfv) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetMapfv), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetMapfv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2136(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2136(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2136(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2136(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetMapfv), .-GL_PREFIX(GetMapfv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetMapiv) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetMapiv), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetMapiv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2144(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2144(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2144(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2144(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetMapiv), .-GL_PREFIX(GetMapiv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetMaterialfv) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetMaterialfv), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetMaterialfv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2152(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2152(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2152(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2152(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetMaterialfv), .-GL_PREFIX(GetMaterialfv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetMaterialiv) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetMaterialiv), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetMaterialiv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2160(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2160(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2160(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2160(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetMaterialiv), .-GL_PREFIX(GetMaterialiv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetPixelMapfv) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetPixelMapfv), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetPixelMapfv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2168(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2168(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2168(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2168(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetPixelMapfv), .-GL_PREFIX(GetPixelMapfv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetPixelMapuiv) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetPixelMapuiv), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetPixelMapuiv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2176(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2176(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2176(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2176(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetPixelMapuiv), .-GL_PREFIX(GetPixelMapuiv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetPixelMapusv) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetPixelMapusv), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetPixelMapusv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2184(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2184(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2184(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2184(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetPixelMapusv), .-GL_PREFIX(GetPixelMapusv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetPolygonStipple) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetPolygonStipple), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetPolygonStipple): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2192(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 2192(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2192(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 2192(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetPolygonStipple), .-GL_PREFIX(GetPolygonStipple) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetString) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetString), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetString): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2200(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 2200(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2200(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 2200(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetString), .-GL_PREFIX(GetString) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetTexEnvfv) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetTexEnvfv), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetTexEnvfv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2208(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2208(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2208(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2208(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetTexEnvfv), .-GL_PREFIX(GetTexEnvfv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetTexEnviv) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetTexEnviv), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetTexEnviv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2216(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2216(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2216(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2216(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetTexEnviv), .-GL_PREFIX(GetTexEnviv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetTexGendv) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetTexGendv), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetTexGendv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2224(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2224(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2224(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2224(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetTexGendv), .-GL_PREFIX(GetTexGendv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetTexGenfv) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetTexGenfv), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetTexGenfv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2232(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2232(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2232(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2232(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetTexGenfv), .-GL_PREFIX(GetTexGenfv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetTexGeniv) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetTexGeniv), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetTexGeniv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2240(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2240(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2240(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2240(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetTexGeniv), .-GL_PREFIX(GetTexGeniv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetTexImage) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetTexImage), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetTexImage): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2248(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2248(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2248(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2248(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetTexImage), .-GL_PREFIX(GetTexImage) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetTexParameterfv) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetTexParameterfv), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetTexParameterfv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2256(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2256(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2256(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2256(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetTexParameterfv), .-GL_PREFIX(GetTexParameterfv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetTexParameteriv) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetTexParameteriv), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetTexParameteriv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2264(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2264(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2264(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2264(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetTexParameteriv), .-GL_PREFIX(GetTexParameteriv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetTexLevelParameterfv) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetTexLevelParameterfv), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetTexLevelParameterfv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2272(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2272(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2272(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2272(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetTexLevelParameterfv), .-GL_PREFIX(GetTexLevelParameterfv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetTexLevelParameteriv) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetTexLevelParameteriv), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetTexLevelParameteriv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2280(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2280(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2280(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2280(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetTexLevelParameteriv), .-GL_PREFIX(GetTexLevelParameteriv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(IsEnabled) + .type GL_PREFIX(IsEnabled), @function +GL_PREFIX(IsEnabled): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2288(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 2288(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2288(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 2288(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(IsEnabled), .-GL_PREFIX(IsEnabled) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(IsList) + .type GL_PREFIX(IsList), @function +GL_PREFIX(IsList): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2296(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 2296(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2296(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 2296(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(IsList), .-GL_PREFIX(IsList) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(DepthRange) + .type GL_PREFIX(DepthRange), @function +GL_PREFIX(DepthRange): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2304(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2304(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2304(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2304(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(DepthRange), .-GL_PREFIX(DepthRange) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Frustum) + .type GL_PREFIX(Frustum), @function +GL_PREFIX(Frustum): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2312(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $56, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 16(%rsp) + movq %xmm3, 24(%rsp) + movq %xmm4, 32(%rsp) + movq %xmm5, 40(%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 40(%rsp), %xmm5 + movq 32(%rsp), %xmm4 + movq 24(%rsp), %xmm3 + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $56, %rsp + movq 2312(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2312(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $56, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 16(%rsp) + movq %xmm3, 24(%rsp) + movq %xmm4, 32(%rsp) + movq %xmm5, 40(%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq 40(%rsp), %xmm5 + movq 32(%rsp), %xmm4 + movq 24(%rsp), %xmm3 + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $56, %rsp + movq 2312(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Frustum), .-GL_PREFIX(Frustum) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(LoadIdentity) + .type GL_PREFIX(LoadIdentity), @function +GL_PREFIX(LoadIdentity): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2320(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + movq 2320(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2320(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + movq 2320(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(LoadIdentity), .-GL_PREFIX(LoadIdentity) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(LoadMatrixf) + .type GL_PREFIX(LoadMatrixf), @function +GL_PREFIX(LoadMatrixf): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2328(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 2328(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2328(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 2328(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(LoadMatrixf), .-GL_PREFIX(LoadMatrixf) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(LoadMatrixd) + .type GL_PREFIX(LoadMatrixd), @function +GL_PREFIX(LoadMatrixd): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2336(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 2336(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2336(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 2336(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(LoadMatrixd), .-GL_PREFIX(LoadMatrixd) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(MatrixMode) + .type GL_PREFIX(MatrixMode), @function +GL_PREFIX(MatrixMode): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2344(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 2344(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2344(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 2344(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(MatrixMode), .-GL_PREFIX(MatrixMode) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(MultMatrixf) + .type GL_PREFIX(MultMatrixf), @function +GL_PREFIX(MultMatrixf): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2352(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 2352(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2352(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 2352(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(MultMatrixf), .-GL_PREFIX(MultMatrixf) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(MultMatrixd) + .type GL_PREFIX(MultMatrixd), @function +GL_PREFIX(MultMatrixd): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2360(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 2360(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2360(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 2360(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(MultMatrixd), .-GL_PREFIX(MultMatrixd) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Ortho) + .type GL_PREFIX(Ortho), @function +GL_PREFIX(Ortho): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2368(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $56, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 16(%rsp) + movq %xmm3, 24(%rsp) + movq %xmm4, 32(%rsp) + movq %xmm5, 40(%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 40(%rsp), %xmm5 + movq 32(%rsp), %xmm4 + movq 24(%rsp), %xmm3 + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $56, %rsp + movq 2368(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2368(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $56, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 16(%rsp) + movq %xmm3, 24(%rsp) + movq %xmm4, 32(%rsp) + movq %xmm5, 40(%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq 40(%rsp), %xmm5 + movq 32(%rsp), %xmm4 + movq 24(%rsp), %xmm3 + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $56, %rsp + movq 2368(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Ortho), .-GL_PREFIX(Ortho) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(PopMatrix) + .type GL_PREFIX(PopMatrix), @function +GL_PREFIX(PopMatrix): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2376(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + movq 2376(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2376(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + movq 2376(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(PopMatrix), .-GL_PREFIX(PopMatrix) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(PushMatrix) + .type GL_PREFIX(PushMatrix), @function +GL_PREFIX(PushMatrix): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2384(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + movq 2384(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2384(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + movq 2384(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(PushMatrix), .-GL_PREFIX(PushMatrix) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Rotated) + .type GL_PREFIX(Rotated), @function +GL_PREFIX(Rotated): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2392(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $40, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 16(%rsp) + movq %xmm3, 24(%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 24(%rsp), %xmm3 + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $40, %rsp + movq 2392(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2392(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $40, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 16(%rsp) + movq %xmm3, 24(%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq 24(%rsp), %xmm3 + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $40, %rsp + movq 2392(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Rotated), .-GL_PREFIX(Rotated) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Rotatef) + .type GL_PREFIX(Rotatef), @function +GL_PREFIX(Rotatef): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2400(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $40, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 16(%rsp) + movq %xmm3, 24(%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 24(%rsp), %xmm3 + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $40, %rsp + movq 2400(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2400(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $40, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 16(%rsp) + movq %xmm3, 24(%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq 24(%rsp), %xmm3 + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $40, %rsp + movq 2400(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Rotatef), .-GL_PREFIX(Rotatef) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Scaled) + .type GL_PREFIX(Scaled), @function +GL_PREFIX(Scaled): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2408(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $24, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 16(%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $24, %rsp + movq 2408(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2408(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $24, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 16(%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $24, %rsp + movq 2408(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Scaled), .-GL_PREFIX(Scaled) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Scalef) + .type GL_PREFIX(Scalef), @function +GL_PREFIX(Scalef): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2416(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $24, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 16(%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $24, %rsp + movq 2416(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2416(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $24, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 16(%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $24, %rsp + movq 2416(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Scalef), .-GL_PREFIX(Scalef) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Translated) + .type GL_PREFIX(Translated), @function +GL_PREFIX(Translated): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2424(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $24, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 16(%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $24, %rsp + movq 2424(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2424(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $24, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 16(%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $24, %rsp + movq 2424(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Translated), .-GL_PREFIX(Translated) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Translatef) + .type GL_PREFIX(Translatef), @function +GL_PREFIX(Translatef): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2432(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $24, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 16(%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $24, %rsp + movq 2432(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2432(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $24, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 16(%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $24, %rsp + movq 2432(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Translatef), .-GL_PREFIX(Translatef) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Viewport) + .type GL_PREFIX(Viewport), @function +GL_PREFIX(Viewport): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2440(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2440(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2440(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2440(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Viewport), .-GL_PREFIX(Viewport) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(ArrayElement) + .type GL_PREFIX(ArrayElement), @function +GL_PREFIX(ArrayElement): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2448(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 2448(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2448(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 2448(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(ArrayElement), .-GL_PREFIX(ArrayElement) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(BindTexture) + .type GL_PREFIX(BindTexture), @function +GL_PREFIX(BindTexture): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2456(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2456(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2456(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2456(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(BindTexture), .-GL_PREFIX(BindTexture) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(ColorPointer) + .type GL_PREFIX(ColorPointer), @function +GL_PREFIX(ColorPointer): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2464(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2464(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2464(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2464(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(ColorPointer), .-GL_PREFIX(ColorPointer) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(DisableClientState) + .type GL_PREFIX(DisableClientState), @function +GL_PREFIX(DisableClientState): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2472(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 2472(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2472(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 2472(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(DisableClientState), .-GL_PREFIX(DisableClientState) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(DrawArrays) + .type GL_PREFIX(DrawArrays), @function +GL_PREFIX(DrawArrays): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2480(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2480(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2480(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2480(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(DrawArrays), .-GL_PREFIX(DrawArrays) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(DrawElements) + .type GL_PREFIX(DrawElements), @function +GL_PREFIX(DrawElements): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2488(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2488(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2488(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2488(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(DrawElements), .-GL_PREFIX(DrawElements) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(EdgeFlagPointer) + .type GL_PREFIX(EdgeFlagPointer), @function +GL_PREFIX(EdgeFlagPointer): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2496(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2496(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2496(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2496(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(EdgeFlagPointer), .-GL_PREFIX(EdgeFlagPointer) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(EnableClientState) + .type GL_PREFIX(EnableClientState), @function +GL_PREFIX(EnableClientState): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2504(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 2504(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2504(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 2504(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(EnableClientState), .-GL_PREFIX(EnableClientState) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(IndexPointer) + .type GL_PREFIX(IndexPointer), @function +GL_PREFIX(IndexPointer): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2512(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2512(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2512(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2512(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(IndexPointer), .-GL_PREFIX(IndexPointer) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Indexub) + .type GL_PREFIX(Indexub), @function +GL_PREFIX(Indexub): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2520(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 2520(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2520(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 2520(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Indexub), .-GL_PREFIX(Indexub) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Indexubv) + .type GL_PREFIX(Indexubv), @function +GL_PREFIX(Indexubv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2528(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 2528(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2528(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 2528(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Indexubv), .-GL_PREFIX(Indexubv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(InterleavedArrays) + .type GL_PREFIX(InterleavedArrays), @function +GL_PREFIX(InterleavedArrays): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2536(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2536(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2536(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2536(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(InterleavedArrays), .-GL_PREFIX(InterleavedArrays) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(NormalPointer) + .type GL_PREFIX(NormalPointer), @function +GL_PREFIX(NormalPointer): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2544(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2544(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2544(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2544(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(NormalPointer), .-GL_PREFIX(NormalPointer) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(PolygonOffset) + .type GL_PREFIX(PolygonOffset), @function +GL_PREFIX(PolygonOffset): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2552(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $24, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 8(%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $24, %rsp + movq 2552(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2552(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $24, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 8(%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $24, %rsp + movq 2552(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(PolygonOffset), .-GL_PREFIX(PolygonOffset) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(TexCoordPointer) + .type GL_PREFIX(TexCoordPointer), @function +GL_PREFIX(TexCoordPointer): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2560(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2560(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2560(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2560(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(TexCoordPointer), .-GL_PREFIX(TexCoordPointer) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexPointer) + .type GL_PREFIX(VertexPointer), @function +GL_PREFIX(VertexPointer): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2568(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2568(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2568(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2568(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(VertexPointer), .-GL_PREFIX(VertexPointer) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(AreTexturesResident) + .type GL_PREFIX(AreTexturesResident), @function +GL_PREFIX(AreTexturesResident): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2576(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2576(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2576(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2576(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(AreTexturesResident), .-GL_PREFIX(AreTexturesResident) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(CopyTexImage1D) + .type GL_PREFIX(CopyTexImage1D), @function +GL_PREFIX(CopyTexImage1D): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2584(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + pushq %r9 + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %r9 + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2584(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2584(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + pushq %r9 + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %r9 + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2584(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(CopyTexImage1D), .-GL_PREFIX(CopyTexImage1D) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(CopyTexImage2D) + .type GL_PREFIX(CopyTexImage2D), @function +GL_PREFIX(CopyTexImage2D): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2592(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + pushq %r9 + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %r9 + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2592(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2592(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + pushq %r9 + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %r9 + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2592(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(CopyTexImage2D), .-GL_PREFIX(CopyTexImage2D) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(CopyTexSubImage1D) + .type GL_PREFIX(CopyTexSubImage1D), @function +GL_PREFIX(CopyTexSubImage1D): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2600(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + pushq %r9 + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %r9 + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2600(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2600(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + pushq %r9 + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %r9 + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2600(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(CopyTexSubImage1D), .-GL_PREFIX(CopyTexSubImage1D) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(CopyTexSubImage2D) + .type GL_PREFIX(CopyTexSubImage2D), @function +GL_PREFIX(CopyTexSubImage2D): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2608(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + pushq %r9 + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %r9 + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2608(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2608(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + pushq %r9 + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %r9 + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2608(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(CopyTexSubImage2D), .-GL_PREFIX(CopyTexSubImage2D) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(DeleteTextures) + .type GL_PREFIX(DeleteTextures), @function +GL_PREFIX(DeleteTextures): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2616(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2616(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2616(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2616(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(DeleteTextures), .-GL_PREFIX(DeleteTextures) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GenTextures) + .type GL_PREFIX(GenTextures), @function +GL_PREFIX(GenTextures): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2624(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2624(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2624(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2624(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GenTextures), .-GL_PREFIX(GenTextures) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetPointerv) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetPointerv), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetPointerv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2632(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2632(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2632(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2632(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetPointerv), .-GL_PREFIX(GetPointerv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(IsTexture) + .type GL_PREFIX(IsTexture), @function +GL_PREFIX(IsTexture): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2640(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 2640(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2640(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 2640(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(IsTexture), .-GL_PREFIX(IsTexture) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(PrioritizeTextures) + .type GL_PREFIX(PrioritizeTextures), @function +GL_PREFIX(PrioritizeTextures): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2648(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2648(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2648(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2648(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(PrioritizeTextures), .-GL_PREFIX(PrioritizeTextures) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(TexSubImage1D) + .type GL_PREFIX(TexSubImage1D), @function +GL_PREFIX(TexSubImage1D): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2656(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + pushq %r9 + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %r9 + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2656(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2656(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + pushq %r9 + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %r9 + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2656(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(TexSubImage1D), .-GL_PREFIX(TexSubImage1D) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(TexSubImage2D) + .type GL_PREFIX(TexSubImage2D), @function +GL_PREFIX(TexSubImage2D): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2664(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + pushq %r9 + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %r9 + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2664(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2664(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + pushq %r9 + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %r9 + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2664(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(TexSubImage2D), .-GL_PREFIX(TexSubImage2D) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(PopClientAttrib) + .type GL_PREFIX(PopClientAttrib), @function +GL_PREFIX(PopClientAttrib): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2672(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + movq 2672(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2672(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + movq 2672(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(PopClientAttrib), .-GL_PREFIX(PopClientAttrib) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(PushClientAttrib) + .type GL_PREFIX(PushClientAttrib), @function +GL_PREFIX(PushClientAttrib): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2680(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 2680(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2680(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 2680(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(PushClientAttrib), .-GL_PREFIX(PushClientAttrib) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(BlendColor) + .type GL_PREFIX(BlendColor), @function +GL_PREFIX(BlendColor): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2688(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2688(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2688(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2688(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(BlendColor), .-GL_PREFIX(BlendColor) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(BlendEquation) + .type GL_PREFIX(BlendEquation), @function +GL_PREFIX(BlendEquation): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2696(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 2696(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2696(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 2696(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(BlendEquation), .-GL_PREFIX(BlendEquation) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(DrawRangeElements) + .type GL_PREFIX(DrawRangeElements), @function +GL_PREFIX(DrawRangeElements): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2704(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + pushq %r9 + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %r9 + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2704(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2704(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + pushq %r9 + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %r9 + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2704(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(DrawRangeElements), .-GL_PREFIX(DrawRangeElements) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(ColorTable) + .type GL_PREFIX(ColorTable), @function +GL_PREFIX(ColorTable): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2712(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + pushq %r9 + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %r9 + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2712(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2712(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + pushq %r9 + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %r9 + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2712(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(ColorTable), .-GL_PREFIX(ColorTable) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(ColorTableParameterfv) + .type GL_PREFIX(ColorTableParameterfv), @function +GL_PREFIX(ColorTableParameterfv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2720(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2720(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2720(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2720(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(ColorTableParameterfv), .-GL_PREFIX(ColorTableParameterfv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(ColorTableParameteriv) + .type GL_PREFIX(ColorTableParameteriv), @function +GL_PREFIX(ColorTableParameteriv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2728(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2728(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2728(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2728(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(ColorTableParameteriv), .-GL_PREFIX(ColorTableParameteriv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(CopyColorTable) + .type GL_PREFIX(CopyColorTable), @function +GL_PREFIX(CopyColorTable): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2736(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2736(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2736(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2736(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(CopyColorTable), .-GL_PREFIX(CopyColorTable) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetColorTable) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetColorTable), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetColorTable): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2744(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2744(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2744(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2744(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetColorTable), .-GL_PREFIX(GetColorTable) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetColorTableParameterfv) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetColorTableParameterfv), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetColorTableParameterfv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2752(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2752(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2752(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2752(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetColorTableParameterfv), .-GL_PREFIX(GetColorTableParameterfv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetColorTableParameteriv) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetColorTableParameteriv), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetColorTableParameteriv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2760(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2760(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2760(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2760(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetColorTableParameteriv), .-GL_PREFIX(GetColorTableParameteriv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(ColorSubTable) + .type GL_PREFIX(ColorSubTable), @function +GL_PREFIX(ColorSubTable): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2768(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + pushq %r9 + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %r9 + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2768(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2768(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + pushq %r9 + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %r9 + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2768(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(ColorSubTable), .-GL_PREFIX(ColorSubTable) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(CopyColorSubTable) + .type GL_PREFIX(CopyColorSubTable), @function +GL_PREFIX(CopyColorSubTable): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2776(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2776(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2776(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2776(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(CopyColorSubTable), .-GL_PREFIX(CopyColorSubTable) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(ConvolutionFilter1D) + .type GL_PREFIX(ConvolutionFilter1D), @function +GL_PREFIX(ConvolutionFilter1D): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2784(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + pushq %r9 + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %r9 + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2784(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2784(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + pushq %r9 + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %r9 + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2784(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(ConvolutionFilter1D), .-GL_PREFIX(ConvolutionFilter1D) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(ConvolutionFilter2D) + .type GL_PREFIX(ConvolutionFilter2D), @function +GL_PREFIX(ConvolutionFilter2D): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2792(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + pushq %r9 + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %r9 + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2792(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2792(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + pushq %r9 + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %r9 + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2792(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(ConvolutionFilter2D), .-GL_PREFIX(ConvolutionFilter2D) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(ConvolutionParameterf) + .type GL_PREFIX(ConvolutionParameterf), @function +GL_PREFIX(ConvolutionParameterf): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2800(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $24, %rsp + movq %rdi, (%rsp) + movq %rsi, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm0, 16(%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm0 + movq 8(%rsp), %rsi + movq (%rsp), %rdi + addq $24, %rsp + movq 2800(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2800(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $24, %rsp + movq %rdi, (%rsp) + movq %rsi, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm0, 16(%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm0 + movq 8(%rsp), %rsi + movq (%rsp), %rdi + addq $24, %rsp + movq 2800(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(ConvolutionParameterf), .-GL_PREFIX(ConvolutionParameterf) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(ConvolutionParameterfv) + .type GL_PREFIX(ConvolutionParameterfv), @function +GL_PREFIX(ConvolutionParameterfv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2808(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2808(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2808(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2808(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(ConvolutionParameterfv), .-GL_PREFIX(ConvolutionParameterfv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(ConvolutionParameteri) + .type GL_PREFIX(ConvolutionParameteri), @function +GL_PREFIX(ConvolutionParameteri): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2816(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2816(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2816(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2816(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(ConvolutionParameteri), .-GL_PREFIX(ConvolutionParameteri) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(ConvolutionParameteriv) + .type GL_PREFIX(ConvolutionParameteriv), @function +GL_PREFIX(ConvolutionParameteriv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2824(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2824(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2824(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2824(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(ConvolutionParameteriv), .-GL_PREFIX(ConvolutionParameteriv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(CopyConvolutionFilter1D) + .type GL_PREFIX(CopyConvolutionFilter1D), @function +GL_PREFIX(CopyConvolutionFilter1D): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2832(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2832(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2832(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2832(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(CopyConvolutionFilter1D), .-GL_PREFIX(CopyConvolutionFilter1D) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(CopyConvolutionFilter2D) + .type GL_PREFIX(CopyConvolutionFilter2D), @function +GL_PREFIX(CopyConvolutionFilter2D): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2840(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + pushq %r9 + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %r9 + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2840(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2840(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + pushq %r9 + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %r9 + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2840(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(CopyConvolutionFilter2D), .-GL_PREFIX(CopyConvolutionFilter2D) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetConvolutionFilter) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetConvolutionFilter), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetConvolutionFilter): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2848(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2848(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2848(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2848(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetConvolutionFilter), .-GL_PREFIX(GetConvolutionFilter) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetConvolutionParameterfv) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetConvolutionParameterfv), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetConvolutionParameterfv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2856(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2856(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2856(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2856(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetConvolutionParameterfv), .-GL_PREFIX(GetConvolutionParameterfv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetConvolutionParameteriv) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetConvolutionParameteriv), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetConvolutionParameteriv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2864(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2864(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2864(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2864(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetConvolutionParameteriv), .-GL_PREFIX(GetConvolutionParameteriv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetSeparableFilter) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetSeparableFilter), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetSeparableFilter): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2872(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + pushq %r9 + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %r9 + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2872(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2872(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + pushq %r9 + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %r9 + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2872(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetSeparableFilter), .-GL_PREFIX(GetSeparableFilter) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(SeparableFilter2D) + .type GL_PREFIX(SeparableFilter2D), @function +GL_PREFIX(SeparableFilter2D): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2880(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + pushq %r9 + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %r9 + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2880(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2880(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + pushq %r9 + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %r9 + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2880(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(SeparableFilter2D), .-GL_PREFIX(SeparableFilter2D) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetHistogram) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetHistogram), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetHistogram): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2888(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2888(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2888(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2888(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetHistogram), .-GL_PREFIX(GetHistogram) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetHistogramParameterfv) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetHistogramParameterfv), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetHistogramParameterfv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2896(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2896(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2896(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2896(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetHistogramParameterfv), .-GL_PREFIX(GetHistogramParameterfv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetHistogramParameteriv) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetHistogramParameteriv), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetHistogramParameteriv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2904(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2904(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2904(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2904(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetHistogramParameteriv), .-GL_PREFIX(GetHistogramParameteriv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetMinmax) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetMinmax), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetMinmax): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2912(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2912(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2912(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2912(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetMinmax), .-GL_PREFIX(GetMinmax) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetMinmaxParameterfv) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetMinmaxParameterfv), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetMinmaxParameterfv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2920(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2920(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2920(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2920(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetMinmaxParameterfv), .-GL_PREFIX(GetMinmaxParameterfv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetMinmaxParameteriv) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetMinmaxParameteriv), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetMinmaxParameteriv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2928(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2928(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2928(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2928(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetMinmaxParameteriv), .-GL_PREFIX(GetMinmaxParameteriv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Histogram) + .type GL_PREFIX(Histogram), @function +GL_PREFIX(Histogram): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2936(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2936(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2936(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2936(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Histogram), .-GL_PREFIX(Histogram) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Minmax) + .type GL_PREFIX(Minmax), @function +GL_PREFIX(Minmax): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2944(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2944(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2944(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2944(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Minmax), .-GL_PREFIX(Minmax) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(ResetHistogram) + .type GL_PREFIX(ResetHistogram), @function +GL_PREFIX(ResetHistogram): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2952(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 2952(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2952(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 2952(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(ResetHistogram), .-GL_PREFIX(ResetHistogram) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(ResetMinmax) + .type GL_PREFIX(ResetMinmax), @function +GL_PREFIX(ResetMinmax): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2960(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 2960(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2960(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 2960(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(ResetMinmax), .-GL_PREFIX(ResetMinmax) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(TexImage3D) + .type GL_PREFIX(TexImage3D), @function +GL_PREFIX(TexImage3D): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2968(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + pushq %r9 + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %r9 + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2968(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2968(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + pushq %r9 + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %r9 + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2968(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(TexImage3D), .-GL_PREFIX(TexImage3D) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(TexSubImage3D) + .type GL_PREFIX(TexSubImage3D), @function +GL_PREFIX(TexSubImage3D): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2976(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + pushq %r9 + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %r9 + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2976(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2976(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + pushq %r9 + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %r9 + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2976(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(TexSubImage3D), .-GL_PREFIX(TexSubImage3D) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(CopyTexSubImage3D) + .type GL_PREFIX(CopyTexSubImage3D), @function +GL_PREFIX(CopyTexSubImage3D): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2984(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + pushq %r9 + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %r9 + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2984(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2984(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + pushq %r9 + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %r9 + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 2984(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(CopyTexSubImage3D), .-GL_PREFIX(CopyTexSubImage3D) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(ActiveTexture) + .type GL_PREFIX(ActiveTexture), @function +GL_PREFIX(ActiveTexture): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 2992(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 2992(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 2992(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 2992(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(ActiveTexture), .-GL_PREFIX(ActiveTexture) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(ClientActiveTexture) + .type GL_PREFIX(ClientActiveTexture), @function +GL_PREFIX(ClientActiveTexture): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3000(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 3000(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3000(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 3000(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(ClientActiveTexture), .-GL_PREFIX(ClientActiveTexture) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord1d) + .type GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord1d), @function +GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord1d): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3008(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $24, %rsp + movq %rdi, (%rsp) + movq %xmm0, 8(%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm0 + movq (%rsp), %rdi + addq $24, %rsp + movq 3008(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3008(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $24, %rsp + movq %rdi, (%rsp) + movq %xmm0, 8(%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm0 + movq (%rsp), %rdi + addq $24, %rsp + movq 3008(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord1d), .-GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord1d) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord1dv) + .type GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord1dv), @function +GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord1dv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3016(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3016(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3016(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3016(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord1dv), .-GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord1dv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord1fARB) + .type GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord1fARB), @function +GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord1fARB): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3024(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $24, %rsp + movq %rdi, (%rsp) + movq %xmm0, 8(%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm0 + movq (%rsp), %rdi + addq $24, %rsp + movq 3024(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3024(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $24, %rsp + movq %rdi, (%rsp) + movq %xmm0, 8(%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm0 + movq (%rsp), %rdi + addq $24, %rsp + movq 3024(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord1fARB), .-GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord1fARB) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord1fvARB) + .type GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord1fvARB), @function +GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord1fvARB): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3032(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3032(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3032(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3032(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord1fvARB), .-GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord1fvARB) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord1i) + .type GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord1i), @function +GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord1i): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3040(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3040(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3040(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3040(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord1i), .-GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord1i) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord1iv) + .type GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord1iv), @function +GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord1iv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3048(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3048(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3048(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3048(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord1iv), .-GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord1iv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord1s) + .type GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord1s), @function +GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord1s): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3056(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3056(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3056(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3056(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord1s), .-GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord1s) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord1sv) + .type GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord1sv), @function +GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord1sv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3064(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3064(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3064(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3064(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord1sv), .-GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord1sv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord2d) + .type GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord2d), @function +GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord2d): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3072(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $24, %rsp + movq %rdi, (%rsp) + movq %xmm0, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 16(%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm0 + movq (%rsp), %rdi + addq $24, %rsp + movq 3072(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3072(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $24, %rsp + movq %rdi, (%rsp) + movq %xmm0, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 16(%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm0 + movq (%rsp), %rdi + addq $24, %rsp + movq 3072(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord2d), .-GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord2d) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord2dv) + .type GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord2dv), @function +GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord2dv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3080(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3080(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3080(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3080(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord2dv), .-GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord2dv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord2fARB) + .type GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord2fARB), @function +GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord2fARB): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3088(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $24, %rsp + movq %rdi, (%rsp) + movq %xmm0, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 16(%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm0 + movq (%rsp), %rdi + addq $24, %rsp + movq 3088(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3088(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $24, %rsp + movq %rdi, (%rsp) + movq %xmm0, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 16(%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm0 + movq (%rsp), %rdi + addq $24, %rsp + movq 3088(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord2fARB), .-GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord2fARB) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord2fvARB) + .type GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord2fvARB), @function +GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord2fvARB): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3096(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3096(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3096(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3096(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord2fvARB), .-GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord2fvARB) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord2i) + .type GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord2i), @function +GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord2i): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3104(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3104(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3104(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3104(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord2i), .-GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord2i) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord2iv) + .type GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord2iv), @function +GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord2iv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3112(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3112(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3112(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3112(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord2iv), .-GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord2iv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord2s) + .type GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord2s), @function +GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord2s): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3120(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3120(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3120(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3120(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord2s), .-GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord2s) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord2sv) + .type GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord2sv), @function +GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord2sv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3128(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3128(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3128(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3128(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord2sv), .-GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord2sv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord3d) + .type GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord3d), @function +GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord3d): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3136(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $40, %rsp + movq %rdi, (%rsp) + movq %xmm0, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 16(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 24(%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 24(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm0 + movq (%rsp), %rdi + addq $40, %rsp + movq 3136(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3136(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $40, %rsp + movq %rdi, (%rsp) + movq %xmm0, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 16(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 24(%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq 24(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm0 + movq (%rsp), %rdi + addq $40, %rsp + movq 3136(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord3d), .-GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord3d) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord3dv) + .type GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord3dv), @function +GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord3dv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3144(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3144(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3144(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3144(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord3dv), .-GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord3dv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord3fARB) + .type GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord3fARB), @function +GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord3fARB): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3152(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $40, %rsp + movq %rdi, (%rsp) + movq %xmm0, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 16(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 24(%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 24(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm0 + movq (%rsp), %rdi + addq $40, %rsp + movq 3152(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3152(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $40, %rsp + movq %rdi, (%rsp) + movq %xmm0, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 16(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 24(%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq 24(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm0 + movq (%rsp), %rdi + addq $40, %rsp + movq 3152(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord3fARB), .-GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord3fARB) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord3fvARB) + .type GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord3fvARB), @function +GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord3fvARB): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3160(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3160(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3160(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3160(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord3fvARB), .-GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord3fvARB) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord3i) + .type GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord3i), @function +GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord3i): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3168(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3168(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3168(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3168(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord3i), .-GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord3i) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord3iv) + .type GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord3iv), @function +GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord3iv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3176(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3176(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3176(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3176(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord3iv), .-GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord3iv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord3s) + .type GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord3s), @function +GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord3s): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3184(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3184(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3184(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3184(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord3s), .-GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord3s) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord3sv) + .type GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord3sv), @function +GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord3sv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3192(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3192(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3192(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3192(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord3sv), .-GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord3sv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord4d) + .type GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord4d), @function +GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord4d): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3200(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $40, %rsp + movq %rdi, (%rsp) + movq %xmm0, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 16(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 24(%rsp) + movq %xmm3, 32(%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 32(%rsp), %xmm3 + movq 24(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm0 + movq (%rsp), %rdi + addq $40, %rsp + movq 3200(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3200(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $40, %rsp + movq %rdi, (%rsp) + movq %xmm0, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 16(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 24(%rsp) + movq %xmm3, 32(%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq 32(%rsp), %xmm3 + movq 24(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm0 + movq (%rsp), %rdi + addq $40, %rsp + movq 3200(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord4d), .-GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord4d) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord4dv) + .type GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord4dv), @function +GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord4dv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3208(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3208(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3208(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3208(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord4dv), .-GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord4dv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord4fARB) + .type GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord4fARB), @function +GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord4fARB): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3216(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $40, %rsp + movq %rdi, (%rsp) + movq %xmm0, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 16(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 24(%rsp) + movq %xmm3, 32(%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 32(%rsp), %xmm3 + movq 24(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm0 + movq (%rsp), %rdi + addq $40, %rsp + movq 3216(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3216(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $40, %rsp + movq %rdi, (%rsp) + movq %xmm0, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 16(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 24(%rsp) + movq %xmm3, 32(%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq 32(%rsp), %xmm3 + movq 24(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm0 + movq (%rsp), %rdi + addq $40, %rsp + movq 3216(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord4fARB), .-GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord4fARB) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord4fvARB) + .type GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord4fvARB), @function +GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord4fvARB): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3224(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3224(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3224(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3224(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord4fvARB), .-GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord4fvARB) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord4i) + .type GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord4i), @function +GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord4i): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3232(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3232(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3232(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3232(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord4i), .-GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord4i) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord4iv) + .type GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord4iv), @function +GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord4iv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3240(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3240(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3240(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3240(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord4iv), .-GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord4iv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord4s) + .type GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord4s), @function +GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord4s): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3248(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3248(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3248(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3248(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord4s), .-GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord4s) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord4sv) + .type GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord4sv), @function +GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord4sv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3256(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3256(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3256(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3256(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord4sv), .-GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord4sv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(CompressedTexImage1D) + .type GL_PREFIX(CompressedTexImage1D), @function +GL_PREFIX(CompressedTexImage1D): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3264(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + pushq %r9 + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %r9 + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3264(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3264(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + pushq %r9 + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %r9 + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3264(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(CompressedTexImage1D), .-GL_PREFIX(CompressedTexImage1D) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(CompressedTexImage2D) + .type GL_PREFIX(CompressedTexImage2D), @function +GL_PREFIX(CompressedTexImage2D): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3272(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + pushq %r9 + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %r9 + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3272(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3272(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + pushq %r9 + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %r9 + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3272(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(CompressedTexImage2D), .-GL_PREFIX(CompressedTexImage2D) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(CompressedTexImage3D) + .type GL_PREFIX(CompressedTexImage3D), @function +GL_PREFIX(CompressedTexImage3D): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3280(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + pushq %r9 + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %r9 + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3280(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3280(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + pushq %r9 + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %r9 + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3280(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(CompressedTexImage3D), .-GL_PREFIX(CompressedTexImage3D) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(CompressedTexSubImage1D) + .type GL_PREFIX(CompressedTexSubImage1D), @function +GL_PREFIX(CompressedTexSubImage1D): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3288(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + pushq %r9 + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %r9 + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3288(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3288(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + pushq %r9 + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %r9 + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3288(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(CompressedTexSubImage1D), .-GL_PREFIX(CompressedTexSubImage1D) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(CompressedTexSubImage2D) + .type GL_PREFIX(CompressedTexSubImage2D), @function +GL_PREFIX(CompressedTexSubImage2D): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3296(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + pushq %r9 + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %r9 + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3296(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3296(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + pushq %r9 + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %r9 + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3296(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(CompressedTexSubImage2D), .-GL_PREFIX(CompressedTexSubImage2D) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(CompressedTexSubImage3D) + .type GL_PREFIX(CompressedTexSubImage3D), @function +GL_PREFIX(CompressedTexSubImage3D): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3304(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + pushq %r9 + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %r9 + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3304(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3304(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + pushq %r9 + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %r9 + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3304(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(CompressedTexSubImage3D), .-GL_PREFIX(CompressedTexSubImage3D) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetCompressedTexImage) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetCompressedTexImage), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetCompressedTexImage): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3312(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3312(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3312(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3312(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetCompressedTexImage), .-GL_PREFIX(GetCompressedTexImage) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(LoadTransposeMatrixd) + .type GL_PREFIX(LoadTransposeMatrixd), @function +GL_PREFIX(LoadTransposeMatrixd): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3320(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 3320(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3320(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 3320(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(LoadTransposeMatrixd), .-GL_PREFIX(LoadTransposeMatrixd) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(LoadTransposeMatrixf) + .type GL_PREFIX(LoadTransposeMatrixf), @function +GL_PREFIX(LoadTransposeMatrixf): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3328(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 3328(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3328(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 3328(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(LoadTransposeMatrixf), .-GL_PREFIX(LoadTransposeMatrixf) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(MultTransposeMatrixd) + .type GL_PREFIX(MultTransposeMatrixd), @function +GL_PREFIX(MultTransposeMatrixd): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3336(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 3336(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3336(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 3336(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(MultTransposeMatrixd), .-GL_PREFIX(MultTransposeMatrixd) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(MultTransposeMatrixf) + .type GL_PREFIX(MultTransposeMatrixf), @function +GL_PREFIX(MultTransposeMatrixf): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3344(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 3344(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3344(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 3344(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(MultTransposeMatrixf), .-GL_PREFIX(MultTransposeMatrixf) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(SampleCoverage) + .type GL_PREFIX(SampleCoverage), @function +GL_PREFIX(SampleCoverage): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3352(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3352(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3352(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3352(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(SampleCoverage), .-GL_PREFIX(SampleCoverage) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(BlendFuncSeparate) + .type GL_PREFIX(BlendFuncSeparate), @function +GL_PREFIX(BlendFuncSeparate): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3360(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3360(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3360(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3360(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(BlendFuncSeparate), .-GL_PREFIX(BlendFuncSeparate) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(FogCoordPointer) + .type GL_PREFIX(FogCoordPointer), @function +GL_PREFIX(FogCoordPointer): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3368(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3368(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3368(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3368(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(FogCoordPointer), .-GL_PREFIX(FogCoordPointer) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(FogCoordd) + .type GL_PREFIX(FogCoordd), @function +GL_PREFIX(FogCoordd): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3376(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $8, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $8, %rsp + movq 3376(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3376(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $8, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $8, %rsp + movq 3376(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(FogCoordd), .-GL_PREFIX(FogCoordd) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(FogCoorddv) + .type GL_PREFIX(FogCoorddv), @function +GL_PREFIX(FogCoorddv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3384(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 3384(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3384(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 3384(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(FogCoorddv), .-GL_PREFIX(FogCoorddv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(MultiDrawArrays) + .type GL_PREFIX(MultiDrawArrays), @function +GL_PREFIX(MultiDrawArrays): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3392(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3392(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3392(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3392(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(MultiDrawArrays), .-GL_PREFIX(MultiDrawArrays) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(PointParameterf) + .type GL_PREFIX(PointParameterf), @function +GL_PREFIX(PointParameterf): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3400(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $24, %rsp + movq %rdi, (%rsp) + movq %xmm0, 8(%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm0 + movq (%rsp), %rdi + addq $24, %rsp + movq 3400(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3400(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $24, %rsp + movq %rdi, (%rsp) + movq %xmm0, 8(%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm0 + movq (%rsp), %rdi + addq $24, %rsp + movq 3400(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(PointParameterf), .-GL_PREFIX(PointParameterf) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(PointParameterfv) + .type GL_PREFIX(PointParameterfv), @function +GL_PREFIX(PointParameterfv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3408(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3408(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3408(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3408(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(PointParameterfv), .-GL_PREFIX(PointParameterfv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(PointParameteri) + .type GL_PREFIX(PointParameteri), @function +GL_PREFIX(PointParameteri): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3416(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3416(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3416(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3416(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(PointParameteri), .-GL_PREFIX(PointParameteri) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(PointParameteriv) + .type GL_PREFIX(PointParameteriv), @function +GL_PREFIX(PointParameteriv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3424(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3424(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3424(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3424(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(PointParameteriv), .-GL_PREFIX(PointParameteriv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3b) + .type GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3b), @function +GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3b): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3432(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3432(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3432(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3432(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3b), .-GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3b) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3bv) + .type GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3bv), @function +GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3bv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3440(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 3440(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3440(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 3440(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3bv), .-GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3bv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3d) + .type GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3d), @function +GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3d): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3448(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $24, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 16(%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $24, %rsp + movq 3448(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3448(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $24, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 16(%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $24, %rsp + movq 3448(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3d), .-GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3d) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3dv) + .type GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3dv), @function +GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3dv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3456(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 3456(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3456(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 3456(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3dv), .-GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3dv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3i) + .type GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3i), @function +GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3i): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3464(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3464(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3464(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3464(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3i), .-GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3i) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3iv) + .type GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3iv), @function +GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3iv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3472(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 3472(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3472(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 3472(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3iv), .-GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3iv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3s) + .type GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3s), @function +GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3s): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3480(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3480(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3480(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3480(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3s), .-GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3s) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3sv) + .type GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3sv), @function +GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3sv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3488(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 3488(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3488(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 3488(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3sv), .-GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3sv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3ub) + .type GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3ub), @function +GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3ub): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3496(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3496(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3496(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3496(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3ub), .-GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3ub) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3ubv) + .type GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3ubv), @function +GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3ubv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3504(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 3504(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3504(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 3504(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3ubv), .-GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3ubv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3ui) + .type GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3ui), @function +GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3ui): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3512(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3512(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3512(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3512(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3ui), .-GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3ui) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3uiv) + .type GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3uiv), @function +GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3uiv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3520(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 3520(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3520(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 3520(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3uiv), .-GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3uiv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3us) + .type GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3us), @function +GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3us): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3528(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3528(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3528(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3528(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3us), .-GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3us) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3usv) + .type GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3usv), @function +GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3usv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3536(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 3536(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3536(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 3536(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3usv), .-GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3usv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColorPointer) + .type GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColorPointer), @function +GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColorPointer): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3544(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3544(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3544(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3544(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColorPointer), .-GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColorPointer) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(WindowPos2d) + .type GL_PREFIX(WindowPos2d), @function +GL_PREFIX(WindowPos2d): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3552(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $24, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 8(%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $24, %rsp + movq 3552(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3552(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $24, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 8(%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $24, %rsp + movq 3552(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(WindowPos2d), .-GL_PREFIX(WindowPos2d) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(WindowPos2dv) + .type GL_PREFIX(WindowPos2dv), @function +GL_PREFIX(WindowPos2dv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3560(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 3560(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3560(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 3560(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(WindowPos2dv), .-GL_PREFIX(WindowPos2dv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(WindowPos2f) + .type GL_PREFIX(WindowPos2f), @function +GL_PREFIX(WindowPos2f): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3568(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $24, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 8(%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $24, %rsp + movq 3568(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3568(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $24, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 8(%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $24, %rsp + movq 3568(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(WindowPos2f), .-GL_PREFIX(WindowPos2f) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(WindowPos2fv) + .type GL_PREFIX(WindowPos2fv), @function +GL_PREFIX(WindowPos2fv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3576(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 3576(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3576(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 3576(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(WindowPos2fv), .-GL_PREFIX(WindowPos2fv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(WindowPos2i) + .type GL_PREFIX(WindowPos2i), @function +GL_PREFIX(WindowPos2i): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3584(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3584(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3584(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3584(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(WindowPos2i), .-GL_PREFIX(WindowPos2i) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(WindowPos2iv) + .type GL_PREFIX(WindowPos2iv), @function +GL_PREFIX(WindowPos2iv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3592(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 3592(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3592(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 3592(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(WindowPos2iv), .-GL_PREFIX(WindowPos2iv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(WindowPos2s) + .type GL_PREFIX(WindowPos2s), @function +GL_PREFIX(WindowPos2s): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3600(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3600(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3600(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3600(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(WindowPos2s), .-GL_PREFIX(WindowPos2s) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(WindowPos2sv) + .type GL_PREFIX(WindowPos2sv), @function +GL_PREFIX(WindowPos2sv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3608(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 3608(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3608(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 3608(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(WindowPos2sv), .-GL_PREFIX(WindowPos2sv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(WindowPos3d) + .type GL_PREFIX(WindowPos3d), @function +GL_PREFIX(WindowPos3d): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3616(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $24, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 16(%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $24, %rsp + movq 3616(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3616(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $24, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 16(%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $24, %rsp + movq 3616(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(WindowPos3d), .-GL_PREFIX(WindowPos3d) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(WindowPos3dv) + .type GL_PREFIX(WindowPos3dv), @function +GL_PREFIX(WindowPos3dv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3624(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 3624(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3624(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 3624(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(WindowPos3dv), .-GL_PREFIX(WindowPos3dv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(WindowPos3f) + .type GL_PREFIX(WindowPos3f), @function +GL_PREFIX(WindowPos3f): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3632(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $24, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 16(%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $24, %rsp + movq 3632(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3632(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $24, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 16(%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $24, %rsp + movq 3632(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(WindowPos3f), .-GL_PREFIX(WindowPos3f) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(WindowPos3fv) + .type GL_PREFIX(WindowPos3fv), @function +GL_PREFIX(WindowPos3fv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3640(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 3640(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3640(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 3640(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(WindowPos3fv), .-GL_PREFIX(WindowPos3fv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(WindowPos3i) + .type GL_PREFIX(WindowPos3i), @function +GL_PREFIX(WindowPos3i): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3648(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3648(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3648(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3648(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(WindowPos3i), .-GL_PREFIX(WindowPos3i) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(WindowPos3iv) + .type GL_PREFIX(WindowPos3iv), @function +GL_PREFIX(WindowPos3iv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3656(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 3656(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3656(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 3656(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(WindowPos3iv), .-GL_PREFIX(WindowPos3iv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(WindowPos3s) + .type GL_PREFIX(WindowPos3s), @function +GL_PREFIX(WindowPos3s): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3664(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3664(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3664(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3664(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(WindowPos3s), .-GL_PREFIX(WindowPos3s) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(WindowPos3sv) + .type GL_PREFIX(WindowPos3sv), @function +GL_PREFIX(WindowPos3sv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3672(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 3672(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3672(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 3672(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(WindowPos3sv), .-GL_PREFIX(WindowPos3sv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(BeginQuery) + .type GL_PREFIX(BeginQuery), @function +GL_PREFIX(BeginQuery): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3680(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3680(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3680(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3680(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(BeginQuery), .-GL_PREFIX(BeginQuery) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(BindBuffer) + .type GL_PREFIX(BindBuffer), @function +GL_PREFIX(BindBuffer): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3688(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3688(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3688(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3688(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(BindBuffer), .-GL_PREFIX(BindBuffer) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(BufferData) + .type GL_PREFIX(BufferData), @function +GL_PREFIX(BufferData): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3696(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3696(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3696(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3696(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(BufferData), .-GL_PREFIX(BufferData) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(BufferSubData) + .type GL_PREFIX(BufferSubData), @function +GL_PREFIX(BufferSubData): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3704(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3704(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3704(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3704(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(BufferSubData), .-GL_PREFIX(BufferSubData) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(DeleteBuffers) + .type GL_PREFIX(DeleteBuffers), @function +GL_PREFIX(DeleteBuffers): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3712(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3712(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3712(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3712(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(DeleteBuffers), .-GL_PREFIX(DeleteBuffers) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(DeleteQueries) + .type GL_PREFIX(DeleteQueries), @function +GL_PREFIX(DeleteQueries): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3720(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3720(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3720(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3720(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(DeleteQueries), .-GL_PREFIX(DeleteQueries) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(EndQuery) + .type GL_PREFIX(EndQuery), @function +GL_PREFIX(EndQuery): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3728(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 3728(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3728(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 3728(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(EndQuery), .-GL_PREFIX(EndQuery) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GenBuffers) + .type GL_PREFIX(GenBuffers), @function +GL_PREFIX(GenBuffers): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3736(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3736(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3736(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3736(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GenBuffers), .-GL_PREFIX(GenBuffers) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GenQueries) + .type GL_PREFIX(GenQueries), @function +GL_PREFIX(GenQueries): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3744(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3744(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3744(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3744(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GenQueries), .-GL_PREFIX(GenQueries) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetBufferParameteriv) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetBufferParameteriv), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetBufferParameteriv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3752(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3752(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3752(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3752(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetBufferParameteriv), .-GL_PREFIX(GetBufferParameteriv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetBufferPointerv) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetBufferPointerv), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetBufferPointerv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3760(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3760(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3760(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3760(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetBufferPointerv), .-GL_PREFIX(GetBufferPointerv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetBufferSubData) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetBufferSubData), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetBufferSubData): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3768(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3768(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3768(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3768(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetBufferSubData), .-GL_PREFIX(GetBufferSubData) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetQueryObjectiv) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetQueryObjectiv), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetQueryObjectiv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3776(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3776(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3776(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3776(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetQueryObjectiv), .-GL_PREFIX(GetQueryObjectiv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetQueryObjectuiv) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetQueryObjectuiv), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetQueryObjectuiv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3784(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3784(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3784(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3784(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetQueryObjectuiv), .-GL_PREFIX(GetQueryObjectuiv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetQueryiv) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetQueryiv), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetQueryiv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3792(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3792(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3792(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3792(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetQueryiv), .-GL_PREFIX(GetQueryiv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(IsBuffer) + .type GL_PREFIX(IsBuffer), @function +GL_PREFIX(IsBuffer): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3800(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 3800(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3800(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 3800(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(IsBuffer), .-GL_PREFIX(IsBuffer) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(IsQuery) + .type GL_PREFIX(IsQuery), @function +GL_PREFIX(IsQuery): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3808(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 3808(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3808(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 3808(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(IsQuery), .-GL_PREFIX(IsQuery) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(MapBuffer) + .type GL_PREFIX(MapBuffer), @function +GL_PREFIX(MapBuffer): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3816(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3816(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3816(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3816(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(MapBuffer), .-GL_PREFIX(MapBuffer) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(UnmapBuffer) + .type GL_PREFIX(UnmapBuffer), @function +GL_PREFIX(UnmapBuffer): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3824(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 3824(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3824(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 3824(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(UnmapBuffer), .-GL_PREFIX(UnmapBuffer) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(AttachShader) + .type GL_PREFIX(AttachShader), @function +GL_PREFIX(AttachShader): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3832(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3832(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3832(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3832(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(AttachShader), .-GL_PREFIX(AttachShader) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(BindAttribLocation) + .type GL_PREFIX(BindAttribLocation), @function +GL_PREFIX(BindAttribLocation): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3840(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3840(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3840(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3840(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(BindAttribLocation), .-GL_PREFIX(BindAttribLocation) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(BlendEquationSeparate) + .type GL_PREFIX(BlendEquationSeparate), @function +GL_PREFIX(BlendEquationSeparate): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3848(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3848(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3848(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3848(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(BlendEquationSeparate), .-GL_PREFIX(BlendEquationSeparate) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(CompileShader) + .type GL_PREFIX(CompileShader), @function +GL_PREFIX(CompileShader): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3856(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 3856(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3856(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 3856(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(CompileShader), .-GL_PREFIX(CompileShader) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(CreateProgram) + .type GL_PREFIX(CreateProgram), @function +GL_PREFIX(CreateProgram): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3864(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + movq 3864(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3864(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + movq 3864(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(CreateProgram), .-GL_PREFIX(CreateProgram) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(CreateShader) + .type GL_PREFIX(CreateShader), @function +GL_PREFIX(CreateShader): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3872(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 3872(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3872(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 3872(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(CreateShader), .-GL_PREFIX(CreateShader) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(DeleteProgram) + .type GL_PREFIX(DeleteProgram), @function +GL_PREFIX(DeleteProgram): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3880(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 3880(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3880(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 3880(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(DeleteProgram), .-GL_PREFIX(DeleteProgram) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(DeleteShader) + .type GL_PREFIX(DeleteShader), @function +GL_PREFIX(DeleteShader): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3888(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 3888(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3888(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 3888(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(DeleteShader), .-GL_PREFIX(DeleteShader) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(DetachShader) + .type GL_PREFIX(DetachShader), @function +GL_PREFIX(DetachShader): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3896(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3896(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3896(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3896(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(DetachShader), .-GL_PREFIX(DetachShader) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(DisableVertexAttribArray) + .type GL_PREFIX(DisableVertexAttribArray), @function +GL_PREFIX(DisableVertexAttribArray): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3904(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 3904(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3904(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 3904(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(DisableVertexAttribArray), .-GL_PREFIX(DisableVertexAttribArray) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(DrawBuffers) + .type GL_PREFIX(DrawBuffers), @function +GL_PREFIX(DrawBuffers): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3912(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3912(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3912(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3912(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(DrawBuffers), .-GL_PREFIX(DrawBuffers) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(EnableVertexAttribArray) + .type GL_PREFIX(EnableVertexAttribArray), @function +GL_PREFIX(EnableVertexAttribArray): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3920(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 3920(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3920(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 3920(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(EnableVertexAttribArray), .-GL_PREFIX(EnableVertexAttribArray) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetActiveAttrib) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetActiveAttrib), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetActiveAttrib): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3928(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + pushq %r9 + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %r9 + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3928(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3928(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + pushq %r9 + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %r9 + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3928(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetActiveAttrib), .-GL_PREFIX(GetActiveAttrib) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetActiveUniform) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetActiveUniform), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetActiveUniform): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3936(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + pushq %r9 + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %r9 + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3936(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3936(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + pushq %r9 + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %r9 + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3936(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetActiveUniform), .-GL_PREFIX(GetActiveUniform) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetAttachedShaders) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetAttachedShaders), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetAttachedShaders): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3944(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3944(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3944(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3944(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetAttachedShaders), .-GL_PREFIX(GetAttachedShaders) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetAttribLocation) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetAttribLocation), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetAttribLocation): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3952(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3952(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3952(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3952(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetAttribLocation), .-GL_PREFIX(GetAttribLocation) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetProgramInfoLog) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetProgramInfoLog), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetProgramInfoLog): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3960(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3960(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3960(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3960(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetProgramInfoLog), .-GL_PREFIX(GetProgramInfoLog) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetProgramiv) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetProgramiv), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetProgramiv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3968(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3968(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3968(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3968(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetProgramiv), .-GL_PREFIX(GetProgramiv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetShaderInfoLog) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetShaderInfoLog), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetShaderInfoLog): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3976(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3976(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3976(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3976(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetShaderInfoLog), .-GL_PREFIX(GetShaderInfoLog) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetShaderSource) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetShaderSource), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetShaderSource): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3984(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3984(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3984(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3984(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetShaderSource), .-GL_PREFIX(GetShaderSource) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetShaderiv) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetShaderiv), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetShaderiv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 3992(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3992(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 3992(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 3992(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetShaderiv), .-GL_PREFIX(GetShaderiv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetUniformLocation) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetUniformLocation), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetUniformLocation): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4000(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4000(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4000(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4000(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetUniformLocation), .-GL_PREFIX(GetUniformLocation) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetUniformfv) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetUniformfv), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetUniformfv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4008(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4008(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4008(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4008(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetUniformfv), .-GL_PREFIX(GetUniformfv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetUniformiv) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetUniformiv), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetUniformiv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4016(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4016(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4016(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4016(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetUniformiv), .-GL_PREFIX(GetUniformiv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetVertexAttribPointerv) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetVertexAttribPointerv), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetVertexAttribPointerv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4024(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4024(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4024(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4024(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetVertexAttribPointerv), .-GL_PREFIX(GetVertexAttribPointerv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetVertexAttribdv) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetVertexAttribdv), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetVertexAttribdv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4032(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4032(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4032(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4032(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetVertexAttribdv), .-GL_PREFIX(GetVertexAttribdv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetVertexAttribfv) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetVertexAttribfv), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetVertexAttribfv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4040(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4040(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4040(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4040(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetVertexAttribfv), .-GL_PREFIX(GetVertexAttribfv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetVertexAttribiv) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetVertexAttribiv), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetVertexAttribiv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4048(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4048(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4048(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4048(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetVertexAttribiv), .-GL_PREFIX(GetVertexAttribiv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(IsProgram) + .type GL_PREFIX(IsProgram), @function +GL_PREFIX(IsProgram): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4056(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 4056(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4056(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 4056(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(IsProgram), .-GL_PREFIX(IsProgram) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(IsShader) + .type GL_PREFIX(IsShader), @function +GL_PREFIX(IsShader): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4064(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 4064(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4064(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 4064(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(IsShader), .-GL_PREFIX(IsShader) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(LinkProgram) + .type GL_PREFIX(LinkProgram), @function +GL_PREFIX(LinkProgram): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4072(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 4072(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4072(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 4072(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(LinkProgram), .-GL_PREFIX(LinkProgram) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(ShaderSource) + .type GL_PREFIX(ShaderSource), @function +GL_PREFIX(ShaderSource): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4080(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4080(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4080(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4080(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(ShaderSource), .-GL_PREFIX(ShaderSource) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(StencilFuncSeparate) + .type GL_PREFIX(StencilFuncSeparate), @function +GL_PREFIX(StencilFuncSeparate): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4088(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4088(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4088(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4088(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(StencilFuncSeparate), .-GL_PREFIX(StencilFuncSeparate) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(StencilMaskSeparate) + .type GL_PREFIX(StencilMaskSeparate), @function +GL_PREFIX(StencilMaskSeparate): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4096(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4096(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4096(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4096(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(StencilMaskSeparate), .-GL_PREFIX(StencilMaskSeparate) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(StencilOpSeparate) + .type GL_PREFIX(StencilOpSeparate), @function +GL_PREFIX(StencilOpSeparate): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4104(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4104(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4104(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4104(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(StencilOpSeparate), .-GL_PREFIX(StencilOpSeparate) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Uniform1f) + .type GL_PREFIX(Uniform1f), @function +GL_PREFIX(Uniform1f): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4112(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $24, %rsp + movq %rdi, (%rsp) + movq %xmm0, 8(%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm0 + movq (%rsp), %rdi + addq $24, %rsp + movq 4112(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4112(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $24, %rsp + movq %rdi, (%rsp) + movq %xmm0, 8(%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm0 + movq (%rsp), %rdi + addq $24, %rsp + movq 4112(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Uniform1f), .-GL_PREFIX(Uniform1f) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Uniform1fv) + .type GL_PREFIX(Uniform1fv), @function +GL_PREFIX(Uniform1fv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4120(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4120(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4120(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4120(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Uniform1fv), .-GL_PREFIX(Uniform1fv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Uniform1i) + .type GL_PREFIX(Uniform1i), @function +GL_PREFIX(Uniform1i): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4128(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4128(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4128(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4128(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Uniform1i), .-GL_PREFIX(Uniform1i) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Uniform1iv) + .type GL_PREFIX(Uniform1iv), @function +GL_PREFIX(Uniform1iv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4136(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4136(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4136(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4136(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Uniform1iv), .-GL_PREFIX(Uniform1iv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Uniform2f) + .type GL_PREFIX(Uniform2f), @function +GL_PREFIX(Uniform2f): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4144(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $24, %rsp + movq %rdi, (%rsp) + movq %xmm0, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 16(%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm0 + movq (%rsp), %rdi + addq $24, %rsp + movq 4144(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4144(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $24, %rsp + movq %rdi, (%rsp) + movq %xmm0, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 16(%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm0 + movq (%rsp), %rdi + addq $24, %rsp + movq 4144(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Uniform2f), .-GL_PREFIX(Uniform2f) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Uniform2fv) + .type GL_PREFIX(Uniform2fv), @function +GL_PREFIX(Uniform2fv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4152(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4152(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4152(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4152(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Uniform2fv), .-GL_PREFIX(Uniform2fv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Uniform2i) + .type GL_PREFIX(Uniform2i), @function +GL_PREFIX(Uniform2i): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4160(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4160(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4160(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4160(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Uniform2i), .-GL_PREFIX(Uniform2i) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Uniform2iv) + .type GL_PREFIX(Uniform2iv), @function +GL_PREFIX(Uniform2iv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4168(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4168(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4168(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4168(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Uniform2iv), .-GL_PREFIX(Uniform2iv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Uniform3f) + .type GL_PREFIX(Uniform3f), @function +GL_PREFIX(Uniform3f): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4176(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $40, %rsp + movq %rdi, (%rsp) + movq %xmm0, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 16(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 24(%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 24(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm0 + movq (%rsp), %rdi + addq $40, %rsp + movq 4176(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4176(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $40, %rsp + movq %rdi, (%rsp) + movq %xmm0, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 16(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 24(%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq 24(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm0 + movq (%rsp), %rdi + addq $40, %rsp + movq 4176(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Uniform3f), .-GL_PREFIX(Uniform3f) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Uniform3fv) + .type GL_PREFIX(Uniform3fv), @function +GL_PREFIX(Uniform3fv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4184(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4184(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4184(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4184(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Uniform3fv), .-GL_PREFIX(Uniform3fv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Uniform3i) + .type GL_PREFIX(Uniform3i), @function +GL_PREFIX(Uniform3i): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4192(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4192(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4192(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4192(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Uniform3i), .-GL_PREFIX(Uniform3i) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Uniform3iv) + .type GL_PREFIX(Uniform3iv), @function +GL_PREFIX(Uniform3iv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4200(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4200(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4200(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4200(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Uniform3iv), .-GL_PREFIX(Uniform3iv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Uniform4f) + .type GL_PREFIX(Uniform4f), @function +GL_PREFIX(Uniform4f): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4208(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $40, %rsp + movq %rdi, (%rsp) + movq %xmm0, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 16(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 24(%rsp) + movq %xmm3, 32(%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 32(%rsp), %xmm3 + movq 24(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm0 + movq (%rsp), %rdi + addq $40, %rsp + movq 4208(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4208(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $40, %rsp + movq %rdi, (%rsp) + movq %xmm0, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 16(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 24(%rsp) + movq %xmm3, 32(%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq 32(%rsp), %xmm3 + movq 24(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm0 + movq (%rsp), %rdi + addq $40, %rsp + movq 4208(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Uniform4f), .-GL_PREFIX(Uniform4f) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Uniform4fv) + .type GL_PREFIX(Uniform4fv), @function +GL_PREFIX(Uniform4fv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4216(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4216(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4216(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4216(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Uniform4fv), .-GL_PREFIX(Uniform4fv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Uniform4i) + .type GL_PREFIX(Uniform4i), @function +GL_PREFIX(Uniform4i): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4224(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4224(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4224(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4224(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Uniform4i), .-GL_PREFIX(Uniform4i) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Uniform4iv) + .type GL_PREFIX(Uniform4iv), @function +GL_PREFIX(Uniform4iv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4232(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4232(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4232(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4232(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Uniform4iv), .-GL_PREFIX(Uniform4iv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(UniformMatrix2fv) + .type GL_PREFIX(UniformMatrix2fv), @function +GL_PREFIX(UniformMatrix2fv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4240(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4240(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4240(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4240(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(UniformMatrix2fv), .-GL_PREFIX(UniformMatrix2fv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(UniformMatrix3fv) + .type GL_PREFIX(UniformMatrix3fv), @function +GL_PREFIX(UniformMatrix3fv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4248(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4248(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4248(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4248(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(UniformMatrix3fv), .-GL_PREFIX(UniformMatrix3fv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(UniformMatrix4fv) + .type GL_PREFIX(UniformMatrix4fv), @function +GL_PREFIX(UniformMatrix4fv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4256(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4256(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4256(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4256(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(UniformMatrix4fv), .-GL_PREFIX(UniformMatrix4fv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(UseProgram) + .type GL_PREFIX(UseProgram), @function +GL_PREFIX(UseProgram): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4264(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 4264(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4264(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 4264(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(UseProgram), .-GL_PREFIX(UseProgram) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(ValidateProgram) + .type GL_PREFIX(ValidateProgram), @function +GL_PREFIX(ValidateProgram): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4272(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 4272(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4272(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 4272(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(ValidateProgram), .-GL_PREFIX(ValidateProgram) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib1d) + .type GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib1d), @function +GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib1d): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4280(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $24, %rsp + movq %rdi, (%rsp) + movq %xmm0, 8(%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm0 + movq (%rsp), %rdi + addq $24, %rsp + movq 4280(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4280(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $24, %rsp + movq %rdi, (%rsp) + movq %xmm0, 8(%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm0 + movq (%rsp), %rdi + addq $24, %rsp + movq 4280(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib1d), .-GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib1d) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib1dv) + .type GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib1dv), @function +GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib1dv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4288(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4288(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4288(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4288(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib1dv), .-GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib1dv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib1s) + .type GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib1s), @function +GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib1s): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4296(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4296(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4296(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4296(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib1s), .-GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib1s) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib1sv) + .type GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib1sv), @function +GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib1sv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4304(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4304(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4304(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4304(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib1sv), .-GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib1sv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib2d) + .type GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib2d), @function +GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib2d): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4312(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $24, %rsp + movq %rdi, (%rsp) + movq %xmm0, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 16(%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm0 + movq (%rsp), %rdi + addq $24, %rsp + movq 4312(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4312(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $24, %rsp + movq %rdi, (%rsp) + movq %xmm0, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 16(%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm0 + movq (%rsp), %rdi + addq $24, %rsp + movq 4312(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib2d), .-GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib2d) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib2dv) + .type GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib2dv), @function +GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib2dv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4320(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4320(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4320(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4320(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib2dv), .-GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib2dv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib2s) + .type GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib2s), @function +GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib2s): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4328(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4328(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4328(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4328(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib2s), .-GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib2s) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib2sv) + .type GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib2sv), @function +GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib2sv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4336(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4336(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4336(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4336(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib2sv), .-GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib2sv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib3d) + .type GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib3d), @function +GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib3d): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4344(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $40, %rsp + movq %rdi, (%rsp) + movq %xmm0, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 16(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 24(%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 24(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm0 + movq (%rsp), %rdi + addq $40, %rsp + movq 4344(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4344(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $40, %rsp + movq %rdi, (%rsp) + movq %xmm0, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 16(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 24(%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq 24(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm0 + movq (%rsp), %rdi + addq $40, %rsp + movq 4344(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib3d), .-GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib3d) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib3dv) + .type GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib3dv), @function +GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib3dv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4352(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4352(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4352(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4352(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib3dv), .-GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib3dv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib3s) + .type GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib3s), @function +GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib3s): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4360(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4360(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4360(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4360(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib3s), .-GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib3s) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib3sv) + .type GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib3sv), @function +GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib3sv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4368(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4368(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4368(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4368(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib3sv), .-GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib3sv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4Nbv) + .type GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4Nbv), @function +GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4Nbv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4376(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4376(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4376(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4376(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4Nbv), .-GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4Nbv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4Niv) + .type GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4Niv), @function +GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4Niv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4384(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4384(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4384(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4384(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4Niv), .-GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4Niv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4Nsv) + .type GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4Nsv), @function +GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4Nsv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4392(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4392(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4392(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4392(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4Nsv), .-GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4Nsv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4Nub) + .type GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4Nub), @function +GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4Nub): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4400(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4400(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4400(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4400(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4Nub), .-GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4Nub) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4Nubv) + .type GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4Nubv), @function +GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4Nubv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4408(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4408(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4408(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4408(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4Nubv), .-GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4Nubv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4Nuiv) + .type GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4Nuiv), @function +GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4Nuiv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4416(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4416(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4416(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4416(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4Nuiv), .-GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4Nuiv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4Nusv) + .type GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4Nusv), @function +GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4Nusv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4424(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4424(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4424(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4424(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4Nusv), .-GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4Nusv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4bv) + .type GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4bv), @function +GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4bv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4432(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4432(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4432(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4432(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4bv), .-GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4bv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4d) + .type GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4d), @function +GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4d): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4440(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $40, %rsp + movq %rdi, (%rsp) + movq %xmm0, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 16(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 24(%rsp) + movq %xmm3, 32(%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 32(%rsp), %xmm3 + movq 24(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm0 + movq (%rsp), %rdi + addq $40, %rsp + movq 4440(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4440(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $40, %rsp + movq %rdi, (%rsp) + movq %xmm0, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 16(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 24(%rsp) + movq %xmm3, 32(%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq 32(%rsp), %xmm3 + movq 24(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm0 + movq (%rsp), %rdi + addq $40, %rsp + movq 4440(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4d), .-GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4d) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4dv) + .type GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4dv), @function +GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4dv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4448(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4448(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4448(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4448(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4dv), .-GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4dv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4iv) + .type GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4iv), @function +GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4iv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4456(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4456(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4456(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4456(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4iv), .-GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4iv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4s) + .type GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4s), @function +GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4s): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4464(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4464(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4464(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4464(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4s), .-GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4s) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4sv) + .type GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4sv), @function +GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4sv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4472(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4472(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4472(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4472(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4sv), .-GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4sv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4ubv) + .type GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4ubv), @function +GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4ubv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4480(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4480(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4480(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4480(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4ubv), .-GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4ubv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4uiv) + .type GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4uiv), @function +GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4uiv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4488(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4488(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4488(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4488(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4uiv), .-GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4uiv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4usv) + .type GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4usv), @function +GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4usv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4496(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4496(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4496(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4496(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4usv), .-GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4usv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribPointer) + .type GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribPointer), @function +GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribPointer): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4504(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + pushq %r9 + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %r9 + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4504(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4504(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + pushq %r9 + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %r9 + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4504(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribPointer), .-GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribPointer) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(UniformMatrix2x3fv) + .type GL_PREFIX(UniformMatrix2x3fv), @function +GL_PREFIX(UniformMatrix2x3fv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4512(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4512(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4512(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4512(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(UniformMatrix2x3fv), .-GL_PREFIX(UniformMatrix2x3fv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(UniformMatrix2x4fv) + .type GL_PREFIX(UniformMatrix2x4fv), @function +GL_PREFIX(UniformMatrix2x4fv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4520(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4520(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4520(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4520(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(UniformMatrix2x4fv), .-GL_PREFIX(UniformMatrix2x4fv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(UniformMatrix3x2fv) + .type GL_PREFIX(UniformMatrix3x2fv), @function +GL_PREFIX(UniformMatrix3x2fv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4528(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4528(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4528(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4528(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(UniformMatrix3x2fv), .-GL_PREFIX(UniformMatrix3x2fv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(UniformMatrix3x4fv) + .type GL_PREFIX(UniformMatrix3x4fv), @function +GL_PREFIX(UniformMatrix3x4fv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4536(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4536(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4536(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4536(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(UniformMatrix3x4fv), .-GL_PREFIX(UniformMatrix3x4fv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(UniformMatrix4x2fv) + .type GL_PREFIX(UniformMatrix4x2fv), @function +GL_PREFIX(UniformMatrix4x2fv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4544(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4544(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4544(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4544(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(UniformMatrix4x2fv), .-GL_PREFIX(UniformMatrix4x2fv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(UniformMatrix4x3fv) + .type GL_PREFIX(UniformMatrix4x3fv), @function +GL_PREFIX(UniformMatrix4x3fv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4552(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4552(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4552(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4552(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(UniformMatrix4x3fv), .-GL_PREFIX(UniformMatrix4x3fv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(BeginConditionalRender) + .type GL_PREFIX(BeginConditionalRender), @function +GL_PREFIX(BeginConditionalRender): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4560(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4560(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4560(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4560(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(BeginConditionalRender), .-GL_PREFIX(BeginConditionalRender) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(BeginTransformFeedback) + .type GL_PREFIX(BeginTransformFeedback), @function +GL_PREFIX(BeginTransformFeedback): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4568(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 4568(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4568(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 4568(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(BeginTransformFeedback), .-GL_PREFIX(BeginTransformFeedback) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(BindBufferBase) + .type GL_PREFIX(BindBufferBase), @function +GL_PREFIX(BindBufferBase): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4576(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4576(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4576(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4576(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(BindBufferBase), .-GL_PREFIX(BindBufferBase) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(BindBufferRange) + .type GL_PREFIX(BindBufferRange), @function +GL_PREFIX(BindBufferRange): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4584(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4584(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4584(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4584(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(BindBufferRange), .-GL_PREFIX(BindBufferRange) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(BindFragDataLocation) + .type GL_PREFIX(BindFragDataLocation), @function +GL_PREFIX(BindFragDataLocation): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4592(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4592(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4592(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4592(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(BindFragDataLocation), .-GL_PREFIX(BindFragDataLocation) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(ClampColor) + .type GL_PREFIX(ClampColor), @function +GL_PREFIX(ClampColor): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4600(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4600(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4600(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4600(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(ClampColor), .-GL_PREFIX(ClampColor) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(ClearBufferfi) + .type GL_PREFIX(ClearBufferfi), @function +GL_PREFIX(ClearBufferfi): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4608(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $40, %rsp + movq %rdi, (%rsp) + movq %rsi, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm0, 16(%rsp) + movq %rdx, 24(%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 24(%rsp), %rdx + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm0 + movq 8(%rsp), %rsi + movq (%rsp), %rdi + addq $40, %rsp + movq 4608(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4608(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $40, %rsp + movq %rdi, (%rsp) + movq %rsi, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm0, 16(%rsp) + movq %rdx, 24(%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq 24(%rsp), %rdx + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm0 + movq 8(%rsp), %rsi + movq (%rsp), %rdi + addq $40, %rsp + movq 4608(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(ClearBufferfi), .-GL_PREFIX(ClearBufferfi) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(ClearBufferfv) + .type GL_PREFIX(ClearBufferfv), @function +GL_PREFIX(ClearBufferfv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4616(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4616(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4616(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4616(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(ClearBufferfv), .-GL_PREFIX(ClearBufferfv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(ClearBufferiv) + .type GL_PREFIX(ClearBufferiv), @function +GL_PREFIX(ClearBufferiv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4624(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4624(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4624(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4624(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(ClearBufferiv), .-GL_PREFIX(ClearBufferiv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(ClearBufferuiv) + .type GL_PREFIX(ClearBufferuiv), @function +GL_PREFIX(ClearBufferuiv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4632(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4632(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4632(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4632(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(ClearBufferuiv), .-GL_PREFIX(ClearBufferuiv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(ColorMaski) + .type GL_PREFIX(ColorMaski), @function +GL_PREFIX(ColorMaski): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4640(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4640(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4640(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4640(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(ColorMaski), .-GL_PREFIX(ColorMaski) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Disablei) + .type GL_PREFIX(Disablei), @function +GL_PREFIX(Disablei): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4648(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4648(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4648(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4648(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Disablei), .-GL_PREFIX(Disablei) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Enablei) + .type GL_PREFIX(Enablei), @function +GL_PREFIX(Enablei): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4656(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4656(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4656(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4656(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Enablei), .-GL_PREFIX(Enablei) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(EndConditionalRender) + .type GL_PREFIX(EndConditionalRender), @function +GL_PREFIX(EndConditionalRender): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4664(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + movq 4664(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4664(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + movq 4664(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(EndConditionalRender), .-GL_PREFIX(EndConditionalRender) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(EndTransformFeedback) + .type GL_PREFIX(EndTransformFeedback), @function +GL_PREFIX(EndTransformFeedback): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4672(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + movq 4672(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4672(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + movq 4672(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(EndTransformFeedback), .-GL_PREFIX(EndTransformFeedback) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetBooleani_v) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetBooleani_v), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetBooleani_v): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4680(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4680(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4680(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4680(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetBooleani_v), .-GL_PREFIX(GetBooleani_v) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetFragDataLocation) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetFragDataLocation), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetFragDataLocation): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4688(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4688(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4688(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4688(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetFragDataLocation), .-GL_PREFIX(GetFragDataLocation) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetIntegeri_v) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetIntegeri_v), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetIntegeri_v): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4696(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4696(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4696(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4696(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetIntegeri_v), .-GL_PREFIX(GetIntegeri_v) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetStringi) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetStringi), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetStringi): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4704(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4704(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4704(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4704(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetStringi), .-GL_PREFIX(GetStringi) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetTexParameterIiv) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetTexParameterIiv), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetTexParameterIiv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4712(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4712(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4712(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4712(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetTexParameterIiv), .-GL_PREFIX(GetTexParameterIiv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetTexParameterIuiv) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetTexParameterIuiv), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetTexParameterIuiv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4720(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4720(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4720(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4720(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetTexParameterIuiv), .-GL_PREFIX(GetTexParameterIuiv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetTransformFeedbackVarying) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetTransformFeedbackVarying), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetTransformFeedbackVarying): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4728(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + pushq %r9 + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %r9 + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4728(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4728(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + pushq %r9 + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %r9 + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4728(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetTransformFeedbackVarying), .-GL_PREFIX(GetTransformFeedbackVarying) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetUniformuiv) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetUniformuiv), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetUniformuiv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4736(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4736(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4736(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4736(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetUniformuiv), .-GL_PREFIX(GetUniformuiv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetVertexAttribIiv) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetVertexAttribIiv), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetVertexAttribIiv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4744(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4744(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4744(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4744(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetVertexAttribIiv), .-GL_PREFIX(GetVertexAttribIiv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetVertexAttribIuiv) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetVertexAttribIuiv), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetVertexAttribIuiv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4752(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4752(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4752(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4752(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetVertexAttribIuiv), .-GL_PREFIX(GetVertexAttribIuiv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(IsEnabledi) + .type GL_PREFIX(IsEnabledi), @function +GL_PREFIX(IsEnabledi): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4760(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4760(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4760(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4760(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(IsEnabledi), .-GL_PREFIX(IsEnabledi) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(TexParameterIiv) + .type GL_PREFIX(TexParameterIiv), @function +GL_PREFIX(TexParameterIiv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4768(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4768(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4768(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4768(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(TexParameterIiv), .-GL_PREFIX(TexParameterIiv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(TexParameterIuiv) + .type GL_PREFIX(TexParameterIuiv), @function +GL_PREFIX(TexParameterIuiv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4776(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4776(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4776(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4776(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(TexParameterIuiv), .-GL_PREFIX(TexParameterIuiv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(TransformFeedbackVaryings) + .type GL_PREFIX(TransformFeedbackVaryings), @function +GL_PREFIX(TransformFeedbackVaryings): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4784(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4784(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4784(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4784(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(TransformFeedbackVaryings), .-GL_PREFIX(TransformFeedbackVaryings) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Uniform1ui) + .type GL_PREFIX(Uniform1ui), @function +GL_PREFIX(Uniform1ui): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4792(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4792(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4792(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4792(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Uniform1ui), .-GL_PREFIX(Uniform1ui) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Uniform1uiv) + .type GL_PREFIX(Uniform1uiv), @function +GL_PREFIX(Uniform1uiv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4800(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4800(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4800(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4800(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Uniform1uiv), .-GL_PREFIX(Uniform1uiv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Uniform2ui) + .type GL_PREFIX(Uniform2ui), @function +GL_PREFIX(Uniform2ui): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4808(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4808(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4808(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4808(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Uniform2ui), .-GL_PREFIX(Uniform2ui) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Uniform2uiv) + .type GL_PREFIX(Uniform2uiv), @function +GL_PREFIX(Uniform2uiv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4816(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4816(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4816(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4816(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Uniform2uiv), .-GL_PREFIX(Uniform2uiv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Uniform3ui) + .type GL_PREFIX(Uniform3ui), @function +GL_PREFIX(Uniform3ui): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4824(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4824(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4824(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4824(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Uniform3ui), .-GL_PREFIX(Uniform3ui) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Uniform3uiv) + .type GL_PREFIX(Uniform3uiv), @function +GL_PREFIX(Uniform3uiv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4832(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4832(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4832(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4832(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Uniform3uiv), .-GL_PREFIX(Uniform3uiv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Uniform4ui) + .type GL_PREFIX(Uniform4ui), @function +GL_PREFIX(Uniform4ui): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4840(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4840(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4840(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4840(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Uniform4ui), .-GL_PREFIX(Uniform4ui) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(Uniform4uiv) + .type GL_PREFIX(Uniform4uiv), @function +GL_PREFIX(Uniform4uiv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4848(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4848(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4848(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4848(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(Uniform4uiv), .-GL_PREFIX(Uniform4uiv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI1iv) + .type GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI1iv), @function +GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI1iv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4856(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4856(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4856(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4856(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI1iv), .-GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI1iv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI1uiv) + .type GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI1uiv), @function +GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI1uiv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4864(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4864(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4864(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4864(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI1uiv), .-GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI1uiv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI4bv) + .type GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI4bv), @function +GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI4bv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4872(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4872(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4872(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4872(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI4bv), .-GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI4bv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI4sv) + .type GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI4sv), @function +GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI4sv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4880(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4880(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4880(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4880(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI4sv), .-GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI4sv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI4ubv) + .type GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI4ubv), @function +GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI4ubv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4888(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4888(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4888(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4888(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI4ubv), .-GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI4ubv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI4usv) + .type GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI4usv), @function +GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI4usv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4896(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4896(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4896(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4896(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI4usv), .-GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI4usv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribIPointer) + .type GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribIPointer), @function +GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribIPointer): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4904(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4904(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4904(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4904(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribIPointer), .-GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribIPointer) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(PrimitiveRestartIndex) + .type GL_PREFIX(PrimitiveRestartIndex), @function +GL_PREFIX(PrimitiveRestartIndex): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4912(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 4912(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4912(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 4912(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(PrimitiveRestartIndex), .-GL_PREFIX(PrimitiveRestartIndex) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(TexBuffer) + .type GL_PREFIX(TexBuffer), @function +GL_PREFIX(TexBuffer): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4920(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4920(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4920(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4920(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(TexBuffer), .-GL_PREFIX(TexBuffer) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(FramebufferTexture) + .type GL_PREFIX(FramebufferTexture), @function +GL_PREFIX(FramebufferTexture): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4928(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4928(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4928(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4928(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(FramebufferTexture), .-GL_PREFIX(FramebufferTexture) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetBufferParameteri64v) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetBufferParameteri64v), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetBufferParameteri64v): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4936(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4936(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4936(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4936(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetBufferParameteri64v), .-GL_PREFIX(GetBufferParameteri64v) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetInteger64i_v) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetInteger64i_v), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetInteger64i_v): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4944(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4944(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4944(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4944(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetInteger64i_v), .-GL_PREFIX(GetInteger64i_v) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribDivisor) + .type GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribDivisor), @function +GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribDivisor): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4952(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4952(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4952(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4952(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribDivisor), .-GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribDivisor) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(BindProgramARB) + .type GL_PREFIX(BindProgramARB), @function +GL_PREFIX(BindProgramARB): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4960(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4960(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4960(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4960(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(BindProgramARB), .-GL_PREFIX(BindProgramARB) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(DeleteProgramsARB) + .type GL_PREFIX(DeleteProgramsARB), @function +GL_PREFIX(DeleteProgramsARB): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4968(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4968(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4968(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4968(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(DeleteProgramsARB), .-GL_PREFIX(DeleteProgramsARB) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GenProgramsARB) + .type GL_PREFIX(GenProgramsARB), @function +GL_PREFIX(GenProgramsARB): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4976(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4976(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4976(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4976(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GenProgramsARB), .-GL_PREFIX(GenProgramsARB) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetProgramEnvParameterdvARB) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetProgramEnvParameterdvARB), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetProgramEnvParameterdvARB): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4984(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4984(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4984(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4984(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetProgramEnvParameterdvARB), .-GL_PREFIX(GetProgramEnvParameterdvARB) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetProgramEnvParameterfvARB) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetProgramEnvParameterfvARB), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetProgramEnvParameterfvARB): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 4992(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4992(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 4992(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 4992(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetProgramEnvParameterfvARB), .-GL_PREFIX(GetProgramEnvParameterfvARB) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetProgramLocalParameterdvARB) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetProgramLocalParameterdvARB), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetProgramLocalParameterdvARB): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5000(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5000(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5000(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5000(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetProgramLocalParameterdvARB), .-GL_PREFIX(GetProgramLocalParameterdvARB) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetProgramLocalParameterfvARB) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetProgramLocalParameterfvARB), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetProgramLocalParameterfvARB): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5008(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5008(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5008(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5008(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetProgramLocalParameterfvARB), .-GL_PREFIX(GetProgramLocalParameterfvARB) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetProgramStringARB) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetProgramStringARB), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetProgramStringARB): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5016(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5016(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5016(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5016(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetProgramStringARB), .-GL_PREFIX(GetProgramStringARB) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetProgramivARB) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetProgramivARB), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetProgramivARB): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5024(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5024(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5024(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5024(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetProgramivARB), .-GL_PREFIX(GetProgramivARB) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(IsProgramARB) + .type GL_PREFIX(IsProgramARB), @function +GL_PREFIX(IsProgramARB): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5032(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 5032(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5032(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 5032(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(IsProgramARB), .-GL_PREFIX(IsProgramARB) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(ProgramEnvParameter4dARB) + .type GL_PREFIX(ProgramEnvParameter4dARB), @function +GL_PREFIX(ProgramEnvParameter4dARB): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5040(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $56, %rsp + movq %rdi, (%rsp) + movq %rsi, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm0, 16(%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 24(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 32(%rsp) + movq %xmm3, 40(%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 40(%rsp), %xmm3 + movq 32(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 24(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm0 + movq 8(%rsp), %rsi + movq (%rsp), %rdi + addq $56, %rsp + movq 5040(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5040(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $56, %rsp + movq %rdi, (%rsp) + movq %rsi, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm0, 16(%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 24(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 32(%rsp) + movq %xmm3, 40(%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq 40(%rsp), %xmm3 + movq 32(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 24(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm0 + movq 8(%rsp), %rsi + movq (%rsp), %rdi + addq $56, %rsp + movq 5040(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(ProgramEnvParameter4dARB), .-GL_PREFIX(ProgramEnvParameter4dARB) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(ProgramEnvParameter4dvARB) + .type GL_PREFIX(ProgramEnvParameter4dvARB), @function +GL_PREFIX(ProgramEnvParameter4dvARB): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5048(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5048(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5048(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5048(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(ProgramEnvParameter4dvARB), .-GL_PREFIX(ProgramEnvParameter4dvARB) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(ProgramEnvParameter4fARB) + .type GL_PREFIX(ProgramEnvParameter4fARB), @function +GL_PREFIX(ProgramEnvParameter4fARB): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5056(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $56, %rsp + movq %rdi, (%rsp) + movq %rsi, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm0, 16(%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 24(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 32(%rsp) + movq %xmm3, 40(%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 40(%rsp), %xmm3 + movq 32(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 24(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm0 + movq 8(%rsp), %rsi + movq (%rsp), %rdi + addq $56, %rsp + movq 5056(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5056(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $56, %rsp + movq %rdi, (%rsp) + movq %rsi, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm0, 16(%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 24(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 32(%rsp) + movq %xmm3, 40(%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq 40(%rsp), %xmm3 + movq 32(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 24(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm0 + movq 8(%rsp), %rsi + movq (%rsp), %rdi + addq $56, %rsp + movq 5056(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(ProgramEnvParameter4fARB), .-GL_PREFIX(ProgramEnvParameter4fARB) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(ProgramEnvParameter4fvARB) + .type GL_PREFIX(ProgramEnvParameter4fvARB), @function +GL_PREFIX(ProgramEnvParameter4fvARB): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5064(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5064(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5064(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5064(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(ProgramEnvParameter4fvARB), .-GL_PREFIX(ProgramEnvParameter4fvARB) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(ProgramLocalParameter4dARB) + .type GL_PREFIX(ProgramLocalParameter4dARB), @function +GL_PREFIX(ProgramLocalParameter4dARB): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5072(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $56, %rsp + movq %rdi, (%rsp) + movq %rsi, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm0, 16(%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 24(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 32(%rsp) + movq %xmm3, 40(%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 40(%rsp), %xmm3 + movq 32(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 24(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm0 + movq 8(%rsp), %rsi + movq (%rsp), %rdi + addq $56, %rsp + movq 5072(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5072(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $56, %rsp + movq %rdi, (%rsp) + movq %rsi, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm0, 16(%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 24(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 32(%rsp) + movq %xmm3, 40(%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq 40(%rsp), %xmm3 + movq 32(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 24(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm0 + movq 8(%rsp), %rsi + movq (%rsp), %rdi + addq $56, %rsp + movq 5072(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(ProgramLocalParameter4dARB), .-GL_PREFIX(ProgramLocalParameter4dARB) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(ProgramLocalParameter4dvARB) + .type GL_PREFIX(ProgramLocalParameter4dvARB), @function +GL_PREFIX(ProgramLocalParameter4dvARB): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5080(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5080(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5080(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5080(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(ProgramLocalParameter4dvARB), .-GL_PREFIX(ProgramLocalParameter4dvARB) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(ProgramLocalParameter4fARB) + .type GL_PREFIX(ProgramLocalParameter4fARB), @function +GL_PREFIX(ProgramLocalParameter4fARB): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5088(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $56, %rsp + movq %rdi, (%rsp) + movq %rsi, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm0, 16(%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 24(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 32(%rsp) + movq %xmm3, 40(%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 40(%rsp), %xmm3 + movq 32(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 24(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm0 + movq 8(%rsp), %rsi + movq (%rsp), %rdi + addq $56, %rsp + movq 5088(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5088(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $56, %rsp + movq %rdi, (%rsp) + movq %rsi, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm0, 16(%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 24(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 32(%rsp) + movq %xmm3, 40(%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq 40(%rsp), %xmm3 + movq 32(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 24(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm0 + movq 8(%rsp), %rsi + movq (%rsp), %rdi + addq $56, %rsp + movq 5088(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(ProgramLocalParameter4fARB), .-GL_PREFIX(ProgramLocalParameter4fARB) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(ProgramLocalParameter4fvARB) + .type GL_PREFIX(ProgramLocalParameter4fvARB), @function +GL_PREFIX(ProgramLocalParameter4fvARB): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5096(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5096(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5096(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5096(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(ProgramLocalParameter4fvARB), .-GL_PREFIX(ProgramLocalParameter4fvARB) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(ProgramStringARB) + .type GL_PREFIX(ProgramStringARB), @function +GL_PREFIX(ProgramStringARB): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5104(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5104(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5104(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5104(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(ProgramStringARB), .-GL_PREFIX(ProgramStringARB) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib1fARB) + .type GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib1fARB), @function +GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib1fARB): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5112(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $24, %rsp + movq %rdi, (%rsp) + movq %xmm0, 8(%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm0 + movq (%rsp), %rdi + addq $24, %rsp + movq 5112(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5112(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $24, %rsp + movq %rdi, (%rsp) + movq %xmm0, 8(%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm0 + movq (%rsp), %rdi + addq $24, %rsp + movq 5112(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib1fARB), .-GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib1fARB) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib1fvARB) + .type GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib1fvARB), @function +GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib1fvARB): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5120(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5120(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5120(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5120(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib1fvARB), .-GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib1fvARB) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib2fARB) + .type GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib2fARB), @function +GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib2fARB): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5128(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $24, %rsp + movq %rdi, (%rsp) + movq %xmm0, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 16(%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm0 + movq (%rsp), %rdi + addq $24, %rsp + movq 5128(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5128(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $24, %rsp + movq %rdi, (%rsp) + movq %xmm0, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 16(%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm0 + movq (%rsp), %rdi + addq $24, %rsp + movq 5128(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib2fARB), .-GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib2fARB) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib2fvARB) + .type GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib2fvARB), @function +GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib2fvARB): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5136(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5136(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5136(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5136(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib2fvARB), .-GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib2fvARB) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib3fARB) + .type GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib3fARB), @function +GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib3fARB): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5144(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $40, %rsp + movq %rdi, (%rsp) + movq %xmm0, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 16(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 24(%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 24(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm0 + movq (%rsp), %rdi + addq $40, %rsp + movq 5144(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5144(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $40, %rsp + movq %rdi, (%rsp) + movq %xmm0, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 16(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 24(%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq 24(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm0 + movq (%rsp), %rdi + addq $40, %rsp + movq 5144(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib3fARB), .-GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib3fARB) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib3fvARB) + .type GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib3fvARB), @function +GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib3fvARB): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5152(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5152(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5152(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5152(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib3fvARB), .-GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib3fvARB) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4fARB) + .type GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4fARB), @function +GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4fARB): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5160(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $40, %rsp + movq %rdi, (%rsp) + movq %xmm0, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 16(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 24(%rsp) + movq %xmm3, 32(%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 32(%rsp), %xmm3 + movq 24(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm0 + movq (%rsp), %rdi + addq $40, %rsp + movq 5160(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5160(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $40, %rsp + movq %rdi, (%rsp) + movq %xmm0, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 16(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 24(%rsp) + movq %xmm3, 32(%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq 32(%rsp), %xmm3 + movq 24(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm0 + movq (%rsp), %rdi + addq $40, %rsp + movq 5160(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4fARB), .-GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4fARB) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4fvARB) + .type GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4fvARB), @function +GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4fvARB): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5168(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5168(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5168(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5168(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4fvARB), .-GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4fvARB) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(AttachObjectARB) + .type GL_PREFIX(AttachObjectARB), @function +GL_PREFIX(AttachObjectARB): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5176(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5176(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5176(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5176(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(AttachObjectARB), .-GL_PREFIX(AttachObjectARB) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(CreateProgramObjectARB) + .type GL_PREFIX(CreateProgramObjectARB), @function +GL_PREFIX(CreateProgramObjectARB): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5184(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + movq 5184(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5184(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + movq 5184(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(CreateProgramObjectARB), .-GL_PREFIX(CreateProgramObjectARB) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(CreateShaderObjectARB) + .type GL_PREFIX(CreateShaderObjectARB), @function +GL_PREFIX(CreateShaderObjectARB): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5192(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 5192(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5192(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 5192(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(CreateShaderObjectARB), .-GL_PREFIX(CreateShaderObjectARB) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(DeleteObjectARB) + .type GL_PREFIX(DeleteObjectARB), @function +GL_PREFIX(DeleteObjectARB): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5200(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 5200(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5200(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 5200(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(DeleteObjectARB), .-GL_PREFIX(DeleteObjectARB) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(DetachObjectARB) + .type GL_PREFIX(DetachObjectARB), @function +GL_PREFIX(DetachObjectARB): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5208(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5208(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5208(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5208(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(DetachObjectARB), .-GL_PREFIX(DetachObjectARB) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetAttachedObjectsARB) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetAttachedObjectsARB), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetAttachedObjectsARB): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5216(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5216(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5216(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5216(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetAttachedObjectsARB), .-GL_PREFIX(GetAttachedObjectsARB) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetHandleARB) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetHandleARB), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetHandleARB): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5224(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 5224(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5224(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 5224(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetHandleARB), .-GL_PREFIX(GetHandleARB) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetInfoLogARB) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetInfoLogARB), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetInfoLogARB): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5232(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5232(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5232(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5232(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetInfoLogARB), .-GL_PREFIX(GetInfoLogARB) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetObjectParameterfvARB) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetObjectParameterfvARB), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetObjectParameterfvARB): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5240(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5240(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5240(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5240(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetObjectParameterfvARB), .-GL_PREFIX(GetObjectParameterfvARB) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetObjectParameterivARB) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetObjectParameterivARB), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetObjectParameterivARB): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5248(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5248(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5248(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5248(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetObjectParameterivARB), .-GL_PREFIX(GetObjectParameterivARB) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(DrawArraysInstancedARB) + .type GL_PREFIX(DrawArraysInstancedARB), @function +GL_PREFIX(DrawArraysInstancedARB): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5256(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5256(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5256(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5256(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(DrawArraysInstancedARB), .-GL_PREFIX(DrawArraysInstancedARB) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(DrawElementsInstancedARB) + .type GL_PREFIX(DrawElementsInstancedARB), @function +GL_PREFIX(DrawElementsInstancedARB): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5264(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5264(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5264(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5264(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(DrawElementsInstancedARB), .-GL_PREFIX(DrawElementsInstancedARB) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(BindFramebuffer) + .type GL_PREFIX(BindFramebuffer), @function +GL_PREFIX(BindFramebuffer): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5272(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5272(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5272(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5272(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(BindFramebuffer), .-GL_PREFIX(BindFramebuffer) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(BindRenderbuffer) + .type GL_PREFIX(BindRenderbuffer), @function +GL_PREFIX(BindRenderbuffer): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5280(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5280(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5280(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5280(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(BindRenderbuffer), .-GL_PREFIX(BindRenderbuffer) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(BlitFramebuffer) + .type GL_PREFIX(BlitFramebuffer), @function +GL_PREFIX(BlitFramebuffer): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5288(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + pushq %r9 + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %r9 + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5288(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5288(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + pushq %r9 + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %r9 + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5288(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(BlitFramebuffer), .-GL_PREFIX(BlitFramebuffer) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(CheckFramebufferStatus) + .type GL_PREFIX(CheckFramebufferStatus), @function +GL_PREFIX(CheckFramebufferStatus): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5296(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 5296(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5296(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 5296(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(CheckFramebufferStatus), .-GL_PREFIX(CheckFramebufferStatus) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(DeleteFramebuffers) + .type GL_PREFIX(DeleteFramebuffers), @function +GL_PREFIX(DeleteFramebuffers): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5304(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5304(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5304(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5304(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(DeleteFramebuffers), .-GL_PREFIX(DeleteFramebuffers) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(DeleteRenderbuffers) + .type GL_PREFIX(DeleteRenderbuffers), @function +GL_PREFIX(DeleteRenderbuffers): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5312(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5312(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5312(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5312(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(DeleteRenderbuffers), .-GL_PREFIX(DeleteRenderbuffers) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(FramebufferRenderbuffer) + .type GL_PREFIX(FramebufferRenderbuffer), @function +GL_PREFIX(FramebufferRenderbuffer): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5320(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5320(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5320(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5320(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(FramebufferRenderbuffer), .-GL_PREFIX(FramebufferRenderbuffer) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(FramebufferTexture1D) + .type GL_PREFIX(FramebufferTexture1D), @function +GL_PREFIX(FramebufferTexture1D): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5328(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5328(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5328(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5328(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(FramebufferTexture1D), .-GL_PREFIX(FramebufferTexture1D) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(FramebufferTexture2D) + .type GL_PREFIX(FramebufferTexture2D), @function +GL_PREFIX(FramebufferTexture2D): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5336(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5336(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5336(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5336(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(FramebufferTexture2D), .-GL_PREFIX(FramebufferTexture2D) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(FramebufferTexture3D) + .type GL_PREFIX(FramebufferTexture3D), @function +GL_PREFIX(FramebufferTexture3D): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5344(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + pushq %r9 + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %r9 + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5344(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5344(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + pushq %r9 + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %r9 + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5344(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(FramebufferTexture3D), .-GL_PREFIX(FramebufferTexture3D) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(FramebufferTextureLayer) + .type GL_PREFIX(FramebufferTextureLayer), @function +GL_PREFIX(FramebufferTextureLayer): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5352(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5352(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5352(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5352(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(FramebufferTextureLayer), .-GL_PREFIX(FramebufferTextureLayer) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GenFramebuffers) + .type GL_PREFIX(GenFramebuffers), @function +GL_PREFIX(GenFramebuffers): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5360(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5360(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5360(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5360(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GenFramebuffers), .-GL_PREFIX(GenFramebuffers) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GenRenderbuffers) + .type GL_PREFIX(GenRenderbuffers), @function +GL_PREFIX(GenRenderbuffers): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5368(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5368(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5368(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5368(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GenRenderbuffers), .-GL_PREFIX(GenRenderbuffers) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GenerateMipmap) + .type GL_PREFIX(GenerateMipmap), @function +GL_PREFIX(GenerateMipmap): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5376(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 5376(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5376(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 5376(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GenerateMipmap), .-GL_PREFIX(GenerateMipmap) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5384(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5384(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5384(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5384(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv), .-GL_PREFIX(GetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetRenderbufferParameteriv) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetRenderbufferParameteriv), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetRenderbufferParameteriv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5392(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5392(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5392(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5392(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetRenderbufferParameteriv), .-GL_PREFIX(GetRenderbufferParameteriv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(IsFramebuffer) + .type GL_PREFIX(IsFramebuffer), @function +GL_PREFIX(IsFramebuffer): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5400(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 5400(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5400(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 5400(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(IsFramebuffer), .-GL_PREFIX(IsFramebuffer) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(IsRenderbuffer) + .type GL_PREFIX(IsRenderbuffer), @function +GL_PREFIX(IsRenderbuffer): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5408(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 5408(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5408(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 5408(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(IsRenderbuffer), .-GL_PREFIX(IsRenderbuffer) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(RenderbufferStorage) + .type GL_PREFIX(RenderbufferStorage), @function +GL_PREFIX(RenderbufferStorage): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5416(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5416(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5416(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5416(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(RenderbufferStorage), .-GL_PREFIX(RenderbufferStorage) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(RenderbufferStorageMultisample) + .type GL_PREFIX(RenderbufferStorageMultisample), @function +GL_PREFIX(RenderbufferStorageMultisample): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5424(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5424(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5424(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5424(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(RenderbufferStorageMultisample), .-GL_PREFIX(RenderbufferStorageMultisample) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(FramebufferTextureFaceARB) + .type GL_PREFIX(FramebufferTextureFaceARB), @function +GL_PREFIX(FramebufferTextureFaceARB): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5432(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5432(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5432(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5432(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(FramebufferTextureFaceARB), .-GL_PREFIX(FramebufferTextureFaceARB) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(FlushMappedBufferRange) + .type GL_PREFIX(FlushMappedBufferRange), @function +GL_PREFIX(FlushMappedBufferRange): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5440(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5440(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5440(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5440(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(FlushMappedBufferRange), .-GL_PREFIX(FlushMappedBufferRange) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(MapBufferRange) + .type GL_PREFIX(MapBufferRange), @function +GL_PREFIX(MapBufferRange): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5448(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5448(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5448(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5448(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(MapBufferRange), .-GL_PREFIX(MapBufferRange) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(BindVertexArray) + .type GL_PREFIX(BindVertexArray), @function +GL_PREFIX(BindVertexArray): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5456(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 5456(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5456(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 5456(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(BindVertexArray), .-GL_PREFIX(BindVertexArray) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(DeleteVertexArrays) + .type GL_PREFIX(DeleteVertexArrays), @function +GL_PREFIX(DeleteVertexArrays): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5464(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5464(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5464(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5464(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(DeleteVertexArrays), .-GL_PREFIX(DeleteVertexArrays) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GenVertexArrays) + .type GL_PREFIX(GenVertexArrays), @function +GL_PREFIX(GenVertexArrays): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5472(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5472(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5472(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5472(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GenVertexArrays), .-GL_PREFIX(GenVertexArrays) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(IsVertexArray) + .type GL_PREFIX(IsVertexArray), @function +GL_PREFIX(IsVertexArray): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5480(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 5480(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5480(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 5480(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(IsVertexArray), .-GL_PREFIX(IsVertexArray) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetActiveUniformBlockName) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetActiveUniformBlockName), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetActiveUniformBlockName): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5488(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5488(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5488(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5488(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetActiveUniformBlockName), .-GL_PREFIX(GetActiveUniformBlockName) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetActiveUniformBlockiv) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetActiveUniformBlockiv), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetActiveUniformBlockiv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5496(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5496(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5496(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5496(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetActiveUniformBlockiv), .-GL_PREFIX(GetActiveUniformBlockiv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetActiveUniformName) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetActiveUniformName), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetActiveUniformName): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5504(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5504(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5504(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5504(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetActiveUniformName), .-GL_PREFIX(GetActiveUniformName) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetActiveUniformsiv) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetActiveUniformsiv), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetActiveUniformsiv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5512(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5512(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5512(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5512(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetActiveUniformsiv), .-GL_PREFIX(GetActiveUniformsiv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetUniformBlockIndex) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetUniformBlockIndex), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetUniformBlockIndex): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5520(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5520(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5520(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5520(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetUniformBlockIndex), .-GL_PREFIX(GetUniformBlockIndex) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetUniformIndices) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetUniformIndices), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetUniformIndices): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5528(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5528(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5528(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5528(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetUniformIndices), .-GL_PREFIX(GetUniformIndices) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(UniformBlockBinding) + .type GL_PREFIX(UniformBlockBinding), @function +GL_PREFIX(UniformBlockBinding): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5536(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5536(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5536(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5536(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(UniformBlockBinding), .-GL_PREFIX(UniformBlockBinding) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(CopyBufferSubData) + .type GL_PREFIX(CopyBufferSubData), @function +GL_PREFIX(CopyBufferSubData): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5544(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5544(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5544(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5544(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(CopyBufferSubData), .-GL_PREFIX(CopyBufferSubData) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(ClientWaitSync) + .type GL_PREFIX(ClientWaitSync), @function +GL_PREFIX(ClientWaitSync): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5552(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5552(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5552(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5552(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(ClientWaitSync), .-GL_PREFIX(ClientWaitSync) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(DeleteSync) + .type GL_PREFIX(DeleteSync), @function +GL_PREFIX(DeleteSync): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5560(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 5560(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5560(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 5560(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(DeleteSync), .-GL_PREFIX(DeleteSync) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(FenceSync) + .type GL_PREFIX(FenceSync), @function +GL_PREFIX(FenceSync): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5568(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5568(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5568(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5568(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(FenceSync), .-GL_PREFIX(FenceSync) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetInteger64v) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetInteger64v), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetInteger64v): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5576(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5576(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5576(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5576(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetInteger64v), .-GL_PREFIX(GetInteger64v) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetSynciv) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetSynciv), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetSynciv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5584(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5584(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5584(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5584(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetSynciv), .-GL_PREFIX(GetSynciv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(IsSync) + .type GL_PREFIX(IsSync), @function +GL_PREFIX(IsSync): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5592(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 5592(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5592(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 5592(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(IsSync), .-GL_PREFIX(IsSync) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(WaitSync) + .type GL_PREFIX(WaitSync), @function +GL_PREFIX(WaitSync): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5600(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5600(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5600(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5600(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(WaitSync), .-GL_PREFIX(WaitSync) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(DrawElementsBaseVertex) + .type GL_PREFIX(DrawElementsBaseVertex), @function +GL_PREFIX(DrawElementsBaseVertex): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5608(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5608(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5608(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5608(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(DrawElementsBaseVertex), .-GL_PREFIX(DrawElementsBaseVertex) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex) + .type GL_PREFIX(DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex), @function +GL_PREFIX(DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5616(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + pushq %r9 + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %r9 + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5616(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5616(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + pushq %r9 + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %r9 + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5616(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex), .-GL_PREFIX(DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(DrawRangeElementsBaseVertex) + .type GL_PREFIX(DrawRangeElementsBaseVertex), @function +GL_PREFIX(DrawRangeElementsBaseVertex): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5624(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + pushq %r9 + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %r9 + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5624(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5624(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + pushq %r9 + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %r9 + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5624(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(DrawRangeElementsBaseVertex), .-GL_PREFIX(DrawRangeElementsBaseVertex) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(MultiDrawElementsBaseVertex) + .type GL_PREFIX(MultiDrawElementsBaseVertex), @function +GL_PREFIX(MultiDrawElementsBaseVertex): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5632(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + pushq %r9 + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %r9 + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5632(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5632(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + pushq %r9 + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %r9 + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5632(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(MultiDrawElementsBaseVertex), .-GL_PREFIX(MultiDrawElementsBaseVertex) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(ProvokingVertex) + .type GL_PREFIX(ProvokingVertex), @function +GL_PREFIX(ProvokingVertex): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5640(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 5640(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5640(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 5640(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(ProvokingVertex), .-GL_PREFIX(ProvokingVertex) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(BlendEquationSeparateiARB) + .type GL_PREFIX(BlendEquationSeparateiARB), @function +GL_PREFIX(BlendEquationSeparateiARB): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5648(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5648(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5648(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5648(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(BlendEquationSeparateiARB), .-GL_PREFIX(BlendEquationSeparateiARB) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(BlendEquationiARB) + .type GL_PREFIX(BlendEquationiARB), @function +GL_PREFIX(BlendEquationiARB): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5656(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5656(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5656(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5656(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(BlendEquationiARB), .-GL_PREFIX(BlendEquationiARB) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(BlendFuncSeparateiARB) + .type GL_PREFIX(BlendFuncSeparateiARB), @function +GL_PREFIX(BlendFuncSeparateiARB): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5664(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5664(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5664(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5664(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(BlendFuncSeparateiARB), .-GL_PREFIX(BlendFuncSeparateiARB) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(BlendFunciARB) + .type GL_PREFIX(BlendFunciARB), @function +GL_PREFIX(BlendFunciARB): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5672(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5672(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5672(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5672(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(BlendFunciARB), .-GL_PREFIX(BlendFunciARB) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(BindFragDataLocationIndexed) + .type GL_PREFIX(BindFragDataLocationIndexed), @function +GL_PREFIX(BindFragDataLocationIndexed): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5680(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5680(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5680(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5680(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(BindFragDataLocationIndexed), .-GL_PREFIX(BindFragDataLocationIndexed) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetFragDataIndex) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetFragDataIndex), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetFragDataIndex): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5688(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5688(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5688(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5688(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetFragDataIndex), .-GL_PREFIX(GetFragDataIndex) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(BindSampler) + .type GL_PREFIX(BindSampler), @function +GL_PREFIX(BindSampler): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5696(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5696(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5696(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5696(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(BindSampler), .-GL_PREFIX(BindSampler) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(DeleteSamplers) + .type GL_PREFIX(DeleteSamplers), @function +GL_PREFIX(DeleteSamplers): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5704(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5704(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5704(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5704(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(DeleteSamplers), .-GL_PREFIX(DeleteSamplers) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GenSamplers) + .type GL_PREFIX(GenSamplers), @function +GL_PREFIX(GenSamplers): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5712(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5712(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5712(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5712(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GenSamplers), .-GL_PREFIX(GenSamplers) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetSamplerParameterIiv) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetSamplerParameterIiv), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetSamplerParameterIiv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5720(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5720(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5720(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5720(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetSamplerParameterIiv), .-GL_PREFIX(GetSamplerParameterIiv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetSamplerParameterIuiv) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetSamplerParameterIuiv), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetSamplerParameterIuiv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5728(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5728(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5728(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5728(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetSamplerParameterIuiv), .-GL_PREFIX(GetSamplerParameterIuiv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetSamplerParameterfv) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetSamplerParameterfv), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetSamplerParameterfv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5736(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5736(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5736(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5736(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetSamplerParameterfv), .-GL_PREFIX(GetSamplerParameterfv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetSamplerParameteriv) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetSamplerParameteriv), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetSamplerParameteriv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5744(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5744(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5744(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5744(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetSamplerParameteriv), .-GL_PREFIX(GetSamplerParameteriv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(IsSampler) + .type GL_PREFIX(IsSampler), @function +GL_PREFIX(IsSampler): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5752(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 5752(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5752(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 5752(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(IsSampler), .-GL_PREFIX(IsSampler) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(SamplerParameterIiv) + .type GL_PREFIX(SamplerParameterIiv), @function +GL_PREFIX(SamplerParameterIiv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5760(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5760(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5760(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5760(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(SamplerParameterIiv), .-GL_PREFIX(SamplerParameterIiv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(SamplerParameterIuiv) + .type GL_PREFIX(SamplerParameterIuiv), @function +GL_PREFIX(SamplerParameterIuiv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5768(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5768(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5768(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5768(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(SamplerParameterIuiv), .-GL_PREFIX(SamplerParameterIuiv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(SamplerParameterf) + .type GL_PREFIX(SamplerParameterf), @function +GL_PREFIX(SamplerParameterf): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5776(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $24, %rsp + movq %rdi, (%rsp) + movq %rsi, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm0, 16(%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm0 + movq 8(%rsp), %rsi + movq (%rsp), %rdi + addq $24, %rsp + movq 5776(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5776(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $24, %rsp + movq %rdi, (%rsp) + movq %rsi, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm0, 16(%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm0 + movq 8(%rsp), %rsi + movq (%rsp), %rdi + addq $24, %rsp + movq 5776(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(SamplerParameterf), .-GL_PREFIX(SamplerParameterf) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(SamplerParameterfv) + .type GL_PREFIX(SamplerParameterfv), @function +GL_PREFIX(SamplerParameterfv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5784(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5784(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5784(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5784(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(SamplerParameterfv), .-GL_PREFIX(SamplerParameterfv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(SamplerParameteri) + .type GL_PREFIX(SamplerParameteri), @function +GL_PREFIX(SamplerParameteri): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5792(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5792(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5792(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5792(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(SamplerParameteri), .-GL_PREFIX(SamplerParameteri) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(SamplerParameteriv) + .type GL_PREFIX(SamplerParameteriv), @function +GL_PREFIX(SamplerParameteriv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5800(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5800(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5800(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5800(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(SamplerParameteriv), .-GL_PREFIX(SamplerParameteriv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_726) + .type GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_726), @function + HIDDEN(GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_726)) +GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_726): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5808(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5808(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5808(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5808(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_726), .-GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_726) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_727) + .type GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_727), @function + HIDDEN(GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_727)) +GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_727): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5816(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5816(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5816(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5816(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_727), .-GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_727) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_728) + .type GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_728), @function + HIDDEN(GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_728)) +GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_728): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5824(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5824(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5824(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5824(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_728), .-GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_728) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(ColorP3ui) + .type GL_PREFIX(ColorP3ui), @function +GL_PREFIX(ColorP3ui): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5832(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5832(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5832(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5832(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(ColorP3ui), .-GL_PREFIX(ColorP3ui) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(ColorP3uiv) + .type GL_PREFIX(ColorP3uiv), @function +GL_PREFIX(ColorP3uiv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5840(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5840(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5840(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5840(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(ColorP3uiv), .-GL_PREFIX(ColorP3uiv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(ColorP4ui) + .type GL_PREFIX(ColorP4ui), @function +GL_PREFIX(ColorP4ui): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5848(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5848(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5848(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5848(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(ColorP4ui), .-GL_PREFIX(ColorP4ui) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(ColorP4uiv) + .type GL_PREFIX(ColorP4uiv), @function +GL_PREFIX(ColorP4uiv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5856(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5856(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5856(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5856(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(ColorP4uiv), .-GL_PREFIX(ColorP4uiv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoordP1ui) + .type GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoordP1ui), @function +GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoordP1ui): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5864(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5864(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5864(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5864(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoordP1ui), .-GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoordP1ui) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoordP1uiv) + .type GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoordP1uiv), @function +GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoordP1uiv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5872(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5872(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5872(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5872(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoordP1uiv), .-GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoordP1uiv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoordP2ui) + .type GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoordP2ui), @function +GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoordP2ui): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5880(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5880(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5880(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5880(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoordP2ui), .-GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoordP2ui) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoordP2uiv) + .type GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoordP2uiv), @function +GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoordP2uiv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5888(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5888(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5888(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5888(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoordP2uiv), .-GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoordP2uiv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoordP3ui) + .type GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoordP3ui), @function +GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoordP3ui): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5896(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5896(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5896(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5896(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoordP3ui), .-GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoordP3ui) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoordP3uiv) + .type GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoordP3uiv), @function +GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoordP3uiv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5904(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5904(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5904(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5904(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoordP3uiv), .-GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoordP3uiv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoordP4ui) + .type GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoordP4ui), @function +GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoordP4ui): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5912(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5912(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5912(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5912(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoordP4ui), .-GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoordP4ui) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoordP4uiv) + .type GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoordP4uiv), @function +GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoordP4uiv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5920(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5920(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5920(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5920(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoordP4uiv), .-GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoordP4uiv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(NormalP3ui) + .type GL_PREFIX(NormalP3ui), @function +GL_PREFIX(NormalP3ui): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5928(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5928(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5928(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5928(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(NormalP3ui), .-GL_PREFIX(NormalP3ui) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(NormalP3uiv) + .type GL_PREFIX(NormalP3uiv), @function +GL_PREFIX(NormalP3uiv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5936(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5936(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5936(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5936(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(NormalP3uiv), .-GL_PREFIX(NormalP3uiv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColorP3ui) + .type GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColorP3ui), @function +GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColorP3ui): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5944(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5944(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5944(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5944(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColorP3ui), .-GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColorP3ui) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColorP3uiv) + .type GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColorP3uiv), @function +GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColorP3uiv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5952(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5952(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5952(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5952(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColorP3uiv), .-GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColorP3uiv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(TexCoordP1ui) + .type GL_PREFIX(TexCoordP1ui), @function +GL_PREFIX(TexCoordP1ui): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5960(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5960(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5960(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5960(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(TexCoordP1ui), .-GL_PREFIX(TexCoordP1ui) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(TexCoordP1uiv) + .type GL_PREFIX(TexCoordP1uiv), @function +GL_PREFIX(TexCoordP1uiv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5968(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5968(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5968(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5968(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(TexCoordP1uiv), .-GL_PREFIX(TexCoordP1uiv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(TexCoordP2ui) + .type GL_PREFIX(TexCoordP2ui), @function +GL_PREFIX(TexCoordP2ui): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5976(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5976(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5976(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5976(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(TexCoordP2ui), .-GL_PREFIX(TexCoordP2ui) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(TexCoordP2uiv) + .type GL_PREFIX(TexCoordP2uiv), @function +GL_PREFIX(TexCoordP2uiv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5984(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5984(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5984(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5984(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(TexCoordP2uiv), .-GL_PREFIX(TexCoordP2uiv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(TexCoordP3ui) + .type GL_PREFIX(TexCoordP3ui), @function +GL_PREFIX(TexCoordP3ui): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 5992(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5992(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 5992(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 5992(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(TexCoordP3ui), .-GL_PREFIX(TexCoordP3ui) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(TexCoordP3uiv) + .type GL_PREFIX(TexCoordP3uiv), @function +GL_PREFIX(TexCoordP3uiv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6000(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6000(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6000(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6000(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(TexCoordP3uiv), .-GL_PREFIX(TexCoordP3uiv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(TexCoordP4ui) + .type GL_PREFIX(TexCoordP4ui), @function +GL_PREFIX(TexCoordP4ui): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6008(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6008(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6008(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6008(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(TexCoordP4ui), .-GL_PREFIX(TexCoordP4ui) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(TexCoordP4uiv) + .type GL_PREFIX(TexCoordP4uiv), @function +GL_PREFIX(TexCoordP4uiv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6016(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6016(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6016(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6016(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(TexCoordP4uiv), .-GL_PREFIX(TexCoordP4uiv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribP1ui) + .type GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribP1ui), @function +GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribP1ui): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6024(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6024(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6024(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6024(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribP1ui), .-GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribP1ui) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribP1uiv) + .type GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribP1uiv), @function +GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribP1uiv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6032(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6032(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6032(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6032(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribP1uiv), .-GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribP1uiv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribP2ui) + .type GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribP2ui), @function +GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribP2ui): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6040(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6040(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6040(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6040(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribP2ui), .-GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribP2ui) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribP2uiv) + .type GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribP2uiv), @function +GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribP2uiv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6048(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6048(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6048(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6048(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribP2uiv), .-GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribP2uiv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribP3ui) + .type GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribP3ui), @function +GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribP3ui): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6056(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6056(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6056(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6056(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribP3ui), .-GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribP3ui) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribP3uiv) + .type GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribP3uiv), @function +GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribP3uiv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6064(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6064(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6064(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6064(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribP3uiv), .-GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribP3uiv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribP4ui) + .type GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribP4ui), @function +GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribP4ui): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6072(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6072(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6072(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6072(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribP4ui), .-GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribP4ui) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribP4uiv) + .type GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribP4uiv), @function +GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribP4uiv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6080(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6080(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6080(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6080(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribP4uiv), .-GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribP4uiv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexP2ui) + .type GL_PREFIX(VertexP2ui), @function +GL_PREFIX(VertexP2ui): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6088(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6088(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6088(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6088(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(VertexP2ui), .-GL_PREFIX(VertexP2ui) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexP2uiv) + .type GL_PREFIX(VertexP2uiv), @function +GL_PREFIX(VertexP2uiv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6096(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6096(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6096(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6096(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(VertexP2uiv), .-GL_PREFIX(VertexP2uiv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexP3ui) + .type GL_PREFIX(VertexP3ui), @function +GL_PREFIX(VertexP3ui): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6104(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6104(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6104(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6104(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(VertexP3ui), .-GL_PREFIX(VertexP3ui) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexP3uiv) + .type GL_PREFIX(VertexP3uiv), @function +GL_PREFIX(VertexP3uiv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6112(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6112(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6112(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6112(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(VertexP3uiv), .-GL_PREFIX(VertexP3uiv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexP4ui) + .type GL_PREFIX(VertexP4ui), @function +GL_PREFIX(VertexP4ui): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6120(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6120(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6120(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6120(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(VertexP4ui), .-GL_PREFIX(VertexP4ui) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexP4uiv) + .type GL_PREFIX(VertexP4uiv), @function +GL_PREFIX(VertexP4uiv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6128(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6128(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6128(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6128(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(VertexP4uiv), .-GL_PREFIX(VertexP4uiv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(BindTransformFeedback) + .type GL_PREFIX(BindTransformFeedback), @function +GL_PREFIX(BindTransformFeedback): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6136(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6136(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6136(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6136(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(BindTransformFeedback), .-GL_PREFIX(BindTransformFeedback) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(DeleteTransformFeedbacks) + .type GL_PREFIX(DeleteTransformFeedbacks), @function +GL_PREFIX(DeleteTransformFeedbacks): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6144(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6144(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6144(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6144(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(DeleteTransformFeedbacks), .-GL_PREFIX(DeleteTransformFeedbacks) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(DrawTransformFeedback) + .type GL_PREFIX(DrawTransformFeedback), @function +GL_PREFIX(DrawTransformFeedback): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6152(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6152(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6152(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6152(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(DrawTransformFeedback), .-GL_PREFIX(DrawTransformFeedback) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GenTransformFeedbacks) + .type GL_PREFIX(GenTransformFeedbacks), @function +GL_PREFIX(GenTransformFeedbacks): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6160(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6160(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6160(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6160(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GenTransformFeedbacks), .-GL_PREFIX(GenTransformFeedbacks) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(IsTransformFeedback) + .type GL_PREFIX(IsTransformFeedback), @function +GL_PREFIX(IsTransformFeedback): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6168(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 6168(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6168(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 6168(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(IsTransformFeedback), .-GL_PREFIX(IsTransformFeedback) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(PauseTransformFeedback) + .type GL_PREFIX(PauseTransformFeedback), @function +GL_PREFIX(PauseTransformFeedback): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6176(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + movq 6176(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6176(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + movq 6176(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(PauseTransformFeedback), .-GL_PREFIX(PauseTransformFeedback) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(ResumeTransformFeedback) + .type GL_PREFIX(ResumeTransformFeedback), @function +GL_PREFIX(ResumeTransformFeedback): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6184(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + movq 6184(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6184(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + movq 6184(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(ResumeTransformFeedback), .-GL_PREFIX(ResumeTransformFeedback) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(BeginQueryIndexed) + .type GL_PREFIX(BeginQueryIndexed), @function +GL_PREFIX(BeginQueryIndexed): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6192(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6192(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6192(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6192(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(BeginQueryIndexed), .-GL_PREFIX(BeginQueryIndexed) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(DrawTransformFeedbackStream) + .type GL_PREFIX(DrawTransformFeedbackStream), @function +GL_PREFIX(DrawTransformFeedbackStream): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6200(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6200(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6200(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6200(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(DrawTransformFeedbackStream), .-GL_PREFIX(DrawTransformFeedbackStream) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(EndQueryIndexed) + .type GL_PREFIX(EndQueryIndexed), @function +GL_PREFIX(EndQueryIndexed): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6208(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6208(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6208(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6208(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(EndQueryIndexed), .-GL_PREFIX(EndQueryIndexed) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetQueryIndexediv) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetQueryIndexediv), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetQueryIndexediv): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6216(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6216(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6216(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6216(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetQueryIndexediv), .-GL_PREFIX(GetQueryIndexediv) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(ClearDepthf) + .type GL_PREFIX(ClearDepthf), @function +GL_PREFIX(ClearDepthf): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6224(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 6224(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6224(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 6224(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(ClearDepthf), .-GL_PREFIX(ClearDepthf) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(DepthRangef) + .type GL_PREFIX(DepthRangef), @function +GL_PREFIX(DepthRangef): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6232(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6232(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6232(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6232(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(DepthRangef), .-GL_PREFIX(DepthRangef) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetShaderPrecisionFormat) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetShaderPrecisionFormat), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetShaderPrecisionFormat): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6240(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6240(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6240(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6240(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetShaderPrecisionFormat), .-GL_PREFIX(GetShaderPrecisionFormat) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(ReleaseShaderCompiler) + .type GL_PREFIX(ReleaseShaderCompiler), @function +GL_PREFIX(ReleaseShaderCompiler): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6248(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + movq 6248(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6248(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + movq 6248(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(ReleaseShaderCompiler), .-GL_PREFIX(ReleaseShaderCompiler) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(ShaderBinary) + .type GL_PREFIX(ShaderBinary), @function +GL_PREFIX(ShaderBinary): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6256(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6256(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6256(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6256(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(ShaderBinary), .-GL_PREFIX(ShaderBinary) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetProgramBinary) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetProgramBinary), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetProgramBinary): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6264(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6264(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6264(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6264(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetProgramBinary), .-GL_PREFIX(GetProgramBinary) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(ProgramBinary) + .type GL_PREFIX(ProgramBinary), @function +GL_PREFIX(ProgramBinary): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6272(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6272(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6272(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6272(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(ProgramBinary), .-GL_PREFIX(ProgramBinary) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(ProgramParameteri) + .type GL_PREFIX(ProgramParameteri), @function +GL_PREFIX(ProgramParameteri): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6280(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6280(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6280(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6280(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(ProgramParameteri), .-GL_PREFIX(ProgramParameteri) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(DebugMessageCallbackARB) + .type GL_PREFIX(DebugMessageCallbackARB), @function +GL_PREFIX(DebugMessageCallbackARB): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6288(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6288(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6288(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6288(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(DebugMessageCallbackARB), .-GL_PREFIX(DebugMessageCallbackARB) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(DebugMessageControlARB) + .type GL_PREFIX(DebugMessageControlARB), @function +GL_PREFIX(DebugMessageControlARB): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6296(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + pushq %r9 + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %r9 + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6296(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6296(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + pushq %r9 + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %r9 + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6296(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(DebugMessageControlARB), .-GL_PREFIX(DebugMessageControlARB) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(DebugMessageInsertARB) + .type GL_PREFIX(DebugMessageInsertARB), @function +GL_PREFIX(DebugMessageInsertARB): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6304(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + pushq %r9 + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %r9 + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6304(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6304(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + pushq %r9 + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %r9 + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6304(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(DebugMessageInsertARB), .-GL_PREFIX(DebugMessageInsertARB) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetDebugMessageLogARB) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetDebugMessageLogARB), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetDebugMessageLogARB): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6312(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + pushq %r9 + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %r9 + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6312(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6312(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + pushq %r9 + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %r9 + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6312(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetDebugMessageLogARB), .-GL_PREFIX(GetDebugMessageLogARB) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetGraphicsResetStatusARB) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetGraphicsResetStatusARB), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetGraphicsResetStatusARB): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6320(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + movq 6320(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6320(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + movq 6320(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetGraphicsResetStatusARB), .-GL_PREFIX(GetGraphicsResetStatusARB) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetnColorTableARB) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetnColorTableARB), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetnColorTableARB): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6328(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6328(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6328(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6328(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetnColorTableARB), .-GL_PREFIX(GetnColorTableARB) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetnCompressedTexImageARB) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetnCompressedTexImageARB), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetnCompressedTexImageARB): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6336(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6336(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6336(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6336(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetnCompressedTexImageARB), .-GL_PREFIX(GetnCompressedTexImageARB) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetnConvolutionFilterARB) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetnConvolutionFilterARB), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetnConvolutionFilterARB): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6344(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6344(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6344(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6344(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetnConvolutionFilterARB), .-GL_PREFIX(GetnConvolutionFilterARB) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetnHistogramARB) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetnHistogramARB), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetnHistogramARB): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6352(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + pushq %r9 + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %r9 + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6352(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6352(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + pushq %r9 + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %r9 + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6352(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetnHistogramARB), .-GL_PREFIX(GetnHistogramARB) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetnMapdvARB) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetnMapdvARB), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetnMapdvARB): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6360(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6360(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6360(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6360(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetnMapdvARB), .-GL_PREFIX(GetnMapdvARB) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetnMapfvARB) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetnMapfvARB), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetnMapfvARB): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6368(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6368(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6368(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6368(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetnMapfvARB), .-GL_PREFIX(GetnMapfvARB) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetnMapivARB) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetnMapivARB), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetnMapivARB): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6376(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6376(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6376(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6376(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetnMapivARB), .-GL_PREFIX(GetnMapivARB) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetnMinmaxARB) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetnMinmaxARB), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetnMinmaxARB): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6384(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + pushq %r9 + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %r9 + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6384(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6384(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + pushq %r9 + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %r9 + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6384(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetnMinmaxARB), .-GL_PREFIX(GetnMinmaxARB) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetnPixelMapfvARB) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetnPixelMapfvARB), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetnPixelMapfvARB): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6392(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6392(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6392(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6392(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetnPixelMapfvARB), .-GL_PREFIX(GetnPixelMapfvARB) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetnPixelMapuivARB) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetnPixelMapuivARB), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetnPixelMapuivARB): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6400(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6400(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6400(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6400(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetnPixelMapuivARB), .-GL_PREFIX(GetnPixelMapuivARB) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetnPixelMapusvARB) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetnPixelMapusvARB), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetnPixelMapusvARB): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6408(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6408(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6408(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6408(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetnPixelMapusvARB), .-GL_PREFIX(GetnPixelMapusvARB) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetnPolygonStippleARB) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetnPolygonStippleARB), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetnPolygonStippleARB): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6416(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6416(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6416(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6416(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetnPolygonStippleARB), .-GL_PREFIX(GetnPolygonStippleARB) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetnSeparableFilterARB) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetnSeparableFilterARB), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetnSeparableFilterARB): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6424(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + pushq %r9 + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %r9 + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6424(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6424(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + pushq %r9 + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %r9 + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6424(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetnSeparableFilterARB), .-GL_PREFIX(GetnSeparableFilterARB) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetnTexImageARB) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetnTexImageARB), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetnTexImageARB): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6432(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + pushq %r9 + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %r9 + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6432(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6432(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + pushq %r9 + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %r9 + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6432(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetnTexImageARB), .-GL_PREFIX(GetnTexImageARB) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetnUniformdvARB) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetnUniformdvARB), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetnUniformdvARB): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6440(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6440(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6440(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6440(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetnUniformdvARB), .-GL_PREFIX(GetnUniformdvARB) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetnUniformfvARB) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetnUniformfvARB), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetnUniformfvARB): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6448(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6448(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6448(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6448(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetnUniformfvARB), .-GL_PREFIX(GetnUniformfvARB) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetnUniformivARB) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetnUniformivARB), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetnUniformivARB): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6456(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6456(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6456(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6456(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetnUniformivARB), .-GL_PREFIX(GetnUniformivARB) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetnUniformuivARB) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetnUniformuivARB), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetnUniformuivARB): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6464(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6464(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6464(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6464(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetnUniformuivARB), .-GL_PREFIX(GetnUniformuivARB) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(ReadnPixelsARB) + .type GL_PREFIX(ReadnPixelsARB), @function +GL_PREFIX(ReadnPixelsARB): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6472(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + pushq %r9 + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %r9 + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6472(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6472(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + pushq %r9 + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %r9 + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6472(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(ReadnPixelsARB), .-GL_PREFIX(ReadnPixelsARB) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(DrawArraysInstancedBaseInstance) + .type GL_PREFIX(DrawArraysInstancedBaseInstance), @function +GL_PREFIX(DrawArraysInstancedBaseInstance): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6480(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6480(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6480(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6480(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(DrawArraysInstancedBaseInstance), .-GL_PREFIX(DrawArraysInstancedBaseInstance) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(DrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance) + .type GL_PREFIX(DrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance), @function +GL_PREFIX(DrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6488(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + pushq %r9 + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %r9 + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6488(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6488(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + pushq %r9 + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %r9 + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6488(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(DrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance), .-GL_PREFIX(DrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance) + .type GL_PREFIX(DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance), @function +GL_PREFIX(DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6496(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + pushq %r9 + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %r9 + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6496(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6496(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + pushq %r9 + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %r9 + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6496(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance), .-GL_PREFIX(DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(DrawTransformFeedbackInstanced) + .type GL_PREFIX(DrawTransformFeedbackInstanced), @function +GL_PREFIX(DrawTransformFeedbackInstanced): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6504(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6504(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6504(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6504(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(DrawTransformFeedbackInstanced), .-GL_PREFIX(DrawTransformFeedbackInstanced) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(DrawTransformFeedbackStreamInstanced) + .type GL_PREFIX(DrawTransformFeedbackStreamInstanced), @function +GL_PREFIX(DrawTransformFeedbackStreamInstanced): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6512(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6512(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6512(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6512(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(DrawTransformFeedbackStreamInstanced), .-GL_PREFIX(DrawTransformFeedbackStreamInstanced) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_815) + .type GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_815), @function + HIDDEN(GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_815)) +GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_815): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6520(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6520(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6520(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6520(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_815), .-GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_815) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(TexStorage1D) + .type GL_PREFIX(TexStorage1D), @function +GL_PREFIX(TexStorage1D): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6528(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6528(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6528(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6528(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(TexStorage1D), .-GL_PREFIX(TexStorage1D) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(TexStorage2D) + .type GL_PREFIX(TexStorage2D), @function +GL_PREFIX(TexStorage2D): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6536(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6536(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6536(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6536(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(TexStorage2D), .-GL_PREFIX(TexStorage2D) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(TexStorage3D) + .type GL_PREFIX(TexStorage3D), @function +GL_PREFIX(TexStorage3D): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6544(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + pushq %r9 + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %r9 + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6544(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6544(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + pushq %r9 + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %r9 + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6544(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(TexStorage3D), .-GL_PREFIX(TexStorage3D) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(TextureStorage1DEXT) + .type GL_PREFIX(TextureStorage1DEXT), @function +GL_PREFIX(TextureStorage1DEXT): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6552(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6552(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6552(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6552(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(TextureStorage1DEXT), .-GL_PREFIX(TextureStorage1DEXT) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(TextureStorage2DEXT) + .type GL_PREFIX(TextureStorage2DEXT), @function +GL_PREFIX(TextureStorage2DEXT): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6560(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + pushq %r9 + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %r9 + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6560(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6560(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + pushq %r9 + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %r9 + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6560(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(TextureStorage2DEXT), .-GL_PREFIX(TextureStorage2DEXT) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(TextureStorage3DEXT) + .type GL_PREFIX(TextureStorage3DEXT), @function +GL_PREFIX(TextureStorage3DEXT): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6568(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + pushq %r9 + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %r9 + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6568(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6568(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + pushq %r9 + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %r9 + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6568(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(TextureStorage3DEXT), .-GL_PREFIX(TextureStorage3DEXT) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(InvalidateBufferData) + .type GL_PREFIX(InvalidateBufferData), @function +GL_PREFIX(InvalidateBufferData): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6576(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 6576(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6576(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 6576(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(InvalidateBufferData), .-GL_PREFIX(InvalidateBufferData) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(InvalidateBufferSubData) + .type GL_PREFIX(InvalidateBufferSubData), @function +GL_PREFIX(InvalidateBufferSubData): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6584(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6584(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6584(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6584(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(InvalidateBufferSubData), .-GL_PREFIX(InvalidateBufferSubData) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(InvalidateFramebuffer) + .type GL_PREFIX(InvalidateFramebuffer), @function +GL_PREFIX(InvalidateFramebuffer): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6592(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6592(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6592(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6592(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(InvalidateFramebuffer), .-GL_PREFIX(InvalidateFramebuffer) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(InvalidateSubFramebuffer) + .type GL_PREFIX(InvalidateSubFramebuffer), @function +GL_PREFIX(InvalidateSubFramebuffer): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6600(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + pushq %r9 + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %r9 + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6600(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6600(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + pushq %r9 + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %r9 + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6600(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(InvalidateSubFramebuffer), .-GL_PREFIX(InvalidateSubFramebuffer) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(InvalidateTexImage) + .type GL_PREFIX(InvalidateTexImage), @function +GL_PREFIX(InvalidateTexImage): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6608(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6608(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6608(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6608(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(InvalidateTexImage), .-GL_PREFIX(InvalidateTexImage) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(InvalidateTexSubImage) + .type GL_PREFIX(InvalidateTexSubImage), @function +GL_PREFIX(InvalidateTexSubImage): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6616(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + pushq %r9 + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %r9 + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6616(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6616(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + pushq %r9 + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %r9 + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6616(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(InvalidateTexSubImage), .-GL_PREFIX(InvalidateTexSubImage) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(PolygonOffsetEXT) + .type GL_PREFIX(PolygonOffsetEXT), @function +GL_PREFIX(PolygonOffsetEXT): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6624(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $24, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 8(%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $24, %rsp + movq 6624(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6624(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $24, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 8(%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $24, %rsp + movq 6624(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(PolygonOffsetEXT), .-GL_PREFIX(PolygonOffsetEXT) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_829) + .type GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_829), @function + HIDDEN(GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_829)) +GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_829): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6632(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $40, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 16(%rsp) + movq %xmm3, 24(%rsp) + movq %xmm4, 32(%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 32(%rsp), %xmm4 + movq 24(%rsp), %xmm3 + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $40, %rsp + movq 6632(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6632(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $40, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 16(%rsp) + movq %xmm3, 24(%rsp) + movq %xmm4, 32(%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq 32(%rsp), %xmm4 + movq 24(%rsp), %xmm3 + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $40, %rsp + movq 6632(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_829), .-GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_829) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_830) + .type GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_830), @function + HIDDEN(GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_830)) +GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_830): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6640(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 6640(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6640(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 6640(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_830), .-GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_830) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_831) + .type GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_831), @function + HIDDEN(GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_831)) +GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_831): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6648(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6648(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6648(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6648(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_831), .-GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_831) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_832) + .type GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_832), @function + HIDDEN(GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_832)) +GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_832): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6656(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 6656(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6656(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 6656(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_832), .-GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_832) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_833) + .type GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_833), @function + HIDDEN(GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_833)) +GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_833): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6664(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6664(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6664(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6664(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_833), .-GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_833) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_834) + .type GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_834), @function + HIDDEN(GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_834)) +GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_834): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6672(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 6672(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6672(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 6672(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_834), .-GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_834) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_835) + .type GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_835), @function + HIDDEN(GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_835)) +GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_835): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6680(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6680(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6680(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6680(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_835), .-GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_835) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_836) + .type GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_836), @function + HIDDEN(GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_836)) +GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_836): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6688(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 6688(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6688(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 6688(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_836), .-GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_836) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_837) + .type GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_837), @function + HIDDEN(GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_837)) +GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_837): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6696(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6696(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6696(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6696(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_837), .-GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_837) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_838) + .type GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_838), @function + HIDDEN(GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_838)) +GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_838): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6704(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6704(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6704(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6704(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_838), .-GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_838) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_839) + .type GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_839), @function + HIDDEN(GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_839)) +GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_839): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6712(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6712(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6712(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6712(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_839), .-GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_839) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_840) + .type GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_840), @function + HIDDEN(GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_840)) +GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_840): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6720(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 6720(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6720(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 6720(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_840), .-GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_840) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(ColorPointerEXT) + .type GL_PREFIX(ColorPointerEXT), @function +GL_PREFIX(ColorPointerEXT): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6728(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6728(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6728(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6728(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(ColorPointerEXT), .-GL_PREFIX(ColorPointerEXT) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(EdgeFlagPointerEXT) + .type GL_PREFIX(EdgeFlagPointerEXT), @function +GL_PREFIX(EdgeFlagPointerEXT): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6736(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6736(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6736(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6736(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(EdgeFlagPointerEXT), .-GL_PREFIX(EdgeFlagPointerEXT) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(IndexPointerEXT) + .type GL_PREFIX(IndexPointerEXT), @function +GL_PREFIX(IndexPointerEXT): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6744(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6744(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6744(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6744(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(IndexPointerEXT), .-GL_PREFIX(IndexPointerEXT) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(NormalPointerEXT) + .type GL_PREFIX(NormalPointerEXT), @function +GL_PREFIX(NormalPointerEXT): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6752(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6752(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6752(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6752(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(NormalPointerEXT), .-GL_PREFIX(NormalPointerEXT) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(TexCoordPointerEXT) + .type GL_PREFIX(TexCoordPointerEXT), @function +GL_PREFIX(TexCoordPointerEXT): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6760(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6760(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6760(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6760(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(TexCoordPointerEXT), .-GL_PREFIX(TexCoordPointerEXT) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexPointerEXT) + .type GL_PREFIX(VertexPointerEXT), @function +GL_PREFIX(VertexPointerEXT): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6768(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6768(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6768(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6768(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(VertexPointerEXT), .-GL_PREFIX(VertexPointerEXT) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(LockArraysEXT) + .type GL_PREFIX(LockArraysEXT), @function +GL_PREFIX(LockArraysEXT): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6776(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6776(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6776(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6776(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(LockArraysEXT), .-GL_PREFIX(LockArraysEXT) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(UnlockArraysEXT) + .type GL_PREFIX(UnlockArraysEXT), @function +GL_PREFIX(UnlockArraysEXT): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6784(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + movq 6784(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6784(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + movq 6784(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(UnlockArraysEXT), .-GL_PREFIX(UnlockArraysEXT) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3fEXT) + .type GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3fEXT), @function +GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3fEXT): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6792(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $24, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 16(%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $24, %rsp + movq 6792(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6792(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $24, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 16(%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $24, %rsp + movq 6792(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3fEXT), .-GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3fEXT) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3fvEXT) + .type GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3fvEXT), @function +GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3fvEXT): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6800(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 6800(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6800(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 6800(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3fvEXT), .-GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3fvEXT) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(MultiDrawElementsEXT) + .type GL_PREFIX(MultiDrawElementsEXT), @function +GL_PREFIX(MultiDrawElementsEXT): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6808(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6808(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6808(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6808(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(MultiDrawElementsEXT), .-GL_PREFIX(MultiDrawElementsEXT) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(FogCoordfEXT) + .type GL_PREFIX(FogCoordfEXT), @function +GL_PREFIX(FogCoordfEXT): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6816(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $8, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $8, %rsp + movq 6816(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6816(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $8, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $8, %rsp + movq 6816(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(FogCoordfEXT), .-GL_PREFIX(FogCoordfEXT) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(FogCoordfvEXT) + .type GL_PREFIX(FogCoordfvEXT), @function +GL_PREFIX(FogCoordfvEXT): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6824(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 6824(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6824(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 6824(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(FogCoordfvEXT), .-GL_PREFIX(FogCoordfvEXT) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(ResizeBuffersMESA) + .type GL_PREFIX(ResizeBuffersMESA), @function +GL_PREFIX(ResizeBuffersMESA): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6832(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + movq 6832(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6832(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + movq 6832(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(ResizeBuffersMESA), .-GL_PREFIX(ResizeBuffersMESA) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(WindowPos4dMESA) + .type GL_PREFIX(WindowPos4dMESA), @function +GL_PREFIX(WindowPos4dMESA): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6840(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $40, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 16(%rsp) + movq %xmm3, 24(%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 24(%rsp), %xmm3 + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $40, %rsp + movq 6840(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6840(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $40, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 16(%rsp) + movq %xmm3, 24(%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq 24(%rsp), %xmm3 + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $40, %rsp + movq 6840(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(WindowPos4dMESA), .-GL_PREFIX(WindowPos4dMESA) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(WindowPos4dvMESA) + .type GL_PREFIX(WindowPos4dvMESA), @function +GL_PREFIX(WindowPos4dvMESA): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6848(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 6848(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6848(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 6848(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(WindowPos4dvMESA), .-GL_PREFIX(WindowPos4dvMESA) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(WindowPos4fMESA) + .type GL_PREFIX(WindowPos4fMESA), @function +GL_PREFIX(WindowPos4fMESA): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6856(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $40, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 16(%rsp) + movq %xmm3, 24(%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 24(%rsp), %xmm3 + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $40, %rsp + movq 6856(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6856(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $40, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 16(%rsp) + movq %xmm3, 24(%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq 24(%rsp), %xmm3 + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $40, %rsp + movq 6856(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(WindowPos4fMESA), .-GL_PREFIX(WindowPos4fMESA) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(WindowPos4fvMESA) + .type GL_PREFIX(WindowPos4fvMESA), @function +GL_PREFIX(WindowPos4fvMESA): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6864(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 6864(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6864(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 6864(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(WindowPos4fvMESA), .-GL_PREFIX(WindowPos4fvMESA) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(WindowPos4iMESA) + .type GL_PREFIX(WindowPos4iMESA), @function +GL_PREFIX(WindowPos4iMESA): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6872(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6872(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6872(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6872(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(WindowPos4iMESA), .-GL_PREFIX(WindowPos4iMESA) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(WindowPos4ivMESA) + .type GL_PREFIX(WindowPos4ivMESA), @function +GL_PREFIX(WindowPos4ivMESA): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6880(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 6880(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6880(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 6880(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(WindowPos4ivMESA), .-GL_PREFIX(WindowPos4ivMESA) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(WindowPos4sMESA) + .type GL_PREFIX(WindowPos4sMESA), @function +GL_PREFIX(WindowPos4sMESA): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6888(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6888(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6888(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6888(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(WindowPos4sMESA), .-GL_PREFIX(WindowPos4sMESA) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(WindowPos4svMESA) + .type GL_PREFIX(WindowPos4svMESA), @function +GL_PREFIX(WindowPos4svMESA): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6896(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 6896(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6896(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 6896(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(WindowPos4svMESA), .-GL_PREFIX(WindowPos4svMESA) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_863) + .type GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_863), @function + HIDDEN(GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_863)) +GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_863): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6904(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6904(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6904(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6904(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_863), .-GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_863) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_864) + .type GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_864), @function + HIDDEN(GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_864)) +GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_864): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6912(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + pushq %r9 + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %r9 + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6912(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6912(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + pushq %r9 + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %r9 + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6912(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_864), .-GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_864) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(AreProgramsResidentNV) + .type GL_PREFIX(AreProgramsResidentNV), @function +GL_PREFIX(AreProgramsResidentNV): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6920(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6920(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6920(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6920(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(AreProgramsResidentNV), .-GL_PREFIX(AreProgramsResidentNV) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(ExecuteProgramNV) + .type GL_PREFIX(ExecuteProgramNV), @function +GL_PREFIX(ExecuteProgramNV): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6928(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6928(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6928(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6928(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(ExecuteProgramNV), .-GL_PREFIX(ExecuteProgramNV) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetProgramParameterdvNV) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetProgramParameterdvNV), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetProgramParameterdvNV): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6936(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6936(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6936(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6936(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetProgramParameterdvNV), .-GL_PREFIX(GetProgramParameterdvNV) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetProgramParameterfvNV) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetProgramParameterfvNV), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetProgramParameterfvNV): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6944(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6944(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6944(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6944(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetProgramParameterfvNV), .-GL_PREFIX(GetProgramParameterfvNV) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetProgramStringNV) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetProgramStringNV), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetProgramStringNV): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6952(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6952(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6952(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6952(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetProgramStringNV), .-GL_PREFIX(GetProgramStringNV) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetProgramivNV) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetProgramivNV), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetProgramivNV): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6960(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6960(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6960(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6960(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetProgramivNV), .-GL_PREFIX(GetProgramivNV) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetTrackMatrixivNV) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetTrackMatrixivNV), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetTrackMatrixivNV): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6968(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6968(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6968(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6968(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetTrackMatrixivNV), .-GL_PREFIX(GetTrackMatrixivNV) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetVertexAttribdvNV) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetVertexAttribdvNV), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetVertexAttribdvNV): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6976(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6976(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6976(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6976(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetVertexAttribdvNV), .-GL_PREFIX(GetVertexAttribdvNV) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetVertexAttribfvNV) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetVertexAttribfvNV), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetVertexAttribfvNV): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6984(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6984(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6984(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6984(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetVertexAttribfvNV), .-GL_PREFIX(GetVertexAttribfvNV) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetVertexAttribivNV) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetVertexAttribivNV), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetVertexAttribivNV): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 6992(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6992(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 6992(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 6992(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetVertexAttribivNV), .-GL_PREFIX(GetVertexAttribivNV) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(LoadProgramNV) + .type GL_PREFIX(LoadProgramNV), @function +GL_PREFIX(LoadProgramNV): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7000(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7000(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7000(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7000(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(LoadProgramNV), .-GL_PREFIX(LoadProgramNV) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(ProgramParameters4dvNV) + .type GL_PREFIX(ProgramParameters4dvNV), @function +GL_PREFIX(ProgramParameters4dvNV): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7008(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7008(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7008(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7008(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(ProgramParameters4dvNV), .-GL_PREFIX(ProgramParameters4dvNV) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(ProgramParameters4fvNV) + .type GL_PREFIX(ProgramParameters4fvNV), @function +GL_PREFIX(ProgramParameters4fvNV): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7016(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7016(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7016(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7016(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(ProgramParameters4fvNV), .-GL_PREFIX(ProgramParameters4fvNV) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(RequestResidentProgramsNV) + .type GL_PREFIX(RequestResidentProgramsNV), @function +GL_PREFIX(RequestResidentProgramsNV): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7024(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7024(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7024(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7024(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(RequestResidentProgramsNV), .-GL_PREFIX(RequestResidentProgramsNV) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(TrackMatrixNV) + .type GL_PREFIX(TrackMatrixNV), @function +GL_PREFIX(TrackMatrixNV): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7032(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7032(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7032(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7032(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(TrackMatrixNV), .-GL_PREFIX(TrackMatrixNV) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib1dNV) + .type GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib1dNV), @function +GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib1dNV): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7040(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $24, %rsp + movq %rdi, (%rsp) + movq %xmm0, 8(%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm0 + movq (%rsp), %rdi + addq $24, %rsp + movq 7040(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7040(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $24, %rsp + movq %rdi, (%rsp) + movq %xmm0, 8(%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm0 + movq (%rsp), %rdi + addq $24, %rsp + movq 7040(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib1dNV), .-GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib1dNV) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib1dvNV) + .type GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib1dvNV), @function +GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib1dvNV): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7048(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7048(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7048(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7048(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib1dvNV), .-GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib1dvNV) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib1fNV) + .type GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib1fNV), @function +GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib1fNV): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7056(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $24, %rsp + movq %rdi, (%rsp) + movq %xmm0, 8(%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm0 + movq (%rsp), %rdi + addq $24, %rsp + movq 7056(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7056(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $24, %rsp + movq %rdi, (%rsp) + movq %xmm0, 8(%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm0 + movq (%rsp), %rdi + addq $24, %rsp + movq 7056(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib1fNV), .-GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib1fNV) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib1fvNV) + .type GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib1fvNV), @function +GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib1fvNV): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7064(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7064(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7064(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7064(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib1fvNV), .-GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib1fvNV) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib1sNV) + .type GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib1sNV), @function +GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib1sNV): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7072(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7072(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7072(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7072(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib1sNV), .-GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib1sNV) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib1svNV) + .type GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib1svNV), @function +GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib1svNV): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7080(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7080(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7080(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7080(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib1svNV), .-GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib1svNV) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib2dNV) + .type GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib2dNV), @function +GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib2dNV): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7088(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $24, %rsp + movq %rdi, (%rsp) + movq %xmm0, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 16(%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm0 + movq (%rsp), %rdi + addq $24, %rsp + movq 7088(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7088(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $24, %rsp + movq %rdi, (%rsp) + movq %xmm0, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 16(%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm0 + movq (%rsp), %rdi + addq $24, %rsp + movq 7088(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib2dNV), .-GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib2dNV) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib2dvNV) + .type GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib2dvNV), @function +GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib2dvNV): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7096(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7096(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7096(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7096(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib2dvNV), .-GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib2dvNV) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib2fNV) + .type GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib2fNV), @function +GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib2fNV): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7104(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $24, %rsp + movq %rdi, (%rsp) + movq %xmm0, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 16(%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm0 + movq (%rsp), %rdi + addq $24, %rsp + movq 7104(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7104(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $24, %rsp + movq %rdi, (%rsp) + movq %xmm0, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 16(%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm0 + movq (%rsp), %rdi + addq $24, %rsp + movq 7104(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib2fNV), .-GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib2fNV) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib2fvNV) + .type GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib2fvNV), @function +GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib2fvNV): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7112(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7112(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7112(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7112(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib2fvNV), .-GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib2fvNV) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib2sNV) + .type GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib2sNV), @function +GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib2sNV): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7120(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7120(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7120(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7120(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib2sNV), .-GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib2sNV) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib2svNV) + .type GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib2svNV), @function +GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib2svNV): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7128(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7128(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7128(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7128(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib2svNV), .-GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib2svNV) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib3dNV) + .type GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib3dNV), @function +GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib3dNV): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7136(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $40, %rsp + movq %rdi, (%rsp) + movq %xmm0, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 16(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 24(%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 24(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm0 + movq (%rsp), %rdi + addq $40, %rsp + movq 7136(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7136(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $40, %rsp + movq %rdi, (%rsp) + movq %xmm0, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 16(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 24(%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq 24(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm0 + movq (%rsp), %rdi + addq $40, %rsp + movq 7136(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib3dNV), .-GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib3dNV) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib3dvNV) + .type GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib3dvNV), @function +GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib3dvNV): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7144(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7144(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7144(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7144(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib3dvNV), .-GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib3dvNV) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib3fNV) + .type GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib3fNV), @function +GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib3fNV): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7152(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $40, %rsp + movq %rdi, (%rsp) + movq %xmm0, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 16(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 24(%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 24(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm0 + movq (%rsp), %rdi + addq $40, %rsp + movq 7152(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7152(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $40, %rsp + movq %rdi, (%rsp) + movq %xmm0, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 16(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 24(%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq 24(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm0 + movq (%rsp), %rdi + addq $40, %rsp + movq 7152(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib3fNV), .-GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib3fNV) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib3fvNV) + .type GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib3fvNV), @function +GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib3fvNV): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7160(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7160(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7160(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7160(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib3fvNV), .-GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib3fvNV) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib3sNV) + .type GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib3sNV), @function +GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib3sNV): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7168(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7168(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7168(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7168(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib3sNV), .-GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib3sNV) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib3svNV) + .type GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib3svNV), @function +GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib3svNV): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7176(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7176(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7176(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7176(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib3svNV), .-GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib3svNV) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4dNV) + .type GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4dNV), @function +GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4dNV): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7184(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $40, %rsp + movq %rdi, (%rsp) + movq %xmm0, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 16(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 24(%rsp) + movq %xmm3, 32(%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 32(%rsp), %xmm3 + movq 24(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm0 + movq (%rsp), %rdi + addq $40, %rsp + movq 7184(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7184(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $40, %rsp + movq %rdi, (%rsp) + movq %xmm0, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 16(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 24(%rsp) + movq %xmm3, 32(%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq 32(%rsp), %xmm3 + movq 24(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm0 + movq (%rsp), %rdi + addq $40, %rsp + movq 7184(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4dNV), .-GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4dNV) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4dvNV) + .type GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4dvNV), @function +GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4dvNV): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7192(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7192(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7192(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7192(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4dvNV), .-GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4dvNV) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4fNV) + .type GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4fNV), @function +GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4fNV): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7200(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $40, %rsp + movq %rdi, (%rsp) + movq %xmm0, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 16(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 24(%rsp) + movq %xmm3, 32(%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 32(%rsp), %xmm3 + movq 24(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm0 + movq (%rsp), %rdi + addq $40, %rsp + movq 7200(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7200(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $40, %rsp + movq %rdi, (%rsp) + movq %xmm0, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 16(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 24(%rsp) + movq %xmm3, 32(%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq 32(%rsp), %xmm3 + movq 24(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm0 + movq (%rsp), %rdi + addq $40, %rsp + movq 7200(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4fNV), .-GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4fNV) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4fvNV) + .type GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4fvNV), @function +GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4fvNV): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7208(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7208(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7208(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7208(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4fvNV), .-GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4fvNV) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4sNV) + .type GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4sNV), @function +GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4sNV): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7216(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7216(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7216(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7216(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4sNV), .-GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4sNV) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4svNV) + .type GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4svNV), @function +GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4svNV): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7224(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7224(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7224(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7224(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4svNV), .-GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4svNV) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4ubNV) + .type GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4ubNV), @function +GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4ubNV): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7232(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7232(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7232(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7232(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4ubNV), .-GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4ubNV) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4ubvNV) + .type GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4ubvNV), @function +GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4ubvNV): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7240(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7240(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7240(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7240(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4ubvNV), .-GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4ubvNV) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribPointerNV) + .type GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribPointerNV), @function +GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribPointerNV): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7248(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7248(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7248(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7248(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribPointerNV), .-GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribPointerNV) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribs1dvNV) + .type GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribs1dvNV), @function +GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribs1dvNV): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7256(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7256(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7256(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7256(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribs1dvNV), .-GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribs1dvNV) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribs1fvNV) + .type GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribs1fvNV), @function +GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribs1fvNV): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7264(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7264(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7264(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7264(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribs1fvNV), .-GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribs1fvNV) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribs1svNV) + .type GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribs1svNV), @function +GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribs1svNV): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7272(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7272(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7272(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7272(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribs1svNV), .-GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribs1svNV) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribs2dvNV) + .type GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribs2dvNV), @function +GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribs2dvNV): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7280(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7280(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7280(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7280(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribs2dvNV), .-GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribs2dvNV) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribs2fvNV) + .type GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribs2fvNV), @function +GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribs2fvNV): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7288(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7288(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7288(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7288(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribs2fvNV), .-GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribs2fvNV) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribs2svNV) + .type GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribs2svNV), @function +GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribs2svNV): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7296(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7296(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7296(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7296(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribs2svNV), .-GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribs2svNV) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribs3dvNV) + .type GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribs3dvNV), @function +GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribs3dvNV): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7304(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7304(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7304(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7304(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribs3dvNV), .-GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribs3dvNV) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribs3fvNV) + .type GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribs3fvNV), @function +GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribs3fvNV): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7312(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7312(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7312(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7312(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribs3fvNV), .-GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribs3fvNV) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribs3svNV) + .type GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribs3svNV), @function +GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribs3svNV): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7320(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7320(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7320(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7320(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribs3svNV), .-GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribs3svNV) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribs4dvNV) + .type GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribs4dvNV), @function +GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribs4dvNV): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7328(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7328(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7328(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7328(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribs4dvNV), .-GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribs4dvNV) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribs4fvNV) + .type GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribs4fvNV), @function +GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribs4fvNV): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7336(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7336(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7336(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7336(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribs4fvNV), .-GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribs4fvNV) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribs4svNV) + .type GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribs4svNV), @function +GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribs4svNV): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7344(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7344(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7344(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7344(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribs4svNV), .-GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribs4svNV) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribs4ubvNV) + .type GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribs4ubvNV), @function +GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribs4ubvNV): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7352(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7352(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7352(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7352(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribs4ubvNV), .-GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribs4ubvNV) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetTexBumpParameterfvATI) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetTexBumpParameterfvATI), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetTexBumpParameterfvATI): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7360(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7360(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7360(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7360(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetTexBumpParameterfvATI), .-GL_PREFIX(GetTexBumpParameterfvATI) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetTexBumpParameterivATI) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetTexBumpParameterivATI), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetTexBumpParameterivATI): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7368(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7368(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7368(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7368(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetTexBumpParameterivATI), .-GL_PREFIX(GetTexBumpParameterivATI) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(TexBumpParameterfvATI) + .type GL_PREFIX(TexBumpParameterfvATI), @function +GL_PREFIX(TexBumpParameterfvATI): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7376(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7376(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7376(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7376(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(TexBumpParameterfvATI), .-GL_PREFIX(TexBumpParameterfvATI) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(TexBumpParameterivATI) + .type GL_PREFIX(TexBumpParameterivATI), @function +GL_PREFIX(TexBumpParameterivATI): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7384(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7384(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7384(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7384(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(TexBumpParameterivATI), .-GL_PREFIX(TexBumpParameterivATI) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(AlphaFragmentOp1ATI) + .type GL_PREFIX(AlphaFragmentOp1ATI), @function +GL_PREFIX(AlphaFragmentOp1ATI): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7392(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + pushq %r9 + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %r9 + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7392(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7392(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + pushq %r9 + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %r9 + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7392(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(AlphaFragmentOp1ATI), .-GL_PREFIX(AlphaFragmentOp1ATI) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(AlphaFragmentOp2ATI) + .type GL_PREFIX(AlphaFragmentOp2ATI), @function +GL_PREFIX(AlphaFragmentOp2ATI): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7400(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + pushq %r9 + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %r9 + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7400(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7400(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + pushq %r9 + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %r9 + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7400(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(AlphaFragmentOp2ATI), .-GL_PREFIX(AlphaFragmentOp2ATI) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(AlphaFragmentOp3ATI) + .type GL_PREFIX(AlphaFragmentOp3ATI), @function +GL_PREFIX(AlphaFragmentOp3ATI): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7408(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + pushq %r9 + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %r9 + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7408(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7408(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + pushq %r9 + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %r9 + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7408(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(AlphaFragmentOp3ATI), .-GL_PREFIX(AlphaFragmentOp3ATI) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(BeginFragmentShaderATI) + .type GL_PREFIX(BeginFragmentShaderATI), @function +GL_PREFIX(BeginFragmentShaderATI): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7416(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + movq 7416(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7416(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + movq 7416(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(BeginFragmentShaderATI), .-GL_PREFIX(BeginFragmentShaderATI) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(BindFragmentShaderATI) + .type GL_PREFIX(BindFragmentShaderATI), @function +GL_PREFIX(BindFragmentShaderATI): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7424(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 7424(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7424(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 7424(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(BindFragmentShaderATI), .-GL_PREFIX(BindFragmentShaderATI) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(ColorFragmentOp1ATI) + .type GL_PREFIX(ColorFragmentOp1ATI), @function +GL_PREFIX(ColorFragmentOp1ATI): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7432(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + pushq %r9 + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %r9 + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7432(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7432(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + pushq %r9 + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %r9 + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7432(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(ColorFragmentOp1ATI), .-GL_PREFIX(ColorFragmentOp1ATI) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(ColorFragmentOp2ATI) + .type GL_PREFIX(ColorFragmentOp2ATI), @function +GL_PREFIX(ColorFragmentOp2ATI): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7440(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + pushq %r9 + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %r9 + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7440(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7440(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + pushq %r9 + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %r9 + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7440(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(ColorFragmentOp2ATI), .-GL_PREFIX(ColorFragmentOp2ATI) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(ColorFragmentOp3ATI) + .type GL_PREFIX(ColorFragmentOp3ATI), @function +GL_PREFIX(ColorFragmentOp3ATI): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7448(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + pushq %r9 + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %r9 + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7448(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7448(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + pushq %r9 + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %r9 + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7448(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(ColorFragmentOp3ATI), .-GL_PREFIX(ColorFragmentOp3ATI) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(DeleteFragmentShaderATI) + .type GL_PREFIX(DeleteFragmentShaderATI), @function +GL_PREFIX(DeleteFragmentShaderATI): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7456(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 7456(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7456(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 7456(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(DeleteFragmentShaderATI), .-GL_PREFIX(DeleteFragmentShaderATI) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(EndFragmentShaderATI) + .type GL_PREFIX(EndFragmentShaderATI), @function +GL_PREFIX(EndFragmentShaderATI): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7464(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + movq 7464(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7464(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + movq 7464(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(EndFragmentShaderATI), .-GL_PREFIX(EndFragmentShaderATI) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GenFragmentShadersATI) + .type GL_PREFIX(GenFragmentShadersATI), @function +GL_PREFIX(GenFragmentShadersATI): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7472(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 7472(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7472(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 7472(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GenFragmentShadersATI), .-GL_PREFIX(GenFragmentShadersATI) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(PassTexCoordATI) + .type GL_PREFIX(PassTexCoordATI), @function +GL_PREFIX(PassTexCoordATI): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7480(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7480(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7480(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7480(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(PassTexCoordATI), .-GL_PREFIX(PassTexCoordATI) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(SampleMapATI) + .type GL_PREFIX(SampleMapATI), @function +GL_PREFIX(SampleMapATI): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7488(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7488(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7488(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7488(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(SampleMapATI), .-GL_PREFIX(SampleMapATI) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(SetFragmentShaderConstantATI) + .type GL_PREFIX(SetFragmentShaderConstantATI), @function +GL_PREFIX(SetFragmentShaderConstantATI): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7496(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7496(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7496(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7496(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(SetFragmentShaderConstantATI), .-GL_PREFIX(SetFragmentShaderConstantATI) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_938) + .type GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_938), @function + HIDDEN(GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_938)) +GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_938): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7504(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 7504(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7504(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 7504(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_938), .-GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_938) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_939) + .type GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_939), @function + HIDDEN(GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_939)) +GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_939): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7512(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 7512(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7512(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 7512(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_939), .-GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_939) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_940) + .type GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_940), @function + HIDDEN(GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_940)) +GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_940): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7520(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7520(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7520(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7520(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_940), .-GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_940) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetProgramNamedParameterdvNV) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetProgramNamedParameterdvNV), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetProgramNamedParameterdvNV): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7528(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7528(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7528(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7528(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetProgramNamedParameterdvNV), .-GL_PREFIX(GetProgramNamedParameterdvNV) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetProgramNamedParameterfvNV) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetProgramNamedParameterfvNV), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetProgramNamedParameterfvNV): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7536(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7536(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7536(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7536(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetProgramNamedParameterfvNV), .-GL_PREFIX(GetProgramNamedParameterfvNV) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(ProgramNamedParameter4dNV) + .type GL_PREFIX(ProgramNamedParameter4dNV), @function +GL_PREFIX(ProgramNamedParameter4dNV): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7544(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $56, %rsp + movq %rdi, (%rsp) + movq %rsi, 8(%rsp) + movq %rdx, 16(%rsp) + movq %xmm0, 24(%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 32(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 40(%rsp) + movq %xmm3, 48(%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 48(%rsp), %xmm3 + movq 40(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 32(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq 24(%rsp), %xmm0 + movq 16(%rsp), %rdx + movq 8(%rsp), %rsi + movq (%rsp), %rdi + addq $56, %rsp + movq 7544(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7544(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $56, %rsp + movq %rdi, (%rsp) + movq %rsi, 8(%rsp) + movq %rdx, 16(%rsp) + movq %xmm0, 24(%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 32(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 40(%rsp) + movq %xmm3, 48(%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq 48(%rsp), %xmm3 + movq 40(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 32(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq 24(%rsp), %xmm0 + movq 16(%rsp), %rdx + movq 8(%rsp), %rsi + movq (%rsp), %rdi + addq $56, %rsp + movq 7544(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(ProgramNamedParameter4dNV), .-GL_PREFIX(ProgramNamedParameter4dNV) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(ProgramNamedParameter4dvNV) + .type GL_PREFIX(ProgramNamedParameter4dvNV), @function +GL_PREFIX(ProgramNamedParameter4dvNV): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7552(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7552(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7552(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7552(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(ProgramNamedParameter4dvNV), .-GL_PREFIX(ProgramNamedParameter4dvNV) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(ProgramNamedParameter4fNV) + .type GL_PREFIX(ProgramNamedParameter4fNV), @function +GL_PREFIX(ProgramNamedParameter4fNV): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7560(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $56, %rsp + movq %rdi, (%rsp) + movq %rsi, 8(%rsp) + movq %rdx, 16(%rsp) + movq %xmm0, 24(%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 32(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 40(%rsp) + movq %xmm3, 48(%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 48(%rsp), %xmm3 + movq 40(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 32(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq 24(%rsp), %xmm0 + movq 16(%rsp), %rdx + movq 8(%rsp), %rsi + movq (%rsp), %rdi + addq $56, %rsp + movq 7560(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7560(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $56, %rsp + movq %rdi, (%rsp) + movq %rsi, 8(%rsp) + movq %rdx, 16(%rsp) + movq %xmm0, 24(%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 32(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 40(%rsp) + movq %xmm3, 48(%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq 48(%rsp), %xmm3 + movq 40(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 32(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq 24(%rsp), %xmm0 + movq 16(%rsp), %rdx + movq 8(%rsp), %rsi + movq (%rsp), %rdi + addq $56, %rsp + movq 7560(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(ProgramNamedParameter4fNV), .-GL_PREFIX(ProgramNamedParameter4fNV) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(ProgramNamedParameter4fvNV) + .type GL_PREFIX(ProgramNamedParameter4fvNV), @function +GL_PREFIX(ProgramNamedParameter4fvNV): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7568(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7568(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7568(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7568(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(ProgramNamedParameter4fvNV), .-GL_PREFIX(ProgramNamedParameter4fvNV) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(PrimitiveRestartNV) + .type GL_PREFIX(PrimitiveRestartNV), @function +GL_PREFIX(PrimitiveRestartNV): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7576(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + movq 7576(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7576(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + movq 7576(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(PrimitiveRestartNV), .-GL_PREFIX(PrimitiveRestartNV) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_948) + .type GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_948), @function + HIDDEN(GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_948)) +GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_948): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7584(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7584(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7584(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7584(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_948), .-GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_948) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_949) + .type GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_949), @function + HIDDEN(GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_949)) +GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_949): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7592(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7592(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7592(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7592(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_949), .-GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_949) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_950) + .type GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_950), @function + HIDDEN(GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_950)) +GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_950): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7600(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7600(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7600(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7600(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_950), .-GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_950) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_951) + .type GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_951), @function + HIDDEN(GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_951)) +GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_951): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7608(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7608(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7608(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7608(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_951), .-GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_951) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_952) + .type GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_952), @function + HIDDEN(GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_952)) +GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_952): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7616(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7616(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7616(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7616(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_952), .-GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_952) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_953) + .type GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_953), @function + HIDDEN(GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_953)) +GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_953): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7624(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7624(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7624(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7624(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_953), .-GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_953) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI1iEXT) + .type GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI1iEXT), @function +GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI1iEXT): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7632(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7632(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7632(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7632(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI1iEXT), .-GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI1iEXT) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI1uiEXT) + .type GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI1uiEXT), @function +GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI1uiEXT): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7640(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7640(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7640(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7640(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI1uiEXT), .-GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI1uiEXT) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI2iEXT) + .type GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI2iEXT), @function +GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI2iEXT): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7648(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7648(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7648(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7648(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI2iEXT), .-GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI2iEXT) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI2ivEXT) + .type GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI2ivEXT), @function +GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI2ivEXT): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7656(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7656(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7656(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7656(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI2ivEXT), .-GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI2ivEXT) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI2uiEXT) + .type GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI2uiEXT), @function +GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI2uiEXT): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7664(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7664(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7664(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7664(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI2uiEXT), .-GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI2uiEXT) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI2uivEXT) + .type GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI2uivEXT), @function +GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI2uivEXT): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7672(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7672(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7672(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7672(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI2uivEXT), .-GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI2uivEXT) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI3iEXT) + .type GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI3iEXT), @function +GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI3iEXT): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7680(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7680(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7680(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7680(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI3iEXT), .-GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI3iEXT) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI3ivEXT) + .type GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI3ivEXT), @function +GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI3ivEXT): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7688(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7688(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7688(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7688(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI3ivEXT), .-GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI3ivEXT) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI3uiEXT) + .type GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI3uiEXT), @function +GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI3uiEXT): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7696(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7696(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7696(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7696(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI3uiEXT), .-GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI3uiEXT) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI3uivEXT) + .type GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI3uivEXT), @function +GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI3uivEXT): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7704(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7704(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7704(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7704(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI3uivEXT), .-GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI3uivEXT) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI4iEXT) + .type GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI4iEXT), @function +GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI4iEXT): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7712(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7712(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7712(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7712(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI4iEXT), .-GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI4iEXT) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI4ivEXT) + .type GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI4ivEXT), @function +GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI4ivEXT): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7720(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7720(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7720(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7720(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI4ivEXT), .-GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI4ivEXT) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI4uiEXT) + .type GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI4uiEXT), @function +GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI4uiEXT): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7728(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7728(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7728(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7728(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI4uiEXT), .-GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI4uiEXT) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI4uivEXT) + .type GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI4uivEXT), @function +GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI4uivEXT): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7736(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7736(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7736(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7736(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI4uivEXT), .-GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI4uivEXT) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(ClearColorIiEXT) + .type GL_PREFIX(ClearColorIiEXT), @function +GL_PREFIX(ClearColorIiEXT): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7744(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7744(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7744(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7744(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(ClearColorIiEXT), .-GL_PREFIX(ClearColorIiEXT) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(ClearColorIuiEXT) + .type GL_PREFIX(ClearColorIuiEXT), @function +GL_PREFIX(ClearColorIuiEXT): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7752(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7752(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7752(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7752(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(ClearColorIuiEXT), .-GL_PREFIX(ClearColorIuiEXT) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(BindBufferOffsetEXT) + .type GL_PREFIX(BindBufferOffsetEXT), @function +GL_PREFIX(BindBufferOffsetEXT): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7760(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7760(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7760(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7760(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(BindBufferOffsetEXT), .-GL_PREFIX(BindBufferOffsetEXT) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetObjectParameterivAPPLE) + .type GL_PREFIX(GetObjectParameterivAPPLE), @function +GL_PREFIX(GetObjectParameterivAPPLE): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7768(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7768(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7768(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7768(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(GetObjectParameterivAPPLE), .-GL_PREFIX(GetObjectParameterivAPPLE) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(ObjectPurgeableAPPLE) + .type GL_PREFIX(ObjectPurgeableAPPLE), @function +GL_PREFIX(ObjectPurgeableAPPLE): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7776(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7776(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7776(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7776(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(ObjectPurgeableAPPLE), .-GL_PREFIX(ObjectPurgeableAPPLE) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(ObjectUnpurgeableAPPLE) + .type GL_PREFIX(ObjectUnpurgeableAPPLE), @function +GL_PREFIX(ObjectUnpurgeableAPPLE): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7784(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7784(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7784(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7784(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(ObjectUnpurgeableAPPLE), .-GL_PREFIX(ObjectUnpurgeableAPPLE) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(ActiveProgramEXT) + .type GL_PREFIX(ActiveProgramEXT), @function +GL_PREFIX(ActiveProgramEXT): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7792(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 7792(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7792(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 7792(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(ActiveProgramEXT), .-GL_PREFIX(ActiveProgramEXT) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(CreateShaderProgramEXT) + .type GL_PREFIX(CreateShaderProgramEXT), @function +GL_PREFIX(CreateShaderProgramEXT): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7800(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7800(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7800(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7800(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(CreateShaderProgramEXT), .-GL_PREFIX(CreateShaderProgramEXT) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(UseShaderProgramEXT) + .type GL_PREFIX(UseShaderProgramEXT), @function +GL_PREFIX(UseShaderProgramEXT): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7808(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7808(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7808(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7808(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(UseShaderProgramEXT), .-GL_PREFIX(UseShaderProgramEXT) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(TextureBarrierNV) + .type GL_PREFIX(TextureBarrierNV), @function +GL_PREFIX(TextureBarrierNV): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7816(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + movq 7816(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7816(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + movq 7816(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(TextureBarrierNV), .-GL_PREFIX(TextureBarrierNV) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_978) + .type GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_978), @function + HIDDEN(GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_978)) +GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_978): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7824(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7824(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7824(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7824(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_978), .-GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_978) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_979) + .type GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_979), @function + HIDDEN(GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_979)) +GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_979): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7832(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7832(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7832(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7832(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_979), .-GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_979) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_980) + .type GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_980), @function + HIDDEN(GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_980)) +GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_980): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7840(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7840(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7840(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7840(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_980), .-GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_980) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(EGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOES) + .type GL_PREFIX(EGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOES), @function +GL_PREFIX(EGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOES): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7848(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7848(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7848(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7848(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(EGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOES), .-GL_PREFIX(EGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOES) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(EGLImageTargetTexture2DOES) + .type GL_PREFIX(EGLImageTargetTexture2DOES), @function +GL_PREFIX(EGLImageTargetTexture2DOES): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7856(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7856(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7856(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7856(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(EGLImageTargetTexture2DOES), .-GL_PREFIX(EGLImageTargetTexture2DOES) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_983) + .type GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_983), @function + HIDDEN(GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_983)) +GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_983): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7864(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7864(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7864(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7864(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_983), .-GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_983) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_984) + .type GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_984), @function + HIDDEN(GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_984)) +GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_984): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7872(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7872(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7872(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7872(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_984), .-GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_984) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_985) + .type GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_985), @function + HIDDEN(GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_985)) +GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_985): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7880(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 7880(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7880(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 7880(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_985), .-GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_985) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_986) + .type GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_986), @function + HIDDEN(GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_986)) +GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_986): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7888(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7888(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7888(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7888(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_986), .-GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_986) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_987) + .type GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_987), @function + HIDDEN(GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_987)) +GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_987): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7896(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7896(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7896(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7896(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_987), .-GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_987) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_988) + .type GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_988), @function + HIDDEN(GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_988)) +GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_988): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7904(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7904(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7904(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7904(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_988), .-GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_988) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_989) + .type GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_989), @function + HIDDEN(GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_989)) +GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_989): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7912(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7912(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7912(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7912(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_989), .-GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_989) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_990) + .type GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_990), @function + HIDDEN(GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_990)) +GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_990): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7920(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $56, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 16(%rsp) + movq %xmm3, 24(%rsp) + movq %xmm4, 32(%rsp) + movq %xmm5, 40(%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 40(%rsp), %xmm5 + movq 32(%rsp), %xmm4 + movq 24(%rsp), %xmm3 + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $56, %rsp + movq 7920(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7920(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $56, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 16(%rsp) + movq %xmm3, 24(%rsp) + movq %xmm4, 32(%rsp) + movq %xmm5, 40(%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq 40(%rsp), %xmm5 + movq 32(%rsp), %xmm4 + movq 24(%rsp), %xmm3 + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $56, %rsp + movq 7920(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_990), .-GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_990) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_991) + .type GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_991), @function + HIDDEN(GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_991)) +GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_991): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7928(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + pushq %r9 + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %r9 + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7928(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7928(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + pushq %r9 + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %r9 + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7928(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_991), .-GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_991) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_992) + .type GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_992), @function + HIDDEN(GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_992)) +GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_992): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7936(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7936(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7936(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7936(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_992), .-GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_992) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_993) + .type GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_993), @function + HIDDEN(GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_993)) +GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_993): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7944(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7944(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7944(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7944(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_993), .-GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_993) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_994) + .type GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_994), @function + HIDDEN(GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_994)) +GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_994): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7952(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7952(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7952(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7952(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_994), .-GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_994) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_995) + .type GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_995), @function + HIDDEN(GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_995)) +GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_995): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7960(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7960(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7960(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7960(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_995), .-GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_995) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_996) + .type GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_996), @function + HIDDEN(GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_996)) +GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_996): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7968(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 7968(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7968(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 7968(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_996), .-GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_996) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_997) + .type GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_997), @function + HIDDEN(GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_997)) +GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_997): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7976(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 7976(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7976(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 7976(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_997), .-GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_997) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_998) + .type GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_998), @function + HIDDEN(GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_998)) +GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_998): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7984(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7984(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7984(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7984(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_998), .-GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_998) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_999) + .type GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_999), @function + HIDDEN(GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_999)) +GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_999): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 7992(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7992(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 7992(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 7992(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_999), .-GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_999) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1000) + .type GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1000), @function + HIDDEN(GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1000)) +GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1000): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 8000(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 8000(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 8000(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 8000(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1000), .-GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1000) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1001) + .type GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1001), @function + HIDDEN(GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1001)) +GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1001): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 8008(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 8008(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 8008(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 8008(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1001), .-GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1001) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1002) + .type GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1002), @function + HIDDEN(GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1002)) +GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1002): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 8016(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 8016(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 8016(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 8016(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1002), .-GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1002) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1003) + .type GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1003), @function + HIDDEN(GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1003)) +GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1003): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 8024(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + subq $56, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 16(%rsp) + movq %xmm3, 24(%rsp) + movq %xmm4, 32(%rsp) + movq %xmm5, 40(%rsp) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 40(%rsp), %xmm5 + movq 32(%rsp), %xmm4 + movq 24(%rsp), %xmm3 + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $56, %rsp + movq 8024(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 8024(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + subq $56, %rsp + movq %xmm0, (%rsp) + movq %xmm1, 8(%rsp) + movq %xmm2, 16(%rsp) + movq %xmm3, 24(%rsp) + movq %xmm4, 32(%rsp) + movq %xmm5, 40(%rsp) + call _glapi_get_dispatch + movq 40(%rsp), %xmm5 + movq 32(%rsp), %xmm4 + movq 24(%rsp), %xmm3 + movq 16(%rsp), %xmm2 + movq 8(%rsp), %xmm1 + movq (%rsp), %xmm0 + addq $56, %rsp + movq 8024(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1003), .-GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1003) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1004) + .type GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1004), @function + HIDDEN(GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1004)) +GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1004): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 8032(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + pushq %r9 + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %r9 + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 8032(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 8032(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %r8 + pushq %r9 + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %r9 + popq %r8 + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 8032(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1004), .-GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1004) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1005) + .type GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1005), @function + HIDDEN(GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1005)) +GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1005): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 8040(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdi + movq 8040(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 8040(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdi + movq 8040(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1005), .-GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1005) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1006) + .type GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1006), @function + HIDDEN(GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1006)) +GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1006): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 8048(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 8048(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 8048(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 8048(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1006), .-GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1006) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1007) + .type GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1007), @function + HIDDEN(GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1007)) +GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1007): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 8056(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 8056(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 8056(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + pushq %rcx + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rcx + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 8056(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1007), .-GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1007) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1008) + .type GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1008), @function + HIDDEN(GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1008)) +GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1008): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 8064(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 8064(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 8064(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 8064(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1008), .-GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1008) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1009) + .type GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1009), @function + HIDDEN(GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1009)) +GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1009): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 8072(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 8072(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 8072(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 8072(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1009), .-GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1009) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1010) + .type GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1010), @function + HIDDEN(GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1010)) +GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1010): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 8080(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 8080(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 8080(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 8080(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1010), .-GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1010) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1011) + .type GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1011), @function + HIDDEN(GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1011)) +GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1011): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 8088(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 8088(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 8088(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 8088(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1011), .-GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1011) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1012) + .type GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1012), @function + HIDDEN(GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1012)) +GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1012): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 8096(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 8096(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 8096(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 8096(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1012), .-GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1012) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1013) + .type GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1013), @function + HIDDEN(GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1013)) +GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1013): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 8104(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 8104(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 8104(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 8104(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1013), .-GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1013) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1014) + .type GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1014), @function + HIDDEN(GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1014)) +GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1014): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 8112(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 8112(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 8112(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 8112(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1014), .-GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1014) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1015) + .type GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1015), @function + HIDDEN(GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1015)) +GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1015): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 8120(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 8120(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 8120(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 8120(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1015), .-GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1015) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1016) + .type GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1016), @function + HIDDEN(GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1016)) +GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1016): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 8128(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 8128(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 8128(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 8128(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1016), .-GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1016) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1017) + .type GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1017), @function + HIDDEN(GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1017)) +GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1017): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 8136(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 8136(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 8136(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 8136(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1017), .-GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1017) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1018) + .type GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1018), @function + HIDDEN(GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1018)) +GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1018): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 8144(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 8144(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 8144(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 8144(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1018), .-GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1018) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1019) + .type GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1019), @function + HIDDEN(GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1019)) +GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1019): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 8152(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 8152(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 8152(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 8152(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1019), .-GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1019) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1020) + .type GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1020), @function + HIDDEN(GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1020)) +GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1020): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 8160(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 8160(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 8160(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 8160(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1020), .-GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1020) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1021) + .type GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1021), @function + HIDDEN(GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1021)) +GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1021): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 8168(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 8168(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 8168(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 8168(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1021), .-GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1021) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1022) + .type GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1022), @function + HIDDEN(GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1022)) +GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1022): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 8176(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 8176(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 8176(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 8176(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1022), .-GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1022) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1023) + .type GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1023), @function + HIDDEN(GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1023)) +GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1023): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 8184(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 8184(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 8184(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 8184(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1023), .-GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1023) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1024) + .type GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1024), @function + HIDDEN(GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1024)) +GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1024): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 8192(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 8192(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 8192(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rbp + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rbp + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 8192(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1024), .-GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1024) + + .p2align 4,,15 + .globl GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1025) + .type GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1025), @function + HIDDEN(GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1025)) +GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1025): +#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS) + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + movq 8200(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD) + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _x86_64_get_dispatch@PLT + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 8200(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#else + movq _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax + testq %rax, %rax + je 1f + movq 8200(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +1: + pushq %rdi + pushq %rsi + pushq %rdx + call _glapi_get_dispatch + popq %rdx + popq %rsi + popq %rdi + movq 8200(%rax), %r11 + jmp *%r11 +#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */ + .size GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1025), .-GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1025) + + .globl GL_PREFIX(ArrayElementEXT) ; .set GL_PREFIX(ArrayElementEXT), GL_PREFIX(ArrayElement) + .globl GL_PREFIX(BindTextureEXT) ; .set GL_PREFIX(BindTextureEXT), GL_PREFIX(BindTexture) + .globl GL_PREFIX(DrawArraysEXT) ; .set GL_PREFIX(DrawArraysEXT), GL_PREFIX(DrawArrays) +#ifndef GLX_INDIRECT_RENDERING + .globl GL_PREFIX(AreTexturesResidentEXT) ; .set GL_PREFIX(AreTexturesResidentEXT), GL_PREFIX(AreTexturesResident) +#endif + .globl GL_PREFIX(CopyTexImage1DEXT) ; .set GL_PREFIX(CopyTexImage1DEXT), GL_PREFIX(CopyTexImage1D) + .globl GL_PREFIX(CopyTexImage2DEXT) ; .set GL_PREFIX(CopyTexImage2DEXT), GL_PREFIX(CopyTexImage2D) + .globl GL_PREFIX(CopyTexSubImage1DEXT) ; .set GL_PREFIX(CopyTexSubImage1DEXT), GL_PREFIX(CopyTexSubImage1D) + .globl GL_PREFIX(CopyTexSubImage2DEXT) ; .set GL_PREFIX(CopyTexSubImage2DEXT), GL_PREFIX(CopyTexSubImage2D) +#ifndef GLX_INDIRECT_RENDERING + .globl GL_PREFIX(DeleteTexturesEXT) ; .set GL_PREFIX(DeleteTexturesEXT), GL_PREFIX(DeleteTextures) +#endif +#ifndef GLX_INDIRECT_RENDERING + .globl GL_PREFIX(GenTexturesEXT) ; .set GL_PREFIX(GenTexturesEXT), GL_PREFIX(GenTextures) +#endif + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetPointervEXT) ; .set GL_PREFIX(GetPointervEXT), GL_PREFIX(GetPointerv) +#ifndef GLX_INDIRECT_RENDERING + .globl GL_PREFIX(IsTextureEXT) ; .set GL_PREFIX(IsTextureEXT), GL_PREFIX(IsTexture) +#endif + .globl GL_PREFIX(PrioritizeTexturesEXT) ; .set GL_PREFIX(PrioritizeTexturesEXT), GL_PREFIX(PrioritizeTextures) + .globl GL_PREFIX(TexSubImage1DEXT) ; .set GL_PREFIX(TexSubImage1DEXT), GL_PREFIX(TexSubImage1D) + .globl GL_PREFIX(TexSubImage2DEXT) ; .set GL_PREFIX(TexSubImage2DEXT), GL_PREFIX(TexSubImage2D) + .globl GL_PREFIX(BlendColorEXT) ; .set GL_PREFIX(BlendColorEXT), GL_PREFIX(BlendColor) + .globl GL_PREFIX(BlendEquationEXT) ; .set GL_PREFIX(BlendEquationEXT), GL_PREFIX(BlendEquation) + .globl GL_PREFIX(DrawRangeElementsEXT) ; .set GL_PREFIX(DrawRangeElementsEXT), GL_PREFIX(DrawRangeElements) + .globl GL_PREFIX(ColorTableEXT) ; .set GL_PREFIX(ColorTableEXT), GL_PREFIX(ColorTable) +#ifndef GLX_INDIRECT_RENDERING + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetColorTableEXT) ; .set GL_PREFIX(GetColorTableEXT), GL_PREFIX(GetColorTable) +#endif +#ifndef GLX_INDIRECT_RENDERING + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetColorTableParameterfvEXT) ; .set GL_PREFIX(GetColorTableParameterfvEXT), GL_PREFIX(GetColorTableParameterfv) +#endif +#ifndef GLX_INDIRECT_RENDERING + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetColorTableParameterivEXT) ; .set GL_PREFIX(GetColorTableParameterivEXT), GL_PREFIX(GetColorTableParameteriv) +#endif + .globl GL_PREFIX(TexImage3DEXT) ; .set GL_PREFIX(TexImage3DEXT), GL_PREFIX(TexImage3D) + .globl GL_PREFIX(TexSubImage3DEXT) ; .set GL_PREFIX(TexSubImage3DEXT), GL_PREFIX(TexSubImage3D) + .globl GL_PREFIX(CopyTexSubImage3DEXT) ; .set GL_PREFIX(CopyTexSubImage3DEXT), GL_PREFIX(CopyTexSubImage3D) + .globl GL_PREFIX(ActiveTextureARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(ActiveTextureARB), GL_PREFIX(ActiveTexture) + .globl GL_PREFIX(ClientActiveTextureARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(ClientActiveTextureARB), GL_PREFIX(ClientActiveTexture) + .globl GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord1dARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord1dARB), GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord1d) + .globl GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord1dvARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord1dvARB), GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord1dv) + .globl GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord1f) ; .set GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord1f), GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord1fARB) + .globl GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord1fv) ; .set GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord1fv), GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord1fvARB) + .globl GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord1iARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord1iARB), GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord1i) + .globl GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord1ivARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord1ivARB), GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord1iv) + .globl GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord1sARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord1sARB), GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord1s) + .globl GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord1svARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord1svARB), GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord1sv) + .globl GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord2dARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord2dARB), GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord2d) + .globl GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord2dvARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord2dvARB), GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord2dv) + .globl GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord2f) ; .set GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord2f), GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord2fARB) + .globl GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord2fv) ; .set GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord2fv), GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord2fvARB) + .globl GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord2iARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord2iARB), GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord2i) + .globl GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord2ivARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord2ivARB), GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord2iv) + .globl GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord2sARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord2sARB), GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord2s) + .globl GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord2svARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord2svARB), GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord2sv) + .globl GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord3dARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord3dARB), GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord3d) + .globl GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord3dvARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord3dvARB), GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord3dv) + .globl GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord3f) ; .set GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord3f), GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord3fARB) + .globl GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord3fv) ; .set GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord3fv), GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord3fvARB) + .globl GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord3iARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord3iARB), GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord3i) + .globl GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord3ivARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord3ivARB), GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord3iv) + .globl GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord3sARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord3sARB), GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord3s) + .globl GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord3svARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord3svARB), GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord3sv) + .globl GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord4dARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord4dARB), GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord4d) + .globl GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord4dvARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord4dvARB), GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord4dv) + .globl GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord4f) ; .set GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord4f), GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord4fARB) + .globl GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord4fv) ; .set GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord4fv), GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord4fvARB) + .globl GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord4iARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord4iARB), GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord4i) + .globl GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord4ivARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord4ivARB), GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord4iv) + .globl GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord4sARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord4sARB), GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord4s) + .globl GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord4svARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord4svARB), GL_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord4sv) + .globl GL_PREFIX(CompressedTexImage1DARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(CompressedTexImage1DARB), GL_PREFIX(CompressedTexImage1D) + .globl GL_PREFIX(CompressedTexImage2DARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(CompressedTexImage2DARB), GL_PREFIX(CompressedTexImage2D) + .globl GL_PREFIX(CompressedTexImage3DARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(CompressedTexImage3DARB), GL_PREFIX(CompressedTexImage3D) + .globl GL_PREFIX(CompressedTexSubImage1DARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(CompressedTexSubImage1DARB), GL_PREFIX(CompressedTexSubImage1D) + .globl GL_PREFIX(CompressedTexSubImage2DARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(CompressedTexSubImage2DARB), GL_PREFIX(CompressedTexSubImage2D) + .globl GL_PREFIX(CompressedTexSubImage3DARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(CompressedTexSubImage3DARB), GL_PREFIX(CompressedTexSubImage3D) + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetCompressedTexImageARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(GetCompressedTexImageARB), GL_PREFIX(GetCompressedTexImage) + .globl GL_PREFIX(LoadTransposeMatrixdARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(LoadTransposeMatrixdARB), GL_PREFIX(LoadTransposeMatrixd) + .globl GL_PREFIX(LoadTransposeMatrixfARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(LoadTransposeMatrixfARB), GL_PREFIX(LoadTransposeMatrixf) + .globl GL_PREFIX(MultTransposeMatrixdARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(MultTransposeMatrixdARB), GL_PREFIX(MultTransposeMatrixd) + .globl GL_PREFIX(MultTransposeMatrixfARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(MultTransposeMatrixfARB), GL_PREFIX(MultTransposeMatrixf) + .globl GL_PREFIX(SampleCoverageARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(SampleCoverageARB), GL_PREFIX(SampleCoverage) + .globl GL_PREFIX(BlendFuncSeparateEXT) ; .set GL_PREFIX(BlendFuncSeparateEXT), GL_PREFIX(BlendFuncSeparate) + .globl GL_PREFIX(FogCoordPointerEXT) ; .set GL_PREFIX(FogCoordPointerEXT), GL_PREFIX(FogCoordPointer) + .globl GL_PREFIX(FogCoorddEXT) ; .set GL_PREFIX(FogCoorddEXT), GL_PREFIX(FogCoordd) + .globl GL_PREFIX(FogCoorddvEXT) ; .set GL_PREFIX(FogCoorddvEXT), GL_PREFIX(FogCoorddv) + .globl GL_PREFIX(MultiDrawArraysEXT) ; .set GL_PREFIX(MultiDrawArraysEXT), GL_PREFIX(MultiDrawArrays) + .globl GL_PREFIX(PointParameterfARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(PointParameterfARB), GL_PREFIX(PointParameterf) + .globl GL_PREFIX(PointParameterfEXT) ; .set GL_PREFIX(PointParameterfEXT), GL_PREFIX(PointParameterf) + .globl GL_PREFIX(PointParameterfvARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(PointParameterfvARB), GL_PREFIX(PointParameterfv) + .globl GL_PREFIX(PointParameterfvEXT) ; .set GL_PREFIX(PointParameterfvEXT), GL_PREFIX(PointParameterfv) + .globl GL_PREFIX(PointParameteriNV) ; .set GL_PREFIX(PointParameteriNV), GL_PREFIX(PointParameteri) + .globl GL_PREFIX(PointParameterivNV) ; .set GL_PREFIX(PointParameterivNV), GL_PREFIX(PointParameteriv) + .globl GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3bEXT) ; .set GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3bEXT), GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3b) + .globl GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3bvEXT) ; .set GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3bvEXT), GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3bv) + .globl GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3dEXT) ; .set GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3dEXT), GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3d) + .globl GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3dvEXT) ; .set GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3dvEXT), GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3dv) + .globl GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3iEXT) ; .set GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3iEXT), GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3i) + .globl GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3ivEXT) ; .set GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3ivEXT), GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3iv) + .globl GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3sEXT) ; .set GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3sEXT), GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3s) + .globl GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3svEXT) ; .set GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3svEXT), GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3sv) + .globl GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3ubEXT) ; .set GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3ubEXT), GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3ub) + .globl GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3ubvEXT) ; .set GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3ubvEXT), GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3ubv) + .globl GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3uiEXT) ; .set GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3uiEXT), GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3ui) + .globl GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3uivEXT) ; .set GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3uivEXT), GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3uiv) + .globl GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3usEXT) ; .set GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3usEXT), GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3us) + .globl GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3usvEXT) ; .set GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3usvEXT), GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3usv) + .globl GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColorPointerEXT) ; .set GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColorPointerEXT), GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColorPointer) + .globl GL_PREFIX(WindowPos2dARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(WindowPos2dARB), GL_PREFIX(WindowPos2d) + .globl GL_PREFIX(WindowPos2dMESA) ; .set GL_PREFIX(WindowPos2dMESA), GL_PREFIX(WindowPos2d) + .globl GL_PREFIX(WindowPos2dvARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(WindowPos2dvARB), GL_PREFIX(WindowPos2dv) + .globl GL_PREFIX(WindowPos2dvMESA) ; .set GL_PREFIX(WindowPos2dvMESA), GL_PREFIX(WindowPos2dv) + .globl GL_PREFIX(WindowPos2fARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(WindowPos2fARB), GL_PREFIX(WindowPos2f) + .globl GL_PREFIX(WindowPos2fMESA) ; .set GL_PREFIX(WindowPos2fMESA), GL_PREFIX(WindowPos2f) + .globl GL_PREFIX(WindowPos2fvARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(WindowPos2fvARB), GL_PREFIX(WindowPos2fv) + .globl GL_PREFIX(WindowPos2fvMESA) ; .set GL_PREFIX(WindowPos2fvMESA), GL_PREFIX(WindowPos2fv) + .globl GL_PREFIX(WindowPos2iARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(WindowPos2iARB), GL_PREFIX(WindowPos2i) + .globl GL_PREFIX(WindowPos2iMESA) ; .set GL_PREFIX(WindowPos2iMESA), GL_PREFIX(WindowPos2i) + .globl GL_PREFIX(WindowPos2ivARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(WindowPos2ivARB), GL_PREFIX(WindowPos2iv) + .globl GL_PREFIX(WindowPos2ivMESA) ; .set GL_PREFIX(WindowPos2ivMESA), GL_PREFIX(WindowPos2iv) + .globl GL_PREFIX(WindowPos2sARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(WindowPos2sARB), GL_PREFIX(WindowPos2s) + .globl GL_PREFIX(WindowPos2sMESA) ; .set GL_PREFIX(WindowPos2sMESA), GL_PREFIX(WindowPos2s) + .globl GL_PREFIX(WindowPos2svARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(WindowPos2svARB), GL_PREFIX(WindowPos2sv) + .globl GL_PREFIX(WindowPos2svMESA) ; .set GL_PREFIX(WindowPos2svMESA), GL_PREFIX(WindowPos2sv) + .globl GL_PREFIX(WindowPos3dARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(WindowPos3dARB), GL_PREFIX(WindowPos3d) + .globl GL_PREFIX(WindowPos3dMESA) ; .set GL_PREFIX(WindowPos3dMESA), GL_PREFIX(WindowPos3d) + .globl GL_PREFIX(WindowPos3dvARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(WindowPos3dvARB), GL_PREFIX(WindowPos3dv) + .globl GL_PREFIX(WindowPos3dvMESA) ; .set GL_PREFIX(WindowPos3dvMESA), GL_PREFIX(WindowPos3dv) + .globl GL_PREFIX(WindowPos3fARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(WindowPos3fARB), GL_PREFIX(WindowPos3f) + .globl GL_PREFIX(WindowPos3fMESA) ; .set GL_PREFIX(WindowPos3fMESA), GL_PREFIX(WindowPos3f) + .globl GL_PREFIX(WindowPos3fvARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(WindowPos3fvARB), GL_PREFIX(WindowPos3fv) + .globl GL_PREFIX(WindowPos3fvMESA) ; .set GL_PREFIX(WindowPos3fvMESA), GL_PREFIX(WindowPos3fv) + .globl GL_PREFIX(WindowPos3iARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(WindowPos3iARB), GL_PREFIX(WindowPos3i) + .globl GL_PREFIX(WindowPos3iMESA) ; .set GL_PREFIX(WindowPos3iMESA), GL_PREFIX(WindowPos3i) + .globl GL_PREFIX(WindowPos3ivARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(WindowPos3ivARB), GL_PREFIX(WindowPos3iv) + .globl GL_PREFIX(WindowPos3ivMESA) ; .set GL_PREFIX(WindowPos3ivMESA), GL_PREFIX(WindowPos3iv) + .globl GL_PREFIX(WindowPos3sARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(WindowPos3sARB), GL_PREFIX(WindowPos3s) + .globl GL_PREFIX(WindowPos3sMESA) ; .set GL_PREFIX(WindowPos3sMESA), GL_PREFIX(WindowPos3s) + .globl GL_PREFIX(WindowPos3svARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(WindowPos3svARB), GL_PREFIX(WindowPos3sv) + .globl GL_PREFIX(WindowPos3svMESA) ; .set GL_PREFIX(WindowPos3svMESA), GL_PREFIX(WindowPos3sv) + .globl GL_PREFIX(BeginQueryARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(BeginQueryARB), GL_PREFIX(BeginQuery) + .globl GL_PREFIX(BindBufferARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(BindBufferARB), GL_PREFIX(BindBuffer) + .globl GL_PREFIX(BufferDataARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(BufferDataARB), GL_PREFIX(BufferData) + .globl GL_PREFIX(BufferSubDataARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(BufferSubDataARB), GL_PREFIX(BufferSubData) + .globl GL_PREFIX(DeleteBuffersARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(DeleteBuffersARB), GL_PREFIX(DeleteBuffers) + .globl GL_PREFIX(DeleteQueriesARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(DeleteQueriesARB), GL_PREFIX(DeleteQueries) + .globl GL_PREFIX(EndQueryARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(EndQueryARB), GL_PREFIX(EndQuery) + .globl GL_PREFIX(GenBuffersARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(GenBuffersARB), GL_PREFIX(GenBuffers) + .globl GL_PREFIX(GenQueriesARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(GenQueriesARB), GL_PREFIX(GenQueries) + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetBufferParameterivARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(GetBufferParameterivARB), GL_PREFIX(GetBufferParameteriv) + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetBufferPointervARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(GetBufferPointervARB), GL_PREFIX(GetBufferPointerv) + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetBufferSubDataARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(GetBufferSubDataARB), GL_PREFIX(GetBufferSubData) + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetQueryObjectivARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(GetQueryObjectivARB), GL_PREFIX(GetQueryObjectiv) + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetQueryObjectuivARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(GetQueryObjectuivARB), GL_PREFIX(GetQueryObjectuiv) + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetQueryivARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(GetQueryivARB), GL_PREFIX(GetQueryiv) + .globl GL_PREFIX(IsBufferARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(IsBufferARB), GL_PREFIX(IsBuffer) + .globl GL_PREFIX(IsQueryARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(IsQueryARB), GL_PREFIX(IsQuery) + .globl GL_PREFIX(MapBufferARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(MapBufferARB), GL_PREFIX(MapBuffer) + .globl GL_PREFIX(UnmapBufferARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(UnmapBufferARB), GL_PREFIX(UnmapBuffer) + .globl GL_PREFIX(BindAttribLocationARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(BindAttribLocationARB), GL_PREFIX(BindAttribLocation) + .globl GL_PREFIX(CompileShaderARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(CompileShaderARB), GL_PREFIX(CompileShader) + .globl GL_PREFIX(DisableVertexAttribArrayARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(DisableVertexAttribArrayARB), GL_PREFIX(DisableVertexAttribArray) + .globl GL_PREFIX(DrawBuffersARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(DrawBuffersARB), GL_PREFIX(DrawBuffers) + .globl GL_PREFIX(DrawBuffersATI) ; .set GL_PREFIX(DrawBuffersATI), GL_PREFIX(DrawBuffers) + .globl GL_PREFIX(EnableVertexAttribArrayARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(EnableVertexAttribArrayARB), GL_PREFIX(EnableVertexAttribArray) + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetActiveAttribARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(GetActiveAttribARB), GL_PREFIX(GetActiveAttrib) + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetActiveUniformARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(GetActiveUniformARB), GL_PREFIX(GetActiveUniform) + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetAttribLocationARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(GetAttribLocationARB), GL_PREFIX(GetAttribLocation) + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetShaderSourceARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(GetShaderSourceARB), GL_PREFIX(GetShaderSource) + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetUniformLocationARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(GetUniformLocationARB), GL_PREFIX(GetUniformLocation) + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetUniformfvARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(GetUniformfvARB), GL_PREFIX(GetUniformfv) + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetUniformivARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(GetUniformivARB), GL_PREFIX(GetUniformiv) + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetVertexAttribPointervARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(GetVertexAttribPointervARB), GL_PREFIX(GetVertexAttribPointerv) + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetVertexAttribPointervNV) ; .set GL_PREFIX(GetVertexAttribPointervNV), GL_PREFIX(GetVertexAttribPointerv) + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetVertexAttribdvARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(GetVertexAttribdvARB), GL_PREFIX(GetVertexAttribdv) + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetVertexAttribfvARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(GetVertexAttribfvARB), GL_PREFIX(GetVertexAttribfv) + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetVertexAttribivARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(GetVertexAttribivARB), GL_PREFIX(GetVertexAttribiv) + .globl GL_PREFIX(LinkProgramARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(LinkProgramARB), GL_PREFIX(LinkProgram) + .globl GL_PREFIX(ShaderSourceARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(ShaderSourceARB), GL_PREFIX(ShaderSource) + .globl GL_PREFIX(Uniform1fARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(Uniform1fARB), GL_PREFIX(Uniform1f) + .globl GL_PREFIX(Uniform1fvARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(Uniform1fvARB), GL_PREFIX(Uniform1fv) + .globl GL_PREFIX(Uniform1iARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(Uniform1iARB), GL_PREFIX(Uniform1i) + .globl GL_PREFIX(Uniform1ivARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(Uniform1ivARB), GL_PREFIX(Uniform1iv) + .globl GL_PREFIX(Uniform2fARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(Uniform2fARB), GL_PREFIX(Uniform2f) + .globl GL_PREFIX(Uniform2fvARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(Uniform2fvARB), GL_PREFIX(Uniform2fv) + .globl GL_PREFIX(Uniform2iARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(Uniform2iARB), GL_PREFIX(Uniform2i) + .globl GL_PREFIX(Uniform2ivARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(Uniform2ivARB), GL_PREFIX(Uniform2iv) + .globl GL_PREFIX(Uniform3fARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(Uniform3fARB), GL_PREFIX(Uniform3f) + .globl GL_PREFIX(Uniform3fvARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(Uniform3fvARB), GL_PREFIX(Uniform3fv) + .globl GL_PREFIX(Uniform3iARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(Uniform3iARB), GL_PREFIX(Uniform3i) + .globl GL_PREFIX(Uniform3ivARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(Uniform3ivARB), GL_PREFIX(Uniform3iv) + .globl GL_PREFIX(Uniform4fARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(Uniform4fARB), GL_PREFIX(Uniform4f) + .globl GL_PREFIX(Uniform4fvARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(Uniform4fvARB), GL_PREFIX(Uniform4fv) + .globl GL_PREFIX(Uniform4iARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(Uniform4iARB), GL_PREFIX(Uniform4i) + .globl GL_PREFIX(Uniform4ivARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(Uniform4ivARB), GL_PREFIX(Uniform4iv) + .globl GL_PREFIX(UniformMatrix2fvARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(UniformMatrix2fvARB), GL_PREFIX(UniformMatrix2fv) + .globl GL_PREFIX(UniformMatrix3fvARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(UniformMatrix3fvARB), GL_PREFIX(UniformMatrix3fv) + .globl GL_PREFIX(UniformMatrix4fvARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(UniformMatrix4fvARB), GL_PREFIX(UniformMatrix4fv) + .globl GL_PREFIX(UseProgramObjectARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(UseProgramObjectARB), GL_PREFIX(UseProgram) + .globl GL_PREFIX(ValidateProgramARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(ValidateProgramARB), GL_PREFIX(ValidateProgram) + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib1dARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib1dARB), GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib1d) + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib1dvARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib1dvARB), GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib1dv) + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib1sARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib1sARB), GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib1s) + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib1svARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib1svARB), GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib1sv) + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib2dARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib2dARB), GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib2d) + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib2dvARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib2dvARB), GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib2dv) + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib2sARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib2sARB), GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib2s) + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib2svARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib2svARB), GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib2sv) + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib3dARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib3dARB), GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib3d) + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib3dvARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib3dvARB), GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib3dv) + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib3sARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib3sARB), GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib3s) + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib3svARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib3svARB), GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib3sv) + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4NbvARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4NbvARB), GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4Nbv) + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4NivARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4NivARB), GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4Niv) + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4NsvARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4NsvARB), GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4Nsv) + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4NubARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4NubARB), GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4Nub) + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4NubvARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4NubvARB), GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4Nubv) + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4NuivARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4NuivARB), GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4Nuiv) + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4NusvARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4NusvARB), GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4Nusv) + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4bvARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4bvARB), GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4bv) + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4dARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4dARB), GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4d) + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4dvARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4dvARB), GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4dv) + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4ivARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4ivARB), GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4iv) + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4sARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4sARB), GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4s) + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4svARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4svARB), GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4sv) + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4ubvARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4ubvARB), GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4ubv) + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4uivARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4uivARB), GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4uiv) + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4usvARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4usvARB), GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4usv) + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribPointerARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribPointerARB), GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribPointer) + .globl GL_PREFIX(BeginConditionalRenderNV) ; .set GL_PREFIX(BeginConditionalRenderNV), GL_PREFIX(BeginConditionalRender) + .globl GL_PREFIX(BeginTransformFeedbackEXT) ; .set GL_PREFIX(BeginTransformFeedbackEXT), GL_PREFIX(BeginTransformFeedback) + .globl GL_PREFIX(BindBufferBaseEXT) ; .set GL_PREFIX(BindBufferBaseEXT), GL_PREFIX(BindBufferBase) + .globl GL_PREFIX(BindBufferRangeEXT) ; .set GL_PREFIX(BindBufferRangeEXT), GL_PREFIX(BindBufferRange) + .globl GL_PREFIX(BindFragDataLocationEXT) ; .set GL_PREFIX(BindFragDataLocationEXT), GL_PREFIX(BindFragDataLocation) + .globl GL_PREFIX(ClampColorARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(ClampColorARB), GL_PREFIX(ClampColor) + .globl GL_PREFIX(ColorMaskIndexedEXT) ; .set GL_PREFIX(ColorMaskIndexedEXT), GL_PREFIX(ColorMaski) + .globl GL_PREFIX(DisableIndexedEXT) ; .set GL_PREFIX(DisableIndexedEXT), GL_PREFIX(Disablei) + .globl GL_PREFIX(EnableIndexedEXT) ; .set GL_PREFIX(EnableIndexedEXT), GL_PREFIX(Enablei) + .globl GL_PREFIX(EndConditionalRenderNV) ; .set GL_PREFIX(EndConditionalRenderNV), GL_PREFIX(EndConditionalRender) + .globl GL_PREFIX(EndTransformFeedbackEXT) ; .set GL_PREFIX(EndTransformFeedbackEXT), GL_PREFIX(EndTransformFeedback) + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetBooleanIndexedvEXT) ; .set GL_PREFIX(GetBooleanIndexedvEXT), GL_PREFIX(GetBooleani_v) + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetFragDataLocationEXT) ; .set GL_PREFIX(GetFragDataLocationEXT), GL_PREFIX(GetFragDataLocation) + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetIntegerIndexedvEXT) ; .set GL_PREFIX(GetIntegerIndexedvEXT), GL_PREFIX(GetIntegeri_v) + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetTexParameterIivEXT) ; .set GL_PREFIX(GetTexParameterIivEXT), GL_PREFIX(GetTexParameterIiv) + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetTexParameterIuivEXT) ; .set GL_PREFIX(GetTexParameterIuivEXT), GL_PREFIX(GetTexParameterIuiv) + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetTransformFeedbackVaryingEXT) ; .set GL_PREFIX(GetTransformFeedbackVaryingEXT), GL_PREFIX(GetTransformFeedbackVarying) + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetUniformuivEXT) ; .set GL_PREFIX(GetUniformuivEXT), GL_PREFIX(GetUniformuiv) + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetVertexAttribIivEXT) ; .set GL_PREFIX(GetVertexAttribIivEXT), GL_PREFIX(GetVertexAttribIiv) + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetVertexAttribIuivEXT) ; .set GL_PREFIX(GetVertexAttribIuivEXT), GL_PREFIX(GetVertexAttribIuiv) + .globl GL_PREFIX(IsEnabledIndexedEXT) ; .set GL_PREFIX(IsEnabledIndexedEXT), GL_PREFIX(IsEnabledi) + .globl GL_PREFIX(TexParameterIivEXT) ; .set GL_PREFIX(TexParameterIivEXT), GL_PREFIX(TexParameterIiv) + .globl GL_PREFIX(TexParameterIuivEXT) ; .set GL_PREFIX(TexParameterIuivEXT), GL_PREFIX(TexParameterIuiv) + .globl GL_PREFIX(TransformFeedbackVaryingsEXT) ; .set GL_PREFIX(TransformFeedbackVaryingsEXT), GL_PREFIX(TransformFeedbackVaryings) + .globl GL_PREFIX(Uniform1uiEXT) ; .set GL_PREFIX(Uniform1uiEXT), GL_PREFIX(Uniform1ui) + .globl GL_PREFIX(Uniform1uivEXT) ; .set GL_PREFIX(Uniform1uivEXT), GL_PREFIX(Uniform1uiv) + .globl GL_PREFIX(Uniform2uiEXT) ; .set GL_PREFIX(Uniform2uiEXT), GL_PREFIX(Uniform2ui) + .globl GL_PREFIX(Uniform2uivEXT) ; .set GL_PREFIX(Uniform2uivEXT), GL_PREFIX(Uniform2uiv) + .globl GL_PREFIX(Uniform3uiEXT) ; .set GL_PREFIX(Uniform3uiEXT), GL_PREFIX(Uniform3ui) + .globl GL_PREFIX(Uniform3uivEXT) ; .set GL_PREFIX(Uniform3uivEXT), GL_PREFIX(Uniform3uiv) + .globl GL_PREFIX(Uniform4uiEXT) ; .set GL_PREFIX(Uniform4uiEXT), GL_PREFIX(Uniform4ui) + .globl GL_PREFIX(Uniform4uivEXT) ; .set GL_PREFIX(Uniform4uivEXT), GL_PREFIX(Uniform4uiv) + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI1ivEXT) ; .set GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI1ivEXT), GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI1iv) + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI1uivEXT) ; .set GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI1uivEXT), GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI1uiv) + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI4bvEXT) ; .set GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI4bvEXT), GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI4bv) + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI4svEXT) ; .set GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI4svEXT), GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI4sv) + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI4ubvEXT) ; .set GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI4ubvEXT), GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI4ubv) + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI4usvEXT) ; .set GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI4usvEXT), GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI4usv) + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribIPointerEXT) ; .set GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribIPointerEXT), GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribIPointer) + .globl GL_PREFIX(PrimitiveRestartIndexNV) ; .set GL_PREFIX(PrimitiveRestartIndexNV), GL_PREFIX(PrimitiveRestartIndex) + .globl GL_PREFIX(TexBufferARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(TexBufferARB), GL_PREFIX(TexBuffer) + .globl GL_PREFIX(FramebufferTextureARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(FramebufferTextureARB), GL_PREFIX(FramebufferTexture) + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribDivisorARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribDivisorARB), GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribDivisor) + .globl GL_PREFIX(BindProgramNV) ; .set GL_PREFIX(BindProgramNV), GL_PREFIX(BindProgramARB) + .globl GL_PREFIX(DeleteProgramsNV) ; .set GL_PREFIX(DeleteProgramsNV), GL_PREFIX(DeleteProgramsARB) + .globl GL_PREFIX(GenProgramsNV) ; .set GL_PREFIX(GenProgramsNV), GL_PREFIX(GenProgramsARB) + .globl GL_PREFIX(IsProgramNV) ; .set GL_PREFIX(IsProgramNV), GL_PREFIX(IsProgramARB) + .globl GL_PREFIX(ProgramParameter4dNV) ; .set GL_PREFIX(ProgramParameter4dNV), GL_PREFIX(ProgramEnvParameter4dARB) + .globl GL_PREFIX(ProgramParameter4dvNV) ; .set GL_PREFIX(ProgramParameter4dvNV), GL_PREFIX(ProgramEnvParameter4dvARB) + .globl GL_PREFIX(ProgramParameter4fNV) ; .set GL_PREFIX(ProgramParameter4fNV), GL_PREFIX(ProgramEnvParameter4fARB) + .globl GL_PREFIX(ProgramParameter4fvNV) ; .set GL_PREFIX(ProgramParameter4fvNV), GL_PREFIX(ProgramEnvParameter4fvARB) + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib1f) ; .set GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib1f), GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib1fARB) + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib1fv) ; .set GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib1fv), GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib1fvARB) + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib2f) ; .set GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib2f), GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib2fARB) + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib2fv) ; .set GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib2fv), GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib2fvARB) + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib3f) ; .set GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib3f), GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib3fARB) + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib3fv) ; .set GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib3fv), GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib3fvARB) + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4f) ; .set GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4f), GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4fARB) + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4fv) ; .set GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4fv), GL_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4fvARB) + .globl GL_PREFIX(DrawArraysInstancedEXT) ; .set GL_PREFIX(DrawArraysInstancedEXT), GL_PREFIX(DrawArraysInstancedARB) + .globl GL_PREFIX(DrawArraysInstanced) ; .set GL_PREFIX(DrawArraysInstanced), GL_PREFIX(DrawArraysInstancedARB) + .globl GL_PREFIX(DrawElementsInstancedEXT) ; .set GL_PREFIX(DrawElementsInstancedEXT), GL_PREFIX(DrawElementsInstancedARB) + .globl GL_PREFIX(DrawElementsInstanced) ; .set GL_PREFIX(DrawElementsInstanced), GL_PREFIX(DrawElementsInstancedARB) + .globl GL_PREFIX(BindFramebufferEXT) ; .set GL_PREFIX(BindFramebufferEXT), GL_PREFIX(BindFramebuffer) + .globl GL_PREFIX(BindRenderbufferEXT) ; .set GL_PREFIX(BindRenderbufferEXT), GL_PREFIX(BindRenderbuffer) + .globl GL_PREFIX(CheckFramebufferStatusEXT) ; .set GL_PREFIX(CheckFramebufferStatusEXT), GL_PREFIX(CheckFramebufferStatus) + .globl GL_PREFIX(DeleteFramebuffersEXT) ; .set GL_PREFIX(DeleteFramebuffersEXT), GL_PREFIX(DeleteFramebuffers) + .globl GL_PREFIX(DeleteRenderbuffersEXT) ; .set GL_PREFIX(DeleteRenderbuffersEXT), GL_PREFIX(DeleteRenderbuffers) + .globl GL_PREFIX(FramebufferRenderbufferEXT) ; .set GL_PREFIX(FramebufferRenderbufferEXT), GL_PREFIX(FramebufferRenderbuffer) + .globl GL_PREFIX(FramebufferTexture1DEXT) ; .set GL_PREFIX(FramebufferTexture1DEXT), GL_PREFIX(FramebufferTexture1D) + .globl GL_PREFIX(FramebufferTexture2DEXT) ; .set GL_PREFIX(FramebufferTexture2DEXT), GL_PREFIX(FramebufferTexture2D) + .globl GL_PREFIX(FramebufferTexture3DEXT) ; .set GL_PREFIX(FramebufferTexture3DEXT), GL_PREFIX(FramebufferTexture3D) + .globl GL_PREFIX(FramebufferTextureLayerARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(FramebufferTextureLayerARB), GL_PREFIX(FramebufferTextureLayer) + .globl GL_PREFIX(FramebufferTextureLayerEXT) ; .set GL_PREFIX(FramebufferTextureLayerEXT), GL_PREFIX(FramebufferTextureLayer) + .globl GL_PREFIX(GenFramebuffersEXT) ; .set GL_PREFIX(GenFramebuffersEXT), GL_PREFIX(GenFramebuffers) + .globl GL_PREFIX(GenRenderbuffersEXT) ; .set GL_PREFIX(GenRenderbuffersEXT), GL_PREFIX(GenRenderbuffers) + .globl GL_PREFIX(GenerateMipmapEXT) ; .set GL_PREFIX(GenerateMipmapEXT), GL_PREFIX(GenerateMipmap) + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivEXT) ; .set GL_PREFIX(GetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivEXT), GL_PREFIX(GetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv) + .globl GL_PREFIX(GetRenderbufferParameterivEXT) ; .set GL_PREFIX(GetRenderbufferParameterivEXT), GL_PREFIX(GetRenderbufferParameteriv) + .globl GL_PREFIX(IsFramebufferEXT) ; .set GL_PREFIX(IsFramebufferEXT), GL_PREFIX(IsFramebuffer) + .globl GL_PREFIX(IsRenderbufferEXT) ; .set GL_PREFIX(IsRenderbufferEXT), GL_PREFIX(IsRenderbuffer) + .globl GL_PREFIX(RenderbufferStorageEXT) ; .set GL_PREFIX(RenderbufferStorageEXT), GL_PREFIX(RenderbufferStorage) + .globl GL_PREFIX(RenderbufferStorageMultisampleEXT) ; .set GL_PREFIX(RenderbufferStorageMultisampleEXT), GL_PREFIX(RenderbufferStorageMultisample) + .globl GL_PREFIX(ProvokingVertexEXT) ; .set GL_PREFIX(ProvokingVertexEXT), GL_PREFIX(ProvokingVertex) + .globl GL_PREFIX(BlendEquationSeparateIndexedAMD) ; .set GL_PREFIX(BlendEquationSeparateIndexedAMD), GL_PREFIX(BlendEquationSeparateiARB) + .globl GL_PREFIX(BlendEquationIndexedAMD) ; .set GL_PREFIX(BlendEquationIndexedAMD), GL_PREFIX(BlendEquationiARB) + .globl GL_PREFIX(BlendFuncSeparateIndexedAMD) ; .set GL_PREFIX(BlendFuncSeparateIndexedAMD), GL_PREFIX(BlendFuncSeparateiARB) + .globl GL_PREFIX(BlendFuncIndexedAMD) ; .set GL_PREFIX(BlendFuncIndexedAMD), GL_PREFIX(BlendFunciARB) + .globl GL_PREFIX(ProgramParameteriARB) ; .set GL_PREFIX(ProgramParameteriARB), GL_PREFIX(ProgramParameteri) + .globl GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3f) ; .set GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3f), GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3fEXT) + .globl GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3fv) ; .set GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3fv), GL_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3fvEXT) + .globl GL_PREFIX(MultiDrawElements) ; .set GL_PREFIX(MultiDrawElements), GL_PREFIX(MultiDrawElementsEXT) + .globl GL_PREFIX(FogCoordf) ; .set GL_PREFIX(FogCoordf), GL_PREFIX(FogCoordfEXT) + .globl GL_PREFIX(FogCoordfv) ; .set GL_PREFIX(FogCoordfv), GL_PREFIX(FogCoordfvEXT) + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI1i) ; .set GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI1i), GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI1iEXT) + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI1ui) ; .set GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI1ui), GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI1uiEXT) + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI2i) ; .set GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI2i), GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI2iEXT) + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI2iv) ; .set GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI2iv), GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI2ivEXT) + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI2ui) ; .set GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI2ui), GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI2uiEXT) + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI2uiv) ; .set GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI2uiv), GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI2uivEXT) + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI3i) ; .set GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI3i), GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI3iEXT) + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI3iv) ; .set GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI3iv), GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI3ivEXT) + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI3ui) ; .set GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI3ui), GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI3uiEXT) + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI3uiv) ; .set GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI3uiv), GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI3uivEXT) + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI4i) ; .set GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI4i), GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI4iEXT) + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI4iv) ; .set GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI4iv), GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI4ivEXT) + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI4ui) ; .set GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI4ui), GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI4uiEXT) + .globl GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI4uiv) ; .set GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI4uiv), GL_PREFIX(VertexAttribI4uivEXT) + +#if defined (__ELF__) && defined (__linux__) + .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits +#endif --- mesa-9.1.4.orig/src/mapi/glapi/glapi_gentable.c +++ mesa-9.1.4/src/mapi/glapi/glapi_gentable.c @@ -0,0 +1,10517 @@ +/* DO NOT EDIT - This file generated automatically by gl_gen_table.py (from Mesa) script */ + +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Brian Paul All Rights Reserved. + * (C) Copyright IBM Corporation 2004, 2005 + * (C) Copyright Apple Inc 2011 + * All Rights Reserved. + * + * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a + * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), + * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation + * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sub license, + * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the + * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + * + * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next + * paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the + * Software. + * + * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR + * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL + * BRIAN PAUL, IBM, + * AND/OR THEIR SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, + * WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF + * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE + * SOFTWARE. + */ + +/* GLXEXT is the define used in the xserver when the GLX extension is being + * built. Hijack this to determine whether this file is being built for the + * server or the client. + */ +#ifdef HAVE_DIX_CONFIG_H +#include +#endif + +#if (defined(GLXEXT) && defined(HAVE_BACKTRACE)) \ + || (!defined(GLXEXT) && defined(DEBUG) && !defined(_WIN32_WCE) && !defined(__CYGWIN__)) +#define USE_BACKTRACE +#endif + +#ifdef USE_BACKTRACE +#include +#endif + +#include +#include +#include + +#include "main/glheader.h" + +#include "glapi.h" +#include "glapitable.h" + +#ifdef GLXEXT +#include "os.h" +#endif + +static void +__glapi_gentable_NoOp(void) { + const char *fstr = "Unknown"; + + /* Silence potential GCC warning for some #ifdef paths. + */ + (void) fstr; +#if defined(USE_BACKTRACE) +#if !defined(GLXEXT) + if (getenv("MESA_DEBUG") || getenv("LIBGL_DEBUG")) +#endif + { + void *frames[2]; + + if(backtrace(frames, 2) == 2) { + Dl_info info; + dladdr(frames[1], &info); + if(info.dli_sname) + fstr = info.dli_sname; + } + +#if !defined(GLXEXT) + fprintf(stderr, "Call to unimplemented API: %s\n", fstr); +#endif + } +#endif +#if defined(GLXEXT) + LogMessage(X_ERROR, "GLX: Call to unimplemented API: %s\n", fstr); +#endif +} + +static void +__glapi_gentable_set_remaining_noop(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + GLuint entries = _glapi_get_dispatch_table_size(); + void **dispatch = (void **) disp; + int i; + + /* ISO C is annoying sometimes */ + union {_glapi_proc p; void *v;} p; + p.p = __glapi_gentable_NoOp; + + for(i=0; i < entries; i++) + if(dispatch[i] == NULL) + dispatch[i] = p.v; +} + +struct _glapi_table * +_glapi_create_table_from_handle(void *handle, const char *symbol_prefix) { + struct _glapi_table *disp = calloc(1, sizeof(struct _glapi_table)); + char symboln[512]; + + if(!disp) + return NULL; + + if(symbol_prefix == NULL) + symbol_prefix = ""; + + + if(!disp->NewList) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->NewList; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sNewList", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->EndList) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->EndList; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sEndList", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->CallList) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->CallList; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sCallList", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->CallLists) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->CallLists; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sCallLists", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->DeleteLists) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->DeleteLists; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sDeleteLists", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GenLists) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GenLists; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGenLists", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->ListBase) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->ListBase; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sListBase", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Begin) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Begin; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sBegin", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Bitmap) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Bitmap; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sBitmap", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Color3b) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Color3b; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sColor3b", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Color3bv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Color3bv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sColor3bv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Color3d) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Color3d; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sColor3d", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Color3dv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Color3dv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sColor3dv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Color3f) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Color3f; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sColor3f", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Color3fv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Color3fv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sColor3fv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Color3i) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Color3i; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sColor3i", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Color3iv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Color3iv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sColor3iv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Color3s) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Color3s; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sColor3s", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Color3sv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Color3sv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sColor3sv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Color3ub) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Color3ub; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sColor3ub", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Color3ubv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Color3ubv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sColor3ubv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Color3ui) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Color3ui; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sColor3ui", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Color3uiv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Color3uiv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sColor3uiv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Color3us) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Color3us; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sColor3us", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Color3usv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Color3usv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sColor3usv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Color4b) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Color4b; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sColor4b", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Color4bv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Color4bv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sColor4bv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Color4d) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Color4d; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sColor4d", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Color4dv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Color4dv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sColor4dv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Color4f) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Color4f; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sColor4f", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Color4fv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Color4fv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sColor4fv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Color4i) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Color4i; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sColor4i", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Color4iv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Color4iv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sColor4iv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Color4s) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Color4s; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sColor4s", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Color4sv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Color4sv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sColor4sv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Color4ub) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Color4ub; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sColor4ub", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Color4ubv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Color4ubv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sColor4ubv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Color4ui) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Color4ui; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sColor4ui", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Color4uiv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Color4uiv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sColor4uiv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Color4us) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Color4us; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sColor4us", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Color4usv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Color4usv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sColor4usv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->EdgeFlag) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->EdgeFlag; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sEdgeFlag", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->EdgeFlagv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->EdgeFlagv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sEdgeFlagv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->End) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->End; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sEnd", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Indexd) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Indexd; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sIndexd", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Indexdv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Indexdv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sIndexdv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Indexf) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Indexf; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sIndexf", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Indexfv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Indexfv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sIndexfv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Indexi) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Indexi; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sIndexi", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Indexiv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Indexiv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sIndexiv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Indexs) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Indexs; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sIndexs", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Indexsv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Indexsv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sIndexsv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Normal3b) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Normal3b; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sNormal3b", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Normal3bv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Normal3bv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sNormal3bv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Normal3d) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Normal3d; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sNormal3d", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Normal3dv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Normal3dv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sNormal3dv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Normal3f) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Normal3f; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sNormal3f", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Normal3fv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Normal3fv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sNormal3fv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Normal3i) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Normal3i; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sNormal3i", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Normal3iv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Normal3iv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sNormal3iv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Normal3s) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Normal3s; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sNormal3s", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Normal3sv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Normal3sv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sNormal3sv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->RasterPos2d) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->RasterPos2d; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sRasterPos2d", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->RasterPos2dv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->RasterPos2dv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sRasterPos2dv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->RasterPos2f) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->RasterPos2f; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sRasterPos2f", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->RasterPos2fv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->RasterPos2fv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sRasterPos2fv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->RasterPos2i) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->RasterPos2i; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sRasterPos2i", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->RasterPos2iv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->RasterPos2iv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sRasterPos2iv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->RasterPos2s) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->RasterPos2s; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sRasterPos2s", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->RasterPos2sv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->RasterPos2sv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sRasterPos2sv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->RasterPos3d) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->RasterPos3d; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sRasterPos3d", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->RasterPos3dv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->RasterPos3dv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sRasterPos3dv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->RasterPos3f) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->RasterPos3f; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sRasterPos3f", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->RasterPos3fv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->RasterPos3fv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sRasterPos3fv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->RasterPos3i) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->RasterPos3i; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sRasterPos3i", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->RasterPos3iv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->RasterPos3iv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sRasterPos3iv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->RasterPos3s) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->RasterPos3s; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sRasterPos3s", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->RasterPos3sv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->RasterPos3sv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sRasterPos3sv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->RasterPos4d) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->RasterPos4d; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sRasterPos4d", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->RasterPos4dv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->RasterPos4dv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sRasterPos4dv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->RasterPos4f) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->RasterPos4f; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sRasterPos4f", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->RasterPos4fv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->RasterPos4fv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sRasterPos4fv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->RasterPos4i) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->RasterPos4i; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sRasterPos4i", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->RasterPos4iv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->RasterPos4iv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sRasterPos4iv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->RasterPos4s) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->RasterPos4s; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sRasterPos4s", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->RasterPos4sv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->RasterPos4sv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sRasterPos4sv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Rectd) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Rectd; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sRectd", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Rectdv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Rectdv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sRectdv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Rectf) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Rectf; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sRectf", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Rectfv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Rectfv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sRectfv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Recti) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Recti; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sRecti", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Rectiv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Rectiv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sRectiv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Rects) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Rects; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sRects", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Rectsv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Rectsv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sRectsv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->TexCoord1d) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->TexCoord1d; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sTexCoord1d", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->TexCoord1dv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->TexCoord1dv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sTexCoord1dv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->TexCoord1f) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->TexCoord1f; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sTexCoord1f", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->TexCoord1fv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->TexCoord1fv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sTexCoord1fv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->TexCoord1i) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->TexCoord1i; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sTexCoord1i", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->TexCoord1iv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->TexCoord1iv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sTexCoord1iv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->TexCoord1s) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->TexCoord1s; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sTexCoord1s", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->TexCoord1sv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->TexCoord1sv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sTexCoord1sv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->TexCoord2d) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->TexCoord2d; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sTexCoord2d", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->TexCoord2dv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->TexCoord2dv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sTexCoord2dv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->TexCoord2f) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->TexCoord2f; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sTexCoord2f", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->TexCoord2fv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->TexCoord2fv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sTexCoord2fv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->TexCoord2i) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->TexCoord2i; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sTexCoord2i", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->TexCoord2iv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->TexCoord2iv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sTexCoord2iv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->TexCoord2s) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->TexCoord2s; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sTexCoord2s", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->TexCoord2sv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->TexCoord2sv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sTexCoord2sv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->TexCoord3d) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->TexCoord3d; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sTexCoord3d", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->TexCoord3dv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->TexCoord3dv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sTexCoord3dv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->TexCoord3f) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->TexCoord3f; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sTexCoord3f", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->TexCoord3fv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->TexCoord3fv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sTexCoord3fv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->TexCoord3i) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->TexCoord3i; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sTexCoord3i", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->TexCoord3iv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->TexCoord3iv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sTexCoord3iv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->TexCoord3s) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->TexCoord3s; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sTexCoord3s", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->TexCoord3sv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->TexCoord3sv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sTexCoord3sv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->TexCoord4d) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->TexCoord4d; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sTexCoord4d", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->TexCoord4dv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->TexCoord4dv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sTexCoord4dv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->TexCoord4f) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->TexCoord4f; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sTexCoord4f", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->TexCoord4fv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->TexCoord4fv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sTexCoord4fv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->TexCoord4i) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->TexCoord4i; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sTexCoord4i", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->TexCoord4iv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->TexCoord4iv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sTexCoord4iv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->TexCoord4s) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->TexCoord4s; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sTexCoord4s", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->TexCoord4sv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->TexCoord4sv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sTexCoord4sv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Vertex2d) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Vertex2d; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertex2d", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Vertex2dv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Vertex2dv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertex2dv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Vertex2f) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Vertex2f; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertex2f", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Vertex2fv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Vertex2fv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertex2fv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Vertex2i) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Vertex2i; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertex2i", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Vertex2iv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Vertex2iv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertex2iv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Vertex2s) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Vertex2s; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertex2s", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Vertex2sv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Vertex2sv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertex2sv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Vertex3d) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Vertex3d; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertex3d", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Vertex3dv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Vertex3dv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertex3dv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Vertex3f) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Vertex3f; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertex3f", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Vertex3fv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Vertex3fv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertex3fv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Vertex3i) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Vertex3i; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertex3i", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Vertex3iv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Vertex3iv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertex3iv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Vertex3s) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Vertex3s; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertex3s", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Vertex3sv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Vertex3sv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertex3sv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Vertex4d) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Vertex4d; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertex4d", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Vertex4dv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Vertex4dv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertex4dv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Vertex4f) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Vertex4f; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertex4f", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Vertex4fv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Vertex4fv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertex4fv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Vertex4i) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Vertex4i; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertex4i", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Vertex4iv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Vertex4iv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertex4iv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Vertex4s) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Vertex4s; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertex4s", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Vertex4sv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Vertex4sv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertex4sv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->ClipPlane) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->ClipPlane; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sClipPlane", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->ColorMaterial) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->ColorMaterial; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sColorMaterial", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->CullFace) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->CullFace; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sCullFace", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Fogf) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Fogf; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sFogf", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Fogfv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Fogfv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sFogfv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Fogi) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Fogi; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sFogi", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Fogiv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Fogiv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sFogiv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->FrontFace) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->FrontFace; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sFrontFace", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Hint) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Hint; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sHint", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Lightf) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Lightf; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sLightf", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Lightfv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Lightfv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sLightfv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Lighti) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Lighti; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sLighti", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Lightiv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Lightiv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sLightiv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->LightModelf) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->LightModelf; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sLightModelf", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->LightModelfv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->LightModelfv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sLightModelfv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->LightModeli) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->LightModeli; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sLightModeli", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->LightModeliv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->LightModeliv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sLightModeliv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->LineStipple) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->LineStipple; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sLineStipple", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->LineWidth) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->LineWidth; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sLineWidth", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Materialf) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Materialf; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sMaterialf", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Materialfv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Materialfv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sMaterialfv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Materiali) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Materiali; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sMateriali", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Materialiv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Materialiv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sMaterialiv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->PointSize) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->PointSize; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sPointSize", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->PolygonMode) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->PolygonMode; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sPolygonMode", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->PolygonStipple) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->PolygonStipple; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sPolygonStipple", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Scissor) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Scissor; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sScissor", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->ShadeModel) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->ShadeModel; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sShadeModel", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->TexParameterf) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->TexParameterf; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sTexParameterf", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->TexParameterfv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->TexParameterfv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sTexParameterfv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->TexParameteri) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->TexParameteri; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sTexParameteri", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->TexParameteriv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->TexParameteriv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sTexParameteriv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->TexImage1D) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->TexImage1D; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sTexImage1D", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->TexImage2D) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->TexImage2D; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sTexImage2D", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->TexEnvf) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->TexEnvf; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sTexEnvf", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->TexEnvfv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->TexEnvfv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sTexEnvfv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->TexEnvi) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->TexEnvi; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sTexEnvi", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->TexEnviv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->TexEnviv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sTexEnviv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->TexGend) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->TexGend; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sTexGend", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->TexGendv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->TexGendv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sTexGendv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->TexGenf) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->TexGenf; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sTexGenf", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->TexGenf) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->TexGenf; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sTexGenfOES", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->TexGenfv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->TexGenfv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sTexGenfv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->TexGenfv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->TexGenfv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sTexGenfvOES", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->TexGeni) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->TexGeni; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sTexGeni", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->TexGeni) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->TexGeni; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sTexGeniOES", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->TexGeniv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->TexGeniv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sTexGeniv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->TexGeniv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->TexGeniv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sTexGenivOES", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->FeedbackBuffer) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->FeedbackBuffer; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sFeedbackBuffer", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->SelectBuffer) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->SelectBuffer; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sSelectBuffer", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->RenderMode) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->RenderMode; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sRenderMode", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->InitNames) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->InitNames; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sInitNames", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->LoadName) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->LoadName; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sLoadName", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->PassThrough) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->PassThrough; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sPassThrough", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->PopName) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->PopName; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sPopName", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->PushName) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->PushName; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sPushName", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->DrawBuffer) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->DrawBuffer; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sDrawBuffer", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Clear) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Clear; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sClear", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->ClearAccum) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->ClearAccum; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sClearAccum", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->ClearIndex) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->ClearIndex; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sClearIndex", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->ClearColor) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->ClearColor; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sClearColor", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->ClearStencil) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->ClearStencil; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sClearStencil", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->ClearDepth) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->ClearDepth; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sClearDepth", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->StencilMask) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->StencilMask; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sStencilMask", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->ColorMask) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->ColorMask; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sColorMask", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->DepthMask) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->DepthMask; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sDepthMask", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->IndexMask) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->IndexMask; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sIndexMask", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Accum) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Accum; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sAccum", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Disable) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Disable; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sDisable", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Enable) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Enable; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sEnable", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Finish) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Finish; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sFinish", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Flush) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Flush; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sFlush", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->PopAttrib) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->PopAttrib; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sPopAttrib", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->PushAttrib) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->PushAttrib; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sPushAttrib", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Map1d) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Map1d; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sMap1d", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Map1f) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Map1f; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sMap1f", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Map2d) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Map2d; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sMap2d", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Map2f) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Map2f; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sMap2f", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->MapGrid1d) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->MapGrid1d; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sMapGrid1d", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->MapGrid1f) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->MapGrid1f; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sMapGrid1f", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->MapGrid2d) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->MapGrid2d; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sMapGrid2d", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->MapGrid2f) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->MapGrid2f; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sMapGrid2f", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->EvalCoord1d) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->EvalCoord1d; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sEvalCoord1d", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->EvalCoord1dv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->EvalCoord1dv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sEvalCoord1dv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->EvalCoord1f) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->EvalCoord1f; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sEvalCoord1f", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->EvalCoord1fv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->EvalCoord1fv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sEvalCoord1fv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->EvalCoord2d) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->EvalCoord2d; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sEvalCoord2d", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->EvalCoord2dv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->EvalCoord2dv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sEvalCoord2dv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->EvalCoord2f) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->EvalCoord2f; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sEvalCoord2f", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->EvalCoord2fv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->EvalCoord2fv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sEvalCoord2fv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->EvalMesh1) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->EvalMesh1; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sEvalMesh1", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->EvalPoint1) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->EvalPoint1; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sEvalPoint1", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->EvalMesh2) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->EvalMesh2; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sEvalMesh2", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->EvalPoint2) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->EvalPoint2; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sEvalPoint2", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->AlphaFunc) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->AlphaFunc; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sAlphaFunc", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->BlendFunc) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->BlendFunc; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sBlendFunc", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->LogicOp) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->LogicOp; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sLogicOp", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->StencilFunc) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->StencilFunc; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sStencilFunc", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->StencilOp) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->StencilOp; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sStencilOp", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->DepthFunc) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->DepthFunc; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sDepthFunc", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->PixelZoom) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->PixelZoom; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sPixelZoom", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->PixelTransferf) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->PixelTransferf; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sPixelTransferf", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->PixelTransferi) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->PixelTransferi; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sPixelTransferi", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->PixelStoref) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->PixelStoref; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sPixelStoref", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->PixelStorei) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->PixelStorei; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sPixelStorei", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->PixelMapfv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->PixelMapfv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sPixelMapfv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->PixelMapuiv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->PixelMapuiv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sPixelMapuiv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->PixelMapusv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->PixelMapusv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sPixelMapusv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->ReadBuffer) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->ReadBuffer; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sReadBuffer", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->ReadBuffer) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->ReadBuffer; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sReadBufferNV", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->CopyPixels) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->CopyPixels; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sCopyPixels", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->ReadPixels) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->ReadPixels; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sReadPixels", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->DrawPixels) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->DrawPixels; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sDrawPixels", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetBooleanv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetBooleanv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetBooleanv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetClipPlane) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetClipPlane; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetClipPlane", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetDoublev) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetDoublev; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetDoublev", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetError) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetError; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetError", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetFloatv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetFloatv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetFloatv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetIntegerv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetIntegerv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetIntegerv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetLightfv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetLightfv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetLightfv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetLightiv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetLightiv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetLightiv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetMapdv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetMapdv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetMapdv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetMapfv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetMapfv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetMapfv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetMapiv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetMapiv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetMapiv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetMaterialfv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetMaterialfv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetMaterialfv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetMaterialiv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetMaterialiv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetMaterialiv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetPixelMapfv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetPixelMapfv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetPixelMapfv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetPixelMapuiv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetPixelMapuiv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetPixelMapuiv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetPixelMapusv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetPixelMapusv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetPixelMapusv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetPolygonStipple) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetPolygonStipple; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetPolygonStipple", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetString) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetString; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetString", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetTexEnvfv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetTexEnvfv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetTexEnvfv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetTexEnviv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetTexEnviv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetTexEnviv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetTexGendv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetTexGendv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetTexGendv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetTexGenfv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetTexGenfv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetTexGenfv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetTexGenfv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetTexGenfv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetTexGenfvOES", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetTexGeniv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetTexGeniv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetTexGeniv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetTexGeniv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetTexGeniv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetTexGenivOES", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetTexImage) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetTexImage; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetTexImage", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetTexParameterfv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetTexParameterfv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetTexParameterfv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetTexParameteriv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetTexParameteriv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetTexParameteriv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetTexLevelParameterfv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetTexLevelParameterfv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetTexLevelParameterfv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetTexLevelParameteriv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetTexLevelParameteriv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetTexLevelParameteriv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->IsEnabled) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->IsEnabled; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sIsEnabled", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->IsList) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->IsList; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sIsList", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->DepthRange) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->DepthRange; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sDepthRange", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Frustum) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Frustum; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sFrustum", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->LoadIdentity) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->LoadIdentity; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sLoadIdentity", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->LoadMatrixf) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->LoadMatrixf; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sLoadMatrixf", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->LoadMatrixd) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->LoadMatrixd; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sLoadMatrixd", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->MatrixMode) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->MatrixMode; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sMatrixMode", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->MultMatrixf) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->MultMatrixf; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sMultMatrixf", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->MultMatrixd) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->MultMatrixd; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sMultMatrixd", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Ortho) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Ortho; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sOrtho", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->PopMatrix) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->PopMatrix; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sPopMatrix", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->PushMatrix) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->PushMatrix; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sPushMatrix", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Rotated) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Rotated; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sRotated", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Rotatef) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Rotatef; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sRotatef", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Scaled) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Scaled; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sScaled", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Scalef) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Scalef; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sScalef", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Translated) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Translated; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sTranslated", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Translatef) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Translatef; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sTranslatef", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Viewport) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Viewport; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sViewport", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->ArrayElement) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->ArrayElement; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sArrayElement", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->ArrayElement) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->ArrayElement; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sArrayElementEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->BindTexture) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->BindTexture; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sBindTexture", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->BindTexture) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->BindTexture; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sBindTextureEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->ColorPointer) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->ColorPointer; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sColorPointer", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->DisableClientState) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->DisableClientState; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sDisableClientState", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->DrawArrays) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->DrawArrays; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sDrawArrays", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->DrawArrays) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->DrawArrays; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sDrawArraysEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->DrawElements) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->DrawElements; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sDrawElements", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->EdgeFlagPointer) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->EdgeFlagPointer; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sEdgeFlagPointer", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->EnableClientState) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->EnableClientState; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sEnableClientState", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->IndexPointer) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->IndexPointer; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sIndexPointer", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Indexub) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Indexub; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sIndexub", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Indexubv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Indexubv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sIndexubv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->InterleavedArrays) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->InterleavedArrays; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sInterleavedArrays", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->NormalPointer) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->NormalPointer; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sNormalPointer", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->PolygonOffset) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->PolygonOffset; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sPolygonOffset", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->TexCoordPointer) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->TexCoordPointer; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sTexCoordPointer", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexPointer) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexPointer; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexPointer", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->AreTexturesResident) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->AreTexturesResident; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sAreTexturesResident", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->AreTexturesResident) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->AreTexturesResident; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sAreTexturesResidentEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->CopyTexImage1D) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->CopyTexImage1D; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sCopyTexImage1D", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->CopyTexImage1D) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->CopyTexImage1D; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sCopyTexImage1DEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->CopyTexImage2D) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->CopyTexImage2D; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sCopyTexImage2D", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->CopyTexImage2D) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->CopyTexImage2D; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sCopyTexImage2DEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->CopyTexSubImage1D) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->CopyTexSubImage1D; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sCopyTexSubImage1D", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->CopyTexSubImage1D) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->CopyTexSubImage1D; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sCopyTexSubImage1DEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->CopyTexSubImage2D) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->CopyTexSubImage2D; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sCopyTexSubImage2D", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->CopyTexSubImage2D) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->CopyTexSubImage2D; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sCopyTexSubImage2DEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->DeleteTextures) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->DeleteTextures; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sDeleteTextures", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->DeleteTextures) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->DeleteTextures; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sDeleteTexturesEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GenTextures) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GenTextures; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGenTextures", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GenTextures) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GenTextures; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGenTexturesEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetPointerv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetPointerv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetPointerv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetPointerv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetPointerv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetPointervEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->IsTexture) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->IsTexture; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sIsTexture", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->IsTexture) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->IsTexture; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sIsTextureEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->PrioritizeTextures) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->PrioritizeTextures; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sPrioritizeTextures", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->PrioritizeTextures) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->PrioritizeTextures; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sPrioritizeTexturesEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->TexSubImage1D) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->TexSubImage1D; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sTexSubImage1D", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->TexSubImage1D) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->TexSubImage1D; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sTexSubImage1DEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->TexSubImage2D) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->TexSubImage2D; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sTexSubImage2D", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->TexSubImage2D) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->TexSubImage2D; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sTexSubImage2DEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->PopClientAttrib) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->PopClientAttrib; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sPopClientAttrib", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->PushClientAttrib) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->PushClientAttrib; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sPushClientAttrib", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->BlendColor) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->BlendColor; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sBlendColor", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->BlendColor) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->BlendColor; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sBlendColorEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->BlendEquation) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->BlendEquation; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sBlendEquation", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->BlendEquation) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->BlendEquation; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sBlendEquationEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->BlendEquation) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->BlendEquation; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sBlendEquationOES", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->DrawRangeElements) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->DrawRangeElements; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sDrawRangeElements", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->DrawRangeElements) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->DrawRangeElements; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sDrawRangeElementsEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->ColorTable) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->ColorTable; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sColorTable", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->ColorTable) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->ColorTable; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sColorTableSGI", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->ColorTable) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->ColorTable; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sColorTableEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->ColorTableParameterfv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->ColorTableParameterfv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sColorTableParameterfv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->ColorTableParameterfv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->ColorTableParameterfv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sColorTableParameterfvSGI", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->ColorTableParameteriv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->ColorTableParameteriv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sColorTableParameteriv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->ColorTableParameteriv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->ColorTableParameteriv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sColorTableParameterivSGI", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->CopyColorTable) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->CopyColorTable; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sCopyColorTable", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->CopyColorTable) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->CopyColorTable; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sCopyColorTableSGI", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetColorTable) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetColorTable; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetColorTable", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetColorTable) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetColorTable; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetColorTableSGI", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetColorTable) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetColorTable; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetColorTableEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetColorTableParameterfv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetColorTableParameterfv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetColorTableParameterfv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetColorTableParameterfv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetColorTableParameterfv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetColorTableParameterfvSGI", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetColorTableParameterfv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetColorTableParameterfv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetColorTableParameterfvEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetColorTableParameteriv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetColorTableParameteriv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetColorTableParameteriv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetColorTableParameteriv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetColorTableParameteriv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetColorTableParameterivSGI", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetColorTableParameteriv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetColorTableParameteriv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetColorTableParameterivEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->ColorSubTable) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->ColorSubTable; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sColorSubTable", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->ColorSubTable) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->ColorSubTable; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sColorSubTableEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->CopyColorSubTable) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->CopyColorSubTable; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sCopyColorSubTable", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->CopyColorSubTable) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->CopyColorSubTable; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sCopyColorSubTableEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->ConvolutionFilter1D) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->ConvolutionFilter1D; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sConvolutionFilter1D", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->ConvolutionFilter1D) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->ConvolutionFilter1D; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sConvolutionFilter1DEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->ConvolutionFilter2D) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->ConvolutionFilter2D; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sConvolutionFilter2D", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->ConvolutionFilter2D) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->ConvolutionFilter2D; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sConvolutionFilter2DEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->ConvolutionParameterf) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->ConvolutionParameterf; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sConvolutionParameterf", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->ConvolutionParameterf) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->ConvolutionParameterf; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sConvolutionParameterfEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->ConvolutionParameterfv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->ConvolutionParameterfv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sConvolutionParameterfv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->ConvolutionParameterfv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->ConvolutionParameterfv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sConvolutionParameterfvEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->ConvolutionParameteri) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->ConvolutionParameteri; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sConvolutionParameteri", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->ConvolutionParameteri) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->ConvolutionParameteri; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sConvolutionParameteriEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->ConvolutionParameteriv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->ConvolutionParameteriv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sConvolutionParameteriv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->ConvolutionParameteriv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->ConvolutionParameteriv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sConvolutionParameterivEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->CopyConvolutionFilter1D) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->CopyConvolutionFilter1D; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sCopyConvolutionFilter1D", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->CopyConvolutionFilter1D) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->CopyConvolutionFilter1D; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sCopyConvolutionFilter1DEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->CopyConvolutionFilter2D) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->CopyConvolutionFilter2D; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sCopyConvolutionFilter2D", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->CopyConvolutionFilter2D) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->CopyConvolutionFilter2D; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sCopyConvolutionFilter2DEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetConvolutionFilter) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetConvolutionFilter; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetConvolutionFilter", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetConvolutionFilter) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetConvolutionFilter; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetConvolutionFilterEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetConvolutionParameterfv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetConvolutionParameterfv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetConvolutionParameterfv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetConvolutionParameterfv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetConvolutionParameterfv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetConvolutionParameterfvEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetConvolutionParameteriv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetConvolutionParameteriv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetConvolutionParameteriv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetConvolutionParameteriv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetConvolutionParameteriv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetConvolutionParameterivEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetSeparableFilter) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetSeparableFilter; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetSeparableFilter", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetSeparableFilter) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetSeparableFilter; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetSeparableFilterEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->SeparableFilter2D) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->SeparableFilter2D; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sSeparableFilter2D", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->SeparableFilter2D) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->SeparableFilter2D; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sSeparableFilter2DEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetHistogram) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetHistogram; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetHistogram", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetHistogram) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetHistogram; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetHistogramEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetHistogramParameterfv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetHistogramParameterfv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetHistogramParameterfv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetHistogramParameterfv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetHistogramParameterfv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetHistogramParameterfvEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetHistogramParameteriv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetHistogramParameteriv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetHistogramParameteriv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetHistogramParameteriv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetHistogramParameteriv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetHistogramParameterivEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetMinmax) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetMinmax; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetMinmax", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetMinmax) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetMinmax; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetMinmaxEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetMinmaxParameterfv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetMinmaxParameterfv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetMinmaxParameterfv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetMinmaxParameterfv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetMinmaxParameterfv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetMinmaxParameterfvEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetMinmaxParameteriv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetMinmaxParameteriv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetMinmaxParameteriv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetMinmaxParameteriv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetMinmaxParameteriv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetMinmaxParameterivEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Histogram) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Histogram; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sHistogram", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Histogram) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Histogram; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sHistogramEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Minmax) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Minmax; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sMinmax", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Minmax) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Minmax; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sMinmaxEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->ResetHistogram) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->ResetHistogram; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sResetHistogram", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->ResetHistogram) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->ResetHistogram; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sResetHistogramEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->ResetMinmax) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->ResetMinmax; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sResetMinmax", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->ResetMinmax) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->ResetMinmax; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sResetMinmaxEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->TexImage3D) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->TexImage3D; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sTexImage3D", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->TexImage3D) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->TexImage3D; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sTexImage3DEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->TexImage3D) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->TexImage3D; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sTexImage3DOES", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->TexSubImage3D) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->TexSubImage3D; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sTexSubImage3D", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->TexSubImage3D) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->TexSubImage3D; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sTexSubImage3DEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->TexSubImage3D) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->TexSubImage3D; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sTexSubImage3DOES", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->CopyTexSubImage3D) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->CopyTexSubImage3D; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sCopyTexSubImage3D", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->CopyTexSubImage3D) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->CopyTexSubImage3D; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sCopyTexSubImage3DEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->CopyTexSubImage3D) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->CopyTexSubImage3D; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sCopyTexSubImage3DOES", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->ActiveTexture) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->ActiveTexture; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sActiveTexture", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->ActiveTexture) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->ActiveTexture; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sActiveTextureARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->ClientActiveTexture) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->ClientActiveTexture; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sClientActiveTexture", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->ClientActiveTexture) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->ClientActiveTexture; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sClientActiveTextureARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->MultiTexCoord1d) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->MultiTexCoord1d; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sMultiTexCoord1d", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->MultiTexCoord1d) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->MultiTexCoord1d; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sMultiTexCoord1dARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->MultiTexCoord1dv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->MultiTexCoord1dv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sMultiTexCoord1dv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->MultiTexCoord1dv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->MultiTexCoord1dv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sMultiTexCoord1dvARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->MultiTexCoord1fARB) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->MultiTexCoord1fARB; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sMultiTexCoord1f", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->MultiTexCoord1fARB) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->MultiTexCoord1fARB; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sMultiTexCoord1fARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->MultiTexCoord1fvARB) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->MultiTexCoord1fvARB; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sMultiTexCoord1fv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->MultiTexCoord1fvARB) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->MultiTexCoord1fvARB; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sMultiTexCoord1fvARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->MultiTexCoord1i) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->MultiTexCoord1i; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sMultiTexCoord1i", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->MultiTexCoord1i) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->MultiTexCoord1i; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sMultiTexCoord1iARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->MultiTexCoord1iv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->MultiTexCoord1iv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sMultiTexCoord1iv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->MultiTexCoord1iv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->MultiTexCoord1iv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sMultiTexCoord1ivARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->MultiTexCoord1s) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->MultiTexCoord1s; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sMultiTexCoord1s", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->MultiTexCoord1s) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->MultiTexCoord1s; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sMultiTexCoord1sARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->MultiTexCoord1sv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->MultiTexCoord1sv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sMultiTexCoord1sv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->MultiTexCoord1sv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->MultiTexCoord1sv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sMultiTexCoord1svARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->MultiTexCoord2d) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->MultiTexCoord2d; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sMultiTexCoord2d", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->MultiTexCoord2d) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->MultiTexCoord2d; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sMultiTexCoord2dARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->MultiTexCoord2dv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->MultiTexCoord2dv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sMultiTexCoord2dv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->MultiTexCoord2dv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->MultiTexCoord2dv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sMultiTexCoord2dvARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->MultiTexCoord2fARB) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->MultiTexCoord2fARB; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sMultiTexCoord2f", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->MultiTexCoord2fARB) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->MultiTexCoord2fARB; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sMultiTexCoord2fARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->MultiTexCoord2fvARB) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->MultiTexCoord2fvARB; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sMultiTexCoord2fv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->MultiTexCoord2fvARB) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->MultiTexCoord2fvARB; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sMultiTexCoord2fvARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->MultiTexCoord2i) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->MultiTexCoord2i; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sMultiTexCoord2i", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->MultiTexCoord2i) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->MultiTexCoord2i; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sMultiTexCoord2iARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->MultiTexCoord2iv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->MultiTexCoord2iv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sMultiTexCoord2iv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->MultiTexCoord2iv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->MultiTexCoord2iv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sMultiTexCoord2ivARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->MultiTexCoord2s) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->MultiTexCoord2s; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sMultiTexCoord2s", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->MultiTexCoord2s) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->MultiTexCoord2s; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sMultiTexCoord2sARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->MultiTexCoord2sv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->MultiTexCoord2sv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sMultiTexCoord2sv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->MultiTexCoord2sv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->MultiTexCoord2sv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sMultiTexCoord2svARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->MultiTexCoord3d) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->MultiTexCoord3d; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sMultiTexCoord3d", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->MultiTexCoord3d) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->MultiTexCoord3d; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sMultiTexCoord3dARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->MultiTexCoord3dv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->MultiTexCoord3dv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sMultiTexCoord3dv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->MultiTexCoord3dv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->MultiTexCoord3dv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sMultiTexCoord3dvARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->MultiTexCoord3fARB) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->MultiTexCoord3fARB; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sMultiTexCoord3f", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->MultiTexCoord3fARB) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->MultiTexCoord3fARB; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sMultiTexCoord3fARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->MultiTexCoord3fvARB) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->MultiTexCoord3fvARB; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sMultiTexCoord3fv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->MultiTexCoord3fvARB) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->MultiTexCoord3fvARB; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sMultiTexCoord3fvARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->MultiTexCoord3i) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->MultiTexCoord3i; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sMultiTexCoord3i", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->MultiTexCoord3i) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->MultiTexCoord3i; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sMultiTexCoord3iARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->MultiTexCoord3iv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->MultiTexCoord3iv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sMultiTexCoord3iv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->MultiTexCoord3iv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->MultiTexCoord3iv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sMultiTexCoord3ivARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->MultiTexCoord3s) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->MultiTexCoord3s; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sMultiTexCoord3s", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->MultiTexCoord3s) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->MultiTexCoord3s; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sMultiTexCoord3sARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->MultiTexCoord3sv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->MultiTexCoord3sv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sMultiTexCoord3sv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->MultiTexCoord3sv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->MultiTexCoord3sv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sMultiTexCoord3svARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->MultiTexCoord4d) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->MultiTexCoord4d; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sMultiTexCoord4d", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->MultiTexCoord4d) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->MultiTexCoord4d; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sMultiTexCoord4dARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->MultiTexCoord4dv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->MultiTexCoord4dv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sMultiTexCoord4dv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->MultiTexCoord4dv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->MultiTexCoord4dv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sMultiTexCoord4dvARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->MultiTexCoord4fARB) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->MultiTexCoord4fARB; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sMultiTexCoord4f", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->MultiTexCoord4fARB) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->MultiTexCoord4fARB; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sMultiTexCoord4fARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->MultiTexCoord4fvARB) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->MultiTexCoord4fvARB; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sMultiTexCoord4fv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->MultiTexCoord4fvARB) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->MultiTexCoord4fvARB; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sMultiTexCoord4fvARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->MultiTexCoord4i) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->MultiTexCoord4i; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sMultiTexCoord4i", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->MultiTexCoord4i) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->MultiTexCoord4i; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sMultiTexCoord4iARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->MultiTexCoord4iv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->MultiTexCoord4iv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sMultiTexCoord4iv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->MultiTexCoord4iv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->MultiTexCoord4iv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sMultiTexCoord4ivARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->MultiTexCoord4s) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->MultiTexCoord4s; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sMultiTexCoord4s", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->MultiTexCoord4s) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->MultiTexCoord4s; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sMultiTexCoord4sARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->MultiTexCoord4sv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->MultiTexCoord4sv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sMultiTexCoord4sv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->MultiTexCoord4sv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->MultiTexCoord4sv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sMultiTexCoord4svARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->CompressedTexImage1D) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->CompressedTexImage1D; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sCompressedTexImage1D", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->CompressedTexImage1D) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->CompressedTexImage1D; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sCompressedTexImage1DARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->CompressedTexImage2D) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->CompressedTexImage2D; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sCompressedTexImage2D", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->CompressedTexImage2D) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->CompressedTexImage2D; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sCompressedTexImage2DARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->CompressedTexImage3D) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->CompressedTexImage3D; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sCompressedTexImage3D", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->CompressedTexImage3D) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->CompressedTexImage3D; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sCompressedTexImage3DARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->CompressedTexImage3D) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->CompressedTexImage3D; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sCompressedTexImage3DOES", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->CompressedTexSubImage1D) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->CompressedTexSubImage1D; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sCompressedTexSubImage1D", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->CompressedTexSubImage1D) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->CompressedTexSubImage1D; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sCompressedTexSubImage1DARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->CompressedTexSubImage2D) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->CompressedTexSubImage2D; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sCompressedTexSubImage2D", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->CompressedTexSubImage2D) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->CompressedTexSubImage2D; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sCompressedTexSubImage2DARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->CompressedTexSubImage3D) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->CompressedTexSubImage3D; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sCompressedTexSubImage3D", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->CompressedTexSubImage3D) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->CompressedTexSubImage3D; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sCompressedTexSubImage3DARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->CompressedTexSubImage3D) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->CompressedTexSubImage3D; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sCompressedTexSubImage3DOES", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetCompressedTexImage) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetCompressedTexImage; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetCompressedTexImage", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetCompressedTexImage) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetCompressedTexImage; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetCompressedTexImageARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->LoadTransposeMatrixd) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->LoadTransposeMatrixd; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sLoadTransposeMatrixd", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->LoadTransposeMatrixd) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->LoadTransposeMatrixd; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sLoadTransposeMatrixdARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->LoadTransposeMatrixf) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->LoadTransposeMatrixf; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sLoadTransposeMatrixf", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->LoadTransposeMatrixf) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->LoadTransposeMatrixf; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sLoadTransposeMatrixfARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->MultTransposeMatrixd) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->MultTransposeMatrixd; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sMultTransposeMatrixd", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->MultTransposeMatrixd) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->MultTransposeMatrixd; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sMultTransposeMatrixdARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->MultTransposeMatrixf) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->MultTransposeMatrixf; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sMultTransposeMatrixf", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->MultTransposeMatrixf) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->MultTransposeMatrixf; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sMultTransposeMatrixfARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->SampleCoverage) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->SampleCoverage; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sSampleCoverage", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->SampleCoverage) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->SampleCoverage; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sSampleCoverageARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->BlendFuncSeparate) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->BlendFuncSeparate; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sBlendFuncSeparate", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->BlendFuncSeparate) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->BlendFuncSeparate; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sBlendFuncSeparateEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->BlendFuncSeparate) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->BlendFuncSeparate; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sBlendFuncSeparateINGR", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->BlendFuncSeparate) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->BlendFuncSeparate; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sBlendFuncSeparateOES", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->FogCoordPointer) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->FogCoordPointer; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sFogCoordPointer", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->FogCoordPointer) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->FogCoordPointer; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sFogCoordPointerEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->FogCoordd) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->FogCoordd; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sFogCoordd", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->FogCoordd) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->FogCoordd; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sFogCoorddEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->FogCoorddv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->FogCoorddv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sFogCoorddv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->FogCoorddv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->FogCoorddv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sFogCoorddvEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->MultiDrawArrays) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->MultiDrawArrays; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sMultiDrawArrays", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->MultiDrawArrays) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->MultiDrawArrays; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sMultiDrawArraysEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->PointParameterf) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->PointParameterf; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sPointParameterf", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->PointParameterf) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->PointParameterf; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sPointParameterfARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->PointParameterf) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->PointParameterf; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sPointParameterfEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->PointParameterf) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->PointParameterf; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sPointParameterfSGIS", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->PointParameterfv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->PointParameterfv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sPointParameterfv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->PointParameterfv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->PointParameterfv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sPointParameterfvARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->PointParameterfv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->PointParameterfv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sPointParameterfvEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->PointParameterfv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->PointParameterfv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sPointParameterfvSGIS", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->PointParameteri) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->PointParameteri; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sPointParameteri", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->PointParameteri) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->PointParameteri; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sPointParameteriNV", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->PointParameteriv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->PointParameteriv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sPointParameteriv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->PointParameteriv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->PointParameteriv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sPointParameterivNV", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->SecondaryColor3b) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->SecondaryColor3b; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sSecondaryColor3b", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->SecondaryColor3b) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->SecondaryColor3b; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sSecondaryColor3bEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->SecondaryColor3bv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->SecondaryColor3bv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sSecondaryColor3bv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->SecondaryColor3bv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->SecondaryColor3bv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sSecondaryColor3bvEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->SecondaryColor3d) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->SecondaryColor3d; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sSecondaryColor3d", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->SecondaryColor3d) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->SecondaryColor3d; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sSecondaryColor3dEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->SecondaryColor3dv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->SecondaryColor3dv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sSecondaryColor3dv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->SecondaryColor3dv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->SecondaryColor3dv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sSecondaryColor3dvEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->SecondaryColor3i) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->SecondaryColor3i; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sSecondaryColor3i", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->SecondaryColor3i) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->SecondaryColor3i; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sSecondaryColor3iEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->SecondaryColor3iv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->SecondaryColor3iv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sSecondaryColor3iv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->SecondaryColor3iv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->SecondaryColor3iv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sSecondaryColor3ivEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->SecondaryColor3s) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->SecondaryColor3s; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sSecondaryColor3s", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->SecondaryColor3s) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->SecondaryColor3s; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sSecondaryColor3sEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->SecondaryColor3sv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->SecondaryColor3sv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sSecondaryColor3sv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->SecondaryColor3sv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->SecondaryColor3sv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sSecondaryColor3svEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->SecondaryColor3ub) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->SecondaryColor3ub; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sSecondaryColor3ub", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->SecondaryColor3ub) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->SecondaryColor3ub; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sSecondaryColor3ubEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->SecondaryColor3ubv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->SecondaryColor3ubv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sSecondaryColor3ubv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->SecondaryColor3ubv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->SecondaryColor3ubv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sSecondaryColor3ubvEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->SecondaryColor3ui) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->SecondaryColor3ui; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sSecondaryColor3ui", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->SecondaryColor3ui) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->SecondaryColor3ui; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sSecondaryColor3uiEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->SecondaryColor3uiv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->SecondaryColor3uiv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sSecondaryColor3uiv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->SecondaryColor3uiv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->SecondaryColor3uiv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sSecondaryColor3uivEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->SecondaryColor3us) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->SecondaryColor3us; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sSecondaryColor3us", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->SecondaryColor3us) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->SecondaryColor3us; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sSecondaryColor3usEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->SecondaryColor3usv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->SecondaryColor3usv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sSecondaryColor3usv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->SecondaryColor3usv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->SecondaryColor3usv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sSecondaryColor3usvEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->SecondaryColorPointer) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->SecondaryColorPointer; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sSecondaryColorPointer", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->SecondaryColorPointer) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->SecondaryColorPointer; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sSecondaryColorPointerEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->WindowPos2d) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->WindowPos2d; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sWindowPos2d", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->WindowPos2d) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->WindowPos2d; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sWindowPos2dARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->WindowPos2d) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->WindowPos2d; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sWindowPos2dMESA", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->WindowPos2dv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->WindowPos2dv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sWindowPos2dv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->WindowPos2dv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->WindowPos2dv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sWindowPos2dvARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->WindowPos2dv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->WindowPos2dv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sWindowPos2dvMESA", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->WindowPos2f) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->WindowPos2f; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sWindowPos2f", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->WindowPos2f) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->WindowPos2f; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sWindowPos2fARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->WindowPos2f) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->WindowPos2f; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sWindowPos2fMESA", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->WindowPos2fv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->WindowPos2fv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sWindowPos2fv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->WindowPos2fv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->WindowPos2fv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sWindowPos2fvARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->WindowPos2fv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->WindowPos2fv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sWindowPos2fvMESA", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->WindowPos2i) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->WindowPos2i; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sWindowPos2i", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->WindowPos2i) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->WindowPos2i; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sWindowPos2iARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->WindowPos2i) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->WindowPos2i; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sWindowPos2iMESA", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->WindowPos2iv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->WindowPos2iv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sWindowPos2iv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->WindowPos2iv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->WindowPos2iv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sWindowPos2ivARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->WindowPos2iv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->WindowPos2iv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sWindowPos2ivMESA", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->WindowPos2s) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->WindowPos2s; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sWindowPos2s", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->WindowPos2s) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->WindowPos2s; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sWindowPos2sARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->WindowPos2s) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->WindowPos2s; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sWindowPos2sMESA", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->WindowPos2sv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->WindowPos2sv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sWindowPos2sv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->WindowPos2sv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->WindowPos2sv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sWindowPos2svARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->WindowPos2sv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->WindowPos2sv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sWindowPos2svMESA", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->WindowPos3d) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->WindowPos3d; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sWindowPos3d", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->WindowPos3d) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->WindowPos3d; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sWindowPos3dARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->WindowPos3d) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->WindowPos3d; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sWindowPos3dMESA", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->WindowPos3dv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->WindowPos3dv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sWindowPos3dv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->WindowPos3dv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->WindowPos3dv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sWindowPos3dvARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->WindowPos3dv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->WindowPos3dv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sWindowPos3dvMESA", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->WindowPos3f) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->WindowPos3f; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sWindowPos3f", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->WindowPos3f) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->WindowPos3f; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sWindowPos3fARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->WindowPos3f) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->WindowPos3f; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sWindowPos3fMESA", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->WindowPos3fv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->WindowPos3fv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sWindowPos3fv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->WindowPos3fv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->WindowPos3fv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sWindowPos3fvARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->WindowPos3fv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->WindowPos3fv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sWindowPos3fvMESA", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->WindowPos3i) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->WindowPos3i; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sWindowPos3i", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->WindowPos3i) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->WindowPos3i; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sWindowPos3iARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->WindowPos3i) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->WindowPos3i; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sWindowPos3iMESA", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->WindowPos3iv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->WindowPos3iv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sWindowPos3iv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->WindowPos3iv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->WindowPos3iv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sWindowPos3ivARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->WindowPos3iv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->WindowPos3iv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sWindowPos3ivMESA", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->WindowPos3s) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->WindowPos3s; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sWindowPos3s", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->WindowPos3s) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->WindowPos3s; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sWindowPos3sARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->WindowPos3s) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->WindowPos3s; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sWindowPos3sMESA", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->WindowPos3sv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->WindowPos3sv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sWindowPos3sv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->WindowPos3sv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->WindowPos3sv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sWindowPos3svARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->WindowPos3sv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->WindowPos3sv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sWindowPos3svMESA", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->BeginQuery) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->BeginQuery; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sBeginQuery", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->BeginQuery) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->BeginQuery; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sBeginQueryARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->BindBuffer) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->BindBuffer; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sBindBuffer", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->BindBuffer) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->BindBuffer; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sBindBufferARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->BufferData) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->BufferData; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sBufferData", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->BufferData) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->BufferData; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sBufferDataARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->BufferSubData) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->BufferSubData; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sBufferSubData", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->BufferSubData) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->BufferSubData; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sBufferSubDataARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->DeleteBuffers) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->DeleteBuffers; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sDeleteBuffers", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->DeleteBuffers) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->DeleteBuffers; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sDeleteBuffersARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->DeleteQueries) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->DeleteQueries; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sDeleteQueries", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->DeleteQueries) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->DeleteQueries; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sDeleteQueriesARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->EndQuery) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->EndQuery; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sEndQuery", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->EndQuery) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->EndQuery; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sEndQueryARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GenBuffers) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GenBuffers; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGenBuffers", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GenBuffers) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GenBuffers; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGenBuffersARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GenQueries) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GenQueries; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGenQueries", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GenQueries) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GenQueries; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGenQueriesARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetBufferParameteriv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetBufferParameteriv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetBufferParameteriv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetBufferParameteriv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetBufferParameteriv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetBufferParameterivARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetBufferPointerv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetBufferPointerv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetBufferPointerv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetBufferPointerv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetBufferPointerv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetBufferPointervARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetBufferPointerv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetBufferPointerv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetBufferPointervOES", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetBufferSubData) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetBufferSubData; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetBufferSubData", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetBufferSubData) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetBufferSubData; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetBufferSubDataARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetQueryObjectiv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetQueryObjectiv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetQueryObjectiv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetQueryObjectiv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetQueryObjectiv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetQueryObjectivARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetQueryObjectuiv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetQueryObjectuiv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetQueryObjectuiv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetQueryObjectuiv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetQueryObjectuiv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetQueryObjectuivARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetQueryiv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetQueryiv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetQueryiv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetQueryiv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetQueryiv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetQueryivARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->IsBuffer) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->IsBuffer; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sIsBuffer", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->IsBuffer) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->IsBuffer; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sIsBufferARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->IsQuery) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->IsQuery; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sIsQuery", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->IsQuery) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->IsQuery; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sIsQueryARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->MapBuffer) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->MapBuffer; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sMapBuffer", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->MapBuffer) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->MapBuffer; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sMapBufferARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->MapBuffer) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->MapBuffer; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sMapBufferOES", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->UnmapBuffer) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->UnmapBuffer; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sUnmapBuffer", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->UnmapBuffer) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->UnmapBuffer; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sUnmapBufferARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->UnmapBuffer) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->UnmapBuffer; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sUnmapBufferOES", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->AttachShader) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->AttachShader; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sAttachShader", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->BindAttribLocation) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->BindAttribLocation; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sBindAttribLocation", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->BindAttribLocation) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->BindAttribLocation; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sBindAttribLocationARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->BlendEquationSeparate) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->BlendEquationSeparate; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sBlendEquationSeparate", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->BlendEquationSeparate) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->BlendEquationSeparate; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sBlendEquationSeparateEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->BlendEquationSeparate) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->BlendEquationSeparate; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sBlendEquationSeparateATI", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->BlendEquationSeparate) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->BlendEquationSeparate; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sBlendEquationSeparateOES", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->CompileShader) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->CompileShader; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sCompileShader", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->CompileShader) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->CompileShader; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sCompileShaderARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->CreateProgram) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->CreateProgram; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sCreateProgram", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->CreateShader) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->CreateShader; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sCreateShader", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->DeleteProgram) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->DeleteProgram; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sDeleteProgram", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->DeleteShader) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->DeleteShader; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sDeleteShader", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->DetachShader) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->DetachShader; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sDetachShader", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->DisableVertexAttribArray) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->DisableVertexAttribArray; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sDisableVertexAttribArray", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->DisableVertexAttribArray) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->DisableVertexAttribArray; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sDisableVertexAttribArrayARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->DrawBuffers) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->DrawBuffers; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sDrawBuffers", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->DrawBuffers) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->DrawBuffers; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sDrawBuffersARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->DrawBuffers) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->DrawBuffers; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sDrawBuffersATI", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->DrawBuffers) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->DrawBuffers; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sDrawBuffersNV", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->EnableVertexAttribArray) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->EnableVertexAttribArray; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sEnableVertexAttribArray", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->EnableVertexAttribArray) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->EnableVertexAttribArray; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sEnableVertexAttribArrayARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetActiveAttrib) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetActiveAttrib; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetActiveAttrib", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetActiveAttrib) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetActiveAttrib; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetActiveAttribARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetActiveUniform) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetActiveUniform; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetActiveUniform", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetActiveUniform) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetActiveUniform; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetActiveUniformARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetAttachedShaders) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetAttachedShaders; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetAttachedShaders", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetAttribLocation) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetAttribLocation; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetAttribLocation", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetAttribLocation) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetAttribLocation; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetAttribLocationARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetProgramInfoLog) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetProgramInfoLog; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetProgramInfoLog", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetProgramiv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetProgramiv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetProgramiv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetShaderInfoLog) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetShaderInfoLog; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetShaderInfoLog", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetShaderSource) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetShaderSource; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetShaderSource", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetShaderSource) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetShaderSource; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetShaderSourceARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetShaderiv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetShaderiv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetShaderiv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetUniformLocation) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetUniformLocation; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetUniformLocation", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetUniformLocation) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetUniformLocation; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetUniformLocationARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetUniformfv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetUniformfv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetUniformfv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetUniformfv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetUniformfv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetUniformfvARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetUniformiv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetUniformiv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetUniformiv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetUniformiv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetUniformiv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetUniformivARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetVertexAttribPointerv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetVertexAttribPointerv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetVertexAttribPointerv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetVertexAttribPointerv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetVertexAttribPointerv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetVertexAttribPointervARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetVertexAttribPointerv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetVertexAttribPointerv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetVertexAttribPointervNV", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetVertexAttribdv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetVertexAttribdv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetVertexAttribdv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetVertexAttribdv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetVertexAttribdv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetVertexAttribdvARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetVertexAttribfv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetVertexAttribfv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetVertexAttribfv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetVertexAttribfv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetVertexAttribfv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetVertexAttribfvARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetVertexAttribiv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetVertexAttribiv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetVertexAttribiv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetVertexAttribiv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetVertexAttribiv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetVertexAttribivARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->IsProgram) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->IsProgram; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sIsProgram", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->IsShader) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->IsShader; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sIsShader", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->LinkProgram) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->LinkProgram; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sLinkProgram", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->LinkProgram) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->LinkProgram; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sLinkProgramARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->ShaderSource) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->ShaderSource; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sShaderSource", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->ShaderSource) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->ShaderSource; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sShaderSourceARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->StencilFuncSeparate) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->StencilFuncSeparate; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sStencilFuncSeparate", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->StencilMaskSeparate) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->StencilMaskSeparate; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sStencilMaskSeparate", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->StencilOpSeparate) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->StencilOpSeparate; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sStencilOpSeparate", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->StencilOpSeparate) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->StencilOpSeparate; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sStencilOpSeparateATI", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Uniform1f) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Uniform1f; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sUniform1f", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Uniform1f) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Uniform1f; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sUniform1fARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Uniform1fv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Uniform1fv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sUniform1fv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Uniform1fv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Uniform1fv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sUniform1fvARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Uniform1i) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Uniform1i; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sUniform1i", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Uniform1i) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Uniform1i; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sUniform1iARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Uniform1iv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Uniform1iv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sUniform1iv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Uniform1iv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Uniform1iv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sUniform1ivARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Uniform2f) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Uniform2f; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sUniform2f", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Uniform2f) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Uniform2f; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sUniform2fARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Uniform2fv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Uniform2fv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sUniform2fv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Uniform2fv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Uniform2fv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sUniform2fvARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Uniform2i) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Uniform2i; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sUniform2i", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Uniform2i) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Uniform2i; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sUniform2iARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Uniform2iv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Uniform2iv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sUniform2iv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Uniform2iv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Uniform2iv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sUniform2ivARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Uniform3f) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Uniform3f; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sUniform3f", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Uniform3f) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Uniform3f; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sUniform3fARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Uniform3fv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Uniform3fv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sUniform3fv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Uniform3fv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Uniform3fv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sUniform3fvARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Uniform3i) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Uniform3i; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sUniform3i", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Uniform3i) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Uniform3i; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sUniform3iARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Uniform3iv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Uniform3iv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sUniform3iv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Uniform3iv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Uniform3iv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sUniform3ivARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Uniform4f) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Uniform4f; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sUniform4f", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Uniform4f) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Uniform4f; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sUniform4fARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Uniform4fv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Uniform4fv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sUniform4fv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Uniform4fv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Uniform4fv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sUniform4fvARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Uniform4i) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Uniform4i; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sUniform4i", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Uniform4i) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Uniform4i; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sUniform4iARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Uniform4iv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Uniform4iv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sUniform4iv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Uniform4iv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Uniform4iv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sUniform4ivARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->UniformMatrix2fv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->UniformMatrix2fv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sUniformMatrix2fv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->UniformMatrix2fv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->UniformMatrix2fv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sUniformMatrix2fvARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->UniformMatrix3fv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->UniformMatrix3fv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sUniformMatrix3fv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->UniformMatrix3fv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->UniformMatrix3fv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sUniformMatrix3fvARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->UniformMatrix4fv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->UniformMatrix4fv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sUniformMatrix4fv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->UniformMatrix4fv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->UniformMatrix4fv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sUniformMatrix4fvARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->UseProgram) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->UseProgram; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sUseProgram", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->UseProgram) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->UseProgram; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sUseProgramObjectARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->ValidateProgram) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->ValidateProgram; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sValidateProgram", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->ValidateProgram) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->ValidateProgram; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sValidateProgramARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttrib1d) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttrib1d; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttrib1d", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttrib1d) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttrib1d; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttrib1dARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttrib1dv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttrib1dv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttrib1dv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttrib1dv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttrib1dv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttrib1dvARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttrib1s) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttrib1s; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttrib1s", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttrib1s) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttrib1s; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttrib1sARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttrib1sv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttrib1sv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttrib1sv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttrib1sv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttrib1sv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttrib1svARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttrib2d) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttrib2d; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttrib2d", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttrib2d) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttrib2d; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttrib2dARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttrib2dv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttrib2dv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttrib2dv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttrib2dv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttrib2dv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttrib2dvARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttrib2s) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttrib2s; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttrib2s", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttrib2s) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttrib2s; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttrib2sARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttrib2sv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttrib2sv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttrib2sv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttrib2sv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttrib2sv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttrib2svARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttrib3d) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttrib3d; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttrib3d", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttrib3d) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttrib3d; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttrib3dARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttrib3dv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttrib3dv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttrib3dv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttrib3dv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttrib3dv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttrib3dvARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttrib3s) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttrib3s; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttrib3s", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttrib3s) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttrib3s; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttrib3sARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttrib3sv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttrib3sv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttrib3sv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttrib3sv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttrib3sv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttrib3svARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttrib4Nbv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttrib4Nbv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttrib4Nbv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttrib4Nbv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttrib4Nbv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttrib4NbvARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttrib4Niv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttrib4Niv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttrib4Niv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttrib4Niv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttrib4Niv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttrib4NivARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttrib4Nsv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttrib4Nsv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttrib4Nsv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttrib4Nsv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttrib4Nsv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttrib4NsvARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttrib4Nub) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttrib4Nub; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttrib4Nub", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttrib4Nub) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttrib4Nub; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttrib4NubARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttrib4Nubv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttrib4Nubv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttrib4Nubv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttrib4Nubv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttrib4Nubv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttrib4NubvARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttrib4Nuiv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttrib4Nuiv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttrib4Nuiv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttrib4Nuiv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttrib4Nuiv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttrib4NuivARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttrib4Nusv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttrib4Nusv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttrib4Nusv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttrib4Nusv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttrib4Nusv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttrib4NusvARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttrib4bv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttrib4bv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttrib4bv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttrib4bv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttrib4bv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttrib4bvARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttrib4d) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttrib4d; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttrib4d", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttrib4d) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttrib4d; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttrib4dARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttrib4dv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttrib4dv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttrib4dv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttrib4dv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttrib4dv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttrib4dvARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttrib4iv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttrib4iv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttrib4iv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttrib4iv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttrib4iv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttrib4ivARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttrib4s) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttrib4s; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttrib4s", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttrib4s) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttrib4s; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttrib4sARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttrib4sv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttrib4sv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttrib4sv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttrib4sv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttrib4sv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttrib4svARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttrib4ubv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttrib4ubv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttrib4ubv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttrib4ubv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttrib4ubv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttrib4ubvARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttrib4uiv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttrib4uiv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttrib4uiv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttrib4uiv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttrib4uiv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttrib4uivARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttrib4usv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttrib4usv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttrib4usv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttrib4usv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttrib4usv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttrib4usvARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttribPointer) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttribPointer; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttribPointer", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttribPointer) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttribPointer; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttribPointerARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->UniformMatrix2x3fv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->UniformMatrix2x3fv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sUniformMatrix2x3fv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->UniformMatrix2x4fv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->UniformMatrix2x4fv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sUniformMatrix2x4fv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->UniformMatrix3x2fv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->UniformMatrix3x2fv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sUniformMatrix3x2fv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->UniformMatrix3x4fv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->UniformMatrix3x4fv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sUniformMatrix3x4fv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->UniformMatrix4x2fv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->UniformMatrix4x2fv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sUniformMatrix4x2fv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->UniformMatrix4x3fv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->UniformMatrix4x3fv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sUniformMatrix4x3fv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->BeginConditionalRender) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->BeginConditionalRender; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sBeginConditionalRender", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->BeginConditionalRender) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->BeginConditionalRender; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sBeginConditionalRenderNV", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->BeginTransformFeedback) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->BeginTransformFeedback; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sBeginTransformFeedback", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->BeginTransformFeedback) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->BeginTransformFeedback; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sBeginTransformFeedbackEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->BindBufferBase) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->BindBufferBase; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sBindBufferBase", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->BindBufferBase) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->BindBufferBase; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sBindBufferBaseEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->BindBufferRange) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->BindBufferRange; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sBindBufferRange", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->BindBufferRange) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->BindBufferRange; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sBindBufferRangeEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->BindFragDataLocation) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->BindFragDataLocation; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sBindFragDataLocationEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->BindFragDataLocation) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->BindFragDataLocation; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sBindFragDataLocation", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->ClampColor) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->ClampColor; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sClampColorARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->ClampColor) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->ClampColor; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sClampColor", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->ClearBufferfi) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->ClearBufferfi; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sClearBufferfi", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->ClearBufferfv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->ClearBufferfv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sClearBufferfv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->ClearBufferiv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->ClearBufferiv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sClearBufferiv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->ClearBufferuiv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->ClearBufferuiv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sClearBufferuiv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->ColorMaski) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->ColorMaski; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sColorMaskIndexedEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->ColorMaski) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->ColorMaski; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sColorMaski", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Disablei) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Disablei; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sDisableIndexedEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Disablei) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Disablei; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sDisablei", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Enablei) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Enablei; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sEnableIndexedEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Enablei) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Enablei; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sEnablei", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->EndConditionalRender) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->EndConditionalRender; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sEndConditionalRender", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->EndConditionalRender) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->EndConditionalRender; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sEndConditionalRenderNV", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->EndTransformFeedback) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->EndTransformFeedback; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sEndTransformFeedback", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->EndTransformFeedback) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->EndTransformFeedback; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sEndTransformFeedbackEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetBooleani_v) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetBooleani_v; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetBooleanIndexedvEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetBooleani_v) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetBooleani_v; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetBooleani_v", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetFragDataLocation) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetFragDataLocation; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetFragDataLocationEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetFragDataLocation) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetFragDataLocation; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetFragDataLocation", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetIntegeri_v) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetIntegeri_v; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetIntegerIndexedvEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetIntegeri_v) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetIntegeri_v; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetIntegeri_v", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetStringi) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetStringi; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetStringi", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetTexParameterIiv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetTexParameterIiv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetTexParameterIivEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetTexParameterIiv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetTexParameterIiv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetTexParameterIiv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetTexParameterIuiv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetTexParameterIuiv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetTexParameterIuivEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetTexParameterIuiv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetTexParameterIuiv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetTexParameterIuiv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetTransformFeedbackVarying) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetTransformFeedbackVarying; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetTransformFeedbackVarying", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetTransformFeedbackVarying) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetTransformFeedbackVarying; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetTransformFeedbackVaryingEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetUniformuiv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetUniformuiv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetUniformuivEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetUniformuiv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetUniformuiv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetUniformuiv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetVertexAttribIiv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetVertexAttribIiv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetVertexAttribIivEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetVertexAttribIiv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetVertexAttribIiv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetVertexAttribIiv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetVertexAttribIuiv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetVertexAttribIuiv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetVertexAttribIuivEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetVertexAttribIuiv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetVertexAttribIuiv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetVertexAttribIuiv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->IsEnabledi) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->IsEnabledi; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sIsEnabledIndexedEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->IsEnabledi) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->IsEnabledi; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sIsEnabledi", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->TexParameterIiv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->TexParameterIiv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sTexParameterIivEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->TexParameterIiv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->TexParameterIiv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sTexParameterIiv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->TexParameterIuiv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->TexParameterIuiv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sTexParameterIuivEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->TexParameterIuiv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->TexParameterIuiv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sTexParameterIuiv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->TransformFeedbackVaryings) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->TransformFeedbackVaryings; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sTransformFeedbackVaryings", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->TransformFeedbackVaryings) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->TransformFeedbackVaryings; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sTransformFeedbackVaryingsEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Uniform1ui) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Uniform1ui; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sUniform1uiEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Uniform1ui) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Uniform1ui; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sUniform1ui", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Uniform1uiv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Uniform1uiv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sUniform1uivEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Uniform1uiv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Uniform1uiv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sUniform1uiv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Uniform2ui) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Uniform2ui; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sUniform2uiEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Uniform2ui) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Uniform2ui; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sUniform2ui", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Uniform2uiv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Uniform2uiv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sUniform2uivEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Uniform2uiv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Uniform2uiv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sUniform2uiv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Uniform3ui) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Uniform3ui; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sUniform3uiEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Uniform3ui) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Uniform3ui; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sUniform3ui", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Uniform3uiv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Uniform3uiv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sUniform3uivEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Uniform3uiv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Uniform3uiv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sUniform3uiv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Uniform4ui) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Uniform4ui; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sUniform4uiEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Uniform4ui) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Uniform4ui; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sUniform4ui", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Uniform4uiv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Uniform4uiv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sUniform4uivEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Uniform4uiv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Uniform4uiv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sUniform4uiv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttribI1iv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttribI1iv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttribI1ivEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttribI1iv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttribI1iv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttribI1iv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttribI1uiv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttribI1uiv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttribI1uivEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttribI1uiv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttribI1uiv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttribI1uiv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttribI4bv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttribI4bv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttribI4bvEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttribI4bv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttribI4bv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttribI4bv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttribI4sv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttribI4sv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttribI4svEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttribI4sv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttribI4sv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttribI4sv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttribI4ubv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttribI4ubv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttribI4ubvEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttribI4ubv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttribI4ubv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttribI4ubv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttribI4usv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttribI4usv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttribI4usvEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttribI4usv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttribI4usv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttribI4usv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttribIPointer) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttribIPointer; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttribIPointerEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttribIPointer) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttribIPointer; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttribIPointer", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->PrimitiveRestartIndex) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->PrimitiveRestartIndex; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sPrimitiveRestartIndex", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->PrimitiveRestartIndex) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->PrimitiveRestartIndex; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sPrimitiveRestartIndexNV", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->TexBuffer) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->TexBuffer; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sTexBufferARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->TexBuffer) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->TexBuffer; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sTexBuffer", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->FramebufferTexture) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->FramebufferTexture; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sFramebufferTextureARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->FramebufferTexture) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->FramebufferTexture; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sFramebufferTexture", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetBufferParameteri64v) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetBufferParameteri64v; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetBufferParameteri64v", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetInteger64i_v) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetInteger64i_v; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetInteger64i_v", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttribDivisor) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttribDivisor; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttribDivisorARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttribDivisor) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttribDivisor; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttribDivisor", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->BindProgramARB) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->BindProgramARB; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sBindProgramARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->BindProgramARB) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->BindProgramARB; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sBindProgramNV", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->DeleteProgramsARB) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->DeleteProgramsARB; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sDeleteProgramsARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->DeleteProgramsARB) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->DeleteProgramsARB; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sDeleteProgramsNV", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GenProgramsARB) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GenProgramsARB; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGenProgramsARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GenProgramsARB) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GenProgramsARB; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGenProgramsNV", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetProgramEnvParameterdvARB) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetProgramEnvParameterdvARB; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetProgramEnvParameterdvARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetProgramEnvParameterfvARB) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetProgramEnvParameterfvARB; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetProgramEnvParameterfvARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetProgramLocalParameterdvARB) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetProgramLocalParameterdvARB; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetProgramLocalParameterdvARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetProgramLocalParameterfvARB) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetProgramLocalParameterfvARB; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetProgramLocalParameterfvARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetProgramStringARB) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetProgramStringARB; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetProgramStringARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetProgramivARB) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetProgramivARB; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetProgramivARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->IsProgramARB) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->IsProgramARB; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sIsProgramARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->IsProgramARB) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->IsProgramARB; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sIsProgramNV", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->ProgramEnvParameter4dARB) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->ProgramEnvParameter4dARB; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sProgramEnvParameter4dARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->ProgramEnvParameter4dARB) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->ProgramEnvParameter4dARB; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sProgramParameter4dNV", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->ProgramEnvParameter4dvARB) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->ProgramEnvParameter4dvARB; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sProgramEnvParameter4dvARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->ProgramEnvParameter4dvARB) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->ProgramEnvParameter4dvARB; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sProgramParameter4dvNV", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->ProgramEnvParameter4fARB) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->ProgramEnvParameter4fARB; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sProgramEnvParameter4fARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->ProgramEnvParameter4fARB) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->ProgramEnvParameter4fARB; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sProgramParameter4fNV", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->ProgramEnvParameter4fvARB) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->ProgramEnvParameter4fvARB; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sProgramEnvParameter4fvARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->ProgramEnvParameter4fvARB) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->ProgramEnvParameter4fvARB; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sProgramParameter4fvNV", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->ProgramLocalParameter4dARB) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->ProgramLocalParameter4dARB; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sProgramLocalParameter4dARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->ProgramLocalParameter4dvARB) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->ProgramLocalParameter4dvARB; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sProgramLocalParameter4dvARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->ProgramLocalParameter4fARB) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->ProgramLocalParameter4fARB; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sProgramLocalParameter4fARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->ProgramLocalParameter4fvARB) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->ProgramLocalParameter4fvARB; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sProgramLocalParameter4fvARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->ProgramStringARB) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->ProgramStringARB; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sProgramStringARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttrib1fARB) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttrib1fARB; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttrib1f", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttrib1fARB) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttrib1fARB; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttrib1fARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttrib1fvARB) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttrib1fvARB; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttrib1fv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttrib1fvARB) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttrib1fvARB; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttrib1fvARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttrib2fARB) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttrib2fARB; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttrib2f", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttrib2fARB) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttrib2fARB; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttrib2fARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttrib2fvARB) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttrib2fvARB; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttrib2fv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttrib2fvARB) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttrib2fvARB; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttrib2fvARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttrib3fARB) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttrib3fARB; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttrib3f", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttrib3fARB) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttrib3fARB; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttrib3fARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttrib3fvARB) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttrib3fvARB; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttrib3fv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttrib3fvARB) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttrib3fvARB; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttrib3fvARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttrib4fARB) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttrib4fARB; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttrib4f", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttrib4fARB) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttrib4fARB; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttrib4fARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttrib4fvARB) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttrib4fvARB; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttrib4fv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttrib4fvARB) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttrib4fvARB; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttrib4fvARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->AttachObjectARB) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->AttachObjectARB; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sAttachObjectARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->CreateProgramObjectARB) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->CreateProgramObjectARB; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sCreateProgramObjectARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->CreateShaderObjectARB) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->CreateShaderObjectARB; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sCreateShaderObjectARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->DeleteObjectARB) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->DeleteObjectARB; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sDeleteObjectARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->DetachObjectARB) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->DetachObjectARB; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sDetachObjectARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetAttachedObjectsARB) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetAttachedObjectsARB; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetAttachedObjectsARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetHandleARB) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetHandleARB; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetHandleARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetInfoLogARB) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetInfoLogARB; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetInfoLogARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetObjectParameterfvARB) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetObjectParameterfvARB; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetObjectParameterfvARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetObjectParameterivARB) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetObjectParameterivARB; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetObjectParameterivARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->DrawArraysInstancedARB) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->DrawArraysInstancedARB; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sDrawArraysInstancedARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->DrawArraysInstancedARB) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->DrawArraysInstancedARB; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sDrawArraysInstancedEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->DrawArraysInstancedARB) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->DrawArraysInstancedARB; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sDrawArraysInstanced", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->DrawElementsInstancedARB) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->DrawElementsInstancedARB; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sDrawElementsInstancedARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->DrawElementsInstancedARB) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->DrawElementsInstancedARB; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sDrawElementsInstancedEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->DrawElementsInstancedARB) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->DrawElementsInstancedARB; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sDrawElementsInstanced", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->BindFramebuffer) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->BindFramebuffer; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sBindFramebuffer", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->BindFramebuffer) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->BindFramebuffer; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sBindFramebufferEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->BindFramebuffer) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->BindFramebuffer; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sBindFramebufferOES", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->BindRenderbuffer) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->BindRenderbuffer; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sBindRenderbuffer", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->BindRenderbuffer) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->BindRenderbuffer; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sBindRenderbufferEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->BindRenderbuffer) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->BindRenderbuffer; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sBindRenderbufferOES", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->BlitFramebuffer) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->BlitFramebuffer; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sBlitFramebuffer", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->BlitFramebuffer) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->BlitFramebuffer; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sBlitFramebufferEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->CheckFramebufferStatus) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->CheckFramebufferStatus; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sCheckFramebufferStatus", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->CheckFramebufferStatus) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->CheckFramebufferStatus; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sCheckFramebufferStatusEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->CheckFramebufferStatus) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->CheckFramebufferStatus; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sCheckFramebufferStatusOES", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->DeleteFramebuffers) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->DeleteFramebuffers; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sDeleteFramebuffers", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->DeleteFramebuffers) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->DeleteFramebuffers; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sDeleteFramebuffersEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->DeleteFramebuffers) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->DeleteFramebuffers; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sDeleteFramebuffersOES", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->DeleteRenderbuffers) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->DeleteRenderbuffers; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sDeleteRenderbuffers", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->DeleteRenderbuffers) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->DeleteRenderbuffers; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sDeleteRenderbuffersEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->DeleteRenderbuffers) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->DeleteRenderbuffers; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sDeleteRenderbuffersOES", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->FramebufferRenderbuffer) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->FramebufferRenderbuffer; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sFramebufferRenderbuffer", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->FramebufferRenderbuffer) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->FramebufferRenderbuffer; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sFramebufferRenderbufferEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->FramebufferRenderbuffer) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->FramebufferRenderbuffer; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sFramebufferRenderbufferOES", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->FramebufferTexture1D) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->FramebufferTexture1D; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sFramebufferTexture1D", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->FramebufferTexture1D) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->FramebufferTexture1D; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sFramebufferTexture1DEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->FramebufferTexture2D) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->FramebufferTexture2D; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sFramebufferTexture2D", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->FramebufferTexture2D) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->FramebufferTexture2D; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sFramebufferTexture2DEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->FramebufferTexture2D) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->FramebufferTexture2D; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sFramebufferTexture2DOES", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->FramebufferTexture3D) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->FramebufferTexture3D; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sFramebufferTexture3D", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->FramebufferTexture3D) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->FramebufferTexture3D; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sFramebufferTexture3DEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->FramebufferTexture3D) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->FramebufferTexture3D; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sFramebufferTexture3DOES", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->FramebufferTextureLayer) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->FramebufferTextureLayer; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sFramebufferTextureLayer", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->FramebufferTextureLayer) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->FramebufferTextureLayer; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sFramebufferTextureLayerARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->FramebufferTextureLayer) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->FramebufferTextureLayer; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sFramebufferTextureLayerEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GenFramebuffers) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GenFramebuffers; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGenFramebuffers", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GenFramebuffers) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GenFramebuffers; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGenFramebuffersEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GenFramebuffers) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GenFramebuffers; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGenFramebuffersOES", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GenRenderbuffers) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GenRenderbuffers; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGenRenderbuffers", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GenRenderbuffers) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GenRenderbuffers; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGenRenderbuffersEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GenRenderbuffers) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GenRenderbuffers; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGenRenderbuffersOES", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GenerateMipmap) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GenerateMipmap; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGenerateMipmap", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GenerateMipmap) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GenerateMipmap; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGenerateMipmapEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GenerateMipmap) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GenerateMipmap; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGenerateMipmapOES", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivOES", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetRenderbufferParameteriv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetRenderbufferParameteriv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetRenderbufferParameteriv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetRenderbufferParameteriv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetRenderbufferParameteriv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetRenderbufferParameterivEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetRenderbufferParameteriv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetRenderbufferParameteriv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetRenderbufferParameterivOES", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->IsFramebuffer) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->IsFramebuffer; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sIsFramebuffer", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->IsFramebuffer) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->IsFramebuffer; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sIsFramebufferEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->IsFramebuffer) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->IsFramebuffer; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sIsFramebufferOES", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->IsRenderbuffer) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->IsRenderbuffer; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sIsRenderbuffer", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->IsRenderbuffer) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->IsRenderbuffer; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sIsRenderbufferEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->IsRenderbuffer) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->IsRenderbuffer; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sIsRenderbufferOES", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->RenderbufferStorage) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->RenderbufferStorage; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sRenderbufferStorage", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->RenderbufferStorage) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->RenderbufferStorage; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sRenderbufferStorageEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->RenderbufferStorage) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->RenderbufferStorage; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sRenderbufferStorageOES", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->RenderbufferStorageMultisample) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->RenderbufferStorageMultisample; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sRenderbufferStorageMultisample", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->RenderbufferStorageMultisample) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->RenderbufferStorageMultisample; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sRenderbufferStorageMultisampleEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->FramebufferTextureFaceARB) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->FramebufferTextureFaceARB; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sFramebufferTextureFaceARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->FlushMappedBufferRange) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->FlushMappedBufferRange; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sFlushMappedBufferRange", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->FlushMappedBufferRange) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->FlushMappedBufferRange; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sFlushMappedBufferRangeEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->MapBufferRange) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->MapBufferRange; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sMapBufferRange", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->MapBufferRange) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->MapBufferRange; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sMapBufferRangeEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->BindVertexArray) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->BindVertexArray; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sBindVertexArray", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->BindVertexArray) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->BindVertexArray; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sBindVertexArrayOES", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->DeleteVertexArrays) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->DeleteVertexArrays; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sDeleteVertexArrays", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->DeleteVertexArrays) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->DeleteVertexArrays; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sDeleteVertexArraysAPPLE", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->DeleteVertexArrays) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->DeleteVertexArrays; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sDeleteVertexArraysOES", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GenVertexArrays) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GenVertexArrays; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGenVertexArrays", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GenVertexArrays) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GenVertexArrays; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGenVertexArraysOES", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->IsVertexArray) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->IsVertexArray; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sIsVertexArray", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->IsVertexArray) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->IsVertexArray; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sIsVertexArrayAPPLE", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->IsVertexArray) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->IsVertexArray; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sIsVertexArrayOES", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetActiveUniformBlockName) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetActiveUniformBlockName; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetActiveUniformBlockName", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetActiveUniformBlockiv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetActiveUniformBlockiv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetActiveUniformBlockiv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetActiveUniformName) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetActiveUniformName; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetActiveUniformName", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetActiveUniformsiv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetActiveUniformsiv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetActiveUniformsiv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetUniformBlockIndex) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetUniformBlockIndex; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetUniformBlockIndex", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetUniformIndices) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetUniformIndices; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetUniformIndices", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->UniformBlockBinding) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->UniformBlockBinding; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sUniformBlockBinding", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->CopyBufferSubData) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->CopyBufferSubData; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sCopyBufferSubData", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->ClientWaitSync) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->ClientWaitSync; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sClientWaitSync", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->DeleteSync) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->DeleteSync; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sDeleteSync", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->FenceSync) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->FenceSync; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sFenceSync", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetInteger64v) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetInteger64v; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetInteger64v", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetSynciv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetSynciv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetSynciv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->IsSync) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->IsSync; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sIsSync", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->WaitSync) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->WaitSync; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sWaitSync", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->DrawElementsBaseVertex) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->DrawElementsBaseVertex; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sDrawElementsBaseVertex", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->DrawRangeElementsBaseVertex) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->DrawRangeElementsBaseVertex; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sDrawRangeElementsBaseVertex", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->MultiDrawElementsBaseVertex) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->MultiDrawElementsBaseVertex; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->ProvokingVertex) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->ProvokingVertex; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sProvokingVertexEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->ProvokingVertex) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->ProvokingVertex; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sProvokingVertex", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->BlendEquationSeparateiARB) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->BlendEquationSeparateiARB; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sBlendEquationSeparateiARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->BlendEquationSeparateiARB) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->BlendEquationSeparateiARB; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sBlendEquationSeparateIndexedAMD", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->BlendEquationiARB) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->BlendEquationiARB; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sBlendEquationiARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->BlendEquationiARB) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->BlendEquationiARB; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sBlendEquationIndexedAMD", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->BlendFuncSeparateiARB) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->BlendFuncSeparateiARB; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sBlendFuncSeparateiARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->BlendFuncSeparateiARB) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->BlendFuncSeparateiARB; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sBlendFuncSeparateIndexedAMD", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->BlendFunciARB) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->BlendFunciARB; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sBlendFunciARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->BlendFunciARB) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->BlendFunciARB; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sBlendFuncIndexedAMD", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->BindFragDataLocationIndexed) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->BindFragDataLocationIndexed; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sBindFragDataLocationIndexed", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetFragDataIndex) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetFragDataIndex; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetFragDataIndex", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->BindSampler) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->BindSampler; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sBindSampler", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->DeleteSamplers) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->DeleteSamplers; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sDeleteSamplers", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GenSamplers) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GenSamplers; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGenSamplers", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetSamplerParameterIiv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetSamplerParameterIiv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetSamplerParameterIiv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetSamplerParameterIuiv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetSamplerParameterIuiv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetSamplerParameterIuiv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetSamplerParameterfv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetSamplerParameterfv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetSamplerParameterfv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetSamplerParameteriv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetSamplerParameteriv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetSamplerParameteriv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->IsSampler) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->IsSampler; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sIsSampler", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->SamplerParameterIiv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->SamplerParameterIiv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sSamplerParameterIiv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->SamplerParameterIuiv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->SamplerParameterIuiv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sSamplerParameterIuiv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->SamplerParameterf) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->SamplerParameterf; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sSamplerParameterf", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->SamplerParameterfv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->SamplerParameterfv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sSamplerParameterfv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->SamplerParameteri) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->SamplerParameteri; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sSamplerParameteri", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->SamplerParameteriv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->SamplerParameteriv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sSamplerParameteriv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetQueryObjecti64v) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetQueryObjecti64v; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetQueryObjecti64v", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetQueryObjecti64v) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetQueryObjecti64v; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetQueryObjecti64vEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetQueryObjectui64v) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetQueryObjectui64v; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetQueryObjectui64v", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetQueryObjectui64v) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetQueryObjectui64v; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetQueryObjectui64vEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->QueryCounter) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->QueryCounter; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sQueryCounter", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->ColorP3ui) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->ColorP3ui; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sColorP3ui", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->ColorP3uiv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->ColorP3uiv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sColorP3uiv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->ColorP4ui) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->ColorP4ui; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sColorP4ui", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->ColorP4uiv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->ColorP4uiv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sColorP4uiv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->MultiTexCoordP1ui) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->MultiTexCoordP1ui; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sMultiTexCoordP1ui", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->MultiTexCoordP1uiv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->MultiTexCoordP1uiv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sMultiTexCoordP1uiv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->MultiTexCoordP2ui) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->MultiTexCoordP2ui; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sMultiTexCoordP2ui", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->MultiTexCoordP2uiv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->MultiTexCoordP2uiv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sMultiTexCoordP2uiv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->MultiTexCoordP3ui) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->MultiTexCoordP3ui; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sMultiTexCoordP3ui", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->MultiTexCoordP3uiv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->MultiTexCoordP3uiv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sMultiTexCoordP3uiv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->MultiTexCoordP4ui) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->MultiTexCoordP4ui; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sMultiTexCoordP4ui", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->MultiTexCoordP4uiv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->MultiTexCoordP4uiv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sMultiTexCoordP4uiv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->NormalP3ui) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->NormalP3ui; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sNormalP3ui", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->NormalP3uiv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->NormalP3uiv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sNormalP3uiv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->SecondaryColorP3ui) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->SecondaryColorP3ui; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sSecondaryColorP3ui", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->SecondaryColorP3uiv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->SecondaryColorP3uiv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sSecondaryColorP3uiv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->TexCoordP1ui) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->TexCoordP1ui; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sTexCoordP1ui", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->TexCoordP1uiv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->TexCoordP1uiv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sTexCoordP1uiv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->TexCoordP2ui) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->TexCoordP2ui; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sTexCoordP2ui", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->TexCoordP2uiv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->TexCoordP2uiv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sTexCoordP2uiv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->TexCoordP3ui) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->TexCoordP3ui; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sTexCoordP3ui", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->TexCoordP3uiv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->TexCoordP3uiv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sTexCoordP3uiv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->TexCoordP4ui) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->TexCoordP4ui; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sTexCoordP4ui", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->TexCoordP4uiv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->TexCoordP4uiv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sTexCoordP4uiv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttribP1ui) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttribP1ui; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttribP1ui", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttribP1uiv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttribP1uiv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttribP1uiv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttribP2ui) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttribP2ui; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttribP2ui", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttribP2uiv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttribP2uiv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttribP2uiv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttribP3ui) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttribP3ui; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttribP3ui", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttribP3uiv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttribP3uiv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttribP3uiv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttribP4ui) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttribP4ui; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttribP4ui", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttribP4uiv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttribP4uiv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttribP4uiv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexP2ui) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexP2ui; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexP2ui", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexP2uiv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexP2uiv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexP2uiv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexP3ui) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexP3ui; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexP3ui", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexP3uiv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexP3uiv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexP3uiv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexP4ui) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexP4ui; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexP4ui", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexP4uiv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexP4uiv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexP4uiv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->BindTransformFeedback) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->BindTransformFeedback; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sBindTransformFeedback", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->DeleteTransformFeedbacks) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->DeleteTransformFeedbacks; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sDeleteTransformFeedbacks", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->DrawTransformFeedback) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->DrawTransformFeedback; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sDrawTransformFeedback", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GenTransformFeedbacks) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GenTransformFeedbacks; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGenTransformFeedbacks", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->IsTransformFeedback) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->IsTransformFeedback; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sIsTransformFeedback", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->PauseTransformFeedback) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->PauseTransformFeedback; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sPauseTransformFeedback", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->ResumeTransformFeedback) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->ResumeTransformFeedback; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sResumeTransformFeedback", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->BeginQueryIndexed) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->BeginQueryIndexed; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sBeginQueryIndexed", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->DrawTransformFeedbackStream) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->DrawTransformFeedbackStream; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sDrawTransformFeedbackStream", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->EndQueryIndexed) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->EndQueryIndexed; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sEndQueryIndexed", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetQueryIndexediv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetQueryIndexediv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetQueryIndexediv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->ClearDepthf) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->ClearDepthf; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sClearDepthf", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->ClearDepthf) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->ClearDepthf; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sClearDepthfOES", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->DepthRangef) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->DepthRangef; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sDepthRangef", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->DepthRangef) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->DepthRangef; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sDepthRangefOES", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetShaderPrecisionFormat) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetShaderPrecisionFormat; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetShaderPrecisionFormat", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->ReleaseShaderCompiler) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->ReleaseShaderCompiler; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sReleaseShaderCompiler", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->ShaderBinary) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->ShaderBinary; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sShaderBinary", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetProgramBinary) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetProgramBinary; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetProgramBinary", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetProgramBinary) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetProgramBinary; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetProgramBinaryOES", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->ProgramBinary) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->ProgramBinary; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sProgramBinary", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->ProgramBinary) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->ProgramBinary; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sProgramBinaryOES", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->ProgramParameteri) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->ProgramParameteri; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sProgramParameteriARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->ProgramParameteri) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->ProgramParameteri; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sProgramParameteri", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->DebugMessageCallbackARB) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->DebugMessageCallbackARB; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sDebugMessageCallbackARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->DebugMessageControlARB) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->DebugMessageControlARB; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sDebugMessageControlARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->DebugMessageInsertARB) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->DebugMessageInsertARB; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sDebugMessageInsertARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetDebugMessageLogARB) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetDebugMessageLogARB; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetDebugMessageLogARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetGraphicsResetStatusARB) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetGraphicsResetStatusARB; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetGraphicsResetStatusARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetnColorTableARB) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetnColorTableARB; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetnColorTableARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetnCompressedTexImageARB) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetnCompressedTexImageARB; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetnCompressedTexImageARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetnConvolutionFilterARB) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetnConvolutionFilterARB; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetnConvolutionFilterARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetnHistogramARB) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetnHistogramARB; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetnHistogramARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetnMapdvARB) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetnMapdvARB; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetnMapdvARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetnMapfvARB) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetnMapfvARB; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetnMapfvARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetnMapivARB) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetnMapivARB; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetnMapivARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetnMinmaxARB) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetnMinmaxARB; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetnMinmaxARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetnPixelMapfvARB) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetnPixelMapfvARB; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetnPixelMapfvARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetnPixelMapuivARB) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetnPixelMapuivARB; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetnPixelMapuivARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetnPixelMapusvARB) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetnPixelMapusvARB; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetnPixelMapusvARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetnPolygonStippleARB) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetnPolygonStippleARB; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetnPolygonStippleARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetnSeparableFilterARB) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetnSeparableFilterARB; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetnSeparableFilterARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetnTexImageARB) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetnTexImageARB; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetnTexImageARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetnUniformdvARB) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetnUniformdvARB; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetnUniformdvARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetnUniformfvARB) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetnUniformfvARB; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetnUniformfvARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetnUniformivARB) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetnUniformivARB; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetnUniformivARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetnUniformuivARB) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetnUniformuivARB; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetnUniformuivARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->ReadnPixelsARB) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->ReadnPixelsARB; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sReadnPixelsARB", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->DrawArraysInstancedBaseInstance) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->DrawArraysInstancedBaseInstance; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sDrawArraysInstancedBaseInstance", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->DrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->DrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sDrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->DrawTransformFeedbackInstanced) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->DrawTransformFeedbackInstanced; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sDrawTransformFeedbackInstanced", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->DrawTransformFeedbackStreamInstanced) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->DrawTransformFeedbackStreamInstanced; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sDrawTransformFeedbackStreamInstanced", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetInternalformativ) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetInternalformativ; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetInternalformativ", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->TexStorage1D) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->TexStorage1D; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sTexStorage1D", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->TexStorage2D) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->TexStorage2D; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sTexStorage2D", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->TexStorage3D) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->TexStorage3D; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sTexStorage3D", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->TextureStorage1DEXT) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->TextureStorage1DEXT; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sTextureStorage1DEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->TextureStorage2DEXT) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->TextureStorage2DEXT; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sTextureStorage2DEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->TextureStorage3DEXT) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->TextureStorage3DEXT; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sTextureStorage3DEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->InvalidateBufferData) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->InvalidateBufferData; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sInvalidateBufferData", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->InvalidateBufferSubData) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->InvalidateBufferSubData; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sInvalidateBufferSubData", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->InvalidateFramebuffer) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->InvalidateFramebuffer; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sInvalidateFramebuffer", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->InvalidateSubFramebuffer) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->InvalidateSubFramebuffer; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sInvalidateSubFramebuffer", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->InvalidateTexImage) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->InvalidateTexImage; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sInvalidateTexImage", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->InvalidateTexSubImage) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->InvalidateTexSubImage; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sInvalidateTexSubImage", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->PolygonOffsetEXT) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->PolygonOffsetEXT; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sPolygonOffsetEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->DrawTexfOES) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->DrawTexfOES; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sDrawTexfOES", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->DrawTexfvOES) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->DrawTexfvOES; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sDrawTexfvOES", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->DrawTexiOES) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->DrawTexiOES; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sDrawTexiOES", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->DrawTexivOES) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->DrawTexivOES; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sDrawTexivOES", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->DrawTexsOES) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->DrawTexsOES; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sDrawTexsOES", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->DrawTexsvOES) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->DrawTexsvOES; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sDrawTexsvOES", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->DrawTexxOES) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->DrawTexxOES; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sDrawTexxOES", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->DrawTexxvOES) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->DrawTexxvOES; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sDrawTexxvOES", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->PointSizePointerOES) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->PointSizePointerOES; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sPointSizePointerOES", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->QueryMatrixxOES) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->QueryMatrixxOES; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sQueryMatrixxOES", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->SampleMaskSGIS) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->SampleMaskSGIS; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sSampleMaskSGIS", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->SampleMaskSGIS) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->SampleMaskSGIS; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sSampleMaskEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->SamplePatternSGIS) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->SamplePatternSGIS; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sSamplePatternSGIS", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->SamplePatternSGIS) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->SamplePatternSGIS; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sSamplePatternEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->ColorPointerEXT) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->ColorPointerEXT; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sColorPointerEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->EdgeFlagPointerEXT) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->EdgeFlagPointerEXT; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sEdgeFlagPointerEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->IndexPointerEXT) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->IndexPointerEXT; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sIndexPointerEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->NormalPointerEXT) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->NormalPointerEXT; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sNormalPointerEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->TexCoordPointerEXT) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->TexCoordPointerEXT; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sTexCoordPointerEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexPointerEXT) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexPointerEXT; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexPointerEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->LockArraysEXT) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->LockArraysEXT; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sLockArraysEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->UnlockArraysEXT) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->UnlockArraysEXT; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sUnlockArraysEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->SecondaryColor3fEXT) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->SecondaryColor3fEXT; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sSecondaryColor3f", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->SecondaryColor3fEXT) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->SecondaryColor3fEXT; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sSecondaryColor3fEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->SecondaryColor3fvEXT) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->SecondaryColor3fvEXT; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sSecondaryColor3fv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->SecondaryColor3fvEXT) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->SecondaryColor3fvEXT; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sSecondaryColor3fvEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->MultiDrawElementsEXT) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->MultiDrawElementsEXT; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sMultiDrawElements", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->MultiDrawElementsEXT) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->MultiDrawElementsEXT; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sMultiDrawElementsEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->FogCoordfEXT) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->FogCoordfEXT; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sFogCoordf", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->FogCoordfEXT) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->FogCoordfEXT; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sFogCoordfEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->FogCoordfvEXT) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->FogCoordfvEXT; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sFogCoordfv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->FogCoordfvEXT) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->FogCoordfvEXT; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sFogCoordfvEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->ResizeBuffersMESA) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->ResizeBuffersMESA; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sResizeBuffersMESA", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->WindowPos4dMESA) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->WindowPos4dMESA; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sWindowPos4dMESA", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->WindowPos4dvMESA) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->WindowPos4dvMESA; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sWindowPos4dvMESA", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->WindowPos4fMESA) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->WindowPos4fMESA; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sWindowPos4fMESA", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->WindowPos4fvMESA) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->WindowPos4fvMESA; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sWindowPos4fvMESA", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->WindowPos4iMESA) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->WindowPos4iMESA; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sWindowPos4iMESA", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->WindowPos4ivMESA) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->WindowPos4ivMESA; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sWindowPos4ivMESA", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->WindowPos4sMESA) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->WindowPos4sMESA; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sWindowPos4sMESA", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->WindowPos4svMESA) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->WindowPos4svMESA; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sWindowPos4svMESA", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->MultiModeDrawArraysIBM) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->MultiModeDrawArraysIBM; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sMultiModeDrawArraysIBM", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->MultiModeDrawElementsIBM) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->MultiModeDrawElementsIBM; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sMultiModeDrawElementsIBM", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->AreProgramsResidentNV) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->AreProgramsResidentNV; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sAreProgramsResidentNV", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->ExecuteProgramNV) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->ExecuteProgramNV; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sExecuteProgramNV", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetProgramParameterdvNV) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetProgramParameterdvNV; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetProgramParameterdvNV", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetProgramParameterfvNV) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetProgramParameterfvNV; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetProgramParameterfvNV", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetProgramStringNV) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetProgramStringNV; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetProgramStringNV", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetProgramivNV) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetProgramivNV; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetProgramivNV", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetTrackMatrixivNV) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetTrackMatrixivNV; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetTrackMatrixivNV", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetVertexAttribdvNV) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetVertexAttribdvNV; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetVertexAttribdvNV", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetVertexAttribfvNV) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetVertexAttribfvNV; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetVertexAttribfvNV", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetVertexAttribivNV) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetVertexAttribivNV; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetVertexAttribivNV", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->LoadProgramNV) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->LoadProgramNV; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sLoadProgramNV", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->ProgramParameters4dvNV) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->ProgramParameters4dvNV; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sProgramParameters4dvNV", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->ProgramParameters4fvNV) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->ProgramParameters4fvNV; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sProgramParameters4fvNV", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->RequestResidentProgramsNV) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->RequestResidentProgramsNV; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sRequestResidentProgramsNV", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->TrackMatrixNV) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->TrackMatrixNV; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sTrackMatrixNV", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttrib1dNV) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttrib1dNV; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttrib1dNV", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttrib1dvNV) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttrib1dvNV; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttrib1dvNV", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttrib1fNV) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttrib1fNV; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttrib1fNV", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttrib1fvNV) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttrib1fvNV; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttrib1fvNV", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttrib1sNV) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttrib1sNV; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttrib1sNV", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttrib1svNV) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttrib1svNV; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttrib1svNV", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttrib2dNV) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttrib2dNV; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttrib2dNV", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttrib2dvNV) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttrib2dvNV; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttrib2dvNV", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttrib2fNV) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttrib2fNV; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttrib2fNV", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttrib2fvNV) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttrib2fvNV; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttrib2fvNV", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttrib2sNV) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttrib2sNV; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttrib2sNV", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttrib2svNV) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttrib2svNV; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttrib2svNV", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttrib3dNV) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttrib3dNV; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttrib3dNV", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttrib3dvNV) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttrib3dvNV; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttrib3dvNV", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttrib3fNV) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttrib3fNV; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttrib3fNV", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttrib3fvNV) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttrib3fvNV; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttrib3fvNV", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttrib3sNV) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttrib3sNV; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttrib3sNV", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttrib3svNV) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttrib3svNV; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttrib3svNV", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttrib4dNV) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttrib4dNV; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttrib4dNV", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttrib4dvNV) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttrib4dvNV; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttrib4dvNV", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttrib4fNV) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttrib4fNV; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttrib4fNV", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttrib4fvNV) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttrib4fvNV; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttrib4fvNV", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttrib4sNV) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttrib4sNV; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttrib4sNV", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttrib4svNV) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttrib4svNV; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttrib4svNV", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttrib4ubNV) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttrib4ubNV; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttrib4ubNV", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttrib4ubvNV) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttrib4ubvNV; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttrib4ubvNV", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttribPointerNV) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttribPointerNV; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttribPointerNV", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttribs1dvNV) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttribs1dvNV; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttribs1dvNV", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttribs1fvNV) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttribs1fvNV; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttribs1fvNV", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttribs1svNV) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttribs1svNV; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttribs1svNV", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttribs2dvNV) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttribs2dvNV; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttribs2dvNV", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttribs2fvNV) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttribs2fvNV; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttribs2fvNV", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttribs2svNV) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttribs2svNV; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttribs2svNV", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttribs3dvNV) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttribs3dvNV; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttribs3dvNV", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttribs3fvNV) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttribs3fvNV; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttribs3fvNV", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttribs3svNV) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttribs3svNV; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttribs3svNV", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttribs4dvNV) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttribs4dvNV; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttribs4dvNV", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttribs4fvNV) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttribs4fvNV; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttribs4fvNV", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttribs4svNV) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttribs4svNV; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttribs4svNV", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttribs4ubvNV) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttribs4ubvNV; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttribs4ubvNV", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetTexBumpParameterfvATI) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetTexBumpParameterfvATI; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetTexBumpParameterfvATI", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetTexBumpParameterivATI) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetTexBumpParameterivATI; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetTexBumpParameterivATI", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->TexBumpParameterfvATI) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->TexBumpParameterfvATI; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sTexBumpParameterfvATI", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->TexBumpParameterivATI) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->TexBumpParameterivATI; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sTexBumpParameterivATI", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->AlphaFragmentOp1ATI) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->AlphaFragmentOp1ATI; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sAlphaFragmentOp1ATI", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->AlphaFragmentOp2ATI) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->AlphaFragmentOp2ATI; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sAlphaFragmentOp2ATI", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->AlphaFragmentOp3ATI) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->AlphaFragmentOp3ATI; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sAlphaFragmentOp3ATI", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->BeginFragmentShaderATI) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->BeginFragmentShaderATI; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sBeginFragmentShaderATI", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->BindFragmentShaderATI) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->BindFragmentShaderATI; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sBindFragmentShaderATI", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->ColorFragmentOp1ATI) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->ColorFragmentOp1ATI; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sColorFragmentOp1ATI", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->ColorFragmentOp2ATI) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->ColorFragmentOp2ATI; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sColorFragmentOp2ATI", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->ColorFragmentOp3ATI) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->ColorFragmentOp3ATI; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sColorFragmentOp3ATI", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->DeleteFragmentShaderATI) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->DeleteFragmentShaderATI; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sDeleteFragmentShaderATI", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->EndFragmentShaderATI) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->EndFragmentShaderATI; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sEndFragmentShaderATI", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GenFragmentShadersATI) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GenFragmentShadersATI; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGenFragmentShadersATI", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->PassTexCoordATI) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->PassTexCoordATI; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sPassTexCoordATI", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->SampleMapATI) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->SampleMapATI; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sSampleMapATI", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->SetFragmentShaderConstantATI) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->SetFragmentShaderConstantATI; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sSetFragmentShaderConstantATI", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->ActiveStencilFaceEXT) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->ActiveStencilFaceEXT; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sActiveStencilFaceEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->BindVertexArrayAPPLE) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->BindVertexArrayAPPLE; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sBindVertexArrayAPPLE", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GenVertexArraysAPPLE) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GenVertexArraysAPPLE; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGenVertexArraysAPPLE", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetProgramNamedParameterdvNV) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetProgramNamedParameterdvNV; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetProgramNamedParameterdvNV", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetProgramNamedParameterfvNV) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetProgramNamedParameterfvNV; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetProgramNamedParameterfvNV", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->ProgramNamedParameter4dNV) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->ProgramNamedParameter4dNV; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sProgramNamedParameter4dNV", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->ProgramNamedParameter4dvNV) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->ProgramNamedParameter4dvNV; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sProgramNamedParameter4dvNV", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->ProgramNamedParameter4fNV) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->ProgramNamedParameter4fNV; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sProgramNamedParameter4fNV", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->ProgramNamedParameter4fvNV) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->ProgramNamedParameter4fvNV; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sProgramNamedParameter4fvNV", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->PrimitiveRestartNV) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->PrimitiveRestartNV; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sPrimitiveRestartNV", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetTexGenxvOES) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetTexGenxvOES; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetTexGenxvOES", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->TexGenxOES) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->TexGenxOES; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sTexGenxOES", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->TexGenxvOES) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->TexGenxvOES; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sTexGenxvOES", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->DepthBoundsEXT) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->DepthBoundsEXT; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sDepthBoundsEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->BufferParameteriAPPLE) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->BufferParameteriAPPLE; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sBufferParameteriAPPLE", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->FlushMappedBufferRangeAPPLE) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->FlushMappedBufferRangeAPPLE; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sFlushMappedBufferRangeAPPLE", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttribI1iEXT) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttribI1iEXT; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttribI1iEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttribI1iEXT) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttribI1iEXT; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttribI1i", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttribI1uiEXT) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttribI1uiEXT; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttribI1uiEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttribI1uiEXT) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttribI1uiEXT; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttribI1ui", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttribI2iEXT) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttribI2iEXT; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttribI2iEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttribI2iEXT) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttribI2iEXT; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttribI2i", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttribI2ivEXT) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttribI2ivEXT; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttribI2ivEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttribI2ivEXT) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttribI2ivEXT; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttribI2iv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttribI2uiEXT) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttribI2uiEXT; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttribI2uiEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttribI2uiEXT) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttribI2uiEXT; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttribI2ui", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttribI2uivEXT) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttribI2uivEXT; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttribI2uivEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttribI2uivEXT) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttribI2uivEXT; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttribI2uiv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttribI3iEXT) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttribI3iEXT; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttribI3iEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttribI3iEXT) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttribI3iEXT; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttribI3i", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttribI3ivEXT) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttribI3ivEXT; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttribI3ivEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttribI3ivEXT) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttribI3ivEXT; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttribI3iv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttribI3uiEXT) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttribI3uiEXT; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttribI3uiEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttribI3uiEXT) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttribI3uiEXT; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttribI3ui", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttribI3uivEXT) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttribI3uivEXT; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttribI3uivEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttribI3uivEXT) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttribI3uivEXT; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttribI3uiv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttribI4iEXT) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttribI4iEXT; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttribI4iEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttribI4iEXT) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttribI4iEXT; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttribI4i", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttribI4ivEXT) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttribI4ivEXT; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttribI4ivEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttribI4ivEXT) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttribI4ivEXT; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttribI4iv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttribI4uiEXT) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttribI4uiEXT; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttribI4uiEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttribI4uiEXT) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttribI4uiEXT; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttribI4ui", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttribI4uivEXT) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttribI4uivEXT; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttribI4uivEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->VertexAttribI4uivEXT) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->VertexAttribI4uivEXT; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sVertexAttribI4uiv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->ClearColorIiEXT) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->ClearColorIiEXT; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sClearColorIiEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->ClearColorIuiEXT) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->ClearColorIuiEXT; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sClearColorIuiEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->BindBufferOffsetEXT) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->BindBufferOffsetEXT; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sBindBufferOffsetEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetObjectParameterivAPPLE) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetObjectParameterivAPPLE; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetObjectParameterivAPPLE", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->ObjectPurgeableAPPLE) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->ObjectPurgeableAPPLE; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sObjectPurgeableAPPLE", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->ObjectUnpurgeableAPPLE) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->ObjectUnpurgeableAPPLE; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sObjectUnpurgeableAPPLE", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->ActiveProgramEXT) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->ActiveProgramEXT; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sActiveProgramEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->CreateShaderProgramEXT) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->CreateShaderProgramEXT; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sCreateShaderProgramEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->UseShaderProgramEXT) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->UseShaderProgramEXT; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sUseShaderProgramEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->TextureBarrierNV) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->TextureBarrierNV; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sTextureBarrierNV", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->StencilFuncSeparateATI) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->StencilFuncSeparateATI; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sStencilFuncSeparateATI", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->ProgramEnvParameters4fvEXT) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->ProgramEnvParameters4fvEXT; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sProgramEnvParameters4fvEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->ProgramLocalParameters4fvEXT) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->ProgramLocalParameters4fvEXT; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sProgramLocalParameters4fvEXT", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->EGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOES) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->EGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOES; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sEGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOES", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->EGLImageTargetTexture2DOES) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->EGLImageTargetTexture2DOES; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sEGLImageTargetTexture2DOES", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->AlphaFuncx) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->AlphaFuncx; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sAlphaFuncxOES", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->AlphaFuncx) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->AlphaFuncx; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sAlphaFuncx", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->ClearColorx) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->ClearColorx; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sClearColorxOES", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->ClearColorx) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->ClearColorx; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sClearColorx", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->ClearDepthx) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->ClearDepthx; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sClearDepthxOES", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->ClearDepthx) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->ClearDepthx; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sClearDepthx", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Color4x) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Color4x; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sColor4xOES", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Color4x) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Color4x; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sColor4x", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->DepthRangex) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->DepthRangex; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sDepthRangexOES", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->DepthRangex) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->DepthRangex; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sDepthRangex", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Fogx) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Fogx; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sFogxOES", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Fogx) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Fogx; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sFogx", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Fogxv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Fogxv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sFogxvOES", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Fogxv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Fogxv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sFogxv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Frustumf) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Frustumf; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sFrustumfOES", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Frustumf) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Frustumf; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sFrustumf", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Frustumx) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Frustumx; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sFrustumxOES", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Frustumx) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Frustumx; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sFrustumx", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->LightModelx) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->LightModelx; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sLightModelxOES", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->LightModelx) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->LightModelx; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sLightModelx", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->LightModelxv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->LightModelxv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sLightModelxvOES", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->LightModelxv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->LightModelxv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sLightModelxv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Lightx) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Lightx; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sLightxOES", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Lightx) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Lightx; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sLightx", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Lightxv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Lightxv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sLightxvOES", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Lightxv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Lightxv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sLightxv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->LineWidthx) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->LineWidthx; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sLineWidthxOES", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->LineWidthx) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->LineWidthx; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sLineWidthx", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->LoadMatrixx) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->LoadMatrixx; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sLoadMatrixxOES", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->LoadMatrixx) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->LoadMatrixx; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sLoadMatrixx", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Materialx) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Materialx; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sMaterialxOES", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Materialx) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Materialx; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sMaterialx", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Materialxv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Materialxv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sMaterialxvOES", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Materialxv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Materialxv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sMaterialxv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->MultMatrixx) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->MultMatrixx; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sMultMatrixxOES", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->MultMatrixx) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->MultMatrixx; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sMultMatrixx", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->MultiTexCoord4x) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->MultiTexCoord4x; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sMultiTexCoord4xOES", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->MultiTexCoord4x) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->MultiTexCoord4x; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sMultiTexCoord4x", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Normal3x) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Normal3x; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sNormal3xOES", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Normal3x) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Normal3x; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sNormal3x", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Orthof) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Orthof; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sOrthofOES", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Orthof) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Orthof; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sOrthof", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Orthox) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Orthox; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sOrthoxOES", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Orthox) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Orthox; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sOrthox", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->PointSizex) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->PointSizex; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sPointSizexOES", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->PointSizex) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->PointSizex; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sPointSizex", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->PolygonOffsetx) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->PolygonOffsetx; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sPolygonOffsetxOES", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->PolygonOffsetx) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->PolygonOffsetx; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sPolygonOffsetx", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Rotatex) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Rotatex; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sRotatexOES", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Rotatex) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Rotatex; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sRotatex", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->SampleCoveragex) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->SampleCoveragex; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sSampleCoveragexOES", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->SampleCoveragex) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->SampleCoveragex; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sSampleCoveragex", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Scalex) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Scalex; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sScalexOES", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Scalex) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Scalex; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sScalex", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->TexEnvx) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->TexEnvx; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sTexEnvxOES", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->TexEnvx) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->TexEnvx; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sTexEnvx", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->TexEnvxv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->TexEnvxv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sTexEnvxvOES", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->TexEnvxv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->TexEnvxv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sTexEnvxv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->TexParameterx) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->TexParameterx; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sTexParameterxOES", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->TexParameterx) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->TexParameterx; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sTexParameterx", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Translatex) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Translatex; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sTranslatexOES", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->Translatex) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->Translatex; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sTranslatex", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->ClipPlanef) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->ClipPlanef; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sClipPlanefOES", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->ClipPlanef) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->ClipPlanef; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sClipPlanef", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->ClipPlanex) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->ClipPlanex; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sClipPlanexOES", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->ClipPlanex) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->ClipPlanex; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sClipPlanex", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetClipPlanef) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetClipPlanef; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetClipPlanefOES", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetClipPlanef) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetClipPlanef; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetClipPlanef", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetClipPlanex) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetClipPlanex; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetClipPlanexOES", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetClipPlanex) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetClipPlanex; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetClipPlanex", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetFixedv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetFixedv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetFixedvOES", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetFixedv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetFixedv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetFixedv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetLightxv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetLightxv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetLightxvOES", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetLightxv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetLightxv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetLightxv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetMaterialxv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetMaterialxv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetMaterialxvOES", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetMaterialxv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetMaterialxv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetMaterialxv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetTexEnvxv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetTexEnvxv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetTexEnvxvOES", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetTexEnvxv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetTexEnvxv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetTexEnvxv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetTexParameterxv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetTexParameterxv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetTexParameterxvOES", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->GetTexParameterxv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->GetTexParameterxv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sGetTexParameterxv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->PointParameterx) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->PointParameterx; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sPointParameterxOES", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->PointParameterx) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->PointParameterx; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sPointParameterx", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->PointParameterxv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->PointParameterxv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sPointParameterxvOES", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->PointParameterxv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->PointParameterxv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sPointParameterxv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->TexParameterxv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->TexParameterxv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sTexParameterxvOES", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + if(!disp->TexParameterxv) { + void ** procp = (void **) &disp->TexParameterxv; + snprintf(symboln, sizeof(symboln), "%sTexParameterxv", symbol_prefix); + *procp = dlsym(handle, symboln); + } + + + __glapi_gentable_set_remaining_noop(disp); + + return disp; +} + --- mesa-9.1.4.orig/src/mapi/glapi/glapi_mapi_tmp.h +++ mesa-9.1.4/src/mapi/glapi/glapi_mapi_tmp.h @@ -0,0 +1,14217 @@ +/* This file is automatically generated by mapi_abi.py. Do not modify. */ + +#ifndef _GLAPI_TMP_H_ +#define _GLAPI_TMP_H_ +#ifdef USE_MGL_NAMESPACE +#define GLAPI_PREFIX(func) mgl##func +#define GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(func) "mgl"#func +#else +#define GLAPI_PREFIX(func) gl##func +#define GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(func) "gl"#func +#endif /* USE_MGL_NAMESPACE */ + +typedef int GLfixed; +typedef int GLclampx; +#endif /* _GLAPI_TMP_H_ */ + +#ifdef MAPI_TMP_DEFINES +#define GL_GLEXT_PROTOTYPES +#include "GL/gl.h" +#include "GL/glext.h" + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(NewList)(GLuint list, GLenum mode); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(EndList)(void); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(CallList)(GLuint list); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(CallLists)(GLsizei n, GLenum type, const GLvoid *lists); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(DeleteLists)(GLuint list, GLsizei range); +GLAPI GLuint APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GenLists)(GLsizei range); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ListBase)(GLuint base); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Begin)(GLenum mode); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Bitmap)(GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLfloat xorig, GLfloat yorig, GLfloat xmove, GLfloat ymove, const GLubyte *bitmap); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Color3b)(GLbyte red, GLbyte green, GLbyte blue); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Color3bv)(const GLbyte *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Color3d)(GLdouble red, GLdouble green, GLdouble blue); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Color3dv)(const GLdouble *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Color3f)(GLfloat red, GLfloat green, GLfloat blue); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Color3fv)(const GLfloat *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Color3i)(GLint red, GLint green, GLint blue); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Color3iv)(const GLint *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Color3s)(GLshort red, GLshort green, GLshort blue); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Color3sv)(const GLshort *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Color3ub)(GLubyte red, GLubyte green, GLubyte blue); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Color3ubv)(const GLubyte *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Color3ui)(GLuint red, GLuint green, GLuint blue); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Color3uiv)(const GLuint *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Color3us)(GLushort red, GLushort green, GLushort blue); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Color3usv)(const GLushort *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Color4b)(GLbyte red, GLbyte green, GLbyte blue, GLbyte alpha); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Color4bv)(const GLbyte *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Color4d)(GLdouble red, GLdouble green, GLdouble blue, GLdouble alpha); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Color4dv)(const GLdouble *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Color4f)(GLfloat red, GLfloat green, GLfloat blue, GLfloat alpha); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Color4fv)(const GLfloat *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Color4i)(GLint red, GLint green, GLint blue, GLint alpha); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Color4iv)(const GLint *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Color4s)(GLshort red, GLshort green, GLshort blue, GLshort alpha); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Color4sv)(const GLshort *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Color4ub)(GLubyte red, GLubyte green, GLubyte blue, GLubyte alpha); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Color4ubv)(const GLubyte *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Color4ui)(GLuint red, GLuint green, GLuint blue, GLuint alpha); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Color4uiv)(const GLuint *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Color4us)(GLushort red, GLushort green, GLushort blue, GLushort alpha); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Color4usv)(const GLushort *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(EdgeFlag)(GLboolean flag); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(EdgeFlagv)(const GLboolean *flag); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(End)(void); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Indexd)(GLdouble c); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Indexdv)(const GLdouble *c); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Indexf)(GLfloat c); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Indexfv)(const GLfloat *c); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Indexi)(GLint c); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Indexiv)(const GLint *c); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Indexs)(GLshort c); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Indexsv)(const GLshort *c); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Normal3b)(GLbyte nx, GLbyte ny, GLbyte nz); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Normal3bv)(const GLbyte *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Normal3d)(GLdouble nx, GLdouble ny, GLdouble nz); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Normal3dv)(const GLdouble *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Normal3f)(GLfloat nx, GLfloat ny, GLfloat nz); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Normal3fv)(const GLfloat *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Normal3i)(GLint nx, GLint ny, GLint nz); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Normal3iv)(const GLint *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Normal3s)(GLshort nx, GLshort ny, GLshort nz); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Normal3sv)(const GLshort *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(RasterPos2d)(GLdouble x, GLdouble y); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(RasterPos2dv)(const GLdouble *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(RasterPos2f)(GLfloat x, GLfloat y); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(RasterPos2fv)(const GLfloat *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(RasterPos2i)(GLint x, GLint y); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(RasterPos2iv)(const GLint *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(RasterPos2s)(GLshort x, GLshort y); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(RasterPos2sv)(const GLshort *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(RasterPos3d)(GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(RasterPos3dv)(const GLdouble *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(RasterPos3f)(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(RasterPos3fv)(const GLfloat *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(RasterPos3i)(GLint x, GLint y, GLint z); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(RasterPos3iv)(const GLint *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(RasterPos3s)(GLshort x, GLshort y, GLshort z); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(RasterPos3sv)(const GLshort *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(RasterPos4d)(GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z, GLdouble w); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(RasterPos4dv)(const GLdouble *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(RasterPos4f)(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z, GLfloat w); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(RasterPos4fv)(const GLfloat *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(RasterPos4i)(GLint x, GLint y, GLint z, GLint w); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(RasterPos4iv)(const GLint *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(RasterPos4s)(GLshort x, GLshort y, GLshort z, GLshort w); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(RasterPos4sv)(const GLshort *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Rectd)(GLdouble x1, GLdouble y1, GLdouble x2, GLdouble y2); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Rectdv)(const GLdouble *v1, const GLdouble *v2); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Rectf)(GLfloat x1, GLfloat y1, GLfloat x2, GLfloat y2); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Rectfv)(const GLfloat *v1, const GLfloat *v2); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Recti)(GLint x1, GLint y1, GLint x2, GLint y2); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Rectiv)(const GLint *v1, const GLint *v2); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Rects)(GLshort x1, GLshort y1, GLshort x2, GLshort y2); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Rectsv)(const GLshort *v1, const GLshort *v2); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexCoord1d)(GLdouble s); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexCoord1dv)(const GLdouble *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexCoord1f)(GLfloat s); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexCoord1fv)(const GLfloat *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexCoord1i)(GLint s); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexCoord1iv)(const GLint *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexCoord1s)(GLshort s); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexCoord1sv)(const GLshort *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexCoord2d)(GLdouble s, GLdouble t); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexCoord2dv)(const GLdouble *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexCoord2f)(GLfloat s, GLfloat t); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexCoord2fv)(const GLfloat *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexCoord2i)(GLint s, GLint t); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexCoord2iv)(const GLint *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexCoord2s)(GLshort s, GLshort t); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexCoord2sv)(const GLshort *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexCoord3d)(GLdouble s, GLdouble t, GLdouble r); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexCoord3dv)(const GLdouble *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexCoord3f)(GLfloat s, GLfloat t, GLfloat r); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexCoord3fv)(const GLfloat *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexCoord3i)(GLint s, GLint t, GLint r); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexCoord3iv)(const GLint *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexCoord3s)(GLshort s, GLshort t, GLshort r); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexCoord3sv)(const GLshort *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexCoord4d)(GLdouble s, GLdouble t, GLdouble r, GLdouble q); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexCoord4dv)(const GLdouble *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexCoord4f)(GLfloat s, GLfloat t, GLfloat r, GLfloat q); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexCoord4fv)(const GLfloat *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexCoord4i)(GLint s, GLint t, GLint r, GLint q); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexCoord4iv)(const GLint *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexCoord4s)(GLshort s, GLshort t, GLshort r, GLshort q); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexCoord4sv)(const GLshort *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Vertex2d)(GLdouble x, GLdouble y); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Vertex2dv)(const GLdouble *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Vertex2f)(GLfloat x, GLfloat y); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Vertex2fv)(const GLfloat *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Vertex2i)(GLint x, GLint y); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Vertex2iv)(const GLint *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Vertex2s)(GLshort x, GLshort y); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Vertex2sv)(const GLshort *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Vertex3d)(GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Vertex3dv)(const GLdouble *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Vertex3f)(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Vertex3fv)(const GLfloat *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Vertex3i)(GLint x, GLint y, GLint z); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Vertex3iv)(const GLint *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Vertex3s)(GLshort x, GLshort y, GLshort z); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Vertex3sv)(const GLshort *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Vertex4d)(GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z, GLdouble w); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Vertex4dv)(const GLdouble *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Vertex4f)(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z, GLfloat w); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Vertex4fv)(const GLfloat *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Vertex4i)(GLint x, GLint y, GLint z, GLint w); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Vertex4iv)(const GLint *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Vertex4s)(GLshort x, GLshort y, GLshort z, GLshort w); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Vertex4sv)(const GLshort *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ClipPlane)(GLenum plane, const GLdouble *equation); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ColorMaterial)(GLenum face, GLenum mode); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(CullFace)(GLenum mode); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Fogf)(GLenum pname, GLfloat param); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Fogfv)(GLenum pname, const GLfloat *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Fogi)(GLenum pname, GLint param); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Fogiv)(GLenum pname, const GLint *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(FrontFace)(GLenum mode); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Hint)(GLenum target, GLenum mode); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Lightf)(GLenum light, GLenum pname, GLfloat param); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Lightfv)(GLenum light, GLenum pname, const GLfloat *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Lighti)(GLenum light, GLenum pname, GLint param); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Lightiv)(GLenum light, GLenum pname, const GLint *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(LightModelf)(GLenum pname, GLfloat param); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(LightModelfv)(GLenum pname, const GLfloat *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(LightModeli)(GLenum pname, GLint param); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(LightModeliv)(GLenum pname, const GLint *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(LineStipple)(GLint factor, GLushort pattern); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(LineWidth)(GLfloat width); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Materialf)(GLenum face, GLenum pname, GLfloat param); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Materialfv)(GLenum face, GLenum pname, const GLfloat *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Materiali)(GLenum face, GLenum pname, GLint param); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Materialiv)(GLenum face, GLenum pname, const GLint *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(PointSize)(GLfloat size); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(PolygonMode)(GLenum face, GLenum mode); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(PolygonStipple)(const GLubyte *mask); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Scissor)(GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ShadeModel)(GLenum mode); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexParameterf)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat param); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexParameterfv)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLfloat *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexParameteri)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint param); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexParameteriv)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLint *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexImage1D)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint internalformat, GLsizei width, GLint border, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid *pixels); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexImage2D)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLint border, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid *pixels); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexEnvf)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat param); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexEnvfv)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLfloat *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexEnvi)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint param); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexEnviv)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLint *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexGend)(GLenum coord, GLenum pname, GLdouble param); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexGendv)(GLenum coord, GLenum pname, const GLdouble *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexGenf)(GLenum coord, GLenum pname, GLfloat param); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexGenfv)(GLenum coord, GLenum pname, const GLfloat *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexGeni)(GLenum coord, GLenum pname, GLint param); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexGeniv)(GLenum coord, GLenum pname, const GLint *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(FeedbackBuffer)(GLsizei size, GLenum type, GLfloat *buffer); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(SelectBuffer)(GLsizei size, GLuint *buffer); +GLAPI GLint APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(RenderMode)(GLenum mode); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(InitNames)(void); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(LoadName)(GLuint name); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(PassThrough)(GLfloat token); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(PopName)(void); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(PushName)(GLuint name); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(DrawBuffer)(GLenum mode); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Clear)(GLbitfield mask); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ClearAccum)(GLfloat red, GLfloat green, GLfloat blue, GLfloat alpha); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ClearIndex)(GLfloat c); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ClearColor)(GLclampf red, GLclampf green, GLclampf blue, GLclampf alpha); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ClearStencil)(GLint s); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ClearDepth)(GLclampd depth); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(StencilMask)(GLuint mask); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ColorMask)(GLboolean red, GLboolean green, GLboolean blue, GLboolean alpha); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(DepthMask)(GLboolean flag); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(IndexMask)(GLuint mask); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Accum)(GLenum op, GLfloat value); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Disable)(GLenum cap); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Enable)(GLenum cap); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Finish)(void); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Flush)(void); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(PopAttrib)(void); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(PushAttrib)(GLbitfield mask); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Map1d)(GLenum target, GLdouble u1, GLdouble u2, GLint stride, GLint order, const GLdouble *points); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Map1f)(GLenum target, GLfloat u1, GLfloat u2, GLint stride, GLint order, const GLfloat *points); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Map2d)(GLenum target, GLdouble u1, GLdouble u2, GLint ustride, GLint uorder, GLdouble v1, GLdouble v2, GLint vstride, GLint vorder, const GLdouble *points); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Map2f)(GLenum target, GLfloat u1, GLfloat u2, GLint ustride, GLint uorder, GLfloat v1, GLfloat v2, GLint vstride, GLint vorder, const GLfloat *points); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MapGrid1d)(GLint un, GLdouble u1, GLdouble u2); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MapGrid1f)(GLint un, GLfloat u1, GLfloat u2); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MapGrid2d)(GLint un, GLdouble u1, GLdouble u2, GLint vn, GLdouble v1, GLdouble v2); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MapGrid2f)(GLint un, GLfloat u1, GLfloat u2, GLint vn, GLfloat v1, GLfloat v2); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(EvalCoord1d)(GLdouble u); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(EvalCoord1dv)(const GLdouble *u); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(EvalCoord1f)(GLfloat u); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(EvalCoord1fv)(const GLfloat *u); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(EvalCoord2d)(GLdouble u, GLdouble v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(EvalCoord2dv)(const GLdouble *u); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(EvalCoord2f)(GLfloat u, GLfloat v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(EvalCoord2fv)(const GLfloat *u); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(EvalMesh1)(GLenum mode, GLint i1, GLint i2); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(EvalPoint1)(GLint i); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(EvalMesh2)(GLenum mode, GLint i1, GLint i2, GLint j1, GLint j2); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(EvalPoint2)(GLint i, GLint j); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(AlphaFunc)(GLenum func, GLclampf ref); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(BlendFunc)(GLenum sfactor, GLenum dfactor); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(LogicOp)(GLenum opcode); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(StencilFunc)(GLenum func, GLint ref, GLuint mask); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(StencilOp)(GLenum fail, GLenum zfail, GLenum zpass); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(DepthFunc)(GLenum func); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(PixelZoom)(GLfloat xfactor, GLfloat yfactor); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(PixelTransferf)(GLenum pname, GLfloat param); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(PixelTransferi)(GLenum pname, GLint param); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(PixelStoref)(GLenum pname, GLfloat param); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(PixelStorei)(GLenum pname, GLint param); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(PixelMapfv)(GLenum map, GLsizei mapsize, const GLfloat *values); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(PixelMapuiv)(GLenum map, GLsizei mapsize, const GLuint *values); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(PixelMapusv)(GLenum map, GLsizei mapsize, const GLushort *values); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ReadBuffer)(GLenum mode); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(CopyPixels)(GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum type); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ReadPixels)(GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLvoid *pixels); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(DrawPixels)(GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid *pixels); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetBooleanv)(GLenum pname, GLboolean *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetClipPlane)(GLenum plane, GLdouble *equation); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetDoublev)(GLenum pname, GLdouble *params); +GLAPI GLenum APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetError)(void); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetFloatv)(GLenum pname, GLfloat *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetIntegerv)(GLenum pname, GLint *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetLightfv)(GLenum light, GLenum pname, GLfloat *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetLightiv)(GLenum light, GLenum pname, GLint *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetMapdv)(GLenum target, GLenum query, GLdouble *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetMapfv)(GLenum target, GLenum query, GLfloat *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetMapiv)(GLenum target, GLenum query, GLint *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetMaterialfv)(GLenum face, GLenum pname, GLfloat *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetMaterialiv)(GLenum face, GLenum pname, GLint *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetPixelMapfv)(GLenum map, GLfloat *values); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetPixelMapuiv)(GLenum map, GLuint *values); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetPixelMapusv)(GLenum map, GLushort *values); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetPolygonStipple)(GLubyte *mask); +GLAPI const GLubyte * APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetString)(GLenum name); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetTexEnvfv)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetTexEnviv)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetTexGendv)(GLenum coord, GLenum pname, GLdouble *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetTexGenfv)(GLenum coord, GLenum pname, GLfloat *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetTexGeniv)(GLenum coord, GLenum pname, GLint *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetTexImage)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLvoid *pixels); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetTexParameterfv)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetTexParameteriv)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetTexLevelParameterfv)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum pname, GLfloat *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetTexLevelParameteriv)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum pname, GLint *params); +GLAPI GLboolean APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(IsEnabled)(GLenum cap); +GLAPI GLboolean APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(IsList)(GLuint list); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(DepthRange)(GLclampd zNear, GLclampd zFar); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Frustum)(GLdouble left, GLdouble right, GLdouble bottom, GLdouble top, GLdouble zNear, GLdouble zFar); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(LoadIdentity)(void); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(LoadMatrixf)(const GLfloat *m); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(LoadMatrixd)(const GLdouble *m); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MatrixMode)(GLenum mode); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultMatrixf)(const GLfloat *m); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultMatrixd)(const GLdouble *m); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Ortho)(GLdouble left, GLdouble right, GLdouble bottom, GLdouble top, GLdouble zNear, GLdouble zFar); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(PopMatrix)(void); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(PushMatrix)(void); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Rotated)(GLdouble angle, GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Rotatef)(GLfloat angle, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Scaled)(GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Scalef)(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Translated)(GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Translatef)(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Viewport)(GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ArrayElement)(GLint i); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ArrayElementEXT)(GLint i); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(BindTexture)(GLenum target, GLuint texture); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(BindTextureEXT)(GLenum target, GLuint texture); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ColorPointer)(GLint size, GLenum type, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid *pointer); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(DisableClientState)(GLenum array); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(DrawArrays)(GLenum mode, GLint first, GLsizei count); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(DrawArraysEXT)(GLenum mode, GLint first, GLsizei count); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(DrawElements)(GLenum mode, GLsizei count, GLenum type, const GLvoid *indices); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(EdgeFlagPointer)(GLsizei stride, const GLvoid *pointer); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(EnableClientState)(GLenum array); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(IndexPointer)(GLenum type, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid *pointer); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Indexub)(GLubyte c); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Indexubv)(const GLubyte *c); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(InterleavedArrays)(GLenum format, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid *pointer); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(NormalPointer)(GLenum type, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid *pointer); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(PolygonOffset)(GLfloat factor, GLfloat units); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexCoordPointer)(GLint size, GLenum type, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid *pointer); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexPointer)(GLint size, GLenum type, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid *pointer); +GLAPI GLboolean APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(AreTexturesResident)(GLsizei n, const GLuint *textures, GLboolean *residences); +GLAPI GLboolean APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(AreTexturesResidentEXT)(GLsizei n, const GLuint *textures, GLboolean *residences); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(CopyTexImage1D)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum internalformat, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLint border); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(CopyTexImage1DEXT)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum internalformat, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLint border); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(CopyTexImage2D)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum internalformat, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLint border); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(CopyTexImage2DEXT)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum internalformat, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLint border); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(CopyTexSubImage1D)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(CopyTexSubImage1DEXT)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(CopyTexSubImage2D)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(CopyTexSubImage2DEXT)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(DeleteTextures)(GLsizei n, const GLuint *textures); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(DeleteTexturesEXT)(GLsizei n, const GLuint *textures); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GenTextures)(GLsizei n, GLuint *textures); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GenTexturesEXT)(GLsizei n, GLuint *textures); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetPointerv)(GLenum pname, GLvoid **params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetPointervEXT)(GLenum pname, GLvoid **params); +GLAPI GLboolean APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(IsTexture)(GLuint texture); +GLAPI GLboolean APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(IsTextureEXT)(GLuint texture); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(PrioritizeTextures)(GLsizei n, const GLuint *textures, const GLclampf *priorities); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(PrioritizeTexturesEXT)(GLsizei n, const GLuint *textures, const GLclampf *priorities); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexSubImage1D)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLsizei width, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid *pixels); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexSubImage1DEXT)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLsizei width, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid *pixels); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexSubImage2D)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid *pixels); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexSubImage2DEXT)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid *pixels); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(PopClientAttrib)(void); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(PushClientAttrib)(GLbitfield mask); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(BlendColor)(GLclampf red, GLclampf green, GLclampf blue, GLclampf alpha); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(BlendColorEXT)(GLclampf red, GLclampf green, GLclampf blue, GLclampf alpha); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(BlendEquation)(GLenum mode); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(BlendEquationEXT)(GLenum mode); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(DrawRangeElements)(GLenum mode, GLuint start, GLuint end, GLsizei count, GLenum type, const GLvoid *indices); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(DrawRangeElementsEXT)(GLenum mode, GLuint start, GLuint end, GLsizei count, GLenum type, const GLvoid *indices); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ColorTable)(GLenum target, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid *table); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ColorTableEXT)(GLenum target, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid *table); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ColorTableParameterfv)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLfloat *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ColorTableParameteriv)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLint *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(CopyColorTable)(GLenum target, GLenum internalformat, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetColorTable)(GLenum target, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLvoid *table); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetColorTableEXT)(GLenum target, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLvoid *table); +void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_343)(GLenum target, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLvoid *table); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetColorTableParameterfv)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetColorTableParameterfvEXT)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat *params); +void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_344)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetColorTableParameteriv)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetColorTableParameterivEXT)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint *params); +void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_345)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ColorSubTable)(GLenum target, GLsizei start, GLsizei count, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid *data); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(CopyColorSubTable)(GLenum target, GLsizei start, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ConvolutionFilter1D)(GLenum target, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid *image); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ConvolutionFilter2D)(GLenum target, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid *image); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ConvolutionParameterf)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ConvolutionParameterfv)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLfloat *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ConvolutionParameteri)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ConvolutionParameteriv)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLint *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(CopyConvolutionFilter1D)(GLenum target, GLenum internalformat, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(CopyConvolutionFilter2D)(GLenum target, GLenum internalformat, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetConvolutionFilter)(GLenum target, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLvoid *image); +void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_356)(GLenum target, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLvoid *image); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetConvolutionParameterfv)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat *params); +void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_357)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetConvolutionParameteriv)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint *params); +void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_358)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetSeparableFilter)(GLenum target, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLvoid *row, GLvoid *column, GLvoid *span); +void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_359)(GLenum target, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLvoid *row, GLvoid *column, GLvoid *span); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(SeparableFilter2D)(GLenum target, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid *row, const GLvoid *column); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetHistogram)(GLenum target, GLboolean reset, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLvoid *values); +void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_361)(GLenum target, GLboolean reset, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLvoid *values); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetHistogramParameterfv)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat *params); +void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_362)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetHistogramParameteriv)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint *params); +void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_363)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetMinmax)(GLenum target, GLboolean reset, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLvoid *values); +void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_364)(GLenum target, GLboolean reset, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLvoid *values); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetMinmaxParameterfv)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat *params); +void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_365)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetMinmaxParameteriv)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint *params); +void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_366)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Histogram)(GLenum target, GLsizei width, GLenum internalformat, GLboolean sink); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Minmax)(GLenum target, GLenum internalformat, GLboolean sink); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ResetHistogram)(GLenum target); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ResetMinmax)(GLenum target); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexImage3D)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth, GLint border, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid *pixels); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexImage3DEXT)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth, GLint border, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid *pixels); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexSubImage3D)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLint zoffset, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid *pixels); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexSubImage3DEXT)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLint zoffset, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid *pixels); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(CopyTexSubImage3D)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLint zoffset, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(CopyTexSubImage3DEXT)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLint zoffset, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ActiveTexture)(GLenum texture); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ActiveTextureARB)(GLenum texture); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ClientActiveTexture)(GLenum texture); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ClientActiveTextureARB)(GLenum texture); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord1d)(GLenum target, GLdouble s); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord1dARB)(GLenum target, GLdouble s); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord1dv)(GLenum target, const GLdouble *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord1dvARB)(GLenum target, const GLdouble *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord1fARB)(GLenum target, GLfloat s); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord1f)(GLenum target, GLfloat s); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord1fvARB)(GLenum target, const GLfloat *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord1fv)(GLenum target, const GLfloat *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord1i)(GLenum target, GLint s); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord1iARB)(GLenum target, GLint s); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord1iv)(GLenum target, const GLint *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord1ivARB)(GLenum target, const GLint *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord1s)(GLenum target, GLshort s); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord1sARB)(GLenum target, GLshort s); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord1sv)(GLenum target, const GLshort *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord1svARB)(GLenum target, const GLshort *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord2d)(GLenum target, GLdouble s, GLdouble t); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord2dARB)(GLenum target, GLdouble s, GLdouble t); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord2dv)(GLenum target, const GLdouble *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord2dvARB)(GLenum target, const GLdouble *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord2fARB)(GLenum target, GLfloat s, GLfloat t); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord2f)(GLenum target, GLfloat s, GLfloat t); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord2fvARB)(GLenum target, const GLfloat *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord2fv)(GLenum target, const GLfloat *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord2i)(GLenum target, GLint s, GLint t); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord2iARB)(GLenum target, GLint s, GLint t); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord2iv)(GLenum target, const GLint *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord2ivARB)(GLenum target, const GLint *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord2s)(GLenum target, GLshort s, GLshort t); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord2sARB)(GLenum target, GLshort s, GLshort t); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord2sv)(GLenum target, const GLshort *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord2svARB)(GLenum target, const GLshort *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord3d)(GLenum target, GLdouble s, GLdouble t, GLdouble r); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord3dARB)(GLenum target, GLdouble s, GLdouble t, GLdouble r); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord3dv)(GLenum target, const GLdouble *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord3dvARB)(GLenum target, const GLdouble *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord3fARB)(GLenum target, GLfloat s, GLfloat t, GLfloat r); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord3f)(GLenum target, GLfloat s, GLfloat t, GLfloat r); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord3fvARB)(GLenum target, const GLfloat *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord3fv)(GLenum target, const GLfloat *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord3i)(GLenum target, GLint s, GLint t, GLint r); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord3iARB)(GLenum target, GLint s, GLint t, GLint r); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord3iv)(GLenum target, const GLint *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord3ivARB)(GLenum target, const GLint *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord3s)(GLenum target, GLshort s, GLshort t, GLshort r); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord3sARB)(GLenum target, GLshort s, GLshort t, GLshort r); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord3sv)(GLenum target, const GLshort *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord3svARB)(GLenum target, const GLshort *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord4d)(GLenum target, GLdouble s, GLdouble t, GLdouble r, GLdouble q); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord4dARB)(GLenum target, GLdouble s, GLdouble t, GLdouble r, GLdouble q); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord4dv)(GLenum target, const GLdouble *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord4dvARB)(GLenum target, const GLdouble *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord4fARB)(GLenum target, GLfloat s, GLfloat t, GLfloat r, GLfloat q); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord4f)(GLenum target, GLfloat s, GLfloat t, GLfloat r, GLfloat q); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord4fvARB)(GLenum target, const GLfloat *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord4fv)(GLenum target, const GLfloat *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord4i)(GLenum target, GLint s, GLint t, GLint r, GLint q); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord4iARB)(GLenum target, GLint s, GLint t, GLint r, GLint q); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord4iv)(GLenum target, const GLint *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord4ivARB)(GLenum target, const GLint *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord4s)(GLenum target, GLshort s, GLshort t, GLshort r, GLshort q); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord4sARB)(GLenum target, GLshort s, GLshort t, GLshort r, GLshort q); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord4sv)(GLenum target, const GLshort *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord4svARB)(GLenum target, const GLshort *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(CompressedTexImage1D)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLint border, GLsizei imageSize, const GLvoid *data); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(CompressedTexImage1DARB)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLint border, GLsizei imageSize, const GLvoid *data); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(CompressedTexImage2D)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLint border, GLsizei imageSize, const GLvoid *data); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(CompressedTexImage2DARB)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLint border, GLsizei imageSize, const GLvoid *data); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(CompressedTexImage3D)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth, GLint border, GLsizei imageSize, const GLvoid *data); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(CompressedTexImage3DARB)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth, GLint border, GLsizei imageSize, const GLvoid *data); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(CompressedTexSubImage1D)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLsizei width, GLenum format, GLsizei imageSize, const GLvoid *data); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(CompressedTexSubImage1DARB)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLsizei width, GLenum format, GLsizei imageSize, const GLvoid *data); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(CompressedTexSubImage2D)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLsizei imageSize, const GLvoid *data); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(CompressedTexSubImage2DARB)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLsizei imageSize, const GLvoid *data); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(CompressedTexSubImage3D)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLint zoffset, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth, GLenum format, GLsizei imageSize, const GLvoid *data); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(CompressedTexSubImage3DARB)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLint zoffset, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth, GLenum format, GLsizei imageSize, const GLvoid *data); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetCompressedTexImage)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLvoid *img); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetCompressedTexImageARB)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLvoid *img); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(LoadTransposeMatrixd)(const GLdouble *m); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(LoadTransposeMatrixdARB)(const GLdouble *m); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(LoadTransposeMatrixf)(const GLfloat *m); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(LoadTransposeMatrixfARB)(const GLfloat *m); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultTransposeMatrixd)(const GLdouble *m); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultTransposeMatrixdARB)(const GLdouble *m); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultTransposeMatrixf)(const GLfloat *m); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultTransposeMatrixfARB)(const GLfloat *m); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(SampleCoverage)(GLclampf value, GLboolean invert); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(SampleCoverageARB)(GLclampf value, GLboolean invert); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(BlendFuncSeparate)(GLenum sfactorRGB, GLenum dfactorRGB, GLenum sfactorAlpha, GLenum dfactorAlpha); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(BlendFuncSeparateEXT)(GLenum sfactorRGB, GLenum dfactorRGB, GLenum sfactorAlpha, GLenum dfactorAlpha); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(FogCoordPointer)(GLenum type, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid *pointer); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(FogCoordPointerEXT)(GLenum type, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid *pointer); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(FogCoordd)(GLdouble coord); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(FogCoorddEXT)(GLdouble coord); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(FogCoorddv)(const GLdouble *coord); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(FogCoorddvEXT)(const GLdouble *coord); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiDrawArrays)(GLenum mode, const GLint *first, const GLsizei *count, GLsizei primcount); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiDrawArraysEXT)(GLenum mode, const GLint *first, const GLsizei *count, GLsizei primcount); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(PointParameterf)(GLenum pname, GLfloat param); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(PointParameterfARB)(GLenum pname, GLfloat param); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(PointParameterfEXT)(GLenum pname, GLfloat param); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(PointParameterfv)(GLenum pname, const GLfloat *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(PointParameterfvARB)(GLenum pname, const GLfloat *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(PointParameterfvEXT)(GLenum pname, const GLfloat *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(PointParameteri)(GLenum pname, GLint param); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(PointParameteriNV)(GLenum pname, GLint param); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(PointParameteriv)(GLenum pname, const GLint *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(PointParameterivNV)(GLenum pname, const GLint *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3b)(GLbyte red, GLbyte green, GLbyte blue); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3bEXT)(GLbyte red, GLbyte green, GLbyte blue); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3bv)(const GLbyte *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3bvEXT)(const GLbyte *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3d)(GLdouble red, GLdouble green, GLdouble blue); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3dEXT)(GLdouble red, GLdouble green, GLdouble blue); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3dv)(const GLdouble *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3dvEXT)(const GLdouble *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3i)(GLint red, GLint green, GLint blue); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3iEXT)(GLint red, GLint green, GLint blue); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3iv)(const GLint *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3ivEXT)(const GLint *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3s)(GLshort red, GLshort green, GLshort blue); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3sEXT)(GLshort red, GLshort green, GLshort blue); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3sv)(const GLshort *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3svEXT)(const GLshort *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3ub)(GLubyte red, GLubyte green, GLubyte blue); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3ubEXT)(GLubyte red, GLubyte green, GLubyte blue); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3ubv)(const GLubyte *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3ubvEXT)(const GLubyte *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3ui)(GLuint red, GLuint green, GLuint blue); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3uiEXT)(GLuint red, GLuint green, GLuint blue); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3uiv)(const GLuint *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3uivEXT)(const GLuint *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3us)(GLushort red, GLushort green, GLushort blue); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3usEXT)(GLushort red, GLushort green, GLushort blue); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3usv)(const GLushort *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3usvEXT)(const GLushort *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(SecondaryColorPointer)(GLint size, GLenum type, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid *pointer); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(SecondaryColorPointerEXT)(GLint size, GLenum type, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid *pointer); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(WindowPos2d)(GLdouble x, GLdouble y); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(WindowPos2dARB)(GLdouble x, GLdouble y); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(WindowPos2dMESA)(GLdouble x, GLdouble y); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(WindowPos2dv)(const GLdouble *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(WindowPos2dvARB)(const GLdouble *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(WindowPos2dvMESA)(const GLdouble *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(WindowPos2f)(GLfloat x, GLfloat y); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(WindowPos2fARB)(GLfloat x, GLfloat y); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(WindowPos2fMESA)(GLfloat x, GLfloat y); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(WindowPos2fv)(const GLfloat *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(WindowPos2fvARB)(const GLfloat *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(WindowPos2fvMESA)(const GLfloat *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(WindowPos2i)(GLint x, GLint y); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(WindowPos2iARB)(GLint x, GLint y); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(WindowPos2iMESA)(GLint x, GLint y); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(WindowPos2iv)(const GLint *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(WindowPos2ivARB)(const GLint *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(WindowPos2ivMESA)(const GLint *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(WindowPos2s)(GLshort x, GLshort y); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(WindowPos2sARB)(GLshort x, GLshort y); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(WindowPos2sMESA)(GLshort x, GLshort y); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(WindowPos2sv)(const GLshort *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(WindowPos2svARB)(const GLshort *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(WindowPos2svMESA)(const GLshort *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(WindowPos3d)(GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(WindowPos3dARB)(GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(WindowPos3dMESA)(GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(WindowPos3dv)(const GLdouble *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(WindowPos3dvARB)(const GLdouble *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(WindowPos3dvMESA)(const GLdouble *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(WindowPos3f)(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(WindowPos3fARB)(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(WindowPos3fMESA)(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(WindowPos3fv)(const GLfloat *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(WindowPos3fvARB)(const GLfloat *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(WindowPos3fvMESA)(const GLfloat *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(WindowPos3i)(GLint x, GLint y, GLint z); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(WindowPos3iARB)(GLint x, GLint y, GLint z); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(WindowPos3iMESA)(GLint x, GLint y, GLint z); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(WindowPos3iv)(const GLint *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(WindowPos3ivARB)(const GLint *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(WindowPos3ivMESA)(const GLint *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(WindowPos3s)(GLshort x, GLshort y, GLshort z); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(WindowPos3sARB)(GLshort x, GLshort y, GLshort z); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(WindowPos3sMESA)(GLshort x, GLshort y, GLshort z); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(WindowPos3sv)(const GLshort *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(WindowPos3svARB)(const GLshort *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(WindowPos3svMESA)(const GLshort *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(BeginQuery)(GLenum target, GLuint id); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(BeginQueryARB)(GLenum target, GLuint id); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(BindBuffer)(GLenum target, GLuint buffer); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(BindBufferARB)(GLenum target, GLuint buffer); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(BufferData)(GLenum target, GLsizeiptr size, const GLvoid *data, GLenum usage); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(BufferDataARB)(GLenum target, GLsizeiptrARB size, const GLvoid *data, GLenum usage); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(BufferSubData)(GLenum target, GLintptr offset, GLsizeiptr size, const GLvoid *data); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(BufferSubDataARB)(GLenum target, GLintptrARB offset, GLsizeiptrARB size, const GLvoid *data); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(DeleteBuffers)(GLsizei n, const GLuint *buffer); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(DeleteBuffersARB)(GLsizei n, const GLuint *buffer); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(DeleteQueries)(GLsizei n, const GLuint *ids); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(DeleteQueriesARB)(GLsizei n, const GLuint *ids); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(EndQuery)(GLenum target); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(EndQueryARB)(GLenum target); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GenBuffers)(GLsizei n, GLuint *buffer); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GenBuffersARB)(GLsizei n, GLuint *buffer); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GenQueries)(GLsizei n, GLuint *ids); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GenQueriesARB)(GLsizei n, GLuint *ids); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetBufferParameteriv)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetBufferParameterivARB)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetBufferPointerv)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLvoid **params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetBufferPointervARB)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLvoid **params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetBufferSubData)(GLenum target, GLintptr offset, GLsizeiptr size, GLvoid *data); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetBufferSubDataARB)(GLenum target, GLintptrARB offset, GLsizeiptrARB size, GLvoid *data); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetQueryObjectiv)(GLuint id, GLenum pname, GLint *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetQueryObjectivARB)(GLuint id, GLenum pname, GLint *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetQueryObjectuiv)(GLuint id, GLenum pname, GLuint *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetQueryObjectuivARB)(GLuint id, GLenum pname, GLuint *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetQueryiv)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetQueryivARB)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint *params); +GLAPI GLboolean APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(IsBuffer)(GLuint buffer); +GLAPI GLboolean APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(IsBufferARB)(GLuint buffer); +GLAPI GLboolean APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(IsQuery)(GLuint id); +GLAPI GLboolean APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(IsQueryARB)(GLuint id); +GLAPI GLvoid * APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MapBuffer)(GLenum target, GLenum access); +GLAPI GLvoid * APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MapBufferARB)(GLenum target, GLenum access); +GLAPI GLboolean APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(UnmapBuffer)(GLenum target); +GLAPI GLboolean APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(UnmapBufferARB)(GLenum target); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(AttachShader)(GLuint program, GLuint shader); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(BindAttribLocation)(GLuint program, GLuint index, const GLchar *name); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(BindAttribLocationARB)(GLhandleARB program, GLuint index, const GLcharARB *name); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(BlendEquationSeparate)(GLenum modeRGB, GLenum modeA); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(CompileShader)(GLuint shader); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(CompileShaderARB)(GLhandleARB shader); +GLAPI GLuint APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(CreateProgram)(void); +GLAPI GLuint APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(CreateShader)(GLenum type); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(DeleteProgram)(GLuint program); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(DeleteShader)(GLuint program); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(DetachShader)(GLuint program, GLuint shader); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(DisableVertexAttribArray)(GLuint index); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(DisableVertexAttribArrayARB)(GLuint index); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(DrawBuffers)(GLsizei n, const GLenum *bufs); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(DrawBuffersARB)(GLsizei n, const GLenum *bufs); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(DrawBuffersATI)(GLsizei n, const GLenum *bufs); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(EnableVertexAttribArray)(GLuint index); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(EnableVertexAttribArrayARB)(GLuint index); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetActiveAttrib)(GLuint program, GLuint index, GLsizei bufSize, GLsizei *length, GLint *size, GLenum *type, GLchar *name); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetActiveAttribARB)(GLhandleARB program, GLuint index, GLsizei bufSize, GLsizei *length, GLint *size, GLenum *type, GLcharARB *name); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetActiveUniform)(GLuint program, GLuint index, GLsizei bufSize, GLsizei *length, GLint *size, GLenum *type, GLchar *name); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetActiveUniformARB)(GLhandleARB program, GLuint index, GLsizei bufSize, GLsizei *length, GLint *size, GLenum *type, GLcharARB *name); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetAttachedShaders)(GLuint program, GLsizei maxCount, GLsizei *count, GLuint *obj); +GLAPI GLint APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetAttribLocation)(GLuint program, const GLchar *name); +GLAPI GLint APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetAttribLocationARB)(GLhandleARB program, const GLcharARB *name); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetProgramInfoLog)(GLuint program, GLsizei bufSize, GLsizei *length, GLchar *infoLog); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetProgramiv)(GLuint program, GLenum pname, GLint *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetShaderInfoLog)(GLuint shader, GLsizei bufSize, GLsizei *length, GLchar *infoLog); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetShaderSource)(GLuint shader, GLsizei bufSize, GLsizei *length, GLchar *source); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetShaderSourceARB)(GLhandleARB shader, GLsizei bufSize, GLsizei *length, GLcharARB *source); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetShaderiv)(GLuint shader, GLenum pname, GLint *params); +GLAPI GLint APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetUniformLocation)(GLuint program, const GLchar *name); +GLAPI GLint APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetUniformLocationARB)(GLhandleARB program, const GLcharARB *name); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetUniformfv)(GLuint program, GLint location, GLfloat *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetUniformfvARB)(GLhandleARB program, GLint location, GLfloat *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetUniformiv)(GLuint program, GLint location, GLint *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetUniformivARB)(GLhandleARB program, GLint location, GLint *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetVertexAttribPointerv)(GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLvoid **pointer); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetVertexAttribPointervARB)(GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLvoid **pointer); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetVertexAttribPointervNV)(GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLvoid **pointer); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetVertexAttribdv)(GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLdouble *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetVertexAttribdvARB)(GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLdouble *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetVertexAttribfv)(GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLfloat *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetVertexAttribfvARB)(GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLfloat *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetVertexAttribiv)(GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLint *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetVertexAttribivARB)(GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLint *params); +GLAPI GLboolean APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(IsProgram)(GLuint program); +GLAPI GLboolean APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(IsShader)(GLuint shader); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(LinkProgram)(GLuint program); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(LinkProgramARB)(GLhandleARB program); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ShaderSource)(GLuint shader, GLsizei count, const GLchar * const *string, const GLint *length); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ShaderSourceARB)(GLhandleARB shader, GLsizei count, const GLcharARB **string, const GLint *length); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(StencilFuncSeparate)(GLenum face, GLenum func, GLint ref, GLuint mask); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(StencilMaskSeparate)(GLenum face, GLuint mask); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(StencilOpSeparate)(GLenum face, GLenum sfail, GLenum zfail, GLenum zpass); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Uniform1f)(GLint location, GLfloat v0); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Uniform1fARB)(GLint location, GLfloat v0); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Uniform1fv)(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLfloat *value); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Uniform1fvARB)(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLfloat *value); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Uniform1i)(GLint location, GLint v0); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Uniform1iARB)(GLint location, GLint v0); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Uniform1iv)(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLint *value); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Uniform1ivARB)(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLint *value); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Uniform2f)(GLint location, GLfloat v0, GLfloat v1); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Uniform2fARB)(GLint location, GLfloat v0, GLfloat v1); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Uniform2fv)(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLfloat *value); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Uniform2fvARB)(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLfloat *value); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Uniform2i)(GLint location, GLint v0, GLint v1); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Uniform2iARB)(GLint location, GLint v0, GLint v1); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Uniform2iv)(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLint *value); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Uniform2ivARB)(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLint *value); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Uniform3f)(GLint location, GLfloat v0, GLfloat v1, GLfloat v2); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Uniform3fARB)(GLint location, GLfloat v0, GLfloat v1, GLfloat v2); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Uniform3fv)(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLfloat *value); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Uniform3fvARB)(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLfloat *value); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Uniform3i)(GLint location, GLint v0, GLint v1, GLint v2); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Uniform3iARB)(GLint location, GLint v0, GLint v1, GLint v2); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Uniform3iv)(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLint *value); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Uniform3ivARB)(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLint *value); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Uniform4f)(GLint location, GLfloat v0, GLfloat v1, GLfloat v2, GLfloat v3); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Uniform4fARB)(GLint location, GLfloat v0, GLfloat v1, GLfloat v2, GLfloat v3); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Uniform4fv)(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLfloat *value); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Uniform4fvARB)(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLfloat *value); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Uniform4i)(GLint location, GLint v0, GLint v1, GLint v2, GLint v3); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Uniform4iARB)(GLint location, GLint v0, GLint v1, GLint v2, GLint v3); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Uniform4iv)(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLint *value); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Uniform4ivARB)(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLint *value); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(UniformMatrix2fv)(GLint location, GLsizei count, GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat *value); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(UniformMatrix2fvARB)(GLint location, GLsizei count, GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat *value); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(UniformMatrix3fv)(GLint location, GLsizei count, GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat *value); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(UniformMatrix3fvARB)(GLint location, GLsizei count, GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat *value); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(UniformMatrix4fv)(GLint location, GLsizei count, GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat *value); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(UniformMatrix4fvARB)(GLint location, GLsizei count, GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat *value); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(UseProgram)(GLuint program); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(UseProgramObjectARB)(GLhandleARB program); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ValidateProgram)(GLuint program); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ValidateProgramARB)(GLhandleARB program); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib1d)(GLuint index, GLdouble x); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib1dARB)(GLuint index, GLdouble x); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib1dv)(GLuint index, const GLdouble *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib1dvARB)(GLuint index, const GLdouble *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib1s)(GLuint index, GLshort x); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib1sARB)(GLuint index, GLshort x); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib1sv)(GLuint index, const GLshort *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib1svARB)(GLuint index, const GLshort *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib2d)(GLuint index, GLdouble x, GLdouble y); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib2dARB)(GLuint index, GLdouble x, GLdouble y); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib2dv)(GLuint index, const GLdouble *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib2dvARB)(GLuint index, const GLdouble *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib2s)(GLuint index, GLshort x, GLshort y); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib2sARB)(GLuint index, GLshort x, GLshort y); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib2sv)(GLuint index, const GLshort *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib2svARB)(GLuint index, const GLshort *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib3d)(GLuint index, GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib3dARB)(GLuint index, GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib3dv)(GLuint index, const GLdouble *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib3dvARB)(GLuint index, const GLdouble *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib3s)(GLuint index, GLshort x, GLshort y, GLshort z); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib3sARB)(GLuint index, GLshort x, GLshort y, GLshort z); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib3sv)(GLuint index, const GLshort *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib3svARB)(GLuint index, const GLshort *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4Nbv)(GLuint index, const GLbyte *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4NbvARB)(GLuint index, const GLbyte *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4Niv)(GLuint index, const GLint *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4NivARB)(GLuint index, const GLint *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4Nsv)(GLuint index, const GLshort *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4NsvARB)(GLuint index, const GLshort *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4Nub)(GLuint index, GLubyte x, GLubyte y, GLubyte z, GLubyte w); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4NubARB)(GLuint index, GLubyte x, GLubyte y, GLubyte z, GLubyte w); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4Nubv)(GLuint index, const GLubyte *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4NubvARB)(GLuint index, const GLubyte *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4Nuiv)(GLuint index, const GLuint *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4NuivARB)(GLuint index, const GLuint *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4Nusv)(GLuint index, const GLushort *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4NusvARB)(GLuint index, const GLushort *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4bv)(GLuint index, const GLbyte *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4bvARB)(GLuint index, const GLbyte *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4d)(GLuint index, GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z, GLdouble w); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4dARB)(GLuint index, GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z, GLdouble w); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4dv)(GLuint index, const GLdouble *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4dvARB)(GLuint index, const GLdouble *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4iv)(GLuint index, const GLint *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4ivARB)(GLuint index, const GLint *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4s)(GLuint index, GLshort x, GLshort y, GLshort z, GLshort w); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4sARB)(GLuint index, GLshort x, GLshort y, GLshort z, GLshort w); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4sv)(GLuint index, const GLshort *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4svARB)(GLuint index, const GLshort *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4ubv)(GLuint index, const GLubyte *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4ubvARB)(GLuint index, const GLubyte *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4uiv)(GLuint index, const GLuint *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4uivARB)(GLuint index, const GLuint *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4usv)(GLuint index, const GLushort *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4usvARB)(GLuint index, const GLushort *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribPointer)(GLuint index, GLint size, GLenum type, GLboolean normalized, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid *pointer); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribPointerARB)(GLuint index, GLint size, GLenum type, GLboolean normalized, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid *pointer); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(UniformMatrix2x3fv)(GLint location, GLsizei count, GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat *value); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(UniformMatrix2x4fv)(GLint location, GLsizei count, GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat *value); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(UniformMatrix3x2fv)(GLint location, GLsizei count, GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat *value); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(UniformMatrix3x4fv)(GLint location, GLsizei count, GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat *value); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(UniformMatrix4x2fv)(GLint location, GLsizei count, GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat *value); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(UniformMatrix4x3fv)(GLint location, GLsizei count, GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat *value); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(BeginConditionalRender)(GLuint query, GLenum mode); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(BeginConditionalRenderNV)(GLuint query, GLenum mode); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(BeginTransformFeedback)(GLenum mode); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(BeginTransformFeedbackEXT)(GLenum mode); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(BindBufferBase)(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLuint buffer); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(BindBufferBaseEXT)(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLuint buffer); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(BindBufferRange)(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLuint buffer, GLintptr offset, GLsizeiptr size); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(BindBufferRangeEXT)(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLuint buffer, GLintptr offset, GLsizeiptr size); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(BindFragDataLocation)(GLuint program, GLuint colorNumber, const GLchar *name); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(BindFragDataLocationEXT)(GLuint program, GLuint colorNumber, const GLchar *name); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ClampColor)(GLenum target, GLenum clamp); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ClampColorARB)(GLenum target, GLenum clamp); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ClearBufferfi)(GLenum buffer, GLint drawbuffer, GLfloat depth, GLint stencil); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ClearBufferfv)(GLenum buffer, GLint drawbuffer, const GLfloat *value); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ClearBufferiv)(GLenum buffer, GLint drawbuffer, const GLint *value); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ClearBufferuiv)(GLenum buffer, GLint drawbuffer, const GLuint *value); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ColorMaski)(GLuint buf, GLboolean r, GLboolean g, GLboolean b, GLboolean a); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ColorMaskIndexedEXT)(GLuint buf, GLboolean r, GLboolean g, GLboolean b, GLboolean a); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Disablei)(GLenum target, GLuint index); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(DisableIndexedEXT)(GLenum target, GLuint index); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Enablei)(GLenum target, GLuint index); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(EnableIndexedEXT)(GLenum target, GLuint index); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(EndConditionalRender)(void); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(EndConditionalRenderNV)(void); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(EndTransformFeedback)(void); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(EndTransformFeedbackEXT)(void); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetBooleani_v)(GLenum value, GLuint index, GLboolean *data); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetBooleanIndexedvEXT)(GLenum value, GLuint index, GLboolean *data); +GLAPI GLint APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetFragDataLocation)(GLuint program, const GLchar *name); +GLAPI GLint APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetFragDataLocationEXT)(GLuint program, const GLchar *name); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetIntegeri_v)(GLenum value, GLuint index, GLint *data); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetIntegerIndexedvEXT)(GLenum value, GLuint index, GLint *data); +GLAPI const GLubyte * APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetStringi)(GLenum name, GLuint index); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetTexParameterIiv)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetTexParameterIivEXT)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetTexParameterIuiv)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLuint *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetTexParameterIuivEXT)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLuint *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetTransformFeedbackVarying)(GLuint program, GLuint index, GLsizei bufSize, GLsizei *length, GLsizei *size, GLenum *type, GLchar *name); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetTransformFeedbackVaryingEXT)(GLuint program, GLuint index, GLsizei bufSize, GLsizei *length, GLsizei *size, GLenum *type, GLchar *name); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetUniformuiv)(GLuint program, GLint location, GLuint *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetUniformuivEXT)(GLuint program, GLint location, GLuint *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetVertexAttribIiv)(GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLint *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetVertexAttribIivEXT)(GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLint *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetVertexAttribIuiv)(GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLuint *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetVertexAttribIuivEXT)(GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLuint *params); +GLAPI GLboolean APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(IsEnabledi)(GLenum target, GLuint index); +GLAPI GLboolean APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(IsEnabledIndexedEXT)(GLenum target, GLuint index); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexParameterIiv)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLint *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexParameterIivEXT)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLint *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexParameterIuiv)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLuint *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexParameterIuivEXT)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLuint *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TransformFeedbackVaryings)(GLuint program, GLsizei count, const GLchar * const *varyings, GLenum bufferMode); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TransformFeedbackVaryingsEXT)(GLuint program, GLsizei count, const char **varyings, GLenum bufferMode); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Uniform1ui)(GLint location, GLuint x); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Uniform1uiEXT)(GLint location, GLuint x); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Uniform1uiv)(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLuint *value); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Uniform1uivEXT)(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLuint *value); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Uniform2ui)(GLint location, GLuint x, GLuint y); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Uniform2uiEXT)(GLint location, GLuint x, GLuint y); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Uniform2uiv)(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLuint *value); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Uniform2uivEXT)(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLuint *value); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Uniform3ui)(GLint location, GLuint x, GLuint y, GLuint z); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Uniform3uiEXT)(GLint location, GLuint x, GLuint y, GLuint z); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Uniform3uiv)(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLuint *value); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Uniform3uivEXT)(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLuint *value); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Uniform4ui)(GLint location, GLuint x, GLuint y, GLuint z, GLuint w); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Uniform4uiEXT)(GLint location, GLuint x, GLuint y, GLuint z, GLuint w); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Uniform4uiv)(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLuint *value); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Uniform4uivEXT)(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLuint *value); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribI1iv)(GLuint index, const GLint *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribI1ivEXT)(GLuint index, const GLint *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribI1uiv)(GLuint index, const GLuint *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribI1uivEXT)(GLuint index, const GLuint *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribI4bv)(GLuint index, const GLbyte *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribI4bvEXT)(GLuint index, const GLbyte *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribI4sv)(GLuint index, const GLshort *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribI4svEXT)(GLuint index, const GLshort *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribI4ubv)(GLuint index, const GLubyte *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribI4ubvEXT)(GLuint index, const GLubyte *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribI4usv)(GLuint index, const GLushort *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribI4usvEXT)(GLuint index, const GLushort *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribIPointer)(GLuint index, GLint size, GLenum type, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid *pointer); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribIPointerEXT)(GLuint index, GLint size, GLenum type, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid *pointer); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(PrimitiveRestartIndex)(GLuint index); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(PrimitiveRestartIndexNV)(GLuint index); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexBuffer)(GLenum target, GLenum internalFormat, GLuint buffer); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexBufferARB)(GLenum target, GLenum internalFormat, GLuint buffer); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(FramebufferTexture)(GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLuint texture, GLint level); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(FramebufferTextureARB)(GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLuint texture, GLint level); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetBufferParameteri64v)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint64 *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetInteger64i_v)(GLenum cap, GLuint index, GLint64 *data); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribDivisor)(GLuint index, GLuint divisor); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribDivisorARB)(GLuint index, GLuint divisor); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(BindProgramARB)(GLenum target, GLuint program); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(BindProgramNV)(GLenum target, GLuint program); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(DeleteProgramsARB)(GLsizei n, const GLuint *programs); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(DeleteProgramsNV)(GLsizei n, const GLuint *programs); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GenProgramsARB)(GLsizei n, GLuint *programs); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GenProgramsNV)(GLsizei n, GLuint *programs); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetProgramEnvParameterdvARB)(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLdouble *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetProgramEnvParameterfvARB)(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLfloat *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetProgramLocalParameterdvARB)(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLdouble *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetProgramLocalParameterfvARB)(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLfloat *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetProgramStringARB)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLvoid *string); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetProgramivARB)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint *params); +GLAPI GLboolean APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(IsProgramARB)(GLuint program); +GLAPI GLboolean APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(IsProgramNV)(GLuint program); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ProgramEnvParameter4dARB)(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z, GLdouble w); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ProgramParameter4dNV)(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z, GLdouble w); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ProgramEnvParameter4dvARB)(GLenum target, GLuint index, const GLdouble *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ProgramParameter4dvNV)(GLenum target, GLuint index, const GLdouble *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ProgramEnvParameter4fARB)(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z, GLfloat w); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ProgramParameter4fNV)(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z, GLfloat w); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ProgramEnvParameter4fvARB)(GLenum target, GLuint index, const GLfloat *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ProgramParameter4fvNV)(GLenum target, GLuint index, const GLfloat *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ProgramLocalParameter4dARB)(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z, GLdouble w); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ProgramLocalParameter4dvARB)(GLenum target, GLuint index, const GLdouble *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ProgramLocalParameter4fARB)(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z, GLfloat w); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ProgramLocalParameter4fvARB)(GLenum target, GLuint index, const GLfloat *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ProgramStringARB)(GLenum target, GLenum format, GLsizei len, const GLvoid *string); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib1fARB)(GLuint index, GLfloat x); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib1f)(GLuint index, GLfloat x); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib1fvARB)(GLuint index, const GLfloat *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib1fv)(GLuint index, const GLfloat *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib2fARB)(GLuint index, GLfloat x, GLfloat y); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib2f)(GLuint index, GLfloat x, GLfloat y); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib2fvARB)(GLuint index, const GLfloat *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib2fv)(GLuint index, const GLfloat *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib3fARB)(GLuint index, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib3f)(GLuint index, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib3fvARB)(GLuint index, const GLfloat *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib3fv)(GLuint index, const GLfloat *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4fARB)(GLuint index, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z, GLfloat w); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4f)(GLuint index, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z, GLfloat w); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4fvARB)(GLuint index, const GLfloat *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4fv)(GLuint index, const GLfloat *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(AttachObjectARB)(GLhandleARB containerObj, GLhandleARB obj); +GLAPI GLhandleARB APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(CreateProgramObjectARB)(void); +GLAPI GLhandleARB APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(CreateShaderObjectARB)(GLenum shaderType); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(DeleteObjectARB)(GLhandleARB obj); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(DetachObjectARB)(GLhandleARB containerObj, GLhandleARB attachedObj); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetAttachedObjectsARB)(GLhandleARB containerObj, GLsizei maxLength, GLsizei *length, GLhandleARB *infoLog); +GLAPI GLhandleARB APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetHandleARB)(GLenum pname); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetInfoLogARB)(GLhandleARB obj, GLsizei maxLength, GLsizei *length, GLcharARB *infoLog); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetObjectParameterfvARB)(GLhandleARB obj, GLenum pname, GLfloat *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetObjectParameterivARB)(GLhandleARB obj, GLenum pname, GLint *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(DrawArraysInstancedARB)(GLenum mode, GLint first, GLsizei count, GLsizei primcount); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(DrawArraysInstanced)(GLenum mode, GLint first, GLsizei count, GLsizei primcount); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(DrawArraysInstancedEXT)(GLenum mode, GLint first, GLsizei count, GLsizei primcount); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(DrawElementsInstancedARB)(GLenum mode, GLsizei count, GLenum type, const GLvoid *indices, GLsizei primcount); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(DrawElementsInstanced)(GLenum mode, GLsizei count, GLenum type, const GLvoid *indices, GLsizei primcount); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(DrawElementsInstancedEXT)(GLenum mode, GLsizei count, GLenum type, const GLvoid *indices, GLsizei primcount); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(BindFramebuffer)(GLenum target, GLuint framebuffer); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(BindFramebufferEXT)(GLenum target, GLuint framebuffer); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(BindRenderbuffer)(GLenum target, GLuint renderbuffer); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(BindRenderbufferEXT)(GLenum target, GLuint renderbuffer); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(BlitFramebuffer)(GLint srcX0, GLint srcY0, GLint srcX1, GLint srcY1, GLint dstX0, GLint dstY0, GLint dstX1, GLint dstY1, GLbitfield mask, GLenum filter); +GLAPI GLenum APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(CheckFramebufferStatus)(GLenum target); +GLAPI GLenum APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(CheckFramebufferStatusEXT)(GLenum target); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(DeleteFramebuffers)(GLsizei n, const GLuint *framebuffers); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(DeleteFramebuffersEXT)(GLsizei n, const GLuint *framebuffers); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(DeleteRenderbuffers)(GLsizei n, const GLuint *renderbuffers); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(DeleteRenderbuffersEXT)(GLsizei n, const GLuint *renderbuffers); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(FramebufferRenderbuffer)(GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLenum renderbuffertarget, GLuint renderbuffer); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(FramebufferRenderbufferEXT)(GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLenum renderbuffertarget, GLuint renderbuffer); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(FramebufferTexture1D)(GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLenum textarget, GLuint texture, GLint level); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(FramebufferTexture1DEXT)(GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLenum textarget, GLuint texture, GLint level); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(FramebufferTexture2D)(GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLenum textarget, GLuint texture, GLint level); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(FramebufferTexture2DEXT)(GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLenum textarget, GLuint texture, GLint level); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(FramebufferTexture3D)(GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLenum textarget, GLuint texture, GLint level, GLint zoffset); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(FramebufferTexture3DEXT)(GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLenum textarget, GLuint texture, GLint level, GLint zoffset); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(FramebufferTextureLayer)(GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLuint texture, GLint level, GLint layer); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(FramebufferTextureLayerARB)(GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLuint texture, GLint level, GLint layer); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(FramebufferTextureLayerEXT)(GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLuint texture, GLint level, GLint layer); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GenFramebuffers)(GLsizei n, GLuint *framebuffers); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GenFramebuffersEXT)(GLsizei n, GLuint *framebuffers); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GenRenderbuffers)(GLsizei n, GLuint *renderbuffers); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GenRenderbuffersEXT)(GLsizei n, GLuint *renderbuffers); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GenerateMipmap)(GLenum target); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GenerateMipmapEXT)(GLenum target); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv)(GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLenum pname, GLint *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivEXT)(GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLenum pname, GLint *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetRenderbufferParameteriv)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetRenderbufferParameterivEXT)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint *params); +GLAPI GLboolean APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(IsFramebuffer)(GLuint framebuffer); +GLAPI GLboolean APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(IsFramebufferEXT)(GLuint framebuffer); +GLAPI GLboolean APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(IsRenderbuffer)(GLuint renderbuffer); +GLAPI GLboolean APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(IsRenderbufferEXT)(GLuint renderbuffer); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(RenderbufferStorage)(GLenum target, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(RenderbufferStorageEXT)(GLenum target, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(RenderbufferStorageMultisample)(GLenum target, GLsizei samples, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(RenderbufferStorageMultisampleEXT)(GLenum target, GLsizei samples, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(FramebufferTextureFaceARB)(GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLuint texture, GLint level, GLenum face); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(FlushMappedBufferRange)(GLenum target, GLintptr offset, GLsizeiptr length); +GLAPI GLvoid * APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MapBufferRange)(GLenum target, GLintptr offset, GLsizeiptr length, GLbitfield access); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(BindVertexArray)(GLuint array); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(DeleteVertexArrays)(GLsizei n, const GLuint *arrays); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GenVertexArrays)(GLsizei n, GLuint *arrays); +GLAPI GLboolean APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(IsVertexArray)(GLuint array); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetActiveUniformBlockName)(GLuint program, GLuint uniformBlockIndex, GLsizei bufSize, GLsizei *length, GLchar *uniformBlockName); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetActiveUniformBlockiv)(GLuint program, GLuint uniformBlockIndex, GLenum pname, GLint *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetActiveUniformName)(GLuint program, GLuint uniformIndex, GLsizei bufSize, GLsizei *length, GLchar *uniformName); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetActiveUniformsiv)(GLuint program, GLsizei uniformCount, const GLuint *uniformIndices, GLenum pname, GLint *params); +GLAPI GLuint APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetUniformBlockIndex)(GLuint program, const GLchar *uniformBlockName); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetUniformIndices)(GLuint program, GLsizei uniformCount, const GLchar * const *uniformNames, GLuint *uniformIndices); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(UniformBlockBinding)(GLuint program, GLuint uniformBlockIndex, GLuint uniformBlockBinding); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(CopyBufferSubData)(GLenum readTarget, GLenum writeTarget, GLintptr readOffset, GLintptr writeOffset, GLsizeiptr size); +GLAPI GLenum APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ClientWaitSync)(GLsync sync, GLbitfield flags, GLuint64 timeout); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(DeleteSync)(GLsync sync); +GLAPI GLsync APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(FenceSync)(GLenum condition, GLbitfield flags); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetInteger64v)(GLenum pname, GLint64 *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetSynciv)(GLsync sync, GLenum pname, GLsizei bufSize, GLsizei *length, GLint *values); +GLAPI GLboolean APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(IsSync)(GLsync sync); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(WaitSync)(GLsync sync, GLbitfield flags, GLuint64 timeout); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(DrawElementsBaseVertex)(GLenum mode, GLsizei count, GLenum type, const GLvoid *indices, GLint basevertex); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex)(GLenum mode, GLsizei count, GLenum type, const GLvoid *indices, GLsizei primcount, GLint basevertex); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(DrawRangeElementsBaseVertex)(GLenum mode, GLuint start, GLuint end, GLsizei count, GLenum type, const GLvoid *indices, GLint basevertex); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiDrawElementsBaseVertex)(GLenum mode, const GLsizei *count, GLenum type, const GLvoid * const *indices, GLsizei primcount, const GLint *basevertex); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ProvokingVertex)(GLenum mode); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ProvokingVertexEXT)(GLenum mode); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(BlendEquationSeparateiARB)(GLuint buf, GLenum modeRGB, GLenum modeA); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(BlendEquationSeparateIndexedAMD)(GLuint buf, GLenum modeRGB, GLenum modeA); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(BlendEquationiARB)(GLuint buf, GLenum mode); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(BlendEquationIndexedAMD)(GLuint buf, GLenum mode); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(BlendFuncSeparateiARB)(GLuint buf, GLenum srcRGB, GLenum dstRGB, GLenum srcA, GLenum dstA); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(BlendFuncSeparateIndexedAMD)(GLuint buf, GLenum srcRGB, GLenum dstRGB, GLenum srcA, GLenum dstA); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(BlendFunciARB)(GLuint buf, GLenum src, GLenum dst); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(BlendFuncIndexedAMD)(GLuint buf, GLenum src, GLenum dst); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(BindFragDataLocationIndexed)(GLuint program, GLuint colorNumber, GLuint index, const GLchar *name); +GLAPI GLint APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetFragDataIndex)(GLuint program, const GLchar *name); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(BindSampler)(GLuint unit, GLuint sampler); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(DeleteSamplers)(GLsizei count, const GLuint *samplers); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GenSamplers)(GLsizei count, GLuint *samplers); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetSamplerParameterIiv)(GLuint sampler, GLenum pname, GLint *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetSamplerParameterIuiv)(GLuint sampler, GLenum pname, GLuint *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetSamplerParameterfv)(GLuint sampler, GLenum pname, GLfloat *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetSamplerParameteriv)(GLuint sampler, GLenum pname, GLint *params); +GLAPI GLboolean APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(IsSampler)(GLuint sampler); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(SamplerParameterIiv)(GLuint sampler, GLenum pname, const GLint *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(SamplerParameterIuiv)(GLuint sampler, GLenum pname, const GLuint *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(SamplerParameterf)(GLuint sampler, GLenum pname, GLfloat param); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(SamplerParameterfv)(GLuint sampler, GLenum pname, const GLfloat *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(SamplerParameteri)(GLuint sampler, GLenum pname, GLint param); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(SamplerParameteriv)(GLuint sampler, GLenum pname, const GLint *params); +void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_726)(GLuint id, GLenum pname, GLint64 *params); +void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_727)(GLuint id, GLenum pname, GLuint64 *params); +void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_728)(GLuint id, GLenum target); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ColorP3ui)(GLenum type, GLuint color); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ColorP3uiv)(GLenum type, const GLuint *color); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ColorP4ui)(GLenum type, GLuint color); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ColorP4uiv)(GLenum type, const GLuint *color); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoordP1ui)(GLenum texture, GLenum type, GLuint coords); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoordP1uiv)(GLenum texture, GLenum type, const GLuint *coords); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoordP2ui)(GLenum texture, GLenum type, GLuint coords); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoordP2uiv)(GLenum texture, GLenum type, const GLuint *coords); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoordP3ui)(GLenum texture, GLenum type, GLuint coords); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoordP3uiv)(GLenum texture, GLenum type, const GLuint *coords); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoordP4ui)(GLenum texture, GLenum type, GLuint coords); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoordP4uiv)(GLenum texture, GLenum type, const GLuint *coords); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(NormalP3ui)(GLenum type, GLuint coords); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(NormalP3uiv)(GLenum type, const GLuint *coords); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(SecondaryColorP3ui)(GLenum type, GLuint color); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(SecondaryColorP3uiv)(GLenum type, const GLuint *color); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexCoordP1ui)(GLenum type, GLuint coords); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexCoordP1uiv)(GLenum type, const GLuint *coords); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexCoordP2ui)(GLenum type, GLuint coords); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexCoordP2uiv)(GLenum type, const GLuint *coords); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexCoordP3ui)(GLenum type, GLuint coords); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexCoordP3uiv)(GLenum type, const GLuint *coords); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexCoordP4ui)(GLenum type, GLuint coords); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexCoordP4uiv)(GLenum type, const GLuint *coords); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribP1ui)(GLuint index, GLenum type, GLboolean normalized, GLuint value); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribP1uiv)(GLuint index, GLenum type, GLboolean normalized, const GLuint *value); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribP2ui)(GLuint index, GLenum type, GLboolean normalized, GLuint value); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribP2uiv)(GLuint index, GLenum type, GLboolean normalized, const GLuint *value); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribP3ui)(GLuint index, GLenum type, GLboolean normalized, GLuint value); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribP3uiv)(GLuint index, GLenum type, GLboolean normalized, const GLuint *value); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribP4ui)(GLuint index, GLenum type, GLboolean normalized, GLuint value); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribP4uiv)(GLuint index, GLenum type, GLboolean normalized, const GLuint *value); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexP2ui)(GLenum type, GLuint value); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexP2uiv)(GLenum type, const GLuint *value); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexP3ui)(GLenum type, GLuint value); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexP3uiv)(GLenum type, const GLuint *value); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexP4ui)(GLenum type, GLuint value); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexP4uiv)(GLenum type, const GLuint *value); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(BindTransformFeedback)(GLenum target, GLuint id); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(DeleteTransformFeedbacks)(GLsizei n, const GLuint *ids); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(DrawTransformFeedback)(GLenum mode, GLuint id); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GenTransformFeedbacks)(GLsizei n, GLuint *ids); +GLAPI GLboolean APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(IsTransformFeedback)(GLuint id); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(PauseTransformFeedback)(void); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ResumeTransformFeedback)(void); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(BeginQueryIndexed)(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLuint id); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(DrawTransformFeedbackStream)(GLenum mode, GLuint id, GLuint stream); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(EndQueryIndexed)(GLenum target, GLuint index); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetQueryIndexediv)(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLint *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ClearDepthf)(GLclampf depth); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(DepthRangef)(GLclampf zNear, GLclampf zFar); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetShaderPrecisionFormat)(GLenum shadertype, GLenum precisiontype, GLint *range, GLint *precision); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ReleaseShaderCompiler)(void); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ShaderBinary)(GLsizei n, const GLuint *shaders, GLenum binaryformat, const GLvoid *binary, GLsizei length); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetProgramBinary)(GLuint program, GLsizei bufSize, GLsizei *length, GLenum *binaryFormat, GLvoid *binary); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ProgramBinary)(GLuint program, GLenum binaryFormat, const GLvoid *binary, GLsizei length); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ProgramParameteri)(GLuint program, GLenum pname, GLint value); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ProgramParameteriARB)(GLuint program, GLenum pname, GLint value); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(DebugMessageCallbackARB)(GLDEBUGPROCARB callback, const GLvoid *userParam); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(DebugMessageControlARB)(GLenum source, GLenum type, GLenum severity, GLsizei count, const GLuint *ids, GLboolean enabled); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(DebugMessageInsertARB)(GLenum source, GLenum type, GLuint id, GLenum severity, GLsizei length, const GLcharARB *buf); +GLAPI GLuint APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetDebugMessageLogARB)(GLuint count, GLsizei bufsize, GLenum *sources, GLenum *types, GLuint *ids, GLenum *severities, GLsizei *lengths, GLcharARB *messageLog); +GLAPI GLenum APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetGraphicsResetStatusARB)(void); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetnColorTableARB)(GLenum target, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLsizei bufSize, GLvoid *table); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetnCompressedTexImageARB)(GLenum target, GLint lod, GLsizei bufSize, GLvoid *img); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetnConvolutionFilterARB)(GLenum target, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLsizei bufSize, GLvoid *image); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetnHistogramARB)(GLenum target, GLboolean reset, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLsizei bufSize, GLvoid *values); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetnMapdvARB)(GLenum target, GLenum query, GLsizei bufSize, GLdouble *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetnMapfvARB)(GLenum target, GLenum query, GLsizei bufSize, GLfloat *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetnMapivARB)(GLenum target, GLenum query, GLsizei bufSize, GLint *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetnMinmaxARB)(GLenum target, GLboolean reset, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLsizei bufSize, GLvoid *values); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetnPixelMapfvARB)(GLenum map, GLsizei bufSize, GLfloat *values); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetnPixelMapuivARB)(GLenum map, GLsizei bufSize, GLuint *values); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetnPixelMapusvARB)(GLenum map, GLsizei bufSize, GLushort *values); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetnPolygonStippleARB)(GLsizei bufSize, GLubyte *pattern); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetnSeparableFilterARB)(GLenum target, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLsizei rowBufSize, GLvoid *row, GLsizei columnBufSize, GLvoid *column, GLvoid *span); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetnTexImageARB)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLsizei bufSize, GLvoid *img); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetnUniformdvARB)(GLhandleARB program, GLint location, GLsizei bufSize, GLdouble *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetnUniformfvARB)(GLhandleARB program, GLint location, GLsizei bufSize, GLfloat *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetnUniformivARB)(GLhandleARB program, GLint location, GLsizei bufSize, GLint *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetnUniformuivARB)(GLhandleARB program, GLint location, GLsizei bufSize, GLuint *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ReadnPixelsARB)(GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLsizei bufSize, GLvoid *data); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(DrawArraysInstancedBaseInstance)(GLenum mode, GLint first, GLsizei count, GLsizei primcount, GLuint baseinstance); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(DrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance)(GLenum mode, GLsizei count, GLenum type, const GLvoid *indices, GLsizei primcount, GLuint baseinstance); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance)(GLenum mode, GLsizei count, GLenum type, const GLvoid *indices, GLsizei primcount, GLint basevertex, GLuint baseinstance); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(DrawTransformFeedbackInstanced)(GLenum mode, GLuint id, GLsizei primcount); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(DrawTransformFeedbackStreamInstanced)(GLenum mode, GLuint id, GLuint stream, GLsizei primcount); +void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_815)(GLenum target, GLenum internalformat, GLenum pname, GLsizei bufSize, GLint *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexStorage1D)(GLenum target, GLsizei levels, GLenum internalFormat, GLsizei width); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexStorage2D)(GLenum target, GLsizei levels, GLenum internalFormat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexStorage3D)(GLenum target, GLsizei levels, GLenum internalFormat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TextureStorage1DEXT)(GLuint texture, GLenum target, GLsizei levels, GLenum internalFormat, GLsizei width); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TextureStorage2DEXT)(GLuint texture, GLenum target, GLsizei levels, GLenum internalFormat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TextureStorage3DEXT)(GLuint texture, GLenum target, GLsizei levels, GLenum internalFormat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(InvalidateBufferData)(GLuint buffer); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(InvalidateBufferSubData)(GLuint buffer, GLintptr offset, GLsizeiptr length); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(InvalidateFramebuffer)(GLenum target, GLsizei numAttachments, const GLenum *attachments); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(InvalidateSubFramebuffer)(GLenum target, GLsizei numAttachments, const GLenum *attachments, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(InvalidateTexImage)(GLuint texture, GLint level); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(InvalidateTexSubImage)(GLuint texture, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLint zoffset, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(PolygonOffsetEXT)(GLfloat factor, GLfloat bias); +void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_829)(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z, GLfloat width, GLfloat height); +void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_830)(const GLfloat *coords); +void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_831)(GLint x, GLint y, GLint z, GLint width, GLint height); +void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_832)(const GLint *coords); +void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_833)(GLshort x, GLshort y, GLshort z, GLshort width, GLshort height); +void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_834)(const GLshort *coords); +void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_835)(GLfixed x, GLfixed y, GLfixed z, GLfixed width, GLfixed height); +void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_836)(const GLfixed *coords); +void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_837)(GLenum type, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid *pointer); +GLbitfield APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_838)(GLfixed *mantissa, GLint *exponent); +void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_839)(GLclampf value, GLboolean invert); +void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_840)(GLenum pattern); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ColorPointerEXT)(GLint size, GLenum type, GLsizei stride, GLsizei count, const GLvoid *pointer); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(EdgeFlagPointerEXT)(GLsizei stride, GLsizei count, const GLboolean *pointer); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(IndexPointerEXT)(GLenum type, GLsizei stride, GLsizei count, const GLvoid *pointer); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(NormalPointerEXT)(GLenum type, GLsizei stride, GLsizei count, const GLvoid *pointer); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexCoordPointerEXT)(GLint size, GLenum type, GLsizei stride, GLsizei count, const GLvoid *pointer); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexPointerEXT)(GLint size, GLenum type, GLsizei stride, GLsizei count, const GLvoid *pointer); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(LockArraysEXT)(GLint first, GLsizei count); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(UnlockArraysEXT)(void); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3fEXT)(GLfloat red, GLfloat green, GLfloat blue); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3f)(GLfloat red, GLfloat green, GLfloat blue); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3fvEXT)(const GLfloat *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3fv)(const GLfloat *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiDrawElementsEXT)(GLenum mode, const GLsizei *count, GLenum type, const GLvoid **indices, GLsizei primcount); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiDrawElements)(GLenum mode, const GLsizei *count, GLenum type, const GLvoid * const *indices, GLsizei primcount); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(FogCoordfEXT)(GLfloat coord); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(FogCoordf)(GLfloat coord); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(FogCoordfvEXT)(const GLfloat *coord); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(FogCoordfv)(const GLfloat *coord); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ResizeBuffersMESA)(void); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(WindowPos4dMESA)(GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z, GLdouble w); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(WindowPos4dvMESA)(const GLdouble *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(WindowPos4fMESA)(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z, GLfloat w); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(WindowPos4fvMESA)(const GLfloat *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(WindowPos4iMESA)(GLint x, GLint y, GLint z, GLint w); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(WindowPos4ivMESA)(const GLint *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(WindowPos4sMESA)(GLshort x, GLshort y, GLshort z, GLshort w); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(WindowPos4svMESA)(const GLshort *v); +void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_863)(const GLenum *mode, const GLint *first, const GLsizei *count, GLsizei primcount, GLint modestride); +void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_864)(const GLenum *mode, const GLsizei *count, GLenum type, const GLvoid * const *indices, GLsizei primcount, GLint modestride); +GLAPI GLboolean APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(AreProgramsResidentNV)(GLsizei n, const GLuint *ids, GLboolean *residences); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ExecuteProgramNV)(GLenum target, GLuint id, const GLfloat *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetProgramParameterdvNV)(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLdouble *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetProgramParameterfvNV)(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLfloat *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetProgramStringNV)(GLuint id, GLenum pname, GLubyte *program); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetProgramivNV)(GLuint id, GLenum pname, GLint *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetTrackMatrixivNV)(GLenum target, GLuint address, GLenum pname, GLint *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetVertexAttribdvNV)(GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLdouble *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetVertexAttribfvNV)(GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLfloat *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetVertexAttribivNV)(GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLint *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(LoadProgramNV)(GLenum target, GLuint id, GLsizei len, const GLubyte *program); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ProgramParameters4dvNV)(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLsizei num, const GLdouble *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ProgramParameters4fvNV)(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLsizei num, const GLfloat *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(RequestResidentProgramsNV)(GLsizei n, const GLuint *ids); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TrackMatrixNV)(GLenum target, GLuint address, GLenum matrix, GLenum transform); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib1dNV)(GLuint index, GLdouble x); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib1dvNV)(GLuint index, const GLdouble *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib1fNV)(GLuint index, GLfloat x); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib1fvNV)(GLuint index, const GLfloat *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib1sNV)(GLuint index, GLshort x); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib1svNV)(GLuint index, const GLshort *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib2dNV)(GLuint index, GLdouble x, GLdouble y); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib2dvNV)(GLuint index, const GLdouble *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib2fNV)(GLuint index, GLfloat x, GLfloat y); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib2fvNV)(GLuint index, const GLfloat *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib2sNV)(GLuint index, GLshort x, GLshort y); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib2svNV)(GLuint index, const GLshort *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib3dNV)(GLuint index, GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib3dvNV)(GLuint index, const GLdouble *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib3fNV)(GLuint index, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib3fvNV)(GLuint index, const GLfloat *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib3sNV)(GLuint index, GLshort x, GLshort y, GLshort z); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib3svNV)(GLuint index, const GLshort *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4dNV)(GLuint index, GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z, GLdouble w); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4dvNV)(GLuint index, const GLdouble *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4fNV)(GLuint index, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z, GLfloat w); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4fvNV)(GLuint index, const GLfloat *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4sNV)(GLuint index, GLshort x, GLshort y, GLshort z, GLshort w); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4svNV)(GLuint index, const GLshort *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4ubNV)(GLuint index, GLubyte x, GLubyte y, GLubyte z, GLubyte w); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4ubvNV)(GLuint index, const GLubyte *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribPointerNV)(GLuint index, GLint size, GLenum type, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid *pointer); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribs1dvNV)(GLuint index, GLsizei n, const GLdouble *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribs1fvNV)(GLuint index, GLsizei n, const GLfloat *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribs1svNV)(GLuint index, GLsizei n, const GLshort *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribs2dvNV)(GLuint index, GLsizei n, const GLdouble *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribs2fvNV)(GLuint index, GLsizei n, const GLfloat *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribs2svNV)(GLuint index, GLsizei n, const GLshort *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribs3dvNV)(GLuint index, GLsizei n, const GLdouble *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribs3fvNV)(GLuint index, GLsizei n, const GLfloat *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribs3svNV)(GLuint index, GLsizei n, const GLshort *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribs4dvNV)(GLuint index, GLsizei n, const GLdouble *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribs4fvNV)(GLuint index, GLsizei n, const GLfloat *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribs4svNV)(GLuint index, GLsizei n, const GLshort *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribs4ubvNV)(GLuint index, GLsizei n, const GLubyte *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetTexBumpParameterfvATI)(GLenum pname, GLfloat *param); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetTexBumpParameterivATI)(GLenum pname, GLint *param); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexBumpParameterfvATI)(GLenum pname, const GLfloat *param); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexBumpParameterivATI)(GLenum pname, const GLint *param); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(AlphaFragmentOp1ATI)(GLenum op, GLuint dst, GLuint dstMod, GLuint arg1, GLuint arg1Rep, GLuint arg1Mod); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(AlphaFragmentOp2ATI)(GLenum op, GLuint dst, GLuint dstMod, GLuint arg1, GLuint arg1Rep, GLuint arg1Mod, GLuint arg2, GLuint arg2Rep, GLuint arg2Mod); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(AlphaFragmentOp3ATI)(GLenum op, GLuint dst, GLuint dstMod, GLuint arg1, GLuint arg1Rep, GLuint arg1Mod, GLuint arg2, GLuint arg2Rep, GLuint arg2Mod, GLuint arg3, GLuint arg3Rep, GLuint arg3Mod); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(BeginFragmentShaderATI)(void); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(BindFragmentShaderATI)(GLuint id); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ColorFragmentOp1ATI)(GLenum op, GLuint dst, GLuint dstMask, GLuint dstMod, GLuint arg1, GLuint arg1Rep, GLuint arg1Mod); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ColorFragmentOp2ATI)(GLenum op, GLuint dst, GLuint dstMask, GLuint dstMod, GLuint arg1, GLuint arg1Rep, GLuint arg1Mod, GLuint arg2, GLuint arg2Rep, GLuint arg2Mod); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ColorFragmentOp3ATI)(GLenum op, GLuint dst, GLuint dstMask, GLuint dstMod, GLuint arg1, GLuint arg1Rep, GLuint arg1Mod, GLuint arg2, GLuint arg2Rep, GLuint arg2Mod, GLuint arg3, GLuint arg3Rep, GLuint arg3Mod); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(DeleteFragmentShaderATI)(GLuint id); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(EndFragmentShaderATI)(void); +GLAPI GLuint APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GenFragmentShadersATI)(GLuint range); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(PassTexCoordATI)(GLuint dst, GLuint coord, GLenum swizzle); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(SampleMapATI)(GLuint dst, GLuint interp, GLenum swizzle); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(SetFragmentShaderConstantATI)(GLuint dst, const GLfloat *value); +void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_938)(GLenum face); +void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_939)(GLuint array); +void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_940)(GLsizei n, GLuint *arrays); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetProgramNamedParameterdvNV)(GLuint id, GLsizei len, const GLubyte *name, GLdouble *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetProgramNamedParameterfvNV)(GLuint id, GLsizei len, const GLubyte *name, GLfloat *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ProgramNamedParameter4dNV)(GLuint id, GLsizei len, const GLubyte *name, GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z, GLdouble w); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ProgramNamedParameter4dvNV)(GLuint id, GLsizei len, const GLubyte *name, const GLdouble *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ProgramNamedParameter4fNV)(GLuint id, GLsizei len, const GLubyte *name, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z, GLfloat w); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ProgramNamedParameter4fvNV)(GLuint id, GLsizei len, const GLubyte *name, const GLfloat *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(PrimitiveRestartNV)(void); +void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_948)(GLenum coord, GLenum pname, GLfixed *params); +void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_949)(GLenum coord, GLenum pname, GLint param); +void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_950)(GLenum coord, GLenum pname, const GLfixed *params); +void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_951)(GLclampd zmin, GLclampd zmax); +void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_952)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint param); +void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_953)(GLenum target, GLintptr offset, GLsizeiptr size); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribI1iEXT)(GLuint index, GLint x); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribI1i)(GLuint index, GLint x); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribI1uiEXT)(GLuint index, GLuint x); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribI1ui)(GLuint index, GLuint x); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribI2iEXT)(GLuint index, GLint x, GLint y); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribI2i)(GLuint index, GLint x, GLint y); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribI2ivEXT)(GLuint index, const GLint *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribI2iv)(GLuint index, const GLint *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribI2uiEXT)(GLuint index, GLuint x, GLuint y); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribI2ui)(GLuint index, GLuint x, GLuint y); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribI2uivEXT)(GLuint index, const GLuint *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribI2uiv)(GLuint index, const GLuint *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribI3iEXT)(GLuint index, GLint x, GLint y, GLint z); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribI3i)(GLuint index, GLint x, GLint y, GLint z); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribI3ivEXT)(GLuint index, const GLint *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribI3iv)(GLuint index, const GLint *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribI3uiEXT)(GLuint index, GLuint x, GLuint y, GLuint z); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribI3ui)(GLuint index, GLuint x, GLuint y, GLuint z); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribI3uivEXT)(GLuint index, const GLuint *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribI3uiv)(GLuint index, const GLuint *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribI4iEXT)(GLuint index, GLint x, GLint y, GLint z, GLint w); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribI4i)(GLuint index, GLint x, GLint y, GLint z, GLint w); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribI4ivEXT)(GLuint index, const GLint *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribI4iv)(GLuint index, const GLint *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribI4uiEXT)(GLuint index, GLuint x, GLuint y, GLuint z, GLuint w); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribI4ui)(GLuint index, GLuint x, GLuint y, GLuint z, GLuint w); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribI4uivEXT)(GLuint index, const GLuint *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribI4uiv)(GLuint index, const GLuint *v); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ClearColorIiEXT)(GLint r, GLint g, GLint b, GLint a); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ClearColorIuiEXT)(GLuint r, GLuint g, GLuint b, GLuint a); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(BindBufferOffsetEXT)(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLuint buffer, GLintptr offset); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetObjectParameterivAPPLE)(GLenum objectType, GLuint name, GLenum pname, GLint *value); +GLAPI GLenum APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ObjectPurgeableAPPLE)(GLenum objectType, GLuint name, GLenum option); +GLAPI GLenum APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ObjectUnpurgeableAPPLE)(GLenum objectType, GLuint name, GLenum option); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ActiveProgramEXT)(GLuint program); +GLAPI GLuint APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(CreateShaderProgramEXT)(GLenum type, const GLchar *string); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(UseShaderProgramEXT)(GLenum type, GLuint program); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TextureBarrierNV)(void); +void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_978)(GLenum frontfunc, GLenum backfunc, GLint ref, GLuint mask); +void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_979)(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLsizei count, const GLfloat *params); +void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_980)(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLsizei count, const GLfloat *params); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(EGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOES)(GLenum target, GLvoid *writeOffset); +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(EGLImageTargetTexture2DOES)(GLenum target, GLvoid *writeOffset); +void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_983)(GLenum func, GLclampx ref); +void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_984)(GLclampx red, GLclampx green, GLclampx blue, GLclampx alpha); +void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_985)(GLclampx depth); +void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_986)(GLfixed red, GLfixed green, GLfixed blue, GLfixed alpha); +void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_987)(GLclampx zNear, GLclampx zFar); +void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_988)(GLenum pname, GLfixed param); +void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_989)(GLenum pname, const GLfixed *params); +void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_990)(GLfloat left, GLfloat right, GLfloat bottom, GLfloat top, GLfloat zNear, GLfloat zFar); +void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_991)(GLfixed left, GLfixed right, GLfixed bottom, GLfixed top, GLfixed zNear, GLfixed zFar); +void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_992)(GLenum pname, GLfixed param); +void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_993)(GLenum pname, const GLfixed *params); +void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_994)(GLenum light, GLenum pname, GLfixed param); +void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_995)(GLenum light, GLenum pname, const GLfixed *params); +void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_996)(GLfixed width); +void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_997)(const GLfixed *m); +void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_998)(GLenum face, GLenum pname, GLfixed param); +void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_999)(GLenum face, GLenum pname, const GLfixed *params); +void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1000)(const GLfixed *m); +void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1001)(GLenum target, GLfixed s, GLfixed t, GLfixed r, GLfixed q); +void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1002)(GLfixed nx, GLfixed ny, GLfixed nz); +void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1003)(GLfloat left, GLfloat right, GLfloat bottom, GLfloat top, GLfloat zNear, GLfloat zFar); +void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1004)(GLfixed left, GLfixed right, GLfixed bottom, GLfixed top, GLfixed zNear, GLfixed zFar); +void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1005)(GLfixed size); +void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1006)(GLfixed factor, GLfixed units); +void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1007)(GLfixed angle, GLfixed x, GLfixed y, GLfixed z); +void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1008)(GLclampx value, GLboolean invert); +void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1009)(GLfixed x, GLfixed y, GLfixed z); +void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1010)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfixed param); +void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1011)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLfixed *params); +void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1012)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfixed param); +void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1013)(GLfixed x, GLfixed y, GLfixed z); +void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1014)(GLenum plane, const GLfloat *equation); +void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1015)(GLenum plane, const GLfixed *equation); +void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1016)(GLenum plane, GLfloat *equation); +void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1017)(GLenum plane, GLfixed *equation); +void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1018)(GLenum pname, GLfixed *params); +void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1019)(GLenum light, GLenum pname, GLfixed *params); +void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1020)(GLenum face, GLenum pname, GLfixed *params); +void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1021)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfixed *params); +void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1022)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfixed *params); +void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1023)(GLenum pname, GLfixed param); +void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1024)(GLenum pname, const GLfixed *params); +void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_1025)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLfixed *params); +#undef MAPI_TMP_DEFINES +#endif /* MAPI_TMP_DEFINES */ + +#ifdef MAPI_TMP_PUBLIC_ENTRIES_NO_HIDDEN +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(NewList)(GLuint list, GLenum mode) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[0]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint list, GLenum mode)) _func)(list, mode); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(EndList)(void) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[1]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(void)) _func)(); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(CallList)(GLuint list) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[2]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint list)) _func)(list); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(CallLists)(GLsizei n, GLenum type, const GLvoid *lists) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[3]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLsizei n, GLenum type, const GLvoid *lists)) _func)(n, type, lists); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(DeleteLists)(GLuint list, GLsizei range) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[4]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint list, GLsizei range)) _func)(list, range); +} + +GLAPI GLuint APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GenLists)(GLsizei range) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[5]; + return ((GLuint (APIENTRY *)(GLsizei range)) _func)(range); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ListBase)(GLuint base) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[6]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint base)) _func)(base); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Begin)(GLenum mode) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[7]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum mode)) _func)(mode); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Bitmap)(GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLfloat xorig, GLfloat yorig, GLfloat xmove, GLfloat ymove, const GLubyte *bitmap) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[8]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLfloat xorig, GLfloat yorig, GLfloat xmove, GLfloat ymove, const GLubyte *bitmap)) _func)(width, height, xorig, yorig, xmove, ymove, bitmap); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Color3b)(GLbyte red, GLbyte green, GLbyte blue) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[9]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLbyte red, GLbyte green, GLbyte blue)) _func)(red, green, blue); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Color3bv)(const GLbyte *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[10]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLbyte *v)) _func)(v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Color3d)(GLdouble red, GLdouble green, GLdouble blue) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[11]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLdouble red, GLdouble green, GLdouble blue)) _func)(red, green, blue); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Color3dv)(const GLdouble *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[12]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLdouble *v)) _func)(v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Color3f)(GLfloat red, GLfloat green, GLfloat blue) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[13]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLfloat red, GLfloat green, GLfloat blue)) _func)(red, green, blue); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Color3fv)(const GLfloat *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[14]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLfloat *v)) _func)(v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Color3i)(GLint red, GLint green, GLint blue) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[15]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLint red, GLint green, GLint blue)) _func)(red, green, blue); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Color3iv)(const GLint *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[16]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLint *v)) _func)(v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Color3s)(GLshort red, GLshort green, GLshort blue) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[17]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLshort red, GLshort green, GLshort blue)) _func)(red, green, blue); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Color3sv)(const GLshort *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[18]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLshort *v)) _func)(v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Color3ub)(GLubyte red, GLubyte green, GLubyte blue) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[19]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLubyte red, GLubyte green, GLubyte blue)) _func)(red, green, blue); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Color3ubv)(const GLubyte *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[20]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLubyte *v)) _func)(v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Color3ui)(GLuint red, GLuint green, GLuint blue) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[21]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint red, GLuint green, GLuint blue)) _func)(red, green, blue); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Color3uiv)(const GLuint *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[22]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLuint *v)) _func)(v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Color3us)(GLushort red, GLushort green, GLushort blue) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[23]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLushort red, GLushort green, GLushort blue)) _func)(red, green, blue); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Color3usv)(const GLushort *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[24]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLushort *v)) _func)(v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Color4b)(GLbyte red, GLbyte green, GLbyte blue, GLbyte alpha) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[25]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLbyte red, GLbyte green, GLbyte blue, GLbyte alpha)) _func)(red, green, blue, alpha); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Color4bv)(const GLbyte *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[26]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLbyte *v)) _func)(v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Color4d)(GLdouble red, GLdouble green, GLdouble blue, GLdouble alpha) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[27]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLdouble red, GLdouble green, GLdouble blue, GLdouble alpha)) _func)(red, green, blue, alpha); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Color4dv)(const GLdouble *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[28]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLdouble *v)) _func)(v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Color4f)(GLfloat red, GLfloat green, GLfloat blue, GLfloat alpha) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[29]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLfloat red, GLfloat green, GLfloat blue, GLfloat alpha)) _func)(red, green, blue, alpha); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Color4fv)(const GLfloat *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[30]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLfloat *v)) _func)(v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Color4i)(GLint red, GLint green, GLint blue, GLint alpha) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[31]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLint red, GLint green, GLint blue, GLint alpha)) _func)(red, green, blue, alpha); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Color4iv)(const GLint *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[32]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLint *v)) _func)(v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Color4s)(GLshort red, GLshort green, GLshort blue, GLshort alpha) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[33]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLshort red, GLshort green, GLshort blue, GLshort alpha)) _func)(red, green, blue, alpha); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Color4sv)(const GLshort *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[34]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLshort *v)) _func)(v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Color4ub)(GLubyte red, GLubyte green, GLubyte blue, GLubyte alpha) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[35]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLubyte red, GLubyte green, GLubyte blue, GLubyte alpha)) _func)(red, green, blue, alpha); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Color4ubv)(const GLubyte *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[36]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLubyte *v)) _func)(v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Color4ui)(GLuint red, GLuint green, GLuint blue, GLuint alpha) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[37]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint red, GLuint green, GLuint blue, GLuint alpha)) _func)(red, green, blue, alpha); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Color4uiv)(const GLuint *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[38]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLuint *v)) _func)(v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Color4us)(GLushort red, GLushort green, GLushort blue, GLushort alpha) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[39]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLushort red, GLushort green, GLushort blue, GLushort alpha)) _func)(red, green, blue, alpha); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Color4usv)(const GLushort *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[40]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLushort *v)) _func)(v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(EdgeFlag)(GLboolean flag) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[41]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLboolean flag)) _func)(flag); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(EdgeFlagv)(const GLboolean *flag) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[42]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLboolean *flag)) _func)(flag); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(End)(void) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[43]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(void)) _func)(); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Indexd)(GLdouble c) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[44]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLdouble c)) _func)(c); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Indexdv)(const GLdouble *c) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[45]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLdouble *c)) _func)(c); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Indexf)(GLfloat c) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[46]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLfloat c)) _func)(c); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Indexfv)(const GLfloat *c) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[47]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLfloat *c)) _func)(c); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Indexi)(GLint c) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[48]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLint c)) _func)(c); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Indexiv)(const GLint *c) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[49]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLint *c)) _func)(c); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Indexs)(GLshort c) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[50]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLshort c)) _func)(c); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Indexsv)(const GLshort *c) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[51]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLshort *c)) _func)(c); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Normal3b)(GLbyte nx, GLbyte ny, GLbyte nz) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[52]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLbyte nx, GLbyte ny, GLbyte nz)) _func)(nx, ny, nz); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Normal3bv)(const GLbyte *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[53]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLbyte *v)) _func)(v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Normal3d)(GLdouble nx, GLdouble ny, GLdouble nz) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[54]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLdouble nx, GLdouble ny, GLdouble nz)) _func)(nx, ny, nz); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Normal3dv)(const GLdouble *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[55]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLdouble *v)) _func)(v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Normal3f)(GLfloat nx, GLfloat ny, GLfloat nz) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[56]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLfloat nx, GLfloat ny, GLfloat nz)) _func)(nx, ny, nz); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Normal3fv)(const GLfloat *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[57]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLfloat *v)) _func)(v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Normal3i)(GLint nx, GLint ny, GLint nz) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[58]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLint nx, GLint ny, GLint nz)) _func)(nx, ny, nz); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Normal3iv)(const GLint *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[59]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLint *v)) _func)(v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Normal3s)(GLshort nx, GLshort ny, GLshort nz) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[60]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLshort nx, GLshort ny, GLshort nz)) _func)(nx, ny, nz); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Normal3sv)(const GLshort *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[61]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLshort *v)) _func)(v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(RasterPos2d)(GLdouble x, GLdouble y) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[62]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLdouble x, GLdouble y)) _func)(x, y); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(RasterPos2dv)(const GLdouble *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[63]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLdouble *v)) _func)(v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(RasterPos2f)(GLfloat x, GLfloat y) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[64]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLfloat x, GLfloat y)) _func)(x, y); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(RasterPos2fv)(const GLfloat *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[65]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLfloat *v)) _func)(v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(RasterPos2i)(GLint x, GLint y) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[66]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLint x, GLint y)) _func)(x, y); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(RasterPos2iv)(const GLint *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[67]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLint *v)) _func)(v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(RasterPos2s)(GLshort x, GLshort y) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[68]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLshort x, GLshort y)) _func)(x, y); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(RasterPos2sv)(const GLshort *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[69]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLshort *v)) _func)(v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(RasterPos3d)(GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[70]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z)) _func)(x, y, z); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(RasterPos3dv)(const GLdouble *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[71]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLdouble *v)) _func)(v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(RasterPos3f)(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[72]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z)) _func)(x, y, z); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(RasterPos3fv)(const GLfloat *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[73]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLfloat *v)) _func)(v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(RasterPos3i)(GLint x, GLint y, GLint z) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[74]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLint x, GLint y, GLint z)) _func)(x, y, z); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(RasterPos3iv)(const GLint *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[75]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLint *v)) _func)(v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(RasterPos3s)(GLshort x, GLshort y, GLshort z) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[76]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLshort x, GLshort y, GLshort z)) _func)(x, y, z); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(RasterPos3sv)(const GLshort *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[77]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLshort *v)) _func)(v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(RasterPos4d)(GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z, GLdouble w) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[78]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z, GLdouble w)) _func)(x, y, z, w); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(RasterPos4dv)(const GLdouble *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[79]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLdouble *v)) _func)(v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(RasterPos4f)(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z, GLfloat w) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[80]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z, GLfloat w)) _func)(x, y, z, w); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(RasterPos4fv)(const GLfloat *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[81]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLfloat *v)) _func)(v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(RasterPos4i)(GLint x, GLint y, GLint z, GLint w) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[82]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLint x, GLint y, GLint z, GLint w)) _func)(x, y, z, w); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(RasterPos4iv)(const GLint *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[83]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLint *v)) _func)(v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(RasterPos4s)(GLshort x, GLshort y, GLshort z, GLshort w) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[84]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLshort x, GLshort y, GLshort z, GLshort w)) _func)(x, y, z, w); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(RasterPos4sv)(const GLshort *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[85]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLshort *v)) _func)(v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Rectd)(GLdouble x1, GLdouble y1, GLdouble x2, GLdouble y2) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[86]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLdouble x1, GLdouble y1, GLdouble x2, GLdouble y2)) _func)(x1, y1, x2, y2); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Rectdv)(const GLdouble *v1, const GLdouble *v2) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[87]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLdouble *v1, const GLdouble *v2)) _func)(v1, v2); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Rectf)(GLfloat x1, GLfloat y1, GLfloat x2, GLfloat y2) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[88]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLfloat x1, GLfloat y1, GLfloat x2, GLfloat y2)) _func)(x1, y1, x2, y2); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Rectfv)(const GLfloat *v1, const GLfloat *v2) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[89]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLfloat *v1, const GLfloat *v2)) _func)(v1, v2); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Recti)(GLint x1, GLint y1, GLint x2, GLint y2) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[90]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLint x1, GLint y1, GLint x2, GLint y2)) _func)(x1, y1, x2, y2); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Rectiv)(const GLint *v1, const GLint *v2) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[91]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLint *v1, const GLint *v2)) _func)(v1, v2); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Rects)(GLshort x1, GLshort y1, GLshort x2, GLshort y2) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[92]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLshort x1, GLshort y1, GLshort x2, GLshort y2)) _func)(x1, y1, x2, y2); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Rectsv)(const GLshort *v1, const GLshort *v2) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[93]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLshort *v1, const GLshort *v2)) _func)(v1, v2); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexCoord1d)(GLdouble s) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[94]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLdouble s)) _func)(s); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexCoord1dv)(const GLdouble *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[95]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLdouble *v)) _func)(v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexCoord1f)(GLfloat s) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[96]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLfloat s)) _func)(s); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexCoord1fv)(const GLfloat *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[97]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLfloat *v)) _func)(v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexCoord1i)(GLint s) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[98]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLint s)) _func)(s); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexCoord1iv)(const GLint *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[99]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLint *v)) _func)(v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexCoord1s)(GLshort s) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[100]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLshort s)) _func)(s); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexCoord1sv)(const GLshort *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[101]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLshort *v)) _func)(v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexCoord2d)(GLdouble s, GLdouble t) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[102]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLdouble s, GLdouble t)) _func)(s, t); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexCoord2dv)(const GLdouble *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[103]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLdouble *v)) _func)(v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexCoord2f)(GLfloat s, GLfloat t) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[104]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLfloat s, GLfloat t)) _func)(s, t); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexCoord2fv)(const GLfloat *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[105]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLfloat *v)) _func)(v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexCoord2i)(GLint s, GLint t) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[106]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLint s, GLint t)) _func)(s, t); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexCoord2iv)(const GLint *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[107]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLint *v)) _func)(v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexCoord2s)(GLshort s, GLshort t) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[108]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLshort s, GLshort t)) _func)(s, t); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexCoord2sv)(const GLshort *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[109]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLshort *v)) _func)(v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexCoord3d)(GLdouble s, GLdouble t, GLdouble r) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[110]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLdouble s, GLdouble t, GLdouble r)) _func)(s, t, r); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexCoord3dv)(const GLdouble *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[111]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLdouble *v)) _func)(v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexCoord3f)(GLfloat s, GLfloat t, GLfloat r) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[112]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLfloat s, GLfloat t, GLfloat r)) _func)(s, t, r); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexCoord3fv)(const GLfloat *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[113]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLfloat *v)) _func)(v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexCoord3i)(GLint s, GLint t, GLint r) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[114]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLint s, GLint t, GLint r)) _func)(s, t, r); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexCoord3iv)(const GLint *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[115]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLint *v)) _func)(v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexCoord3s)(GLshort s, GLshort t, GLshort r) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[116]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLshort s, GLshort t, GLshort r)) _func)(s, t, r); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexCoord3sv)(const GLshort *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[117]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLshort *v)) _func)(v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexCoord4d)(GLdouble s, GLdouble t, GLdouble r, GLdouble q) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[118]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLdouble s, GLdouble t, GLdouble r, GLdouble q)) _func)(s, t, r, q); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexCoord4dv)(const GLdouble *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[119]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLdouble *v)) _func)(v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexCoord4f)(GLfloat s, GLfloat t, GLfloat r, GLfloat q) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[120]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLfloat s, GLfloat t, GLfloat r, GLfloat q)) _func)(s, t, r, q); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexCoord4fv)(const GLfloat *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[121]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLfloat *v)) _func)(v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexCoord4i)(GLint s, GLint t, GLint r, GLint q) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[122]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLint s, GLint t, GLint r, GLint q)) _func)(s, t, r, q); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexCoord4iv)(const GLint *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[123]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLint *v)) _func)(v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexCoord4s)(GLshort s, GLshort t, GLshort r, GLshort q) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[124]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLshort s, GLshort t, GLshort r, GLshort q)) _func)(s, t, r, q); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexCoord4sv)(const GLshort *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[125]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLshort *v)) _func)(v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Vertex2d)(GLdouble x, GLdouble y) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[126]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLdouble x, GLdouble y)) _func)(x, y); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Vertex2dv)(const GLdouble *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[127]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLdouble *v)) _func)(v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Vertex2f)(GLfloat x, GLfloat y) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[128]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLfloat x, GLfloat y)) _func)(x, y); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Vertex2fv)(const GLfloat *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[129]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLfloat *v)) _func)(v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Vertex2i)(GLint x, GLint y) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[130]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLint x, GLint y)) _func)(x, y); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Vertex2iv)(const GLint *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[131]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLint *v)) _func)(v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Vertex2s)(GLshort x, GLshort y) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[132]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLshort x, GLshort y)) _func)(x, y); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Vertex2sv)(const GLshort *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[133]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLshort *v)) _func)(v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Vertex3d)(GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[134]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z)) _func)(x, y, z); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Vertex3dv)(const GLdouble *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[135]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLdouble *v)) _func)(v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Vertex3f)(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[136]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z)) _func)(x, y, z); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Vertex3fv)(const GLfloat *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[137]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLfloat *v)) _func)(v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Vertex3i)(GLint x, GLint y, GLint z) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[138]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLint x, GLint y, GLint z)) _func)(x, y, z); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Vertex3iv)(const GLint *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[139]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLint *v)) _func)(v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Vertex3s)(GLshort x, GLshort y, GLshort z) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[140]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLshort x, GLshort y, GLshort z)) _func)(x, y, z); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Vertex3sv)(const GLshort *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[141]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLshort *v)) _func)(v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Vertex4d)(GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z, GLdouble w) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[142]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z, GLdouble w)) _func)(x, y, z, w); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Vertex4dv)(const GLdouble *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[143]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLdouble *v)) _func)(v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Vertex4f)(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z, GLfloat w) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[144]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z, GLfloat w)) _func)(x, y, z, w); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Vertex4fv)(const GLfloat *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[145]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLfloat *v)) _func)(v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Vertex4i)(GLint x, GLint y, GLint z, GLint w) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[146]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLint x, GLint y, GLint z, GLint w)) _func)(x, y, z, w); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Vertex4iv)(const GLint *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[147]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLint *v)) _func)(v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Vertex4s)(GLshort x, GLshort y, GLshort z, GLshort w) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[148]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLshort x, GLshort y, GLshort z, GLshort w)) _func)(x, y, z, w); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Vertex4sv)(const GLshort *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[149]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLshort *v)) _func)(v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ClipPlane)(GLenum plane, const GLdouble *equation) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[150]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum plane, const GLdouble *equation)) _func)(plane, equation); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ColorMaterial)(GLenum face, GLenum mode) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[151]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum face, GLenum mode)) _func)(face, mode); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(CullFace)(GLenum mode) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[152]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum mode)) _func)(mode); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Fogf)(GLenum pname, GLfloat param) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[153]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum pname, GLfloat param)) _func)(pname, param); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Fogfv)(GLenum pname, const GLfloat *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[154]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum pname, const GLfloat *params)) _func)(pname, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Fogi)(GLenum pname, GLint param) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[155]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum pname, GLint param)) _func)(pname, param); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Fogiv)(GLenum pname, const GLint *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[156]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum pname, const GLint *params)) _func)(pname, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(FrontFace)(GLenum mode) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[157]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum mode)) _func)(mode); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Hint)(GLenum target, GLenum mode) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[158]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLenum mode)) _func)(target, mode); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Lightf)(GLenum light, GLenum pname, GLfloat param) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[159]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum light, GLenum pname, GLfloat param)) _func)(light, pname, param); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Lightfv)(GLenum light, GLenum pname, const GLfloat *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[160]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum light, GLenum pname, const GLfloat *params)) _func)(light, pname, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Lighti)(GLenum light, GLenum pname, GLint param) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[161]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum light, GLenum pname, GLint param)) _func)(light, pname, param); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Lightiv)(GLenum light, GLenum pname, const GLint *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[162]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum light, GLenum pname, const GLint *params)) _func)(light, pname, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(LightModelf)(GLenum pname, GLfloat param) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[163]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum pname, GLfloat param)) _func)(pname, param); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(LightModelfv)(GLenum pname, const GLfloat *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[164]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum pname, const GLfloat *params)) _func)(pname, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(LightModeli)(GLenum pname, GLint param) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[165]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum pname, GLint param)) _func)(pname, param); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(LightModeliv)(GLenum pname, const GLint *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[166]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum pname, const GLint *params)) _func)(pname, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(LineStipple)(GLint factor, GLushort pattern) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[167]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLint factor, GLushort pattern)) _func)(factor, pattern); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(LineWidth)(GLfloat width) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[168]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLfloat width)) _func)(width); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Materialf)(GLenum face, GLenum pname, GLfloat param) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[169]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum face, GLenum pname, GLfloat param)) _func)(face, pname, param); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Materialfv)(GLenum face, GLenum pname, const GLfloat *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[170]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum face, GLenum pname, const GLfloat *params)) _func)(face, pname, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Materiali)(GLenum face, GLenum pname, GLint param) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[171]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum face, GLenum pname, GLint param)) _func)(face, pname, param); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Materialiv)(GLenum face, GLenum pname, const GLint *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[172]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum face, GLenum pname, const GLint *params)) _func)(face, pname, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(PointSize)(GLfloat size) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[173]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLfloat size)) _func)(size); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(PolygonMode)(GLenum face, GLenum mode) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[174]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum face, GLenum mode)) _func)(face, mode); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(PolygonStipple)(const GLubyte *mask) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[175]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLubyte *mask)) _func)(mask); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Scissor)(GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[176]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height)) _func)(x, y, width, height); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ShadeModel)(GLenum mode) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[177]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum mode)) _func)(mode); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexParameterf)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat param) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[178]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat param)) _func)(target, pname, param); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexParameterfv)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLfloat *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[179]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLfloat *params)) _func)(target, pname, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexParameteri)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint param) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[180]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint param)) _func)(target, pname, param); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexParameteriv)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLint *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[181]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLint *params)) _func)(target, pname, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexImage1D)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint internalformat, GLsizei width, GLint border, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid *pixels) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[182]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint internalformat, GLsizei width, GLint border, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid *pixels)) _func)(target, level, internalformat, width, border, format, type, pixels); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexImage2D)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLint border, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid *pixels) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[183]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLint border, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid *pixels)) _func)(target, level, internalformat, width, height, border, format, type, pixels); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexEnvf)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat param) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[184]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat param)) _func)(target, pname, param); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexEnvfv)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLfloat *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[185]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLfloat *params)) _func)(target, pname, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexEnvi)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint param) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[186]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint param)) _func)(target, pname, param); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexEnviv)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLint *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[187]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLint *params)) _func)(target, pname, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexGend)(GLenum coord, GLenum pname, GLdouble param) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[188]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum coord, GLenum pname, GLdouble param)) _func)(coord, pname, param); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexGendv)(GLenum coord, GLenum pname, const GLdouble *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[189]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum coord, GLenum pname, const GLdouble *params)) _func)(coord, pname, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexGenf)(GLenum coord, GLenum pname, GLfloat param) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[190]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum coord, GLenum pname, GLfloat param)) _func)(coord, pname, param); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexGenfv)(GLenum coord, GLenum pname, const GLfloat *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[191]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum coord, GLenum pname, const GLfloat *params)) _func)(coord, pname, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexGeni)(GLenum coord, GLenum pname, GLint param) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[192]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum coord, GLenum pname, GLint param)) _func)(coord, pname, param); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexGeniv)(GLenum coord, GLenum pname, const GLint *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[193]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum coord, GLenum pname, const GLint *params)) _func)(coord, pname, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(FeedbackBuffer)(GLsizei size, GLenum type, GLfloat *buffer) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[194]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLsizei size, GLenum type, GLfloat *buffer)) _func)(size, type, buffer); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(SelectBuffer)(GLsizei size, GLuint *buffer) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[195]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLsizei size, GLuint *buffer)) _func)(size, buffer); +} + +GLAPI GLint APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(RenderMode)(GLenum mode) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[196]; + return ((GLint (APIENTRY *)(GLenum mode)) _func)(mode); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(InitNames)(void) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[197]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(void)) _func)(); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(LoadName)(GLuint name) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[198]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint name)) _func)(name); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(PassThrough)(GLfloat token) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[199]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLfloat token)) _func)(token); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(PopName)(void) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[200]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(void)) _func)(); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(PushName)(GLuint name) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[201]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint name)) _func)(name); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(DrawBuffer)(GLenum mode) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[202]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum mode)) _func)(mode); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Clear)(GLbitfield mask) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[203]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLbitfield mask)) _func)(mask); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ClearAccum)(GLfloat red, GLfloat green, GLfloat blue, GLfloat alpha) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[204]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLfloat red, GLfloat green, GLfloat blue, GLfloat alpha)) _func)(red, green, blue, alpha); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ClearIndex)(GLfloat c) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[205]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLfloat c)) _func)(c); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ClearColor)(GLclampf red, GLclampf green, GLclampf blue, GLclampf alpha) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[206]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLclampf red, GLclampf green, GLclampf blue, GLclampf alpha)) _func)(red, green, blue, alpha); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ClearStencil)(GLint s) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[207]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLint s)) _func)(s); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ClearDepth)(GLclampd depth) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[208]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLclampd depth)) _func)(depth); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(StencilMask)(GLuint mask) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[209]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint mask)) _func)(mask); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ColorMask)(GLboolean red, GLboolean green, GLboolean blue, GLboolean alpha) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[210]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLboolean red, GLboolean green, GLboolean blue, GLboolean alpha)) _func)(red, green, blue, alpha); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(DepthMask)(GLboolean flag) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[211]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLboolean flag)) _func)(flag); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(IndexMask)(GLuint mask) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[212]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint mask)) _func)(mask); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Accum)(GLenum op, GLfloat value) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[213]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum op, GLfloat value)) _func)(op, value); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Disable)(GLenum cap) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[214]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum cap)) _func)(cap); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Enable)(GLenum cap) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[215]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum cap)) _func)(cap); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Finish)(void) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[216]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(void)) _func)(); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Flush)(void) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[217]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(void)) _func)(); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(PopAttrib)(void) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[218]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(void)) _func)(); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(PushAttrib)(GLbitfield mask) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[219]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLbitfield mask)) _func)(mask); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Map1d)(GLenum target, GLdouble u1, GLdouble u2, GLint stride, GLint order, const GLdouble *points) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[220]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLdouble u1, GLdouble u2, GLint stride, GLint order, const GLdouble *points)) _func)(target, u1, u2, stride, order, points); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Map1f)(GLenum target, GLfloat u1, GLfloat u2, GLint stride, GLint order, const GLfloat *points) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[221]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLfloat u1, GLfloat u2, GLint stride, GLint order, const GLfloat *points)) _func)(target, u1, u2, stride, order, points); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Map2d)(GLenum target, GLdouble u1, GLdouble u2, GLint ustride, GLint uorder, GLdouble v1, GLdouble v2, GLint vstride, GLint vorder, const GLdouble *points) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[222]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLdouble u1, GLdouble u2, GLint ustride, GLint uorder, GLdouble v1, GLdouble v2, GLint vstride, GLint vorder, const GLdouble *points)) _func)(target, u1, u2, ustride, uorder, v1, v2, vstride, vorder, points); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Map2f)(GLenum target, GLfloat u1, GLfloat u2, GLint ustride, GLint uorder, GLfloat v1, GLfloat v2, GLint vstride, GLint vorder, const GLfloat *points) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[223]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLfloat u1, GLfloat u2, GLint ustride, GLint uorder, GLfloat v1, GLfloat v2, GLint vstride, GLint vorder, const GLfloat *points)) _func)(target, u1, u2, ustride, uorder, v1, v2, vstride, vorder, points); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MapGrid1d)(GLint un, GLdouble u1, GLdouble u2) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[224]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLint un, GLdouble u1, GLdouble u2)) _func)(un, u1, u2); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MapGrid1f)(GLint un, GLfloat u1, GLfloat u2) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[225]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLint un, GLfloat u1, GLfloat u2)) _func)(un, u1, u2); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MapGrid2d)(GLint un, GLdouble u1, GLdouble u2, GLint vn, GLdouble v1, GLdouble v2) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[226]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLint un, GLdouble u1, GLdouble u2, GLint vn, GLdouble v1, GLdouble v2)) _func)(un, u1, u2, vn, v1, v2); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MapGrid2f)(GLint un, GLfloat u1, GLfloat u2, GLint vn, GLfloat v1, GLfloat v2) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[227]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLint un, GLfloat u1, GLfloat u2, GLint vn, GLfloat v1, GLfloat v2)) _func)(un, u1, u2, vn, v1, v2); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(EvalCoord1d)(GLdouble u) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[228]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLdouble u)) _func)(u); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(EvalCoord1dv)(const GLdouble *u) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[229]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLdouble *u)) _func)(u); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(EvalCoord1f)(GLfloat u) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[230]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLfloat u)) _func)(u); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(EvalCoord1fv)(const GLfloat *u) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[231]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLfloat *u)) _func)(u); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(EvalCoord2d)(GLdouble u, GLdouble v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[232]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLdouble u, GLdouble v)) _func)(u, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(EvalCoord2dv)(const GLdouble *u) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[233]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLdouble *u)) _func)(u); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(EvalCoord2f)(GLfloat u, GLfloat v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[234]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLfloat u, GLfloat v)) _func)(u, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(EvalCoord2fv)(const GLfloat *u) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[235]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLfloat *u)) _func)(u); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(EvalMesh1)(GLenum mode, GLint i1, GLint i2) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[236]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum mode, GLint i1, GLint i2)) _func)(mode, i1, i2); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(EvalPoint1)(GLint i) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[237]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLint i)) _func)(i); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(EvalMesh2)(GLenum mode, GLint i1, GLint i2, GLint j1, GLint j2) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[238]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum mode, GLint i1, GLint i2, GLint j1, GLint j2)) _func)(mode, i1, i2, j1, j2); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(EvalPoint2)(GLint i, GLint j) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[239]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLint i, GLint j)) _func)(i, j); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(AlphaFunc)(GLenum func, GLclampf ref) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[240]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum func, GLclampf ref)) _func)(func, ref); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(BlendFunc)(GLenum sfactor, GLenum dfactor) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[241]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum sfactor, GLenum dfactor)) _func)(sfactor, dfactor); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(LogicOp)(GLenum opcode) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[242]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum opcode)) _func)(opcode); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(StencilFunc)(GLenum func, GLint ref, GLuint mask) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[243]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum func, GLint ref, GLuint mask)) _func)(func, ref, mask); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(StencilOp)(GLenum fail, GLenum zfail, GLenum zpass) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[244]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum fail, GLenum zfail, GLenum zpass)) _func)(fail, zfail, zpass); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(DepthFunc)(GLenum func) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[245]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum func)) _func)(func); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(PixelZoom)(GLfloat xfactor, GLfloat yfactor) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[246]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLfloat xfactor, GLfloat yfactor)) _func)(xfactor, yfactor); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(PixelTransferf)(GLenum pname, GLfloat param) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[247]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum pname, GLfloat param)) _func)(pname, param); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(PixelTransferi)(GLenum pname, GLint param) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[248]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum pname, GLint param)) _func)(pname, param); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(PixelStoref)(GLenum pname, GLfloat param) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[249]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum pname, GLfloat param)) _func)(pname, param); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(PixelStorei)(GLenum pname, GLint param) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[250]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum pname, GLint param)) _func)(pname, param); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(PixelMapfv)(GLenum map, GLsizei mapsize, const GLfloat *values) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[251]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum map, GLsizei mapsize, const GLfloat *values)) _func)(map, mapsize, values); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(PixelMapuiv)(GLenum map, GLsizei mapsize, const GLuint *values) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[252]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum map, GLsizei mapsize, const GLuint *values)) _func)(map, mapsize, values); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(PixelMapusv)(GLenum map, GLsizei mapsize, const GLushort *values) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[253]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum map, GLsizei mapsize, const GLushort *values)) _func)(map, mapsize, values); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ReadBuffer)(GLenum mode) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[254]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum mode)) _func)(mode); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(CopyPixels)(GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum type) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[255]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum type)) _func)(x, y, width, height, type); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ReadPixels)(GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLvoid *pixels) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[256]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLvoid *pixels)) _func)(x, y, width, height, format, type, pixels); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(DrawPixels)(GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid *pixels) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[257]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid *pixels)) _func)(width, height, format, type, pixels); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetBooleanv)(GLenum pname, GLboolean *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[258]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum pname, GLboolean *params)) _func)(pname, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetClipPlane)(GLenum plane, GLdouble *equation) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[259]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum plane, GLdouble *equation)) _func)(plane, equation); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetDoublev)(GLenum pname, GLdouble *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[260]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum pname, GLdouble *params)) _func)(pname, params); +} + +GLAPI GLenum APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetError)(void) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[261]; + return ((GLenum (APIENTRY *)(void)) _func)(); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetFloatv)(GLenum pname, GLfloat *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[262]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum pname, GLfloat *params)) _func)(pname, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetIntegerv)(GLenum pname, GLint *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[263]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum pname, GLint *params)) _func)(pname, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetLightfv)(GLenum light, GLenum pname, GLfloat *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[264]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum light, GLenum pname, GLfloat *params)) _func)(light, pname, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetLightiv)(GLenum light, GLenum pname, GLint *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[265]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum light, GLenum pname, GLint *params)) _func)(light, pname, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetMapdv)(GLenum target, GLenum query, GLdouble *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[266]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLenum query, GLdouble *v)) _func)(target, query, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetMapfv)(GLenum target, GLenum query, GLfloat *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[267]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLenum query, GLfloat *v)) _func)(target, query, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetMapiv)(GLenum target, GLenum query, GLint *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[268]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLenum query, GLint *v)) _func)(target, query, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetMaterialfv)(GLenum face, GLenum pname, GLfloat *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[269]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum face, GLenum pname, GLfloat *params)) _func)(face, pname, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetMaterialiv)(GLenum face, GLenum pname, GLint *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[270]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum face, GLenum pname, GLint *params)) _func)(face, pname, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetPixelMapfv)(GLenum map, GLfloat *values) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[271]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum map, GLfloat *values)) _func)(map, values); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetPixelMapuiv)(GLenum map, GLuint *values) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[272]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum map, GLuint *values)) _func)(map, values); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetPixelMapusv)(GLenum map, GLushort *values) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[273]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum map, GLushort *values)) _func)(map, values); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetPolygonStipple)(GLubyte *mask) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[274]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLubyte *mask)) _func)(mask); +} + +GLAPI const GLubyte * APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetString)(GLenum name) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[275]; + return ((const GLubyte * (APIENTRY *)(GLenum name)) _func)(name); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetTexEnvfv)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[276]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat *params)) _func)(target, pname, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetTexEnviv)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[277]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint *params)) _func)(target, pname, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetTexGendv)(GLenum coord, GLenum pname, GLdouble *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[278]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum coord, GLenum pname, GLdouble *params)) _func)(coord, pname, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetTexGenfv)(GLenum coord, GLenum pname, GLfloat *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[279]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum coord, GLenum pname, GLfloat *params)) _func)(coord, pname, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetTexGeniv)(GLenum coord, GLenum pname, GLint *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[280]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum coord, GLenum pname, GLint *params)) _func)(coord, pname, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetTexImage)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLvoid *pixels) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[281]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLvoid *pixels)) _func)(target, level, format, type, pixels); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetTexParameterfv)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[282]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat *params)) _func)(target, pname, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetTexParameteriv)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[283]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint *params)) _func)(target, pname, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetTexLevelParameterfv)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum pname, GLfloat *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[284]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum pname, GLfloat *params)) _func)(target, level, pname, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetTexLevelParameteriv)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum pname, GLint *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[285]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum pname, GLint *params)) _func)(target, level, pname, params); +} + +GLAPI GLboolean APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(IsEnabled)(GLenum cap) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[286]; + return ((GLboolean (APIENTRY *)(GLenum cap)) _func)(cap); +} + +GLAPI GLboolean APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(IsList)(GLuint list) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[287]; + return ((GLboolean (APIENTRY *)(GLuint list)) _func)(list); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(DepthRange)(GLclampd zNear, GLclampd zFar) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[288]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLclampd zNear, GLclampd zFar)) _func)(zNear, zFar); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Frustum)(GLdouble left, GLdouble right, GLdouble bottom, GLdouble top, GLdouble zNear, GLdouble zFar) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[289]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLdouble left, GLdouble right, GLdouble bottom, GLdouble top, GLdouble zNear, GLdouble zFar)) _func)(left, right, bottom, top, zNear, zFar); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(LoadIdentity)(void) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[290]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(void)) _func)(); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(LoadMatrixf)(const GLfloat *m) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[291]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLfloat *m)) _func)(m); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(LoadMatrixd)(const GLdouble *m) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[292]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLdouble *m)) _func)(m); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MatrixMode)(GLenum mode) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[293]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum mode)) _func)(mode); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultMatrixf)(const GLfloat *m) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[294]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLfloat *m)) _func)(m); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultMatrixd)(const GLdouble *m) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[295]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLdouble *m)) _func)(m); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Ortho)(GLdouble left, GLdouble right, GLdouble bottom, GLdouble top, GLdouble zNear, GLdouble zFar) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[296]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLdouble left, GLdouble right, GLdouble bottom, GLdouble top, GLdouble zNear, GLdouble zFar)) _func)(left, right, bottom, top, zNear, zFar); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(PopMatrix)(void) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[297]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(void)) _func)(); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(PushMatrix)(void) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[298]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(void)) _func)(); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Rotated)(GLdouble angle, GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[299]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLdouble angle, GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z)) _func)(angle, x, y, z); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Rotatef)(GLfloat angle, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[300]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLfloat angle, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z)) _func)(angle, x, y, z); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Scaled)(GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[301]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z)) _func)(x, y, z); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Scalef)(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[302]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z)) _func)(x, y, z); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Translated)(GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[303]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z)) _func)(x, y, z); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Translatef)(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[304]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z)) _func)(x, y, z); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Viewport)(GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[305]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height)) _func)(x, y, width, height); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ArrayElement)(GLint i) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[306]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLint i)) _func)(i); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ArrayElementEXT)(GLint i) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[306]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLint i)) _func)(i); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(BindTexture)(GLenum target, GLuint texture) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[307]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLuint texture)) _func)(target, texture); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(BindTextureEXT)(GLenum target, GLuint texture) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[307]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLuint texture)) _func)(target, texture); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ColorPointer)(GLint size, GLenum type, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid *pointer) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[308]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLint size, GLenum type, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid *pointer)) _func)(size, type, stride, pointer); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(DisableClientState)(GLenum array) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[309]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum array)) _func)(array); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(DrawArrays)(GLenum mode, GLint first, GLsizei count) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[310]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum mode, GLint first, GLsizei count)) _func)(mode, first, count); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(DrawArraysEXT)(GLenum mode, GLint first, GLsizei count) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[310]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum mode, GLint first, GLsizei count)) _func)(mode, first, count); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(DrawElements)(GLenum mode, GLsizei count, GLenum type, const GLvoid *indices) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[311]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum mode, GLsizei count, GLenum type, const GLvoid *indices)) _func)(mode, count, type, indices); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(EdgeFlagPointer)(GLsizei stride, const GLvoid *pointer) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[312]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLsizei stride, const GLvoid *pointer)) _func)(stride, pointer); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(EnableClientState)(GLenum array) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[313]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum array)) _func)(array); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(IndexPointer)(GLenum type, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid *pointer) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[314]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum type, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid *pointer)) _func)(type, stride, pointer); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Indexub)(GLubyte c) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[315]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLubyte c)) _func)(c); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Indexubv)(const GLubyte *c) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[316]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLubyte *c)) _func)(c); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(InterleavedArrays)(GLenum format, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid *pointer) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[317]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum format, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid *pointer)) _func)(format, stride, pointer); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(NormalPointer)(GLenum type, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid *pointer) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[318]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum type, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid *pointer)) _func)(type, stride, pointer); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(PolygonOffset)(GLfloat factor, GLfloat units) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[319]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLfloat factor, GLfloat units)) _func)(factor, units); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexCoordPointer)(GLint size, GLenum type, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid *pointer) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[320]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLint size, GLenum type, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid *pointer)) _func)(size, type, stride, pointer); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexPointer)(GLint size, GLenum type, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid *pointer) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[321]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLint size, GLenum type, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid *pointer)) _func)(size, type, stride, pointer); +} + +GLAPI GLboolean APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(AreTexturesResident)(GLsizei n, const GLuint *textures, GLboolean *residences) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[322]; + return ((GLboolean (APIENTRY *)(GLsizei n, const GLuint *textures, GLboolean *residences)) _func)(n, textures, residences); +} + +#if 0 +GLAPI GLboolean APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(AreTexturesResidentEXT)(GLsizei n, const GLuint *textures, GLboolean *residences) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[322]; + return ((GLboolean (APIENTRY *)(GLsizei n, const GLuint *textures, GLboolean *residences)) _func)(n, textures, residences); +} +#endif + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(CopyTexImage1D)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum internalformat, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLint border) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[323]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum internalformat, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLint border)) _func)(target, level, internalformat, x, y, width, border); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(CopyTexImage1DEXT)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum internalformat, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLint border) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[323]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum internalformat, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLint border)) _func)(target, level, internalformat, x, y, width, border); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(CopyTexImage2D)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum internalformat, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLint border) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[324]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum internalformat, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLint border)) _func)(target, level, internalformat, x, y, width, height, border); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(CopyTexImage2DEXT)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum internalformat, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLint border) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[324]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum internalformat, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLint border)) _func)(target, level, internalformat, x, y, width, height, border); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(CopyTexSubImage1D)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[325]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width)) _func)(target, level, xoffset, x, y, width); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(CopyTexSubImage1DEXT)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[325]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width)) _func)(target, level, xoffset, x, y, width); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(CopyTexSubImage2D)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[326]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height)) _func)(target, level, xoffset, yoffset, x, y, width, height); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(CopyTexSubImage2DEXT)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[326]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height)) _func)(target, level, xoffset, yoffset, x, y, width, height); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(DeleteTextures)(GLsizei n, const GLuint *textures) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[327]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLsizei n, const GLuint *textures)) _func)(n, textures); +} + +#if 0 +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(DeleteTexturesEXT)(GLsizei n, const GLuint *textures) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[327]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLsizei n, const GLuint *textures)) _func)(n, textures); +} +#endif + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GenTextures)(GLsizei n, GLuint *textures) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[328]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLsizei n, GLuint *textures)) _func)(n, textures); +} + +#if 0 +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GenTexturesEXT)(GLsizei n, GLuint *textures) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[328]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLsizei n, GLuint *textures)) _func)(n, textures); +} +#endif + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetPointerv)(GLenum pname, GLvoid **params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[329]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum pname, GLvoid **params)) _func)(pname, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetPointervEXT)(GLenum pname, GLvoid **params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[329]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum pname, GLvoid **params)) _func)(pname, params); +} + +GLAPI GLboolean APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(IsTexture)(GLuint texture) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[330]; + return ((GLboolean (APIENTRY *)(GLuint texture)) _func)(texture); +} + +#if 0 +GLAPI GLboolean APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(IsTextureEXT)(GLuint texture) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[330]; + return ((GLboolean (APIENTRY *)(GLuint texture)) _func)(texture); +} +#endif + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(PrioritizeTextures)(GLsizei n, const GLuint *textures, const GLclampf *priorities) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[331]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLsizei n, const GLuint *textures, const GLclampf *priorities)) _func)(n, textures, priorities); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(PrioritizeTexturesEXT)(GLsizei n, const GLuint *textures, const GLclampf *priorities) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[331]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLsizei n, const GLuint *textures, const GLclampf *priorities)) _func)(n, textures, priorities); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexSubImage1D)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLsizei width, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid *pixels) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[332]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLsizei width, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid *pixels)) _func)(target, level, xoffset, width, format, type, pixels); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexSubImage1DEXT)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLsizei width, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid *pixels) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[332]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLsizei width, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid *pixels)) _func)(target, level, xoffset, width, format, type, pixels); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexSubImage2D)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid *pixels) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[333]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid *pixels)) _func)(target, level, xoffset, yoffset, width, height, format, type, pixels); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexSubImage2DEXT)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid *pixels) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[333]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid *pixels)) _func)(target, level, xoffset, yoffset, width, height, format, type, pixels); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(PopClientAttrib)(void) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[334]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(void)) _func)(); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(PushClientAttrib)(GLbitfield mask) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[335]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLbitfield mask)) _func)(mask); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(BlendColor)(GLclampf red, GLclampf green, GLclampf blue, GLclampf alpha) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[336]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLclampf red, GLclampf green, GLclampf blue, GLclampf alpha)) _func)(red, green, blue, alpha); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(BlendColorEXT)(GLclampf red, GLclampf green, GLclampf blue, GLclampf alpha) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[336]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLclampf red, GLclampf green, GLclampf blue, GLclampf alpha)) _func)(red, green, blue, alpha); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(BlendEquation)(GLenum mode) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[337]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum mode)) _func)(mode); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(BlendEquationEXT)(GLenum mode) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[337]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum mode)) _func)(mode); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(DrawRangeElements)(GLenum mode, GLuint start, GLuint end, GLsizei count, GLenum type, const GLvoid *indices) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[338]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum mode, GLuint start, GLuint end, GLsizei count, GLenum type, const GLvoid *indices)) _func)(mode, start, end, count, type, indices); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(DrawRangeElementsEXT)(GLenum mode, GLuint start, GLuint end, GLsizei count, GLenum type, const GLvoid *indices) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[338]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum mode, GLuint start, GLuint end, GLsizei count, GLenum type, const GLvoid *indices)) _func)(mode, start, end, count, type, indices); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ColorTable)(GLenum target, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid *table) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[339]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid *table)) _func)(target, internalformat, width, format, type, table); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ColorTableEXT)(GLenum target, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid *table) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[339]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid *table)) _func)(target, internalformat, width, format, type, table); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ColorTableParameterfv)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLfloat *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[340]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLfloat *params)) _func)(target, pname, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ColorTableParameteriv)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLint *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[341]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLint *params)) _func)(target, pname, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(CopyColorTable)(GLenum target, GLenum internalformat, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[342]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLenum internalformat, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width)) _func)(target, internalformat, x, y, width); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetColorTable)(GLenum target, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLvoid *table) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[343]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLvoid *table)) _func)(target, format, type, table); +} + +#if 0 +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetColorTableEXT)(GLenum target, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLvoid *table) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[343]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLvoid *table)) _func)(target, format, type, table); +} +#endif + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetColorTableParameterfv)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[344]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat *params)) _func)(target, pname, params); +} + +#if 0 +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetColorTableParameterfvEXT)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[344]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat *params)) _func)(target, pname, params); +} +#endif + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetColorTableParameteriv)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[345]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint *params)) _func)(target, pname, params); +} + +#if 0 +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetColorTableParameterivEXT)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[345]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint *params)) _func)(target, pname, params); +} +#endif + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ColorSubTable)(GLenum target, GLsizei start, GLsizei count, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid *data) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[346]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLsizei start, GLsizei count, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid *data)) _func)(target, start, count, format, type, data); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(CopyColorSubTable)(GLenum target, GLsizei start, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[347]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLsizei start, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width)) _func)(target, start, x, y, width); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ConvolutionFilter1D)(GLenum target, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid *image) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[348]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid *image)) _func)(target, internalformat, width, format, type, image); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ConvolutionFilter2D)(GLenum target, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid *image) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[349]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid *image)) _func)(target, internalformat, width, height, format, type, image); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ConvolutionParameterf)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[350]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat params)) _func)(target, pname, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ConvolutionParameterfv)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLfloat *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[351]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLfloat *params)) _func)(target, pname, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ConvolutionParameteri)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[352]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint params)) _func)(target, pname, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ConvolutionParameteriv)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLint *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[353]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLint *params)) _func)(target, pname, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(CopyConvolutionFilter1D)(GLenum target, GLenum internalformat, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[354]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLenum internalformat, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width)) _func)(target, internalformat, x, y, width); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(CopyConvolutionFilter2D)(GLenum target, GLenum internalformat, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[355]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLenum internalformat, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height)) _func)(target, internalformat, x, y, width, height); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetConvolutionFilter)(GLenum target, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLvoid *image) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[356]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLvoid *image)) _func)(target, format, type, image); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetConvolutionParameterfv)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[357]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat *params)) _func)(target, pname, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetConvolutionParameteriv)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[358]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint *params)) _func)(target, pname, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetSeparableFilter)(GLenum target, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLvoid *row, GLvoid *column, GLvoid *span) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[359]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLvoid *row, GLvoid *column, GLvoid *span)) _func)(target, format, type, row, column, span); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(SeparableFilter2D)(GLenum target, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid *row, const GLvoid *column) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[360]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid *row, const GLvoid *column)) _func)(target, internalformat, width, height, format, type, row, column); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetHistogram)(GLenum target, GLboolean reset, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLvoid *values) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[361]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLboolean reset, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLvoid *values)) _func)(target, reset, format, type, values); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetHistogramParameterfv)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[362]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat *params)) _func)(target, pname, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetHistogramParameteriv)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[363]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint *params)) _func)(target, pname, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetMinmax)(GLenum target, GLboolean reset, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLvoid *values) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[364]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLboolean reset, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLvoid *values)) _func)(target, reset, format, type, values); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetMinmaxParameterfv)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[365]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat *params)) _func)(target, pname, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetMinmaxParameteriv)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[366]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint *params)) _func)(target, pname, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Histogram)(GLenum target, GLsizei width, GLenum internalformat, GLboolean sink) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[367]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLsizei width, GLenum internalformat, GLboolean sink)) _func)(target, width, internalformat, sink); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Minmax)(GLenum target, GLenum internalformat, GLboolean sink) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[368]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLenum internalformat, GLboolean sink)) _func)(target, internalformat, sink); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ResetHistogram)(GLenum target) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[369]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target)) _func)(target); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ResetMinmax)(GLenum target) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[370]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target)) _func)(target); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexImage3D)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth, GLint border, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid *pixels) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[371]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth, GLint border, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid *pixels)) _func)(target, level, internalformat, width, height, depth, border, format, type, pixels); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexImage3DEXT)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth, GLint border, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid *pixels) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[371]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth, GLint border, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid *pixels)) _func)(target, level, internalformat, width, height, depth, border, format, type, pixels); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexSubImage3D)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLint zoffset, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid *pixels) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[372]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLint zoffset, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid *pixels)) _func)(target, level, xoffset, yoffset, zoffset, width, height, depth, format, type, pixels); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexSubImage3DEXT)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLint zoffset, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid *pixels) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[372]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLint zoffset, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid *pixels)) _func)(target, level, xoffset, yoffset, zoffset, width, height, depth, format, type, pixels); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(CopyTexSubImage3D)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLint zoffset, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[373]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLint zoffset, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height)) _func)(target, level, xoffset, yoffset, zoffset, x, y, width, height); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(CopyTexSubImage3DEXT)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLint zoffset, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[373]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLint zoffset, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height)) _func)(target, level, xoffset, yoffset, zoffset, x, y, width, height); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ActiveTexture)(GLenum texture) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[374]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum texture)) _func)(texture); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ActiveTextureARB)(GLenum texture) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[374]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum texture)) _func)(texture); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ClientActiveTexture)(GLenum texture) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[375]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum texture)) _func)(texture); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ClientActiveTextureARB)(GLenum texture) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[375]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum texture)) _func)(texture); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord1d)(GLenum target, GLdouble s) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[376]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLdouble s)) _func)(target, s); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord1dARB)(GLenum target, GLdouble s) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[376]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLdouble s)) _func)(target, s); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord1dv)(GLenum target, const GLdouble *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[377]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, const GLdouble *v)) _func)(target, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord1dvARB)(GLenum target, const GLdouble *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[377]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, const GLdouble *v)) _func)(target, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord1fARB)(GLenum target, GLfloat s) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[378]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLfloat s)) _func)(target, s); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord1f)(GLenum target, GLfloat s) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[378]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLfloat s)) _func)(target, s); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord1fvARB)(GLenum target, const GLfloat *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[379]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, const GLfloat *v)) _func)(target, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord1fv)(GLenum target, const GLfloat *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[379]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, const GLfloat *v)) _func)(target, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord1i)(GLenum target, GLint s) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[380]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLint s)) _func)(target, s); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord1iARB)(GLenum target, GLint s) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[380]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLint s)) _func)(target, s); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord1iv)(GLenum target, const GLint *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[381]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, const GLint *v)) _func)(target, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord1ivARB)(GLenum target, const GLint *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[381]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, const GLint *v)) _func)(target, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord1s)(GLenum target, GLshort s) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[382]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLshort s)) _func)(target, s); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord1sARB)(GLenum target, GLshort s) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[382]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLshort s)) _func)(target, s); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord1sv)(GLenum target, const GLshort *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[383]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, const GLshort *v)) _func)(target, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord1svARB)(GLenum target, const GLshort *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[383]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, const GLshort *v)) _func)(target, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord2d)(GLenum target, GLdouble s, GLdouble t) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[384]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLdouble s, GLdouble t)) _func)(target, s, t); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord2dARB)(GLenum target, GLdouble s, GLdouble t) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[384]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLdouble s, GLdouble t)) _func)(target, s, t); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord2dv)(GLenum target, const GLdouble *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[385]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, const GLdouble *v)) _func)(target, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord2dvARB)(GLenum target, const GLdouble *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[385]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, const GLdouble *v)) _func)(target, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord2fARB)(GLenum target, GLfloat s, GLfloat t) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[386]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLfloat s, GLfloat t)) _func)(target, s, t); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord2f)(GLenum target, GLfloat s, GLfloat t) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[386]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLfloat s, GLfloat t)) _func)(target, s, t); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord2fvARB)(GLenum target, const GLfloat *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[387]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, const GLfloat *v)) _func)(target, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord2fv)(GLenum target, const GLfloat *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[387]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, const GLfloat *v)) _func)(target, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord2i)(GLenum target, GLint s, GLint t) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[388]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLint s, GLint t)) _func)(target, s, t); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord2iARB)(GLenum target, GLint s, GLint t) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[388]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLint s, GLint t)) _func)(target, s, t); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord2iv)(GLenum target, const GLint *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[389]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, const GLint *v)) _func)(target, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord2ivARB)(GLenum target, const GLint *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[389]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, const GLint *v)) _func)(target, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord2s)(GLenum target, GLshort s, GLshort t) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[390]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLshort s, GLshort t)) _func)(target, s, t); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord2sARB)(GLenum target, GLshort s, GLshort t) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[390]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLshort s, GLshort t)) _func)(target, s, t); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord2sv)(GLenum target, const GLshort *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[391]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, const GLshort *v)) _func)(target, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord2svARB)(GLenum target, const GLshort *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[391]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, const GLshort *v)) _func)(target, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord3d)(GLenum target, GLdouble s, GLdouble t, GLdouble r) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[392]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLdouble s, GLdouble t, GLdouble r)) _func)(target, s, t, r); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord3dARB)(GLenum target, GLdouble s, GLdouble t, GLdouble r) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[392]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLdouble s, GLdouble t, GLdouble r)) _func)(target, s, t, r); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord3dv)(GLenum target, const GLdouble *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[393]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, const GLdouble *v)) _func)(target, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord3dvARB)(GLenum target, const GLdouble *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[393]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, const GLdouble *v)) _func)(target, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord3fARB)(GLenum target, GLfloat s, GLfloat t, GLfloat r) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[394]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLfloat s, GLfloat t, GLfloat r)) _func)(target, s, t, r); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord3f)(GLenum target, GLfloat s, GLfloat t, GLfloat r) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[394]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLfloat s, GLfloat t, GLfloat r)) _func)(target, s, t, r); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord3fvARB)(GLenum target, const GLfloat *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[395]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, const GLfloat *v)) _func)(target, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord3fv)(GLenum target, const GLfloat *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[395]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, const GLfloat *v)) _func)(target, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord3i)(GLenum target, GLint s, GLint t, GLint r) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[396]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLint s, GLint t, GLint r)) _func)(target, s, t, r); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord3iARB)(GLenum target, GLint s, GLint t, GLint r) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[396]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLint s, GLint t, GLint r)) _func)(target, s, t, r); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord3iv)(GLenum target, const GLint *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[397]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, const GLint *v)) _func)(target, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord3ivARB)(GLenum target, const GLint *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[397]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, const GLint *v)) _func)(target, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord3s)(GLenum target, GLshort s, GLshort t, GLshort r) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[398]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLshort s, GLshort t, GLshort r)) _func)(target, s, t, r); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord3sARB)(GLenum target, GLshort s, GLshort t, GLshort r) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[398]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLshort s, GLshort t, GLshort r)) _func)(target, s, t, r); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord3sv)(GLenum target, const GLshort *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[399]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, const GLshort *v)) _func)(target, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord3svARB)(GLenum target, const GLshort *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[399]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, const GLshort *v)) _func)(target, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord4d)(GLenum target, GLdouble s, GLdouble t, GLdouble r, GLdouble q) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[400]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLdouble s, GLdouble t, GLdouble r, GLdouble q)) _func)(target, s, t, r, q); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord4dARB)(GLenum target, GLdouble s, GLdouble t, GLdouble r, GLdouble q) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[400]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLdouble s, GLdouble t, GLdouble r, GLdouble q)) _func)(target, s, t, r, q); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord4dv)(GLenum target, const GLdouble *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[401]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, const GLdouble *v)) _func)(target, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord4dvARB)(GLenum target, const GLdouble *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[401]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, const GLdouble *v)) _func)(target, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord4fARB)(GLenum target, GLfloat s, GLfloat t, GLfloat r, GLfloat q) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[402]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLfloat s, GLfloat t, GLfloat r, GLfloat q)) _func)(target, s, t, r, q); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord4f)(GLenum target, GLfloat s, GLfloat t, GLfloat r, GLfloat q) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[402]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLfloat s, GLfloat t, GLfloat r, GLfloat q)) _func)(target, s, t, r, q); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord4fvARB)(GLenum target, const GLfloat *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[403]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, const GLfloat *v)) _func)(target, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord4fv)(GLenum target, const GLfloat *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[403]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, const GLfloat *v)) _func)(target, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord4i)(GLenum target, GLint s, GLint t, GLint r, GLint q) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[404]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLint s, GLint t, GLint r, GLint q)) _func)(target, s, t, r, q); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord4iARB)(GLenum target, GLint s, GLint t, GLint r, GLint q) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[404]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLint s, GLint t, GLint r, GLint q)) _func)(target, s, t, r, q); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord4iv)(GLenum target, const GLint *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[405]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, const GLint *v)) _func)(target, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord4ivARB)(GLenum target, const GLint *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[405]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, const GLint *v)) _func)(target, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord4s)(GLenum target, GLshort s, GLshort t, GLshort r, GLshort q) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[406]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLshort s, GLshort t, GLshort r, GLshort q)) _func)(target, s, t, r, q); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord4sARB)(GLenum target, GLshort s, GLshort t, GLshort r, GLshort q) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[406]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLshort s, GLshort t, GLshort r, GLshort q)) _func)(target, s, t, r, q); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord4sv)(GLenum target, const GLshort *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[407]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, const GLshort *v)) _func)(target, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoord4svARB)(GLenum target, const GLshort *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[407]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, const GLshort *v)) _func)(target, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(CompressedTexImage1D)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLint border, GLsizei imageSize, const GLvoid *data) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[408]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLint border, GLsizei imageSize, const GLvoid *data)) _func)(target, level, internalformat, width, border, imageSize, data); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(CompressedTexImage1DARB)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLint border, GLsizei imageSize, const GLvoid *data) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[408]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLint border, GLsizei imageSize, const GLvoid *data)) _func)(target, level, internalformat, width, border, imageSize, data); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(CompressedTexImage2D)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLint border, GLsizei imageSize, const GLvoid *data) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[409]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLint border, GLsizei imageSize, const GLvoid *data)) _func)(target, level, internalformat, width, height, border, imageSize, data); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(CompressedTexImage2DARB)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLint border, GLsizei imageSize, const GLvoid *data) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[409]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLint border, GLsizei imageSize, const GLvoid *data)) _func)(target, level, internalformat, width, height, border, imageSize, data); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(CompressedTexImage3D)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth, GLint border, GLsizei imageSize, const GLvoid *data) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[410]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth, GLint border, GLsizei imageSize, const GLvoid *data)) _func)(target, level, internalformat, width, height, depth, border, imageSize, data); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(CompressedTexImage3DARB)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth, GLint border, GLsizei imageSize, const GLvoid *data) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[410]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth, GLint border, GLsizei imageSize, const GLvoid *data)) _func)(target, level, internalformat, width, height, depth, border, imageSize, data); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(CompressedTexSubImage1D)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLsizei width, GLenum format, GLsizei imageSize, const GLvoid *data) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[411]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLsizei width, GLenum format, GLsizei imageSize, const GLvoid *data)) _func)(target, level, xoffset, width, format, imageSize, data); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(CompressedTexSubImage1DARB)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLsizei width, GLenum format, GLsizei imageSize, const GLvoid *data) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[411]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLsizei width, GLenum format, GLsizei imageSize, const GLvoid *data)) _func)(target, level, xoffset, width, format, imageSize, data); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(CompressedTexSubImage2D)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLsizei imageSize, const GLvoid *data) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[412]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLsizei imageSize, const GLvoid *data)) _func)(target, level, xoffset, yoffset, width, height, format, imageSize, data); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(CompressedTexSubImage2DARB)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLsizei imageSize, const GLvoid *data) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[412]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLsizei imageSize, const GLvoid *data)) _func)(target, level, xoffset, yoffset, width, height, format, imageSize, data); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(CompressedTexSubImage3D)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLint zoffset, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth, GLenum format, GLsizei imageSize, const GLvoid *data) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[413]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLint zoffset, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth, GLenum format, GLsizei imageSize, const GLvoid *data)) _func)(target, level, xoffset, yoffset, zoffset, width, height, depth, format, imageSize, data); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(CompressedTexSubImage3DARB)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLint zoffset, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth, GLenum format, GLsizei imageSize, const GLvoid *data) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[413]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLint zoffset, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth, GLenum format, GLsizei imageSize, const GLvoid *data)) _func)(target, level, xoffset, yoffset, zoffset, width, height, depth, format, imageSize, data); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetCompressedTexImage)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLvoid *img) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[414]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLvoid *img)) _func)(target, level, img); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetCompressedTexImageARB)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLvoid *img) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[414]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLvoid *img)) _func)(target, level, img); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(LoadTransposeMatrixd)(const GLdouble *m) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[415]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLdouble *m)) _func)(m); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(LoadTransposeMatrixdARB)(const GLdouble *m) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[415]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLdouble *m)) _func)(m); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(LoadTransposeMatrixf)(const GLfloat *m) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[416]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLfloat *m)) _func)(m); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(LoadTransposeMatrixfARB)(const GLfloat *m) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[416]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLfloat *m)) _func)(m); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultTransposeMatrixd)(const GLdouble *m) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[417]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLdouble *m)) _func)(m); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultTransposeMatrixdARB)(const GLdouble *m) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[417]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLdouble *m)) _func)(m); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultTransposeMatrixf)(const GLfloat *m) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[418]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLfloat *m)) _func)(m); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultTransposeMatrixfARB)(const GLfloat *m) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[418]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLfloat *m)) _func)(m); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(SampleCoverage)(GLclampf value, GLboolean invert) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[419]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLclampf value, GLboolean invert)) _func)(value, invert); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(SampleCoverageARB)(GLclampf value, GLboolean invert) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[419]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLclampf value, GLboolean invert)) _func)(value, invert); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(BlendFuncSeparate)(GLenum sfactorRGB, GLenum dfactorRGB, GLenum sfactorAlpha, GLenum dfactorAlpha) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[420]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum sfactorRGB, GLenum dfactorRGB, GLenum sfactorAlpha, GLenum dfactorAlpha)) _func)(sfactorRGB, dfactorRGB, sfactorAlpha, dfactorAlpha); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(BlendFuncSeparateEXT)(GLenum sfactorRGB, GLenum dfactorRGB, GLenum sfactorAlpha, GLenum dfactorAlpha) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[420]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum sfactorRGB, GLenum dfactorRGB, GLenum sfactorAlpha, GLenum dfactorAlpha)) _func)(sfactorRGB, dfactorRGB, sfactorAlpha, dfactorAlpha); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(FogCoordPointer)(GLenum type, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid *pointer) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[421]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum type, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid *pointer)) _func)(type, stride, pointer); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(FogCoordPointerEXT)(GLenum type, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid *pointer) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[421]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum type, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid *pointer)) _func)(type, stride, pointer); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(FogCoordd)(GLdouble coord) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[422]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLdouble coord)) _func)(coord); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(FogCoorddEXT)(GLdouble coord) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[422]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLdouble coord)) _func)(coord); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(FogCoorddv)(const GLdouble *coord) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[423]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLdouble *coord)) _func)(coord); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(FogCoorddvEXT)(const GLdouble *coord) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[423]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLdouble *coord)) _func)(coord); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiDrawArrays)(GLenum mode, const GLint *first, const GLsizei *count, GLsizei primcount) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[424]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum mode, const GLint *first, const GLsizei *count, GLsizei primcount)) _func)(mode, first, count, primcount); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiDrawArraysEXT)(GLenum mode, const GLint *first, const GLsizei *count, GLsizei primcount) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[424]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum mode, const GLint *first, const GLsizei *count, GLsizei primcount)) _func)(mode, first, count, primcount); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(PointParameterf)(GLenum pname, GLfloat param) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[425]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum pname, GLfloat param)) _func)(pname, param); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(PointParameterfARB)(GLenum pname, GLfloat param) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[425]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum pname, GLfloat param)) _func)(pname, param); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(PointParameterfEXT)(GLenum pname, GLfloat param) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[425]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum pname, GLfloat param)) _func)(pname, param); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(PointParameterfv)(GLenum pname, const GLfloat *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[426]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum pname, const GLfloat *params)) _func)(pname, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(PointParameterfvARB)(GLenum pname, const GLfloat *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[426]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum pname, const GLfloat *params)) _func)(pname, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(PointParameterfvEXT)(GLenum pname, const GLfloat *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[426]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum pname, const GLfloat *params)) _func)(pname, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(PointParameteri)(GLenum pname, GLint param) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[427]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum pname, GLint param)) _func)(pname, param); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(PointParameteriNV)(GLenum pname, GLint param) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[427]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum pname, GLint param)) _func)(pname, param); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(PointParameteriv)(GLenum pname, const GLint *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[428]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum pname, const GLint *params)) _func)(pname, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(PointParameterivNV)(GLenum pname, const GLint *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[428]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum pname, const GLint *params)) _func)(pname, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3b)(GLbyte red, GLbyte green, GLbyte blue) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[429]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLbyte red, GLbyte green, GLbyte blue)) _func)(red, green, blue); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3bEXT)(GLbyte red, GLbyte green, GLbyte blue) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[429]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLbyte red, GLbyte green, GLbyte blue)) _func)(red, green, blue); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3bv)(const GLbyte *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[430]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLbyte *v)) _func)(v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3bvEXT)(const GLbyte *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[430]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLbyte *v)) _func)(v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3d)(GLdouble red, GLdouble green, GLdouble blue) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[431]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLdouble red, GLdouble green, GLdouble blue)) _func)(red, green, blue); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3dEXT)(GLdouble red, GLdouble green, GLdouble blue) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[431]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLdouble red, GLdouble green, GLdouble blue)) _func)(red, green, blue); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3dv)(const GLdouble *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[432]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLdouble *v)) _func)(v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3dvEXT)(const GLdouble *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[432]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLdouble *v)) _func)(v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3i)(GLint red, GLint green, GLint blue) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[433]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLint red, GLint green, GLint blue)) _func)(red, green, blue); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3iEXT)(GLint red, GLint green, GLint blue) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[433]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLint red, GLint green, GLint blue)) _func)(red, green, blue); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3iv)(const GLint *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[434]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLint *v)) _func)(v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3ivEXT)(const GLint *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[434]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLint *v)) _func)(v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3s)(GLshort red, GLshort green, GLshort blue) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[435]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLshort red, GLshort green, GLshort blue)) _func)(red, green, blue); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3sEXT)(GLshort red, GLshort green, GLshort blue) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[435]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLshort red, GLshort green, GLshort blue)) _func)(red, green, blue); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3sv)(const GLshort *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[436]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLshort *v)) _func)(v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3svEXT)(const GLshort *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[436]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLshort *v)) _func)(v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3ub)(GLubyte red, GLubyte green, GLubyte blue) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[437]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLubyte red, GLubyte green, GLubyte blue)) _func)(red, green, blue); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3ubEXT)(GLubyte red, GLubyte green, GLubyte blue) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[437]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLubyte red, GLubyte green, GLubyte blue)) _func)(red, green, blue); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3ubv)(const GLubyte *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[438]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLubyte *v)) _func)(v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3ubvEXT)(const GLubyte *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[438]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLubyte *v)) _func)(v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3ui)(GLuint red, GLuint green, GLuint blue) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[439]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint red, GLuint green, GLuint blue)) _func)(red, green, blue); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3uiEXT)(GLuint red, GLuint green, GLuint blue) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[439]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint red, GLuint green, GLuint blue)) _func)(red, green, blue); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3uiv)(const GLuint *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[440]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLuint *v)) _func)(v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3uivEXT)(const GLuint *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[440]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLuint *v)) _func)(v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3us)(GLushort red, GLushort green, GLushort blue) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[441]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLushort red, GLushort green, GLushort blue)) _func)(red, green, blue); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3usEXT)(GLushort red, GLushort green, GLushort blue) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[441]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLushort red, GLushort green, GLushort blue)) _func)(red, green, blue); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3usv)(const GLushort *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[442]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLushort *v)) _func)(v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3usvEXT)(const GLushort *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[442]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLushort *v)) _func)(v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(SecondaryColorPointer)(GLint size, GLenum type, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid *pointer) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[443]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLint size, GLenum type, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid *pointer)) _func)(size, type, stride, pointer); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(SecondaryColorPointerEXT)(GLint size, GLenum type, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid *pointer) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[443]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLint size, GLenum type, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid *pointer)) _func)(size, type, stride, pointer); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(WindowPos2d)(GLdouble x, GLdouble y) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[444]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLdouble x, GLdouble y)) _func)(x, y); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(WindowPos2dARB)(GLdouble x, GLdouble y) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[444]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLdouble x, GLdouble y)) _func)(x, y); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(WindowPos2dMESA)(GLdouble x, GLdouble y) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[444]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLdouble x, GLdouble y)) _func)(x, y); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(WindowPos2dv)(const GLdouble *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[445]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLdouble *v)) _func)(v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(WindowPos2dvARB)(const GLdouble *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[445]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLdouble *v)) _func)(v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(WindowPos2dvMESA)(const GLdouble *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[445]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLdouble *v)) _func)(v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(WindowPos2f)(GLfloat x, GLfloat y) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[446]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLfloat x, GLfloat y)) _func)(x, y); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(WindowPos2fARB)(GLfloat x, GLfloat y) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[446]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLfloat x, GLfloat y)) _func)(x, y); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(WindowPos2fMESA)(GLfloat x, GLfloat y) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[446]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLfloat x, GLfloat y)) _func)(x, y); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(WindowPos2fv)(const GLfloat *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[447]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLfloat *v)) _func)(v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(WindowPos2fvARB)(const GLfloat *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[447]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLfloat *v)) _func)(v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(WindowPos2fvMESA)(const GLfloat *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[447]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLfloat *v)) _func)(v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(WindowPos2i)(GLint x, GLint y) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[448]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLint x, GLint y)) _func)(x, y); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(WindowPos2iARB)(GLint x, GLint y) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[448]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLint x, GLint y)) _func)(x, y); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(WindowPos2iMESA)(GLint x, GLint y) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[448]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLint x, GLint y)) _func)(x, y); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(WindowPos2iv)(const GLint *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[449]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLint *v)) _func)(v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(WindowPos2ivARB)(const GLint *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[449]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLint *v)) _func)(v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(WindowPos2ivMESA)(const GLint *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[449]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLint *v)) _func)(v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(WindowPos2s)(GLshort x, GLshort y) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[450]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLshort x, GLshort y)) _func)(x, y); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(WindowPos2sARB)(GLshort x, GLshort y) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[450]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLshort x, GLshort y)) _func)(x, y); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(WindowPos2sMESA)(GLshort x, GLshort y) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[450]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLshort x, GLshort y)) _func)(x, y); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(WindowPos2sv)(const GLshort *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[451]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLshort *v)) _func)(v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(WindowPos2svARB)(const GLshort *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[451]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLshort *v)) _func)(v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(WindowPos2svMESA)(const GLshort *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[451]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLshort *v)) _func)(v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(WindowPos3d)(GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[452]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z)) _func)(x, y, z); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(WindowPos3dARB)(GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[452]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z)) _func)(x, y, z); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(WindowPos3dMESA)(GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[452]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z)) _func)(x, y, z); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(WindowPos3dv)(const GLdouble *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[453]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLdouble *v)) _func)(v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(WindowPos3dvARB)(const GLdouble *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[453]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLdouble *v)) _func)(v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(WindowPos3dvMESA)(const GLdouble *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[453]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLdouble *v)) _func)(v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(WindowPos3f)(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[454]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z)) _func)(x, y, z); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(WindowPos3fARB)(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[454]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z)) _func)(x, y, z); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(WindowPos3fMESA)(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[454]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z)) _func)(x, y, z); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(WindowPos3fv)(const GLfloat *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[455]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLfloat *v)) _func)(v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(WindowPos3fvARB)(const GLfloat *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[455]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLfloat *v)) _func)(v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(WindowPos3fvMESA)(const GLfloat *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[455]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLfloat *v)) _func)(v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(WindowPos3i)(GLint x, GLint y, GLint z) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[456]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLint x, GLint y, GLint z)) _func)(x, y, z); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(WindowPos3iARB)(GLint x, GLint y, GLint z) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[456]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLint x, GLint y, GLint z)) _func)(x, y, z); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(WindowPos3iMESA)(GLint x, GLint y, GLint z) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[456]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLint x, GLint y, GLint z)) _func)(x, y, z); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(WindowPos3iv)(const GLint *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[457]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLint *v)) _func)(v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(WindowPos3ivARB)(const GLint *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[457]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLint *v)) _func)(v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(WindowPos3ivMESA)(const GLint *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[457]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLint *v)) _func)(v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(WindowPos3s)(GLshort x, GLshort y, GLshort z) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[458]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLshort x, GLshort y, GLshort z)) _func)(x, y, z); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(WindowPos3sARB)(GLshort x, GLshort y, GLshort z) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[458]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLshort x, GLshort y, GLshort z)) _func)(x, y, z); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(WindowPos3sMESA)(GLshort x, GLshort y, GLshort z) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[458]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLshort x, GLshort y, GLshort z)) _func)(x, y, z); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(WindowPos3sv)(const GLshort *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[459]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLshort *v)) _func)(v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(WindowPos3svARB)(const GLshort *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[459]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLshort *v)) _func)(v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(WindowPos3svMESA)(const GLshort *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[459]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLshort *v)) _func)(v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(BeginQuery)(GLenum target, GLuint id) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[460]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLuint id)) _func)(target, id); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(BeginQueryARB)(GLenum target, GLuint id) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[460]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLuint id)) _func)(target, id); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(BindBuffer)(GLenum target, GLuint buffer) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[461]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLuint buffer)) _func)(target, buffer); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(BindBufferARB)(GLenum target, GLuint buffer) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[461]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLuint buffer)) _func)(target, buffer); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(BufferData)(GLenum target, GLsizeiptr size, const GLvoid *data, GLenum usage) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[462]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLsizeiptr size, const GLvoid *data, GLenum usage)) _func)(target, size, data, usage); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(BufferDataARB)(GLenum target, GLsizeiptrARB size, const GLvoid *data, GLenum usage) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[462]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLsizeiptrARB size, const GLvoid *data, GLenum usage)) _func)(target, size, data, usage); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(BufferSubData)(GLenum target, GLintptr offset, GLsizeiptr size, const GLvoid *data) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[463]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLintptr offset, GLsizeiptr size, const GLvoid *data)) _func)(target, offset, size, data); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(BufferSubDataARB)(GLenum target, GLintptrARB offset, GLsizeiptrARB size, const GLvoid *data) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[463]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLintptrARB offset, GLsizeiptrARB size, const GLvoid *data)) _func)(target, offset, size, data); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(DeleteBuffers)(GLsizei n, const GLuint *buffer) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[464]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLsizei n, const GLuint *buffer)) _func)(n, buffer); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(DeleteBuffersARB)(GLsizei n, const GLuint *buffer) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[464]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLsizei n, const GLuint *buffer)) _func)(n, buffer); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(DeleteQueries)(GLsizei n, const GLuint *ids) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[465]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLsizei n, const GLuint *ids)) _func)(n, ids); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(DeleteQueriesARB)(GLsizei n, const GLuint *ids) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[465]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLsizei n, const GLuint *ids)) _func)(n, ids); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(EndQuery)(GLenum target) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[466]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target)) _func)(target); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(EndQueryARB)(GLenum target) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[466]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target)) _func)(target); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GenBuffers)(GLsizei n, GLuint *buffer) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[467]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLsizei n, GLuint *buffer)) _func)(n, buffer); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GenBuffersARB)(GLsizei n, GLuint *buffer) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[467]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLsizei n, GLuint *buffer)) _func)(n, buffer); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GenQueries)(GLsizei n, GLuint *ids) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[468]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLsizei n, GLuint *ids)) _func)(n, ids); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GenQueriesARB)(GLsizei n, GLuint *ids) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[468]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLsizei n, GLuint *ids)) _func)(n, ids); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetBufferParameteriv)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[469]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint *params)) _func)(target, pname, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetBufferParameterivARB)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[469]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint *params)) _func)(target, pname, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetBufferPointerv)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLvoid **params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[470]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLvoid **params)) _func)(target, pname, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetBufferPointervARB)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLvoid **params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[470]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLvoid **params)) _func)(target, pname, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetBufferSubData)(GLenum target, GLintptr offset, GLsizeiptr size, GLvoid *data) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[471]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLintptr offset, GLsizeiptr size, GLvoid *data)) _func)(target, offset, size, data); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetBufferSubDataARB)(GLenum target, GLintptrARB offset, GLsizeiptrARB size, GLvoid *data) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[471]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLintptrARB offset, GLsizeiptrARB size, GLvoid *data)) _func)(target, offset, size, data); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetQueryObjectiv)(GLuint id, GLenum pname, GLint *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[472]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint id, GLenum pname, GLint *params)) _func)(id, pname, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetQueryObjectivARB)(GLuint id, GLenum pname, GLint *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[472]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint id, GLenum pname, GLint *params)) _func)(id, pname, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetQueryObjectuiv)(GLuint id, GLenum pname, GLuint *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[473]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint id, GLenum pname, GLuint *params)) _func)(id, pname, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetQueryObjectuivARB)(GLuint id, GLenum pname, GLuint *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[473]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint id, GLenum pname, GLuint *params)) _func)(id, pname, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetQueryiv)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[474]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint *params)) _func)(target, pname, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetQueryivARB)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[474]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint *params)) _func)(target, pname, params); +} + +GLAPI GLboolean APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(IsBuffer)(GLuint buffer) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[475]; + return ((GLboolean (APIENTRY *)(GLuint buffer)) _func)(buffer); +} + +GLAPI GLboolean APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(IsBufferARB)(GLuint buffer) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[475]; + return ((GLboolean (APIENTRY *)(GLuint buffer)) _func)(buffer); +} + +GLAPI GLboolean APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(IsQuery)(GLuint id) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[476]; + return ((GLboolean (APIENTRY *)(GLuint id)) _func)(id); +} + +GLAPI GLboolean APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(IsQueryARB)(GLuint id) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[476]; + return ((GLboolean (APIENTRY *)(GLuint id)) _func)(id); +} + +GLAPI GLvoid * APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MapBuffer)(GLenum target, GLenum access) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[477]; + return ((GLvoid * (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLenum access)) _func)(target, access); +} + +GLAPI GLvoid * APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MapBufferARB)(GLenum target, GLenum access) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[477]; + return ((GLvoid * (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLenum access)) _func)(target, access); +} + +GLAPI GLboolean APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(UnmapBuffer)(GLenum target) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[478]; + return ((GLboolean (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target)) _func)(target); +} + +GLAPI GLboolean APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(UnmapBufferARB)(GLenum target) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[478]; + return ((GLboolean (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target)) _func)(target); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(AttachShader)(GLuint program, GLuint shader) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[479]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint program, GLuint shader)) _func)(program, shader); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(BindAttribLocation)(GLuint program, GLuint index, const GLchar *name) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[480]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint program, GLuint index, const GLchar *name)) _func)(program, index, name); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(BindAttribLocationARB)(GLhandleARB program, GLuint index, const GLcharARB *name) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[480]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLhandleARB program, GLuint index, const GLcharARB *name)) _func)(program, index, name); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(BlendEquationSeparate)(GLenum modeRGB, GLenum modeA) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[481]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum modeRGB, GLenum modeA)) _func)(modeRGB, modeA); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(CompileShader)(GLuint shader) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[482]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint shader)) _func)(shader); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(CompileShaderARB)(GLhandleARB shader) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[482]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLhandleARB shader)) _func)(shader); +} + +GLAPI GLuint APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(CreateProgram)(void) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[483]; + return ((GLuint (APIENTRY *)(void)) _func)(); +} + +GLAPI GLuint APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(CreateShader)(GLenum type) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[484]; + return ((GLuint (APIENTRY *)(GLenum type)) _func)(type); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(DeleteProgram)(GLuint program) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[485]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint program)) _func)(program); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(DeleteShader)(GLuint program) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[486]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint program)) _func)(program); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(DetachShader)(GLuint program, GLuint shader) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[487]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint program, GLuint shader)) _func)(program, shader); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(DisableVertexAttribArray)(GLuint index) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[488]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index)) _func)(index); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(DisableVertexAttribArrayARB)(GLuint index) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[488]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index)) _func)(index); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(DrawBuffers)(GLsizei n, const GLenum *bufs) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[489]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLsizei n, const GLenum *bufs)) _func)(n, bufs); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(DrawBuffersARB)(GLsizei n, const GLenum *bufs) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[489]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLsizei n, const GLenum *bufs)) _func)(n, bufs); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(DrawBuffersATI)(GLsizei n, const GLenum *bufs) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[489]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLsizei n, const GLenum *bufs)) _func)(n, bufs); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(EnableVertexAttribArray)(GLuint index) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[490]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index)) _func)(index); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(EnableVertexAttribArrayARB)(GLuint index) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[490]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index)) _func)(index); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetActiveAttrib)(GLuint program, GLuint index, GLsizei bufSize, GLsizei *length, GLint *size, GLenum *type, GLchar *name) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[491]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint program, GLuint index, GLsizei bufSize, GLsizei *length, GLint *size, GLenum *type, GLchar *name)) _func)(program, index, bufSize, length, size, type, name); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetActiveAttribARB)(GLhandleARB program, GLuint index, GLsizei bufSize, GLsizei *length, GLint *size, GLenum *type, GLcharARB *name) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[491]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLhandleARB program, GLuint index, GLsizei bufSize, GLsizei *length, GLint *size, GLenum *type, GLcharARB *name)) _func)(program, index, bufSize, length, size, type, name); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetActiveUniform)(GLuint program, GLuint index, GLsizei bufSize, GLsizei *length, GLint *size, GLenum *type, GLchar *name) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[492]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint program, GLuint index, GLsizei bufSize, GLsizei *length, GLint *size, GLenum *type, GLchar *name)) _func)(program, index, bufSize, length, size, type, name); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetActiveUniformARB)(GLhandleARB program, GLuint index, GLsizei bufSize, GLsizei *length, GLint *size, GLenum *type, GLcharARB *name) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[492]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLhandleARB program, GLuint index, GLsizei bufSize, GLsizei *length, GLint *size, GLenum *type, GLcharARB *name)) _func)(program, index, bufSize, length, size, type, name); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetAttachedShaders)(GLuint program, GLsizei maxCount, GLsizei *count, GLuint *obj) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[493]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint program, GLsizei maxCount, GLsizei *count, GLuint *obj)) _func)(program, maxCount, count, obj); +} + +GLAPI GLint APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetAttribLocation)(GLuint program, const GLchar *name) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[494]; + return ((GLint (APIENTRY *)(GLuint program, const GLchar *name)) _func)(program, name); +} + +GLAPI GLint APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetAttribLocationARB)(GLhandleARB program, const GLcharARB *name) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[494]; + return ((GLint (APIENTRY *)(GLhandleARB program, const GLcharARB *name)) _func)(program, name); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetProgramInfoLog)(GLuint program, GLsizei bufSize, GLsizei *length, GLchar *infoLog) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[495]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint program, GLsizei bufSize, GLsizei *length, GLchar *infoLog)) _func)(program, bufSize, length, infoLog); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetProgramiv)(GLuint program, GLenum pname, GLint *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[496]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint program, GLenum pname, GLint *params)) _func)(program, pname, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetShaderInfoLog)(GLuint shader, GLsizei bufSize, GLsizei *length, GLchar *infoLog) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[497]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint shader, GLsizei bufSize, GLsizei *length, GLchar *infoLog)) _func)(shader, bufSize, length, infoLog); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetShaderSource)(GLuint shader, GLsizei bufSize, GLsizei *length, GLchar *source) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[498]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint shader, GLsizei bufSize, GLsizei *length, GLchar *source)) _func)(shader, bufSize, length, source); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetShaderSourceARB)(GLhandleARB shader, GLsizei bufSize, GLsizei *length, GLcharARB *source) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[498]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLhandleARB shader, GLsizei bufSize, GLsizei *length, GLcharARB *source)) _func)(shader, bufSize, length, source); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetShaderiv)(GLuint shader, GLenum pname, GLint *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[499]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint shader, GLenum pname, GLint *params)) _func)(shader, pname, params); +} + +GLAPI GLint APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetUniformLocation)(GLuint program, const GLchar *name) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[500]; + return ((GLint (APIENTRY *)(GLuint program, const GLchar *name)) _func)(program, name); +} + +GLAPI GLint APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetUniformLocationARB)(GLhandleARB program, const GLcharARB *name) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[500]; + return ((GLint (APIENTRY *)(GLhandleARB program, const GLcharARB *name)) _func)(program, name); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetUniformfv)(GLuint program, GLint location, GLfloat *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[501]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint program, GLint location, GLfloat *params)) _func)(program, location, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetUniformfvARB)(GLhandleARB program, GLint location, GLfloat *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[501]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLhandleARB program, GLint location, GLfloat *params)) _func)(program, location, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetUniformiv)(GLuint program, GLint location, GLint *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[502]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint program, GLint location, GLint *params)) _func)(program, location, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetUniformivARB)(GLhandleARB program, GLint location, GLint *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[502]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLhandleARB program, GLint location, GLint *params)) _func)(program, location, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetVertexAttribPointerv)(GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLvoid **pointer) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[503]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLvoid **pointer)) _func)(index, pname, pointer); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetVertexAttribPointervARB)(GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLvoid **pointer) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[503]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLvoid **pointer)) _func)(index, pname, pointer); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetVertexAttribPointervNV)(GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLvoid **pointer) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[503]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLvoid **pointer)) _func)(index, pname, pointer); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetVertexAttribdv)(GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLdouble *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[504]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLdouble *params)) _func)(index, pname, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetVertexAttribdvARB)(GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLdouble *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[504]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLdouble *params)) _func)(index, pname, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetVertexAttribfv)(GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLfloat *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[505]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLfloat *params)) _func)(index, pname, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetVertexAttribfvARB)(GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLfloat *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[505]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLfloat *params)) _func)(index, pname, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetVertexAttribiv)(GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLint *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[506]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLint *params)) _func)(index, pname, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetVertexAttribivARB)(GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLint *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[506]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLint *params)) _func)(index, pname, params); +} + +GLAPI GLboolean APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(IsProgram)(GLuint program) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[507]; + return ((GLboolean (APIENTRY *)(GLuint program)) _func)(program); +} + +GLAPI GLboolean APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(IsShader)(GLuint shader) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[508]; + return ((GLboolean (APIENTRY *)(GLuint shader)) _func)(shader); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(LinkProgram)(GLuint program) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[509]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint program)) _func)(program); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(LinkProgramARB)(GLhandleARB program) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[509]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLhandleARB program)) _func)(program); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ShaderSource)(GLuint shader, GLsizei count, const GLchar * const *string, const GLint *length) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[510]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint shader, GLsizei count, const GLchar * const *string, const GLint *length)) _func)(shader, count, string, length); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ShaderSourceARB)(GLhandleARB shader, GLsizei count, const GLcharARB **string, const GLint *length) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[510]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLhandleARB shader, GLsizei count, const GLcharARB **string, const GLint *length)) _func)(shader, count, string, length); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(StencilFuncSeparate)(GLenum face, GLenum func, GLint ref, GLuint mask) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[511]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum face, GLenum func, GLint ref, GLuint mask)) _func)(face, func, ref, mask); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(StencilMaskSeparate)(GLenum face, GLuint mask) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[512]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum face, GLuint mask)) _func)(face, mask); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(StencilOpSeparate)(GLenum face, GLenum sfail, GLenum zfail, GLenum zpass) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[513]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum face, GLenum sfail, GLenum zfail, GLenum zpass)) _func)(face, sfail, zfail, zpass); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Uniform1f)(GLint location, GLfloat v0) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[514]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLint location, GLfloat v0)) _func)(location, v0); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Uniform1fARB)(GLint location, GLfloat v0) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[514]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLint location, GLfloat v0)) _func)(location, v0); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Uniform1fv)(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLfloat *value) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[515]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLfloat *value)) _func)(location, count, value); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Uniform1fvARB)(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLfloat *value) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[515]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLfloat *value)) _func)(location, count, value); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Uniform1i)(GLint location, GLint v0) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[516]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLint location, GLint v0)) _func)(location, v0); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Uniform1iARB)(GLint location, GLint v0) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[516]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLint location, GLint v0)) _func)(location, v0); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Uniform1iv)(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLint *value) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[517]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLint *value)) _func)(location, count, value); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Uniform1ivARB)(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLint *value) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[517]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLint *value)) _func)(location, count, value); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Uniform2f)(GLint location, GLfloat v0, GLfloat v1) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[518]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLint location, GLfloat v0, GLfloat v1)) _func)(location, v0, v1); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Uniform2fARB)(GLint location, GLfloat v0, GLfloat v1) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[518]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLint location, GLfloat v0, GLfloat v1)) _func)(location, v0, v1); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Uniform2fv)(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLfloat *value) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[519]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLfloat *value)) _func)(location, count, value); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Uniform2fvARB)(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLfloat *value) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[519]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLfloat *value)) _func)(location, count, value); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Uniform2i)(GLint location, GLint v0, GLint v1) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[520]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLint location, GLint v0, GLint v1)) _func)(location, v0, v1); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Uniform2iARB)(GLint location, GLint v0, GLint v1) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[520]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLint location, GLint v0, GLint v1)) _func)(location, v0, v1); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Uniform2iv)(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLint *value) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[521]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLint *value)) _func)(location, count, value); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Uniform2ivARB)(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLint *value) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[521]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLint *value)) _func)(location, count, value); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Uniform3f)(GLint location, GLfloat v0, GLfloat v1, GLfloat v2) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[522]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLint location, GLfloat v0, GLfloat v1, GLfloat v2)) _func)(location, v0, v1, v2); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Uniform3fARB)(GLint location, GLfloat v0, GLfloat v1, GLfloat v2) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[522]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLint location, GLfloat v0, GLfloat v1, GLfloat v2)) _func)(location, v0, v1, v2); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Uniform3fv)(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLfloat *value) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[523]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLfloat *value)) _func)(location, count, value); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Uniform3fvARB)(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLfloat *value) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[523]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLfloat *value)) _func)(location, count, value); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Uniform3i)(GLint location, GLint v0, GLint v1, GLint v2) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[524]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLint location, GLint v0, GLint v1, GLint v2)) _func)(location, v0, v1, v2); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Uniform3iARB)(GLint location, GLint v0, GLint v1, GLint v2) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[524]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLint location, GLint v0, GLint v1, GLint v2)) _func)(location, v0, v1, v2); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Uniform3iv)(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLint *value) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[525]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLint *value)) _func)(location, count, value); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Uniform3ivARB)(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLint *value) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[525]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLint *value)) _func)(location, count, value); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Uniform4f)(GLint location, GLfloat v0, GLfloat v1, GLfloat v2, GLfloat v3) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[526]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLint location, GLfloat v0, GLfloat v1, GLfloat v2, GLfloat v3)) _func)(location, v0, v1, v2, v3); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Uniform4fARB)(GLint location, GLfloat v0, GLfloat v1, GLfloat v2, GLfloat v3) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[526]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLint location, GLfloat v0, GLfloat v1, GLfloat v2, GLfloat v3)) _func)(location, v0, v1, v2, v3); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Uniform4fv)(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLfloat *value) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[527]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLfloat *value)) _func)(location, count, value); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Uniform4fvARB)(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLfloat *value) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[527]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLfloat *value)) _func)(location, count, value); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Uniform4i)(GLint location, GLint v0, GLint v1, GLint v2, GLint v3) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[528]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLint location, GLint v0, GLint v1, GLint v2, GLint v3)) _func)(location, v0, v1, v2, v3); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Uniform4iARB)(GLint location, GLint v0, GLint v1, GLint v2, GLint v3) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[528]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLint location, GLint v0, GLint v1, GLint v2, GLint v3)) _func)(location, v0, v1, v2, v3); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Uniform4iv)(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLint *value) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[529]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLint *value)) _func)(location, count, value); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Uniform4ivARB)(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLint *value) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[529]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLint *value)) _func)(location, count, value); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(UniformMatrix2fv)(GLint location, GLsizei count, GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat *value) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[530]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLint location, GLsizei count, GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat *value)) _func)(location, count, transpose, value); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(UniformMatrix2fvARB)(GLint location, GLsizei count, GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat *value) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[530]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLint location, GLsizei count, GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat *value)) _func)(location, count, transpose, value); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(UniformMatrix3fv)(GLint location, GLsizei count, GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat *value) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[531]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLint location, GLsizei count, GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat *value)) _func)(location, count, transpose, value); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(UniformMatrix3fvARB)(GLint location, GLsizei count, GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat *value) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[531]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLint location, GLsizei count, GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat *value)) _func)(location, count, transpose, value); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(UniformMatrix4fv)(GLint location, GLsizei count, GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat *value) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[532]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLint location, GLsizei count, GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat *value)) _func)(location, count, transpose, value); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(UniformMatrix4fvARB)(GLint location, GLsizei count, GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat *value) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[532]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLint location, GLsizei count, GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat *value)) _func)(location, count, transpose, value); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(UseProgram)(GLuint program) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[533]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint program)) _func)(program); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(UseProgramObjectARB)(GLhandleARB program) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[533]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLhandleARB program)) _func)(program); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ValidateProgram)(GLuint program) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[534]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint program)) _func)(program); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ValidateProgramARB)(GLhandleARB program) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[534]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLhandleARB program)) _func)(program); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib1d)(GLuint index, GLdouble x) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[535]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, GLdouble x)) _func)(index, x); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib1dARB)(GLuint index, GLdouble x) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[535]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, GLdouble x)) _func)(index, x); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib1dv)(GLuint index, const GLdouble *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[536]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, const GLdouble *v)) _func)(index, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib1dvARB)(GLuint index, const GLdouble *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[536]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, const GLdouble *v)) _func)(index, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib1s)(GLuint index, GLshort x) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[537]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, GLshort x)) _func)(index, x); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib1sARB)(GLuint index, GLshort x) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[537]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, GLshort x)) _func)(index, x); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib1sv)(GLuint index, const GLshort *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[538]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, const GLshort *v)) _func)(index, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib1svARB)(GLuint index, const GLshort *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[538]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, const GLshort *v)) _func)(index, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib2d)(GLuint index, GLdouble x, GLdouble y) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[539]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, GLdouble x, GLdouble y)) _func)(index, x, y); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib2dARB)(GLuint index, GLdouble x, GLdouble y) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[539]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, GLdouble x, GLdouble y)) _func)(index, x, y); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib2dv)(GLuint index, const GLdouble *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[540]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, const GLdouble *v)) _func)(index, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib2dvARB)(GLuint index, const GLdouble *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[540]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, const GLdouble *v)) _func)(index, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib2s)(GLuint index, GLshort x, GLshort y) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[541]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, GLshort x, GLshort y)) _func)(index, x, y); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib2sARB)(GLuint index, GLshort x, GLshort y) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[541]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, GLshort x, GLshort y)) _func)(index, x, y); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib2sv)(GLuint index, const GLshort *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[542]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, const GLshort *v)) _func)(index, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib2svARB)(GLuint index, const GLshort *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[542]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, const GLshort *v)) _func)(index, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib3d)(GLuint index, GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[543]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z)) _func)(index, x, y, z); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib3dARB)(GLuint index, GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[543]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z)) _func)(index, x, y, z); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib3dv)(GLuint index, const GLdouble *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[544]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, const GLdouble *v)) _func)(index, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib3dvARB)(GLuint index, const GLdouble *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[544]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, const GLdouble *v)) _func)(index, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib3s)(GLuint index, GLshort x, GLshort y, GLshort z) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[545]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, GLshort x, GLshort y, GLshort z)) _func)(index, x, y, z); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib3sARB)(GLuint index, GLshort x, GLshort y, GLshort z) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[545]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, GLshort x, GLshort y, GLshort z)) _func)(index, x, y, z); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib3sv)(GLuint index, const GLshort *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[546]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, const GLshort *v)) _func)(index, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib3svARB)(GLuint index, const GLshort *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[546]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, const GLshort *v)) _func)(index, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4Nbv)(GLuint index, const GLbyte *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[547]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, const GLbyte *v)) _func)(index, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4NbvARB)(GLuint index, const GLbyte *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[547]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, const GLbyte *v)) _func)(index, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4Niv)(GLuint index, const GLint *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[548]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, const GLint *v)) _func)(index, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4NivARB)(GLuint index, const GLint *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[548]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, const GLint *v)) _func)(index, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4Nsv)(GLuint index, const GLshort *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[549]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, const GLshort *v)) _func)(index, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4NsvARB)(GLuint index, const GLshort *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[549]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, const GLshort *v)) _func)(index, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4Nub)(GLuint index, GLubyte x, GLubyte y, GLubyte z, GLubyte w) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[550]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, GLubyte x, GLubyte y, GLubyte z, GLubyte w)) _func)(index, x, y, z, w); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4NubARB)(GLuint index, GLubyte x, GLubyte y, GLubyte z, GLubyte w) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[550]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, GLubyte x, GLubyte y, GLubyte z, GLubyte w)) _func)(index, x, y, z, w); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4Nubv)(GLuint index, const GLubyte *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[551]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, const GLubyte *v)) _func)(index, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4NubvARB)(GLuint index, const GLubyte *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[551]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, const GLubyte *v)) _func)(index, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4Nuiv)(GLuint index, const GLuint *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[552]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, const GLuint *v)) _func)(index, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4NuivARB)(GLuint index, const GLuint *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[552]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, const GLuint *v)) _func)(index, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4Nusv)(GLuint index, const GLushort *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[553]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, const GLushort *v)) _func)(index, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4NusvARB)(GLuint index, const GLushort *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[553]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, const GLushort *v)) _func)(index, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4bv)(GLuint index, const GLbyte *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[554]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, const GLbyte *v)) _func)(index, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4bvARB)(GLuint index, const GLbyte *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[554]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, const GLbyte *v)) _func)(index, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4d)(GLuint index, GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z, GLdouble w) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[555]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z, GLdouble w)) _func)(index, x, y, z, w); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4dARB)(GLuint index, GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z, GLdouble w) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[555]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z, GLdouble w)) _func)(index, x, y, z, w); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4dv)(GLuint index, const GLdouble *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[556]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, const GLdouble *v)) _func)(index, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4dvARB)(GLuint index, const GLdouble *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[556]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, const GLdouble *v)) _func)(index, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4iv)(GLuint index, const GLint *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[557]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, const GLint *v)) _func)(index, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4ivARB)(GLuint index, const GLint *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[557]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, const GLint *v)) _func)(index, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4s)(GLuint index, GLshort x, GLshort y, GLshort z, GLshort w) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[558]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, GLshort x, GLshort y, GLshort z, GLshort w)) _func)(index, x, y, z, w); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4sARB)(GLuint index, GLshort x, GLshort y, GLshort z, GLshort w) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[558]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, GLshort x, GLshort y, GLshort z, GLshort w)) _func)(index, x, y, z, w); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4sv)(GLuint index, const GLshort *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[559]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, const GLshort *v)) _func)(index, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4svARB)(GLuint index, const GLshort *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[559]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, const GLshort *v)) _func)(index, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4ubv)(GLuint index, const GLubyte *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[560]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, const GLubyte *v)) _func)(index, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4ubvARB)(GLuint index, const GLubyte *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[560]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, const GLubyte *v)) _func)(index, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4uiv)(GLuint index, const GLuint *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[561]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, const GLuint *v)) _func)(index, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4uivARB)(GLuint index, const GLuint *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[561]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, const GLuint *v)) _func)(index, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4usv)(GLuint index, const GLushort *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[562]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, const GLushort *v)) _func)(index, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4usvARB)(GLuint index, const GLushort *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[562]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, const GLushort *v)) _func)(index, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribPointer)(GLuint index, GLint size, GLenum type, GLboolean normalized, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid *pointer) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[563]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, GLint size, GLenum type, GLboolean normalized, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid *pointer)) _func)(index, size, type, normalized, stride, pointer); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribPointerARB)(GLuint index, GLint size, GLenum type, GLboolean normalized, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid *pointer) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[563]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, GLint size, GLenum type, GLboolean normalized, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid *pointer)) _func)(index, size, type, normalized, stride, pointer); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(UniformMatrix2x3fv)(GLint location, GLsizei count, GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat *value) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[564]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLint location, GLsizei count, GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat *value)) _func)(location, count, transpose, value); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(UniformMatrix2x4fv)(GLint location, GLsizei count, GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat *value) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[565]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLint location, GLsizei count, GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat *value)) _func)(location, count, transpose, value); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(UniformMatrix3x2fv)(GLint location, GLsizei count, GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat *value) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[566]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLint location, GLsizei count, GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat *value)) _func)(location, count, transpose, value); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(UniformMatrix3x4fv)(GLint location, GLsizei count, GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat *value) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[567]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLint location, GLsizei count, GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat *value)) _func)(location, count, transpose, value); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(UniformMatrix4x2fv)(GLint location, GLsizei count, GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat *value) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[568]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLint location, GLsizei count, GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat *value)) _func)(location, count, transpose, value); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(UniformMatrix4x3fv)(GLint location, GLsizei count, GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat *value) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[569]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLint location, GLsizei count, GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat *value)) _func)(location, count, transpose, value); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(BeginConditionalRender)(GLuint query, GLenum mode) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[570]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint query, GLenum mode)) _func)(query, mode); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(BeginConditionalRenderNV)(GLuint query, GLenum mode) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[570]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint query, GLenum mode)) _func)(query, mode); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(BeginTransformFeedback)(GLenum mode) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[571]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum mode)) _func)(mode); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(BeginTransformFeedbackEXT)(GLenum mode) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[571]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum mode)) _func)(mode); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(BindBufferBase)(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLuint buffer) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[572]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLuint buffer)) _func)(target, index, buffer); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(BindBufferBaseEXT)(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLuint buffer) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[572]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLuint buffer)) _func)(target, index, buffer); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(BindBufferRange)(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLuint buffer, GLintptr offset, GLsizeiptr size) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[573]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLuint buffer, GLintptr offset, GLsizeiptr size)) _func)(target, index, buffer, offset, size); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(BindBufferRangeEXT)(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLuint buffer, GLintptr offset, GLsizeiptr size) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[573]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLuint buffer, GLintptr offset, GLsizeiptr size)) _func)(target, index, buffer, offset, size); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(BindFragDataLocation)(GLuint program, GLuint colorNumber, const GLchar *name) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[574]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint program, GLuint colorNumber, const GLchar *name)) _func)(program, colorNumber, name); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(BindFragDataLocationEXT)(GLuint program, GLuint colorNumber, const GLchar *name) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[574]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint program, GLuint colorNumber, const GLchar *name)) _func)(program, colorNumber, name); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ClampColor)(GLenum target, GLenum clamp) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[575]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLenum clamp)) _func)(target, clamp); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ClampColorARB)(GLenum target, GLenum clamp) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[575]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLenum clamp)) _func)(target, clamp); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ClearBufferfi)(GLenum buffer, GLint drawbuffer, GLfloat depth, GLint stencil) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[576]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum buffer, GLint drawbuffer, GLfloat depth, GLint stencil)) _func)(buffer, drawbuffer, depth, stencil); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ClearBufferfv)(GLenum buffer, GLint drawbuffer, const GLfloat *value) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[577]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum buffer, GLint drawbuffer, const GLfloat *value)) _func)(buffer, drawbuffer, value); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ClearBufferiv)(GLenum buffer, GLint drawbuffer, const GLint *value) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[578]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum buffer, GLint drawbuffer, const GLint *value)) _func)(buffer, drawbuffer, value); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ClearBufferuiv)(GLenum buffer, GLint drawbuffer, const GLuint *value) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[579]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum buffer, GLint drawbuffer, const GLuint *value)) _func)(buffer, drawbuffer, value); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ColorMaski)(GLuint buf, GLboolean r, GLboolean g, GLboolean b, GLboolean a) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[580]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint buf, GLboolean r, GLboolean g, GLboolean b, GLboolean a)) _func)(buf, r, g, b, a); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ColorMaskIndexedEXT)(GLuint buf, GLboolean r, GLboolean g, GLboolean b, GLboolean a) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[580]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint buf, GLboolean r, GLboolean g, GLboolean b, GLboolean a)) _func)(buf, r, g, b, a); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Disablei)(GLenum target, GLuint index) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[581]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLuint index)) _func)(target, index); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(DisableIndexedEXT)(GLenum target, GLuint index) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[581]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLuint index)) _func)(target, index); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Enablei)(GLenum target, GLuint index) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[582]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLuint index)) _func)(target, index); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(EnableIndexedEXT)(GLenum target, GLuint index) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[582]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLuint index)) _func)(target, index); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(EndConditionalRender)(void) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[583]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(void)) _func)(); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(EndConditionalRenderNV)(void) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[583]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(void)) _func)(); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(EndTransformFeedback)(void) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[584]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(void)) _func)(); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(EndTransformFeedbackEXT)(void) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[584]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(void)) _func)(); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetBooleani_v)(GLenum value, GLuint index, GLboolean *data) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[585]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum value, GLuint index, GLboolean *data)) _func)(value, index, data); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetBooleanIndexedvEXT)(GLenum value, GLuint index, GLboolean *data) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[585]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum value, GLuint index, GLboolean *data)) _func)(value, index, data); +} + +GLAPI GLint APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetFragDataLocation)(GLuint program, const GLchar *name) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[586]; + return ((GLint (APIENTRY *)(GLuint program, const GLchar *name)) _func)(program, name); +} + +GLAPI GLint APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetFragDataLocationEXT)(GLuint program, const GLchar *name) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[586]; + return ((GLint (APIENTRY *)(GLuint program, const GLchar *name)) _func)(program, name); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetIntegeri_v)(GLenum value, GLuint index, GLint *data) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[587]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum value, GLuint index, GLint *data)) _func)(value, index, data); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetIntegerIndexedvEXT)(GLenum value, GLuint index, GLint *data) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[587]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum value, GLuint index, GLint *data)) _func)(value, index, data); +} + +GLAPI const GLubyte * APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetStringi)(GLenum name, GLuint index) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[588]; + return ((const GLubyte * (APIENTRY *)(GLenum name, GLuint index)) _func)(name, index); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetTexParameterIiv)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[589]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint *params)) _func)(target, pname, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetTexParameterIivEXT)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[589]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint *params)) _func)(target, pname, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetTexParameterIuiv)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLuint *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[590]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLuint *params)) _func)(target, pname, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetTexParameterIuivEXT)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLuint *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[590]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLuint *params)) _func)(target, pname, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetTransformFeedbackVarying)(GLuint program, GLuint index, GLsizei bufSize, GLsizei *length, GLsizei *size, GLenum *type, GLchar *name) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[591]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint program, GLuint index, GLsizei bufSize, GLsizei *length, GLsizei *size, GLenum *type, GLchar *name)) _func)(program, index, bufSize, length, size, type, name); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetTransformFeedbackVaryingEXT)(GLuint program, GLuint index, GLsizei bufSize, GLsizei *length, GLsizei *size, GLenum *type, GLchar *name) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[591]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint program, GLuint index, GLsizei bufSize, GLsizei *length, GLsizei *size, GLenum *type, GLchar *name)) _func)(program, index, bufSize, length, size, type, name); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetUniformuiv)(GLuint program, GLint location, GLuint *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[592]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint program, GLint location, GLuint *params)) _func)(program, location, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetUniformuivEXT)(GLuint program, GLint location, GLuint *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[592]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint program, GLint location, GLuint *params)) _func)(program, location, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetVertexAttribIiv)(GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLint *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[593]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLint *params)) _func)(index, pname, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetVertexAttribIivEXT)(GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLint *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[593]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLint *params)) _func)(index, pname, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetVertexAttribIuiv)(GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLuint *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[594]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLuint *params)) _func)(index, pname, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetVertexAttribIuivEXT)(GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLuint *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[594]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLuint *params)) _func)(index, pname, params); +} + +GLAPI GLboolean APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(IsEnabledi)(GLenum target, GLuint index) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[595]; + return ((GLboolean (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLuint index)) _func)(target, index); +} + +GLAPI GLboolean APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(IsEnabledIndexedEXT)(GLenum target, GLuint index) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[595]; + return ((GLboolean (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLuint index)) _func)(target, index); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexParameterIiv)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLint *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[596]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLint *params)) _func)(target, pname, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexParameterIivEXT)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLint *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[596]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLint *params)) _func)(target, pname, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexParameterIuiv)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLuint *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[597]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLuint *params)) _func)(target, pname, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexParameterIuivEXT)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLuint *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[597]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLuint *params)) _func)(target, pname, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TransformFeedbackVaryings)(GLuint program, GLsizei count, const GLchar * const *varyings, GLenum bufferMode) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[598]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint program, GLsizei count, const GLchar * const *varyings, GLenum bufferMode)) _func)(program, count, varyings, bufferMode); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TransformFeedbackVaryingsEXT)(GLuint program, GLsizei count, const char **varyings, GLenum bufferMode) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[598]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint program, GLsizei count, const char **varyings, GLenum bufferMode)) _func)(program, count, varyings, bufferMode); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Uniform1ui)(GLint location, GLuint x) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[599]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLint location, GLuint x)) _func)(location, x); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Uniform1uiEXT)(GLint location, GLuint x) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[599]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLint location, GLuint x)) _func)(location, x); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Uniform1uiv)(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLuint *value) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[600]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLuint *value)) _func)(location, count, value); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Uniform1uivEXT)(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLuint *value) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[600]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLuint *value)) _func)(location, count, value); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Uniform2ui)(GLint location, GLuint x, GLuint y) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[601]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLint location, GLuint x, GLuint y)) _func)(location, x, y); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Uniform2uiEXT)(GLint location, GLuint x, GLuint y) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[601]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLint location, GLuint x, GLuint y)) _func)(location, x, y); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Uniform2uiv)(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLuint *value) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[602]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLuint *value)) _func)(location, count, value); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Uniform2uivEXT)(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLuint *value) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[602]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLuint *value)) _func)(location, count, value); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Uniform3ui)(GLint location, GLuint x, GLuint y, GLuint z) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[603]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLint location, GLuint x, GLuint y, GLuint z)) _func)(location, x, y, z); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Uniform3uiEXT)(GLint location, GLuint x, GLuint y, GLuint z) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[603]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLint location, GLuint x, GLuint y, GLuint z)) _func)(location, x, y, z); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Uniform3uiv)(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLuint *value) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[604]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLuint *value)) _func)(location, count, value); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Uniform3uivEXT)(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLuint *value) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[604]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLuint *value)) _func)(location, count, value); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Uniform4ui)(GLint location, GLuint x, GLuint y, GLuint z, GLuint w) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[605]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLint location, GLuint x, GLuint y, GLuint z, GLuint w)) _func)(location, x, y, z, w); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Uniform4uiEXT)(GLint location, GLuint x, GLuint y, GLuint z, GLuint w) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[605]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLint location, GLuint x, GLuint y, GLuint z, GLuint w)) _func)(location, x, y, z, w); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Uniform4uiv)(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLuint *value) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[606]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLuint *value)) _func)(location, count, value); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(Uniform4uivEXT)(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLuint *value) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[606]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLuint *value)) _func)(location, count, value); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribI1iv)(GLuint index, const GLint *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[607]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, const GLint *v)) _func)(index, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribI1ivEXT)(GLuint index, const GLint *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[607]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, const GLint *v)) _func)(index, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribI1uiv)(GLuint index, const GLuint *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[608]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, const GLuint *v)) _func)(index, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribI1uivEXT)(GLuint index, const GLuint *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[608]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, const GLuint *v)) _func)(index, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribI4bv)(GLuint index, const GLbyte *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[609]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, const GLbyte *v)) _func)(index, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribI4bvEXT)(GLuint index, const GLbyte *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[609]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, const GLbyte *v)) _func)(index, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribI4sv)(GLuint index, const GLshort *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[610]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, const GLshort *v)) _func)(index, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribI4svEXT)(GLuint index, const GLshort *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[610]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, const GLshort *v)) _func)(index, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribI4ubv)(GLuint index, const GLubyte *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[611]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, const GLubyte *v)) _func)(index, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribI4ubvEXT)(GLuint index, const GLubyte *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[611]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, const GLubyte *v)) _func)(index, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribI4usv)(GLuint index, const GLushort *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[612]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, const GLushort *v)) _func)(index, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribI4usvEXT)(GLuint index, const GLushort *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[612]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, const GLushort *v)) _func)(index, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribIPointer)(GLuint index, GLint size, GLenum type, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid *pointer) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[613]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, GLint size, GLenum type, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid *pointer)) _func)(index, size, type, stride, pointer); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribIPointerEXT)(GLuint index, GLint size, GLenum type, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid *pointer) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[613]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, GLint size, GLenum type, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid *pointer)) _func)(index, size, type, stride, pointer); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(PrimitiveRestartIndex)(GLuint index) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[614]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index)) _func)(index); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(PrimitiveRestartIndexNV)(GLuint index) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[614]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index)) _func)(index); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexBuffer)(GLenum target, GLenum internalFormat, GLuint buffer) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[615]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLenum internalFormat, GLuint buffer)) _func)(target, internalFormat, buffer); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexBufferARB)(GLenum target, GLenum internalFormat, GLuint buffer) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[615]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLenum internalFormat, GLuint buffer)) _func)(target, internalFormat, buffer); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(FramebufferTexture)(GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLuint texture, GLint level) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[616]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLuint texture, GLint level)) _func)(target, attachment, texture, level); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(FramebufferTextureARB)(GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLuint texture, GLint level) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[616]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLuint texture, GLint level)) _func)(target, attachment, texture, level); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetBufferParameteri64v)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint64 *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[617]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint64 *params)) _func)(target, pname, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetInteger64i_v)(GLenum cap, GLuint index, GLint64 *data) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[618]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum cap, GLuint index, GLint64 *data)) _func)(cap, index, data); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribDivisor)(GLuint index, GLuint divisor) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[619]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, GLuint divisor)) _func)(index, divisor); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribDivisorARB)(GLuint index, GLuint divisor) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[619]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, GLuint divisor)) _func)(index, divisor); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(BindProgramARB)(GLenum target, GLuint program) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[620]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLuint program)) _func)(target, program); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(BindProgramNV)(GLenum target, GLuint program) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[620]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLuint program)) _func)(target, program); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(DeleteProgramsARB)(GLsizei n, const GLuint *programs) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[621]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLsizei n, const GLuint *programs)) _func)(n, programs); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(DeleteProgramsNV)(GLsizei n, const GLuint *programs) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[621]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLsizei n, const GLuint *programs)) _func)(n, programs); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GenProgramsARB)(GLsizei n, GLuint *programs) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[622]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLsizei n, GLuint *programs)) _func)(n, programs); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GenProgramsNV)(GLsizei n, GLuint *programs) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[622]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLsizei n, GLuint *programs)) _func)(n, programs); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetProgramEnvParameterdvARB)(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLdouble *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[623]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLdouble *params)) _func)(target, index, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetProgramEnvParameterfvARB)(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLfloat *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[624]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLfloat *params)) _func)(target, index, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetProgramLocalParameterdvARB)(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLdouble *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[625]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLdouble *params)) _func)(target, index, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetProgramLocalParameterfvARB)(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLfloat *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[626]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLfloat *params)) _func)(target, index, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetProgramStringARB)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLvoid *string) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[627]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLvoid *string)) _func)(target, pname, string); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetProgramivARB)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[628]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint *params)) _func)(target, pname, params); +} + +GLAPI GLboolean APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(IsProgramARB)(GLuint program) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[629]; + return ((GLboolean (APIENTRY *)(GLuint program)) _func)(program); +} + +GLAPI GLboolean APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(IsProgramNV)(GLuint program) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[629]; + return ((GLboolean (APIENTRY *)(GLuint program)) _func)(program); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ProgramEnvParameter4dARB)(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z, GLdouble w) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[630]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z, GLdouble w)) _func)(target, index, x, y, z, w); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ProgramParameter4dNV)(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z, GLdouble w) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[630]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z, GLdouble w)) _func)(target, index, x, y, z, w); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ProgramEnvParameter4dvARB)(GLenum target, GLuint index, const GLdouble *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[631]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLuint index, const GLdouble *params)) _func)(target, index, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ProgramParameter4dvNV)(GLenum target, GLuint index, const GLdouble *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[631]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLuint index, const GLdouble *params)) _func)(target, index, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ProgramEnvParameter4fARB)(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z, GLfloat w) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[632]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z, GLfloat w)) _func)(target, index, x, y, z, w); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ProgramParameter4fNV)(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z, GLfloat w) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[632]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z, GLfloat w)) _func)(target, index, x, y, z, w); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ProgramEnvParameter4fvARB)(GLenum target, GLuint index, const GLfloat *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[633]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLuint index, const GLfloat *params)) _func)(target, index, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ProgramParameter4fvNV)(GLenum target, GLuint index, const GLfloat *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[633]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLuint index, const GLfloat *params)) _func)(target, index, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ProgramLocalParameter4dARB)(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z, GLdouble w) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[634]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z, GLdouble w)) _func)(target, index, x, y, z, w); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ProgramLocalParameter4dvARB)(GLenum target, GLuint index, const GLdouble *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[635]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLuint index, const GLdouble *params)) _func)(target, index, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ProgramLocalParameter4fARB)(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z, GLfloat w) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[636]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z, GLfloat w)) _func)(target, index, x, y, z, w); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ProgramLocalParameter4fvARB)(GLenum target, GLuint index, const GLfloat *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[637]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLuint index, const GLfloat *params)) _func)(target, index, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ProgramStringARB)(GLenum target, GLenum format, GLsizei len, const GLvoid *string) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[638]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLenum format, GLsizei len, const GLvoid *string)) _func)(target, format, len, string); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib1fARB)(GLuint index, GLfloat x) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[639]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, GLfloat x)) _func)(index, x); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib1f)(GLuint index, GLfloat x) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[639]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, GLfloat x)) _func)(index, x); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib1fvARB)(GLuint index, const GLfloat *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[640]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, const GLfloat *v)) _func)(index, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib1fv)(GLuint index, const GLfloat *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[640]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, const GLfloat *v)) _func)(index, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib2fARB)(GLuint index, GLfloat x, GLfloat y) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[641]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, GLfloat x, GLfloat y)) _func)(index, x, y); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib2f)(GLuint index, GLfloat x, GLfloat y) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[641]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, GLfloat x, GLfloat y)) _func)(index, x, y); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib2fvARB)(GLuint index, const GLfloat *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[642]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, const GLfloat *v)) _func)(index, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib2fv)(GLuint index, const GLfloat *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[642]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, const GLfloat *v)) _func)(index, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib3fARB)(GLuint index, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[643]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z)) _func)(index, x, y, z); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib3f)(GLuint index, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[643]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z)) _func)(index, x, y, z); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib3fvARB)(GLuint index, const GLfloat *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[644]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, const GLfloat *v)) _func)(index, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib3fv)(GLuint index, const GLfloat *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[644]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, const GLfloat *v)) _func)(index, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4fARB)(GLuint index, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z, GLfloat w) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[645]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z, GLfloat w)) _func)(index, x, y, z, w); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4f)(GLuint index, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z, GLfloat w) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[645]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z, GLfloat w)) _func)(index, x, y, z, w); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4fvARB)(GLuint index, const GLfloat *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[646]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, const GLfloat *v)) _func)(index, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4fv)(GLuint index, const GLfloat *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[646]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, const GLfloat *v)) _func)(index, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(AttachObjectARB)(GLhandleARB containerObj, GLhandleARB obj) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[647]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLhandleARB containerObj, GLhandleARB obj)) _func)(containerObj, obj); +} + +GLAPI GLhandleARB APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(CreateProgramObjectARB)(void) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[648]; + return ((GLhandleARB (APIENTRY *)(void)) _func)(); +} + +GLAPI GLhandleARB APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(CreateShaderObjectARB)(GLenum shaderType) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[649]; + return ((GLhandleARB (APIENTRY *)(GLenum shaderType)) _func)(shaderType); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(DeleteObjectARB)(GLhandleARB obj) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[650]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLhandleARB obj)) _func)(obj); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(DetachObjectARB)(GLhandleARB containerObj, GLhandleARB attachedObj) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[651]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLhandleARB containerObj, GLhandleARB attachedObj)) _func)(containerObj, attachedObj); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetAttachedObjectsARB)(GLhandleARB containerObj, GLsizei maxLength, GLsizei *length, GLhandleARB *infoLog) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[652]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLhandleARB containerObj, GLsizei maxLength, GLsizei *length, GLhandleARB *infoLog)) _func)(containerObj, maxLength, length, infoLog); +} + +GLAPI GLhandleARB APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetHandleARB)(GLenum pname) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[653]; + return ((GLhandleARB (APIENTRY *)(GLenum pname)) _func)(pname); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetInfoLogARB)(GLhandleARB obj, GLsizei maxLength, GLsizei *length, GLcharARB *infoLog) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[654]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLhandleARB obj, GLsizei maxLength, GLsizei *length, GLcharARB *infoLog)) _func)(obj, maxLength, length, infoLog); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetObjectParameterfvARB)(GLhandleARB obj, GLenum pname, GLfloat *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[655]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLhandleARB obj, GLenum pname, GLfloat *params)) _func)(obj, pname, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetObjectParameterivARB)(GLhandleARB obj, GLenum pname, GLint *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[656]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLhandleARB obj, GLenum pname, GLint *params)) _func)(obj, pname, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(DrawArraysInstancedARB)(GLenum mode, GLint first, GLsizei count, GLsizei primcount) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[657]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum mode, GLint first, GLsizei count, GLsizei primcount)) _func)(mode, first, count, primcount); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(DrawArraysInstanced)(GLenum mode, GLint first, GLsizei count, GLsizei primcount) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[657]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum mode, GLint first, GLsizei count, GLsizei primcount)) _func)(mode, first, count, primcount); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(DrawArraysInstancedEXT)(GLenum mode, GLint first, GLsizei count, GLsizei primcount) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[657]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum mode, GLint first, GLsizei count, GLsizei primcount)) _func)(mode, first, count, primcount); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(DrawElementsInstancedARB)(GLenum mode, GLsizei count, GLenum type, const GLvoid *indices, GLsizei primcount) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[658]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum mode, GLsizei count, GLenum type, const GLvoid *indices, GLsizei primcount)) _func)(mode, count, type, indices, primcount); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(DrawElementsInstanced)(GLenum mode, GLsizei count, GLenum type, const GLvoid *indices, GLsizei primcount) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[658]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum mode, GLsizei count, GLenum type, const GLvoid *indices, GLsizei primcount)) _func)(mode, count, type, indices, primcount); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(DrawElementsInstancedEXT)(GLenum mode, GLsizei count, GLenum type, const GLvoid *indices, GLsizei primcount) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[658]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum mode, GLsizei count, GLenum type, const GLvoid *indices, GLsizei primcount)) _func)(mode, count, type, indices, primcount); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(BindFramebuffer)(GLenum target, GLuint framebuffer) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[659]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLuint framebuffer)) _func)(target, framebuffer); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(BindFramebufferEXT)(GLenum target, GLuint framebuffer) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[659]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLuint framebuffer)) _func)(target, framebuffer); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(BindRenderbuffer)(GLenum target, GLuint renderbuffer) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[660]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLuint renderbuffer)) _func)(target, renderbuffer); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(BindRenderbufferEXT)(GLenum target, GLuint renderbuffer) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[660]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLuint renderbuffer)) _func)(target, renderbuffer); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(BlitFramebuffer)(GLint srcX0, GLint srcY0, GLint srcX1, GLint srcY1, GLint dstX0, GLint dstY0, GLint dstX1, GLint dstY1, GLbitfield mask, GLenum filter) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[661]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLint srcX0, GLint srcY0, GLint srcX1, GLint srcY1, GLint dstX0, GLint dstY0, GLint dstX1, GLint dstY1, GLbitfield mask, GLenum filter)) _func)(srcX0, srcY0, srcX1, srcY1, dstX0, dstY0, dstX1, dstY1, mask, filter); +} + +GLAPI GLenum APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(CheckFramebufferStatus)(GLenum target) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[662]; + return ((GLenum (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target)) _func)(target); +} + +GLAPI GLenum APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(CheckFramebufferStatusEXT)(GLenum target) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[662]; + return ((GLenum (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target)) _func)(target); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(DeleteFramebuffers)(GLsizei n, const GLuint *framebuffers) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[663]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLsizei n, const GLuint *framebuffers)) _func)(n, framebuffers); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(DeleteFramebuffersEXT)(GLsizei n, const GLuint *framebuffers) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[663]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLsizei n, const GLuint *framebuffers)) _func)(n, framebuffers); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(DeleteRenderbuffers)(GLsizei n, const GLuint *renderbuffers) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[664]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLsizei n, const GLuint *renderbuffers)) _func)(n, renderbuffers); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(DeleteRenderbuffersEXT)(GLsizei n, const GLuint *renderbuffers) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[664]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLsizei n, const GLuint *renderbuffers)) _func)(n, renderbuffers); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(FramebufferRenderbuffer)(GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLenum renderbuffertarget, GLuint renderbuffer) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[665]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLenum renderbuffertarget, GLuint renderbuffer)) _func)(target, attachment, renderbuffertarget, renderbuffer); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(FramebufferRenderbufferEXT)(GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLenum renderbuffertarget, GLuint renderbuffer) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[665]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLenum renderbuffertarget, GLuint renderbuffer)) _func)(target, attachment, renderbuffertarget, renderbuffer); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(FramebufferTexture1D)(GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLenum textarget, GLuint texture, GLint level) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[666]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLenum textarget, GLuint texture, GLint level)) _func)(target, attachment, textarget, texture, level); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(FramebufferTexture1DEXT)(GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLenum textarget, GLuint texture, GLint level) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[666]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLenum textarget, GLuint texture, GLint level)) _func)(target, attachment, textarget, texture, level); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(FramebufferTexture2D)(GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLenum textarget, GLuint texture, GLint level) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[667]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLenum textarget, GLuint texture, GLint level)) _func)(target, attachment, textarget, texture, level); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(FramebufferTexture2DEXT)(GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLenum textarget, GLuint texture, GLint level) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[667]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLenum textarget, GLuint texture, GLint level)) _func)(target, attachment, textarget, texture, level); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(FramebufferTexture3D)(GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLenum textarget, GLuint texture, GLint level, GLint zoffset) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[668]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLenum textarget, GLuint texture, GLint level, GLint zoffset)) _func)(target, attachment, textarget, texture, level, zoffset); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(FramebufferTexture3DEXT)(GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLenum textarget, GLuint texture, GLint level, GLint zoffset) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[668]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLenum textarget, GLuint texture, GLint level, GLint zoffset)) _func)(target, attachment, textarget, texture, level, zoffset); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(FramebufferTextureLayer)(GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLuint texture, GLint level, GLint layer) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[669]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLuint texture, GLint level, GLint layer)) _func)(target, attachment, texture, level, layer); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(FramebufferTextureLayerARB)(GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLuint texture, GLint level, GLint layer) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[669]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLuint texture, GLint level, GLint layer)) _func)(target, attachment, texture, level, layer); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(FramebufferTextureLayerEXT)(GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLuint texture, GLint level, GLint layer) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[669]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLuint texture, GLint level, GLint layer)) _func)(target, attachment, texture, level, layer); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GenFramebuffers)(GLsizei n, GLuint *framebuffers) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[670]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLsizei n, GLuint *framebuffers)) _func)(n, framebuffers); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GenFramebuffersEXT)(GLsizei n, GLuint *framebuffers) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[670]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLsizei n, GLuint *framebuffers)) _func)(n, framebuffers); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GenRenderbuffers)(GLsizei n, GLuint *renderbuffers) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[671]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLsizei n, GLuint *renderbuffers)) _func)(n, renderbuffers); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GenRenderbuffersEXT)(GLsizei n, GLuint *renderbuffers) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[671]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLsizei n, GLuint *renderbuffers)) _func)(n, renderbuffers); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GenerateMipmap)(GLenum target) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[672]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target)) _func)(target); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GenerateMipmapEXT)(GLenum target) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[672]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target)) _func)(target); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv)(GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLenum pname, GLint *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[673]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLenum pname, GLint *params)) _func)(target, attachment, pname, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivEXT)(GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLenum pname, GLint *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[673]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLenum pname, GLint *params)) _func)(target, attachment, pname, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetRenderbufferParameteriv)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[674]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint *params)) _func)(target, pname, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetRenderbufferParameterivEXT)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[674]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint *params)) _func)(target, pname, params); +} + +GLAPI GLboolean APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(IsFramebuffer)(GLuint framebuffer) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[675]; + return ((GLboolean (APIENTRY *)(GLuint framebuffer)) _func)(framebuffer); +} + +GLAPI GLboolean APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(IsFramebufferEXT)(GLuint framebuffer) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[675]; + return ((GLboolean (APIENTRY *)(GLuint framebuffer)) _func)(framebuffer); +} + +GLAPI GLboolean APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(IsRenderbuffer)(GLuint renderbuffer) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[676]; + return ((GLboolean (APIENTRY *)(GLuint renderbuffer)) _func)(renderbuffer); +} + +GLAPI GLboolean APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(IsRenderbufferEXT)(GLuint renderbuffer) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[676]; + return ((GLboolean (APIENTRY *)(GLuint renderbuffer)) _func)(renderbuffer); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(RenderbufferStorage)(GLenum target, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[677]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height)) _func)(target, internalformat, width, height); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(RenderbufferStorageEXT)(GLenum target, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[677]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height)) _func)(target, internalformat, width, height); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(RenderbufferStorageMultisample)(GLenum target, GLsizei samples, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[678]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLsizei samples, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height)) _func)(target, samples, internalformat, width, height); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(RenderbufferStorageMultisampleEXT)(GLenum target, GLsizei samples, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[678]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLsizei samples, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height)) _func)(target, samples, internalformat, width, height); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(FramebufferTextureFaceARB)(GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLuint texture, GLint level, GLenum face) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[679]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLuint texture, GLint level, GLenum face)) _func)(target, attachment, texture, level, face); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(FlushMappedBufferRange)(GLenum target, GLintptr offset, GLsizeiptr length) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[680]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLintptr offset, GLsizeiptr length)) _func)(target, offset, length); +} + +GLAPI GLvoid * APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MapBufferRange)(GLenum target, GLintptr offset, GLsizeiptr length, GLbitfield access) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[681]; + return ((GLvoid * (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLintptr offset, GLsizeiptr length, GLbitfield access)) _func)(target, offset, length, access); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(BindVertexArray)(GLuint array) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[682]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint array)) _func)(array); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(DeleteVertexArrays)(GLsizei n, const GLuint *arrays) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[683]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLsizei n, const GLuint *arrays)) _func)(n, arrays); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GenVertexArrays)(GLsizei n, GLuint *arrays) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[684]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLsizei n, GLuint *arrays)) _func)(n, arrays); +} + +GLAPI GLboolean APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(IsVertexArray)(GLuint array) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[685]; + return ((GLboolean (APIENTRY *)(GLuint array)) _func)(array); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetActiveUniformBlockName)(GLuint program, GLuint uniformBlockIndex, GLsizei bufSize, GLsizei *length, GLchar *uniformBlockName) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[686]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint program, GLuint uniformBlockIndex, GLsizei bufSize, GLsizei *length, GLchar *uniformBlockName)) _func)(program, uniformBlockIndex, bufSize, length, uniformBlockName); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetActiveUniformBlockiv)(GLuint program, GLuint uniformBlockIndex, GLenum pname, GLint *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[687]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint program, GLuint uniformBlockIndex, GLenum pname, GLint *params)) _func)(program, uniformBlockIndex, pname, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetActiveUniformName)(GLuint program, GLuint uniformIndex, GLsizei bufSize, GLsizei *length, GLchar *uniformName) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[688]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint program, GLuint uniformIndex, GLsizei bufSize, GLsizei *length, GLchar *uniformName)) _func)(program, uniformIndex, bufSize, length, uniformName); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetActiveUniformsiv)(GLuint program, GLsizei uniformCount, const GLuint *uniformIndices, GLenum pname, GLint *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[689]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint program, GLsizei uniformCount, const GLuint *uniformIndices, GLenum pname, GLint *params)) _func)(program, uniformCount, uniformIndices, pname, params); +} + +GLAPI GLuint APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetUniformBlockIndex)(GLuint program, const GLchar *uniformBlockName) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[690]; + return ((GLuint (APIENTRY *)(GLuint program, const GLchar *uniformBlockName)) _func)(program, uniformBlockName); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetUniformIndices)(GLuint program, GLsizei uniformCount, const GLchar * const *uniformNames, GLuint *uniformIndices) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[691]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint program, GLsizei uniformCount, const GLchar * const *uniformNames, GLuint *uniformIndices)) _func)(program, uniformCount, uniformNames, uniformIndices); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(UniformBlockBinding)(GLuint program, GLuint uniformBlockIndex, GLuint uniformBlockBinding) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[692]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint program, GLuint uniformBlockIndex, GLuint uniformBlockBinding)) _func)(program, uniformBlockIndex, uniformBlockBinding); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(CopyBufferSubData)(GLenum readTarget, GLenum writeTarget, GLintptr readOffset, GLintptr writeOffset, GLsizeiptr size) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[693]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum readTarget, GLenum writeTarget, GLintptr readOffset, GLintptr writeOffset, GLsizeiptr size)) _func)(readTarget, writeTarget, readOffset, writeOffset, size); +} + +GLAPI GLenum APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ClientWaitSync)(GLsync sync, GLbitfield flags, GLuint64 timeout) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[694]; + return ((GLenum (APIENTRY *)(GLsync sync, GLbitfield flags, GLuint64 timeout)) _func)(sync, flags, timeout); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(DeleteSync)(GLsync sync) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[695]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLsync sync)) _func)(sync); +} + +GLAPI GLsync APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(FenceSync)(GLenum condition, GLbitfield flags) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[696]; + return ((GLsync (APIENTRY *)(GLenum condition, GLbitfield flags)) _func)(condition, flags); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetInteger64v)(GLenum pname, GLint64 *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[697]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum pname, GLint64 *params)) _func)(pname, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetSynciv)(GLsync sync, GLenum pname, GLsizei bufSize, GLsizei *length, GLint *values) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[698]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLsync sync, GLenum pname, GLsizei bufSize, GLsizei *length, GLint *values)) _func)(sync, pname, bufSize, length, values); +} + +GLAPI GLboolean APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(IsSync)(GLsync sync) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[699]; + return ((GLboolean (APIENTRY *)(GLsync sync)) _func)(sync); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(WaitSync)(GLsync sync, GLbitfield flags, GLuint64 timeout) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[700]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLsync sync, GLbitfield flags, GLuint64 timeout)) _func)(sync, flags, timeout); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(DrawElementsBaseVertex)(GLenum mode, GLsizei count, GLenum type, const GLvoid *indices, GLint basevertex) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[701]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum mode, GLsizei count, GLenum type, const GLvoid *indices, GLint basevertex)) _func)(mode, count, type, indices, basevertex); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex)(GLenum mode, GLsizei count, GLenum type, const GLvoid *indices, GLsizei primcount, GLint basevertex) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[702]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum mode, GLsizei count, GLenum type, const GLvoid *indices, GLsizei primcount, GLint basevertex)) _func)(mode, count, type, indices, primcount, basevertex); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(DrawRangeElementsBaseVertex)(GLenum mode, GLuint start, GLuint end, GLsizei count, GLenum type, const GLvoid *indices, GLint basevertex) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[703]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum mode, GLuint start, GLuint end, GLsizei count, GLenum type, const GLvoid *indices, GLint basevertex)) _func)(mode, start, end, count, type, indices, basevertex); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiDrawElementsBaseVertex)(GLenum mode, const GLsizei *count, GLenum type, const GLvoid * const *indices, GLsizei primcount, const GLint *basevertex) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[704]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum mode, const GLsizei *count, GLenum type, const GLvoid * const *indices, GLsizei primcount, const GLint *basevertex)) _func)(mode, count, type, indices, primcount, basevertex); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ProvokingVertex)(GLenum mode) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[705]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum mode)) _func)(mode); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ProvokingVertexEXT)(GLenum mode) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[705]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum mode)) _func)(mode); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(BlendEquationSeparateiARB)(GLuint buf, GLenum modeRGB, GLenum modeA) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[706]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint buf, GLenum modeRGB, GLenum modeA)) _func)(buf, modeRGB, modeA); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(BlendEquationSeparateIndexedAMD)(GLuint buf, GLenum modeRGB, GLenum modeA) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[706]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint buf, GLenum modeRGB, GLenum modeA)) _func)(buf, modeRGB, modeA); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(BlendEquationiARB)(GLuint buf, GLenum mode) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[707]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint buf, GLenum mode)) _func)(buf, mode); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(BlendEquationIndexedAMD)(GLuint buf, GLenum mode) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[707]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint buf, GLenum mode)) _func)(buf, mode); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(BlendFuncSeparateiARB)(GLuint buf, GLenum srcRGB, GLenum dstRGB, GLenum srcA, GLenum dstA) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[708]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint buf, GLenum srcRGB, GLenum dstRGB, GLenum srcA, GLenum dstA)) _func)(buf, srcRGB, dstRGB, srcA, dstA); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(BlendFuncSeparateIndexedAMD)(GLuint buf, GLenum srcRGB, GLenum dstRGB, GLenum srcA, GLenum dstA) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[708]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint buf, GLenum srcRGB, GLenum dstRGB, GLenum srcA, GLenum dstA)) _func)(buf, srcRGB, dstRGB, srcA, dstA); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(BlendFunciARB)(GLuint buf, GLenum src, GLenum dst) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[709]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint buf, GLenum src, GLenum dst)) _func)(buf, src, dst); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(BlendFuncIndexedAMD)(GLuint buf, GLenum src, GLenum dst) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[709]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint buf, GLenum src, GLenum dst)) _func)(buf, src, dst); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(BindFragDataLocationIndexed)(GLuint program, GLuint colorNumber, GLuint index, const GLchar *name) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[710]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint program, GLuint colorNumber, GLuint index, const GLchar *name)) _func)(program, colorNumber, index, name); +} + +GLAPI GLint APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetFragDataIndex)(GLuint program, const GLchar *name) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[711]; + return ((GLint (APIENTRY *)(GLuint program, const GLchar *name)) _func)(program, name); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(BindSampler)(GLuint unit, GLuint sampler) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[712]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint unit, GLuint sampler)) _func)(unit, sampler); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(DeleteSamplers)(GLsizei count, const GLuint *samplers) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[713]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLsizei count, const GLuint *samplers)) _func)(count, samplers); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GenSamplers)(GLsizei count, GLuint *samplers) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[714]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLsizei count, GLuint *samplers)) _func)(count, samplers); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetSamplerParameterIiv)(GLuint sampler, GLenum pname, GLint *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[715]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint sampler, GLenum pname, GLint *params)) _func)(sampler, pname, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetSamplerParameterIuiv)(GLuint sampler, GLenum pname, GLuint *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[716]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint sampler, GLenum pname, GLuint *params)) _func)(sampler, pname, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetSamplerParameterfv)(GLuint sampler, GLenum pname, GLfloat *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[717]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint sampler, GLenum pname, GLfloat *params)) _func)(sampler, pname, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetSamplerParameteriv)(GLuint sampler, GLenum pname, GLint *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[718]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint sampler, GLenum pname, GLint *params)) _func)(sampler, pname, params); +} + +GLAPI GLboolean APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(IsSampler)(GLuint sampler) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[719]; + return ((GLboolean (APIENTRY *)(GLuint sampler)) _func)(sampler); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(SamplerParameterIiv)(GLuint sampler, GLenum pname, const GLint *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[720]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint sampler, GLenum pname, const GLint *params)) _func)(sampler, pname, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(SamplerParameterIuiv)(GLuint sampler, GLenum pname, const GLuint *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[721]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint sampler, GLenum pname, const GLuint *params)) _func)(sampler, pname, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(SamplerParameterf)(GLuint sampler, GLenum pname, GLfloat param) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[722]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint sampler, GLenum pname, GLfloat param)) _func)(sampler, pname, param); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(SamplerParameterfv)(GLuint sampler, GLenum pname, const GLfloat *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[723]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint sampler, GLenum pname, const GLfloat *params)) _func)(sampler, pname, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(SamplerParameteri)(GLuint sampler, GLenum pname, GLint param) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[724]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint sampler, GLenum pname, GLint param)) _func)(sampler, pname, param); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(SamplerParameteriv)(GLuint sampler, GLenum pname, const GLint *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[725]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint sampler, GLenum pname, const GLint *params)) _func)(sampler, pname, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ColorP3ui)(GLenum type, GLuint color) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[729]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum type, GLuint color)) _func)(type, color); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ColorP3uiv)(GLenum type, const GLuint *color) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[730]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum type, const GLuint *color)) _func)(type, color); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ColorP4ui)(GLenum type, GLuint color) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[731]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum type, GLuint color)) _func)(type, color); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ColorP4uiv)(GLenum type, const GLuint *color) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[732]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum type, const GLuint *color)) _func)(type, color); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoordP1ui)(GLenum texture, GLenum type, GLuint coords) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[733]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum texture, GLenum type, GLuint coords)) _func)(texture, type, coords); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoordP1uiv)(GLenum texture, GLenum type, const GLuint *coords) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[734]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum texture, GLenum type, const GLuint *coords)) _func)(texture, type, coords); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoordP2ui)(GLenum texture, GLenum type, GLuint coords) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[735]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum texture, GLenum type, GLuint coords)) _func)(texture, type, coords); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoordP2uiv)(GLenum texture, GLenum type, const GLuint *coords) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[736]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum texture, GLenum type, const GLuint *coords)) _func)(texture, type, coords); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoordP3ui)(GLenum texture, GLenum type, GLuint coords) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[737]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum texture, GLenum type, GLuint coords)) _func)(texture, type, coords); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoordP3uiv)(GLenum texture, GLenum type, const GLuint *coords) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[738]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum texture, GLenum type, const GLuint *coords)) _func)(texture, type, coords); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoordP4ui)(GLenum texture, GLenum type, GLuint coords) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[739]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum texture, GLenum type, GLuint coords)) _func)(texture, type, coords); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiTexCoordP4uiv)(GLenum texture, GLenum type, const GLuint *coords) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[740]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum texture, GLenum type, const GLuint *coords)) _func)(texture, type, coords); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(NormalP3ui)(GLenum type, GLuint coords) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[741]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum type, GLuint coords)) _func)(type, coords); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(NormalP3uiv)(GLenum type, const GLuint *coords) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[742]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum type, const GLuint *coords)) _func)(type, coords); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(SecondaryColorP3ui)(GLenum type, GLuint color) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[743]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum type, GLuint color)) _func)(type, color); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(SecondaryColorP3uiv)(GLenum type, const GLuint *color) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[744]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum type, const GLuint *color)) _func)(type, color); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexCoordP1ui)(GLenum type, GLuint coords) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[745]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum type, GLuint coords)) _func)(type, coords); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexCoordP1uiv)(GLenum type, const GLuint *coords) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[746]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum type, const GLuint *coords)) _func)(type, coords); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexCoordP2ui)(GLenum type, GLuint coords) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[747]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum type, GLuint coords)) _func)(type, coords); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexCoordP2uiv)(GLenum type, const GLuint *coords) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[748]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum type, const GLuint *coords)) _func)(type, coords); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexCoordP3ui)(GLenum type, GLuint coords) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[749]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum type, GLuint coords)) _func)(type, coords); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexCoordP3uiv)(GLenum type, const GLuint *coords) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[750]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum type, const GLuint *coords)) _func)(type, coords); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexCoordP4ui)(GLenum type, GLuint coords) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[751]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum type, GLuint coords)) _func)(type, coords); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexCoordP4uiv)(GLenum type, const GLuint *coords) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[752]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum type, const GLuint *coords)) _func)(type, coords); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribP1ui)(GLuint index, GLenum type, GLboolean normalized, GLuint value) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[753]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, GLenum type, GLboolean normalized, GLuint value)) _func)(index, type, normalized, value); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribP1uiv)(GLuint index, GLenum type, GLboolean normalized, const GLuint *value) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[754]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, GLenum type, GLboolean normalized, const GLuint *value)) _func)(index, type, normalized, value); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribP2ui)(GLuint index, GLenum type, GLboolean normalized, GLuint value) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[755]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, GLenum type, GLboolean normalized, GLuint value)) _func)(index, type, normalized, value); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribP2uiv)(GLuint index, GLenum type, GLboolean normalized, const GLuint *value) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[756]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, GLenum type, GLboolean normalized, const GLuint *value)) _func)(index, type, normalized, value); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribP3ui)(GLuint index, GLenum type, GLboolean normalized, GLuint value) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[757]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, GLenum type, GLboolean normalized, GLuint value)) _func)(index, type, normalized, value); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribP3uiv)(GLuint index, GLenum type, GLboolean normalized, const GLuint *value) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[758]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, GLenum type, GLboolean normalized, const GLuint *value)) _func)(index, type, normalized, value); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribP4ui)(GLuint index, GLenum type, GLboolean normalized, GLuint value) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[759]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, GLenum type, GLboolean normalized, GLuint value)) _func)(index, type, normalized, value); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribP4uiv)(GLuint index, GLenum type, GLboolean normalized, const GLuint *value) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[760]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, GLenum type, GLboolean normalized, const GLuint *value)) _func)(index, type, normalized, value); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexP2ui)(GLenum type, GLuint value) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[761]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum type, GLuint value)) _func)(type, value); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexP2uiv)(GLenum type, const GLuint *value) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[762]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum type, const GLuint *value)) _func)(type, value); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexP3ui)(GLenum type, GLuint value) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[763]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum type, GLuint value)) _func)(type, value); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexP3uiv)(GLenum type, const GLuint *value) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[764]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum type, const GLuint *value)) _func)(type, value); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexP4ui)(GLenum type, GLuint value) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[765]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum type, GLuint value)) _func)(type, value); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexP4uiv)(GLenum type, const GLuint *value) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[766]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum type, const GLuint *value)) _func)(type, value); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(BindTransformFeedback)(GLenum target, GLuint id) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[767]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLuint id)) _func)(target, id); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(DeleteTransformFeedbacks)(GLsizei n, const GLuint *ids) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[768]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLsizei n, const GLuint *ids)) _func)(n, ids); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(DrawTransformFeedback)(GLenum mode, GLuint id) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[769]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum mode, GLuint id)) _func)(mode, id); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GenTransformFeedbacks)(GLsizei n, GLuint *ids) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[770]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLsizei n, GLuint *ids)) _func)(n, ids); +} + +GLAPI GLboolean APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(IsTransformFeedback)(GLuint id) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[771]; + return ((GLboolean (APIENTRY *)(GLuint id)) _func)(id); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(PauseTransformFeedback)(void) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[772]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(void)) _func)(); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ResumeTransformFeedback)(void) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[773]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(void)) _func)(); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(BeginQueryIndexed)(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLuint id) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[774]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLuint id)) _func)(target, index, id); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(DrawTransformFeedbackStream)(GLenum mode, GLuint id, GLuint stream) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[775]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum mode, GLuint id, GLuint stream)) _func)(mode, id, stream); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(EndQueryIndexed)(GLenum target, GLuint index) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[776]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLuint index)) _func)(target, index); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetQueryIndexediv)(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLint *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[777]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLint *params)) _func)(target, index, pname, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ClearDepthf)(GLclampf depth) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[778]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLclampf depth)) _func)(depth); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(DepthRangef)(GLclampf zNear, GLclampf zFar) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[779]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLclampf zNear, GLclampf zFar)) _func)(zNear, zFar); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetShaderPrecisionFormat)(GLenum shadertype, GLenum precisiontype, GLint *range, GLint *precision) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[780]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum shadertype, GLenum precisiontype, GLint *range, GLint *precision)) _func)(shadertype, precisiontype, range, precision); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ReleaseShaderCompiler)(void) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[781]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(void)) _func)(); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ShaderBinary)(GLsizei n, const GLuint *shaders, GLenum binaryformat, const GLvoid *binary, GLsizei length) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[782]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLsizei n, const GLuint *shaders, GLenum binaryformat, const GLvoid *binary, GLsizei length)) _func)(n, shaders, binaryformat, binary, length); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetProgramBinary)(GLuint program, GLsizei bufSize, GLsizei *length, GLenum *binaryFormat, GLvoid *binary) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[783]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint program, GLsizei bufSize, GLsizei *length, GLenum *binaryFormat, GLvoid *binary)) _func)(program, bufSize, length, binaryFormat, binary); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ProgramBinary)(GLuint program, GLenum binaryFormat, const GLvoid *binary, GLsizei length) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[784]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint program, GLenum binaryFormat, const GLvoid *binary, GLsizei length)) _func)(program, binaryFormat, binary, length); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ProgramParameteri)(GLuint program, GLenum pname, GLint value) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[785]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint program, GLenum pname, GLint value)) _func)(program, pname, value); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ProgramParameteriARB)(GLuint program, GLenum pname, GLint value) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[785]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint program, GLenum pname, GLint value)) _func)(program, pname, value); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(DebugMessageCallbackARB)(GLDEBUGPROCARB callback, const GLvoid *userParam) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[786]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLDEBUGPROCARB callback, const GLvoid *userParam)) _func)(callback, userParam); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(DebugMessageControlARB)(GLenum source, GLenum type, GLenum severity, GLsizei count, const GLuint *ids, GLboolean enabled) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[787]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum source, GLenum type, GLenum severity, GLsizei count, const GLuint *ids, GLboolean enabled)) _func)(source, type, severity, count, ids, enabled); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(DebugMessageInsertARB)(GLenum source, GLenum type, GLuint id, GLenum severity, GLsizei length, const GLcharARB *buf) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[788]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum source, GLenum type, GLuint id, GLenum severity, GLsizei length, const GLcharARB *buf)) _func)(source, type, id, severity, length, buf); +} + +GLAPI GLuint APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetDebugMessageLogARB)(GLuint count, GLsizei bufsize, GLenum *sources, GLenum *types, GLuint *ids, GLenum *severities, GLsizei *lengths, GLcharARB *messageLog) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[789]; + return ((GLuint (APIENTRY *)(GLuint count, GLsizei bufsize, GLenum *sources, GLenum *types, GLuint *ids, GLenum *severities, GLsizei *lengths, GLcharARB *messageLog)) _func)(count, bufsize, sources, types, ids, severities, lengths, messageLog); +} + +GLAPI GLenum APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetGraphicsResetStatusARB)(void) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[790]; + return ((GLenum (APIENTRY *)(void)) _func)(); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetnColorTableARB)(GLenum target, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLsizei bufSize, GLvoid *table) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[791]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLsizei bufSize, GLvoid *table)) _func)(target, format, type, bufSize, table); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetnCompressedTexImageARB)(GLenum target, GLint lod, GLsizei bufSize, GLvoid *img) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[792]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLint lod, GLsizei bufSize, GLvoid *img)) _func)(target, lod, bufSize, img); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetnConvolutionFilterARB)(GLenum target, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLsizei bufSize, GLvoid *image) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[793]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLsizei bufSize, GLvoid *image)) _func)(target, format, type, bufSize, image); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetnHistogramARB)(GLenum target, GLboolean reset, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLsizei bufSize, GLvoid *values) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[794]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLboolean reset, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLsizei bufSize, GLvoid *values)) _func)(target, reset, format, type, bufSize, values); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetnMapdvARB)(GLenum target, GLenum query, GLsizei bufSize, GLdouble *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[795]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLenum query, GLsizei bufSize, GLdouble *v)) _func)(target, query, bufSize, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetnMapfvARB)(GLenum target, GLenum query, GLsizei bufSize, GLfloat *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[796]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLenum query, GLsizei bufSize, GLfloat *v)) _func)(target, query, bufSize, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetnMapivARB)(GLenum target, GLenum query, GLsizei bufSize, GLint *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[797]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLenum query, GLsizei bufSize, GLint *v)) _func)(target, query, bufSize, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetnMinmaxARB)(GLenum target, GLboolean reset, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLsizei bufSize, GLvoid *values) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[798]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLboolean reset, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLsizei bufSize, GLvoid *values)) _func)(target, reset, format, type, bufSize, values); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetnPixelMapfvARB)(GLenum map, GLsizei bufSize, GLfloat *values) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[799]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum map, GLsizei bufSize, GLfloat *values)) _func)(map, bufSize, values); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetnPixelMapuivARB)(GLenum map, GLsizei bufSize, GLuint *values) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[800]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum map, GLsizei bufSize, GLuint *values)) _func)(map, bufSize, values); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetnPixelMapusvARB)(GLenum map, GLsizei bufSize, GLushort *values) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[801]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum map, GLsizei bufSize, GLushort *values)) _func)(map, bufSize, values); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetnPolygonStippleARB)(GLsizei bufSize, GLubyte *pattern) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[802]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLsizei bufSize, GLubyte *pattern)) _func)(bufSize, pattern); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetnSeparableFilterARB)(GLenum target, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLsizei rowBufSize, GLvoid *row, GLsizei columnBufSize, GLvoid *column, GLvoid *span) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[803]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLsizei rowBufSize, GLvoid *row, GLsizei columnBufSize, GLvoid *column, GLvoid *span)) _func)(target, format, type, rowBufSize, row, columnBufSize, column, span); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetnTexImageARB)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLsizei bufSize, GLvoid *img) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[804]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLsizei bufSize, GLvoid *img)) _func)(target, level, format, type, bufSize, img); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetnUniformdvARB)(GLhandleARB program, GLint location, GLsizei bufSize, GLdouble *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[805]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLhandleARB program, GLint location, GLsizei bufSize, GLdouble *params)) _func)(program, location, bufSize, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetnUniformfvARB)(GLhandleARB program, GLint location, GLsizei bufSize, GLfloat *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[806]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLhandleARB program, GLint location, GLsizei bufSize, GLfloat *params)) _func)(program, location, bufSize, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetnUniformivARB)(GLhandleARB program, GLint location, GLsizei bufSize, GLint *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[807]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLhandleARB program, GLint location, GLsizei bufSize, GLint *params)) _func)(program, location, bufSize, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetnUniformuivARB)(GLhandleARB program, GLint location, GLsizei bufSize, GLuint *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[808]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLhandleARB program, GLint location, GLsizei bufSize, GLuint *params)) _func)(program, location, bufSize, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ReadnPixelsARB)(GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLsizei bufSize, GLvoid *data) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[809]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLsizei bufSize, GLvoid *data)) _func)(x, y, width, height, format, type, bufSize, data); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(DrawArraysInstancedBaseInstance)(GLenum mode, GLint first, GLsizei count, GLsizei primcount, GLuint baseinstance) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[810]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum mode, GLint first, GLsizei count, GLsizei primcount, GLuint baseinstance)) _func)(mode, first, count, primcount, baseinstance); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(DrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance)(GLenum mode, GLsizei count, GLenum type, const GLvoid *indices, GLsizei primcount, GLuint baseinstance) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[811]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum mode, GLsizei count, GLenum type, const GLvoid *indices, GLsizei primcount, GLuint baseinstance)) _func)(mode, count, type, indices, primcount, baseinstance); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance)(GLenum mode, GLsizei count, GLenum type, const GLvoid *indices, GLsizei primcount, GLint basevertex, GLuint baseinstance) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[812]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum mode, GLsizei count, GLenum type, const GLvoid *indices, GLsizei primcount, GLint basevertex, GLuint baseinstance)) _func)(mode, count, type, indices, primcount, basevertex, baseinstance); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(DrawTransformFeedbackInstanced)(GLenum mode, GLuint id, GLsizei primcount) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[813]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum mode, GLuint id, GLsizei primcount)) _func)(mode, id, primcount); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(DrawTransformFeedbackStreamInstanced)(GLenum mode, GLuint id, GLuint stream, GLsizei primcount) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[814]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum mode, GLuint id, GLuint stream, GLsizei primcount)) _func)(mode, id, stream, primcount); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexStorage1D)(GLenum target, GLsizei levels, GLenum internalFormat, GLsizei width) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[816]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLsizei levels, GLenum internalFormat, GLsizei width)) _func)(target, levels, internalFormat, width); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexStorage2D)(GLenum target, GLsizei levels, GLenum internalFormat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[817]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLsizei levels, GLenum internalFormat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height)) _func)(target, levels, internalFormat, width, height); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexStorage3D)(GLenum target, GLsizei levels, GLenum internalFormat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[818]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLsizei levels, GLenum internalFormat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth)) _func)(target, levels, internalFormat, width, height, depth); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TextureStorage1DEXT)(GLuint texture, GLenum target, GLsizei levels, GLenum internalFormat, GLsizei width) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[819]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint texture, GLenum target, GLsizei levels, GLenum internalFormat, GLsizei width)) _func)(texture, target, levels, internalFormat, width); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TextureStorage2DEXT)(GLuint texture, GLenum target, GLsizei levels, GLenum internalFormat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[820]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint texture, GLenum target, GLsizei levels, GLenum internalFormat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height)) _func)(texture, target, levels, internalFormat, width, height); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TextureStorage3DEXT)(GLuint texture, GLenum target, GLsizei levels, GLenum internalFormat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[821]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint texture, GLenum target, GLsizei levels, GLenum internalFormat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth)) _func)(texture, target, levels, internalFormat, width, height, depth); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(InvalidateBufferData)(GLuint buffer) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[822]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint buffer)) _func)(buffer); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(InvalidateBufferSubData)(GLuint buffer, GLintptr offset, GLsizeiptr length) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[823]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint buffer, GLintptr offset, GLsizeiptr length)) _func)(buffer, offset, length); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(InvalidateFramebuffer)(GLenum target, GLsizei numAttachments, const GLenum *attachments) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[824]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLsizei numAttachments, const GLenum *attachments)) _func)(target, numAttachments, attachments); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(InvalidateSubFramebuffer)(GLenum target, GLsizei numAttachments, const GLenum *attachments, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[825]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLsizei numAttachments, const GLenum *attachments, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height)) _func)(target, numAttachments, attachments, x, y, width, height); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(InvalidateTexImage)(GLuint texture, GLint level) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[826]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint texture, GLint level)) _func)(texture, level); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(InvalidateTexSubImage)(GLuint texture, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLint zoffset, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[827]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint texture, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLint zoffset, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth)) _func)(texture, level, xoffset, yoffset, zoffset, width, height, depth); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(PolygonOffsetEXT)(GLfloat factor, GLfloat bias) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[828]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLfloat factor, GLfloat bias)) _func)(factor, bias); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ColorPointerEXT)(GLint size, GLenum type, GLsizei stride, GLsizei count, const GLvoid *pointer) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[841]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLint size, GLenum type, GLsizei stride, GLsizei count, const GLvoid *pointer)) _func)(size, type, stride, count, pointer); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(EdgeFlagPointerEXT)(GLsizei stride, GLsizei count, const GLboolean *pointer) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[842]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLsizei stride, GLsizei count, const GLboolean *pointer)) _func)(stride, count, pointer); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(IndexPointerEXT)(GLenum type, GLsizei stride, GLsizei count, const GLvoid *pointer) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[843]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum type, GLsizei stride, GLsizei count, const GLvoid *pointer)) _func)(type, stride, count, pointer); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(NormalPointerEXT)(GLenum type, GLsizei stride, GLsizei count, const GLvoid *pointer) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[844]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum type, GLsizei stride, GLsizei count, const GLvoid *pointer)) _func)(type, stride, count, pointer); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexCoordPointerEXT)(GLint size, GLenum type, GLsizei stride, GLsizei count, const GLvoid *pointer) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[845]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLint size, GLenum type, GLsizei stride, GLsizei count, const GLvoid *pointer)) _func)(size, type, stride, count, pointer); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexPointerEXT)(GLint size, GLenum type, GLsizei stride, GLsizei count, const GLvoid *pointer) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[846]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLint size, GLenum type, GLsizei stride, GLsizei count, const GLvoid *pointer)) _func)(size, type, stride, count, pointer); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(LockArraysEXT)(GLint first, GLsizei count) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[847]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLint first, GLsizei count)) _func)(first, count); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(UnlockArraysEXT)(void) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[848]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(void)) _func)(); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3fEXT)(GLfloat red, GLfloat green, GLfloat blue) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[849]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLfloat red, GLfloat green, GLfloat blue)) _func)(red, green, blue); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3f)(GLfloat red, GLfloat green, GLfloat blue) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[849]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLfloat red, GLfloat green, GLfloat blue)) _func)(red, green, blue); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3fvEXT)(const GLfloat *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[850]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLfloat *v)) _func)(v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(SecondaryColor3fv)(const GLfloat *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[850]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLfloat *v)) _func)(v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiDrawElementsEXT)(GLenum mode, const GLsizei *count, GLenum type, const GLvoid **indices, GLsizei primcount) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[851]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum mode, const GLsizei *count, GLenum type, const GLvoid **indices, GLsizei primcount)) _func)(mode, count, type, indices, primcount); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(MultiDrawElements)(GLenum mode, const GLsizei *count, GLenum type, const GLvoid * const *indices, GLsizei primcount) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[851]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum mode, const GLsizei *count, GLenum type, const GLvoid * const *indices, GLsizei primcount)) _func)(mode, count, type, indices, primcount); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(FogCoordfEXT)(GLfloat coord) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[852]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLfloat coord)) _func)(coord); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(FogCoordf)(GLfloat coord) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[852]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLfloat coord)) _func)(coord); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(FogCoordfvEXT)(const GLfloat *coord) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[853]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLfloat *coord)) _func)(coord); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(FogCoordfv)(const GLfloat *coord) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[853]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLfloat *coord)) _func)(coord); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ResizeBuffersMESA)(void) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[854]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(void)) _func)(); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(WindowPos4dMESA)(GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z, GLdouble w) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[855]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z, GLdouble w)) _func)(x, y, z, w); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(WindowPos4dvMESA)(const GLdouble *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[856]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLdouble *v)) _func)(v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(WindowPos4fMESA)(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z, GLfloat w) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[857]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z, GLfloat w)) _func)(x, y, z, w); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(WindowPos4fvMESA)(const GLfloat *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[858]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLfloat *v)) _func)(v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(WindowPos4iMESA)(GLint x, GLint y, GLint z, GLint w) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[859]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLint x, GLint y, GLint z, GLint w)) _func)(x, y, z, w); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(WindowPos4ivMESA)(const GLint *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[860]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLint *v)) _func)(v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(WindowPos4sMESA)(GLshort x, GLshort y, GLshort z, GLshort w) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[861]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLshort x, GLshort y, GLshort z, GLshort w)) _func)(x, y, z, w); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(WindowPos4svMESA)(const GLshort *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[862]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(const GLshort *v)) _func)(v); +} + +GLAPI GLboolean APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(AreProgramsResidentNV)(GLsizei n, const GLuint *ids, GLboolean *residences) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[865]; + return ((GLboolean (APIENTRY *)(GLsizei n, const GLuint *ids, GLboolean *residences)) _func)(n, ids, residences); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ExecuteProgramNV)(GLenum target, GLuint id, const GLfloat *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[866]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLuint id, const GLfloat *params)) _func)(target, id, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetProgramParameterdvNV)(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLdouble *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[867]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLdouble *params)) _func)(target, index, pname, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetProgramParameterfvNV)(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLfloat *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[868]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLfloat *params)) _func)(target, index, pname, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetProgramStringNV)(GLuint id, GLenum pname, GLubyte *program) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[869]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint id, GLenum pname, GLubyte *program)) _func)(id, pname, program); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetProgramivNV)(GLuint id, GLenum pname, GLint *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[870]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint id, GLenum pname, GLint *params)) _func)(id, pname, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetTrackMatrixivNV)(GLenum target, GLuint address, GLenum pname, GLint *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[871]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLuint address, GLenum pname, GLint *params)) _func)(target, address, pname, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetVertexAttribdvNV)(GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLdouble *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[872]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLdouble *params)) _func)(index, pname, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetVertexAttribfvNV)(GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLfloat *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[873]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLfloat *params)) _func)(index, pname, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetVertexAttribivNV)(GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLint *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[874]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLint *params)) _func)(index, pname, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(LoadProgramNV)(GLenum target, GLuint id, GLsizei len, const GLubyte *program) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[875]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLuint id, GLsizei len, const GLubyte *program)) _func)(target, id, len, program); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ProgramParameters4dvNV)(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLsizei num, const GLdouble *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[876]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLsizei num, const GLdouble *params)) _func)(target, index, num, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ProgramParameters4fvNV)(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLsizei num, const GLfloat *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[877]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLsizei num, const GLfloat *params)) _func)(target, index, num, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(RequestResidentProgramsNV)(GLsizei n, const GLuint *ids) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[878]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLsizei n, const GLuint *ids)) _func)(n, ids); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TrackMatrixNV)(GLenum target, GLuint address, GLenum matrix, GLenum transform) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[879]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLuint address, GLenum matrix, GLenum transform)) _func)(target, address, matrix, transform); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib1dNV)(GLuint index, GLdouble x) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[880]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, GLdouble x)) _func)(index, x); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib1dvNV)(GLuint index, const GLdouble *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[881]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, const GLdouble *v)) _func)(index, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib1fNV)(GLuint index, GLfloat x) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[882]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, GLfloat x)) _func)(index, x); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib1fvNV)(GLuint index, const GLfloat *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[883]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, const GLfloat *v)) _func)(index, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib1sNV)(GLuint index, GLshort x) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[884]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, GLshort x)) _func)(index, x); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib1svNV)(GLuint index, const GLshort *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[885]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, const GLshort *v)) _func)(index, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib2dNV)(GLuint index, GLdouble x, GLdouble y) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[886]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, GLdouble x, GLdouble y)) _func)(index, x, y); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib2dvNV)(GLuint index, const GLdouble *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[887]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, const GLdouble *v)) _func)(index, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib2fNV)(GLuint index, GLfloat x, GLfloat y) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[888]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, GLfloat x, GLfloat y)) _func)(index, x, y); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib2fvNV)(GLuint index, const GLfloat *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[889]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, const GLfloat *v)) _func)(index, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib2sNV)(GLuint index, GLshort x, GLshort y) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[890]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, GLshort x, GLshort y)) _func)(index, x, y); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib2svNV)(GLuint index, const GLshort *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[891]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, const GLshort *v)) _func)(index, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib3dNV)(GLuint index, GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[892]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z)) _func)(index, x, y, z); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib3dvNV)(GLuint index, const GLdouble *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[893]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, const GLdouble *v)) _func)(index, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib3fNV)(GLuint index, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[894]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z)) _func)(index, x, y, z); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib3fvNV)(GLuint index, const GLfloat *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[895]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, const GLfloat *v)) _func)(index, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib3sNV)(GLuint index, GLshort x, GLshort y, GLshort z) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[896]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, GLshort x, GLshort y, GLshort z)) _func)(index, x, y, z); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib3svNV)(GLuint index, const GLshort *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[897]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, const GLshort *v)) _func)(index, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4dNV)(GLuint index, GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z, GLdouble w) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[898]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z, GLdouble w)) _func)(index, x, y, z, w); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4dvNV)(GLuint index, const GLdouble *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[899]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, const GLdouble *v)) _func)(index, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4fNV)(GLuint index, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z, GLfloat w) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[900]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z, GLfloat w)) _func)(index, x, y, z, w); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4fvNV)(GLuint index, const GLfloat *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[901]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, const GLfloat *v)) _func)(index, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4sNV)(GLuint index, GLshort x, GLshort y, GLshort z, GLshort w) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[902]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, GLshort x, GLshort y, GLshort z, GLshort w)) _func)(index, x, y, z, w); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4svNV)(GLuint index, const GLshort *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[903]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, const GLshort *v)) _func)(index, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4ubNV)(GLuint index, GLubyte x, GLubyte y, GLubyte z, GLubyte w) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[904]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, GLubyte x, GLubyte y, GLubyte z, GLubyte w)) _func)(index, x, y, z, w); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttrib4ubvNV)(GLuint index, const GLubyte *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[905]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, const GLubyte *v)) _func)(index, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribPointerNV)(GLuint index, GLint size, GLenum type, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid *pointer) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[906]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, GLint size, GLenum type, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid *pointer)) _func)(index, size, type, stride, pointer); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribs1dvNV)(GLuint index, GLsizei n, const GLdouble *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[907]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, GLsizei n, const GLdouble *v)) _func)(index, n, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribs1fvNV)(GLuint index, GLsizei n, const GLfloat *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[908]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, GLsizei n, const GLfloat *v)) _func)(index, n, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribs1svNV)(GLuint index, GLsizei n, const GLshort *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[909]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, GLsizei n, const GLshort *v)) _func)(index, n, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribs2dvNV)(GLuint index, GLsizei n, const GLdouble *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[910]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, GLsizei n, const GLdouble *v)) _func)(index, n, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribs2fvNV)(GLuint index, GLsizei n, const GLfloat *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[911]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, GLsizei n, const GLfloat *v)) _func)(index, n, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribs2svNV)(GLuint index, GLsizei n, const GLshort *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[912]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, GLsizei n, const GLshort *v)) _func)(index, n, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribs3dvNV)(GLuint index, GLsizei n, const GLdouble *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[913]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, GLsizei n, const GLdouble *v)) _func)(index, n, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribs3fvNV)(GLuint index, GLsizei n, const GLfloat *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[914]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, GLsizei n, const GLfloat *v)) _func)(index, n, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribs3svNV)(GLuint index, GLsizei n, const GLshort *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[915]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, GLsizei n, const GLshort *v)) _func)(index, n, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribs4dvNV)(GLuint index, GLsizei n, const GLdouble *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[916]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, GLsizei n, const GLdouble *v)) _func)(index, n, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribs4fvNV)(GLuint index, GLsizei n, const GLfloat *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[917]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, GLsizei n, const GLfloat *v)) _func)(index, n, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribs4svNV)(GLuint index, GLsizei n, const GLshort *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[918]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, GLsizei n, const GLshort *v)) _func)(index, n, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribs4ubvNV)(GLuint index, GLsizei n, const GLubyte *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[919]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, GLsizei n, const GLubyte *v)) _func)(index, n, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetTexBumpParameterfvATI)(GLenum pname, GLfloat *param) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[920]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum pname, GLfloat *param)) _func)(pname, param); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetTexBumpParameterivATI)(GLenum pname, GLint *param) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[921]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum pname, GLint *param)) _func)(pname, param); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexBumpParameterfvATI)(GLenum pname, const GLfloat *param) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[922]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum pname, const GLfloat *param)) _func)(pname, param); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TexBumpParameterivATI)(GLenum pname, const GLint *param) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[923]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum pname, const GLint *param)) _func)(pname, param); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(AlphaFragmentOp1ATI)(GLenum op, GLuint dst, GLuint dstMod, GLuint arg1, GLuint arg1Rep, GLuint arg1Mod) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[924]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum op, GLuint dst, GLuint dstMod, GLuint arg1, GLuint arg1Rep, GLuint arg1Mod)) _func)(op, dst, dstMod, arg1, arg1Rep, arg1Mod); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(AlphaFragmentOp2ATI)(GLenum op, GLuint dst, GLuint dstMod, GLuint arg1, GLuint arg1Rep, GLuint arg1Mod, GLuint arg2, GLuint arg2Rep, GLuint arg2Mod) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[925]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum op, GLuint dst, GLuint dstMod, GLuint arg1, GLuint arg1Rep, GLuint arg1Mod, GLuint arg2, GLuint arg2Rep, GLuint arg2Mod)) _func)(op, dst, dstMod, arg1, arg1Rep, arg1Mod, arg2, arg2Rep, arg2Mod); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(AlphaFragmentOp3ATI)(GLenum op, GLuint dst, GLuint dstMod, GLuint arg1, GLuint arg1Rep, GLuint arg1Mod, GLuint arg2, GLuint arg2Rep, GLuint arg2Mod, GLuint arg3, GLuint arg3Rep, GLuint arg3Mod) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[926]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum op, GLuint dst, GLuint dstMod, GLuint arg1, GLuint arg1Rep, GLuint arg1Mod, GLuint arg2, GLuint arg2Rep, GLuint arg2Mod, GLuint arg3, GLuint arg3Rep, GLuint arg3Mod)) _func)(op, dst, dstMod, arg1, arg1Rep, arg1Mod, arg2, arg2Rep, arg2Mod, arg3, arg3Rep, arg3Mod); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(BeginFragmentShaderATI)(void) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[927]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(void)) _func)(); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(BindFragmentShaderATI)(GLuint id) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[928]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint id)) _func)(id); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ColorFragmentOp1ATI)(GLenum op, GLuint dst, GLuint dstMask, GLuint dstMod, GLuint arg1, GLuint arg1Rep, GLuint arg1Mod) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[929]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum op, GLuint dst, GLuint dstMask, GLuint dstMod, GLuint arg1, GLuint arg1Rep, GLuint arg1Mod)) _func)(op, dst, dstMask, dstMod, arg1, arg1Rep, arg1Mod); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ColorFragmentOp2ATI)(GLenum op, GLuint dst, GLuint dstMask, GLuint dstMod, GLuint arg1, GLuint arg1Rep, GLuint arg1Mod, GLuint arg2, GLuint arg2Rep, GLuint arg2Mod) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[930]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum op, GLuint dst, GLuint dstMask, GLuint dstMod, GLuint arg1, GLuint arg1Rep, GLuint arg1Mod, GLuint arg2, GLuint arg2Rep, GLuint arg2Mod)) _func)(op, dst, dstMask, dstMod, arg1, arg1Rep, arg1Mod, arg2, arg2Rep, arg2Mod); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ColorFragmentOp3ATI)(GLenum op, GLuint dst, GLuint dstMask, GLuint dstMod, GLuint arg1, GLuint arg1Rep, GLuint arg1Mod, GLuint arg2, GLuint arg2Rep, GLuint arg2Mod, GLuint arg3, GLuint arg3Rep, GLuint arg3Mod) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[931]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum op, GLuint dst, GLuint dstMask, GLuint dstMod, GLuint arg1, GLuint arg1Rep, GLuint arg1Mod, GLuint arg2, GLuint arg2Rep, GLuint arg2Mod, GLuint arg3, GLuint arg3Rep, GLuint arg3Mod)) _func)(op, dst, dstMask, dstMod, arg1, arg1Rep, arg1Mod, arg2, arg2Rep, arg2Mod, arg3, arg3Rep, arg3Mod); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(DeleteFragmentShaderATI)(GLuint id) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[932]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint id)) _func)(id); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(EndFragmentShaderATI)(void) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[933]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(void)) _func)(); +} + +GLAPI GLuint APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GenFragmentShadersATI)(GLuint range) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[934]; + return ((GLuint (APIENTRY *)(GLuint range)) _func)(range); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(PassTexCoordATI)(GLuint dst, GLuint coord, GLenum swizzle) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[935]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint dst, GLuint coord, GLenum swizzle)) _func)(dst, coord, swizzle); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(SampleMapATI)(GLuint dst, GLuint interp, GLenum swizzle) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[936]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint dst, GLuint interp, GLenum swizzle)) _func)(dst, interp, swizzle); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(SetFragmentShaderConstantATI)(GLuint dst, const GLfloat *value) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[937]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint dst, const GLfloat *value)) _func)(dst, value); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetProgramNamedParameterdvNV)(GLuint id, GLsizei len, const GLubyte *name, GLdouble *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[941]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint id, GLsizei len, const GLubyte *name, GLdouble *params)) _func)(id, len, name, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetProgramNamedParameterfvNV)(GLuint id, GLsizei len, const GLubyte *name, GLfloat *params) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[942]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint id, GLsizei len, const GLubyte *name, GLfloat *params)) _func)(id, len, name, params); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ProgramNamedParameter4dNV)(GLuint id, GLsizei len, const GLubyte *name, GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z, GLdouble w) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[943]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint id, GLsizei len, const GLubyte *name, GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z, GLdouble w)) _func)(id, len, name, x, y, z, w); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ProgramNamedParameter4dvNV)(GLuint id, GLsizei len, const GLubyte *name, const GLdouble *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[944]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint id, GLsizei len, const GLubyte *name, const GLdouble *v)) _func)(id, len, name, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ProgramNamedParameter4fNV)(GLuint id, GLsizei len, const GLubyte *name, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z, GLfloat w) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[945]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint id, GLsizei len, const GLubyte *name, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z, GLfloat w)) _func)(id, len, name, x, y, z, w); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ProgramNamedParameter4fvNV)(GLuint id, GLsizei len, const GLubyte *name, const GLfloat *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[946]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint id, GLsizei len, const GLubyte *name, const GLfloat *v)) _func)(id, len, name, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(PrimitiveRestartNV)(void) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[947]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(void)) _func)(); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribI1iEXT)(GLuint index, GLint x) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[954]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, GLint x)) _func)(index, x); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribI1i)(GLuint index, GLint x) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[954]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, GLint x)) _func)(index, x); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribI1uiEXT)(GLuint index, GLuint x) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[955]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, GLuint x)) _func)(index, x); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribI1ui)(GLuint index, GLuint x) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[955]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, GLuint x)) _func)(index, x); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribI2iEXT)(GLuint index, GLint x, GLint y) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[956]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, GLint x, GLint y)) _func)(index, x, y); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribI2i)(GLuint index, GLint x, GLint y) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[956]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, GLint x, GLint y)) _func)(index, x, y); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribI2ivEXT)(GLuint index, const GLint *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[957]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, const GLint *v)) _func)(index, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribI2iv)(GLuint index, const GLint *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[957]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, const GLint *v)) _func)(index, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribI2uiEXT)(GLuint index, GLuint x, GLuint y) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[958]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, GLuint x, GLuint y)) _func)(index, x, y); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribI2ui)(GLuint index, GLuint x, GLuint y) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[958]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, GLuint x, GLuint y)) _func)(index, x, y); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribI2uivEXT)(GLuint index, const GLuint *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[959]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, const GLuint *v)) _func)(index, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribI2uiv)(GLuint index, const GLuint *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[959]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, const GLuint *v)) _func)(index, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribI3iEXT)(GLuint index, GLint x, GLint y, GLint z) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[960]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, GLint x, GLint y, GLint z)) _func)(index, x, y, z); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribI3i)(GLuint index, GLint x, GLint y, GLint z) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[960]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, GLint x, GLint y, GLint z)) _func)(index, x, y, z); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribI3ivEXT)(GLuint index, const GLint *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[961]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, const GLint *v)) _func)(index, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribI3iv)(GLuint index, const GLint *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[961]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, const GLint *v)) _func)(index, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribI3uiEXT)(GLuint index, GLuint x, GLuint y, GLuint z) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[962]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, GLuint x, GLuint y, GLuint z)) _func)(index, x, y, z); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribI3ui)(GLuint index, GLuint x, GLuint y, GLuint z) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[962]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, GLuint x, GLuint y, GLuint z)) _func)(index, x, y, z); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribI3uivEXT)(GLuint index, const GLuint *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[963]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, const GLuint *v)) _func)(index, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribI3uiv)(GLuint index, const GLuint *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[963]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, const GLuint *v)) _func)(index, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribI4iEXT)(GLuint index, GLint x, GLint y, GLint z, GLint w) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[964]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, GLint x, GLint y, GLint z, GLint w)) _func)(index, x, y, z, w); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribI4i)(GLuint index, GLint x, GLint y, GLint z, GLint w) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[964]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, GLint x, GLint y, GLint z, GLint w)) _func)(index, x, y, z, w); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribI4ivEXT)(GLuint index, const GLint *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[965]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, const GLint *v)) _func)(index, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribI4iv)(GLuint index, const GLint *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[965]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, const GLint *v)) _func)(index, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribI4uiEXT)(GLuint index, GLuint x, GLuint y, GLuint z, GLuint w) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[966]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, GLuint x, GLuint y, GLuint z, GLuint w)) _func)(index, x, y, z, w); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribI4ui)(GLuint index, GLuint x, GLuint y, GLuint z, GLuint w) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[966]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, GLuint x, GLuint y, GLuint z, GLuint w)) _func)(index, x, y, z, w); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribI4uivEXT)(GLuint index, const GLuint *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[967]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, const GLuint *v)) _func)(index, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(VertexAttribI4uiv)(GLuint index, const GLuint *v) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[967]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint index, const GLuint *v)) _func)(index, v); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ClearColorIiEXT)(GLint r, GLint g, GLint b, GLint a) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[968]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLint r, GLint g, GLint b, GLint a)) _func)(r, g, b, a); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ClearColorIuiEXT)(GLuint r, GLuint g, GLuint b, GLuint a) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[969]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint r, GLuint g, GLuint b, GLuint a)) _func)(r, g, b, a); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(BindBufferOffsetEXT)(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLuint buffer, GLintptr offset) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[970]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLuint buffer, GLintptr offset)) _func)(target, index, buffer, offset); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(GetObjectParameterivAPPLE)(GLenum objectType, GLuint name, GLenum pname, GLint *value) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[971]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum objectType, GLuint name, GLenum pname, GLint *value)) _func)(objectType, name, pname, value); +} + +GLAPI GLenum APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ObjectPurgeableAPPLE)(GLenum objectType, GLuint name, GLenum option) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[972]; + return ((GLenum (APIENTRY *)(GLenum objectType, GLuint name, GLenum option)) _func)(objectType, name, option); +} + +GLAPI GLenum APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ObjectUnpurgeableAPPLE)(GLenum objectType, GLuint name, GLenum option) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[973]; + return ((GLenum (APIENTRY *)(GLenum objectType, GLuint name, GLenum option)) _func)(objectType, name, option); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(ActiveProgramEXT)(GLuint program) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[974]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLuint program)) _func)(program); +} + +GLAPI GLuint APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(CreateShaderProgramEXT)(GLenum type, const GLchar *string) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[975]; + return ((GLuint (APIENTRY *)(GLenum type, const GLchar *string)) _func)(type, string); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(UseShaderProgramEXT)(GLenum type, GLuint program) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[976]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum type, GLuint program)) _func)(type, program); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(TextureBarrierNV)(void) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[977]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(void)) _func)(); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(EGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOES)(GLenum target, GLvoid *writeOffset) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[981]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLvoid *writeOffset)) _func)(target, writeOffset); +} + +GLAPI void APIENTRY GLAPI_PREFIX(EGLImageTargetTexture2DOES)(GLenum target, GLvoid *writeOffset) +{ + const struct mapi_table *_tbl = entry_current_get(); + mapi_func _func = ((const mapi_func *) _tbl)[982]; + ((void (APIENTRY *)(GLenum target, GLvoid *writeOffset)) _func)(target, writeOffset); +} + +/* does not need public_entries */ +#undef MAPI_TMP_PUBLIC_ENTRIES_NO_HIDDEN +#endif /* MAPI_TMP_PUBLIC_ENTRIES_NO_HIDDEN */ + +#ifdef MAPI_TMP_STUB_ASM_GCC_NO_HIDDEN +__asm__( +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(NewList))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("0")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(EndList))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("1")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(CallList))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("2")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(CallLists))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("3")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(DeleteLists))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("4")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(GenLists))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("5")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(ListBase))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("6")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(Begin))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("7")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(Bitmap))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("8")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(Color3b))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("9")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(Color3bv))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("10")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(Color3d))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("11")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(Color3dv))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("12")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(Color3f))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("13")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(Color3fv))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("14")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(Color3i))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("15")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(Color3iv))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("16")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(Color3s))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("17")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(Color3sv))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("18")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(Color3ub))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("19")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(Color3ubv))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("20")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(Color3ui))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("21")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(Color3uiv))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("22")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(Color3us))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("23")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(Color3usv))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("24")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(Color4b))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("25")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(Color4bv))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("26")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(Color4d))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("27")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(Color4dv))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("28")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(Color4f))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("29")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(Color4fv))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("30")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(Color4i))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("31")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(Color4iv))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("32")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(Color4s))"\n" 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"GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(WindowPos3d)"\n" + +".globl "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(WindowPos3dMESA)"\n" +".set "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(WindowPos3dMESA)", "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(WindowPos3d)"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(WindowPos3dv))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("453")"\n" + +".globl "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(WindowPos3dvARB)"\n" +".set "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(WindowPos3dvARB)", "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(WindowPos3dv)"\n" + +".globl "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(WindowPos3dvMESA)"\n" +".set "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(WindowPos3dvMESA)", "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(WindowPos3dv)"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(WindowPos3f))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("454")"\n" + +".globl "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(WindowPos3fARB)"\n" +".set "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(WindowPos3fARB)", "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(WindowPos3f)"\n" + +".globl "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(WindowPos3fMESA)"\n" +".set "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(WindowPos3fMESA)", "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(WindowPos3f)"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(WindowPos3fv))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("455")"\n" + +".globl "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(WindowPos3fvARB)"\n" +".set 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"GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(GetVertexAttribPointervNV)"\n" +".set "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(GetVertexAttribPointervNV)", "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(GetVertexAttribPointerv)"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(GetVertexAttribdv))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("504")"\n" + +".globl "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(GetVertexAttribdvARB)"\n" +".set "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(GetVertexAttribdvARB)", "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(GetVertexAttribdv)"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(GetVertexAttribfv))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("505")"\n" + +".globl "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(GetVertexAttribfvARB)"\n" +".set "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(GetVertexAttribfvARB)", "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(GetVertexAttribfv)"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(GetVertexAttribiv))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("506")"\n" + +".globl "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(GetVertexAttribivARB)"\n" +".set "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(GetVertexAttribivARB)", "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(GetVertexAttribiv)"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(IsProgram))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("507")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(IsShader))"\n" 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"GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(Uniform3i)"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(Uniform3iv))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("525")"\n" + +".globl "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(Uniform3ivARB)"\n" +".set "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(Uniform3ivARB)", "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(Uniform3iv)"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(Uniform4f))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("526")"\n" + +".globl "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(Uniform4fARB)"\n" +".set "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(Uniform4fARB)", "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(Uniform4f)"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(Uniform4fv))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("527")"\n" + +".globl "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(Uniform4fvARB)"\n" +".set "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(Uniform4fvARB)", "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(Uniform4fv)"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(Uniform4i))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("528")"\n" + +".globl "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(Uniform4iARB)"\n" +".set "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(Uniform4iARB)", "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(Uniform4i)"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(Uniform4iv))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("529")"\n" + +".globl "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(Uniform4ivARB)"\n" +".set "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(Uniform4ivARB)", "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(Uniform4iv)"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(UniformMatrix2fv))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("530")"\n" + +".globl "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(UniformMatrix2fvARB)"\n" +".set "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(UniformMatrix2fvARB)", "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(UniformMatrix2fv)"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(UniformMatrix3fv))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("531")"\n" + +".globl "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(UniformMatrix3fvARB)"\n" +".set "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(UniformMatrix3fvARB)", "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(UniformMatrix3fv)"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(UniformMatrix4fv))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("532")"\n" + +".globl "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(UniformMatrix4fvARB)"\n" +".set "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(UniformMatrix4fvARB)", "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(UniformMatrix4fv)"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(UseProgram))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("533")"\n" + +".globl "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(UseProgramObjectARB)"\n" +".set "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(UseProgramObjectARB)", "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(UseProgram)"\n" + 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"GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttrib1svARB)"\n" +".set "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttrib1svARB)", "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttrib1sv)"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttrib2d))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("539")"\n" + +".globl "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttrib2dARB)"\n" +".set "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttrib2dARB)", "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttrib2d)"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttrib2dv))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("540")"\n" + +".globl "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttrib2dvARB)"\n" +".set "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttrib2dvARB)", "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttrib2dv)"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttrib2s))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("541")"\n" + +".globl "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttrib2sARB)"\n" +".set "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttrib2sARB)", "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttrib2s)"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttrib2sv))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("542")"\n" + +".globl "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttrib2svARB)"\n" +".set "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttrib2svARB)", "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttrib2sv)"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttrib3d))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("543")"\n" + +".globl "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttrib3dARB)"\n" +".set "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttrib3dARB)", "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttrib3d)"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttrib3dv))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("544")"\n" + +".globl "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttrib3dvARB)"\n" +".set "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttrib3dvARB)", "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttrib3dv)"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttrib3s))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("545")"\n" + +".globl "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttrib3sARB)"\n" +".set "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttrib3sARB)", "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttrib3s)"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttrib3sv))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("546")"\n" + +".globl "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttrib3svARB)"\n" +".set "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttrib3svARB)", "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttrib3sv)"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttrib4Nbv))"\n" 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"GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttrib4NubvARB)"\n" +".set "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttrib4NubvARB)", "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttrib4Nubv)"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttrib4Nuiv))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("552")"\n" + +".globl "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttrib4NuivARB)"\n" +".set "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttrib4NuivARB)", "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttrib4Nuiv)"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttrib4Nusv))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("553")"\n" + +".globl "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttrib4NusvARB)"\n" +".set "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttrib4NusvARB)", "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttrib4Nusv)"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttrib4bv))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("554")"\n" + +".globl "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttrib4bvARB)"\n" +".set "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttrib4bvARB)", "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttrib4bv)"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttrib4d))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("555")"\n" + +".globl "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttrib4dARB)"\n" +".set "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttrib4dARB)", "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttrib4d)"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttrib4dv))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("556")"\n" + +".globl "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttrib4dvARB)"\n" +".set "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttrib4dvARB)", "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttrib4dv)"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttrib4iv))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("557")"\n" + +".globl "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttrib4ivARB)"\n" +".set "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttrib4ivARB)", "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttrib4iv)"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttrib4s))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("558")"\n" + +".globl "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttrib4sARB)"\n" +".set "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttrib4sARB)", "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttrib4s)"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttrib4sv))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("559")"\n" + +".globl "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttrib4svARB)"\n" +".set "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttrib4svARB)", "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttrib4sv)"\n" + 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"GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(EndConditionalRenderNV)"\n" +".set "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(EndConditionalRenderNV)", "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(EndConditionalRender)"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(EndTransformFeedback))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("584")"\n" + +".globl "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(EndTransformFeedbackEXT)"\n" +".set "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(EndTransformFeedbackEXT)", "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(EndTransformFeedback)"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(GetBooleani_v))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("585")"\n" + +".globl "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(GetBooleanIndexedvEXT)"\n" +".set "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(GetBooleanIndexedvEXT)", "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(GetBooleani_v)"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(GetFragDataLocation))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("586")"\n" + +".globl "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(GetFragDataLocationEXT)"\n" +".set "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(GetFragDataLocationEXT)", "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(GetFragDataLocation)"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(GetIntegeri_v))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("587")"\n" + +".globl "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(GetIntegerIndexedvEXT)"\n" 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"GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(Uniform4uiEXT)", "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(Uniform4ui)"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(Uniform4uiv))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("606")"\n" + +".globl "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(Uniform4uivEXT)"\n" +".set "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(Uniform4uivEXT)", "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(Uniform4uiv)"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttribI1iv))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("607")"\n" + +".globl "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttribI1ivEXT)"\n" +".set "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttribI1ivEXT)", "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttribI1iv)"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttribI1uiv))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("608")"\n" + +".globl "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttribI1uivEXT)"\n" +".set "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttribI1uivEXT)", "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttribI1uiv)"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttribI4bv))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("609")"\n" + +".globl "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttribI4bvEXT)"\n" +".set "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttribI4bvEXT)", "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttribI4bv)"\n" + 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"GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttribDivisorARB)"\n" +".set "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttribDivisorARB)", "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttribDivisor)"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(BindProgramARB))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("620")"\n" + +".globl "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(BindProgramNV)"\n" +".set "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(BindProgramNV)", "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(BindProgramARB)"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(DeleteProgramsARB))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("621")"\n" + +".globl "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(DeleteProgramsNV)"\n" +".set "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(DeleteProgramsNV)", "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(DeleteProgramsARB)"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(GenProgramsARB))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("622")"\n" + +".globl "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(GenProgramsNV)"\n" +".set "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(GenProgramsNV)", "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(GenProgramsARB)"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(GetProgramEnvParameterdvARB))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("623")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(GetProgramEnvParameterfvARB))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("624")"\n" + 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"GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(ProgramParameter4dvNV)", "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(ProgramEnvParameter4dvARB)"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(ProgramEnvParameter4fARB))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("632")"\n" + +".globl "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(ProgramParameter4fNV)"\n" +".set "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(ProgramParameter4fNV)", "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(ProgramEnvParameter4fARB)"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(ProgramEnvParameter4fvARB))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("633")"\n" + +".globl "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(ProgramParameter4fvNV)"\n" +".set "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(ProgramParameter4fvNV)", "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(ProgramEnvParameter4fvARB)"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(ProgramLocalParameter4dARB))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("634")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(ProgramLocalParameter4dvARB))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("635")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(ProgramLocalParameter4fARB))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("636")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(ProgramLocalParameter4fvARB))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("637")"\n" + 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"GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(DrawArraysInstanced)", "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(DrawArraysInstancedARB)"\n" + +".globl "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(DrawArraysInstancedEXT)"\n" +".set "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(DrawArraysInstancedEXT)", "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(DrawArraysInstancedARB)"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(DrawElementsInstancedARB))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("658")"\n" + +".globl "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(DrawElementsInstanced)"\n" +".set "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(DrawElementsInstanced)", "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(DrawElementsInstancedARB)"\n" + +".globl "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(DrawElementsInstancedEXT)"\n" +".set "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(DrawElementsInstancedEXT)", "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(DrawElementsInstancedARB)"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(BindFramebuffer))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("659")"\n" + +".globl "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(BindFramebufferEXT)"\n" +".set "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(BindFramebufferEXT)", "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(BindFramebuffer)"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(BindRenderbuffer))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("660")"\n" + +".globl "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(BindRenderbufferEXT)"\n" +".set "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(BindRenderbufferEXT)", "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(BindRenderbuffer)"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(BlitFramebuffer))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("661")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(CheckFramebufferStatus))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("662")"\n" + +".globl "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(CheckFramebufferStatusEXT)"\n" +".set "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(CheckFramebufferStatusEXT)", "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(CheckFramebufferStatus)"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(DeleteFramebuffers))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("663")"\n" + +".globl "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(DeleteFramebuffersEXT)"\n" +".set "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(DeleteFramebuffersEXT)", "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(DeleteFramebuffers)"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(DeleteRenderbuffers))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("664")"\n" + +".globl "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(DeleteRenderbuffersEXT)"\n" +".set "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(DeleteRenderbuffersEXT)", "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(DeleteRenderbuffers)"\n" + 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"GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(GenerateMipmapEXT)"\n" +".set "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(GenerateMipmapEXT)", "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(GenerateMipmap)"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(GetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("673")"\n" + +".globl "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(GetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivEXT)"\n" +".set "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(GetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivEXT)", "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(GetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv)"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(GetRenderbufferParameteriv))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("674")"\n" + +".globl "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(GetRenderbufferParameterivEXT)"\n" +".set "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(GetRenderbufferParameterivEXT)", "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(GetRenderbufferParameteriv)"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(IsFramebuffer))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("675")"\n" + +".globl "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(IsFramebufferEXT)"\n" +".set "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(IsFramebufferEXT)", "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(IsFramebuffer)"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(IsRenderbuffer))"\n" 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"GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(BlendFuncSeparateIndexedAMD)", "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(BlendFuncSeparateiARB)"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(BlendFunciARB))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("709")"\n" + +".globl "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(BlendFuncIndexedAMD)"\n" +".set "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(BlendFuncIndexedAMD)", "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(BlendFunciARB)"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(BindFragDataLocationIndexed))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("710")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(GetFragDataIndex))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("711")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(BindSampler))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("712")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(DeleteSamplers))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("713")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(GenSamplers))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("714")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(GetSamplerParameterIiv))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("715")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(GetSamplerParameterIuiv))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("716")"\n" + 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+STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(TexStorage3D))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("818")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(TextureStorage1DEXT))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("819")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(TextureStorage2DEXT))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("820")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(TextureStorage3DEXT))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("821")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(InvalidateBufferData))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("822")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(InvalidateBufferSubData))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("823")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(InvalidateFramebuffer))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("824")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(InvalidateSubFramebuffer))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("825")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(InvalidateTexImage))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("826")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(InvalidateTexSubImage))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("827")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(PolygonOffsetEXT))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("828")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(ColorPointerEXT))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("841")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(EdgeFlagPointerEXT))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("842")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(IndexPointerEXT))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("843")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(NormalPointerEXT))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("844")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(TexCoordPointerEXT))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("845")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexPointerEXT))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("846")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(LockArraysEXT))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("847")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(UnlockArraysEXT))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("848")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(SecondaryColor3fEXT))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("849")"\n" + +".globl "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(SecondaryColor3f)"\n" +".set "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(SecondaryColor3f)", "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(SecondaryColor3fEXT)"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(SecondaryColor3fvEXT))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("850")"\n" + +".globl "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(SecondaryColor3fv)"\n" +".set "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(SecondaryColor3fv)", "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(SecondaryColor3fvEXT)"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(MultiDrawElementsEXT))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("851")"\n" + +".globl "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(MultiDrawElements)"\n" +".set "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(MultiDrawElements)", "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(MultiDrawElementsEXT)"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(FogCoordfEXT))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("852")"\n" + +".globl "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(FogCoordf)"\n" +".set "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(FogCoordf)", "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(FogCoordfEXT)"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(FogCoordfvEXT))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("853")"\n" + +".globl "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(FogCoordfv)"\n" +".set "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(FogCoordfv)", "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(FogCoordfvEXT)"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(ResizeBuffersMESA))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("854")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(WindowPos4dMESA))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("855")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(WindowPos4dvMESA))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("856")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(WindowPos4fMESA))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("857")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(WindowPos4fvMESA))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("858")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(WindowPos4iMESA))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("859")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(WindowPos4ivMESA))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("860")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(WindowPos4sMESA))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("861")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(WindowPos4svMESA))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("862")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(AreProgramsResidentNV))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("865")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(ExecuteProgramNV))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("866")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(GetProgramParameterdvNV))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("867")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(GetProgramParameterfvNV))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("868")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(GetProgramStringNV))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("869")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(GetProgramivNV))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("870")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(GetTrackMatrixivNV))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("871")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(GetVertexAttribdvNV))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("872")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(GetVertexAttribfvNV))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("873")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(GetVertexAttribivNV))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("874")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(LoadProgramNV))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("875")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(ProgramParameters4dvNV))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("876")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(ProgramParameters4fvNV))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("877")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(RequestResidentProgramsNV))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("878")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(TrackMatrixNV))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("879")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttrib1dNV))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("880")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttrib1dvNV))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("881")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttrib1fNV))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("882")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttrib1fvNV))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("883")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttrib1sNV))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("884")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttrib1svNV))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("885")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttrib2dNV))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("886")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttrib2dvNV))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("887")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttrib2fNV))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("888")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttrib2fvNV))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("889")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttrib2sNV))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("890")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttrib2svNV))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("891")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttrib3dNV))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("892")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttrib3dvNV))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("893")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttrib3fNV))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("894")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttrib3fvNV))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("895")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttrib3sNV))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("896")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttrib3svNV))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("897")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttrib4dNV))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("898")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttrib4dvNV))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("899")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttrib4fNV))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("900")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttrib4fvNV))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("901")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttrib4sNV))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("902")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttrib4svNV))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("903")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttrib4ubNV))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("904")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttrib4ubvNV))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("905")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttribPointerNV))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("906")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttribs1dvNV))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("907")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttribs1fvNV))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("908")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttribs1svNV))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("909")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttribs2dvNV))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("910")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttribs2fvNV))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("911")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttribs2svNV))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("912")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttribs3dvNV))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("913")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttribs3fvNV))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("914")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttribs3svNV))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("915")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttribs4dvNV))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("916")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttribs4fvNV))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("917")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttribs4svNV))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("918")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttribs4ubvNV))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("919")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(GetTexBumpParameterfvATI))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("920")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(GetTexBumpParameterivATI))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("921")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(TexBumpParameterfvATI))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("922")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(TexBumpParameterivATI))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("923")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(AlphaFragmentOp1ATI))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("924")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(AlphaFragmentOp2ATI))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("925")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(AlphaFragmentOp3ATI))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("926")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(BeginFragmentShaderATI))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("927")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(BindFragmentShaderATI))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("928")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(ColorFragmentOp1ATI))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("929")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(ColorFragmentOp2ATI))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("930")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(ColorFragmentOp3ATI))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("931")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(DeleteFragmentShaderATI))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("932")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(EndFragmentShaderATI))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("933")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(GenFragmentShadersATI))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("934")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(PassTexCoordATI))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("935")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(SampleMapATI))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("936")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(SetFragmentShaderConstantATI))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("937")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(GetProgramNamedParameterdvNV))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("941")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(GetProgramNamedParameterfvNV))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("942")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(ProgramNamedParameter4dNV))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("943")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(ProgramNamedParameter4dvNV))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("944")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(ProgramNamedParameter4fNV))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("945")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(ProgramNamedParameter4fvNV))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("946")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(PrimitiveRestartNV))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("947")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttribI1iEXT))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("954")"\n" + +".globl "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttribI1i)"\n" +".set "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttribI1i)", "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttribI1iEXT)"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttribI1uiEXT))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("955")"\n" + +".globl "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttribI1ui)"\n" +".set "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttribI1ui)", "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttribI1uiEXT)"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttribI2iEXT))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("956")"\n" + +".globl "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttribI2i)"\n" +".set "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttribI2i)", "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttribI2iEXT)"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttribI2ivEXT))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("957")"\n" + +".globl "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttribI2iv)"\n" +".set "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttribI2iv)", "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttribI2ivEXT)"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttribI2uiEXT))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("958")"\n" + +".globl "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttribI2ui)"\n" +".set "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttribI2ui)", "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttribI2uiEXT)"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttribI2uivEXT))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("959")"\n" + +".globl "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttribI2uiv)"\n" +".set "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttribI2uiv)", "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttribI2uivEXT)"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttribI3iEXT))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("960")"\n" + +".globl "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttribI3i)"\n" +".set "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttribI3i)", "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttribI3iEXT)"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttribI3ivEXT))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("961")"\n" + +".globl "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttribI3iv)"\n" +".set "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttribI3iv)", "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttribI3ivEXT)"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttribI3uiEXT))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("962")"\n" + +".globl "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttribI3ui)"\n" +".set "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttribI3ui)", "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttribI3uiEXT)"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttribI3uivEXT))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("963")"\n" + +".globl "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttribI3uiv)"\n" +".set "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttribI3uiv)", "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttribI3uivEXT)"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttribI4iEXT))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("964")"\n" + +".globl "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttribI4i)"\n" +".set "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttribI4i)", "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttribI4iEXT)"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttribI4ivEXT))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("965")"\n" + +".globl "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttribI4iv)"\n" +".set "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttribI4iv)", "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttribI4ivEXT)"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttribI4uiEXT))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("966")"\n" + +".globl "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttribI4ui)"\n" +".set "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttribI4ui)", "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttribI4uiEXT)"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttribI4uivEXT))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("967")"\n" + +".globl "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttribI4uiv)"\n" +".set "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttribI4uiv)", "GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(VertexAttribI4uivEXT)"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(ClearColorIiEXT))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("968")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(ClearColorIuiEXT))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("969")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(BindBufferOffsetEXT))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("970")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(GetObjectParameterivAPPLE))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("971")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(ObjectPurgeableAPPLE))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("972")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(ObjectUnpurgeableAPPLE))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("973")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(ActiveProgramEXT))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("974")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(CreateShaderProgramEXT))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("975")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(UseShaderProgramEXT))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("976")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(TextureBarrierNV))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("977")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(EGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOES))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("981")"\n" + +STUB_ASM_ENTRY(GLAPI_PREFIX_STR(EGLImageTargetTexture2DOES))"\n" +"\t"STUB_ASM_CODE("982")"\n" + +); +#undef MAPI_TMP_STUB_ASM_GCC_NO_HIDDEN +#endif /* MAPI_TMP_STUB_ASM_GCC_NO_HIDDEN */ --- mesa-9.1.4.orig/src/mapi/glapi/glprocs.h +++ mesa-9.1.4/src/mapi/glapi/glprocs.h @@ -0,0 +1,3211 @@ +/* DO NOT EDIT - This file generated automatically by gl_procs.py (from Mesa) script */ + +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Brian Paul All Rights Reserved. + * (C) Copyright IBM Corporation 2004, 2006 + * All Rights Reserved. + * + * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a + * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), + * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation + * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sub license, + * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the + * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + * + * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next + * paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the + * Software. + * + * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR + * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL + * BRIAN PAUL, IBM, + * AND/OR THEIR SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, + * WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF + * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE + * SOFTWARE. + */ + + +/* This file is only included by glapi.c and is used for + * the GetProcAddress() function + */ + +typedef struct { + GLint Name_offset; +#if defined(NEED_FUNCTION_POINTER) || defined(GLX_INDIRECT_RENDERING) + _glapi_proc Address; +#endif + GLuint Offset; +} glprocs_table_t; + +#if !defined(NEED_FUNCTION_POINTER) && !defined(GLX_INDIRECT_RENDERING) +# define NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(n,f1,f2,f3,o) { n , o } +#elif defined(NEED_FUNCTION_POINTER) && !defined(GLX_INDIRECT_RENDERING) +# define NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(n,f1,f2,f3,o) { n , (_glapi_proc) f1 , o } +#elif defined(NEED_FUNCTION_POINTER) && defined(GLX_INDIRECT_RENDERING) +# define NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(n,f1,f2,f3,o) { n , (_glapi_proc) f2 , o } +#elif !defined(NEED_FUNCTION_POINTER) && defined(GLX_INDIRECT_RENDERING) +# define NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(n,f1,f2,f3,o) { n , (_glapi_proc) f3 , o } +#endif + + + +static const char gl_string_table[] = + "glNewList\0" + "glEndList\0" + "glCallList\0" + "glCallLists\0" + "glDeleteLists\0" + "glGenLists\0" + "glListBase\0" + "glBegin\0" + "glBitmap\0" + "glColor3b\0" + "glColor3bv\0" + "glColor3d\0" + "glColor3dv\0" + "glColor3f\0" + "glColor3fv\0" + "glColor3i\0" + "glColor3iv\0" + "glColor3s\0" + "glColor3sv\0" + "glColor3ub\0" + "glColor3ubv\0" + "glColor3ui\0" + "glColor3uiv\0" + "glColor3us\0" + "glColor3usv\0" + "glColor4b\0" + "glColor4bv\0" + "glColor4d\0" + "glColor4dv\0" + "glColor4f\0" + "glColor4fv\0" + "glColor4i\0" + "glColor4iv\0" + "glColor4s\0" + "glColor4sv\0" + "glColor4ub\0" + "glColor4ubv\0" + "glColor4ui\0" + "glColor4uiv\0" + "glColor4us\0" + "glColor4usv\0" + "glEdgeFlag\0" + "glEdgeFlagv\0" + "glEnd\0" + "glIndexd\0" + "glIndexdv\0" + "glIndexf\0" + "glIndexfv\0" + "glIndexi\0" + "glIndexiv\0" + "glIndexs\0" + "glIndexsv\0" + "glNormal3b\0" + "glNormal3bv\0" + "glNormal3d\0" + "glNormal3dv\0" + "glNormal3f\0" + "glNormal3fv\0" + "glNormal3i\0" + "glNormal3iv\0" + "glNormal3s\0" + "glNormal3sv\0" + "glRasterPos2d\0" + "glRasterPos2dv\0" + "glRasterPos2f\0" + "glRasterPos2fv\0" + "glRasterPos2i\0" + "glRasterPos2iv\0" + "glRasterPos2s\0" + "glRasterPos2sv\0" + "glRasterPos3d\0" + "glRasterPos3dv\0" + "glRasterPos3f\0" + "glRasterPos3fv\0" + "glRasterPos3i\0" + "glRasterPos3iv\0" + "glRasterPos3s\0" + "glRasterPos3sv\0" + "glRasterPos4d\0" + "glRasterPos4dv\0" + "glRasterPos4f\0" + "glRasterPos4fv\0" + "glRasterPos4i\0" + "glRasterPos4iv\0" + "glRasterPos4s\0" + "glRasterPos4sv\0" + "glRectd\0" + "glRectdv\0" + "glRectf\0" + "glRectfv\0" + "glRecti\0" + "glRectiv\0" + "glRects\0" + "glRectsv\0" + "glTexCoord1d\0" + "glTexCoord1dv\0" + "glTexCoord1f\0" + "glTexCoord1fv\0" + "glTexCoord1i\0" + "glTexCoord1iv\0" + "glTexCoord1s\0" + "glTexCoord1sv\0" + "glTexCoord2d\0" + "glTexCoord2dv\0" + "glTexCoord2f\0" + "glTexCoord2fv\0" + "glTexCoord2i\0" + "glTexCoord2iv\0" + "glTexCoord2s\0" + "glTexCoord2sv\0" + "glTexCoord3d\0" + "glTexCoord3dv\0" + "glTexCoord3f\0" + "glTexCoord3fv\0" + "glTexCoord3i\0" + "glTexCoord3iv\0" + "glTexCoord3s\0" + "glTexCoord3sv\0" + "glTexCoord4d\0" + "glTexCoord4dv\0" + "glTexCoord4f\0" + "glTexCoord4fv\0" + "glTexCoord4i\0" + "glTexCoord4iv\0" + "glTexCoord4s\0" + "glTexCoord4sv\0" + "glVertex2d\0" + "glVertex2dv\0" + "glVertex2f\0" + "glVertex2fv\0" + "glVertex2i\0" + "glVertex2iv\0" + "glVertex2s\0" + "glVertex2sv\0" + "glVertex3d\0" + "glVertex3dv\0" + "glVertex3f\0" + "glVertex3fv\0" + "glVertex3i\0" + "glVertex3iv\0" + "glVertex3s\0" + "glVertex3sv\0" + "glVertex4d\0" + "glVertex4dv\0" + "glVertex4f\0" + "glVertex4fv\0" + "glVertex4i\0" + "glVertex4iv\0" + "glVertex4s\0" + "glVertex4sv\0" + "glClipPlane\0" + "glColorMaterial\0" + "glCullFace\0" + "glFogf\0" + "glFogfv\0" + "glFogi\0" + "glFogiv\0" + "glFrontFace\0" + "glHint\0" + "glLightf\0" + "glLightfv\0" + "glLighti\0" + "glLightiv\0" + "glLightModelf\0" + "glLightModelfv\0" + "glLightModeli\0" + "glLightModeliv\0" + "glLineStipple\0" + "glLineWidth\0" + "glMaterialf\0" + "glMaterialfv\0" + "glMateriali\0" + "glMaterialiv\0" + "glPointSize\0" + "glPolygonMode\0" + "glPolygonStipple\0" + "glScissor\0" + "glShadeModel\0" + "glTexParameterf\0" + "glTexParameterfv\0" + "glTexParameteri\0" + "glTexParameteriv\0" + "glTexImage1D\0" + "glTexImage2D\0" + "glTexEnvf\0" + "glTexEnvfv\0" + "glTexEnvi\0" + "glTexEnviv\0" + "glTexGend\0" + "glTexGendv\0" + "glTexGenf\0" + "glTexGenfv\0" + "glTexGeni\0" + "glTexGeniv\0" + "glFeedbackBuffer\0" + "glSelectBuffer\0" + "glRenderMode\0" + "glInitNames\0" + "glLoadName\0" + "glPassThrough\0" + "glPopName\0" + "glPushName\0" + "glDrawBuffer\0" + "glClear\0" + "glClearAccum\0" + "glClearIndex\0" + "glClearColor\0" + "glClearStencil\0" + "glClearDepth\0" + "glStencilMask\0" + "glColorMask\0" + "glDepthMask\0" + "glIndexMask\0" + "glAccum\0" + "glDisable\0" + "glEnable\0" + "glFinish\0" + "glFlush\0" + "glPopAttrib\0" + "glPushAttrib\0" + "glMap1d\0" + "glMap1f\0" + "glMap2d\0" + "glMap2f\0" + "glMapGrid1d\0" + "glMapGrid1f\0" + "glMapGrid2d\0" + "glMapGrid2f\0" + "glEvalCoord1d\0" + "glEvalCoord1dv\0" + "glEvalCoord1f\0" + "glEvalCoord1fv\0" + "glEvalCoord2d\0" + "glEvalCoord2dv\0" + "glEvalCoord2f\0" + "glEvalCoord2fv\0" + "glEvalMesh1\0" + "glEvalPoint1\0" + "glEvalMesh2\0" + "glEvalPoint2\0" + "glAlphaFunc\0" + "glBlendFunc\0" + "glLogicOp\0" + "glStencilFunc\0" + "glStencilOp\0" + "glDepthFunc\0" + "glPixelZoom\0" + "glPixelTransferf\0" + "glPixelTransferi\0" + "glPixelStoref\0" + "glPixelStorei\0" + "glPixelMapfv\0" + "glPixelMapuiv\0" + "glPixelMapusv\0" + "glReadBuffer\0" + "glCopyPixels\0" + "glReadPixels\0" + "glDrawPixels\0" + "glGetBooleanv\0" + "glGetClipPlane\0" + "glGetDoublev\0" + "glGetError\0" + "glGetFloatv\0" + "glGetIntegerv\0" + "glGetLightfv\0" + "glGetLightiv\0" + "glGetMapdv\0" + "glGetMapfv\0" + "glGetMapiv\0" + "glGetMaterialfv\0" + "glGetMaterialiv\0" + "glGetPixelMapfv\0" + "glGetPixelMapuiv\0" + "glGetPixelMapusv\0" + "glGetPolygonStipple\0" + "glGetString\0" + "glGetTexEnvfv\0" + "glGetTexEnviv\0" + "glGetTexGendv\0" + "glGetTexGenfv\0" + "glGetTexGeniv\0" + "glGetTexImage\0" + "glGetTexParameterfv\0" + "glGetTexParameteriv\0" + "glGetTexLevelParameterfv\0" + "glGetTexLevelParameteriv\0" + "glIsEnabled\0" + "glIsList\0" + "glDepthRange\0" + "glFrustum\0" + "glLoadIdentity\0" + "glLoadMatrixf\0" + "glLoadMatrixd\0" + "glMatrixMode\0" + "glMultMatrixf\0" + "glMultMatrixd\0" + "glOrtho\0" + "glPopMatrix\0" + "glPushMatrix\0" + "glRotated\0" + "glRotatef\0" + "glScaled\0" + "glScalef\0" + "glTranslated\0" + "glTranslatef\0" + "glViewport\0" + "glArrayElement\0" + "glBindTexture\0" + "glColorPointer\0" + "glDisableClientState\0" + "glDrawArrays\0" + "glDrawElements\0" + "glEdgeFlagPointer\0" + "glEnableClientState\0" + "glIndexPointer\0" + "glIndexub\0" + "glIndexubv\0" + "glInterleavedArrays\0" + "glNormalPointer\0" + "glPolygonOffset\0" + "glTexCoordPointer\0" + "glVertexPointer\0" + "glAreTexturesResident\0" + "glCopyTexImage1D\0" + "glCopyTexImage2D\0" + "glCopyTexSubImage1D\0" + "glCopyTexSubImage2D\0" + "glDeleteTextures\0" + "glGenTextures\0" + "glGetPointerv\0" + "glIsTexture\0" + "glPrioritizeTextures\0" + "glTexSubImage1D\0" + "glTexSubImage2D\0" + "glPopClientAttrib\0" + "glPushClientAttrib\0" + "glBlendColor\0" + "glBlendEquation\0" + "glDrawRangeElements\0" + "glColorTable\0" + "glColorTableParameterfv\0" + "glColorTableParameteriv\0" + "glCopyColorTable\0" + "glGetColorTable\0" + "glGetColorTableParameterfv\0" + "glGetColorTableParameteriv\0" + "glColorSubTable\0" + "glCopyColorSubTable\0" + "glConvolutionFilter1D\0" + "glConvolutionFilter2D\0" + "glConvolutionParameterf\0" + "glConvolutionParameterfv\0" + "glConvolutionParameteri\0" + "glConvolutionParameteriv\0" + "glCopyConvolutionFilter1D\0" + "glCopyConvolutionFilter2D\0" + "glGetConvolutionFilter\0" + "glGetConvolutionParameterfv\0" + "glGetConvolutionParameteriv\0" + "glGetSeparableFilter\0" + "glSeparableFilter2D\0" + "glGetHistogram\0" + "glGetHistogramParameterfv\0" + "glGetHistogramParameteriv\0" + "glGetMinmax\0" + "glGetMinmaxParameterfv\0" + "glGetMinmaxParameteriv\0" + "glHistogram\0" + "glMinmax\0" + "glResetHistogram\0" + "glResetMinmax\0" + "glTexImage3D\0" + "glTexSubImage3D\0" + "glCopyTexSubImage3D\0" + "glActiveTexture\0" + "glClientActiveTexture\0" + "glMultiTexCoord1d\0" + "glMultiTexCoord1dv\0" + "glMultiTexCoord1fARB\0" + "glMultiTexCoord1fvARB\0" + "glMultiTexCoord1i\0" + "glMultiTexCoord1iv\0" + "glMultiTexCoord1s\0" + "glMultiTexCoord1sv\0" + "glMultiTexCoord2d\0" + "glMultiTexCoord2dv\0" + "glMultiTexCoord2fARB\0" + "glMultiTexCoord2fvARB\0" + "glMultiTexCoord2i\0" + "glMultiTexCoord2iv\0" + "glMultiTexCoord2s\0" + "glMultiTexCoord2sv\0" + "glMultiTexCoord3d\0" + "glMultiTexCoord3dv\0" + "glMultiTexCoord3fARB\0" + "glMultiTexCoord3fvARB\0" + "glMultiTexCoord3i\0" + "glMultiTexCoord3iv\0" + "glMultiTexCoord3s\0" + "glMultiTexCoord3sv\0" + "glMultiTexCoord4d\0" + "glMultiTexCoord4dv\0" + "glMultiTexCoord4fARB\0" + "glMultiTexCoord4fvARB\0" + "glMultiTexCoord4i\0" + "glMultiTexCoord4iv\0" + "glMultiTexCoord4s\0" + "glMultiTexCoord4sv\0" + "glCompressedTexImage1D\0" + "glCompressedTexImage2D\0" + "glCompressedTexImage3D\0" + "glCompressedTexSubImage1D\0" + "glCompressedTexSubImage2D\0" + "glCompressedTexSubImage3D\0" + "glGetCompressedTexImage\0" + "glLoadTransposeMatrixd\0" + "glLoadTransposeMatrixf\0" + "glMultTransposeMatrixd\0" + "glMultTransposeMatrixf\0" + "glSampleCoverage\0" + "glBlendFuncSeparate\0" + "glFogCoordPointer\0" + "glFogCoordd\0" + "glFogCoorddv\0" + "glMultiDrawArrays\0" + "glPointParameterf\0" + "glPointParameterfv\0" + "glPointParameteri\0" + "glPointParameteriv\0" + "glSecondaryColor3b\0" + "glSecondaryColor3bv\0" + "glSecondaryColor3d\0" + "glSecondaryColor3dv\0" + "glSecondaryColor3i\0" + "glSecondaryColor3iv\0" + "glSecondaryColor3s\0" + "glSecondaryColor3sv\0" + "glSecondaryColor3ub\0" + "glSecondaryColor3ubv\0" + "glSecondaryColor3ui\0" + "glSecondaryColor3uiv\0" + "glSecondaryColor3us\0" + "glSecondaryColor3usv\0" + "glSecondaryColorPointer\0" + "glWindowPos2d\0" + "glWindowPos2dv\0" + "glWindowPos2f\0" + "glWindowPos2fv\0" + "glWindowPos2i\0" + "glWindowPos2iv\0" + "glWindowPos2s\0" + "glWindowPos2sv\0" + "glWindowPos3d\0" + "glWindowPos3dv\0" + "glWindowPos3f\0" + "glWindowPos3fv\0" + "glWindowPos3i\0" + "glWindowPos3iv\0" + "glWindowPos3s\0" + "glWindowPos3sv\0" + "glBeginQuery\0" + "glBindBuffer\0" + "glBufferData\0" + "glBufferSubData\0" + "glDeleteBuffers\0" + "glDeleteQueries\0" + "glEndQuery\0" + "glGenBuffers\0" + "glGenQueries\0" + "glGetBufferParameteriv\0" + "glGetBufferPointerv\0" + "glGetBufferSubData\0" + "glGetQueryObjectiv\0" + "glGetQueryObjectuiv\0" + "glGetQueryiv\0" + "glIsBuffer\0" + "glIsQuery\0" + "glMapBuffer\0" + "glUnmapBuffer\0" + "glAttachShader\0" + "glBindAttribLocation\0" + "glBlendEquationSeparate\0" + "glCompileShader\0" + "glCreateProgram\0" + "glCreateShader\0" + "glDeleteProgram\0" + "glDeleteShader\0" + "glDetachShader\0" + "glDisableVertexAttribArray\0" + "glDrawBuffers\0" + "glEnableVertexAttribArray\0" + "glGetActiveAttrib\0" + "glGetActiveUniform\0" + "glGetAttachedShaders\0" + "glGetAttribLocation\0" + "glGetProgramInfoLog\0" + "glGetProgramiv\0" + "glGetShaderInfoLog\0" + "glGetShaderSource\0" + "glGetShaderiv\0" + "glGetUniformLocation\0" + "glGetUniformfv\0" + "glGetUniformiv\0" + "glGetVertexAttribPointerv\0" + "glGetVertexAttribdv\0" + "glGetVertexAttribfv\0" + "glGetVertexAttribiv\0" + "glIsProgram\0" + "glIsShader\0" + "glLinkProgram\0" + "glShaderSource\0" + "glStencilFuncSeparate\0" + "glStencilMaskSeparate\0" + "glStencilOpSeparate\0" + "glUniform1f\0" + "glUniform1fv\0" + "glUniform1i\0" + "glUniform1iv\0" + "glUniform2f\0" + "glUniform2fv\0" + "glUniform2i\0" + "glUniform2iv\0" + "glUniform3f\0" + "glUniform3fv\0" + "glUniform3i\0" + "glUniform3iv\0" + "glUniform4f\0" + "glUniform4fv\0" + "glUniform4i\0" + "glUniform4iv\0" + "glUniformMatrix2fv\0" + "glUniformMatrix3fv\0" + "glUniformMatrix4fv\0" + "glUseProgram\0" + "glValidateProgram\0" + "glVertexAttrib1d\0" + "glVertexAttrib1dv\0" + "glVertexAttrib1s\0" + "glVertexAttrib1sv\0" + "glVertexAttrib2d\0" + "glVertexAttrib2dv\0" + "glVertexAttrib2s\0" + "glVertexAttrib2sv\0" + "glVertexAttrib3d\0" + "glVertexAttrib3dv\0" + "glVertexAttrib3s\0" + "glVertexAttrib3sv\0" + "glVertexAttrib4Nbv\0" + "glVertexAttrib4Niv\0" + "glVertexAttrib4Nsv\0" + "glVertexAttrib4Nub\0" + "glVertexAttrib4Nubv\0" + "glVertexAttrib4Nuiv\0" + "glVertexAttrib4Nusv\0" + "glVertexAttrib4bv\0" + "glVertexAttrib4d\0" + "glVertexAttrib4dv\0" + "glVertexAttrib4iv\0" + "glVertexAttrib4s\0" + "glVertexAttrib4sv\0" + "glVertexAttrib4ubv\0" + "glVertexAttrib4uiv\0" + "glVertexAttrib4usv\0" + "glVertexAttribPointer\0" + "glUniformMatrix2x3fv\0" + "glUniformMatrix2x4fv\0" + "glUniformMatrix3x2fv\0" + "glUniformMatrix3x4fv\0" + "glUniformMatrix4x2fv\0" + "glUniformMatrix4x3fv\0" + "glBeginConditionalRender\0" + "glBeginTransformFeedback\0" + "glBindBufferBase\0" + "glBindBufferRange\0" + "glBindFragDataLocation\0" + "glClampColor\0" + "glClearBufferfi\0" + "glClearBufferfv\0" + "glClearBufferiv\0" + "glClearBufferuiv\0" + "glColorMaski\0" + "glDisablei\0" + "glEnablei\0" + "glEndConditionalRender\0" + "glEndTransformFeedback\0" + "glGetBooleani_v\0" + "glGetFragDataLocation\0" + "glGetIntegeri_v\0" + "glGetStringi\0" + "glGetTexParameterIiv\0" + "glGetTexParameterIuiv\0" + "glGetTransformFeedbackVarying\0" + "glGetUniformuiv\0" + "glGetVertexAttribIiv\0" + "glGetVertexAttribIuiv\0" + "glIsEnabledi\0" + "glTexParameterIiv\0" + "glTexParameterIuiv\0" + "glTransformFeedbackVaryings\0" + "glUniform1ui\0" + "glUniform1uiv\0" + "glUniform2ui\0" + "glUniform2uiv\0" + "glUniform3ui\0" + "glUniform3uiv\0" + "glUniform4ui\0" + "glUniform4uiv\0" + "glVertexAttribI1iv\0" + "glVertexAttribI1uiv\0" + "glVertexAttribI4bv\0" + "glVertexAttribI4sv\0" + "glVertexAttribI4ubv\0" + "glVertexAttribI4usv\0" + "glVertexAttribIPointer\0" + "glPrimitiveRestartIndex\0" + "glTexBuffer\0" + "glFramebufferTexture\0" + "glGetBufferParameteri64v\0" + "glGetInteger64i_v\0" + "glVertexAttribDivisor\0" + "glBindProgramARB\0" + "glDeleteProgramsARB\0" + "glGenProgramsARB\0" + "glGetProgramEnvParameterdvARB\0" + "glGetProgramEnvParameterfvARB\0" + "glGetProgramLocalParameterdvARB\0" + "glGetProgramLocalParameterfvARB\0" + "glGetProgramStringARB\0" + "glGetProgramivARB\0" + "glIsProgramARB\0" + "glProgramEnvParameter4dARB\0" + "glProgramEnvParameter4dvARB\0" + "glProgramEnvParameter4fARB\0" + "glProgramEnvParameter4fvARB\0" + "glProgramLocalParameter4dARB\0" + "glProgramLocalParameter4dvARB\0" + "glProgramLocalParameter4fARB\0" + "glProgramLocalParameter4fvARB\0" + "glProgramStringARB\0" + "glVertexAttrib1fARB\0" + "glVertexAttrib1fvARB\0" + "glVertexAttrib2fARB\0" + "glVertexAttrib2fvARB\0" + "glVertexAttrib3fARB\0" + "glVertexAttrib3fvARB\0" + "glVertexAttrib4fARB\0" + "glVertexAttrib4fvARB\0" + "glAttachObjectARB\0" + "glCreateProgramObjectARB\0" + "glCreateShaderObjectARB\0" + "glDeleteObjectARB\0" + "glDetachObjectARB\0" + "glGetAttachedObjectsARB\0" + "glGetHandleARB\0" + "glGetInfoLogARB\0" + "glGetObjectParameterfvARB\0" + "glGetObjectParameterivARB\0" + "glDrawArraysInstancedARB\0" + "glDrawElementsInstancedARB\0" + "glBindFramebuffer\0" + "glBindRenderbuffer\0" + "glBlitFramebuffer\0" + "glCheckFramebufferStatus\0" + "glDeleteFramebuffers\0" + "glDeleteRenderbuffers\0" + "glFramebufferRenderbuffer\0" + "glFramebufferTexture1D\0" + "glFramebufferTexture2D\0" + "glFramebufferTexture3D\0" + "glFramebufferTextureLayer\0" + "glGenFramebuffers\0" + "glGenRenderbuffers\0" + "glGenerateMipmap\0" + "glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv\0" + "glGetRenderbufferParameteriv\0" + "glIsFramebuffer\0" + "glIsRenderbuffer\0" + "glRenderbufferStorage\0" + "glRenderbufferStorageMultisample\0" + "glFramebufferTextureFaceARB\0" + "glFlushMappedBufferRange\0" + "glMapBufferRange\0" + "glBindVertexArray\0" + "glDeleteVertexArrays\0" + "glGenVertexArrays\0" + "glIsVertexArray\0" + "glGetActiveUniformBlockName\0" + "glGetActiveUniformBlockiv\0" + "glGetActiveUniformName\0" + "glGetActiveUniformsiv\0" + "glGetUniformBlockIndex\0" + "glGetUniformIndices\0" + "glUniformBlockBinding\0" + "glCopyBufferSubData\0" + "glClientWaitSync\0" + "glDeleteSync\0" + "glFenceSync\0" + "glGetInteger64v\0" + "glGetSynciv\0" + "glIsSync\0" + "glWaitSync\0" + "glDrawElementsBaseVertex\0" + "glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex\0" + "glDrawRangeElementsBaseVertex\0" + "glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex\0" + "glProvokingVertex\0" + "glBlendEquationSeparateiARB\0" + "glBlendEquationiARB\0" + "glBlendFuncSeparateiARB\0" + "glBlendFunciARB\0" + "glBindFragDataLocationIndexed\0" + "glGetFragDataIndex\0" + "glBindSampler\0" + "glDeleteSamplers\0" + "glGenSamplers\0" + "glGetSamplerParameterIiv\0" + "glGetSamplerParameterIuiv\0" + "glGetSamplerParameterfv\0" + "glGetSamplerParameteriv\0" + "glIsSampler\0" + "glSamplerParameterIiv\0" + "glSamplerParameterIuiv\0" + "glSamplerParameterf\0" + "glSamplerParameterfv\0" + "glSamplerParameteri\0" + "glSamplerParameteriv\0" + "glGetQueryObjecti64v\0" + "glGetQueryObjectui64v\0" + "glQueryCounter\0" + "glColorP3ui\0" + "glColorP3uiv\0" + "glColorP4ui\0" + "glColorP4uiv\0" + "glMultiTexCoordP1ui\0" + "glMultiTexCoordP1uiv\0" + "glMultiTexCoordP2ui\0" + "glMultiTexCoordP2uiv\0" + "glMultiTexCoordP3ui\0" + "glMultiTexCoordP3uiv\0" + "glMultiTexCoordP4ui\0" + "glMultiTexCoordP4uiv\0" + "glNormalP3ui\0" + "glNormalP3uiv\0" + "glSecondaryColorP3ui\0" + "glSecondaryColorP3uiv\0" + "glTexCoordP1ui\0" + "glTexCoordP1uiv\0" + "glTexCoordP2ui\0" + "glTexCoordP2uiv\0" + 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"glEndConditionalRenderNV\0" + "glEndTransformFeedbackEXT\0" + "glGetBooleanIndexedvEXT\0" + "glGetFragDataLocationEXT\0" + "glGetIntegerIndexedvEXT\0" + "glGetTexParameterIivEXT\0" + "glGetTexParameterIuivEXT\0" + "glGetTransformFeedbackVaryingEXT\0" + "glGetUniformuivEXT\0" + "glGetVertexAttribIivEXT\0" + "glGetVertexAttribIuivEXT\0" + "glIsEnabledIndexedEXT\0" + "glTexParameterIivEXT\0" + "glTexParameterIuivEXT\0" + "glTransformFeedbackVaryingsEXT\0" + "glUniform1uiEXT\0" + "glUniform1uivEXT\0" + "glUniform2uiEXT\0" + "glUniform2uivEXT\0" + "glUniform3uiEXT\0" + "glUniform3uivEXT\0" + "glUniform4uiEXT\0" + "glUniform4uivEXT\0" + "glVertexAttribI1ivEXT\0" + "glVertexAttribI1uivEXT\0" + "glVertexAttribI4bvEXT\0" + "glVertexAttribI4svEXT\0" + "glVertexAttribI4ubvEXT\0" + "glVertexAttribI4usvEXT\0" + "glVertexAttribIPointerEXT\0" + "glPrimitiveRestartIndexNV\0" + "glTexBufferARB\0" + "glFramebufferTextureARB\0" + "glVertexAttribDivisorARB\0" + "glBindProgramNV\0" + "glDeleteProgramsNV\0" + "glGenProgramsNV\0" + "glIsProgramNV\0" + "glProgramParameter4dNV\0" + "glProgramParameter4dvNV\0" + "glProgramParameter4fNV\0" + "glProgramParameter4fvNV\0" + "glVertexAttrib1f\0" + "glVertexAttrib1fv\0" + "glVertexAttrib2f\0" + "glVertexAttrib2fv\0" + "glVertexAttrib3f\0" + "glVertexAttrib3fv\0" + "glVertexAttrib4f\0" + "glVertexAttrib4fv\0" + "glDrawArraysInstancedEXT\0" + "glDrawArraysInstanced\0" + "glDrawElementsInstancedEXT\0" + "glDrawElementsInstanced\0" + "glBindFramebufferEXT\0" + "glBindFramebufferOES\0" + "glBindRenderbufferEXT\0" + "glBindRenderbufferOES\0" + "glBlitFramebufferEXT\0" + "glCheckFramebufferStatusEXT\0" + "glCheckFramebufferStatusOES\0" + "glDeleteFramebuffersEXT\0" + "glDeleteFramebuffersOES\0" + "glDeleteRenderbuffersEXT\0" + "glDeleteRenderbuffersOES\0" + "glFramebufferRenderbufferEXT\0" + "glFramebufferRenderbufferOES\0" + "glFramebufferTexture1DEXT\0" + "glFramebufferTexture2DEXT\0" + "glFramebufferTexture2DOES\0" + "glFramebufferTexture3DEXT\0" + "glFramebufferTexture3DOES\0" + "glFramebufferTextureLayerARB\0" + "glFramebufferTextureLayerEXT\0" + "glGenFramebuffersEXT\0" + "glGenFramebuffersOES\0" + "glGenRenderbuffersEXT\0" + "glGenRenderbuffersOES\0" + "glGenerateMipmapEXT\0" + "glGenerateMipmapOES\0" + "glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivEXT\0" + "glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivOES\0" + "glGetRenderbufferParameterivEXT\0" + "glGetRenderbufferParameterivOES\0" + "glIsFramebufferEXT\0" + "glIsFramebufferOES\0" + "glIsRenderbufferEXT\0" + "glIsRenderbufferOES\0" + "glRenderbufferStorageEXT\0" + "glRenderbufferStorageOES\0" + "glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleEXT\0" + "glFlushMappedBufferRangeEXT\0" + "glMapBufferRangeEXT\0" + "glBindVertexArrayOES\0" + "glDeleteVertexArraysAPPLE\0" + "glDeleteVertexArraysOES\0" + "glGenVertexArraysOES\0" + "glIsVertexArrayAPPLE\0" + "glIsVertexArrayOES\0" + "glProvokingVertexEXT\0" + "glBlendEquationSeparateIndexedAMD\0" + "glBlendEquationIndexedAMD\0" + "glBlendFuncSeparateIndexedAMD\0" + "glBlendFuncIndexedAMD\0" + "glGetQueryObjecti64vEXT\0" + "glGetQueryObjectui64vEXT\0" + "glClearDepthfOES\0" + "glDepthRangefOES\0" + "glGetProgramBinaryOES\0" + "glProgramBinaryOES\0" + "glProgramParameteriARB\0" + "glSampleMaskEXT\0" + "glSamplePatternEXT\0" + "glSecondaryColor3f\0" + "glSecondaryColor3fv\0" + "glMultiDrawElements\0" + "glFogCoordf\0" + "glFogCoordfv\0" + "glVertexAttribI1i\0" + "glVertexAttribI1ui\0" + "glVertexAttribI2i\0" + "glVertexAttribI2iv\0" + "glVertexAttribI2ui\0" + "glVertexAttribI2uiv\0" + "glVertexAttribI3i\0" + "glVertexAttribI3iv\0" + "glVertexAttribI3ui\0" + "glVertexAttribI3uiv\0" + "glVertexAttribI4i\0" + "glVertexAttribI4iv\0" + "glVertexAttribI4ui\0" + "glVertexAttribI4uiv\0" + "glAlphaFuncxOES\0" + "glClearColorxOES\0" + "glClearDepthxOES\0" + "glColor4xOES\0" + "glDepthRangexOES\0" + "glFogxOES\0" + "glFogxvOES\0" + "glFrustumfOES\0" + "glFrustumxOES\0" + "glLightModelxOES\0" + "glLightModelxvOES\0" + "glLightxOES\0" + "glLightxvOES\0" + "glLineWidthxOES\0" + "glLoadMatrixxOES\0" + "glMaterialxOES\0" + "glMaterialxvOES\0" + "glMultMatrixxOES\0" + "glMultiTexCoord4xOES\0" + "glNormal3xOES\0" + "glOrthofOES\0" + "glOrthoxOES\0" + "glPointSizexOES\0" + "glPolygonOffsetxOES\0" + "glRotatexOES\0" + "glSampleCoveragexOES\0" + "glScalexOES\0" + "glTexEnvxOES\0" + "glTexEnvxvOES\0" + "glTexParameterxOES\0" + "glTranslatexOES\0" + "glClipPlanefOES\0" + "glClipPlanexOES\0" + "glGetClipPlanefOES\0" + "glGetClipPlanexOES\0" + "glGetFixedvOES\0" + "glGetLightxvOES\0" + "glGetMaterialxvOES\0" + "glGetTexEnvxvOES\0" + "glGetTexParameterxvOES\0" + "glPointParameterxOES\0" + "glPointParameterxvOES\0" + "glTexParameterxvOES\0" + ; + + +#ifdef USE_MGL_NAMESPACE +#define gl_dispatch_stub_343 mgl_dispatch_stub_343 +#define gl_dispatch_stub_344 mgl_dispatch_stub_344 +#define gl_dispatch_stub_345 mgl_dispatch_stub_345 +#define gl_dispatch_stub_356 mgl_dispatch_stub_356 +#define gl_dispatch_stub_357 mgl_dispatch_stub_357 +#define gl_dispatch_stub_358 mgl_dispatch_stub_358 +#define gl_dispatch_stub_359 mgl_dispatch_stub_359 +#define gl_dispatch_stub_361 mgl_dispatch_stub_361 +#define gl_dispatch_stub_362 mgl_dispatch_stub_362 +#define gl_dispatch_stub_363 mgl_dispatch_stub_363 +#define gl_dispatch_stub_364 mgl_dispatch_stub_364 +#define gl_dispatch_stub_365 mgl_dispatch_stub_365 +#define gl_dispatch_stub_366 mgl_dispatch_stub_366 +#define gl_dispatch_stub_726 mgl_dispatch_stub_726 +#define gl_dispatch_stub_727 mgl_dispatch_stub_727 +#define gl_dispatch_stub_728 mgl_dispatch_stub_728 +#define gl_dispatch_stub_815 mgl_dispatch_stub_815 +#define gl_dispatch_stub_829 mgl_dispatch_stub_829 +#define gl_dispatch_stub_830 mgl_dispatch_stub_830 +#define gl_dispatch_stub_831 mgl_dispatch_stub_831 +#define gl_dispatch_stub_832 mgl_dispatch_stub_832 +#define gl_dispatch_stub_833 mgl_dispatch_stub_833 +#define gl_dispatch_stub_834 mgl_dispatch_stub_834 +#define gl_dispatch_stub_835 mgl_dispatch_stub_835 +#define gl_dispatch_stub_836 mgl_dispatch_stub_836 +#define gl_dispatch_stub_837 mgl_dispatch_stub_837 +#define gl_dispatch_stub_838 mgl_dispatch_stub_838 +#define gl_dispatch_stub_839 mgl_dispatch_stub_839 +#define gl_dispatch_stub_840 mgl_dispatch_stub_840 +#define gl_dispatch_stub_863 mgl_dispatch_stub_863 +#define gl_dispatch_stub_864 mgl_dispatch_stub_864 +#define gl_dispatch_stub_938 mgl_dispatch_stub_938 +#define gl_dispatch_stub_939 mgl_dispatch_stub_939 +#define gl_dispatch_stub_940 mgl_dispatch_stub_940 +#define gl_dispatch_stub_948 mgl_dispatch_stub_948 +#define gl_dispatch_stub_949 mgl_dispatch_stub_949 +#define gl_dispatch_stub_950 mgl_dispatch_stub_950 +#define gl_dispatch_stub_951 mgl_dispatch_stub_951 +#define gl_dispatch_stub_952 mgl_dispatch_stub_952 +#define gl_dispatch_stub_953 mgl_dispatch_stub_953 +#define gl_dispatch_stub_978 mgl_dispatch_stub_978 +#define gl_dispatch_stub_979 mgl_dispatch_stub_979 +#define gl_dispatch_stub_980 mgl_dispatch_stub_980 +#define gl_dispatch_stub_983 mgl_dispatch_stub_983 +#define gl_dispatch_stub_984 mgl_dispatch_stub_984 +#define gl_dispatch_stub_985 mgl_dispatch_stub_985 +#define gl_dispatch_stub_986 mgl_dispatch_stub_986 +#define gl_dispatch_stub_987 mgl_dispatch_stub_987 +#define gl_dispatch_stub_988 mgl_dispatch_stub_988 +#define gl_dispatch_stub_989 mgl_dispatch_stub_989 +#define gl_dispatch_stub_990 mgl_dispatch_stub_990 +#define gl_dispatch_stub_991 mgl_dispatch_stub_991 +#define gl_dispatch_stub_992 mgl_dispatch_stub_992 +#define gl_dispatch_stub_993 mgl_dispatch_stub_993 +#define gl_dispatch_stub_994 mgl_dispatch_stub_994 +#define gl_dispatch_stub_995 mgl_dispatch_stub_995 +#define gl_dispatch_stub_996 mgl_dispatch_stub_996 +#define gl_dispatch_stub_997 mgl_dispatch_stub_997 +#define gl_dispatch_stub_998 mgl_dispatch_stub_998 +#define gl_dispatch_stub_999 mgl_dispatch_stub_999 +#define gl_dispatch_stub_1000 mgl_dispatch_stub_1000 +#define gl_dispatch_stub_1001 mgl_dispatch_stub_1001 +#define gl_dispatch_stub_1002 mgl_dispatch_stub_1002 +#define gl_dispatch_stub_1003 mgl_dispatch_stub_1003 +#define gl_dispatch_stub_1004 mgl_dispatch_stub_1004 +#define gl_dispatch_stub_1005 mgl_dispatch_stub_1005 +#define gl_dispatch_stub_1006 mgl_dispatch_stub_1006 +#define gl_dispatch_stub_1007 mgl_dispatch_stub_1007 +#define gl_dispatch_stub_1008 mgl_dispatch_stub_1008 +#define gl_dispatch_stub_1009 mgl_dispatch_stub_1009 +#define gl_dispatch_stub_1010 mgl_dispatch_stub_1010 +#define gl_dispatch_stub_1011 mgl_dispatch_stub_1011 +#define gl_dispatch_stub_1012 mgl_dispatch_stub_1012 +#define gl_dispatch_stub_1013 mgl_dispatch_stub_1013 +#define gl_dispatch_stub_1014 mgl_dispatch_stub_1014 +#define gl_dispatch_stub_1015 mgl_dispatch_stub_1015 +#define gl_dispatch_stub_1016 mgl_dispatch_stub_1016 +#define gl_dispatch_stub_1017 mgl_dispatch_stub_1017 +#define gl_dispatch_stub_1018 mgl_dispatch_stub_1018 +#define gl_dispatch_stub_1019 mgl_dispatch_stub_1019 +#define gl_dispatch_stub_1020 mgl_dispatch_stub_1020 +#define gl_dispatch_stub_1021 mgl_dispatch_stub_1021 +#define gl_dispatch_stub_1022 mgl_dispatch_stub_1022 +#define gl_dispatch_stub_1023 mgl_dispatch_stub_1023 +#define gl_dispatch_stub_1024 mgl_dispatch_stub_1024 +#define gl_dispatch_stub_1025 mgl_dispatch_stub_1025 +#endif /* USE_MGL_NAMESPACE */ + + +#if defined(NEED_FUNCTION_POINTER) || defined(GLX_INDIRECT_RENDERING) +void GLAPIENTRY gl_dispatch_stub_343(GLenum target, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLvoid * table); +void GLAPIENTRY gl_dispatch_stub_344(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat * params); +void GLAPIENTRY gl_dispatch_stub_345(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint * params); +void GLAPIENTRY gl_dispatch_stub_356(GLenum target, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLvoid * image); +void GLAPIENTRY gl_dispatch_stub_357(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat * params); +void GLAPIENTRY gl_dispatch_stub_358(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint * params); +void GLAPIENTRY gl_dispatch_stub_359(GLenum target, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLvoid * row, GLvoid * column, GLvoid * span); +void GLAPIENTRY gl_dispatch_stub_361(GLenum target, GLboolean reset, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLvoid * values); +void GLAPIENTRY gl_dispatch_stub_362(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat * params); +void GLAPIENTRY gl_dispatch_stub_363(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint * params); +void GLAPIENTRY gl_dispatch_stub_364(GLenum target, GLboolean reset, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLvoid * values); +void GLAPIENTRY gl_dispatch_stub_365(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat * params); +void GLAPIENTRY gl_dispatch_stub_366(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint * params); +void GLAPIENTRY gl_dispatch_stub_726(GLuint id, GLenum pname, GLint64 * params); +void GLAPIENTRY gl_dispatch_stub_727(GLuint id, GLenum pname, GLuint64 * params); +void GLAPIENTRY gl_dispatch_stub_728(GLuint id, GLenum target); +void GLAPIENTRY gl_dispatch_stub_815(GLenum target, GLenum internalformat, GLenum pname, GLsizei bufSize, GLint * params); +void GLAPIENTRY gl_dispatch_stub_829(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z, GLfloat width, GLfloat height); +void GLAPIENTRY gl_dispatch_stub_830(const GLfloat * coords); +void GLAPIENTRY gl_dispatch_stub_831(GLint x, GLint y, GLint z, GLint width, GLint height); +void GLAPIENTRY gl_dispatch_stub_832(const GLint * coords); +void GLAPIENTRY gl_dispatch_stub_833(GLshort x, GLshort y, GLshort z, GLshort width, GLshort height); +void GLAPIENTRY gl_dispatch_stub_834(const GLshort * coords); +void GLAPIENTRY gl_dispatch_stub_835(GLfixed x, GLfixed y, GLfixed z, GLfixed width, GLfixed height); +void GLAPIENTRY gl_dispatch_stub_836(const GLfixed * coords); +void GLAPIENTRY gl_dispatch_stub_837(GLenum type, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid * pointer); +GLbitfield GLAPIENTRY gl_dispatch_stub_838(GLfixed * mantissa, GLint * exponent); +void GLAPIENTRY gl_dispatch_stub_839(GLclampf value, GLboolean invert); +void GLAPIENTRY gl_dispatch_stub_840(GLenum pattern); +void GLAPIENTRY gl_dispatch_stub_863(const GLenum * mode, const GLint * first, const GLsizei * count, GLsizei primcount, GLint modestride); +void GLAPIENTRY gl_dispatch_stub_864(const GLenum * mode, const GLsizei * count, GLenum type, const GLvoid * const * indices, GLsizei primcount, GLint modestride); +void GLAPIENTRY gl_dispatch_stub_938(GLenum face); +void GLAPIENTRY gl_dispatch_stub_939(GLuint array); +void GLAPIENTRY gl_dispatch_stub_940(GLsizei n, GLuint * arrays); +void GLAPIENTRY gl_dispatch_stub_948(GLenum coord, GLenum pname, GLfixed * params); +void GLAPIENTRY gl_dispatch_stub_949(GLenum coord, GLenum pname, GLint param); +void GLAPIENTRY gl_dispatch_stub_950(GLenum coord, GLenum pname, const GLfixed * params); +void GLAPIENTRY gl_dispatch_stub_951(GLclampd zmin, GLclampd zmax); +void GLAPIENTRY gl_dispatch_stub_952(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint param); +void GLAPIENTRY gl_dispatch_stub_953(GLenum target, GLintptr offset, GLsizeiptr size); +void GLAPIENTRY gl_dispatch_stub_978(GLenum frontfunc, GLenum backfunc, GLint ref, GLuint mask); +void GLAPIENTRY gl_dispatch_stub_979(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLsizei count, const GLfloat * params); +void GLAPIENTRY gl_dispatch_stub_980(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLsizei count, const GLfloat * params); +void GLAPIENTRY gl_dispatch_stub_983(GLenum func, GLclampx ref); +void GLAPIENTRY gl_dispatch_stub_984(GLclampx red, GLclampx green, GLclampx blue, GLclampx alpha); +void GLAPIENTRY gl_dispatch_stub_985(GLclampx depth); +void GLAPIENTRY gl_dispatch_stub_986(GLfixed red, GLfixed green, GLfixed blue, GLfixed alpha); +void GLAPIENTRY gl_dispatch_stub_987(GLclampx zNear, GLclampx zFar); +void GLAPIENTRY gl_dispatch_stub_988(GLenum pname, GLfixed param); +void GLAPIENTRY gl_dispatch_stub_989(GLenum pname, const GLfixed * params); +void GLAPIENTRY gl_dispatch_stub_990(GLfloat left, GLfloat right, GLfloat bottom, GLfloat top, GLfloat zNear, GLfloat zFar); +void GLAPIENTRY gl_dispatch_stub_991(GLfixed left, GLfixed right, GLfixed bottom, GLfixed top, GLfixed zNear, GLfixed zFar); +void GLAPIENTRY gl_dispatch_stub_992(GLenum pname, GLfixed param); +void GLAPIENTRY gl_dispatch_stub_993(GLenum pname, const GLfixed * params); +void GLAPIENTRY gl_dispatch_stub_994(GLenum light, GLenum pname, GLfixed param); +void GLAPIENTRY gl_dispatch_stub_995(GLenum light, GLenum pname, const GLfixed * params); +void GLAPIENTRY gl_dispatch_stub_996(GLfixed width); +void GLAPIENTRY gl_dispatch_stub_997(const GLfixed * m); +void GLAPIENTRY gl_dispatch_stub_998(GLenum face, GLenum pname, GLfixed param); +void GLAPIENTRY gl_dispatch_stub_999(GLenum face, GLenum pname, const GLfixed * params); +void GLAPIENTRY gl_dispatch_stub_1000(const GLfixed * m); +void GLAPIENTRY gl_dispatch_stub_1001(GLenum target, GLfixed s, GLfixed t, GLfixed r, GLfixed q); +void GLAPIENTRY gl_dispatch_stub_1002(GLfixed nx, GLfixed ny, GLfixed nz); +void GLAPIENTRY gl_dispatch_stub_1003(GLfloat left, GLfloat right, GLfloat bottom, GLfloat top, GLfloat zNear, GLfloat zFar); +void GLAPIENTRY gl_dispatch_stub_1004(GLfixed left, GLfixed right, GLfixed bottom, GLfixed top, GLfixed zNear, GLfixed zFar); +void GLAPIENTRY gl_dispatch_stub_1005(GLfixed size); +void GLAPIENTRY gl_dispatch_stub_1006(GLfixed factor, GLfixed units); +void GLAPIENTRY gl_dispatch_stub_1007(GLfixed angle, GLfixed x, GLfixed y, GLfixed z); +void GLAPIENTRY gl_dispatch_stub_1008(GLclampx value, GLboolean invert); +void GLAPIENTRY gl_dispatch_stub_1009(GLfixed x, GLfixed y, GLfixed z); +void GLAPIENTRY gl_dispatch_stub_1010(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfixed param); +void GLAPIENTRY gl_dispatch_stub_1011(GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLfixed * params); +void GLAPIENTRY gl_dispatch_stub_1012(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfixed param); +void GLAPIENTRY gl_dispatch_stub_1013(GLfixed x, GLfixed y, GLfixed z); +void GLAPIENTRY gl_dispatch_stub_1014(GLenum plane, const GLfloat * equation); +void GLAPIENTRY gl_dispatch_stub_1015(GLenum plane, const GLfixed * equation); +void GLAPIENTRY gl_dispatch_stub_1016(GLenum plane, GLfloat * equation); +void GLAPIENTRY gl_dispatch_stub_1017(GLenum plane, GLfixed * equation); +void GLAPIENTRY gl_dispatch_stub_1018(GLenum pname, GLfixed * params); +void GLAPIENTRY gl_dispatch_stub_1019(GLenum light, GLenum pname, GLfixed * params); +void GLAPIENTRY gl_dispatch_stub_1020(GLenum face, GLenum pname, GLfixed * params); +void GLAPIENTRY gl_dispatch_stub_1021(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfixed * params); +void GLAPIENTRY gl_dispatch_stub_1022(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfixed * params); +void GLAPIENTRY gl_dispatch_stub_1023(GLenum pname, GLfixed param); +void GLAPIENTRY gl_dispatch_stub_1024(GLenum pname, const GLfixed * params); +void GLAPIENTRY gl_dispatch_stub_1025(GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLfixed * params); +#endif /* defined(NEED_FUNCTION_POINTER) || defined(GLX_INDIRECT_RENDERING) */ + +static const glprocs_table_t static_functions[] = { + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 0, glNewList, glNewList, NULL, 0), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 10, glEndList, glEndList, NULL, 1), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 20, glCallList, glCallList, NULL, 2), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 31, glCallLists, glCallLists, NULL, 3), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 43, glDeleteLists, glDeleteLists, NULL, 4), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 57, glGenLists, glGenLists, NULL, 5), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 68, glListBase, glListBase, NULL, 6), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 79, glBegin, glBegin, NULL, 7), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 87, glBitmap, glBitmap, NULL, 8), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 96, glColor3b, glColor3b, NULL, 9), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 106, glColor3bv, glColor3bv, NULL, 10), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 117, glColor3d, glColor3d, NULL, 11), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 127, glColor3dv, glColor3dv, NULL, 12), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 138, glColor3f, glColor3f, NULL, 13), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 148, glColor3fv, glColor3fv, NULL, 14), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 159, glColor3i, glColor3i, NULL, 15), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 169, glColor3iv, glColor3iv, NULL, 16), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 180, glColor3s, glColor3s, NULL, 17), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 190, glColor3sv, glColor3sv, NULL, 18), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 201, glColor3ub, glColor3ub, NULL, 19), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 212, glColor3ubv, glColor3ubv, NULL, 20), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 224, glColor3ui, glColor3ui, NULL, 21), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 235, glColor3uiv, glColor3uiv, NULL, 22), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 247, glColor3us, glColor3us, NULL, 23), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 258, glColor3usv, glColor3usv, NULL, 24), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 270, glColor4b, glColor4b, NULL, 25), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 280, glColor4bv, glColor4bv, NULL, 26), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 291, glColor4d, glColor4d, NULL, 27), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 301, glColor4dv, glColor4dv, NULL, 28), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 312, glColor4f, glColor4f, NULL, 29), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 322, glColor4fv, glColor4fv, NULL, 30), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 333, glColor4i, glColor4i, NULL, 31), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 343, glColor4iv, glColor4iv, NULL, 32), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 354, glColor4s, glColor4s, NULL, 33), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 364, glColor4sv, glColor4sv, NULL, 34), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 375, glColor4ub, glColor4ub, NULL, 35), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 386, glColor4ubv, glColor4ubv, NULL, 36), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 398, glColor4ui, glColor4ui, NULL, 37), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 409, glColor4uiv, glColor4uiv, NULL, 38), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 421, glColor4us, glColor4us, NULL, 39), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 432, glColor4usv, glColor4usv, NULL, 40), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 444, glEdgeFlag, glEdgeFlag, NULL, 41), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 455, glEdgeFlagv, glEdgeFlagv, NULL, 42), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 467, glEnd, glEnd, NULL, 43), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 473, glIndexd, glIndexd, NULL, 44), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 482, glIndexdv, glIndexdv, NULL, 45), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 492, glIndexf, glIndexf, NULL, 46), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 501, glIndexfv, glIndexfv, NULL, 47), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 511, glIndexi, glIndexi, NULL, 48), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 520, glIndexiv, glIndexiv, NULL, 49), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 530, glIndexs, glIndexs, NULL, 50), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 539, glIndexsv, glIndexsv, NULL, 51), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 549, glNormal3b, glNormal3b, NULL, 52), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 560, glNormal3bv, glNormal3bv, NULL, 53), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 572, glNormal3d, glNormal3d, NULL, 54), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 583, glNormal3dv, glNormal3dv, NULL, 55), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 595, glNormal3f, glNormal3f, NULL, 56), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 606, glNormal3fv, glNormal3fv, NULL, 57), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 618, glNormal3i, glNormal3i, NULL, 58), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 629, glNormal3iv, glNormal3iv, NULL, 59), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 641, glNormal3s, glNormal3s, NULL, 60), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 652, glNormal3sv, glNormal3sv, NULL, 61), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 664, glRasterPos2d, glRasterPos2d, NULL, 62), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 678, glRasterPos2dv, glRasterPos2dv, NULL, 63), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 693, glRasterPos2f, glRasterPos2f, NULL, 64), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 707, glRasterPos2fv, glRasterPos2fv, NULL, 65), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 722, glRasterPos2i, glRasterPos2i, NULL, 66), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 736, glRasterPos2iv, glRasterPos2iv, NULL, 67), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 751, glRasterPos2s, glRasterPos2s, NULL, 68), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 765, glRasterPos2sv, glRasterPos2sv, NULL, 69), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 780, glRasterPos3d, glRasterPos3d, NULL, 70), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 794, glRasterPos3dv, glRasterPos3dv, NULL, 71), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 809, glRasterPos3f, glRasterPos3f, NULL, 72), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 823, glRasterPos3fv, glRasterPos3fv, NULL, 73), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 838, glRasterPos3i, glRasterPos3i, NULL, 74), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 852, glRasterPos3iv, glRasterPos3iv, NULL, 75), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 867, glRasterPos3s, glRasterPos3s, NULL, 76), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 881, glRasterPos3sv, glRasterPos3sv, NULL, 77), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 896, glRasterPos4d, glRasterPos4d, NULL, 78), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 910, glRasterPos4dv, glRasterPos4dv, NULL, 79), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 925, glRasterPos4f, glRasterPos4f, NULL, 80), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 939, glRasterPos4fv, glRasterPos4fv, NULL, 81), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 954, glRasterPos4i, glRasterPos4i, NULL, 82), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 968, glRasterPos4iv, glRasterPos4iv, NULL, 83), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 983, glRasterPos4s, glRasterPos4s, NULL, 84), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 997, glRasterPos4sv, glRasterPos4sv, NULL, 85), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 1012, glRectd, glRectd, NULL, 86), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 1020, glRectdv, glRectdv, NULL, 87), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 1029, glRectf, glRectf, NULL, 88), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 1037, glRectfv, glRectfv, NULL, 89), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 1046, glRecti, glRecti, NULL, 90), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 1054, glRectiv, glRectiv, NULL, 91), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 1063, glRects, glRects, NULL, 92), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 1071, glRectsv, glRectsv, NULL, 93), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 1080, glTexCoord1d, glTexCoord1d, NULL, 94), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 1093, glTexCoord1dv, glTexCoord1dv, NULL, 95), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 1107, glTexCoord1f, glTexCoord1f, NULL, 96), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 1120, glTexCoord1fv, glTexCoord1fv, NULL, 97), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 1134, glTexCoord1i, glTexCoord1i, NULL, 98), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 1147, glTexCoord1iv, glTexCoord1iv, NULL, 99), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 1161, glTexCoord1s, glTexCoord1s, NULL, 100), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 1174, glTexCoord1sv, glTexCoord1sv, NULL, 101), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 1188, glTexCoord2d, glTexCoord2d, NULL, 102), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 1201, glTexCoord2dv, glTexCoord2dv, NULL, 103), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 1215, glTexCoord2f, glTexCoord2f, NULL, 104), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 1228, glTexCoord2fv, glTexCoord2fv, NULL, 105), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 1242, glTexCoord2i, glTexCoord2i, NULL, 106), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 1255, glTexCoord2iv, glTexCoord2iv, NULL, 107), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 1269, glTexCoord2s, glTexCoord2s, NULL, 108), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 1282, glTexCoord2sv, glTexCoord2sv, NULL, 109), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 1296, glTexCoord3d, glTexCoord3d, NULL, 110), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 1309, glTexCoord3dv, glTexCoord3dv, NULL, 111), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 1323, glTexCoord3f, glTexCoord3f, NULL, 112), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 1336, glTexCoord3fv, glTexCoord3fv, NULL, 113), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 1350, glTexCoord3i, glTexCoord3i, NULL, 114), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 1363, glTexCoord3iv, glTexCoord3iv, NULL, 115), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 1377, glTexCoord3s, glTexCoord3s, NULL, 116), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 1390, glTexCoord3sv, glTexCoord3sv, NULL, 117), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 1404, glTexCoord4d, glTexCoord4d, NULL, 118), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 1417, glTexCoord4dv, glTexCoord4dv, NULL, 119), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 1431, glTexCoord4f, glTexCoord4f, NULL, 120), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 1444, glTexCoord4fv, glTexCoord4fv, NULL, 121), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 1458, glTexCoord4i, glTexCoord4i, NULL, 122), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 1471, glTexCoord4iv, glTexCoord4iv, NULL, 123), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 1485, glTexCoord4s, glTexCoord4s, NULL, 124), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 1498, glTexCoord4sv, glTexCoord4sv, NULL, 125), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 1512, glVertex2d, glVertex2d, NULL, 126), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 1523, glVertex2dv, glVertex2dv, NULL, 127), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 1535, glVertex2f, glVertex2f, NULL, 128), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 1546, glVertex2fv, glVertex2fv, NULL, 129), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 1558, glVertex2i, glVertex2i, NULL, 130), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 1569, glVertex2iv, glVertex2iv, NULL, 131), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 1581, glVertex2s, glVertex2s, NULL, 132), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 1592, glVertex2sv, glVertex2sv, NULL, 133), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 1604, glVertex3d, glVertex3d, NULL, 134), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 1615, glVertex3dv, glVertex3dv, NULL, 135), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 1627, glVertex3f, glVertex3f, NULL, 136), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 1638, glVertex3fv, glVertex3fv, NULL, 137), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 1650, glVertex3i, glVertex3i, NULL, 138), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 1661, glVertex3iv, glVertex3iv, NULL, 139), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 1673, glVertex3s, glVertex3s, NULL, 140), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 1684, glVertex3sv, glVertex3sv, NULL, 141), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 1696, glVertex4d, glVertex4d, NULL, 142), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 1707, glVertex4dv, glVertex4dv, NULL, 143), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 1719, glVertex4f, glVertex4f, NULL, 144), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 1730, glVertex4fv, glVertex4fv, NULL, 145), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 1742, glVertex4i, glVertex4i, NULL, 146), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 1753, glVertex4iv, glVertex4iv, NULL, 147), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 1765, glVertex4s, glVertex4s, NULL, 148), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 1776, glVertex4sv, glVertex4sv, NULL, 149), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 1788, glClipPlane, glClipPlane, NULL, 150), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 1800, glColorMaterial, glColorMaterial, NULL, 151), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 1816, glCullFace, glCullFace, NULL, 152), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 1827, glFogf, glFogf, NULL, 153), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 1834, glFogfv, glFogfv, NULL, 154), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 1842, glFogi, glFogi, NULL, 155), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 1849, glFogiv, glFogiv, NULL, 156), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 1857, glFrontFace, glFrontFace, NULL, 157), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 1869, glHint, glHint, NULL, 158), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 1876, glLightf, glLightf, NULL, 159), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 1885, glLightfv, glLightfv, NULL, 160), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 1895, glLighti, glLighti, NULL, 161), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 1904, glLightiv, glLightiv, NULL, 162), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 1914, glLightModelf, glLightModelf, NULL, 163), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 1928, glLightModelfv, glLightModelfv, NULL, 164), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 1943, glLightModeli, glLightModeli, NULL, 165), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 1957, glLightModeliv, glLightModeliv, NULL, 166), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 1972, glLineStipple, glLineStipple, NULL, 167), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 1986, glLineWidth, glLineWidth, NULL, 168), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 1998, glMaterialf, glMaterialf, NULL, 169), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 2010, glMaterialfv, glMaterialfv, NULL, 170), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 2023, glMateriali, glMateriali, NULL, 171), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 2035, glMaterialiv, glMaterialiv, NULL, 172), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 2048, glPointSize, glPointSize, NULL, 173), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 2060, glPolygonMode, glPolygonMode, NULL, 174), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 2074, glPolygonStipple, glPolygonStipple, NULL, 175), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 2091, glScissor, glScissor, NULL, 176), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 2101, glShadeModel, glShadeModel, NULL, 177), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 2114, glTexParameterf, glTexParameterf, NULL, 178), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 2130, glTexParameterfv, glTexParameterfv, NULL, 179), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 2147, glTexParameteri, glTexParameteri, NULL, 180), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 2163, glTexParameteriv, glTexParameteriv, NULL, 181), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 2180, glTexImage1D, glTexImage1D, NULL, 182), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 2193, glTexImage2D, glTexImage2D, NULL, 183), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 2206, glTexEnvf, glTexEnvf, NULL, 184), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 2216, glTexEnvfv, glTexEnvfv, NULL, 185), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 2227, glTexEnvi, glTexEnvi, NULL, 186), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 2237, glTexEnviv, glTexEnviv, NULL, 187), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 2248, glTexGend, glTexGend, NULL, 188), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 2258, glTexGendv, glTexGendv, NULL, 189), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 2269, glTexGenf, glTexGenf, NULL, 190), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 2279, glTexGenfv, glTexGenfv, NULL, 191), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 2290, glTexGeni, glTexGeni, NULL, 192), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 2300, glTexGeniv, glTexGeniv, NULL, 193), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 2311, glFeedbackBuffer, glFeedbackBuffer, NULL, 194), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 2328, glSelectBuffer, glSelectBuffer, NULL, 195), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 2343, glRenderMode, glRenderMode, NULL, 196), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 2356, glInitNames, glInitNames, NULL, 197), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 2368, glLoadName, glLoadName, NULL, 198), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 2379, glPassThrough, glPassThrough, NULL, 199), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 2393, glPopName, glPopName, NULL, 200), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 2403, glPushName, glPushName, NULL, 201), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 2414, glDrawBuffer, glDrawBuffer, NULL, 202), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 2427, glClear, glClear, NULL, 203), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 2435, glClearAccum, glClearAccum, NULL, 204), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 2448, glClearIndex, glClearIndex, NULL, 205), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 2461, glClearColor, glClearColor, NULL, 206), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 2474, glClearStencil, glClearStencil, NULL, 207), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 2489, glClearDepth, glClearDepth, NULL, 208), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 2502, glStencilMask, glStencilMask, NULL, 209), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 2516, glColorMask, glColorMask, NULL, 210), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 2528, glDepthMask, glDepthMask, NULL, 211), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 2540, glIndexMask, glIndexMask, NULL, 212), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 2552, glAccum, glAccum, NULL, 213), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 2560, glDisable, glDisable, NULL, 214), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 2570, glEnable, glEnable, NULL, 215), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 2579, glFinish, glFinish, NULL, 216), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 2588, glFlush, glFlush, NULL, 217), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 2596, glPopAttrib, glPopAttrib, NULL, 218), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 2608, glPushAttrib, glPushAttrib, NULL, 219), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 2621, glMap1d, glMap1d, NULL, 220), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 2629, glMap1f, glMap1f, NULL, 221), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 2637, glMap2d, glMap2d, NULL, 222), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 2645, glMap2f, glMap2f, NULL, 223), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 2653, glMapGrid1d, glMapGrid1d, NULL, 224), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 2665, glMapGrid1f, glMapGrid1f, NULL, 225), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 2677, glMapGrid2d, glMapGrid2d, NULL, 226), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 2689, glMapGrid2f, glMapGrid2f, NULL, 227), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 2701, glEvalCoord1d, glEvalCoord1d, NULL, 228), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 2715, glEvalCoord1dv, glEvalCoord1dv, NULL, 229), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 2730, glEvalCoord1f, glEvalCoord1f, NULL, 230), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 2744, glEvalCoord1fv, glEvalCoord1fv, NULL, 231), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 2759, glEvalCoord2d, glEvalCoord2d, NULL, 232), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 2773, glEvalCoord2dv, glEvalCoord2dv, NULL, 233), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 2788, glEvalCoord2f, glEvalCoord2f, NULL, 234), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 2802, glEvalCoord2fv, glEvalCoord2fv, NULL, 235), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 2817, glEvalMesh1, glEvalMesh1, NULL, 236), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 2829, glEvalPoint1, glEvalPoint1, NULL, 237), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 2842, glEvalMesh2, glEvalMesh2, NULL, 238), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 2854, glEvalPoint2, glEvalPoint2, NULL, 239), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 2867, glAlphaFunc, glAlphaFunc, NULL, 240), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 2879, glBlendFunc, glBlendFunc, NULL, 241), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 2891, glLogicOp, glLogicOp, NULL, 242), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 2901, glStencilFunc, glStencilFunc, NULL, 243), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 2915, glStencilOp, glStencilOp, NULL, 244), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 2927, glDepthFunc, glDepthFunc, NULL, 245), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 2939, glPixelZoom, glPixelZoom, NULL, 246), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 2951, glPixelTransferf, glPixelTransferf, NULL, 247), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 2968, glPixelTransferi, glPixelTransferi, NULL, 248), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 2985, glPixelStoref, glPixelStoref, NULL, 249), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 2999, glPixelStorei, glPixelStorei, NULL, 250), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 3013, glPixelMapfv, glPixelMapfv, NULL, 251), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 3026, glPixelMapuiv, glPixelMapuiv, NULL, 252), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 3040, glPixelMapusv, glPixelMapusv, NULL, 253), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 3054, glReadBuffer, glReadBuffer, NULL, 254), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 3067, glCopyPixels, glCopyPixels, NULL, 255), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 3080, glReadPixels, glReadPixels, NULL, 256), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 3093, glDrawPixels, glDrawPixels, NULL, 257), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 3106, glGetBooleanv, glGetBooleanv, NULL, 258), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 3120, glGetClipPlane, glGetClipPlane, NULL, 259), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 3135, glGetDoublev, glGetDoublev, NULL, 260), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 3148, glGetError, glGetError, NULL, 261), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 3159, glGetFloatv, glGetFloatv, NULL, 262), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 3171, glGetIntegerv, glGetIntegerv, NULL, 263), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 3185, glGetLightfv, glGetLightfv, NULL, 264), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 3198, glGetLightiv, glGetLightiv, NULL, 265), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 3211, glGetMapdv, glGetMapdv, NULL, 266), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 3222, glGetMapfv, glGetMapfv, NULL, 267), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 3233, glGetMapiv, glGetMapiv, NULL, 268), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 3244, glGetMaterialfv, glGetMaterialfv, NULL, 269), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 3260, glGetMaterialiv, glGetMaterialiv, NULL, 270), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 3276, glGetPixelMapfv, glGetPixelMapfv, NULL, 271), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 3292, glGetPixelMapuiv, glGetPixelMapuiv, NULL, 272), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 3309, glGetPixelMapusv, glGetPixelMapusv, NULL, 273), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 3326, glGetPolygonStipple, glGetPolygonStipple, NULL, 274), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 3346, glGetString, glGetString, NULL, 275), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 3358, glGetTexEnvfv, glGetTexEnvfv, NULL, 276), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 3372, glGetTexEnviv, glGetTexEnviv, NULL, 277), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 3386, glGetTexGendv, glGetTexGendv, NULL, 278), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 3400, glGetTexGenfv, glGetTexGenfv, NULL, 279), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 3414, glGetTexGeniv, glGetTexGeniv, NULL, 280), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 3428, glGetTexImage, glGetTexImage, NULL, 281), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 3442, glGetTexParameterfv, glGetTexParameterfv, NULL, 282), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 3462, glGetTexParameteriv, glGetTexParameteriv, NULL, 283), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 3482, glGetTexLevelParameterfv, glGetTexLevelParameterfv, NULL, 284), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 3507, glGetTexLevelParameteriv, glGetTexLevelParameteriv, NULL, 285), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 3532, glIsEnabled, glIsEnabled, NULL, 286), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 3544, glIsList, glIsList, NULL, 287), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 3553, glDepthRange, glDepthRange, NULL, 288), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 3566, glFrustum, glFrustum, NULL, 289), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 3576, glLoadIdentity, glLoadIdentity, NULL, 290), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 3591, glLoadMatrixf, glLoadMatrixf, NULL, 291), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 3605, glLoadMatrixd, glLoadMatrixd, NULL, 292), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 3619, glMatrixMode, glMatrixMode, NULL, 293), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 3632, glMultMatrixf, glMultMatrixf, NULL, 294), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 3646, glMultMatrixd, glMultMatrixd, NULL, 295), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 3660, glOrtho, glOrtho, NULL, 296), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 3668, glPopMatrix, glPopMatrix, NULL, 297), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 3680, glPushMatrix, glPushMatrix, NULL, 298), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 3693, glRotated, glRotated, NULL, 299), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 3703, glRotatef, glRotatef, NULL, 300), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 3713, glScaled, glScaled, NULL, 301), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 3722, glScalef, glScalef, NULL, 302), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 3731, glTranslated, glTranslated, NULL, 303), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 3744, glTranslatef, glTranslatef, NULL, 304), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 3757, glViewport, glViewport, NULL, 305), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 3768, glArrayElement, glArrayElement, NULL, 306), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 3783, glBindTexture, glBindTexture, NULL, 307), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 3797, glColorPointer, glColorPointer, NULL, 308), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 3812, glDisableClientState, glDisableClientState, NULL, 309), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 3833, glDrawArrays, glDrawArrays, NULL, 310), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 3846, glDrawElements, glDrawElements, NULL, 311), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 3861, glEdgeFlagPointer, glEdgeFlagPointer, NULL, 312), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 3879, glEnableClientState, glEnableClientState, NULL, 313), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 3899, glIndexPointer, glIndexPointer, NULL, 314), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 3914, glIndexub, glIndexub, NULL, 315), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 3924, glIndexubv, glIndexubv, NULL, 316), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 3935, glInterleavedArrays, glInterleavedArrays, NULL, 317), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 3955, glNormalPointer, glNormalPointer, NULL, 318), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 3971, glPolygonOffset, glPolygonOffset, NULL, 319), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 3987, glTexCoordPointer, glTexCoordPointer, NULL, 320), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 4005, glVertexPointer, glVertexPointer, NULL, 321), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 4021, glAreTexturesResident, glAreTexturesResident, NULL, 322), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 4043, glCopyTexImage1D, glCopyTexImage1D, NULL, 323), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 4060, glCopyTexImage2D, glCopyTexImage2D, NULL, 324), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 4077, glCopyTexSubImage1D, glCopyTexSubImage1D, NULL, 325), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 4097, glCopyTexSubImage2D, glCopyTexSubImage2D, NULL, 326), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 4117, glDeleteTextures, glDeleteTextures, NULL, 327), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 4134, glGenTextures, glGenTextures, NULL, 328), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 4148, glGetPointerv, glGetPointerv, NULL, 329), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 4162, glIsTexture, glIsTexture, NULL, 330), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 4174, glPrioritizeTextures, glPrioritizeTextures, NULL, 331), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 4195, glTexSubImage1D, glTexSubImage1D, NULL, 332), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 4211, glTexSubImage2D, glTexSubImage2D, NULL, 333), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 4227, glPopClientAttrib, glPopClientAttrib, NULL, 334), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 4245, glPushClientAttrib, glPushClientAttrib, NULL, 335), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 4264, glBlendColor, glBlendColor, NULL, 336), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 4277, glBlendEquation, glBlendEquation, NULL, 337), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 4293, glDrawRangeElements, glDrawRangeElements, NULL, 338), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 4313, glColorTable, glColorTable, NULL, 339), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 4326, glColorTableParameterfv, glColorTableParameterfv, NULL, 340), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 4350, glColorTableParameteriv, glColorTableParameteriv, NULL, 341), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 4374, glCopyColorTable, glCopyColorTable, NULL, 342), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 4391, glGetColorTable, glGetColorTable, NULL, 343), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 4407, glGetColorTableParameterfv, glGetColorTableParameterfv, NULL, 344), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 4434, glGetColorTableParameteriv, glGetColorTableParameteriv, NULL, 345), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 4461, glColorSubTable, glColorSubTable, NULL, 346), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 4477, glCopyColorSubTable, glCopyColorSubTable, NULL, 347), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 4497, glConvolutionFilter1D, glConvolutionFilter1D, NULL, 348), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 4519, glConvolutionFilter2D, glConvolutionFilter2D, NULL, 349), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 4541, glConvolutionParameterf, glConvolutionParameterf, NULL, 350), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 4565, glConvolutionParameterfv, glConvolutionParameterfv, NULL, 351), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 4590, glConvolutionParameteri, glConvolutionParameteri, NULL, 352), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 4614, glConvolutionParameteriv, glConvolutionParameteriv, NULL, 353), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 4639, glCopyConvolutionFilter1D, glCopyConvolutionFilter1D, NULL, 354), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 4665, glCopyConvolutionFilter2D, glCopyConvolutionFilter2D, NULL, 355), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 4691, glGetConvolutionFilter, glGetConvolutionFilter, NULL, 356), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 4714, glGetConvolutionParameterfv, glGetConvolutionParameterfv, NULL, 357), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 4742, glGetConvolutionParameteriv, glGetConvolutionParameteriv, NULL, 358), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 4770, glGetSeparableFilter, glGetSeparableFilter, NULL, 359), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 4791, glSeparableFilter2D, glSeparableFilter2D, NULL, 360), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 4811, glGetHistogram, glGetHistogram, NULL, 361), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 4826, glGetHistogramParameterfv, glGetHistogramParameterfv, NULL, 362), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 4852, glGetHistogramParameteriv, glGetHistogramParameteriv, NULL, 363), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 4878, glGetMinmax, glGetMinmax, NULL, 364), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 4890, glGetMinmaxParameterfv, glGetMinmaxParameterfv, NULL, 365), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 4913, glGetMinmaxParameteriv, glGetMinmaxParameteriv, NULL, 366), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 4936, glHistogram, glHistogram, NULL, 367), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 4948, glMinmax, glMinmax, NULL, 368), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 4957, glResetHistogram, glResetHistogram, NULL, 369), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 4974, glResetMinmax, glResetMinmax, NULL, 370), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 4988, glTexImage3D, glTexImage3D, NULL, 371), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 5001, glTexSubImage3D, glTexSubImage3D, NULL, 372), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 5017, glCopyTexSubImage3D, glCopyTexSubImage3D, NULL, 373), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 5037, glActiveTexture, glActiveTexture, NULL, 374), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 5053, glClientActiveTexture, glClientActiveTexture, NULL, 375), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 5075, glMultiTexCoord1d, glMultiTexCoord1d, NULL, 376), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 5093, glMultiTexCoord1dv, glMultiTexCoord1dv, NULL, 377), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 5112, glMultiTexCoord1fARB, glMultiTexCoord1fARB, NULL, 378), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 5133, glMultiTexCoord1fvARB, glMultiTexCoord1fvARB, NULL, 379), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 5155, glMultiTexCoord1i, glMultiTexCoord1i, NULL, 380), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 5173, glMultiTexCoord1iv, glMultiTexCoord1iv, NULL, 381), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 5192, glMultiTexCoord1s, glMultiTexCoord1s, NULL, 382), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 5210, glMultiTexCoord1sv, glMultiTexCoord1sv, NULL, 383), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 5229, glMultiTexCoord2d, glMultiTexCoord2d, NULL, 384), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 5247, glMultiTexCoord2dv, glMultiTexCoord2dv, NULL, 385), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 5266, glMultiTexCoord2fARB, glMultiTexCoord2fARB, NULL, 386), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 5287, glMultiTexCoord2fvARB, glMultiTexCoord2fvARB, NULL, 387), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 5309, glMultiTexCoord2i, glMultiTexCoord2i, NULL, 388), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 5327, glMultiTexCoord2iv, glMultiTexCoord2iv, NULL, 389), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 5346, glMultiTexCoord2s, glMultiTexCoord2s, NULL, 390), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 5364, glMultiTexCoord2sv, glMultiTexCoord2sv, NULL, 391), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 5383, glMultiTexCoord3d, glMultiTexCoord3d, NULL, 392), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 5401, glMultiTexCoord3dv, glMultiTexCoord3dv, NULL, 393), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 5420, glMultiTexCoord3fARB, glMultiTexCoord3fARB, NULL, 394), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 5441, glMultiTexCoord3fvARB, glMultiTexCoord3fvARB, NULL, 395), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 5463, glMultiTexCoord3i, glMultiTexCoord3i, NULL, 396), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 5481, glMultiTexCoord3iv, glMultiTexCoord3iv, NULL, 397), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 5500, glMultiTexCoord3s, glMultiTexCoord3s, NULL, 398), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 5518, glMultiTexCoord3sv, glMultiTexCoord3sv, NULL, 399), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 5537, glMultiTexCoord4d, glMultiTexCoord4d, NULL, 400), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 5555, glMultiTexCoord4dv, glMultiTexCoord4dv, NULL, 401), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 5574, glMultiTexCoord4fARB, glMultiTexCoord4fARB, NULL, 402), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 5595, glMultiTexCoord4fvARB, glMultiTexCoord4fvARB, NULL, 403), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 5617, glMultiTexCoord4i, glMultiTexCoord4i, NULL, 404), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 5635, glMultiTexCoord4iv, glMultiTexCoord4iv, NULL, 405), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 5654, glMultiTexCoord4s, glMultiTexCoord4s, NULL, 406), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 5672, glMultiTexCoord4sv, glMultiTexCoord4sv, NULL, 407), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 5691, glCompressedTexImage1D, glCompressedTexImage1D, NULL, 408), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 5714, glCompressedTexImage2D, glCompressedTexImage2D, NULL, 409), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 5737, glCompressedTexImage3D, glCompressedTexImage3D, NULL, 410), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 5760, glCompressedTexSubImage1D, glCompressedTexSubImage1D, NULL, 411), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 5786, glCompressedTexSubImage2D, glCompressedTexSubImage2D, NULL, 412), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 5812, glCompressedTexSubImage3D, glCompressedTexSubImage3D, NULL, 413), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 5838, glGetCompressedTexImage, glGetCompressedTexImage, NULL, 414), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 5862, glLoadTransposeMatrixd, glLoadTransposeMatrixd, NULL, 415), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 5885, glLoadTransposeMatrixf, glLoadTransposeMatrixf, NULL, 416), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 5908, glMultTransposeMatrixd, glMultTransposeMatrixd, NULL, 417), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 5931, glMultTransposeMatrixf, glMultTransposeMatrixf, NULL, 418), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 5954, glSampleCoverage, glSampleCoverage, NULL, 419), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 5971, glBlendFuncSeparate, glBlendFuncSeparate, NULL, 420), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 5991, glFogCoordPointer, glFogCoordPointer, NULL, 421), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 6009, glFogCoordd, glFogCoordd, NULL, 422), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 6021, glFogCoorddv, glFogCoorddv, NULL, 423), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 6034, glMultiDrawArrays, glMultiDrawArrays, NULL, 424), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 6052, glPointParameterf, glPointParameterf, NULL, 425), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 6070, glPointParameterfv, glPointParameterfv, NULL, 426), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 6089, glPointParameteri, glPointParameteri, NULL, 427), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 6107, glPointParameteriv, glPointParameteriv, NULL, 428), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 6126, glSecondaryColor3b, glSecondaryColor3b, NULL, 429), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 6145, glSecondaryColor3bv, glSecondaryColor3bv, NULL, 430), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 6165, glSecondaryColor3d, glSecondaryColor3d, NULL, 431), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 6184, glSecondaryColor3dv, glSecondaryColor3dv, NULL, 432), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 6204, glSecondaryColor3i, glSecondaryColor3i, NULL, 433), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 6223, glSecondaryColor3iv, glSecondaryColor3iv, NULL, 434), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 6243, glSecondaryColor3s, glSecondaryColor3s, NULL, 435), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 6262, glSecondaryColor3sv, glSecondaryColor3sv, NULL, 436), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 6282, glSecondaryColor3ub, glSecondaryColor3ub, NULL, 437), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 6302, glSecondaryColor3ubv, glSecondaryColor3ubv, NULL, 438), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 6323, glSecondaryColor3ui, glSecondaryColor3ui, NULL, 439), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 6343, glSecondaryColor3uiv, glSecondaryColor3uiv, NULL, 440), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 6364, glSecondaryColor3us, glSecondaryColor3us, NULL, 441), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 6384, glSecondaryColor3usv, glSecondaryColor3usv, NULL, 442), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 6405, glSecondaryColorPointer, glSecondaryColorPointer, NULL, 443), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 6429, glWindowPos2d, glWindowPos2d, NULL, 444), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 6443, glWindowPos2dv, glWindowPos2dv, NULL, 445), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 6458, glWindowPos2f, glWindowPos2f, NULL, 446), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 6472, glWindowPos2fv, glWindowPos2fv, NULL, 447), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 6487, glWindowPos2i, glWindowPos2i, NULL, 448), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 6501, glWindowPos2iv, glWindowPos2iv, NULL, 449), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 6516, glWindowPos2s, glWindowPos2s, NULL, 450), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 6530, glWindowPos2sv, glWindowPos2sv, NULL, 451), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 6545, glWindowPos3d, glWindowPos3d, NULL, 452), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 6559, glWindowPos3dv, glWindowPos3dv, NULL, 453), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 6574, glWindowPos3f, glWindowPos3f, NULL, 454), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 6588, glWindowPos3fv, glWindowPos3fv, NULL, 455), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 6603, glWindowPos3i, glWindowPos3i, NULL, 456), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 6617, glWindowPos3iv, glWindowPos3iv, NULL, 457), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 6632, glWindowPos3s, glWindowPos3s, NULL, 458), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 6646, glWindowPos3sv, glWindowPos3sv, NULL, 459), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 6661, glBeginQuery, glBeginQuery, NULL, 460), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 6674, glBindBuffer, glBindBuffer, NULL, 461), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 6687, glBufferData, glBufferData, NULL, 462), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 6700, glBufferSubData, glBufferSubData, NULL, 463), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 6716, glDeleteBuffers, glDeleteBuffers, NULL, 464), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 6732, glDeleteQueries, glDeleteQueries, NULL, 465), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 6748, glEndQuery, glEndQuery, NULL, 466), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 6759, glGenBuffers, glGenBuffers, NULL, 467), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 6772, glGenQueries, glGenQueries, NULL, 468), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 6785, glGetBufferParameteriv, glGetBufferParameteriv, NULL, 469), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 6808, glGetBufferPointerv, glGetBufferPointerv, NULL, 470), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 6828, glGetBufferSubData, glGetBufferSubData, NULL, 471), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 6847, glGetQueryObjectiv, glGetQueryObjectiv, NULL, 472), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 6866, glGetQueryObjectuiv, glGetQueryObjectuiv, NULL, 473), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 6886, glGetQueryiv, glGetQueryiv, NULL, 474), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 6899, glIsBuffer, glIsBuffer, NULL, 475), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 6910, glIsQuery, glIsQuery, NULL, 476), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 6920, glMapBuffer, glMapBuffer, NULL, 477), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 6932, glUnmapBuffer, glUnmapBuffer, NULL, 478), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 6946, glAttachShader, glAttachShader, NULL, 479), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 6961, glBindAttribLocation, glBindAttribLocation, NULL, 480), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 6982, glBlendEquationSeparate, glBlendEquationSeparate, NULL, 481), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 7006, glCompileShader, glCompileShader, NULL, 482), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 7022, glCreateProgram, glCreateProgram, NULL, 483), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 7038, glCreateShader, glCreateShader, NULL, 484), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 7053, glDeleteProgram, glDeleteProgram, NULL, 485), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 7069, glDeleteShader, glDeleteShader, NULL, 486), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 7084, glDetachShader, glDetachShader, NULL, 487), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 7099, glDisableVertexAttribArray, glDisableVertexAttribArray, NULL, 488), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 7126, glDrawBuffers, glDrawBuffers, NULL, 489), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 7140, glEnableVertexAttribArray, glEnableVertexAttribArray, NULL, 490), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 7166, glGetActiveAttrib, glGetActiveAttrib, NULL, 491), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 7184, glGetActiveUniform, glGetActiveUniform, NULL, 492), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 7203, glGetAttachedShaders, glGetAttachedShaders, NULL, 493), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 7224, glGetAttribLocation, glGetAttribLocation, NULL, 494), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 7244, glGetProgramInfoLog, glGetProgramInfoLog, NULL, 495), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 7264, glGetProgramiv, glGetProgramiv, NULL, 496), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 7279, glGetShaderInfoLog, glGetShaderInfoLog, NULL, 497), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 7298, glGetShaderSource, glGetShaderSource, NULL, 498), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 7316, glGetShaderiv, glGetShaderiv, NULL, 499), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 7330, glGetUniformLocation, glGetUniformLocation, NULL, 500), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 7351, glGetUniformfv, glGetUniformfv, NULL, 501), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 7366, glGetUniformiv, glGetUniformiv, NULL, 502), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 7381, glGetVertexAttribPointerv, glGetVertexAttribPointerv, NULL, 503), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 7407, glGetVertexAttribdv, glGetVertexAttribdv, NULL, 504), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 7427, glGetVertexAttribfv, glGetVertexAttribfv, NULL, 505), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 7447, glGetVertexAttribiv, glGetVertexAttribiv, NULL, 506), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 7467, glIsProgram, glIsProgram, NULL, 507), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 7479, glIsShader, glIsShader, NULL, 508), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 7490, glLinkProgram, glLinkProgram, NULL, 509), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 7504, glShaderSource, glShaderSource, NULL, 510), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 7519, glStencilFuncSeparate, glStencilFuncSeparate, NULL, 511), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 7541, glStencilMaskSeparate, glStencilMaskSeparate, NULL, 512), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 7563, glStencilOpSeparate, glStencilOpSeparate, NULL, 513), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 7583, glUniform1f, glUniform1f, NULL, 514), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 7595, glUniform1fv, glUniform1fv, NULL, 515), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 7608, glUniform1i, glUniform1i, NULL, 516), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 7620, glUniform1iv, glUniform1iv, NULL, 517), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 7633, glUniform2f, glUniform2f, NULL, 518), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 7645, glUniform2fv, glUniform2fv, NULL, 519), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 7658, glUniform2i, glUniform2i, NULL, 520), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 7670, glUniform2iv, glUniform2iv, NULL, 521), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 7683, glUniform3f, glUniform3f, NULL, 522), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 7695, glUniform3fv, glUniform3fv, NULL, 523), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 7708, glUniform3i, glUniform3i, NULL, 524), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 7720, glUniform3iv, glUniform3iv, NULL, 525), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 7733, glUniform4f, glUniform4f, NULL, 526), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 7745, glUniform4fv, glUniform4fv, NULL, 527), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 7758, glUniform4i, glUniform4i, NULL, 528), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 7770, glUniform4iv, glUniform4iv, NULL, 529), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 7783, glUniformMatrix2fv, glUniformMatrix2fv, NULL, 530), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 7802, glUniformMatrix3fv, glUniformMatrix3fv, NULL, 531), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 7821, glUniformMatrix4fv, glUniformMatrix4fv, NULL, 532), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 7840, glUseProgram, glUseProgram, NULL, 533), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 7853, glValidateProgram, glValidateProgram, NULL, 534), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 7871, glVertexAttrib1d, glVertexAttrib1d, NULL, 535), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 7888, glVertexAttrib1dv, glVertexAttrib1dv, NULL, 536), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 7906, glVertexAttrib1s, glVertexAttrib1s, NULL, 537), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 7923, glVertexAttrib1sv, glVertexAttrib1sv, NULL, 538), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 7941, glVertexAttrib2d, glVertexAttrib2d, NULL, 539), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 7958, glVertexAttrib2dv, glVertexAttrib2dv, NULL, 540), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 7976, glVertexAttrib2s, glVertexAttrib2s, NULL, 541), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 7993, glVertexAttrib2sv, glVertexAttrib2sv, NULL, 542), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 8011, glVertexAttrib3d, glVertexAttrib3d, NULL, 543), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 8028, glVertexAttrib3dv, glVertexAttrib3dv, NULL, 544), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 8046, glVertexAttrib3s, glVertexAttrib3s, NULL, 545), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 8063, glVertexAttrib3sv, glVertexAttrib3sv, NULL, 546), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 8081, glVertexAttrib4Nbv, glVertexAttrib4Nbv, NULL, 547), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 8100, glVertexAttrib4Niv, glVertexAttrib4Niv, NULL, 548), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 8119, glVertexAttrib4Nsv, glVertexAttrib4Nsv, NULL, 549), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 8138, glVertexAttrib4Nub, glVertexAttrib4Nub, NULL, 550), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 8157, glVertexAttrib4Nubv, glVertexAttrib4Nubv, NULL, 551), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 8177, glVertexAttrib4Nuiv, glVertexAttrib4Nuiv, NULL, 552), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 8197, glVertexAttrib4Nusv, glVertexAttrib4Nusv, NULL, 553), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 8217, glVertexAttrib4bv, glVertexAttrib4bv, NULL, 554), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 8235, glVertexAttrib4d, glVertexAttrib4d, NULL, 555), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 8252, glVertexAttrib4dv, glVertexAttrib4dv, NULL, 556), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 8270, glVertexAttrib4iv, glVertexAttrib4iv, NULL, 557), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 8288, glVertexAttrib4s, glVertexAttrib4s, NULL, 558), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 8305, glVertexAttrib4sv, glVertexAttrib4sv, NULL, 559), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 8323, glVertexAttrib4ubv, glVertexAttrib4ubv, NULL, 560), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 8342, glVertexAttrib4uiv, glVertexAttrib4uiv, NULL, 561), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 8361, glVertexAttrib4usv, glVertexAttrib4usv, NULL, 562), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 8380, glVertexAttribPointer, glVertexAttribPointer, NULL, 563), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 8402, glUniformMatrix2x3fv, glUniformMatrix2x3fv, NULL, 564), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 8423, glUniformMatrix2x4fv, glUniformMatrix2x4fv, NULL, 565), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 8444, glUniformMatrix3x2fv, glUniformMatrix3x2fv, NULL, 566), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 8465, glUniformMatrix3x4fv, glUniformMatrix3x4fv, NULL, 567), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 8486, glUniformMatrix4x2fv, glUniformMatrix4x2fv, NULL, 568), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 8507, glUniformMatrix4x3fv, glUniformMatrix4x3fv, NULL, 569), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 8528, glBeginConditionalRender, glBeginConditionalRender, NULL, 570), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 8553, glBeginTransformFeedback, glBeginTransformFeedback, NULL, 571), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 8578, glBindBufferBase, glBindBufferBase, NULL, 572), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 8595, glBindBufferRange, glBindBufferRange, NULL, 573), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 8613, glBindFragDataLocation, glBindFragDataLocation, NULL, 574), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 8636, glClampColor, glClampColor, NULL, 575), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 8649, glClearBufferfi, glClearBufferfi, NULL, 576), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 8665, glClearBufferfv, glClearBufferfv, NULL, 577), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 8681, glClearBufferiv, glClearBufferiv, NULL, 578), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 8697, glClearBufferuiv, glClearBufferuiv, NULL, 579), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 8714, glColorMaski, glColorMaski, NULL, 580), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 8727, glDisablei, glDisablei, NULL, 581), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 8738, glEnablei, glEnablei, NULL, 582), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 8748, glEndConditionalRender, glEndConditionalRender, NULL, 583), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 8771, glEndTransformFeedback, glEndTransformFeedback, NULL, 584), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 8794, glGetBooleani_v, glGetBooleani_v, NULL, 585), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 8810, glGetFragDataLocation, glGetFragDataLocation, NULL, 586), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 8832, glGetIntegeri_v, glGetIntegeri_v, NULL, 587), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 8848, glGetStringi, glGetStringi, NULL, 588), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 8861, glGetTexParameterIiv, glGetTexParameterIiv, NULL, 589), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 8882, glGetTexParameterIuiv, glGetTexParameterIuiv, NULL, 590), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 8904, glGetTransformFeedbackVarying, glGetTransformFeedbackVarying, NULL, 591), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 8934, glGetUniformuiv, glGetUniformuiv, NULL, 592), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 8950, glGetVertexAttribIiv, glGetVertexAttribIiv, NULL, 593), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 8971, glGetVertexAttribIuiv, glGetVertexAttribIuiv, NULL, 594), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 8993, glIsEnabledi, glIsEnabledi, NULL, 595), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 9006, glTexParameterIiv, glTexParameterIiv, NULL, 596), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 9024, glTexParameterIuiv, glTexParameterIuiv, NULL, 597), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 9043, glTransformFeedbackVaryings, glTransformFeedbackVaryings, NULL, 598), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 9071, glUniform1ui, glUniform1ui, NULL, 599), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 9084, glUniform1uiv, glUniform1uiv, NULL, 600), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 9098, glUniform2ui, glUniform2ui, NULL, 601), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 9111, glUniform2uiv, glUniform2uiv, NULL, 602), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 9125, glUniform3ui, glUniform3ui, NULL, 603), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 9138, glUniform3uiv, glUniform3uiv, NULL, 604), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 9152, glUniform4ui, glUniform4ui, NULL, 605), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 9165, glUniform4uiv, glUniform4uiv, NULL, 606), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 9179, glVertexAttribI1iv, glVertexAttribI1iv, NULL, 607), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 9198, glVertexAttribI1uiv, glVertexAttribI1uiv, NULL, 608), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 9218, glVertexAttribI4bv, glVertexAttribI4bv, NULL, 609), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 9237, glVertexAttribI4sv, glVertexAttribI4sv, NULL, 610), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 9256, glVertexAttribI4ubv, glVertexAttribI4ubv, NULL, 611), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 9276, glVertexAttribI4usv, glVertexAttribI4usv, NULL, 612), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 9296, glVertexAttribIPointer, glVertexAttribIPointer, NULL, 613), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 9319, glPrimitiveRestartIndex, glPrimitiveRestartIndex, NULL, 614), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 9343, glTexBuffer, glTexBuffer, NULL, 615), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 9355, glFramebufferTexture, glFramebufferTexture, NULL, 616), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 9376, glGetBufferParameteri64v, glGetBufferParameteri64v, NULL, 617), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 9401, glGetInteger64i_v, glGetInteger64i_v, NULL, 618), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 9419, glVertexAttribDivisor, glVertexAttribDivisor, NULL, 619), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 9441, glBindProgramARB, glBindProgramARB, NULL, 620), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 9458, glDeleteProgramsARB, glDeleteProgramsARB, NULL, 621), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 9478, glGenProgramsARB, glGenProgramsARB, NULL, 622), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 9495, glGetProgramEnvParameterdvARB, glGetProgramEnvParameterdvARB, NULL, 623), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 9525, glGetProgramEnvParameterfvARB, glGetProgramEnvParameterfvARB, NULL, 624), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 9555, glGetProgramLocalParameterdvARB, glGetProgramLocalParameterdvARB, NULL, 625), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 9587, glGetProgramLocalParameterfvARB, glGetProgramLocalParameterfvARB, NULL, 626), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 9619, glGetProgramStringARB, glGetProgramStringARB, NULL, 627), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 9641, glGetProgramivARB, glGetProgramivARB, NULL, 628), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 9659, glIsProgramARB, glIsProgramARB, NULL, 629), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 9674, glProgramEnvParameter4dARB, glProgramEnvParameter4dARB, NULL, 630), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 9701, glProgramEnvParameter4dvARB, glProgramEnvParameter4dvARB, NULL, 631), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 9729, glProgramEnvParameter4fARB, glProgramEnvParameter4fARB, NULL, 632), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 9756, glProgramEnvParameter4fvARB, glProgramEnvParameter4fvARB, NULL, 633), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 9784, glProgramLocalParameter4dARB, glProgramLocalParameter4dARB, NULL, 634), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 9813, glProgramLocalParameter4dvARB, glProgramLocalParameter4dvARB, NULL, 635), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 9843, glProgramLocalParameter4fARB, glProgramLocalParameter4fARB, NULL, 636), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 9872, glProgramLocalParameter4fvARB, glProgramLocalParameter4fvARB, NULL, 637), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 9902, glProgramStringARB, glProgramStringARB, NULL, 638), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 9921, glVertexAttrib1fARB, glVertexAttrib1fARB, NULL, 639), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 9941, glVertexAttrib1fvARB, glVertexAttrib1fvARB, NULL, 640), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 9962, glVertexAttrib2fARB, glVertexAttrib2fARB, NULL, 641), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET( 9982, glVertexAttrib2fvARB, glVertexAttrib2fvARB, NULL, 642), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(10003, glVertexAttrib3fARB, glVertexAttrib3fARB, NULL, 643), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(10023, glVertexAttrib3fvARB, glVertexAttrib3fvARB, NULL, 644), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(10044, glVertexAttrib4fARB, glVertexAttrib4fARB, NULL, 645), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(10064, glVertexAttrib4fvARB, glVertexAttrib4fvARB, NULL, 646), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(10085, glAttachObjectARB, glAttachObjectARB, NULL, 647), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(10103, glCreateProgramObjectARB, glCreateProgramObjectARB, NULL, 648), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(10128, glCreateShaderObjectARB, glCreateShaderObjectARB, NULL, 649), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(10152, glDeleteObjectARB, glDeleteObjectARB, NULL, 650), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(10170, glDetachObjectARB, glDetachObjectARB, NULL, 651), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(10188, glGetAttachedObjectsARB, glGetAttachedObjectsARB, NULL, 652), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(10212, glGetHandleARB, glGetHandleARB, NULL, 653), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(10227, glGetInfoLogARB, glGetInfoLogARB, NULL, 654), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(10243, glGetObjectParameterfvARB, glGetObjectParameterfvARB, NULL, 655), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(10269, glGetObjectParameterivARB, glGetObjectParameterivARB, NULL, 656), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(10295, glDrawArraysInstancedARB, glDrawArraysInstancedARB, NULL, 657), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(10320, glDrawElementsInstancedARB, glDrawElementsInstancedARB, NULL, 658), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(10347, glBindFramebuffer, glBindFramebuffer, NULL, 659), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(10365, glBindRenderbuffer, glBindRenderbuffer, NULL, 660), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(10384, glBlitFramebuffer, glBlitFramebuffer, NULL, 661), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(10402, glCheckFramebufferStatus, glCheckFramebufferStatus, NULL, 662), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(10427, glDeleteFramebuffers, glDeleteFramebuffers, NULL, 663), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(10448, glDeleteRenderbuffers, glDeleteRenderbuffers, NULL, 664), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(10470, glFramebufferRenderbuffer, glFramebufferRenderbuffer, NULL, 665), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(10496, glFramebufferTexture1D, glFramebufferTexture1D, NULL, 666), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(10519, glFramebufferTexture2D, glFramebufferTexture2D, NULL, 667), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(10542, glFramebufferTexture3D, glFramebufferTexture3D, NULL, 668), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(10565, glFramebufferTextureLayer, glFramebufferTextureLayer, NULL, 669), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(10591, glGenFramebuffers, glGenFramebuffers, NULL, 670), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(10609, glGenRenderbuffers, glGenRenderbuffers, NULL, 671), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(10628, glGenerateMipmap, glGenerateMipmap, NULL, 672), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(10645, glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv, glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv, NULL, 673), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(10683, glGetRenderbufferParameteriv, glGetRenderbufferParameteriv, NULL, 674), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(10712, glIsFramebuffer, glIsFramebuffer, NULL, 675), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(10728, glIsRenderbuffer, glIsRenderbuffer, NULL, 676), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(10745, glRenderbufferStorage, glRenderbufferStorage, NULL, 677), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(10767, glRenderbufferStorageMultisample, glRenderbufferStorageMultisample, NULL, 678), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(10800, glFramebufferTextureFaceARB, glFramebufferTextureFaceARB, NULL, 679), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(10828, glFlushMappedBufferRange, glFlushMappedBufferRange, NULL, 680), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(10853, glMapBufferRange, glMapBufferRange, NULL, 681), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(10870, glBindVertexArray, glBindVertexArray, NULL, 682), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(10888, glDeleteVertexArrays, glDeleteVertexArrays, NULL, 683), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(10909, glGenVertexArrays, glGenVertexArrays, NULL, 684), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(10927, glIsVertexArray, glIsVertexArray, NULL, 685), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(10943, glGetActiveUniformBlockName, glGetActiveUniformBlockName, NULL, 686), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(10971, glGetActiveUniformBlockiv, glGetActiveUniformBlockiv, NULL, 687), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(10997, glGetActiveUniformName, glGetActiveUniformName, NULL, 688), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(11020, glGetActiveUniformsiv, glGetActiveUniformsiv, NULL, 689), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(11042, glGetUniformBlockIndex, glGetUniformBlockIndex, NULL, 690), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(11065, glGetUniformIndices, glGetUniformIndices, NULL, 691), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(11085, glUniformBlockBinding, glUniformBlockBinding, NULL, 692), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(11107, glCopyBufferSubData, glCopyBufferSubData, NULL, 693), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(11127, glClientWaitSync, glClientWaitSync, NULL, 694), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(11144, glDeleteSync, glDeleteSync, NULL, 695), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(11157, glFenceSync, glFenceSync, NULL, 696), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(11169, glGetInteger64v, glGetInteger64v, NULL, 697), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(11185, glGetSynciv, glGetSynciv, NULL, 698), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(11197, glIsSync, glIsSync, NULL, 699), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(11206, glWaitSync, glWaitSync, NULL, 700), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(11217, glDrawElementsBaseVertex, glDrawElementsBaseVertex, NULL, 701), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(11242, glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex, glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex, NULL, 702), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(11276, glDrawRangeElementsBaseVertex, glDrawRangeElementsBaseVertex, NULL, 703), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(11306, glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex, glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex, NULL, 704), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(11336, glProvokingVertex, glProvokingVertex, NULL, 705), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(11354, glBlendEquationSeparateiARB, glBlendEquationSeparateiARB, NULL, 706), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(11382, glBlendEquationiARB, glBlendEquationiARB, NULL, 707), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(11402, glBlendFuncSeparateiARB, glBlendFuncSeparateiARB, NULL, 708), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(11426, glBlendFunciARB, glBlendFunciARB, NULL, 709), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(11442, glBindFragDataLocationIndexed, glBindFragDataLocationIndexed, NULL, 710), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(11472, glGetFragDataIndex, glGetFragDataIndex, NULL, 711), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(11491, glBindSampler, glBindSampler, NULL, 712), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(11505, glDeleteSamplers, glDeleteSamplers, NULL, 713), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(11522, glGenSamplers, glGenSamplers, NULL, 714), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(11536, glGetSamplerParameterIiv, glGetSamplerParameterIiv, NULL, 715), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(11561, glGetSamplerParameterIuiv, glGetSamplerParameterIuiv, NULL, 716), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(11587, glGetSamplerParameterfv, glGetSamplerParameterfv, NULL, 717), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(11611, glGetSamplerParameteriv, glGetSamplerParameteriv, NULL, 718), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(11635, glIsSampler, glIsSampler, NULL, 719), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(11647, glSamplerParameterIiv, glSamplerParameterIiv, NULL, 720), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(11669, glSamplerParameterIuiv, glSamplerParameterIuiv, NULL, 721), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(11692, glSamplerParameterf, glSamplerParameterf, NULL, 722), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(11712, glSamplerParameterfv, glSamplerParameterfv, NULL, 723), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(11733, glSamplerParameteri, glSamplerParameteri, NULL, 724), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(11753, glSamplerParameteriv, glSamplerParameteriv, NULL, 725), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(11774, gl_dispatch_stub_726, gl_dispatch_stub_726, NULL, 726), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(11795, gl_dispatch_stub_727, gl_dispatch_stub_727, NULL, 727), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(11817, gl_dispatch_stub_728, gl_dispatch_stub_728, NULL, 728), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(11832, glColorP3ui, glColorP3ui, NULL, 729), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(11844, glColorP3uiv, glColorP3uiv, NULL, 730), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(11857, glColorP4ui, glColorP4ui, NULL, 731), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(11869, glColorP4uiv, glColorP4uiv, NULL, 732), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(11882, glMultiTexCoordP1ui, glMultiTexCoordP1ui, NULL, 733), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(11902, glMultiTexCoordP1uiv, glMultiTexCoordP1uiv, NULL, 734), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(11923, glMultiTexCoordP2ui, glMultiTexCoordP2ui, NULL, 735), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(11943, glMultiTexCoordP2uiv, glMultiTexCoordP2uiv, NULL, 736), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(11964, glMultiTexCoordP3ui, glMultiTexCoordP3ui, NULL, 737), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(11984, glMultiTexCoordP3uiv, glMultiTexCoordP3uiv, NULL, 738), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(12005, glMultiTexCoordP4ui, glMultiTexCoordP4ui, NULL, 739), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(12025, glMultiTexCoordP4uiv, glMultiTexCoordP4uiv, NULL, 740), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(12046, glNormalP3ui, glNormalP3ui, NULL, 741), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(12059, glNormalP3uiv, glNormalP3uiv, NULL, 742), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(12073, glSecondaryColorP3ui, glSecondaryColorP3ui, NULL, 743), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(12094, glSecondaryColorP3uiv, glSecondaryColorP3uiv, NULL, 744), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(12116, glTexCoordP1ui, glTexCoordP1ui, NULL, 745), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(12131, glTexCoordP1uiv, glTexCoordP1uiv, NULL, 746), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(12147, glTexCoordP2ui, glTexCoordP2ui, NULL, 747), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(12162, glTexCoordP2uiv, glTexCoordP2uiv, NULL, 748), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(12178, glTexCoordP3ui, glTexCoordP3ui, NULL, 749), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(12193, glTexCoordP3uiv, glTexCoordP3uiv, NULL, 750), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(12209, glTexCoordP4ui, glTexCoordP4ui, NULL, 751), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(12224, glTexCoordP4uiv, glTexCoordP4uiv, NULL, 752), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(12240, glVertexAttribP1ui, glVertexAttribP1ui, NULL, 753), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(12259, glVertexAttribP1uiv, glVertexAttribP1uiv, NULL, 754), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(12279, glVertexAttribP2ui, glVertexAttribP2ui, NULL, 755), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(12298, glVertexAttribP2uiv, glVertexAttribP2uiv, NULL, 756), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(12318, glVertexAttribP3ui, glVertexAttribP3ui, NULL, 757), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(12337, glVertexAttribP3uiv, glVertexAttribP3uiv, NULL, 758), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(12357, glVertexAttribP4ui, glVertexAttribP4ui, NULL, 759), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(12376, glVertexAttribP4uiv, glVertexAttribP4uiv, NULL, 760), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(12396, glVertexP2ui, glVertexP2ui, NULL, 761), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(12409, glVertexP2uiv, glVertexP2uiv, NULL, 762), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(12423, glVertexP3ui, glVertexP3ui, NULL, 763), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(12436, glVertexP3uiv, glVertexP3uiv, NULL, 764), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(12450, glVertexP4ui, glVertexP4ui, NULL, 765), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(12463, glVertexP4uiv, glVertexP4uiv, NULL, 766), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(12477, glBindTransformFeedback, glBindTransformFeedback, NULL, 767), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(12501, glDeleteTransformFeedbacks, glDeleteTransformFeedbacks, NULL, 768), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(12528, glDrawTransformFeedback, glDrawTransformFeedback, NULL, 769), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(12552, glGenTransformFeedbacks, glGenTransformFeedbacks, NULL, 770), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(12576, glIsTransformFeedback, glIsTransformFeedback, NULL, 771), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(12598, glPauseTransformFeedback, glPauseTransformFeedback, NULL, 772), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(12623, glResumeTransformFeedback, glResumeTransformFeedback, NULL, 773), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(12649, glBeginQueryIndexed, glBeginQueryIndexed, NULL, 774), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(12669, glDrawTransformFeedbackStream, glDrawTransformFeedbackStream, NULL, 775), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(12699, glEndQueryIndexed, glEndQueryIndexed, NULL, 776), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(12717, glGetQueryIndexediv, glGetQueryIndexediv, NULL, 777), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(12737, glClearDepthf, glClearDepthf, NULL, 778), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(12751, glDepthRangef, glDepthRangef, NULL, 779), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(12765, glGetShaderPrecisionFormat, glGetShaderPrecisionFormat, NULL, 780), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(12792, glReleaseShaderCompiler, glReleaseShaderCompiler, NULL, 781), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(12816, glShaderBinary, glShaderBinary, NULL, 782), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(12831, glGetProgramBinary, glGetProgramBinary, NULL, 783), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(12850, glProgramBinary, glProgramBinary, NULL, 784), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(12866, glProgramParameteri, glProgramParameteri, NULL, 785), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(12886, glDebugMessageCallbackARB, glDebugMessageCallbackARB, NULL, 786), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(12912, glDebugMessageControlARB, glDebugMessageControlARB, NULL, 787), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(12937, glDebugMessageInsertARB, glDebugMessageInsertARB, NULL, 788), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(12961, glGetDebugMessageLogARB, glGetDebugMessageLogARB, NULL, 789), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(12985, glGetGraphicsResetStatusARB, glGetGraphicsResetStatusARB, NULL, 790), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(13013, glGetnColorTableARB, glGetnColorTableARB, NULL, 791), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(13033, glGetnCompressedTexImageARB, glGetnCompressedTexImageARB, NULL, 792), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(13061, glGetnConvolutionFilterARB, glGetnConvolutionFilterARB, NULL, 793), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(13088, glGetnHistogramARB, glGetnHistogramARB, NULL, 794), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(13107, glGetnMapdvARB, glGetnMapdvARB, NULL, 795), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(13122, glGetnMapfvARB, glGetnMapfvARB, NULL, 796), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(13137, glGetnMapivARB, glGetnMapivARB, NULL, 797), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(13152, glGetnMinmaxARB, glGetnMinmaxARB, NULL, 798), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(13168, glGetnPixelMapfvARB, glGetnPixelMapfvARB, NULL, 799), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(13188, glGetnPixelMapuivARB, glGetnPixelMapuivARB, NULL, 800), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(13209, glGetnPixelMapusvARB, glGetnPixelMapusvARB, NULL, 801), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(13230, glGetnPolygonStippleARB, glGetnPolygonStippleARB, NULL, 802), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(13254, glGetnSeparableFilterARB, glGetnSeparableFilterARB, NULL, 803), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(13279, glGetnTexImageARB, glGetnTexImageARB, NULL, 804), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(13297, glGetnUniformdvARB, glGetnUniformdvARB, NULL, 805), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(13316, glGetnUniformfvARB, glGetnUniformfvARB, NULL, 806), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(13335, glGetnUniformivARB, glGetnUniformivARB, NULL, 807), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(13354, glGetnUniformuivARB, glGetnUniformuivARB, NULL, 808), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(13374, glReadnPixelsARB, glReadnPixelsARB, NULL, 809), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(13391, glDrawArraysInstancedBaseInstance, glDrawArraysInstancedBaseInstance, NULL, 810), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(13425, glDrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance, glDrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance, NULL, 811), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(13461, glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance, glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance, NULL, 812), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(13507, glDrawTransformFeedbackInstanced, glDrawTransformFeedbackInstanced, NULL, 813), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(13540, glDrawTransformFeedbackStreamInstanced, glDrawTransformFeedbackStreamInstanced, NULL, 814), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(13579, gl_dispatch_stub_815, gl_dispatch_stub_815, NULL, 815), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(13601, glTexStorage1D, glTexStorage1D, NULL, 816), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(13616, glTexStorage2D, glTexStorage2D, NULL, 817), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(13631, glTexStorage3D, glTexStorage3D, NULL, 818), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(13646, glTextureStorage1DEXT, glTextureStorage1DEXT, NULL, 819), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(13668, glTextureStorage2DEXT, glTextureStorage2DEXT, NULL, 820), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(13690, glTextureStorage3DEXT, glTextureStorage3DEXT, NULL, 821), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(13712, glInvalidateBufferData, glInvalidateBufferData, NULL, 822), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(13735, glInvalidateBufferSubData, glInvalidateBufferSubData, NULL, 823), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(13761, glInvalidateFramebuffer, glInvalidateFramebuffer, NULL, 824), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(13785, glInvalidateSubFramebuffer, glInvalidateSubFramebuffer, NULL, 825), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(13812, glInvalidateTexImage, glInvalidateTexImage, NULL, 826), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(13833, glInvalidateTexSubImage, glInvalidateTexSubImage, NULL, 827), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(13857, glPolygonOffsetEXT, glPolygonOffsetEXT, NULL, 828), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(13876, gl_dispatch_stub_829, gl_dispatch_stub_829, NULL, 829), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(13890, gl_dispatch_stub_830, gl_dispatch_stub_830, NULL, 830), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(13905, gl_dispatch_stub_831, gl_dispatch_stub_831, NULL, 831), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(13919, gl_dispatch_stub_832, gl_dispatch_stub_832, NULL, 832), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(13934, gl_dispatch_stub_833, gl_dispatch_stub_833, NULL, 833), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(13948, gl_dispatch_stub_834, gl_dispatch_stub_834, NULL, 834), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(13963, gl_dispatch_stub_835, gl_dispatch_stub_835, NULL, 835), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(13977, gl_dispatch_stub_836, gl_dispatch_stub_836, NULL, 836), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(13992, gl_dispatch_stub_837, gl_dispatch_stub_837, NULL, 837), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(14014, gl_dispatch_stub_838, gl_dispatch_stub_838, NULL, 838), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(14032, gl_dispatch_stub_839, gl_dispatch_stub_839, NULL, 839), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(14049, gl_dispatch_stub_840, gl_dispatch_stub_840, NULL, 840), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(14069, glColorPointerEXT, glColorPointerEXT, NULL, 841), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(14087, glEdgeFlagPointerEXT, glEdgeFlagPointerEXT, NULL, 842), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(14108, glIndexPointerEXT, glIndexPointerEXT, NULL, 843), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(14126, glNormalPointerEXT, glNormalPointerEXT, NULL, 844), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(14145, glTexCoordPointerEXT, glTexCoordPointerEXT, NULL, 845), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(14166, glVertexPointerEXT, glVertexPointerEXT, NULL, 846), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(14185, glLockArraysEXT, glLockArraysEXT, NULL, 847), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(14201, glUnlockArraysEXT, glUnlockArraysEXT, NULL, 848), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(14219, glSecondaryColor3fEXT, glSecondaryColor3fEXT, NULL, 849), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(14241, glSecondaryColor3fvEXT, glSecondaryColor3fvEXT, NULL, 850), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(14264, glMultiDrawElementsEXT, glMultiDrawElementsEXT, NULL, 851), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(14287, glFogCoordfEXT, glFogCoordfEXT, NULL, 852), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(14302, glFogCoordfvEXT, glFogCoordfvEXT, NULL, 853), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(14318, glResizeBuffersMESA, glResizeBuffersMESA, NULL, 854), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(14338, glWindowPos4dMESA, glWindowPos4dMESA, NULL, 855), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(14356, glWindowPos4dvMESA, glWindowPos4dvMESA, NULL, 856), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(14375, glWindowPos4fMESA, glWindowPos4fMESA, NULL, 857), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(14393, glWindowPos4fvMESA, glWindowPos4fvMESA, NULL, 858), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(14412, glWindowPos4iMESA, glWindowPos4iMESA, NULL, 859), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(14430, glWindowPos4ivMESA, glWindowPos4ivMESA, NULL, 860), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(14449, glWindowPos4sMESA, glWindowPos4sMESA, NULL, 861), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(14467, glWindowPos4svMESA, glWindowPos4svMESA, NULL, 862), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(14486, gl_dispatch_stub_863, gl_dispatch_stub_863, NULL, 863), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(14511, gl_dispatch_stub_864, gl_dispatch_stub_864, NULL, 864), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(14538, glAreProgramsResidentNV, glAreProgramsResidentNV, NULL, 865), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(14562, glExecuteProgramNV, glExecuteProgramNV, NULL, 866), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(14581, glGetProgramParameterdvNV, glGetProgramParameterdvNV, NULL, 867), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(14607, glGetProgramParameterfvNV, glGetProgramParameterfvNV, NULL, 868), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(14633, glGetProgramStringNV, glGetProgramStringNV, NULL, 869), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(14654, glGetProgramivNV, glGetProgramivNV, NULL, 870), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(14671, glGetTrackMatrixivNV, glGetTrackMatrixivNV, NULL, 871), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(14692, glGetVertexAttribdvNV, glGetVertexAttribdvNV, NULL, 872), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(14714, glGetVertexAttribfvNV, glGetVertexAttribfvNV, NULL, 873), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(14736, glGetVertexAttribivNV, glGetVertexAttribivNV, NULL, 874), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(14758, glLoadProgramNV, glLoadProgramNV, NULL, 875), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(14774, glProgramParameters4dvNV, glProgramParameters4dvNV, NULL, 876), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(14799, glProgramParameters4fvNV, glProgramParameters4fvNV, NULL, 877), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(14824, glRequestResidentProgramsNV, glRequestResidentProgramsNV, NULL, 878), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(14852, glTrackMatrixNV, glTrackMatrixNV, NULL, 879), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(14868, glVertexAttrib1dNV, glVertexAttrib1dNV, NULL, 880), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(14887, glVertexAttrib1dvNV, glVertexAttrib1dvNV, NULL, 881), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(14907, glVertexAttrib1fNV, glVertexAttrib1fNV, NULL, 882), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(14926, glVertexAttrib1fvNV, glVertexAttrib1fvNV, NULL, 883), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(14946, glVertexAttrib1sNV, glVertexAttrib1sNV, NULL, 884), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(14965, glVertexAttrib1svNV, glVertexAttrib1svNV, NULL, 885), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(14985, glVertexAttrib2dNV, glVertexAttrib2dNV, NULL, 886), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(15004, glVertexAttrib2dvNV, glVertexAttrib2dvNV, NULL, 887), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(15024, glVertexAttrib2fNV, glVertexAttrib2fNV, NULL, 888), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(15043, glVertexAttrib2fvNV, glVertexAttrib2fvNV, NULL, 889), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(15063, glVertexAttrib2sNV, glVertexAttrib2sNV, NULL, 890), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(15082, glVertexAttrib2svNV, glVertexAttrib2svNV, NULL, 891), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(15102, glVertexAttrib3dNV, glVertexAttrib3dNV, NULL, 892), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(15121, glVertexAttrib3dvNV, glVertexAttrib3dvNV, NULL, 893), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(15141, glVertexAttrib3fNV, glVertexAttrib3fNV, NULL, 894), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(15160, glVertexAttrib3fvNV, glVertexAttrib3fvNV, NULL, 895), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(15180, glVertexAttrib3sNV, glVertexAttrib3sNV, NULL, 896), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(15199, glVertexAttrib3svNV, glVertexAttrib3svNV, NULL, 897), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(15219, glVertexAttrib4dNV, glVertexAttrib4dNV, NULL, 898), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(15238, glVertexAttrib4dvNV, glVertexAttrib4dvNV, NULL, 899), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(15258, glVertexAttrib4fNV, glVertexAttrib4fNV, NULL, 900), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(15277, glVertexAttrib4fvNV, glVertexAttrib4fvNV, NULL, 901), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(15297, glVertexAttrib4sNV, glVertexAttrib4sNV, NULL, 902), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(15316, glVertexAttrib4svNV, glVertexAttrib4svNV, NULL, 903), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(15336, glVertexAttrib4ubNV, glVertexAttrib4ubNV, NULL, 904), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(15356, glVertexAttrib4ubvNV, glVertexAttrib4ubvNV, NULL, 905), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(15377, glVertexAttribPointerNV, glVertexAttribPointerNV, NULL, 906), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(15401, glVertexAttribs1dvNV, glVertexAttribs1dvNV, NULL, 907), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(15422, glVertexAttribs1fvNV, glVertexAttribs1fvNV, NULL, 908), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(15443, glVertexAttribs1svNV, glVertexAttribs1svNV, NULL, 909), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(15464, glVertexAttribs2dvNV, glVertexAttribs2dvNV, NULL, 910), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(15485, glVertexAttribs2fvNV, glVertexAttribs2fvNV, NULL, 911), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(15506, glVertexAttribs2svNV, glVertexAttribs2svNV, NULL, 912), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(15527, glVertexAttribs3dvNV, glVertexAttribs3dvNV, NULL, 913), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(15548, glVertexAttribs3fvNV, glVertexAttribs3fvNV, NULL, 914), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(15569, glVertexAttribs3svNV, glVertexAttribs3svNV, NULL, 915), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(15590, glVertexAttribs4dvNV, glVertexAttribs4dvNV, NULL, 916), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(15611, glVertexAttribs4fvNV, glVertexAttribs4fvNV, NULL, 917), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(15632, glVertexAttribs4svNV, glVertexAttribs4svNV, NULL, 918), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(15653, glVertexAttribs4ubvNV, glVertexAttribs4ubvNV, NULL, 919), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(15675, glGetTexBumpParameterfvATI, glGetTexBumpParameterfvATI, NULL, 920), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(15702, glGetTexBumpParameterivATI, glGetTexBumpParameterivATI, NULL, 921), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(15729, glTexBumpParameterfvATI, glTexBumpParameterfvATI, NULL, 922), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(15753, glTexBumpParameterivATI, glTexBumpParameterivATI, NULL, 923), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(15777, glAlphaFragmentOp1ATI, glAlphaFragmentOp1ATI, NULL, 924), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(15799, glAlphaFragmentOp2ATI, glAlphaFragmentOp2ATI, NULL, 925), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(15821, glAlphaFragmentOp3ATI, glAlphaFragmentOp3ATI, NULL, 926), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(15843, glBeginFragmentShaderATI, glBeginFragmentShaderATI, NULL, 927), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(15868, glBindFragmentShaderATI, glBindFragmentShaderATI, NULL, 928), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(15892, glColorFragmentOp1ATI, glColorFragmentOp1ATI, NULL, 929), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(15914, glColorFragmentOp2ATI, glColorFragmentOp2ATI, NULL, 930), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(15936, glColorFragmentOp3ATI, glColorFragmentOp3ATI, NULL, 931), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(15958, glDeleteFragmentShaderATI, glDeleteFragmentShaderATI, NULL, 932), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(15984, glEndFragmentShaderATI, glEndFragmentShaderATI, NULL, 933), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(16007, glGenFragmentShadersATI, glGenFragmentShadersATI, NULL, 934), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(16031, glPassTexCoordATI, glPassTexCoordATI, NULL, 935), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(16049, glSampleMapATI, glSampleMapATI, NULL, 936), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(16064, glSetFragmentShaderConstantATI, glSetFragmentShaderConstantATI, NULL, 937), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(16095, gl_dispatch_stub_938, gl_dispatch_stub_938, NULL, 938), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(16118, gl_dispatch_stub_939, gl_dispatch_stub_939, NULL, 939), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(16141, gl_dispatch_stub_940, gl_dispatch_stub_940, NULL, 940), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(16164, glGetProgramNamedParameterdvNV, glGetProgramNamedParameterdvNV, NULL, 941), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(16195, glGetProgramNamedParameterfvNV, glGetProgramNamedParameterfvNV, NULL, 942), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(16226, glProgramNamedParameter4dNV, glProgramNamedParameter4dNV, NULL, 943), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(16254, glProgramNamedParameter4dvNV, glProgramNamedParameter4dvNV, NULL, 944), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(16283, glProgramNamedParameter4fNV, glProgramNamedParameter4fNV, NULL, 945), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(16311, glProgramNamedParameter4fvNV, glProgramNamedParameter4fvNV, NULL, 946), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(16340, glPrimitiveRestartNV, glPrimitiveRestartNV, NULL, 947), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(16361, gl_dispatch_stub_948, gl_dispatch_stub_948, NULL, 948), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(16378, gl_dispatch_stub_949, gl_dispatch_stub_949, NULL, 949), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(16391, gl_dispatch_stub_950, gl_dispatch_stub_950, NULL, 950), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(16405, gl_dispatch_stub_951, gl_dispatch_stub_951, NULL, 951), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(16422, gl_dispatch_stub_952, gl_dispatch_stub_952, NULL, 952), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(16446, gl_dispatch_stub_953, gl_dispatch_stub_953, NULL, 953), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(16476, glVertexAttribI1iEXT, glVertexAttribI1iEXT, NULL, 954), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(16497, glVertexAttribI1uiEXT, glVertexAttribI1uiEXT, NULL, 955), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(16519, glVertexAttribI2iEXT, glVertexAttribI2iEXT, NULL, 956), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(16540, glVertexAttribI2ivEXT, glVertexAttribI2ivEXT, NULL, 957), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(16562, glVertexAttribI2uiEXT, glVertexAttribI2uiEXT, NULL, 958), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(16584, glVertexAttribI2uivEXT, glVertexAttribI2uivEXT, NULL, 959), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(16607, glVertexAttribI3iEXT, glVertexAttribI3iEXT, NULL, 960), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(16628, glVertexAttribI3ivEXT, glVertexAttribI3ivEXT, NULL, 961), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(16650, glVertexAttribI3uiEXT, glVertexAttribI3uiEXT, NULL, 962), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(16672, glVertexAttribI3uivEXT, glVertexAttribI3uivEXT, NULL, 963), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(16695, glVertexAttribI4iEXT, glVertexAttribI4iEXT, NULL, 964), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(16716, glVertexAttribI4ivEXT, glVertexAttribI4ivEXT, NULL, 965), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(16738, glVertexAttribI4uiEXT, glVertexAttribI4uiEXT, NULL, 966), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(16760, glVertexAttribI4uivEXT, glVertexAttribI4uivEXT, NULL, 967), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(16783, glClearColorIiEXT, glClearColorIiEXT, NULL, 968), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(16801, glClearColorIuiEXT, glClearColorIuiEXT, NULL, 969), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(16820, glBindBufferOffsetEXT, glBindBufferOffsetEXT, NULL, 970), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(16842, glGetObjectParameterivAPPLE, glGetObjectParameterivAPPLE, NULL, 971), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(16870, glObjectPurgeableAPPLE, glObjectPurgeableAPPLE, NULL, 972), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(16893, glObjectUnpurgeableAPPLE, glObjectUnpurgeableAPPLE, NULL, 973), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(16918, glActiveProgramEXT, glActiveProgramEXT, NULL, 974), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(16937, glCreateShaderProgramEXT, glCreateShaderProgramEXT, NULL, 975), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(16962, glUseShaderProgramEXT, glUseShaderProgramEXT, NULL, 976), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(16984, glTextureBarrierNV, glTextureBarrierNV, NULL, 977), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(17003, gl_dispatch_stub_978, gl_dispatch_stub_978, NULL, 978), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(17028, gl_dispatch_stub_979, gl_dispatch_stub_979, NULL, 979), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(17057, gl_dispatch_stub_980, gl_dispatch_stub_980, NULL, 980), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(17088, glEGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOES, glEGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOES, NULL, 981), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(17127, glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOES, glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOES, NULL, 982), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(17156, gl_dispatch_stub_983, gl_dispatch_stub_983, NULL, 983), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(17169, gl_dispatch_stub_984, gl_dispatch_stub_984, NULL, 984), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(17183, gl_dispatch_stub_985, gl_dispatch_stub_985, NULL, 985), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(17197, gl_dispatch_stub_986, gl_dispatch_stub_986, NULL, 986), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(17207, gl_dispatch_stub_987, gl_dispatch_stub_987, NULL, 987), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(17221, gl_dispatch_stub_988, gl_dispatch_stub_988, NULL, 988), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(17228, gl_dispatch_stub_989, gl_dispatch_stub_989, NULL, 989), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(17236, gl_dispatch_stub_990, gl_dispatch_stub_990, NULL, 990), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(17247, gl_dispatch_stub_991, gl_dispatch_stub_991, NULL, 991), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(17258, gl_dispatch_stub_992, gl_dispatch_stub_992, NULL, 992), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(17272, gl_dispatch_stub_993, gl_dispatch_stub_993, NULL, 993), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(17287, gl_dispatch_stub_994, gl_dispatch_stub_994, NULL, 994), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(17296, gl_dispatch_stub_995, gl_dispatch_stub_995, NULL, 995), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(17306, gl_dispatch_stub_996, gl_dispatch_stub_996, NULL, 996), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(17319, gl_dispatch_stub_997, gl_dispatch_stub_997, NULL, 997), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(17333, gl_dispatch_stub_998, gl_dispatch_stub_998, NULL, 998), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(17345, gl_dispatch_stub_999, gl_dispatch_stub_999, NULL, 999), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(17358, gl_dispatch_stub_1000, gl_dispatch_stub_1000, NULL, 1000), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(17372, gl_dispatch_stub_1001, gl_dispatch_stub_1001, NULL, 1001), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(17390, gl_dispatch_stub_1002, gl_dispatch_stub_1002, NULL, 1002), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(17401, gl_dispatch_stub_1003, gl_dispatch_stub_1003, NULL, 1003), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(17410, gl_dispatch_stub_1004, gl_dispatch_stub_1004, NULL, 1004), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(17419, gl_dispatch_stub_1005, gl_dispatch_stub_1005, NULL, 1005), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(17432, gl_dispatch_stub_1006, gl_dispatch_stub_1006, NULL, 1006), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(17449, gl_dispatch_stub_1007, gl_dispatch_stub_1007, NULL, 1007), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(17459, gl_dispatch_stub_1008, gl_dispatch_stub_1008, NULL, 1008), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(17477, gl_dispatch_stub_1009, gl_dispatch_stub_1009, NULL, 1009), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(17486, gl_dispatch_stub_1010, gl_dispatch_stub_1010, NULL, 1010), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(17496, gl_dispatch_stub_1011, gl_dispatch_stub_1011, NULL, 1011), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(17507, gl_dispatch_stub_1012, gl_dispatch_stub_1012, NULL, 1012), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(17523, gl_dispatch_stub_1013, gl_dispatch_stub_1013, NULL, 1013), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(17536, gl_dispatch_stub_1014, gl_dispatch_stub_1014, NULL, 1014), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(17549, gl_dispatch_stub_1015, gl_dispatch_stub_1015, NULL, 1015), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(17562, gl_dispatch_stub_1016, gl_dispatch_stub_1016, NULL, 1016), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(17578, gl_dispatch_stub_1017, gl_dispatch_stub_1017, NULL, 1017), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(17594, gl_dispatch_stub_1018, gl_dispatch_stub_1018, NULL, 1018), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(17606, gl_dispatch_stub_1019, gl_dispatch_stub_1019, NULL, 1019), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(17619, gl_dispatch_stub_1020, gl_dispatch_stub_1020, NULL, 1020), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(17635, gl_dispatch_stub_1021, gl_dispatch_stub_1021, NULL, 1021), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(17649, gl_dispatch_stub_1022, gl_dispatch_stub_1022, NULL, 1022), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(17669, gl_dispatch_stub_1023, gl_dispatch_stub_1023, NULL, 1023), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(17687, gl_dispatch_stub_1024, gl_dispatch_stub_1024, NULL, 1024), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(17706, gl_dispatch_stub_1025, gl_dispatch_stub_1025, NULL, 1025), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(17723, glTexGenf, glTexGenf, NULL, 190), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(17736, glTexGenfv, glTexGenfv, NULL, 191), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(17750, glTexGeni, glTexGeni, NULL, 192), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(17763, glTexGeniv, glTexGeniv, NULL, 193), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(17777, glReadBuffer, glReadBuffer, NULL, 254), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(17792, glGetTexGenfv, glGetTexGenfv, NULL, 279), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(17809, glGetTexGeniv, glGetTexGeniv, NULL, 280), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(17826, glArrayElement, glArrayElement, NULL, 306), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(17844, glBindTexture, glBindTexture, NULL, 307), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(17861, glDrawArrays, glDrawArrays, NULL, 310), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(17877, glAreTexturesResident, glAreTexturesResidentEXT, glAreTexturesResidentEXT, 322), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(17902, glCopyTexImage1D, glCopyTexImage1D, NULL, 323), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(17922, glCopyTexImage2D, glCopyTexImage2D, NULL, 324), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(17942, glCopyTexSubImage1D, glCopyTexSubImage1D, NULL, 325), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(17965, glCopyTexSubImage2D, glCopyTexSubImage2D, NULL, 326), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(17988, glDeleteTextures, glDeleteTexturesEXT, glDeleteTexturesEXT, 327), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(18008, glGenTextures, glGenTexturesEXT, glGenTexturesEXT, 328), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(18025, glGetPointerv, glGetPointerv, NULL, 329), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(18042, glIsTexture, glIsTextureEXT, glIsTextureEXT, 330), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(18057, glPrioritizeTextures, glPrioritizeTextures, NULL, 331), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(18081, glTexSubImage1D, glTexSubImage1D, NULL, 332), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(18100, glTexSubImage2D, glTexSubImage2D, NULL, 333), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(18119, glBlendColor, glBlendColor, NULL, 336), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(18135, glBlendEquation, glBlendEquation, NULL, 337), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(18154, glBlendEquation, glBlendEquation, NULL, 337), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(18173, glDrawRangeElements, glDrawRangeElements, NULL, 338), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(18196, glColorTable, glColorTable, NULL, 339), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(18212, glColorTable, glColorTable, NULL, 339), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(18228, glColorTableParameterfv, glColorTableParameterfv, NULL, 340), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(18255, glColorTableParameteriv, glColorTableParameteriv, NULL, 341), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(18282, glCopyColorTable, glCopyColorTable, NULL, 342), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(18302, glGetColorTable, glGetColorTableEXT, glGetColorTableEXT, 343), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(18321, glGetColorTable, glGetColorTableEXT, glGetColorTableEXT, 343), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(18340, glGetColorTableParameterfv, glGetColorTableParameterfvEXT, glGetColorTableParameterfvEXT, 344), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(18370, glGetColorTableParameterfv, glGetColorTableParameterfvEXT, glGetColorTableParameterfvEXT, 344), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(18400, glGetColorTableParameteriv, glGetColorTableParameterivEXT, glGetColorTableParameterivEXT, 345), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(18430, glGetColorTableParameteriv, glGetColorTableParameterivEXT, glGetColorTableParameterivEXT, 345), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(18460, glColorSubTable, glColorSubTable, NULL, 346), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(18479, glCopyColorSubTable, glCopyColorSubTable, NULL, 347), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(18502, glConvolutionFilter1D, glConvolutionFilter1D, NULL, 348), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(18527, glConvolutionFilter2D, glConvolutionFilter2D, NULL, 349), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(18552, glConvolutionParameterf, glConvolutionParameterf, NULL, 350), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(18579, glConvolutionParameterfv, glConvolutionParameterfv, NULL, 351), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(18607, glConvolutionParameteri, glConvolutionParameteri, NULL, 352), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(18634, glConvolutionParameteriv, glConvolutionParameteriv, NULL, 353), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(18662, glCopyConvolutionFilter1D, glCopyConvolutionFilter1D, NULL, 354), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(18691, glCopyConvolutionFilter2D, glCopyConvolutionFilter2D, NULL, 355), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(18720, glGetConvolutionFilter, gl_dispatch_stub_356, gl_dispatch_stub_356, 356), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(18746, glGetConvolutionParameterfv, gl_dispatch_stub_357, gl_dispatch_stub_357, 357), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(18777, glGetConvolutionParameteriv, gl_dispatch_stub_358, gl_dispatch_stub_358, 358), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(18808, glGetSeparableFilter, gl_dispatch_stub_359, gl_dispatch_stub_359, 359), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(18832, glSeparableFilter2D, glSeparableFilter2D, NULL, 360), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(18855, glGetHistogram, gl_dispatch_stub_361, gl_dispatch_stub_361, 361), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(18873, glGetHistogramParameterfv, gl_dispatch_stub_362, gl_dispatch_stub_362, 362), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(18902, glGetHistogramParameteriv, gl_dispatch_stub_363, gl_dispatch_stub_363, 363), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(18931, glGetMinmax, gl_dispatch_stub_364, gl_dispatch_stub_364, 364), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(18946, glGetMinmaxParameterfv, gl_dispatch_stub_365, gl_dispatch_stub_365, 365), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(18972, glGetMinmaxParameteriv, gl_dispatch_stub_366, gl_dispatch_stub_366, 366), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(18998, glHistogram, glHistogram, NULL, 367), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(19013, glMinmax, glMinmax, NULL, 368), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(19025, glResetHistogram, glResetHistogram, NULL, 369), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(19045, glResetMinmax, glResetMinmax, NULL, 370), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(19062, glTexImage3D, glTexImage3D, NULL, 371), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(19078, glTexImage3D, glTexImage3D, NULL, 371), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(19094, glTexSubImage3D, glTexSubImage3D, NULL, 372), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(19113, glTexSubImage3D, glTexSubImage3D, NULL, 372), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(19132, glCopyTexSubImage3D, glCopyTexSubImage3D, NULL, 373), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(19155, glCopyTexSubImage3D, glCopyTexSubImage3D, NULL, 373), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(19178, glActiveTexture, glActiveTexture, NULL, 374), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(19197, glClientActiveTexture, glClientActiveTexture, NULL, 375), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(19222, glMultiTexCoord1d, glMultiTexCoord1d, NULL, 376), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(19243, glMultiTexCoord1dv, glMultiTexCoord1dv, NULL, 377), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(19265, glMultiTexCoord1fARB, glMultiTexCoord1fARB, NULL, 378), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(19283, glMultiTexCoord1fvARB, glMultiTexCoord1fvARB, NULL, 379), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(19302, glMultiTexCoord1i, glMultiTexCoord1i, NULL, 380), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(19323, glMultiTexCoord1iv, glMultiTexCoord1iv, NULL, 381), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(19345, glMultiTexCoord1s, glMultiTexCoord1s, NULL, 382), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(19366, glMultiTexCoord1sv, glMultiTexCoord1sv, NULL, 383), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(19388, glMultiTexCoord2d, glMultiTexCoord2d, NULL, 384), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(19409, glMultiTexCoord2dv, glMultiTexCoord2dv, NULL, 385), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(19431, glMultiTexCoord2fARB, glMultiTexCoord2fARB, NULL, 386), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(19449, glMultiTexCoord2fvARB, glMultiTexCoord2fvARB, NULL, 387), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(19468, glMultiTexCoord2i, glMultiTexCoord2i, NULL, 388), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(19489, glMultiTexCoord2iv, glMultiTexCoord2iv, NULL, 389), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(19511, glMultiTexCoord2s, glMultiTexCoord2s, NULL, 390), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(19532, glMultiTexCoord2sv, glMultiTexCoord2sv, NULL, 391), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(19554, glMultiTexCoord3d, glMultiTexCoord3d, NULL, 392), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(19575, glMultiTexCoord3dv, glMultiTexCoord3dv, NULL, 393), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(19597, glMultiTexCoord3fARB, glMultiTexCoord3fARB, NULL, 394), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(19615, glMultiTexCoord3fvARB, glMultiTexCoord3fvARB, NULL, 395), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(19634, glMultiTexCoord3i, glMultiTexCoord3i, NULL, 396), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(19655, glMultiTexCoord3iv, glMultiTexCoord3iv, NULL, 397), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(19677, glMultiTexCoord3s, glMultiTexCoord3s, NULL, 398), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(19698, glMultiTexCoord3sv, glMultiTexCoord3sv, NULL, 399), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(19720, glMultiTexCoord4d, glMultiTexCoord4d, NULL, 400), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(19741, glMultiTexCoord4dv, glMultiTexCoord4dv, NULL, 401), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(19763, glMultiTexCoord4fARB, glMultiTexCoord4fARB, NULL, 402), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(19781, glMultiTexCoord4fvARB, glMultiTexCoord4fvARB, NULL, 403), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(19800, glMultiTexCoord4i, glMultiTexCoord4i, NULL, 404), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(19821, glMultiTexCoord4iv, glMultiTexCoord4iv, NULL, 405), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(19843, glMultiTexCoord4s, glMultiTexCoord4s, NULL, 406), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(19864, glMultiTexCoord4sv, glMultiTexCoord4sv, NULL, 407), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(19886, glCompressedTexImage1D, glCompressedTexImage1D, NULL, 408), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(19912, glCompressedTexImage2D, glCompressedTexImage2D, NULL, 409), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(19938, glCompressedTexImage3D, glCompressedTexImage3D, NULL, 410), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(19964, glCompressedTexImage3D, glCompressedTexImage3D, NULL, 410), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(19990, glCompressedTexSubImage1D, glCompressedTexSubImage1D, NULL, 411), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(20019, glCompressedTexSubImage2D, glCompressedTexSubImage2D, NULL, 412), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(20048, glCompressedTexSubImage3D, glCompressedTexSubImage3D, NULL, 413), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(20077, glCompressedTexSubImage3D, glCompressedTexSubImage3D, NULL, 413), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(20106, glGetCompressedTexImage, glGetCompressedTexImage, NULL, 414), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(20133, glLoadTransposeMatrixd, glLoadTransposeMatrixd, NULL, 415), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(20159, glLoadTransposeMatrixf, glLoadTransposeMatrixf, NULL, 416), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(20185, glMultTransposeMatrixd, glMultTransposeMatrixd, NULL, 417), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(20211, glMultTransposeMatrixf, glMultTransposeMatrixf, NULL, 418), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(20237, glSampleCoverage, glSampleCoverage, NULL, 419), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(20257, glBlendFuncSeparate, glBlendFuncSeparate, NULL, 420), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(20280, glBlendFuncSeparate, glBlendFuncSeparate, NULL, 420), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(20304, glBlendFuncSeparate, glBlendFuncSeparate, NULL, 420), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(20327, glFogCoordPointer, glFogCoordPointer, NULL, 421), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(20348, glFogCoordd, glFogCoordd, NULL, 422), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(20363, glFogCoorddv, glFogCoorddv, NULL, 423), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(20379, glMultiDrawArrays, glMultiDrawArrays, NULL, 424), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(20400, glPointParameterf, glPointParameterf, NULL, 425), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(20421, glPointParameterf, glPointParameterf, NULL, 425), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(20442, glPointParameterf, glPointParameterf, NULL, 425), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(20464, glPointParameterfv, glPointParameterfv, NULL, 426), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(20486, glPointParameterfv, glPointParameterfv, NULL, 426), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(20508, glPointParameterfv, glPointParameterfv, NULL, 426), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(20531, glPointParameteri, glPointParameteri, NULL, 427), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(20551, glPointParameteriv, glPointParameteriv, NULL, 428), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(20572, glSecondaryColor3b, glSecondaryColor3b, NULL, 429), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(20594, glSecondaryColor3bv, glSecondaryColor3bv, NULL, 430), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(20617, glSecondaryColor3d, glSecondaryColor3d, NULL, 431), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(20639, glSecondaryColor3dv, glSecondaryColor3dv, NULL, 432), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(20662, glSecondaryColor3i, glSecondaryColor3i, NULL, 433), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(20684, glSecondaryColor3iv, glSecondaryColor3iv, NULL, 434), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(20707, glSecondaryColor3s, glSecondaryColor3s, NULL, 435), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(20729, glSecondaryColor3sv, glSecondaryColor3sv, NULL, 436), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(20752, glSecondaryColor3ub, glSecondaryColor3ub, NULL, 437), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(20775, glSecondaryColor3ubv, glSecondaryColor3ubv, NULL, 438), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(20799, glSecondaryColor3ui, glSecondaryColor3ui, NULL, 439), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(20822, glSecondaryColor3uiv, glSecondaryColor3uiv, NULL, 440), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(20846, glSecondaryColor3us, glSecondaryColor3us, NULL, 441), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(20869, glSecondaryColor3usv, glSecondaryColor3usv, NULL, 442), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(20893, glSecondaryColorPointer, glSecondaryColorPointer, NULL, 443), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(20920, glWindowPos2d, glWindowPos2d, NULL, 444), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(20937, glWindowPos2d, glWindowPos2d, NULL, 444), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(20955, glWindowPos2dv, glWindowPos2dv, NULL, 445), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(20973, glWindowPos2dv, glWindowPos2dv, NULL, 445), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(20992, glWindowPos2f, glWindowPos2f, NULL, 446), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(21009, glWindowPos2f, glWindowPos2f, NULL, 446), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(21027, glWindowPos2fv, glWindowPos2fv, NULL, 447), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(21045, glWindowPos2fv, glWindowPos2fv, NULL, 447), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(21064, glWindowPos2i, glWindowPos2i, NULL, 448), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(21081, glWindowPos2i, glWindowPos2i, NULL, 448), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(21099, glWindowPos2iv, glWindowPos2iv, NULL, 449), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(21117, glWindowPos2iv, glWindowPos2iv, NULL, 449), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(21136, glWindowPos2s, glWindowPos2s, NULL, 450), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(21153, glWindowPos2s, glWindowPos2s, NULL, 450), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(21171, glWindowPos2sv, glWindowPos2sv, NULL, 451), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(21189, glWindowPos2sv, glWindowPos2sv, NULL, 451), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(21208, glWindowPos3d, glWindowPos3d, NULL, 452), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(21225, glWindowPos3d, glWindowPos3d, NULL, 452), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(21243, glWindowPos3dv, glWindowPos3dv, NULL, 453), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(21261, glWindowPos3dv, glWindowPos3dv, NULL, 453), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(21280, glWindowPos3f, glWindowPos3f, NULL, 454), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(21297, glWindowPos3f, glWindowPos3f, NULL, 454), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(21315, glWindowPos3fv, glWindowPos3fv, NULL, 455), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(21333, glWindowPos3fv, glWindowPos3fv, NULL, 455), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(21352, glWindowPos3i, glWindowPos3i, NULL, 456), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(21369, glWindowPos3i, glWindowPos3i, NULL, 456), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(21387, glWindowPos3iv, glWindowPos3iv, NULL, 457), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(21405, glWindowPos3iv, glWindowPos3iv, NULL, 457), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(21424, glWindowPos3s, glWindowPos3s, NULL, 458), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(21441, glWindowPos3s, glWindowPos3s, NULL, 458), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(21459, glWindowPos3sv, glWindowPos3sv, NULL, 459), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(21477, glWindowPos3sv, glWindowPos3sv, NULL, 459), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(21496, glBeginQuery, glBeginQuery, NULL, 460), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(21512, glBindBuffer, glBindBuffer, NULL, 461), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(21528, glBufferData, glBufferData, NULL, 462), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(21544, glBufferSubData, glBufferSubData, NULL, 463), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(21563, glDeleteBuffers, glDeleteBuffers, NULL, 464), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(21582, glDeleteQueries, glDeleteQueries, NULL, 465), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(21601, glEndQuery, glEndQuery, NULL, 466), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(21615, glGenBuffers, glGenBuffers, NULL, 467), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(21631, glGenQueries, glGenQueries, NULL, 468), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(21647, glGetBufferParameteriv, glGetBufferParameteriv, NULL, 469), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(21673, glGetBufferPointerv, glGetBufferPointerv, NULL, 470), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(21696, glGetBufferPointerv, glGetBufferPointerv, NULL, 470), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(21719, glGetBufferSubData, glGetBufferSubData, NULL, 471), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(21741, glGetQueryObjectiv, glGetQueryObjectiv, NULL, 472), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(21763, glGetQueryObjectuiv, glGetQueryObjectuiv, NULL, 473), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(21786, glGetQueryiv, glGetQueryiv, NULL, 474), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(21802, glIsBuffer, glIsBuffer, NULL, 475), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(21816, glIsQuery, glIsQuery, NULL, 476), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(21829, glMapBuffer, glMapBuffer, NULL, 477), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(21844, glMapBuffer, glMapBuffer, NULL, 477), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(21859, glUnmapBuffer, glUnmapBuffer, NULL, 478), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(21876, glUnmapBuffer, glUnmapBuffer, NULL, 478), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(21893, glBindAttribLocation, glBindAttribLocation, NULL, 480), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(21917, glBlendEquationSeparate, glBlendEquationSeparate, NULL, 481), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(21944, glBlendEquationSeparate, glBlendEquationSeparate, NULL, 481), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(21971, glBlendEquationSeparate, glBlendEquationSeparate, NULL, 481), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(21998, glCompileShader, glCompileShader, NULL, 482), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(22017, glDisableVertexAttribArray, glDisableVertexAttribArray, NULL, 488), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(22047, glDrawBuffers, glDrawBuffers, NULL, 489), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(22064, glDrawBuffers, glDrawBuffers, NULL, 489), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(22081, glDrawBuffers, glDrawBuffers, NULL, 489), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(22097, glEnableVertexAttribArray, glEnableVertexAttribArray, NULL, 490), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(22126, glGetActiveAttrib, glGetActiveAttrib, NULL, 491), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(22147, glGetActiveUniform, glGetActiveUniform, NULL, 492), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(22169, glGetAttribLocation, glGetAttribLocation, NULL, 494), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(22192, glGetShaderSource, glGetShaderSource, NULL, 498), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(22213, glGetUniformLocation, glGetUniformLocation, NULL, 500), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(22237, glGetUniformfv, glGetUniformfv, NULL, 501), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(22255, glGetUniformiv, glGetUniformiv, NULL, 502), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(22273, glGetVertexAttribPointerv, glGetVertexAttribPointerv, NULL, 503), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(22302, glGetVertexAttribPointerv, glGetVertexAttribPointerv, NULL, 503), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(22330, glGetVertexAttribdv, glGetVertexAttribdv, NULL, 504), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(22353, glGetVertexAttribfv, glGetVertexAttribfv, NULL, 505), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(22376, glGetVertexAttribiv, glGetVertexAttribiv, NULL, 506), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(22399, glLinkProgram, glLinkProgram, NULL, 509), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(22416, glShaderSource, glShaderSource, NULL, 510), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(22434, glStencilOpSeparate, glStencilOpSeparate, NULL, 513), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(22457, glUniform1f, glUniform1f, NULL, 514), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(22472, glUniform1fv, glUniform1fv, NULL, 515), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(22488, glUniform1i, glUniform1i, NULL, 516), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(22503, glUniform1iv, glUniform1iv, NULL, 517), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(22519, glUniform2f, glUniform2f, NULL, 518), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(22534, glUniform2fv, glUniform2fv, NULL, 519), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(22550, glUniform2i, glUniform2i, NULL, 520), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(22565, glUniform2iv, glUniform2iv, NULL, 521), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(22581, glUniform3f, glUniform3f, NULL, 522), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(22596, glUniform3fv, glUniform3fv, NULL, 523), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(22612, glUniform3i, glUniform3i, NULL, 524), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(22627, glUniform3iv, glUniform3iv, NULL, 525), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(22643, glUniform4f, glUniform4f, NULL, 526), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(22658, glUniform4fv, glUniform4fv, NULL, 527), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(22674, glUniform4i, glUniform4i, NULL, 528), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(22689, glUniform4iv, glUniform4iv, NULL, 529), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(22705, glUniformMatrix2fv, glUniformMatrix2fv, NULL, 530), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(22727, glUniformMatrix3fv, glUniformMatrix3fv, NULL, 531), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(22749, glUniformMatrix4fv, glUniformMatrix4fv, NULL, 532), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(22771, glUseProgram, glUseProgram, NULL, 533), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(22793, glValidateProgram, glValidateProgram, NULL, 534), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(22814, glVertexAttrib1d, glVertexAttrib1d, NULL, 535), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(22834, glVertexAttrib1dv, glVertexAttrib1dv, NULL, 536), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(22855, glVertexAttrib1s, glVertexAttrib1s, NULL, 537), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(22875, glVertexAttrib1sv, glVertexAttrib1sv, NULL, 538), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(22896, glVertexAttrib2d, glVertexAttrib2d, NULL, 539), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(22916, glVertexAttrib2dv, glVertexAttrib2dv, NULL, 540), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(22937, glVertexAttrib2s, glVertexAttrib2s, NULL, 541), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(22957, glVertexAttrib2sv, glVertexAttrib2sv, NULL, 542), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(22978, glVertexAttrib3d, glVertexAttrib3d, NULL, 543), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(22998, glVertexAttrib3dv, glVertexAttrib3dv, NULL, 544), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(23019, glVertexAttrib3s, glVertexAttrib3s, NULL, 545), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(23039, glVertexAttrib3sv, glVertexAttrib3sv, NULL, 546), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(23060, glVertexAttrib4Nbv, glVertexAttrib4Nbv, NULL, 547), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(23082, glVertexAttrib4Niv, glVertexAttrib4Niv, NULL, 548), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(23104, glVertexAttrib4Nsv, glVertexAttrib4Nsv, NULL, 549), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(23126, glVertexAttrib4Nub, glVertexAttrib4Nub, NULL, 550), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(23148, glVertexAttrib4Nubv, glVertexAttrib4Nubv, NULL, 551), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(23171, glVertexAttrib4Nuiv, glVertexAttrib4Nuiv, NULL, 552), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(23194, glVertexAttrib4Nusv, glVertexAttrib4Nusv, NULL, 553), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(23217, glVertexAttrib4bv, glVertexAttrib4bv, NULL, 554), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(23238, glVertexAttrib4d, glVertexAttrib4d, NULL, 555), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(23258, glVertexAttrib4dv, glVertexAttrib4dv, NULL, 556), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(23279, glVertexAttrib4iv, glVertexAttrib4iv, NULL, 557), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(23300, glVertexAttrib4s, glVertexAttrib4s, NULL, 558), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(23320, glVertexAttrib4sv, glVertexAttrib4sv, NULL, 559), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(23341, glVertexAttrib4ubv, glVertexAttrib4ubv, NULL, 560), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(23363, glVertexAttrib4uiv, glVertexAttrib4uiv, NULL, 561), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(23385, glVertexAttrib4usv, glVertexAttrib4usv, NULL, 562), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(23407, glVertexAttribPointer, glVertexAttribPointer, NULL, 563), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(23432, glBeginConditionalRender, glBeginConditionalRender, NULL, 570), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(23459, glBeginTransformFeedback, glBeginTransformFeedback, NULL, 571), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(23487, glBindBufferBase, glBindBufferBase, NULL, 572), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(23507, glBindBufferRange, glBindBufferRange, NULL, 573), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(23528, glBindFragDataLocation, glBindFragDataLocation, NULL, 574), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(23554, glClampColor, glClampColor, NULL, 575), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(23570, glColorMaski, glColorMaski, NULL, 580), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(23592, glDisablei, glDisablei, NULL, 581), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(23612, glEnablei, glEnablei, NULL, 582), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(23631, glEndConditionalRender, glEndConditionalRender, NULL, 583), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(23656, glEndTransformFeedback, glEndTransformFeedback, NULL, 584), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(23682, glGetBooleani_v, glGetBooleani_v, NULL, 585), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(23706, glGetFragDataLocation, glGetFragDataLocation, NULL, 586), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(23731, glGetIntegeri_v, glGetIntegeri_v, NULL, 587), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(23755, glGetTexParameterIiv, glGetTexParameterIiv, NULL, 589), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(23779, glGetTexParameterIuiv, glGetTexParameterIuiv, NULL, 590), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(23804, glGetTransformFeedbackVarying, glGetTransformFeedbackVarying, NULL, 591), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(23837, glGetUniformuiv, glGetUniformuiv, NULL, 592), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(23856, glGetVertexAttribIiv, glGetVertexAttribIiv, NULL, 593), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(23880, glGetVertexAttribIuiv, glGetVertexAttribIuiv, NULL, 594), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(23905, glIsEnabledi, glIsEnabledi, NULL, 595), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(23927, glTexParameterIiv, glTexParameterIiv, NULL, 596), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(23948, glTexParameterIuiv, glTexParameterIuiv, NULL, 597), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(23970, glTransformFeedbackVaryings, glTransformFeedbackVaryings, NULL, 598), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(24001, glUniform1ui, glUniform1ui, NULL, 599), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(24017, glUniform1uiv, glUniform1uiv, NULL, 600), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(24034, glUniform2ui, glUniform2ui, NULL, 601), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(24050, glUniform2uiv, glUniform2uiv, NULL, 602), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(24067, glUniform3ui, glUniform3ui, NULL, 603), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(24083, glUniform3uiv, glUniform3uiv, NULL, 604), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(24100, glUniform4ui, glUniform4ui, NULL, 605), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(24116, glUniform4uiv, glUniform4uiv, NULL, 606), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(24133, glVertexAttribI1iv, glVertexAttribI1iv, NULL, 607), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(24155, glVertexAttribI1uiv, glVertexAttribI1uiv, NULL, 608), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(24178, glVertexAttribI4bv, glVertexAttribI4bv, NULL, 609), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(24200, glVertexAttribI4sv, glVertexAttribI4sv, NULL, 610), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(24222, glVertexAttribI4ubv, glVertexAttribI4ubv, NULL, 611), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(24245, glVertexAttribI4usv, glVertexAttribI4usv, NULL, 612), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(24268, glVertexAttribIPointer, glVertexAttribIPointer, NULL, 613), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(24294, glPrimitiveRestartIndex, glPrimitiveRestartIndex, NULL, 614), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(24320, glTexBuffer, glTexBuffer, NULL, 615), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(24335, glFramebufferTexture, glFramebufferTexture, NULL, 616), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(24359, glVertexAttribDivisor, glVertexAttribDivisor, NULL, 619), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(24384, glBindProgramARB, glBindProgramARB, NULL, 620), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(24400, glDeleteProgramsARB, glDeleteProgramsARB, NULL, 621), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(24419, glGenProgramsARB, glGenProgramsARB, NULL, 622), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(24435, glIsProgramARB, glIsProgramARB, NULL, 629), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(24449, glProgramEnvParameter4dARB, glProgramEnvParameter4dARB, NULL, 630), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(24472, glProgramEnvParameter4dvARB, glProgramEnvParameter4dvARB, NULL, 631), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(24496, glProgramEnvParameter4fARB, glProgramEnvParameter4fARB, NULL, 632), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(24519, glProgramEnvParameter4fvARB, glProgramEnvParameter4fvARB, NULL, 633), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(24543, glVertexAttrib1fARB, glVertexAttrib1fARB, NULL, 639), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(24560, glVertexAttrib1fvARB, glVertexAttrib1fvARB, NULL, 640), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(24578, glVertexAttrib2fARB, glVertexAttrib2fARB, NULL, 641), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(24595, glVertexAttrib2fvARB, glVertexAttrib2fvARB, NULL, 642), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(24613, glVertexAttrib3fARB, glVertexAttrib3fARB, NULL, 643), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(24630, glVertexAttrib3fvARB, glVertexAttrib3fvARB, NULL, 644), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(24648, glVertexAttrib4fARB, glVertexAttrib4fARB, NULL, 645), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(24665, glVertexAttrib4fvARB, glVertexAttrib4fvARB, NULL, 646), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(24683, glDrawArraysInstancedARB, glDrawArraysInstancedARB, NULL, 657), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(24708, glDrawArraysInstancedARB, glDrawArraysInstancedARB, NULL, 657), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(24730, glDrawElementsInstancedARB, glDrawElementsInstancedARB, NULL, 658), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(24757, glDrawElementsInstancedARB, glDrawElementsInstancedARB, NULL, 658), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(24781, glBindFramebuffer, glBindFramebuffer, NULL, 659), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(24802, glBindFramebuffer, glBindFramebuffer, NULL, 659), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(24823, glBindRenderbuffer, glBindRenderbuffer, NULL, 660), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(24845, glBindRenderbuffer, glBindRenderbuffer, NULL, 660), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(24867, glBlitFramebuffer, glBlitFramebuffer, NULL, 661), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(24888, glCheckFramebufferStatus, glCheckFramebufferStatus, NULL, 662), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(24916, glCheckFramebufferStatus, glCheckFramebufferStatus, NULL, 662), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(24944, glDeleteFramebuffers, glDeleteFramebuffers, NULL, 663), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(24968, glDeleteFramebuffers, glDeleteFramebuffers, NULL, 663), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(24992, glDeleteRenderbuffers, glDeleteRenderbuffers, NULL, 664), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(25017, glDeleteRenderbuffers, glDeleteRenderbuffers, NULL, 664), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(25042, glFramebufferRenderbuffer, glFramebufferRenderbuffer, NULL, 665), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(25071, glFramebufferRenderbuffer, glFramebufferRenderbuffer, NULL, 665), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(25100, glFramebufferTexture1D, glFramebufferTexture1D, NULL, 666), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(25126, glFramebufferTexture2D, glFramebufferTexture2D, NULL, 667), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(25152, glFramebufferTexture2D, glFramebufferTexture2D, NULL, 667), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(25178, glFramebufferTexture3D, glFramebufferTexture3D, NULL, 668), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(25204, glFramebufferTexture3D, glFramebufferTexture3D, NULL, 668), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(25230, glFramebufferTextureLayer, glFramebufferTextureLayer, NULL, 669), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(25259, glFramebufferTextureLayer, glFramebufferTextureLayer, NULL, 669), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(25288, glGenFramebuffers, glGenFramebuffers, NULL, 670), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(25309, glGenFramebuffers, glGenFramebuffers, NULL, 670), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(25330, glGenRenderbuffers, glGenRenderbuffers, NULL, 671), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(25352, glGenRenderbuffers, glGenRenderbuffers, NULL, 671), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(25374, glGenerateMipmap, glGenerateMipmap, NULL, 672), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(25394, glGenerateMipmap, glGenerateMipmap, NULL, 672), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(25414, glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv, glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv, NULL, 673), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(25455, glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv, glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv, NULL, 673), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(25496, glGetRenderbufferParameteriv, glGetRenderbufferParameteriv, NULL, 674), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(25528, glGetRenderbufferParameteriv, glGetRenderbufferParameteriv, NULL, 674), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(25560, glIsFramebuffer, glIsFramebuffer, NULL, 675), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(25579, glIsFramebuffer, glIsFramebuffer, NULL, 675), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(25598, glIsRenderbuffer, glIsRenderbuffer, NULL, 676), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(25618, glIsRenderbuffer, glIsRenderbuffer, NULL, 676), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(25638, glRenderbufferStorage, glRenderbufferStorage, NULL, 677), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(25663, glRenderbufferStorage, glRenderbufferStorage, NULL, 677), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(25688, glRenderbufferStorageMultisample, glRenderbufferStorageMultisample, NULL, 678), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(25724, glFlushMappedBufferRange, glFlushMappedBufferRange, NULL, 680), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(25752, glMapBufferRange, glMapBufferRange, NULL, 681), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(25772, glBindVertexArray, glBindVertexArray, NULL, 682), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(25793, glDeleteVertexArrays, glDeleteVertexArrays, NULL, 683), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(25819, glDeleteVertexArrays, glDeleteVertexArrays, NULL, 683), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(25843, glGenVertexArrays, glGenVertexArrays, NULL, 684), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(25864, glIsVertexArray, glIsVertexArray, NULL, 685), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(25885, glIsVertexArray, glIsVertexArray, NULL, 685), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(25904, glProvokingVertex, glProvokingVertex, NULL, 705), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(25925, glBlendEquationSeparateiARB, glBlendEquationSeparateiARB, NULL, 706), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(25959, glBlendEquationiARB, glBlendEquationiARB, NULL, 707), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(25985, glBlendFuncSeparateiARB, glBlendFuncSeparateiARB, NULL, 708), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(26015, glBlendFunciARB, glBlendFunciARB, NULL, 709), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(26037, gl_dispatch_stub_726, gl_dispatch_stub_726, NULL, 726), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(26061, gl_dispatch_stub_727, gl_dispatch_stub_727, NULL, 727), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(26086, glClearDepthf, glClearDepthf, NULL, 778), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(26103, glDepthRangef, glDepthRangef, NULL, 779), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(26120, glGetProgramBinary, glGetProgramBinary, NULL, 783), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(26142, glProgramBinary, glProgramBinary, NULL, 784), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(26161, glProgramParameteri, glProgramParameteri, NULL, 785), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(26184, gl_dispatch_stub_839, gl_dispatch_stub_839, NULL, 839), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(26200, gl_dispatch_stub_840, gl_dispatch_stub_840, NULL, 840), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(26219, glSecondaryColor3fEXT, glSecondaryColor3fEXT, NULL, 849), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(26238, glSecondaryColor3fvEXT, glSecondaryColor3fvEXT, NULL, 850), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(26258, glMultiDrawElementsEXT, glMultiDrawElementsEXT, NULL, 851), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(26278, glFogCoordfEXT, glFogCoordfEXT, NULL, 852), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(26290, glFogCoordfvEXT, glFogCoordfvEXT, NULL, 853), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(26303, glVertexAttribI1iEXT, glVertexAttribI1iEXT, NULL, 954), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(26321, glVertexAttribI1uiEXT, glVertexAttribI1uiEXT, NULL, 955), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(26340, glVertexAttribI2iEXT, glVertexAttribI2iEXT, NULL, 956), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(26358, glVertexAttribI2ivEXT, glVertexAttribI2ivEXT, NULL, 957), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(26377, glVertexAttribI2uiEXT, glVertexAttribI2uiEXT, NULL, 958), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(26396, glVertexAttribI2uivEXT, glVertexAttribI2uivEXT, NULL, 959), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(26416, glVertexAttribI3iEXT, glVertexAttribI3iEXT, NULL, 960), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(26434, glVertexAttribI3ivEXT, glVertexAttribI3ivEXT, NULL, 961), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(26453, glVertexAttribI3uiEXT, glVertexAttribI3uiEXT, NULL, 962), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(26472, glVertexAttribI3uivEXT, glVertexAttribI3uivEXT, NULL, 963), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(26492, glVertexAttribI4iEXT, glVertexAttribI4iEXT, NULL, 964), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(26510, glVertexAttribI4ivEXT, glVertexAttribI4ivEXT, NULL, 965), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(26529, glVertexAttribI4uiEXT, glVertexAttribI4uiEXT, NULL, 966), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(26548, glVertexAttribI4uivEXT, glVertexAttribI4uivEXT, NULL, 967), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(26568, gl_dispatch_stub_983, gl_dispatch_stub_983, NULL, 983), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(26584, gl_dispatch_stub_984, gl_dispatch_stub_984, NULL, 984), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(26601, gl_dispatch_stub_985, gl_dispatch_stub_985, NULL, 985), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(26618, gl_dispatch_stub_986, gl_dispatch_stub_986, NULL, 986), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(26631, gl_dispatch_stub_987, gl_dispatch_stub_987, NULL, 987), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(26648, gl_dispatch_stub_988, gl_dispatch_stub_988, NULL, 988), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(26658, gl_dispatch_stub_989, gl_dispatch_stub_989, NULL, 989), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(26669, gl_dispatch_stub_990, gl_dispatch_stub_990, NULL, 990), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(26683, gl_dispatch_stub_991, gl_dispatch_stub_991, NULL, 991), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(26697, gl_dispatch_stub_992, gl_dispatch_stub_992, NULL, 992), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(26714, gl_dispatch_stub_993, gl_dispatch_stub_993, NULL, 993), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(26732, gl_dispatch_stub_994, gl_dispatch_stub_994, NULL, 994), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(26744, gl_dispatch_stub_995, gl_dispatch_stub_995, NULL, 995), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(26757, gl_dispatch_stub_996, gl_dispatch_stub_996, NULL, 996), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(26773, gl_dispatch_stub_997, gl_dispatch_stub_997, NULL, 997), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(26790, gl_dispatch_stub_998, gl_dispatch_stub_998, NULL, 998), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(26805, gl_dispatch_stub_999, gl_dispatch_stub_999, NULL, 999), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(26821, gl_dispatch_stub_1000, gl_dispatch_stub_1000, NULL, 1000), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(26838, gl_dispatch_stub_1001, gl_dispatch_stub_1001, NULL, 1001), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(26859, gl_dispatch_stub_1002, gl_dispatch_stub_1002, NULL, 1002), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(26873, gl_dispatch_stub_1003, gl_dispatch_stub_1003, NULL, 1003), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(26885, gl_dispatch_stub_1004, gl_dispatch_stub_1004, NULL, 1004), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(26897, gl_dispatch_stub_1005, gl_dispatch_stub_1005, NULL, 1005), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(26913, gl_dispatch_stub_1006, gl_dispatch_stub_1006, NULL, 1006), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(26933, gl_dispatch_stub_1007, gl_dispatch_stub_1007, NULL, 1007), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(26946, gl_dispatch_stub_1008, gl_dispatch_stub_1008, NULL, 1008), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(26967, gl_dispatch_stub_1009, gl_dispatch_stub_1009, NULL, 1009), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(26979, gl_dispatch_stub_1010, gl_dispatch_stub_1010, NULL, 1010), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(26992, gl_dispatch_stub_1011, gl_dispatch_stub_1011, NULL, 1011), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(27006, gl_dispatch_stub_1012, gl_dispatch_stub_1012, NULL, 1012), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(27025, gl_dispatch_stub_1013, gl_dispatch_stub_1013, NULL, 1013), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(27041, gl_dispatch_stub_1014, gl_dispatch_stub_1014, NULL, 1014), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(27057, gl_dispatch_stub_1015, gl_dispatch_stub_1015, NULL, 1015), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(27073, gl_dispatch_stub_1016, gl_dispatch_stub_1016, NULL, 1016), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(27092, gl_dispatch_stub_1017, gl_dispatch_stub_1017, NULL, 1017), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(27111, gl_dispatch_stub_1018, gl_dispatch_stub_1018, NULL, 1018), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(27126, gl_dispatch_stub_1019, gl_dispatch_stub_1019, NULL, 1019), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(27142, gl_dispatch_stub_1020, gl_dispatch_stub_1020, NULL, 1020), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(27161, gl_dispatch_stub_1021, gl_dispatch_stub_1021, NULL, 1021), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(27178, gl_dispatch_stub_1022, gl_dispatch_stub_1022, NULL, 1022), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(27201, gl_dispatch_stub_1023, gl_dispatch_stub_1023, NULL, 1023), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(27222, gl_dispatch_stub_1024, gl_dispatch_stub_1024, NULL, 1024), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(27244, gl_dispatch_stub_1025, gl_dispatch_stub_1025, NULL, 1025), + NAME_FUNC_OFFSET(-1, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0) +}; + +#undef NAME_FUNC_OFFSET --- mesa-9.1.4.orig/src/mapi/glapi/glapitable.h +++ mesa-9.1.4/src/mapi/glapi/glapitable.h @@ -0,0 +1,1073 @@ +/* DO NOT EDIT - This file generated automatically by gl_table.py (from Mesa) script */ + +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2003 Brian Paul All Rights Reserved. + * (C) Copyright IBM Corporation 2004 + * All Rights Reserved. + * + * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a + * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), + * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation + * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sub license, + * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the + * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + * + * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next + * paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the + * Software. + * + * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR + * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL + * BRIAN PAUL, IBM, + * AND/OR THEIR SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, + * WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF + * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE + * SOFTWARE. + */ + +#if !defined( _GLAPI_TABLE_H_ ) +# define _GLAPI_TABLE_H_ + +#ifndef GLAPIENTRYP +# ifndef GLAPIENTRY +# define GLAPIENTRY +# endif + +# define GLAPIENTRYP GLAPIENTRY * +#endif + + +struct _glapi_table +{ + void (GLAPIENTRYP NewList)(GLuint list, GLenum mode); /* 0 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP EndList)(void); /* 1 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP CallList)(GLuint list); /* 2 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP CallLists)(GLsizei n, GLenum type, const GLvoid * lists); /* 3 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP DeleteLists)(GLuint list, GLsizei range); /* 4 */ + GLuint (GLAPIENTRYP GenLists)(GLsizei range); /* 5 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP ListBase)(GLuint base); /* 6 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Begin)(GLenum mode); /* 7 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Bitmap)(GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLfloat xorig, GLfloat yorig, GLfloat xmove, GLfloat ymove, const GLubyte * bitmap); /* 8 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Color3b)(GLbyte red, GLbyte green, GLbyte blue); /* 9 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Color3bv)(const GLbyte * v); /* 10 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Color3d)(GLdouble red, GLdouble green, GLdouble blue); /* 11 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Color3dv)(const GLdouble * v); /* 12 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Color3f)(GLfloat red, GLfloat green, GLfloat blue); /* 13 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Color3fv)(const GLfloat * v); /* 14 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Color3i)(GLint red, GLint green, GLint blue); /* 15 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Color3iv)(const GLint * v); /* 16 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Color3s)(GLshort red, GLshort green, GLshort blue); /* 17 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Color3sv)(const GLshort * v); /* 18 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Color3ub)(GLubyte red, GLubyte green, GLubyte blue); /* 19 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Color3ubv)(const GLubyte * v); /* 20 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Color3ui)(GLuint red, GLuint green, GLuint blue); /* 21 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Color3uiv)(const GLuint * v); /* 22 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Color3us)(GLushort red, GLushort green, GLushort blue); /* 23 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Color3usv)(const GLushort * v); /* 24 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Color4b)(GLbyte red, GLbyte green, GLbyte blue, GLbyte alpha); /* 25 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Color4bv)(const GLbyte * v); /* 26 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Color4d)(GLdouble red, GLdouble green, GLdouble blue, GLdouble alpha); /* 27 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Color4dv)(const GLdouble * v); /* 28 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Color4f)(GLfloat red, GLfloat green, GLfloat blue, GLfloat alpha); /* 29 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Color4fv)(const GLfloat * v); /* 30 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Color4i)(GLint red, GLint green, GLint blue, GLint alpha); /* 31 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Color4iv)(const GLint * v); /* 32 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Color4s)(GLshort red, GLshort green, GLshort blue, GLshort alpha); /* 33 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Color4sv)(const GLshort * v); /* 34 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Color4ub)(GLubyte red, GLubyte green, GLubyte blue, GLubyte alpha); /* 35 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Color4ubv)(const GLubyte * v); /* 36 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Color4ui)(GLuint red, GLuint green, GLuint blue, GLuint alpha); /* 37 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Color4uiv)(const GLuint * v); /* 38 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Color4us)(GLushort red, GLushort green, GLushort blue, GLushort alpha); /* 39 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Color4usv)(const GLushort * v); /* 40 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP EdgeFlag)(GLboolean flag); /* 41 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP EdgeFlagv)(const GLboolean * flag); /* 42 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP End)(void); /* 43 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Indexd)(GLdouble c); /* 44 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Indexdv)(const GLdouble * c); /* 45 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Indexf)(GLfloat c); /* 46 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Indexfv)(const GLfloat * c); /* 47 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Indexi)(GLint c); /* 48 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Indexiv)(const GLint * c); /* 49 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Indexs)(GLshort c); /* 50 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Indexsv)(const GLshort * c); /* 51 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Normal3b)(GLbyte nx, GLbyte ny, GLbyte nz); /* 52 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Normal3bv)(const GLbyte * v); /* 53 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Normal3d)(GLdouble nx, GLdouble ny, GLdouble nz); /* 54 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Normal3dv)(const GLdouble * v); /* 55 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Normal3f)(GLfloat nx, GLfloat ny, GLfloat nz); /* 56 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Normal3fv)(const GLfloat * v); /* 57 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Normal3i)(GLint nx, GLint ny, GLint nz); /* 58 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Normal3iv)(const GLint * v); /* 59 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Normal3s)(GLshort nx, GLshort ny, GLshort nz); /* 60 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Normal3sv)(const GLshort * v); /* 61 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP RasterPos2d)(GLdouble x, GLdouble y); /* 62 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP RasterPos2dv)(const GLdouble * v); /* 63 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP RasterPos2f)(GLfloat x, GLfloat y); /* 64 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP RasterPos2fv)(const GLfloat * v); /* 65 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP RasterPos2i)(GLint x, GLint y); /* 66 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP RasterPos2iv)(const GLint * v); /* 67 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP RasterPos2s)(GLshort x, GLshort y); /* 68 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP RasterPos2sv)(const GLshort * v); /* 69 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP RasterPos3d)(GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z); /* 70 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP RasterPos3dv)(const GLdouble * v); /* 71 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP RasterPos3f)(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z); /* 72 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP RasterPos3fv)(const GLfloat * v); /* 73 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP RasterPos3i)(GLint x, GLint y, GLint z); /* 74 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP RasterPos3iv)(const GLint * v); /* 75 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP RasterPos3s)(GLshort x, GLshort y, GLshort z); /* 76 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP RasterPos3sv)(const GLshort * v); /* 77 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP RasterPos4d)(GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z, GLdouble w); /* 78 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP RasterPos4dv)(const GLdouble * v); /* 79 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP RasterPos4f)(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z, GLfloat w); /* 80 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP RasterPos4fv)(const GLfloat * v); /* 81 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP RasterPos4i)(GLint x, GLint y, GLint z, GLint w); /* 82 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP RasterPos4iv)(const GLint * v); /* 83 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP RasterPos4s)(GLshort x, GLshort y, GLshort z, GLshort w); /* 84 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP RasterPos4sv)(const GLshort * v); /* 85 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Rectd)(GLdouble x1, GLdouble y1, GLdouble x2, GLdouble y2); /* 86 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Rectdv)(const GLdouble * v1, const GLdouble * v2); /* 87 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Rectf)(GLfloat x1, GLfloat y1, GLfloat x2, GLfloat y2); /* 88 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Rectfv)(const GLfloat * v1, const GLfloat * v2); /* 89 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Recti)(GLint x1, GLint y1, GLint x2, GLint y2); /* 90 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Rectiv)(const GLint * v1, const GLint * v2); /* 91 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Rects)(GLshort x1, GLshort y1, GLshort x2, GLshort y2); /* 92 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Rectsv)(const GLshort * v1, const GLshort * v2); /* 93 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP TexCoord1d)(GLdouble s); /* 94 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP TexCoord1dv)(const GLdouble * v); /* 95 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP TexCoord1f)(GLfloat s); /* 96 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP TexCoord1fv)(const GLfloat * v); /* 97 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP TexCoord1i)(GLint s); /* 98 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP TexCoord1iv)(const GLint * v); /* 99 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP TexCoord1s)(GLshort s); /* 100 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP TexCoord1sv)(const GLshort * v); /* 101 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP TexCoord2d)(GLdouble s, GLdouble t); /* 102 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP TexCoord2dv)(const GLdouble * v); /* 103 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP TexCoord2f)(GLfloat s, GLfloat t); /* 104 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP TexCoord2fv)(const GLfloat * v); /* 105 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP TexCoord2i)(GLint s, GLint t); /* 106 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP TexCoord2iv)(const GLint * v); /* 107 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP TexCoord2s)(GLshort s, GLshort t); /* 108 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP TexCoord2sv)(const GLshort * v); /* 109 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP TexCoord3d)(GLdouble s, GLdouble t, GLdouble r); /* 110 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP TexCoord3dv)(const GLdouble * v); /* 111 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP TexCoord3f)(GLfloat s, GLfloat t, GLfloat r); /* 112 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP TexCoord3fv)(const GLfloat * v); /* 113 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP TexCoord3i)(GLint s, GLint t, GLint r); /* 114 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP TexCoord3iv)(const GLint * v); /* 115 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP TexCoord3s)(GLshort s, GLshort t, GLshort r); /* 116 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP TexCoord3sv)(const GLshort * v); /* 117 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP TexCoord4d)(GLdouble s, GLdouble t, GLdouble r, GLdouble q); /* 118 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP TexCoord4dv)(const GLdouble * v); /* 119 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP TexCoord4f)(GLfloat s, GLfloat t, GLfloat r, GLfloat q); /* 120 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP TexCoord4fv)(const GLfloat * v); /* 121 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP TexCoord4i)(GLint s, GLint t, GLint r, GLint q); /* 122 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP TexCoord4iv)(const GLint * v); /* 123 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP TexCoord4s)(GLshort s, GLshort t, GLshort r, GLshort q); /* 124 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP TexCoord4sv)(const GLshort * v); /* 125 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Vertex2d)(GLdouble x, GLdouble y); /* 126 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Vertex2dv)(const GLdouble * v); /* 127 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Vertex2f)(GLfloat x, GLfloat y); /* 128 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Vertex2fv)(const GLfloat * v); /* 129 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Vertex2i)(GLint x, GLint y); /* 130 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Vertex2iv)(const GLint * v); /* 131 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Vertex2s)(GLshort x, GLshort y); /* 132 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Vertex2sv)(const GLshort * v); /* 133 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Vertex3d)(GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z); /* 134 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Vertex3dv)(const GLdouble * v); /* 135 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Vertex3f)(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z); /* 136 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Vertex3fv)(const GLfloat * v); /* 137 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Vertex3i)(GLint x, GLint y, GLint z); /* 138 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Vertex3iv)(const GLint * v); /* 139 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Vertex3s)(GLshort x, GLshort y, GLshort z); /* 140 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Vertex3sv)(const GLshort * v); /* 141 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Vertex4d)(GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z, GLdouble w); /* 142 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Vertex4dv)(const GLdouble * v); /* 143 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Vertex4f)(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z, GLfloat w); /* 144 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Vertex4fv)(const GLfloat * v); /* 145 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Vertex4i)(GLint x, GLint y, GLint z, GLint w); /* 146 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Vertex4iv)(const GLint * v); /* 147 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Vertex4s)(GLshort x, GLshort y, GLshort z, GLshort w); /* 148 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Vertex4sv)(const GLshort * v); /* 149 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP ClipPlane)(GLenum plane, const GLdouble * equation); /* 150 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP ColorMaterial)(GLenum face, GLenum mode); /* 151 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP CullFace)(GLenum mode); /* 152 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Fogf)(GLenum pname, GLfloat param); /* 153 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Fogfv)(GLenum pname, const GLfloat * params); /* 154 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Fogi)(GLenum pname, GLint param); /* 155 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Fogiv)(GLenum pname, const GLint * params); /* 156 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP FrontFace)(GLenum mode); /* 157 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Hint)(GLenum target, GLenum mode); /* 158 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Lightf)(GLenum light, GLenum pname, GLfloat param); /* 159 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Lightfv)(GLenum light, GLenum pname, const GLfloat * params); /* 160 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Lighti)(GLenum light, GLenum pname, GLint param); /* 161 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Lightiv)(GLenum light, GLenum pname, const GLint * params); /* 162 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP LightModelf)(GLenum pname, GLfloat param); /* 163 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP LightModelfv)(GLenum pname, const GLfloat * params); /* 164 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP LightModeli)(GLenum pname, GLint param); /* 165 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP LightModeliv)(GLenum pname, const GLint * params); /* 166 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP LineStipple)(GLint factor, GLushort pattern); /* 167 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP LineWidth)(GLfloat width); /* 168 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Materialf)(GLenum face, GLenum pname, GLfloat param); /* 169 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Materialfv)(GLenum face, GLenum pname, const GLfloat * params); /* 170 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Materiali)(GLenum face, GLenum pname, GLint param); /* 171 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Materialiv)(GLenum face, GLenum pname, const GLint * params); /* 172 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP PointSize)(GLfloat size); /* 173 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP PolygonMode)(GLenum face, GLenum mode); /* 174 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP PolygonStipple)(const GLubyte * mask); /* 175 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Scissor)(GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height); /* 176 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP ShadeModel)(GLenum mode); /* 177 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP TexParameterf)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat param); /* 178 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP TexParameterfv)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLfloat * params); /* 179 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP TexParameteri)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint param); /* 180 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP TexParameteriv)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLint * params); /* 181 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP TexImage1D)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint internalformat, GLsizei width, GLint border, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid * pixels); /* 182 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP TexImage2D)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLint border, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid * pixels); /* 183 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP TexEnvf)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat param); /* 184 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP TexEnvfv)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLfloat * params); /* 185 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP TexEnvi)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint param); /* 186 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP TexEnviv)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLint * params); /* 187 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP TexGend)(GLenum coord, GLenum pname, GLdouble param); /* 188 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP TexGendv)(GLenum coord, GLenum pname, const GLdouble * params); /* 189 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP TexGenf)(GLenum coord, GLenum pname, GLfloat param); /* 190 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP TexGenfv)(GLenum coord, GLenum pname, const GLfloat * params); /* 191 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP TexGeni)(GLenum coord, GLenum pname, GLint param); /* 192 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP TexGeniv)(GLenum coord, GLenum pname, const GLint * params); /* 193 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP FeedbackBuffer)(GLsizei size, GLenum type, GLfloat * buffer); /* 194 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP SelectBuffer)(GLsizei size, GLuint * buffer); /* 195 */ + GLint (GLAPIENTRYP RenderMode)(GLenum mode); /* 196 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP InitNames)(void); /* 197 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP LoadName)(GLuint name); /* 198 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP PassThrough)(GLfloat token); /* 199 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP PopName)(void); /* 200 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP PushName)(GLuint name); /* 201 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP DrawBuffer)(GLenum mode); /* 202 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Clear)(GLbitfield mask); /* 203 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP ClearAccum)(GLfloat red, GLfloat green, GLfloat blue, GLfloat alpha); /* 204 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP ClearIndex)(GLfloat c); /* 205 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP ClearColor)(GLclampf red, GLclampf green, GLclampf blue, GLclampf alpha); /* 206 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP ClearStencil)(GLint s); /* 207 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP ClearDepth)(GLclampd depth); /* 208 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP StencilMask)(GLuint mask); /* 209 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP ColorMask)(GLboolean red, GLboolean green, GLboolean blue, GLboolean alpha); /* 210 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP DepthMask)(GLboolean flag); /* 211 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP IndexMask)(GLuint mask); /* 212 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Accum)(GLenum op, GLfloat value); /* 213 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Disable)(GLenum cap); /* 214 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Enable)(GLenum cap); /* 215 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Finish)(void); /* 216 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Flush)(void); /* 217 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP PopAttrib)(void); /* 218 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP PushAttrib)(GLbitfield mask); /* 219 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Map1d)(GLenum target, GLdouble u1, GLdouble u2, GLint stride, GLint order, const GLdouble * points); /* 220 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Map1f)(GLenum target, GLfloat u1, GLfloat u2, GLint stride, GLint order, const GLfloat * points); /* 221 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Map2d)(GLenum target, GLdouble u1, GLdouble u2, GLint ustride, GLint uorder, GLdouble v1, GLdouble v2, GLint vstride, GLint vorder, const GLdouble * points); /* 222 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Map2f)(GLenum target, GLfloat u1, GLfloat u2, GLint ustride, GLint uorder, GLfloat v1, GLfloat v2, GLint vstride, GLint vorder, const GLfloat * points); /* 223 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP MapGrid1d)(GLint un, GLdouble u1, GLdouble u2); /* 224 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP MapGrid1f)(GLint un, GLfloat u1, GLfloat u2); /* 225 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP MapGrid2d)(GLint un, GLdouble u1, GLdouble u2, GLint vn, GLdouble v1, GLdouble v2); /* 226 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP MapGrid2f)(GLint un, GLfloat u1, GLfloat u2, GLint vn, GLfloat v1, GLfloat v2); /* 227 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP EvalCoord1d)(GLdouble u); /* 228 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP EvalCoord1dv)(const GLdouble * u); /* 229 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP EvalCoord1f)(GLfloat u); /* 230 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP EvalCoord1fv)(const GLfloat * u); /* 231 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP EvalCoord2d)(GLdouble u, GLdouble v); /* 232 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP EvalCoord2dv)(const GLdouble * u); /* 233 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP EvalCoord2f)(GLfloat u, GLfloat v); /* 234 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP EvalCoord2fv)(const GLfloat * u); /* 235 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP EvalMesh1)(GLenum mode, GLint i1, GLint i2); /* 236 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP EvalPoint1)(GLint i); /* 237 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP EvalMesh2)(GLenum mode, GLint i1, GLint i2, GLint j1, GLint j2); /* 238 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP EvalPoint2)(GLint i, GLint j); /* 239 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP AlphaFunc)(GLenum func, GLclampf ref); /* 240 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP BlendFunc)(GLenum sfactor, GLenum dfactor); /* 241 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP LogicOp)(GLenum opcode); /* 242 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP StencilFunc)(GLenum func, GLint ref, GLuint mask); /* 243 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP StencilOp)(GLenum fail, GLenum zfail, GLenum zpass); /* 244 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP DepthFunc)(GLenum func); /* 245 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP PixelZoom)(GLfloat xfactor, GLfloat yfactor); /* 246 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP PixelTransferf)(GLenum pname, GLfloat param); /* 247 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP PixelTransferi)(GLenum pname, GLint param); /* 248 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP PixelStoref)(GLenum pname, GLfloat param); /* 249 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP PixelStorei)(GLenum pname, GLint param); /* 250 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP PixelMapfv)(GLenum map, GLsizei mapsize, const GLfloat * values); /* 251 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP PixelMapuiv)(GLenum map, GLsizei mapsize, const GLuint * values); /* 252 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP PixelMapusv)(GLenum map, GLsizei mapsize, const GLushort * values); /* 253 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP ReadBuffer)(GLenum mode); /* 254 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP CopyPixels)(GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum type); /* 255 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP ReadPixels)(GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLvoid * pixels); /* 256 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP DrawPixels)(GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid * pixels); /* 257 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetBooleanv)(GLenum pname, GLboolean * params); /* 258 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetClipPlane)(GLenum plane, GLdouble * equation); /* 259 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetDoublev)(GLenum pname, GLdouble * params); /* 260 */ + GLenum (GLAPIENTRYP GetError)(void); /* 261 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetFloatv)(GLenum pname, GLfloat * params); /* 262 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetIntegerv)(GLenum pname, GLint * params); /* 263 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetLightfv)(GLenum light, GLenum pname, GLfloat * params); /* 264 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetLightiv)(GLenum light, GLenum pname, GLint * params); /* 265 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetMapdv)(GLenum target, GLenum query, GLdouble * v); /* 266 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetMapfv)(GLenum target, GLenum query, GLfloat * v); /* 267 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetMapiv)(GLenum target, GLenum query, GLint * v); /* 268 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetMaterialfv)(GLenum face, GLenum pname, GLfloat * params); /* 269 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetMaterialiv)(GLenum face, GLenum pname, GLint * params); /* 270 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetPixelMapfv)(GLenum map, GLfloat * values); /* 271 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetPixelMapuiv)(GLenum map, GLuint * values); /* 272 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetPixelMapusv)(GLenum map, GLushort * values); /* 273 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetPolygonStipple)(GLubyte * mask); /* 274 */ + const GLubyte * (GLAPIENTRYP GetString)(GLenum name); /* 275 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetTexEnvfv)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat * params); /* 276 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetTexEnviv)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint * params); /* 277 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetTexGendv)(GLenum coord, GLenum pname, GLdouble * params); /* 278 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetTexGenfv)(GLenum coord, GLenum pname, GLfloat * params); /* 279 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetTexGeniv)(GLenum coord, GLenum pname, GLint * params); /* 280 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetTexImage)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLvoid * pixels); /* 281 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetTexParameterfv)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat * params); /* 282 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetTexParameteriv)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint * params); /* 283 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetTexLevelParameterfv)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum pname, GLfloat * params); /* 284 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetTexLevelParameteriv)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum pname, GLint * params); /* 285 */ + GLboolean (GLAPIENTRYP IsEnabled)(GLenum cap); /* 286 */ + GLboolean (GLAPIENTRYP IsList)(GLuint list); /* 287 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP DepthRange)(GLclampd zNear, GLclampd zFar); /* 288 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Frustum)(GLdouble left, GLdouble right, GLdouble bottom, GLdouble top, GLdouble zNear, GLdouble zFar); /* 289 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP LoadIdentity)(void); /* 290 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP LoadMatrixf)(const GLfloat * m); /* 291 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP LoadMatrixd)(const GLdouble * m); /* 292 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP MatrixMode)(GLenum mode); /* 293 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP MultMatrixf)(const GLfloat * m); /* 294 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP MultMatrixd)(const GLdouble * m); /* 295 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Ortho)(GLdouble left, GLdouble right, GLdouble bottom, GLdouble top, GLdouble zNear, GLdouble zFar); /* 296 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP PopMatrix)(void); /* 297 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP PushMatrix)(void); /* 298 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Rotated)(GLdouble angle, GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z); /* 299 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Rotatef)(GLfloat angle, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z); /* 300 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Scaled)(GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z); /* 301 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Scalef)(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z); /* 302 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Translated)(GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z); /* 303 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Translatef)(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z); /* 304 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Viewport)(GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height); /* 305 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP ArrayElement)(GLint i); /* 306 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP BindTexture)(GLenum target, GLuint texture); /* 307 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP ColorPointer)(GLint size, GLenum type, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid * pointer); /* 308 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP DisableClientState)(GLenum array); /* 309 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP DrawArrays)(GLenum mode, GLint first, GLsizei count); /* 310 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP DrawElements)(GLenum mode, GLsizei count, GLenum type, const GLvoid * indices); /* 311 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP EdgeFlagPointer)(GLsizei stride, const GLvoid * pointer); /* 312 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP EnableClientState)(GLenum array); /* 313 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP IndexPointer)(GLenum type, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid * pointer); /* 314 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Indexub)(GLubyte c); /* 315 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Indexubv)(const GLubyte * c); /* 316 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP InterleavedArrays)(GLenum format, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid * pointer); /* 317 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP NormalPointer)(GLenum type, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid * pointer); /* 318 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP PolygonOffset)(GLfloat factor, GLfloat units); /* 319 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP TexCoordPointer)(GLint size, GLenum type, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid * pointer); /* 320 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP VertexPointer)(GLint size, GLenum type, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid * pointer); /* 321 */ + GLboolean (GLAPIENTRYP AreTexturesResident)(GLsizei n, const GLuint * textures, GLboolean * residences); /* 322 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP CopyTexImage1D)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum internalformat, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLint border); /* 323 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP CopyTexImage2D)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum internalformat, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLint border); /* 324 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP CopyTexSubImage1D)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width); /* 325 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP CopyTexSubImage2D)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height); /* 326 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP DeleteTextures)(GLsizei n, const GLuint * textures); /* 327 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GenTextures)(GLsizei n, GLuint * textures); /* 328 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetPointerv)(GLenum pname, GLvoid ** params); /* 329 */ + GLboolean (GLAPIENTRYP IsTexture)(GLuint texture); /* 330 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP PrioritizeTextures)(GLsizei n, const GLuint * textures, const GLclampf * priorities); /* 331 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP TexSubImage1D)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLsizei width, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid * pixels); /* 332 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP TexSubImage2D)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid * pixels); /* 333 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP PopClientAttrib)(void); /* 334 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP PushClientAttrib)(GLbitfield mask); /* 335 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP BlendColor)(GLclampf red, GLclampf green, GLclampf blue, GLclampf alpha); /* 336 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP BlendEquation)(GLenum mode); /* 337 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP DrawRangeElements)(GLenum mode, GLuint start, GLuint end, GLsizei count, GLenum type, const GLvoid * indices); /* 338 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP ColorTable)(GLenum target, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid * table); /* 339 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP ColorTableParameterfv)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLfloat * params); /* 340 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP ColorTableParameteriv)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLint * params); /* 341 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP CopyColorTable)(GLenum target, GLenum internalformat, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width); /* 342 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetColorTable)(GLenum target, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLvoid * table); /* 343 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetColorTableParameterfv)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat * params); /* 344 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetColorTableParameteriv)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint * params); /* 345 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP ColorSubTable)(GLenum target, GLsizei start, GLsizei count, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid * data); /* 346 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP CopyColorSubTable)(GLenum target, GLsizei start, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width); /* 347 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP ConvolutionFilter1D)(GLenum target, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid * image); /* 348 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP ConvolutionFilter2D)(GLenum target, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid * image); /* 349 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP ConvolutionParameterf)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat params); /* 350 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP ConvolutionParameterfv)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLfloat * params); /* 351 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP ConvolutionParameteri)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint params); /* 352 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP ConvolutionParameteriv)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLint * params); /* 353 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP CopyConvolutionFilter1D)(GLenum target, GLenum internalformat, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width); /* 354 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP CopyConvolutionFilter2D)(GLenum target, GLenum internalformat, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height); /* 355 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetConvolutionFilter)(GLenum target, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLvoid * image); /* 356 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetConvolutionParameterfv)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat * params); /* 357 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetConvolutionParameteriv)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint * params); /* 358 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetSeparableFilter)(GLenum target, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLvoid * row, GLvoid * column, GLvoid * span); /* 359 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP SeparableFilter2D)(GLenum target, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid * row, const GLvoid * column); /* 360 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetHistogram)(GLenum target, GLboolean reset, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLvoid * values); /* 361 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetHistogramParameterfv)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat * params); /* 362 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetHistogramParameteriv)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint * params); /* 363 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetMinmax)(GLenum target, GLboolean reset, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLvoid * values); /* 364 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetMinmaxParameterfv)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat * params); /* 365 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetMinmaxParameteriv)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint * params); /* 366 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Histogram)(GLenum target, GLsizei width, GLenum internalformat, GLboolean sink); /* 367 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Minmax)(GLenum target, GLenum internalformat, GLboolean sink); /* 368 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP ResetHistogram)(GLenum target); /* 369 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP ResetMinmax)(GLenum target); /* 370 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP TexImage3D)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth, GLint border, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid * pixels); /* 371 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP TexSubImage3D)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLint zoffset, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid * pixels); /* 372 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP CopyTexSubImage3D)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLint zoffset, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height); /* 373 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP ActiveTexture)(GLenum texture); /* 374 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP ClientActiveTexture)(GLenum texture); /* 375 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP MultiTexCoord1d)(GLenum target, GLdouble s); /* 376 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP MultiTexCoord1dv)(GLenum target, const GLdouble * v); /* 377 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP MultiTexCoord1fARB)(GLenum target, GLfloat s); /* 378 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP MultiTexCoord1fvARB)(GLenum target, const GLfloat * v); /* 379 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP MultiTexCoord1i)(GLenum target, GLint s); /* 380 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP MultiTexCoord1iv)(GLenum target, const GLint * v); /* 381 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP MultiTexCoord1s)(GLenum target, GLshort s); /* 382 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP MultiTexCoord1sv)(GLenum target, const GLshort * v); /* 383 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP MultiTexCoord2d)(GLenum target, GLdouble s, GLdouble t); /* 384 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP MultiTexCoord2dv)(GLenum target, const GLdouble * v); /* 385 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP MultiTexCoord2fARB)(GLenum target, GLfloat s, GLfloat t); /* 386 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP MultiTexCoord2fvARB)(GLenum target, const GLfloat * v); /* 387 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP MultiTexCoord2i)(GLenum target, GLint s, GLint t); /* 388 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP MultiTexCoord2iv)(GLenum target, const GLint * v); /* 389 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP MultiTexCoord2s)(GLenum target, GLshort s, GLshort t); /* 390 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP MultiTexCoord2sv)(GLenum target, const GLshort * v); /* 391 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP MultiTexCoord3d)(GLenum target, GLdouble s, GLdouble t, GLdouble r); /* 392 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP MultiTexCoord3dv)(GLenum target, const GLdouble * v); /* 393 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP MultiTexCoord3fARB)(GLenum target, GLfloat s, GLfloat t, GLfloat r); /* 394 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP MultiTexCoord3fvARB)(GLenum target, const GLfloat * v); /* 395 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP MultiTexCoord3i)(GLenum target, GLint s, GLint t, GLint r); /* 396 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP MultiTexCoord3iv)(GLenum target, const GLint * v); /* 397 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP MultiTexCoord3s)(GLenum target, GLshort s, GLshort t, GLshort r); /* 398 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP MultiTexCoord3sv)(GLenum target, const GLshort * v); /* 399 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP MultiTexCoord4d)(GLenum target, GLdouble s, GLdouble t, GLdouble r, GLdouble q); /* 400 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP MultiTexCoord4dv)(GLenum target, const GLdouble * v); /* 401 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP MultiTexCoord4fARB)(GLenum target, GLfloat s, GLfloat t, GLfloat r, GLfloat q); /* 402 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP MultiTexCoord4fvARB)(GLenum target, const GLfloat * v); /* 403 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP MultiTexCoord4i)(GLenum target, GLint s, GLint t, GLint r, GLint q); /* 404 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP MultiTexCoord4iv)(GLenum target, const GLint * v); /* 405 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP MultiTexCoord4s)(GLenum target, GLshort s, GLshort t, GLshort r, GLshort q); /* 406 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP MultiTexCoord4sv)(GLenum target, const GLshort * v); /* 407 */ +#if !defined HAVE_SHARED_GLAPI + void (GLAPIENTRYP CompressedTexImage1D)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLint border, GLsizei imageSize, const GLvoid * data); /* 408 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP CompressedTexImage2D)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLint border, GLsizei imageSize, const GLvoid * data); /* 409 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP CompressedTexImage3D)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth, GLint border, GLsizei imageSize, const GLvoid * data); /* 410 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP CompressedTexSubImage1D)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLsizei width, GLenum format, GLsizei imageSize, const GLvoid * data); /* 411 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP CompressedTexSubImage2D)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLsizei imageSize, const GLvoid * data); /* 412 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP CompressedTexSubImage3D)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLint zoffset, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth, GLenum format, GLsizei imageSize, const GLvoid * data); /* 413 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetCompressedTexImage)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLvoid * img); /* 414 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP LoadTransposeMatrixd)(const GLdouble * m); /* 415 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP LoadTransposeMatrixf)(const GLfloat * m); /* 416 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP MultTransposeMatrixd)(const GLdouble * m); /* 417 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP MultTransposeMatrixf)(const GLfloat * m); /* 418 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP SampleCoverage)(GLclampf value, GLboolean invert); /* 419 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP BlendFuncSeparate)(GLenum sfactorRGB, GLenum dfactorRGB, GLenum sfactorAlpha, GLenum dfactorAlpha); /* 420 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP FogCoordPointer)(GLenum type, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid * pointer); /* 421 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP FogCoordd)(GLdouble coord); /* 422 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP FogCoorddv)(const GLdouble * coord); /* 423 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP MultiDrawArrays)(GLenum mode, const GLint * first, const GLsizei * count, GLsizei primcount); /* 424 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP PointParameterf)(GLenum pname, GLfloat param); /* 425 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP PointParameterfv)(GLenum pname, const GLfloat * params); /* 426 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP PointParameteri)(GLenum pname, GLint param); /* 427 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP PointParameteriv)(GLenum pname, const GLint * params); /* 428 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP SecondaryColor3b)(GLbyte red, GLbyte green, GLbyte blue); /* 429 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP SecondaryColor3bv)(const GLbyte * v); /* 430 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP SecondaryColor3d)(GLdouble red, GLdouble green, GLdouble blue); /* 431 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP SecondaryColor3dv)(const GLdouble * v); /* 432 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP SecondaryColor3i)(GLint red, GLint green, GLint blue); /* 433 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP SecondaryColor3iv)(const GLint * v); /* 434 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP SecondaryColor3s)(GLshort red, GLshort green, GLshort blue); /* 435 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP SecondaryColor3sv)(const GLshort * v); /* 436 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP SecondaryColor3ub)(GLubyte red, GLubyte green, GLubyte blue); /* 437 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP SecondaryColor3ubv)(const GLubyte * v); /* 438 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP SecondaryColor3ui)(GLuint red, GLuint green, GLuint blue); /* 439 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP SecondaryColor3uiv)(const GLuint * v); /* 440 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP SecondaryColor3us)(GLushort red, GLushort green, GLushort blue); /* 441 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP SecondaryColor3usv)(const GLushort * v); /* 442 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP SecondaryColorPointer)(GLint size, GLenum type, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid * pointer); /* 443 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP WindowPos2d)(GLdouble x, GLdouble y); /* 444 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP WindowPos2dv)(const GLdouble * v); /* 445 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP WindowPos2f)(GLfloat x, GLfloat y); /* 446 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP WindowPos2fv)(const GLfloat * v); /* 447 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP WindowPos2i)(GLint x, GLint y); /* 448 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP WindowPos2iv)(const GLint * v); /* 449 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP WindowPos2s)(GLshort x, GLshort y); /* 450 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP WindowPos2sv)(const GLshort * v); /* 451 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP WindowPos3d)(GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z); /* 452 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP WindowPos3dv)(const GLdouble * v); /* 453 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP WindowPos3f)(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z); /* 454 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP WindowPos3fv)(const GLfloat * v); /* 455 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP WindowPos3i)(GLint x, GLint y, GLint z); /* 456 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP WindowPos3iv)(const GLint * v); /* 457 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP WindowPos3s)(GLshort x, GLshort y, GLshort z); /* 458 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP WindowPos3sv)(const GLshort * v); /* 459 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP BeginQuery)(GLenum target, GLuint id); /* 460 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP BindBuffer)(GLenum target, GLuint buffer); /* 461 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP BufferData)(GLenum target, GLsizeiptr size, const GLvoid * data, GLenum usage); /* 462 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP BufferSubData)(GLenum target, GLintptr offset, GLsizeiptr size, const GLvoid * data); /* 463 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP DeleteBuffers)(GLsizei n, const GLuint * buffer); /* 464 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP DeleteQueries)(GLsizei n, const GLuint * ids); /* 465 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP EndQuery)(GLenum target); /* 466 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GenBuffers)(GLsizei n, GLuint * buffer); /* 467 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GenQueries)(GLsizei n, GLuint * ids); /* 468 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetBufferParameteriv)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint * params); /* 469 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetBufferPointerv)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLvoid ** params); /* 470 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetBufferSubData)(GLenum target, GLintptr offset, GLsizeiptr size, GLvoid * data); /* 471 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetQueryObjectiv)(GLuint id, GLenum pname, GLint * params); /* 472 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetQueryObjectuiv)(GLuint id, GLenum pname, GLuint * params); /* 473 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetQueryiv)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint * params); /* 474 */ + GLboolean (GLAPIENTRYP IsBuffer)(GLuint buffer); /* 475 */ + GLboolean (GLAPIENTRYP IsQuery)(GLuint id); /* 476 */ + GLvoid * (GLAPIENTRYP MapBuffer)(GLenum target, GLenum access); /* 477 */ + GLboolean (GLAPIENTRYP UnmapBuffer)(GLenum target); /* 478 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP AttachShader)(GLuint program, GLuint shader); /* 479 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP BindAttribLocation)(GLuint program, GLuint index, const GLchar * name); /* 480 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP BlendEquationSeparate)(GLenum modeRGB, GLenum modeA); /* 481 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP CompileShader)(GLuint shader); /* 482 */ + GLuint (GLAPIENTRYP CreateProgram)(void); /* 483 */ + GLuint (GLAPIENTRYP CreateShader)(GLenum type); /* 484 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP DeleteProgram)(GLuint program); /* 485 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP DeleteShader)(GLuint program); /* 486 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP DetachShader)(GLuint program, GLuint shader); /* 487 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP DisableVertexAttribArray)(GLuint index); /* 488 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP DrawBuffers)(GLsizei n, const GLenum * bufs); /* 489 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP EnableVertexAttribArray)(GLuint index); /* 490 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetActiveAttrib)(GLuint program, GLuint index, GLsizei bufSize, GLsizei * length, GLint * size, GLenum * type, GLchar * name); /* 491 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetActiveUniform)(GLuint program, GLuint index, GLsizei bufSize, GLsizei * length, GLint * size, GLenum * type, GLchar * name); /* 492 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetAttachedShaders)(GLuint program, GLsizei maxCount, GLsizei * count, GLuint * obj); /* 493 */ + GLint (GLAPIENTRYP GetAttribLocation)(GLuint program, const GLchar * name); /* 494 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetProgramInfoLog)(GLuint program, GLsizei bufSize, GLsizei * length, GLchar * infoLog); /* 495 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetProgramiv)(GLuint program, GLenum pname, GLint * params); /* 496 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetShaderInfoLog)(GLuint shader, GLsizei bufSize, GLsizei * length, GLchar * infoLog); /* 497 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetShaderSource)(GLuint shader, GLsizei bufSize, GLsizei * length, GLchar * source); /* 498 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetShaderiv)(GLuint shader, GLenum pname, GLint * params); /* 499 */ + GLint (GLAPIENTRYP GetUniformLocation)(GLuint program, const GLchar * name); /* 500 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetUniformfv)(GLuint program, GLint location, GLfloat * params); /* 501 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetUniformiv)(GLuint program, GLint location, GLint * params); /* 502 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetVertexAttribPointerv)(GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLvoid ** pointer); /* 503 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetVertexAttribdv)(GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLdouble * params); /* 504 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetVertexAttribfv)(GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLfloat * params); /* 505 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetVertexAttribiv)(GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLint * params); /* 506 */ + GLboolean (GLAPIENTRYP IsProgram)(GLuint program); /* 507 */ + GLboolean (GLAPIENTRYP IsShader)(GLuint shader); /* 508 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP LinkProgram)(GLuint program); /* 509 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP ShaderSource)(GLuint shader, GLsizei count, const GLchar * const * string, const GLint * length); /* 510 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP StencilFuncSeparate)(GLenum face, GLenum func, GLint ref, GLuint mask); /* 511 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP StencilMaskSeparate)(GLenum face, GLuint mask); /* 512 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP StencilOpSeparate)(GLenum face, GLenum sfail, GLenum zfail, GLenum zpass); /* 513 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Uniform1f)(GLint location, GLfloat v0); /* 514 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Uniform1fv)(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLfloat * value); /* 515 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Uniform1i)(GLint location, GLint v0); /* 516 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Uniform1iv)(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLint * value); /* 517 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Uniform2f)(GLint location, GLfloat v0, GLfloat v1); /* 518 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Uniform2fv)(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLfloat * value); /* 519 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Uniform2i)(GLint location, GLint v0, GLint v1); /* 520 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Uniform2iv)(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLint * value); /* 521 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Uniform3f)(GLint location, GLfloat v0, GLfloat v1, GLfloat v2); /* 522 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Uniform3fv)(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLfloat * value); /* 523 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Uniform3i)(GLint location, GLint v0, GLint v1, GLint v2); /* 524 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Uniform3iv)(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLint * value); /* 525 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Uniform4f)(GLint location, GLfloat v0, GLfloat v1, GLfloat v2, GLfloat v3); /* 526 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Uniform4fv)(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLfloat * value); /* 527 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Uniform4i)(GLint location, GLint v0, GLint v1, GLint v2, GLint v3); /* 528 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Uniform4iv)(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLint * value); /* 529 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP UniformMatrix2fv)(GLint location, GLsizei count, GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat * value); /* 530 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP UniformMatrix3fv)(GLint location, GLsizei count, GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat * value); /* 531 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP UniformMatrix4fv)(GLint location, GLsizei count, GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat * value); /* 532 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP UseProgram)(GLuint program); /* 533 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP ValidateProgram)(GLuint program); /* 534 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP VertexAttrib1d)(GLuint index, GLdouble x); /* 535 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP VertexAttrib1dv)(GLuint index, const GLdouble * v); /* 536 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP VertexAttrib1s)(GLuint index, GLshort x); /* 537 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP VertexAttrib1sv)(GLuint index, const GLshort * v); /* 538 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP VertexAttrib2d)(GLuint index, GLdouble x, GLdouble y); /* 539 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP VertexAttrib2dv)(GLuint index, const GLdouble * v); /* 540 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP VertexAttrib2s)(GLuint index, GLshort x, GLshort y); /* 541 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP VertexAttrib2sv)(GLuint index, const GLshort * v); /* 542 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP VertexAttrib3d)(GLuint index, GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z); /* 543 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP VertexAttrib3dv)(GLuint index, const GLdouble * v); /* 544 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP VertexAttrib3s)(GLuint index, GLshort x, GLshort y, GLshort z); /* 545 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP VertexAttrib3sv)(GLuint index, const GLshort * v); /* 546 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP VertexAttrib4Nbv)(GLuint index, const GLbyte * v); /* 547 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP VertexAttrib4Niv)(GLuint index, const GLint * v); /* 548 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP VertexAttrib4Nsv)(GLuint index, const GLshort * v); /* 549 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP VertexAttrib4Nub)(GLuint index, GLubyte x, GLubyte y, GLubyte z, GLubyte w); /* 550 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP VertexAttrib4Nubv)(GLuint index, const GLubyte * v); /* 551 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP VertexAttrib4Nuiv)(GLuint index, const GLuint * v); /* 552 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP VertexAttrib4Nusv)(GLuint index, const GLushort * v); /* 553 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP VertexAttrib4bv)(GLuint index, const GLbyte * v); /* 554 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP VertexAttrib4d)(GLuint index, GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z, GLdouble w); /* 555 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP VertexAttrib4dv)(GLuint index, const GLdouble * v); /* 556 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP VertexAttrib4iv)(GLuint index, const GLint * v); /* 557 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP VertexAttrib4s)(GLuint index, GLshort x, GLshort y, GLshort z, GLshort w); /* 558 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP VertexAttrib4sv)(GLuint index, const GLshort * v); /* 559 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP VertexAttrib4ubv)(GLuint index, const GLubyte * v); /* 560 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP VertexAttrib4uiv)(GLuint index, const GLuint * v); /* 561 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP VertexAttrib4usv)(GLuint index, const GLushort * v); /* 562 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP VertexAttribPointer)(GLuint index, GLint size, GLenum type, GLboolean normalized, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid * pointer); /* 563 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP UniformMatrix2x3fv)(GLint location, GLsizei count, GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat * value); /* 564 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP UniformMatrix2x4fv)(GLint location, GLsizei count, GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat * value); /* 565 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP UniformMatrix3x2fv)(GLint location, GLsizei count, GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat * value); /* 566 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP UniformMatrix3x4fv)(GLint location, GLsizei count, GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat * value); /* 567 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP UniformMatrix4x2fv)(GLint location, GLsizei count, GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat * value); /* 568 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP UniformMatrix4x3fv)(GLint location, GLsizei count, GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat * value); /* 569 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP BeginConditionalRender)(GLuint query, GLenum mode); /* 570 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP BeginTransformFeedback)(GLenum mode); /* 571 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP BindBufferBase)(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLuint buffer); /* 572 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP BindBufferRange)(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLuint buffer, GLintptr offset, GLsizeiptr size); /* 573 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP BindFragDataLocation)(GLuint program, GLuint colorNumber, const GLchar * name); /* 574 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP ClampColor)(GLenum target, GLenum clamp); /* 575 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP ClearBufferfi)(GLenum buffer, GLint drawbuffer, GLfloat depth, GLint stencil); /* 576 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP ClearBufferfv)(GLenum buffer, GLint drawbuffer, const GLfloat * value); /* 577 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP ClearBufferiv)(GLenum buffer, GLint drawbuffer, const GLint * value); /* 578 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP ClearBufferuiv)(GLenum buffer, GLint drawbuffer, const GLuint * value); /* 579 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP ColorMaski)(GLuint buf, GLboolean r, GLboolean g, GLboolean b, GLboolean a); /* 580 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Disablei)(GLenum target, GLuint index); /* 581 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Enablei)(GLenum target, GLuint index); /* 582 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP EndConditionalRender)(void); /* 583 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP EndTransformFeedback)(void); /* 584 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetBooleani_v)(GLenum value, GLuint index, GLboolean * data); /* 585 */ + GLint (GLAPIENTRYP GetFragDataLocation)(GLuint program, const GLchar * name); /* 586 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetIntegeri_v)(GLenum value, GLuint index, GLint * data); /* 587 */ + const GLubyte * (GLAPIENTRYP GetStringi)(GLenum name, GLuint index); /* 588 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetTexParameterIiv)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint * params); /* 589 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetTexParameterIuiv)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLuint * params); /* 590 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetTransformFeedbackVarying)(GLuint program, GLuint index, GLsizei bufSize, GLsizei * length, GLsizei * size, GLenum * type, GLchar * name); /* 591 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetUniformuiv)(GLuint program, GLint location, GLuint * params); /* 592 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetVertexAttribIiv)(GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLint * params); /* 593 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetVertexAttribIuiv)(GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLuint * params); /* 594 */ + GLboolean (GLAPIENTRYP IsEnabledi)(GLenum target, GLuint index); /* 595 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP TexParameterIiv)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLint * params); /* 596 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP TexParameterIuiv)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLuint * params); /* 597 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP TransformFeedbackVaryings)(GLuint program, GLsizei count, const GLchar * const * varyings, GLenum bufferMode); /* 598 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Uniform1ui)(GLint location, GLuint x); /* 599 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Uniform1uiv)(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLuint * value); /* 600 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Uniform2ui)(GLint location, GLuint x, GLuint y); /* 601 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Uniform2uiv)(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLuint * value); /* 602 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Uniform3ui)(GLint location, GLuint x, GLuint y, GLuint z); /* 603 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Uniform3uiv)(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLuint * value); /* 604 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Uniform4ui)(GLint location, GLuint x, GLuint y, GLuint z, GLuint w); /* 605 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Uniform4uiv)(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLuint * value); /* 606 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP VertexAttribI1iv)(GLuint index, const GLint * v); /* 607 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP VertexAttribI1uiv)(GLuint index, const GLuint * v); /* 608 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP VertexAttribI4bv)(GLuint index, const GLbyte * v); /* 609 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP VertexAttribI4sv)(GLuint index, const GLshort * v); /* 610 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP VertexAttribI4ubv)(GLuint index, const GLubyte * v); /* 611 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP VertexAttribI4usv)(GLuint index, const GLushort * v); /* 612 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP VertexAttribIPointer)(GLuint index, GLint size, GLenum type, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid * pointer); /* 613 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP PrimitiveRestartIndex)(GLuint index); /* 614 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP TexBuffer)(GLenum target, GLenum internalFormat, GLuint buffer); /* 615 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP FramebufferTexture)(GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLuint texture, GLint level); /* 616 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetBufferParameteri64v)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint64 * params); /* 617 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetInteger64i_v)(GLenum cap, GLuint index, GLint64 * data); /* 618 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP VertexAttribDivisor)(GLuint index, GLuint divisor); /* 619 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP BindProgramARB)(GLenum target, GLuint program); /* 620 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP DeleteProgramsARB)(GLsizei n, const GLuint * programs); /* 621 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GenProgramsARB)(GLsizei n, GLuint * programs); /* 622 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetProgramEnvParameterdvARB)(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLdouble * params); /* 623 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetProgramEnvParameterfvARB)(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLfloat * params); /* 624 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetProgramLocalParameterdvARB)(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLdouble * params); /* 625 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetProgramLocalParameterfvARB)(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLfloat * params); /* 626 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetProgramStringARB)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLvoid * string); /* 627 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetProgramivARB)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint * params); /* 628 */ + GLboolean (GLAPIENTRYP IsProgramARB)(GLuint program); /* 629 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP ProgramEnvParameter4dARB)(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z, GLdouble w); /* 630 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP ProgramEnvParameter4dvARB)(GLenum target, GLuint index, const GLdouble * params); /* 631 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP ProgramEnvParameter4fARB)(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z, GLfloat w); /* 632 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP ProgramEnvParameter4fvARB)(GLenum target, GLuint index, const GLfloat * params); /* 633 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP ProgramLocalParameter4dARB)(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z, GLdouble w); /* 634 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP ProgramLocalParameter4dvARB)(GLenum target, GLuint index, const GLdouble * params); /* 635 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP ProgramLocalParameter4fARB)(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z, GLfloat w); /* 636 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP ProgramLocalParameter4fvARB)(GLenum target, GLuint index, const GLfloat * params); /* 637 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP ProgramStringARB)(GLenum target, GLenum format, GLsizei len, const GLvoid * string); /* 638 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP VertexAttrib1fARB)(GLuint index, GLfloat x); /* 639 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP VertexAttrib1fvARB)(GLuint index, const GLfloat * v); /* 640 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP VertexAttrib2fARB)(GLuint index, GLfloat x, GLfloat y); /* 641 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP VertexAttrib2fvARB)(GLuint index, const GLfloat * v); /* 642 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP VertexAttrib3fARB)(GLuint index, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z); /* 643 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP VertexAttrib3fvARB)(GLuint index, const GLfloat * v); /* 644 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP VertexAttrib4fARB)(GLuint index, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z, GLfloat w); /* 645 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP VertexAttrib4fvARB)(GLuint index, const GLfloat * v); /* 646 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP AttachObjectARB)(GLhandleARB containerObj, GLhandleARB obj); /* 647 */ + GLhandleARB (GLAPIENTRYP CreateProgramObjectARB)(void); /* 648 */ + GLhandleARB (GLAPIENTRYP CreateShaderObjectARB)(GLenum shaderType); /* 649 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP DeleteObjectARB)(GLhandleARB obj); /* 650 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP DetachObjectARB)(GLhandleARB containerObj, GLhandleARB attachedObj); /* 651 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetAttachedObjectsARB)(GLhandleARB containerObj, GLsizei maxLength, GLsizei * length, GLhandleARB * infoLog); /* 652 */ + GLhandleARB (GLAPIENTRYP GetHandleARB)(GLenum pname); /* 653 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetInfoLogARB)(GLhandleARB obj, GLsizei maxLength, GLsizei * length, GLcharARB * infoLog); /* 654 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetObjectParameterfvARB)(GLhandleARB obj, GLenum pname, GLfloat * params); /* 655 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetObjectParameterivARB)(GLhandleARB obj, GLenum pname, GLint * params); /* 656 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP DrawArraysInstancedARB)(GLenum mode, GLint first, GLsizei count, GLsizei primcount); /* 657 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP DrawElementsInstancedARB)(GLenum mode, GLsizei count, GLenum type, const GLvoid * indices, GLsizei primcount); /* 658 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP BindFramebuffer)(GLenum target, GLuint framebuffer); /* 659 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP BindRenderbuffer)(GLenum target, GLuint renderbuffer); /* 660 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP BlitFramebuffer)(GLint srcX0, GLint srcY0, GLint srcX1, GLint srcY1, GLint dstX0, GLint dstY0, GLint dstX1, GLint dstY1, GLbitfield mask, GLenum filter); /* 661 */ + GLenum (GLAPIENTRYP CheckFramebufferStatus)(GLenum target); /* 662 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP DeleteFramebuffers)(GLsizei n, const GLuint * framebuffers); /* 663 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP DeleteRenderbuffers)(GLsizei n, const GLuint * renderbuffers); /* 664 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP FramebufferRenderbuffer)(GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLenum renderbuffertarget, GLuint renderbuffer); /* 665 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP FramebufferTexture1D)(GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLenum textarget, GLuint texture, GLint level); /* 666 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP FramebufferTexture2D)(GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLenum textarget, GLuint texture, GLint level); /* 667 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP FramebufferTexture3D)(GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLenum textarget, GLuint texture, GLint level, GLint zoffset); /* 668 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP FramebufferTextureLayer)(GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLuint texture, GLint level, GLint layer); /* 669 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GenFramebuffers)(GLsizei n, GLuint * framebuffers); /* 670 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GenRenderbuffers)(GLsizei n, GLuint * renderbuffers); /* 671 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GenerateMipmap)(GLenum target); /* 672 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv)(GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLenum pname, GLint * params); /* 673 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetRenderbufferParameteriv)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint * params); /* 674 */ + GLboolean (GLAPIENTRYP IsFramebuffer)(GLuint framebuffer); /* 675 */ + GLboolean (GLAPIENTRYP IsRenderbuffer)(GLuint renderbuffer); /* 676 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP RenderbufferStorage)(GLenum target, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height); /* 677 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP RenderbufferStorageMultisample)(GLenum target, GLsizei samples, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height); /* 678 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP FramebufferTextureFaceARB)(GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLuint texture, GLint level, GLenum face); /* 679 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP FlushMappedBufferRange)(GLenum target, GLintptr offset, GLsizeiptr length); /* 680 */ + GLvoid * (GLAPIENTRYP MapBufferRange)(GLenum target, GLintptr offset, GLsizeiptr length, GLbitfield access); /* 681 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP BindVertexArray)(GLuint array); /* 682 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP DeleteVertexArrays)(GLsizei n, const GLuint * arrays); /* 683 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GenVertexArrays)(GLsizei n, GLuint * arrays); /* 684 */ + GLboolean (GLAPIENTRYP IsVertexArray)(GLuint array); /* 685 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetActiveUniformBlockName)(GLuint program, GLuint uniformBlockIndex, GLsizei bufSize, GLsizei * length, GLchar * uniformBlockName); /* 686 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetActiveUniformBlockiv)(GLuint program, GLuint uniformBlockIndex, GLenum pname, GLint * params); /* 687 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetActiveUniformName)(GLuint program, GLuint uniformIndex, GLsizei bufSize, GLsizei * length, GLchar * uniformName); /* 688 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetActiveUniformsiv)(GLuint program, GLsizei uniformCount, const GLuint * uniformIndices, GLenum pname, GLint * params); /* 689 */ + GLuint (GLAPIENTRYP GetUniformBlockIndex)(GLuint program, const GLchar * uniformBlockName); /* 690 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetUniformIndices)(GLuint program, GLsizei uniformCount, const GLchar * const * uniformNames, GLuint * uniformIndices); /* 691 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP UniformBlockBinding)(GLuint program, GLuint uniformBlockIndex, GLuint uniformBlockBinding); /* 692 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP CopyBufferSubData)(GLenum readTarget, GLenum writeTarget, GLintptr readOffset, GLintptr writeOffset, GLsizeiptr size); /* 693 */ + GLenum (GLAPIENTRYP ClientWaitSync)(GLsync sync, GLbitfield flags, GLuint64 timeout); /* 694 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP DeleteSync)(GLsync sync); /* 695 */ + GLsync (GLAPIENTRYP FenceSync)(GLenum condition, GLbitfield flags); /* 696 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetInteger64v)(GLenum pname, GLint64 * params); /* 697 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetSynciv)(GLsync sync, GLenum pname, GLsizei bufSize, GLsizei * length, GLint * values); /* 698 */ + GLboolean (GLAPIENTRYP IsSync)(GLsync sync); /* 699 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP WaitSync)(GLsync sync, GLbitfield flags, GLuint64 timeout); /* 700 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP DrawElementsBaseVertex)(GLenum mode, GLsizei count, GLenum type, const GLvoid * indices, GLint basevertex); /* 701 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex)(GLenum mode, GLsizei count, GLenum type, const GLvoid * indices, GLsizei primcount, GLint basevertex); /* 702 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP DrawRangeElementsBaseVertex)(GLenum mode, GLuint start, GLuint end, GLsizei count, GLenum type, const GLvoid * indices, GLint basevertex); /* 703 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP MultiDrawElementsBaseVertex)(GLenum mode, const GLsizei * count, GLenum type, const GLvoid * const * indices, GLsizei primcount, const GLint * basevertex); /* 704 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP ProvokingVertex)(GLenum mode); /* 705 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP BlendEquationSeparateiARB)(GLuint buf, GLenum modeRGB, GLenum modeA); /* 706 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP BlendEquationiARB)(GLuint buf, GLenum mode); /* 707 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP BlendFuncSeparateiARB)(GLuint buf, GLenum srcRGB, GLenum dstRGB, GLenum srcA, GLenum dstA); /* 708 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP BlendFunciARB)(GLuint buf, GLenum src, GLenum dst); /* 709 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP BindFragDataLocationIndexed)(GLuint program, GLuint colorNumber, GLuint index, const GLchar * name); /* 710 */ + GLint (GLAPIENTRYP GetFragDataIndex)(GLuint program, const GLchar * name); /* 711 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP BindSampler)(GLuint unit, GLuint sampler); /* 712 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP DeleteSamplers)(GLsizei count, const GLuint * samplers); /* 713 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GenSamplers)(GLsizei count, GLuint * samplers); /* 714 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetSamplerParameterIiv)(GLuint sampler, GLenum pname, GLint * params); /* 715 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetSamplerParameterIuiv)(GLuint sampler, GLenum pname, GLuint * params); /* 716 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetSamplerParameterfv)(GLuint sampler, GLenum pname, GLfloat * params); /* 717 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetSamplerParameteriv)(GLuint sampler, GLenum pname, GLint * params); /* 718 */ + GLboolean (GLAPIENTRYP IsSampler)(GLuint sampler); /* 719 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP SamplerParameterIiv)(GLuint sampler, GLenum pname, const GLint * params); /* 720 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP SamplerParameterIuiv)(GLuint sampler, GLenum pname, const GLuint * params); /* 721 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP SamplerParameterf)(GLuint sampler, GLenum pname, GLfloat param); /* 722 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP SamplerParameterfv)(GLuint sampler, GLenum pname, const GLfloat * params); /* 723 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP SamplerParameteri)(GLuint sampler, GLenum pname, GLint param); /* 724 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP SamplerParameteriv)(GLuint sampler, GLenum pname, const GLint * params); /* 725 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetQueryObjecti64v)(GLuint id, GLenum pname, GLint64 * params); /* 726 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetQueryObjectui64v)(GLuint id, GLenum pname, GLuint64 * params); /* 727 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP QueryCounter)(GLuint id, GLenum target); /* 728 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP ColorP3ui)(GLenum type, GLuint color); /* 729 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP ColorP3uiv)(GLenum type, const GLuint * color); /* 730 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP ColorP4ui)(GLenum type, GLuint color); /* 731 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP ColorP4uiv)(GLenum type, const GLuint * color); /* 732 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP MultiTexCoordP1ui)(GLenum texture, GLenum type, GLuint coords); /* 733 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP MultiTexCoordP1uiv)(GLenum texture, GLenum type, const GLuint * coords); /* 734 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP MultiTexCoordP2ui)(GLenum texture, GLenum type, GLuint coords); /* 735 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP MultiTexCoordP2uiv)(GLenum texture, GLenum type, const GLuint * coords); /* 736 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP MultiTexCoordP3ui)(GLenum texture, GLenum type, GLuint coords); /* 737 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP MultiTexCoordP3uiv)(GLenum texture, GLenum type, const GLuint * coords); /* 738 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP MultiTexCoordP4ui)(GLenum texture, GLenum type, GLuint coords); /* 739 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP MultiTexCoordP4uiv)(GLenum texture, GLenum type, const GLuint * coords); /* 740 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP NormalP3ui)(GLenum type, GLuint coords); /* 741 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP NormalP3uiv)(GLenum type, const GLuint * coords); /* 742 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP SecondaryColorP3ui)(GLenum type, GLuint color); /* 743 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP SecondaryColorP3uiv)(GLenum type, const GLuint * color); /* 744 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP TexCoordP1ui)(GLenum type, GLuint coords); /* 745 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP TexCoordP1uiv)(GLenum type, const GLuint * coords); /* 746 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP TexCoordP2ui)(GLenum type, GLuint coords); /* 747 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP TexCoordP2uiv)(GLenum type, const GLuint * coords); /* 748 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP TexCoordP3ui)(GLenum type, GLuint coords); /* 749 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP TexCoordP3uiv)(GLenum type, const GLuint * coords); /* 750 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP TexCoordP4ui)(GLenum type, GLuint coords); /* 751 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP TexCoordP4uiv)(GLenum type, const GLuint * coords); /* 752 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP VertexAttribP1ui)(GLuint index, GLenum type, GLboolean normalized, GLuint value); /* 753 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP VertexAttribP1uiv)(GLuint index, GLenum type, GLboolean normalized, const GLuint * value); /* 754 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP VertexAttribP2ui)(GLuint index, GLenum type, GLboolean normalized, GLuint value); /* 755 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP VertexAttribP2uiv)(GLuint index, GLenum type, GLboolean normalized, const GLuint * value); /* 756 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP VertexAttribP3ui)(GLuint index, GLenum type, GLboolean normalized, GLuint value); /* 757 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP VertexAttribP3uiv)(GLuint index, GLenum type, GLboolean normalized, const GLuint * value); /* 758 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP VertexAttribP4ui)(GLuint index, GLenum type, GLboolean normalized, GLuint value); /* 759 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP VertexAttribP4uiv)(GLuint index, GLenum type, GLboolean normalized, const GLuint * value); /* 760 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP VertexP2ui)(GLenum type, GLuint value); /* 761 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP VertexP2uiv)(GLenum type, const GLuint * value); /* 762 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP VertexP3ui)(GLenum type, GLuint value); /* 763 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP VertexP3uiv)(GLenum type, const GLuint * value); /* 764 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP VertexP4ui)(GLenum type, GLuint value); /* 765 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP VertexP4uiv)(GLenum type, const GLuint * value); /* 766 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP BindTransformFeedback)(GLenum target, GLuint id); /* 767 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP DeleteTransformFeedbacks)(GLsizei n, const GLuint * ids); /* 768 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP DrawTransformFeedback)(GLenum mode, GLuint id); /* 769 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GenTransformFeedbacks)(GLsizei n, GLuint * ids); /* 770 */ + GLboolean (GLAPIENTRYP IsTransformFeedback)(GLuint id); /* 771 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP PauseTransformFeedback)(void); /* 772 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP ResumeTransformFeedback)(void); /* 773 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP BeginQueryIndexed)(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLuint id); /* 774 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP DrawTransformFeedbackStream)(GLenum mode, GLuint id, GLuint stream); /* 775 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP EndQueryIndexed)(GLenum target, GLuint index); /* 776 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetQueryIndexediv)(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLint * params); /* 777 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP ClearDepthf)(GLclampf depth); /* 778 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP DepthRangef)(GLclampf zNear, GLclampf zFar); /* 779 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetShaderPrecisionFormat)(GLenum shadertype, GLenum precisiontype, GLint * range, GLint * precision); /* 780 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP ReleaseShaderCompiler)(void); /* 781 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP ShaderBinary)(GLsizei n, const GLuint * shaders, GLenum binaryformat, const GLvoid * binary, GLsizei length); /* 782 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetProgramBinary)(GLuint program, GLsizei bufSize, GLsizei * length, GLenum * binaryFormat, GLvoid * binary); /* 783 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP ProgramBinary)(GLuint program, GLenum binaryFormat, const GLvoid * binary, GLsizei length); /* 784 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP ProgramParameteri)(GLuint program, GLenum pname, GLint value); /* 785 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP DebugMessageCallbackARB)(GLDEBUGPROCARB callback, const GLvoid * userParam); /* 786 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP DebugMessageControlARB)(GLenum source, GLenum type, GLenum severity, GLsizei count, const GLuint * ids, GLboolean enabled); /* 787 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP DebugMessageInsertARB)(GLenum source, GLenum type, GLuint id, GLenum severity, GLsizei length, const GLcharARB * buf); /* 788 */ + GLuint (GLAPIENTRYP GetDebugMessageLogARB)(GLuint count, GLsizei bufsize, GLenum * sources, GLenum * types, GLuint * ids, GLenum * severities, GLsizei * lengths, GLcharARB * messageLog); /* 789 */ + GLenum (GLAPIENTRYP GetGraphicsResetStatusARB)(void); /* 790 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetnColorTableARB)(GLenum target, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLsizei bufSize, GLvoid * table); /* 791 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetnCompressedTexImageARB)(GLenum target, GLint lod, GLsizei bufSize, GLvoid * img); /* 792 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetnConvolutionFilterARB)(GLenum target, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLsizei bufSize, GLvoid * image); /* 793 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetnHistogramARB)(GLenum target, GLboolean reset, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLsizei bufSize, GLvoid * values); /* 794 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetnMapdvARB)(GLenum target, GLenum query, GLsizei bufSize, GLdouble * v); /* 795 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetnMapfvARB)(GLenum target, GLenum query, GLsizei bufSize, GLfloat * v); /* 796 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetnMapivARB)(GLenum target, GLenum query, GLsizei bufSize, GLint * v); /* 797 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetnMinmaxARB)(GLenum target, GLboolean reset, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLsizei bufSize, GLvoid * values); /* 798 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetnPixelMapfvARB)(GLenum map, GLsizei bufSize, GLfloat * values); /* 799 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetnPixelMapuivARB)(GLenum map, GLsizei bufSize, GLuint * values); /* 800 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetnPixelMapusvARB)(GLenum map, GLsizei bufSize, GLushort * values); /* 801 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetnPolygonStippleARB)(GLsizei bufSize, GLubyte * pattern); /* 802 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetnSeparableFilterARB)(GLenum target, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLsizei rowBufSize, GLvoid * row, GLsizei columnBufSize, GLvoid * column, GLvoid * span); /* 803 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetnTexImageARB)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLsizei bufSize, GLvoid * img); /* 804 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetnUniformdvARB)(GLhandleARB program, GLint location, GLsizei bufSize, GLdouble * params); /* 805 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetnUniformfvARB)(GLhandleARB program, GLint location, GLsizei bufSize, GLfloat * params); /* 806 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetnUniformivARB)(GLhandleARB program, GLint location, GLsizei bufSize, GLint * params); /* 807 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetnUniformuivARB)(GLhandleARB program, GLint location, GLsizei bufSize, GLuint * params); /* 808 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP ReadnPixelsARB)(GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLsizei bufSize, GLvoid * data); /* 809 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP DrawArraysInstancedBaseInstance)(GLenum mode, GLint first, GLsizei count, GLsizei primcount, GLuint baseinstance); /* 810 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP DrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance)(GLenum mode, GLsizei count, GLenum type, const GLvoid * indices, GLsizei primcount, GLuint baseinstance); /* 811 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance)(GLenum mode, GLsizei count, GLenum type, const GLvoid * indices, GLsizei primcount, GLint basevertex, GLuint baseinstance); /* 812 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP DrawTransformFeedbackInstanced)(GLenum mode, GLuint id, GLsizei primcount); /* 813 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP DrawTransformFeedbackStreamInstanced)(GLenum mode, GLuint id, GLuint stream, GLsizei primcount); /* 814 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetInternalformativ)(GLenum target, GLenum internalformat, GLenum pname, GLsizei bufSize, GLint * params); /* 815 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP TexStorage1D)(GLenum target, GLsizei levels, GLenum internalFormat, GLsizei width); /* 816 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP TexStorage2D)(GLenum target, GLsizei levels, GLenum internalFormat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height); /* 817 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP TexStorage3D)(GLenum target, GLsizei levels, GLenum internalFormat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth); /* 818 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP TextureStorage1DEXT)(GLuint texture, GLenum target, GLsizei levels, GLenum internalFormat, GLsizei width); /* 819 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP TextureStorage2DEXT)(GLuint texture, GLenum target, GLsizei levels, GLenum internalFormat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height); /* 820 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP TextureStorage3DEXT)(GLuint texture, GLenum target, GLsizei levels, GLenum internalFormat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth); /* 821 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP InvalidateBufferData)(GLuint buffer); /* 822 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP InvalidateBufferSubData)(GLuint buffer, GLintptr offset, GLsizeiptr length); /* 823 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP InvalidateFramebuffer)(GLenum target, GLsizei numAttachments, const GLenum * attachments); /* 824 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP InvalidateSubFramebuffer)(GLenum target, GLsizei numAttachments, const GLenum * attachments, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height); /* 825 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP InvalidateTexImage)(GLuint texture, GLint level); /* 826 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP InvalidateTexSubImage)(GLuint texture, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLint zoffset, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth); /* 827 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP PolygonOffsetEXT)(GLfloat factor, GLfloat bias); /* 828 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP DrawTexfOES)(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z, GLfloat width, GLfloat height); /* 829 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP DrawTexfvOES)(const GLfloat * coords); /* 830 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP DrawTexiOES)(GLint x, GLint y, GLint z, GLint width, GLint height); /* 831 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP DrawTexivOES)(const GLint * coords); /* 832 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP DrawTexsOES)(GLshort x, GLshort y, GLshort z, GLshort width, GLshort height); /* 833 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP DrawTexsvOES)(const GLshort * coords); /* 834 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP DrawTexxOES)(GLfixed x, GLfixed y, GLfixed z, GLfixed width, GLfixed height); /* 835 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP DrawTexxvOES)(const GLfixed * coords); /* 836 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP PointSizePointerOES)(GLenum type, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid * pointer); /* 837 */ + GLbitfield (GLAPIENTRYP QueryMatrixxOES)(GLfixed * mantissa, GLint * exponent); /* 838 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP SampleMaskSGIS)(GLclampf value, GLboolean invert); /* 839 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP SamplePatternSGIS)(GLenum pattern); /* 840 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP ColorPointerEXT)(GLint size, GLenum type, GLsizei stride, GLsizei count, const GLvoid * pointer); /* 841 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP EdgeFlagPointerEXT)(GLsizei stride, GLsizei count, const GLboolean * pointer); /* 842 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP IndexPointerEXT)(GLenum type, GLsizei stride, GLsizei count, const GLvoid * pointer); /* 843 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP NormalPointerEXT)(GLenum type, GLsizei stride, GLsizei count, const GLvoid * pointer); /* 844 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP TexCoordPointerEXT)(GLint size, GLenum type, GLsizei stride, GLsizei count, const GLvoid * pointer); /* 845 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP VertexPointerEXT)(GLint size, GLenum type, GLsizei stride, GLsizei count, const GLvoid * pointer); /* 846 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP LockArraysEXT)(GLint first, GLsizei count); /* 847 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP UnlockArraysEXT)(void); /* 848 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP SecondaryColor3fEXT)(GLfloat red, GLfloat green, GLfloat blue); /* 849 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP SecondaryColor3fvEXT)(const GLfloat * v); /* 850 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP MultiDrawElementsEXT)(GLenum mode, const GLsizei * count, GLenum type, const GLvoid ** indices, GLsizei primcount); /* 851 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP FogCoordfEXT)(GLfloat coord); /* 852 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP FogCoordfvEXT)(const GLfloat * coord); /* 853 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP ResizeBuffersMESA)(void); /* 854 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP WindowPos4dMESA)(GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z, GLdouble w); /* 855 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP WindowPos4dvMESA)(const GLdouble * v); /* 856 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP WindowPos4fMESA)(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z, GLfloat w); /* 857 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP WindowPos4fvMESA)(const GLfloat * v); /* 858 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP WindowPos4iMESA)(GLint x, GLint y, GLint z, GLint w); /* 859 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP WindowPos4ivMESA)(const GLint * v); /* 860 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP WindowPos4sMESA)(GLshort x, GLshort y, GLshort z, GLshort w); /* 861 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP WindowPos4svMESA)(const GLshort * v); /* 862 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP MultiModeDrawArraysIBM)(const GLenum * mode, const GLint * first, const GLsizei * count, GLsizei primcount, GLint modestride); /* 863 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP MultiModeDrawElementsIBM)(const GLenum * mode, const GLsizei * count, GLenum type, const GLvoid * const * indices, GLsizei primcount, GLint modestride); /* 864 */ + GLboolean (GLAPIENTRYP AreProgramsResidentNV)(GLsizei n, const GLuint * ids, GLboolean * residences); /* 865 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP ExecuteProgramNV)(GLenum target, GLuint id, const GLfloat * params); /* 866 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetProgramParameterdvNV)(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLdouble * params); /* 867 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetProgramParameterfvNV)(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLfloat * params); /* 868 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetProgramStringNV)(GLuint id, GLenum pname, GLubyte * program); /* 869 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetProgramivNV)(GLuint id, GLenum pname, GLint * params); /* 870 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetTrackMatrixivNV)(GLenum target, GLuint address, GLenum pname, GLint * params); /* 871 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetVertexAttribdvNV)(GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLdouble * params); /* 872 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetVertexAttribfvNV)(GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLfloat * params); /* 873 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetVertexAttribivNV)(GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLint * params); /* 874 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP LoadProgramNV)(GLenum target, GLuint id, GLsizei len, const GLubyte * program); /* 875 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP ProgramParameters4dvNV)(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLsizei num, const GLdouble * params); /* 876 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP ProgramParameters4fvNV)(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLsizei num, const GLfloat * params); /* 877 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP RequestResidentProgramsNV)(GLsizei n, const GLuint * ids); /* 878 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP TrackMatrixNV)(GLenum target, GLuint address, GLenum matrix, GLenum transform); /* 879 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP VertexAttrib1dNV)(GLuint index, GLdouble x); /* 880 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP VertexAttrib1dvNV)(GLuint index, const GLdouble * v); /* 881 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP VertexAttrib1fNV)(GLuint index, GLfloat x); /* 882 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP VertexAttrib1fvNV)(GLuint index, const GLfloat * v); /* 883 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP VertexAttrib1sNV)(GLuint index, GLshort x); /* 884 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP VertexAttrib1svNV)(GLuint index, const GLshort * v); /* 885 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP VertexAttrib2dNV)(GLuint index, GLdouble x, GLdouble y); /* 886 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP VertexAttrib2dvNV)(GLuint index, const GLdouble * v); /* 887 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP VertexAttrib2fNV)(GLuint index, GLfloat x, GLfloat y); /* 888 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP VertexAttrib2fvNV)(GLuint index, const GLfloat * v); /* 889 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP VertexAttrib2sNV)(GLuint index, GLshort x, GLshort y); /* 890 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP VertexAttrib2svNV)(GLuint index, const GLshort * v); /* 891 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP VertexAttrib3dNV)(GLuint index, GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z); /* 892 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP VertexAttrib3dvNV)(GLuint index, const GLdouble * v); /* 893 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP VertexAttrib3fNV)(GLuint index, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z); /* 894 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP VertexAttrib3fvNV)(GLuint index, const GLfloat * v); /* 895 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP VertexAttrib3sNV)(GLuint index, GLshort x, GLshort y, GLshort z); /* 896 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP VertexAttrib3svNV)(GLuint index, const GLshort * v); /* 897 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP VertexAttrib4dNV)(GLuint index, GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z, GLdouble w); /* 898 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP VertexAttrib4dvNV)(GLuint index, const GLdouble * v); /* 899 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP VertexAttrib4fNV)(GLuint index, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z, GLfloat w); /* 900 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP VertexAttrib4fvNV)(GLuint index, const GLfloat * v); /* 901 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP VertexAttrib4sNV)(GLuint index, GLshort x, GLshort y, GLshort z, GLshort w); /* 902 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP VertexAttrib4svNV)(GLuint index, const GLshort * v); /* 903 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP VertexAttrib4ubNV)(GLuint index, GLubyte x, GLubyte y, GLubyte z, GLubyte w); /* 904 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP VertexAttrib4ubvNV)(GLuint index, const GLubyte * v); /* 905 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP VertexAttribPointerNV)(GLuint index, GLint size, GLenum type, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid * pointer); /* 906 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP VertexAttribs1dvNV)(GLuint index, GLsizei n, const GLdouble * v); /* 907 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP VertexAttribs1fvNV)(GLuint index, GLsizei n, const GLfloat * v); /* 908 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP VertexAttribs1svNV)(GLuint index, GLsizei n, const GLshort * v); /* 909 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP VertexAttribs2dvNV)(GLuint index, GLsizei n, const GLdouble * v); /* 910 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP VertexAttribs2fvNV)(GLuint index, GLsizei n, const GLfloat * v); /* 911 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP VertexAttribs2svNV)(GLuint index, GLsizei n, const GLshort * v); /* 912 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP VertexAttribs3dvNV)(GLuint index, GLsizei n, const GLdouble * v); /* 913 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP VertexAttribs3fvNV)(GLuint index, GLsizei n, const GLfloat * v); /* 914 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP VertexAttribs3svNV)(GLuint index, GLsizei n, const GLshort * v); /* 915 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP VertexAttribs4dvNV)(GLuint index, GLsizei n, const GLdouble * v); /* 916 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP VertexAttribs4fvNV)(GLuint index, GLsizei n, const GLfloat * v); /* 917 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP VertexAttribs4svNV)(GLuint index, GLsizei n, const GLshort * v); /* 918 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP VertexAttribs4ubvNV)(GLuint index, GLsizei n, const GLubyte * v); /* 919 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetTexBumpParameterfvATI)(GLenum pname, GLfloat * param); /* 920 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetTexBumpParameterivATI)(GLenum pname, GLint * param); /* 921 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP TexBumpParameterfvATI)(GLenum pname, const GLfloat * param); /* 922 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP TexBumpParameterivATI)(GLenum pname, const GLint * param); /* 923 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP AlphaFragmentOp1ATI)(GLenum op, GLuint dst, GLuint dstMod, GLuint arg1, GLuint arg1Rep, GLuint arg1Mod); /* 924 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP AlphaFragmentOp2ATI)(GLenum op, GLuint dst, GLuint dstMod, GLuint arg1, GLuint arg1Rep, GLuint arg1Mod, GLuint arg2, GLuint arg2Rep, GLuint arg2Mod); /* 925 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP AlphaFragmentOp3ATI)(GLenum op, GLuint dst, GLuint dstMod, GLuint arg1, GLuint arg1Rep, GLuint arg1Mod, GLuint arg2, GLuint arg2Rep, GLuint arg2Mod, GLuint arg3, GLuint arg3Rep, GLuint arg3Mod); /* 926 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP BeginFragmentShaderATI)(void); /* 927 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP BindFragmentShaderATI)(GLuint id); /* 928 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP ColorFragmentOp1ATI)(GLenum op, GLuint dst, GLuint dstMask, GLuint dstMod, GLuint arg1, GLuint arg1Rep, GLuint arg1Mod); /* 929 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP ColorFragmentOp2ATI)(GLenum op, GLuint dst, GLuint dstMask, GLuint dstMod, GLuint arg1, GLuint arg1Rep, GLuint arg1Mod, GLuint arg2, GLuint arg2Rep, GLuint arg2Mod); /* 930 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP ColorFragmentOp3ATI)(GLenum op, GLuint dst, GLuint dstMask, GLuint dstMod, GLuint arg1, GLuint arg1Rep, GLuint arg1Mod, GLuint arg2, GLuint arg2Rep, GLuint arg2Mod, GLuint arg3, GLuint arg3Rep, GLuint arg3Mod); /* 931 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP DeleteFragmentShaderATI)(GLuint id); /* 932 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP EndFragmentShaderATI)(void); /* 933 */ + GLuint (GLAPIENTRYP GenFragmentShadersATI)(GLuint range); /* 934 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP PassTexCoordATI)(GLuint dst, GLuint coord, GLenum swizzle); /* 935 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP SampleMapATI)(GLuint dst, GLuint interp, GLenum swizzle); /* 936 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP SetFragmentShaderConstantATI)(GLuint dst, const GLfloat * value); /* 937 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP ActiveStencilFaceEXT)(GLenum face); /* 938 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP BindVertexArrayAPPLE)(GLuint array); /* 939 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GenVertexArraysAPPLE)(GLsizei n, GLuint * arrays); /* 940 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetProgramNamedParameterdvNV)(GLuint id, GLsizei len, const GLubyte * name, GLdouble * params); /* 941 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetProgramNamedParameterfvNV)(GLuint id, GLsizei len, const GLubyte * name, GLfloat * params); /* 942 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP ProgramNamedParameter4dNV)(GLuint id, GLsizei len, const GLubyte * name, GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z, GLdouble w); /* 943 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP ProgramNamedParameter4dvNV)(GLuint id, GLsizei len, const GLubyte * name, const GLdouble * v); /* 944 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP ProgramNamedParameter4fNV)(GLuint id, GLsizei len, const GLubyte * name, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z, GLfloat w); /* 945 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP ProgramNamedParameter4fvNV)(GLuint id, GLsizei len, const GLubyte * name, const GLfloat * v); /* 946 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP PrimitiveRestartNV)(void); /* 947 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetTexGenxvOES)(GLenum coord, GLenum pname, GLfixed * params); /* 948 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP TexGenxOES)(GLenum coord, GLenum pname, GLint param); /* 949 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP TexGenxvOES)(GLenum coord, GLenum pname, const GLfixed * params); /* 950 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP DepthBoundsEXT)(GLclampd zmin, GLclampd zmax); /* 951 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP BufferParameteriAPPLE)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint param); /* 952 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP FlushMappedBufferRangeAPPLE)(GLenum target, GLintptr offset, GLsizeiptr size); /* 953 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP VertexAttribI1iEXT)(GLuint index, GLint x); /* 954 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP VertexAttribI1uiEXT)(GLuint index, GLuint x); /* 955 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP VertexAttribI2iEXT)(GLuint index, GLint x, GLint y); /* 956 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP VertexAttribI2ivEXT)(GLuint index, const GLint * v); /* 957 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP VertexAttribI2uiEXT)(GLuint index, GLuint x, GLuint y); /* 958 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP VertexAttribI2uivEXT)(GLuint index, const GLuint * v); /* 959 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP VertexAttribI3iEXT)(GLuint index, GLint x, GLint y, GLint z); /* 960 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP VertexAttribI3ivEXT)(GLuint index, const GLint * v); /* 961 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP VertexAttribI3uiEXT)(GLuint index, GLuint x, GLuint y, GLuint z); /* 962 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP VertexAttribI3uivEXT)(GLuint index, const GLuint * v); /* 963 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP VertexAttribI4iEXT)(GLuint index, GLint x, GLint y, GLint z, GLint w); /* 964 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP VertexAttribI4ivEXT)(GLuint index, const GLint * v); /* 965 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP VertexAttribI4uiEXT)(GLuint index, GLuint x, GLuint y, GLuint z, GLuint w); /* 966 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP VertexAttribI4uivEXT)(GLuint index, const GLuint * v); /* 967 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP ClearColorIiEXT)(GLint r, GLint g, GLint b, GLint a); /* 968 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP ClearColorIuiEXT)(GLuint r, GLuint g, GLuint b, GLuint a); /* 969 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP BindBufferOffsetEXT)(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLuint buffer, GLintptr offset); /* 970 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetObjectParameterivAPPLE)(GLenum objectType, GLuint name, GLenum pname, GLint * value); /* 971 */ + GLenum (GLAPIENTRYP ObjectPurgeableAPPLE)(GLenum objectType, GLuint name, GLenum option); /* 972 */ + GLenum (GLAPIENTRYP ObjectUnpurgeableAPPLE)(GLenum objectType, GLuint name, GLenum option); /* 973 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP ActiveProgramEXT)(GLuint program); /* 974 */ + GLuint (GLAPIENTRYP CreateShaderProgramEXT)(GLenum type, const GLchar * string); /* 975 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP UseShaderProgramEXT)(GLenum type, GLuint program); /* 976 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP TextureBarrierNV)(void); /* 977 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP StencilFuncSeparateATI)(GLenum frontfunc, GLenum backfunc, GLint ref, GLuint mask); /* 978 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP ProgramEnvParameters4fvEXT)(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLsizei count, const GLfloat * params); /* 979 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP ProgramLocalParameters4fvEXT)(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLsizei count, const GLfloat * params); /* 980 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP EGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOES)(GLenum target, GLvoid * writeOffset); /* 981 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP EGLImageTargetTexture2DOES)(GLenum target, GLvoid * writeOffset); /* 982 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP AlphaFuncx)(GLenum func, GLclampx ref); /* 983 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP ClearColorx)(GLclampx red, GLclampx green, GLclampx blue, GLclampx alpha); /* 984 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP ClearDepthx)(GLclampx depth); /* 985 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Color4x)(GLfixed red, GLfixed green, GLfixed blue, GLfixed alpha); /* 986 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP DepthRangex)(GLclampx zNear, GLclampx zFar); /* 987 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Fogx)(GLenum pname, GLfixed param); /* 988 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Fogxv)(GLenum pname, const GLfixed * params); /* 989 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Frustumf)(GLfloat left, GLfloat right, GLfloat bottom, GLfloat top, GLfloat zNear, GLfloat zFar); /* 990 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Frustumx)(GLfixed left, GLfixed right, GLfixed bottom, GLfixed top, GLfixed zNear, GLfixed zFar); /* 991 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP LightModelx)(GLenum pname, GLfixed param); /* 992 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP LightModelxv)(GLenum pname, const GLfixed * params); /* 993 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Lightx)(GLenum light, GLenum pname, GLfixed param); /* 994 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Lightxv)(GLenum light, GLenum pname, const GLfixed * params); /* 995 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP LineWidthx)(GLfixed width); /* 996 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP LoadMatrixx)(const GLfixed * m); /* 997 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Materialx)(GLenum face, GLenum pname, GLfixed param); /* 998 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Materialxv)(GLenum face, GLenum pname, const GLfixed * params); /* 999 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP MultMatrixx)(const GLfixed * m); /* 1000 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP MultiTexCoord4x)(GLenum target, GLfixed s, GLfixed t, GLfixed r, GLfixed q); /* 1001 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Normal3x)(GLfixed nx, GLfixed ny, GLfixed nz); /* 1002 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Orthof)(GLfloat left, GLfloat right, GLfloat bottom, GLfloat top, GLfloat zNear, GLfloat zFar); /* 1003 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Orthox)(GLfixed left, GLfixed right, GLfixed bottom, GLfixed top, GLfixed zNear, GLfixed zFar); /* 1004 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP PointSizex)(GLfixed size); /* 1005 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP PolygonOffsetx)(GLfixed factor, GLfixed units); /* 1006 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Rotatex)(GLfixed angle, GLfixed x, GLfixed y, GLfixed z); /* 1007 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP SampleCoveragex)(GLclampx value, GLboolean invert); /* 1008 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Scalex)(GLfixed x, GLfixed y, GLfixed z); /* 1009 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP TexEnvx)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfixed param); /* 1010 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP TexEnvxv)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLfixed * params); /* 1011 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP TexParameterx)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfixed param); /* 1012 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP Translatex)(GLfixed x, GLfixed y, GLfixed z); /* 1013 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP ClipPlanef)(GLenum plane, const GLfloat * equation); /* 1014 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP ClipPlanex)(GLenum plane, const GLfixed * equation); /* 1015 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetClipPlanef)(GLenum plane, GLfloat * equation); /* 1016 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetClipPlanex)(GLenum plane, GLfixed * equation); /* 1017 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetFixedv)(GLenum pname, GLfixed * params); /* 1018 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetLightxv)(GLenum light, GLenum pname, GLfixed * params); /* 1019 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetMaterialxv)(GLenum face, GLenum pname, GLfixed * params); /* 1020 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetTexEnvxv)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfixed * params); /* 1021 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP GetTexParameterxv)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfixed * params); /* 1022 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP PointParameterx)(GLenum pname, GLfixed param); /* 1023 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP PointParameterxv)(GLenum pname, const GLfixed * params); /* 1024 */ + void (GLAPIENTRYP TexParameterxv)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLfixed * params); /* 1025 */ +#endif /* !defined HAVE_SHARED_GLAPI */ +}; + +#endif /* !defined( _GLAPI_TABLE_H_ ) */ --- mesa-9.1.4.orig/src/mapi/glapi/glapitemp.h +++ mesa-9.1.4/src/mapi/glapi/glapitemp.h @@ -0,0 +1,10596 @@ +/* DO NOT EDIT - This file generated automatically by gl_apitemp.py (from Mesa) script */ + +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Brian Paul All Rights Reserved. + * (C) Copyright IBM Corporation 2004 + * All Rights Reserved. + * + * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a + * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), + * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation + * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sub license, + * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the + * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + * + * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next + * paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the + * Software. + * + * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR + * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL + * BRIAN PAUL, IBM, + * AND/OR THEIR SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, + * WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF + * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE + * SOFTWARE. + */ + + +# if (defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__CYGWIN__) && !defined(__MINGW32__)) || (defined(__SUNPRO_C) && (__SUNPRO_C >= 0x590) && defined(__ELF__)) +# define HIDDEN __attribute__((visibility("hidden"))) +# else +# define HIDDEN +# endif + +/* + * This file is a template which generates the OpenGL API entry point + * functions. It should be included by a .c file which first defines + * the following macros: + * KEYWORD1 - usually nothing, but might be __declspec(dllexport) on Win32 + * KEYWORD2 - usually nothing, but might be __stdcall on Win32 + * NAME(n) - builds the final function name (usually add "gl" prefix) + * DISPATCH(func, args, msg) - code to do dispatch of named function. + * msg is a printf-style debug message. + * RETURN_DISPATCH(func, args, msg) - code to do dispatch with a return value + * + * Here is an example which generates the usual OpenGL functions: + * #define KEYWORD1 + * #define KEYWORD2 + * #define NAME(func) gl##func + * #define DISPATCH(func, args, msg) \ + * struct _glapi_table *dispatch = CurrentDispatch; \ + * (*dispatch->func) args + * #define RETURN DISPATCH(func, args, msg) \ + * struct _glapi_table *dispatch = CurrentDispatch; \ + * return (*dispatch->func) args + * + */ + + +#if defined( NAME ) +#ifndef KEYWORD1 +#define KEYWORD1 +#endif + +#ifndef KEYWORD1_ALT +#define KEYWORD1_ALT HIDDEN +#endif + +#ifndef KEYWORD2 +#define KEYWORD2 +#endif + +#ifndef DISPATCH +#error DISPATCH must be defined +#endif + +#ifndef RETURN_DISPATCH +#error RETURN_DISPATCH must be defined +#endif + + +#ifndef _GLAPI_SKIP_NORMAL_ENTRY_POINTS + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(NewList)(GLuint list, GLenum mode) +{ + (void) list; (void) mode; + DISPATCH(NewList, (list, mode), (F, "glNewList(%d, 0x%x);\n", list, mode)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(EndList)(void) +{ + DISPATCH(EndList, (), (F, "glEndList();\n")); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(CallList)(GLuint list) +{ + (void) list; + DISPATCH(CallList, (list), (F, "glCallList(%d);\n", list)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(CallLists)(GLsizei n, GLenum type, const GLvoid * lists) +{ + (void) n; (void) type; (void) lists; + DISPATCH(CallLists, (n, type, lists), (F, "glCallLists(%d, 0x%x, %p);\n", n, type, (const void *) lists)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(DeleteLists)(GLuint list, GLsizei range) +{ + (void) list; (void) range; + DISPATCH(DeleteLists, (list, range), (F, "glDeleteLists(%d, %d);\n", list, range)); +} + +KEYWORD1 GLuint KEYWORD2 NAME(GenLists)(GLsizei range) +{ + (void) range; + RETURN_DISPATCH(GenLists, (range), (F, "glGenLists(%d);\n", range)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(ListBase)(GLuint base) +{ + (void) base; + DISPATCH(ListBase, (base), (F, "glListBase(%d);\n", base)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Begin)(GLenum mode) +{ + (void) mode; + DISPATCH(Begin, (mode), (F, "glBegin(0x%x);\n", mode)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Bitmap)(GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLfloat xorig, GLfloat yorig, GLfloat xmove, GLfloat ymove, const GLubyte * bitmap) +{ + (void) width; (void) height; (void) xorig; (void) yorig; (void) xmove; (void) ymove; (void) bitmap; + DISPATCH(Bitmap, (width, height, xorig, yorig, xmove, ymove, bitmap), (F, "glBitmap(%d, %d, %f, %f, %f, %f, %p);\n", width, height, xorig, yorig, xmove, ymove, (const void *) bitmap)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Color3b)(GLbyte red, GLbyte green, GLbyte blue) +{ + (void) red; (void) green; (void) blue; + DISPATCH(Color3b, (red, green, blue), (F, "glColor3b(%d, %d, %d);\n", red, green, blue)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Color3bv)(const GLbyte * v) +{ + (void) v; + DISPATCH(Color3bv, (v), (F, "glColor3bv(%p);\n", (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Color3d)(GLdouble red, GLdouble green, GLdouble blue) +{ + (void) red; (void) green; (void) blue; + DISPATCH(Color3d, (red, green, blue), (F, "glColor3d(%f, %f, %f);\n", red, green, blue)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Color3dv)(const GLdouble * v) +{ + (void) v; + DISPATCH(Color3dv, (v), (F, "glColor3dv(%p);\n", (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Color3f)(GLfloat red, GLfloat green, GLfloat blue) +{ + (void) red; (void) green; (void) blue; + DISPATCH(Color3f, (red, green, blue), (F, "glColor3f(%f, %f, %f);\n", red, green, blue)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Color3fv)(const GLfloat * v) +{ + (void) v; + DISPATCH(Color3fv, (v), (F, "glColor3fv(%p);\n", (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Color3i)(GLint red, GLint green, GLint blue) +{ + (void) red; (void) green; (void) blue; + DISPATCH(Color3i, (red, green, blue), (F, "glColor3i(%d, %d, %d);\n", red, green, blue)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Color3iv)(const GLint * v) +{ + (void) v; + DISPATCH(Color3iv, (v), (F, "glColor3iv(%p);\n", (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Color3s)(GLshort red, GLshort green, GLshort blue) +{ + (void) red; (void) green; (void) blue; + DISPATCH(Color3s, (red, green, blue), (F, "glColor3s(%d, %d, %d);\n", red, green, blue)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Color3sv)(const GLshort * v) +{ + (void) v; + DISPATCH(Color3sv, (v), (F, "glColor3sv(%p);\n", (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Color3ub)(GLubyte red, GLubyte green, GLubyte blue) +{ + (void) red; (void) green; (void) blue; + DISPATCH(Color3ub, (red, green, blue), (F, "glColor3ub(%d, %d, %d);\n", red, green, blue)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Color3ubv)(const GLubyte * v) +{ + (void) v; + DISPATCH(Color3ubv, (v), (F, "glColor3ubv(%p);\n", (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Color3ui)(GLuint red, GLuint green, GLuint blue) +{ + (void) red; (void) green; (void) blue; + DISPATCH(Color3ui, (red, green, blue), (F, "glColor3ui(%d, %d, %d);\n", red, green, blue)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Color3uiv)(const GLuint * v) +{ + (void) v; + DISPATCH(Color3uiv, (v), (F, "glColor3uiv(%p);\n", (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Color3us)(GLushort red, GLushort green, GLushort blue) +{ + (void) red; (void) green; (void) blue; + DISPATCH(Color3us, (red, green, blue), (F, "glColor3us(%d, %d, %d);\n", red, green, blue)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Color3usv)(const GLushort * v) +{ + (void) v; + DISPATCH(Color3usv, (v), (F, "glColor3usv(%p);\n", (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Color4b)(GLbyte red, GLbyte green, GLbyte blue, GLbyte alpha) +{ + (void) red; (void) green; (void) blue; (void) alpha; + DISPATCH(Color4b, (red, green, blue, alpha), (F, "glColor4b(%d, %d, %d, %d);\n", red, green, blue, alpha)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Color4bv)(const GLbyte * v) +{ + (void) v; + DISPATCH(Color4bv, (v), (F, "glColor4bv(%p);\n", (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Color4d)(GLdouble red, GLdouble green, GLdouble blue, GLdouble alpha) +{ + (void) red; (void) green; (void) blue; (void) alpha; + DISPATCH(Color4d, (red, green, blue, alpha), (F, "glColor4d(%f, %f, %f, %f);\n", red, green, blue, alpha)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Color4dv)(const GLdouble * v) +{ + (void) v; + DISPATCH(Color4dv, (v), (F, "glColor4dv(%p);\n", (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Color4f)(GLfloat red, GLfloat green, GLfloat blue, GLfloat alpha) +{ + (void) red; (void) green; (void) blue; (void) alpha; + DISPATCH(Color4f, (red, green, blue, alpha), (F, "glColor4f(%f, %f, %f, %f);\n", red, green, blue, alpha)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Color4fv)(const GLfloat * v) +{ + (void) v; + DISPATCH(Color4fv, (v), (F, "glColor4fv(%p);\n", (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Color4i)(GLint red, GLint green, GLint blue, GLint alpha) +{ + (void) red; (void) green; (void) blue; (void) alpha; + DISPATCH(Color4i, (red, green, blue, alpha), (F, "glColor4i(%d, %d, %d, %d);\n", red, green, blue, alpha)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Color4iv)(const GLint * v) +{ + (void) v; + DISPATCH(Color4iv, (v), (F, "glColor4iv(%p);\n", (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Color4s)(GLshort red, GLshort green, GLshort blue, GLshort alpha) +{ + (void) red; (void) green; (void) blue; (void) alpha; + DISPATCH(Color4s, (red, green, blue, alpha), (F, "glColor4s(%d, %d, %d, %d);\n", red, green, blue, alpha)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Color4sv)(const GLshort * v) +{ + (void) v; + DISPATCH(Color4sv, (v), (F, "glColor4sv(%p);\n", (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Color4ub)(GLubyte red, GLubyte green, GLubyte blue, GLubyte alpha) +{ + (void) red; (void) green; (void) blue; (void) alpha; + DISPATCH(Color4ub, (red, green, blue, alpha), (F, "glColor4ub(%d, %d, %d, %d);\n", red, green, blue, alpha)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Color4ubv)(const GLubyte * v) +{ + (void) v; + DISPATCH(Color4ubv, (v), (F, "glColor4ubv(%p);\n", (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Color4ui)(GLuint red, GLuint green, GLuint blue, GLuint alpha) +{ + (void) red; (void) green; (void) blue; (void) alpha; + DISPATCH(Color4ui, (red, green, blue, alpha), (F, "glColor4ui(%d, %d, %d, %d);\n", red, green, blue, alpha)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Color4uiv)(const GLuint * v) +{ + (void) v; + DISPATCH(Color4uiv, (v), (F, "glColor4uiv(%p);\n", (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Color4us)(GLushort red, GLushort green, GLushort blue, GLushort alpha) +{ + (void) red; (void) green; (void) blue; (void) alpha; + DISPATCH(Color4us, (red, green, blue, alpha), (F, "glColor4us(%d, %d, %d, %d);\n", red, green, blue, alpha)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Color4usv)(const GLushort * v) +{ + (void) v; + DISPATCH(Color4usv, (v), (F, "glColor4usv(%p);\n", (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(EdgeFlag)(GLboolean flag) +{ + (void) flag; + DISPATCH(EdgeFlag, (flag), (F, "glEdgeFlag(%d);\n", flag)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(EdgeFlagv)(const GLboolean * flag) +{ + (void) flag; + DISPATCH(EdgeFlagv, (flag), (F, "glEdgeFlagv(%p);\n", (const void *) flag)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(End)(void) +{ + DISPATCH(End, (), (F, "glEnd();\n")); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Indexd)(GLdouble c) +{ + (void) c; + DISPATCH(Indexd, (c), (F, "glIndexd(%f);\n", c)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Indexdv)(const GLdouble * c) +{ + (void) c; + DISPATCH(Indexdv, (c), (F, "glIndexdv(%p);\n", (const void *) c)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Indexf)(GLfloat c) +{ + (void) c; + DISPATCH(Indexf, (c), (F, "glIndexf(%f);\n", c)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Indexfv)(const GLfloat * c) +{ + (void) c; + DISPATCH(Indexfv, (c), (F, "glIndexfv(%p);\n", (const void *) c)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Indexi)(GLint c) +{ + (void) c; + DISPATCH(Indexi, (c), (F, "glIndexi(%d);\n", c)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Indexiv)(const GLint * c) +{ + (void) c; + DISPATCH(Indexiv, (c), (F, "glIndexiv(%p);\n", (const void *) c)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Indexs)(GLshort c) +{ + (void) c; + DISPATCH(Indexs, (c), (F, "glIndexs(%d);\n", c)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Indexsv)(const GLshort * c) +{ + (void) c; + DISPATCH(Indexsv, (c), (F, "glIndexsv(%p);\n", (const void *) c)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Normal3b)(GLbyte nx, GLbyte ny, GLbyte nz) +{ + (void) nx; (void) ny; (void) nz; + DISPATCH(Normal3b, (nx, ny, nz), (F, "glNormal3b(%d, %d, %d);\n", nx, ny, nz)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Normal3bv)(const GLbyte * v) +{ + (void) v; + DISPATCH(Normal3bv, (v), (F, "glNormal3bv(%p);\n", (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Normal3d)(GLdouble nx, GLdouble ny, GLdouble nz) +{ + (void) nx; (void) ny; (void) nz; + DISPATCH(Normal3d, (nx, ny, nz), (F, "glNormal3d(%f, %f, %f);\n", nx, ny, nz)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Normal3dv)(const GLdouble * v) +{ + (void) v; + DISPATCH(Normal3dv, (v), (F, "glNormal3dv(%p);\n", (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Normal3f)(GLfloat nx, GLfloat ny, GLfloat nz) +{ + (void) nx; (void) ny; (void) nz; + DISPATCH(Normal3f, (nx, ny, nz), (F, "glNormal3f(%f, %f, %f);\n", nx, ny, nz)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Normal3fv)(const GLfloat * v) +{ + (void) v; + DISPATCH(Normal3fv, (v), (F, "glNormal3fv(%p);\n", (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Normal3i)(GLint nx, GLint ny, GLint nz) +{ + (void) nx; (void) ny; (void) nz; + DISPATCH(Normal3i, (nx, ny, nz), (F, "glNormal3i(%d, %d, %d);\n", nx, ny, nz)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Normal3iv)(const GLint * v) +{ + (void) v; + DISPATCH(Normal3iv, (v), (F, "glNormal3iv(%p);\n", (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Normal3s)(GLshort nx, GLshort ny, GLshort nz) +{ + (void) nx; (void) ny; (void) nz; + DISPATCH(Normal3s, (nx, ny, nz), (F, "glNormal3s(%d, %d, %d);\n", nx, ny, nz)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Normal3sv)(const GLshort * v) +{ + (void) v; + DISPATCH(Normal3sv, (v), (F, "glNormal3sv(%p);\n", (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(RasterPos2d)(GLdouble x, GLdouble y) +{ + (void) x; (void) y; + DISPATCH(RasterPos2d, (x, y), (F, "glRasterPos2d(%f, %f);\n", x, y)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(RasterPos2dv)(const GLdouble * v) +{ + (void) v; + DISPATCH(RasterPos2dv, (v), (F, "glRasterPos2dv(%p);\n", (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(RasterPos2f)(GLfloat x, GLfloat y) +{ + (void) x; (void) y; + DISPATCH(RasterPos2f, (x, y), (F, "glRasterPos2f(%f, %f);\n", x, y)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(RasterPos2fv)(const GLfloat * v) +{ + (void) v; + DISPATCH(RasterPos2fv, (v), (F, "glRasterPos2fv(%p);\n", (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(RasterPos2i)(GLint x, GLint y) +{ + (void) x; (void) y; + DISPATCH(RasterPos2i, (x, y), (F, "glRasterPos2i(%d, %d);\n", x, y)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(RasterPos2iv)(const GLint * v) +{ + (void) v; + DISPATCH(RasterPos2iv, (v), (F, "glRasterPos2iv(%p);\n", (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(RasterPos2s)(GLshort x, GLshort y) +{ + (void) x; (void) y; + DISPATCH(RasterPos2s, (x, y), (F, "glRasterPos2s(%d, %d);\n", x, y)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(RasterPos2sv)(const GLshort * v) +{ + (void) v; + DISPATCH(RasterPos2sv, (v), (F, "glRasterPos2sv(%p);\n", (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(RasterPos3d)(GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z) +{ + (void) x; (void) y; (void) z; + DISPATCH(RasterPos3d, (x, y, z), (F, "glRasterPos3d(%f, %f, %f);\n", x, y, z)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(RasterPos3dv)(const GLdouble * v) +{ + (void) v; + DISPATCH(RasterPos3dv, (v), (F, "glRasterPos3dv(%p);\n", (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(RasterPos3f)(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z) +{ + (void) x; (void) y; (void) z; + DISPATCH(RasterPos3f, (x, y, z), (F, "glRasterPos3f(%f, %f, %f);\n", x, y, z)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(RasterPos3fv)(const GLfloat * v) +{ + (void) v; + DISPATCH(RasterPos3fv, (v), (F, "glRasterPos3fv(%p);\n", (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(RasterPos3i)(GLint x, GLint y, GLint z) +{ + (void) x; (void) y; (void) z; + DISPATCH(RasterPos3i, (x, y, z), (F, "glRasterPos3i(%d, %d, %d);\n", x, y, z)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(RasterPos3iv)(const GLint * v) +{ + (void) v; + DISPATCH(RasterPos3iv, (v), (F, "glRasterPos3iv(%p);\n", (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(RasterPos3s)(GLshort x, GLshort y, GLshort z) +{ + (void) x; (void) y; (void) z; + DISPATCH(RasterPos3s, (x, y, z), (F, "glRasterPos3s(%d, %d, %d);\n", x, y, z)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(RasterPos3sv)(const GLshort * v) +{ + (void) v; + DISPATCH(RasterPos3sv, (v), (F, "glRasterPos3sv(%p);\n", (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(RasterPos4d)(GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z, GLdouble w) +{ + (void) x; (void) y; (void) z; (void) w; + DISPATCH(RasterPos4d, (x, y, z, w), (F, "glRasterPos4d(%f, %f, %f, %f);\n", x, y, z, w)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(RasterPos4dv)(const GLdouble * v) +{ + (void) v; + DISPATCH(RasterPos4dv, (v), (F, "glRasterPos4dv(%p);\n", (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(RasterPos4f)(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z, GLfloat w) +{ + (void) x; (void) y; (void) z; (void) w; + DISPATCH(RasterPos4f, (x, y, z, w), (F, "glRasterPos4f(%f, %f, %f, %f);\n", x, y, z, w)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(RasterPos4fv)(const GLfloat * v) +{ + (void) v; + DISPATCH(RasterPos4fv, (v), (F, "glRasterPos4fv(%p);\n", (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(RasterPos4i)(GLint x, GLint y, GLint z, GLint w) +{ + (void) x; (void) y; (void) z; (void) w; + DISPATCH(RasterPos4i, (x, y, z, w), (F, "glRasterPos4i(%d, %d, %d, %d);\n", x, y, z, w)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(RasterPos4iv)(const GLint * v) +{ + (void) v; + DISPATCH(RasterPos4iv, (v), (F, "glRasterPos4iv(%p);\n", (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(RasterPos4s)(GLshort x, GLshort y, GLshort z, GLshort w) +{ + (void) x; (void) y; (void) z; (void) w; + DISPATCH(RasterPos4s, (x, y, z, w), (F, "glRasterPos4s(%d, %d, %d, %d);\n", x, y, z, w)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(RasterPos4sv)(const GLshort * v) +{ + (void) v; + DISPATCH(RasterPos4sv, (v), (F, "glRasterPos4sv(%p);\n", (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Rectd)(GLdouble x1, GLdouble y1, GLdouble x2, GLdouble y2) +{ + (void) x1; (void) y1; (void) x2; (void) y2; + DISPATCH(Rectd, (x1, y1, x2, y2), (F, "glRectd(%f, %f, %f, %f);\n", x1, y1, x2, y2)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Rectdv)(const GLdouble * v1, const GLdouble * v2) +{ + (void) v1; (void) v2; + DISPATCH(Rectdv, (v1, v2), (F, "glRectdv(%p, %p);\n", (const void *) v1, (const void *) v2)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Rectf)(GLfloat x1, GLfloat y1, GLfloat x2, GLfloat y2) +{ + (void) x1; (void) y1; (void) x2; (void) y2; + DISPATCH(Rectf, (x1, y1, x2, y2), (F, "glRectf(%f, %f, %f, %f);\n", x1, y1, x2, y2)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Rectfv)(const GLfloat * v1, const GLfloat * v2) +{ + (void) v1; (void) v2; + DISPATCH(Rectfv, (v1, v2), (F, "glRectfv(%p, %p);\n", (const void *) v1, (const void *) v2)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Recti)(GLint x1, GLint y1, GLint x2, GLint y2) +{ + (void) x1; (void) y1; (void) x2; (void) y2; + DISPATCH(Recti, (x1, y1, x2, y2), (F, "glRecti(%d, %d, %d, %d);\n", x1, y1, x2, y2)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Rectiv)(const GLint * v1, const GLint * v2) +{ + (void) v1; (void) v2; + DISPATCH(Rectiv, (v1, v2), (F, "glRectiv(%p, %p);\n", (const void *) v1, (const void *) v2)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Rects)(GLshort x1, GLshort y1, GLshort x2, GLshort y2) +{ + (void) x1; (void) y1; (void) x2; (void) y2; + DISPATCH(Rects, (x1, y1, x2, y2), (F, "glRects(%d, %d, %d, %d);\n", x1, y1, x2, y2)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Rectsv)(const GLshort * v1, const GLshort * v2) +{ + (void) v1; (void) v2; + DISPATCH(Rectsv, (v1, v2), (F, "glRectsv(%p, %p);\n", (const void *) v1, (const void *) v2)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(TexCoord1d)(GLdouble s) +{ + (void) s; + DISPATCH(TexCoord1d, (s), (F, "glTexCoord1d(%f);\n", s)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(TexCoord1dv)(const GLdouble * v) +{ + (void) v; + DISPATCH(TexCoord1dv, (v), (F, "glTexCoord1dv(%p);\n", (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(TexCoord1f)(GLfloat s) +{ + (void) s; + DISPATCH(TexCoord1f, (s), (F, "glTexCoord1f(%f);\n", s)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(TexCoord1fv)(const GLfloat * v) +{ + (void) v; + DISPATCH(TexCoord1fv, (v), (F, "glTexCoord1fv(%p);\n", (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(TexCoord1i)(GLint s) +{ + (void) s; + DISPATCH(TexCoord1i, (s), (F, "glTexCoord1i(%d);\n", s)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(TexCoord1iv)(const GLint * v) +{ + (void) v; + DISPATCH(TexCoord1iv, (v), (F, "glTexCoord1iv(%p);\n", (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(TexCoord1s)(GLshort s) +{ + (void) s; + DISPATCH(TexCoord1s, (s), (F, "glTexCoord1s(%d);\n", s)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(TexCoord1sv)(const GLshort * v) +{ + (void) v; + DISPATCH(TexCoord1sv, (v), (F, "glTexCoord1sv(%p);\n", (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(TexCoord2d)(GLdouble s, GLdouble t) +{ + (void) s; (void) t; + DISPATCH(TexCoord2d, (s, t), (F, "glTexCoord2d(%f, %f);\n", s, t)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(TexCoord2dv)(const GLdouble * v) +{ + (void) v; + DISPATCH(TexCoord2dv, (v), (F, "glTexCoord2dv(%p);\n", (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(TexCoord2f)(GLfloat s, GLfloat t) +{ + (void) s; (void) t; + DISPATCH(TexCoord2f, (s, t), (F, "glTexCoord2f(%f, %f);\n", s, t)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(TexCoord2fv)(const GLfloat * v) +{ + (void) v; + DISPATCH(TexCoord2fv, (v), (F, "glTexCoord2fv(%p);\n", (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(TexCoord2i)(GLint s, GLint t) +{ + (void) s; (void) t; + DISPATCH(TexCoord2i, (s, t), (F, "glTexCoord2i(%d, %d);\n", s, t)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(TexCoord2iv)(const GLint * v) +{ + (void) v; + DISPATCH(TexCoord2iv, (v), (F, "glTexCoord2iv(%p);\n", (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(TexCoord2s)(GLshort s, GLshort t) +{ + (void) s; (void) t; + DISPATCH(TexCoord2s, (s, t), (F, "glTexCoord2s(%d, %d);\n", s, t)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(TexCoord2sv)(const GLshort * v) +{ + (void) v; + DISPATCH(TexCoord2sv, (v), (F, "glTexCoord2sv(%p);\n", (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(TexCoord3d)(GLdouble s, GLdouble t, GLdouble r) +{ + (void) s; (void) t; (void) r; + DISPATCH(TexCoord3d, (s, t, r), (F, "glTexCoord3d(%f, %f, %f);\n", s, t, r)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(TexCoord3dv)(const GLdouble * v) +{ + (void) v; + DISPATCH(TexCoord3dv, (v), (F, "glTexCoord3dv(%p);\n", (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(TexCoord3f)(GLfloat s, GLfloat t, GLfloat r) +{ + (void) s; (void) t; (void) r; + DISPATCH(TexCoord3f, (s, t, r), (F, "glTexCoord3f(%f, %f, %f);\n", s, t, r)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(TexCoord3fv)(const GLfloat * v) +{ + (void) v; + DISPATCH(TexCoord3fv, (v), (F, "glTexCoord3fv(%p);\n", (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(TexCoord3i)(GLint s, GLint t, GLint r) +{ + (void) s; (void) t; (void) r; + DISPATCH(TexCoord3i, (s, t, r), (F, "glTexCoord3i(%d, %d, %d);\n", s, t, r)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(TexCoord3iv)(const GLint * v) +{ + (void) v; + DISPATCH(TexCoord3iv, (v), (F, "glTexCoord3iv(%p);\n", (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(TexCoord3s)(GLshort s, GLshort t, GLshort r) +{ + (void) s; (void) t; (void) r; + DISPATCH(TexCoord3s, (s, t, r), (F, "glTexCoord3s(%d, %d, %d);\n", s, t, r)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(TexCoord3sv)(const GLshort * v) +{ + (void) v; + DISPATCH(TexCoord3sv, (v), (F, "glTexCoord3sv(%p);\n", (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(TexCoord4d)(GLdouble s, GLdouble t, GLdouble r, GLdouble q) +{ + (void) s; (void) t; (void) r; (void) q; + DISPATCH(TexCoord4d, (s, t, r, q), (F, "glTexCoord4d(%f, %f, %f, %f);\n", s, t, r, q)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(TexCoord4dv)(const GLdouble * v) +{ + (void) v; + DISPATCH(TexCoord4dv, (v), (F, "glTexCoord4dv(%p);\n", (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(TexCoord4f)(GLfloat s, GLfloat t, GLfloat r, GLfloat q) +{ + (void) s; (void) t; (void) r; (void) q; + DISPATCH(TexCoord4f, (s, t, r, q), (F, "glTexCoord4f(%f, %f, %f, %f);\n", s, t, r, q)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(TexCoord4fv)(const GLfloat * v) +{ + (void) v; + DISPATCH(TexCoord4fv, (v), (F, "glTexCoord4fv(%p);\n", (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(TexCoord4i)(GLint s, GLint t, GLint r, GLint q) +{ + (void) s; (void) t; (void) r; (void) q; + DISPATCH(TexCoord4i, (s, t, r, q), (F, "glTexCoord4i(%d, %d, %d, %d);\n", s, t, r, q)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(TexCoord4iv)(const GLint * v) +{ + (void) v; + DISPATCH(TexCoord4iv, (v), (F, "glTexCoord4iv(%p);\n", (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(TexCoord4s)(GLshort s, GLshort t, GLshort r, GLshort q) +{ + (void) s; (void) t; (void) r; (void) q; + DISPATCH(TexCoord4s, (s, t, r, q), (F, "glTexCoord4s(%d, %d, %d, %d);\n", s, t, r, q)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(TexCoord4sv)(const GLshort * v) +{ + (void) v; + DISPATCH(TexCoord4sv, (v), (F, "glTexCoord4sv(%p);\n", (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Vertex2d)(GLdouble x, GLdouble y) +{ + (void) x; (void) y; + DISPATCH(Vertex2d, (x, y), (F, "glVertex2d(%f, %f);\n", x, y)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Vertex2dv)(const GLdouble * v) +{ + (void) v; + DISPATCH(Vertex2dv, (v), (F, "glVertex2dv(%p);\n", (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Vertex2f)(GLfloat x, GLfloat y) +{ + (void) x; (void) y; + DISPATCH(Vertex2f, (x, y), (F, "glVertex2f(%f, %f);\n", x, y)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Vertex2fv)(const GLfloat * v) +{ + (void) v; + DISPATCH(Vertex2fv, (v), (F, "glVertex2fv(%p);\n", (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Vertex2i)(GLint x, GLint y) +{ + (void) x; (void) y; + DISPATCH(Vertex2i, (x, y), (F, "glVertex2i(%d, %d);\n", x, y)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Vertex2iv)(const GLint * v) +{ + (void) v; + DISPATCH(Vertex2iv, (v), (F, "glVertex2iv(%p);\n", (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Vertex2s)(GLshort x, GLshort y) +{ + (void) x; (void) y; + DISPATCH(Vertex2s, (x, y), (F, "glVertex2s(%d, %d);\n", x, y)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Vertex2sv)(const GLshort * v) +{ + (void) v; + DISPATCH(Vertex2sv, (v), (F, "glVertex2sv(%p);\n", (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Vertex3d)(GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z) +{ + (void) x; (void) y; (void) z; + DISPATCH(Vertex3d, (x, y, z), (F, "glVertex3d(%f, %f, %f);\n", x, y, z)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Vertex3dv)(const GLdouble * v) +{ + (void) v; + DISPATCH(Vertex3dv, (v), (F, "glVertex3dv(%p);\n", (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Vertex3f)(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z) +{ + (void) x; (void) y; (void) z; + DISPATCH(Vertex3f, (x, y, z), (F, "glVertex3f(%f, %f, %f);\n", x, y, z)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Vertex3fv)(const GLfloat * v) +{ + (void) v; + DISPATCH(Vertex3fv, (v), (F, "glVertex3fv(%p);\n", (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Vertex3i)(GLint x, GLint y, GLint z) +{ + (void) x; (void) y; (void) z; + DISPATCH(Vertex3i, (x, y, z), (F, "glVertex3i(%d, %d, %d);\n", x, y, z)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Vertex3iv)(const GLint * v) +{ + (void) v; + DISPATCH(Vertex3iv, (v), (F, "glVertex3iv(%p);\n", (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Vertex3s)(GLshort x, GLshort y, GLshort z) +{ + (void) x; (void) y; (void) z; + DISPATCH(Vertex3s, (x, y, z), (F, "glVertex3s(%d, %d, %d);\n", x, y, z)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Vertex3sv)(const GLshort * v) +{ + (void) v; + DISPATCH(Vertex3sv, (v), (F, "glVertex3sv(%p);\n", (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Vertex4d)(GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z, GLdouble w) +{ + (void) x; (void) y; (void) z; (void) w; + DISPATCH(Vertex4d, (x, y, z, w), (F, "glVertex4d(%f, %f, %f, %f);\n", x, y, z, w)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Vertex4dv)(const GLdouble * v) +{ + (void) v; + DISPATCH(Vertex4dv, (v), (F, "glVertex4dv(%p);\n", (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Vertex4f)(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z, GLfloat w) +{ + (void) x; (void) y; (void) z; (void) w; + DISPATCH(Vertex4f, (x, y, z, w), (F, "glVertex4f(%f, %f, %f, %f);\n", x, y, z, w)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Vertex4fv)(const GLfloat * v) +{ + (void) v; + DISPATCH(Vertex4fv, (v), (F, "glVertex4fv(%p);\n", (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Vertex4i)(GLint x, GLint y, GLint z, GLint w) +{ + (void) x; (void) y; (void) z; (void) w; + DISPATCH(Vertex4i, (x, y, z, w), (F, "glVertex4i(%d, %d, %d, %d);\n", x, y, z, w)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Vertex4iv)(const GLint * v) +{ + (void) v; + DISPATCH(Vertex4iv, (v), (F, "glVertex4iv(%p);\n", (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Vertex4s)(GLshort x, GLshort y, GLshort z, GLshort w) +{ + (void) x; (void) y; (void) z; (void) w; + DISPATCH(Vertex4s, (x, y, z, w), (F, "glVertex4s(%d, %d, %d, %d);\n", x, y, z, w)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Vertex4sv)(const GLshort * v) +{ + (void) v; + DISPATCH(Vertex4sv, (v), (F, "glVertex4sv(%p);\n", (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(ClipPlane)(GLenum plane, const GLdouble * equation) +{ + (void) plane; (void) equation; + DISPATCH(ClipPlane, (plane, equation), (F, "glClipPlane(0x%x, %p);\n", plane, (const void *) equation)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(ColorMaterial)(GLenum face, GLenum mode) +{ + (void) face; (void) mode; + DISPATCH(ColorMaterial, (face, mode), (F, "glColorMaterial(0x%x, 0x%x);\n", face, mode)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(CullFace)(GLenum mode) +{ + (void) mode; + DISPATCH(CullFace, (mode), (F, "glCullFace(0x%x);\n", mode)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Fogf)(GLenum pname, GLfloat param) +{ + (void) pname; (void) param; + DISPATCH(Fogf, (pname, param), (F, "glFogf(0x%x, %f);\n", pname, param)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Fogfv)(GLenum pname, const GLfloat * params) +{ + (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(Fogfv, (pname, params), (F, "glFogfv(0x%x, %p);\n", pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Fogi)(GLenum pname, GLint param) +{ + (void) pname; (void) param; + DISPATCH(Fogi, (pname, param), (F, "glFogi(0x%x, %d);\n", pname, param)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Fogiv)(GLenum pname, const GLint * params) +{ + (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(Fogiv, (pname, params), (F, "glFogiv(0x%x, %p);\n", pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(FrontFace)(GLenum mode) +{ + (void) mode; + DISPATCH(FrontFace, (mode), (F, "glFrontFace(0x%x);\n", mode)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Hint)(GLenum target, GLenum mode) +{ + (void) target; (void) mode; + DISPATCH(Hint, (target, mode), (F, "glHint(0x%x, 0x%x);\n", target, mode)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Lightf)(GLenum light, GLenum pname, GLfloat param) +{ + (void) light; (void) pname; (void) param; + DISPATCH(Lightf, (light, pname, param), (F, "glLightf(0x%x, 0x%x, %f);\n", light, pname, param)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Lightfv)(GLenum light, GLenum pname, const GLfloat * params) +{ + (void) light; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(Lightfv, (light, pname, params), (F, "glLightfv(0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", light, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Lighti)(GLenum light, GLenum pname, GLint param) +{ + (void) light; (void) pname; (void) param; + DISPATCH(Lighti, (light, pname, param), (F, "glLighti(0x%x, 0x%x, %d);\n", light, pname, param)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Lightiv)(GLenum light, GLenum pname, const GLint * params) +{ + (void) light; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(Lightiv, (light, pname, params), (F, "glLightiv(0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", light, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(LightModelf)(GLenum pname, GLfloat param) +{ + (void) pname; (void) param; + DISPATCH(LightModelf, (pname, param), (F, "glLightModelf(0x%x, %f);\n", pname, param)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(LightModelfv)(GLenum pname, const GLfloat * params) +{ + (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(LightModelfv, (pname, params), (F, "glLightModelfv(0x%x, %p);\n", pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(LightModeli)(GLenum pname, GLint param) +{ + (void) pname; (void) param; + DISPATCH(LightModeli, (pname, param), (F, "glLightModeli(0x%x, %d);\n", pname, param)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(LightModeliv)(GLenum pname, const GLint * params) +{ + (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(LightModeliv, (pname, params), (F, "glLightModeliv(0x%x, %p);\n", pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(LineStipple)(GLint factor, GLushort pattern) +{ + (void) factor; (void) pattern; + DISPATCH(LineStipple, (factor, pattern), (F, "glLineStipple(%d, %d);\n", factor, pattern)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(LineWidth)(GLfloat width) +{ + (void) width; + DISPATCH(LineWidth, (width), (F, "glLineWidth(%f);\n", width)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Materialf)(GLenum face, GLenum pname, GLfloat param) +{ + (void) face; (void) pname; (void) param; + DISPATCH(Materialf, (face, pname, param), (F, "glMaterialf(0x%x, 0x%x, %f);\n", face, pname, param)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Materialfv)(GLenum face, GLenum pname, const GLfloat * params) +{ + (void) face; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(Materialfv, (face, pname, params), (F, "glMaterialfv(0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", face, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Materiali)(GLenum face, GLenum pname, GLint param) +{ + (void) face; (void) pname; (void) param; + DISPATCH(Materiali, (face, pname, param), (F, "glMateriali(0x%x, 0x%x, %d);\n", face, pname, param)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Materialiv)(GLenum face, GLenum pname, const GLint * params) +{ + (void) face; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(Materialiv, (face, pname, params), (F, "glMaterialiv(0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", face, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(PointSize)(GLfloat size) +{ + (void) size; + DISPATCH(PointSize, (size), (F, "glPointSize(%f);\n", size)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(PolygonMode)(GLenum face, GLenum mode) +{ + (void) face; (void) mode; + DISPATCH(PolygonMode, (face, mode), (F, "glPolygonMode(0x%x, 0x%x);\n", face, mode)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(PolygonStipple)(const GLubyte * mask) +{ + (void) mask; + DISPATCH(PolygonStipple, (mask), (F, "glPolygonStipple(%p);\n", (const void *) mask)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Scissor)(GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height) +{ + (void) x; (void) y; (void) width; (void) height; + DISPATCH(Scissor, (x, y, width, height), (F, "glScissor(%d, %d, %d, %d);\n", x, y, width, height)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(ShadeModel)(GLenum mode) +{ + (void) mode; + DISPATCH(ShadeModel, (mode), (F, "glShadeModel(0x%x);\n", mode)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(TexParameterf)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat param) +{ + (void) target; (void) pname; (void) param; + DISPATCH(TexParameterf, (target, pname, param), (F, "glTexParameterf(0x%x, 0x%x, %f);\n", target, pname, param)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(TexParameterfv)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLfloat * params) +{ + (void) target; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(TexParameterfv, (target, pname, params), (F, "glTexParameterfv(0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", target, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(TexParameteri)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint param) +{ + (void) target; (void) pname; (void) param; + DISPATCH(TexParameteri, (target, pname, param), (F, "glTexParameteri(0x%x, 0x%x, %d);\n", target, pname, param)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(TexParameteriv)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLint * params) +{ + (void) target; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(TexParameteriv, (target, pname, params), (F, "glTexParameteriv(0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", target, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(TexImage1D)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint internalformat, GLsizei width, GLint border, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid * pixels) +{ + (void) target; (void) level; (void) internalformat; (void) width; (void) border; (void) format; (void) type; (void) pixels; + DISPATCH(TexImage1D, (target, level, internalformat, width, border, format, type, pixels), (F, "glTexImage1D(0x%x, %d, %d, %d, %d, 0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", target, level, internalformat, width, border, format, type, (const void *) pixels)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(TexImage2D)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLint border, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid * pixels) +{ + (void) target; (void) level; (void) internalformat; (void) width; (void) height; (void) border; (void) format; (void) type; (void) pixels; + DISPATCH(TexImage2D, (target, level, internalformat, width, height, border, format, type, pixels), (F, "glTexImage2D(0x%x, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, 0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", target, level, internalformat, width, height, border, format, type, (const void *) pixels)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(TexEnvf)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat param) +{ + (void) target; (void) pname; (void) param; + DISPATCH(TexEnvf, (target, pname, param), (F, "glTexEnvf(0x%x, 0x%x, %f);\n", target, pname, param)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(TexEnvfv)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLfloat * params) +{ + (void) target; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(TexEnvfv, (target, pname, params), (F, "glTexEnvfv(0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", target, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(TexEnvi)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint param) +{ + (void) target; (void) pname; (void) param; + DISPATCH(TexEnvi, (target, pname, param), (F, "glTexEnvi(0x%x, 0x%x, %d);\n", target, pname, param)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(TexEnviv)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLint * params) +{ + (void) target; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(TexEnviv, (target, pname, params), (F, "glTexEnviv(0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", target, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(TexGend)(GLenum coord, GLenum pname, GLdouble param) +{ + (void) coord; (void) pname; (void) param; + DISPATCH(TexGend, (coord, pname, param), (F, "glTexGend(0x%x, 0x%x, %f);\n", coord, pname, param)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(TexGendv)(GLenum coord, GLenum pname, const GLdouble * params) +{ + (void) coord; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(TexGendv, (coord, pname, params), (F, "glTexGendv(0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", coord, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(TexGenf)(GLenum coord, GLenum pname, GLfloat param) +{ + (void) coord; (void) pname; (void) param; + DISPATCH(TexGenf, (coord, pname, param), (F, "glTexGenf(0x%x, 0x%x, %f);\n", coord, pname, param)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_190)(GLenum coord, GLenum pname, GLfloat param); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_190)(GLenum coord, GLenum pname, GLfloat param) +{ + (void) coord; (void) pname; (void) param; + DISPATCH(TexGenf, (coord, pname, param), (F, "glTexGenfOES(0x%x, 0x%x, %f);\n", coord, pname, param)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(TexGenfv)(GLenum coord, GLenum pname, const GLfloat * params) +{ + (void) coord; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(TexGenfv, (coord, pname, params), (F, "glTexGenfv(0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", coord, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_191)(GLenum coord, GLenum pname, const GLfloat * params); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_191)(GLenum coord, GLenum pname, const GLfloat * params) +{ + (void) coord; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(TexGenfv, (coord, pname, params), (F, "glTexGenfvOES(0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", coord, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(TexGeni)(GLenum coord, GLenum pname, GLint param) +{ + (void) coord; (void) pname; (void) param; + DISPATCH(TexGeni, (coord, pname, param), (F, "glTexGeni(0x%x, 0x%x, %d);\n", coord, pname, param)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_192)(GLenum coord, GLenum pname, GLint param); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_192)(GLenum coord, GLenum pname, GLint param) +{ + (void) coord; (void) pname; (void) param; + DISPATCH(TexGeni, (coord, pname, param), (F, "glTexGeniOES(0x%x, 0x%x, %d);\n", coord, pname, param)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(TexGeniv)(GLenum coord, GLenum pname, const GLint * params) +{ + (void) coord; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(TexGeniv, (coord, pname, params), (F, "glTexGeniv(0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", coord, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_193)(GLenum coord, GLenum pname, const GLint * params); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_193)(GLenum coord, GLenum pname, const GLint * params) +{ + (void) coord; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(TexGeniv, (coord, pname, params), (F, "glTexGenivOES(0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", coord, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(FeedbackBuffer)(GLsizei size, GLenum type, GLfloat * buffer) +{ + (void) size; (void) type; (void) buffer; + DISPATCH(FeedbackBuffer, (size, type, buffer), (F, "glFeedbackBuffer(%d, 0x%x, %p);\n", size, type, (const void *) buffer)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(SelectBuffer)(GLsizei size, GLuint * buffer) +{ + (void) size; (void) buffer; + DISPATCH(SelectBuffer, (size, buffer), (F, "glSelectBuffer(%d, %p);\n", size, (const void *) buffer)); +} + +KEYWORD1 GLint KEYWORD2 NAME(RenderMode)(GLenum mode) +{ + (void) mode; + RETURN_DISPATCH(RenderMode, (mode), (F, "glRenderMode(0x%x);\n", mode)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(InitNames)(void) +{ + DISPATCH(InitNames, (), (F, "glInitNames();\n")); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(LoadName)(GLuint name) +{ + (void) name; + DISPATCH(LoadName, (name), (F, "glLoadName(%d);\n", name)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(PassThrough)(GLfloat token) +{ + (void) token; + DISPATCH(PassThrough, (token), (F, "glPassThrough(%f);\n", token)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(PopName)(void) +{ + DISPATCH(PopName, (), (F, "glPopName();\n")); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(PushName)(GLuint name) +{ + (void) name; + DISPATCH(PushName, (name), (F, "glPushName(%d);\n", name)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(DrawBuffer)(GLenum mode) +{ + (void) mode; + DISPATCH(DrawBuffer, (mode), (F, "glDrawBuffer(0x%x);\n", mode)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Clear)(GLbitfield mask) +{ + (void) mask; + DISPATCH(Clear, (mask), (F, "glClear(%d);\n", mask)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(ClearAccum)(GLfloat red, GLfloat green, GLfloat blue, GLfloat alpha) +{ + (void) red; (void) green; (void) blue; (void) alpha; + DISPATCH(ClearAccum, (red, green, blue, alpha), (F, "glClearAccum(%f, %f, %f, %f);\n", red, green, blue, alpha)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(ClearIndex)(GLfloat c) +{ + (void) c; + DISPATCH(ClearIndex, (c), (F, "glClearIndex(%f);\n", c)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(ClearColor)(GLclampf red, GLclampf green, GLclampf blue, GLclampf alpha) +{ + (void) red; (void) green; (void) blue; (void) alpha; + DISPATCH(ClearColor, (red, green, blue, alpha), (F, "glClearColor(%f, %f, %f, %f);\n", red, green, blue, alpha)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(ClearStencil)(GLint s) +{ + (void) s; + DISPATCH(ClearStencil, (s), (F, "glClearStencil(%d);\n", s)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(ClearDepth)(GLclampd depth) +{ + (void) depth; + DISPATCH(ClearDepth, (depth), (F, "glClearDepth(%f);\n", depth)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(StencilMask)(GLuint mask) +{ + (void) mask; + DISPATCH(StencilMask, (mask), (F, "glStencilMask(%d);\n", mask)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(ColorMask)(GLboolean red, GLboolean green, GLboolean blue, GLboolean alpha) +{ + (void) red; (void) green; (void) blue; (void) alpha; + DISPATCH(ColorMask, (red, green, blue, alpha), (F, "glColorMask(%d, %d, %d, %d);\n", red, green, blue, alpha)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(DepthMask)(GLboolean flag) +{ + (void) flag; + DISPATCH(DepthMask, (flag), (F, "glDepthMask(%d);\n", flag)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(IndexMask)(GLuint mask) +{ + (void) mask; + DISPATCH(IndexMask, (mask), (F, "glIndexMask(%d);\n", mask)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Accum)(GLenum op, GLfloat value) +{ + (void) op; (void) value; + DISPATCH(Accum, (op, value), (F, "glAccum(0x%x, %f);\n", op, value)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Disable)(GLenum cap) +{ + (void) cap; + DISPATCH(Disable, (cap), (F, "glDisable(0x%x);\n", cap)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Enable)(GLenum cap) +{ + (void) cap; + DISPATCH(Enable, (cap), (F, "glEnable(0x%x);\n", cap)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Finish)(void) +{ + DISPATCH(Finish, (), (F, "glFinish();\n")); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Flush)(void) +{ + DISPATCH(Flush, (), (F, "glFlush();\n")); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(PopAttrib)(void) +{ + DISPATCH(PopAttrib, (), (F, "glPopAttrib();\n")); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(PushAttrib)(GLbitfield mask) +{ + (void) mask; + DISPATCH(PushAttrib, (mask), (F, "glPushAttrib(%d);\n", mask)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Map1d)(GLenum target, GLdouble u1, GLdouble u2, GLint stride, GLint order, const GLdouble * points) +{ + (void) target; (void) u1; (void) u2; (void) stride; (void) order; (void) points; + DISPATCH(Map1d, (target, u1, u2, stride, order, points), (F, "glMap1d(0x%x, %f, %f, %d, %d, %p);\n", target, u1, u2, stride, order, (const void *) points)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Map1f)(GLenum target, GLfloat u1, GLfloat u2, GLint stride, GLint order, const GLfloat * points) +{ + (void) target; (void) u1; (void) u2; (void) stride; (void) order; (void) points; + DISPATCH(Map1f, (target, u1, u2, stride, order, points), (F, "glMap1f(0x%x, %f, %f, %d, %d, %p);\n", target, u1, u2, stride, order, (const void *) points)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Map2d)(GLenum target, GLdouble u1, GLdouble u2, GLint ustride, GLint uorder, GLdouble v1, GLdouble v2, GLint vstride, GLint vorder, const GLdouble * points) +{ + (void) target; (void) u1; (void) u2; (void) ustride; (void) uorder; (void) v1; (void) v2; (void) vstride; (void) vorder; (void) points; + DISPATCH(Map2d, (target, u1, u2, ustride, uorder, v1, v2, vstride, vorder, points), (F, "glMap2d(0x%x, %f, %f, %d, %d, %f, %f, %d, %d, %p);\n", target, u1, u2, ustride, uorder, v1, v2, vstride, vorder, (const void *) points)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Map2f)(GLenum target, GLfloat u1, GLfloat u2, GLint ustride, GLint uorder, GLfloat v1, GLfloat v2, GLint vstride, GLint vorder, const GLfloat * points) +{ + (void) target; (void) u1; (void) u2; (void) ustride; (void) uorder; (void) v1; (void) v2; (void) vstride; (void) vorder; (void) points; + DISPATCH(Map2f, (target, u1, u2, ustride, uorder, v1, v2, vstride, vorder, points), (F, "glMap2f(0x%x, %f, %f, %d, %d, %f, %f, %d, %d, %p);\n", target, u1, u2, ustride, uorder, v1, v2, vstride, vorder, (const void *) points)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(MapGrid1d)(GLint un, GLdouble u1, GLdouble u2) +{ + (void) un; (void) u1; (void) u2; + DISPATCH(MapGrid1d, (un, u1, u2), (F, "glMapGrid1d(%d, %f, %f);\n", un, u1, u2)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(MapGrid1f)(GLint un, GLfloat u1, GLfloat u2) +{ + (void) un; (void) u1; (void) u2; + DISPATCH(MapGrid1f, (un, u1, u2), (F, "glMapGrid1f(%d, %f, %f);\n", un, u1, u2)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(MapGrid2d)(GLint un, GLdouble u1, GLdouble u2, GLint vn, GLdouble v1, GLdouble v2) +{ + (void) un; (void) u1; (void) u2; (void) vn; (void) v1; (void) v2; + DISPATCH(MapGrid2d, (un, u1, u2, vn, v1, v2), (F, "glMapGrid2d(%d, %f, %f, %d, %f, %f);\n", un, u1, u2, vn, v1, v2)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(MapGrid2f)(GLint un, GLfloat u1, GLfloat u2, GLint vn, GLfloat v1, GLfloat v2) +{ + (void) un; (void) u1; (void) u2; (void) vn; (void) v1; (void) v2; + DISPATCH(MapGrid2f, (un, u1, u2, vn, v1, v2), (F, "glMapGrid2f(%d, %f, %f, %d, %f, %f);\n", un, u1, u2, vn, v1, v2)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(EvalCoord1d)(GLdouble u) +{ + (void) u; + DISPATCH(EvalCoord1d, (u), (F, "glEvalCoord1d(%f);\n", u)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(EvalCoord1dv)(const GLdouble * u) +{ + (void) u; + DISPATCH(EvalCoord1dv, (u), (F, "glEvalCoord1dv(%p);\n", (const void *) u)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(EvalCoord1f)(GLfloat u) +{ + (void) u; + DISPATCH(EvalCoord1f, (u), (F, "glEvalCoord1f(%f);\n", u)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(EvalCoord1fv)(const GLfloat * u) +{ + (void) u; + DISPATCH(EvalCoord1fv, (u), (F, "glEvalCoord1fv(%p);\n", (const void *) u)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(EvalCoord2d)(GLdouble u, GLdouble v) +{ + (void) u; (void) v; + DISPATCH(EvalCoord2d, (u, v), (F, "glEvalCoord2d(%f, %f);\n", u, v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(EvalCoord2dv)(const GLdouble * u) +{ + (void) u; + DISPATCH(EvalCoord2dv, (u), (F, "glEvalCoord2dv(%p);\n", (const void *) u)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(EvalCoord2f)(GLfloat u, GLfloat v) +{ + (void) u; (void) v; + DISPATCH(EvalCoord2f, (u, v), (F, "glEvalCoord2f(%f, %f);\n", u, v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(EvalCoord2fv)(const GLfloat * u) +{ + (void) u; + DISPATCH(EvalCoord2fv, (u), (F, "glEvalCoord2fv(%p);\n", (const void *) u)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(EvalMesh1)(GLenum mode, GLint i1, GLint i2) +{ + (void) mode; (void) i1; (void) i2; + DISPATCH(EvalMesh1, (mode, i1, i2), (F, "glEvalMesh1(0x%x, %d, %d);\n", mode, i1, i2)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(EvalPoint1)(GLint i) +{ + (void) i; + DISPATCH(EvalPoint1, (i), (F, "glEvalPoint1(%d);\n", i)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(EvalMesh2)(GLenum mode, GLint i1, GLint i2, GLint j1, GLint j2) +{ + (void) mode; (void) i1; (void) i2; (void) j1; (void) j2; + DISPATCH(EvalMesh2, (mode, i1, i2, j1, j2), (F, "glEvalMesh2(0x%x, %d, %d, %d, %d);\n", mode, i1, i2, j1, j2)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(EvalPoint2)(GLint i, GLint j) +{ + (void) i; (void) j; + DISPATCH(EvalPoint2, (i, j), (F, "glEvalPoint2(%d, %d);\n", i, j)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(AlphaFunc)(GLenum func, GLclampf ref) +{ + (void) func; (void) ref; + DISPATCH(AlphaFunc, (func, ref), (F, "glAlphaFunc(0x%x, %f);\n", func, ref)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(BlendFunc)(GLenum sfactor, GLenum dfactor) +{ + (void) sfactor; (void) dfactor; + DISPATCH(BlendFunc, (sfactor, dfactor), (F, "glBlendFunc(0x%x, 0x%x);\n", sfactor, dfactor)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(LogicOp)(GLenum opcode) +{ + (void) opcode; + DISPATCH(LogicOp, (opcode), (F, "glLogicOp(0x%x);\n", opcode)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(StencilFunc)(GLenum func, GLint ref, GLuint mask) +{ + (void) func; (void) ref; (void) mask; + DISPATCH(StencilFunc, (func, ref, mask), (F, "glStencilFunc(0x%x, %d, %d);\n", func, ref, mask)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(StencilOp)(GLenum fail, GLenum zfail, GLenum zpass) +{ + (void) fail; (void) zfail; (void) zpass; + DISPATCH(StencilOp, (fail, zfail, zpass), (F, "glStencilOp(0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x);\n", fail, zfail, zpass)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(DepthFunc)(GLenum func) +{ + (void) func; + DISPATCH(DepthFunc, (func), (F, "glDepthFunc(0x%x);\n", func)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(PixelZoom)(GLfloat xfactor, GLfloat yfactor) +{ + (void) xfactor; (void) yfactor; + DISPATCH(PixelZoom, (xfactor, yfactor), (F, "glPixelZoom(%f, %f);\n", xfactor, yfactor)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(PixelTransferf)(GLenum pname, GLfloat param) +{ + (void) pname; (void) param; + DISPATCH(PixelTransferf, (pname, param), (F, "glPixelTransferf(0x%x, %f);\n", pname, param)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(PixelTransferi)(GLenum pname, GLint param) +{ + (void) pname; (void) param; + DISPATCH(PixelTransferi, (pname, param), (F, "glPixelTransferi(0x%x, %d);\n", pname, param)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(PixelStoref)(GLenum pname, GLfloat param) +{ + (void) pname; (void) param; + DISPATCH(PixelStoref, (pname, param), (F, "glPixelStoref(0x%x, %f);\n", pname, param)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(PixelStorei)(GLenum pname, GLint param) +{ + (void) pname; (void) param; + DISPATCH(PixelStorei, (pname, param), (F, "glPixelStorei(0x%x, %d);\n", pname, param)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(PixelMapfv)(GLenum map, GLsizei mapsize, const GLfloat * values) +{ + (void) map; (void) mapsize; (void) values; + DISPATCH(PixelMapfv, (map, mapsize, values), (F, "glPixelMapfv(0x%x, %d, %p);\n", map, mapsize, (const void *) values)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(PixelMapuiv)(GLenum map, GLsizei mapsize, const GLuint * values) +{ + (void) map; (void) mapsize; (void) values; + DISPATCH(PixelMapuiv, (map, mapsize, values), (F, "glPixelMapuiv(0x%x, %d, %p);\n", map, mapsize, (const void *) values)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(PixelMapusv)(GLenum map, GLsizei mapsize, const GLushort * values) +{ + (void) map; (void) mapsize; (void) values; + DISPATCH(PixelMapusv, (map, mapsize, values), (F, "glPixelMapusv(0x%x, %d, %p);\n", map, mapsize, (const void *) values)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(ReadBuffer)(GLenum mode) +{ + (void) mode; + DISPATCH(ReadBuffer, (mode), (F, "glReadBuffer(0x%x);\n", mode)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_254)(GLenum mode); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_254)(GLenum mode) +{ + (void) mode; + DISPATCH(ReadBuffer, (mode), (F, "glReadBufferNV(0x%x);\n", mode)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(CopyPixels)(GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum type) +{ + (void) x; (void) y; (void) width; (void) height; (void) type; + DISPATCH(CopyPixels, (x, y, width, height, type), (F, "glCopyPixels(%d, %d, %d, %d, 0x%x);\n", x, y, width, height, type)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(ReadPixels)(GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLvoid * pixels) +{ + (void) x; (void) y; (void) width; (void) height; (void) format; (void) type; (void) pixels; + DISPATCH(ReadPixels, (x, y, width, height, format, type, pixels), (F, "glReadPixels(%d, %d, %d, %d, 0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", x, y, width, height, format, type, (const void *) pixels)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(DrawPixels)(GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid * pixels) +{ + (void) width; (void) height; (void) format; (void) type; (void) pixels; + DISPATCH(DrawPixels, (width, height, format, type, pixels), (F, "glDrawPixels(%d, %d, 0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", width, height, format, type, (const void *) pixels)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetBooleanv)(GLenum pname, GLboolean * params) +{ + (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(GetBooleanv, (pname, params), (F, "glGetBooleanv(0x%x, %p);\n", pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetClipPlane)(GLenum plane, GLdouble * equation) +{ + (void) plane; (void) equation; + DISPATCH(GetClipPlane, (plane, equation), (F, "glGetClipPlane(0x%x, %p);\n", plane, (const void *) equation)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetDoublev)(GLenum pname, GLdouble * params) +{ + (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(GetDoublev, (pname, params), (F, "glGetDoublev(0x%x, %p);\n", pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 GLenum KEYWORD2 NAME(GetError)(void) +{ + RETURN_DISPATCH(GetError, (), (F, "glGetError();\n")); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetFloatv)(GLenum pname, GLfloat * params) +{ + (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(GetFloatv, (pname, params), (F, "glGetFloatv(0x%x, %p);\n", pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetIntegerv)(GLenum pname, GLint * params) +{ + (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(GetIntegerv, (pname, params), (F, "glGetIntegerv(0x%x, %p);\n", pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetLightfv)(GLenum light, GLenum pname, GLfloat * params) +{ + (void) light; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(GetLightfv, (light, pname, params), (F, "glGetLightfv(0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", light, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetLightiv)(GLenum light, GLenum pname, GLint * params) +{ + (void) light; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(GetLightiv, (light, pname, params), (F, "glGetLightiv(0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", light, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetMapdv)(GLenum target, GLenum query, GLdouble * v) +{ + (void) target; (void) query; (void) v; + DISPATCH(GetMapdv, (target, query, v), (F, "glGetMapdv(0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", target, query, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetMapfv)(GLenum target, GLenum query, GLfloat * v) +{ + (void) target; (void) query; (void) v; + DISPATCH(GetMapfv, (target, query, v), (F, "glGetMapfv(0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", target, query, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetMapiv)(GLenum target, GLenum query, GLint * v) +{ + (void) target; (void) query; (void) v; + DISPATCH(GetMapiv, (target, query, v), (F, "glGetMapiv(0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", target, query, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetMaterialfv)(GLenum face, GLenum pname, GLfloat * params) +{ + (void) face; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(GetMaterialfv, (face, pname, params), (F, "glGetMaterialfv(0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", face, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetMaterialiv)(GLenum face, GLenum pname, GLint * params) +{ + (void) face; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(GetMaterialiv, (face, pname, params), (F, "glGetMaterialiv(0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", face, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetPixelMapfv)(GLenum map, GLfloat * values) +{ + (void) map; (void) values; + DISPATCH(GetPixelMapfv, (map, values), (F, "glGetPixelMapfv(0x%x, %p);\n", map, (const void *) values)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetPixelMapuiv)(GLenum map, GLuint * values) +{ + (void) map; (void) values; + DISPATCH(GetPixelMapuiv, (map, values), (F, "glGetPixelMapuiv(0x%x, %p);\n", map, (const void *) values)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetPixelMapusv)(GLenum map, GLushort * values) +{ + (void) map; (void) values; + DISPATCH(GetPixelMapusv, (map, values), (F, "glGetPixelMapusv(0x%x, %p);\n", map, (const void *) values)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetPolygonStipple)(GLubyte * mask) +{ + (void) mask; + DISPATCH(GetPolygonStipple, (mask), (F, "glGetPolygonStipple(%p);\n", (const void *) mask)); +} + +KEYWORD1 const GLubyte * KEYWORD2 NAME(GetString)(GLenum name) +{ + (void) name; + RETURN_DISPATCH(GetString, (name), (F, "glGetString(0x%x);\n", name)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetTexEnvfv)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat * params) +{ + (void) target; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(GetTexEnvfv, (target, pname, params), (F, "glGetTexEnvfv(0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", target, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetTexEnviv)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint * params) +{ + (void) target; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(GetTexEnviv, (target, pname, params), (F, "glGetTexEnviv(0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", target, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetTexGendv)(GLenum coord, GLenum pname, GLdouble * params) +{ + (void) coord; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(GetTexGendv, (coord, pname, params), (F, "glGetTexGendv(0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", coord, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetTexGenfv)(GLenum coord, GLenum pname, GLfloat * params) +{ + (void) coord; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(GetTexGenfv, (coord, pname, params), (F, "glGetTexGenfv(0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", coord, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_279)(GLenum coord, GLenum pname, GLfloat * params); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_279)(GLenum coord, GLenum pname, GLfloat * params) +{ + (void) coord; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(GetTexGenfv, (coord, pname, params), (F, "glGetTexGenfvOES(0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", coord, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetTexGeniv)(GLenum coord, GLenum pname, GLint * params) +{ + (void) coord; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(GetTexGeniv, (coord, pname, params), (F, "glGetTexGeniv(0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", coord, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_280)(GLenum coord, GLenum pname, GLint * params); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_280)(GLenum coord, GLenum pname, GLint * params) +{ + (void) coord; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(GetTexGeniv, (coord, pname, params), (F, "glGetTexGenivOES(0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", coord, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetTexImage)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLvoid * pixels) +{ + (void) target; (void) level; (void) format; (void) type; (void) pixels; + DISPATCH(GetTexImage, (target, level, format, type, pixels), (F, "glGetTexImage(0x%x, %d, 0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", target, level, format, type, (const void *) pixels)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetTexParameterfv)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat * params) +{ + (void) target; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(GetTexParameterfv, (target, pname, params), (F, "glGetTexParameterfv(0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", target, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetTexParameteriv)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint * params) +{ + (void) target; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(GetTexParameteriv, (target, pname, params), (F, "glGetTexParameteriv(0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", target, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetTexLevelParameterfv)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum pname, GLfloat * params) +{ + (void) target; (void) level; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(GetTexLevelParameterfv, (target, level, pname, params), (F, "glGetTexLevelParameterfv(0x%x, %d, 0x%x, %p);\n", target, level, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetTexLevelParameteriv)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum pname, GLint * params) +{ + (void) target; (void) level; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(GetTexLevelParameteriv, (target, level, pname, params), (F, "glGetTexLevelParameteriv(0x%x, %d, 0x%x, %p);\n", target, level, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 GLboolean KEYWORD2 NAME(IsEnabled)(GLenum cap) +{ + (void) cap; + RETURN_DISPATCH(IsEnabled, (cap), (F, "glIsEnabled(0x%x);\n", cap)); +} + +KEYWORD1 GLboolean KEYWORD2 NAME(IsList)(GLuint list) +{ + (void) list; + RETURN_DISPATCH(IsList, (list), (F, "glIsList(%d);\n", list)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(DepthRange)(GLclampd zNear, GLclampd zFar) +{ + (void) zNear; (void) zFar; + DISPATCH(DepthRange, (zNear, zFar), (F, "glDepthRange(%f, %f);\n", zNear, zFar)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Frustum)(GLdouble left, GLdouble right, GLdouble bottom, GLdouble top, GLdouble zNear, GLdouble zFar) +{ + (void) left; (void) right; (void) bottom; (void) top; (void) zNear; (void) zFar; + DISPATCH(Frustum, (left, right, bottom, top, zNear, zFar), (F, "glFrustum(%f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f);\n", left, right, bottom, top, zNear, zFar)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(LoadIdentity)(void) +{ + DISPATCH(LoadIdentity, (), (F, "glLoadIdentity();\n")); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(LoadMatrixf)(const GLfloat * m) +{ + (void) m; + DISPATCH(LoadMatrixf, (m), (F, "glLoadMatrixf(%p);\n", (const void *) m)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(LoadMatrixd)(const GLdouble * m) +{ + (void) m; + DISPATCH(LoadMatrixd, (m), (F, "glLoadMatrixd(%p);\n", (const void *) m)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(MatrixMode)(GLenum mode) +{ + (void) mode; + DISPATCH(MatrixMode, (mode), (F, "glMatrixMode(0x%x);\n", mode)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(MultMatrixf)(const GLfloat * m) +{ + (void) m; + DISPATCH(MultMatrixf, (m), (F, "glMultMatrixf(%p);\n", (const void *) m)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(MultMatrixd)(const GLdouble * m) +{ + (void) m; + DISPATCH(MultMatrixd, (m), (F, "glMultMatrixd(%p);\n", (const void *) m)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Ortho)(GLdouble left, GLdouble right, GLdouble bottom, GLdouble top, GLdouble zNear, GLdouble zFar) +{ + (void) left; (void) right; (void) bottom; (void) top; (void) zNear; (void) zFar; + DISPATCH(Ortho, (left, right, bottom, top, zNear, zFar), (F, "glOrtho(%f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f);\n", left, right, bottom, top, zNear, zFar)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(PopMatrix)(void) +{ + DISPATCH(PopMatrix, (), (F, "glPopMatrix();\n")); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(PushMatrix)(void) +{ + DISPATCH(PushMatrix, (), (F, "glPushMatrix();\n")); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Rotated)(GLdouble angle, GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z) +{ + (void) angle; (void) x; (void) y; (void) z; + DISPATCH(Rotated, (angle, x, y, z), (F, "glRotated(%f, %f, %f, %f);\n", angle, x, y, z)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Rotatef)(GLfloat angle, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z) +{ + (void) angle; (void) x; (void) y; (void) z; + DISPATCH(Rotatef, (angle, x, y, z), (F, "glRotatef(%f, %f, %f, %f);\n", angle, x, y, z)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Scaled)(GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z) +{ + (void) x; (void) y; (void) z; + DISPATCH(Scaled, (x, y, z), (F, "glScaled(%f, %f, %f);\n", x, y, z)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Scalef)(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z) +{ + (void) x; (void) y; (void) z; + DISPATCH(Scalef, (x, y, z), (F, "glScalef(%f, %f, %f);\n", x, y, z)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Translated)(GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z) +{ + (void) x; (void) y; (void) z; + DISPATCH(Translated, (x, y, z), (F, "glTranslated(%f, %f, %f);\n", x, y, z)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Translatef)(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z) +{ + (void) x; (void) y; (void) z; + DISPATCH(Translatef, (x, y, z), (F, "glTranslatef(%f, %f, %f);\n", x, y, z)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Viewport)(GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height) +{ + (void) x; (void) y; (void) width; (void) height; + DISPATCH(Viewport, (x, y, width, height), (F, "glViewport(%d, %d, %d, %d);\n", x, y, width, height)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(ArrayElement)(GLint i) +{ + (void) i; + DISPATCH(ArrayElement, (i), (F, "glArrayElement(%d);\n", i)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(ArrayElementEXT)(GLint i) +{ + (void) i; + DISPATCH(ArrayElement, (i), (F, "glArrayElementEXT(%d);\n", i)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(BindTexture)(GLenum target, GLuint texture) +{ + (void) target; (void) texture; + DISPATCH(BindTexture, (target, texture), (F, "glBindTexture(0x%x, %d);\n", target, texture)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(BindTextureEXT)(GLenum target, GLuint texture) +{ + (void) target; (void) texture; + DISPATCH(BindTexture, (target, texture), (F, "glBindTextureEXT(0x%x, %d);\n", target, texture)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(ColorPointer)(GLint size, GLenum type, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid * pointer) +{ + (void) size; (void) type; (void) stride; (void) pointer; + DISPATCH(ColorPointer, (size, type, stride, pointer), (F, "glColorPointer(%d, 0x%x, %d, %p);\n", size, type, stride, (const void *) pointer)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(DisableClientState)(GLenum array) +{ + (void) array; + DISPATCH(DisableClientState, (array), (F, "glDisableClientState(0x%x);\n", array)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(DrawArrays)(GLenum mode, GLint first, GLsizei count) +{ + (void) mode; (void) first; (void) count; + DISPATCH(DrawArrays, (mode, first, count), (F, "glDrawArrays(0x%x, %d, %d);\n", mode, first, count)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(DrawArraysEXT)(GLenum mode, GLint first, GLsizei count) +{ + (void) mode; (void) first; (void) count; + DISPATCH(DrawArrays, (mode, first, count), (F, "glDrawArraysEXT(0x%x, %d, %d);\n", mode, first, count)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(DrawElements)(GLenum mode, GLsizei count, GLenum type, const GLvoid * indices) +{ + (void) mode; (void) count; (void) type; (void) indices; + DISPATCH(DrawElements, (mode, count, type, indices), (F, "glDrawElements(0x%x, %d, 0x%x, %p);\n", mode, count, type, (const void *) indices)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(EdgeFlagPointer)(GLsizei stride, const GLvoid * pointer) +{ + (void) stride; (void) pointer; + DISPATCH(EdgeFlagPointer, (stride, pointer), (F, "glEdgeFlagPointer(%d, %p);\n", stride, (const void *) pointer)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(EnableClientState)(GLenum array) +{ + (void) array; + DISPATCH(EnableClientState, (array), (F, "glEnableClientState(0x%x);\n", array)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(IndexPointer)(GLenum type, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid * pointer) +{ + (void) type; (void) stride; (void) pointer; + DISPATCH(IndexPointer, (type, stride, pointer), (F, "glIndexPointer(0x%x, %d, %p);\n", type, stride, (const void *) pointer)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Indexub)(GLubyte c) +{ + (void) c; + DISPATCH(Indexub, (c), (F, "glIndexub(%d);\n", c)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Indexubv)(const GLubyte * c) +{ + (void) c; + DISPATCH(Indexubv, (c), (F, "glIndexubv(%p);\n", (const void *) c)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(InterleavedArrays)(GLenum format, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid * pointer) +{ + (void) format; (void) stride; (void) pointer; + DISPATCH(InterleavedArrays, (format, stride, pointer), (F, "glInterleavedArrays(0x%x, %d, %p);\n", format, stride, (const void *) pointer)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(NormalPointer)(GLenum type, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid * pointer) +{ + (void) type; (void) stride; (void) pointer; + DISPATCH(NormalPointer, (type, stride, pointer), (F, "glNormalPointer(0x%x, %d, %p);\n", type, stride, (const void *) pointer)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(PolygonOffset)(GLfloat factor, GLfloat units) +{ + (void) factor; (void) units; + DISPATCH(PolygonOffset, (factor, units), (F, "glPolygonOffset(%f, %f);\n", factor, units)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(TexCoordPointer)(GLint size, GLenum type, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid * pointer) +{ + (void) size; (void) type; (void) stride; (void) pointer; + DISPATCH(TexCoordPointer, (size, type, stride, pointer), (F, "glTexCoordPointer(%d, 0x%x, %d, %p);\n", size, type, stride, (const void *) pointer)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexPointer)(GLint size, GLenum type, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid * pointer) +{ + (void) size; (void) type; (void) stride; (void) pointer; + DISPATCH(VertexPointer, (size, type, stride, pointer), (F, "glVertexPointer(%d, 0x%x, %d, %p);\n", size, type, stride, (const void *) pointer)); +} + +KEYWORD1 GLboolean KEYWORD2 NAME(AreTexturesResident)(GLsizei n, const GLuint * textures, GLboolean * residences) +{ + (void) n; (void) textures; (void) residences; + RETURN_DISPATCH(AreTexturesResident, (n, textures, residences), (F, "glAreTexturesResident(%d, %p, %p);\n", n, (const void *) textures, (const void *) residences)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(CopyTexImage1D)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum internalformat, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLint border) +{ + (void) target; (void) level; (void) internalformat; (void) x; (void) y; (void) width; (void) border; + DISPATCH(CopyTexImage1D, (target, level, internalformat, x, y, width, border), (F, "glCopyTexImage1D(0x%x, %d, 0x%x, %d, %d, %d, %d);\n", target, level, internalformat, x, y, width, border)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(CopyTexImage1DEXT)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum internalformat, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLint border) +{ + (void) target; (void) level; (void) internalformat; (void) x; (void) y; (void) width; (void) border; + DISPATCH(CopyTexImage1D, (target, level, internalformat, x, y, width, border), (F, "glCopyTexImage1DEXT(0x%x, %d, 0x%x, %d, %d, %d, %d);\n", target, level, internalformat, x, y, width, border)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(CopyTexImage2D)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum internalformat, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLint border) +{ + (void) target; (void) level; (void) internalformat; (void) x; (void) y; (void) width; (void) height; (void) border; + DISPATCH(CopyTexImage2D, (target, level, internalformat, x, y, width, height, border), (F, "glCopyTexImage2D(0x%x, %d, 0x%x, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d);\n", target, level, internalformat, x, y, width, height, border)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(CopyTexImage2DEXT)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum internalformat, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLint border) +{ + (void) target; (void) level; (void) internalformat; (void) x; (void) y; (void) width; (void) height; (void) border; + DISPATCH(CopyTexImage2D, (target, level, internalformat, x, y, width, height, border), (F, "glCopyTexImage2DEXT(0x%x, %d, 0x%x, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d);\n", target, level, internalformat, x, y, width, height, border)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(CopyTexSubImage1D)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width) +{ + (void) target; (void) level; (void) xoffset; (void) x; (void) y; (void) width; + DISPATCH(CopyTexSubImage1D, (target, level, xoffset, x, y, width), (F, "glCopyTexSubImage1D(0x%x, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d);\n", target, level, xoffset, x, y, width)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(CopyTexSubImage1DEXT)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width) +{ + (void) target; (void) level; (void) xoffset; (void) x; (void) y; (void) width; + DISPATCH(CopyTexSubImage1D, (target, level, xoffset, x, y, width), (F, "glCopyTexSubImage1DEXT(0x%x, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d);\n", target, level, xoffset, x, y, width)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(CopyTexSubImage2D)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height) +{ + (void) target; (void) level; (void) xoffset; (void) yoffset; (void) x; (void) y; (void) width; (void) height; + DISPATCH(CopyTexSubImage2D, (target, level, xoffset, yoffset, x, y, width, height), (F, "glCopyTexSubImage2D(0x%x, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d);\n", target, level, xoffset, yoffset, x, y, width, height)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(CopyTexSubImage2DEXT)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height) +{ + (void) target; (void) level; (void) xoffset; (void) yoffset; (void) x; (void) y; (void) width; (void) height; + DISPATCH(CopyTexSubImage2D, (target, level, xoffset, yoffset, x, y, width, height), (F, "glCopyTexSubImage2DEXT(0x%x, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d);\n", target, level, xoffset, yoffset, x, y, width, height)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(DeleteTextures)(GLsizei n, const GLuint * textures) +{ + (void) n; (void) textures; + DISPATCH(DeleteTextures, (n, textures), (F, "glDeleteTextures(%d, %p);\n", n, (const void *) textures)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GenTextures)(GLsizei n, GLuint * textures) +{ + (void) n; (void) textures; + DISPATCH(GenTextures, (n, textures), (F, "glGenTextures(%d, %p);\n", n, (const void *) textures)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetPointerv)(GLenum pname, GLvoid ** params) +{ + (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(GetPointerv, (pname, params), (F, "glGetPointerv(0x%x, %p);\n", pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetPointervEXT)(GLenum pname, GLvoid ** params) +{ + (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(GetPointerv, (pname, params), (F, "glGetPointervEXT(0x%x, %p);\n", pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 GLboolean KEYWORD2 NAME(IsTexture)(GLuint texture) +{ + (void) texture; + RETURN_DISPATCH(IsTexture, (texture), (F, "glIsTexture(%d);\n", texture)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(PrioritizeTextures)(GLsizei n, const GLuint * textures, const GLclampf * priorities) +{ + (void) n; (void) textures; (void) priorities; + DISPATCH(PrioritizeTextures, (n, textures, priorities), (F, "glPrioritizeTextures(%d, %p, %p);\n", n, (const void *) textures, (const void *) priorities)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(PrioritizeTexturesEXT)(GLsizei n, const GLuint * textures, const GLclampf * priorities) +{ + (void) n; (void) textures; (void) priorities; + DISPATCH(PrioritizeTextures, (n, textures, priorities), (F, "glPrioritizeTexturesEXT(%d, %p, %p);\n", n, (const void *) textures, (const void *) priorities)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(TexSubImage1D)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLsizei width, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid * pixels) +{ + (void) target; (void) level; (void) xoffset; (void) width; (void) format; (void) type; (void) pixels; + DISPATCH(TexSubImage1D, (target, level, xoffset, width, format, type, pixels), (F, "glTexSubImage1D(0x%x, %d, %d, %d, 0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", target, level, xoffset, width, format, type, (const void *) pixels)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(TexSubImage1DEXT)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLsizei width, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid * pixels) +{ + (void) target; (void) level; (void) xoffset; (void) width; (void) format; (void) type; (void) pixels; + DISPATCH(TexSubImage1D, (target, level, xoffset, width, format, type, pixels), (F, "glTexSubImage1DEXT(0x%x, %d, %d, %d, 0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", target, level, xoffset, width, format, type, (const void *) pixels)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(TexSubImage2D)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid * pixels) +{ + (void) target; (void) level; (void) xoffset; (void) yoffset; (void) width; (void) height; (void) format; (void) type; (void) pixels; + DISPATCH(TexSubImage2D, (target, level, xoffset, yoffset, width, height, format, type, pixels), (F, "glTexSubImage2D(0x%x, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, 0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", target, level, xoffset, yoffset, width, height, format, type, (const void *) pixels)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(TexSubImage2DEXT)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid * pixels) +{ + (void) target; (void) level; (void) xoffset; (void) yoffset; (void) width; (void) height; (void) format; (void) type; (void) pixels; + DISPATCH(TexSubImage2D, (target, level, xoffset, yoffset, width, height, format, type, pixels), (F, "glTexSubImage2DEXT(0x%x, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, 0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", target, level, xoffset, yoffset, width, height, format, type, (const void *) pixels)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(PopClientAttrib)(void) +{ + DISPATCH(PopClientAttrib, (), (F, "glPopClientAttrib();\n")); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(PushClientAttrib)(GLbitfield mask) +{ + (void) mask; + DISPATCH(PushClientAttrib, (mask), (F, "glPushClientAttrib(%d);\n", mask)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(BlendColor)(GLclampf red, GLclampf green, GLclampf blue, GLclampf alpha) +{ + (void) red; (void) green; (void) blue; (void) alpha; + DISPATCH(BlendColor, (red, green, blue, alpha), (F, "glBlendColor(%f, %f, %f, %f);\n", red, green, blue, alpha)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(BlendColorEXT)(GLclampf red, GLclampf green, GLclampf blue, GLclampf alpha) +{ + (void) red; (void) green; (void) blue; (void) alpha; + DISPATCH(BlendColor, (red, green, blue, alpha), (F, "glBlendColorEXT(%f, %f, %f, %f);\n", red, green, blue, alpha)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(BlendEquation)(GLenum mode) +{ + (void) mode; + DISPATCH(BlendEquation, (mode), (F, "glBlendEquation(0x%x);\n", mode)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(BlendEquationEXT)(GLenum mode) +{ + (void) mode; + DISPATCH(BlendEquation, (mode), (F, "glBlendEquationEXT(0x%x);\n", mode)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_337)(GLenum mode); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_337)(GLenum mode) +{ + (void) mode; + DISPATCH(BlendEquation, (mode), (F, "glBlendEquationOES(0x%x);\n", mode)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(DrawRangeElements)(GLenum mode, GLuint start, GLuint end, GLsizei count, GLenum type, const GLvoid * indices) +{ + (void) mode; (void) start; (void) end; (void) count; (void) type; (void) indices; + DISPATCH(DrawRangeElements, (mode, start, end, count, type, indices), (F, "glDrawRangeElements(0x%x, %d, %d, %d, 0x%x, %p);\n", mode, start, end, count, type, (const void *) indices)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(DrawRangeElementsEXT)(GLenum mode, GLuint start, GLuint end, GLsizei count, GLenum type, const GLvoid * indices) +{ + (void) mode; (void) start; (void) end; (void) count; (void) type; (void) indices; + DISPATCH(DrawRangeElements, (mode, start, end, count, type, indices), (F, "glDrawRangeElementsEXT(0x%x, %d, %d, %d, 0x%x, %p);\n", mode, start, end, count, type, (const void *) indices)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(ColorTable)(GLenum target, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid * table) +{ + (void) target; (void) internalformat; (void) width; (void) format; (void) type; (void) table; + DISPATCH(ColorTable, (target, internalformat, width, format, type, table), (F, "glColorTable(0x%x, 0x%x, %d, 0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", target, internalformat, width, format, type, (const void *) table)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(ColorTableEXT)(GLenum target, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid * table) +{ + (void) target; (void) internalformat; (void) width; (void) format; (void) type; (void) table; + DISPATCH(ColorTable, (target, internalformat, width, format, type, table), (F, "glColorTableEXT(0x%x, 0x%x, %d, 0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", target, internalformat, width, format, type, (const void *) table)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_339)(GLenum target, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid * table); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_339)(GLenum target, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid * table) +{ + (void) target; (void) internalformat; (void) width; (void) format; (void) type; (void) table; + DISPATCH(ColorTable, (target, internalformat, width, format, type, table), (F, "glColorTableSGI(0x%x, 0x%x, %d, 0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", target, internalformat, width, format, type, (const void *) table)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(ColorTableParameterfv)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLfloat * params) +{ + (void) target; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(ColorTableParameterfv, (target, pname, params), (F, "glColorTableParameterfv(0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", target, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_340)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLfloat * params); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_340)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLfloat * params) +{ + (void) target; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(ColorTableParameterfv, (target, pname, params), (F, "glColorTableParameterfvSGI(0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", target, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(ColorTableParameteriv)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLint * params) +{ + (void) target; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(ColorTableParameteriv, (target, pname, params), (F, "glColorTableParameteriv(0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", target, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_341)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLint * params); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_341)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLint * params) +{ + (void) target; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(ColorTableParameteriv, (target, pname, params), (F, "glColorTableParameterivSGI(0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", target, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(CopyColorTable)(GLenum target, GLenum internalformat, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width) +{ + (void) target; (void) internalformat; (void) x; (void) y; (void) width; + DISPATCH(CopyColorTable, (target, internalformat, x, y, width), (F, "glCopyColorTable(0x%x, 0x%x, %d, %d, %d);\n", target, internalformat, x, y, width)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_342)(GLenum target, GLenum internalformat, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_342)(GLenum target, GLenum internalformat, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width) +{ + (void) target; (void) internalformat; (void) x; (void) y; (void) width; + DISPATCH(CopyColorTable, (target, internalformat, x, y, width), (F, "glCopyColorTableSGI(0x%x, 0x%x, %d, %d, %d);\n", target, internalformat, x, y, width)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetColorTable)(GLenum target, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLvoid * table) +{ + (void) target; (void) format; (void) type; (void) table; + DISPATCH(GetColorTable, (target, format, type, table), (F, "glGetColorTable(0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", target, format, type, (const void *) table)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetColorTableParameterfv)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat * params) +{ + (void) target; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(GetColorTableParameterfv, (target, pname, params), (F, "glGetColorTableParameterfv(0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", target, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetColorTableParameteriv)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint * params) +{ + (void) target; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(GetColorTableParameteriv, (target, pname, params), (F, "glGetColorTableParameteriv(0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", target, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(ColorSubTable)(GLenum target, GLsizei start, GLsizei count, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid * data) +{ + (void) target; (void) start; (void) count; (void) format; (void) type; (void) data; + DISPATCH(ColorSubTable, (target, start, count, format, type, data), (F, "glColorSubTable(0x%x, %d, %d, 0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", target, start, count, format, type, (const void *) data)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_346)(GLenum target, GLsizei start, GLsizei count, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid * data); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_346)(GLenum target, GLsizei start, GLsizei count, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid * data) +{ + (void) target; (void) start; (void) count; (void) format; (void) type; (void) data; + DISPATCH(ColorSubTable, (target, start, count, format, type, data), (F, "glColorSubTableEXT(0x%x, %d, %d, 0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", target, start, count, format, type, (const void *) data)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(CopyColorSubTable)(GLenum target, GLsizei start, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width) +{ + (void) target; (void) start; (void) x; (void) y; (void) width; + DISPATCH(CopyColorSubTable, (target, start, x, y, width), (F, "glCopyColorSubTable(0x%x, %d, %d, %d, %d);\n", target, start, x, y, width)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_347)(GLenum target, GLsizei start, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_347)(GLenum target, GLsizei start, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width) +{ + (void) target; (void) start; (void) x; (void) y; (void) width; + DISPATCH(CopyColorSubTable, (target, start, x, y, width), (F, "glCopyColorSubTableEXT(0x%x, %d, %d, %d, %d);\n", target, start, x, y, width)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(ConvolutionFilter1D)(GLenum target, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid * image) +{ + (void) target; (void) internalformat; (void) width; (void) format; (void) type; (void) image; + DISPATCH(ConvolutionFilter1D, (target, internalformat, width, format, type, image), (F, "glConvolutionFilter1D(0x%x, 0x%x, %d, 0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", target, internalformat, width, format, type, (const void *) image)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_348)(GLenum target, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid * image); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_348)(GLenum target, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid * image) +{ + (void) target; (void) internalformat; (void) width; (void) format; (void) type; (void) image; + DISPATCH(ConvolutionFilter1D, (target, internalformat, width, format, type, image), (F, "glConvolutionFilter1DEXT(0x%x, 0x%x, %d, 0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", target, internalformat, width, format, type, (const void *) image)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(ConvolutionFilter2D)(GLenum target, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid * image) +{ + (void) target; (void) internalformat; (void) width; (void) height; (void) format; (void) type; (void) image; + DISPATCH(ConvolutionFilter2D, (target, internalformat, width, height, format, type, image), (F, "glConvolutionFilter2D(0x%x, 0x%x, %d, %d, 0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", target, internalformat, width, height, format, type, (const void *) image)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_349)(GLenum target, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid * image); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_349)(GLenum target, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid * image) +{ + (void) target; (void) internalformat; (void) width; (void) height; (void) format; (void) type; (void) image; + DISPATCH(ConvolutionFilter2D, (target, internalformat, width, height, format, type, image), (F, "glConvolutionFilter2DEXT(0x%x, 0x%x, %d, %d, 0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", target, internalformat, width, height, format, type, (const void *) image)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(ConvolutionParameterf)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat params) +{ + (void) target; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(ConvolutionParameterf, (target, pname, params), (F, "glConvolutionParameterf(0x%x, 0x%x, %f);\n", target, pname, params)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_350)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat params); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_350)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat params) +{ + (void) target; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(ConvolutionParameterf, (target, pname, params), (F, "glConvolutionParameterfEXT(0x%x, 0x%x, %f);\n", target, pname, params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(ConvolutionParameterfv)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLfloat * params) +{ + (void) target; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(ConvolutionParameterfv, (target, pname, params), (F, "glConvolutionParameterfv(0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", target, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_351)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLfloat * params); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_351)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLfloat * params) +{ + (void) target; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(ConvolutionParameterfv, (target, pname, params), (F, "glConvolutionParameterfvEXT(0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", target, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(ConvolutionParameteri)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint params) +{ + (void) target; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(ConvolutionParameteri, (target, pname, params), (F, "glConvolutionParameteri(0x%x, 0x%x, %d);\n", target, pname, params)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_352)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint params); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_352)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint params) +{ + (void) target; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(ConvolutionParameteri, (target, pname, params), (F, "glConvolutionParameteriEXT(0x%x, 0x%x, %d);\n", target, pname, params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(ConvolutionParameteriv)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLint * params) +{ + (void) target; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(ConvolutionParameteriv, (target, pname, params), (F, "glConvolutionParameteriv(0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", target, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_353)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLint * params); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_353)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLint * params) +{ + (void) target; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(ConvolutionParameteriv, (target, pname, params), (F, "glConvolutionParameterivEXT(0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", target, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(CopyConvolutionFilter1D)(GLenum target, GLenum internalformat, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width) +{ + (void) target; (void) internalformat; (void) x; (void) y; (void) width; + DISPATCH(CopyConvolutionFilter1D, (target, internalformat, x, y, width), (F, "glCopyConvolutionFilter1D(0x%x, 0x%x, %d, %d, %d);\n", target, internalformat, x, y, width)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_354)(GLenum target, GLenum internalformat, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_354)(GLenum target, GLenum internalformat, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width) +{ + (void) target; (void) internalformat; (void) x; (void) y; (void) width; + DISPATCH(CopyConvolutionFilter1D, (target, internalformat, x, y, width), (F, "glCopyConvolutionFilter1DEXT(0x%x, 0x%x, %d, %d, %d);\n", target, internalformat, x, y, width)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(CopyConvolutionFilter2D)(GLenum target, GLenum internalformat, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height) +{ + (void) target; (void) internalformat; (void) x; (void) y; (void) width; (void) height; + DISPATCH(CopyConvolutionFilter2D, (target, internalformat, x, y, width, height), (F, "glCopyConvolutionFilter2D(0x%x, 0x%x, %d, %d, %d, %d);\n", target, internalformat, x, y, width, height)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_355)(GLenum target, GLenum internalformat, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_355)(GLenum target, GLenum internalformat, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height) +{ + (void) target; (void) internalformat; (void) x; (void) y; (void) width; (void) height; + DISPATCH(CopyConvolutionFilter2D, (target, internalformat, x, y, width, height), (F, "glCopyConvolutionFilter2DEXT(0x%x, 0x%x, %d, %d, %d, %d);\n", target, internalformat, x, y, width, height)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetConvolutionFilter)(GLenum target, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLvoid * image) +{ + (void) target; (void) format; (void) type; (void) image; + DISPATCH(GetConvolutionFilter, (target, format, type, image), (F, "glGetConvolutionFilter(0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", target, format, type, (const void *) image)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetConvolutionParameterfv)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat * params) +{ + (void) target; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(GetConvolutionParameterfv, (target, pname, params), (F, "glGetConvolutionParameterfv(0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", target, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetConvolutionParameteriv)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint * params) +{ + (void) target; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(GetConvolutionParameteriv, (target, pname, params), (F, "glGetConvolutionParameteriv(0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", target, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetSeparableFilter)(GLenum target, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLvoid * row, GLvoid * column, GLvoid * span) +{ + (void) target; (void) format; (void) type; (void) row; (void) column; (void) span; + DISPATCH(GetSeparableFilter, (target, format, type, row, column, span), (F, "glGetSeparableFilter(0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x, %p, %p, %p);\n", target, format, type, (const void *) row, (const void *) column, (const void *) span)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(SeparableFilter2D)(GLenum target, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid * row, const GLvoid * column) +{ + (void) target; (void) internalformat; (void) width; (void) height; (void) format; (void) type; (void) row; (void) column; + DISPATCH(SeparableFilter2D, (target, internalformat, width, height, format, type, row, column), (F, "glSeparableFilter2D(0x%x, 0x%x, %d, %d, 0x%x, 0x%x, %p, %p);\n", target, internalformat, width, height, format, type, (const void *) row, (const void *) column)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_360)(GLenum target, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid * row, const GLvoid * column); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_360)(GLenum target, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid * row, const GLvoid * column) +{ + (void) target; (void) internalformat; (void) width; (void) height; (void) format; (void) type; (void) row; (void) column; + DISPATCH(SeparableFilter2D, (target, internalformat, width, height, format, type, row, column), (F, "glSeparableFilter2DEXT(0x%x, 0x%x, %d, %d, 0x%x, 0x%x, %p, %p);\n", target, internalformat, width, height, format, type, (const void *) row, (const void *) column)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetHistogram)(GLenum target, GLboolean reset, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLvoid * values) +{ + (void) target; (void) reset; (void) format; (void) type; (void) values; + DISPATCH(GetHistogram, (target, reset, format, type, values), (F, "glGetHistogram(0x%x, %d, 0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", target, reset, format, type, (const void *) values)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetHistogramParameterfv)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat * params) +{ + (void) target; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(GetHistogramParameterfv, (target, pname, params), (F, "glGetHistogramParameterfv(0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", target, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetHistogramParameteriv)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint * params) +{ + (void) target; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(GetHistogramParameteriv, (target, pname, params), (F, "glGetHistogramParameteriv(0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", target, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetMinmax)(GLenum target, GLboolean reset, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLvoid * values) +{ + (void) target; (void) reset; (void) format; (void) type; (void) values; + DISPATCH(GetMinmax, (target, reset, format, type, values), (F, "glGetMinmax(0x%x, %d, 0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", target, reset, format, type, (const void *) values)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetMinmaxParameterfv)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat * params) +{ + (void) target; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(GetMinmaxParameterfv, (target, pname, params), (F, "glGetMinmaxParameterfv(0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", target, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetMinmaxParameteriv)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint * params) +{ + (void) target; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(GetMinmaxParameteriv, (target, pname, params), (F, "glGetMinmaxParameteriv(0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", target, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Histogram)(GLenum target, GLsizei width, GLenum internalformat, GLboolean sink) +{ + (void) target; (void) width; (void) internalformat; (void) sink; + DISPATCH(Histogram, (target, width, internalformat, sink), (F, "glHistogram(0x%x, %d, 0x%x, %d);\n", target, width, internalformat, sink)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_367)(GLenum target, GLsizei width, GLenum internalformat, GLboolean sink); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_367)(GLenum target, GLsizei width, GLenum internalformat, GLboolean sink) +{ + (void) target; (void) width; (void) internalformat; (void) sink; + DISPATCH(Histogram, (target, width, internalformat, sink), (F, "glHistogramEXT(0x%x, %d, 0x%x, %d);\n", target, width, internalformat, sink)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Minmax)(GLenum target, GLenum internalformat, GLboolean sink) +{ + (void) target; (void) internalformat; (void) sink; + DISPATCH(Minmax, (target, internalformat, sink), (F, "glMinmax(0x%x, 0x%x, %d);\n", target, internalformat, sink)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_368)(GLenum target, GLenum internalformat, GLboolean sink); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_368)(GLenum target, GLenum internalformat, GLboolean sink) +{ + (void) target; (void) internalformat; (void) sink; + DISPATCH(Minmax, (target, internalformat, sink), (F, "glMinmaxEXT(0x%x, 0x%x, %d);\n", target, internalformat, sink)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(ResetHistogram)(GLenum target) +{ + (void) target; + DISPATCH(ResetHistogram, (target), (F, "glResetHistogram(0x%x);\n", target)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_369)(GLenum target); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_369)(GLenum target) +{ + (void) target; + DISPATCH(ResetHistogram, (target), (F, "glResetHistogramEXT(0x%x);\n", target)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(ResetMinmax)(GLenum target) +{ + (void) target; + DISPATCH(ResetMinmax, (target), (F, "glResetMinmax(0x%x);\n", target)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_370)(GLenum target); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_370)(GLenum target) +{ + (void) target; + DISPATCH(ResetMinmax, (target), (F, "glResetMinmaxEXT(0x%x);\n", target)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(TexImage3D)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth, GLint border, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid * pixels) +{ + (void) target; (void) level; (void) internalformat; (void) width; (void) height; (void) depth; (void) border; (void) format; (void) type; (void) pixels; + DISPATCH(TexImage3D, (target, level, internalformat, width, height, depth, border, format, type, pixels), (F, "glTexImage3D(0x%x, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, 0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", target, level, internalformat, width, height, depth, border, format, type, (const void *) pixels)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(TexImage3DEXT)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth, GLint border, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid * pixels) +{ + (void) target; (void) level; (void) internalformat; (void) width; (void) height; (void) depth; (void) border; (void) format; (void) type; (void) pixels; + DISPATCH(TexImage3D, (target, level, internalformat, width, height, depth, border, format, type, pixels), (F, "glTexImage3DEXT(0x%x, %d, 0x%x, %d, %d, %d, %d, 0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", target, level, internalformat, width, height, depth, border, format, type, (const void *) pixels)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_371)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth, GLint border, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid * pixels); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_371)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth, GLint border, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid * pixels) +{ + (void) target; (void) level; (void) internalformat; (void) width; (void) height; (void) depth; (void) border; (void) format; (void) type; (void) pixels; + DISPATCH(TexImage3D, (target, level, internalformat, width, height, depth, border, format, type, pixels), (F, "glTexImage3DOES(0x%x, %d, 0x%x, %d, %d, %d, %d, 0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", target, level, internalformat, width, height, depth, border, format, type, (const void *) pixels)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(TexSubImage3D)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLint zoffset, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid * pixels) +{ + (void) target; (void) level; (void) xoffset; (void) yoffset; (void) zoffset; (void) width; (void) height; (void) depth; (void) format; (void) type; (void) pixels; + DISPATCH(TexSubImage3D, (target, level, xoffset, yoffset, zoffset, width, height, depth, format, type, pixels), (F, "glTexSubImage3D(0x%x, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, 0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", target, level, xoffset, yoffset, zoffset, width, height, depth, format, type, (const void *) pixels)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(TexSubImage3DEXT)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLint zoffset, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid * pixels) +{ + (void) target; (void) level; (void) xoffset; (void) yoffset; (void) zoffset; (void) width; (void) height; (void) depth; (void) format; (void) type; (void) pixels; + DISPATCH(TexSubImage3D, (target, level, xoffset, yoffset, zoffset, width, height, depth, format, type, pixels), (F, "glTexSubImage3DEXT(0x%x, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, 0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", target, level, xoffset, yoffset, zoffset, width, height, depth, format, type, (const void *) pixels)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_372)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLint zoffset, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid * pixels); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_372)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLint zoffset, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid * pixels) +{ + (void) target; (void) level; (void) xoffset; (void) yoffset; (void) zoffset; (void) width; (void) height; (void) depth; (void) format; (void) type; (void) pixels; + DISPATCH(TexSubImage3D, (target, level, xoffset, yoffset, zoffset, width, height, depth, format, type, pixels), (F, "glTexSubImage3DOES(0x%x, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, 0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", target, level, xoffset, yoffset, zoffset, width, height, depth, format, type, (const void *) pixels)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(CopyTexSubImage3D)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLint zoffset, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height) +{ + (void) target; (void) level; (void) xoffset; (void) yoffset; (void) zoffset; (void) x; (void) y; (void) width; (void) height; + DISPATCH(CopyTexSubImage3D, (target, level, xoffset, yoffset, zoffset, x, y, width, height), (F, "glCopyTexSubImage3D(0x%x, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d);\n", target, level, xoffset, yoffset, zoffset, x, y, width, height)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(CopyTexSubImage3DEXT)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLint zoffset, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height) +{ + (void) target; (void) level; (void) xoffset; (void) yoffset; (void) zoffset; (void) x; (void) y; (void) width; (void) height; + DISPATCH(CopyTexSubImage3D, (target, level, xoffset, yoffset, zoffset, x, y, width, height), (F, "glCopyTexSubImage3DEXT(0x%x, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d);\n", target, level, xoffset, yoffset, zoffset, x, y, width, height)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_373)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLint zoffset, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_373)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLint zoffset, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height) +{ + (void) target; (void) level; (void) xoffset; (void) yoffset; (void) zoffset; (void) x; (void) y; (void) width; (void) height; + DISPATCH(CopyTexSubImage3D, (target, level, xoffset, yoffset, zoffset, x, y, width, height), (F, "glCopyTexSubImage3DOES(0x%x, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d);\n", target, level, xoffset, yoffset, zoffset, x, y, width, height)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(ActiveTexture)(GLenum texture) +{ + (void) texture; + DISPATCH(ActiveTexture, (texture), (F, "glActiveTexture(0x%x);\n", texture)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(ActiveTextureARB)(GLenum texture) +{ + (void) texture; + DISPATCH(ActiveTexture, (texture), (F, "glActiveTextureARB(0x%x);\n", texture)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(ClientActiveTexture)(GLenum texture) +{ + (void) texture; + DISPATCH(ClientActiveTexture, (texture), (F, "glClientActiveTexture(0x%x);\n", texture)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(ClientActiveTextureARB)(GLenum texture) +{ + (void) texture; + DISPATCH(ClientActiveTexture, (texture), (F, "glClientActiveTextureARB(0x%x);\n", texture)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(MultiTexCoord1d)(GLenum target, GLdouble s) +{ + (void) target; (void) s; + DISPATCH(MultiTexCoord1d, (target, s), (F, "glMultiTexCoord1d(0x%x, %f);\n", target, s)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(MultiTexCoord1dARB)(GLenum target, GLdouble s) +{ + (void) target; (void) s; + DISPATCH(MultiTexCoord1d, (target, s), (F, "glMultiTexCoord1dARB(0x%x, %f);\n", target, s)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(MultiTexCoord1dv)(GLenum target, const GLdouble * v) +{ + (void) target; (void) v; + DISPATCH(MultiTexCoord1dv, (target, v), (F, "glMultiTexCoord1dv(0x%x, %p);\n", target, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(MultiTexCoord1dvARB)(GLenum target, const GLdouble * v) +{ + (void) target; (void) v; + DISPATCH(MultiTexCoord1dv, (target, v), (F, "glMultiTexCoord1dvARB(0x%x, %p);\n", target, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(MultiTexCoord1f)(GLenum target, GLfloat s) +{ + (void) target; (void) s; + DISPATCH(MultiTexCoord1fARB, (target, s), (F, "glMultiTexCoord1f(0x%x, %f);\n", target, s)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(MultiTexCoord1fARB)(GLenum target, GLfloat s) +{ + (void) target; (void) s; + DISPATCH(MultiTexCoord1fARB, (target, s), (F, "glMultiTexCoord1fARB(0x%x, %f);\n", target, s)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(MultiTexCoord1fv)(GLenum target, const GLfloat * v) +{ + (void) target; (void) v; + DISPATCH(MultiTexCoord1fvARB, (target, v), (F, "glMultiTexCoord1fv(0x%x, %p);\n", target, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(MultiTexCoord1fvARB)(GLenum target, const GLfloat * v) +{ + (void) target; (void) v; + DISPATCH(MultiTexCoord1fvARB, (target, v), (F, "glMultiTexCoord1fvARB(0x%x, %p);\n", target, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(MultiTexCoord1i)(GLenum target, GLint s) +{ + (void) target; (void) s; + DISPATCH(MultiTexCoord1i, (target, s), (F, "glMultiTexCoord1i(0x%x, %d);\n", target, s)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(MultiTexCoord1iARB)(GLenum target, GLint s) +{ + (void) target; (void) s; + DISPATCH(MultiTexCoord1i, (target, s), (F, "glMultiTexCoord1iARB(0x%x, %d);\n", target, s)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(MultiTexCoord1iv)(GLenum target, const GLint * v) +{ + (void) target; (void) v; + DISPATCH(MultiTexCoord1iv, (target, v), (F, "glMultiTexCoord1iv(0x%x, %p);\n", target, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(MultiTexCoord1ivARB)(GLenum target, const GLint * v) +{ + (void) target; (void) v; + DISPATCH(MultiTexCoord1iv, (target, v), (F, "glMultiTexCoord1ivARB(0x%x, %p);\n", target, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(MultiTexCoord1s)(GLenum target, GLshort s) +{ + (void) target; (void) s; + DISPATCH(MultiTexCoord1s, (target, s), (F, "glMultiTexCoord1s(0x%x, %d);\n", target, s)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(MultiTexCoord1sARB)(GLenum target, GLshort s) +{ + (void) target; (void) s; + DISPATCH(MultiTexCoord1s, (target, s), (F, "glMultiTexCoord1sARB(0x%x, %d);\n", target, s)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(MultiTexCoord1sv)(GLenum target, const GLshort * v) +{ + (void) target; (void) v; + DISPATCH(MultiTexCoord1sv, (target, v), (F, "glMultiTexCoord1sv(0x%x, %p);\n", target, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(MultiTexCoord1svARB)(GLenum target, const GLshort * v) +{ + (void) target; (void) v; + DISPATCH(MultiTexCoord1sv, (target, v), (F, "glMultiTexCoord1svARB(0x%x, %p);\n", target, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(MultiTexCoord2d)(GLenum target, GLdouble s, GLdouble t) +{ + (void) target; (void) s; (void) t; + DISPATCH(MultiTexCoord2d, (target, s, t), (F, "glMultiTexCoord2d(0x%x, %f, %f);\n", target, s, t)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(MultiTexCoord2dARB)(GLenum target, GLdouble s, GLdouble t) +{ + (void) target; (void) s; (void) t; + DISPATCH(MultiTexCoord2d, (target, s, t), (F, "glMultiTexCoord2dARB(0x%x, %f, %f);\n", target, s, t)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(MultiTexCoord2dv)(GLenum target, const GLdouble * v) +{ + (void) target; (void) v; + DISPATCH(MultiTexCoord2dv, (target, v), (F, "glMultiTexCoord2dv(0x%x, %p);\n", target, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(MultiTexCoord2dvARB)(GLenum target, const GLdouble * v) +{ + (void) target; (void) v; + DISPATCH(MultiTexCoord2dv, (target, v), (F, "glMultiTexCoord2dvARB(0x%x, %p);\n", target, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(MultiTexCoord2f)(GLenum target, GLfloat s, GLfloat t) +{ + (void) target; (void) s; (void) t; + DISPATCH(MultiTexCoord2fARB, (target, s, t), (F, "glMultiTexCoord2f(0x%x, %f, %f);\n", target, s, t)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(MultiTexCoord2fARB)(GLenum target, GLfloat s, GLfloat t) +{ + (void) target; (void) s; (void) t; + DISPATCH(MultiTexCoord2fARB, (target, s, t), (F, "glMultiTexCoord2fARB(0x%x, %f, %f);\n", target, s, t)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(MultiTexCoord2fv)(GLenum target, const GLfloat * v) +{ + (void) target; (void) v; + DISPATCH(MultiTexCoord2fvARB, (target, v), (F, "glMultiTexCoord2fv(0x%x, %p);\n", target, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(MultiTexCoord2fvARB)(GLenum target, const GLfloat * v) +{ + (void) target; (void) v; + DISPATCH(MultiTexCoord2fvARB, (target, v), (F, "glMultiTexCoord2fvARB(0x%x, %p);\n", target, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(MultiTexCoord2i)(GLenum target, GLint s, GLint t) +{ + (void) target; (void) s; (void) t; + DISPATCH(MultiTexCoord2i, (target, s, t), (F, "glMultiTexCoord2i(0x%x, %d, %d);\n", target, s, t)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(MultiTexCoord2iARB)(GLenum target, GLint s, GLint t) +{ + (void) target; (void) s; (void) t; + DISPATCH(MultiTexCoord2i, (target, s, t), (F, "glMultiTexCoord2iARB(0x%x, %d, %d);\n", target, s, t)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(MultiTexCoord2iv)(GLenum target, const GLint * v) +{ + (void) target; (void) v; + DISPATCH(MultiTexCoord2iv, (target, v), (F, "glMultiTexCoord2iv(0x%x, %p);\n", target, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(MultiTexCoord2ivARB)(GLenum target, const GLint * v) +{ + (void) target; (void) v; + DISPATCH(MultiTexCoord2iv, (target, v), (F, "glMultiTexCoord2ivARB(0x%x, %p);\n", target, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(MultiTexCoord2s)(GLenum target, GLshort s, GLshort t) +{ + (void) target; (void) s; (void) t; + DISPATCH(MultiTexCoord2s, (target, s, t), (F, "glMultiTexCoord2s(0x%x, %d, %d);\n", target, s, t)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(MultiTexCoord2sARB)(GLenum target, GLshort s, GLshort t) +{ + (void) target; (void) s; (void) t; + DISPATCH(MultiTexCoord2s, (target, s, t), (F, "glMultiTexCoord2sARB(0x%x, %d, %d);\n", target, s, t)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(MultiTexCoord2sv)(GLenum target, const GLshort * v) +{ + (void) target; (void) v; + DISPATCH(MultiTexCoord2sv, (target, v), (F, "glMultiTexCoord2sv(0x%x, %p);\n", target, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(MultiTexCoord2svARB)(GLenum target, const GLshort * v) +{ + (void) target; (void) v; + DISPATCH(MultiTexCoord2sv, (target, v), (F, "glMultiTexCoord2svARB(0x%x, %p);\n", target, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(MultiTexCoord3d)(GLenum target, GLdouble s, GLdouble t, GLdouble r) +{ + (void) target; (void) s; (void) t; (void) r; + DISPATCH(MultiTexCoord3d, (target, s, t, r), (F, "glMultiTexCoord3d(0x%x, %f, %f, %f);\n", target, s, t, r)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(MultiTexCoord3dARB)(GLenum target, GLdouble s, GLdouble t, GLdouble r) +{ + (void) target; (void) s; (void) t; (void) r; + DISPATCH(MultiTexCoord3d, (target, s, t, r), (F, "glMultiTexCoord3dARB(0x%x, %f, %f, %f);\n", target, s, t, r)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(MultiTexCoord3dv)(GLenum target, const GLdouble * v) +{ + (void) target; (void) v; + DISPATCH(MultiTexCoord3dv, (target, v), (F, "glMultiTexCoord3dv(0x%x, %p);\n", target, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(MultiTexCoord3dvARB)(GLenum target, const GLdouble * v) +{ + (void) target; (void) v; + DISPATCH(MultiTexCoord3dv, (target, v), (F, "glMultiTexCoord3dvARB(0x%x, %p);\n", target, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(MultiTexCoord3f)(GLenum target, GLfloat s, GLfloat t, GLfloat r) +{ + (void) target; (void) s; (void) t; (void) r; + DISPATCH(MultiTexCoord3fARB, (target, s, t, r), (F, "glMultiTexCoord3f(0x%x, %f, %f, %f);\n", target, s, t, r)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(MultiTexCoord3fARB)(GLenum target, GLfloat s, GLfloat t, GLfloat r) +{ + (void) target; (void) s; (void) t; (void) r; + DISPATCH(MultiTexCoord3fARB, (target, s, t, r), (F, "glMultiTexCoord3fARB(0x%x, %f, %f, %f);\n", target, s, t, r)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(MultiTexCoord3fv)(GLenum target, const GLfloat * v) +{ + (void) target; (void) v; + DISPATCH(MultiTexCoord3fvARB, (target, v), (F, "glMultiTexCoord3fv(0x%x, %p);\n", target, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(MultiTexCoord3fvARB)(GLenum target, const GLfloat * v) +{ + (void) target; (void) v; + DISPATCH(MultiTexCoord3fvARB, (target, v), (F, "glMultiTexCoord3fvARB(0x%x, %p);\n", target, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(MultiTexCoord3i)(GLenum target, GLint s, GLint t, GLint r) +{ + (void) target; (void) s; (void) t; (void) r; + DISPATCH(MultiTexCoord3i, (target, s, t, r), (F, "glMultiTexCoord3i(0x%x, %d, %d, %d);\n", target, s, t, r)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(MultiTexCoord3iARB)(GLenum target, GLint s, GLint t, GLint r) +{ + (void) target; (void) s; (void) t; (void) r; + DISPATCH(MultiTexCoord3i, (target, s, t, r), (F, "glMultiTexCoord3iARB(0x%x, %d, %d, %d);\n", target, s, t, r)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(MultiTexCoord3iv)(GLenum target, const GLint * v) +{ + (void) target; (void) v; + DISPATCH(MultiTexCoord3iv, (target, v), (F, "glMultiTexCoord3iv(0x%x, %p);\n", target, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(MultiTexCoord3ivARB)(GLenum target, const GLint * v) +{ + (void) target; (void) v; + DISPATCH(MultiTexCoord3iv, (target, v), (F, "glMultiTexCoord3ivARB(0x%x, %p);\n", target, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(MultiTexCoord3s)(GLenum target, GLshort s, GLshort t, GLshort r) +{ + (void) target; (void) s; (void) t; (void) r; + DISPATCH(MultiTexCoord3s, (target, s, t, r), (F, "glMultiTexCoord3s(0x%x, %d, %d, %d);\n", target, s, t, r)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(MultiTexCoord3sARB)(GLenum target, GLshort s, GLshort t, GLshort r) +{ + (void) target; (void) s; (void) t; (void) r; + DISPATCH(MultiTexCoord3s, (target, s, t, r), (F, "glMultiTexCoord3sARB(0x%x, %d, %d, %d);\n", target, s, t, r)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(MultiTexCoord3sv)(GLenum target, const GLshort * v) +{ + (void) target; (void) v; + DISPATCH(MultiTexCoord3sv, (target, v), (F, "glMultiTexCoord3sv(0x%x, %p);\n", target, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(MultiTexCoord3svARB)(GLenum target, const GLshort * v) +{ + (void) target; (void) v; + DISPATCH(MultiTexCoord3sv, (target, v), (F, "glMultiTexCoord3svARB(0x%x, %p);\n", target, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(MultiTexCoord4d)(GLenum target, GLdouble s, GLdouble t, GLdouble r, GLdouble q) +{ + (void) target; (void) s; (void) t; (void) r; (void) q; + DISPATCH(MultiTexCoord4d, (target, s, t, r, q), (F, "glMultiTexCoord4d(0x%x, %f, %f, %f, %f);\n", target, s, t, r, q)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(MultiTexCoord4dARB)(GLenum target, GLdouble s, GLdouble t, GLdouble r, GLdouble q) +{ + (void) target; (void) s; (void) t; (void) r; (void) q; + DISPATCH(MultiTexCoord4d, (target, s, t, r, q), (F, "glMultiTexCoord4dARB(0x%x, %f, %f, %f, %f);\n", target, s, t, r, q)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(MultiTexCoord4dv)(GLenum target, const GLdouble * v) +{ + (void) target; (void) v; + DISPATCH(MultiTexCoord4dv, (target, v), (F, "glMultiTexCoord4dv(0x%x, %p);\n", target, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(MultiTexCoord4dvARB)(GLenum target, const GLdouble * v) +{ + (void) target; (void) v; + DISPATCH(MultiTexCoord4dv, (target, v), (F, "glMultiTexCoord4dvARB(0x%x, %p);\n", target, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(MultiTexCoord4f)(GLenum target, GLfloat s, GLfloat t, GLfloat r, GLfloat q) +{ + (void) target; (void) s; (void) t; (void) r; (void) q; + DISPATCH(MultiTexCoord4fARB, (target, s, t, r, q), (F, "glMultiTexCoord4f(0x%x, %f, %f, %f, %f);\n", target, s, t, r, q)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(MultiTexCoord4fARB)(GLenum target, GLfloat s, GLfloat t, GLfloat r, GLfloat q) +{ + (void) target; (void) s; (void) t; (void) r; (void) q; + DISPATCH(MultiTexCoord4fARB, (target, s, t, r, q), (F, "glMultiTexCoord4fARB(0x%x, %f, %f, %f, %f);\n", target, s, t, r, q)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(MultiTexCoord4fv)(GLenum target, const GLfloat * v) +{ + (void) target; (void) v; + DISPATCH(MultiTexCoord4fvARB, (target, v), (F, "glMultiTexCoord4fv(0x%x, %p);\n", target, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(MultiTexCoord4fvARB)(GLenum target, const GLfloat * v) +{ + (void) target; (void) v; + DISPATCH(MultiTexCoord4fvARB, (target, v), (F, "glMultiTexCoord4fvARB(0x%x, %p);\n", target, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(MultiTexCoord4i)(GLenum target, GLint s, GLint t, GLint r, GLint q) +{ + (void) target; (void) s; (void) t; (void) r; (void) q; + DISPATCH(MultiTexCoord4i, (target, s, t, r, q), (F, "glMultiTexCoord4i(0x%x, %d, %d, %d, %d);\n", target, s, t, r, q)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(MultiTexCoord4iARB)(GLenum target, GLint s, GLint t, GLint r, GLint q) +{ + (void) target; (void) s; (void) t; (void) r; (void) q; + DISPATCH(MultiTexCoord4i, (target, s, t, r, q), (F, "glMultiTexCoord4iARB(0x%x, %d, %d, %d, %d);\n", target, s, t, r, q)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(MultiTexCoord4iv)(GLenum target, const GLint * v) +{ + (void) target; (void) v; + DISPATCH(MultiTexCoord4iv, (target, v), (F, "glMultiTexCoord4iv(0x%x, %p);\n", target, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(MultiTexCoord4ivARB)(GLenum target, const GLint * v) +{ + (void) target; (void) v; + DISPATCH(MultiTexCoord4iv, (target, v), (F, "glMultiTexCoord4ivARB(0x%x, %p);\n", target, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(MultiTexCoord4s)(GLenum target, GLshort s, GLshort t, GLshort r, GLshort q) +{ + (void) target; (void) s; (void) t; (void) r; (void) q; + DISPATCH(MultiTexCoord4s, (target, s, t, r, q), (F, "glMultiTexCoord4s(0x%x, %d, %d, %d, %d);\n", target, s, t, r, q)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(MultiTexCoord4sARB)(GLenum target, GLshort s, GLshort t, GLshort r, GLshort q) +{ + (void) target; (void) s; (void) t; (void) r; (void) q; + DISPATCH(MultiTexCoord4s, (target, s, t, r, q), (F, "glMultiTexCoord4sARB(0x%x, %d, %d, %d, %d);\n", target, s, t, r, q)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(MultiTexCoord4sv)(GLenum target, const GLshort * v) +{ + (void) target; (void) v; + DISPATCH(MultiTexCoord4sv, (target, v), (F, "glMultiTexCoord4sv(0x%x, %p);\n", target, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(MultiTexCoord4svARB)(GLenum target, const GLshort * v) +{ + (void) target; (void) v; + DISPATCH(MultiTexCoord4sv, (target, v), (F, "glMultiTexCoord4svARB(0x%x, %p);\n", target, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(CompressedTexImage1D)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLint border, GLsizei imageSize, const GLvoid * data) +{ + (void) target; (void) level; (void) internalformat; (void) width; (void) border; (void) imageSize; (void) data; + DISPATCH(CompressedTexImage1D, (target, level, internalformat, width, border, imageSize, data), (F, "glCompressedTexImage1D(0x%x, %d, 0x%x, %d, %d, %d, %p);\n", target, level, internalformat, width, border, imageSize, (const void *) data)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(CompressedTexImage1DARB)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLint border, GLsizei imageSize, const GLvoid * data) +{ + (void) target; (void) level; (void) internalformat; (void) width; (void) border; (void) imageSize; (void) data; + DISPATCH(CompressedTexImage1D, (target, level, internalformat, width, border, imageSize, data), (F, "glCompressedTexImage1DARB(0x%x, %d, 0x%x, %d, %d, %d, %p);\n", target, level, internalformat, width, border, imageSize, (const void *) data)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(CompressedTexImage2D)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLint border, GLsizei imageSize, const GLvoid * data) +{ + (void) target; (void) level; (void) internalformat; (void) width; (void) height; (void) border; (void) imageSize; (void) data; + DISPATCH(CompressedTexImage2D, (target, level, internalformat, width, height, border, imageSize, data), (F, "glCompressedTexImage2D(0x%x, %d, 0x%x, %d, %d, %d, %d, %p);\n", target, level, internalformat, width, height, border, imageSize, (const void *) data)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(CompressedTexImage2DARB)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLint border, GLsizei imageSize, const GLvoid * data) +{ + (void) target; (void) level; (void) internalformat; (void) width; (void) height; (void) border; (void) imageSize; (void) data; + DISPATCH(CompressedTexImage2D, (target, level, internalformat, width, height, border, imageSize, data), (F, "glCompressedTexImage2DARB(0x%x, %d, 0x%x, %d, %d, %d, %d, %p);\n", target, level, internalformat, width, height, border, imageSize, (const void *) data)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(CompressedTexImage3D)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth, GLint border, GLsizei imageSize, const GLvoid * data) +{ + (void) target; (void) level; (void) internalformat; (void) width; (void) height; (void) depth; (void) border; (void) imageSize; (void) data; + DISPATCH(CompressedTexImage3D, (target, level, internalformat, width, height, depth, border, imageSize, data), (F, "glCompressedTexImage3D(0x%x, %d, 0x%x, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %p);\n", target, level, internalformat, width, height, depth, border, imageSize, (const void *) data)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(CompressedTexImage3DARB)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth, GLint border, GLsizei imageSize, const GLvoid * data) +{ + (void) target; (void) level; (void) internalformat; (void) width; (void) height; (void) depth; (void) border; (void) imageSize; (void) data; + DISPATCH(CompressedTexImage3D, (target, level, internalformat, width, height, depth, border, imageSize, data), (F, "glCompressedTexImage3DARB(0x%x, %d, 0x%x, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %p);\n", target, level, internalformat, width, height, depth, border, imageSize, (const void *) data)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_410)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth, GLint border, GLsizei imageSize, const GLvoid * data); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_410)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth, GLint border, GLsizei imageSize, const GLvoid * data) +{ + (void) target; (void) level; (void) internalformat; (void) width; (void) height; (void) depth; (void) border; (void) imageSize; (void) data; + DISPATCH(CompressedTexImage3D, (target, level, internalformat, width, height, depth, border, imageSize, data), (F, "glCompressedTexImage3DOES(0x%x, %d, 0x%x, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %p);\n", target, level, internalformat, width, height, depth, border, imageSize, (const void *) data)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(CompressedTexSubImage1D)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLsizei width, GLenum format, GLsizei imageSize, const GLvoid * data) +{ + (void) target; (void) level; (void) xoffset; (void) width; (void) format; (void) imageSize; (void) data; + DISPATCH(CompressedTexSubImage1D, (target, level, xoffset, width, format, imageSize, data), (F, "glCompressedTexSubImage1D(0x%x, %d, %d, %d, 0x%x, %d, %p);\n", target, level, xoffset, width, format, imageSize, (const void *) data)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(CompressedTexSubImage1DARB)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLsizei width, GLenum format, GLsizei imageSize, const GLvoid * data) +{ + (void) target; (void) level; (void) xoffset; (void) width; (void) format; (void) imageSize; (void) data; + DISPATCH(CompressedTexSubImage1D, (target, level, xoffset, width, format, imageSize, data), (F, "glCompressedTexSubImage1DARB(0x%x, %d, %d, %d, 0x%x, %d, %p);\n", target, level, xoffset, width, format, imageSize, (const void *) data)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(CompressedTexSubImage2D)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLsizei imageSize, const GLvoid * data) +{ + (void) target; (void) level; (void) xoffset; (void) yoffset; (void) width; (void) height; (void) format; (void) imageSize; (void) data; + DISPATCH(CompressedTexSubImage2D, (target, level, xoffset, yoffset, width, height, format, imageSize, data), (F, "glCompressedTexSubImage2D(0x%x, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, 0x%x, %d, %p);\n", target, level, xoffset, yoffset, width, height, format, imageSize, (const void *) data)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(CompressedTexSubImage2DARB)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLsizei imageSize, const GLvoid * data) +{ + (void) target; (void) level; (void) xoffset; (void) yoffset; (void) width; (void) height; (void) format; (void) imageSize; (void) data; + DISPATCH(CompressedTexSubImage2D, (target, level, xoffset, yoffset, width, height, format, imageSize, data), (F, "glCompressedTexSubImage2DARB(0x%x, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, 0x%x, %d, %p);\n", target, level, xoffset, yoffset, width, height, format, imageSize, (const void *) data)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(CompressedTexSubImage3D)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLint zoffset, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth, GLenum format, GLsizei imageSize, const GLvoid * data) +{ + (void) target; (void) level; (void) xoffset; (void) yoffset; (void) zoffset; (void) width; (void) height; (void) depth; (void) format; (void) imageSize; (void) data; + DISPATCH(CompressedTexSubImage3D, (target, level, xoffset, yoffset, zoffset, width, height, depth, format, imageSize, data), (F, "glCompressedTexSubImage3D(0x%x, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, 0x%x, %d, %p);\n", target, level, xoffset, yoffset, zoffset, width, height, depth, format, imageSize, (const void *) data)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(CompressedTexSubImage3DARB)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLint zoffset, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth, GLenum format, GLsizei imageSize, const GLvoid * data) +{ + (void) target; (void) level; (void) xoffset; (void) yoffset; (void) zoffset; (void) width; (void) height; (void) depth; (void) format; (void) imageSize; (void) data; + DISPATCH(CompressedTexSubImage3D, (target, level, xoffset, yoffset, zoffset, width, height, depth, format, imageSize, data), (F, "glCompressedTexSubImage3DARB(0x%x, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, 0x%x, %d, %p);\n", target, level, xoffset, yoffset, zoffset, width, height, depth, format, imageSize, (const void *) data)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_413)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLint zoffset, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth, GLenum format, GLsizei imageSize, const GLvoid * data); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_413)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLint zoffset, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth, GLenum format, GLsizei imageSize, const GLvoid * data) +{ + (void) target; (void) level; (void) xoffset; (void) yoffset; (void) zoffset; (void) width; (void) height; (void) depth; (void) format; (void) imageSize; (void) data; + DISPATCH(CompressedTexSubImage3D, (target, level, xoffset, yoffset, zoffset, width, height, depth, format, imageSize, data), (F, "glCompressedTexSubImage3DOES(0x%x, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, 0x%x, %d, %p);\n", target, level, xoffset, yoffset, zoffset, width, height, depth, format, imageSize, (const void *) data)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetCompressedTexImage)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLvoid * img) +{ + (void) target; (void) level; (void) img; + DISPATCH(GetCompressedTexImage, (target, level, img), (F, "glGetCompressedTexImage(0x%x, %d, %p);\n", target, level, (const void *) img)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetCompressedTexImageARB)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLvoid * img) +{ + (void) target; (void) level; (void) img; + DISPATCH(GetCompressedTexImage, (target, level, img), (F, "glGetCompressedTexImageARB(0x%x, %d, %p);\n", target, level, (const void *) img)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(LoadTransposeMatrixd)(const GLdouble * m) +{ + (void) m; + DISPATCH(LoadTransposeMatrixd, (m), (F, "glLoadTransposeMatrixd(%p);\n", (const void *) m)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(LoadTransposeMatrixdARB)(const GLdouble * m) +{ + (void) m; + DISPATCH(LoadTransposeMatrixd, (m), (F, "glLoadTransposeMatrixdARB(%p);\n", (const void *) m)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(LoadTransposeMatrixf)(const GLfloat * m) +{ + (void) m; + DISPATCH(LoadTransposeMatrixf, (m), (F, "glLoadTransposeMatrixf(%p);\n", (const void *) m)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(LoadTransposeMatrixfARB)(const GLfloat * m) +{ + (void) m; + DISPATCH(LoadTransposeMatrixf, (m), (F, "glLoadTransposeMatrixfARB(%p);\n", (const void *) m)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(MultTransposeMatrixd)(const GLdouble * m) +{ + (void) m; + DISPATCH(MultTransposeMatrixd, (m), (F, "glMultTransposeMatrixd(%p);\n", (const void *) m)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(MultTransposeMatrixdARB)(const GLdouble * m) +{ + (void) m; + DISPATCH(MultTransposeMatrixd, (m), (F, "glMultTransposeMatrixdARB(%p);\n", (const void *) m)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(MultTransposeMatrixf)(const GLfloat * m) +{ + (void) m; + DISPATCH(MultTransposeMatrixf, (m), (F, "glMultTransposeMatrixf(%p);\n", (const void *) m)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(MultTransposeMatrixfARB)(const GLfloat * m) +{ + (void) m; + DISPATCH(MultTransposeMatrixf, (m), (F, "glMultTransposeMatrixfARB(%p);\n", (const void *) m)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(SampleCoverage)(GLclampf value, GLboolean invert) +{ + (void) value; (void) invert; + DISPATCH(SampleCoverage, (value, invert), (F, "glSampleCoverage(%f, %d);\n", value, invert)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(SampleCoverageARB)(GLclampf value, GLboolean invert) +{ + (void) value; (void) invert; + DISPATCH(SampleCoverage, (value, invert), (F, "glSampleCoverageARB(%f, %d);\n", value, invert)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(BlendFuncSeparate)(GLenum sfactorRGB, GLenum dfactorRGB, GLenum sfactorAlpha, GLenum dfactorAlpha) +{ + (void) sfactorRGB; (void) dfactorRGB; (void) sfactorAlpha; (void) dfactorAlpha; + DISPATCH(BlendFuncSeparate, (sfactorRGB, dfactorRGB, sfactorAlpha, dfactorAlpha), (F, "glBlendFuncSeparate(0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x);\n", sfactorRGB, dfactorRGB, sfactorAlpha, dfactorAlpha)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(BlendFuncSeparateEXT)(GLenum sfactorRGB, GLenum dfactorRGB, GLenum sfactorAlpha, GLenum dfactorAlpha) +{ + (void) sfactorRGB; (void) dfactorRGB; (void) sfactorAlpha; (void) dfactorAlpha; + DISPATCH(BlendFuncSeparate, (sfactorRGB, dfactorRGB, sfactorAlpha, dfactorAlpha), (F, "glBlendFuncSeparateEXT(0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x);\n", sfactorRGB, dfactorRGB, sfactorAlpha, dfactorAlpha)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_420)(GLenum sfactorRGB, GLenum dfactorRGB, GLenum sfactorAlpha, GLenum dfactorAlpha); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_420)(GLenum sfactorRGB, GLenum dfactorRGB, GLenum sfactorAlpha, GLenum dfactorAlpha) +{ + (void) sfactorRGB; (void) dfactorRGB; (void) sfactorAlpha; (void) dfactorAlpha; + DISPATCH(BlendFuncSeparate, (sfactorRGB, dfactorRGB, sfactorAlpha, dfactorAlpha), (F, "glBlendFuncSeparateINGR(0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x);\n", sfactorRGB, dfactorRGB, sfactorAlpha, dfactorAlpha)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(FogCoordPointer)(GLenum type, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid * pointer) +{ + (void) type; (void) stride; (void) pointer; + DISPATCH(FogCoordPointer, (type, stride, pointer), (F, "glFogCoordPointer(0x%x, %d, %p);\n", type, stride, (const void *) pointer)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(FogCoordPointerEXT)(GLenum type, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid * pointer) +{ + (void) type; (void) stride; (void) pointer; + DISPATCH(FogCoordPointer, (type, stride, pointer), (F, "glFogCoordPointerEXT(0x%x, %d, %p);\n", type, stride, (const void *) pointer)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(FogCoordd)(GLdouble coord) +{ + (void) coord; + DISPATCH(FogCoordd, (coord), (F, "glFogCoordd(%f);\n", coord)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(FogCoorddEXT)(GLdouble coord) +{ + (void) coord; + DISPATCH(FogCoordd, (coord), (F, "glFogCoorddEXT(%f);\n", coord)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(FogCoorddv)(const GLdouble * coord) +{ + (void) coord; + DISPATCH(FogCoorddv, (coord), (F, "glFogCoorddv(%p);\n", (const void *) coord)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(FogCoorddvEXT)(const GLdouble * coord) +{ + (void) coord; + DISPATCH(FogCoorddv, (coord), (F, "glFogCoorddvEXT(%p);\n", (const void *) coord)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(MultiDrawArrays)(GLenum mode, const GLint * first, const GLsizei * count, GLsizei primcount) +{ + (void) mode; (void) first; (void) count; (void) primcount; + DISPATCH(MultiDrawArrays, (mode, first, count, primcount), (F, "glMultiDrawArrays(0x%x, %p, %p, %d);\n", mode, (const void *) first, (const void *) count, primcount)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(MultiDrawArraysEXT)(GLenum mode, const GLint * first, const GLsizei * count, GLsizei primcount) +{ + (void) mode; (void) first; (void) count; (void) primcount; + DISPATCH(MultiDrawArrays, (mode, first, count, primcount), (F, "glMultiDrawArraysEXT(0x%x, %p, %p, %d);\n", mode, (const void *) first, (const void *) count, primcount)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(PointParameterf)(GLenum pname, GLfloat param) +{ + (void) pname; (void) param; + DISPATCH(PointParameterf, (pname, param), (F, "glPointParameterf(0x%x, %f);\n", pname, param)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(PointParameterfARB)(GLenum pname, GLfloat param) +{ + (void) pname; (void) param; + DISPATCH(PointParameterf, (pname, param), (F, "glPointParameterfARB(0x%x, %f);\n", pname, param)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(PointParameterfEXT)(GLenum pname, GLfloat param) +{ + (void) pname; (void) param; + DISPATCH(PointParameterf, (pname, param), (F, "glPointParameterfEXT(0x%x, %f);\n", pname, param)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_425)(GLenum pname, GLfloat param); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_425)(GLenum pname, GLfloat param) +{ + (void) pname; (void) param; + DISPATCH(PointParameterf, (pname, param), (F, "glPointParameterfSGIS(0x%x, %f);\n", pname, param)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(PointParameterfv)(GLenum pname, const GLfloat * params) +{ + (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(PointParameterfv, (pname, params), (F, "glPointParameterfv(0x%x, %p);\n", pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(PointParameterfvARB)(GLenum pname, const GLfloat * params) +{ + (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(PointParameterfv, (pname, params), (F, "glPointParameterfvARB(0x%x, %p);\n", pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(PointParameterfvEXT)(GLenum pname, const GLfloat * params) +{ + (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(PointParameterfv, (pname, params), (F, "glPointParameterfvEXT(0x%x, %p);\n", pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_426)(GLenum pname, const GLfloat * params); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_426)(GLenum pname, const GLfloat * params) +{ + (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(PointParameterfv, (pname, params), (F, "glPointParameterfvSGIS(0x%x, %p);\n", pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(PointParameteri)(GLenum pname, GLint param) +{ + (void) pname; (void) param; + DISPATCH(PointParameteri, (pname, param), (F, "glPointParameteri(0x%x, %d);\n", pname, param)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(PointParameteriNV)(GLenum pname, GLint param) +{ + (void) pname; (void) param; + DISPATCH(PointParameteri, (pname, param), (F, "glPointParameteriNV(0x%x, %d);\n", pname, param)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(PointParameteriv)(GLenum pname, const GLint * params) +{ + (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(PointParameteriv, (pname, params), (F, "glPointParameteriv(0x%x, %p);\n", pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(PointParameterivNV)(GLenum pname, const GLint * params) +{ + (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(PointParameteriv, (pname, params), (F, "glPointParameterivNV(0x%x, %p);\n", pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(SecondaryColor3b)(GLbyte red, GLbyte green, GLbyte blue) +{ + (void) red; (void) green; (void) blue; + DISPATCH(SecondaryColor3b, (red, green, blue), (F, "glSecondaryColor3b(%d, %d, %d);\n", red, green, blue)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(SecondaryColor3bEXT)(GLbyte red, GLbyte green, GLbyte blue) +{ + (void) red; (void) green; (void) blue; + DISPATCH(SecondaryColor3b, (red, green, blue), (F, "glSecondaryColor3bEXT(%d, %d, %d);\n", red, green, blue)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(SecondaryColor3bv)(const GLbyte * v) +{ + (void) v; + DISPATCH(SecondaryColor3bv, (v), (F, "glSecondaryColor3bv(%p);\n", (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(SecondaryColor3bvEXT)(const GLbyte * v) +{ + (void) v; + DISPATCH(SecondaryColor3bv, (v), (F, "glSecondaryColor3bvEXT(%p);\n", (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(SecondaryColor3d)(GLdouble red, GLdouble green, GLdouble blue) +{ + (void) red; (void) green; (void) blue; + DISPATCH(SecondaryColor3d, (red, green, blue), (F, "glSecondaryColor3d(%f, %f, %f);\n", red, green, blue)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(SecondaryColor3dEXT)(GLdouble red, GLdouble green, GLdouble blue) +{ + (void) red; (void) green; (void) blue; + DISPATCH(SecondaryColor3d, (red, green, blue), (F, "glSecondaryColor3dEXT(%f, %f, %f);\n", red, green, blue)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(SecondaryColor3dv)(const GLdouble * v) +{ + (void) v; + DISPATCH(SecondaryColor3dv, (v), (F, "glSecondaryColor3dv(%p);\n", (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(SecondaryColor3dvEXT)(const GLdouble * v) +{ + (void) v; + DISPATCH(SecondaryColor3dv, (v), (F, "glSecondaryColor3dvEXT(%p);\n", (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(SecondaryColor3i)(GLint red, GLint green, GLint blue) +{ + (void) red; (void) green; (void) blue; + DISPATCH(SecondaryColor3i, (red, green, blue), (F, "glSecondaryColor3i(%d, %d, %d);\n", red, green, blue)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(SecondaryColor3iEXT)(GLint red, GLint green, GLint blue) +{ + (void) red; (void) green; (void) blue; + DISPATCH(SecondaryColor3i, (red, green, blue), (F, "glSecondaryColor3iEXT(%d, %d, %d);\n", red, green, blue)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(SecondaryColor3iv)(const GLint * v) +{ + (void) v; + DISPATCH(SecondaryColor3iv, (v), (F, "glSecondaryColor3iv(%p);\n", (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(SecondaryColor3ivEXT)(const GLint * v) +{ + (void) v; + DISPATCH(SecondaryColor3iv, (v), (F, "glSecondaryColor3ivEXT(%p);\n", (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(SecondaryColor3s)(GLshort red, GLshort green, GLshort blue) +{ + (void) red; (void) green; (void) blue; + DISPATCH(SecondaryColor3s, (red, green, blue), (F, "glSecondaryColor3s(%d, %d, %d);\n", red, green, blue)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(SecondaryColor3sEXT)(GLshort red, GLshort green, GLshort blue) +{ + (void) red; (void) green; (void) blue; + DISPATCH(SecondaryColor3s, (red, green, blue), (F, "glSecondaryColor3sEXT(%d, %d, %d);\n", red, green, blue)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(SecondaryColor3sv)(const GLshort * v) +{ + (void) v; + DISPATCH(SecondaryColor3sv, (v), (F, "glSecondaryColor3sv(%p);\n", (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(SecondaryColor3svEXT)(const GLshort * v) +{ + (void) v; + DISPATCH(SecondaryColor3sv, (v), (F, "glSecondaryColor3svEXT(%p);\n", (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(SecondaryColor3ub)(GLubyte red, GLubyte green, GLubyte blue) +{ + (void) red; (void) green; (void) blue; + DISPATCH(SecondaryColor3ub, (red, green, blue), (F, "glSecondaryColor3ub(%d, %d, %d);\n", red, green, blue)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(SecondaryColor3ubEXT)(GLubyte red, GLubyte green, GLubyte blue) +{ + (void) red; (void) green; (void) blue; + DISPATCH(SecondaryColor3ub, (red, green, blue), (F, "glSecondaryColor3ubEXT(%d, %d, %d);\n", red, green, blue)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(SecondaryColor3ubv)(const GLubyte * v) +{ + (void) v; + DISPATCH(SecondaryColor3ubv, (v), (F, "glSecondaryColor3ubv(%p);\n", (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(SecondaryColor3ubvEXT)(const GLubyte * v) +{ + (void) v; + DISPATCH(SecondaryColor3ubv, (v), (F, "glSecondaryColor3ubvEXT(%p);\n", (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(SecondaryColor3ui)(GLuint red, GLuint green, GLuint blue) +{ + (void) red; (void) green; (void) blue; + DISPATCH(SecondaryColor3ui, (red, green, blue), (F, "glSecondaryColor3ui(%d, %d, %d);\n", red, green, blue)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(SecondaryColor3uiEXT)(GLuint red, GLuint green, GLuint blue) +{ + (void) red; (void) green; (void) blue; + DISPATCH(SecondaryColor3ui, (red, green, blue), (F, "glSecondaryColor3uiEXT(%d, %d, %d);\n", red, green, blue)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(SecondaryColor3uiv)(const GLuint * v) +{ + (void) v; + DISPATCH(SecondaryColor3uiv, (v), (F, "glSecondaryColor3uiv(%p);\n", (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(SecondaryColor3uivEXT)(const GLuint * v) +{ + (void) v; + DISPATCH(SecondaryColor3uiv, (v), (F, "glSecondaryColor3uivEXT(%p);\n", (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(SecondaryColor3us)(GLushort red, GLushort green, GLushort blue) +{ + (void) red; (void) green; (void) blue; + DISPATCH(SecondaryColor3us, (red, green, blue), (F, "glSecondaryColor3us(%d, %d, %d);\n", red, green, blue)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(SecondaryColor3usEXT)(GLushort red, GLushort green, GLushort blue) +{ + (void) red; (void) green; (void) blue; + DISPATCH(SecondaryColor3us, (red, green, blue), (F, "glSecondaryColor3usEXT(%d, %d, %d);\n", red, green, blue)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(SecondaryColor3usv)(const GLushort * v) +{ + (void) v; + DISPATCH(SecondaryColor3usv, (v), (F, "glSecondaryColor3usv(%p);\n", (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(SecondaryColor3usvEXT)(const GLushort * v) +{ + (void) v; + DISPATCH(SecondaryColor3usv, (v), (F, "glSecondaryColor3usvEXT(%p);\n", (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(SecondaryColorPointer)(GLint size, GLenum type, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid * pointer) +{ + (void) size; (void) type; (void) stride; (void) pointer; + DISPATCH(SecondaryColorPointer, (size, type, stride, pointer), (F, "glSecondaryColorPointer(%d, 0x%x, %d, %p);\n", size, type, stride, (const void *) pointer)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(SecondaryColorPointerEXT)(GLint size, GLenum type, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid * pointer) +{ + (void) size; (void) type; (void) stride; (void) pointer; + DISPATCH(SecondaryColorPointer, (size, type, stride, pointer), (F, "glSecondaryColorPointerEXT(%d, 0x%x, %d, %p);\n", size, type, stride, (const void *) pointer)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(WindowPos2d)(GLdouble x, GLdouble y) +{ + (void) x; (void) y; + DISPATCH(WindowPos2d, (x, y), (F, "glWindowPos2d(%f, %f);\n", x, y)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(WindowPos2dARB)(GLdouble x, GLdouble y) +{ + (void) x; (void) y; + DISPATCH(WindowPos2d, (x, y), (F, "glWindowPos2dARB(%f, %f);\n", x, y)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(WindowPos2dMESA)(GLdouble x, GLdouble y) +{ + (void) x; (void) y; + DISPATCH(WindowPos2d, (x, y), (F, "glWindowPos2dMESA(%f, %f);\n", x, y)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(WindowPos2dv)(const GLdouble * v) +{ + (void) v; + DISPATCH(WindowPos2dv, (v), (F, "glWindowPos2dv(%p);\n", (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(WindowPos2dvARB)(const GLdouble * v) +{ + (void) v; + DISPATCH(WindowPos2dv, (v), (F, "glWindowPos2dvARB(%p);\n", (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(WindowPos2dvMESA)(const GLdouble * v) +{ + (void) v; + DISPATCH(WindowPos2dv, (v), (F, "glWindowPos2dvMESA(%p);\n", (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(WindowPos2f)(GLfloat x, GLfloat y) +{ + (void) x; (void) y; + DISPATCH(WindowPos2f, (x, y), (F, "glWindowPos2f(%f, %f);\n", x, y)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(WindowPos2fARB)(GLfloat x, GLfloat y) +{ + (void) x; (void) y; + DISPATCH(WindowPos2f, (x, y), (F, "glWindowPos2fARB(%f, %f);\n", x, y)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(WindowPos2fMESA)(GLfloat x, GLfloat y) +{ + (void) x; (void) y; + DISPATCH(WindowPos2f, (x, y), (F, "glWindowPos2fMESA(%f, %f);\n", x, y)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(WindowPos2fv)(const GLfloat * v) +{ + (void) v; + DISPATCH(WindowPos2fv, (v), (F, "glWindowPos2fv(%p);\n", (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(WindowPos2fvARB)(const GLfloat * v) +{ + (void) v; + DISPATCH(WindowPos2fv, (v), (F, "glWindowPos2fvARB(%p);\n", (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(WindowPos2fvMESA)(const GLfloat * v) +{ + (void) v; + DISPATCH(WindowPos2fv, (v), (F, "glWindowPos2fvMESA(%p);\n", (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(WindowPos2i)(GLint x, GLint y) +{ + (void) x; (void) y; + DISPATCH(WindowPos2i, (x, y), (F, "glWindowPos2i(%d, %d);\n", x, y)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(WindowPos2iARB)(GLint x, GLint y) +{ + (void) x; (void) y; + DISPATCH(WindowPos2i, (x, y), (F, "glWindowPos2iARB(%d, %d);\n", x, y)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(WindowPos2iMESA)(GLint x, GLint y) +{ + (void) x; (void) y; + DISPATCH(WindowPos2i, (x, y), (F, "glWindowPos2iMESA(%d, %d);\n", x, y)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(WindowPos2iv)(const GLint * v) +{ + (void) v; + DISPATCH(WindowPos2iv, (v), (F, "glWindowPos2iv(%p);\n", (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(WindowPos2ivARB)(const GLint * v) +{ + (void) v; + DISPATCH(WindowPos2iv, (v), (F, "glWindowPos2ivARB(%p);\n", (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(WindowPos2ivMESA)(const GLint * v) +{ + (void) v; + DISPATCH(WindowPos2iv, (v), (F, "glWindowPos2ivMESA(%p);\n", (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(WindowPos2s)(GLshort x, GLshort y) +{ + (void) x; (void) y; + DISPATCH(WindowPos2s, (x, y), (F, "glWindowPos2s(%d, %d);\n", x, y)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(WindowPos2sARB)(GLshort x, GLshort y) +{ + (void) x; (void) y; + DISPATCH(WindowPos2s, (x, y), (F, "glWindowPos2sARB(%d, %d);\n", x, y)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(WindowPos2sMESA)(GLshort x, GLshort y) +{ + (void) x; (void) y; + DISPATCH(WindowPos2s, (x, y), (F, "glWindowPos2sMESA(%d, %d);\n", x, y)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(WindowPos2sv)(const GLshort * v) +{ + (void) v; + DISPATCH(WindowPos2sv, (v), (F, "glWindowPos2sv(%p);\n", (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(WindowPos2svARB)(const GLshort * v) +{ + (void) v; + DISPATCH(WindowPos2sv, (v), (F, "glWindowPos2svARB(%p);\n", (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(WindowPos2svMESA)(const GLshort * v) +{ + (void) v; + DISPATCH(WindowPos2sv, (v), (F, "glWindowPos2svMESA(%p);\n", (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(WindowPos3d)(GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z) +{ + (void) x; (void) y; (void) z; + DISPATCH(WindowPos3d, (x, y, z), (F, "glWindowPos3d(%f, %f, %f);\n", x, y, z)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(WindowPos3dARB)(GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z) +{ + (void) x; (void) y; (void) z; + DISPATCH(WindowPos3d, (x, y, z), (F, "glWindowPos3dARB(%f, %f, %f);\n", x, y, z)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(WindowPos3dMESA)(GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z) +{ + (void) x; (void) y; (void) z; + DISPATCH(WindowPos3d, (x, y, z), (F, "glWindowPos3dMESA(%f, %f, %f);\n", x, y, z)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(WindowPos3dv)(const GLdouble * v) +{ + (void) v; + DISPATCH(WindowPos3dv, (v), (F, "glWindowPos3dv(%p);\n", (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(WindowPos3dvARB)(const GLdouble * v) +{ + (void) v; + DISPATCH(WindowPos3dv, (v), (F, "glWindowPos3dvARB(%p);\n", (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(WindowPos3dvMESA)(const GLdouble * v) +{ + (void) v; + DISPATCH(WindowPos3dv, (v), (F, "glWindowPos3dvMESA(%p);\n", (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(WindowPos3f)(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z) +{ + (void) x; (void) y; (void) z; + DISPATCH(WindowPos3f, (x, y, z), (F, "glWindowPos3f(%f, %f, %f);\n", x, y, z)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(WindowPos3fARB)(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z) +{ + (void) x; (void) y; (void) z; + DISPATCH(WindowPos3f, (x, y, z), (F, "glWindowPos3fARB(%f, %f, %f);\n", x, y, z)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(WindowPos3fMESA)(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z) +{ + (void) x; (void) y; (void) z; + DISPATCH(WindowPos3f, (x, y, z), (F, "glWindowPos3fMESA(%f, %f, %f);\n", x, y, z)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(WindowPos3fv)(const GLfloat * v) +{ + (void) v; + DISPATCH(WindowPos3fv, (v), (F, "glWindowPos3fv(%p);\n", (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(WindowPos3fvARB)(const GLfloat * v) +{ + (void) v; + DISPATCH(WindowPos3fv, (v), (F, "glWindowPos3fvARB(%p);\n", (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(WindowPos3fvMESA)(const GLfloat * v) +{ + (void) v; + DISPATCH(WindowPos3fv, (v), (F, "glWindowPos3fvMESA(%p);\n", (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(WindowPos3i)(GLint x, GLint y, GLint z) +{ + (void) x; (void) y; (void) z; + DISPATCH(WindowPos3i, (x, y, z), (F, "glWindowPos3i(%d, %d, %d);\n", x, y, z)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(WindowPos3iARB)(GLint x, GLint y, GLint z) +{ + (void) x; (void) y; (void) z; + DISPATCH(WindowPos3i, (x, y, z), (F, "glWindowPos3iARB(%d, %d, %d);\n", x, y, z)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(WindowPos3iMESA)(GLint x, GLint y, GLint z) +{ + (void) x; (void) y; (void) z; + DISPATCH(WindowPos3i, (x, y, z), (F, "glWindowPos3iMESA(%d, %d, %d);\n", x, y, z)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(WindowPos3iv)(const GLint * v) +{ + (void) v; + DISPATCH(WindowPos3iv, (v), (F, "glWindowPos3iv(%p);\n", (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(WindowPos3ivARB)(const GLint * v) +{ + (void) v; + DISPATCH(WindowPos3iv, (v), (F, "glWindowPos3ivARB(%p);\n", (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(WindowPos3ivMESA)(const GLint * v) +{ + (void) v; + DISPATCH(WindowPos3iv, (v), (F, "glWindowPos3ivMESA(%p);\n", (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(WindowPos3s)(GLshort x, GLshort y, GLshort z) +{ + (void) x; (void) y; (void) z; + DISPATCH(WindowPos3s, (x, y, z), (F, "glWindowPos3s(%d, %d, %d);\n", x, y, z)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(WindowPos3sARB)(GLshort x, GLshort y, GLshort z) +{ + (void) x; (void) y; (void) z; + DISPATCH(WindowPos3s, (x, y, z), (F, "glWindowPos3sARB(%d, %d, %d);\n", x, y, z)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(WindowPos3sMESA)(GLshort x, GLshort y, GLshort z) +{ + (void) x; (void) y; (void) z; + DISPATCH(WindowPos3s, (x, y, z), (F, "glWindowPos3sMESA(%d, %d, %d);\n", x, y, z)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(WindowPos3sv)(const GLshort * v) +{ + (void) v; + DISPATCH(WindowPos3sv, (v), (F, "glWindowPos3sv(%p);\n", (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(WindowPos3svARB)(const GLshort * v) +{ + (void) v; + DISPATCH(WindowPos3sv, (v), (F, "glWindowPos3svARB(%p);\n", (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(WindowPos3svMESA)(const GLshort * v) +{ + (void) v; + DISPATCH(WindowPos3sv, (v), (F, "glWindowPos3svMESA(%p);\n", (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(BeginQuery)(GLenum target, GLuint id) +{ + (void) target; (void) id; + DISPATCH(BeginQuery, (target, id), (F, "glBeginQuery(0x%x, %d);\n", target, id)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(BeginQueryARB)(GLenum target, GLuint id) +{ + (void) target; (void) id; + DISPATCH(BeginQuery, (target, id), (F, "glBeginQueryARB(0x%x, %d);\n", target, id)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(BindBuffer)(GLenum target, GLuint buffer) +{ + (void) target; (void) buffer; + DISPATCH(BindBuffer, (target, buffer), (F, "glBindBuffer(0x%x, %d);\n", target, buffer)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(BindBufferARB)(GLenum target, GLuint buffer) +{ + (void) target; (void) buffer; + DISPATCH(BindBuffer, (target, buffer), (F, "glBindBufferARB(0x%x, %d);\n", target, buffer)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(BufferData)(GLenum target, GLsizeiptr size, const GLvoid * data, GLenum usage) +{ + (void) target; (void) size; (void) data; (void) usage; + DISPATCH(BufferData, (target, size, data, usage), (F, "glBufferData(0x%x, %d, %p, 0x%x);\n", target, size, (const void *) data, usage)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(BufferDataARB)(GLenum target, GLsizeiptrARB size, const GLvoid * data, GLenum usage) +{ + (void) target; (void) size; (void) data; (void) usage; + DISPATCH(BufferData, (target, size, data, usage), (F, "glBufferDataARB(0x%x, %d, %p, 0x%x);\n", target, size, (const void *) data, usage)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(BufferSubData)(GLenum target, GLintptr offset, GLsizeiptr size, const GLvoid * data) +{ + (void) target; (void) offset; (void) size; (void) data; + DISPATCH(BufferSubData, (target, offset, size, data), (F, "glBufferSubData(0x%x, %d, %d, %p);\n", target, offset, size, (const void *) data)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(BufferSubDataARB)(GLenum target, GLintptrARB offset, GLsizeiptrARB size, const GLvoid * data) +{ + (void) target; (void) offset; (void) size; (void) data; + DISPATCH(BufferSubData, (target, offset, size, data), (F, "glBufferSubDataARB(0x%x, %d, %d, %p);\n", target, offset, size, (const void *) data)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(DeleteBuffers)(GLsizei n, const GLuint * buffer) +{ + (void) n; (void) buffer; + DISPATCH(DeleteBuffers, (n, buffer), (F, "glDeleteBuffers(%d, %p);\n", n, (const void *) buffer)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(DeleteBuffersARB)(GLsizei n, const GLuint * buffer) +{ + (void) n; (void) buffer; + DISPATCH(DeleteBuffers, (n, buffer), (F, "glDeleteBuffersARB(%d, %p);\n", n, (const void *) buffer)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(DeleteQueries)(GLsizei n, const GLuint * ids) +{ + (void) n; (void) ids; + DISPATCH(DeleteQueries, (n, ids), (F, "glDeleteQueries(%d, %p);\n", n, (const void *) ids)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(DeleteQueriesARB)(GLsizei n, const GLuint * ids) +{ + (void) n; (void) ids; + DISPATCH(DeleteQueries, (n, ids), (F, "glDeleteQueriesARB(%d, %p);\n", n, (const void *) ids)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(EndQuery)(GLenum target) +{ + (void) target; + DISPATCH(EndQuery, (target), (F, "glEndQuery(0x%x);\n", target)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(EndQueryARB)(GLenum target) +{ + (void) target; + DISPATCH(EndQuery, (target), (F, "glEndQueryARB(0x%x);\n", target)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GenBuffers)(GLsizei n, GLuint * buffer) +{ + (void) n; (void) buffer; + DISPATCH(GenBuffers, (n, buffer), (F, "glGenBuffers(%d, %p);\n", n, (const void *) buffer)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GenBuffersARB)(GLsizei n, GLuint * buffer) +{ + (void) n; (void) buffer; + DISPATCH(GenBuffers, (n, buffer), (F, "glGenBuffersARB(%d, %p);\n", n, (const void *) buffer)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GenQueries)(GLsizei n, GLuint * ids) +{ + (void) n; (void) ids; + DISPATCH(GenQueries, (n, ids), (F, "glGenQueries(%d, %p);\n", n, (const void *) ids)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GenQueriesARB)(GLsizei n, GLuint * ids) +{ + (void) n; (void) ids; + DISPATCH(GenQueries, (n, ids), (F, "glGenQueriesARB(%d, %p);\n", n, (const void *) ids)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetBufferParameteriv)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint * params) +{ + (void) target; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(GetBufferParameteriv, (target, pname, params), (F, "glGetBufferParameteriv(0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", target, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetBufferParameterivARB)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint * params) +{ + (void) target; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(GetBufferParameteriv, (target, pname, params), (F, "glGetBufferParameterivARB(0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", target, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetBufferPointerv)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLvoid ** params) +{ + (void) target; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(GetBufferPointerv, (target, pname, params), (F, "glGetBufferPointerv(0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", target, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetBufferPointervARB)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLvoid ** params) +{ + (void) target; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(GetBufferPointerv, (target, pname, params), (F, "glGetBufferPointervARB(0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", target, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_470)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLvoid ** params); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_470)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLvoid ** params) +{ + (void) target; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(GetBufferPointerv, (target, pname, params), (F, "glGetBufferPointervOES(0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", target, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetBufferSubData)(GLenum target, GLintptr offset, GLsizeiptr size, GLvoid * data) +{ + (void) target; (void) offset; (void) size; (void) data; + DISPATCH(GetBufferSubData, (target, offset, size, data), (F, "glGetBufferSubData(0x%x, %d, %d, %p);\n", target, offset, size, (const void *) data)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetBufferSubDataARB)(GLenum target, GLintptrARB offset, GLsizeiptrARB size, GLvoid * data) +{ + (void) target; (void) offset; (void) size; (void) data; + DISPATCH(GetBufferSubData, (target, offset, size, data), (F, "glGetBufferSubDataARB(0x%x, %d, %d, %p);\n", target, offset, size, (const void *) data)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetQueryObjectiv)(GLuint id, GLenum pname, GLint * params) +{ + (void) id; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(GetQueryObjectiv, (id, pname, params), (F, "glGetQueryObjectiv(%d, 0x%x, %p);\n", id, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetQueryObjectivARB)(GLuint id, GLenum pname, GLint * params) +{ + (void) id; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(GetQueryObjectiv, (id, pname, params), (F, "glGetQueryObjectivARB(%d, 0x%x, %p);\n", id, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetQueryObjectuiv)(GLuint id, GLenum pname, GLuint * params) +{ + (void) id; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(GetQueryObjectuiv, (id, pname, params), (F, "glGetQueryObjectuiv(%d, 0x%x, %p);\n", id, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetQueryObjectuivARB)(GLuint id, GLenum pname, GLuint * params) +{ + (void) id; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(GetQueryObjectuiv, (id, pname, params), (F, "glGetQueryObjectuivARB(%d, 0x%x, %p);\n", id, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetQueryiv)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint * params) +{ + (void) target; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(GetQueryiv, (target, pname, params), (F, "glGetQueryiv(0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", target, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetQueryivARB)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint * params) +{ + (void) target; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(GetQueryiv, (target, pname, params), (F, "glGetQueryivARB(0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", target, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 GLboolean KEYWORD2 NAME(IsBuffer)(GLuint buffer) +{ + (void) buffer; + RETURN_DISPATCH(IsBuffer, (buffer), (F, "glIsBuffer(%d);\n", buffer)); +} + +KEYWORD1 GLboolean KEYWORD2 NAME(IsBufferARB)(GLuint buffer) +{ + (void) buffer; + RETURN_DISPATCH(IsBuffer, (buffer), (F, "glIsBufferARB(%d);\n", buffer)); +} + +KEYWORD1 GLboolean KEYWORD2 NAME(IsQuery)(GLuint id) +{ + (void) id; + RETURN_DISPATCH(IsQuery, (id), (F, "glIsQuery(%d);\n", id)); +} + +KEYWORD1 GLboolean KEYWORD2 NAME(IsQueryARB)(GLuint id) +{ + (void) id; + RETURN_DISPATCH(IsQuery, (id), (F, "glIsQueryARB(%d);\n", id)); +} + +KEYWORD1 GLvoid * KEYWORD2 NAME(MapBuffer)(GLenum target, GLenum access) +{ + (void) target; (void) access; + RETURN_DISPATCH(MapBuffer, (target, access), (F, "glMapBuffer(0x%x, 0x%x);\n", target, access)); +} + +KEYWORD1 GLvoid * KEYWORD2 NAME(MapBufferARB)(GLenum target, GLenum access) +{ + (void) target; (void) access; + RETURN_DISPATCH(MapBuffer, (target, access), (F, "glMapBufferARB(0x%x, 0x%x);\n", target, access)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT GLvoid * KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_477)(GLenum target, GLenum access); + +KEYWORD1_ALT GLvoid * KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_477)(GLenum target, GLenum access) +{ + (void) target; (void) access; + RETURN_DISPATCH(MapBuffer, (target, access), (F, "glMapBufferOES(0x%x, 0x%x);\n", target, access)); +} + +KEYWORD1 GLboolean KEYWORD2 NAME(UnmapBuffer)(GLenum target) +{ + (void) target; + RETURN_DISPATCH(UnmapBuffer, (target), (F, "glUnmapBuffer(0x%x);\n", target)); +} + +KEYWORD1 GLboolean KEYWORD2 NAME(UnmapBufferARB)(GLenum target) +{ + (void) target; + RETURN_DISPATCH(UnmapBuffer, (target), (F, "glUnmapBufferARB(0x%x);\n", target)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT GLboolean KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_478)(GLenum target); + +KEYWORD1_ALT GLboolean KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_478)(GLenum target) +{ + (void) target; + RETURN_DISPATCH(UnmapBuffer, (target), (F, "glUnmapBufferOES(0x%x);\n", target)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(AttachShader)(GLuint program, GLuint shader) +{ + (void) program; (void) shader; + DISPATCH(AttachShader, (program, shader), (F, "glAttachShader(%d, %d);\n", program, shader)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(BindAttribLocation)(GLuint program, GLuint index, const GLchar * name) +{ + (void) program; (void) index; (void) name; + DISPATCH(BindAttribLocation, (program, index, name), (F, "glBindAttribLocation(%d, %d, %p);\n", program, index, (const void *) name)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(BindAttribLocationARB)(GLhandleARB program, GLuint index, const GLcharARB * name) +{ + (void) program; (void) index; (void) name; + DISPATCH(BindAttribLocation, (program, index, name), (F, "glBindAttribLocationARB(%d, %d, %p);\n", program, index, (const void *) name)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(BlendEquationSeparate)(GLenum modeRGB, GLenum modeA) +{ + (void) modeRGB; (void) modeA; + DISPATCH(BlendEquationSeparate, (modeRGB, modeA), (F, "glBlendEquationSeparate(0x%x, 0x%x);\n", modeRGB, modeA)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_481)(GLenum modeRGB, GLenum modeA); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_481)(GLenum modeRGB, GLenum modeA) +{ + (void) modeRGB; (void) modeA; + DISPATCH(BlendEquationSeparate, (modeRGB, modeA), (F, "glBlendEquationSeparateEXT(0x%x, 0x%x);\n", modeRGB, modeA)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(CompileShader)(GLuint shader) +{ + (void) shader; + DISPATCH(CompileShader, (shader), (F, "glCompileShader(%d);\n", shader)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(CompileShaderARB)(GLhandleARB shader) +{ + (void) shader; + DISPATCH(CompileShader, (shader), (F, "glCompileShaderARB(%d);\n", shader)); +} + +KEYWORD1 GLuint KEYWORD2 NAME(CreateProgram)(void) +{ + RETURN_DISPATCH(CreateProgram, (), (F, "glCreateProgram();\n")); +} + +KEYWORD1 GLuint KEYWORD2 NAME(CreateShader)(GLenum type) +{ + (void) type; + RETURN_DISPATCH(CreateShader, (type), (F, "glCreateShader(0x%x);\n", type)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(DeleteProgram)(GLuint program) +{ + (void) program; + DISPATCH(DeleteProgram, (program), (F, "glDeleteProgram(%d);\n", program)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(DeleteShader)(GLuint program) +{ + (void) program; + DISPATCH(DeleteShader, (program), (F, "glDeleteShader(%d);\n", program)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(DetachShader)(GLuint program, GLuint shader) +{ + (void) program; (void) shader; + DISPATCH(DetachShader, (program, shader), (F, "glDetachShader(%d, %d);\n", program, shader)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(DisableVertexAttribArray)(GLuint index) +{ + (void) index; + DISPATCH(DisableVertexAttribArray, (index), (F, "glDisableVertexAttribArray(%d);\n", index)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(DisableVertexAttribArrayARB)(GLuint index) +{ + (void) index; + DISPATCH(DisableVertexAttribArray, (index), (F, "glDisableVertexAttribArrayARB(%d);\n", index)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(DrawBuffers)(GLsizei n, const GLenum * bufs) +{ + (void) n; (void) bufs; + DISPATCH(DrawBuffers, (n, bufs), (F, "glDrawBuffers(%d, %p);\n", n, (const void *) bufs)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(DrawBuffersARB)(GLsizei n, const GLenum * bufs) +{ + (void) n; (void) bufs; + DISPATCH(DrawBuffers, (n, bufs), (F, "glDrawBuffersARB(%d, %p);\n", n, (const void *) bufs)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(DrawBuffersATI)(GLsizei n, const GLenum * bufs) +{ + (void) n; (void) bufs; + DISPATCH(DrawBuffers, (n, bufs), (F, "glDrawBuffersATI(%d, %p);\n", n, (const void *) bufs)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_489)(GLsizei n, const GLenum * bufs); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_489)(GLsizei n, const GLenum * bufs) +{ + (void) n; (void) bufs; + DISPATCH(DrawBuffers, (n, bufs), (F, "glDrawBuffersNV(%d, %p);\n", n, (const void *) bufs)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(EnableVertexAttribArray)(GLuint index) +{ + (void) index; + DISPATCH(EnableVertexAttribArray, (index), (F, "glEnableVertexAttribArray(%d);\n", index)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(EnableVertexAttribArrayARB)(GLuint index) +{ + (void) index; + DISPATCH(EnableVertexAttribArray, (index), (F, "glEnableVertexAttribArrayARB(%d);\n", index)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetActiveAttrib)(GLuint program, GLuint index, GLsizei bufSize, GLsizei * length, GLint * size, GLenum * type, GLchar * name) +{ + (void) program; (void) index; (void) bufSize; (void) length; (void) size; (void) type; (void) name; + DISPATCH(GetActiveAttrib, (program, index, bufSize, length, size, type, name), (F, "glGetActiveAttrib(%d, %d, %d, %p, %p, %p, %p);\n", program, index, bufSize, (const void *) length, (const void *) size, (const void *) type, (const void *) name)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetActiveAttribARB)(GLhandleARB program, GLuint index, GLsizei bufSize, GLsizei * length, GLint * size, GLenum * type, GLcharARB * name) +{ + (void) program; (void) index; (void) bufSize; (void) length; (void) size; (void) type; (void) name; + DISPATCH(GetActiveAttrib, (program, index, bufSize, length, size, type, name), (F, "glGetActiveAttribARB(%d, %d, %d, %p, %p, %p, %p);\n", program, index, bufSize, (const void *) length, (const void *) size, (const void *) type, (const void *) name)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetActiveUniform)(GLuint program, GLuint index, GLsizei bufSize, GLsizei * length, GLint * size, GLenum * type, GLchar * name) +{ + (void) program; (void) index; (void) bufSize; (void) length; (void) size; (void) type; (void) name; + DISPATCH(GetActiveUniform, (program, index, bufSize, length, size, type, name), (F, "glGetActiveUniform(%d, %d, %d, %p, %p, %p, %p);\n", program, index, bufSize, (const void *) length, (const void *) size, (const void *) type, (const void *) name)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetActiveUniformARB)(GLhandleARB program, GLuint index, GLsizei bufSize, GLsizei * length, GLint * size, GLenum * type, GLcharARB * name) +{ + (void) program; (void) index; (void) bufSize; (void) length; (void) size; (void) type; (void) name; + DISPATCH(GetActiveUniform, (program, index, bufSize, length, size, type, name), (F, "glGetActiveUniformARB(%d, %d, %d, %p, %p, %p, %p);\n", program, index, bufSize, (const void *) length, (const void *) size, (const void *) type, (const void *) name)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetAttachedShaders)(GLuint program, GLsizei maxCount, GLsizei * count, GLuint * obj) +{ + (void) program; (void) maxCount; (void) count; (void) obj; + DISPATCH(GetAttachedShaders, (program, maxCount, count, obj), (F, "glGetAttachedShaders(%d, %d, %p, %p);\n", program, maxCount, (const void *) count, (const void *) obj)); +} + +KEYWORD1 GLint KEYWORD2 NAME(GetAttribLocation)(GLuint program, const GLchar * name) +{ + (void) program; (void) name; + RETURN_DISPATCH(GetAttribLocation, (program, name), (F, "glGetAttribLocation(%d, %p);\n", program, (const void *) name)); +} + +KEYWORD1 GLint KEYWORD2 NAME(GetAttribLocationARB)(GLhandleARB program, const GLcharARB * name) +{ + (void) program; (void) name; + RETURN_DISPATCH(GetAttribLocation, (program, name), (F, "glGetAttribLocationARB(%d, %p);\n", program, (const void *) name)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetProgramInfoLog)(GLuint program, GLsizei bufSize, GLsizei * length, GLchar * infoLog) +{ + (void) program; (void) bufSize; (void) length; (void) infoLog; + DISPATCH(GetProgramInfoLog, (program, bufSize, length, infoLog), (F, "glGetProgramInfoLog(%d, %d, %p, %p);\n", program, bufSize, (const void *) length, (const void *) infoLog)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetProgramiv)(GLuint program, GLenum pname, GLint * params) +{ + (void) program; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(GetProgramiv, (program, pname, params), (F, "glGetProgramiv(%d, 0x%x, %p);\n", program, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetShaderInfoLog)(GLuint shader, GLsizei bufSize, GLsizei * length, GLchar * infoLog) +{ + (void) shader; (void) bufSize; (void) length; (void) infoLog; + DISPATCH(GetShaderInfoLog, (shader, bufSize, length, infoLog), (F, "glGetShaderInfoLog(%d, %d, %p, %p);\n", shader, bufSize, (const void *) length, (const void *) infoLog)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetShaderSource)(GLuint shader, GLsizei bufSize, GLsizei * length, GLchar * source) +{ + (void) shader; (void) bufSize; (void) length; (void) source; + DISPATCH(GetShaderSource, (shader, bufSize, length, source), (F, "glGetShaderSource(%d, %d, %p, %p);\n", shader, bufSize, (const void *) length, (const void *) source)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetShaderSourceARB)(GLhandleARB shader, GLsizei bufSize, GLsizei * length, GLcharARB * source) +{ + (void) shader; (void) bufSize; (void) length; (void) source; + DISPATCH(GetShaderSource, (shader, bufSize, length, source), (F, "glGetShaderSourceARB(%d, %d, %p, %p);\n", shader, bufSize, (const void *) length, (const void *) source)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetShaderiv)(GLuint shader, GLenum pname, GLint * params) +{ + (void) shader; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(GetShaderiv, (shader, pname, params), (F, "glGetShaderiv(%d, 0x%x, %p);\n", shader, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 GLint KEYWORD2 NAME(GetUniformLocation)(GLuint program, const GLchar * name) +{ + (void) program; (void) name; + RETURN_DISPATCH(GetUniformLocation, (program, name), (F, "glGetUniformLocation(%d, %p);\n", program, (const void *) name)); +} + +KEYWORD1 GLint KEYWORD2 NAME(GetUniformLocationARB)(GLhandleARB program, const GLcharARB * name) +{ + (void) program; (void) name; + RETURN_DISPATCH(GetUniformLocation, (program, name), (F, "glGetUniformLocationARB(%d, %p);\n", program, (const void *) name)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetUniformfv)(GLuint program, GLint location, GLfloat * params) +{ + (void) program; (void) location; (void) params; + DISPATCH(GetUniformfv, (program, location, params), (F, "glGetUniformfv(%d, %d, %p);\n", program, location, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetUniformfvARB)(GLhandleARB program, GLint location, GLfloat * params) +{ + (void) program; (void) location; (void) params; + DISPATCH(GetUniformfv, (program, location, params), (F, "glGetUniformfvARB(%d, %d, %p);\n", program, location, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetUniformiv)(GLuint program, GLint location, GLint * params) +{ + (void) program; (void) location; (void) params; + DISPATCH(GetUniformiv, (program, location, params), (F, "glGetUniformiv(%d, %d, %p);\n", program, location, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetUniformivARB)(GLhandleARB program, GLint location, GLint * params) +{ + (void) program; (void) location; (void) params; + DISPATCH(GetUniformiv, (program, location, params), (F, "glGetUniformivARB(%d, %d, %p);\n", program, location, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetVertexAttribPointerv)(GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLvoid ** pointer) +{ + (void) index; (void) pname; (void) pointer; + DISPATCH(GetVertexAttribPointerv, (index, pname, pointer), (F, "glGetVertexAttribPointerv(%d, 0x%x, %p);\n", index, pname, (const void *) pointer)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetVertexAttribPointervARB)(GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLvoid ** pointer) +{ + (void) index; (void) pname; (void) pointer; + DISPATCH(GetVertexAttribPointerv, (index, pname, pointer), (F, "glGetVertexAttribPointervARB(%d, 0x%x, %p);\n", index, pname, (const void *) pointer)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetVertexAttribPointervNV)(GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLvoid ** pointer) +{ + (void) index; (void) pname; (void) pointer; + DISPATCH(GetVertexAttribPointerv, (index, pname, pointer), (F, "glGetVertexAttribPointervNV(%d, 0x%x, %p);\n", index, pname, (const void *) pointer)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetVertexAttribdv)(GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLdouble * params) +{ + (void) index; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(GetVertexAttribdv, (index, pname, params), (F, "glGetVertexAttribdv(%d, 0x%x, %p);\n", index, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetVertexAttribdvARB)(GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLdouble * params) +{ + (void) index; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(GetVertexAttribdv, (index, pname, params), (F, "glGetVertexAttribdvARB(%d, 0x%x, %p);\n", index, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetVertexAttribfv)(GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLfloat * params) +{ + (void) index; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(GetVertexAttribfv, (index, pname, params), (F, "glGetVertexAttribfv(%d, 0x%x, %p);\n", index, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetVertexAttribfvARB)(GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLfloat * params) +{ + (void) index; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(GetVertexAttribfv, (index, pname, params), (F, "glGetVertexAttribfvARB(%d, 0x%x, %p);\n", index, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetVertexAttribiv)(GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLint * params) +{ + (void) index; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(GetVertexAttribiv, (index, pname, params), (F, "glGetVertexAttribiv(%d, 0x%x, %p);\n", index, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetVertexAttribivARB)(GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLint * params) +{ + (void) index; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(GetVertexAttribiv, (index, pname, params), (F, "glGetVertexAttribivARB(%d, 0x%x, %p);\n", index, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 GLboolean KEYWORD2 NAME(IsProgram)(GLuint program) +{ + (void) program; + RETURN_DISPATCH(IsProgram, (program), (F, "glIsProgram(%d);\n", program)); +} + +KEYWORD1 GLboolean KEYWORD2 NAME(IsShader)(GLuint shader) +{ + (void) shader; + RETURN_DISPATCH(IsShader, (shader), (F, "glIsShader(%d);\n", shader)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(LinkProgram)(GLuint program) +{ + (void) program; + DISPATCH(LinkProgram, (program), (F, "glLinkProgram(%d);\n", program)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(LinkProgramARB)(GLhandleARB program) +{ + (void) program; + DISPATCH(LinkProgram, (program), (F, "glLinkProgramARB(%d);\n", program)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(ShaderSource)(GLuint shader, GLsizei count, const GLchar * const * string, const GLint * length) +{ + (void) shader; (void) count; (void) string; (void) length; + DISPATCH(ShaderSource, (shader, count, string, length), (F, "glShaderSource(%d, %d, %p, %p);\n", shader, count, (const void *) string, (const void *) length)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(ShaderSourceARB)(GLhandleARB shader, GLsizei count, const GLcharARB ** string, const GLint * length) +{ + (void) shader; (void) count; (void) string; (void) length; + DISPATCH(ShaderSource, (shader, count, string, length), (F, "glShaderSourceARB(%d, %d, %p, %p);\n", shader, count, (const void *) string, (const void *) length)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(StencilFuncSeparate)(GLenum face, GLenum func, GLint ref, GLuint mask) +{ + (void) face; (void) func; (void) ref; (void) mask; + DISPATCH(StencilFuncSeparate, (face, func, ref, mask), (F, "glStencilFuncSeparate(0x%x, 0x%x, %d, %d);\n", face, func, ref, mask)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(StencilMaskSeparate)(GLenum face, GLuint mask) +{ + (void) face; (void) mask; + DISPATCH(StencilMaskSeparate, (face, mask), (F, "glStencilMaskSeparate(0x%x, %d);\n", face, mask)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(StencilOpSeparate)(GLenum face, GLenum sfail, GLenum zfail, GLenum zpass) +{ + (void) face; (void) sfail; (void) zfail; (void) zpass; + DISPATCH(StencilOpSeparate, (face, sfail, zfail, zpass), (F, "glStencilOpSeparate(0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x);\n", face, sfail, zfail, zpass)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_513)(GLenum face, GLenum sfail, GLenum zfail, GLenum zpass); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_513)(GLenum face, GLenum sfail, GLenum zfail, GLenum zpass) +{ + (void) face; (void) sfail; (void) zfail; (void) zpass; + DISPATCH(StencilOpSeparate, (face, sfail, zfail, zpass), (F, "glStencilOpSeparateATI(0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x);\n", face, sfail, zfail, zpass)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Uniform1f)(GLint location, GLfloat v0) +{ + (void) location; (void) v0; + DISPATCH(Uniform1f, (location, v0), (F, "glUniform1f(%d, %f);\n", location, v0)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Uniform1fARB)(GLint location, GLfloat v0) +{ + (void) location; (void) v0; + DISPATCH(Uniform1f, (location, v0), (F, "glUniform1fARB(%d, %f);\n", location, v0)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Uniform1fv)(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLfloat * value) +{ + (void) location; (void) count; (void) value; + DISPATCH(Uniform1fv, (location, count, value), (F, "glUniform1fv(%d, %d, %p);\n", location, count, (const void *) value)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Uniform1fvARB)(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLfloat * value) +{ + (void) location; (void) count; (void) value; + DISPATCH(Uniform1fv, (location, count, value), (F, "glUniform1fvARB(%d, %d, %p);\n", location, count, (const void *) value)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Uniform1i)(GLint location, GLint v0) +{ + (void) location; (void) v0; + DISPATCH(Uniform1i, (location, v0), (F, "glUniform1i(%d, %d);\n", location, v0)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Uniform1iARB)(GLint location, GLint v0) +{ + (void) location; (void) v0; + DISPATCH(Uniform1i, (location, v0), (F, "glUniform1iARB(%d, %d);\n", location, v0)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Uniform1iv)(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLint * value) +{ + (void) location; (void) count; (void) value; + DISPATCH(Uniform1iv, (location, count, value), (F, "glUniform1iv(%d, %d, %p);\n", location, count, (const void *) value)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Uniform1ivARB)(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLint * value) +{ + (void) location; (void) count; (void) value; + DISPATCH(Uniform1iv, (location, count, value), (F, "glUniform1ivARB(%d, %d, %p);\n", location, count, (const void *) value)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Uniform2f)(GLint location, GLfloat v0, GLfloat v1) +{ + (void) location; (void) v0; (void) v1; + DISPATCH(Uniform2f, (location, v0, v1), (F, "glUniform2f(%d, %f, %f);\n", location, v0, v1)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Uniform2fARB)(GLint location, GLfloat v0, GLfloat v1) +{ + (void) location; (void) v0; (void) v1; + DISPATCH(Uniform2f, (location, v0, v1), (F, "glUniform2fARB(%d, %f, %f);\n", location, v0, v1)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Uniform2fv)(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLfloat * value) +{ + (void) location; (void) count; (void) value; + DISPATCH(Uniform2fv, (location, count, value), (F, "glUniform2fv(%d, %d, %p);\n", location, count, (const void *) value)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Uniform2fvARB)(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLfloat * value) +{ + (void) location; (void) count; (void) value; + DISPATCH(Uniform2fv, (location, count, value), (F, "glUniform2fvARB(%d, %d, %p);\n", location, count, (const void *) value)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Uniform2i)(GLint location, GLint v0, GLint v1) +{ + (void) location; (void) v0; (void) v1; + DISPATCH(Uniform2i, (location, v0, v1), (F, "glUniform2i(%d, %d, %d);\n", location, v0, v1)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Uniform2iARB)(GLint location, GLint v0, GLint v1) +{ + (void) location; (void) v0; (void) v1; + DISPATCH(Uniform2i, (location, v0, v1), (F, "glUniform2iARB(%d, %d, %d);\n", location, v0, v1)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Uniform2iv)(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLint * value) +{ + (void) location; (void) count; (void) value; + DISPATCH(Uniform2iv, (location, count, value), (F, "glUniform2iv(%d, %d, %p);\n", location, count, (const void *) value)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Uniform2ivARB)(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLint * value) +{ + (void) location; (void) count; (void) value; + DISPATCH(Uniform2iv, (location, count, value), (F, "glUniform2ivARB(%d, %d, %p);\n", location, count, (const void *) value)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Uniform3f)(GLint location, GLfloat v0, GLfloat v1, GLfloat v2) +{ + (void) location; (void) v0; (void) v1; (void) v2; + DISPATCH(Uniform3f, (location, v0, v1, v2), (F, "glUniform3f(%d, %f, %f, %f);\n", location, v0, v1, v2)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Uniform3fARB)(GLint location, GLfloat v0, GLfloat v1, GLfloat v2) +{ + (void) location; (void) v0; (void) v1; (void) v2; + DISPATCH(Uniform3f, (location, v0, v1, v2), (F, "glUniform3fARB(%d, %f, %f, %f);\n", location, v0, v1, v2)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Uniform3fv)(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLfloat * value) +{ + (void) location; (void) count; (void) value; + DISPATCH(Uniform3fv, (location, count, value), (F, "glUniform3fv(%d, %d, %p);\n", location, count, (const void *) value)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Uniform3fvARB)(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLfloat * value) +{ + (void) location; (void) count; (void) value; + DISPATCH(Uniform3fv, (location, count, value), (F, "glUniform3fvARB(%d, %d, %p);\n", location, count, (const void *) value)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Uniform3i)(GLint location, GLint v0, GLint v1, GLint v2) +{ + (void) location; (void) v0; (void) v1; (void) v2; + DISPATCH(Uniform3i, (location, v0, v1, v2), (F, "glUniform3i(%d, %d, %d, %d);\n", location, v0, v1, v2)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Uniform3iARB)(GLint location, GLint v0, GLint v1, GLint v2) +{ + (void) location; (void) v0; (void) v1; (void) v2; + DISPATCH(Uniform3i, (location, v0, v1, v2), (F, "glUniform3iARB(%d, %d, %d, %d);\n", location, v0, v1, v2)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Uniform3iv)(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLint * value) +{ + (void) location; (void) count; (void) value; + DISPATCH(Uniform3iv, (location, count, value), (F, "glUniform3iv(%d, %d, %p);\n", location, count, (const void *) value)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Uniform3ivARB)(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLint * value) +{ + (void) location; (void) count; (void) value; + DISPATCH(Uniform3iv, (location, count, value), (F, "glUniform3ivARB(%d, %d, %p);\n", location, count, (const void *) value)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Uniform4f)(GLint location, GLfloat v0, GLfloat v1, GLfloat v2, GLfloat v3) +{ + (void) location; (void) v0; (void) v1; (void) v2; (void) v3; + DISPATCH(Uniform4f, (location, v0, v1, v2, v3), (F, "glUniform4f(%d, %f, %f, %f, %f);\n", location, v0, v1, v2, v3)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Uniform4fARB)(GLint location, GLfloat v0, GLfloat v1, GLfloat v2, GLfloat v3) +{ + (void) location; (void) v0; (void) v1; (void) v2; (void) v3; + DISPATCH(Uniform4f, (location, v0, v1, v2, v3), (F, "glUniform4fARB(%d, %f, %f, %f, %f);\n", location, v0, v1, v2, v3)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Uniform4fv)(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLfloat * value) +{ + (void) location; (void) count; (void) value; + DISPATCH(Uniform4fv, (location, count, value), (F, "glUniform4fv(%d, %d, %p);\n", location, count, (const void *) value)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Uniform4fvARB)(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLfloat * value) +{ + (void) location; (void) count; (void) value; + DISPATCH(Uniform4fv, (location, count, value), (F, "glUniform4fvARB(%d, %d, %p);\n", location, count, (const void *) value)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Uniform4i)(GLint location, GLint v0, GLint v1, GLint v2, GLint v3) +{ + (void) location; (void) v0; (void) v1; (void) v2; (void) v3; + DISPATCH(Uniform4i, (location, v0, v1, v2, v3), (F, "glUniform4i(%d, %d, %d, %d, %d);\n", location, v0, v1, v2, v3)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Uniform4iARB)(GLint location, GLint v0, GLint v1, GLint v2, GLint v3) +{ + (void) location; (void) v0; (void) v1; (void) v2; (void) v3; + DISPATCH(Uniform4i, (location, v0, v1, v2, v3), (F, "glUniform4iARB(%d, %d, %d, %d, %d);\n", location, v0, v1, v2, v3)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Uniform4iv)(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLint * value) +{ + (void) location; (void) count; (void) value; + DISPATCH(Uniform4iv, (location, count, value), (F, "glUniform4iv(%d, %d, %p);\n", location, count, (const void *) value)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Uniform4ivARB)(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLint * value) +{ + (void) location; (void) count; (void) value; + DISPATCH(Uniform4iv, (location, count, value), (F, "glUniform4ivARB(%d, %d, %p);\n", location, count, (const void *) value)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(UniformMatrix2fv)(GLint location, GLsizei count, GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat * value) +{ + (void) location; (void) count; (void) transpose; (void) value; + DISPATCH(UniformMatrix2fv, (location, count, transpose, value), (F, "glUniformMatrix2fv(%d, %d, %d, %p);\n", location, count, transpose, (const void *) value)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(UniformMatrix2fvARB)(GLint location, GLsizei count, GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat * value) +{ + (void) location; (void) count; (void) transpose; (void) value; + DISPATCH(UniformMatrix2fv, (location, count, transpose, value), (F, "glUniformMatrix2fvARB(%d, %d, %d, %p);\n", location, count, transpose, (const void *) value)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(UniformMatrix3fv)(GLint location, GLsizei count, GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat * value) +{ + (void) location; (void) count; (void) transpose; (void) value; + DISPATCH(UniformMatrix3fv, (location, count, transpose, value), (F, "glUniformMatrix3fv(%d, %d, %d, %p);\n", location, count, transpose, (const void *) value)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(UniformMatrix3fvARB)(GLint location, GLsizei count, GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat * value) +{ + (void) location; (void) count; (void) transpose; (void) value; + DISPATCH(UniformMatrix3fv, (location, count, transpose, value), (F, "glUniformMatrix3fvARB(%d, %d, %d, %p);\n", location, count, transpose, (const void *) value)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(UniformMatrix4fv)(GLint location, GLsizei count, GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat * value) +{ + (void) location; (void) count; (void) transpose; (void) value; + DISPATCH(UniformMatrix4fv, (location, count, transpose, value), (F, "glUniformMatrix4fv(%d, %d, %d, %p);\n", location, count, transpose, (const void *) value)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(UniformMatrix4fvARB)(GLint location, GLsizei count, GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat * value) +{ + (void) location; (void) count; (void) transpose; (void) value; + DISPATCH(UniformMatrix4fv, (location, count, transpose, value), (F, "glUniformMatrix4fvARB(%d, %d, %d, %p);\n", location, count, transpose, (const void *) value)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(UseProgram)(GLuint program) +{ + (void) program; + DISPATCH(UseProgram, (program), (F, "glUseProgram(%d);\n", program)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(UseProgramObjectARB)(GLhandleARB program) +{ + (void) program; + DISPATCH(UseProgram, (program), (F, "glUseProgramObjectARB(%d);\n", program)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(ValidateProgram)(GLuint program) +{ + (void) program; + DISPATCH(ValidateProgram, (program), (F, "glValidateProgram(%d);\n", program)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(ValidateProgramARB)(GLhandleARB program) +{ + (void) program; + DISPATCH(ValidateProgram, (program), (F, "glValidateProgramARB(%d);\n", program)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttrib1d)(GLuint index, GLdouble x) +{ + (void) index; (void) x; + DISPATCH(VertexAttrib1d, (index, x), (F, "glVertexAttrib1d(%d, %f);\n", index, x)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttrib1dARB)(GLuint index, GLdouble x) +{ + (void) index; (void) x; + DISPATCH(VertexAttrib1d, (index, x), (F, "glVertexAttrib1dARB(%d, %f);\n", index, x)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttrib1dv)(GLuint index, const GLdouble * v) +{ + (void) index; (void) v; + DISPATCH(VertexAttrib1dv, (index, v), (F, "glVertexAttrib1dv(%d, %p);\n", index, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttrib1dvARB)(GLuint index, const GLdouble * v) +{ + (void) index; (void) v; + DISPATCH(VertexAttrib1dv, (index, v), (F, "glVertexAttrib1dvARB(%d, %p);\n", index, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttrib1s)(GLuint index, GLshort x) +{ + (void) index; (void) x; + DISPATCH(VertexAttrib1s, (index, x), (F, "glVertexAttrib1s(%d, %d);\n", index, x)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttrib1sARB)(GLuint index, GLshort x) +{ + (void) index; (void) x; + DISPATCH(VertexAttrib1s, (index, x), (F, "glVertexAttrib1sARB(%d, %d);\n", index, x)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttrib1sv)(GLuint index, const GLshort * v) +{ + (void) index; (void) v; + DISPATCH(VertexAttrib1sv, (index, v), (F, "glVertexAttrib1sv(%d, %p);\n", index, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttrib1svARB)(GLuint index, const GLshort * v) +{ + (void) index; (void) v; + DISPATCH(VertexAttrib1sv, (index, v), (F, "glVertexAttrib1svARB(%d, %p);\n", index, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttrib2d)(GLuint index, GLdouble x, GLdouble y) +{ + (void) index; (void) x; (void) y; + DISPATCH(VertexAttrib2d, (index, x, y), (F, "glVertexAttrib2d(%d, %f, %f);\n", index, x, y)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttrib2dARB)(GLuint index, GLdouble x, GLdouble y) +{ + (void) index; (void) x; (void) y; + DISPATCH(VertexAttrib2d, (index, x, y), (F, "glVertexAttrib2dARB(%d, %f, %f);\n", index, x, y)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttrib2dv)(GLuint index, const GLdouble * v) +{ + (void) index; (void) v; + DISPATCH(VertexAttrib2dv, (index, v), (F, "glVertexAttrib2dv(%d, %p);\n", index, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttrib2dvARB)(GLuint index, const GLdouble * v) +{ + (void) index; (void) v; + DISPATCH(VertexAttrib2dv, (index, v), (F, "glVertexAttrib2dvARB(%d, %p);\n", index, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttrib2s)(GLuint index, GLshort x, GLshort y) +{ + (void) index; (void) x; (void) y; + DISPATCH(VertexAttrib2s, (index, x, y), (F, "glVertexAttrib2s(%d, %d, %d);\n", index, x, y)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttrib2sARB)(GLuint index, GLshort x, GLshort y) +{ + (void) index; (void) x; (void) y; + DISPATCH(VertexAttrib2s, (index, x, y), (F, "glVertexAttrib2sARB(%d, %d, %d);\n", index, x, y)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttrib2sv)(GLuint index, const GLshort * v) +{ + (void) index; (void) v; + DISPATCH(VertexAttrib2sv, (index, v), (F, "glVertexAttrib2sv(%d, %p);\n", index, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttrib2svARB)(GLuint index, const GLshort * v) +{ + (void) index; (void) v; + DISPATCH(VertexAttrib2sv, (index, v), (F, "glVertexAttrib2svARB(%d, %p);\n", index, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttrib3d)(GLuint index, GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z) +{ + (void) index; (void) x; (void) y; (void) z; + DISPATCH(VertexAttrib3d, (index, x, y, z), (F, "glVertexAttrib3d(%d, %f, %f, %f);\n", index, x, y, z)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttrib3dARB)(GLuint index, GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z) +{ + (void) index; (void) x; (void) y; (void) z; + DISPATCH(VertexAttrib3d, (index, x, y, z), (F, "glVertexAttrib3dARB(%d, %f, %f, %f);\n", index, x, y, z)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttrib3dv)(GLuint index, const GLdouble * v) +{ + (void) index; (void) v; + DISPATCH(VertexAttrib3dv, (index, v), (F, "glVertexAttrib3dv(%d, %p);\n", index, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttrib3dvARB)(GLuint index, const GLdouble * v) +{ + (void) index; (void) v; + DISPATCH(VertexAttrib3dv, (index, v), (F, "glVertexAttrib3dvARB(%d, %p);\n", index, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttrib3s)(GLuint index, GLshort x, GLshort y, GLshort z) +{ + (void) index; (void) x; (void) y; (void) z; + DISPATCH(VertexAttrib3s, (index, x, y, z), (F, "glVertexAttrib3s(%d, %d, %d, %d);\n", index, x, y, z)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttrib3sARB)(GLuint index, GLshort x, GLshort y, GLshort z) +{ + (void) index; (void) x; (void) y; (void) z; + DISPATCH(VertexAttrib3s, (index, x, y, z), (F, "glVertexAttrib3sARB(%d, %d, %d, %d);\n", index, x, y, z)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttrib3sv)(GLuint index, const GLshort * v) +{ + (void) index; (void) v; + DISPATCH(VertexAttrib3sv, (index, v), (F, "glVertexAttrib3sv(%d, %p);\n", index, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttrib3svARB)(GLuint index, const GLshort * v) +{ + (void) index; (void) v; + DISPATCH(VertexAttrib3sv, (index, v), (F, "glVertexAttrib3svARB(%d, %p);\n", index, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttrib4Nbv)(GLuint index, const GLbyte * v) +{ + (void) index; (void) v; + DISPATCH(VertexAttrib4Nbv, (index, v), (F, "glVertexAttrib4Nbv(%d, %p);\n", index, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttrib4NbvARB)(GLuint index, const GLbyte * v) +{ + (void) index; (void) v; + DISPATCH(VertexAttrib4Nbv, (index, v), (F, "glVertexAttrib4NbvARB(%d, %p);\n", index, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttrib4Niv)(GLuint index, const GLint * v) +{ + (void) index; (void) v; + DISPATCH(VertexAttrib4Niv, (index, v), (F, "glVertexAttrib4Niv(%d, %p);\n", index, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttrib4NivARB)(GLuint index, const GLint * v) +{ + (void) index; (void) v; + DISPATCH(VertexAttrib4Niv, (index, v), (F, "glVertexAttrib4NivARB(%d, %p);\n", index, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttrib4Nsv)(GLuint index, const GLshort * v) +{ + (void) index; (void) v; + DISPATCH(VertexAttrib4Nsv, (index, v), (F, "glVertexAttrib4Nsv(%d, %p);\n", index, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttrib4NsvARB)(GLuint index, const GLshort * v) +{ + (void) index; (void) v; + DISPATCH(VertexAttrib4Nsv, (index, v), (F, "glVertexAttrib4NsvARB(%d, %p);\n", index, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttrib4Nub)(GLuint index, GLubyte x, GLubyte y, GLubyte z, GLubyte w) +{ + (void) index; (void) x; (void) y; (void) z; (void) w; + DISPATCH(VertexAttrib4Nub, (index, x, y, z, w), (F, "glVertexAttrib4Nub(%d, %d, %d, %d, %d);\n", index, x, y, z, w)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttrib4NubARB)(GLuint index, GLubyte x, GLubyte y, GLubyte z, GLubyte w) +{ + (void) index; (void) x; (void) y; (void) z; (void) w; + DISPATCH(VertexAttrib4Nub, (index, x, y, z, w), (F, "glVertexAttrib4NubARB(%d, %d, %d, %d, %d);\n", index, x, y, z, w)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttrib4Nubv)(GLuint index, const GLubyte * v) +{ + (void) index; (void) v; + DISPATCH(VertexAttrib4Nubv, (index, v), (F, "glVertexAttrib4Nubv(%d, %p);\n", index, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttrib4NubvARB)(GLuint index, const GLubyte * v) +{ + (void) index; (void) v; + DISPATCH(VertexAttrib4Nubv, (index, v), (F, "glVertexAttrib4NubvARB(%d, %p);\n", index, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttrib4Nuiv)(GLuint index, const GLuint * v) +{ + (void) index; (void) v; + DISPATCH(VertexAttrib4Nuiv, (index, v), (F, "glVertexAttrib4Nuiv(%d, %p);\n", index, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttrib4NuivARB)(GLuint index, const GLuint * v) +{ + (void) index; (void) v; + DISPATCH(VertexAttrib4Nuiv, (index, v), (F, "glVertexAttrib4NuivARB(%d, %p);\n", index, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttrib4Nusv)(GLuint index, const GLushort * v) +{ + (void) index; (void) v; + DISPATCH(VertexAttrib4Nusv, (index, v), (F, "glVertexAttrib4Nusv(%d, %p);\n", index, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttrib4NusvARB)(GLuint index, const GLushort * v) +{ + (void) index; (void) v; + DISPATCH(VertexAttrib4Nusv, (index, v), (F, "glVertexAttrib4NusvARB(%d, %p);\n", index, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttrib4bv)(GLuint index, const GLbyte * v) +{ + (void) index; (void) v; + DISPATCH(VertexAttrib4bv, (index, v), (F, "glVertexAttrib4bv(%d, %p);\n", index, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttrib4bvARB)(GLuint index, const GLbyte * v) +{ + (void) index; (void) v; + DISPATCH(VertexAttrib4bv, (index, v), (F, "glVertexAttrib4bvARB(%d, %p);\n", index, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttrib4d)(GLuint index, GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z, GLdouble w) +{ + (void) index; (void) x; (void) y; (void) z; (void) w; + DISPATCH(VertexAttrib4d, (index, x, y, z, w), (F, "glVertexAttrib4d(%d, %f, %f, %f, %f);\n", index, x, y, z, w)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttrib4dARB)(GLuint index, GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z, GLdouble w) +{ + (void) index; (void) x; (void) y; (void) z; (void) w; + DISPATCH(VertexAttrib4d, (index, x, y, z, w), (F, "glVertexAttrib4dARB(%d, %f, %f, %f, %f);\n", index, x, y, z, w)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttrib4dv)(GLuint index, const GLdouble * v) +{ + (void) index; (void) v; + DISPATCH(VertexAttrib4dv, (index, v), (F, "glVertexAttrib4dv(%d, %p);\n", index, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttrib4dvARB)(GLuint index, const GLdouble * v) +{ + (void) index; (void) v; + DISPATCH(VertexAttrib4dv, (index, v), (F, "glVertexAttrib4dvARB(%d, %p);\n", index, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttrib4iv)(GLuint index, const GLint * v) +{ + (void) index; (void) v; + DISPATCH(VertexAttrib4iv, (index, v), (F, "glVertexAttrib4iv(%d, %p);\n", index, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttrib4ivARB)(GLuint index, const GLint * v) +{ + (void) index; (void) v; + DISPATCH(VertexAttrib4iv, (index, v), (F, "glVertexAttrib4ivARB(%d, %p);\n", index, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttrib4s)(GLuint index, GLshort x, GLshort y, GLshort z, GLshort w) +{ + (void) index; (void) x; (void) y; (void) z; (void) w; + DISPATCH(VertexAttrib4s, (index, x, y, z, w), (F, "glVertexAttrib4s(%d, %d, %d, %d, %d);\n", index, x, y, z, w)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttrib4sARB)(GLuint index, GLshort x, GLshort y, GLshort z, GLshort w) +{ + (void) index; (void) x; (void) y; (void) z; (void) w; + DISPATCH(VertexAttrib4s, (index, x, y, z, w), (F, "glVertexAttrib4sARB(%d, %d, %d, %d, %d);\n", index, x, y, z, w)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttrib4sv)(GLuint index, const GLshort * v) +{ + (void) index; (void) v; + DISPATCH(VertexAttrib4sv, (index, v), (F, "glVertexAttrib4sv(%d, %p);\n", index, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttrib4svARB)(GLuint index, const GLshort * v) +{ + (void) index; (void) v; + DISPATCH(VertexAttrib4sv, (index, v), (F, "glVertexAttrib4svARB(%d, %p);\n", index, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttrib4ubv)(GLuint index, const GLubyte * v) +{ + (void) index; (void) v; + DISPATCH(VertexAttrib4ubv, (index, v), (F, "glVertexAttrib4ubv(%d, %p);\n", index, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttrib4ubvARB)(GLuint index, const GLubyte * v) +{ + (void) index; (void) v; + DISPATCH(VertexAttrib4ubv, (index, v), (F, "glVertexAttrib4ubvARB(%d, %p);\n", index, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttrib4uiv)(GLuint index, const GLuint * v) +{ + (void) index; (void) v; + DISPATCH(VertexAttrib4uiv, (index, v), (F, "glVertexAttrib4uiv(%d, %p);\n", index, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttrib4uivARB)(GLuint index, const GLuint * v) +{ + (void) index; (void) v; + DISPATCH(VertexAttrib4uiv, (index, v), (F, "glVertexAttrib4uivARB(%d, %p);\n", index, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttrib4usv)(GLuint index, const GLushort * v) +{ + (void) index; (void) v; + DISPATCH(VertexAttrib4usv, (index, v), (F, "glVertexAttrib4usv(%d, %p);\n", index, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttrib4usvARB)(GLuint index, const GLushort * v) +{ + (void) index; (void) v; + DISPATCH(VertexAttrib4usv, (index, v), (F, "glVertexAttrib4usvARB(%d, %p);\n", index, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttribPointer)(GLuint index, GLint size, GLenum type, GLboolean normalized, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid * pointer) +{ + (void) index; (void) size; (void) type; (void) normalized; (void) stride; (void) pointer; + DISPATCH(VertexAttribPointer, (index, size, type, normalized, stride, pointer), (F, "glVertexAttribPointer(%d, %d, 0x%x, %d, %d, %p);\n", index, size, type, normalized, stride, (const void *) pointer)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttribPointerARB)(GLuint index, GLint size, GLenum type, GLboolean normalized, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid * pointer) +{ + (void) index; (void) size; (void) type; (void) normalized; (void) stride; (void) pointer; + DISPATCH(VertexAttribPointer, (index, size, type, normalized, stride, pointer), (F, "glVertexAttribPointerARB(%d, %d, 0x%x, %d, %d, %p);\n", index, size, type, normalized, stride, (const void *) pointer)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(UniformMatrix2x3fv)(GLint location, GLsizei count, GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat * value) +{ + (void) location; (void) count; (void) transpose; (void) value; + DISPATCH(UniformMatrix2x3fv, (location, count, transpose, value), (F, "glUniformMatrix2x3fv(%d, %d, %d, %p);\n", location, count, transpose, (const void *) value)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(UniformMatrix2x4fv)(GLint location, GLsizei count, GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat * value) +{ + (void) location; (void) count; (void) transpose; (void) value; + DISPATCH(UniformMatrix2x4fv, (location, count, transpose, value), (F, "glUniformMatrix2x4fv(%d, %d, %d, %p);\n", location, count, transpose, (const void *) value)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(UniformMatrix3x2fv)(GLint location, GLsizei count, GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat * value) +{ + (void) location; (void) count; (void) transpose; (void) value; + DISPATCH(UniformMatrix3x2fv, (location, count, transpose, value), (F, "glUniformMatrix3x2fv(%d, %d, %d, %p);\n", location, count, transpose, (const void *) value)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(UniformMatrix3x4fv)(GLint location, GLsizei count, GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat * value) +{ + (void) location; (void) count; (void) transpose; (void) value; + DISPATCH(UniformMatrix3x4fv, (location, count, transpose, value), (F, "glUniformMatrix3x4fv(%d, %d, %d, %p);\n", location, count, transpose, (const void *) value)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(UniformMatrix4x2fv)(GLint location, GLsizei count, GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat * value) +{ + (void) location; (void) count; (void) transpose; (void) value; + DISPATCH(UniformMatrix4x2fv, (location, count, transpose, value), (F, "glUniformMatrix4x2fv(%d, %d, %d, %p);\n", location, count, transpose, (const void *) value)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(UniformMatrix4x3fv)(GLint location, GLsizei count, GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat * value) +{ + (void) location; (void) count; (void) transpose; (void) value; + DISPATCH(UniformMatrix4x3fv, (location, count, transpose, value), (F, "glUniformMatrix4x3fv(%d, %d, %d, %p);\n", location, count, transpose, (const void *) value)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(BeginConditionalRender)(GLuint query, GLenum mode) +{ + (void) query; (void) mode; + DISPATCH(BeginConditionalRender, (query, mode), (F, "glBeginConditionalRender(%d, 0x%x);\n", query, mode)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(BeginConditionalRenderNV)(GLuint query, GLenum mode) +{ + (void) query; (void) mode; + DISPATCH(BeginConditionalRender, (query, mode), (F, "glBeginConditionalRenderNV(%d, 0x%x);\n", query, mode)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(BeginTransformFeedback)(GLenum mode) +{ + (void) mode; + DISPATCH(BeginTransformFeedback, (mode), (F, "glBeginTransformFeedback(0x%x);\n", mode)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(BeginTransformFeedbackEXT)(GLenum mode) +{ + (void) mode; + DISPATCH(BeginTransformFeedback, (mode), (F, "glBeginTransformFeedbackEXT(0x%x);\n", mode)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(BindBufferBase)(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLuint buffer) +{ + (void) target; (void) index; (void) buffer; + DISPATCH(BindBufferBase, (target, index, buffer), (F, "glBindBufferBase(0x%x, %d, %d);\n", target, index, buffer)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(BindBufferBaseEXT)(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLuint buffer) +{ + (void) target; (void) index; (void) buffer; + DISPATCH(BindBufferBase, (target, index, buffer), (F, "glBindBufferBaseEXT(0x%x, %d, %d);\n", target, index, buffer)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(BindBufferRange)(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLuint buffer, GLintptr offset, GLsizeiptr size) +{ + (void) target; (void) index; (void) buffer; (void) offset; (void) size; + DISPATCH(BindBufferRange, (target, index, buffer, offset, size), (F, "glBindBufferRange(0x%x, %d, %d, %d, %d);\n", target, index, buffer, offset, size)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(BindBufferRangeEXT)(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLuint buffer, GLintptr offset, GLsizeiptr size) +{ + (void) target; (void) index; (void) buffer; (void) offset; (void) size; + DISPATCH(BindBufferRange, (target, index, buffer, offset, size), (F, "glBindBufferRangeEXT(0x%x, %d, %d, %d, %d);\n", target, index, buffer, offset, size)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(BindFragDataLocationEXT)(GLuint program, GLuint colorNumber, const GLchar * name) +{ + (void) program; (void) colorNumber; (void) name; + DISPATCH(BindFragDataLocation, (program, colorNumber, name), (F, "glBindFragDataLocationEXT(%d, %d, %p);\n", program, colorNumber, (const void *) name)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(BindFragDataLocation)(GLuint program, GLuint colorNumber, const GLchar * name) +{ + (void) program; (void) colorNumber; (void) name; + DISPATCH(BindFragDataLocation, (program, colorNumber, name), (F, "glBindFragDataLocation(%d, %d, %p);\n", program, colorNumber, (const void *) name)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(ClampColorARB)(GLenum target, GLenum clamp) +{ + (void) target; (void) clamp; + DISPATCH(ClampColor, (target, clamp), (F, "glClampColorARB(0x%x, 0x%x);\n", target, clamp)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(ClampColor)(GLenum target, GLenum clamp) +{ + (void) target; (void) clamp; + DISPATCH(ClampColor, (target, clamp), (F, "glClampColor(0x%x, 0x%x);\n", target, clamp)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(ClearBufferfi)(GLenum buffer, GLint drawbuffer, GLfloat depth, GLint stencil) +{ + (void) buffer; (void) drawbuffer; (void) depth; (void) stencil; + DISPATCH(ClearBufferfi, (buffer, drawbuffer, depth, stencil), (F, "glClearBufferfi(0x%x, %d, %f, %d);\n", buffer, drawbuffer, depth, stencil)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(ClearBufferfv)(GLenum buffer, GLint drawbuffer, const GLfloat * value) +{ + (void) buffer; (void) drawbuffer; (void) value; + DISPATCH(ClearBufferfv, (buffer, drawbuffer, value), (F, "glClearBufferfv(0x%x, %d, %p);\n", buffer, drawbuffer, (const void *) value)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(ClearBufferiv)(GLenum buffer, GLint drawbuffer, const GLint * value) +{ + (void) buffer; (void) drawbuffer; (void) value; + DISPATCH(ClearBufferiv, (buffer, drawbuffer, value), (F, "glClearBufferiv(0x%x, %d, %p);\n", buffer, drawbuffer, (const void *) value)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(ClearBufferuiv)(GLenum buffer, GLint drawbuffer, const GLuint * value) +{ + (void) buffer; (void) drawbuffer; (void) value; + DISPATCH(ClearBufferuiv, (buffer, drawbuffer, value), (F, "glClearBufferuiv(0x%x, %d, %p);\n", buffer, drawbuffer, (const void *) value)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(ColorMaskIndexedEXT)(GLuint buf, GLboolean r, GLboolean g, GLboolean b, GLboolean a) +{ + (void) buf; (void) r; (void) g; (void) b; (void) a; + DISPATCH(ColorMaski, (buf, r, g, b, a), (F, "glColorMaskIndexedEXT(%d, %d, %d, %d, %d);\n", buf, r, g, b, a)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(ColorMaski)(GLuint buf, GLboolean r, GLboolean g, GLboolean b, GLboolean a) +{ + (void) buf; (void) r; (void) g; (void) b; (void) a; + DISPATCH(ColorMaski, (buf, r, g, b, a), (F, "glColorMaski(%d, %d, %d, %d, %d);\n", buf, r, g, b, a)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(DisableIndexedEXT)(GLenum target, GLuint index) +{ + (void) target; (void) index; + DISPATCH(Disablei, (target, index), (F, "glDisableIndexedEXT(0x%x, %d);\n", target, index)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Disablei)(GLenum target, GLuint index) +{ + (void) target; (void) index; + DISPATCH(Disablei, (target, index), (F, "glDisablei(0x%x, %d);\n", target, index)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(EnableIndexedEXT)(GLenum target, GLuint index) +{ + (void) target; (void) index; + DISPATCH(Enablei, (target, index), (F, "glEnableIndexedEXT(0x%x, %d);\n", target, index)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Enablei)(GLenum target, GLuint index) +{ + (void) target; (void) index; + DISPATCH(Enablei, (target, index), (F, "glEnablei(0x%x, %d);\n", target, index)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(EndConditionalRender)(void) +{ + DISPATCH(EndConditionalRender, (), (F, "glEndConditionalRender();\n")); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(EndConditionalRenderNV)(void) +{ + DISPATCH(EndConditionalRender, (), (F, "glEndConditionalRenderNV();\n")); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(EndTransformFeedback)(void) +{ + DISPATCH(EndTransformFeedback, (), (F, "glEndTransformFeedback();\n")); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(EndTransformFeedbackEXT)(void) +{ + DISPATCH(EndTransformFeedback, (), (F, "glEndTransformFeedbackEXT();\n")); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetBooleanIndexedvEXT)(GLenum value, GLuint index, GLboolean * data) +{ + (void) value; (void) index; (void) data; + DISPATCH(GetBooleani_v, (value, index, data), (F, "glGetBooleanIndexedvEXT(0x%x, %d, %p);\n", value, index, (const void *) data)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetBooleani_v)(GLenum value, GLuint index, GLboolean * data) +{ + (void) value; (void) index; (void) data; + DISPATCH(GetBooleani_v, (value, index, data), (F, "glGetBooleani_v(0x%x, %d, %p);\n", value, index, (const void *) data)); +} + +KEYWORD1 GLint KEYWORD2 NAME(GetFragDataLocationEXT)(GLuint program, const GLchar * name) +{ + (void) program; (void) name; + RETURN_DISPATCH(GetFragDataLocation, (program, name), (F, "glGetFragDataLocationEXT(%d, %p);\n", program, (const void *) name)); +} + +KEYWORD1 GLint KEYWORD2 NAME(GetFragDataLocation)(GLuint program, const GLchar * name) +{ + (void) program; (void) name; + RETURN_DISPATCH(GetFragDataLocation, (program, name), (F, "glGetFragDataLocation(%d, %p);\n", program, (const void *) name)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetIntegerIndexedvEXT)(GLenum value, GLuint index, GLint * data) +{ + (void) value; (void) index; (void) data; + DISPATCH(GetIntegeri_v, (value, index, data), (F, "glGetIntegerIndexedvEXT(0x%x, %d, %p);\n", value, index, (const void *) data)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetIntegeri_v)(GLenum value, GLuint index, GLint * data) +{ + (void) value; (void) index; (void) data; + DISPATCH(GetIntegeri_v, (value, index, data), (F, "glGetIntegeri_v(0x%x, %d, %p);\n", value, index, (const void *) data)); +} + +KEYWORD1 const GLubyte * KEYWORD2 NAME(GetStringi)(GLenum name, GLuint index) +{ + (void) name; (void) index; + RETURN_DISPATCH(GetStringi, (name, index), (F, "glGetStringi(0x%x, %d);\n", name, index)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetTexParameterIivEXT)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint * params) +{ + (void) target; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(GetTexParameterIiv, (target, pname, params), (F, "glGetTexParameterIivEXT(0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", target, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetTexParameterIiv)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint * params) +{ + (void) target; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(GetTexParameterIiv, (target, pname, params), (F, "glGetTexParameterIiv(0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", target, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetTexParameterIuivEXT)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLuint * params) +{ + (void) target; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(GetTexParameterIuiv, (target, pname, params), (F, "glGetTexParameterIuivEXT(0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", target, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetTexParameterIuiv)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLuint * params) +{ + (void) target; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(GetTexParameterIuiv, (target, pname, params), (F, "glGetTexParameterIuiv(0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", target, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetTransformFeedbackVarying)(GLuint program, GLuint index, GLsizei bufSize, GLsizei * length, GLsizei * size, GLenum * type, GLchar * name) +{ + (void) program; (void) index; (void) bufSize; (void) length; (void) size; (void) type; (void) name; + DISPATCH(GetTransformFeedbackVarying, (program, index, bufSize, length, size, type, name), (F, "glGetTransformFeedbackVarying(%d, %d, %d, %p, %p, %p, %p);\n", program, index, bufSize, (const void *) length, (const void *) size, (const void *) type, (const void *) name)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetTransformFeedbackVaryingEXT)(GLuint program, GLuint index, GLsizei bufSize, GLsizei * length, GLsizei * size, GLenum * type, GLchar * name) +{ + (void) program; (void) index; (void) bufSize; (void) length; (void) size; (void) type; (void) name; + DISPATCH(GetTransformFeedbackVarying, (program, index, bufSize, length, size, type, name), (F, "glGetTransformFeedbackVaryingEXT(%d, %d, %d, %p, %p, %p, %p);\n", program, index, bufSize, (const void *) length, (const void *) size, (const void *) type, (const void *) name)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetUniformuivEXT)(GLuint program, GLint location, GLuint * params) +{ + (void) program; (void) location; (void) params; + DISPATCH(GetUniformuiv, (program, location, params), (F, "glGetUniformuivEXT(%d, %d, %p);\n", program, location, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetUniformuiv)(GLuint program, GLint location, GLuint * params) +{ + (void) program; (void) location; (void) params; + DISPATCH(GetUniformuiv, (program, location, params), (F, "glGetUniformuiv(%d, %d, %p);\n", program, location, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetVertexAttribIivEXT)(GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLint * params) +{ + (void) index; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(GetVertexAttribIiv, (index, pname, params), (F, "glGetVertexAttribIivEXT(%d, 0x%x, %p);\n", index, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetVertexAttribIiv)(GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLint * params) +{ + (void) index; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(GetVertexAttribIiv, (index, pname, params), (F, "glGetVertexAttribIiv(%d, 0x%x, %p);\n", index, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetVertexAttribIuivEXT)(GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLuint * params) +{ + (void) index; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(GetVertexAttribIuiv, (index, pname, params), (F, "glGetVertexAttribIuivEXT(%d, 0x%x, %p);\n", index, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetVertexAttribIuiv)(GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLuint * params) +{ + (void) index; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(GetVertexAttribIuiv, (index, pname, params), (F, "glGetVertexAttribIuiv(%d, 0x%x, %p);\n", index, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 GLboolean KEYWORD2 NAME(IsEnabledIndexedEXT)(GLenum target, GLuint index) +{ + (void) target; (void) index; + RETURN_DISPATCH(IsEnabledi, (target, index), (F, "glIsEnabledIndexedEXT(0x%x, %d);\n", target, index)); +} + +KEYWORD1 GLboolean KEYWORD2 NAME(IsEnabledi)(GLenum target, GLuint index) +{ + (void) target; (void) index; + RETURN_DISPATCH(IsEnabledi, (target, index), (F, "glIsEnabledi(0x%x, %d);\n", target, index)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(TexParameterIivEXT)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLint * params) +{ + (void) target; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(TexParameterIiv, (target, pname, params), (F, "glTexParameterIivEXT(0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", target, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(TexParameterIiv)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLint * params) +{ + (void) target; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(TexParameterIiv, (target, pname, params), (F, "glTexParameterIiv(0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", target, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(TexParameterIuivEXT)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLuint * params) +{ + (void) target; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(TexParameterIuiv, (target, pname, params), (F, "glTexParameterIuivEXT(0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", target, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(TexParameterIuiv)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLuint * params) +{ + (void) target; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(TexParameterIuiv, (target, pname, params), (F, "glTexParameterIuiv(0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", target, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(TransformFeedbackVaryings)(GLuint program, GLsizei count, const GLchar * const * varyings, GLenum bufferMode) +{ + (void) program; (void) count; (void) varyings; (void) bufferMode; + DISPATCH(TransformFeedbackVaryings, (program, count, varyings, bufferMode), (F, "glTransformFeedbackVaryings(%d, %d, %p, 0x%x);\n", program, count, (const void *) varyings, bufferMode)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(TransformFeedbackVaryingsEXT)(GLuint program, GLsizei count, const char ** varyings, GLenum bufferMode) +{ + (void) program; (void) count; (void) varyings; (void) bufferMode; + DISPATCH(TransformFeedbackVaryings, (program, count, varyings, bufferMode), (F, "glTransformFeedbackVaryingsEXT(%d, %d, %p, 0x%x);\n", program, count, (const void *) varyings, bufferMode)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Uniform1uiEXT)(GLint location, GLuint x) +{ + (void) location; (void) x; + DISPATCH(Uniform1ui, (location, x), (F, "glUniform1uiEXT(%d, %d);\n", location, x)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Uniform1ui)(GLint location, GLuint x) +{ + (void) location; (void) x; + DISPATCH(Uniform1ui, (location, x), (F, "glUniform1ui(%d, %d);\n", location, x)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Uniform1uivEXT)(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLuint * value) +{ + (void) location; (void) count; (void) value; + DISPATCH(Uniform1uiv, (location, count, value), (F, "glUniform1uivEXT(%d, %d, %p);\n", location, count, (const void *) value)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Uniform1uiv)(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLuint * value) +{ + (void) location; (void) count; (void) value; + DISPATCH(Uniform1uiv, (location, count, value), (F, "glUniform1uiv(%d, %d, %p);\n", location, count, (const void *) value)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Uniform2uiEXT)(GLint location, GLuint x, GLuint y) +{ + (void) location; (void) x; (void) y; + DISPATCH(Uniform2ui, (location, x, y), (F, "glUniform2uiEXT(%d, %d, %d);\n", location, x, y)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Uniform2ui)(GLint location, GLuint x, GLuint y) +{ + (void) location; (void) x; (void) y; + DISPATCH(Uniform2ui, (location, x, y), (F, "glUniform2ui(%d, %d, %d);\n", location, x, y)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Uniform2uivEXT)(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLuint * value) +{ + (void) location; (void) count; (void) value; + DISPATCH(Uniform2uiv, (location, count, value), (F, "glUniform2uivEXT(%d, %d, %p);\n", location, count, (const void *) value)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Uniform2uiv)(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLuint * value) +{ + (void) location; (void) count; (void) value; + DISPATCH(Uniform2uiv, (location, count, value), (F, "glUniform2uiv(%d, %d, %p);\n", location, count, (const void *) value)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Uniform3uiEXT)(GLint location, GLuint x, GLuint y, GLuint z) +{ + (void) location; (void) x; (void) y; (void) z; + DISPATCH(Uniform3ui, (location, x, y, z), (F, "glUniform3uiEXT(%d, %d, %d, %d);\n", location, x, y, z)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Uniform3ui)(GLint location, GLuint x, GLuint y, GLuint z) +{ + (void) location; (void) x; (void) y; (void) z; + DISPATCH(Uniform3ui, (location, x, y, z), (F, "glUniform3ui(%d, %d, %d, %d);\n", location, x, y, z)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Uniform3uivEXT)(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLuint * value) +{ + (void) location; (void) count; (void) value; + DISPATCH(Uniform3uiv, (location, count, value), (F, "glUniform3uivEXT(%d, %d, %p);\n", location, count, (const void *) value)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Uniform3uiv)(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLuint * value) +{ + (void) location; (void) count; (void) value; + DISPATCH(Uniform3uiv, (location, count, value), (F, "glUniform3uiv(%d, %d, %p);\n", location, count, (const void *) value)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Uniform4uiEXT)(GLint location, GLuint x, GLuint y, GLuint z, GLuint w) +{ + (void) location; (void) x; (void) y; (void) z; (void) w; + DISPATCH(Uniform4ui, (location, x, y, z, w), (F, "glUniform4uiEXT(%d, %d, %d, %d, %d);\n", location, x, y, z, w)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Uniform4ui)(GLint location, GLuint x, GLuint y, GLuint z, GLuint w) +{ + (void) location; (void) x; (void) y; (void) z; (void) w; + DISPATCH(Uniform4ui, (location, x, y, z, w), (F, "glUniform4ui(%d, %d, %d, %d, %d);\n", location, x, y, z, w)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Uniform4uivEXT)(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLuint * value) +{ + (void) location; (void) count; (void) value; + DISPATCH(Uniform4uiv, (location, count, value), (F, "glUniform4uivEXT(%d, %d, %p);\n", location, count, (const void *) value)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(Uniform4uiv)(GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLuint * value) +{ + (void) location; (void) count; (void) value; + DISPATCH(Uniform4uiv, (location, count, value), (F, "glUniform4uiv(%d, %d, %p);\n", location, count, (const void *) value)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttribI1ivEXT)(GLuint index, const GLint * v) +{ + (void) index; (void) v; + DISPATCH(VertexAttribI1iv, (index, v), (F, "glVertexAttribI1ivEXT(%d, %p);\n", index, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttribI1iv)(GLuint index, const GLint * v) +{ + (void) index; (void) v; + DISPATCH(VertexAttribI1iv, (index, v), (F, "glVertexAttribI1iv(%d, %p);\n", index, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttribI1uivEXT)(GLuint index, const GLuint * v) +{ + (void) index; (void) v; + DISPATCH(VertexAttribI1uiv, (index, v), (F, "glVertexAttribI1uivEXT(%d, %p);\n", index, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttribI1uiv)(GLuint index, const GLuint * v) +{ + (void) index; (void) v; + DISPATCH(VertexAttribI1uiv, (index, v), (F, "glVertexAttribI1uiv(%d, %p);\n", index, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttribI4bvEXT)(GLuint index, const GLbyte * v) +{ + (void) index; (void) v; + DISPATCH(VertexAttribI4bv, (index, v), (F, "glVertexAttribI4bvEXT(%d, %p);\n", index, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttribI4bv)(GLuint index, const GLbyte * v) +{ + (void) index; (void) v; + DISPATCH(VertexAttribI4bv, (index, v), (F, "glVertexAttribI4bv(%d, %p);\n", index, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttribI4svEXT)(GLuint index, const GLshort * v) +{ + (void) index; (void) v; + DISPATCH(VertexAttribI4sv, (index, v), (F, "glVertexAttribI4svEXT(%d, %p);\n", index, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttribI4sv)(GLuint index, const GLshort * v) +{ + (void) index; (void) v; + DISPATCH(VertexAttribI4sv, (index, v), (F, "glVertexAttribI4sv(%d, %p);\n", index, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttribI4ubvEXT)(GLuint index, const GLubyte * v) +{ + (void) index; (void) v; + DISPATCH(VertexAttribI4ubv, (index, v), (F, "glVertexAttribI4ubvEXT(%d, %p);\n", index, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttribI4ubv)(GLuint index, const GLubyte * v) +{ + (void) index; (void) v; + DISPATCH(VertexAttribI4ubv, (index, v), (F, "glVertexAttribI4ubv(%d, %p);\n", index, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttribI4usvEXT)(GLuint index, const GLushort * v) +{ + (void) index; (void) v; + DISPATCH(VertexAttribI4usv, (index, v), (F, "glVertexAttribI4usvEXT(%d, %p);\n", index, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttribI4usv)(GLuint index, const GLushort * v) +{ + (void) index; (void) v; + DISPATCH(VertexAttribI4usv, (index, v), (F, "glVertexAttribI4usv(%d, %p);\n", index, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttribIPointerEXT)(GLuint index, GLint size, GLenum type, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid * pointer) +{ + (void) index; (void) size; (void) type; (void) stride; (void) pointer; + DISPATCH(VertexAttribIPointer, (index, size, type, stride, pointer), (F, "glVertexAttribIPointerEXT(%d, %d, 0x%x, %d, %p);\n", index, size, type, stride, (const void *) pointer)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttribIPointer)(GLuint index, GLint size, GLenum type, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid * pointer) +{ + (void) index; (void) size; (void) type; (void) stride; (void) pointer; + DISPATCH(VertexAttribIPointer, (index, size, type, stride, pointer), (F, "glVertexAttribIPointer(%d, %d, 0x%x, %d, %p);\n", index, size, type, stride, (const void *) pointer)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(PrimitiveRestartIndex)(GLuint index) +{ + (void) index; + DISPATCH(PrimitiveRestartIndex, (index), (F, "glPrimitiveRestartIndex(%d);\n", index)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(PrimitiveRestartIndexNV)(GLuint index) +{ + (void) index; + DISPATCH(PrimitiveRestartIndex, (index), (F, "glPrimitiveRestartIndexNV(%d);\n", index)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(TexBufferARB)(GLenum target, GLenum internalFormat, GLuint buffer) +{ + (void) target; (void) internalFormat; (void) buffer; + DISPATCH(TexBuffer, (target, internalFormat, buffer), (F, "glTexBufferARB(0x%x, 0x%x, %d);\n", target, internalFormat, buffer)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(TexBuffer)(GLenum target, GLenum internalFormat, GLuint buffer) +{ + (void) target; (void) internalFormat; (void) buffer; + DISPATCH(TexBuffer, (target, internalFormat, buffer), (F, "glTexBuffer(0x%x, 0x%x, %d);\n", target, internalFormat, buffer)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(FramebufferTextureARB)(GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLuint texture, GLint level) +{ + (void) target; (void) attachment; (void) texture; (void) level; + DISPATCH(FramebufferTexture, (target, attachment, texture, level), (F, "glFramebufferTextureARB(0x%x, 0x%x, %d, %d);\n", target, attachment, texture, level)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(FramebufferTexture)(GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLuint texture, GLint level) +{ + (void) target; (void) attachment; (void) texture; (void) level; + DISPATCH(FramebufferTexture, (target, attachment, texture, level), (F, "glFramebufferTexture(0x%x, 0x%x, %d, %d);\n", target, attachment, texture, level)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetBufferParameteri64v)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint64 * params) +{ + (void) target; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(GetBufferParameteri64v, (target, pname, params), (F, "glGetBufferParameteri64v(0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", target, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetInteger64i_v)(GLenum cap, GLuint index, GLint64 * data) +{ + (void) cap; (void) index; (void) data; + DISPATCH(GetInteger64i_v, (cap, index, data), (F, "glGetInteger64i_v(0x%x, %d, %p);\n", cap, index, (const void *) data)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttribDivisorARB)(GLuint index, GLuint divisor) +{ + (void) index; (void) divisor; + DISPATCH(VertexAttribDivisor, (index, divisor), (F, "glVertexAttribDivisorARB(%d, %d);\n", index, divisor)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttribDivisor)(GLuint index, GLuint divisor) +{ + (void) index; (void) divisor; + DISPATCH(VertexAttribDivisor, (index, divisor), (F, "glVertexAttribDivisor(%d, %d);\n", index, divisor)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(BindProgramARB)(GLenum target, GLuint program) +{ + (void) target; (void) program; + DISPATCH(BindProgramARB, (target, program), (F, "glBindProgramARB(0x%x, %d);\n", target, program)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(BindProgramNV)(GLenum target, GLuint program) +{ + (void) target; (void) program; + DISPATCH(BindProgramARB, (target, program), (F, "glBindProgramNV(0x%x, %d);\n", target, program)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(DeleteProgramsARB)(GLsizei n, const GLuint * programs) +{ + (void) n; (void) programs; + DISPATCH(DeleteProgramsARB, (n, programs), (F, "glDeleteProgramsARB(%d, %p);\n", n, (const void *) programs)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(DeleteProgramsNV)(GLsizei n, const GLuint * programs) +{ + (void) n; (void) programs; + DISPATCH(DeleteProgramsARB, (n, programs), (F, "glDeleteProgramsNV(%d, %p);\n", n, (const void *) programs)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GenProgramsARB)(GLsizei n, GLuint * programs) +{ + (void) n; (void) programs; + DISPATCH(GenProgramsARB, (n, programs), (F, "glGenProgramsARB(%d, %p);\n", n, (const void *) programs)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GenProgramsNV)(GLsizei n, GLuint * programs) +{ + (void) n; (void) programs; + DISPATCH(GenProgramsARB, (n, programs), (F, "glGenProgramsNV(%d, %p);\n", n, (const void *) programs)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetProgramEnvParameterdvARB)(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLdouble * params) +{ + (void) target; (void) index; (void) params; + DISPATCH(GetProgramEnvParameterdvARB, (target, index, params), (F, "glGetProgramEnvParameterdvARB(0x%x, %d, %p);\n", target, index, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetProgramEnvParameterfvARB)(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLfloat * params) +{ + (void) target; (void) index; (void) params; + DISPATCH(GetProgramEnvParameterfvARB, (target, index, params), (F, "glGetProgramEnvParameterfvARB(0x%x, %d, %p);\n", target, index, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetProgramLocalParameterdvARB)(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLdouble * params) +{ + (void) target; (void) index; (void) params; + DISPATCH(GetProgramLocalParameterdvARB, (target, index, params), (F, "glGetProgramLocalParameterdvARB(0x%x, %d, %p);\n", target, index, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetProgramLocalParameterfvARB)(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLfloat * params) +{ + (void) target; (void) index; (void) params; + DISPATCH(GetProgramLocalParameterfvARB, (target, index, params), (F, "glGetProgramLocalParameterfvARB(0x%x, %d, %p);\n", target, index, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetProgramStringARB)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLvoid * string) +{ + (void) target; (void) pname; (void) string; + DISPATCH(GetProgramStringARB, (target, pname, string), (F, "glGetProgramStringARB(0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", target, pname, (const void *) string)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetProgramivARB)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint * params) +{ + (void) target; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(GetProgramivARB, (target, pname, params), (F, "glGetProgramivARB(0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", target, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 GLboolean KEYWORD2 NAME(IsProgramARB)(GLuint program) +{ + (void) program; + RETURN_DISPATCH(IsProgramARB, (program), (F, "glIsProgramARB(%d);\n", program)); +} + +KEYWORD1 GLboolean KEYWORD2 NAME(IsProgramNV)(GLuint program) +{ + (void) program; + RETURN_DISPATCH(IsProgramARB, (program), (F, "glIsProgramNV(%d);\n", program)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(ProgramEnvParameter4dARB)(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z, GLdouble w) +{ + (void) target; (void) index; (void) x; (void) y; (void) z; (void) w; + DISPATCH(ProgramEnvParameter4dARB, (target, index, x, y, z, w), (F, "glProgramEnvParameter4dARB(0x%x, %d, %f, %f, %f, %f);\n", target, index, x, y, z, w)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(ProgramParameter4dNV)(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z, GLdouble w) +{ + (void) target; (void) index; (void) x; (void) y; (void) z; (void) w; + DISPATCH(ProgramEnvParameter4dARB, (target, index, x, y, z, w), (F, "glProgramParameter4dNV(0x%x, %d, %f, %f, %f, %f);\n", target, index, x, y, z, w)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(ProgramEnvParameter4dvARB)(GLenum target, GLuint index, const GLdouble * params) +{ + (void) target; (void) index; (void) params; + DISPATCH(ProgramEnvParameter4dvARB, (target, index, params), (F, "glProgramEnvParameter4dvARB(0x%x, %d, %p);\n", target, index, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(ProgramParameter4dvNV)(GLenum target, GLuint index, const GLdouble * params) +{ + (void) target; (void) index; (void) params; + DISPATCH(ProgramEnvParameter4dvARB, (target, index, params), (F, "glProgramParameter4dvNV(0x%x, %d, %p);\n", target, index, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(ProgramEnvParameter4fARB)(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z, GLfloat w) +{ + (void) target; (void) index; (void) x; (void) y; (void) z; (void) w; + DISPATCH(ProgramEnvParameter4fARB, (target, index, x, y, z, w), (F, "glProgramEnvParameter4fARB(0x%x, %d, %f, %f, %f, %f);\n", target, index, x, y, z, w)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(ProgramParameter4fNV)(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z, GLfloat w) +{ + (void) target; (void) index; (void) x; (void) y; (void) z; (void) w; + DISPATCH(ProgramEnvParameter4fARB, (target, index, x, y, z, w), (F, "glProgramParameter4fNV(0x%x, %d, %f, %f, %f, %f);\n", target, index, x, y, z, w)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(ProgramEnvParameter4fvARB)(GLenum target, GLuint index, const GLfloat * params) +{ + (void) target; (void) index; (void) params; + DISPATCH(ProgramEnvParameter4fvARB, (target, index, params), (F, "glProgramEnvParameter4fvARB(0x%x, %d, %p);\n", target, index, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(ProgramParameter4fvNV)(GLenum target, GLuint index, const GLfloat * params) +{ + (void) target; (void) index; (void) params; + DISPATCH(ProgramEnvParameter4fvARB, (target, index, params), (F, "glProgramParameter4fvNV(0x%x, %d, %p);\n", target, index, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(ProgramLocalParameter4dARB)(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z, GLdouble w) +{ + (void) target; (void) index; (void) x; (void) y; (void) z; (void) w; + DISPATCH(ProgramLocalParameter4dARB, (target, index, x, y, z, w), (F, "glProgramLocalParameter4dARB(0x%x, %d, %f, %f, %f, %f);\n", target, index, x, y, z, w)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(ProgramLocalParameter4dvARB)(GLenum target, GLuint index, const GLdouble * params) +{ + (void) target; (void) index; (void) params; + DISPATCH(ProgramLocalParameter4dvARB, (target, index, params), (F, "glProgramLocalParameter4dvARB(0x%x, %d, %p);\n", target, index, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(ProgramLocalParameter4fARB)(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z, GLfloat w) +{ + (void) target; (void) index; (void) x; (void) y; (void) z; (void) w; + DISPATCH(ProgramLocalParameter4fARB, (target, index, x, y, z, w), (F, "glProgramLocalParameter4fARB(0x%x, %d, %f, %f, %f, %f);\n", target, index, x, y, z, w)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(ProgramLocalParameter4fvARB)(GLenum target, GLuint index, const GLfloat * params) +{ + (void) target; (void) index; (void) params; + DISPATCH(ProgramLocalParameter4fvARB, (target, index, params), (F, "glProgramLocalParameter4fvARB(0x%x, %d, %p);\n", target, index, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(ProgramStringARB)(GLenum target, GLenum format, GLsizei len, const GLvoid * string) +{ + (void) target; (void) format; (void) len; (void) string; + DISPATCH(ProgramStringARB, (target, format, len, string), (F, "glProgramStringARB(0x%x, 0x%x, %d, %p);\n", target, format, len, (const void *) string)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttrib1f)(GLuint index, GLfloat x) +{ + (void) index; (void) x; + DISPATCH(VertexAttrib1fARB, (index, x), (F, "glVertexAttrib1f(%d, %f);\n", index, x)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttrib1fARB)(GLuint index, GLfloat x) +{ + (void) index; (void) x; + DISPATCH(VertexAttrib1fARB, (index, x), (F, "glVertexAttrib1fARB(%d, %f);\n", index, x)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttrib1fv)(GLuint index, const GLfloat * v) +{ + (void) index; (void) v; + DISPATCH(VertexAttrib1fvARB, (index, v), (F, "glVertexAttrib1fv(%d, %p);\n", index, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttrib1fvARB)(GLuint index, const GLfloat * v) +{ + (void) index; (void) v; + DISPATCH(VertexAttrib1fvARB, (index, v), (F, "glVertexAttrib1fvARB(%d, %p);\n", index, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttrib2f)(GLuint index, GLfloat x, GLfloat y) +{ + (void) index; (void) x; (void) y; + DISPATCH(VertexAttrib2fARB, (index, x, y), (F, "glVertexAttrib2f(%d, %f, %f);\n", index, x, y)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttrib2fARB)(GLuint index, GLfloat x, GLfloat y) +{ + (void) index; (void) x; (void) y; + DISPATCH(VertexAttrib2fARB, (index, x, y), (F, "glVertexAttrib2fARB(%d, %f, %f);\n", index, x, y)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttrib2fv)(GLuint index, const GLfloat * v) +{ + (void) index; (void) v; + DISPATCH(VertexAttrib2fvARB, (index, v), (F, "glVertexAttrib2fv(%d, %p);\n", index, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttrib2fvARB)(GLuint index, const GLfloat * v) +{ + (void) index; (void) v; + DISPATCH(VertexAttrib2fvARB, (index, v), (F, "glVertexAttrib2fvARB(%d, %p);\n", index, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttrib3f)(GLuint index, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z) +{ + (void) index; (void) x; (void) y; (void) z; + DISPATCH(VertexAttrib3fARB, (index, x, y, z), (F, "glVertexAttrib3f(%d, %f, %f, %f);\n", index, x, y, z)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttrib3fARB)(GLuint index, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z) +{ + (void) index; (void) x; (void) y; (void) z; + DISPATCH(VertexAttrib3fARB, (index, x, y, z), (F, "glVertexAttrib3fARB(%d, %f, %f, %f);\n", index, x, y, z)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttrib3fv)(GLuint index, const GLfloat * v) +{ + (void) index; (void) v; + DISPATCH(VertexAttrib3fvARB, (index, v), (F, "glVertexAttrib3fv(%d, %p);\n", index, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttrib3fvARB)(GLuint index, const GLfloat * v) +{ + (void) index; (void) v; + DISPATCH(VertexAttrib3fvARB, (index, v), (F, "glVertexAttrib3fvARB(%d, %p);\n", index, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttrib4f)(GLuint index, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z, GLfloat w) +{ + (void) index; (void) x; (void) y; (void) z; (void) w; + DISPATCH(VertexAttrib4fARB, (index, x, y, z, w), (F, "glVertexAttrib4f(%d, %f, %f, %f, %f);\n", index, x, y, z, w)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttrib4fARB)(GLuint index, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z, GLfloat w) +{ + (void) index; (void) x; (void) y; (void) z; (void) w; + DISPATCH(VertexAttrib4fARB, (index, x, y, z, w), (F, "glVertexAttrib4fARB(%d, %f, %f, %f, %f);\n", index, x, y, z, w)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttrib4fv)(GLuint index, const GLfloat * v) +{ + (void) index; (void) v; + DISPATCH(VertexAttrib4fvARB, (index, v), (F, "glVertexAttrib4fv(%d, %p);\n", index, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttrib4fvARB)(GLuint index, const GLfloat * v) +{ + (void) index; (void) v; + DISPATCH(VertexAttrib4fvARB, (index, v), (F, "glVertexAttrib4fvARB(%d, %p);\n", index, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(AttachObjectARB)(GLhandleARB containerObj, GLhandleARB obj) +{ + (void) containerObj; (void) obj; + DISPATCH(AttachObjectARB, (containerObj, obj), (F, "glAttachObjectARB(%d, %d);\n", containerObj, obj)); +} + +KEYWORD1 GLhandleARB KEYWORD2 NAME(CreateProgramObjectARB)(void) +{ + RETURN_DISPATCH(CreateProgramObjectARB, (), (F, "glCreateProgramObjectARB();\n")); +} + +KEYWORD1 GLhandleARB KEYWORD2 NAME(CreateShaderObjectARB)(GLenum shaderType) +{ + (void) shaderType; + RETURN_DISPATCH(CreateShaderObjectARB, (shaderType), (F, "glCreateShaderObjectARB(0x%x);\n", shaderType)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(DeleteObjectARB)(GLhandleARB obj) +{ + (void) obj; + DISPATCH(DeleteObjectARB, (obj), (F, "glDeleteObjectARB(%d);\n", obj)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(DetachObjectARB)(GLhandleARB containerObj, GLhandleARB attachedObj) +{ + (void) containerObj; (void) attachedObj; + DISPATCH(DetachObjectARB, (containerObj, attachedObj), (F, "glDetachObjectARB(%d, %d);\n", containerObj, attachedObj)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetAttachedObjectsARB)(GLhandleARB containerObj, GLsizei maxLength, GLsizei * length, GLhandleARB * infoLog) +{ + (void) containerObj; (void) maxLength; (void) length; (void) infoLog; + DISPATCH(GetAttachedObjectsARB, (containerObj, maxLength, length, infoLog), (F, "glGetAttachedObjectsARB(%d, %d, %p, %p);\n", containerObj, maxLength, (const void *) length, (const void *) infoLog)); +} + +KEYWORD1 GLhandleARB KEYWORD2 NAME(GetHandleARB)(GLenum pname) +{ + (void) pname; + RETURN_DISPATCH(GetHandleARB, (pname), (F, "glGetHandleARB(0x%x);\n", pname)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetInfoLogARB)(GLhandleARB obj, GLsizei maxLength, GLsizei * length, GLcharARB * infoLog) +{ + (void) obj; (void) maxLength; (void) length; (void) infoLog; + DISPATCH(GetInfoLogARB, (obj, maxLength, length, infoLog), (F, "glGetInfoLogARB(%d, %d, %p, %p);\n", obj, maxLength, (const void *) length, (const void *) infoLog)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetObjectParameterfvARB)(GLhandleARB obj, GLenum pname, GLfloat * params) +{ + (void) obj; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(GetObjectParameterfvARB, (obj, pname, params), (F, "glGetObjectParameterfvARB(%d, 0x%x, %p);\n", obj, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetObjectParameterivARB)(GLhandleARB obj, GLenum pname, GLint * params) +{ + (void) obj; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(GetObjectParameterivARB, (obj, pname, params), (F, "glGetObjectParameterivARB(%d, 0x%x, %p);\n", obj, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(DrawArraysInstancedARB)(GLenum mode, GLint first, GLsizei count, GLsizei primcount) +{ + (void) mode; (void) first; (void) count; (void) primcount; + DISPATCH(DrawArraysInstancedARB, (mode, first, count, primcount), (F, "glDrawArraysInstancedARB(0x%x, %d, %d, %d);\n", mode, first, count, primcount)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(DrawArraysInstancedEXT)(GLenum mode, GLint first, GLsizei count, GLsizei primcount) +{ + (void) mode; (void) first; (void) count; (void) primcount; + DISPATCH(DrawArraysInstancedARB, (mode, first, count, primcount), (F, "glDrawArraysInstancedEXT(0x%x, %d, %d, %d);\n", mode, first, count, primcount)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(DrawArraysInstanced)(GLenum mode, GLint first, GLsizei count, GLsizei primcount) +{ + (void) mode; (void) first; (void) count; (void) primcount; + DISPATCH(DrawArraysInstancedARB, (mode, first, count, primcount), (F, "glDrawArraysInstanced(0x%x, %d, %d, %d);\n", mode, first, count, primcount)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(DrawElementsInstancedARB)(GLenum mode, GLsizei count, GLenum type, const GLvoid * indices, GLsizei primcount) +{ + (void) mode; (void) count; (void) type; (void) indices; (void) primcount; + DISPATCH(DrawElementsInstancedARB, (mode, count, type, indices, primcount), (F, "glDrawElementsInstancedARB(0x%x, %d, 0x%x, %p, %d);\n", mode, count, type, (const void *) indices, primcount)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(DrawElementsInstancedEXT)(GLenum mode, GLsizei count, GLenum type, const GLvoid * indices, GLsizei primcount) +{ + (void) mode; (void) count; (void) type; (void) indices; (void) primcount; + DISPATCH(DrawElementsInstancedARB, (mode, count, type, indices, primcount), (F, "glDrawElementsInstancedEXT(0x%x, %d, 0x%x, %p, %d);\n", mode, count, type, (const void *) indices, primcount)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(DrawElementsInstanced)(GLenum mode, GLsizei count, GLenum type, const GLvoid * indices, GLsizei primcount) +{ + (void) mode; (void) count; (void) type; (void) indices; (void) primcount; + DISPATCH(DrawElementsInstancedARB, (mode, count, type, indices, primcount), (F, "glDrawElementsInstanced(0x%x, %d, 0x%x, %p, %d);\n", mode, count, type, (const void *) indices, primcount)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(BindFramebuffer)(GLenum target, GLuint framebuffer) +{ + (void) target; (void) framebuffer; + DISPATCH(BindFramebuffer, (target, framebuffer), (F, "glBindFramebuffer(0x%x, %d);\n", target, framebuffer)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(BindFramebufferEXT)(GLenum target, GLuint framebuffer) +{ + (void) target; (void) framebuffer; + DISPATCH(BindFramebuffer, (target, framebuffer), (F, "glBindFramebufferEXT(0x%x, %d);\n", target, framebuffer)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_659)(GLenum target, GLuint framebuffer); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_659)(GLenum target, GLuint framebuffer) +{ + (void) target; (void) framebuffer; + DISPATCH(BindFramebuffer, (target, framebuffer), (F, "glBindFramebufferOES(0x%x, %d);\n", target, framebuffer)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(BindRenderbuffer)(GLenum target, GLuint renderbuffer) +{ + (void) target; (void) renderbuffer; + DISPATCH(BindRenderbuffer, (target, renderbuffer), (F, "glBindRenderbuffer(0x%x, %d);\n", target, renderbuffer)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(BindRenderbufferEXT)(GLenum target, GLuint renderbuffer) +{ + (void) target; (void) renderbuffer; + DISPATCH(BindRenderbuffer, (target, renderbuffer), (F, "glBindRenderbufferEXT(0x%x, %d);\n", target, renderbuffer)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_660)(GLenum target, GLuint renderbuffer); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_660)(GLenum target, GLuint renderbuffer) +{ + (void) target; (void) renderbuffer; + DISPATCH(BindRenderbuffer, (target, renderbuffer), (F, "glBindRenderbufferOES(0x%x, %d);\n", target, renderbuffer)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(BlitFramebuffer)(GLint srcX0, GLint srcY0, GLint srcX1, GLint srcY1, GLint dstX0, GLint dstY0, GLint dstX1, GLint dstY1, GLbitfield mask, GLenum filter) +{ + (void) srcX0; (void) srcY0; (void) srcX1; (void) srcY1; (void) dstX0; (void) dstY0; (void) dstX1; (void) dstY1; (void) mask; (void) filter; + DISPATCH(BlitFramebuffer, (srcX0, srcY0, srcX1, srcY1, dstX0, dstY0, dstX1, dstY1, mask, filter), (F, "glBlitFramebuffer(%d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, 0x%x);\n", srcX0, srcY0, srcX1, srcY1, dstX0, dstY0, dstX1, dstY1, mask, filter)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_661)(GLint srcX0, GLint srcY0, GLint srcX1, GLint srcY1, GLint dstX0, GLint dstY0, GLint dstX1, GLint dstY1, GLbitfield mask, GLenum filter); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_661)(GLint srcX0, GLint srcY0, GLint srcX1, GLint srcY1, GLint dstX0, GLint dstY0, GLint dstX1, GLint dstY1, GLbitfield mask, GLenum filter) +{ + (void) srcX0; (void) srcY0; (void) srcX1; (void) srcY1; (void) dstX0; (void) dstY0; (void) dstX1; (void) dstY1; (void) mask; (void) filter; + DISPATCH(BlitFramebuffer, (srcX0, srcY0, srcX1, srcY1, dstX0, dstY0, dstX1, dstY1, mask, filter), (F, "glBlitFramebufferEXT(%d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, 0x%x);\n", srcX0, srcY0, srcX1, srcY1, dstX0, dstY0, dstX1, dstY1, mask, filter)); +} + +KEYWORD1 GLenum KEYWORD2 NAME(CheckFramebufferStatus)(GLenum target) +{ + (void) target; + RETURN_DISPATCH(CheckFramebufferStatus, (target), (F, "glCheckFramebufferStatus(0x%x);\n", target)); +} + +KEYWORD1 GLenum KEYWORD2 NAME(CheckFramebufferStatusEXT)(GLenum target) +{ + (void) target; + RETURN_DISPATCH(CheckFramebufferStatus, (target), (F, "glCheckFramebufferStatusEXT(0x%x);\n", target)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT GLenum KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_662)(GLenum target); + +KEYWORD1_ALT GLenum KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_662)(GLenum target) +{ + (void) target; + RETURN_DISPATCH(CheckFramebufferStatus, (target), (F, "glCheckFramebufferStatusOES(0x%x);\n", target)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(DeleteFramebuffers)(GLsizei n, const GLuint * framebuffers) +{ + (void) n; (void) framebuffers; + DISPATCH(DeleteFramebuffers, (n, framebuffers), (F, "glDeleteFramebuffers(%d, %p);\n", n, (const void *) framebuffers)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(DeleteFramebuffersEXT)(GLsizei n, const GLuint * framebuffers) +{ + (void) n; (void) framebuffers; + DISPATCH(DeleteFramebuffers, (n, framebuffers), (F, "glDeleteFramebuffersEXT(%d, %p);\n", n, (const void *) framebuffers)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_663)(GLsizei n, const GLuint * framebuffers); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_663)(GLsizei n, const GLuint * framebuffers) +{ + (void) n; (void) framebuffers; + DISPATCH(DeleteFramebuffers, (n, framebuffers), (F, "glDeleteFramebuffersOES(%d, %p);\n", n, (const void *) framebuffers)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(DeleteRenderbuffers)(GLsizei n, const GLuint * renderbuffers) +{ + (void) n; (void) renderbuffers; + DISPATCH(DeleteRenderbuffers, (n, renderbuffers), (F, "glDeleteRenderbuffers(%d, %p);\n", n, (const void *) renderbuffers)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(DeleteRenderbuffersEXT)(GLsizei n, const GLuint * renderbuffers) +{ + (void) n; (void) renderbuffers; + DISPATCH(DeleteRenderbuffers, (n, renderbuffers), (F, "glDeleteRenderbuffersEXT(%d, %p);\n", n, (const void *) renderbuffers)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_664)(GLsizei n, const GLuint * renderbuffers); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_664)(GLsizei n, const GLuint * renderbuffers) +{ + (void) n; (void) renderbuffers; + DISPATCH(DeleteRenderbuffers, (n, renderbuffers), (F, "glDeleteRenderbuffersOES(%d, %p);\n", n, (const void *) renderbuffers)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(FramebufferRenderbuffer)(GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLenum renderbuffertarget, GLuint renderbuffer) +{ + (void) target; (void) attachment; (void) renderbuffertarget; (void) renderbuffer; + DISPATCH(FramebufferRenderbuffer, (target, attachment, renderbuffertarget, renderbuffer), (F, "glFramebufferRenderbuffer(0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x, %d);\n", target, attachment, renderbuffertarget, renderbuffer)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(FramebufferRenderbufferEXT)(GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLenum renderbuffertarget, GLuint renderbuffer) +{ + (void) target; (void) attachment; (void) renderbuffertarget; (void) renderbuffer; + DISPATCH(FramebufferRenderbuffer, (target, attachment, renderbuffertarget, renderbuffer), (F, "glFramebufferRenderbufferEXT(0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x, %d);\n", target, attachment, renderbuffertarget, renderbuffer)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_665)(GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLenum renderbuffertarget, GLuint renderbuffer); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_665)(GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLenum renderbuffertarget, GLuint renderbuffer) +{ + (void) target; (void) attachment; (void) renderbuffertarget; (void) renderbuffer; + DISPATCH(FramebufferRenderbuffer, (target, attachment, renderbuffertarget, renderbuffer), (F, "glFramebufferRenderbufferOES(0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x, %d);\n", target, attachment, renderbuffertarget, renderbuffer)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(FramebufferTexture1D)(GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLenum textarget, GLuint texture, GLint level) +{ + (void) target; (void) attachment; (void) textarget; (void) texture; (void) level; + DISPATCH(FramebufferTexture1D, (target, attachment, textarget, texture, level), (F, "glFramebufferTexture1D(0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x, %d, %d);\n", target, attachment, textarget, texture, level)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(FramebufferTexture1DEXT)(GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLenum textarget, GLuint texture, GLint level) +{ + (void) target; (void) attachment; (void) textarget; (void) texture; (void) level; + DISPATCH(FramebufferTexture1D, (target, attachment, textarget, texture, level), (F, "glFramebufferTexture1DEXT(0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x, %d, %d);\n", target, attachment, textarget, texture, level)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(FramebufferTexture2D)(GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLenum textarget, GLuint texture, GLint level) +{ + (void) target; (void) attachment; (void) textarget; (void) texture; (void) level; + DISPATCH(FramebufferTexture2D, (target, attachment, textarget, texture, level), (F, "glFramebufferTexture2D(0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x, %d, %d);\n", target, attachment, textarget, texture, level)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(FramebufferTexture2DEXT)(GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLenum textarget, GLuint texture, GLint level) +{ + (void) target; (void) attachment; (void) textarget; (void) texture; (void) level; + DISPATCH(FramebufferTexture2D, (target, attachment, textarget, texture, level), (F, "glFramebufferTexture2DEXT(0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x, %d, %d);\n", target, attachment, textarget, texture, level)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_667)(GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLenum textarget, GLuint texture, GLint level); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_667)(GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLenum textarget, GLuint texture, GLint level) +{ + (void) target; (void) attachment; (void) textarget; (void) texture; (void) level; + DISPATCH(FramebufferTexture2D, (target, attachment, textarget, texture, level), (F, "glFramebufferTexture2DOES(0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x, %d, %d);\n", target, attachment, textarget, texture, level)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(FramebufferTexture3D)(GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLenum textarget, GLuint texture, GLint level, GLint zoffset) +{ + (void) target; (void) attachment; (void) textarget; (void) texture; (void) level; (void) zoffset; + DISPATCH(FramebufferTexture3D, (target, attachment, textarget, texture, level, zoffset), (F, "glFramebufferTexture3D(0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x, %d, %d, %d);\n", target, attachment, textarget, texture, level, zoffset)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(FramebufferTexture3DEXT)(GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLenum textarget, GLuint texture, GLint level, GLint zoffset) +{ + (void) target; (void) attachment; (void) textarget; (void) texture; (void) level; (void) zoffset; + DISPATCH(FramebufferTexture3D, (target, attachment, textarget, texture, level, zoffset), (F, "glFramebufferTexture3DEXT(0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x, %d, %d, %d);\n", target, attachment, textarget, texture, level, zoffset)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_668)(GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLenum textarget, GLuint texture, GLint level, GLint zoffset); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_668)(GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLenum textarget, GLuint texture, GLint level, GLint zoffset) +{ + (void) target; (void) attachment; (void) textarget; (void) texture; (void) level; (void) zoffset; + DISPATCH(FramebufferTexture3D, (target, attachment, textarget, texture, level, zoffset), (F, "glFramebufferTexture3DOES(0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x, %d, %d, %d);\n", target, attachment, textarget, texture, level, zoffset)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(FramebufferTextureLayer)(GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLuint texture, GLint level, GLint layer) +{ + (void) target; (void) attachment; (void) texture; (void) level; (void) layer; + DISPATCH(FramebufferTextureLayer, (target, attachment, texture, level, layer), (F, "glFramebufferTextureLayer(0x%x, 0x%x, %d, %d, %d);\n", target, attachment, texture, level, layer)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(FramebufferTextureLayerARB)(GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLuint texture, GLint level, GLint layer) +{ + (void) target; (void) attachment; (void) texture; (void) level; (void) layer; + DISPATCH(FramebufferTextureLayer, (target, attachment, texture, level, layer), (F, "glFramebufferTextureLayerARB(0x%x, 0x%x, %d, %d, %d);\n", target, attachment, texture, level, layer)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(FramebufferTextureLayerEXT)(GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLuint texture, GLint level, GLint layer) +{ + (void) target; (void) attachment; (void) texture; (void) level; (void) layer; + DISPATCH(FramebufferTextureLayer, (target, attachment, texture, level, layer), (F, "glFramebufferTextureLayerEXT(0x%x, 0x%x, %d, %d, %d);\n", target, attachment, texture, level, layer)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GenFramebuffers)(GLsizei n, GLuint * framebuffers) +{ + (void) n; (void) framebuffers; + DISPATCH(GenFramebuffers, (n, framebuffers), (F, "glGenFramebuffers(%d, %p);\n", n, (const void *) framebuffers)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GenFramebuffersEXT)(GLsizei n, GLuint * framebuffers) +{ + (void) n; (void) framebuffers; + DISPATCH(GenFramebuffers, (n, framebuffers), (F, "glGenFramebuffersEXT(%d, %p);\n", n, (const void *) framebuffers)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_670)(GLsizei n, GLuint * framebuffers); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_670)(GLsizei n, GLuint * framebuffers) +{ + (void) n; (void) framebuffers; + DISPATCH(GenFramebuffers, (n, framebuffers), (F, "glGenFramebuffersOES(%d, %p);\n", n, (const void *) framebuffers)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GenRenderbuffers)(GLsizei n, GLuint * renderbuffers) +{ + (void) n; (void) renderbuffers; + DISPATCH(GenRenderbuffers, (n, renderbuffers), (F, "glGenRenderbuffers(%d, %p);\n", n, (const void *) renderbuffers)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GenRenderbuffersEXT)(GLsizei n, GLuint * renderbuffers) +{ + (void) n; (void) renderbuffers; + DISPATCH(GenRenderbuffers, (n, renderbuffers), (F, "glGenRenderbuffersEXT(%d, %p);\n", n, (const void *) renderbuffers)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_671)(GLsizei n, GLuint * renderbuffers); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_671)(GLsizei n, GLuint * renderbuffers) +{ + (void) n; (void) renderbuffers; + DISPATCH(GenRenderbuffers, (n, renderbuffers), (F, "glGenRenderbuffersOES(%d, %p);\n", n, (const void *) renderbuffers)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GenerateMipmap)(GLenum target) +{ + (void) target; + DISPATCH(GenerateMipmap, (target), (F, "glGenerateMipmap(0x%x);\n", target)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GenerateMipmapEXT)(GLenum target) +{ + (void) target; + DISPATCH(GenerateMipmap, (target), (F, "glGenerateMipmapEXT(0x%x);\n", target)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_672)(GLenum target); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_672)(GLenum target) +{ + (void) target; + DISPATCH(GenerateMipmap, (target), (F, "glGenerateMipmapOES(0x%x);\n", target)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv)(GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLenum pname, GLint * params) +{ + (void) target; (void) attachment; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(GetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv, (target, attachment, pname, params), (F, "glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv(0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", target, attachment, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivEXT)(GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLenum pname, GLint * params) +{ + (void) target; (void) attachment; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(GetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv, (target, attachment, pname, params), (F, "glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivEXT(0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", target, attachment, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_673)(GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLenum pname, GLint * params); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_673)(GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLenum pname, GLint * params) +{ + (void) target; (void) attachment; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(GetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv, (target, attachment, pname, params), (F, "glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivOES(0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", target, attachment, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetRenderbufferParameteriv)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint * params) +{ + (void) target; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(GetRenderbufferParameteriv, (target, pname, params), (F, "glGetRenderbufferParameteriv(0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", target, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetRenderbufferParameterivEXT)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint * params) +{ + (void) target; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(GetRenderbufferParameteriv, (target, pname, params), (F, "glGetRenderbufferParameterivEXT(0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", target, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_674)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint * params); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_674)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint * params) +{ + (void) target; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(GetRenderbufferParameteriv, (target, pname, params), (F, "glGetRenderbufferParameterivOES(0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", target, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 GLboolean KEYWORD2 NAME(IsFramebuffer)(GLuint framebuffer) +{ + (void) framebuffer; + RETURN_DISPATCH(IsFramebuffer, (framebuffer), (F, "glIsFramebuffer(%d);\n", framebuffer)); +} + +KEYWORD1 GLboolean KEYWORD2 NAME(IsFramebufferEXT)(GLuint framebuffer) +{ + (void) framebuffer; + RETURN_DISPATCH(IsFramebuffer, (framebuffer), (F, "glIsFramebufferEXT(%d);\n", framebuffer)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT GLboolean KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_675)(GLuint framebuffer); + +KEYWORD1_ALT GLboolean KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_675)(GLuint framebuffer) +{ + (void) framebuffer; + RETURN_DISPATCH(IsFramebuffer, (framebuffer), (F, "glIsFramebufferOES(%d);\n", framebuffer)); +} + +KEYWORD1 GLboolean KEYWORD2 NAME(IsRenderbuffer)(GLuint renderbuffer) +{ + (void) renderbuffer; + RETURN_DISPATCH(IsRenderbuffer, (renderbuffer), (F, "glIsRenderbuffer(%d);\n", renderbuffer)); +} + +KEYWORD1 GLboolean KEYWORD2 NAME(IsRenderbufferEXT)(GLuint renderbuffer) +{ + (void) renderbuffer; + RETURN_DISPATCH(IsRenderbuffer, (renderbuffer), (F, "glIsRenderbufferEXT(%d);\n", renderbuffer)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT GLboolean KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_676)(GLuint renderbuffer); + +KEYWORD1_ALT GLboolean KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_676)(GLuint renderbuffer) +{ + (void) renderbuffer; + RETURN_DISPATCH(IsRenderbuffer, (renderbuffer), (F, "glIsRenderbufferOES(%d);\n", renderbuffer)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(RenderbufferStorage)(GLenum target, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height) +{ + (void) target; (void) internalformat; (void) width; (void) height; + DISPATCH(RenderbufferStorage, (target, internalformat, width, height), (F, "glRenderbufferStorage(0x%x, 0x%x, %d, %d);\n", target, internalformat, width, height)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(RenderbufferStorageEXT)(GLenum target, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height) +{ + (void) target; (void) internalformat; (void) width; (void) height; + DISPATCH(RenderbufferStorage, (target, internalformat, width, height), (F, "glRenderbufferStorageEXT(0x%x, 0x%x, %d, %d);\n", target, internalformat, width, height)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_677)(GLenum target, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_677)(GLenum target, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height) +{ + (void) target; (void) internalformat; (void) width; (void) height; + DISPATCH(RenderbufferStorage, (target, internalformat, width, height), (F, "glRenderbufferStorageOES(0x%x, 0x%x, %d, %d);\n", target, internalformat, width, height)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(RenderbufferStorageMultisample)(GLenum target, GLsizei samples, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height) +{ + (void) target; (void) samples; (void) internalformat; (void) width; (void) height; + DISPATCH(RenderbufferStorageMultisample, (target, samples, internalformat, width, height), (F, "glRenderbufferStorageMultisample(0x%x, %d, 0x%x, %d, %d);\n", target, samples, internalformat, width, height)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(RenderbufferStorageMultisampleEXT)(GLenum target, GLsizei samples, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height) +{ + (void) target; (void) samples; (void) internalformat; (void) width; (void) height; + DISPATCH(RenderbufferStorageMultisample, (target, samples, internalformat, width, height), (F, "glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleEXT(0x%x, %d, 0x%x, %d, %d);\n", target, samples, internalformat, width, height)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(FramebufferTextureFaceARB)(GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLuint texture, GLint level, GLenum face) +{ + (void) target; (void) attachment; (void) texture; (void) level; (void) face; + DISPATCH(FramebufferTextureFaceARB, (target, attachment, texture, level, face), (F, "glFramebufferTextureFaceARB(0x%x, 0x%x, %d, %d, 0x%x);\n", target, attachment, texture, level, face)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(FlushMappedBufferRange)(GLenum target, GLintptr offset, GLsizeiptr length) +{ + (void) target; (void) offset; (void) length; + DISPATCH(FlushMappedBufferRange, (target, offset, length), (F, "glFlushMappedBufferRange(0x%x, %d, %d);\n", target, offset, length)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_680)(GLenum target, GLintptr offset, GLsizeiptr length); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_680)(GLenum target, GLintptr offset, GLsizeiptr length) +{ + (void) target; (void) offset; (void) length; + DISPATCH(FlushMappedBufferRange, (target, offset, length), (F, "glFlushMappedBufferRangeEXT(0x%x, %d, %d);\n", target, offset, length)); +} + +KEYWORD1 GLvoid * KEYWORD2 NAME(MapBufferRange)(GLenum target, GLintptr offset, GLsizeiptr length, GLbitfield access) +{ + (void) target; (void) offset; (void) length; (void) access; + RETURN_DISPATCH(MapBufferRange, (target, offset, length, access), (F, "glMapBufferRange(0x%x, %d, %d, %d);\n", target, offset, length, access)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT GLvoid * KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_681)(GLenum target, GLintptr offset, GLsizeiptr size, GLbitfield length); + +KEYWORD1_ALT GLvoid * KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_681)(GLenum target, GLintptr offset, GLsizeiptr size, GLbitfield length) +{ + (void) target; (void) offset; (void) size; (void) length; + RETURN_DISPATCH(MapBufferRange, (target, offset, size, length), (F, "glMapBufferRangeEXT(0x%x, %d, %d, %d);\n", target, offset, size, length)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(BindVertexArray)(GLuint array) +{ + (void) array; + DISPATCH(BindVertexArray, (array), (F, "glBindVertexArray(%d);\n", array)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_682)(GLuint array); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_682)(GLuint array) +{ + (void) array; + DISPATCH(BindVertexArray, (array), (F, "glBindVertexArrayOES(%d);\n", array)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(DeleteVertexArrays)(GLsizei n, const GLuint * arrays) +{ + (void) n; (void) arrays; + DISPATCH(DeleteVertexArrays, (n, arrays), (F, "glDeleteVertexArrays(%d, %p);\n", n, (const void *) arrays)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_683)(GLsizei n, const GLuint * arrays); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_683)(GLsizei n, const GLuint * arrays) +{ + (void) n; (void) arrays; + DISPATCH(DeleteVertexArrays, (n, arrays), (F, "glDeleteVertexArraysAPPLE(%d, %p);\n", n, (const void *) arrays)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GenVertexArrays)(GLsizei n, GLuint * arrays) +{ + (void) n; (void) arrays; + DISPATCH(GenVertexArrays, (n, arrays), (F, "glGenVertexArrays(%d, %p);\n", n, (const void *) arrays)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_684)(GLsizei n, GLuint * arrays); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_684)(GLsizei n, GLuint * arrays) +{ + (void) n; (void) arrays; + DISPATCH(GenVertexArrays, (n, arrays), (F, "glGenVertexArraysOES(%d, %p);\n", n, (const void *) arrays)); +} + +KEYWORD1 GLboolean KEYWORD2 NAME(IsVertexArray)(GLuint array) +{ + (void) array; + RETURN_DISPATCH(IsVertexArray, (array), (F, "glIsVertexArray(%d);\n", array)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT GLboolean KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_685)(GLuint array); + +KEYWORD1_ALT GLboolean KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_685)(GLuint array) +{ + (void) array; + RETURN_DISPATCH(IsVertexArray, (array), (F, "glIsVertexArrayAPPLE(%d);\n", array)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetActiveUniformBlockName)(GLuint program, GLuint uniformBlockIndex, GLsizei bufSize, GLsizei * length, GLchar * uniformBlockName) +{ + (void) program; (void) uniformBlockIndex; (void) bufSize; (void) length; (void) uniformBlockName; + DISPATCH(GetActiveUniformBlockName, (program, uniformBlockIndex, bufSize, length, uniformBlockName), (F, "glGetActiveUniformBlockName(%d, %d, %d, %p, %p);\n", program, uniformBlockIndex, bufSize, (const void *) length, (const void *) uniformBlockName)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetActiveUniformBlockiv)(GLuint program, GLuint uniformBlockIndex, GLenum pname, GLint * params) +{ + (void) program; (void) uniformBlockIndex; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(GetActiveUniformBlockiv, (program, uniformBlockIndex, pname, params), (F, "glGetActiveUniformBlockiv(%d, %d, 0x%x, %p);\n", program, uniformBlockIndex, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetActiveUniformName)(GLuint program, GLuint uniformIndex, GLsizei bufSize, GLsizei * length, GLchar * uniformName) +{ + (void) program; (void) uniformIndex; (void) bufSize; (void) length; (void) uniformName; + DISPATCH(GetActiveUniformName, (program, uniformIndex, bufSize, length, uniformName), (F, "glGetActiveUniformName(%d, %d, %d, %p, %p);\n", program, uniformIndex, bufSize, (const void *) length, (const void *) uniformName)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetActiveUniformsiv)(GLuint program, GLsizei uniformCount, const GLuint * uniformIndices, GLenum pname, GLint * params) +{ + (void) program; (void) uniformCount; (void) uniformIndices; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(GetActiveUniformsiv, (program, uniformCount, uniformIndices, pname, params), (F, "glGetActiveUniformsiv(%d, %d, %p, 0x%x, %p);\n", program, uniformCount, (const void *) uniformIndices, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 GLuint KEYWORD2 NAME(GetUniformBlockIndex)(GLuint program, const GLchar * uniformBlockName) +{ + (void) program; (void) uniformBlockName; + RETURN_DISPATCH(GetUniformBlockIndex, (program, uniformBlockName), (F, "glGetUniformBlockIndex(%d, %p);\n", program, (const void *) uniformBlockName)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetUniformIndices)(GLuint program, GLsizei uniformCount, const GLchar * const * uniformNames, GLuint * uniformIndices) +{ + (void) program; (void) uniformCount; (void) uniformNames; (void) uniformIndices; + DISPATCH(GetUniformIndices, (program, uniformCount, uniformNames, uniformIndices), (F, "glGetUniformIndices(%d, %d, %p, %p);\n", program, uniformCount, (const void *) uniformNames, (const void *) uniformIndices)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(UniformBlockBinding)(GLuint program, GLuint uniformBlockIndex, GLuint uniformBlockBinding) +{ + (void) program; (void) uniformBlockIndex; (void) uniformBlockBinding; + DISPATCH(UniformBlockBinding, (program, uniformBlockIndex, uniformBlockBinding), (F, "glUniformBlockBinding(%d, %d, %d);\n", program, uniformBlockIndex, uniformBlockBinding)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(CopyBufferSubData)(GLenum readTarget, GLenum writeTarget, GLintptr readOffset, GLintptr writeOffset, GLsizeiptr size) +{ + (void) readTarget; (void) writeTarget; (void) readOffset; (void) writeOffset; (void) size; + DISPATCH(CopyBufferSubData, (readTarget, writeTarget, readOffset, writeOffset, size), (F, "glCopyBufferSubData(0x%x, 0x%x, %d, %d, %d);\n", readTarget, writeTarget, readOffset, writeOffset, size)); +} + +KEYWORD1 GLenum KEYWORD2 NAME(ClientWaitSync)(GLsync sync, GLbitfield flags, GLuint64 timeout) +{ + (void) sync; (void) flags; (void) timeout; + RETURN_DISPATCH(ClientWaitSync, (sync, flags, timeout), (F, "glClientWaitSync(%d, %d, %d);\n", sync, flags, timeout)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(DeleteSync)(GLsync sync) +{ + (void) sync; + DISPATCH(DeleteSync, (sync), (F, "glDeleteSync(%d);\n", sync)); +} + +KEYWORD1 GLsync KEYWORD2 NAME(FenceSync)(GLenum condition, GLbitfield flags) +{ + (void) condition; (void) flags; + RETURN_DISPATCH(FenceSync, (condition, flags), (F, "glFenceSync(0x%x, %d);\n", condition, flags)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetInteger64v)(GLenum pname, GLint64 * params) +{ + (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(GetInteger64v, (pname, params), (F, "glGetInteger64v(0x%x, %p);\n", pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetSynciv)(GLsync sync, GLenum pname, GLsizei bufSize, GLsizei * length, GLint * values) +{ + (void) sync; (void) pname; (void) bufSize; (void) length; (void) values; + DISPATCH(GetSynciv, (sync, pname, bufSize, length, values), (F, "glGetSynciv(%d, 0x%x, %d, %p, %p);\n", sync, pname, bufSize, (const void *) length, (const void *) values)); +} + +KEYWORD1 GLboolean KEYWORD2 NAME(IsSync)(GLsync sync) +{ + (void) sync; + RETURN_DISPATCH(IsSync, (sync), (F, "glIsSync(%d);\n", sync)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(WaitSync)(GLsync sync, GLbitfield flags, GLuint64 timeout) +{ + (void) sync; (void) flags; (void) timeout; + DISPATCH(WaitSync, (sync, flags, timeout), (F, "glWaitSync(%d, %d, %d);\n", sync, flags, timeout)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(DrawElementsBaseVertex)(GLenum mode, GLsizei count, GLenum type, const GLvoid * indices, GLint basevertex) +{ + (void) mode; (void) count; (void) type; (void) indices; (void) basevertex; + DISPATCH(DrawElementsBaseVertex, (mode, count, type, indices, basevertex), (F, "glDrawElementsBaseVertex(0x%x, %d, 0x%x, %p, %d);\n", mode, count, type, (const void *) indices, basevertex)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex)(GLenum mode, GLsizei count, GLenum type, const GLvoid * indices, GLsizei primcount, GLint basevertex) +{ + (void) mode; (void) count; (void) type; (void) indices; (void) primcount; (void) basevertex; + DISPATCH(DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex, (mode, count, type, indices, primcount, basevertex), (F, "glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex(0x%x, %d, 0x%x, %p, %d, %d);\n", mode, count, type, (const void *) indices, primcount, basevertex)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(DrawRangeElementsBaseVertex)(GLenum mode, GLuint start, GLuint end, GLsizei count, GLenum type, const GLvoid * indices, GLint basevertex) +{ + (void) mode; (void) start; (void) end; (void) count; (void) type; (void) indices; (void) basevertex; + DISPATCH(DrawRangeElementsBaseVertex, (mode, start, end, count, type, indices, basevertex), (F, "glDrawRangeElementsBaseVertex(0x%x, %d, %d, %d, 0x%x, %p, %d);\n", mode, start, end, count, type, (const void *) indices, basevertex)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(MultiDrawElementsBaseVertex)(GLenum mode, const GLsizei * count, GLenum type, const GLvoid * const * indices, GLsizei primcount, const GLint * basevertex) +{ + (void) mode; (void) count; (void) type; (void) indices; (void) primcount; (void) basevertex; + DISPATCH(MultiDrawElementsBaseVertex, (mode, count, type, indices, primcount, basevertex), (F, "glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex(0x%x, %p, 0x%x, %p, %d, %p);\n", mode, (const void *) count, type, (const void *) indices, primcount, (const void *) basevertex)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(ProvokingVertexEXT)(GLenum mode) +{ + (void) mode; + DISPATCH(ProvokingVertex, (mode), (F, "glProvokingVertexEXT(0x%x);\n", mode)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(ProvokingVertex)(GLenum mode) +{ + (void) mode; + DISPATCH(ProvokingVertex, (mode), (F, "glProvokingVertex(0x%x);\n", mode)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(BlendEquationSeparateiARB)(GLuint buf, GLenum modeRGB, GLenum modeA) +{ + (void) buf; (void) modeRGB; (void) modeA; + DISPATCH(BlendEquationSeparateiARB, (buf, modeRGB, modeA), (F, "glBlendEquationSeparateiARB(%d, 0x%x, 0x%x);\n", buf, modeRGB, modeA)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(BlendEquationSeparateIndexedAMD)(GLuint buf, GLenum modeRGB, GLenum modeA) +{ + (void) buf; (void) modeRGB; (void) modeA; + DISPATCH(BlendEquationSeparateiARB, (buf, modeRGB, modeA), (F, "glBlendEquationSeparateIndexedAMD(%d, 0x%x, 0x%x);\n", buf, modeRGB, modeA)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(BlendEquationiARB)(GLuint buf, GLenum mode) +{ + (void) buf; (void) mode; + DISPATCH(BlendEquationiARB, (buf, mode), (F, "glBlendEquationiARB(%d, 0x%x);\n", buf, mode)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(BlendEquationIndexedAMD)(GLuint buf, GLenum mode) +{ + (void) buf; (void) mode; + DISPATCH(BlendEquationiARB, (buf, mode), (F, "glBlendEquationIndexedAMD(%d, 0x%x);\n", buf, mode)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(BlendFuncSeparateiARB)(GLuint buf, GLenum srcRGB, GLenum dstRGB, GLenum srcA, GLenum dstA) +{ + (void) buf; (void) srcRGB; (void) dstRGB; (void) srcA; (void) dstA; + DISPATCH(BlendFuncSeparateiARB, (buf, srcRGB, dstRGB, srcA, dstA), (F, "glBlendFuncSeparateiARB(%d, 0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x);\n", buf, srcRGB, dstRGB, srcA, dstA)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(BlendFuncSeparateIndexedAMD)(GLuint buf, GLenum srcRGB, GLenum dstRGB, GLenum srcA, GLenum dstA) +{ + (void) buf; (void) srcRGB; (void) dstRGB; (void) srcA; (void) dstA; + DISPATCH(BlendFuncSeparateiARB, (buf, srcRGB, dstRGB, srcA, dstA), (F, "glBlendFuncSeparateIndexedAMD(%d, 0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x);\n", buf, srcRGB, dstRGB, srcA, dstA)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(BlendFunciARB)(GLuint buf, GLenum src, GLenum dst) +{ + (void) buf; (void) src; (void) dst; + DISPATCH(BlendFunciARB, (buf, src, dst), (F, "glBlendFunciARB(%d, 0x%x, 0x%x);\n", buf, src, dst)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(BlendFuncIndexedAMD)(GLuint buf, GLenum src, GLenum dst) +{ + (void) buf; (void) src; (void) dst; + DISPATCH(BlendFunciARB, (buf, src, dst), (F, "glBlendFuncIndexedAMD(%d, 0x%x, 0x%x);\n", buf, src, dst)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(BindFragDataLocationIndexed)(GLuint program, GLuint colorNumber, GLuint index, const GLchar * name) +{ + (void) program; (void) colorNumber; (void) index; (void) name; + DISPATCH(BindFragDataLocationIndexed, (program, colorNumber, index, name), (F, "glBindFragDataLocationIndexed(%d, %d, %d, %p);\n", program, colorNumber, index, (const void *) name)); +} + +KEYWORD1 GLint KEYWORD2 NAME(GetFragDataIndex)(GLuint program, const GLchar * name) +{ + (void) program; (void) name; + RETURN_DISPATCH(GetFragDataIndex, (program, name), (F, "glGetFragDataIndex(%d, %p);\n", program, (const void *) name)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(BindSampler)(GLuint unit, GLuint sampler) +{ + (void) unit; (void) sampler; + DISPATCH(BindSampler, (unit, sampler), (F, "glBindSampler(%d, %d);\n", unit, sampler)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(DeleteSamplers)(GLsizei count, const GLuint * samplers) +{ + (void) count; (void) samplers; + DISPATCH(DeleteSamplers, (count, samplers), (F, "glDeleteSamplers(%d, %p);\n", count, (const void *) samplers)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GenSamplers)(GLsizei count, GLuint * samplers) +{ + (void) count; (void) samplers; + DISPATCH(GenSamplers, (count, samplers), (F, "glGenSamplers(%d, %p);\n", count, (const void *) samplers)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetSamplerParameterIiv)(GLuint sampler, GLenum pname, GLint * params) +{ + (void) sampler; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(GetSamplerParameterIiv, (sampler, pname, params), (F, "glGetSamplerParameterIiv(%d, 0x%x, %p);\n", sampler, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetSamplerParameterIuiv)(GLuint sampler, GLenum pname, GLuint * params) +{ + (void) sampler; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(GetSamplerParameterIuiv, (sampler, pname, params), (F, "glGetSamplerParameterIuiv(%d, 0x%x, %p);\n", sampler, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetSamplerParameterfv)(GLuint sampler, GLenum pname, GLfloat * params) +{ + (void) sampler; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(GetSamplerParameterfv, (sampler, pname, params), (F, "glGetSamplerParameterfv(%d, 0x%x, %p);\n", sampler, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetSamplerParameteriv)(GLuint sampler, GLenum pname, GLint * params) +{ + (void) sampler; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(GetSamplerParameteriv, (sampler, pname, params), (F, "glGetSamplerParameteriv(%d, 0x%x, %p);\n", sampler, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 GLboolean KEYWORD2 NAME(IsSampler)(GLuint sampler) +{ + (void) sampler; + RETURN_DISPATCH(IsSampler, (sampler), (F, "glIsSampler(%d);\n", sampler)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(SamplerParameterIiv)(GLuint sampler, GLenum pname, const GLint * params) +{ + (void) sampler; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(SamplerParameterIiv, (sampler, pname, params), (F, "glSamplerParameterIiv(%d, 0x%x, %p);\n", sampler, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(SamplerParameterIuiv)(GLuint sampler, GLenum pname, const GLuint * params) +{ + (void) sampler; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(SamplerParameterIuiv, (sampler, pname, params), (F, "glSamplerParameterIuiv(%d, 0x%x, %p);\n", sampler, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(SamplerParameterf)(GLuint sampler, GLenum pname, GLfloat param) +{ + (void) sampler; (void) pname; (void) param; + DISPATCH(SamplerParameterf, (sampler, pname, param), (F, "glSamplerParameterf(%d, 0x%x, %f);\n", sampler, pname, param)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(SamplerParameterfv)(GLuint sampler, GLenum pname, const GLfloat * params) +{ + (void) sampler; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(SamplerParameterfv, (sampler, pname, params), (F, "glSamplerParameterfv(%d, 0x%x, %p);\n", sampler, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(SamplerParameteri)(GLuint sampler, GLenum pname, GLint param) +{ + (void) sampler; (void) pname; (void) param; + DISPATCH(SamplerParameteri, (sampler, pname, param), (F, "glSamplerParameteri(%d, 0x%x, %d);\n", sampler, pname, param)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(SamplerParameteriv)(GLuint sampler, GLenum pname, const GLint * params) +{ + (void) sampler; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(SamplerParameteriv, (sampler, pname, params), (F, "glSamplerParameteriv(%d, 0x%x, %p);\n", sampler, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_726)(GLuint id, GLenum pname, GLint64 * params); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_726)(GLuint id, GLenum pname, GLint64 * params) +{ + (void) id; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(GetQueryObjecti64v, (id, pname, params), (F, "glGetQueryObjecti64v(%d, 0x%x, %p);\n", id, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_727)(GLuint id, GLenum pname, GLuint64 * params); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_727)(GLuint id, GLenum pname, GLuint64 * params) +{ + (void) id; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(GetQueryObjectui64v, (id, pname, params), (F, "glGetQueryObjectui64v(%d, 0x%x, %p);\n", id, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_728)(GLuint id, GLenum target); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_728)(GLuint id, GLenum target) +{ + (void) id; (void) target; + DISPATCH(QueryCounter, (id, target), (F, "glQueryCounter(%d, 0x%x);\n", id, target)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(ColorP3ui)(GLenum type, GLuint color) +{ + (void) type; (void) color; + DISPATCH(ColorP3ui, (type, color), (F, "glColorP3ui(0x%x, %d);\n", type, color)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(ColorP3uiv)(GLenum type, const GLuint * color) +{ + (void) type; (void) color; + DISPATCH(ColorP3uiv, (type, color), (F, "glColorP3uiv(0x%x, %p);\n", type, (const void *) color)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(ColorP4ui)(GLenum type, GLuint color) +{ + (void) type; (void) color; + DISPATCH(ColorP4ui, (type, color), (F, "glColorP4ui(0x%x, %d);\n", type, color)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(ColorP4uiv)(GLenum type, const GLuint * color) +{ + (void) type; (void) color; + DISPATCH(ColorP4uiv, (type, color), (F, "glColorP4uiv(0x%x, %p);\n", type, (const void *) color)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(MultiTexCoordP1ui)(GLenum texture, GLenum type, GLuint coords) +{ + (void) texture; (void) type; (void) coords; + DISPATCH(MultiTexCoordP1ui, (texture, type, coords), (F, "glMultiTexCoordP1ui(0x%x, 0x%x, %d);\n", texture, type, coords)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(MultiTexCoordP1uiv)(GLenum texture, GLenum type, const GLuint * coords) +{ + (void) texture; (void) type; (void) coords; + DISPATCH(MultiTexCoordP1uiv, (texture, type, coords), (F, "glMultiTexCoordP1uiv(0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", texture, type, (const void *) coords)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(MultiTexCoordP2ui)(GLenum texture, GLenum type, GLuint coords) +{ + (void) texture; (void) type; (void) coords; + DISPATCH(MultiTexCoordP2ui, (texture, type, coords), (F, "glMultiTexCoordP2ui(0x%x, 0x%x, %d);\n", texture, type, coords)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(MultiTexCoordP2uiv)(GLenum texture, GLenum type, const GLuint * coords) +{ + (void) texture; (void) type; (void) coords; + DISPATCH(MultiTexCoordP2uiv, (texture, type, coords), (F, "glMultiTexCoordP2uiv(0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", texture, type, (const void *) coords)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(MultiTexCoordP3ui)(GLenum texture, GLenum type, GLuint coords) +{ + (void) texture; (void) type; (void) coords; + DISPATCH(MultiTexCoordP3ui, (texture, type, coords), (F, "glMultiTexCoordP3ui(0x%x, 0x%x, %d);\n", texture, type, coords)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(MultiTexCoordP3uiv)(GLenum texture, GLenum type, const GLuint * coords) +{ + (void) texture; (void) type; (void) coords; + DISPATCH(MultiTexCoordP3uiv, (texture, type, coords), (F, "glMultiTexCoordP3uiv(0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", texture, type, (const void *) coords)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(MultiTexCoordP4ui)(GLenum texture, GLenum type, GLuint coords) +{ + (void) texture; (void) type; (void) coords; + DISPATCH(MultiTexCoordP4ui, (texture, type, coords), (F, "glMultiTexCoordP4ui(0x%x, 0x%x, %d);\n", texture, type, coords)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(MultiTexCoordP4uiv)(GLenum texture, GLenum type, const GLuint * coords) +{ + (void) texture; (void) type; (void) coords; + DISPATCH(MultiTexCoordP4uiv, (texture, type, coords), (F, "glMultiTexCoordP4uiv(0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", texture, type, (const void *) coords)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(NormalP3ui)(GLenum type, GLuint coords) +{ + (void) type; (void) coords; + DISPATCH(NormalP3ui, (type, coords), (F, "glNormalP3ui(0x%x, %d);\n", type, coords)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(NormalP3uiv)(GLenum type, const GLuint * coords) +{ + (void) type; (void) coords; + DISPATCH(NormalP3uiv, (type, coords), (F, "glNormalP3uiv(0x%x, %p);\n", type, (const void *) coords)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(SecondaryColorP3ui)(GLenum type, GLuint color) +{ + (void) type; (void) color; + DISPATCH(SecondaryColorP3ui, (type, color), (F, "glSecondaryColorP3ui(0x%x, %d);\n", type, color)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(SecondaryColorP3uiv)(GLenum type, const GLuint * color) +{ + (void) type; (void) color; + DISPATCH(SecondaryColorP3uiv, (type, color), (F, "glSecondaryColorP3uiv(0x%x, %p);\n", type, (const void *) color)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(TexCoordP1ui)(GLenum type, GLuint coords) +{ + (void) type; (void) coords; + DISPATCH(TexCoordP1ui, (type, coords), (F, "glTexCoordP1ui(0x%x, %d);\n", type, coords)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(TexCoordP1uiv)(GLenum type, const GLuint * coords) +{ + (void) type; (void) coords; + DISPATCH(TexCoordP1uiv, (type, coords), (F, "glTexCoordP1uiv(0x%x, %p);\n", type, (const void *) coords)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(TexCoordP2ui)(GLenum type, GLuint coords) +{ + (void) type; (void) coords; + DISPATCH(TexCoordP2ui, (type, coords), (F, "glTexCoordP2ui(0x%x, %d);\n", type, coords)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(TexCoordP2uiv)(GLenum type, const GLuint * coords) +{ + (void) type; (void) coords; + DISPATCH(TexCoordP2uiv, (type, coords), (F, "glTexCoordP2uiv(0x%x, %p);\n", type, (const void *) coords)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(TexCoordP3ui)(GLenum type, GLuint coords) +{ + (void) type; (void) coords; + DISPATCH(TexCoordP3ui, (type, coords), (F, "glTexCoordP3ui(0x%x, %d);\n", type, coords)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(TexCoordP3uiv)(GLenum type, const GLuint * coords) +{ + (void) type; (void) coords; + DISPATCH(TexCoordP3uiv, (type, coords), (F, "glTexCoordP3uiv(0x%x, %p);\n", type, (const void *) coords)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(TexCoordP4ui)(GLenum type, GLuint coords) +{ + (void) type; (void) coords; + DISPATCH(TexCoordP4ui, (type, coords), (F, "glTexCoordP4ui(0x%x, %d);\n", type, coords)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(TexCoordP4uiv)(GLenum type, const GLuint * coords) +{ + (void) type; (void) coords; + DISPATCH(TexCoordP4uiv, (type, coords), (F, "glTexCoordP4uiv(0x%x, %p);\n", type, (const void *) coords)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttribP1ui)(GLuint index, GLenum type, GLboolean normalized, GLuint value) +{ + (void) index; (void) type; (void) normalized; (void) value; + DISPATCH(VertexAttribP1ui, (index, type, normalized, value), (F, "glVertexAttribP1ui(%d, 0x%x, %d, %d);\n", index, type, normalized, value)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttribP1uiv)(GLuint index, GLenum type, GLboolean normalized, const GLuint * value) +{ + (void) index; (void) type; (void) normalized; (void) value; + DISPATCH(VertexAttribP1uiv, (index, type, normalized, value), (F, "glVertexAttribP1uiv(%d, 0x%x, %d, %p);\n", index, type, normalized, (const void *) value)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttribP2ui)(GLuint index, GLenum type, GLboolean normalized, GLuint value) +{ + (void) index; (void) type; (void) normalized; (void) value; + DISPATCH(VertexAttribP2ui, (index, type, normalized, value), (F, "glVertexAttribP2ui(%d, 0x%x, %d, %d);\n", index, type, normalized, value)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttribP2uiv)(GLuint index, GLenum type, GLboolean normalized, const GLuint * value) +{ + (void) index; (void) type; (void) normalized; (void) value; + DISPATCH(VertexAttribP2uiv, (index, type, normalized, value), (F, "glVertexAttribP2uiv(%d, 0x%x, %d, %p);\n", index, type, normalized, (const void *) value)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttribP3ui)(GLuint index, GLenum type, GLboolean normalized, GLuint value) +{ + (void) index; (void) type; (void) normalized; (void) value; + DISPATCH(VertexAttribP3ui, (index, type, normalized, value), (F, "glVertexAttribP3ui(%d, 0x%x, %d, %d);\n", index, type, normalized, value)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttribP3uiv)(GLuint index, GLenum type, GLboolean normalized, const GLuint * value) +{ + (void) index; (void) type; (void) normalized; (void) value; + DISPATCH(VertexAttribP3uiv, (index, type, normalized, value), (F, "glVertexAttribP3uiv(%d, 0x%x, %d, %p);\n", index, type, normalized, (const void *) value)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttribP4ui)(GLuint index, GLenum type, GLboolean normalized, GLuint value) +{ + (void) index; (void) type; (void) normalized; (void) value; + DISPATCH(VertexAttribP4ui, (index, type, normalized, value), (F, "glVertexAttribP4ui(%d, 0x%x, %d, %d);\n", index, type, normalized, value)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttribP4uiv)(GLuint index, GLenum type, GLboolean normalized, const GLuint * value) +{ + (void) index; (void) type; (void) normalized; (void) value; + DISPATCH(VertexAttribP4uiv, (index, type, normalized, value), (F, "glVertexAttribP4uiv(%d, 0x%x, %d, %p);\n", index, type, normalized, (const void *) value)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexP2ui)(GLenum type, GLuint value) +{ + (void) type; (void) value; + DISPATCH(VertexP2ui, (type, value), (F, "glVertexP2ui(0x%x, %d);\n", type, value)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexP2uiv)(GLenum type, const GLuint * value) +{ + (void) type; (void) value; + DISPATCH(VertexP2uiv, (type, value), (F, "glVertexP2uiv(0x%x, %p);\n", type, (const void *) value)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexP3ui)(GLenum type, GLuint value) +{ + (void) type; (void) value; + DISPATCH(VertexP3ui, (type, value), (F, "glVertexP3ui(0x%x, %d);\n", type, value)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexP3uiv)(GLenum type, const GLuint * value) +{ + (void) type; (void) value; + DISPATCH(VertexP3uiv, (type, value), (F, "glVertexP3uiv(0x%x, %p);\n", type, (const void *) value)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexP4ui)(GLenum type, GLuint value) +{ + (void) type; (void) value; + DISPATCH(VertexP4ui, (type, value), (F, "glVertexP4ui(0x%x, %d);\n", type, value)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexP4uiv)(GLenum type, const GLuint * value) +{ + (void) type; (void) value; + DISPATCH(VertexP4uiv, (type, value), (F, "glVertexP4uiv(0x%x, %p);\n", type, (const void *) value)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(BindTransformFeedback)(GLenum target, GLuint id) +{ + (void) target; (void) id; + DISPATCH(BindTransformFeedback, (target, id), (F, "glBindTransformFeedback(0x%x, %d);\n", target, id)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(DeleteTransformFeedbacks)(GLsizei n, const GLuint * ids) +{ + (void) n; (void) ids; + DISPATCH(DeleteTransformFeedbacks, (n, ids), (F, "glDeleteTransformFeedbacks(%d, %p);\n", n, (const void *) ids)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(DrawTransformFeedback)(GLenum mode, GLuint id) +{ + (void) mode; (void) id; + DISPATCH(DrawTransformFeedback, (mode, id), (F, "glDrawTransformFeedback(0x%x, %d);\n", mode, id)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GenTransformFeedbacks)(GLsizei n, GLuint * ids) +{ + (void) n; (void) ids; + DISPATCH(GenTransformFeedbacks, (n, ids), (F, "glGenTransformFeedbacks(%d, %p);\n", n, (const void *) ids)); +} + +KEYWORD1 GLboolean KEYWORD2 NAME(IsTransformFeedback)(GLuint id) +{ + (void) id; + RETURN_DISPATCH(IsTransformFeedback, (id), (F, "glIsTransformFeedback(%d);\n", id)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(PauseTransformFeedback)(void) +{ + DISPATCH(PauseTransformFeedback, (), (F, "glPauseTransformFeedback();\n")); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(ResumeTransformFeedback)(void) +{ + DISPATCH(ResumeTransformFeedback, (), (F, "glResumeTransformFeedback();\n")); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(BeginQueryIndexed)(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLuint id) +{ + (void) target; (void) index; (void) id; + DISPATCH(BeginQueryIndexed, (target, index, id), (F, "glBeginQueryIndexed(0x%x, %d, %d);\n", target, index, id)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(DrawTransformFeedbackStream)(GLenum mode, GLuint id, GLuint stream) +{ + (void) mode; (void) id; (void) stream; + DISPATCH(DrawTransformFeedbackStream, (mode, id, stream), (F, "glDrawTransformFeedbackStream(0x%x, %d, %d);\n", mode, id, stream)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(EndQueryIndexed)(GLenum target, GLuint index) +{ + (void) target; (void) index; + DISPATCH(EndQueryIndexed, (target, index), (F, "glEndQueryIndexed(0x%x, %d);\n", target, index)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetQueryIndexediv)(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLint * params) +{ + (void) target; (void) index; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(GetQueryIndexediv, (target, index, pname, params), (F, "glGetQueryIndexediv(0x%x, %d, 0x%x, %p);\n", target, index, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(ClearDepthf)(GLclampf depth) +{ + (void) depth; + DISPATCH(ClearDepthf, (depth), (F, "glClearDepthf(%f);\n", depth)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_778)(GLclampf depth); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_778)(GLclampf depth) +{ + (void) depth; + DISPATCH(ClearDepthf, (depth), (F, "glClearDepthfOES(%f);\n", depth)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(DepthRangef)(GLclampf zNear, GLclampf zFar) +{ + (void) zNear; (void) zFar; + DISPATCH(DepthRangef, (zNear, zFar), (F, "glDepthRangef(%f, %f);\n", zNear, zFar)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_779)(GLclampf zNear, GLclampf zFar); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_779)(GLclampf zNear, GLclampf zFar) +{ + (void) zNear; (void) zFar; + DISPATCH(DepthRangef, (zNear, zFar), (F, "glDepthRangefOES(%f, %f);\n", zNear, zFar)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetShaderPrecisionFormat)(GLenum shadertype, GLenum precisiontype, GLint * range, GLint * precision) +{ + (void) shadertype; (void) precisiontype; (void) range; (void) precision; + DISPATCH(GetShaderPrecisionFormat, (shadertype, precisiontype, range, precision), (F, "glGetShaderPrecisionFormat(0x%x, 0x%x, %p, %p);\n", shadertype, precisiontype, (const void *) range, (const void *) precision)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(ReleaseShaderCompiler)(void) +{ + DISPATCH(ReleaseShaderCompiler, (), (F, "glReleaseShaderCompiler();\n")); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(ShaderBinary)(GLsizei n, const GLuint * shaders, GLenum binaryformat, const GLvoid * binary, GLsizei length) +{ + (void) n; (void) shaders; (void) binaryformat; (void) binary; (void) length; + DISPATCH(ShaderBinary, (n, shaders, binaryformat, binary, length), (F, "glShaderBinary(%d, %p, 0x%x, %p, %d);\n", n, (const void *) shaders, binaryformat, (const void *) binary, length)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetProgramBinary)(GLuint program, GLsizei bufSize, GLsizei * length, GLenum * binaryFormat, GLvoid * binary) +{ + (void) program; (void) bufSize; (void) length; (void) binaryFormat; (void) binary; + DISPATCH(GetProgramBinary, (program, bufSize, length, binaryFormat, binary), (F, "glGetProgramBinary(%d, %d, %p, %p, %p);\n", program, bufSize, (const void *) length, (const void *) binaryFormat, (const void *) binary)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_783)(GLuint program, GLsizei bufSize, GLsizei * length, GLenum * binaryFormat, GLvoid * binary); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_783)(GLuint program, GLsizei bufSize, GLsizei * length, GLenum * binaryFormat, GLvoid * binary) +{ + (void) program; (void) bufSize; (void) length; (void) binaryFormat; (void) binary; + DISPATCH(GetProgramBinary, (program, bufSize, length, binaryFormat, binary), (F, "glGetProgramBinaryOES(%d, %d, %p, %p, %p);\n", program, bufSize, (const void *) length, (const void *) binaryFormat, (const void *) binary)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(ProgramBinary)(GLuint program, GLenum binaryFormat, const GLvoid * binary, GLsizei length) +{ + (void) program; (void) binaryFormat; (void) binary; (void) length; + DISPATCH(ProgramBinary, (program, binaryFormat, binary, length), (F, "glProgramBinary(%d, 0x%x, %p, %d);\n", program, binaryFormat, (const void *) binary, length)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_784)(GLuint program, GLenum binaryFormat, const GLvoid * binary, GLint length); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_784)(GLuint program, GLenum binaryFormat, const GLvoid * binary, GLint length) +{ + (void) program; (void) binaryFormat; (void) binary; (void) length; + DISPATCH(ProgramBinary, (program, binaryFormat, binary, length), (F, "glProgramBinaryOES(%d, 0x%x, %p, %d);\n", program, binaryFormat, (const void *) binary, length)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(ProgramParameteriARB)(GLuint program, GLenum pname, GLint value) +{ + (void) program; (void) pname; (void) value; + DISPATCH(ProgramParameteri, (program, pname, value), (F, "glProgramParameteriARB(%d, 0x%x, %d);\n", program, pname, value)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(ProgramParameteri)(GLuint program, GLenum pname, GLint value) +{ + (void) program; (void) pname; (void) value; + DISPATCH(ProgramParameteri, (program, pname, value), (F, "glProgramParameteri(%d, 0x%x, %d);\n", program, pname, value)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(DebugMessageCallbackARB)(GLDEBUGPROCARB callback, const GLvoid * userParam) +{ + (void) callback; (void) userParam; + DISPATCH(DebugMessageCallbackARB, (callback, userParam), (F, "glDebugMessageCallbackARB(%p, %p);\n", (const void *) callback, (const void *) userParam)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(DebugMessageControlARB)(GLenum source, GLenum type, GLenum severity, GLsizei count, const GLuint * ids, GLboolean enabled) +{ + (void) source; (void) type; (void) severity; (void) count; (void) ids; (void) enabled; + DISPATCH(DebugMessageControlARB, (source, type, severity, count, ids, enabled), (F, "glDebugMessageControlARB(0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x, %d, %p, %d);\n", source, type, severity, count, (const void *) ids, enabled)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(DebugMessageInsertARB)(GLenum source, GLenum type, GLuint id, GLenum severity, GLsizei length, const GLcharARB * buf) +{ + (void) source; (void) type; (void) id; (void) severity; (void) length; (void) buf; + DISPATCH(DebugMessageInsertARB, (source, type, id, severity, length, buf), (F, "glDebugMessageInsertARB(0x%x, 0x%x, %d, 0x%x, %d, %p);\n", source, type, id, severity, length, (const void *) buf)); +} + +KEYWORD1 GLuint KEYWORD2 NAME(GetDebugMessageLogARB)(GLuint count, GLsizei bufsize, GLenum * sources, GLenum * types, GLuint * ids, GLenum * severities, GLsizei * lengths, GLcharARB * messageLog) +{ + (void) count; (void) bufsize; (void) sources; (void) types; (void) ids; (void) severities; (void) lengths; (void) messageLog; + RETURN_DISPATCH(GetDebugMessageLogARB, (count, bufsize, sources, types, ids, severities, lengths, messageLog), (F, "glGetDebugMessageLogARB(%d, %d, %p, %p, %p, %p, %p, %p);\n", count, bufsize, (const void *) sources, (const void *) types, (const void *) ids, (const void *) severities, (const void *) lengths, (const void *) messageLog)); +} + +KEYWORD1 GLenum KEYWORD2 NAME(GetGraphicsResetStatusARB)(void) +{ + RETURN_DISPATCH(GetGraphicsResetStatusARB, (), (F, "glGetGraphicsResetStatusARB();\n")); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetnColorTableARB)(GLenum target, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLsizei bufSize, GLvoid * table) +{ + (void) target; (void) format; (void) type; (void) bufSize; (void) table; + DISPATCH(GetnColorTableARB, (target, format, type, bufSize, table), (F, "glGetnColorTableARB(0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x, %d, %p);\n", target, format, type, bufSize, (const void *) table)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetnCompressedTexImageARB)(GLenum target, GLint lod, GLsizei bufSize, GLvoid * img) +{ + (void) target; (void) lod; (void) bufSize; (void) img; + DISPATCH(GetnCompressedTexImageARB, (target, lod, bufSize, img), (F, "glGetnCompressedTexImageARB(0x%x, %d, %d, %p);\n", target, lod, bufSize, (const void *) img)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetnConvolutionFilterARB)(GLenum target, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLsizei bufSize, GLvoid * image) +{ + (void) target; (void) format; (void) type; (void) bufSize; (void) image; + DISPATCH(GetnConvolutionFilterARB, (target, format, type, bufSize, image), (F, "glGetnConvolutionFilterARB(0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x, %d, %p);\n", target, format, type, bufSize, (const void *) image)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetnHistogramARB)(GLenum target, GLboolean reset, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLsizei bufSize, GLvoid * values) +{ + (void) target; (void) reset; (void) format; (void) type; (void) bufSize; (void) values; + DISPATCH(GetnHistogramARB, (target, reset, format, type, bufSize, values), (F, "glGetnHistogramARB(0x%x, %d, 0x%x, 0x%x, %d, %p);\n", target, reset, format, type, bufSize, (const void *) values)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetnMapdvARB)(GLenum target, GLenum query, GLsizei bufSize, GLdouble * v) +{ + (void) target; (void) query; (void) bufSize; (void) v; + DISPATCH(GetnMapdvARB, (target, query, bufSize, v), (F, "glGetnMapdvARB(0x%x, 0x%x, %d, %p);\n", target, query, bufSize, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetnMapfvARB)(GLenum target, GLenum query, GLsizei bufSize, GLfloat * v) +{ + (void) target; (void) query; (void) bufSize; (void) v; + DISPATCH(GetnMapfvARB, (target, query, bufSize, v), (F, "glGetnMapfvARB(0x%x, 0x%x, %d, %p);\n", target, query, bufSize, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetnMapivARB)(GLenum target, GLenum query, GLsizei bufSize, GLint * v) +{ + (void) target; (void) query; (void) bufSize; (void) v; + DISPATCH(GetnMapivARB, (target, query, bufSize, v), (F, "glGetnMapivARB(0x%x, 0x%x, %d, %p);\n", target, query, bufSize, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetnMinmaxARB)(GLenum target, GLboolean reset, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLsizei bufSize, GLvoid * values) +{ + (void) target; (void) reset; (void) format; (void) type; (void) bufSize; (void) values; + DISPATCH(GetnMinmaxARB, (target, reset, format, type, bufSize, values), (F, "glGetnMinmaxARB(0x%x, %d, 0x%x, 0x%x, %d, %p);\n", target, reset, format, type, bufSize, (const void *) values)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetnPixelMapfvARB)(GLenum map, GLsizei bufSize, GLfloat * values) +{ + (void) map; (void) bufSize; (void) values; + DISPATCH(GetnPixelMapfvARB, (map, bufSize, values), (F, "glGetnPixelMapfvARB(0x%x, %d, %p);\n", map, bufSize, (const void *) values)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetnPixelMapuivARB)(GLenum map, GLsizei bufSize, GLuint * values) +{ + (void) map; (void) bufSize; (void) values; + DISPATCH(GetnPixelMapuivARB, (map, bufSize, values), (F, "glGetnPixelMapuivARB(0x%x, %d, %p);\n", map, bufSize, (const void *) values)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetnPixelMapusvARB)(GLenum map, GLsizei bufSize, GLushort * values) +{ + (void) map; (void) bufSize; (void) values; + DISPATCH(GetnPixelMapusvARB, (map, bufSize, values), (F, "glGetnPixelMapusvARB(0x%x, %d, %p);\n", map, bufSize, (const void *) values)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetnPolygonStippleARB)(GLsizei bufSize, GLubyte * pattern) +{ + (void) bufSize; (void) pattern; + DISPATCH(GetnPolygonStippleARB, (bufSize, pattern), (F, "glGetnPolygonStippleARB(%d, %p);\n", bufSize, (const void *) pattern)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetnSeparableFilterARB)(GLenum target, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLsizei rowBufSize, GLvoid * row, GLsizei columnBufSize, GLvoid * column, GLvoid * span) +{ + (void) target; (void) format; (void) type; (void) rowBufSize; (void) row; (void) columnBufSize; (void) column; (void) span; + DISPATCH(GetnSeparableFilterARB, (target, format, type, rowBufSize, row, columnBufSize, column, span), (F, "glGetnSeparableFilterARB(0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x, %d, %p, %d, %p, %p);\n", target, format, type, rowBufSize, (const void *) row, columnBufSize, (const void *) column, (const void *) span)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetnTexImageARB)(GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLsizei bufSize, GLvoid * img) +{ + (void) target; (void) level; (void) format; (void) type; (void) bufSize; (void) img; + DISPATCH(GetnTexImageARB, (target, level, format, type, bufSize, img), (F, "glGetnTexImageARB(0x%x, %d, 0x%x, 0x%x, %d, %p);\n", target, level, format, type, bufSize, (const void *) img)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetnUniformdvARB)(GLhandleARB program, GLint location, GLsizei bufSize, GLdouble * params) +{ + (void) program; (void) location; (void) bufSize; (void) params; + DISPATCH(GetnUniformdvARB, (program, location, bufSize, params), (F, "glGetnUniformdvARB(%d, %d, %d, %p);\n", program, location, bufSize, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetnUniformfvARB)(GLhandleARB program, GLint location, GLsizei bufSize, GLfloat * params) +{ + (void) program; (void) location; (void) bufSize; (void) params; + DISPATCH(GetnUniformfvARB, (program, location, bufSize, params), (F, "glGetnUniformfvARB(%d, %d, %d, %p);\n", program, location, bufSize, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetnUniformivARB)(GLhandleARB program, GLint location, GLsizei bufSize, GLint * params) +{ + (void) program; (void) location; (void) bufSize; (void) params; + DISPATCH(GetnUniformivARB, (program, location, bufSize, params), (F, "glGetnUniformivARB(%d, %d, %d, %p);\n", program, location, bufSize, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetnUniformuivARB)(GLhandleARB program, GLint location, GLsizei bufSize, GLuint * params) +{ + (void) program; (void) location; (void) bufSize; (void) params; + DISPATCH(GetnUniformuivARB, (program, location, bufSize, params), (F, "glGetnUniformuivARB(%d, %d, %d, %p);\n", program, location, bufSize, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(ReadnPixelsARB)(GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLsizei bufSize, GLvoid * data) +{ + (void) x; (void) y; (void) width; (void) height; (void) format; (void) type; (void) bufSize; (void) data; + DISPATCH(ReadnPixelsARB, (x, y, width, height, format, type, bufSize, data), (F, "glReadnPixelsARB(%d, %d, %d, %d, 0x%x, 0x%x, %d, %p);\n", x, y, width, height, format, type, bufSize, (const void *) data)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(DrawArraysInstancedBaseInstance)(GLenum mode, GLint first, GLsizei count, GLsizei primcount, GLuint baseinstance) +{ + (void) mode; (void) first; (void) count; (void) primcount; (void) baseinstance; + DISPATCH(DrawArraysInstancedBaseInstance, (mode, first, count, primcount, baseinstance), (F, "glDrawArraysInstancedBaseInstance(0x%x, %d, %d, %d, %d);\n", mode, first, count, primcount, baseinstance)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(DrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance)(GLenum mode, GLsizei count, GLenum type, const GLvoid * indices, GLsizei primcount, GLuint baseinstance) +{ + (void) mode; (void) count; (void) type; (void) indices; (void) primcount; (void) baseinstance; + DISPATCH(DrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance, (mode, count, type, indices, primcount, baseinstance), (F, "glDrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance(0x%x, %d, 0x%x, %p, %d, %d);\n", mode, count, type, (const void *) indices, primcount, baseinstance)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance)(GLenum mode, GLsizei count, GLenum type, const GLvoid * indices, GLsizei primcount, GLint basevertex, GLuint baseinstance) +{ + (void) mode; (void) count; (void) type; (void) indices; (void) primcount; (void) basevertex; (void) baseinstance; + DISPATCH(DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance, (mode, count, type, indices, primcount, basevertex, baseinstance), (F, "glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance(0x%x, %d, 0x%x, %p, %d, %d, %d);\n", mode, count, type, (const void *) indices, primcount, basevertex, baseinstance)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(DrawTransformFeedbackInstanced)(GLenum mode, GLuint id, GLsizei primcount) +{ + (void) mode; (void) id; (void) primcount; + DISPATCH(DrawTransformFeedbackInstanced, (mode, id, primcount), (F, "glDrawTransformFeedbackInstanced(0x%x, %d, %d);\n", mode, id, primcount)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(DrawTransformFeedbackStreamInstanced)(GLenum mode, GLuint id, GLuint stream, GLsizei primcount) +{ + (void) mode; (void) id; (void) stream; (void) primcount; + DISPATCH(DrawTransformFeedbackStreamInstanced, (mode, id, stream, primcount), (F, "glDrawTransformFeedbackStreamInstanced(0x%x, %d, %d, %d);\n", mode, id, stream, primcount)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_815)(GLenum target, GLenum internalformat, GLenum pname, GLsizei bufSize, GLint * params); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_815)(GLenum target, GLenum internalformat, GLenum pname, GLsizei bufSize, GLint * params) +{ + (void) target; (void) internalformat; (void) pname; (void) bufSize; (void) params; + DISPATCH(GetInternalformativ, (target, internalformat, pname, bufSize, params), (F, "glGetInternalformativ(0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x, %d, %p);\n", target, internalformat, pname, bufSize, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(TexStorage1D)(GLenum target, GLsizei levels, GLenum internalFormat, GLsizei width) +{ + (void) target; (void) levels; (void) internalFormat; (void) width; + DISPATCH(TexStorage1D, (target, levels, internalFormat, width), (F, "glTexStorage1D(0x%x, %d, 0x%x, %d);\n", target, levels, internalFormat, width)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(TexStorage2D)(GLenum target, GLsizei levels, GLenum internalFormat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height) +{ + (void) target; (void) levels; (void) internalFormat; (void) width; (void) height; + DISPATCH(TexStorage2D, (target, levels, internalFormat, width, height), (F, "glTexStorage2D(0x%x, %d, 0x%x, %d, %d);\n", target, levels, internalFormat, width, height)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(TexStorage3D)(GLenum target, GLsizei levels, GLenum internalFormat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth) +{ + (void) target; (void) levels; (void) internalFormat; (void) width; (void) height; (void) depth; + DISPATCH(TexStorage3D, (target, levels, internalFormat, width, height, depth), (F, "glTexStorage3D(0x%x, %d, 0x%x, %d, %d, %d);\n", target, levels, internalFormat, width, height, depth)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(TextureStorage1DEXT)(GLuint texture, GLenum target, GLsizei levels, GLenum internalFormat, GLsizei width) +{ + (void) texture; (void) target; (void) levels; (void) internalFormat; (void) width; + DISPATCH(TextureStorage1DEXT, (texture, target, levels, internalFormat, width), (F, "glTextureStorage1DEXT(%d, 0x%x, %d, 0x%x, %d);\n", texture, target, levels, internalFormat, width)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(TextureStorage2DEXT)(GLuint texture, GLenum target, GLsizei levels, GLenum internalFormat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height) +{ + (void) texture; (void) target; (void) levels; (void) internalFormat; (void) width; (void) height; + DISPATCH(TextureStorage2DEXT, (texture, target, levels, internalFormat, width, height), (F, "glTextureStorage2DEXT(%d, 0x%x, %d, 0x%x, %d, %d);\n", texture, target, levels, internalFormat, width, height)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(TextureStorage3DEXT)(GLuint texture, GLenum target, GLsizei levels, GLenum internalFormat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth) +{ + (void) texture; (void) target; (void) levels; (void) internalFormat; (void) width; (void) height; (void) depth; + DISPATCH(TextureStorage3DEXT, (texture, target, levels, internalFormat, width, height, depth), (F, "glTextureStorage3DEXT(%d, 0x%x, %d, 0x%x, %d, %d, %d);\n", texture, target, levels, internalFormat, width, height, depth)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(InvalidateBufferData)(GLuint buffer) +{ + (void) buffer; + DISPATCH(InvalidateBufferData, (buffer), (F, "glInvalidateBufferData(%d);\n", buffer)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(InvalidateBufferSubData)(GLuint buffer, GLintptr offset, GLsizeiptr length) +{ + (void) buffer; (void) offset; (void) length; + DISPATCH(InvalidateBufferSubData, (buffer, offset, length), (F, "glInvalidateBufferSubData(%d, %d, %d);\n", buffer, offset, length)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(InvalidateFramebuffer)(GLenum target, GLsizei numAttachments, const GLenum * attachments) +{ + (void) target; (void) numAttachments; (void) attachments; + DISPATCH(InvalidateFramebuffer, (target, numAttachments, attachments), (F, "glInvalidateFramebuffer(0x%x, %d, %p);\n", target, numAttachments, (const void *) attachments)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(InvalidateSubFramebuffer)(GLenum target, GLsizei numAttachments, const GLenum * attachments, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height) +{ + (void) target; (void) numAttachments; (void) attachments; (void) x; (void) y; (void) width; (void) height; + DISPATCH(InvalidateSubFramebuffer, (target, numAttachments, attachments, x, y, width, height), (F, "glInvalidateSubFramebuffer(0x%x, %d, %p, %d, %d, %d, %d);\n", target, numAttachments, (const void *) attachments, x, y, width, height)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(InvalidateTexImage)(GLuint texture, GLint level) +{ + (void) texture; (void) level; + DISPATCH(InvalidateTexImage, (texture, level), (F, "glInvalidateTexImage(%d, %d);\n", texture, level)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(InvalidateTexSubImage)(GLuint texture, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLint zoffset, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth) +{ + (void) texture; (void) level; (void) xoffset; (void) yoffset; (void) zoffset; (void) width; (void) height; (void) depth; + DISPATCH(InvalidateTexSubImage, (texture, level, xoffset, yoffset, zoffset, width, height, depth), (F, "glInvalidateTexSubImage(%d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d);\n", texture, level, xoffset, yoffset, zoffset, width, height, depth)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(PolygonOffsetEXT)(GLfloat factor, GLfloat bias) +{ + (void) factor; (void) bias; + DISPATCH(PolygonOffsetEXT, (factor, bias), (F, "glPolygonOffsetEXT(%f, %f);\n", factor, bias)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_829)(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z, GLfloat width, GLfloat height); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_829)(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z, GLfloat width, GLfloat height) +{ + (void) x; (void) y; (void) z; (void) width; (void) height; + DISPATCH(DrawTexfOES, (x, y, z, width, height), (F, "glDrawTexfOES(%f, %f, %f, %f, %f);\n", x, y, z, width, height)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_830)(const GLfloat * coords); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_830)(const GLfloat * coords) +{ + (void) coords; + DISPATCH(DrawTexfvOES, (coords), (F, "glDrawTexfvOES(%p);\n", (const void *) coords)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_831)(GLint x, GLint y, GLint z, GLint width, GLint height); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_831)(GLint x, GLint y, GLint z, GLint width, GLint height) +{ + (void) x; (void) y; (void) z; (void) width; (void) height; + DISPATCH(DrawTexiOES, (x, y, z, width, height), (F, "glDrawTexiOES(%d, %d, %d, %d, %d);\n", x, y, z, width, height)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_832)(const GLint * coords); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_832)(const GLint * coords) +{ + (void) coords; + DISPATCH(DrawTexivOES, (coords), (F, "glDrawTexivOES(%p);\n", (const void *) coords)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_833)(GLshort x, GLshort y, GLshort z, GLshort width, GLshort height); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_833)(GLshort x, GLshort y, GLshort z, GLshort width, GLshort height) +{ + (void) x; (void) y; (void) z; (void) width; (void) height; + DISPATCH(DrawTexsOES, (x, y, z, width, height), (F, "glDrawTexsOES(%d, %d, %d, %d, %d);\n", x, y, z, width, height)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_834)(const GLshort * coords); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_834)(const GLshort * coords) +{ + (void) coords; + DISPATCH(DrawTexsvOES, (coords), (F, "glDrawTexsvOES(%p);\n", (const void *) coords)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_835)(GLfixed x, GLfixed y, GLfixed z, GLfixed width, GLfixed height); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_835)(GLfixed x, GLfixed y, GLfixed z, GLfixed width, GLfixed height) +{ + (void) x; (void) y; (void) z; (void) width; (void) height; + DISPATCH(DrawTexxOES, (x, y, z, width, height), (F, "glDrawTexxOES(%d, %d, %d, %d, %d);\n", x, y, z, width, height)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_836)(const GLfixed * coords); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_836)(const GLfixed * coords) +{ + (void) coords; + DISPATCH(DrawTexxvOES, (coords), (F, "glDrawTexxvOES(%p);\n", (const void *) coords)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_837)(GLenum type, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid * pointer); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_837)(GLenum type, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid * pointer) +{ + (void) type; (void) stride; (void) pointer; + DISPATCH(PointSizePointerOES, (type, stride, pointer), (F, "glPointSizePointerOES(0x%x, %d, %p);\n", type, stride, (const void *) pointer)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT GLbitfield KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_838)(GLfixed * mantissa, GLint * exponent); + +KEYWORD1_ALT GLbitfield KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_838)(GLfixed * mantissa, GLint * exponent) +{ + (void) mantissa; (void) exponent; + RETURN_DISPATCH(QueryMatrixxOES, (mantissa, exponent), (F, "glQueryMatrixxOES(%p, %p);\n", (const void *) mantissa, (const void *) exponent)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_839)(GLclampf value, GLboolean invert); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_839)(GLclampf value, GLboolean invert) +{ + (void) value; (void) invert; + DISPATCH(SampleMaskSGIS, (value, invert), (F, "glSampleMaskSGIS(%f, %d);\n", value, invert)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_840)(GLenum pattern); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_840)(GLenum pattern) +{ + (void) pattern; + DISPATCH(SamplePatternSGIS, (pattern), (F, "glSamplePatternSGIS(0x%x);\n", pattern)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(ColorPointerEXT)(GLint size, GLenum type, GLsizei stride, GLsizei count, const GLvoid * pointer) +{ + (void) size; (void) type; (void) stride; (void) count; (void) pointer; + DISPATCH(ColorPointerEXT, (size, type, stride, count, pointer), (F, "glColorPointerEXT(%d, 0x%x, %d, %d, %p);\n", size, type, stride, count, (const void *) pointer)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(EdgeFlagPointerEXT)(GLsizei stride, GLsizei count, const GLboolean * pointer) +{ + (void) stride; (void) count; (void) pointer; + DISPATCH(EdgeFlagPointerEXT, (stride, count, pointer), (F, "glEdgeFlagPointerEXT(%d, %d, %p);\n", stride, count, (const void *) pointer)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(IndexPointerEXT)(GLenum type, GLsizei stride, GLsizei count, const GLvoid * pointer) +{ + (void) type; (void) stride; (void) count; (void) pointer; + DISPATCH(IndexPointerEXT, (type, stride, count, pointer), (F, "glIndexPointerEXT(0x%x, %d, %d, %p);\n", type, stride, count, (const void *) pointer)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(NormalPointerEXT)(GLenum type, GLsizei stride, GLsizei count, const GLvoid * pointer) +{ + (void) type; (void) stride; (void) count; (void) pointer; + DISPATCH(NormalPointerEXT, (type, stride, count, pointer), (F, "glNormalPointerEXT(0x%x, %d, %d, %p);\n", type, stride, count, (const void *) pointer)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(TexCoordPointerEXT)(GLint size, GLenum type, GLsizei stride, GLsizei count, const GLvoid * pointer) +{ + (void) size; (void) type; (void) stride; (void) count; (void) pointer; + DISPATCH(TexCoordPointerEXT, (size, type, stride, count, pointer), (F, "glTexCoordPointerEXT(%d, 0x%x, %d, %d, %p);\n", size, type, stride, count, (const void *) pointer)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexPointerEXT)(GLint size, GLenum type, GLsizei stride, GLsizei count, const GLvoid * pointer) +{ + (void) size; (void) type; (void) stride; (void) count; (void) pointer; + DISPATCH(VertexPointerEXT, (size, type, stride, count, pointer), (F, "glVertexPointerEXT(%d, 0x%x, %d, %d, %p);\n", size, type, stride, count, (const void *) pointer)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(LockArraysEXT)(GLint first, GLsizei count) +{ + (void) first; (void) count; + DISPATCH(LockArraysEXT, (first, count), (F, "glLockArraysEXT(%d, %d);\n", first, count)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(UnlockArraysEXT)(void) +{ + DISPATCH(UnlockArraysEXT, (), (F, "glUnlockArraysEXT();\n")); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(SecondaryColor3f)(GLfloat red, GLfloat green, GLfloat blue) +{ + (void) red; (void) green; (void) blue; + DISPATCH(SecondaryColor3fEXT, (red, green, blue), (F, "glSecondaryColor3f(%f, %f, %f);\n", red, green, blue)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(SecondaryColor3fEXT)(GLfloat red, GLfloat green, GLfloat blue) +{ + (void) red; (void) green; (void) blue; + DISPATCH(SecondaryColor3fEXT, (red, green, blue), (F, "glSecondaryColor3fEXT(%f, %f, %f);\n", red, green, blue)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(SecondaryColor3fv)(const GLfloat * v) +{ + (void) v; + DISPATCH(SecondaryColor3fvEXT, (v), (F, "glSecondaryColor3fv(%p);\n", (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(SecondaryColor3fvEXT)(const GLfloat * v) +{ + (void) v; + DISPATCH(SecondaryColor3fvEXT, (v), (F, "glSecondaryColor3fvEXT(%p);\n", (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(MultiDrawElements)(GLenum mode, const GLsizei * count, GLenum type, const GLvoid * const * indices, GLsizei primcount) +{ + (void) mode; (void) count; (void) type; (void) indices; (void) primcount; + DISPATCH(MultiDrawElementsEXT, (mode, count, type, indices, primcount), (F, "glMultiDrawElements(0x%x, %p, 0x%x, %p, %d);\n", mode, (const void *) count, type, (const void *) indices, primcount)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(MultiDrawElementsEXT)(GLenum mode, const GLsizei * count, GLenum type, const GLvoid ** indices, GLsizei primcount) +{ + (void) mode; (void) count; (void) type; (void) indices; (void) primcount; + DISPATCH(MultiDrawElementsEXT, (mode, count, type, indices, primcount), (F, "glMultiDrawElementsEXT(0x%x, %p, 0x%x, %p, %d);\n", mode, (const void *) count, type, (const void *) indices, primcount)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(FogCoordf)(GLfloat coord) +{ + (void) coord; + DISPATCH(FogCoordfEXT, (coord), (F, "glFogCoordf(%f);\n", coord)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(FogCoordfEXT)(GLfloat coord) +{ + (void) coord; + DISPATCH(FogCoordfEXT, (coord), (F, "glFogCoordfEXT(%f);\n", coord)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(FogCoordfv)(const GLfloat * coord) +{ + (void) coord; + DISPATCH(FogCoordfvEXT, (coord), (F, "glFogCoordfv(%p);\n", (const void *) coord)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(FogCoordfvEXT)(const GLfloat * coord) +{ + (void) coord; + DISPATCH(FogCoordfvEXT, (coord), (F, "glFogCoordfvEXT(%p);\n", (const void *) coord)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(ResizeBuffersMESA)(void) +{ + DISPATCH(ResizeBuffersMESA, (), (F, "glResizeBuffersMESA();\n")); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(WindowPos4dMESA)(GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z, GLdouble w) +{ + (void) x; (void) y; (void) z; (void) w; + DISPATCH(WindowPos4dMESA, (x, y, z, w), (F, "glWindowPos4dMESA(%f, %f, %f, %f);\n", x, y, z, w)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(WindowPos4dvMESA)(const GLdouble * v) +{ + (void) v; + DISPATCH(WindowPos4dvMESA, (v), (F, "glWindowPos4dvMESA(%p);\n", (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(WindowPos4fMESA)(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z, GLfloat w) +{ + (void) x; (void) y; (void) z; (void) w; + DISPATCH(WindowPos4fMESA, (x, y, z, w), (F, "glWindowPos4fMESA(%f, %f, %f, %f);\n", x, y, z, w)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(WindowPos4fvMESA)(const GLfloat * v) +{ + (void) v; + DISPATCH(WindowPos4fvMESA, (v), (F, "glWindowPos4fvMESA(%p);\n", (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(WindowPos4iMESA)(GLint x, GLint y, GLint z, GLint w) +{ + (void) x; (void) y; (void) z; (void) w; + DISPATCH(WindowPos4iMESA, (x, y, z, w), (F, "glWindowPos4iMESA(%d, %d, %d, %d);\n", x, y, z, w)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(WindowPos4ivMESA)(const GLint * v) +{ + (void) v; + DISPATCH(WindowPos4ivMESA, (v), (F, "glWindowPos4ivMESA(%p);\n", (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(WindowPos4sMESA)(GLshort x, GLshort y, GLshort z, GLshort w) +{ + (void) x; (void) y; (void) z; (void) w; + DISPATCH(WindowPos4sMESA, (x, y, z, w), (F, "glWindowPos4sMESA(%d, %d, %d, %d);\n", x, y, z, w)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(WindowPos4svMESA)(const GLshort * v) +{ + (void) v; + DISPATCH(WindowPos4svMESA, (v), (F, "glWindowPos4svMESA(%p);\n", (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_863)(const GLenum * mode, const GLint * first, const GLsizei * count, GLsizei primcount, GLint modestride); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_863)(const GLenum * mode, const GLint * first, const GLsizei * count, GLsizei primcount, GLint modestride) +{ + (void) mode; (void) first; (void) count; (void) primcount; (void) modestride; + DISPATCH(MultiModeDrawArraysIBM, (mode, first, count, primcount, modestride), (F, "glMultiModeDrawArraysIBM(%p, %p, %p, %d, %d);\n", (const void *) mode, (const void *) first, (const void *) count, primcount, modestride)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_864)(const GLenum * mode, const GLsizei * count, GLenum type, const GLvoid * const * indices, GLsizei primcount, GLint modestride); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_864)(const GLenum * mode, const GLsizei * count, GLenum type, const GLvoid * const * indices, GLsizei primcount, GLint modestride) +{ + (void) mode; (void) count; (void) type; (void) indices; (void) primcount; (void) modestride; + DISPATCH(MultiModeDrawElementsIBM, (mode, count, type, indices, primcount, modestride), (F, "glMultiModeDrawElementsIBM(%p, %p, 0x%x, %p, %d, %d);\n", (const void *) mode, (const void *) count, type, (const void *) indices, primcount, modestride)); +} + +KEYWORD1 GLboolean KEYWORD2 NAME(AreProgramsResidentNV)(GLsizei n, const GLuint * ids, GLboolean * residences) +{ + (void) n; (void) ids; (void) residences; + RETURN_DISPATCH(AreProgramsResidentNV, (n, ids, residences), (F, "glAreProgramsResidentNV(%d, %p, %p);\n", n, (const void *) ids, (const void *) residences)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(ExecuteProgramNV)(GLenum target, GLuint id, const GLfloat * params) +{ + (void) target; (void) id; (void) params; + DISPATCH(ExecuteProgramNV, (target, id, params), (F, "glExecuteProgramNV(0x%x, %d, %p);\n", target, id, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetProgramParameterdvNV)(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLdouble * params) +{ + (void) target; (void) index; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(GetProgramParameterdvNV, (target, index, pname, params), (F, "glGetProgramParameterdvNV(0x%x, %d, 0x%x, %p);\n", target, index, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetProgramParameterfvNV)(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLfloat * params) +{ + (void) target; (void) index; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(GetProgramParameterfvNV, (target, index, pname, params), (F, "glGetProgramParameterfvNV(0x%x, %d, 0x%x, %p);\n", target, index, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetProgramStringNV)(GLuint id, GLenum pname, GLubyte * program) +{ + (void) id; (void) pname; (void) program; + DISPATCH(GetProgramStringNV, (id, pname, program), (F, "glGetProgramStringNV(%d, 0x%x, %p);\n", id, pname, (const void *) program)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetProgramivNV)(GLuint id, GLenum pname, GLint * params) +{ + (void) id; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(GetProgramivNV, (id, pname, params), (F, "glGetProgramivNV(%d, 0x%x, %p);\n", id, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetTrackMatrixivNV)(GLenum target, GLuint address, GLenum pname, GLint * params) +{ + (void) target; (void) address; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(GetTrackMatrixivNV, (target, address, pname, params), (F, "glGetTrackMatrixivNV(0x%x, %d, 0x%x, %p);\n", target, address, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetVertexAttribdvNV)(GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLdouble * params) +{ + (void) index; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(GetVertexAttribdvNV, (index, pname, params), (F, "glGetVertexAttribdvNV(%d, 0x%x, %p);\n", index, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetVertexAttribfvNV)(GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLfloat * params) +{ + (void) index; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(GetVertexAttribfvNV, (index, pname, params), (F, "glGetVertexAttribfvNV(%d, 0x%x, %p);\n", index, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetVertexAttribivNV)(GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLint * params) +{ + (void) index; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(GetVertexAttribivNV, (index, pname, params), (F, "glGetVertexAttribivNV(%d, 0x%x, %p);\n", index, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(LoadProgramNV)(GLenum target, GLuint id, GLsizei len, const GLubyte * program) +{ + (void) target; (void) id; (void) len; (void) program; + DISPATCH(LoadProgramNV, (target, id, len, program), (F, "glLoadProgramNV(0x%x, %d, %d, %p);\n", target, id, len, (const void *) program)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(ProgramParameters4dvNV)(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLsizei num, const GLdouble * params) +{ + (void) target; (void) index; (void) num; (void) params; + DISPATCH(ProgramParameters4dvNV, (target, index, num, params), (F, "glProgramParameters4dvNV(0x%x, %d, %d, %p);\n", target, index, num, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(ProgramParameters4fvNV)(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLsizei num, const GLfloat * params) +{ + (void) target; (void) index; (void) num; (void) params; + DISPATCH(ProgramParameters4fvNV, (target, index, num, params), (F, "glProgramParameters4fvNV(0x%x, %d, %d, %p);\n", target, index, num, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(RequestResidentProgramsNV)(GLsizei n, const GLuint * ids) +{ + (void) n; (void) ids; + DISPATCH(RequestResidentProgramsNV, (n, ids), (F, "glRequestResidentProgramsNV(%d, %p);\n", n, (const void *) ids)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(TrackMatrixNV)(GLenum target, GLuint address, GLenum matrix, GLenum transform) +{ + (void) target; (void) address; (void) matrix; (void) transform; + DISPATCH(TrackMatrixNV, (target, address, matrix, transform), (F, "glTrackMatrixNV(0x%x, %d, 0x%x, 0x%x);\n", target, address, matrix, transform)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttrib1dNV)(GLuint index, GLdouble x) +{ + (void) index; (void) x; + DISPATCH(VertexAttrib1dNV, (index, x), (F, "glVertexAttrib1dNV(%d, %f);\n", index, x)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttrib1dvNV)(GLuint index, const GLdouble * v) +{ + (void) index; (void) v; + DISPATCH(VertexAttrib1dvNV, (index, v), (F, "glVertexAttrib1dvNV(%d, %p);\n", index, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttrib1fNV)(GLuint index, GLfloat x) +{ + (void) index; (void) x; + DISPATCH(VertexAttrib1fNV, (index, x), (F, "glVertexAttrib1fNV(%d, %f);\n", index, x)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttrib1fvNV)(GLuint index, const GLfloat * v) +{ + (void) index; (void) v; + DISPATCH(VertexAttrib1fvNV, (index, v), (F, "glVertexAttrib1fvNV(%d, %p);\n", index, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttrib1sNV)(GLuint index, GLshort x) +{ + (void) index; (void) x; + DISPATCH(VertexAttrib1sNV, (index, x), (F, "glVertexAttrib1sNV(%d, %d);\n", index, x)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttrib1svNV)(GLuint index, const GLshort * v) +{ + (void) index; (void) v; + DISPATCH(VertexAttrib1svNV, (index, v), (F, "glVertexAttrib1svNV(%d, %p);\n", index, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttrib2dNV)(GLuint index, GLdouble x, GLdouble y) +{ + (void) index; (void) x; (void) y; + DISPATCH(VertexAttrib2dNV, (index, x, y), (F, "glVertexAttrib2dNV(%d, %f, %f);\n", index, x, y)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttrib2dvNV)(GLuint index, const GLdouble * v) +{ + (void) index; (void) v; + DISPATCH(VertexAttrib2dvNV, (index, v), (F, "glVertexAttrib2dvNV(%d, %p);\n", index, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttrib2fNV)(GLuint index, GLfloat x, GLfloat y) +{ + (void) index; (void) x; (void) y; + DISPATCH(VertexAttrib2fNV, (index, x, y), (F, "glVertexAttrib2fNV(%d, %f, %f);\n", index, x, y)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttrib2fvNV)(GLuint index, const GLfloat * v) +{ + (void) index; (void) v; + DISPATCH(VertexAttrib2fvNV, (index, v), (F, "glVertexAttrib2fvNV(%d, %p);\n", index, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttrib2sNV)(GLuint index, GLshort x, GLshort y) +{ + (void) index; (void) x; (void) y; + DISPATCH(VertexAttrib2sNV, (index, x, y), (F, "glVertexAttrib2sNV(%d, %d, %d);\n", index, x, y)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttrib2svNV)(GLuint index, const GLshort * v) +{ + (void) index; (void) v; + DISPATCH(VertexAttrib2svNV, (index, v), (F, "glVertexAttrib2svNV(%d, %p);\n", index, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttrib3dNV)(GLuint index, GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z) +{ + (void) index; (void) x; (void) y; (void) z; + DISPATCH(VertexAttrib3dNV, (index, x, y, z), (F, "glVertexAttrib3dNV(%d, %f, %f, %f);\n", index, x, y, z)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttrib3dvNV)(GLuint index, const GLdouble * v) +{ + (void) index; (void) v; + DISPATCH(VertexAttrib3dvNV, (index, v), (F, "glVertexAttrib3dvNV(%d, %p);\n", index, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttrib3fNV)(GLuint index, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z) +{ + (void) index; (void) x; (void) y; (void) z; + DISPATCH(VertexAttrib3fNV, (index, x, y, z), (F, "glVertexAttrib3fNV(%d, %f, %f, %f);\n", index, x, y, z)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttrib3fvNV)(GLuint index, const GLfloat * v) +{ + (void) index; (void) v; + DISPATCH(VertexAttrib3fvNV, (index, v), (F, "glVertexAttrib3fvNV(%d, %p);\n", index, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttrib3sNV)(GLuint index, GLshort x, GLshort y, GLshort z) +{ + (void) index; (void) x; (void) y; (void) z; + DISPATCH(VertexAttrib3sNV, (index, x, y, z), (F, "glVertexAttrib3sNV(%d, %d, %d, %d);\n", index, x, y, z)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttrib3svNV)(GLuint index, const GLshort * v) +{ + (void) index; (void) v; + DISPATCH(VertexAttrib3svNV, (index, v), (F, "glVertexAttrib3svNV(%d, %p);\n", index, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttrib4dNV)(GLuint index, GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z, GLdouble w) +{ + (void) index; (void) x; (void) y; (void) z; (void) w; + DISPATCH(VertexAttrib4dNV, (index, x, y, z, w), (F, "glVertexAttrib4dNV(%d, %f, %f, %f, %f);\n", index, x, y, z, w)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttrib4dvNV)(GLuint index, const GLdouble * v) +{ + (void) index; (void) v; + DISPATCH(VertexAttrib4dvNV, (index, v), (F, "glVertexAttrib4dvNV(%d, %p);\n", index, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttrib4fNV)(GLuint index, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z, GLfloat w) +{ + (void) index; (void) x; (void) y; (void) z; (void) w; + DISPATCH(VertexAttrib4fNV, (index, x, y, z, w), (F, "glVertexAttrib4fNV(%d, %f, %f, %f, %f);\n", index, x, y, z, w)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttrib4fvNV)(GLuint index, const GLfloat * v) +{ + (void) index; (void) v; + DISPATCH(VertexAttrib4fvNV, (index, v), (F, "glVertexAttrib4fvNV(%d, %p);\n", index, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttrib4sNV)(GLuint index, GLshort x, GLshort y, GLshort z, GLshort w) +{ + (void) index; (void) x; (void) y; (void) z; (void) w; + DISPATCH(VertexAttrib4sNV, (index, x, y, z, w), (F, "glVertexAttrib4sNV(%d, %d, %d, %d, %d);\n", index, x, y, z, w)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttrib4svNV)(GLuint index, const GLshort * v) +{ + (void) index; (void) v; + DISPATCH(VertexAttrib4svNV, (index, v), (F, "glVertexAttrib4svNV(%d, %p);\n", index, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttrib4ubNV)(GLuint index, GLubyte x, GLubyte y, GLubyte z, GLubyte w) +{ + (void) index; (void) x; (void) y; (void) z; (void) w; + DISPATCH(VertexAttrib4ubNV, (index, x, y, z, w), (F, "glVertexAttrib4ubNV(%d, %d, %d, %d, %d);\n", index, x, y, z, w)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttrib4ubvNV)(GLuint index, const GLubyte * v) +{ + (void) index; (void) v; + DISPATCH(VertexAttrib4ubvNV, (index, v), (F, "glVertexAttrib4ubvNV(%d, %p);\n", index, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttribPointerNV)(GLuint index, GLint size, GLenum type, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid * pointer) +{ + (void) index; (void) size; (void) type; (void) stride; (void) pointer; + DISPATCH(VertexAttribPointerNV, (index, size, type, stride, pointer), (F, "glVertexAttribPointerNV(%d, %d, 0x%x, %d, %p);\n", index, size, type, stride, (const void *) pointer)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttribs1dvNV)(GLuint index, GLsizei n, const GLdouble * v) +{ + (void) index; (void) n; (void) v; + DISPATCH(VertexAttribs1dvNV, (index, n, v), (F, "glVertexAttribs1dvNV(%d, %d, %p);\n", index, n, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttribs1fvNV)(GLuint index, GLsizei n, const GLfloat * v) +{ + (void) index; (void) n; (void) v; + DISPATCH(VertexAttribs1fvNV, (index, n, v), (F, "glVertexAttribs1fvNV(%d, %d, %p);\n", index, n, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttribs1svNV)(GLuint index, GLsizei n, const GLshort * v) +{ + (void) index; (void) n; (void) v; + DISPATCH(VertexAttribs1svNV, (index, n, v), (F, "glVertexAttribs1svNV(%d, %d, %p);\n", index, n, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttribs2dvNV)(GLuint index, GLsizei n, const GLdouble * v) +{ + (void) index; (void) n; (void) v; + DISPATCH(VertexAttribs2dvNV, (index, n, v), (F, "glVertexAttribs2dvNV(%d, %d, %p);\n", index, n, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttribs2fvNV)(GLuint index, GLsizei n, const GLfloat * v) +{ + (void) index; (void) n; (void) v; + DISPATCH(VertexAttribs2fvNV, (index, n, v), (F, "glVertexAttribs2fvNV(%d, %d, %p);\n", index, n, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttribs2svNV)(GLuint index, GLsizei n, const GLshort * v) +{ + (void) index; (void) n; (void) v; + DISPATCH(VertexAttribs2svNV, (index, n, v), (F, "glVertexAttribs2svNV(%d, %d, %p);\n", index, n, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttribs3dvNV)(GLuint index, GLsizei n, const GLdouble * v) +{ + (void) index; (void) n; (void) v; + DISPATCH(VertexAttribs3dvNV, (index, n, v), (F, "glVertexAttribs3dvNV(%d, %d, %p);\n", index, n, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttribs3fvNV)(GLuint index, GLsizei n, const GLfloat * v) +{ + (void) index; (void) n; (void) v; + DISPATCH(VertexAttribs3fvNV, (index, n, v), (F, "glVertexAttribs3fvNV(%d, %d, %p);\n", index, n, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttribs3svNV)(GLuint index, GLsizei n, const GLshort * v) +{ + (void) index; (void) n; (void) v; + DISPATCH(VertexAttribs3svNV, (index, n, v), (F, "glVertexAttribs3svNV(%d, %d, %p);\n", index, n, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttribs4dvNV)(GLuint index, GLsizei n, const GLdouble * v) +{ + (void) index; (void) n; (void) v; + DISPATCH(VertexAttribs4dvNV, (index, n, v), (F, "glVertexAttribs4dvNV(%d, %d, %p);\n", index, n, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttribs4fvNV)(GLuint index, GLsizei n, const GLfloat * v) +{ + (void) index; (void) n; (void) v; + DISPATCH(VertexAttribs4fvNV, (index, n, v), (F, "glVertexAttribs4fvNV(%d, %d, %p);\n", index, n, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttribs4svNV)(GLuint index, GLsizei n, const GLshort * v) +{ + (void) index; (void) n; (void) v; + DISPATCH(VertexAttribs4svNV, (index, n, v), (F, "glVertexAttribs4svNV(%d, %d, %p);\n", index, n, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttribs4ubvNV)(GLuint index, GLsizei n, const GLubyte * v) +{ + (void) index; (void) n; (void) v; + DISPATCH(VertexAttribs4ubvNV, (index, n, v), (F, "glVertexAttribs4ubvNV(%d, %d, %p);\n", index, n, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetTexBumpParameterfvATI)(GLenum pname, GLfloat * param) +{ + (void) pname; (void) param; + DISPATCH(GetTexBumpParameterfvATI, (pname, param), (F, "glGetTexBumpParameterfvATI(0x%x, %p);\n", pname, (const void *) param)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetTexBumpParameterivATI)(GLenum pname, GLint * param) +{ + (void) pname; (void) param; + DISPATCH(GetTexBumpParameterivATI, (pname, param), (F, "glGetTexBumpParameterivATI(0x%x, %p);\n", pname, (const void *) param)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(TexBumpParameterfvATI)(GLenum pname, const GLfloat * param) +{ + (void) pname; (void) param; + DISPATCH(TexBumpParameterfvATI, (pname, param), (F, "glTexBumpParameterfvATI(0x%x, %p);\n", pname, (const void *) param)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(TexBumpParameterivATI)(GLenum pname, const GLint * param) +{ + (void) pname; (void) param; + DISPATCH(TexBumpParameterivATI, (pname, param), (F, "glTexBumpParameterivATI(0x%x, %p);\n", pname, (const void *) param)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(AlphaFragmentOp1ATI)(GLenum op, GLuint dst, GLuint dstMod, GLuint arg1, GLuint arg1Rep, GLuint arg1Mod) +{ + (void) op; (void) dst; (void) dstMod; (void) arg1; (void) arg1Rep; (void) arg1Mod; + DISPATCH(AlphaFragmentOp1ATI, (op, dst, dstMod, arg1, arg1Rep, arg1Mod), (F, "glAlphaFragmentOp1ATI(0x%x, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d);\n", op, dst, dstMod, arg1, arg1Rep, arg1Mod)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(AlphaFragmentOp2ATI)(GLenum op, GLuint dst, GLuint dstMod, GLuint arg1, GLuint arg1Rep, GLuint arg1Mod, GLuint arg2, GLuint arg2Rep, GLuint arg2Mod) +{ + (void) op; (void) dst; (void) dstMod; (void) arg1; (void) arg1Rep; (void) arg1Mod; (void) arg2; (void) arg2Rep; (void) arg2Mod; + DISPATCH(AlphaFragmentOp2ATI, (op, dst, dstMod, arg1, arg1Rep, arg1Mod, arg2, arg2Rep, arg2Mod), (F, "glAlphaFragmentOp2ATI(0x%x, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d);\n", op, dst, dstMod, arg1, arg1Rep, arg1Mod, arg2, arg2Rep, arg2Mod)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(AlphaFragmentOp3ATI)(GLenum op, GLuint dst, GLuint dstMod, GLuint arg1, GLuint arg1Rep, GLuint arg1Mod, GLuint arg2, GLuint arg2Rep, GLuint arg2Mod, GLuint arg3, GLuint arg3Rep, GLuint arg3Mod) +{ + (void) op; (void) dst; (void) dstMod; (void) arg1; (void) arg1Rep; (void) arg1Mod; (void) arg2; (void) arg2Rep; (void) arg2Mod; (void) arg3; (void) arg3Rep; (void) arg3Mod; + DISPATCH(AlphaFragmentOp3ATI, (op, dst, dstMod, arg1, arg1Rep, arg1Mod, arg2, arg2Rep, arg2Mod, arg3, arg3Rep, arg3Mod), (F, "glAlphaFragmentOp3ATI(0x%x, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d);\n", op, dst, dstMod, arg1, arg1Rep, arg1Mod, arg2, arg2Rep, arg2Mod, arg3, arg3Rep, arg3Mod)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(BeginFragmentShaderATI)(void) +{ + DISPATCH(BeginFragmentShaderATI, (), (F, "glBeginFragmentShaderATI();\n")); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(BindFragmentShaderATI)(GLuint id) +{ + (void) id; + DISPATCH(BindFragmentShaderATI, (id), (F, "glBindFragmentShaderATI(%d);\n", id)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(ColorFragmentOp1ATI)(GLenum op, GLuint dst, GLuint dstMask, GLuint dstMod, GLuint arg1, GLuint arg1Rep, GLuint arg1Mod) +{ + (void) op; (void) dst; (void) dstMask; (void) dstMod; (void) arg1; (void) arg1Rep; (void) arg1Mod; + DISPATCH(ColorFragmentOp1ATI, (op, dst, dstMask, dstMod, arg1, arg1Rep, arg1Mod), (F, "glColorFragmentOp1ATI(0x%x, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d);\n", op, dst, dstMask, dstMod, arg1, arg1Rep, arg1Mod)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(ColorFragmentOp2ATI)(GLenum op, GLuint dst, GLuint dstMask, GLuint dstMod, GLuint arg1, GLuint arg1Rep, GLuint arg1Mod, GLuint arg2, GLuint arg2Rep, GLuint arg2Mod) +{ + (void) op; (void) dst; (void) dstMask; (void) dstMod; (void) arg1; (void) arg1Rep; (void) arg1Mod; (void) arg2; (void) arg2Rep; (void) arg2Mod; + DISPATCH(ColorFragmentOp2ATI, (op, dst, dstMask, dstMod, arg1, arg1Rep, arg1Mod, arg2, arg2Rep, arg2Mod), (F, "glColorFragmentOp2ATI(0x%x, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d);\n", op, dst, dstMask, dstMod, arg1, arg1Rep, arg1Mod, arg2, arg2Rep, arg2Mod)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(ColorFragmentOp3ATI)(GLenum op, GLuint dst, GLuint dstMask, GLuint dstMod, GLuint arg1, GLuint arg1Rep, GLuint arg1Mod, GLuint arg2, GLuint arg2Rep, GLuint arg2Mod, GLuint arg3, GLuint arg3Rep, GLuint arg3Mod) +{ + (void) op; (void) dst; (void) dstMask; (void) dstMod; (void) arg1; (void) arg1Rep; (void) arg1Mod; (void) arg2; (void) arg2Rep; (void) arg2Mod; (void) arg3; (void) arg3Rep; (void) arg3Mod; + DISPATCH(ColorFragmentOp3ATI, (op, dst, dstMask, dstMod, arg1, arg1Rep, arg1Mod, arg2, arg2Rep, arg2Mod, arg3, arg3Rep, arg3Mod), (F, "glColorFragmentOp3ATI(0x%x, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d);\n", op, dst, dstMask, dstMod, arg1, arg1Rep, arg1Mod, arg2, arg2Rep, arg2Mod, arg3, arg3Rep, arg3Mod)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(DeleteFragmentShaderATI)(GLuint id) +{ + (void) id; + DISPATCH(DeleteFragmentShaderATI, (id), (F, "glDeleteFragmentShaderATI(%d);\n", id)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(EndFragmentShaderATI)(void) +{ + DISPATCH(EndFragmentShaderATI, (), (F, "glEndFragmentShaderATI();\n")); +} + +KEYWORD1 GLuint KEYWORD2 NAME(GenFragmentShadersATI)(GLuint range) +{ + (void) range; + RETURN_DISPATCH(GenFragmentShadersATI, (range), (F, "glGenFragmentShadersATI(%d);\n", range)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(PassTexCoordATI)(GLuint dst, GLuint coord, GLenum swizzle) +{ + (void) dst; (void) coord; (void) swizzle; + DISPATCH(PassTexCoordATI, (dst, coord, swizzle), (F, "glPassTexCoordATI(%d, %d, 0x%x);\n", dst, coord, swizzle)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(SampleMapATI)(GLuint dst, GLuint interp, GLenum swizzle) +{ + (void) dst; (void) interp; (void) swizzle; + DISPATCH(SampleMapATI, (dst, interp, swizzle), (F, "glSampleMapATI(%d, %d, 0x%x);\n", dst, interp, swizzle)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(SetFragmentShaderConstantATI)(GLuint dst, const GLfloat * value) +{ + (void) dst; (void) value; + DISPATCH(SetFragmentShaderConstantATI, (dst, value), (F, "glSetFragmentShaderConstantATI(%d, %p);\n", dst, (const void *) value)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_938)(GLenum face); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_938)(GLenum face) +{ + (void) face; + DISPATCH(ActiveStencilFaceEXT, (face), (F, "glActiveStencilFaceEXT(0x%x);\n", face)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_939)(GLuint array); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_939)(GLuint array) +{ + (void) array; + DISPATCH(BindVertexArrayAPPLE, (array), (F, "glBindVertexArrayAPPLE(%d);\n", array)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_940)(GLsizei n, GLuint * arrays); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_940)(GLsizei n, GLuint * arrays) +{ + (void) n; (void) arrays; + DISPATCH(GenVertexArraysAPPLE, (n, arrays), (F, "glGenVertexArraysAPPLE(%d, %p);\n", n, (const void *) arrays)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetProgramNamedParameterdvNV)(GLuint id, GLsizei len, const GLubyte * name, GLdouble * params) +{ + (void) id; (void) len; (void) name; (void) params; + DISPATCH(GetProgramNamedParameterdvNV, (id, len, name, params), (F, "glGetProgramNamedParameterdvNV(%d, %d, %p, %p);\n", id, len, (const void *) name, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetProgramNamedParameterfvNV)(GLuint id, GLsizei len, const GLubyte * name, GLfloat * params) +{ + (void) id; (void) len; (void) name; (void) params; + DISPATCH(GetProgramNamedParameterfvNV, (id, len, name, params), (F, "glGetProgramNamedParameterfvNV(%d, %d, %p, %p);\n", id, len, (const void *) name, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(ProgramNamedParameter4dNV)(GLuint id, GLsizei len, const GLubyte * name, GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z, GLdouble w) +{ + (void) id; (void) len; (void) name; (void) x; (void) y; (void) z; (void) w; + DISPATCH(ProgramNamedParameter4dNV, (id, len, name, x, y, z, w), (F, "glProgramNamedParameter4dNV(%d, %d, %p, %f, %f, %f, %f);\n", id, len, (const void *) name, x, y, z, w)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(ProgramNamedParameter4dvNV)(GLuint id, GLsizei len, const GLubyte * name, const GLdouble * v) +{ + (void) id; (void) len; (void) name; (void) v; + DISPATCH(ProgramNamedParameter4dvNV, (id, len, name, v), (F, "glProgramNamedParameter4dvNV(%d, %d, %p, %p);\n", id, len, (const void *) name, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(ProgramNamedParameter4fNV)(GLuint id, GLsizei len, const GLubyte * name, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z, GLfloat w) +{ + (void) id; (void) len; (void) name; (void) x; (void) y; (void) z; (void) w; + DISPATCH(ProgramNamedParameter4fNV, (id, len, name, x, y, z, w), (F, "glProgramNamedParameter4fNV(%d, %d, %p, %f, %f, %f, %f);\n", id, len, (const void *) name, x, y, z, w)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(ProgramNamedParameter4fvNV)(GLuint id, GLsizei len, const GLubyte * name, const GLfloat * v) +{ + (void) id; (void) len; (void) name; (void) v; + DISPATCH(ProgramNamedParameter4fvNV, (id, len, name, v), (F, "glProgramNamedParameter4fvNV(%d, %d, %p, %p);\n", id, len, (const void *) name, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(PrimitiveRestartNV)(void) +{ + DISPATCH(PrimitiveRestartNV, (), (F, "glPrimitiveRestartNV();\n")); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_948)(GLenum coord, GLenum pname, GLfixed * params); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_948)(GLenum coord, GLenum pname, GLfixed * params) +{ + (void) coord; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(GetTexGenxvOES, (coord, pname, params), (F, "glGetTexGenxvOES(0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", coord, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_949)(GLenum coord, GLenum pname, GLint param); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_949)(GLenum coord, GLenum pname, GLint param) +{ + (void) coord; (void) pname; (void) param; + DISPATCH(TexGenxOES, (coord, pname, param), (F, "glTexGenxOES(0x%x, 0x%x, %d);\n", coord, pname, param)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_950)(GLenum coord, GLenum pname, const GLfixed * params); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_950)(GLenum coord, GLenum pname, const GLfixed * params) +{ + (void) coord; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(TexGenxvOES, (coord, pname, params), (F, "glTexGenxvOES(0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", coord, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_951)(GLclampd zmin, GLclampd zmax); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_951)(GLclampd zmin, GLclampd zmax) +{ + (void) zmin; (void) zmax; + DISPATCH(DepthBoundsEXT, (zmin, zmax), (F, "glDepthBoundsEXT(%f, %f);\n", zmin, zmax)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_952)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint param); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_952)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint param) +{ + (void) target; (void) pname; (void) param; + DISPATCH(BufferParameteriAPPLE, (target, pname, param), (F, "glBufferParameteriAPPLE(0x%x, 0x%x, %d);\n", target, pname, param)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_953)(GLenum target, GLintptr offset, GLsizeiptr size); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_953)(GLenum target, GLintptr offset, GLsizeiptr size) +{ + (void) target; (void) offset; (void) size; + DISPATCH(FlushMappedBufferRangeAPPLE, (target, offset, size), (F, "glFlushMappedBufferRangeAPPLE(0x%x, %d, %d);\n", target, offset, size)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttribI1iEXT)(GLuint index, GLint x) +{ + (void) index; (void) x; + DISPATCH(VertexAttribI1iEXT, (index, x), (F, "glVertexAttribI1iEXT(%d, %d);\n", index, x)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttribI1i)(GLuint index, GLint x) +{ + (void) index; (void) x; + DISPATCH(VertexAttribI1iEXT, (index, x), (F, "glVertexAttribI1i(%d, %d);\n", index, x)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttribI1uiEXT)(GLuint index, GLuint x) +{ + (void) index; (void) x; + DISPATCH(VertexAttribI1uiEXT, (index, x), (F, "glVertexAttribI1uiEXT(%d, %d);\n", index, x)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttribI1ui)(GLuint index, GLuint x) +{ + (void) index; (void) x; + DISPATCH(VertexAttribI1uiEXT, (index, x), (F, "glVertexAttribI1ui(%d, %d);\n", index, x)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttribI2iEXT)(GLuint index, GLint x, GLint y) +{ + (void) index; (void) x; (void) y; + DISPATCH(VertexAttribI2iEXT, (index, x, y), (F, "glVertexAttribI2iEXT(%d, %d, %d);\n", index, x, y)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttribI2i)(GLuint index, GLint x, GLint y) +{ + (void) index; (void) x; (void) y; + DISPATCH(VertexAttribI2iEXT, (index, x, y), (F, "glVertexAttribI2i(%d, %d, %d);\n", index, x, y)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttribI2ivEXT)(GLuint index, const GLint * v) +{ + (void) index; (void) v; + DISPATCH(VertexAttribI2ivEXT, (index, v), (F, "glVertexAttribI2ivEXT(%d, %p);\n", index, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttribI2iv)(GLuint index, const GLint * v) +{ + (void) index; (void) v; + DISPATCH(VertexAttribI2ivEXT, (index, v), (F, "glVertexAttribI2iv(%d, %p);\n", index, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttribI2uiEXT)(GLuint index, GLuint x, GLuint y) +{ + (void) index; (void) x; (void) y; + DISPATCH(VertexAttribI2uiEXT, (index, x, y), (F, "glVertexAttribI2uiEXT(%d, %d, %d);\n", index, x, y)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttribI2ui)(GLuint index, GLuint x, GLuint y) +{ + (void) index; (void) x; (void) y; + DISPATCH(VertexAttribI2uiEXT, (index, x, y), (F, "glVertexAttribI2ui(%d, %d, %d);\n", index, x, y)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttribI2uivEXT)(GLuint index, const GLuint * v) +{ + (void) index; (void) v; + DISPATCH(VertexAttribI2uivEXT, (index, v), (F, "glVertexAttribI2uivEXT(%d, %p);\n", index, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttribI2uiv)(GLuint index, const GLuint * v) +{ + (void) index; (void) v; + DISPATCH(VertexAttribI2uivEXT, (index, v), (F, "glVertexAttribI2uiv(%d, %p);\n", index, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttribI3iEXT)(GLuint index, GLint x, GLint y, GLint z) +{ + (void) index; (void) x; (void) y; (void) z; + DISPATCH(VertexAttribI3iEXT, (index, x, y, z), (F, "glVertexAttribI3iEXT(%d, %d, %d, %d);\n", index, x, y, z)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttribI3i)(GLuint index, GLint x, GLint y, GLint z) +{ + (void) index; (void) x; (void) y; (void) z; + DISPATCH(VertexAttribI3iEXT, (index, x, y, z), (F, "glVertexAttribI3i(%d, %d, %d, %d);\n", index, x, y, z)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttribI3ivEXT)(GLuint index, const GLint * v) +{ + (void) index; (void) v; + DISPATCH(VertexAttribI3ivEXT, (index, v), (F, "glVertexAttribI3ivEXT(%d, %p);\n", index, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttribI3iv)(GLuint index, const GLint * v) +{ + (void) index; (void) v; + DISPATCH(VertexAttribI3ivEXT, (index, v), (F, "glVertexAttribI3iv(%d, %p);\n", index, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttribI3uiEXT)(GLuint index, GLuint x, GLuint y, GLuint z) +{ + (void) index; (void) x; (void) y; (void) z; + DISPATCH(VertexAttribI3uiEXT, (index, x, y, z), (F, "glVertexAttribI3uiEXT(%d, %d, %d, %d);\n", index, x, y, z)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttribI3ui)(GLuint index, GLuint x, GLuint y, GLuint z) +{ + (void) index; (void) x; (void) y; (void) z; + DISPATCH(VertexAttribI3uiEXT, (index, x, y, z), (F, "glVertexAttribI3ui(%d, %d, %d, %d);\n", index, x, y, z)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttribI3uivEXT)(GLuint index, const GLuint * v) +{ + (void) index; (void) v; + DISPATCH(VertexAttribI3uivEXT, (index, v), (F, "glVertexAttribI3uivEXT(%d, %p);\n", index, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttribI3uiv)(GLuint index, const GLuint * v) +{ + (void) index; (void) v; + DISPATCH(VertexAttribI3uivEXT, (index, v), (F, "glVertexAttribI3uiv(%d, %p);\n", index, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttribI4iEXT)(GLuint index, GLint x, GLint y, GLint z, GLint w) +{ + (void) index; (void) x; (void) y; (void) z; (void) w; + DISPATCH(VertexAttribI4iEXT, (index, x, y, z, w), (F, "glVertexAttribI4iEXT(%d, %d, %d, %d, %d);\n", index, x, y, z, w)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttribI4i)(GLuint index, GLint x, GLint y, GLint z, GLint w) +{ + (void) index; (void) x; (void) y; (void) z; (void) w; + DISPATCH(VertexAttribI4iEXT, (index, x, y, z, w), (F, "glVertexAttribI4i(%d, %d, %d, %d, %d);\n", index, x, y, z, w)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttribI4ivEXT)(GLuint index, const GLint * v) +{ + (void) index; (void) v; + DISPATCH(VertexAttribI4ivEXT, (index, v), (F, "glVertexAttribI4ivEXT(%d, %p);\n", index, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttribI4iv)(GLuint index, const GLint * v) +{ + (void) index; (void) v; + DISPATCH(VertexAttribI4ivEXT, (index, v), (F, "glVertexAttribI4iv(%d, %p);\n", index, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttribI4uiEXT)(GLuint index, GLuint x, GLuint y, GLuint z, GLuint w) +{ + (void) index; (void) x; (void) y; (void) z; (void) w; + DISPATCH(VertexAttribI4uiEXT, (index, x, y, z, w), (F, "glVertexAttribI4uiEXT(%d, %d, %d, %d, %d);\n", index, x, y, z, w)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttribI4ui)(GLuint index, GLuint x, GLuint y, GLuint z, GLuint w) +{ + (void) index; (void) x; (void) y; (void) z; (void) w; + DISPATCH(VertexAttribI4uiEXT, (index, x, y, z, w), (F, "glVertexAttribI4ui(%d, %d, %d, %d, %d);\n", index, x, y, z, w)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttribI4uivEXT)(GLuint index, const GLuint * v) +{ + (void) index; (void) v; + DISPATCH(VertexAttribI4uivEXT, (index, v), (F, "glVertexAttribI4uivEXT(%d, %p);\n", index, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(VertexAttribI4uiv)(GLuint index, const GLuint * v) +{ + (void) index; (void) v; + DISPATCH(VertexAttribI4uivEXT, (index, v), (F, "glVertexAttribI4uiv(%d, %p);\n", index, (const void *) v)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(ClearColorIiEXT)(GLint r, GLint g, GLint b, GLint a) +{ + (void) r; (void) g; (void) b; (void) a; + DISPATCH(ClearColorIiEXT, (r, g, b, a), (F, "glClearColorIiEXT(%d, %d, %d, %d);\n", r, g, b, a)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(ClearColorIuiEXT)(GLuint r, GLuint g, GLuint b, GLuint a) +{ + (void) r; (void) g; (void) b; (void) a; + DISPATCH(ClearColorIuiEXT, (r, g, b, a), (F, "glClearColorIuiEXT(%d, %d, %d, %d);\n", r, g, b, a)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(BindBufferOffsetEXT)(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLuint buffer, GLintptr offset) +{ + (void) target; (void) index; (void) buffer; (void) offset; + DISPATCH(BindBufferOffsetEXT, (target, index, buffer, offset), (F, "glBindBufferOffsetEXT(0x%x, %d, %d, %d);\n", target, index, buffer, offset)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetObjectParameterivAPPLE)(GLenum objectType, GLuint name, GLenum pname, GLint * value) +{ + (void) objectType; (void) name; (void) pname; (void) value; + DISPATCH(GetObjectParameterivAPPLE, (objectType, name, pname, value), (F, "glGetObjectParameterivAPPLE(0x%x, %d, 0x%x, %p);\n", objectType, name, pname, (const void *) value)); +} + +KEYWORD1 GLenum KEYWORD2 NAME(ObjectPurgeableAPPLE)(GLenum objectType, GLuint name, GLenum option) +{ + (void) objectType; (void) name; (void) option; + RETURN_DISPATCH(ObjectPurgeableAPPLE, (objectType, name, option), (F, "glObjectPurgeableAPPLE(0x%x, %d, 0x%x);\n", objectType, name, option)); +} + +KEYWORD1 GLenum KEYWORD2 NAME(ObjectUnpurgeableAPPLE)(GLenum objectType, GLuint name, GLenum option) +{ + (void) objectType; (void) name; (void) option; + RETURN_DISPATCH(ObjectUnpurgeableAPPLE, (objectType, name, option), (F, "glObjectUnpurgeableAPPLE(0x%x, %d, 0x%x);\n", objectType, name, option)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(ActiveProgramEXT)(GLuint program) +{ + (void) program; + DISPATCH(ActiveProgramEXT, (program), (F, "glActiveProgramEXT(%d);\n", program)); +} + +KEYWORD1 GLuint KEYWORD2 NAME(CreateShaderProgramEXT)(GLenum type, const GLchar * string) +{ + (void) type; (void) string; + RETURN_DISPATCH(CreateShaderProgramEXT, (type, string), (F, "glCreateShaderProgramEXT(0x%x, %p);\n", type, (const void *) string)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(UseShaderProgramEXT)(GLenum type, GLuint program) +{ + (void) type; (void) program; + DISPATCH(UseShaderProgramEXT, (type, program), (F, "glUseShaderProgramEXT(0x%x, %d);\n", type, program)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(TextureBarrierNV)(void) +{ + DISPATCH(TextureBarrierNV, (), (F, "glTextureBarrierNV();\n")); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_978)(GLenum frontfunc, GLenum backfunc, GLint ref, GLuint mask); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_978)(GLenum frontfunc, GLenum backfunc, GLint ref, GLuint mask) +{ + (void) frontfunc; (void) backfunc; (void) ref; (void) mask; + DISPATCH(StencilFuncSeparateATI, (frontfunc, backfunc, ref, mask), (F, "glStencilFuncSeparateATI(0x%x, 0x%x, %d, %d);\n", frontfunc, backfunc, ref, mask)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_979)(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLsizei count, const GLfloat * params); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_979)(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLsizei count, const GLfloat * params) +{ + (void) target; (void) index; (void) count; (void) params; + DISPATCH(ProgramEnvParameters4fvEXT, (target, index, count, params), (F, "glProgramEnvParameters4fvEXT(0x%x, %d, %d, %p);\n", target, index, count, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_980)(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLsizei count, const GLfloat * params); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_980)(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLsizei count, const GLfloat * params) +{ + (void) target; (void) index; (void) count; (void) params; + DISPATCH(ProgramLocalParameters4fvEXT, (target, index, count, params), (F, "glProgramLocalParameters4fvEXT(0x%x, %d, %d, %p);\n", target, index, count, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(EGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOES)(GLenum target, GLvoid * writeOffset) +{ + (void) target; (void) writeOffset; + DISPATCH(EGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOES, (target, writeOffset), (F, "glEGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOES(0x%x, %p);\n", target, (const void *) writeOffset)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(EGLImageTargetTexture2DOES)(GLenum target, GLvoid * writeOffset) +{ + (void) target; (void) writeOffset; + DISPATCH(EGLImageTargetTexture2DOES, (target, writeOffset), (F, "glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOES(0x%x, %p);\n", target, (const void *) writeOffset)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_983)(GLenum func, GLclampx ref); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_983)(GLenum func, GLclampx ref) +{ + (void) func; (void) ref; + DISPATCH(AlphaFuncx, (func, ref), (F, "glAlphaFuncxOES(0x%x, %d);\n", func, ref)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_984)(GLclampx red, GLclampx green, GLclampx blue, GLclampx alpha); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_984)(GLclampx red, GLclampx green, GLclampx blue, GLclampx alpha) +{ + (void) red; (void) green; (void) blue; (void) alpha; + DISPATCH(ClearColorx, (red, green, blue, alpha), (F, "glClearColorxOES(%d, %d, %d, %d);\n", red, green, blue, alpha)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_985)(GLclampx depth); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_985)(GLclampx depth) +{ + (void) depth; + DISPATCH(ClearDepthx, (depth), (F, "glClearDepthxOES(%d);\n", depth)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_986)(GLfixed red, GLfixed green, GLfixed blue, GLfixed alpha); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_986)(GLfixed red, GLfixed green, GLfixed blue, GLfixed alpha) +{ + (void) red; (void) green; (void) blue; (void) alpha; + DISPATCH(Color4x, (red, green, blue, alpha), (F, "glColor4xOES(%d, %d, %d, %d);\n", red, green, blue, alpha)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_987)(GLclampx zNear, GLclampx zFar); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_987)(GLclampx zNear, GLclampx zFar) +{ + (void) zNear; (void) zFar; + DISPATCH(DepthRangex, (zNear, zFar), (F, "glDepthRangexOES(%d, %d);\n", zNear, zFar)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_988)(GLenum pname, GLfixed param); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_988)(GLenum pname, GLfixed param) +{ + (void) pname; (void) param; + DISPATCH(Fogx, (pname, param), (F, "glFogxOES(0x%x, %d);\n", pname, param)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_989)(GLenum pname, const GLfixed * params); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_989)(GLenum pname, const GLfixed * params) +{ + (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(Fogxv, (pname, params), (F, "glFogxvOES(0x%x, %p);\n", pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_990)(GLfloat left, GLfloat right, GLfloat bottom, GLfloat top, GLfloat zNear, GLfloat zFar); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_990)(GLfloat left, GLfloat right, GLfloat bottom, GLfloat top, GLfloat zNear, GLfloat zFar) +{ + (void) left; (void) right; (void) bottom; (void) top; (void) zNear; (void) zFar; + DISPATCH(Frustumf, (left, right, bottom, top, zNear, zFar), (F, "glFrustumfOES(%f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f);\n", left, right, bottom, top, zNear, zFar)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_991)(GLfixed left, GLfixed right, GLfixed bottom, GLfixed top, GLfixed zNear, GLfixed zFar); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_991)(GLfixed left, GLfixed right, GLfixed bottom, GLfixed top, GLfixed zNear, GLfixed zFar) +{ + (void) left; (void) right; (void) bottom; (void) top; (void) zNear; (void) zFar; + DISPATCH(Frustumx, (left, right, bottom, top, zNear, zFar), (F, "glFrustumxOES(%d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d);\n", left, right, bottom, top, zNear, zFar)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_992)(GLenum pname, GLfixed param); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_992)(GLenum pname, GLfixed param) +{ + (void) pname; (void) param; + DISPATCH(LightModelx, (pname, param), (F, "glLightModelxOES(0x%x, %d);\n", pname, param)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_993)(GLenum pname, const GLfixed * params); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_993)(GLenum pname, const GLfixed * params) +{ + (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(LightModelxv, (pname, params), (F, "glLightModelxvOES(0x%x, %p);\n", pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_994)(GLenum light, GLenum pname, GLfixed param); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_994)(GLenum light, GLenum pname, GLfixed param) +{ + (void) light; (void) pname; (void) param; + DISPATCH(Lightx, (light, pname, param), (F, "glLightxOES(0x%x, 0x%x, %d);\n", light, pname, param)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_995)(GLenum light, GLenum pname, const GLfixed * params); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_995)(GLenum light, GLenum pname, const GLfixed * params) +{ + (void) light; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(Lightxv, (light, pname, params), (F, "glLightxvOES(0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", light, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_996)(GLfixed width); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_996)(GLfixed width) +{ + (void) width; + DISPATCH(LineWidthx, (width), (F, "glLineWidthxOES(%d);\n", width)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_997)(const GLfixed * m); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_997)(const GLfixed * m) +{ + (void) m; + DISPATCH(LoadMatrixx, (m), (F, "glLoadMatrixxOES(%p);\n", (const void *) m)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_998)(GLenum face, GLenum pname, GLfixed param); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_998)(GLenum face, GLenum pname, GLfixed param) +{ + (void) face; (void) pname; (void) param; + DISPATCH(Materialx, (face, pname, param), (F, "glMaterialxOES(0x%x, 0x%x, %d);\n", face, pname, param)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_999)(GLenum face, GLenum pname, const GLfixed * params); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_999)(GLenum face, GLenum pname, const GLfixed * params) +{ + (void) face; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(Materialxv, (face, pname, params), (F, "glMaterialxvOES(0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", face, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_1000)(const GLfixed * m); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_1000)(const GLfixed * m) +{ + (void) m; + DISPATCH(MultMatrixx, (m), (F, "glMultMatrixxOES(%p);\n", (const void *) m)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_1001)(GLenum target, GLfixed s, GLfixed t, GLfixed r, GLfixed q); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_1001)(GLenum target, GLfixed s, GLfixed t, GLfixed r, GLfixed q) +{ + (void) target; (void) s; (void) t; (void) r; (void) q; + DISPATCH(MultiTexCoord4x, (target, s, t, r, q), (F, "glMultiTexCoord4xOES(0x%x, %d, %d, %d, %d);\n", target, s, t, r, q)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_1002)(GLfixed nx, GLfixed ny, GLfixed nz); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_1002)(GLfixed nx, GLfixed ny, GLfixed nz) +{ + (void) nx; (void) ny; (void) nz; + DISPATCH(Normal3x, (nx, ny, nz), (F, "glNormal3xOES(%d, %d, %d);\n", nx, ny, nz)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_1003)(GLfloat left, GLfloat right, GLfloat bottom, GLfloat top, GLfloat zNear, GLfloat zFar); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_1003)(GLfloat left, GLfloat right, GLfloat bottom, GLfloat top, GLfloat zNear, GLfloat zFar) +{ + (void) left; (void) right; (void) bottom; (void) top; (void) zNear; (void) zFar; + DISPATCH(Orthof, (left, right, bottom, top, zNear, zFar), (F, "glOrthofOES(%f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f);\n", left, right, bottom, top, zNear, zFar)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_1004)(GLfixed left, GLfixed right, GLfixed bottom, GLfixed top, GLfixed zNear, GLfixed zFar); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_1004)(GLfixed left, GLfixed right, GLfixed bottom, GLfixed top, GLfixed zNear, GLfixed zFar) +{ + (void) left; (void) right; (void) bottom; (void) top; (void) zNear; (void) zFar; + DISPATCH(Orthox, (left, right, bottom, top, zNear, zFar), (F, "glOrthoxOES(%d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d);\n", left, right, bottom, top, zNear, zFar)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_1005)(GLfixed size); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_1005)(GLfixed size) +{ + (void) size; + DISPATCH(PointSizex, (size), (F, "glPointSizexOES(%d);\n", size)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_1006)(GLfixed factor, GLfixed units); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_1006)(GLfixed factor, GLfixed units) +{ + (void) factor; (void) units; + DISPATCH(PolygonOffsetx, (factor, units), (F, "glPolygonOffsetxOES(%d, %d);\n", factor, units)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_1007)(GLfixed angle, GLfixed x, GLfixed y, GLfixed z); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_1007)(GLfixed angle, GLfixed x, GLfixed y, GLfixed z) +{ + (void) angle; (void) x; (void) y; (void) z; + DISPATCH(Rotatex, (angle, x, y, z), (F, "glRotatexOES(%d, %d, %d, %d);\n", angle, x, y, z)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_1008)(GLclampx value, GLboolean invert); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_1008)(GLclampx value, GLboolean invert) +{ + (void) value; (void) invert; + DISPATCH(SampleCoveragex, (value, invert), (F, "glSampleCoveragexOES(%d, %d);\n", value, invert)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_1009)(GLfixed x, GLfixed y, GLfixed z); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_1009)(GLfixed x, GLfixed y, GLfixed z) +{ + (void) x; (void) y; (void) z; + DISPATCH(Scalex, (x, y, z), (F, "glScalexOES(%d, %d, %d);\n", x, y, z)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_1010)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfixed param); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_1010)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfixed param) +{ + (void) target; (void) pname; (void) param; + DISPATCH(TexEnvx, (target, pname, param), (F, "glTexEnvxOES(0x%x, 0x%x, %d);\n", target, pname, param)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_1011)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLfixed * params); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_1011)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLfixed * params) +{ + (void) target; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(TexEnvxv, (target, pname, params), (F, "glTexEnvxvOES(0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", target, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_1012)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfixed param); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_1012)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfixed param) +{ + (void) target; (void) pname; (void) param; + DISPATCH(TexParameterx, (target, pname, param), (F, "glTexParameterxOES(0x%x, 0x%x, %d);\n", target, pname, param)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_1013)(GLfixed x, GLfixed y, GLfixed z); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_1013)(GLfixed x, GLfixed y, GLfixed z) +{ + (void) x; (void) y; (void) z; + DISPATCH(Translatex, (x, y, z), (F, "glTranslatexOES(%d, %d, %d);\n", x, y, z)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_1014)(GLenum plane, const GLfloat * equation); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_1014)(GLenum plane, const GLfloat * equation) +{ + (void) plane; (void) equation; + DISPATCH(ClipPlanef, (plane, equation), (F, "glClipPlanefOES(0x%x, %p);\n", plane, (const void *) equation)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_1015)(GLenum plane, const GLfixed * equation); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_1015)(GLenum plane, const GLfixed * equation) +{ + (void) plane; (void) equation; + DISPATCH(ClipPlanex, (plane, equation), (F, "glClipPlanexOES(0x%x, %p);\n", plane, (const void *) equation)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_1016)(GLenum plane, GLfloat * equation); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_1016)(GLenum plane, GLfloat * equation) +{ + (void) plane; (void) equation; + DISPATCH(GetClipPlanef, (plane, equation), (F, "glGetClipPlanefOES(0x%x, %p);\n", plane, (const void *) equation)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_1017)(GLenum plane, GLfixed * equation); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_1017)(GLenum plane, GLfixed * equation) +{ + (void) plane; (void) equation; + DISPATCH(GetClipPlanex, (plane, equation), (F, "glGetClipPlanexOES(0x%x, %p);\n", plane, (const void *) equation)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_1018)(GLenum pname, GLfixed * params); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_1018)(GLenum pname, GLfixed * params) +{ + (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(GetFixedv, (pname, params), (F, "glGetFixedvOES(0x%x, %p);\n", pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_1019)(GLenum light, GLenum pname, GLfixed * params); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_1019)(GLenum light, GLenum pname, GLfixed * params) +{ + (void) light; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(GetLightxv, (light, pname, params), (F, "glGetLightxvOES(0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", light, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_1020)(GLenum face, GLenum pname, GLfixed * params); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_1020)(GLenum face, GLenum pname, GLfixed * params) +{ + (void) face; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(GetMaterialxv, (face, pname, params), (F, "glGetMaterialxvOES(0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", face, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_1021)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfixed * params); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_1021)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfixed * params) +{ + (void) target; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(GetTexEnvxv, (target, pname, params), (F, "glGetTexEnvxvOES(0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", target, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_1022)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfixed * params); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_1022)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfixed * params) +{ + (void) target; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(GetTexParameterxv, (target, pname, params), (F, "glGetTexParameterxvOES(0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", target, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_1023)(GLenum pname, GLfixed param); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_1023)(GLenum pname, GLfixed param) +{ + (void) pname; (void) param; + DISPATCH(PointParameterx, (pname, param), (F, "glPointParameterxOES(0x%x, %d);\n", pname, param)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_1024)(GLenum pname, const GLfixed * params); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_1024)(GLenum pname, const GLfixed * params) +{ + (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(PointParameterxv, (pname, params), (F, "glPointParameterxvOES(0x%x, %p);\n", pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_1025)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLfixed * params); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_1025)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLfixed * params) +{ + (void) target; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(TexParameterxv, (target, pname, params), (F, "glTexParameterxvOES(0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", target, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + + +#endif /* _GLAPI_SKIP_NORMAL_ENTRY_POINTS */ + +/* these entry points might require different protocols */ +#ifndef _GLAPI_SKIP_PROTO_ENTRY_POINTS + +KEYWORD1 GLboolean KEYWORD2 NAME(AreTexturesResidentEXT)(GLsizei n, const GLuint * textures, GLboolean * residences) +{ + (void) n; (void) textures; (void) residences; + RETURN_DISPATCH(AreTexturesResident, (n, textures, residences), (F, "glAreTexturesResidentEXT(%d, %p, %p);\n", n, (const void *) textures, (const void *) residences)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(DeleteTexturesEXT)(GLsizei n, const GLuint * textures) +{ + (void) n; (void) textures; + DISPATCH(DeleteTextures, (n, textures), (F, "glDeleteTexturesEXT(%d, %p);\n", n, (const void *) textures)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GenTexturesEXT)(GLsizei n, GLuint * textures) +{ + (void) n; (void) textures; + DISPATCH(GenTextures, (n, textures), (F, "glGenTexturesEXT(%d, %p);\n", n, (const void *) textures)); +} + +KEYWORD1 GLboolean KEYWORD2 NAME(IsTextureEXT)(GLuint texture) +{ + (void) texture; + RETURN_DISPATCH(IsTexture, (texture), (F, "glIsTextureEXT(%d);\n", texture)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetColorTableEXT)(GLenum target, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLvoid * table) +{ + (void) target; (void) format; (void) type; (void) table; + DISPATCH(GetColorTable, (target, format, type, table), (F, "glGetColorTableEXT(0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", target, format, type, (const void *) table)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_343)(GLenum target, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLvoid * table); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_343)(GLenum target, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLvoid * table) +{ + (void) target; (void) format; (void) type; (void) table; + DISPATCH(GetColorTable, (target, format, type, table), (F, "glGetColorTableSGI(0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", target, format, type, (const void *) table)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetColorTableParameterfvEXT)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat * params) +{ + (void) target; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(GetColorTableParameterfv, (target, pname, params), (F, "glGetColorTableParameterfvEXT(0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", target, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_344)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat * params); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_344)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat * params) +{ + (void) target; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(GetColorTableParameterfv, (target, pname, params), (F, "glGetColorTableParameterfvSGI(0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", target, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1 void KEYWORD2 NAME(GetColorTableParameterivEXT)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint * params) +{ + (void) target; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(GetColorTableParameteriv, (target, pname, params), (F, "glGetColorTableParameterivEXT(0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", target, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_345)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint * params); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_345)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint * params) +{ + (void) target; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(GetColorTableParameteriv, (target, pname, params), (F, "glGetColorTableParameterivSGI(0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", target, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_356)(GLenum target, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLvoid * image); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_356)(GLenum target, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLvoid * image) +{ + (void) target; (void) format; (void) type; (void) image; + DISPATCH(GetConvolutionFilter, (target, format, type, image), (F, "glGetConvolutionFilterEXT(0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", target, format, type, (const void *) image)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_357)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat * params); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_357)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat * params) +{ + (void) target; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(GetConvolutionParameterfv, (target, pname, params), (F, "glGetConvolutionParameterfvEXT(0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", target, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_358)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint * params); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_358)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint * params) +{ + (void) target; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(GetConvolutionParameteriv, (target, pname, params), (F, "glGetConvolutionParameterivEXT(0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", target, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_359)(GLenum target, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLvoid * row, GLvoid * column, GLvoid * span); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_359)(GLenum target, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLvoid * row, GLvoid * column, GLvoid * span) +{ + (void) target; (void) format; (void) type; (void) row; (void) column; (void) span; + DISPATCH(GetSeparableFilter, (target, format, type, row, column, span), (F, "glGetSeparableFilterEXT(0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x, %p, %p, %p);\n", target, format, type, (const void *) row, (const void *) column, (const void *) span)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_361)(GLenum target, GLboolean reset, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLvoid * values); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_361)(GLenum target, GLboolean reset, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLvoid * values) +{ + (void) target; (void) reset; (void) format; (void) type; (void) values; + DISPATCH(GetHistogram, (target, reset, format, type, values), (F, "glGetHistogramEXT(0x%x, %d, 0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", target, reset, format, type, (const void *) values)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_362)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat * params); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_362)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat * params) +{ + (void) target; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(GetHistogramParameterfv, (target, pname, params), (F, "glGetHistogramParameterfvEXT(0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", target, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_363)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint * params); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_363)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint * params) +{ + (void) target; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(GetHistogramParameteriv, (target, pname, params), (F, "glGetHistogramParameterivEXT(0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", target, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_364)(GLenum target, GLboolean reset, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLvoid * values); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_364)(GLenum target, GLboolean reset, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLvoid * values) +{ + (void) target; (void) reset; (void) format; (void) type; (void) values; + DISPATCH(GetMinmax, (target, reset, format, type, values), (F, "glGetMinmaxEXT(0x%x, %d, 0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", target, reset, format, type, (const void *) values)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_365)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat * params); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_365)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat * params) +{ + (void) target; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(GetMinmaxParameterfv, (target, pname, params), (F, "glGetMinmaxParameterfvEXT(0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", target, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_366)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint * params); + +KEYWORD1_ALT void KEYWORD2 NAME(_dispatch_stub_366)(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint * params) +{ + (void) target; (void) pname; (void) params; + DISPATCH(GetMinmaxParameteriv, (target, pname, params), (F, "glGetMinmaxParameterivEXT(0x%x, 0x%x, %p);\n", target, pname, (const void *) params)); +} + + +#endif /* _GLAPI_SKIP_PROTO_ENTRY_POINTS */ + + +#endif /* defined( NAME ) */ + +/* + * This is how a dispatch table can be initialized with all the functions + * we generated above. + */ +#ifdef DISPATCH_TABLE_NAME + +#ifndef TABLE_ENTRY +#error TABLE_ENTRY must be defined +#endif + +#ifdef _GLAPI_SKIP_NORMAL_ENTRY_POINTS +#error _GLAPI_SKIP_NORMAL_ENTRY_POINTS must not be defined +#endif + +_glapi_proc DISPATCH_TABLE_NAME[] = { + TABLE_ENTRY(NewList), + TABLE_ENTRY(EndList), + TABLE_ENTRY(CallList), + TABLE_ENTRY(CallLists), + TABLE_ENTRY(DeleteLists), + TABLE_ENTRY(GenLists), + TABLE_ENTRY(ListBase), + TABLE_ENTRY(Begin), + TABLE_ENTRY(Bitmap), + TABLE_ENTRY(Color3b), + TABLE_ENTRY(Color3bv), + TABLE_ENTRY(Color3d), + TABLE_ENTRY(Color3dv), + TABLE_ENTRY(Color3f), + TABLE_ENTRY(Color3fv), + TABLE_ENTRY(Color3i), + TABLE_ENTRY(Color3iv), + TABLE_ENTRY(Color3s), + TABLE_ENTRY(Color3sv), + TABLE_ENTRY(Color3ub), + TABLE_ENTRY(Color3ubv), + TABLE_ENTRY(Color3ui), + TABLE_ENTRY(Color3uiv), + TABLE_ENTRY(Color3us), + TABLE_ENTRY(Color3usv), + TABLE_ENTRY(Color4b), + TABLE_ENTRY(Color4bv), + TABLE_ENTRY(Color4d), + TABLE_ENTRY(Color4dv), + TABLE_ENTRY(Color4f), + TABLE_ENTRY(Color4fv), + TABLE_ENTRY(Color4i), + TABLE_ENTRY(Color4iv), + TABLE_ENTRY(Color4s), + TABLE_ENTRY(Color4sv), + TABLE_ENTRY(Color4ub), + TABLE_ENTRY(Color4ubv), + TABLE_ENTRY(Color4ui), + TABLE_ENTRY(Color4uiv), + TABLE_ENTRY(Color4us), + TABLE_ENTRY(Color4usv), + TABLE_ENTRY(EdgeFlag), + TABLE_ENTRY(EdgeFlagv), + TABLE_ENTRY(End), + TABLE_ENTRY(Indexd), + TABLE_ENTRY(Indexdv), + TABLE_ENTRY(Indexf), + TABLE_ENTRY(Indexfv), + TABLE_ENTRY(Indexi), + TABLE_ENTRY(Indexiv), + TABLE_ENTRY(Indexs), + TABLE_ENTRY(Indexsv), + TABLE_ENTRY(Normal3b), + TABLE_ENTRY(Normal3bv), + TABLE_ENTRY(Normal3d), + TABLE_ENTRY(Normal3dv), + TABLE_ENTRY(Normal3f), + TABLE_ENTRY(Normal3fv), + TABLE_ENTRY(Normal3i), + TABLE_ENTRY(Normal3iv), + TABLE_ENTRY(Normal3s), + TABLE_ENTRY(Normal3sv), + TABLE_ENTRY(RasterPos2d), + TABLE_ENTRY(RasterPos2dv), + TABLE_ENTRY(RasterPos2f), + TABLE_ENTRY(RasterPos2fv), + TABLE_ENTRY(RasterPos2i), + TABLE_ENTRY(RasterPos2iv), + TABLE_ENTRY(RasterPos2s), + TABLE_ENTRY(RasterPos2sv), + TABLE_ENTRY(RasterPos3d), + TABLE_ENTRY(RasterPos3dv), + TABLE_ENTRY(RasterPos3f), + TABLE_ENTRY(RasterPos3fv), + TABLE_ENTRY(RasterPos3i), + TABLE_ENTRY(RasterPos3iv), + TABLE_ENTRY(RasterPos3s), + TABLE_ENTRY(RasterPos3sv), + TABLE_ENTRY(RasterPos4d), + TABLE_ENTRY(RasterPos4dv), + TABLE_ENTRY(RasterPos4f), + TABLE_ENTRY(RasterPos4fv), + TABLE_ENTRY(RasterPos4i), + TABLE_ENTRY(RasterPos4iv), + TABLE_ENTRY(RasterPos4s), + TABLE_ENTRY(RasterPos4sv), + TABLE_ENTRY(Rectd), + TABLE_ENTRY(Rectdv), + TABLE_ENTRY(Rectf), + TABLE_ENTRY(Rectfv), + TABLE_ENTRY(Recti), + TABLE_ENTRY(Rectiv), + TABLE_ENTRY(Rects), + TABLE_ENTRY(Rectsv), + TABLE_ENTRY(TexCoord1d), + TABLE_ENTRY(TexCoord1dv), + TABLE_ENTRY(TexCoord1f), + TABLE_ENTRY(TexCoord1fv), + TABLE_ENTRY(TexCoord1i), + TABLE_ENTRY(TexCoord1iv), + TABLE_ENTRY(TexCoord1s), + TABLE_ENTRY(TexCoord1sv), + TABLE_ENTRY(TexCoord2d), + TABLE_ENTRY(TexCoord2dv), + TABLE_ENTRY(TexCoord2f), + TABLE_ENTRY(TexCoord2fv), + TABLE_ENTRY(TexCoord2i), + TABLE_ENTRY(TexCoord2iv), + TABLE_ENTRY(TexCoord2s), + TABLE_ENTRY(TexCoord2sv), + TABLE_ENTRY(TexCoord3d), + TABLE_ENTRY(TexCoord3dv), + TABLE_ENTRY(TexCoord3f), + TABLE_ENTRY(TexCoord3fv), + TABLE_ENTRY(TexCoord3i), + TABLE_ENTRY(TexCoord3iv), + TABLE_ENTRY(TexCoord3s), + TABLE_ENTRY(TexCoord3sv), + TABLE_ENTRY(TexCoord4d), + TABLE_ENTRY(TexCoord4dv), + TABLE_ENTRY(TexCoord4f), + TABLE_ENTRY(TexCoord4fv), + TABLE_ENTRY(TexCoord4i), + TABLE_ENTRY(TexCoord4iv), + TABLE_ENTRY(TexCoord4s), + TABLE_ENTRY(TexCoord4sv), + TABLE_ENTRY(Vertex2d), + TABLE_ENTRY(Vertex2dv), + TABLE_ENTRY(Vertex2f), + TABLE_ENTRY(Vertex2fv), + TABLE_ENTRY(Vertex2i), + TABLE_ENTRY(Vertex2iv), + TABLE_ENTRY(Vertex2s), + TABLE_ENTRY(Vertex2sv), + TABLE_ENTRY(Vertex3d), + TABLE_ENTRY(Vertex3dv), + TABLE_ENTRY(Vertex3f), + TABLE_ENTRY(Vertex3fv), + TABLE_ENTRY(Vertex3i), + TABLE_ENTRY(Vertex3iv), + TABLE_ENTRY(Vertex3s), + TABLE_ENTRY(Vertex3sv), + TABLE_ENTRY(Vertex4d), + TABLE_ENTRY(Vertex4dv), + TABLE_ENTRY(Vertex4f), + TABLE_ENTRY(Vertex4fv), + TABLE_ENTRY(Vertex4i), + TABLE_ENTRY(Vertex4iv), + TABLE_ENTRY(Vertex4s), + TABLE_ENTRY(Vertex4sv), + TABLE_ENTRY(ClipPlane), + TABLE_ENTRY(ColorMaterial), + TABLE_ENTRY(CullFace), + TABLE_ENTRY(Fogf), + TABLE_ENTRY(Fogfv), + TABLE_ENTRY(Fogi), + TABLE_ENTRY(Fogiv), + TABLE_ENTRY(FrontFace), + TABLE_ENTRY(Hint), + TABLE_ENTRY(Lightf), + TABLE_ENTRY(Lightfv), + TABLE_ENTRY(Lighti), + TABLE_ENTRY(Lightiv), + TABLE_ENTRY(LightModelf), + TABLE_ENTRY(LightModelfv), + TABLE_ENTRY(LightModeli), + TABLE_ENTRY(LightModeliv), + TABLE_ENTRY(LineStipple), + TABLE_ENTRY(LineWidth), + TABLE_ENTRY(Materialf), + TABLE_ENTRY(Materialfv), + TABLE_ENTRY(Materiali), + TABLE_ENTRY(Materialiv), + TABLE_ENTRY(PointSize), + TABLE_ENTRY(PolygonMode), + TABLE_ENTRY(PolygonStipple), + TABLE_ENTRY(Scissor), + TABLE_ENTRY(ShadeModel), + TABLE_ENTRY(TexParameterf), + TABLE_ENTRY(TexParameterfv), + TABLE_ENTRY(TexParameteri), + TABLE_ENTRY(TexParameteriv), + TABLE_ENTRY(TexImage1D), + TABLE_ENTRY(TexImage2D), + TABLE_ENTRY(TexEnvf), + TABLE_ENTRY(TexEnvfv), + TABLE_ENTRY(TexEnvi), + TABLE_ENTRY(TexEnviv), + TABLE_ENTRY(TexGend), + TABLE_ENTRY(TexGendv), + TABLE_ENTRY(TexGenf), + TABLE_ENTRY(TexGenfv), + TABLE_ENTRY(TexGeni), + TABLE_ENTRY(TexGeniv), + TABLE_ENTRY(FeedbackBuffer), + TABLE_ENTRY(SelectBuffer), + TABLE_ENTRY(RenderMode), + TABLE_ENTRY(InitNames), + TABLE_ENTRY(LoadName), + TABLE_ENTRY(PassThrough), + TABLE_ENTRY(PopName), + TABLE_ENTRY(PushName), + TABLE_ENTRY(DrawBuffer), + TABLE_ENTRY(Clear), + TABLE_ENTRY(ClearAccum), + TABLE_ENTRY(ClearIndex), + TABLE_ENTRY(ClearColor), + TABLE_ENTRY(ClearStencil), + TABLE_ENTRY(ClearDepth), + TABLE_ENTRY(StencilMask), + TABLE_ENTRY(ColorMask), + TABLE_ENTRY(DepthMask), + TABLE_ENTRY(IndexMask), + TABLE_ENTRY(Accum), + TABLE_ENTRY(Disable), + TABLE_ENTRY(Enable), + TABLE_ENTRY(Finish), + TABLE_ENTRY(Flush), + TABLE_ENTRY(PopAttrib), + TABLE_ENTRY(PushAttrib), + TABLE_ENTRY(Map1d), + TABLE_ENTRY(Map1f), + TABLE_ENTRY(Map2d), + TABLE_ENTRY(Map2f), + TABLE_ENTRY(MapGrid1d), + TABLE_ENTRY(MapGrid1f), + TABLE_ENTRY(MapGrid2d), + TABLE_ENTRY(MapGrid2f), + TABLE_ENTRY(EvalCoord1d), + TABLE_ENTRY(EvalCoord1dv), + TABLE_ENTRY(EvalCoord1f), + TABLE_ENTRY(EvalCoord1fv), + TABLE_ENTRY(EvalCoord2d), + TABLE_ENTRY(EvalCoord2dv), + TABLE_ENTRY(EvalCoord2f), + TABLE_ENTRY(EvalCoord2fv), + TABLE_ENTRY(EvalMesh1), + TABLE_ENTRY(EvalPoint1), + TABLE_ENTRY(EvalMesh2), + TABLE_ENTRY(EvalPoint2), + TABLE_ENTRY(AlphaFunc), + TABLE_ENTRY(BlendFunc), + TABLE_ENTRY(LogicOp), + TABLE_ENTRY(StencilFunc), + TABLE_ENTRY(StencilOp), + TABLE_ENTRY(DepthFunc), + TABLE_ENTRY(PixelZoom), + TABLE_ENTRY(PixelTransferf), + TABLE_ENTRY(PixelTransferi), + TABLE_ENTRY(PixelStoref), + TABLE_ENTRY(PixelStorei), + TABLE_ENTRY(PixelMapfv), + TABLE_ENTRY(PixelMapuiv), + TABLE_ENTRY(PixelMapusv), + TABLE_ENTRY(ReadBuffer), + TABLE_ENTRY(CopyPixels), + TABLE_ENTRY(ReadPixels), + TABLE_ENTRY(DrawPixels), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetBooleanv), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetClipPlane), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetDoublev), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetError), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetFloatv), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetIntegerv), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetLightfv), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetLightiv), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetMapdv), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetMapfv), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetMapiv), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetMaterialfv), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetMaterialiv), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetPixelMapfv), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetPixelMapuiv), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetPixelMapusv), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetPolygonStipple), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetString), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetTexEnvfv), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetTexEnviv), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetTexGendv), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetTexGenfv), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetTexGeniv), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetTexImage), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetTexParameterfv), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetTexParameteriv), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetTexLevelParameterfv), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetTexLevelParameteriv), + TABLE_ENTRY(IsEnabled), + TABLE_ENTRY(IsList), + TABLE_ENTRY(DepthRange), + TABLE_ENTRY(Frustum), + TABLE_ENTRY(LoadIdentity), + TABLE_ENTRY(LoadMatrixf), + TABLE_ENTRY(LoadMatrixd), + TABLE_ENTRY(MatrixMode), + TABLE_ENTRY(MultMatrixf), + TABLE_ENTRY(MultMatrixd), + TABLE_ENTRY(Ortho), + TABLE_ENTRY(PopMatrix), + TABLE_ENTRY(PushMatrix), + TABLE_ENTRY(Rotated), + TABLE_ENTRY(Rotatef), + TABLE_ENTRY(Scaled), + TABLE_ENTRY(Scalef), + TABLE_ENTRY(Translated), + TABLE_ENTRY(Translatef), + TABLE_ENTRY(Viewport), + TABLE_ENTRY(ArrayElement), + TABLE_ENTRY(BindTexture), + TABLE_ENTRY(ColorPointer), + TABLE_ENTRY(DisableClientState), + TABLE_ENTRY(DrawArrays), + TABLE_ENTRY(DrawElements), + TABLE_ENTRY(EdgeFlagPointer), + TABLE_ENTRY(EnableClientState), + TABLE_ENTRY(IndexPointer), + TABLE_ENTRY(Indexub), + TABLE_ENTRY(Indexubv), + TABLE_ENTRY(InterleavedArrays), + TABLE_ENTRY(NormalPointer), + TABLE_ENTRY(PolygonOffset), + TABLE_ENTRY(TexCoordPointer), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexPointer), + TABLE_ENTRY(AreTexturesResident), + TABLE_ENTRY(CopyTexImage1D), + TABLE_ENTRY(CopyTexImage2D), + TABLE_ENTRY(CopyTexSubImage1D), + TABLE_ENTRY(CopyTexSubImage2D), + TABLE_ENTRY(DeleteTextures), + TABLE_ENTRY(GenTextures), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetPointerv), + TABLE_ENTRY(IsTexture), + TABLE_ENTRY(PrioritizeTextures), + TABLE_ENTRY(TexSubImage1D), + TABLE_ENTRY(TexSubImage2D), + TABLE_ENTRY(PopClientAttrib), + TABLE_ENTRY(PushClientAttrib), + TABLE_ENTRY(BlendColor), + TABLE_ENTRY(BlendEquation), + TABLE_ENTRY(DrawRangeElements), + TABLE_ENTRY(ColorTable), + TABLE_ENTRY(ColorTableParameterfv), + TABLE_ENTRY(ColorTableParameteriv), + TABLE_ENTRY(CopyColorTable), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetColorTable), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetColorTableParameterfv), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetColorTableParameteriv), + TABLE_ENTRY(ColorSubTable), + TABLE_ENTRY(CopyColorSubTable), + TABLE_ENTRY(ConvolutionFilter1D), + TABLE_ENTRY(ConvolutionFilter2D), + TABLE_ENTRY(ConvolutionParameterf), + TABLE_ENTRY(ConvolutionParameterfv), + TABLE_ENTRY(ConvolutionParameteri), + TABLE_ENTRY(ConvolutionParameteriv), + TABLE_ENTRY(CopyConvolutionFilter1D), + TABLE_ENTRY(CopyConvolutionFilter2D), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetConvolutionFilter), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetConvolutionParameterfv), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetConvolutionParameteriv), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetSeparableFilter), + TABLE_ENTRY(SeparableFilter2D), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetHistogram), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetHistogramParameterfv), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetHistogramParameteriv), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetMinmax), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetMinmaxParameterfv), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetMinmaxParameteriv), + TABLE_ENTRY(Histogram), + TABLE_ENTRY(Minmax), + TABLE_ENTRY(ResetHistogram), + TABLE_ENTRY(ResetMinmax), + TABLE_ENTRY(TexImage3D), + TABLE_ENTRY(TexSubImage3D), + TABLE_ENTRY(CopyTexSubImage3D), + TABLE_ENTRY(ActiveTexture), + TABLE_ENTRY(ClientActiveTexture), + TABLE_ENTRY(MultiTexCoord1d), + TABLE_ENTRY(MultiTexCoord1dv), + TABLE_ENTRY(MultiTexCoord1fARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(MultiTexCoord1fvARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(MultiTexCoord1i), + TABLE_ENTRY(MultiTexCoord1iv), + TABLE_ENTRY(MultiTexCoord1s), + TABLE_ENTRY(MultiTexCoord1sv), + TABLE_ENTRY(MultiTexCoord2d), + TABLE_ENTRY(MultiTexCoord2dv), + TABLE_ENTRY(MultiTexCoord2fARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(MultiTexCoord2fvARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(MultiTexCoord2i), + TABLE_ENTRY(MultiTexCoord2iv), + TABLE_ENTRY(MultiTexCoord2s), + TABLE_ENTRY(MultiTexCoord2sv), + TABLE_ENTRY(MultiTexCoord3d), + TABLE_ENTRY(MultiTexCoord3dv), + TABLE_ENTRY(MultiTexCoord3fARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(MultiTexCoord3fvARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(MultiTexCoord3i), + TABLE_ENTRY(MultiTexCoord3iv), + TABLE_ENTRY(MultiTexCoord3s), + TABLE_ENTRY(MultiTexCoord3sv), + TABLE_ENTRY(MultiTexCoord4d), + TABLE_ENTRY(MultiTexCoord4dv), + TABLE_ENTRY(MultiTexCoord4fARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(MultiTexCoord4fvARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(MultiTexCoord4i), + TABLE_ENTRY(MultiTexCoord4iv), + TABLE_ENTRY(MultiTexCoord4s), + TABLE_ENTRY(MultiTexCoord4sv), + TABLE_ENTRY(CompressedTexImage1D), + TABLE_ENTRY(CompressedTexImage2D), + TABLE_ENTRY(CompressedTexImage3D), + TABLE_ENTRY(CompressedTexSubImage1D), + TABLE_ENTRY(CompressedTexSubImage2D), + TABLE_ENTRY(CompressedTexSubImage3D), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetCompressedTexImage), + TABLE_ENTRY(LoadTransposeMatrixd), + TABLE_ENTRY(LoadTransposeMatrixf), + TABLE_ENTRY(MultTransposeMatrixd), + TABLE_ENTRY(MultTransposeMatrixf), + TABLE_ENTRY(SampleCoverage), + TABLE_ENTRY(BlendFuncSeparate), + TABLE_ENTRY(FogCoordPointer), + TABLE_ENTRY(FogCoordd), + TABLE_ENTRY(FogCoorddv), + TABLE_ENTRY(MultiDrawArrays), + TABLE_ENTRY(PointParameterf), + TABLE_ENTRY(PointParameterfv), + TABLE_ENTRY(PointParameteri), + TABLE_ENTRY(PointParameteriv), + TABLE_ENTRY(SecondaryColor3b), + TABLE_ENTRY(SecondaryColor3bv), + TABLE_ENTRY(SecondaryColor3d), + TABLE_ENTRY(SecondaryColor3dv), + TABLE_ENTRY(SecondaryColor3i), + TABLE_ENTRY(SecondaryColor3iv), + TABLE_ENTRY(SecondaryColor3s), + TABLE_ENTRY(SecondaryColor3sv), + TABLE_ENTRY(SecondaryColor3ub), + TABLE_ENTRY(SecondaryColor3ubv), + TABLE_ENTRY(SecondaryColor3ui), + TABLE_ENTRY(SecondaryColor3uiv), + TABLE_ENTRY(SecondaryColor3us), + TABLE_ENTRY(SecondaryColor3usv), + TABLE_ENTRY(SecondaryColorPointer), + TABLE_ENTRY(WindowPos2d), + TABLE_ENTRY(WindowPos2dv), + TABLE_ENTRY(WindowPos2f), + TABLE_ENTRY(WindowPos2fv), + TABLE_ENTRY(WindowPos2i), + TABLE_ENTRY(WindowPos2iv), + TABLE_ENTRY(WindowPos2s), + TABLE_ENTRY(WindowPos2sv), + TABLE_ENTRY(WindowPos3d), + TABLE_ENTRY(WindowPos3dv), + TABLE_ENTRY(WindowPos3f), + TABLE_ENTRY(WindowPos3fv), + TABLE_ENTRY(WindowPos3i), + TABLE_ENTRY(WindowPos3iv), + TABLE_ENTRY(WindowPos3s), + TABLE_ENTRY(WindowPos3sv), + TABLE_ENTRY(BeginQuery), + TABLE_ENTRY(BindBuffer), + TABLE_ENTRY(BufferData), + TABLE_ENTRY(BufferSubData), + TABLE_ENTRY(DeleteBuffers), + TABLE_ENTRY(DeleteQueries), + TABLE_ENTRY(EndQuery), + TABLE_ENTRY(GenBuffers), + TABLE_ENTRY(GenQueries), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetBufferParameteriv), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetBufferPointerv), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetBufferSubData), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetQueryObjectiv), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetQueryObjectuiv), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetQueryiv), + TABLE_ENTRY(IsBuffer), + TABLE_ENTRY(IsQuery), + TABLE_ENTRY(MapBuffer), + TABLE_ENTRY(UnmapBuffer), + TABLE_ENTRY(AttachShader), + TABLE_ENTRY(BindAttribLocation), + TABLE_ENTRY(BlendEquationSeparate), + TABLE_ENTRY(CompileShader), + TABLE_ENTRY(CreateProgram), + TABLE_ENTRY(CreateShader), + TABLE_ENTRY(DeleteProgram), + TABLE_ENTRY(DeleteShader), + TABLE_ENTRY(DetachShader), + TABLE_ENTRY(DisableVertexAttribArray), + TABLE_ENTRY(DrawBuffers), + TABLE_ENTRY(EnableVertexAttribArray), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetActiveAttrib), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetActiveUniform), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetAttachedShaders), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetAttribLocation), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetProgramInfoLog), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetProgramiv), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetShaderInfoLog), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetShaderSource), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetShaderiv), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetUniformLocation), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetUniformfv), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetUniformiv), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetVertexAttribPointerv), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetVertexAttribdv), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetVertexAttribfv), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetVertexAttribiv), + TABLE_ENTRY(IsProgram), + TABLE_ENTRY(IsShader), + TABLE_ENTRY(LinkProgram), + TABLE_ENTRY(ShaderSource), + TABLE_ENTRY(StencilFuncSeparate), + TABLE_ENTRY(StencilMaskSeparate), + TABLE_ENTRY(StencilOpSeparate), + TABLE_ENTRY(Uniform1f), + TABLE_ENTRY(Uniform1fv), + TABLE_ENTRY(Uniform1i), + TABLE_ENTRY(Uniform1iv), + TABLE_ENTRY(Uniform2f), + TABLE_ENTRY(Uniform2fv), + TABLE_ENTRY(Uniform2i), + TABLE_ENTRY(Uniform2iv), + TABLE_ENTRY(Uniform3f), + TABLE_ENTRY(Uniform3fv), + TABLE_ENTRY(Uniform3i), + TABLE_ENTRY(Uniform3iv), + TABLE_ENTRY(Uniform4f), + TABLE_ENTRY(Uniform4fv), + TABLE_ENTRY(Uniform4i), + TABLE_ENTRY(Uniform4iv), + TABLE_ENTRY(UniformMatrix2fv), + TABLE_ENTRY(UniformMatrix3fv), + TABLE_ENTRY(UniformMatrix4fv), + TABLE_ENTRY(UseProgram), + TABLE_ENTRY(ValidateProgram), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttrib1d), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttrib1dv), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttrib1s), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttrib1sv), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttrib2d), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttrib2dv), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttrib2s), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttrib2sv), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttrib3d), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttrib3dv), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttrib3s), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttrib3sv), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttrib4Nbv), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttrib4Niv), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttrib4Nsv), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttrib4Nub), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttrib4Nubv), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttrib4Nuiv), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttrib4Nusv), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttrib4bv), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttrib4d), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttrib4dv), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttrib4iv), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttrib4s), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttrib4sv), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttrib4ubv), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttrib4uiv), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttrib4usv), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttribPointer), + TABLE_ENTRY(UniformMatrix2x3fv), + TABLE_ENTRY(UniformMatrix2x4fv), + TABLE_ENTRY(UniformMatrix3x2fv), + TABLE_ENTRY(UniformMatrix3x4fv), + TABLE_ENTRY(UniformMatrix4x2fv), + TABLE_ENTRY(UniformMatrix4x3fv), + TABLE_ENTRY(BeginConditionalRender), + TABLE_ENTRY(BeginTransformFeedback), + TABLE_ENTRY(BindBufferBase), + TABLE_ENTRY(BindBufferRange), + TABLE_ENTRY(BindFragDataLocation), + TABLE_ENTRY(ClampColor), + TABLE_ENTRY(ClearBufferfi), + TABLE_ENTRY(ClearBufferfv), + TABLE_ENTRY(ClearBufferiv), + TABLE_ENTRY(ClearBufferuiv), + TABLE_ENTRY(ColorMaski), + TABLE_ENTRY(Disablei), + TABLE_ENTRY(Enablei), + TABLE_ENTRY(EndConditionalRender), + TABLE_ENTRY(EndTransformFeedback), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetBooleani_v), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetFragDataLocation), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetIntegeri_v), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetStringi), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetTexParameterIiv), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetTexParameterIuiv), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetTransformFeedbackVarying), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetUniformuiv), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetVertexAttribIiv), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetVertexAttribIuiv), + TABLE_ENTRY(IsEnabledi), + TABLE_ENTRY(TexParameterIiv), + TABLE_ENTRY(TexParameterIuiv), + TABLE_ENTRY(TransformFeedbackVaryings), + TABLE_ENTRY(Uniform1ui), + TABLE_ENTRY(Uniform1uiv), + TABLE_ENTRY(Uniform2ui), + TABLE_ENTRY(Uniform2uiv), + TABLE_ENTRY(Uniform3ui), + TABLE_ENTRY(Uniform3uiv), + TABLE_ENTRY(Uniform4ui), + TABLE_ENTRY(Uniform4uiv), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttribI1iv), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttribI1uiv), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttribI4bv), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttribI4sv), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttribI4ubv), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttribI4usv), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttribIPointer), + TABLE_ENTRY(PrimitiveRestartIndex), + TABLE_ENTRY(TexBuffer), + TABLE_ENTRY(FramebufferTexture), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetBufferParameteri64v), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetInteger64i_v), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttribDivisor), + TABLE_ENTRY(BindProgramARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(DeleteProgramsARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(GenProgramsARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetProgramEnvParameterdvARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetProgramEnvParameterfvARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetProgramLocalParameterdvARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetProgramLocalParameterfvARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetProgramStringARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetProgramivARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(IsProgramARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(ProgramEnvParameter4dARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(ProgramEnvParameter4dvARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(ProgramEnvParameter4fARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(ProgramEnvParameter4fvARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(ProgramLocalParameter4dARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(ProgramLocalParameter4dvARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(ProgramLocalParameter4fARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(ProgramLocalParameter4fvARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(ProgramStringARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttrib1fARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttrib1fvARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttrib2fARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttrib2fvARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttrib3fARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttrib3fvARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttrib4fARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttrib4fvARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(AttachObjectARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(CreateProgramObjectARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(CreateShaderObjectARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(DeleteObjectARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(DetachObjectARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetAttachedObjectsARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetHandleARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetInfoLogARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetObjectParameterfvARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetObjectParameterivARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(DrawArraysInstancedARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(DrawElementsInstancedARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(BindFramebuffer), + TABLE_ENTRY(BindRenderbuffer), + TABLE_ENTRY(BlitFramebuffer), + TABLE_ENTRY(CheckFramebufferStatus), + TABLE_ENTRY(DeleteFramebuffers), + TABLE_ENTRY(DeleteRenderbuffers), + TABLE_ENTRY(FramebufferRenderbuffer), + TABLE_ENTRY(FramebufferTexture1D), + TABLE_ENTRY(FramebufferTexture2D), + TABLE_ENTRY(FramebufferTexture3D), + TABLE_ENTRY(FramebufferTextureLayer), + TABLE_ENTRY(GenFramebuffers), + TABLE_ENTRY(GenRenderbuffers), + TABLE_ENTRY(GenerateMipmap), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetRenderbufferParameteriv), + TABLE_ENTRY(IsFramebuffer), + TABLE_ENTRY(IsRenderbuffer), + TABLE_ENTRY(RenderbufferStorage), + TABLE_ENTRY(RenderbufferStorageMultisample), + TABLE_ENTRY(FramebufferTextureFaceARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(FlushMappedBufferRange), + TABLE_ENTRY(MapBufferRange), + TABLE_ENTRY(BindVertexArray), + TABLE_ENTRY(DeleteVertexArrays), + TABLE_ENTRY(GenVertexArrays), + TABLE_ENTRY(IsVertexArray), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetActiveUniformBlockName), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetActiveUniformBlockiv), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetActiveUniformName), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetActiveUniformsiv), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetUniformBlockIndex), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetUniformIndices), + TABLE_ENTRY(UniformBlockBinding), + TABLE_ENTRY(CopyBufferSubData), + TABLE_ENTRY(ClientWaitSync), + TABLE_ENTRY(DeleteSync), + TABLE_ENTRY(FenceSync), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetInteger64v), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetSynciv), + TABLE_ENTRY(IsSync), + TABLE_ENTRY(WaitSync), + TABLE_ENTRY(DrawElementsBaseVertex), + TABLE_ENTRY(DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex), + TABLE_ENTRY(DrawRangeElementsBaseVertex), + TABLE_ENTRY(MultiDrawElementsBaseVertex), + TABLE_ENTRY(ProvokingVertex), + TABLE_ENTRY(BlendEquationSeparateiARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(BlendEquationiARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(BlendFuncSeparateiARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(BlendFunciARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(BindFragDataLocationIndexed), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetFragDataIndex), + TABLE_ENTRY(BindSampler), + TABLE_ENTRY(DeleteSamplers), + TABLE_ENTRY(GenSamplers), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetSamplerParameterIiv), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetSamplerParameterIuiv), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetSamplerParameterfv), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetSamplerParameteriv), + TABLE_ENTRY(IsSampler), + TABLE_ENTRY(SamplerParameterIiv), + TABLE_ENTRY(SamplerParameterIuiv), + TABLE_ENTRY(SamplerParameterf), + TABLE_ENTRY(SamplerParameterfv), + TABLE_ENTRY(SamplerParameteri), + TABLE_ENTRY(SamplerParameteriv), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_726), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_727), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_728), + TABLE_ENTRY(ColorP3ui), + TABLE_ENTRY(ColorP3uiv), + TABLE_ENTRY(ColorP4ui), + TABLE_ENTRY(ColorP4uiv), + TABLE_ENTRY(MultiTexCoordP1ui), + TABLE_ENTRY(MultiTexCoordP1uiv), + TABLE_ENTRY(MultiTexCoordP2ui), + TABLE_ENTRY(MultiTexCoordP2uiv), + TABLE_ENTRY(MultiTexCoordP3ui), + TABLE_ENTRY(MultiTexCoordP3uiv), + TABLE_ENTRY(MultiTexCoordP4ui), + TABLE_ENTRY(MultiTexCoordP4uiv), + TABLE_ENTRY(NormalP3ui), + TABLE_ENTRY(NormalP3uiv), + TABLE_ENTRY(SecondaryColorP3ui), + TABLE_ENTRY(SecondaryColorP3uiv), + TABLE_ENTRY(TexCoordP1ui), + TABLE_ENTRY(TexCoordP1uiv), + TABLE_ENTRY(TexCoordP2ui), + TABLE_ENTRY(TexCoordP2uiv), + TABLE_ENTRY(TexCoordP3ui), + TABLE_ENTRY(TexCoordP3uiv), + TABLE_ENTRY(TexCoordP4ui), + TABLE_ENTRY(TexCoordP4uiv), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttribP1ui), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttribP1uiv), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttribP2ui), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttribP2uiv), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttribP3ui), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttribP3uiv), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttribP4ui), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttribP4uiv), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexP2ui), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexP2uiv), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexP3ui), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexP3uiv), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexP4ui), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexP4uiv), + TABLE_ENTRY(BindTransformFeedback), + TABLE_ENTRY(DeleteTransformFeedbacks), + TABLE_ENTRY(DrawTransformFeedback), + TABLE_ENTRY(GenTransformFeedbacks), + TABLE_ENTRY(IsTransformFeedback), + TABLE_ENTRY(PauseTransformFeedback), + TABLE_ENTRY(ResumeTransformFeedback), + TABLE_ENTRY(BeginQueryIndexed), + TABLE_ENTRY(DrawTransformFeedbackStream), + TABLE_ENTRY(EndQueryIndexed), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetQueryIndexediv), + TABLE_ENTRY(ClearDepthf), + TABLE_ENTRY(DepthRangef), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetShaderPrecisionFormat), + TABLE_ENTRY(ReleaseShaderCompiler), + TABLE_ENTRY(ShaderBinary), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetProgramBinary), + TABLE_ENTRY(ProgramBinary), + TABLE_ENTRY(ProgramParameteri), + TABLE_ENTRY(DebugMessageCallbackARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(DebugMessageControlARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(DebugMessageInsertARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetDebugMessageLogARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetGraphicsResetStatusARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetnColorTableARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetnCompressedTexImageARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetnConvolutionFilterARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetnHistogramARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetnMapdvARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetnMapfvARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetnMapivARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetnMinmaxARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetnPixelMapfvARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetnPixelMapuivARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetnPixelMapusvARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetnPolygonStippleARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetnSeparableFilterARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetnTexImageARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetnUniformdvARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetnUniformfvARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetnUniformivARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetnUniformuivARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(ReadnPixelsARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(DrawArraysInstancedBaseInstance), + TABLE_ENTRY(DrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance), + TABLE_ENTRY(DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance), + TABLE_ENTRY(DrawTransformFeedbackInstanced), + TABLE_ENTRY(DrawTransformFeedbackStreamInstanced), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_815), + TABLE_ENTRY(TexStorage1D), + TABLE_ENTRY(TexStorage2D), + TABLE_ENTRY(TexStorage3D), + TABLE_ENTRY(TextureStorage1DEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(TextureStorage2DEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(TextureStorage3DEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(InvalidateBufferData), + TABLE_ENTRY(InvalidateBufferSubData), + TABLE_ENTRY(InvalidateFramebuffer), + TABLE_ENTRY(InvalidateSubFramebuffer), + TABLE_ENTRY(InvalidateTexImage), + TABLE_ENTRY(InvalidateTexSubImage), + TABLE_ENTRY(PolygonOffsetEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_829), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_830), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_831), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_832), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_833), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_834), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_835), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_836), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_837), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_838), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_839), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_840), + TABLE_ENTRY(ColorPointerEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(EdgeFlagPointerEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(IndexPointerEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(NormalPointerEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(TexCoordPointerEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexPointerEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(LockArraysEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(UnlockArraysEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(SecondaryColor3fEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(SecondaryColor3fvEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(MultiDrawElementsEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(FogCoordfEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(FogCoordfvEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(ResizeBuffersMESA), + TABLE_ENTRY(WindowPos4dMESA), + TABLE_ENTRY(WindowPos4dvMESA), + TABLE_ENTRY(WindowPos4fMESA), + TABLE_ENTRY(WindowPos4fvMESA), + TABLE_ENTRY(WindowPos4iMESA), + TABLE_ENTRY(WindowPos4ivMESA), + TABLE_ENTRY(WindowPos4sMESA), + TABLE_ENTRY(WindowPos4svMESA), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_863), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_864), + TABLE_ENTRY(AreProgramsResidentNV), + TABLE_ENTRY(ExecuteProgramNV), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetProgramParameterdvNV), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetProgramParameterfvNV), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetProgramStringNV), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetProgramivNV), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetTrackMatrixivNV), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetVertexAttribdvNV), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetVertexAttribfvNV), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetVertexAttribivNV), + TABLE_ENTRY(LoadProgramNV), + TABLE_ENTRY(ProgramParameters4dvNV), + TABLE_ENTRY(ProgramParameters4fvNV), + TABLE_ENTRY(RequestResidentProgramsNV), + TABLE_ENTRY(TrackMatrixNV), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttrib1dNV), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttrib1dvNV), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttrib1fNV), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttrib1fvNV), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttrib1sNV), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttrib1svNV), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttrib2dNV), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttrib2dvNV), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttrib2fNV), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttrib2fvNV), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttrib2sNV), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttrib2svNV), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttrib3dNV), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttrib3dvNV), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttrib3fNV), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttrib3fvNV), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttrib3sNV), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttrib3svNV), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttrib4dNV), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttrib4dvNV), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttrib4fNV), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttrib4fvNV), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttrib4sNV), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttrib4svNV), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttrib4ubNV), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttrib4ubvNV), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttribPointerNV), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttribs1dvNV), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttribs1fvNV), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttribs1svNV), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttribs2dvNV), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttribs2fvNV), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttribs2svNV), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttribs3dvNV), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttribs3fvNV), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttribs3svNV), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttribs4dvNV), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttribs4fvNV), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttribs4svNV), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttribs4ubvNV), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetTexBumpParameterfvATI), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetTexBumpParameterivATI), + TABLE_ENTRY(TexBumpParameterfvATI), + TABLE_ENTRY(TexBumpParameterivATI), + TABLE_ENTRY(AlphaFragmentOp1ATI), + TABLE_ENTRY(AlphaFragmentOp2ATI), + TABLE_ENTRY(AlphaFragmentOp3ATI), + TABLE_ENTRY(BeginFragmentShaderATI), + TABLE_ENTRY(BindFragmentShaderATI), + TABLE_ENTRY(ColorFragmentOp1ATI), + TABLE_ENTRY(ColorFragmentOp2ATI), + TABLE_ENTRY(ColorFragmentOp3ATI), + TABLE_ENTRY(DeleteFragmentShaderATI), + TABLE_ENTRY(EndFragmentShaderATI), + TABLE_ENTRY(GenFragmentShadersATI), + TABLE_ENTRY(PassTexCoordATI), + TABLE_ENTRY(SampleMapATI), + TABLE_ENTRY(SetFragmentShaderConstantATI), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_938), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_939), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_940), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetProgramNamedParameterdvNV), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetProgramNamedParameterfvNV), + TABLE_ENTRY(ProgramNamedParameter4dNV), + TABLE_ENTRY(ProgramNamedParameter4dvNV), + TABLE_ENTRY(ProgramNamedParameter4fNV), + TABLE_ENTRY(ProgramNamedParameter4fvNV), + TABLE_ENTRY(PrimitiveRestartNV), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_948), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_949), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_950), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_951), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_952), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_953), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttribI1iEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttribI1uiEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttribI2iEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttribI2ivEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttribI2uiEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttribI2uivEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttribI3iEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttribI3ivEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttribI3uiEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttribI3uivEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttribI4iEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttribI4ivEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttribI4uiEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttribI4uivEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(ClearColorIiEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(ClearColorIuiEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(BindBufferOffsetEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetObjectParameterivAPPLE), + TABLE_ENTRY(ObjectPurgeableAPPLE), + TABLE_ENTRY(ObjectUnpurgeableAPPLE), + TABLE_ENTRY(ActiveProgramEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(CreateShaderProgramEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(UseShaderProgramEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(TextureBarrierNV), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_978), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_979), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_980), + TABLE_ENTRY(EGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOES), + TABLE_ENTRY(EGLImageTargetTexture2DOES), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_983), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_984), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_985), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_986), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_987), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_988), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_989), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_990), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_991), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_992), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_993), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_994), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_995), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_996), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_997), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_998), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_999), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_1000), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_1001), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_1002), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_1003), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_1004), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_1005), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_1006), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_1007), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_1008), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_1009), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_1010), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_1011), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_1012), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_1013), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_1014), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_1015), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_1016), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_1017), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_1018), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_1019), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_1020), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_1021), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_1022), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_1023), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_1024), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_1025), + /* A whole bunch of no-op functions. These might be called + * when someone tries to call a dynamically-registered + * extension function without a current rendering context. + */ + TABLE_ENTRY(Unused), + TABLE_ENTRY(Unused), + TABLE_ENTRY(Unused), + TABLE_ENTRY(Unused), + TABLE_ENTRY(Unused), + TABLE_ENTRY(Unused), + TABLE_ENTRY(Unused), + TABLE_ENTRY(Unused), + TABLE_ENTRY(Unused), + TABLE_ENTRY(Unused), + TABLE_ENTRY(Unused), + TABLE_ENTRY(Unused), + TABLE_ENTRY(Unused), + TABLE_ENTRY(Unused), + TABLE_ENTRY(Unused), + TABLE_ENTRY(Unused), + TABLE_ENTRY(Unused), + TABLE_ENTRY(Unused), + TABLE_ENTRY(Unused), + TABLE_ENTRY(Unused), + TABLE_ENTRY(Unused), + TABLE_ENTRY(Unused), + TABLE_ENTRY(Unused), + TABLE_ENTRY(Unused), + TABLE_ENTRY(Unused), + TABLE_ENTRY(Unused), + TABLE_ENTRY(Unused), + TABLE_ENTRY(Unused), + TABLE_ENTRY(Unused), + TABLE_ENTRY(Unused), + TABLE_ENTRY(Unused), + TABLE_ENTRY(Unused), + TABLE_ENTRY(Unused), + TABLE_ENTRY(Unused), + TABLE_ENTRY(Unused), + TABLE_ENTRY(Unused), + TABLE_ENTRY(Unused), + TABLE_ENTRY(Unused), + TABLE_ENTRY(Unused), + TABLE_ENTRY(Unused), + TABLE_ENTRY(Unused), + TABLE_ENTRY(Unused), + TABLE_ENTRY(Unused), + TABLE_ENTRY(Unused), + TABLE_ENTRY(Unused), + TABLE_ENTRY(Unused), + TABLE_ENTRY(Unused), + TABLE_ENTRY(Unused), + TABLE_ENTRY(Unused), + TABLE_ENTRY(Unused), + TABLE_ENTRY(Unused), + TABLE_ENTRY(Unused), + TABLE_ENTRY(Unused), + TABLE_ENTRY(Unused), + TABLE_ENTRY(Unused), + TABLE_ENTRY(Unused), + TABLE_ENTRY(Unused), + TABLE_ENTRY(Unused), + TABLE_ENTRY(Unused), + TABLE_ENTRY(Unused), + TABLE_ENTRY(Unused), + TABLE_ENTRY(Unused), + TABLE_ENTRY(Unused), + TABLE_ENTRY(Unused), + TABLE_ENTRY(Unused), + TABLE_ENTRY(Unused), + TABLE_ENTRY(Unused), + TABLE_ENTRY(Unused), + TABLE_ENTRY(Unused), + TABLE_ENTRY(Unused), + TABLE_ENTRY(Unused), + TABLE_ENTRY(Unused), + TABLE_ENTRY(Unused), + TABLE_ENTRY(Unused), + TABLE_ENTRY(Unused), + TABLE_ENTRY(Unused), + TABLE_ENTRY(Unused), + TABLE_ENTRY(Unused), + TABLE_ENTRY(Unused), + TABLE_ENTRY(Unused), + TABLE_ENTRY(Unused), + TABLE_ENTRY(Unused), + TABLE_ENTRY(Unused), + TABLE_ENTRY(Unused), + TABLE_ENTRY(Unused), + TABLE_ENTRY(Unused), + TABLE_ENTRY(Unused), + TABLE_ENTRY(Unused), + TABLE_ENTRY(Unused), + TABLE_ENTRY(Unused), + TABLE_ENTRY(Unused), + TABLE_ENTRY(Unused), + TABLE_ENTRY(Unused), + TABLE_ENTRY(Unused), + TABLE_ENTRY(Unused), + TABLE_ENTRY(Unused), + TABLE_ENTRY(Unused), + TABLE_ENTRY(Unused), + TABLE_ENTRY(Unused), +}; +#endif /* DISPATCH_TABLE_NAME */ + + +/* + * This is just used to silence compiler warnings. + * We list the functions which are not otherwise used. + */ +#ifdef UNUSED_TABLE_NAME +_glapi_proc UNUSED_TABLE_NAME[] = { +#ifndef _GLAPI_SKIP_NORMAL_ENTRY_POINTS + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_190), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_191), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_192), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_193), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_254), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_279), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_280), + TABLE_ENTRY(ArrayElementEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(BindTextureEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(DrawArraysEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(CopyTexImage1DEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(CopyTexImage2DEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(CopyTexSubImage1DEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(CopyTexSubImage2DEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetPointervEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(PrioritizeTexturesEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(TexSubImage1DEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(TexSubImage2DEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(BlendColorEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(BlendEquationEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_337), + TABLE_ENTRY(DrawRangeElementsEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(ColorTableEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_339), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_340), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_341), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_342), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_346), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_347), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_348), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_349), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_350), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_351), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_352), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_353), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_354), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_355), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_360), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_367), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_368), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_369), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_370), + TABLE_ENTRY(TexImage3DEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_371), + TABLE_ENTRY(TexSubImage3DEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_372), + TABLE_ENTRY(CopyTexSubImage3DEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_373), + TABLE_ENTRY(ActiveTextureARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(ClientActiveTextureARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(MultiTexCoord1dARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(MultiTexCoord1dvARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(MultiTexCoord1f), + TABLE_ENTRY(MultiTexCoord1fv), + TABLE_ENTRY(MultiTexCoord1iARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(MultiTexCoord1ivARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(MultiTexCoord1sARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(MultiTexCoord1svARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(MultiTexCoord2dARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(MultiTexCoord2dvARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(MultiTexCoord2f), + TABLE_ENTRY(MultiTexCoord2fv), + TABLE_ENTRY(MultiTexCoord2iARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(MultiTexCoord2ivARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(MultiTexCoord2sARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(MultiTexCoord2svARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(MultiTexCoord3dARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(MultiTexCoord3dvARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(MultiTexCoord3f), + TABLE_ENTRY(MultiTexCoord3fv), + TABLE_ENTRY(MultiTexCoord3iARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(MultiTexCoord3ivARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(MultiTexCoord3sARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(MultiTexCoord3svARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(MultiTexCoord4dARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(MultiTexCoord4dvARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(MultiTexCoord4f), + TABLE_ENTRY(MultiTexCoord4fv), + TABLE_ENTRY(MultiTexCoord4iARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(MultiTexCoord4ivARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(MultiTexCoord4sARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(MultiTexCoord4svARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(CompressedTexImage1DARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(CompressedTexImage2DARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(CompressedTexImage3DARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_410), + TABLE_ENTRY(CompressedTexSubImage1DARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(CompressedTexSubImage2DARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(CompressedTexSubImage3DARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_413), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetCompressedTexImageARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(LoadTransposeMatrixdARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(LoadTransposeMatrixfARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(MultTransposeMatrixdARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(MultTransposeMatrixfARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(SampleCoverageARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(BlendFuncSeparateEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_420), + TABLE_ENTRY(FogCoordPointerEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(FogCoorddEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(FogCoorddvEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(MultiDrawArraysEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(PointParameterfARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(PointParameterfEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_425), + TABLE_ENTRY(PointParameterfvARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(PointParameterfvEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_426), + TABLE_ENTRY(PointParameteriNV), + TABLE_ENTRY(PointParameterivNV), + TABLE_ENTRY(SecondaryColor3bEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(SecondaryColor3bvEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(SecondaryColor3dEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(SecondaryColor3dvEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(SecondaryColor3iEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(SecondaryColor3ivEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(SecondaryColor3sEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(SecondaryColor3svEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(SecondaryColor3ubEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(SecondaryColor3ubvEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(SecondaryColor3uiEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(SecondaryColor3uivEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(SecondaryColor3usEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(SecondaryColor3usvEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(SecondaryColorPointerEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(WindowPos2dARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(WindowPos2dMESA), + TABLE_ENTRY(WindowPos2dvARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(WindowPos2dvMESA), + TABLE_ENTRY(WindowPos2fARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(WindowPos2fMESA), + TABLE_ENTRY(WindowPos2fvARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(WindowPos2fvMESA), + TABLE_ENTRY(WindowPos2iARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(WindowPos2iMESA), + TABLE_ENTRY(WindowPos2ivARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(WindowPos2ivMESA), + TABLE_ENTRY(WindowPos2sARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(WindowPos2sMESA), + TABLE_ENTRY(WindowPos2svARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(WindowPos2svMESA), + TABLE_ENTRY(WindowPos3dARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(WindowPos3dMESA), + TABLE_ENTRY(WindowPos3dvARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(WindowPos3dvMESA), + TABLE_ENTRY(WindowPos3fARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(WindowPos3fMESA), + TABLE_ENTRY(WindowPos3fvARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(WindowPos3fvMESA), + TABLE_ENTRY(WindowPos3iARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(WindowPos3iMESA), + TABLE_ENTRY(WindowPos3ivARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(WindowPos3ivMESA), + TABLE_ENTRY(WindowPos3sARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(WindowPos3sMESA), + TABLE_ENTRY(WindowPos3svARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(WindowPos3svMESA), + TABLE_ENTRY(BeginQueryARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(BindBufferARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(BufferDataARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(BufferSubDataARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(DeleteBuffersARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(DeleteQueriesARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(EndQueryARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(GenBuffersARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(GenQueriesARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetBufferParameterivARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetBufferPointervARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_470), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetBufferSubDataARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetQueryObjectivARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetQueryObjectuivARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetQueryivARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(IsBufferARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(IsQueryARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(MapBufferARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_477), + TABLE_ENTRY(UnmapBufferARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_478), + TABLE_ENTRY(BindAttribLocationARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_481), + TABLE_ENTRY(CompileShaderARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(DisableVertexAttribArrayARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(DrawBuffersARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(DrawBuffersATI), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_489), + TABLE_ENTRY(EnableVertexAttribArrayARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetActiveAttribARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetActiveUniformARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetAttribLocationARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetShaderSourceARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetUniformLocationARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetUniformfvARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetUniformivARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetVertexAttribPointervARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetVertexAttribPointervNV), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetVertexAttribdvARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetVertexAttribfvARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetVertexAttribivARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(LinkProgramARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(ShaderSourceARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_513), + TABLE_ENTRY(Uniform1fARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(Uniform1fvARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(Uniform1iARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(Uniform1ivARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(Uniform2fARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(Uniform2fvARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(Uniform2iARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(Uniform2ivARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(Uniform3fARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(Uniform3fvARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(Uniform3iARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(Uniform3ivARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(Uniform4fARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(Uniform4fvARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(Uniform4iARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(Uniform4ivARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(UniformMatrix2fvARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(UniformMatrix3fvARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(UniformMatrix4fvARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(UseProgramObjectARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(ValidateProgramARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttrib1dARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttrib1dvARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttrib1sARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttrib1svARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttrib2dARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttrib2dvARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttrib2sARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttrib2svARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttrib3dARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttrib3dvARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttrib3sARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttrib3svARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttrib4NbvARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttrib4NivARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttrib4NsvARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttrib4NubARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttrib4NubvARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttrib4NuivARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttrib4NusvARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttrib4bvARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttrib4dARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttrib4dvARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttrib4ivARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttrib4sARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttrib4svARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttrib4ubvARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttrib4uivARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttrib4usvARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttribPointerARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(BeginConditionalRenderNV), + TABLE_ENTRY(BeginTransformFeedbackEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(BindBufferBaseEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(BindBufferRangeEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(BindFragDataLocationEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(ClampColorARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(ColorMaskIndexedEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(DisableIndexedEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(EnableIndexedEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(EndConditionalRenderNV), + TABLE_ENTRY(EndTransformFeedbackEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetBooleanIndexedvEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetFragDataLocationEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetIntegerIndexedvEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetTexParameterIivEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetTexParameterIuivEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetTransformFeedbackVaryingEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetUniformuivEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetVertexAttribIivEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetVertexAttribIuivEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(IsEnabledIndexedEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(TexParameterIivEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(TexParameterIuivEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(TransformFeedbackVaryingsEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(Uniform1uiEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(Uniform1uivEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(Uniform2uiEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(Uniform2uivEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(Uniform3uiEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(Uniform3uivEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(Uniform4uiEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(Uniform4uivEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttribI1ivEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttribI1uivEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttribI4bvEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttribI4svEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttribI4ubvEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttribI4usvEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttribIPointerEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(PrimitiveRestartIndexNV), + TABLE_ENTRY(TexBufferARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(FramebufferTextureARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttribDivisorARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(BindProgramNV), + TABLE_ENTRY(DeleteProgramsNV), + TABLE_ENTRY(GenProgramsNV), + TABLE_ENTRY(IsProgramNV), + TABLE_ENTRY(ProgramParameter4dNV), + TABLE_ENTRY(ProgramParameter4dvNV), + TABLE_ENTRY(ProgramParameter4fNV), + TABLE_ENTRY(ProgramParameter4fvNV), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttrib1f), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttrib1fv), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttrib2f), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttrib2fv), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttrib3f), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttrib3fv), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttrib4f), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttrib4fv), + TABLE_ENTRY(DrawArraysInstancedEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(DrawArraysInstanced), + TABLE_ENTRY(DrawElementsInstancedEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(DrawElementsInstanced), + TABLE_ENTRY(BindFramebufferEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_659), + TABLE_ENTRY(BindRenderbufferEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_660), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_661), + TABLE_ENTRY(CheckFramebufferStatusEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_662), + TABLE_ENTRY(DeleteFramebuffersEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_663), + TABLE_ENTRY(DeleteRenderbuffersEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_664), + TABLE_ENTRY(FramebufferRenderbufferEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_665), + TABLE_ENTRY(FramebufferTexture1DEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(FramebufferTexture2DEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_667), + TABLE_ENTRY(FramebufferTexture3DEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_668), + TABLE_ENTRY(FramebufferTextureLayerARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(FramebufferTextureLayerEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(GenFramebuffersEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_670), + TABLE_ENTRY(GenRenderbuffersEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_671), + TABLE_ENTRY(GenerateMipmapEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_672), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_673), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetRenderbufferParameterivEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_674), + TABLE_ENTRY(IsFramebufferEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_675), + TABLE_ENTRY(IsRenderbufferEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_676), + TABLE_ENTRY(RenderbufferStorageEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_677), + TABLE_ENTRY(RenderbufferStorageMultisampleEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_680), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_681), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_682), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_683), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_684), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_685), + TABLE_ENTRY(ProvokingVertexEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(BlendEquationSeparateIndexedAMD), + TABLE_ENTRY(BlendEquationIndexedAMD), + TABLE_ENTRY(BlendFuncSeparateIndexedAMD), + TABLE_ENTRY(BlendFuncIndexedAMD), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_778), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_779), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_783), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_784), + TABLE_ENTRY(ProgramParameteriARB), + TABLE_ENTRY(SecondaryColor3f), + TABLE_ENTRY(SecondaryColor3fv), + TABLE_ENTRY(MultiDrawElements), + TABLE_ENTRY(FogCoordf), + TABLE_ENTRY(FogCoordfv), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttribI1i), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttribI1ui), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttribI2i), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttribI2iv), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttribI2ui), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttribI2uiv), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttribI3i), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttribI3iv), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttribI3ui), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttribI3uiv), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttribI4i), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttribI4iv), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttribI4ui), + TABLE_ENTRY(VertexAttribI4uiv), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_983), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_984), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_985), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_986), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_987), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_988), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_989), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_990), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_991), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_992), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_993), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_994), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_995), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_996), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_997), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_998), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_999), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_1000), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_1001), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_1002), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_1003), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_1004), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_1005), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_1006), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_1007), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_1008), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_1009), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_1010), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_1011), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_1012), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_1013), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_1014), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_1015), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_1016), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_1017), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_1018), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_1019), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_1020), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_1021), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_1022), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_1023), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_1024), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_1025), +#endif /* _GLAPI_SKIP_NORMAL_ENTRY_POINTS */ +#ifndef _GLAPI_SKIP_PROTO_ENTRY_POINTS + TABLE_ENTRY(AreTexturesResidentEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(DeleteTexturesEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(GenTexturesEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(IsTextureEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetColorTableEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_343), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetColorTableParameterfvEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_344), + TABLE_ENTRY(GetColorTableParameterivEXT), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_345), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_356), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_357), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_358), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_359), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_361), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_362), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_363), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_364), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_365), + TABLE_ENTRY(_dispatch_stub_366), +#endif /* _GLAPI_SKIP_PROTO_ENTRY_POINTS */ +}; +#endif /*UNUSED_TABLE_NAME*/ + + +# undef KEYWORD1 +# undef KEYWORD1_ALT +# undef KEYWORD2 +# undef NAME +# undef DISPATCH +# undef RETURN_DISPATCH +# undef DISPATCH_TABLE_NAME +# undef UNUSED_TABLE_NAME +# undef TABLE_ENTRY +# undef HIDDEN --- mesa-9.1.4.orig/src/glsl/.dir-locals.el +++ mesa-9.1.4/src/glsl/.dir-locals.el @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +((c-mode . ((c-basic-offset . 3))) + (c++-mode . ((c-basic-offset . 3))) +) --- mesa-9.1.4.orig/src/glx/indirect_size.c +++ mesa-9.1.4/src/glx/indirect_size.c @@ -0,0 +1,370 @@ +/* DO NOT EDIT - This file generated automatically by glX_proto_size.py (from Mesa) script */ + +/* + * (C) Copyright IBM Corporation 2004 + * All Rights Reserved. + * + * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a + * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), + * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation + * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sub license, + * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the + * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + * + * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next + * paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the + * Software. + * + * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR + * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL + * IBM, + * AND/OR THEIR SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, + * WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF + * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE + * SOFTWARE. + */ + + +#include +#include +#include "indirect_size.h" + +# if defined(__GNUC__) || (defined(__SUNPRO_C) && (__SUNPRO_C >= 0x590)) +# define PURE __attribute__((pure)) +# else +# define PURE +# endif + +# if defined(__i386__) && defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__CYGWIN__) && !defined(__MINGW32__) +# define FASTCALL __attribute__((fastcall)) +# else +# define FASTCALL +# endif + + +#if defined(__CYGWIN__) || defined(__MINGW32__) || defined(GLX_USE_APPLEGL) +# undef HAVE_ALIAS +#endif +#ifdef HAVE_ALIAS +# define ALIAS2(from,to) \ + _X_INTERNAL PURE FASTCALL GLint __gl ## from ## _size( GLenum e ) \ + __attribute__ ((alias( # to ))); +# define ALIAS(from,to) ALIAS2( from, __gl ## to ## _size ) +#else +# define ALIAS(from,to) \ + _X_INTERNAL PURE FASTCALL GLint __gl ## from ## _size( GLenum e ) \ + { return __gl ## to ## _size( e ); } +#endif + + +_X_INTERNAL PURE FASTCALL GLint +__glCallLists_size( GLenum e ) +{ + switch( e ) { + case GL_BYTE: + case GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE: + return 1; + case GL_SHORT: + case GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT: + case GL_2_BYTES: + case GL_HALF_FLOAT: + return 2; + case GL_3_BYTES: + return 3; + case GL_INT: + case GL_UNSIGNED_INT: + case GL_FLOAT: + case GL_4_BYTES: + return 4; + default: return 0; + } +} + +_X_INTERNAL PURE FASTCALL GLint +__glFogfv_size( GLenum e ) +{ + switch( e ) { + case GL_FOG_INDEX: + case GL_FOG_DENSITY: + case GL_FOG_START: + case GL_FOG_END: + case GL_FOG_MODE: + case GL_FOG_OFFSET_VALUE_SGIX: + case GL_FOG_DISTANCE_MODE_NV: + return 1; + case GL_FOG_COLOR: + return 4; + default: return 0; + } +} + +_X_INTERNAL PURE FASTCALL GLint +__glLightfv_size( GLenum e ) +{ + switch( e ) { + case GL_SPOT_EXPONENT: + case GL_SPOT_CUTOFF: + case GL_CONSTANT_ATTENUATION: + case GL_LINEAR_ATTENUATION: + case GL_QUADRATIC_ATTENUATION: + return 1; + case GL_SPOT_DIRECTION: + return 3; + case GL_AMBIENT: + case GL_DIFFUSE: + case GL_SPECULAR: + case GL_POSITION: + return 4; + default: return 0; + } +} + +_X_INTERNAL PURE FASTCALL GLint +__glLightModelfv_size( GLenum e ) +{ + switch( e ) { + case GL_LIGHT_MODEL_LOCAL_VIEWER: + case GL_LIGHT_MODEL_TWO_SIDE: + case GL_LIGHT_MODEL_COLOR_CONTROL: +/* case GL_LIGHT_MODEL_COLOR_CONTROL_EXT:*/ + return 1; + case GL_LIGHT_MODEL_AMBIENT: + return 4; + default: return 0; + } +} + +_X_INTERNAL PURE FASTCALL GLint +__glMaterialfv_size( GLenum e ) +{ + switch( e ) { + case GL_SHININESS: + return 1; + case GL_COLOR_INDEXES: + return 3; + case GL_AMBIENT: + case GL_DIFFUSE: + case GL_SPECULAR: + case GL_EMISSION: + case GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE: + return 4; + default: return 0; + } +} + +_X_INTERNAL PURE FASTCALL GLint +__glTexParameterfv_size( GLenum e ) +{ + switch( e ) { + case GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER: + case GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER: + case GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S: + case GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T: + case GL_TEXTURE_PRIORITY: + case GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_R: + case GL_TEXTURE_COMPARE_FAIL_VALUE_ARB: +/* case GL_SHADOW_AMBIENT_SGIX:*/ + case GL_TEXTURE_MIN_LOD: + case GL_TEXTURE_MAX_LOD: + case GL_TEXTURE_BASE_LEVEL: + case GL_TEXTURE_MAX_LEVEL: + case GL_TEXTURE_CLIPMAP_FRAME_SGIX: + case GL_TEXTURE_LOD_BIAS_S_SGIX: + case GL_TEXTURE_LOD_BIAS_T_SGIX: + case GL_TEXTURE_LOD_BIAS_R_SGIX: + case GL_GENERATE_MIPMAP: +/* case GL_GENERATE_MIPMAP_SGIS:*/ + case GL_TEXTURE_COMPARE_SGIX: + case GL_TEXTURE_COMPARE_OPERATOR_SGIX: + case GL_TEXTURE_MAX_CLAMP_S_SGIX: + case GL_TEXTURE_MAX_CLAMP_T_SGIX: + case GL_TEXTURE_MAX_CLAMP_R_SGIX: + case GL_TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT: + case GL_TEXTURE_LOD_BIAS: +/* case GL_TEXTURE_LOD_BIAS_EXT:*/ + case GL_TEXTURE_STORAGE_HINT_APPLE: + case GL_STORAGE_PRIVATE_APPLE: + case GL_STORAGE_CACHED_APPLE: + case GL_STORAGE_SHARED_APPLE: + case GL_DEPTH_TEXTURE_MODE: +/* case GL_DEPTH_TEXTURE_MODE_ARB:*/ + case GL_TEXTURE_COMPARE_MODE: +/* case GL_TEXTURE_COMPARE_MODE_ARB:*/ + case GL_TEXTURE_COMPARE_FUNC: +/* case GL_TEXTURE_COMPARE_FUNC_ARB:*/ + case GL_TEXTURE_UNSIGNED_REMAP_MODE_NV: + return 1; + case GL_TEXTURE_CLIPMAP_CENTER_SGIX: + case GL_TEXTURE_CLIPMAP_OFFSET_SGIX: + return 2; + case GL_TEXTURE_CLIPMAP_VIRTUAL_DEPTH_SGIX: + return 3; + case GL_TEXTURE_BORDER_COLOR: + case GL_POST_TEXTURE_FILTER_BIAS_SGIX: + case GL_POST_TEXTURE_FILTER_SCALE_SGIX: + return 4; + default: return 0; + } +} + +_X_INTERNAL PURE FASTCALL GLint +__glTexEnvfv_size( GLenum e ) +{ + switch( e ) { + case GL_ALPHA_SCALE: + case GL_TEXTURE_ENV_MODE: + case GL_TEXTURE_LOD_BIAS: + case GL_COMBINE_RGB: + case GL_COMBINE_ALPHA: + case GL_RGB_SCALE: + case GL_SOURCE0_RGB: + case GL_SOURCE1_RGB: + case GL_SOURCE2_RGB: + case GL_SOURCE3_RGB_NV: + case GL_SOURCE0_ALPHA: + case GL_SOURCE1_ALPHA: + case GL_SOURCE2_ALPHA: + case GL_SOURCE3_ALPHA_NV: + case GL_OPERAND0_RGB: + case GL_OPERAND1_RGB: + case GL_OPERAND2_RGB: + case GL_OPERAND3_RGB_NV: + case GL_OPERAND0_ALPHA: + case GL_OPERAND1_ALPHA: + case GL_OPERAND2_ALPHA: + case GL_OPERAND3_ALPHA_NV: + case GL_BUMP_TARGET_ATI: + case GL_COORD_REPLACE_ARB: +/* case GL_COORD_REPLACE_NV:*/ + return 1; + case GL_TEXTURE_ENV_COLOR: + return 4; + default: return 0; + } +} + +_X_INTERNAL PURE FASTCALL GLint +__glTexGendv_size( GLenum e ) +{ + switch( e ) { + case GL_TEXTURE_GEN_MODE: + return 1; + case GL_OBJECT_PLANE: + case GL_EYE_PLANE: + return 4; + default: return 0; + } +} + +_X_INTERNAL PURE FASTCALL GLint +__glMap1d_size( GLenum e ) +{ + switch( e ) { + case GL_MAP1_INDEX: + case GL_MAP1_TEXTURE_COORD_1: + return 1; + case GL_MAP1_TEXTURE_COORD_2: + return 2; + case GL_MAP1_NORMAL: + case GL_MAP1_TEXTURE_COORD_3: + case GL_MAP1_VERTEX_3: + return 3; + case GL_MAP1_COLOR_4: + case GL_MAP1_TEXTURE_COORD_4: + case GL_MAP1_VERTEX_4: + return 4; + default: return 0; + } +} + +_X_INTERNAL PURE FASTCALL GLint +__glMap2d_size( GLenum e ) +{ + switch( e ) { + case GL_MAP2_INDEX: + case GL_MAP2_TEXTURE_COORD_1: + return 1; + case GL_MAP2_TEXTURE_COORD_2: + return 2; + case GL_MAP2_NORMAL: + case GL_MAP2_TEXTURE_COORD_3: + case GL_MAP2_VERTEX_3: + return 3; + case GL_MAP2_COLOR_4: + case GL_MAP2_TEXTURE_COORD_4: + case GL_MAP2_VERTEX_4: + return 4; + default: return 0; + } +} + +_X_INTERNAL PURE FASTCALL GLint +__glColorTableParameterfv_size( GLenum e ) +{ + switch( e ) { + case GL_COLOR_TABLE_SCALE: + case GL_COLOR_TABLE_BIAS: + return 4; + default: return 0; + } +} + +_X_INTERNAL PURE FASTCALL GLint +__glConvolutionParameterfv_size( GLenum e ) +{ + switch( e ) { + case GL_CONVOLUTION_BORDER_MODE: +/* case GL_CONVOLUTION_BORDER_MODE_EXT:*/ + return 1; + case GL_CONVOLUTION_FILTER_SCALE: +/* case GL_CONVOLUTION_FILTER_SCALE_EXT:*/ + case GL_CONVOLUTION_FILTER_BIAS: +/* case GL_CONVOLUTION_FILTER_BIAS_EXT:*/ + case GL_CONVOLUTION_BORDER_COLOR: +/* case GL_CONVOLUTION_BORDER_COLOR_HP:*/ + return 4; + default: return 0; + } +} + +_X_INTERNAL PURE FASTCALL GLint +__glPointParameterfv_size( GLenum e ) +{ + switch( e ) { + case GL_POINT_SIZE_MIN: +/* case GL_POINT_SIZE_MIN_ARB:*/ +/* case GL_POINT_SIZE_MIN_SGIS:*/ + case GL_POINT_SIZE_MAX: +/* case GL_POINT_SIZE_MAX_ARB:*/ +/* case GL_POINT_SIZE_MAX_SGIS:*/ + case GL_POINT_FADE_THRESHOLD_SIZE: +/* case GL_POINT_FADE_THRESHOLD_SIZE_ARB:*/ +/* case GL_POINT_FADE_THRESHOLD_SIZE_SGIS:*/ + case GL_POINT_SPRITE_R_MODE_NV: + case GL_POINT_SPRITE_COORD_ORIGIN: + return 1; + case GL_POINT_DISTANCE_ATTENUATION: +/* case GL_POINT_DISTANCE_ATTENUATION_ARB:*/ +/* case GL_POINT_DISTANCE_ATTENUATION_SGIS:*/ + return 3; + default: return 0; + } +} + +ALIAS( Fogiv, Fogfv ) +ALIAS( Lightiv, Lightfv ) +ALIAS( LightModeliv, LightModelfv ) +ALIAS( Materialiv, Materialfv ) +ALIAS( TexParameteriv, TexParameterfv ) +ALIAS( TexEnviv, TexEnvfv ) +ALIAS( TexGenfv, TexGendv ) +ALIAS( TexGeniv, TexGendv ) +ALIAS( Map1f, Map1d ) +ALIAS( Map2f, Map2d ) +ALIAS( ColorTableParameteriv, ColorTableParameterfv ) +ALIAS( ConvolutionParameteriv, ConvolutionParameterfv ) +ALIAS( PointParameteriv, PointParameterfv ) + +# undef PURE +# undef FASTCALL --- mesa-9.1.4.orig/src/glx/indirect.h +++ mesa-9.1.4/src/glx/indirect.h @@ -0,0 +1,722 @@ +/* DO NOT EDIT - This file generated automatically by glX_proto_send.py (from Mesa) script */ + +/* + * Copyright 1998-1999 Precision Insight, Inc., Cedar Park, Texas. + * (C) Copyright IBM Corporation 2004 + * All Rights Reserved. + * + * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a + * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), + * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation + * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sub license, + * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the + * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + * + * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next + * paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the + * Software. + * + * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR + * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL + * PRECISION INSIGHT, IBM, + * AND/OR THEIR SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, + * WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF + * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE + * SOFTWARE. + */ + +#if !defined( _INDIRECT_H_ ) +# define _INDIRECT_H_ + +/** + * \file + * Prototypes for indirect rendering functions. + * + * \author Kevin E. Martin + * \author Ian Romanick + */ + +# if defined(__i386__) && defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__CYGWIN__) && !defined(__MINGW32__) +# define FASTCALL __attribute__((fastcall)) +# else +# define FASTCALL +# endif +# if defined(__GNUC__) || (defined(__SUNPRO_C) && (__SUNPRO_C >= 0x590)) +# define NOINLINE __attribute__((noinline)) +# else +# define NOINLINE +# endif + +#include +#include "glxclient.h" + +extern _X_HIDDEN NOINLINE CARD32 __glXReadReply( Display *dpy, size_t size, + void * dest, GLboolean reply_is_always_array ); + +extern _X_HIDDEN NOINLINE void __glXReadPixelReply( Display *dpy, + struct glx_context * gc, unsigned max_dim, GLint width, GLint height, + GLint depth, GLenum format, GLenum type, void * dest, + GLboolean dimensions_in_reply ); + +extern _X_HIDDEN NOINLINE FASTCALL GLubyte * __glXSetupSingleRequest( + struct glx_context * gc, GLint sop, GLint cmdlen ); + +extern _X_HIDDEN NOINLINE FASTCALL GLubyte * __glXSetupVendorRequest( + struct glx_context * gc, GLint code, GLint vop, GLint cmdlen ); + +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glNewList(GLuint list, GLenum mode); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glEndList(void); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glCallList(GLuint list); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glCallLists(GLsizei n, GLenum type, const GLvoid * lists); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glDeleteLists(GLuint list, GLsizei range); +extern _X_HIDDEN GLuint __indirect_glGenLists(GLsizei range); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glListBase(GLuint base); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glBegin(GLenum mode); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glBitmap(GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLfloat xorig, GLfloat yorig, GLfloat xmove, GLfloat ymove, const GLubyte * bitmap); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glColor3b(GLbyte red, GLbyte green, GLbyte blue); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glColor3bv(const GLbyte * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glColor3d(GLdouble red, GLdouble green, GLdouble blue); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glColor3dv(const GLdouble * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glColor3f(GLfloat red, GLfloat green, GLfloat blue); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glColor3fv(const GLfloat * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glColor3i(GLint red, GLint green, GLint blue); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glColor3iv(const GLint * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glColor3s(GLshort red, GLshort green, GLshort blue); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glColor3sv(const GLshort * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glColor3ub(GLubyte red, GLubyte green, GLubyte blue); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glColor3ubv(const GLubyte * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glColor3ui(GLuint red, GLuint green, GLuint blue); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glColor3uiv(const GLuint * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glColor3us(GLushort red, GLushort green, GLushort blue); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glColor3usv(const GLushort * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glColor4b(GLbyte red, GLbyte green, GLbyte blue, GLbyte alpha); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glColor4bv(const GLbyte * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glColor4d(GLdouble red, GLdouble green, GLdouble blue, GLdouble alpha); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glColor4dv(const GLdouble * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glColor4f(GLfloat red, GLfloat green, GLfloat blue, GLfloat alpha); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glColor4fv(const GLfloat * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glColor4i(GLint red, GLint green, GLint blue, GLint alpha); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glColor4iv(const GLint * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glColor4s(GLshort red, GLshort green, GLshort blue, GLshort alpha); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glColor4sv(const GLshort * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glColor4ub(GLubyte red, GLubyte green, GLubyte blue, GLubyte alpha); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glColor4ubv(const GLubyte * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glColor4ui(GLuint red, GLuint green, GLuint blue, GLuint alpha); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glColor4uiv(const GLuint * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glColor4us(GLushort red, GLushort green, GLushort blue, GLushort alpha); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glColor4usv(const GLushort * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glEdgeFlag(GLboolean flag); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glEdgeFlagv(const GLboolean * flag); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glEnd(void); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glIndexd(GLdouble c); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glIndexdv(const GLdouble * c); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glIndexf(GLfloat c); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glIndexfv(const GLfloat * c); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glIndexi(GLint c); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glIndexiv(const GLint * c); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glIndexs(GLshort c); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glIndexsv(const GLshort * c); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glNormal3b(GLbyte nx, GLbyte ny, GLbyte nz); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glNormal3bv(const GLbyte * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glNormal3d(GLdouble nx, GLdouble ny, GLdouble nz); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glNormal3dv(const GLdouble * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glNormal3f(GLfloat nx, GLfloat ny, GLfloat nz); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glNormal3fv(const GLfloat * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glNormal3i(GLint nx, GLint ny, GLint nz); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glNormal3iv(const GLint * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glNormal3s(GLshort nx, GLshort ny, GLshort nz); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glNormal3sv(const GLshort * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glRasterPos2d(GLdouble x, GLdouble y); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glRasterPos2dv(const GLdouble * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glRasterPos2f(GLfloat x, GLfloat y); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glRasterPos2fv(const GLfloat * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glRasterPos2i(GLint x, GLint y); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glRasterPos2iv(const GLint * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glRasterPos2s(GLshort x, GLshort y); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glRasterPos2sv(const GLshort * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glRasterPos3d(GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glRasterPos3dv(const GLdouble * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glRasterPos3f(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glRasterPos3fv(const GLfloat * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glRasterPos3i(GLint x, GLint y, GLint z); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glRasterPos3iv(const GLint * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glRasterPos3s(GLshort x, GLshort y, GLshort z); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glRasterPos3sv(const GLshort * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glRasterPos4d(GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z, GLdouble w); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glRasterPos4dv(const GLdouble * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glRasterPos4f(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z, GLfloat w); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glRasterPos4fv(const GLfloat * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glRasterPos4i(GLint x, GLint y, GLint z, GLint w); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glRasterPos4iv(const GLint * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glRasterPos4s(GLshort x, GLshort y, GLshort z, GLshort w); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glRasterPos4sv(const GLshort * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glRectd(GLdouble x1, GLdouble y1, GLdouble x2, GLdouble y2); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glRectdv(const GLdouble * v1, const GLdouble * v2); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glRectf(GLfloat x1, GLfloat y1, GLfloat x2, GLfloat y2); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glRectfv(const GLfloat * v1, const GLfloat * v2); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glRecti(GLint x1, GLint y1, GLint x2, GLint y2); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glRectiv(const GLint * v1, const GLint * v2); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glRects(GLshort x1, GLshort y1, GLshort x2, GLshort y2); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glRectsv(const GLshort * v1, const GLshort * v2); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glTexCoord1d(GLdouble s); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glTexCoord1dv(const GLdouble * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glTexCoord1f(GLfloat s); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glTexCoord1fv(const GLfloat * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glTexCoord1i(GLint s); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glTexCoord1iv(const GLint * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glTexCoord1s(GLshort s); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glTexCoord1sv(const GLshort * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glTexCoord2d(GLdouble s, GLdouble t); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glTexCoord2dv(const GLdouble * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glTexCoord2f(GLfloat s, GLfloat t); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glTexCoord2fv(const GLfloat * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glTexCoord2i(GLint s, GLint t); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glTexCoord2iv(const GLint * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glTexCoord2s(GLshort s, GLshort t); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glTexCoord2sv(const GLshort * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glTexCoord3d(GLdouble s, GLdouble t, GLdouble r); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glTexCoord3dv(const GLdouble * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glTexCoord3f(GLfloat s, GLfloat t, GLfloat r); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glTexCoord3fv(const GLfloat * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glTexCoord3i(GLint s, GLint t, GLint r); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glTexCoord3iv(const GLint * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glTexCoord3s(GLshort s, GLshort t, GLshort r); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glTexCoord3sv(const GLshort * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glTexCoord4d(GLdouble s, GLdouble t, GLdouble r, GLdouble q); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glTexCoord4dv(const GLdouble * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glTexCoord4f(GLfloat s, GLfloat t, GLfloat r, GLfloat q); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glTexCoord4fv(const GLfloat * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glTexCoord4i(GLint s, GLint t, GLint r, GLint q); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glTexCoord4iv(const GLint * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glTexCoord4s(GLshort s, GLshort t, GLshort r, GLshort q); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glTexCoord4sv(const GLshort * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glVertex2d(GLdouble x, GLdouble y); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glVertex2dv(const GLdouble * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glVertex2f(GLfloat x, GLfloat y); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glVertex2fv(const GLfloat * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glVertex2i(GLint x, GLint y); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glVertex2iv(const GLint * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glVertex2s(GLshort x, GLshort y); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glVertex2sv(const GLshort * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glVertex3d(GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glVertex3dv(const GLdouble * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glVertex3f(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glVertex3fv(const GLfloat * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glVertex3i(GLint x, GLint y, GLint z); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glVertex3iv(const GLint * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glVertex3s(GLshort x, GLshort y, GLshort z); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glVertex3sv(const GLshort * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glVertex4d(GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z, GLdouble w); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glVertex4dv(const GLdouble * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glVertex4f(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z, GLfloat w); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glVertex4fv(const GLfloat * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glVertex4i(GLint x, GLint y, GLint z, GLint w); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glVertex4iv(const GLint * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glVertex4s(GLshort x, GLshort y, GLshort z, GLshort w); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glVertex4sv(const GLshort * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glClipPlane(GLenum plane, const GLdouble * equation); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glColorMaterial(GLenum face, GLenum mode); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glCullFace(GLenum mode); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glFogf(GLenum pname, GLfloat param); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glFogfv(GLenum pname, const GLfloat * params); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glFogi(GLenum pname, GLint param); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glFogiv(GLenum pname, const GLint * params); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glFrontFace(GLenum mode); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glHint(GLenum target, GLenum mode); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glLightf(GLenum light, GLenum pname, GLfloat param); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glLightfv(GLenum light, GLenum pname, const GLfloat * params); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glLighti(GLenum light, GLenum pname, GLint param); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glLightiv(GLenum light, GLenum pname, const GLint * params); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glLightModelf(GLenum pname, GLfloat param); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glLightModelfv(GLenum pname, const GLfloat * params); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glLightModeli(GLenum pname, GLint param); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glLightModeliv(GLenum pname, const GLint * params); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glLineStipple(GLint factor, GLushort pattern); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glLineWidth(GLfloat width); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glMaterialf(GLenum face, GLenum pname, GLfloat param); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glMaterialfv(GLenum face, GLenum pname, const GLfloat * params); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glMateriali(GLenum face, GLenum pname, GLint param); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glMaterialiv(GLenum face, GLenum pname, const GLint * params); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glPointSize(GLfloat size); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glPolygonMode(GLenum face, GLenum mode); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glPolygonStipple(const GLubyte * mask); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glScissor(GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glShadeModel(GLenum mode); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glTexParameterf(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat param); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glTexParameterfv(GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLfloat * params); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glTexParameteri(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint param); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glTexParameteriv(GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLint * params); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glTexImage1D(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint internalformat, GLsizei width, GLint border, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid * pixels); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glTexImage2D(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLint border, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid * pixels); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glTexEnvf(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat param); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glTexEnvfv(GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLfloat * params); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glTexEnvi(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint param); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glTexEnviv(GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLint * params); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glTexGend(GLenum coord, GLenum pname, GLdouble param); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glTexGendv(GLenum coord, GLenum pname, const GLdouble * params); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glTexGenf(GLenum coord, GLenum pname, GLfloat param); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glTexGenfv(GLenum coord, GLenum pname, const GLfloat * params); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glTexGeni(GLenum coord, GLenum pname, GLint param); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glTexGeniv(GLenum coord, GLenum pname, const GLint * params); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glFeedbackBuffer(GLsizei size, GLenum type, GLfloat * buffer); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glSelectBuffer(GLsizei size, GLuint * buffer); +extern _X_HIDDEN GLint __indirect_glRenderMode(GLenum mode); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glInitNames(void); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glLoadName(GLuint name); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glPassThrough(GLfloat token); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glPopName(void); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glPushName(GLuint name); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glDrawBuffer(GLenum mode); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glClear(GLbitfield mask); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glClearAccum(GLfloat red, GLfloat green, GLfloat blue, GLfloat alpha); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glClearIndex(GLfloat c); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glClearColor(GLclampf red, GLclampf green, GLclampf blue, GLclampf alpha); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glClearStencil(GLint s); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glClearDepth(GLclampd depth); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glStencilMask(GLuint mask); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glColorMask(GLboolean red, GLboolean green, GLboolean blue, GLboolean alpha); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glDepthMask(GLboolean flag); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glIndexMask(GLuint mask); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glAccum(GLenum op, GLfloat value); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glDisable(GLenum cap); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glEnable(GLenum cap); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glFinish(void); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glFlush(void); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glPopAttrib(void); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glPushAttrib(GLbitfield mask); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glMap1d(GLenum target, GLdouble u1, GLdouble u2, GLint stride, GLint order, const GLdouble * points); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glMap1f(GLenum target, GLfloat u1, GLfloat u2, GLint stride, GLint order, const GLfloat * points); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glMap2d(GLenum target, GLdouble u1, GLdouble u2, GLint ustride, GLint uorder, GLdouble v1, GLdouble v2, GLint vstride, GLint vorder, const GLdouble * points); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glMap2f(GLenum target, GLfloat u1, GLfloat u2, GLint ustride, GLint uorder, GLfloat v1, GLfloat v2, GLint vstride, GLint vorder, const GLfloat * points); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glMapGrid1d(GLint un, GLdouble u1, GLdouble u2); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glMapGrid1f(GLint un, GLfloat u1, GLfloat u2); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glMapGrid2d(GLint un, GLdouble u1, GLdouble u2, GLint vn, GLdouble v1, GLdouble v2); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glMapGrid2f(GLint un, GLfloat u1, GLfloat u2, GLint vn, GLfloat v1, GLfloat v2); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glEvalCoord1d(GLdouble u); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glEvalCoord1dv(const GLdouble * u); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glEvalCoord1f(GLfloat u); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glEvalCoord1fv(const GLfloat * u); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glEvalCoord2d(GLdouble u, GLdouble v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glEvalCoord2dv(const GLdouble * u); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glEvalCoord2f(GLfloat u, GLfloat v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glEvalCoord2fv(const GLfloat * u); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glEvalMesh1(GLenum mode, GLint i1, GLint i2); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glEvalPoint1(GLint i); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glEvalMesh2(GLenum mode, GLint i1, GLint i2, GLint j1, GLint j2); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glEvalPoint2(GLint i, GLint j); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glAlphaFunc(GLenum func, GLclampf ref); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glBlendFunc(GLenum sfactor, GLenum dfactor); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glLogicOp(GLenum opcode); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glStencilFunc(GLenum func, GLint ref, GLuint mask); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glStencilOp(GLenum fail, GLenum zfail, GLenum zpass); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glDepthFunc(GLenum func); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glPixelZoom(GLfloat xfactor, GLfloat yfactor); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glPixelTransferf(GLenum pname, GLfloat param); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glPixelTransferi(GLenum pname, GLint param); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glPixelStoref(GLenum pname, GLfloat param); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glPixelStorei(GLenum pname, GLint param); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glPixelMapfv(GLenum map, GLsizei mapsize, const GLfloat * values); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glPixelMapuiv(GLenum map, GLsizei mapsize, const GLuint * values); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glPixelMapusv(GLenum map, GLsizei mapsize, const GLushort * values); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glReadBuffer(GLenum mode); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glCopyPixels(GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum type); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glReadPixels(GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLvoid * pixels); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glDrawPixels(GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid * pixels); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glGetBooleanv(GLenum pname, GLboolean * params); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glGetClipPlane(GLenum plane, GLdouble * equation); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glGetDoublev(GLenum pname, GLdouble * params); +extern _X_HIDDEN GLenum __indirect_glGetError(void); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glGetFloatv(GLenum pname, GLfloat * params); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glGetIntegerv(GLenum pname, GLint * params); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glGetLightfv(GLenum light, GLenum pname, GLfloat * params); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glGetLightiv(GLenum light, GLenum pname, GLint * params); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glGetMapdv(GLenum target, GLenum query, GLdouble * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glGetMapfv(GLenum target, GLenum query, GLfloat * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glGetMapiv(GLenum target, GLenum query, GLint * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glGetMaterialfv(GLenum face, GLenum pname, GLfloat * params); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glGetMaterialiv(GLenum face, GLenum pname, GLint * params); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glGetPixelMapfv(GLenum map, GLfloat * values); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glGetPixelMapuiv(GLenum map, GLuint * values); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glGetPixelMapusv(GLenum map, GLushort * values); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glGetPolygonStipple(GLubyte * mask); +extern _X_HIDDEN const GLubyte * __indirect_glGetString(GLenum name); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glGetTexEnvfv(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat * params); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glGetTexEnviv(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint * params); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glGetTexGendv(GLenum coord, GLenum pname, GLdouble * params); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glGetTexGenfv(GLenum coord, GLenum pname, GLfloat * params); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glGetTexGeniv(GLenum coord, GLenum pname, GLint * params); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glGetTexImage(GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLvoid * pixels); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glGetTexParameterfv(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat * params); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glGetTexParameteriv(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint * params); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glGetTexLevelParameterfv(GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum pname, GLfloat * params); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glGetTexLevelParameteriv(GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum pname, GLint * params); +extern _X_HIDDEN GLboolean __indirect_glIsEnabled(GLenum cap); +extern _X_HIDDEN GLboolean __indirect_glIsList(GLuint list); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glDepthRange(GLclampd zNear, GLclampd zFar); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glFrustum(GLdouble left, GLdouble right, GLdouble bottom, GLdouble top, GLdouble zNear, GLdouble zFar); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glLoadIdentity(void); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glLoadMatrixf(const GLfloat * m); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glLoadMatrixd(const GLdouble * m); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glMatrixMode(GLenum mode); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glMultMatrixf(const GLfloat * m); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glMultMatrixd(const GLdouble * m); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glOrtho(GLdouble left, GLdouble right, GLdouble bottom, GLdouble top, GLdouble zNear, GLdouble zFar); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glPopMatrix(void); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glPushMatrix(void); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glRotated(GLdouble angle, GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glRotatef(GLfloat angle, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glScaled(GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glScalef(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glTranslated(GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glTranslatef(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glViewport(GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glArrayElement(GLint i); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glBindTexture(GLenum target, GLuint texture); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glColorPointer(GLint size, GLenum type, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid * pointer); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glDisableClientState(GLenum array); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glDrawArrays(GLenum mode, GLint first, GLsizei count); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glDrawElements(GLenum mode, GLsizei count, GLenum type, const GLvoid * indices); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glEdgeFlagPointer(GLsizei stride, const GLvoid * pointer); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glEnableClientState(GLenum array); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glIndexPointer(GLenum type, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid * pointer); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glIndexub(GLubyte c); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glIndexubv(const GLubyte * c); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glInterleavedArrays(GLenum format, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid * pointer); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glNormalPointer(GLenum type, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid * pointer); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glPolygonOffset(GLfloat factor, GLfloat units); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glTexCoordPointer(GLint size, GLenum type, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid * pointer); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glVertexPointer(GLint size, GLenum type, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid * pointer); +extern _X_HIDDEN GLboolean __indirect_glAreTexturesResident(GLsizei n, const GLuint * textures, GLboolean * residences); +GLAPI GLboolean GLAPIENTRY glAreTexturesResidentEXT(GLsizei n, const GLuint * textures, GLboolean * residences); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glCopyTexImage1D(GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum internalformat, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLint border); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glCopyTexImage2D(GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum internalformat, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLint border); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glCopyTexSubImage1D(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glCopyTexSubImage2D(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glDeleteTextures(GLsizei n, const GLuint * textures); +GLAPI void GLAPIENTRY glDeleteTexturesEXT(GLsizei n, const GLuint * textures); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glGenTextures(GLsizei n, GLuint * textures); +GLAPI void GLAPIENTRY glGenTexturesEXT(GLsizei n, GLuint * textures); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glGetPointerv(GLenum pname, GLvoid ** params); +extern _X_HIDDEN GLboolean __indirect_glIsTexture(GLuint texture); +GLAPI GLboolean GLAPIENTRY glIsTextureEXT(GLuint texture); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glPrioritizeTextures(GLsizei n, const GLuint * textures, const GLclampf * priorities); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glTexSubImage1D(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLsizei width, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid * pixels); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glTexSubImage2D(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid * pixels); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glPopClientAttrib(void); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glPushClientAttrib(GLbitfield mask); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glBlendColor(GLclampf red, GLclampf green, GLclampf blue, GLclampf alpha); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glBlendEquation(GLenum mode); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glDrawRangeElements(GLenum mode, GLuint start, GLuint end, GLsizei count, GLenum type, const GLvoid * indices); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glColorTable(GLenum target, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid * table); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glColorTableParameterfv(GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLfloat * params); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glColorTableParameteriv(GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLint * params); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glCopyColorTable(GLenum target, GLenum internalformat, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glGetColorTable(GLenum target, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLvoid * table); +GLAPI void GLAPIENTRY glGetColorTableEXT(GLenum target, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLvoid * table); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glGetColorTableParameterfv(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat * params); +GLAPI void GLAPIENTRY glGetColorTableParameterfvEXT(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat * params); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glGetColorTableParameteriv(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint * params); +GLAPI void GLAPIENTRY glGetColorTableParameterivEXT(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint * params); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glColorSubTable(GLenum target, GLsizei start, GLsizei count, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid * data); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glCopyColorSubTable(GLenum target, GLsizei start, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glConvolutionFilter1D(GLenum target, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid * image); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glConvolutionFilter2D(GLenum target, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid * image); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glConvolutionParameterf(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat params); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glConvolutionParameterfv(GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLfloat * params); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glConvolutionParameteri(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint params); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glConvolutionParameteriv(GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLint * params); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glCopyConvolutionFilter1D(GLenum target, GLenum internalformat, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glCopyConvolutionFilter2D(GLenum target, GLenum internalformat, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glGetConvolutionFilter(GLenum target, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLvoid * image); +extern _X_HIDDEN void gl_dispatch_stub_356(GLenum target, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLvoid * image); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glGetConvolutionParameterfv(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat * params); +extern _X_HIDDEN void gl_dispatch_stub_357(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat * params); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glGetConvolutionParameteriv(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint * params); +extern _X_HIDDEN void gl_dispatch_stub_358(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint * params); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glGetSeparableFilter(GLenum target, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLvoid * row, GLvoid * column, GLvoid * span); +extern _X_HIDDEN void gl_dispatch_stub_359(GLenum target, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLvoid * row, GLvoid * column, GLvoid * span); +#define gl_dispatch_stub_GetSeparableFilterEXT gl_dispatch_stub_359 +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glSeparableFilter2D(GLenum target, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid * row, const GLvoid * column); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glGetHistogram(GLenum target, GLboolean reset, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLvoid * values); +extern _X_HIDDEN void gl_dispatch_stub_361(GLenum target, GLboolean reset, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLvoid * values); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glGetHistogramParameterfv(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat * params); +extern _X_HIDDEN void gl_dispatch_stub_362(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat * params); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glGetHistogramParameteriv(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint * params); +extern _X_HIDDEN void gl_dispatch_stub_363(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint * params); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glGetMinmax(GLenum target, GLboolean reset, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLvoid * values); +extern _X_HIDDEN void gl_dispatch_stub_364(GLenum target, GLboolean reset, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLvoid * values); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glGetMinmaxParameterfv(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat * params); +extern _X_HIDDEN void gl_dispatch_stub_365(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat * params); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glGetMinmaxParameteriv(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint * params); +extern _X_HIDDEN void gl_dispatch_stub_366(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint * params); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glHistogram(GLenum target, GLsizei width, GLenum internalformat, GLboolean sink); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glMinmax(GLenum target, GLenum internalformat, GLboolean sink); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glResetHistogram(GLenum target); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glResetMinmax(GLenum target); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glTexImage3D(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth, GLint border, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid * pixels); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glTexSubImage3D(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLint zoffset, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid * pixels); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glCopyTexSubImage3D(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLint zoffset, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glActiveTexture(GLenum texture); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glClientActiveTexture(GLenum texture); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glMultiTexCoord1d(GLenum target, GLdouble s); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glMultiTexCoord1dv(GLenum target, const GLdouble * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glMultiTexCoord1fARB(GLenum target, GLfloat s); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glMultiTexCoord1fvARB(GLenum target, const GLfloat * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glMultiTexCoord1i(GLenum target, GLint s); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glMultiTexCoord1iv(GLenum target, const GLint * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glMultiTexCoord1s(GLenum target, GLshort s); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glMultiTexCoord1sv(GLenum target, const GLshort * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glMultiTexCoord2d(GLenum target, GLdouble s, GLdouble t); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glMultiTexCoord2dv(GLenum target, const GLdouble * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glMultiTexCoord2fARB(GLenum target, GLfloat s, GLfloat t); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glMultiTexCoord2fvARB(GLenum target, const GLfloat * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glMultiTexCoord2i(GLenum target, GLint s, GLint t); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glMultiTexCoord2iv(GLenum target, const GLint * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glMultiTexCoord2s(GLenum target, GLshort s, GLshort t); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glMultiTexCoord2sv(GLenum target, const GLshort * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glMultiTexCoord3d(GLenum target, GLdouble s, GLdouble t, GLdouble r); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glMultiTexCoord3dv(GLenum target, const GLdouble * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glMultiTexCoord3fARB(GLenum target, GLfloat s, GLfloat t, GLfloat r); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glMultiTexCoord3fvARB(GLenum target, const GLfloat * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glMultiTexCoord3i(GLenum target, GLint s, GLint t, GLint r); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glMultiTexCoord3iv(GLenum target, const GLint * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glMultiTexCoord3s(GLenum target, GLshort s, GLshort t, GLshort r); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glMultiTexCoord3sv(GLenum target, const GLshort * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glMultiTexCoord4d(GLenum target, GLdouble s, GLdouble t, GLdouble r, GLdouble q); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glMultiTexCoord4dv(GLenum target, const GLdouble * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glMultiTexCoord4fARB(GLenum target, GLfloat s, GLfloat t, GLfloat r, GLfloat q); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glMultiTexCoord4fvARB(GLenum target, const GLfloat * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glMultiTexCoord4i(GLenum target, GLint s, GLint t, GLint r, GLint q); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glMultiTexCoord4iv(GLenum target, const GLint * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glMultiTexCoord4s(GLenum target, GLshort s, GLshort t, GLshort r, GLshort q); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glMultiTexCoord4sv(GLenum target, const GLshort * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glCompressedTexImage1D(GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLint border, GLsizei imageSize, const GLvoid * data); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glCompressedTexImage2D(GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLint border, GLsizei imageSize, const GLvoid * data); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glCompressedTexImage3D(GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth, GLint border, GLsizei imageSize, const GLvoid * data); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glCompressedTexSubImage1D(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLsizei width, GLenum format, GLsizei imageSize, const GLvoid * data); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glCompressedTexSubImage2D(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLsizei imageSize, const GLvoid * data); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glCompressedTexSubImage3D(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLint zoffset, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth, GLenum format, GLsizei imageSize, const GLvoid * data); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glGetCompressedTexImage(GLenum target, GLint level, GLvoid * img); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glLoadTransposeMatrixd(const GLdouble * m); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glLoadTransposeMatrixf(const GLfloat * m); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glMultTransposeMatrixd(const GLdouble * m); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glMultTransposeMatrixf(const GLfloat * m); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glSampleCoverage(GLclampf value, GLboolean invert); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glBlendFuncSeparate(GLenum sfactorRGB, GLenum dfactorRGB, GLenum sfactorAlpha, GLenum dfactorAlpha); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glFogCoordPointer(GLenum type, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid * pointer); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glFogCoordd(GLdouble coord); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glFogCoorddv(const GLdouble * coord); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glMultiDrawArrays(GLenum mode, const GLint * first, const GLsizei * count, GLsizei primcount); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glPointParameterf(GLenum pname, GLfloat param); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glPointParameterfv(GLenum pname, const GLfloat * params); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glPointParameteri(GLenum pname, GLint param); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glPointParameteriv(GLenum pname, const GLint * params); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glSecondaryColor3b(GLbyte red, GLbyte green, GLbyte blue); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glSecondaryColor3bv(const GLbyte * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glSecondaryColor3d(GLdouble red, GLdouble green, GLdouble blue); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glSecondaryColor3dv(const GLdouble * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glSecondaryColor3i(GLint red, GLint green, GLint blue); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glSecondaryColor3iv(const GLint * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glSecondaryColor3s(GLshort red, GLshort green, GLshort blue); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glSecondaryColor3sv(const GLshort * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glSecondaryColor3ub(GLubyte red, GLubyte green, GLubyte blue); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glSecondaryColor3ubv(const GLubyte * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glSecondaryColor3ui(GLuint red, GLuint green, GLuint blue); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glSecondaryColor3uiv(const GLuint * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glSecondaryColor3us(GLushort red, GLushort green, GLushort blue); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glSecondaryColor3usv(const GLushort * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glSecondaryColorPointer(GLint size, GLenum type, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid * pointer); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glWindowPos2d(GLdouble x, GLdouble y); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glWindowPos2dv(const GLdouble * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glWindowPos2f(GLfloat x, GLfloat y); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glWindowPos2fv(const GLfloat * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glWindowPos2i(GLint x, GLint y); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glWindowPos2iv(const GLint * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glWindowPos2s(GLshort x, GLshort y); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glWindowPos2sv(const GLshort * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glWindowPos3d(GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glWindowPos3dv(const GLdouble * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glWindowPos3f(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glWindowPos3fv(const GLfloat * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glWindowPos3i(GLint x, GLint y, GLint z); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glWindowPos3iv(const GLint * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glWindowPos3s(GLshort x, GLshort y, GLshort z); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glWindowPos3sv(const GLshort * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glBeginQuery(GLenum target, GLuint id); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glDeleteQueries(GLsizei n, const GLuint * ids); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glEndQuery(GLenum target); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glGenQueries(GLsizei n, GLuint * ids); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glGetQueryObjectiv(GLuint id, GLenum pname, GLint * params); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glGetQueryObjectuiv(GLuint id, GLenum pname, GLuint * params); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glGetQueryiv(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint * params); +extern _X_HIDDEN GLboolean __indirect_glIsQuery(GLuint id); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glBlendEquationSeparate(GLenum modeRGB, GLenum modeA); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glDisableVertexAttribArray(GLuint index); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glDrawBuffers(GLsizei n, const GLenum * bufs); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glEnableVertexAttribArray(GLuint index); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glGetVertexAttribPointerv(GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLvoid ** pointer); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glGetVertexAttribdv(GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLdouble * params); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glGetVertexAttribfv(GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLfloat * params); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glGetVertexAttribiv(GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLint * params); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glVertexAttrib1d(GLuint index, GLdouble x); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glVertexAttrib1dv(GLuint index, const GLdouble * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glVertexAttrib1s(GLuint index, GLshort x); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glVertexAttrib1sv(GLuint index, const GLshort * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glVertexAttrib2d(GLuint index, GLdouble x, GLdouble y); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glVertexAttrib2dv(GLuint index, const GLdouble * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glVertexAttrib2s(GLuint index, GLshort x, GLshort y); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glVertexAttrib2sv(GLuint index, const GLshort * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glVertexAttrib3d(GLuint index, GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glVertexAttrib3dv(GLuint index, const GLdouble * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glVertexAttrib3s(GLuint index, GLshort x, GLshort y, GLshort z); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glVertexAttrib3sv(GLuint index, const GLshort * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glVertexAttrib4Nbv(GLuint index, const GLbyte * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glVertexAttrib4Niv(GLuint index, const GLint * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glVertexAttrib4Nsv(GLuint index, const GLshort * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glVertexAttrib4Nub(GLuint index, GLubyte x, GLubyte y, GLubyte z, GLubyte w); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glVertexAttrib4Nubv(GLuint index, const GLubyte * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glVertexAttrib4Nuiv(GLuint index, const GLuint * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glVertexAttrib4Nusv(GLuint index, const GLushort * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glVertexAttrib4bv(GLuint index, const GLbyte * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glVertexAttrib4d(GLuint index, GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z, GLdouble w); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glVertexAttrib4dv(GLuint index, const GLdouble * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glVertexAttrib4iv(GLuint index, const GLint * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glVertexAttrib4s(GLuint index, GLshort x, GLshort y, GLshort z, GLshort w); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glVertexAttrib4sv(GLuint index, const GLshort * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glVertexAttrib4ubv(GLuint index, const GLubyte * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glVertexAttrib4uiv(GLuint index, const GLuint * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glVertexAttrib4usv(GLuint index, const GLushort * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glVertexAttribPointer(GLuint index, GLint size, GLenum type, GLboolean normalized, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid * pointer); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glClampColor(GLenum target, GLenum clamp); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glBindProgramARB(GLenum target, GLuint program); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glDeleteProgramsARB(GLsizei n, const GLuint * programs); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glGenProgramsARB(GLsizei n, GLuint * programs); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glGetProgramEnvParameterdvARB(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLdouble * params); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glGetProgramEnvParameterfvARB(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLfloat * params); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glGetProgramLocalParameterdvARB(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLdouble * params); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glGetProgramLocalParameterfvARB(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLfloat * params); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glGetProgramStringARB(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLvoid * string); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glGetProgramivARB(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint * params); +extern _X_HIDDEN GLboolean __indirect_glIsProgramARB(GLuint program); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glProgramEnvParameter4dARB(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z, GLdouble w); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glProgramEnvParameter4dvARB(GLenum target, GLuint index, const GLdouble * params); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glProgramEnvParameter4fARB(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z, GLfloat w); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glProgramEnvParameter4fvARB(GLenum target, GLuint index, const GLfloat * params); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glProgramLocalParameter4dARB(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z, GLdouble w); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glProgramLocalParameter4dvARB(GLenum target, GLuint index, const GLdouble * params); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glProgramLocalParameter4fARB(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z, GLfloat w); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glProgramLocalParameter4fvARB(GLenum target, GLuint index, const GLfloat * params); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glProgramStringARB(GLenum target, GLenum format, GLsizei len, const GLvoid * string); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glVertexAttrib1fARB(GLuint index, GLfloat x); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glVertexAttrib1fvARB(GLuint index, const GLfloat * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glVertexAttrib2fARB(GLuint index, GLfloat x, GLfloat y); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glVertexAttrib2fvARB(GLuint index, const GLfloat * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glVertexAttrib3fARB(GLuint index, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glVertexAttrib3fvARB(GLuint index, const GLfloat * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glVertexAttrib4fARB(GLuint index, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z, GLfloat w); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glVertexAttrib4fvARB(GLuint index, const GLfloat * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glBindFramebuffer(GLenum target, GLuint framebuffer); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glBindRenderbuffer(GLenum target, GLuint renderbuffer); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glBlitFramebuffer(GLint srcX0, GLint srcY0, GLint srcX1, GLint srcY1, GLint dstX0, GLint dstY0, GLint dstX1, GLint dstY1, GLbitfield mask, GLenum filter); +extern _X_HIDDEN GLenum __indirect_glCheckFramebufferStatus(GLenum target); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glDeleteFramebuffers(GLsizei n, const GLuint * framebuffers); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glDeleteRenderbuffers(GLsizei n, const GLuint * renderbuffers); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glFramebufferRenderbuffer(GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLenum renderbuffertarget, GLuint renderbuffer); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glFramebufferTexture1D(GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLenum textarget, GLuint texture, GLint level); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glFramebufferTexture2D(GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLenum textarget, GLuint texture, GLint level); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glFramebufferTexture3D(GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLenum textarget, GLuint texture, GLint level, GLint zoffset); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glFramebufferTextureLayer(GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLuint texture, GLint level, GLint layer); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glGenFramebuffers(GLsizei n, GLuint * framebuffers); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glGenRenderbuffers(GLsizei n, GLuint * renderbuffers); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glGenerateMipmap(GLenum target); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv(GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLenum pname, GLint * params); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glGetRenderbufferParameteriv(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint * params); +extern _X_HIDDEN GLboolean __indirect_glIsFramebuffer(GLuint framebuffer); +extern _X_HIDDEN GLboolean __indirect_glIsRenderbuffer(GLuint renderbuffer); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glRenderbufferStorage(GLenum target, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glRenderbufferStorageMultisample(GLenum target, GLsizei samples, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glSampleMaskSGIS(GLclampf value, GLboolean invert); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glSamplePatternSGIS(GLenum pattern); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glColorPointerEXT(GLint size, GLenum type, GLsizei stride, GLsizei count, const GLvoid * pointer); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glEdgeFlagPointerEXT(GLsizei stride, GLsizei count, const GLboolean * pointer); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glIndexPointerEXT(GLenum type, GLsizei stride, GLsizei count, const GLvoid * pointer); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glNormalPointerEXT(GLenum type, GLsizei stride, GLsizei count, const GLvoid * pointer); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glTexCoordPointerEXT(GLint size, GLenum type, GLsizei stride, GLsizei count, const GLvoid * pointer); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glVertexPointerEXT(GLint size, GLenum type, GLsizei stride, GLsizei count, const GLvoid * pointer); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glSecondaryColor3fEXT(GLfloat red, GLfloat green, GLfloat blue); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glSecondaryColor3fvEXT(const GLfloat * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glMultiDrawElementsEXT(GLenum mode, const GLsizei * count, GLenum type, const GLvoid ** indices, GLsizei primcount); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glFogCoordfEXT(GLfloat coord); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glFogCoordfvEXT(const GLfloat * coord); +extern _X_HIDDEN GLboolean __indirect_glAreProgramsResidentNV(GLsizei n, const GLuint * ids, GLboolean * residences); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glExecuteProgramNV(GLenum target, GLuint id, const GLfloat * params); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glGetProgramParameterdvNV(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLdouble * params); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glGetProgramParameterfvNV(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLfloat * params); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glGetProgramStringNV(GLuint id, GLenum pname, GLubyte * program); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glGetProgramivNV(GLuint id, GLenum pname, GLint * params); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glGetTrackMatrixivNV(GLenum target, GLuint address, GLenum pname, GLint * params); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glGetVertexAttribdvNV(GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLdouble * params); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glGetVertexAttribfvNV(GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLfloat * params); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glGetVertexAttribivNV(GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLint * params); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glLoadProgramNV(GLenum target, GLuint id, GLsizei len, const GLubyte * program); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glProgramParameters4dvNV(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLsizei num, const GLdouble * params); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glProgramParameters4fvNV(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLsizei num, const GLfloat * params); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glRequestResidentProgramsNV(GLsizei n, const GLuint * ids); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glTrackMatrixNV(GLenum target, GLuint address, GLenum matrix, GLenum transform); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glVertexAttrib1dNV(GLuint index, GLdouble x); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glVertexAttrib1dvNV(GLuint index, const GLdouble * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glVertexAttrib1fNV(GLuint index, GLfloat x); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glVertexAttrib1fvNV(GLuint index, const GLfloat * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glVertexAttrib1sNV(GLuint index, GLshort x); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glVertexAttrib1svNV(GLuint index, const GLshort * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glVertexAttrib2dNV(GLuint index, GLdouble x, GLdouble y); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glVertexAttrib2dvNV(GLuint index, const GLdouble * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glVertexAttrib2fNV(GLuint index, GLfloat x, GLfloat y); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glVertexAttrib2fvNV(GLuint index, const GLfloat * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glVertexAttrib2sNV(GLuint index, GLshort x, GLshort y); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glVertexAttrib2svNV(GLuint index, const GLshort * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glVertexAttrib3dNV(GLuint index, GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glVertexAttrib3dvNV(GLuint index, const GLdouble * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glVertexAttrib3fNV(GLuint index, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glVertexAttrib3fvNV(GLuint index, const GLfloat * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glVertexAttrib3sNV(GLuint index, GLshort x, GLshort y, GLshort z); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glVertexAttrib3svNV(GLuint index, const GLshort * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glVertexAttrib4dNV(GLuint index, GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z, GLdouble w); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glVertexAttrib4dvNV(GLuint index, const GLdouble * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glVertexAttrib4fNV(GLuint index, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z, GLfloat w); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glVertexAttrib4fvNV(GLuint index, const GLfloat * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glVertexAttrib4sNV(GLuint index, GLshort x, GLshort y, GLshort z, GLshort w); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glVertexAttrib4svNV(GLuint index, const GLshort * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glVertexAttrib4ubNV(GLuint index, GLubyte x, GLubyte y, GLubyte z, GLubyte w); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glVertexAttrib4ubvNV(GLuint index, const GLubyte * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glVertexAttribPointerNV(GLuint index, GLint size, GLenum type, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid * pointer); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glVertexAttribs1dvNV(GLuint index, GLsizei n, const GLdouble * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glVertexAttribs1fvNV(GLuint index, GLsizei n, const GLfloat * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glVertexAttribs1svNV(GLuint index, GLsizei n, const GLshort * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glVertexAttribs2dvNV(GLuint index, GLsizei n, const GLdouble * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glVertexAttribs2fvNV(GLuint index, GLsizei n, const GLfloat * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glVertexAttribs2svNV(GLuint index, GLsizei n, const GLshort * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glVertexAttribs3dvNV(GLuint index, GLsizei n, const GLdouble * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glVertexAttribs3fvNV(GLuint index, GLsizei n, const GLfloat * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glVertexAttribs3svNV(GLuint index, GLsizei n, const GLshort * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glVertexAttribs4dvNV(GLuint index, GLsizei n, const GLdouble * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glVertexAttribs4fvNV(GLuint index, GLsizei n, const GLfloat * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glVertexAttribs4svNV(GLuint index, GLsizei n, const GLshort * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glVertexAttribs4ubvNV(GLuint index, GLsizei n, const GLubyte * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glActiveStencilFaceEXT(GLenum face); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glGetProgramNamedParameterdvNV(GLuint id, GLsizei len, const GLubyte * name, GLdouble * params); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glGetProgramNamedParameterfvNV(GLuint id, GLsizei len, const GLubyte * name, GLfloat * params); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glProgramNamedParameter4dNV(GLuint id, GLsizei len, const GLubyte * name, GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z, GLdouble w); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glProgramNamedParameter4dvNV(GLuint id, GLsizei len, const GLubyte * name, const GLdouble * v); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glProgramNamedParameter4fNV(GLuint id, GLsizei len, const GLubyte * name, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z, GLfloat w); +extern _X_HIDDEN void __indirect_glProgramNamedParameter4fvNV(GLuint id, GLsizei len, const GLubyte * name, const GLfloat * v); + +#ifdef GLX_SHARED_GLAPI +extern _X_HIDDEN void (*__indirect_get_proc_address(const char *name))(void); +#endif + +# undef FASTCALL +# undef NOINLINE + +#endif /* !defined( _INDIRECT_H_ ) */ --- mesa-9.1.4.orig/src/glx/indirect.c +++ mesa-9.1.4/src/glx/indirect.c @@ -0,0 +1,8688 @@ +/* DO NOT EDIT - This file generated automatically by glX_proto_send.py (from Mesa) script */ + +/* + * (C) Copyright IBM Corporation 2004, 2005 + * All Rights Reserved. + * + * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a + * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), + * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation + * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sub license, + * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the + * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + * + * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next + * paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the + * Software. + * + * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR + * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL + * IBM, + * AND/OR THEIR SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, + * WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF + * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE + * SOFTWARE. + */ + + +#include +#include "indirect.h" +#include "glxclient.h" +#include "indirect_size.h" +#include "glapi.h" +#include "glthread.h" +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#define __GLX_PAD(n) (((n) + 3) & ~3) + +# if defined(__i386__) && defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__CYGWIN__) && !defined(__MINGW32__) +# define FASTCALL __attribute__((fastcall)) +# else +# define FASTCALL +# endif +# if defined(__GNUC__) || (defined(__SUNPRO_C) && (__SUNPRO_C >= 0x590)) +# define NOINLINE __attribute__((noinline)) +# else +# define NOINLINE +# endif + +#ifndef __GNUC__ +# define __builtin_expect(x, y) x +#endif + +/* If the size and opcode values are known at compile-time, this will, on + * x86 at least, emit them with a single instruction. + */ +#define emit_header(dest, op, size) \ + do { union { short s[2]; int i; } temp; \ + temp.s[0] = (size); temp.s[1] = (op); \ + *((int *)(dest)) = temp.i; } while(0) + +NOINLINE CARD32 +__glXReadReply( Display *dpy, size_t size, void * dest, GLboolean reply_is_always_array ) +{ + xGLXSingleReply reply; + + (void) _XReply(dpy, (xReply *) & reply, 0, False); + if (size != 0) { + if ((reply.length > 0) || reply_is_always_array) { + const GLint bytes = (reply_is_always_array) + ? (4 * reply.length) : (reply.size * size); + const GLint extra = 4 - (bytes & 3); + + _XRead(dpy, dest, bytes); + if ( extra < 4 ) { + _XEatData(dpy, extra); + } + } + else { + (void) memcpy( dest, &(reply.pad3), size); + } + } + + return reply.retval; +} + +NOINLINE void +__glXReadPixelReply( Display *dpy, struct glx_context * gc, unsigned max_dim, + GLint width, GLint height, GLint depth, GLenum format, GLenum type, + void * dest, GLboolean dimensions_in_reply ) +{ + xGLXSingleReply reply; + GLint size; + + (void) _XReply(dpy, (xReply *) & reply, 0, False); + + if ( dimensions_in_reply ) { + width = reply.pad3; + height = reply.pad4; + depth = reply.pad5; + + if ((height == 0) || (max_dim < 2)) { height = 1; } + if ((depth == 0) || (max_dim < 3)) { depth = 1; } + } + + size = reply.length * 4; + if (size != 0) { + void * buf = malloc( size ); + + if ( buf == NULL ) { + _XEatData(dpy, size); + __glXSetError(gc, GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY); + } + else { + const GLint extra = 4 - (size & 3); + + _XRead(dpy, buf, size); + if ( extra < 4 ) { + _XEatData(dpy, extra); + } + + __glEmptyImage(gc, 3, width, height, depth, format, type, + buf, dest); + free(buf); + } + } +} + +#define X_GLXSingle 0 + +NOINLINE FASTCALL GLubyte * +__glXSetupSingleRequest( struct glx_context * gc, GLint sop, GLint cmdlen ) +{ + xGLXSingleReq * req; + Display * const dpy = gc->currentDpy; + + (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); + LockDisplay(dpy); + GetReqExtra(GLXSingle, cmdlen, req); + req->reqType = gc->majorOpcode; + req->contextTag = gc->currentContextTag; + req->glxCode = sop; + return (GLubyte *)(req) + sz_xGLXSingleReq; +} + +NOINLINE FASTCALL GLubyte * +__glXSetupVendorRequest( struct glx_context * gc, GLint code, GLint vop, GLint cmdlen ) +{ + xGLXVendorPrivateReq * req; + Display * const dpy = gc->currentDpy; + + (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); + LockDisplay(dpy); + GetReqExtra(GLXVendorPrivate, cmdlen, req); + req->reqType = gc->majorOpcode; + req->glxCode = code; + req->vendorCode = vop; + req->contextTag = gc->currentContextTag; + return (GLubyte *)(req) + sz_xGLXVendorPrivateReq; +} + +const GLuint __glXDefaultPixelStore[9] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 }; + +#define zero (__glXDefaultPixelStore+0) +#define one (__glXDefaultPixelStore+8) +#define default_pixel_store_1D (__glXDefaultPixelStore+4) +#define default_pixel_store_1D_size 20 +#define default_pixel_store_2D (__glXDefaultPixelStore+4) +#define default_pixel_store_2D_size 20 +#define default_pixel_store_3D (__glXDefaultPixelStore+0) +#define default_pixel_store_3D_size 36 +#define default_pixel_store_4D (__glXDefaultPixelStore+0) +#define default_pixel_store_4D_size 36 + +static FASTCALL NOINLINE void +generic_3_byte( GLint rop, const void * ptr ) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 8; + + emit_header(gc->pc, rop, cmdlen); + (void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), ptr, 4); + gc->pc += cmdlen; + if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +static FASTCALL NOINLINE void +generic_4_byte( GLint rop, const void * ptr ) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 8; + + emit_header(gc->pc, rop, cmdlen); + (void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), ptr, 4); + gc->pc += cmdlen; + if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +static FASTCALL NOINLINE void +generic_6_byte( GLint rop, const void * ptr ) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 12; + + emit_header(gc->pc, rop, cmdlen); + (void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), ptr, 8); + gc->pc += cmdlen; + if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +static FASTCALL NOINLINE void +generic_8_byte( GLint rop, const void * ptr ) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 12; + + emit_header(gc->pc, rop, cmdlen); + (void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), ptr, 8); + gc->pc += cmdlen; + if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +static FASTCALL NOINLINE void +generic_12_byte( GLint rop, const void * ptr ) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 16; + + emit_header(gc->pc, rop, cmdlen); + (void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), ptr, 12); + gc->pc += cmdlen; + if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +static FASTCALL NOINLINE void +generic_16_byte( GLint rop, const void * ptr ) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 20; + + emit_header(gc->pc, rop, cmdlen); + (void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), ptr, 16); + gc->pc += cmdlen; + if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +static FASTCALL NOINLINE void +generic_24_byte( GLint rop, const void * ptr ) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 28; + + emit_header(gc->pc, rop, cmdlen); + (void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), ptr, 24); + gc->pc += cmdlen; + if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +static FASTCALL NOINLINE void +generic_32_byte( GLint rop, const void * ptr ) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 36; + + emit_header(gc->pc, rop, cmdlen); + (void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), ptr, 32); + gc->pc += cmdlen; + if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLsop_NewList 101 +void __indirect_glNewList(GLuint list, GLenum mode) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + Display * const dpy = gc->currentDpy; +#ifndef USE_XCB + const GLuint cmdlen = 8; +#endif + if (__builtin_expect(dpy != NULL, 1)) { +#ifdef USE_XCB + xcb_connection_t *c = XGetXCBConnection(dpy); + (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); + xcb_glx_new_list(c, gc->currentContextTag, list, mode); +#else + GLubyte const * pc = __glXSetupSingleRequest(gc, X_GLsop_NewList, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 0), (void *)(&list), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 4), (void *)(&mode), 4); + UnlockDisplay(dpy); SyncHandle(); +#endif /* USE_XCB */ + } + return; +} + +#define X_GLsop_EndList 102 +void __indirect_glEndList(void) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + Display * const dpy = gc->currentDpy; +#ifndef USE_XCB + const GLuint cmdlen = 0; +#endif + if (__builtin_expect(dpy != NULL, 1)) { +#ifdef USE_XCB + xcb_connection_t *c = XGetXCBConnection(dpy); + (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); + xcb_glx_end_list(c, gc->currentContextTag); +#else + (void) __glXSetupSingleRequest(gc, X_GLsop_EndList, cmdlen); + UnlockDisplay(dpy); SyncHandle(); +#endif /* USE_XCB */ + } + return; +} + +#define X_GLrop_CallList 1 +void __indirect_glCallList(GLuint list) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 8; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_CallList, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&list), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_CallLists 2 +void __indirect_glCallLists(GLsizei n, GLenum type, const GLvoid * lists) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint compsize = __glCallLists_size(type); + const GLuint cmdlen = 12 + __GLX_PAD((compsize * n)); + if (n < 0) { + __glXSetError(gc, GL_INVALID_VALUE); + return; + } + if (__builtin_expect((n >= 0) && (gc->currentDpy != NULL), 1)) { +if (cmdlen <= gc->maxSmallRenderCommandSize) { + if ( (gc->pc + cmdlen) > gc->bufEnd ) { + (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); + } +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_CallLists, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&n), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&type), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(lists), (compsize * n)); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} +else { +const GLint op = X_GLrop_CallLists; +const GLuint cmdlenLarge = cmdlen + 4; +GLubyte * const pc = __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 0), (void *)(&cmdlenLarge), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 4), (void *)(&op), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 8), (void *)(&n), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 12), (void *)(&type), 4); + __glXSendLargeCommand(gc, pc, 16, lists, (compsize * n)); +} + } +} + +#define X_GLsop_DeleteLists 103 +void __indirect_glDeleteLists(GLuint list, GLsizei range) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + Display * const dpy = gc->currentDpy; +#ifndef USE_XCB + const GLuint cmdlen = 8; +#endif + if (__builtin_expect(dpy != NULL, 1)) { +#ifdef USE_XCB + xcb_connection_t *c = XGetXCBConnection(dpy); + (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); + xcb_glx_delete_lists(c, gc->currentContextTag, list, range); +#else + GLubyte const * pc = __glXSetupSingleRequest(gc, X_GLsop_DeleteLists, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 0), (void *)(&list), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 4), (void *)(&range), 4); + UnlockDisplay(dpy); SyncHandle(); +#endif /* USE_XCB */ + } + return; +} + +#define X_GLsop_GenLists 104 +GLuint __indirect_glGenLists(GLsizei range) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + Display * const dpy = gc->currentDpy; + GLuint retval = (GLuint) 0; +#ifndef USE_XCB + const GLuint cmdlen = 4; +#endif + if (__builtin_expect(dpy != NULL, 1)) { +#ifdef USE_XCB + xcb_connection_t *c = XGetXCBConnection(dpy); + (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); + xcb_glx_gen_lists_reply_t *reply = xcb_glx_gen_lists_reply(c, xcb_glx_gen_lists(c, gc->currentContextTag, range), NULL); + retval = reply->ret_val; + free(reply); +#else + GLubyte const * pc = __glXSetupSingleRequest(gc, X_GLsop_GenLists, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 0), (void *)(&range), 4); + retval = (GLuint) __glXReadReply(dpy, 0, NULL, GL_FALSE); + UnlockDisplay(dpy); SyncHandle(); +#endif /* USE_XCB */ + } + return retval; +} + +#define X_GLrop_ListBase 3 +void __indirect_glListBase(GLuint base) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 8; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_ListBase, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&base), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_Begin 4 +void __indirect_glBegin(GLenum mode) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 8; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_Begin, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&mode), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_Bitmap 5 +void __indirect_glBitmap(GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLfloat xorig, GLfloat yorig, GLfloat xmove, GLfloat ymove, const GLubyte * bitmap) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint compsize = (bitmap != NULL) ? __glImageSize(width, height, 1, GL_COLOR_INDEX, GL_BITMAP, 0) : 0; + const GLuint cmdlen = 48 + __GLX_PAD(compsize); + if (__builtin_expect(gc->currentDpy != NULL, 1)) { +if (cmdlen <= gc->maxSmallRenderCommandSize) { + if ( (gc->pc + cmdlen) > gc->bufEnd ) { + (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); + } +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_Bitmap, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 24), (void *)(&width), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 28), (void *)(&height), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 32), (void *)(&xorig), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 36), (void *)(&yorig), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 40), (void *)(&xmove), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 44), (void *)(&ymove), 4); +if (compsize > 0) { + (*gc->fillImage)(gc, 2, width, height, 1, GL_COLOR_INDEX, GL_BITMAP, bitmap, gc->pc + 48, gc->pc + 4); +} else { + (void) memcpy( gc->pc + 4, default_pixel_store_2D, default_pixel_store_2D_size ); +} +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (gc->pc > gc->limit) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} +else { +const GLint op = X_GLrop_Bitmap; +const GLuint cmdlenLarge = cmdlen + 4; +GLubyte * const pc = __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 0), (void *)(&cmdlenLarge), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 4), (void *)(&op), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 28), (void *)(&width), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 32), (void *)(&height), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 36), (void *)(&xorig), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 40), (void *)(&yorig), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 44), (void *)(&xmove), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 48), (void *)(&ymove), 4); +__glXSendLargeImage(gc, compsize, 2, width, height, 1, GL_COLOR_INDEX, GL_BITMAP, bitmap, pc + 52, pc + 8); +} + } +} + +#define X_GLrop_Color3bv 6 +void __indirect_glColor3b(GLbyte red, GLbyte green, GLbyte blue) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 8; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_Color3bv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&red), 1); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 5), (void *)(&green), 1); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 6), (void *)(&blue), 1); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_Color3bv 6 +void __indirect_glColor3bv(const GLbyte * v) +{ + generic_3_byte( X_GLrop_Color3bv, v ); +} + +#define X_GLrop_Color3dv 7 +void __indirect_glColor3d(GLdouble red, GLdouble green, GLdouble blue) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 28; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_Color3dv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&red), 8); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(&green), 8); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 20), (void *)(&blue), 8); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_Color3dv 7 +void __indirect_glColor3dv(const GLdouble * v) +{ + generic_24_byte( X_GLrop_Color3dv, v ); +} + +#define X_GLrop_Color3fv 8 +void __indirect_glColor3f(GLfloat red, GLfloat green, GLfloat blue) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 16; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_Color3fv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&red), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&green), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(&blue), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_Color3fv 8 +void __indirect_glColor3fv(const GLfloat * v) +{ + generic_12_byte( X_GLrop_Color3fv, v ); +} + +#define X_GLrop_Color3iv 9 +void __indirect_glColor3i(GLint red, GLint green, GLint blue) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 16; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_Color3iv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&red), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&green), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(&blue), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_Color3iv 9 +void __indirect_glColor3iv(const GLint * v) +{ + generic_12_byte( X_GLrop_Color3iv, v ); +} + +#define X_GLrop_Color3sv 10 +void __indirect_glColor3s(GLshort red, GLshort green, GLshort blue) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 12; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_Color3sv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&red), 2); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 6), (void *)(&green), 2); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&blue), 2); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_Color3sv 10 +void __indirect_glColor3sv(const GLshort * v) +{ + generic_6_byte( X_GLrop_Color3sv, v ); +} + +#define X_GLrop_Color3ubv 11 +void __indirect_glColor3ub(GLubyte red, GLubyte green, GLubyte blue) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 8; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_Color3ubv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&red), 1); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 5), (void *)(&green), 1); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 6), (void *)(&blue), 1); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_Color3ubv 11 +void __indirect_glColor3ubv(const GLubyte * v) +{ + generic_3_byte( X_GLrop_Color3ubv, v ); +} + +#define X_GLrop_Color3uiv 12 +void __indirect_glColor3ui(GLuint red, GLuint green, GLuint blue) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 16; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_Color3uiv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&red), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&green), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(&blue), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_Color3uiv 12 +void __indirect_glColor3uiv(const GLuint * v) +{ + generic_12_byte( X_GLrop_Color3uiv, v ); +} + +#define X_GLrop_Color3usv 13 +void __indirect_glColor3us(GLushort red, GLushort green, GLushort blue) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 12; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_Color3usv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&red), 2); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 6), (void *)(&green), 2); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&blue), 2); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_Color3usv 13 +void __indirect_glColor3usv(const GLushort * v) +{ + generic_6_byte( X_GLrop_Color3usv, v ); +} + +#define X_GLrop_Color4bv 14 +void __indirect_glColor4b(GLbyte red, GLbyte green, GLbyte blue, GLbyte alpha) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 8; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_Color4bv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&red), 1); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 5), (void *)(&green), 1); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 6), (void *)(&blue), 1); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 7), (void *)(&alpha), 1); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_Color4bv 14 +void __indirect_glColor4bv(const GLbyte * v) +{ + generic_4_byte( X_GLrop_Color4bv, v ); +} + +#define X_GLrop_Color4dv 15 +void __indirect_glColor4d(GLdouble red, GLdouble green, GLdouble blue, GLdouble alpha) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 36; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_Color4dv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&red), 8); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(&green), 8); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 20), (void *)(&blue), 8); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 28), (void *)(&alpha), 8); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_Color4dv 15 +void __indirect_glColor4dv(const GLdouble * v) +{ + generic_32_byte( X_GLrop_Color4dv, v ); +} + +#define X_GLrop_Color4fv 16 +void __indirect_glColor4f(GLfloat red, GLfloat green, GLfloat blue, GLfloat alpha) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 20; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_Color4fv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&red), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&green), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(&blue), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 16), (void *)(&alpha), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_Color4fv 16 +void __indirect_glColor4fv(const GLfloat * v) +{ + generic_16_byte( X_GLrop_Color4fv, v ); +} + +#define X_GLrop_Color4iv 17 +void __indirect_glColor4i(GLint red, GLint green, GLint blue, GLint alpha) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 20; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_Color4iv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&red), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&green), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(&blue), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 16), (void *)(&alpha), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_Color4iv 17 +void __indirect_glColor4iv(const GLint * v) +{ + generic_16_byte( X_GLrop_Color4iv, v ); +} + +#define X_GLrop_Color4sv 18 +void __indirect_glColor4s(GLshort red, GLshort green, GLshort blue, GLshort alpha) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 12; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_Color4sv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&red), 2); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 6), (void *)(&green), 2); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&blue), 2); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 10), (void *)(&alpha), 2); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_Color4sv 18 +void __indirect_glColor4sv(const GLshort * v) +{ + generic_8_byte( X_GLrop_Color4sv, v ); +} + +#define X_GLrop_Color4ubv 19 +void __indirect_glColor4ub(GLubyte red, GLubyte green, GLubyte blue, GLubyte alpha) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 8; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_Color4ubv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&red), 1); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 5), (void *)(&green), 1); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 6), (void *)(&blue), 1); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 7), (void *)(&alpha), 1); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_Color4ubv 19 +void __indirect_glColor4ubv(const GLubyte * v) +{ + generic_4_byte( X_GLrop_Color4ubv, v ); +} + +#define X_GLrop_Color4uiv 20 +void __indirect_glColor4ui(GLuint red, GLuint green, GLuint blue, GLuint alpha) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 20; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_Color4uiv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&red), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&green), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(&blue), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 16), (void *)(&alpha), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_Color4uiv 20 +void __indirect_glColor4uiv(const GLuint * v) +{ + generic_16_byte( X_GLrop_Color4uiv, v ); +} + +#define X_GLrop_Color4usv 21 +void __indirect_glColor4us(GLushort red, GLushort green, GLushort blue, GLushort alpha) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 12; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_Color4usv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&red), 2); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 6), (void *)(&green), 2); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&blue), 2); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 10), (void *)(&alpha), 2); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_Color4usv 21 +void __indirect_glColor4usv(const GLushort * v) +{ + generic_8_byte( X_GLrop_Color4usv, v ); +} + +#define X_GLrop_EdgeFlagv 22 +void __indirect_glEdgeFlag(GLboolean flag) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 8; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_EdgeFlagv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&flag), 1); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_EdgeFlagv 22 +void __indirect_glEdgeFlagv(const GLboolean * flag) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 8; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_EdgeFlagv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(flag), 1); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_End 23 +void __indirect_glEnd(void) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 4; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_End, cmdlen); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_Indexdv 24 +void __indirect_glIndexd(GLdouble c) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 12; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_Indexdv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&c), 8); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_Indexdv 24 +void __indirect_glIndexdv(const GLdouble * c) +{ + generic_8_byte( X_GLrop_Indexdv, c ); +} + +#define X_GLrop_Indexfv 25 +void __indirect_glIndexf(GLfloat c) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 8; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_Indexfv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&c), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_Indexfv 25 +void __indirect_glIndexfv(const GLfloat * c) +{ + generic_4_byte( X_GLrop_Indexfv, c ); +} + +#define X_GLrop_Indexiv 26 +void __indirect_glIndexi(GLint c) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 8; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_Indexiv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&c), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_Indexiv 26 +void __indirect_glIndexiv(const GLint * c) +{ + generic_4_byte( X_GLrop_Indexiv, c ); +} + +#define X_GLrop_Indexsv 27 +void __indirect_glIndexs(GLshort c) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 8; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_Indexsv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&c), 2); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_Indexsv 27 +void __indirect_glIndexsv(const GLshort * c) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 8; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_Indexsv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(c), 2); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_Normal3bv 28 +void __indirect_glNormal3b(GLbyte nx, GLbyte ny, GLbyte nz) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 8; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_Normal3bv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&nx), 1); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 5), (void *)(&ny), 1); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 6), (void *)(&nz), 1); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_Normal3bv 28 +void __indirect_glNormal3bv(const GLbyte * v) +{ + generic_3_byte( X_GLrop_Normal3bv, v ); +} + +#define X_GLrop_Normal3dv 29 +void __indirect_glNormal3d(GLdouble nx, GLdouble ny, GLdouble nz) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 28; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_Normal3dv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&nx), 8); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(&ny), 8); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 20), (void *)(&nz), 8); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_Normal3dv 29 +void __indirect_glNormal3dv(const GLdouble * v) +{ + generic_24_byte( X_GLrop_Normal3dv, v ); +} + +#define X_GLrop_Normal3fv 30 +void __indirect_glNormal3f(GLfloat nx, GLfloat ny, GLfloat nz) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 16; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_Normal3fv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&nx), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&ny), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(&nz), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_Normal3fv 30 +void __indirect_glNormal3fv(const GLfloat * v) +{ + generic_12_byte( X_GLrop_Normal3fv, v ); +} + +#define X_GLrop_Normal3iv 31 +void __indirect_glNormal3i(GLint nx, GLint ny, GLint nz) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 16; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_Normal3iv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&nx), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&ny), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(&nz), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_Normal3iv 31 +void __indirect_glNormal3iv(const GLint * v) +{ + generic_12_byte( X_GLrop_Normal3iv, v ); +} + +#define X_GLrop_Normal3sv 32 +void __indirect_glNormal3s(GLshort nx, GLshort ny, GLshort nz) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 12; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_Normal3sv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&nx), 2); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 6), (void *)(&ny), 2); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&nz), 2); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_Normal3sv 32 +void __indirect_glNormal3sv(const GLshort * v) +{ + generic_6_byte( X_GLrop_Normal3sv, v ); +} + +#define X_GLrop_RasterPos2dv 33 +void __indirect_glRasterPos2d(GLdouble x, GLdouble y) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 20; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_RasterPos2dv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&x), 8); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(&y), 8); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_RasterPos2dv 33 +void __indirect_glRasterPos2dv(const GLdouble * v) +{ + generic_16_byte( X_GLrop_RasterPos2dv, v ); +} + +#define X_GLrop_RasterPos2fv 34 +void __indirect_glRasterPos2f(GLfloat x, GLfloat y) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 12; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_RasterPos2fv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&x), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&y), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_RasterPos2fv 34 +void __indirect_glRasterPos2fv(const GLfloat * v) +{ + generic_8_byte( X_GLrop_RasterPos2fv, v ); +} + +#define X_GLrop_RasterPos2iv 35 +void __indirect_glRasterPos2i(GLint x, GLint y) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 12; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_RasterPos2iv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&x), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&y), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_RasterPos2iv 35 +void __indirect_glRasterPos2iv(const GLint * v) +{ + generic_8_byte( X_GLrop_RasterPos2iv, v ); +} + +#define X_GLrop_RasterPos2sv 36 +void __indirect_glRasterPos2s(GLshort x, GLshort y) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 8; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_RasterPos2sv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&x), 2); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 6), (void *)(&y), 2); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_RasterPos2sv 36 +void __indirect_glRasterPos2sv(const GLshort * v) +{ + generic_4_byte( X_GLrop_RasterPos2sv, v ); +} + +#define X_GLrop_RasterPos3dv 37 +void __indirect_glRasterPos3d(GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 28; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_RasterPos3dv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&x), 8); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(&y), 8); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 20), (void *)(&z), 8); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_RasterPos3dv 37 +void __indirect_glRasterPos3dv(const GLdouble * v) +{ + generic_24_byte( X_GLrop_RasterPos3dv, v ); +} + +#define X_GLrop_RasterPos3fv 38 +void __indirect_glRasterPos3f(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 16; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_RasterPos3fv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&x), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&y), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(&z), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_RasterPos3fv 38 +void __indirect_glRasterPos3fv(const GLfloat * v) +{ + generic_12_byte( X_GLrop_RasterPos3fv, v ); +} + +#define X_GLrop_RasterPos3iv 39 +void __indirect_glRasterPos3i(GLint x, GLint y, GLint z) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 16; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_RasterPos3iv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&x), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&y), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(&z), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_RasterPos3iv 39 +void __indirect_glRasterPos3iv(const GLint * v) +{ + generic_12_byte( X_GLrop_RasterPos3iv, v ); +} + +#define X_GLrop_RasterPos3sv 40 +void __indirect_glRasterPos3s(GLshort x, GLshort y, GLshort z) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 12; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_RasterPos3sv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&x), 2); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 6), (void *)(&y), 2); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&z), 2); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_RasterPos3sv 40 +void __indirect_glRasterPos3sv(const GLshort * v) +{ + generic_6_byte( X_GLrop_RasterPos3sv, v ); +} + +#define X_GLrop_RasterPos4dv 41 +void __indirect_glRasterPos4d(GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z, GLdouble w) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 36; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_RasterPos4dv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&x), 8); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(&y), 8); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 20), (void *)(&z), 8); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 28), (void *)(&w), 8); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_RasterPos4dv 41 +void __indirect_glRasterPos4dv(const GLdouble * v) +{ + generic_32_byte( X_GLrop_RasterPos4dv, v ); +} + +#define X_GLrop_RasterPos4fv 42 +void __indirect_glRasterPos4f(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z, GLfloat w) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 20; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_RasterPos4fv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&x), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&y), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(&z), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 16), (void *)(&w), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_RasterPos4fv 42 +void __indirect_glRasterPos4fv(const GLfloat * v) +{ + generic_16_byte( X_GLrop_RasterPos4fv, v ); +} + +#define X_GLrop_RasterPos4iv 43 +void __indirect_glRasterPos4i(GLint x, GLint y, GLint z, GLint w) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 20; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_RasterPos4iv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&x), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&y), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(&z), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 16), (void *)(&w), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_RasterPos4iv 43 +void __indirect_glRasterPos4iv(const GLint * v) +{ + generic_16_byte( X_GLrop_RasterPos4iv, v ); +} + +#define X_GLrop_RasterPos4sv 44 +void __indirect_glRasterPos4s(GLshort x, GLshort y, GLshort z, GLshort w) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 12; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_RasterPos4sv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&x), 2); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 6), (void *)(&y), 2); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&z), 2); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 10), (void *)(&w), 2); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_RasterPos4sv 44 +void __indirect_glRasterPos4sv(const GLshort * v) +{ + generic_8_byte( X_GLrop_RasterPos4sv, v ); +} + +#define X_GLrop_Rectdv 45 +void __indirect_glRectd(GLdouble x1, GLdouble y1, GLdouble x2, GLdouble y2) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 36; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_Rectdv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&x1), 8); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(&y1), 8); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 20), (void *)(&x2), 8); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 28), (void *)(&y2), 8); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_Rectdv 45 +void __indirect_glRectdv(const GLdouble * v1, const GLdouble * v2) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 36; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_Rectdv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(v1), 16); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 20), (void *)(v2), 16); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_Rectfv 46 +void __indirect_glRectf(GLfloat x1, GLfloat y1, GLfloat x2, GLfloat y2) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 20; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_Rectfv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&x1), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&y1), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(&x2), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 16), (void *)(&y2), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_Rectfv 46 +void __indirect_glRectfv(const GLfloat * v1, const GLfloat * v2) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 20; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_Rectfv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(v1), 8); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(v2), 8); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_Rectiv 47 +void __indirect_glRecti(GLint x1, GLint y1, GLint x2, GLint y2) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 20; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_Rectiv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&x1), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&y1), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(&x2), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 16), (void *)(&y2), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_Rectiv 47 +void __indirect_glRectiv(const GLint * v1, const GLint * v2) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 20; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_Rectiv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(v1), 8); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(v2), 8); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_Rectsv 48 +void __indirect_glRects(GLshort x1, GLshort y1, GLshort x2, GLshort y2) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 12; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_Rectsv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&x1), 2); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 6), (void *)(&y1), 2); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&x2), 2); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 10), (void *)(&y2), 2); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_Rectsv 48 +void __indirect_glRectsv(const GLshort * v1, const GLshort * v2) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 12; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_Rectsv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(v1), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(v2), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_TexCoord1dv 49 +void __indirect_glTexCoord1d(GLdouble s) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 12; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_TexCoord1dv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&s), 8); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_TexCoord1dv 49 +void __indirect_glTexCoord1dv(const GLdouble * v) +{ + generic_8_byte( X_GLrop_TexCoord1dv, v ); +} + +#define X_GLrop_TexCoord1fv 50 +void __indirect_glTexCoord1f(GLfloat s) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 8; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_TexCoord1fv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&s), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_TexCoord1fv 50 +void __indirect_glTexCoord1fv(const GLfloat * v) +{ + generic_4_byte( X_GLrop_TexCoord1fv, v ); +} + +#define X_GLrop_TexCoord1iv 51 +void __indirect_glTexCoord1i(GLint s) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 8; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_TexCoord1iv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&s), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_TexCoord1iv 51 +void __indirect_glTexCoord1iv(const GLint * v) +{ + generic_4_byte( X_GLrop_TexCoord1iv, v ); +} + +#define X_GLrop_TexCoord1sv 52 +void __indirect_glTexCoord1s(GLshort s) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 8; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_TexCoord1sv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&s), 2); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_TexCoord1sv 52 +void __indirect_glTexCoord1sv(const GLshort * v) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 8; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_TexCoord1sv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(v), 2); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_TexCoord2dv 53 +void __indirect_glTexCoord2d(GLdouble s, GLdouble t) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 20; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_TexCoord2dv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&s), 8); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(&t), 8); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_TexCoord2dv 53 +void __indirect_glTexCoord2dv(const GLdouble * v) +{ + generic_16_byte( X_GLrop_TexCoord2dv, v ); +} + +#define X_GLrop_TexCoord2fv 54 +void __indirect_glTexCoord2f(GLfloat s, GLfloat t) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 12; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_TexCoord2fv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&s), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&t), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_TexCoord2fv 54 +void __indirect_glTexCoord2fv(const GLfloat * v) +{ + generic_8_byte( X_GLrop_TexCoord2fv, v ); +} + +#define X_GLrop_TexCoord2iv 55 +void __indirect_glTexCoord2i(GLint s, GLint t) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 12; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_TexCoord2iv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&s), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&t), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_TexCoord2iv 55 +void __indirect_glTexCoord2iv(const GLint * v) +{ + generic_8_byte( X_GLrop_TexCoord2iv, v ); +} + +#define X_GLrop_TexCoord2sv 56 +void __indirect_glTexCoord2s(GLshort s, GLshort t) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 8; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_TexCoord2sv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&s), 2); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 6), (void *)(&t), 2); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_TexCoord2sv 56 +void __indirect_glTexCoord2sv(const GLshort * v) +{ + generic_4_byte( X_GLrop_TexCoord2sv, v ); +} + +#define X_GLrop_TexCoord3dv 57 +void __indirect_glTexCoord3d(GLdouble s, GLdouble t, GLdouble r) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 28; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_TexCoord3dv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&s), 8); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(&t), 8); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 20), (void *)(&r), 8); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_TexCoord3dv 57 +void __indirect_glTexCoord3dv(const GLdouble * v) +{ + generic_24_byte( X_GLrop_TexCoord3dv, v ); +} + +#define X_GLrop_TexCoord3fv 58 +void __indirect_glTexCoord3f(GLfloat s, GLfloat t, GLfloat r) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 16; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_TexCoord3fv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&s), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&t), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(&r), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_TexCoord3fv 58 +void __indirect_glTexCoord3fv(const GLfloat * v) +{ + generic_12_byte( X_GLrop_TexCoord3fv, v ); +} + +#define X_GLrop_TexCoord3iv 59 +void __indirect_glTexCoord3i(GLint s, GLint t, GLint r) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 16; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_TexCoord3iv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&s), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&t), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(&r), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_TexCoord3iv 59 +void __indirect_glTexCoord3iv(const GLint * v) +{ + generic_12_byte( X_GLrop_TexCoord3iv, v ); +} + +#define X_GLrop_TexCoord3sv 60 +void __indirect_glTexCoord3s(GLshort s, GLshort t, GLshort r) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 12; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_TexCoord3sv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&s), 2); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 6), (void *)(&t), 2); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&r), 2); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_TexCoord3sv 60 +void __indirect_glTexCoord3sv(const GLshort * v) +{ + generic_6_byte( X_GLrop_TexCoord3sv, v ); +} + +#define X_GLrop_TexCoord4dv 61 +void __indirect_glTexCoord4d(GLdouble s, GLdouble t, GLdouble r, GLdouble q) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 36; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_TexCoord4dv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&s), 8); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(&t), 8); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 20), (void *)(&r), 8); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 28), (void *)(&q), 8); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_TexCoord4dv 61 +void __indirect_glTexCoord4dv(const GLdouble * v) +{ + generic_32_byte( X_GLrop_TexCoord4dv, v ); +} + +#define X_GLrop_TexCoord4fv 62 +void __indirect_glTexCoord4f(GLfloat s, GLfloat t, GLfloat r, GLfloat q) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 20; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_TexCoord4fv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&s), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&t), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(&r), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 16), (void *)(&q), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_TexCoord4fv 62 +void __indirect_glTexCoord4fv(const GLfloat * v) +{ + generic_16_byte( X_GLrop_TexCoord4fv, v ); +} + +#define X_GLrop_TexCoord4iv 63 +void __indirect_glTexCoord4i(GLint s, GLint t, GLint r, GLint q) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 20; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_TexCoord4iv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&s), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&t), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(&r), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 16), (void *)(&q), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_TexCoord4iv 63 +void __indirect_glTexCoord4iv(const GLint * v) +{ + generic_16_byte( X_GLrop_TexCoord4iv, v ); +} + +#define X_GLrop_TexCoord4sv 64 +void __indirect_glTexCoord4s(GLshort s, GLshort t, GLshort r, GLshort q) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 12; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_TexCoord4sv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&s), 2); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 6), (void *)(&t), 2); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&r), 2); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 10), (void *)(&q), 2); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_TexCoord4sv 64 +void __indirect_glTexCoord4sv(const GLshort * v) +{ + generic_8_byte( X_GLrop_TexCoord4sv, v ); +} + +#define X_GLrop_Vertex2dv 65 +void __indirect_glVertex2d(GLdouble x, GLdouble y) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 20; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_Vertex2dv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&x), 8); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(&y), 8); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_Vertex2dv 65 +void __indirect_glVertex2dv(const GLdouble * v) +{ + generic_16_byte( X_GLrop_Vertex2dv, v ); +} + +#define X_GLrop_Vertex2fv 66 +void __indirect_glVertex2f(GLfloat x, GLfloat y) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 12; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_Vertex2fv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&x), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&y), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_Vertex2fv 66 +void __indirect_glVertex2fv(const GLfloat * v) +{ + generic_8_byte( X_GLrop_Vertex2fv, v ); +} + +#define X_GLrop_Vertex2iv 67 +void __indirect_glVertex2i(GLint x, GLint y) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 12; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_Vertex2iv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&x), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&y), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_Vertex2iv 67 +void __indirect_glVertex2iv(const GLint * v) +{ + generic_8_byte( X_GLrop_Vertex2iv, v ); +} + +#define X_GLrop_Vertex2sv 68 +void __indirect_glVertex2s(GLshort x, GLshort y) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 8; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_Vertex2sv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&x), 2); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 6), (void *)(&y), 2); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_Vertex2sv 68 +void __indirect_glVertex2sv(const GLshort * v) +{ + generic_4_byte( X_GLrop_Vertex2sv, v ); +} + +#define X_GLrop_Vertex3dv 69 +void __indirect_glVertex3d(GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 28; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_Vertex3dv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&x), 8); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(&y), 8); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 20), (void *)(&z), 8); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_Vertex3dv 69 +void __indirect_glVertex3dv(const GLdouble * v) +{ + generic_24_byte( X_GLrop_Vertex3dv, v ); +} + +#define X_GLrop_Vertex3fv 70 +void __indirect_glVertex3f(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 16; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_Vertex3fv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&x), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&y), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(&z), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_Vertex3fv 70 +void __indirect_glVertex3fv(const GLfloat * v) +{ + generic_12_byte( X_GLrop_Vertex3fv, v ); +} + +#define X_GLrop_Vertex3iv 71 +void __indirect_glVertex3i(GLint x, GLint y, GLint z) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 16; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_Vertex3iv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&x), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&y), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(&z), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_Vertex3iv 71 +void __indirect_glVertex3iv(const GLint * v) +{ + generic_12_byte( X_GLrop_Vertex3iv, v ); +} + +#define X_GLrop_Vertex3sv 72 +void __indirect_glVertex3s(GLshort x, GLshort y, GLshort z) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 12; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_Vertex3sv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&x), 2); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 6), (void *)(&y), 2); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&z), 2); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_Vertex3sv 72 +void __indirect_glVertex3sv(const GLshort * v) +{ + generic_6_byte( X_GLrop_Vertex3sv, v ); +} + +#define X_GLrop_Vertex4dv 73 +void __indirect_glVertex4d(GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z, GLdouble w) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 36; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_Vertex4dv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&x), 8); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(&y), 8); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 20), (void *)(&z), 8); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 28), (void *)(&w), 8); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_Vertex4dv 73 +void __indirect_glVertex4dv(const GLdouble * v) +{ + generic_32_byte( X_GLrop_Vertex4dv, v ); +} + +#define X_GLrop_Vertex4fv 74 +void __indirect_glVertex4f(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z, GLfloat w) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 20; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_Vertex4fv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&x), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&y), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(&z), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 16), (void *)(&w), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_Vertex4fv 74 +void __indirect_glVertex4fv(const GLfloat * v) +{ + generic_16_byte( X_GLrop_Vertex4fv, v ); +} + +#define X_GLrop_Vertex4iv 75 +void __indirect_glVertex4i(GLint x, GLint y, GLint z, GLint w) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 20; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_Vertex4iv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&x), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&y), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(&z), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 16), (void *)(&w), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_Vertex4iv 75 +void __indirect_glVertex4iv(const GLint * v) +{ + generic_16_byte( X_GLrop_Vertex4iv, v ); +} + +#define X_GLrop_Vertex4sv 76 +void __indirect_glVertex4s(GLshort x, GLshort y, GLshort z, GLshort w) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 12; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_Vertex4sv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&x), 2); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 6), (void *)(&y), 2); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&z), 2); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 10), (void *)(&w), 2); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_Vertex4sv 76 +void __indirect_glVertex4sv(const GLshort * v) +{ + generic_8_byte( X_GLrop_Vertex4sv, v ); +} + +#define X_GLrop_ClipPlane 77 +void __indirect_glClipPlane(GLenum plane, const GLdouble * equation) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 40; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_ClipPlane, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(equation), 32); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 36), (void *)(&plane), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_ColorMaterial 78 +void __indirect_glColorMaterial(GLenum face, GLenum mode) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 12; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_ColorMaterial, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&face), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&mode), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_CullFace 79 +void __indirect_glCullFace(GLenum mode) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 8; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_CullFace, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&mode), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_Fogf 80 +void __indirect_glFogf(GLenum pname, GLfloat param) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 12; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_Fogf, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&pname), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(¶m), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_Fogfv 81 +void __indirect_glFogfv(GLenum pname, const GLfloat * params) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint compsize = __glFogfv_size(pname); + const GLuint cmdlen = 8 + __GLX_PAD((compsize * 4)); +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_Fogfv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&pname), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(params), (compsize * 4)); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_Fogi 82 +void __indirect_glFogi(GLenum pname, GLint param) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 12; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_Fogi, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&pname), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(¶m), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_Fogiv 83 +void __indirect_glFogiv(GLenum pname, const GLint * params) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint compsize = __glFogiv_size(pname); + const GLuint cmdlen = 8 + __GLX_PAD((compsize * 4)); +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_Fogiv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&pname), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(params), (compsize * 4)); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_FrontFace 84 +void __indirect_glFrontFace(GLenum mode) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 8; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_FrontFace, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&mode), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_Hint 85 +void __indirect_glHint(GLenum target, GLenum mode) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 12; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_Hint, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&mode), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_Lightf 86 +void __indirect_glLightf(GLenum light, GLenum pname, GLfloat param) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 16; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_Lightf, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&light), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&pname), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(¶m), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_Lightfv 87 +void __indirect_glLightfv(GLenum light, GLenum pname, const GLfloat * params) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint compsize = __glLightfv_size(pname); + const GLuint cmdlen = 12 + __GLX_PAD((compsize * 4)); +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_Lightfv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&light), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&pname), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(params), (compsize * 4)); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_Lighti 88 +void __indirect_glLighti(GLenum light, GLenum pname, GLint param) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 16; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_Lighti, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&light), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&pname), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(¶m), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_Lightiv 89 +void __indirect_glLightiv(GLenum light, GLenum pname, const GLint * params) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint compsize = __glLightiv_size(pname); + const GLuint cmdlen = 12 + __GLX_PAD((compsize * 4)); +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_Lightiv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&light), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&pname), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(params), (compsize * 4)); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_LightModelf 90 +void __indirect_glLightModelf(GLenum pname, GLfloat param) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 12; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_LightModelf, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&pname), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(¶m), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_LightModelfv 91 +void __indirect_glLightModelfv(GLenum pname, const GLfloat * params) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint compsize = __glLightModelfv_size(pname); + const GLuint cmdlen = 8 + __GLX_PAD((compsize * 4)); +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_LightModelfv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&pname), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(params), (compsize * 4)); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_LightModeli 92 +void __indirect_glLightModeli(GLenum pname, GLint param) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 12; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_LightModeli, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&pname), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(¶m), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_LightModeliv 93 +void __indirect_glLightModeliv(GLenum pname, const GLint * params) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint compsize = __glLightModeliv_size(pname); + const GLuint cmdlen = 8 + __GLX_PAD((compsize * 4)); +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_LightModeliv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&pname), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(params), (compsize * 4)); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_LineStipple 94 +void __indirect_glLineStipple(GLint factor, GLushort pattern) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 12; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_LineStipple, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&factor), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&pattern), 2); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_LineWidth 95 +void __indirect_glLineWidth(GLfloat width) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 8; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_LineWidth, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&width), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_Materialf 96 +void __indirect_glMaterialf(GLenum face, GLenum pname, GLfloat param) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 16; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_Materialf, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&face), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&pname), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(¶m), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_Materialfv 97 +void __indirect_glMaterialfv(GLenum face, GLenum pname, const GLfloat * params) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint compsize = __glMaterialfv_size(pname); + const GLuint cmdlen = 12 + __GLX_PAD((compsize * 4)); +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_Materialfv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&face), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&pname), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(params), (compsize * 4)); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_Materiali 98 +void __indirect_glMateriali(GLenum face, GLenum pname, GLint param) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 16; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_Materiali, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&face), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&pname), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(¶m), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_Materialiv 99 +void __indirect_glMaterialiv(GLenum face, GLenum pname, const GLint * params) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint compsize = __glMaterialiv_size(pname); + const GLuint cmdlen = 12 + __GLX_PAD((compsize * 4)); +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_Materialiv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&face), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&pname), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(params), (compsize * 4)); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_PointSize 100 +void __indirect_glPointSize(GLfloat size) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 8; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_PointSize, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&size), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_PolygonMode 101 +void __indirect_glPolygonMode(GLenum face, GLenum mode) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 12; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_PolygonMode, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&face), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&mode), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_PolygonStipple 102 +void __indirect_glPolygonStipple(const GLubyte * mask) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint compsize = (mask != NULL) ? __glImageSize(32, 32, 1, GL_COLOR_INDEX, GL_BITMAP, 0) : 0; + const GLuint cmdlen = 24 + __GLX_PAD(compsize); +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_PolygonStipple, cmdlen); +if (compsize > 0) { + (*gc->fillImage)(gc, 2, 32, 32, 1, GL_COLOR_INDEX, GL_BITMAP, mask, gc->pc + 24, gc->pc + 4); +} else { + (void) memcpy( gc->pc + 4, default_pixel_store_2D, default_pixel_store_2D_size ); +} +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (gc->pc > gc->limit) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_Scissor 103 +void __indirect_glScissor(GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 20; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_Scissor, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&x), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&y), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(&width), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 16), (void *)(&height), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_ShadeModel 104 +void __indirect_glShadeModel(GLenum mode) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 8; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_ShadeModel, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&mode), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_TexParameterf 105 +void __indirect_glTexParameterf(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat param) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 16; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_TexParameterf, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&pname), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(¶m), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_TexParameterfv 106 +void __indirect_glTexParameterfv(GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLfloat * params) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint compsize = __glTexParameterfv_size(pname); + const GLuint cmdlen = 12 + __GLX_PAD((compsize * 4)); +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_TexParameterfv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&pname), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(params), (compsize * 4)); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_TexParameteri 107 +void __indirect_glTexParameteri(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint param) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 16; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_TexParameteri, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&pname), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(¶m), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_TexParameteriv 108 +void __indirect_glTexParameteriv(GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLint * params) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint compsize = __glTexParameteriv_size(pname); + const GLuint cmdlen = 12 + __GLX_PAD((compsize * 4)); +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_TexParameteriv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&pname), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(params), (compsize * 4)); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +static void +__glx_TexImage_1D2D( unsigned opcode, unsigned dim, GLenum target, GLint level, GLint internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLint border, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid * pixels ) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint compsize = __glImageSize(width, height, 1, format, type, target); + const GLuint cmdlen = 56 + __GLX_PAD(compsize); + if (__builtin_expect(gc->currentDpy != NULL, 1)) { +if (cmdlen <= gc->maxSmallRenderCommandSize) { + if ( (gc->pc + cmdlen) > gc->bufEnd ) { + (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); + } +emit_header(gc->pc, opcode, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 24), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 28), (void *)(&level), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 32), (void *)(&internalformat), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 36), (void *)(&width), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 40), (void *)(&height), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 44), (void *)(&border), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 48), (void *)(&format), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 52), (void *)(&type), 4); +if ((compsize > 0) && (pixels != NULL)) { + (*gc->fillImage)(gc, dim, width, height, 1, format, type, pixels, gc->pc + 56, gc->pc + 4); +} else { + (void) memcpy( gc->pc + 4, default_pixel_store_2D, default_pixel_store_2D_size ); +} +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (gc->pc > gc->limit) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} +else { +const GLint op = opcode; +const GLuint cmdlenLarge = cmdlen + 4; +GLubyte * const pc = __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 0), (void *)(&cmdlenLarge), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 4), (void *)(&op), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 28), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 32), (void *)(&level), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 36), (void *)(&internalformat), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 40), (void *)(&width), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 44), (void *)(&height), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 48), (void *)(&border), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 52), (void *)(&format), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 56), (void *)(&type), 4); +__glXSendLargeImage(gc, compsize, dim, width, height, 1, format, type, pixels, pc + 60, pc + 8); +} + } +} + +#define X_GLrop_TexImage1D 109 +void __indirect_glTexImage1D(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint internalformat, GLsizei width, GLint border, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid * pixels) +{ + __glx_TexImage_1D2D(X_GLrop_TexImage1D, 1, target, level, internalformat, width, 1, border, format, type, pixels ); +} + +#define X_GLrop_TexImage2D 110 +void __indirect_glTexImage2D(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLint border, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid * pixels) +{ + __glx_TexImage_1D2D(X_GLrop_TexImage2D, 2, target, level, internalformat, width, height, border, format, type, pixels ); +} + +#define X_GLrop_TexEnvf 111 +void __indirect_glTexEnvf(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat param) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 16; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_TexEnvf, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&pname), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(¶m), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_TexEnvfv 112 +void __indirect_glTexEnvfv(GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLfloat * params) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint compsize = __glTexEnvfv_size(pname); + const GLuint cmdlen = 12 + __GLX_PAD((compsize * 4)); +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_TexEnvfv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&pname), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(params), (compsize * 4)); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_TexEnvi 113 +void __indirect_glTexEnvi(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint param) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 16; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_TexEnvi, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&pname), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(¶m), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_TexEnviv 114 +void __indirect_glTexEnviv(GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLint * params) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint compsize = __glTexEnviv_size(pname); + const GLuint cmdlen = 12 + __GLX_PAD((compsize * 4)); +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_TexEnviv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&pname), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(params), (compsize * 4)); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_TexGend 115 +void __indirect_glTexGend(GLenum coord, GLenum pname, GLdouble param) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 20; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_TexGend, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(¶m), 8); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(&coord), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 16), (void *)(&pname), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_TexGendv 116 +void __indirect_glTexGendv(GLenum coord, GLenum pname, const GLdouble * params) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint compsize = __glTexGendv_size(pname); + const GLuint cmdlen = 12 + __GLX_PAD((compsize * 8)); +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_TexGendv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&coord), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&pname), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(params), (compsize * 8)); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_TexGenf 117 +void __indirect_glTexGenf(GLenum coord, GLenum pname, GLfloat param) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 16; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_TexGenf, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&coord), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&pname), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(¶m), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_TexGenfv 118 +void __indirect_glTexGenfv(GLenum coord, GLenum pname, const GLfloat * params) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint compsize = __glTexGenfv_size(pname); + const GLuint cmdlen = 12 + __GLX_PAD((compsize * 4)); +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_TexGenfv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&coord), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&pname), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(params), (compsize * 4)); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_TexGeni 119 +void __indirect_glTexGeni(GLenum coord, GLenum pname, GLint param) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 16; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_TexGeni, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&coord), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&pname), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(¶m), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_TexGeniv 120 +void __indirect_glTexGeniv(GLenum coord, GLenum pname, const GLint * params) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint compsize = __glTexGeniv_size(pname); + const GLuint cmdlen = 12 + __GLX_PAD((compsize * 4)); +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_TexGeniv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&coord), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&pname), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(params), (compsize * 4)); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_InitNames 121 +void __indirect_glInitNames(void) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 4; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_InitNames, cmdlen); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_LoadName 122 +void __indirect_glLoadName(GLuint name) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 8; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_LoadName, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&name), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_PassThrough 123 +void __indirect_glPassThrough(GLfloat token) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 8; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_PassThrough, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&token), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_PopName 124 +void __indirect_glPopName(void) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 4; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_PopName, cmdlen); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_PushName 125 +void __indirect_glPushName(GLuint name) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 8; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_PushName, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&name), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_DrawBuffer 126 +void __indirect_glDrawBuffer(GLenum mode) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 8; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_DrawBuffer, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&mode), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_Clear 127 +void __indirect_glClear(GLbitfield mask) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 8; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_Clear, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&mask), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_ClearAccum 128 +void __indirect_glClearAccum(GLfloat red, GLfloat green, GLfloat blue, GLfloat alpha) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 20; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_ClearAccum, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&red), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&green), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(&blue), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 16), (void *)(&alpha), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_ClearIndex 129 +void __indirect_glClearIndex(GLfloat c) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 8; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_ClearIndex, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&c), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_ClearColor 130 +void __indirect_glClearColor(GLclampf red, GLclampf green, GLclampf blue, GLclampf alpha) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 20; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_ClearColor, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&red), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&green), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(&blue), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 16), (void *)(&alpha), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_ClearStencil 131 +void __indirect_glClearStencil(GLint s) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 8; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_ClearStencil, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&s), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_ClearDepth 132 +void __indirect_glClearDepth(GLclampd depth) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 12; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_ClearDepth, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&depth), 8); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_StencilMask 133 +void __indirect_glStencilMask(GLuint mask) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 8; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_StencilMask, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&mask), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_ColorMask 134 +void __indirect_glColorMask(GLboolean red, GLboolean green, GLboolean blue, GLboolean alpha) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 8; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_ColorMask, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&red), 1); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 5), (void *)(&green), 1); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 6), (void *)(&blue), 1); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 7), (void *)(&alpha), 1); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_DepthMask 135 +void __indirect_glDepthMask(GLboolean flag) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 8; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_DepthMask, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&flag), 1); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_IndexMask 136 +void __indirect_glIndexMask(GLuint mask) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 8; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_IndexMask, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&mask), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_Accum 137 +void __indirect_glAccum(GLenum op, GLfloat value) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 12; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_Accum, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&op), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&value), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_PopAttrib 141 +void __indirect_glPopAttrib(void) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 4; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_PopAttrib, cmdlen); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_PushAttrib 142 +void __indirect_glPushAttrib(GLbitfield mask) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 8; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_PushAttrib, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&mask), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_MapGrid1d 147 +void __indirect_glMapGrid1d(GLint un, GLdouble u1, GLdouble u2) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 24; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_MapGrid1d, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&u1), 8); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(&u2), 8); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 20), (void *)(&un), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_MapGrid1f 148 +void __indirect_glMapGrid1f(GLint un, GLfloat u1, GLfloat u2) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 16; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_MapGrid1f, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&un), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&u1), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(&u2), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_MapGrid2d 149 +void __indirect_glMapGrid2d(GLint un, GLdouble u1, GLdouble u2, GLint vn, GLdouble v1, GLdouble v2) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 44; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_MapGrid2d, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&u1), 8); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(&u2), 8); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 20), (void *)(&v1), 8); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 28), (void *)(&v2), 8); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 36), (void *)(&un), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 40), (void *)(&vn), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_MapGrid2f 150 +void __indirect_glMapGrid2f(GLint un, GLfloat u1, GLfloat u2, GLint vn, GLfloat v1, GLfloat v2) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 28; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_MapGrid2f, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&un), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&u1), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(&u2), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 16), (void *)(&vn), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 20), (void *)(&v1), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 24), (void *)(&v2), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_EvalCoord1dv 151 +void __indirect_glEvalCoord1d(GLdouble u) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 12; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_EvalCoord1dv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&u), 8); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_EvalCoord1dv 151 +void __indirect_glEvalCoord1dv(const GLdouble * u) +{ + generic_8_byte( X_GLrop_EvalCoord1dv, u ); +} + +#define X_GLrop_EvalCoord1fv 152 +void __indirect_glEvalCoord1f(GLfloat u) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 8; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_EvalCoord1fv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&u), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_EvalCoord1fv 152 +void __indirect_glEvalCoord1fv(const GLfloat * u) +{ + generic_4_byte( X_GLrop_EvalCoord1fv, u ); +} + +#define X_GLrop_EvalCoord2dv 153 +void __indirect_glEvalCoord2d(GLdouble u, GLdouble v) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 20; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_EvalCoord2dv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&u), 8); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(&v), 8); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_EvalCoord2dv 153 +void __indirect_glEvalCoord2dv(const GLdouble * u) +{ + generic_16_byte( X_GLrop_EvalCoord2dv, u ); +} + +#define X_GLrop_EvalCoord2fv 154 +void __indirect_glEvalCoord2f(GLfloat u, GLfloat v) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 12; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_EvalCoord2fv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&u), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&v), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_EvalCoord2fv 154 +void __indirect_glEvalCoord2fv(const GLfloat * u) +{ + generic_8_byte( X_GLrop_EvalCoord2fv, u ); +} + +#define X_GLrop_EvalMesh1 155 +void __indirect_glEvalMesh1(GLenum mode, GLint i1, GLint i2) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 16; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_EvalMesh1, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&mode), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&i1), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(&i2), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_EvalPoint1 156 +void __indirect_glEvalPoint1(GLint i) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 8; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_EvalPoint1, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&i), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_EvalMesh2 157 +void __indirect_glEvalMesh2(GLenum mode, GLint i1, GLint i2, GLint j1, GLint j2) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 24; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_EvalMesh2, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&mode), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&i1), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(&i2), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 16), (void *)(&j1), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 20), (void *)(&j2), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_EvalPoint2 158 +void __indirect_glEvalPoint2(GLint i, GLint j) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 12; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_EvalPoint2, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&i), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&j), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_AlphaFunc 159 +void __indirect_glAlphaFunc(GLenum func, GLclampf ref) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 12; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_AlphaFunc, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&func), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&ref), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_BlendFunc 160 +void __indirect_glBlendFunc(GLenum sfactor, GLenum dfactor) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 12; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_BlendFunc, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&sfactor), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&dfactor), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_LogicOp 161 +void __indirect_glLogicOp(GLenum opcode) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 8; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_LogicOp, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&opcode), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_StencilFunc 162 +void __indirect_glStencilFunc(GLenum func, GLint ref, GLuint mask) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 16; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_StencilFunc, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&func), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&ref), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(&mask), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_StencilOp 163 +void __indirect_glStencilOp(GLenum fail, GLenum zfail, GLenum zpass) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 16; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_StencilOp, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&fail), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&zfail), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(&zpass), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_DepthFunc 164 +void __indirect_glDepthFunc(GLenum func) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 8; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_DepthFunc, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&func), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_PixelZoom 165 +void __indirect_glPixelZoom(GLfloat xfactor, GLfloat yfactor) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 12; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_PixelZoom, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&xfactor), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&yfactor), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_PixelTransferf 166 +void __indirect_glPixelTransferf(GLenum pname, GLfloat param) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 12; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_PixelTransferf, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&pname), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(¶m), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_PixelTransferi 167 +void __indirect_glPixelTransferi(GLenum pname, GLint param) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 12; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_PixelTransferi, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&pname), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(¶m), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_PixelMapfv 168 +void __indirect_glPixelMapfv(GLenum map, GLsizei mapsize, const GLfloat * values) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 12 + __GLX_PAD((mapsize * 4)); + if (mapsize < 0) { + __glXSetError(gc, GL_INVALID_VALUE); + return; + } + if (__builtin_expect((mapsize >= 0) && (gc->currentDpy != NULL), 1)) { +if (cmdlen <= gc->maxSmallRenderCommandSize) { + if ( (gc->pc + cmdlen) > gc->bufEnd ) { + (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); + } +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_PixelMapfv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&map), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&mapsize), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(values), (mapsize * 4)); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} +else { +const GLint op = X_GLrop_PixelMapfv; +const GLuint cmdlenLarge = cmdlen + 4; +GLubyte * const pc = __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 0), (void *)(&cmdlenLarge), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 4), (void *)(&op), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 8), (void *)(&map), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 12), (void *)(&mapsize), 4); + __glXSendLargeCommand(gc, pc, 16, values, (mapsize * 4)); +} + } +} + +#define X_GLrop_PixelMapuiv 169 +void __indirect_glPixelMapuiv(GLenum map, GLsizei mapsize, const GLuint * values) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 12 + __GLX_PAD((mapsize * 4)); + if (mapsize < 0) { + __glXSetError(gc, GL_INVALID_VALUE); + return; + } + if (__builtin_expect((mapsize >= 0) && (gc->currentDpy != NULL), 1)) { +if (cmdlen <= gc->maxSmallRenderCommandSize) { + if ( (gc->pc + cmdlen) > gc->bufEnd ) { + (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); + } +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_PixelMapuiv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&map), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&mapsize), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(values), (mapsize * 4)); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} +else { +const GLint op = X_GLrop_PixelMapuiv; +const GLuint cmdlenLarge = cmdlen + 4; +GLubyte * const pc = __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 0), (void *)(&cmdlenLarge), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 4), (void *)(&op), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 8), (void *)(&map), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 12), (void *)(&mapsize), 4); + __glXSendLargeCommand(gc, pc, 16, values, (mapsize * 4)); +} + } +} + +#define X_GLrop_PixelMapusv 170 +void __indirect_glPixelMapusv(GLenum map, GLsizei mapsize, const GLushort * values) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 12 + __GLX_PAD((mapsize * 2)); + if (mapsize < 0) { + __glXSetError(gc, GL_INVALID_VALUE); + return; + } + if (__builtin_expect((mapsize >= 0) && (gc->currentDpy != NULL), 1)) { +if (cmdlen <= gc->maxSmallRenderCommandSize) { + if ( (gc->pc + cmdlen) > gc->bufEnd ) { + (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); + } +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_PixelMapusv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&map), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&mapsize), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(values), (mapsize * 2)); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} +else { +const GLint op = X_GLrop_PixelMapusv; +const GLuint cmdlenLarge = cmdlen + 4; +GLubyte * const pc = __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 0), (void *)(&cmdlenLarge), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 4), (void *)(&op), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 8), (void *)(&map), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 12), (void *)(&mapsize), 4); + __glXSendLargeCommand(gc, pc, 16, values, (mapsize * 2)); +} + } +} + +#define X_GLrop_ReadBuffer 171 +void __indirect_glReadBuffer(GLenum mode) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 8; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_ReadBuffer, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&mode), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_CopyPixels 172 +void __indirect_glCopyPixels(GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum type) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 24; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_CopyPixels, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&x), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&y), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(&width), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 16), (void *)(&height), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 20), (void *)(&type), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLsop_ReadPixels 111 +void __indirect_glReadPixels(GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLvoid * pixels) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const __GLXattribute * const state = gc->client_state_private; + Display * const dpy = gc->currentDpy; +#ifndef USE_XCB + const GLuint cmdlen = 28; +#endif + if (__builtin_expect(dpy != NULL, 1)) { +#ifdef USE_XCB + xcb_connection_t *c = XGetXCBConnection(dpy); + (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); + xcb_glx_read_pixels_reply_t *reply = xcb_glx_read_pixels_reply(c, xcb_glx_read_pixels(c, gc->currentContextTag, x, y, width, height, format, type, state->storePack.swapEndian, 0), NULL); + __glEmptyImage(gc, 3, width, height, 1, format, type, xcb_glx_read_pixels_data(reply), pixels); + free(reply); +#else + GLubyte const * pc = __glXSetupSingleRequest(gc, X_GLsop_ReadPixels, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 0), (void *)(&x), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 4), (void *)(&y), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 8), (void *)(&width), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 12), (void *)(&height), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 16), (void *)(&format), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 20), (void *)(&type), 4); + *(int32_t *)(pc + 24) = 0; + * (int8_t *)(pc + 24) = state->storePack.swapEndian; + __glXReadPixelReply(dpy, gc, 2, width, height, 1, format, type, pixels, GL_FALSE); + UnlockDisplay(dpy); SyncHandle(); +#endif /* USE_XCB */ + } + return; +} + +#define X_GLrop_DrawPixels 173 +void __indirect_glDrawPixels(GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid * pixels) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint compsize = (pixels != NULL) ? __glImageSize(width, height, 1, format, type, 0) : 0; + const GLuint cmdlen = 40 + __GLX_PAD(compsize); + if (__builtin_expect(gc->currentDpy != NULL, 1)) { +if (cmdlen <= gc->maxSmallRenderCommandSize) { + if ( (gc->pc + cmdlen) > gc->bufEnd ) { + (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); + } +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_DrawPixels, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 24), (void *)(&width), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 28), (void *)(&height), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 32), (void *)(&format), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 36), (void *)(&type), 4); +if (compsize > 0) { + (*gc->fillImage)(gc, 2, width, height, 1, format, type, pixels, gc->pc + 40, gc->pc + 4); +} else { + (void) memcpy( gc->pc + 4, default_pixel_store_2D, default_pixel_store_2D_size ); +} +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (gc->pc > gc->limit) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} +else { +const GLint op = X_GLrop_DrawPixels; +const GLuint cmdlenLarge = cmdlen + 4; +GLubyte * const pc = __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 0), (void *)(&cmdlenLarge), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 4), (void *)(&op), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 28), (void *)(&width), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 32), (void *)(&height), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 36), (void *)(&format), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 40), (void *)(&type), 4); +__glXSendLargeImage(gc, compsize, 2, width, height, 1, format, type, pixels, pc + 44, pc + 8); +} + } +} + +#define X_GLsop_GetClipPlane 113 +void __indirect_glGetClipPlane(GLenum plane, GLdouble * equation) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + Display * const dpy = gc->currentDpy; +#ifndef USE_XCB + const GLuint cmdlen = 4; +#endif + if (__builtin_expect(dpy != NULL, 1)) { +#ifdef USE_XCB + xcb_connection_t *c = XGetXCBConnection(dpy); + (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); + xcb_glx_get_clip_plane_reply_t *reply = xcb_glx_get_clip_plane_reply(c, xcb_glx_get_clip_plane(c, gc->currentContextTag, plane), NULL); + (void)memcpy(equation, xcb_glx_get_clip_plane_data(reply), xcb_glx_get_clip_plane_data_length(reply) * sizeof(GLdouble)); + free(reply); +#else + GLubyte const * pc = __glXSetupSingleRequest(gc, X_GLsop_GetClipPlane, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 0), (void *)(&plane), 4); + (void) __glXReadReply(dpy, 8, equation, GL_TRUE); + UnlockDisplay(dpy); SyncHandle(); +#endif /* USE_XCB */ + } + return; +} + +#define X_GLsop_GetLightfv 118 +void __indirect_glGetLightfv(GLenum light, GLenum pname, GLfloat * params) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + Display * const dpy = gc->currentDpy; +#ifndef USE_XCB + const GLuint cmdlen = 8; +#endif + if (__builtin_expect(dpy != NULL, 1)) { +#ifdef USE_XCB + xcb_connection_t *c = XGetXCBConnection(dpy); + (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); + xcb_glx_get_lightfv_reply_t *reply = xcb_glx_get_lightfv_reply(c, xcb_glx_get_lightfv(c, gc->currentContextTag, light, pname), NULL); + /* the XXX_data_length() xcb function name is misleading, it returns the number */ + /* of elements, not the length of the data part. A single element is embedded. */ + if (xcb_glx_get_lightfv_data_length(reply) == 1) + (void)memcpy(params, &reply->datum, sizeof(reply->datum)); + else + (void)memcpy(params, xcb_glx_get_lightfv_data(reply), xcb_glx_get_lightfv_data_length(reply) * sizeof(GLfloat)); + free(reply); +#else + GLubyte const * pc = __glXSetupSingleRequest(gc, X_GLsop_GetLightfv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 0), (void *)(&light), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 4), (void *)(&pname), 4); + (void) __glXReadReply(dpy, 4, params, GL_FALSE); + UnlockDisplay(dpy); SyncHandle(); +#endif /* USE_XCB */ + } + return; +} + +#define X_GLsop_GetLightiv 119 +void __indirect_glGetLightiv(GLenum light, GLenum pname, GLint * params) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + Display * const dpy = gc->currentDpy; +#ifndef USE_XCB + const GLuint cmdlen = 8; +#endif + if (__builtin_expect(dpy != NULL, 1)) { +#ifdef USE_XCB + xcb_connection_t *c = XGetXCBConnection(dpy); + (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); + xcb_glx_get_lightiv_reply_t *reply = xcb_glx_get_lightiv_reply(c, xcb_glx_get_lightiv(c, gc->currentContextTag, light, pname), NULL); + /* the XXX_data_length() xcb function name is misleading, it returns the number */ + /* of elements, not the length of the data part. A single element is embedded. */ + if (xcb_glx_get_lightiv_data_length(reply) == 1) + (void)memcpy(params, &reply->datum, sizeof(reply->datum)); + else + (void)memcpy(params, xcb_glx_get_lightiv_data(reply), xcb_glx_get_lightiv_data_length(reply) * sizeof(GLint)); + free(reply); +#else + GLubyte const * pc = __glXSetupSingleRequest(gc, X_GLsop_GetLightiv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 0), (void *)(&light), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 4), (void *)(&pname), 4); + (void) __glXReadReply(dpy, 4, params, GL_FALSE); + UnlockDisplay(dpy); SyncHandle(); +#endif /* USE_XCB */ + } + return; +} + +#define X_GLsop_GetMapdv 120 +void __indirect_glGetMapdv(GLenum target, GLenum query, GLdouble * v) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + Display * const dpy = gc->currentDpy; +#ifndef USE_XCB + const GLuint cmdlen = 8; +#endif + if (__builtin_expect(dpy != NULL, 1)) { +#ifdef USE_XCB + xcb_connection_t *c = XGetXCBConnection(dpy); + (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); + xcb_glx_get_mapdv_reply_t *reply = xcb_glx_get_mapdv_reply(c, xcb_glx_get_mapdv(c, gc->currentContextTag, target, query), NULL); + /* the XXX_data_length() xcb function name is misleading, it returns the number */ + /* of elements, not the length of the data part. A single element is embedded. */ + if (xcb_glx_get_mapdv_data_length(reply) == 1) + (void)memcpy(v, &reply->datum, sizeof(reply->datum)); + else + (void)memcpy(v, xcb_glx_get_mapdv_data(reply), xcb_glx_get_mapdv_data_length(reply) * sizeof(GLdouble)); + free(reply); +#else + GLubyte const * pc = __glXSetupSingleRequest(gc, X_GLsop_GetMapdv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 0), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 4), (void *)(&query), 4); + (void) __glXReadReply(dpy, 8, v, GL_FALSE); + UnlockDisplay(dpy); SyncHandle(); +#endif /* USE_XCB */ + } + return; +} + +#define X_GLsop_GetMapfv 121 +void __indirect_glGetMapfv(GLenum target, GLenum query, GLfloat * v) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + Display * const dpy = gc->currentDpy; +#ifndef USE_XCB + const GLuint cmdlen = 8; +#endif + if (__builtin_expect(dpy != NULL, 1)) { +#ifdef USE_XCB + xcb_connection_t *c = XGetXCBConnection(dpy); + (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); + xcb_glx_get_mapfv_reply_t *reply = xcb_glx_get_mapfv_reply(c, xcb_glx_get_mapfv(c, gc->currentContextTag, target, query), NULL); + /* the XXX_data_length() xcb function name is misleading, it returns the number */ + /* of elements, not the length of the data part. A single element is embedded. */ + if (xcb_glx_get_mapfv_data_length(reply) == 1) + (void)memcpy(v, &reply->datum, sizeof(reply->datum)); + else + (void)memcpy(v, xcb_glx_get_mapfv_data(reply), xcb_glx_get_mapfv_data_length(reply) * sizeof(GLfloat)); + free(reply); +#else + GLubyte const * pc = __glXSetupSingleRequest(gc, X_GLsop_GetMapfv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 0), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 4), (void *)(&query), 4); + (void) __glXReadReply(dpy, 4, v, GL_FALSE); + UnlockDisplay(dpy); SyncHandle(); +#endif /* USE_XCB */ + } + return; +} + +#define X_GLsop_GetMapiv 122 +void __indirect_glGetMapiv(GLenum target, GLenum query, GLint * v) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + Display * const dpy = gc->currentDpy; +#ifndef USE_XCB + const GLuint cmdlen = 8; +#endif + if (__builtin_expect(dpy != NULL, 1)) { +#ifdef USE_XCB + xcb_connection_t *c = XGetXCBConnection(dpy); + (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); + xcb_glx_get_mapiv_reply_t *reply = xcb_glx_get_mapiv_reply(c, xcb_glx_get_mapiv(c, gc->currentContextTag, target, query), NULL); + /* the XXX_data_length() xcb function name is misleading, it returns the number */ + /* of elements, not the length of the data part. A single element is embedded. */ + if (xcb_glx_get_mapiv_data_length(reply) == 1) + (void)memcpy(v, &reply->datum, sizeof(reply->datum)); + else + (void)memcpy(v, xcb_glx_get_mapiv_data(reply), xcb_glx_get_mapiv_data_length(reply) * sizeof(GLint)); + free(reply); +#else + GLubyte const * pc = __glXSetupSingleRequest(gc, X_GLsop_GetMapiv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 0), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 4), (void *)(&query), 4); + (void) __glXReadReply(dpy, 4, v, GL_FALSE); + UnlockDisplay(dpy); SyncHandle(); +#endif /* USE_XCB */ + } + return; +} + +#define X_GLsop_GetMaterialfv 123 +void __indirect_glGetMaterialfv(GLenum face, GLenum pname, GLfloat * params) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + Display * const dpy = gc->currentDpy; +#ifndef USE_XCB + const GLuint cmdlen = 8; +#endif + if (__builtin_expect(dpy != NULL, 1)) { +#ifdef USE_XCB + xcb_connection_t *c = XGetXCBConnection(dpy); + (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); + xcb_glx_get_materialfv_reply_t *reply = xcb_glx_get_materialfv_reply(c, xcb_glx_get_materialfv(c, gc->currentContextTag, face, pname), NULL); + /* the XXX_data_length() xcb function name is misleading, it returns the number */ + /* of elements, not the length of the data part. A single element is embedded. */ + if (xcb_glx_get_materialfv_data_length(reply) == 1) + (void)memcpy(params, &reply->datum, sizeof(reply->datum)); + else + (void)memcpy(params, xcb_glx_get_materialfv_data(reply), xcb_glx_get_materialfv_data_length(reply) * sizeof(GLfloat)); + free(reply); +#else + GLubyte const * pc = __glXSetupSingleRequest(gc, X_GLsop_GetMaterialfv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 0), (void *)(&face), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 4), (void *)(&pname), 4); + (void) __glXReadReply(dpy, 4, params, GL_FALSE); + UnlockDisplay(dpy); SyncHandle(); +#endif /* USE_XCB */ + } + return; +} + +#define X_GLsop_GetMaterialiv 124 +void __indirect_glGetMaterialiv(GLenum face, GLenum pname, GLint * params) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + Display * const dpy = gc->currentDpy; +#ifndef USE_XCB + const GLuint cmdlen = 8; +#endif + if (__builtin_expect(dpy != NULL, 1)) { +#ifdef USE_XCB + xcb_connection_t *c = XGetXCBConnection(dpy); + (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); + xcb_glx_get_materialiv_reply_t *reply = xcb_glx_get_materialiv_reply(c, xcb_glx_get_materialiv(c, gc->currentContextTag, face, pname), NULL); + /* the XXX_data_length() xcb function name is misleading, it returns the number */ + /* of elements, not the length of the data part. A single element is embedded. */ + if (xcb_glx_get_materialiv_data_length(reply) == 1) + (void)memcpy(params, &reply->datum, sizeof(reply->datum)); + else + (void)memcpy(params, xcb_glx_get_materialiv_data(reply), xcb_glx_get_materialiv_data_length(reply) * sizeof(GLint)); + free(reply); +#else + GLubyte const * pc = __glXSetupSingleRequest(gc, X_GLsop_GetMaterialiv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 0), (void *)(&face), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 4), (void *)(&pname), 4); + (void) __glXReadReply(dpy, 4, params, GL_FALSE); + UnlockDisplay(dpy); SyncHandle(); +#endif /* USE_XCB */ + } + return; +} + +#define X_GLsop_GetPixelMapfv 125 +void __indirect_glGetPixelMapfv(GLenum map, GLfloat * values) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + Display * const dpy = gc->currentDpy; +#ifndef USE_XCB + const GLuint cmdlen = 4; +#endif + if (__builtin_expect(dpy != NULL, 1)) { +#ifdef USE_XCB + xcb_connection_t *c = XGetXCBConnection(dpy); + (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); + xcb_glx_get_pixel_mapfv_reply_t *reply = xcb_glx_get_pixel_mapfv_reply(c, xcb_glx_get_pixel_mapfv(c, gc->currentContextTag, map), NULL); + /* the XXX_data_length() xcb function name is misleading, it returns the number */ + /* of elements, not the length of the data part. A single element is embedded. */ + if (xcb_glx_get_pixel_mapfv_data_length(reply) == 1) + (void)memcpy(values, &reply->datum, sizeof(reply->datum)); + else + (void)memcpy(values, xcb_glx_get_pixel_mapfv_data(reply), xcb_glx_get_pixel_mapfv_data_length(reply) * sizeof(GLfloat)); + free(reply); +#else + GLubyte const * pc = __glXSetupSingleRequest(gc, X_GLsop_GetPixelMapfv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 0), (void *)(&map), 4); + (void) __glXReadReply(dpy, 4, values, GL_FALSE); + UnlockDisplay(dpy); SyncHandle(); +#endif /* USE_XCB */ + } + return; +} + +#define X_GLsop_GetPixelMapuiv 126 +void __indirect_glGetPixelMapuiv(GLenum map, GLuint * values) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + Display * const dpy = gc->currentDpy; +#ifndef USE_XCB + const GLuint cmdlen = 4; +#endif + if (__builtin_expect(dpy != NULL, 1)) { +#ifdef USE_XCB + xcb_connection_t *c = XGetXCBConnection(dpy); + (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); + xcb_glx_get_pixel_mapuiv_reply_t *reply = xcb_glx_get_pixel_mapuiv_reply(c, xcb_glx_get_pixel_mapuiv(c, gc->currentContextTag, map), NULL); + /* the XXX_data_length() xcb function name is misleading, it returns the number */ + /* of elements, not the length of the data part. A single element is embedded. */ + if (xcb_glx_get_pixel_mapuiv_data_length(reply) == 1) + (void)memcpy(values, &reply->datum, sizeof(reply->datum)); + else + (void)memcpy(values, xcb_glx_get_pixel_mapuiv_data(reply), xcb_glx_get_pixel_mapuiv_data_length(reply) * sizeof(GLuint)); + free(reply); +#else + GLubyte const * pc = __glXSetupSingleRequest(gc, X_GLsop_GetPixelMapuiv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 0), (void *)(&map), 4); + (void) __glXReadReply(dpy, 4, values, GL_FALSE); + UnlockDisplay(dpy); SyncHandle(); +#endif /* USE_XCB */ + } + return; +} + +#define X_GLsop_GetPixelMapusv 127 +void __indirect_glGetPixelMapusv(GLenum map, GLushort * values) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + Display * const dpy = gc->currentDpy; +#ifndef USE_XCB + const GLuint cmdlen = 4; +#endif + if (__builtin_expect(dpy != NULL, 1)) { +#ifdef USE_XCB + xcb_connection_t *c = XGetXCBConnection(dpy); + (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); + xcb_glx_get_pixel_mapusv_reply_t *reply = xcb_glx_get_pixel_mapusv_reply(c, xcb_glx_get_pixel_mapusv(c, gc->currentContextTag, map), NULL); + /* the XXX_data_length() xcb function name is misleading, it returns the number */ + /* of elements, not the length of the data part. A single element is embedded. */ + if (xcb_glx_get_pixel_mapusv_data_length(reply) == 1) + (void)memcpy(values, &reply->datum, sizeof(reply->datum)); + else + (void)memcpy(values, xcb_glx_get_pixel_mapusv_data(reply), xcb_glx_get_pixel_mapusv_data_length(reply) * sizeof(GLushort)); + free(reply); +#else + GLubyte const * pc = __glXSetupSingleRequest(gc, X_GLsop_GetPixelMapusv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 0), (void *)(&map), 4); + (void) __glXReadReply(dpy, 2, values, GL_FALSE); + UnlockDisplay(dpy); SyncHandle(); +#endif /* USE_XCB */ + } + return; +} + +#define X_GLsop_GetPolygonStipple 128 +void __indirect_glGetPolygonStipple(GLubyte * mask) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + Display * const dpy = gc->currentDpy; +#ifndef USE_XCB + const GLuint cmdlen = 4; +#endif + if (__builtin_expect(dpy != NULL, 1)) { +#ifdef USE_XCB + xcb_connection_t *c = XGetXCBConnection(dpy); + (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); + xcb_glx_get_polygon_stipple_reply_t *reply = xcb_glx_get_polygon_stipple_reply(c, xcb_glx_get_polygon_stipple(c, gc->currentContextTag, 0), NULL); + __glEmptyImage(gc, 3, 32, 32, 1, GL_COLOR_INDEX, GL_BITMAP, xcb_glx_get_polygon_stipple_data(reply), mask); + free(reply); +#else + GLubyte const * pc = __glXSetupSingleRequest(gc, X_GLsop_GetPolygonStipple, cmdlen); + *(int32_t *)(pc + 0) = 0; + __glXReadPixelReply(dpy, gc, 2, 32, 32, 1, GL_COLOR_INDEX, GL_BITMAP, mask, GL_FALSE); + UnlockDisplay(dpy); SyncHandle(); +#endif /* USE_XCB */ + } + return; +} + +#define X_GLsop_GetTexEnvfv 130 +void __indirect_glGetTexEnvfv(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat * params) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + Display * const dpy = gc->currentDpy; +#ifndef USE_XCB + const GLuint cmdlen = 8; +#endif + if (__builtin_expect(dpy != NULL, 1)) { +#ifdef USE_XCB + xcb_connection_t *c = XGetXCBConnection(dpy); + (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); + xcb_glx_get_tex_envfv_reply_t *reply = xcb_glx_get_tex_envfv_reply(c, xcb_glx_get_tex_envfv(c, gc->currentContextTag, target, pname), NULL); + /* the XXX_data_length() xcb function name is misleading, it returns the number */ + /* of elements, not the length of the data part. A single element is embedded. */ + if (xcb_glx_get_tex_envfv_data_length(reply) == 1) + (void)memcpy(params, &reply->datum, sizeof(reply->datum)); + else + (void)memcpy(params, xcb_glx_get_tex_envfv_data(reply), xcb_glx_get_tex_envfv_data_length(reply) * sizeof(GLfloat)); + free(reply); +#else + GLubyte const * pc = __glXSetupSingleRequest(gc, X_GLsop_GetTexEnvfv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 0), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 4), (void *)(&pname), 4); + (void) __glXReadReply(dpy, 4, params, GL_FALSE); + UnlockDisplay(dpy); SyncHandle(); +#endif /* USE_XCB */ + } + return; +} + +#define X_GLsop_GetTexEnviv 131 +void __indirect_glGetTexEnviv(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint * params) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + Display * const dpy = gc->currentDpy; +#ifndef USE_XCB + const GLuint cmdlen = 8; +#endif + if (__builtin_expect(dpy != NULL, 1)) { +#ifdef USE_XCB + xcb_connection_t *c = XGetXCBConnection(dpy); + (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); + xcb_glx_get_tex_enviv_reply_t *reply = xcb_glx_get_tex_enviv_reply(c, xcb_glx_get_tex_enviv(c, gc->currentContextTag, target, pname), NULL); + /* the XXX_data_length() xcb function name is misleading, it returns the number */ + /* of elements, not the length of the data part. A single element is embedded. */ + if (xcb_glx_get_tex_enviv_data_length(reply) == 1) + (void)memcpy(params, &reply->datum, sizeof(reply->datum)); + else + (void)memcpy(params, xcb_glx_get_tex_enviv_data(reply), xcb_glx_get_tex_enviv_data_length(reply) * sizeof(GLint)); + free(reply); +#else + GLubyte const * pc = __glXSetupSingleRequest(gc, X_GLsop_GetTexEnviv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 0), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 4), (void *)(&pname), 4); + (void) __glXReadReply(dpy, 4, params, GL_FALSE); + UnlockDisplay(dpy); SyncHandle(); +#endif /* USE_XCB */ + } + return; +} + +#define X_GLsop_GetTexGendv 132 +void __indirect_glGetTexGendv(GLenum coord, GLenum pname, GLdouble * params) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + Display * const dpy = gc->currentDpy; +#ifndef USE_XCB + const GLuint cmdlen = 8; +#endif + if (__builtin_expect(dpy != NULL, 1)) { +#ifdef USE_XCB + xcb_connection_t *c = XGetXCBConnection(dpy); + (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); + xcb_glx_get_tex_gendv_reply_t *reply = xcb_glx_get_tex_gendv_reply(c, xcb_glx_get_tex_gendv(c, gc->currentContextTag, coord, pname), NULL); + /* the XXX_data_length() xcb function name is misleading, it returns the number */ + /* of elements, not the length of the data part. A single element is embedded. */ + if (xcb_glx_get_tex_gendv_data_length(reply) == 1) + (void)memcpy(params, &reply->datum, sizeof(reply->datum)); + else + (void)memcpy(params, xcb_glx_get_tex_gendv_data(reply), xcb_glx_get_tex_gendv_data_length(reply) * sizeof(GLdouble)); + free(reply); +#else + GLubyte const * pc = __glXSetupSingleRequest(gc, X_GLsop_GetTexGendv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 0), (void *)(&coord), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 4), (void *)(&pname), 4); + (void) __glXReadReply(dpy, 8, params, GL_FALSE); + UnlockDisplay(dpy); SyncHandle(); +#endif /* USE_XCB */ + } + return; +} + +#define X_GLsop_GetTexGenfv 133 +void __indirect_glGetTexGenfv(GLenum coord, GLenum pname, GLfloat * params) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + Display * const dpy = gc->currentDpy; +#ifndef USE_XCB + const GLuint cmdlen = 8; +#endif + if (__builtin_expect(dpy != NULL, 1)) { +#ifdef USE_XCB + xcb_connection_t *c = XGetXCBConnection(dpy); + (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); + xcb_glx_get_tex_genfv_reply_t *reply = xcb_glx_get_tex_genfv_reply(c, xcb_glx_get_tex_genfv(c, gc->currentContextTag, coord, pname), NULL); + /* the XXX_data_length() xcb function name is misleading, it returns the number */ + /* of elements, not the length of the data part. A single element is embedded. */ + if (xcb_glx_get_tex_genfv_data_length(reply) == 1) + (void)memcpy(params, &reply->datum, sizeof(reply->datum)); + else + (void)memcpy(params, xcb_glx_get_tex_genfv_data(reply), xcb_glx_get_tex_genfv_data_length(reply) * sizeof(GLfloat)); + free(reply); +#else + GLubyte const * pc = __glXSetupSingleRequest(gc, X_GLsop_GetTexGenfv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 0), (void *)(&coord), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 4), (void *)(&pname), 4); + (void) __glXReadReply(dpy, 4, params, GL_FALSE); + UnlockDisplay(dpy); SyncHandle(); +#endif /* USE_XCB */ + } + return; +} + +#define X_GLsop_GetTexGeniv 134 +void __indirect_glGetTexGeniv(GLenum coord, GLenum pname, GLint * params) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + Display * const dpy = gc->currentDpy; +#ifndef USE_XCB + const GLuint cmdlen = 8; +#endif + if (__builtin_expect(dpy != NULL, 1)) { +#ifdef USE_XCB + xcb_connection_t *c = XGetXCBConnection(dpy); + (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); + xcb_glx_get_tex_geniv_reply_t *reply = xcb_glx_get_tex_geniv_reply(c, xcb_glx_get_tex_geniv(c, gc->currentContextTag, coord, pname), NULL); + /* the XXX_data_length() xcb function name is misleading, it returns the number */ + /* of elements, not the length of the data part. A single element is embedded. */ + if (xcb_glx_get_tex_geniv_data_length(reply) == 1) + (void)memcpy(params, &reply->datum, sizeof(reply->datum)); + else + (void)memcpy(params, xcb_glx_get_tex_geniv_data(reply), xcb_glx_get_tex_geniv_data_length(reply) * sizeof(GLint)); + free(reply); +#else + GLubyte const * pc = __glXSetupSingleRequest(gc, X_GLsop_GetTexGeniv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 0), (void *)(&coord), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 4), (void *)(&pname), 4); + (void) __glXReadReply(dpy, 4, params, GL_FALSE); + UnlockDisplay(dpy); SyncHandle(); +#endif /* USE_XCB */ + } + return; +} + +#define X_GLsop_GetTexImage 135 +void __indirect_glGetTexImage(GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLvoid * pixels) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const __GLXattribute * const state = gc->client_state_private; + Display * const dpy = gc->currentDpy; +#ifndef USE_XCB + const GLuint cmdlen = 20; +#endif + if (__builtin_expect(dpy != NULL, 1)) { +#ifdef USE_XCB + xcb_connection_t *c = XGetXCBConnection(dpy); + (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); + xcb_glx_get_tex_image_reply_t *reply = xcb_glx_get_tex_image_reply(c, xcb_glx_get_tex_image(c, gc->currentContextTag, target, level, format, type, state->storePack.swapEndian), NULL); + if (reply->height == 0) { reply->height = 1; } + if (reply->depth == 0) { reply->depth = 1; } + __glEmptyImage(gc, 3, reply->width, reply->height, reply->depth, format, type, xcb_glx_get_tex_image_data(reply), pixels); + free(reply); +#else + GLubyte const * pc = __glXSetupSingleRequest(gc, X_GLsop_GetTexImage, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 0), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 4), (void *)(&level), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 8), (void *)(&format), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 12), (void *)(&type), 4); + *(int32_t *)(pc + 16) = 0; + * (int8_t *)(pc + 16) = state->storePack.swapEndian; + __glXReadPixelReply(dpy, gc, 3, 0, 0, 0, format, type, pixels, GL_TRUE); + UnlockDisplay(dpy); SyncHandle(); +#endif /* USE_XCB */ + } + return; +} + +#define X_GLsop_GetTexParameterfv 136 +void __indirect_glGetTexParameterfv(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat * params) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + Display * const dpy = gc->currentDpy; +#ifndef USE_XCB + const GLuint cmdlen = 8; +#endif + if (__builtin_expect(dpy != NULL, 1)) { +#ifdef USE_XCB + xcb_connection_t *c = XGetXCBConnection(dpy); + (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); + xcb_glx_get_tex_parameterfv_reply_t *reply = xcb_glx_get_tex_parameterfv_reply(c, xcb_glx_get_tex_parameterfv(c, gc->currentContextTag, target, pname), NULL); + /* the XXX_data_length() xcb function name is misleading, it returns the number */ + /* of elements, not the length of the data part. A single element is embedded. */ + if (xcb_glx_get_tex_parameterfv_data_length(reply) == 1) + (void)memcpy(params, &reply->datum, sizeof(reply->datum)); + else + (void)memcpy(params, xcb_glx_get_tex_parameterfv_data(reply), xcb_glx_get_tex_parameterfv_data_length(reply) * sizeof(GLfloat)); + free(reply); +#else + GLubyte const * pc = __glXSetupSingleRequest(gc, X_GLsop_GetTexParameterfv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 0), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 4), (void *)(&pname), 4); + (void) __glXReadReply(dpy, 4, params, GL_FALSE); + UnlockDisplay(dpy); SyncHandle(); +#endif /* USE_XCB */ + } + return; +} + +#define X_GLsop_GetTexParameteriv 137 +void __indirect_glGetTexParameteriv(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint * params) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + Display * const dpy = gc->currentDpy; +#ifndef USE_XCB + const GLuint cmdlen = 8; +#endif + if (__builtin_expect(dpy != NULL, 1)) { +#ifdef USE_XCB + xcb_connection_t *c = XGetXCBConnection(dpy); + (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); + xcb_glx_get_tex_parameteriv_reply_t *reply = xcb_glx_get_tex_parameteriv_reply(c, xcb_glx_get_tex_parameteriv(c, gc->currentContextTag, target, pname), NULL); + /* the XXX_data_length() xcb function name is misleading, it returns the number */ + /* of elements, not the length of the data part. A single element is embedded. */ + if (xcb_glx_get_tex_parameteriv_data_length(reply) == 1) + (void)memcpy(params, &reply->datum, sizeof(reply->datum)); + else + (void)memcpy(params, xcb_glx_get_tex_parameteriv_data(reply), xcb_glx_get_tex_parameteriv_data_length(reply) * sizeof(GLint)); + free(reply); +#else + GLubyte const * pc = __glXSetupSingleRequest(gc, X_GLsop_GetTexParameteriv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 0), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 4), (void *)(&pname), 4); + (void) __glXReadReply(dpy, 4, params, GL_FALSE); + UnlockDisplay(dpy); SyncHandle(); +#endif /* USE_XCB */ + } + return; +} + +#define X_GLsop_GetTexLevelParameterfv 138 +void __indirect_glGetTexLevelParameterfv(GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum pname, GLfloat * params) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + Display * const dpy = gc->currentDpy; +#ifndef USE_XCB + const GLuint cmdlen = 12; +#endif + if (__builtin_expect(dpy != NULL, 1)) { +#ifdef USE_XCB + xcb_connection_t *c = XGetXCBConnection(dpy); + (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); + xcb_glx_get_tex_level_parameterfv_reply_t *reply = xcb_glx_get_tex_level_parameterfv_reply(c, xcb_glx_get_tex_level_parameterfv(c, gc->currentContextTag, target, level, pname), NULL); + /* the XXX_data_length() xcb function name is misleading, it returns the number */ + /* of elements, not the length of the data part. A single element is embedded. */ + if (xcb_glx_get_tex_level_parameterfv_data_length(reply) == 1) + (void)memcpy(params, &reply->datum, sizeof(reply->datum)); + else + (void)memcpy(params, xcb_glx_get_tex_level_parameterfv_data(reply), xcb_glx_get_tex_level_parameterfv_data_length(reply) * sizeof(GLfloat)); + free(reply); +#else + GLubyte const * pc = __glXSetupSingleRequest(gc, X_GLsop_GetTexLevelParameterfv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 0), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 4), (void *)(&level), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 8), (void *)(&pname), 4); + (void) __glXReadReply(dpy, 4, params, GL_FALSE); + UnlockDisplay(dpy); SyncHandle(); +#endif /* USE_XCB */ + } + return; +} + +#define X_GLsop_GetTexLevelParameteriv 139 +void __indirect_glGetTexLevelParameteriv(GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum pname, GLint * params) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + Display * const dpy = gc->currentDpy; +#ifndef USE_XCB + const GLuint cmdlen = 12; +#endif + if (__builtin_expect(dpy != NULL, 1)) { +#ifdef USE_XCB + xcb_connection_t *c = XGetXCBConnection(dpy); + (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); + xcb_glx_get_tex_level_parameteriv_reply_t *reply = xcb_glx_get_tex_level_parameteriv_reply(c, xcb_glx_get_tex_level_parameteriv(c, gc->currentContextTag, target, level, pname), NULL); + /* the XXX_data_length() xcb function name is misleading, it returns the number */ + /* of elements, not the length of the data part. A single element is embedded. */ + if (xcb_glx_get_tex_level_parameteriv_data_length(reply) == 1) + (void)memcpy(params, &reply->datum, sizeof(reply->datum)); + else + (void)memcpy(params, xcb_glx_get_tex_level_parameteriv_data(reply), xcb_glx_get_tex_level_parameteriv_data_length(reply) * sizeof(GLint)); + free(reply); +#else + GLubyte const * pc = __glXSetupSingleRequest(gc, X_GLsop_GetTexLevelParameteriv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 0), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 4), (void *)(&level), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 8), (void *)(&pname), 4); + (void) __glXReadReply(dpy, 4, params, GL_FALSE); + UnlockDisplay(dpy); SyncHandle(); +#endif /* USE_XCB */ + } + return; +} + +#define X_GLsop_IsList 141 +GLboolean __indirect_glIsList(GLuint list) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + Display * const dpy = gc->currentDpy; + GLboolean retval = (GLboolean) 0; +#ifndef USE_XCB + const GLuint cmdlen = 4; +#endif + if (__builtin_expect(dpy != NULL, 1)) { +#ifdef USE_XCB + xcb_connection_t *c = XGetXCBConnection(dpy); + (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); + xcb_glx_is_list_reply_t *reply = xcb_glx_is_list_reply(c, xcb_glx_is_list(c, gc->currentContextTag, list), NULL); + retval = reply->ret_val; + free(reply); +#else + GLubyte const * pc = __glXSetupSingleRequest(gc, X_GLsop_IsList, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 0), (void *)(&list), 4); + retval = (GLboolean) __glXReadReply(dpy, 0, NULL, GL_FALSE); + UnlockDisplay(dpy); SyncHandle(); +#endif /* USE_XCB */ + } + return retval; +} + +#define X_GLrop_DepthRange 174 +void __indirect_glDepthRange(GLclampd zNear, GLclampd zFar) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 20; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_DepthRange, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&zNear), 8); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(&zFar), 8); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_Frustum 175 +void __indirect_glFrustum(GLdouble left, GLdouble right, GLdouble bottom, GLdouble top, GLdouble zNear, GLdouble zFar) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 52; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_Frustum, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&left), 8); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(&right), 8); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 20), (void *)(&bottom), 8); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 28), (void *)(&top), 8); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 36), (void *)(&zNear), 8); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 44), (void *)(&zFar), 8); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_LoadIdentity 176 +void __indirect_glLoadIdentity(void) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 4; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_LoadIdentity, cmdlen); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_LoadMatrixf 177 +void __indirect_glLoadMatrixf(const GLfloat * m) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 68; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_LoadMatrixf, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(m), 64); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_LoadMatrixd 178 +void __indirect_glLoadMatrixd(const GLdouble * m) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 132; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_LoadMatrixd, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(m), 128); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_MatrixMode 179 +void __indirect_glMatrixMode(GLenum mode) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 8; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_MatrixMode, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&mode), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_MultMatrixf 180 +void __indirect_glMultMatrixf(const GLfloat * m) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 68; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_MultMatrixf, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(m), 64); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_MultMatrixd 181 +void __indirect_glMultMatrixd(const GLdouble * m) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 132; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_MultMatrixd, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(m), 128); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_Ortho 182 +void __indirect_glOrtho(GLdouble left, GLdouble right, GLdouble bottom, GLdouble top, GLdouble zNear, GLdouble zFar) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 52; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_Ortho, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&left), 8); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(&right), 8); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 20), (void *)(&bottom), 8); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 28), (void *)(&top), 8); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 36), (void *)(&zNear), 8); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 44), (void *)(&zFar), 8); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_PopMatrix 183 +void __indirect_glPopMatrix(void) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 4; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_PopMatrix, cmdlen); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_PushMatrix 184 +void __indirect_glPushMatrix(void) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 4; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_PushMatrix, cmdlen); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_Rotated 185 +void __indirect_glRotated(GLdouble angle, GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 36; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_Rotated, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&angle), 8); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(&x), 8); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 20), (void *)(&y), 8); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 28), (void *)(&z), 8); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_Rotatef 186 +void __indirect_glRotatef(GLfloat angle, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 20; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_Rotatef, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&angle), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&x), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(&y), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 16), (void *)(&z), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_Scaled 187 +void __indirect_glScaled(GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 28; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_Scaled, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&x), 8); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(&y), 8); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 20), (void *)(&z), 8); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_Scalef 188 +void __indirect_glScalef(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 16; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_Scalef, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&x), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&y), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(&z), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_Translated 189 +void __indirect_glTranslated(GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 28; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_Translated, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&x), 8); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(&y), 8); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 20), (void *)(&z), 8); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_Translatef 190 +void __indirect_glTranslatef(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 16; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_Translatef, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&x), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&y), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(&z), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_Viewport 191 +void __indirect_glViewport(GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 20; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_Viewport, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&x), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&y), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(&width), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 16), (void *)(&height), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_BindTexture 4117 +void __indirect_glBindTexture(GLenum target, GLuint texture) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 12; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_BindTexture, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&texture), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_Indexubv 194 +void __indirect_glIndexub(GLubyte c) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 8; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_Indexubv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&c), 1); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_Indexubv 194 +void __indirect_glIndexubv(const GLubyte * c) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 8; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_Indexubv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(c), 1); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_PolygonOffset 192 +void __indirect_glPolygonOffset(GLfloat factor, GLfloat units) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 12; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_PolygonOffset, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&factor), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&units), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_CopyTexImage1D 4119 +void __indirect_glCopyTexImage1D(GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum internalformat, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLint border) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 32; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_CopyTexImage1D, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&level), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(&internalformat), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 16), (void *)(&x), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 20), (void *)(&y), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 24), (void *)(&width), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 28), (void *)(&border), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_CopyTexImage2D 4120 +void __indirect_glCopyTexImage2D(GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum internalformat, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLint border) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 36; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_CopyTexImage2D, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&level), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(&internalformat), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 16), (void *)(&x), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 20), (void *)(&y), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 24), (void *)(&width), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 28), (void *)(&height), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 32), (void *)(&border), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_CopyTexSubImage1D 4121 +void __indirect_glCopyTexSubImage1D(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 28; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_CopyTexSubImage1D, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&level), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(&xoffset), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 16), (void *)(&x), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 20), (void *)(&y), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 24), (void *)(&width), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_CopyTexSubImage2D 4122 +void __indirect_glCopyTexSubImage2D(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 36; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_CopyTexSubImage2D, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&level), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(&xoffset), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 16), (void *)(&yoffset), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 20), (void *)(&x), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 24), (void *)(&y), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 28), (void *)(&width), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 32), (void *)(&height), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLsop_DeleteTextures 144 +void __indirect_glDeleteTextures(GLsizei n, const GLuint * textures) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + Display * const dpy = gc->currentDpy; +#ifndef USE_XCB + const GLuint cmdlen = 4 + __GLX_PAD((n * 4)); +#endif + if (n < 0) { + __glXSetError(gc, GL_INVALID_VALUE); + return; + } + if (__builtin_expect((n >= 0) && (dpy != NULL), 1)) { +#ifdef USE_XCB + xcb_connection_t *c = XGetXCBConnection(dpy); + (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); + xcb_glx_delete_textures(c, gc->currentContextTag, n, textures); +#else + GLubyte const * pc = __glXSetupSingleRequest(gc, X_GLsop_DeleteTextures, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 0), (void *)(&n), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 4), (void *)(textures), (n * 4)); + UnlockDisplay(dpy); SyncHandle(); +#endif /* USE_XCB */ + } + return; +} + +#define X_GLvop_DeleteTexturesEXT 12 +void glDeleteTexturesEXT(GLsizei n, const GLuint * textures) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + +#if defined(GLX_DIRECT_RENDERING) && !defined(GLX_USE_APPLEGL) + if (gc->isDirect) { + const _glapi_proc *const disp_table = (_glapi_proc *)GET_DISPATCH(); + PFNGLDELETETEXTURESEXTPROC p = + (PFNGLDELETETEXTURESEXTPROC) disp_table[327]; + p(n, textures); + } else +#endif + { + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + Display * const dpy = gc->currentDpy; + const GLuint cmdlen = 4 + __GLX_PAD((n * 4)); + if (n < 0) { + __glXSetError(gc, GL_INVALID_VALUE); + return; + } + if (__builtin_expect((n >= 0) && (dpy != NULL), 1)) { + GLubyte const * pc = __glXSetupVendorRequest(gc, X_GLXVendorPrivate, X_GLvop_DeleteTexturesEXT, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 0), (void *)(&n), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 4), (void *)(textures), (n * 4)); + UnlockDisplay(dpy); SyncHandle(); + } + return; +} +} + +#define X_GLsop_GenTextures 145 +void __indirect_glGenTextures(GLsizei n, GLuint * textures) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + Display * const dpy = gc->currentDpy; +#ifndef USE_XCB + const GLuint cmdlen = 4; +#endif + if (n < 0) { + __glXSetError(gc, GL_INVALID_VALUE); + return; + } + if (__builtin_expect((n >= 0) && (dpy != NULL), 1)) { +#ifdef USE_XCB + xcb_connection_t *c = XGetXCBConnection(dpy); + (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); + xcb_glx_gen_textures_reply_t *reply = xcb_glx_gen_textures_reply(c, xcb_glx_gen_textures(c, gc->currentContextTag, n), NULL); + (void)memcpy(textures, xcb_glx_gen_textures_data(reply), xcb_glx_gen_textures_data_length(reply) * sizeof(GLuint)); + free(reply); +#else + GLubyte const * pc = __glXSetupSingleRequest(gc, X_GLsop_GenTextures, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 0), (void *)(&n), 4); + (void) __glXReadReply(dpy, 4, textures, GL_TRUE); + UnlockDisplay(dpy); SyncHandle(); +#endif /* USE_XCB */ + } + return; +} + +#define X_GLvop_GenTexturesEXT 13 +void glGenTexturesEXT(GLsizei n, GLuint * textures) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + +#if defined(GLX_DIRECT_RENDERING) && !defined(GLX_USE_APPLEGL) + if (gc->isDirect) { + const _glapi_proc *const disp_table = (_glapi_proc *)GET_DISPATCH(); + PFNGLGENTEXTURESEXTPROC p = + (PFNGLGENTEXTURESEXTPROC) disp_table[328]; + p(n, textures); + } else +#endif + { + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + Display * const dpy = gc->currentDpy; + const GLuint cmdlen = 4; + if (n < 0) { + __glXSetError(gc, GL_INVALID_VALUE); + return; + } + if (__builtin_expect((n >= 0) && (dpy != NULL), 1)) { + GLubyte const * pc = __glXSetupVendorRequest(gc, X_GLXVendorPrivateWithReply, X_GLvop_GenTexturesEXT, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 0), (void *)(&n), 4); + (void) __glXReadReply(dpy, 4, textures, GL_TRUE); + UnlockDisplay(dpy); SyncHandle(); + } + return; +} +} + +#define X_GLsop_IsTexture 146 +GLboolean __indirect_glIsTexture(GLuint texture) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + Display * const dpy = gc->currentDpy; + GLboolean retval = (GLboolean) 0; +#ifndef USE_XCB + const GLuint cmdlen = 4; +#endif + if (__builtin_expect(dpy != NULL, 1)) { +#ifdef USE_XCB + xcb_connection_t *c = XGetXCBConnection(dpy); + (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); + xcb_glx_is_texture_reply_t *reply = xcb_glx_is_texture_reply(c, xcb_glx_is_texture(c, gc->currentContextTag, texture), NULL); + retval = reply->ret_val; + free(reply); +#else + GLubyte const * pc = __glXSetupSingleRequest(gc, X_GLsop_IsTexture, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 0), (void *)(&texture), 4); + retval = (GLboolean) __glXReadReply(dpy, 0, NULL, GL_FALSE); + UnlockDisplay(dpy); SyncHandle(); +#endif /* USE_XCB */ + } + return retval; +} + +#define X_GLvop_IsTextureEXT 14 +GLboolean glIsTextureEXT(GLuint texture) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + +#if defined(GLX_DIRECT_RENDERING) && !defined(GLX_USE_APPLEGL) + if (gc->isDirect) { + const _glapi_proc *const disp_table = (_glapi_proc *)GET_DISPATCH(); + PFNGLISTEXTUREEXTPROC p = + (PFNGLISTEXTUREEXTPROC) disp_table[330]; + return p(texture); + } else +#endif + { + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + Display * const dpy = gc->currentDpy; + GLboolean retval = (GLboolean) 0; + const GLuint cmdlen = 4; + if (__builtin_expect(dpy != NULL, 1)) { + GLubyte const * pc = __glXSetupVendorRequest(gc, X_GLXVendorPrivateWithReply, X_GLvop_IsTextureEXT, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 0), (void *)(&texture), 4); + retval = (GLboolean) __glXReadReply(dpy, 0, NULL, GL_FALSE); + UnlockDisplay(dpy); SyncHandle(); + } + return retval; +} +} + +#define X_GLrop_PrioritizeTextures 4118 +void __indirect_glPrioritizeTextures(GLsizei n, const GLuint * textures, const GLclampf * priorities) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 8 + __GLX_PAD((n * 4)) + __GLX_PAD((n * 4)); + if (n < 0) { + __glXSetError(gc, GL_INVALID_VALUE); + return; + } + if (__builtin_expect(n >= 0, 1)) { +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_PrioritizeTextures, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&n), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(textures), (n * 4)); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8 + (n * 4)), (void *)(priorities), (n * 4)); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } + } +} + +static void +__glx_TexSubImage_1D2D( unsigned opcode, unsigned dim, GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid * pixels ) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint compsize = (pixels != NULL) ? __glImageSize(width, height, 1, format, type, target) : 0; + const GLuint cmdlen = 60 + __GLX_PAD(compsize); + if (__builtin_expect(gc->currentDpy != NULL, 1)) { +if (cmdlen <= gc->maxSmallRenderCommandSize) { + if ( (gc->pc + cmdlen) > gc->bufEnd ) { + (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); + } +emit_header(gc->pc, opcode, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 24), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 28), (void *)(&level), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 32), (void *)(&xoffset), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 36), (void *)(&yoffset), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 40), (void *)(&width), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 44), (void *)(&height), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 48), (void *)(&format), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 52), (void *)(&type), 4); +(void) memset((void *)(gc->pc + 56), 0, 4); +if (compsize > 0) { + (*gc->fillImage)(gc, dim, width, height, 1, format, type, pixels, gc->pc + 60, gc->pc + 4); +} else { + (void) memcpy( gc->pc + 4, default_pixel_store_2D, default_pixel_store_2D_size ); +} +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (gc->pc > gc->limit) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} +else { +const GLint op = opcode; +const GLuint cmdlenLarge = cmdlen + 4; +GLubyte * const pc = __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 0), (void *)(&cmdlenLarge), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 4), (void *)(&op), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 28), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 32), (void *)(&level), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 36), (void *)(&xoffset), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 40), (void *)(&yoffset), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 44), (void *)(&width), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 48), (void *)(&height), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 52), (void *)(&format), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 56), (void *)(&type), 4); +(void) memset((void *)(pc + 60), 0, 4); +__glXSendLargeImage(gc, compsize, dim, width, height, 1, format, type, pixels, pc + 64, pc + 8); +} + } +} + +#define X_GLrop_TexSubImage1D 4099 +void __indirect_glTexSubImage1D(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLsizei width, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid * pixels) +{ + __glx_TexSubImage_1D2D(X_GLrop_TexSubImage1D, 1, target, level, xoffset, 1, width, 1, format, type, pixels ); +} + +#define X_GLrop_TexSubImage2D 4100 +void __indirect_glTexSubImage2D(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid * pixels) +{ + __glx_TexSubImage_1D2D(X_GLrop_TexSubImage2D, 2, target, level, xoffset, yoffset, width, height, format, type, pixels ); +} + +#define X_GLrop_BlendColor 4096 +void __indirect_glBlendColor(GLclampf red, GLclampf green, GLclampf blue, GLclampf alpha) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 20; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_BlendColor, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&red), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&green), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(&blue), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 16), (void *)(&alpha), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_BlendEquation 4097 +void __indirect_glBlendEquation(GLenum mode) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 8; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_BlendEquation, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&mode), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_ColorTable 2053 +void __indirect_glColorTable(GLenum target, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid * table) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint compsize = (table != NULL) ? __glImageSize(width, 1, 1, format, type, target) : 0; + const GLuint cmdlen = 44 + __GLX_PAD(compsize); + if (__builtin_expect(gc->currentDpy != NULL, 1)) { +if (cmdlen <= gc->maxSmallRenderCommandSize) { + if ( (gc->pc + cmdlen) > gc->bufEnd ) { + (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); + } +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_ColorTable, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 24), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 28), (void *)(&internalformat), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 32), (void *)(&width), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 36), (void *)(&format), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 40), (void *)(&type), 4); +if (compsize > 0) { + (*gc->fillImage)(gc, 1, width, 1, 1, format, type, table, gc->pc + 44, gc->pc + 4); +} else { + (void) memcpy( gc->pc + 4, default_pixel_store_1D, default_pixel_store_1D_size ); +} +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (gc->pc > gc->limit) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} +else { +const GLint op = X_GLrop_ColorTable; +const GLuint cmdlenLarge = cmdlen + 4; +GLubyte * const pc = __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 0), (void *)(&cmdlenLarge), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 4), (void *)(&op), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 28), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 32), (void *)(&internalformat), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 36), (void *)(&width), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 40), (void *)(&format), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 44), (void *)(&type), 4); +__glXSendLargeImage(gc, compsize, 1, width, 1, 1, format, type, table, pc + 48, pc + 8); +} + } +} + +#define X_GLrop_ColorTableParameterfv 2054 +void __indirect_glColorTableParameterfv(GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLfloat * params) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint compsize = __glColorTableParameterfv_size(pname); + const GLuint cmdlen = 12 + __GLX_PAD((compsize * 4)); +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_ColorTableParameterfv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&pname), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(params), (compsize * 4)); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_ColorTableParameteriv 2055 +void __indirect_glColorTableParameteriv(GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLint * params) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint compsize = __glColorTableParameteriv_size(pname); + const GLuint cmdlen = 12 + __GLX_PAD((compsize * 4)); +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_ColorTableParameteriv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&pname), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(params), (compsize * 4)); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_CopyColorTable 2056 +void __indirect_glCopyColorTable(GLenum target, GLenum internalformat, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 24; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_CopyColorTable, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&internalformat), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(&x), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 16), (void *)(&y), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 20), (void *)(&width), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLsop_GetColorTable 147 +void __indirect_glGetColorTable(GLenum target, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLvoid * table) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const __GLXattribute * const state = gc->client_state_private; + Display * const dpy = gc->currentDpy; +#ifndef USE_XCB + const GLuint cmdlen = 16; +#endif + if (__builtin_expect(dpy != NULL, 1)) { +#ifdef USE_XCB + xcb_connection_t *c = XGetXCBConnection(dpy); + (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); + xcb_glx_get_color_table_reply_t *reply = xcb_glx_get_color_table_reply(c, xcb_glx_get_color_table(c, gc->currentContextTag, target, format, type, state->storePack.swapEndian), NULL); + __glEmptyImage(gc, 3, reply->width, 1, 1, format, type, xcb_glx_get_color_table_data(reply), table); + free(reply); +#else + GLubyte const * pc = __glXSetupSingleRequest(gc, X_GLsop_GetColorTable, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 0), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 4), (void *)(&format), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 8), (void *)(&type), 4); + *(int32_t *)(pc + 12) = 0; + * (int8_t *)(pc + 12) = state->storePack.swapEndian; + __glXReadPixelReply(dpy, gc, 1, 0, 0, 0, format, type, table, GL_TRUE); + UnlockDisplay(dpy); SyncHandle(); +#endif /* USE_XCB */ + } + return; +} + +#define X_GLvop_GetColorTableSGI 4098 +void glGetColorTableEXT(GLenum target, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLvoid * table) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + +#if defined(GLX_DIRECT_RENDERING) && !defined(GLX_USE_APPLEGL) + if (gc->isDirect) { + const _glapi_proc *const disp_table = (_glapi_proc *)GET_DISPATCH(); + PFNGLGETCOLORTABLESGIPROC p = + (PFNGLGETCOLORTABLESGIPROC) disp_table[343]; + p(target, format, type, table); + } else +#endif + { + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const __GLXattribute * const state = gc->client_state_private; + Display * const dpy = gc->currentDpy; + const GLuint cmdlen = 16; + if (__builtin_expect(dpy != NULL, 1)) { + GLubyte const * pc = __glXSetupVendorRequest(gc, X_GLXVendorPrivateWithReply, X_GLvop_GetColorTableSGI, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 0), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 4), (void *)(&format), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 8), (void *)(&type), 4); + *(int32_t *)(pc + 12) = 0; + * (int8_t *)(pc + 12) = state->storePack.swapEndian; + __glXReadPixelReply(dpy, gc, 1, 0, 0, 0, format, type, table, GL_TRUE); + UnlockDisplay(dpy); SyncHandle(); + } + return; +} +} + +#define X_GLsop_GetColorTableParameterfv 148 +void __indirect_glGetColorTableParameterfv(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat * params) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + Display * const dpy = gc->currentDpy; +#ifndef USE_XCB + const GLuint cmdlen = 8; +#endif + if (__builtin_expect(dpy != NULL, 1)) { +#ifdef USE_XCB + xcb_connection_t *c = XGetXCBConnection(dpy); + (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); + xcb_glx_get_color_table_parameterfv_reply_t *reply = xcb_glx_get_color_table_parameterfv_reply(c, xcb_glx_get_color_table_parameterfv(c, gc->currentContextTag, target, pname), NULL); + /* the XXX_data_length() xcb function name is misleading, it returns the number */ + /* of elements, not the length of the data part. A single element is embedded. */ + if (xcb_glx_get_color_table_parameterfv_data_length(reply) == 1) + (void)memcpy(params, &reply->datum, sizeof(reply->datum)); + else + (void)memcpy(params, xcb_glx_get_color_table_parameterfv_data(reply), xcb_glx_get_color_table_parameterfv_data_length(reply) * sizeof(GLfloat)); + free(reply); +#else + GLubyte const * pc = __glXSetupSingleRequest(gc, X_GLsop_GetColorTableParameterfv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 0), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 4), (void *)(&pname), 4); + (void) __glXReadReply(dpy, 4, params, GL_FALSE); + UnlockDisplay(dpy); SyncHandle(); +#endif /* USE_XCB */ + } + return; +} + +#define X_GLvop_GetColorTableParameterfvSGI 4099 +void glGetColorTableParameterfvEXT(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat * params) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + +#if defined(GLX_DIRECT_RENDERING) && !defined(GLX_USE_APPLEGL) + if (gc->isDirect) { + const _glapi_proc *const disp_table = (_glapi_proc *)GET_DISPATCH(); + PFNGLGETCOLORTABLEPARAMETERFVSGIPROC p = + (PFNGLGETCOLORTABLEPARAMETERFVSGIPROC) disp_table[344]; + p(target, pname, params); + } else +#endif + { + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + Display * const dpy = gc->currentDpy; + const GLuint cmdlen = 8; + if (__builtin_expect(dpy != NULL, 1)) { + GLubyte const * pc = __glXSetupVendorRequest(gc, X_GLXVendorPrivateWithReply, X_GLvop_GetColorTableParameterfvSGI, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 0), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 4), (void *)(&pname), 4); + (void) __glXReadReply(dpy, 4, params, GL_FALSE); + UnlockDisplay(dpy); SyncHandle(); + } + return; +} +} + +#define X_GLsop_GetColorTableParameteriv 149 +void __indirect_glGetColorTableParameteriv(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint * params) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + Display * const dpy = gc->currentDpy; +#ifndef USE_XCB + const GLuint cmdlen = 8; +#endif + if (__builtin_expect(dpy != NULL, 1)) { +#ifdef USE_XCB + xcb_connection_t *c = XGetXCBConnection(dpy); + (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); + xcb_glx_get_color_table_parameteriv_reply_t *reply = xcb_glx_get_color_table_parameteriv_reply(c, xcb_glx_get_color_table_parameteriv(c, gc->currentContextTag, target, pname), NULL); + /* the XXX_data_length() xcb function name is misleading, it returns the number */ + /* of elements, not the length of the data part. A single element is embedded. */ + if (xcb_glx_get_color_table_parameteriv_data_length(reply) == 1) + (void)memcpy(params, &reply->datum, sizeof(reply->datum)); + else + (void)memcpy(params, xcb_glx_get_color_table_parameteriv_data(reply), xcb_glx_get_color_table_parameteriv_data_length(reply) * sizeof(GLint)); + free(reply); +#else + GLubyte const * pc = __glXSetupSingleRequest(gc, X_GLsop_GetColorTableParameteriv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 0), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 4), (void *)(&pname), 4); + (void) __glXReadReply(dpy, 4, params, GL_FALSE); + UnlockDisplay(dpy); SyncHandle(); +#endif /* USE_XCB */ + } + return; +} + +#define X_GLvop_GetColorTableParameterivSGI 4100 +void glGetColorTableParameterivEXT(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint * params) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + +#if defined(GLX_DIRECT_RENDERING) && !defined(GLX_USE_APPLEGL) + if (gc->isDirect) { + const _glapi_proc *const disp_table = (_glapi_proc *)GET_DISPATCH(); + PFNGLGETCOLORTABLEPARAMETERIVSGIPROC p = + (PFNGLGETCOLORTABLEPARAMETERIVSGIPROC) disp_table[345]; + p(target, pname, params); + } else +#endif + { + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + Display * const dpy = gc->currentDpy; + const GLuint cmdlen = 8; + if (__builtin_expect(dpy != NULL, 1)) { + GLubyte const * pc = __glXSetupVendorRequest(gc, X_GLXVendorPrivateWithReply, X_GLvop_GetColorTableParameterivSGI, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 0), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 4), (void *)(&pname), 4); + (void) __glXReadReply(dpy, 4, params, GL_FALSE); + UnlockDisplay(dpy); SyncHandle(); + } + return; +} +} + +#define X_GLrop_ColorSubTable 195 +void __indirect_glColorSubTable(GLenum target, GLsizei start, GLsizei count, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid * data) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint compsize = (data != NULL) ? __glImageSize(count, 1, 1, format, type, target) : 0; + const GLuint cmdlen = 44 + __GLX_PAD(compsize); + if (__builtin_expect(gc->currentDpy != NULL, 1)) { +if (cmdlen <= gc->maxSmallRenderCommandSize) { + if ( (gc->pc + cmdlen) > gc->bufEnd ) { + (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); + } +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_ColorSubTable, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 24), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 28), (void *)(&start), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 32), (void *)(&count), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 36), (void *)(&format), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 40), (void *)(&type), 4); +if (compsize > 0) { + (*gc->fillImage)(gc, 1, count, 1, 1, format, type, data, gc->pc + 44, gc->pc + 4); +} else { + (void) memcpy( gc->pc + 4, default_pixel_store_1D, default_pixel_store_1D_size ); +} +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (gc->pc > gc->limit) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} +else { +const GLint op = X_GLrop_ColorSubTable; +const GLuint cmdlenLarge = cmdlen + 4; +GLubyte * const pc = __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 0), (void *)(&cmdlenLarge), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 4), (void *)(&op), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 28), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 32), (void *)(&start), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 36), (void *)(&count), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 40), (void *)(&format), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 44), (void *)(&type), 4); +__glXSendLargeImage(gc, compsize, 1, count, 1, 1, format, type, data, pc + 48, pc + 8); +} + } +} + +#define X_GLrop_CopyColorSubTable 196 +void __indirect_glCopyColorSubTable(GLenum target, GLsizei start, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 24; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_CopyColorSubTable, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&start), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(&x), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 16), (void *)(&y), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 20), (void *)(&width), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +static void +__glx_ConvolutionFilter_1D2D( unsigned opcode, unsigned dim, GLenum target, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid * image ) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint compsize = (image != NULL) ? __glImageSize(width, height, 1, format, type, target) : 0; + const GLuint cmdlen = 48 + __GLX_PAD(compsize); + if (__builtin_expect(gc->currentDpy != NULL, 1)) { +if (cmdlen <= gc->maxSmallRenderCommandSize) { + if ( (gc->pc + cmdlen) > gc->bufEnd ) { + (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); + } +emit_header(gc->pc, opcode, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 24), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 28), (void *)(&internalformat), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 32), (void *)(&width), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 36), (void *)(&height), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 40), (void *)(&format), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 44), (void *)(&type), 4); +if (compsize > 0) { + (*gc->fillImage)(gc, dim, width, height, 1, format, type, image, gc->pc + 48, gc->pc + 4); +} else { + (void) memcpy( gc->pc + 4, default_pixel_store_2D, default_pixel_store_2D_size ); +} +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (gc->pc > gc->limit) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} +else { +const GLint op = opcode; +const GLuint cmdlenLarge = cmdlen + 4; +GLubyte * const pc = __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 0), (void *)(&cmdlenLarge), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 4), (void *)(&op), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 28), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 32), (void *)(&internalformat), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 36), (void *)(&width), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 40), (void *)(&height), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 44), (void *)(&format), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 48), (void *)(&type), 4); +__glXSendLargeImage(gc, compsize, dim, width, height, 1, format, type, image, pc + 52, pc + 8); +} + } +} + +#define X_GLrop_ConvolutionFilter1D 4101 +void __indirect_glConvolutionFilter1D(GLenum target, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid * image) +{ + __glx_ConvolutionFilter_1D2D(X_GLrop_ConvolutionFilter1D, 1, target, internalformat, width, 1, format, type, image ); +} + +#define X_GLrop_ConvolutionFilter2D 4102 +void __indirect_glConvolutionFilter2D(GLenum target, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid * image) +{ + __glx_ConvolutionFilter_1D2D(X_GLrop_ConvolutionFilter2D, 2, target, internalformat, width, height, format, type, image ); +} + +#define X_GLrop_ConvolutionParameterf 4103 +void __indirect_glConvolutionParameterf(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat params) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 16; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_ConvolutionParameterf, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&pname), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(¶ms), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_ConvolutionParameterfv 4104 +void __indirect_glConvolutionParameterfv(GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLfloat * params) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint compsize = __glConvolutionParameterfv_size(pname); + const GLuint cmdlen = 12 + __GLX_PAD((compsize * 4)); +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_ConvolutionParameterfv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&pname), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(params), (compsize * 4)); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_ConvolutionParameteri 4105 +void __indirect_glConvolutionParameteri(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint params) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 16; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_ConvolutionParameteri, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&pname), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(¶ms), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_ConvolutionParameteriv 4106 +void __indirect_glConvolutionParameteriv(GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLint * params) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint compsize = __glConvolutionParameteriv_size(pname); + const GLuint cmdlen = 12 + __GLX_PAD((compsize * 4)); +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_ConvolutionParameteriv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&pname), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(params), (compsize * 4)); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_CopyConvolutionFilter1D 4107 +void __indirect_glCopyConvolutionFilter1D(GLenum target, GLenum internalformat, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 24; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_CopyConvolutionFilter1D, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&internalformat), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(&x), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 16), (void *)(&y), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 20), (void *)(&width), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_CopyConvolutionFilter2D 4108 +void __indirect_glCopyConvolutionFilter2D(GLenum target, GLenum internalformat, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 28; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_CopyConvolutionFilter2D, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&internalformat), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(&x), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 16), (void *)(&y), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 20), (void *)(&width), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 24), (void *)(&height), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLsop_GetConvolutionFilter 150 +void __indirect_glGetConvolutionFilter(GLenum target, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLvoid * image) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const __GLXattribute * const state = gc->client_state_private; + Display * const dpy = gc->currentDpy; +#ifndef USE_XCB + const GLuint cmdlen = 16; +#endif + if (__builtin_expect(dpy != NULL, 1)) { +#ifdef USE_XCB + xcb_connection_t *c = XGetXCBConnection(dpy); + (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); + xcb_glx_get_convolution_filter_reply_t *reply = xcb_glx_get_convolution_filter_reply(c, xcb_glx_get_convolution_filter(c, gc->currentContextTag, target, format, type, state->storePack.swapEndian), NULL); + if (reply->height == 0) { reply->height = 1; } + __glEmptyImage(gc, 3, reply->width, reply->height, 1, format, type, xcb_glx_get_convolution_filter_data(reply), image); + free(reply); +#else + GLubyte const * pc = __glXSetupSingleRequest(gc, X_GLsop_GetConvolutionFilter, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 0), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 4), (void *)(&format), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 8), (void *)(&type), 4); + *(int32_t *)(pc + 12) = 0; + * (int8_t *)(pc + 12) = state->storePack.swapEndian; + __glXReadPixelReply(dpy, gc, 2, 0, 0, 0, format, type, image, GL_TRUE); + UnlockDisplay(dpy); SyncHandle(); +#endif /* USE_XCB */ + } + return; +} + +#define X_GLvop_GetConvolutionFilterEXT 1 +void gl_dispatch_stub_356(GLenum target, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLvoid * image) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + +#if defined(GLX_DIRECT_RENDERING) && !defined(GLX_USE_APPLEGL) + if (gc->isDirect) { + const _glapi_proc *const disp_table = (_glapi_proc *)GET_DISPATCH(); + PFNGLGETCONVOLUTIONFILTEREXTPROC p = + (PFNGLGETCONVOLUTIONFILTEREXTPROC) disp_table[356]; + p(target, format, type, image); + } else +#endif + { + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const __GLXattribute * const state = gc->client_state_private; + Display * const dpy = gc->currentDpy; + const GLuint cmdlen = 16; + if (__builtin_expect(dpy != NULL, 1)) { + GLubyte const * pc = __glXSetupVendorRequest(gc, X_GLXVendorPrivateWithReply, X_GLvop_GetConvolutionFilterEXT, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 0), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 4), (void *)(&format), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 8), (void *)(&type), 4); + *(int32_t *)(pc + 12) = 0; + * (int8_t *)(pc + 12) = state->storePack.swapEndian; + __glXReadPixelReply(dpy, gc, 2, 0, 0, 0, format, type, image, GL_TRUE); + UnlockDisplay(dpy); SyncHandle(); + } + return; +} +} + +#define X_GLsop_GetConvolutionParameterfv 151 +void __indirect_glGetConvolutionParameterfv(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat * params) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + Display * const dpy = gc->currentDpy; +#ifndef USE_XCB + const GLuint cmdlen = 8; +#endif + if (__builtin_expect(dpy != NULL, 1)) { +#ifdef USE_XCB + xcb_connection_t *c = XGetXCBConnection(dpy); + (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); + xcb_glx_get_convolution_parameterfv_reply_t *reply = xcb_glx_get_convolution_parameterfv_reply(c, xcb_glx_get_convolution_parameterfv(c, gc->currentContextTag, target, pname), NULL); + /* the XXX_data_length() xcb function name is misleading, it returns the number */ + /* of elements, not the length of the data part. A single element is embedded. */ + if (xcb_glx_get_convolution_parameterfv_data_length(reply) == 1) + (void)memcpy(params, &reply->datum, sizeof(reply->datum)); + else + (void)memcpy(params, xcb_glx_get_convolution_parameterfv_data(reply), xcb_glx_get_convolution_parameterfv_data_length(reply) * sizeof(GLfloat)); + free(reply); +#else + GLubyte const * pc = __glXSetupSingleRequest(gc, X_GLsop_GetConvolutionParameterfv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 0), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 4), (void *)(&pname), 4); + (void) __glXReadReply(dpy, 4, params, GL_FALSE); + UnlockDisplay(dpy); SyncHandle(); +#endif /* USE_XCB */ + } + return; +} + +#define X_GLvop_GetConvolutionParameterfvEXT 2 +void gl_dispatch_stub_357(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat * params) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + +#if defined(GLX_DIRECT_RENDERING) && !defined(GLX_USE_APPLEGL) + if (gc->isDirect) { + const _glapi_proc *const disp_table = (_glapi_proc *)GET_DISPATCH(); + PFNGLGETCONVOLUTIONPARAMETERFVEXTPROC p = + (PFNGLGETCONVOLUTIONPARAMETERFVEXTPROC) disp_table[357]; + p(target, pname, params); + } else +#endif + { + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + Display * const dpy = gc->currentDpy; + const GLuint cmdlen = 8; + if (__builtin_expect(dpy != NULL, 1)) { + GLubyte const * pc = __glXSetupVendorRequest(gc, X_GLXVendorPrivateWithReply, X_GLvop_GetConvolutionParameterfvEXT, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 0), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 4), (void *)(&pname), 4); + (void) __glXReadReply(dpy, 4, params, GL_FALSE); + UnlockDisplay(dpy); SyncHandle(); + } + return; +} +} + +#define X_GLsop_GetConvolutionParameteriv 152 +void __indirect_glGetConvolutionParameteriv(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint * params) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + Display * const dpy = gc->currentDpy; +#ifndef USE_XCB + const GLuint cmdlen = 8; +#endif + if (__builtin_expect(dpy != NULL, 1)) { +#ifdef USE_XCB + xcb_connection_t *c = XGetXCBConnection(dpy); + (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); + xcb_glx_get_convolution_parameteriv_reply_t *reply = xcb_glx_get_convolution_parameteriv_reply(c, xcb_glx_get_convolution_parameteriv(c, gc->currentContextTag, target, pname), NULL); + /* the XXX_data_length() xcb function name is misleading, it returns the number */ + /* of elements, not the length of the data part. A single element is embedded. */ + if (xcb_glx_get_convolution_parameteriv_data_length(reply) == 1) + (void)memcpy(params, &reply->datum, sizeof(reply->datum)); + else + (void)memcpy(params, xcb_glx_get_convolution_parameteriv_data(reply), xcb_glx_get_convolution_parameteriv_data_length(reply) * sizeof(GLint)); + free(reply); +#else + GLubyte const * pc = __glXSetupSingleRequest(gc, X_GLsop_GetConvolutionParameteriv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 0), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 4), (void *)(&pname), 4); + (void) __glXReadReply(dpy, 4, params, GL_FALSE); + UnlockDisplay(dpy); SyncHandle(); +#endif /* USE_XCB */ + } + return; +} + +#define X_GLvop_GetConvolutionParameterivEXT 3 +void gl_dispatch_stub_358(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint * params) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + +#if defined(GLX_DIRECT_RENDERING) && !defined(GLX_USE_APPLEGL) + if (gc->isDirect) { + const _glapi_proc *const disp_table = (_glapi_proc *)GET_DISPATCH(); + PFNGLGETCONVOLUTIONPARAMETERIVEXTPROC p = + (PFNGLGETCONVOLUTIONPARAMETERIVEXTPROC) disp_table[358]; + p(target, pname, params); + } else +#endif + { + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + Display * const dpy = gc->currentDpy; + const GLuint cmdlen = 8; + if (__builtin_expect(dpy != NULL, 1)) { + GLubyte const * pc = __glXSetupVendorRequest(gc, X_GLXVendorPrivateWithReply, X_GLvop_GetConvolutionParameterivEXT, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 0), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 4), (void *)(&pname), 4); + (void) __glXReadReply(dpy, 4, params, GL_FALSE); + UnlockDisplay(dpy); SyncHandle(); + } + return; +} +} + +#define X_GLsop_GetHistogram 154 +void __indirect_glGetHistogram(GLenum target, GLboolean reset, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLvoid * values) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const __GLXattribute * const state = gc->client_state_private; + Display * const dpy = gc->currentDpy; +#ifndef USE_XCB + const GLuint cmdlen = 16; +#endif + if (__builtin_expect(dpy != NULL, 1)) { +#ifdef USE_XCB + xcb_connection_t *c = XGetXCBConnection(dpy); + (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); + xcb_glx_get_histogram_reply_t *reply = xcb_glx_get_histogram_reply(c, xcb_glx_get_histogram(c, gc->currentContextTag, target, reset, format, type, state->storePack.swapEndian), NULL); + __glEmptyImage(gc, 3, reply->width, 1, 1, format, type, xcb_glx_get_histogram_data(reply), values); + free(reply); +#else + GLubyte const * pc = __glXSetupSingleRequest(gc, X_GLsop_GetHistogram, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 0), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 4), (void *)(&format), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 8), (void *)(&type), 4); + *(int32_t *)(pc + 12) = 0; + * (int8_t *)(pc + 12) = state->storePack.swapEndian; + * (int8_t *)(pc + 13) = reset; + __glXReadPixelReply(dpy, gc, 1, 0, 0, 0, format, type, values, GL_TRUE); + UnlockDisplay(dpy); SyncHandle(); +#endif /* USE_XCB */ + } + return; +} + +#define X_GLvop_GetHistogramEXT 5 +void gl_dispatch_stub_361(GLenum target, GLboolean reset, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLvoid * values) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + +#if defined(GLX_DIRECT_RENDERING) && !defined(GLX_USE_APPLEGL) + if (gc->isDirect) { + const _glapi_proc *const disp_table = (_glapi_proc *)GET_DISPATCH(); + PFNGLGETHISTOGRAMEXTPROC p = + (PFNGLGETHISTOGRAMEXTPROC) disp_table[361]; + p(target, reset, format, type, values); + } else +#endif + { + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const __GLXattribute * const state = gc->client_state_private; + Display * const dpy = gc->currentDpy; + const GLuint cmdlen = 16; + if (__builtin_expect(dpy != NULL, 1)) { + GLubyte const * pc = __glXSetupVendorRequest(gc, X_GLXVendorPrivateWithReply, X_GLvop_GetHistogramEXT, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 0), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 4), (void *)(&format), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 8), (void *)(&type), 4); + *(int32_t *)(pc + 12) = 0; + * (int8_t *)(pc + 12) = state->storePack.swapEndian; + * (int8_t *)(pc + 13) = reset; + __glXReadPixelReply(dpy, gc, 1, 0, 0, 0, format, type, values, GL_TRUE); + UnlockDisplay(dpy); SyncHandle(); + } + return; +} +} + +#define X_GLsop_GetHistogramParameterfv 155 +void __indirect_glGetHistogramParameterfv(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat * params) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + Display * const dpy = gc->currentDpy; +#ifndef USE_XCB + const GLuint cmdlen = 8; +#endif + if (__builtin_expect(dpy != NULL, 1)) { +#ifdef USE_XCB + xcb_connection_t *c = XGetXCBConnection(dpy); + (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); + xcb_glx_get_histogram_parameterfv_reply_t *reply = xcb_glx_get_histogram_parameterfv_reply(c, xcb_glx_get_histogram_parameterfv(c, gc->currentContextTag, target, pname), NULL); + /* the XXX_data_length() xcb function name is misleading, it returns the number */ + /* of elements, not the length of the data part. A single element is embedded. */ + if (xcb_glx_get_histogram_parameterfv_data_length(reply) == 1) + (void)memcpy(params, &reply->datum, sizeof(reply->datum)); + else + (void)memcpy(params, xcb_glx_get_histogram_parameterfv_data(reply), xcb_glx_get_histogram_parameterfv_data_length(reply) * sizeof(GLfloat)); + free(reply); +#else + GLubyte const * pc = __glXSetupSingleRequest(gc, X_GLsop_GetHistogramParameterfv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 0), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 4), (void *)(&pname), 4); + (void) __glXReadReply(dpy, 4, params, GL_FALSE); + UnlockDisplay(dpy); SyncHandle(); +#endif /* USE_XCB */ + } + return; +} + +#define X_GLvop_GetHistogramParameterfvEXT 6 +void gl_dispatch_stub_362(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat * params) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + +#if defined(GLX_DIRECT_RENDERING) && !defined(GLX_USE_APPLEGL) + if (gc->isDirect) { + const _glapi_proc *const disp_table = (_glapi_proc *)GET_DISPATCH(); + PFNGLGETHISTOGRAMPARAMETERFVEXTPROC p = + (PFNGLGETHISTOGRAMPARAMETERFVEXTPROC) disp_table[362]; + p(target, pname, params); + } else +#endif + { + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + Display * const dpy = gc->currentDpy; + const GLuint cmdlen = 8; + if (__builtin_expect(dpy != NULL, 1)) { + GLubyte const * pc = __glXSetupVendorRequest(gc, X_GLXVendorPrivateWithReply, X_GLvop_GetHistogramParameterfvEXT, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 0), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 4), (void *)(&pname), 4); + (void) __glXReadReply(dpy, 4, params, GL_FALSE); + UnlockDisplay(dpy); SyncHandle(); + } + return; +} +} + +#define X_GLsop_GetHistogramParameteriv 156 +void __indirect_glGetHistogramParameteriv(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint * params) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + Display * const dpy = gc->currentDpy; +#ifndef USE_XCB + const GLuint cmdlen = 8; +#endif + if (__builtin_expect(dpy != NULL, 1)) { +#ifdef USE_XCB + xcb_connection_t *c = XGetXCBConnection(dpy); + (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); + xcb_glx_get_histogram_parameteriv_reply_t *reply = xcb_glx_get_histogram_parameteriv_reply(c, xcb_glx_get_histogram_parameteriv(c, gc->currentContextTag, target, pname), NULL); + /* the XXX_data_length() xcb function name is misleading, it returns the number */ + /* of elements, not the length of the data part. A single element is embedded. */ + if (xcb_glx_get_histogram_parameteriv_data_length(reply) == 1) + (void)memcpy(params, &reply->datum, sizeof(reply->datum)); + else + (void)memcpy(params, xcb_glx_get_histogram_parameteriv_data(reply), xcb_glx_get_histogram_parameteriv_data_length(reply) * sizeof(GLint)); + free(reply); +#else + GLubyte const * pc = __glXSetupSingleRequest(gc, X_GLsop_GetHistogramParameteriv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 0), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 4), (void *)(&pname), 4); + (void) __glXReadReply(dpy, 4, params, GL_FALSE); + UnlockDisplay(dpy); SyncHandle(); +#endif /* USE_XCB */ + } + return; +} + +#define X_GLvop_GetHistogramParameterivEXT 7 +void gl_dispatch_stub_363(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint * params) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + +#if defined(GLX_DIRECT_RENDERING) && !defined(GLX_USE_APPLEGL) + if (gc->isDirect) { + const _glapi_proc *const disp_table = (_glapi_proc *)GET_DISPATCH(); + PFNGLGETHISTOGRAMPARAMETERIVEXTPROC p = + (PFNGLGETHISTOGRAMPARAMETERIVEXTPROC) disp_table[363]; + p(target, pname, params); + } else +#endif + { + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + Display * const dpy = gc->currentDpy; + const GLuint cmdlen = 8; + if (__builtin_expect(dpy != NULL, 1)) { + GLubyte const * pc = __glXSetupVendorRequest(gc, X_GLXVendorPrivateWithReply, X_GLvop_GetHistogramParameterivEXT, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 0), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 4), (void *)(&pname), 4); + (void) __glXReadReply(dpy, 4, params, GL_FALSE); + UnlockDisplay(dpy); SyncHandle(); + } + return; +} +} + +#define X_GLsop_GetMinmax 157 +void __indirect_glGetMinmax(GLenum target, GLboolean reset, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLvoid * values) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const __GLXattribute * const state = gc->client_state_private; + Display * const dpy = gc->currentDpy; +#ifndef USE_XCB + const GLuint cmdlen = 16; +#endif + if (__builtin_expect(dpy != NULL, 1)) { +#ifdef USE_XCB + xcb_connection_t *c = XGetXCBConnection(dpy); + (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); + xcb_glx_get_minmax_reply_t *reply = xcb_glx_get_minmax_reply(c, xcb_glx_get_minmax(c, gc->currentContextTag, target, reset, format, type, state->storePack.swapEndian), NULL); + __glEmptyImage(gc, 3, 2, 1, 1, format, type, xcb_glx_get_minmax_data(reply), values); + free(reply); +#else + GLubyte const * pc = __glXSetupSingleRequest(gc, X_GLsop_GetMinmax, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 0), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 4), (void *)(&format), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 8), (void *)(&type), 4); + *(int32_t *)(pc + 12) = 0; + * (int8_t *)(pc + 12) = state->storePack.swapEndian; + * (int8_t *)(pc + 13) = reset; + __glXReadPixelReply(dpy, gc, 1, 2, 1, 1, format, type, values, GL_FALSE); + UnlockDisplay(dpy); SyncHandle(); +#endif /* USE_XCB */ + } + return; +} + +#define X_GLvop_GetMinmaxEXT 8 +void gl_dispatch_stub_364(GLenum target, GLboolean reset, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLvoid * values) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + +#if defined(GLX_DIRECT_RENDERING) && !defined(GLX_USE_APPLEGL) + if (gc->isDirect) { + const _glapi_proc *const disp_table = (_glapi_proc *)GET_DISPATCH(); + PFNGLGETMINMAXEXTPROC p = + (PFNGLGETMINMAXEXTPROC) disp_table[364]; + p(target, reset, format, type, values); + } else +#endif + { + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const __GLXattribute * const state = gc->client_state_private; + Display * const dpy = gc->currentDpy; + const GLuint cmdlen = 16; + if (__builtin_expect(dpy != NULL, 1)) { + GLubyte const * pc = __glXSetupVendorRequest(gc, X_GLXVendorPrivateWithReply, X_GLvop_GetMinmaxEXT, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 0), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 4), (void *)(&format), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 8), (void *)(&type), 4); + *(int32_t *)(pc + 12) = 0; + * (int8_t *)(pc + 12) = state->storePack.swapEndian; + * (int8_t *)(pc + 13) = reset; + __glXReadPixelReply(dpy, gc, 1, 2, 1, 1, format, type, values, GL_FALSE); + UnlockDisplay(dpy); SyncHandle(); + } + return; +} +} + +#define X_GLsop_GetMinmaxParameterfv 158 +void __indirect_glGetMinmaxParameterfv(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat * params) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + Display * const dpy = gc->currentDpy; +#ifndef USE_XCB + const GLuint cmdlen = 8; +#endif + if (__builtin_expect(dpy != NULL, 1)) { +#ifdef USE_XCB + xcb_connection_t *c = XGetXCBConnection(dpy); + (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); + xcb_glx_get_minmax_parameterfv_reply_t *reply = xcb_glx_get_minmax_parameterfv_reply(c, xcb_glx_get_minmax_parameterfv(c, gc->currentContextTag, target, pname), NULL); + /* the XXX_data_length() xcb function name is misleading, it returns the number */ + /* of elements, not the length of the data part. A single element is embedded. */ + if (xcb_glx_get_minmax_parameterfv_data_length(reply) == 1) + (void)memcpy(params, &reply->datum, sizeof(reply->datum)); + else + (void)memcpy(params, xcb_glx_get_minmax_parameterfv_data(reply), xcb_glx_get_minmax_parameterfv_data_length(reply) * sizeof(GLfloat)); + free(reply); +#else + GLubyte const * pc = __glXSetupSingleRequest(gc, X_GLsop_GetMinmaxParameterfv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 0), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 4), (void *)(&pname), 4); + (void) __glXReadReply(dpy, 4, params, GL_FALSE); + UnlockDisplay(dpy); SyncHandle(); +#endif /* USE_XCB */ + } + return; +} + +#define X_GLvop_GetMinmaxParameterfvEXT 9 +void gl_dispatch_stub_365(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat * params) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + +#if defined(GLX_DIRECT_RENDERING) && !defined(GLX_USE_APPLEGL) + if (gc->isDirect) { + const _glapi_proc *const disp_table = (_glapi_proc *)GET_DISPATCH(); + PFNGLGETMINMAXPARAMETERFVEXTPROC p = + (PFNGLGETMINMAXPARAMETERFVEXTPROC) disp_table[365]; + p(target, pname, params); + } else +#endif + { + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + Display * const dpy = gc->currentDpy; + const GLuint cmdlen = 8; + if (__builtin_expect(dpy != NULL, 1)) { + GLubyte const * pc = __glXSetupVendorRequest(gc, X_GLXVendorPrivateWithReply, X_GLvop_GetMinmaxParameterfvEXT, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 0), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 4), (void *)(&pname), 4); + (void) __glXReadReply(dpy, 4, params, GL_FALSE); + UnlockDisplay(dpy); SyncHandle(); + } + return; +} +} + +#define X_GLsop_GetMinmaxParameteriv 159 +void __indirect_glGetMinmaxParameteriv(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint * params) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + Display * const dpy = gc->currentDpy; +#ifndef USE_XCB + const GLuint cmdlen = 8; +#endif + if (__builtin_expect(dpy != NULL, 1)) { +#ifdef USE_XCB + xcb_connection_t *c = XGetXCBConnection(dpy); + (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); + xcb_glx_get_minmax_parameteriv_reply_t *reply = xcb_glx_get_minmax_parameteriv_reply(c, xcb_glx_get_minmax_parameteriv(c, gc->currentContextTag, target, pname), NULL); + /* the XXX_data_length() xcb function name is misleading, it returns the number */ + /* of elements, not the length of the data part. A single element is embedded. */ + if (xcb_glx_get_minmax_parameteriv_data_length(reply) == 1) + (void)memcpy(params, &reply->datum, sizeof(reply->datum)); + else + (void)memcpy(params, xcb_glx_get_minmax_parameteriv_data(reply), xcb_glx_get_minmax_parameteriv_data_length(reply) * sizeof(GLint)); + free(reply); +#else + GLubyte const * pc = __glXSetupSingleRequest(gc, X_GLsop_GetMinmaxParameteriv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 0), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 4), (void *)(&pname), 4); + (void) __glXReadReply(dpy, 4, params, GL_FALSE); + UnlockDisplay(dpy); SyncHandle(); +#endif /* USE_XCB */ + } + return; +} + +#define X_GLvop_GetMinmaxParameterivEXT 10 +void gl_dispatch_stub_366(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint * params) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + +#if defined(GLX_DIRECT_RENDERING) && !defined(GLX_USE_APPLEGL) + if (gc->isDirect) { + const _glapi_proc *const disp_table = (_glapi_proc *)GET_DISPATCH(); + PFNGLGETMINMAXPARAMETERIVEXTPROC p = + (PFNGLGETMINMAXPARAMETERIVEXTPROC) disp_table[366]; + p(target, pname, params); + } else +#endif + { + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + Display * const dpy = gc->currentDpy; + const GLuint cmdlen = 8; + if (__builtin_expect(dpy != NULL, 1)) { + GLubyte const * pc = __glXSetupVendorRequest(gc, X_GLXVendorPrivateWithReply, X_GLvop_GetMinmaxParameterivEXT, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 0), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 4), (void *)(&pname), 4); + (void) __glXReadReply(dpy, 4, params, GL_FALSE); + UnlockDisplay(dpy); SyncHandle(); + } + return; +} +} + +#define X_GLrop_Histogram 4110 +void __indirect_glHistogram(GLenum target, GLsizei width, GLenum internalformat, GLboolean sink) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 20; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_Histogram, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&width), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(&internalformat), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 16), (void *)(&sink), 1); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_Minmax 4111 +void __indirect_glMinmax(GLenum target, GLenum internalformat, GLboolean sink) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 16; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_Minmax, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&internalformat), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(&sink), 1); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_ResetHistogram 4112 +void __indirect_glResetHistogram(GLenum target) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 8; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_ResetHistogram, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&target), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_ResetMinmax 4113 +void __indirect_glResetMinmax(GLenum target) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 8; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_ResetMinmax, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&target), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +static void +__glx_TexImage_3D4D( unsigned opcode, unsigned dim, GLenum target, GLint level, GLint internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth, GLsizei extent, GLint border, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid * pixels ) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint compsize = (pixels != NULL) ? __glImageSize(width, height, depth, format, type, target) : 0; + const GLuint cmdlen = 84 + __GLX_PAD(compsize); + if (__builtin_expect(gc->currentDpy != NULL, 1)) { +if (cmdlen <= gc->maxSmallRenderCommandSize) { + if ( (gc->pc + cmdlen) > gc->bufEnd ) { + (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); + } +emit_header(gc->pc, opcode, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 40), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 44), (void *)(&level), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 48), (void *)(&internalformat), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 52), (void *)(&width), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 56), (void *)(&height), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 60), (void *)(&depth), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 64), (void *)(&extent), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 68), (void *)(&border), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 72), (void *)(&format), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 76), (void *)(&type), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 80), (void *)((pixels == NULL) ? one : zero), 4); +if (compsize > 0) { + (*gc->fillImage)(gc, dim, width, height, depth, format, type, pixels, gc->pc + 84, gc->pc + 4); +} else { + (void) memcpy( gc->pc + 4, default_pixel_store_4D, default_pixel_store_4D_size ); +} +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (gc->pc > gc->limit) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} +else { +const GLint op = opcode; +const GLuint cmdlenLarge = cmdlen + 4; +GLubyte * const pc = __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 0), (void *)(&cmdlenLarge), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 4), (void *)(&op), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 44), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 48), (void *)(&level), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 52), (void *)(&internalformat), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 56), (void *)(&width), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 60), (void *)(&height), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 64), (void *)(&depth), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 68), (void *)(&extent), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 72), (void *)(&border), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 76), (void *)(&format), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 80), (void *)(&type), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 84), zero, 4); +__glXSendLargeImage(gc, compsize, dim, width, height, depth, format, type, pixels, pc + 88, pc + 8); +} + } +} + +#define X_GLrop_TexImage3D 4114 +void __indirect_glTexImage3D(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth, GLint border, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid * pixels) +{ + __glx_TexImage_3D4D(X_GLrop_TexImage3D, 3, target, level, internalformat, width, height, depth, 1, border, format, type, pixels ); +} + +static void +__glx_TexSubImage_3D4D( unsigned opcode, unsigned dim, GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLint zoffset, GLint woffset, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth, GLsizei extent, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid * pixels ) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint compsize = (pixels != NULL) ? __glImageSize(width, height, depth, format, type, target) : 0; + const GLuint cmdlen = 92 + __GLX_PAD(compsize); + if (__builtin_expect(gc->currentDpy != NULL, 1)) { +if (cmdlen <= gc->maxSmallRenderCommandSize) { + if ( (gc->pc + cmdlen) > gc->bufEnd ) { + (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); + } +emit_header(gc->pc, opcode, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 40), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 44), (void *)(&level), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 48), (void *)(&xoffset), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 52), (void *)(&yoffset), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 56), (void *)(&zoffset), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 60), (void *)(&woffset), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 64), (void *)(&width), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 68), (void *)(&height), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 72), (void *)(&depth), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 76), (void *)(&extent), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 80), (void *)(&format), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 84), (void *)(&type), 4); +(void) memset((void *)(gc->pc + 88), 0, 4); +if (compsize > 0) { + (*gc->fillImage)(gc, dim, width, height, depth, format, type, pixels, gc->pc + 92, gc->pc + 4); +} else { + (void) memcpy( gc->pc + 4, default_pixel_store_4D, default_pixel_store_4D_size ); +} +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (gc->pc > gc->limit) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} +else { +const GLint op = opcode; +const GLuint cmdlenLarge = cmdlen + 4; +GLubyte * const pc = __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 0), (void *)(&cmdlenLarge), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 4), (void *)(&op), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 44), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 48), (void *)(&level), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 52), (void *)(&xoffset), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 56), (void *)(&yoffset), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 60), (void *)(&zoffset), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 64), (void *)(&woffset), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 68), (void *)(&width), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 72), (void *)(&height), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 76), (void *)(&depth), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 80), (void *)(&extent), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 84), (void *)(&format), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 88), (void *)(&type), 4); +(void) memset((void *)(pc + 92), 0, 4); +__glXSendLargeImage(gc, compsize, dim, width, height, depth, format, type, pixels, pc + 96, pc + 8); +} + } +} + +#define X_GLrop_TexSubImage3D 4115 +void __indirect_glTexSubImage3D(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLint zoffset, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid * pixels) +{ + __glx_TexSubImage_3D4D(X_GLrop_TexSubImage3D, 3, target, level, xoffset, yoffset, zoffset, 1, width, height, depth, 1, format, type, pixels ); +} + +#define X_GLrop_CopyTexSubImage3D 4123 +void __indirect_glCopyTexSubImage3D(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLint zoffset, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 40; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_CopyTexSubImage3D, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&level), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(&xoffset), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 16), (void *)(&yoffset), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 20), (void *)(&zoffset), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 24), (void *)(&x), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 28), (void *)(&y), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 32), (void *)(&width), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 36), (void *)(&height), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_ActiveTexture 197 +void __indirect_glActiveTexture(GLenum texture) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 8; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_ActiveTexture, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&texture), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_MultiTexCoord1dv 198 +void __indirect_glMultiTexCoord1d(GLenum target, GLdouble s) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 16; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_MultiTexCoord1dv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&s), 8); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(&target), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_MultiTexCoord1dv 198 +void __indirect_glMultiTexCoord1dv(GLenum target, const GLdouble * v) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 16; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_MultiTexCoord1dv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(v), 8); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(&target), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_MultiTexCoord1fvARB 199 +void __indirect_glMultiTexCoord1fARB(GLenum target, GLfloat s) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 12; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_MultiTexCoord1fvARB, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&s), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_MultiTexCoord1fvARB 199 +void __indirect_glMultiTexCoord1fvARB(GLenum target, const GLfloat * v) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 12; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_MultiTexCoord1fvARB, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(v), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_MultiTexCoord1iv 200 +void __indirect_glMultiTexCoord1i(GLenum target, GLint s) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 12; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_MultiTexCoord1iv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&s), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_MultiTexCoord1iv 200 +void __indirect_glMultiTexCoord1iv(GLenum target, const GLint * v) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 12; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_MultiTexCoord1iv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(v), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_MultiTexCoord1sv 201 +void __indirect_glMultiTexCoord1s(GLenum target, GLshort s) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 12; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_MultiTexCoord1sv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&s), 2); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_MultiTexCoord1sv 201 +void __indirect_glMultiTexCoord1sv(GLenum target, const GLshort * v) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 12; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_MultiTexCoord1sv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(v), 2); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_MultiTexCoord2dv 202 +void __indirect_glMultiTexCoord2d(GLenum target, GLdouble s, GLdouble t) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 24; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_MultiTexCoord2dv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&s), 8); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(&t), 8); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 20), (void *)(&target), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_MultiTexCoord2dv 202 +void __indirect_glMultiTexCoord2dv(GLenum target, const GLdouble * v) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 24; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_MultiTexCoord2dv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(v), 16); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 20), (void *)(&target), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_MultiTexCoord2fvARB 203 +void __indirect_glMultiTexCoord2fARB(GLenum target, GLfloat s, GLfloat t) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 16; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_MultiTexCoord2fvARB, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&s), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(&t), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_MultiTexCoord2fvARB 203 +void __indirect_glMultiTexCoord2fvARB(GLenum target, const GLfloat * v) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 16; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_MultiTexCoord2fvARB, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(v), 8); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_MultiTexCoord2iv 204 +void __indirect_glMultiTexCoord2i(GLenum target, GLint s, GLint t) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 16; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_MultiTexCoord2iv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&s), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(&t), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_MultiTexCoord2iv 204 +void __indirect_glMultiTexCoord2iv(GLenum target, const GLint * v) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 16; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_MultiTexCoord2iv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(v), 8); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_MultiTexCoord2sv 205 +void __indirect_glMultiTexCoord2s(GLenum target, GLshort s, GLshort t) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 12; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_MultiTexCoord2sv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&s), 2); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 10), (void *)(&t), 2); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_MultiTexCoord2sv 205 +void __indirect_glMultiTexCoord2sv(GLenum target, const GLshort * v) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 12; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_MultiTexCoord2sv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(v), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_MultiTexCoord3dv 206 +void __indirect_glMultiTexCoord3d(GLenum target, GLdouble s, GLdouble t, GLdouble r) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 32; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_MultiTexCoord3dv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&s), 8); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(&t), 8); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 20), (void *)(&r), 8); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 28), (void *)(&target), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_MultiTexCoord3dv 206 +void __indirect_glMultiTexCoord3dv(GLenum target, const GLdouble * v) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 32; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_MultiTexCoord3dv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(v), 24); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 28), (void *)(&target), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_MultiTexCoord3fvARB 207 +void __indirect_glMultiTexCoord3fARB(GLenum target, GLfloat s, GLfloat t, GLfloat r) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 20; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_MultiTexCoord3fvARB, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&s), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(&t), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 16), (void *)(&r), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_MultiTexCoord3fvARB 207 +void __indirect_glMultiTexCoord3fvARB(GLenum target, const GLfloat * v) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 20; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_MultiTexCoord3fvARB, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(v), 12); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_MultiTexCoord3iv 208 +void __indirect_glMultiTexCoord3i(GLenum target, GLint s, GLint t, GLint r) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 20; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_MultiTexCoord3iv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&s), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(&t), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 16), (void *)(&r), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_MultiTexCoord3iv 208 +void __indirect_glMultiTexCoord3iv(GLenum target, const GLint * v) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 20; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_MultiTexCoord3iv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(v), 12); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_MultiTexCoord3sv 209 +void __indirect_glMultiTexCoord3s(GLenum target, GLshort s, GLshort t, GLshort r) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 16; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_MultiTexCoord3sv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&s), 2); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 10), (void *)(&t), 2); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(&r), 2); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_MultiTexCoord3sv 209 +void __indirect_glMultiTexCoord3sv(GLenum target, const GLshort * v) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 16; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_MultiTexCoord3sv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(v), 6); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_MultiTexCoord4dv 210 +void __indirect_glMultiTexCoord4d(GLenum target, GLdouble s, GLdouble t, GLdouble r, GLdouble q) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 40; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_MultiTexCoord4dv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&s), 8); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(&t), 8); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 20), (void *)(&r), 8); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 28), (void *)(&q), 8); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 36), (void *)(&target), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_MultiTexCoord4dv 210 +void __indirect_glMultiTexCoord4dv(GLenum target, const GLdouble * v) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 40; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_MultiTexCoord4dv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(v), 32); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 36), (void *)(&target), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_MultiTexCoord4fvARB 211 +void __indirect_glMultiTexCoord4fARB(GLenum target, GLfloat s, GLfloat t, GLfloat r, GLfloat q) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 24; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_MultiTexCoord4fvARB, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&s), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(&t), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 16), (void *)(&r), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 20), (void *)(&q), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_MultiTexCoord4fvARB 211 +void __indirect_glMultiTexCoord4fvARB(GLenum target, const GLfloat * v) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 24; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_MultiTexCoord4fvARB, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(v), 16); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_MultiTexCoord4iv 212 +void __indirect_glMultiTexCoord4i(GLenum target, GLint s, GLint t, GLint r, GLint q) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 24; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_MultiTexCoord4iv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&s), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(&t), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 16), (void *)(&r), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 20), (void *)(&q), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_MultiTexCoord4iv 212 +void __indirect_glMultiTexCoord4iv(GLenum target, const GLint * v) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 24; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_MultiTexCoord4iv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(v), 16); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_MultiTexCoord4sv 213 +void __indirect_glMultiTexCoord4s(GLenum target, GLshort s, GLshort t, GLshort r, GLshort q) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 16; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_MultiTexCoord4sv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&s), 2); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 10), (void *)(&t), 2); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(&r), 2); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 14), (void *)(&q), 2); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_MultiTexCoord4sv 213 +void __indirect_glMultiTexCoord4sv(GLenum target, const GLshort * v) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 16; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_MultiTexCoord4sv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(v), 8); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_SampleCoverage 229 +void __indirect_glSampleCoverage(GLclampf value, GLboolean invert) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 12; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_SampleCoverage, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&value), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&invert), 1); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_BlendFuncSeparate 4134 +void __indirect_glBlendFuncSeparate(GLenum sfactorRGB, GLenum dfactorRGB, GLenum sfactorAlpha, GLenum dfactorAlpha) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 20; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_BlendFuncSeparate, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&sfactorRGB), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&dfactorRGB), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(&sfactorAlpha), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 16), (void *)(&dfactorAlpha), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_FogCoorddv 4125 +void __indirect_glFogCoordd(GLdouble coord) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 12; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_FogCoorddv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&coord), 8); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_FogCoorddv 4125 +void __indirect_glFogCoorddv(const GLdouble * coord) +{ + generic_8_byte( X_GLrop_FogCoorddv, coord ); +} + +#define X_GLrop_PointParameterf 2065 +void __indirect_glPointParameterf(GLenum pname, GLfloat param) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 12; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_PointParameterf, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&pname), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(¶m), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_PointParameterfv 2066 +void __indirect_glPointParameterfv(GLenum pname, const GLfloat * params) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint compsize = __glPointParameterfv_size(pname); + const GLuint cmdlen = 8 + __GLX_PAD((compsize * 4)); +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_PointParameterfv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&pname), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(params), (compsize * 4)); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_PointParameteri 4221 +void __indirect_glPointParameteri(GLenum pname, GLint param) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 12; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_PointParameteri, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&pname), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(¶m), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_PointParameteriv 4222 +void __indirect_glPointParameteriv(GLenum pname, const GLint * params) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint compsize = __glPointParameteriv_size(pname); + const GLuint cmdlen = 8 + __GLX_PAD((compsize * 4)); +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_PointParameteriv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&pname), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(params), (compsize * 4)); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_SecondaryColor3bv 4126 +void __indirect_glSecondaryColor3b(GLbyte red, GLbyte green, GLbyte blue) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 8; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_SecondaryColor3bv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&red), 1); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 5), (void *)(&green), 1); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 6), (void *)(&blue), 1); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_SecondaryColor3bv 4126 +void __indirect_glSecondaryColor3bv(const GLbyte * v) +{ + generic_3_byte( X_GLrop_SecondaryColor3bv, v ); +} + +#define X_GLrop_SecondaryColor3dv 4130 +void __indirect_glSecondaryColor3d(GLdouble red, GLdouble green, GLdouble blue) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 28; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_SecondaryColor3dv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&red), 8); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(&green), 8); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 20), (void *)(&blue), 8); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_SecondaryColor3dv 4130 +void __indirect_glSecondaryColor3dv(const GLdouble * v) +{ + generic_24_byte( X_GLrop_SecondaryColor3dv, v ); +} + +#define X_GLrop_SecondaryColor3iv 4128 +void __indirect_glSecondaryColor3i(GLint red, GLint green, GLint blue) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 16; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_SecondaryColor3iv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&red), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&green), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(&blue), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_SecondaryColor3iv 4128 +void __indirect_glSecondaryColor3iv(const GLint * v) +{ + generic_12_byte( X_GLrop_SecondaryColor3iv, v ); +} + +#define X_GLrop_SecondaryColor3sv 4127 +void __indirect_glSecondaryColor3s(GLshort red, GLshort green, GLshort blue) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 12; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_SecondaryColor3sv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&red), 2); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 6), (void *)(&green), 2); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&blue), 2); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_SecondaryColor3sv 4127 +void __indirect_glSecondaryColor3sv(const GLshort * v) +{ + generic_6_byte( X_GLrop_SecondaryColor3sv, v ); +} + +#define X_GLrop_SecondaryColor3ubv 4131 +void __indirect_glSecondaryColor3ub(GLubyte red, GLubyte green, GLubyte blue) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 8; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_SecondaryColor3ubv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&red), 1); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 5), (void *)(&green), 1); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 6), (void *)(&blue), 1); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_SecondaryColor3ubv 4131 +void __indirect_glSecondaryColor3ubv(const GLubyte * v) +{ + generic_3_byte( X_GLrop_SecondaryColor3ubv, v ); +} + +#define X_GLrop_SecondaryColor3uiv 4133 +void __indirect_glSecondaryColor3ui(GLuint red, GLuint green, GLuint blue) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 16; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_SecondaryColor3uiv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&red), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&green), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(&blue), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_SecondaryColor3uiv 4133 +void __indirect_glSecondaryColor3uiv(const GLuint * v) +{ + generic_12_byte( X_GLrop_SecondaryColor3uiv, v ); +} + +#define X_GLrop_SecondaryColor3usv 4132 +void __indirect_glSecondaryColor3us(GLushort red, GLushort green, GLushort blue) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 12; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_SecondaryColor3usv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&red), 2); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 6), (void *)(&green), 2); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&blue), 2); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_SecondaryColor3usv 4132 +void __indirect_glSecondaryColor3usv(const GLushort * v) +{ + generic_6_byte( X_GLrop_SecondaryColor3usv, v ); +} + +#define X_GLrop_WindowPos3fv 230 +void __indirect_glWindowPos3f(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 16; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_WindowPos3fv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&x), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&y), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(&z), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_WindowPos3fv 230 +void __indirect_glWindowPos3fv(const GLfloat * v) +{ + generic_12_byte( X_GLrop_WindowPos3fv, v ); +} + +#define X_GLrop_BeginQuery 231 +void __indirect_glBeginQuery(GLenum target, GLuint id) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 12; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_BeginQuery, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&id), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLsop_DeleteQueries 161 +void __indirect_glDeleteQueries(GLsizei n, const GLuint * ids) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + Display * const dpy = gc->currentDpy; +#ifndef USE_XCB + const GLuint cmdlen = 4 + __GLX_PAD((n * 4)); +#endif + if (n < 0) { + __glXSetError(gc, GL_INVALID_VALUE); + return; + } + if (__builtin_expect((n >= 0) && (dpy != NULL), 1)) { +#ifdef USE_XCB + xcb_connection_t *c = XGetXCBConnection(dpy); + (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); + xcb_glx_delete_queries(c, gc->currentContextTag, n, ids); +#else + GLubyte const * pc = __glXSetupSingleRequest(gc, X_GLsop_DeleteQueries, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 0), (void *)(&n), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 4), (void *)(ids), (n * 4)); + UnlockDisplay(dpy); SyncHandle(); +#endif /* USE_XCB */ + } + return; +} + +#define X_GLrop_EndQuery 232 +void __indirect_glEndQuery(GLenum target) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 8; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_EndQuery, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&target), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLsop_GenQueries 162 +void __indirect_glGenQueries(GLsizei n, GLuint * ids) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + Display * const dpy = gc->currentDpy; +#ifndef USE_XCB + const GLuint cmdlen = 4; +#endif + if (n < 0) { + __glXSetError(gc, GL_INVALID_VALUE); + return; + } + if (__builtin_expect((n >= 0) && (dpy != NULL), 1)) { +#ifdef USE_XCB + xcb_connection_t *c = XGetXCBConnection(dpy); + (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); + xcb_glx_gen_queries_reply_t *reply = xcb_glx_gen_queries_reply(c, xcb_glx_gen_queries(c, gc->currentContextTag, n), NULL); + (void)memcpy(ids, xcb_glx_gen_queries_data(reply), xcb_glx_gen_queries_data_length(reply) * sizeof(GLuint)); + free(reply); +#else + GLubyte const * pc = __glXSetupSingleRequest(gc, X_GLsop_GenQueries, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 0), (void *)(&n), 4); + (void) __glXReadReply(dpy, 4, ids, GL_TRUE); + UnlockDisplay(dpy); SyncHandle(); +#endif /* USE_XCB */ + } + return; +} + +#define X_GLsop_GetQueryObjectiv 165 +void __indirect_glGetQueryObjectiv(GLuint id, GLenum pname, GLint * params) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + Display * const dpy = gc->currentDpy; +#ifndef USE_XCB + const GLuint cmdlen = 8; +#endif + if (__builtin_expect(dpy != NULL, 1)) { +#ifdef USE_XCB + xcb_connection_t *c = XGetXCBConnection(dpy); + (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); + xcb_glx_get_query_objectiv_reply_t *reply = xcb_glx_get_query_objectiv_reply(c, xcb_glx_get_query_objectiv(c, gc->currentContextTag, id, pname), NULL); + /* the XXX_data_length() xcb function name is misleading, it returns the number */ + /* of elements, not the length of the data part. A single element is embedded. */ + if (xcb_glx_get_query_objectiv_data_length(reply) == 1) + (void)memcpy(params, &reply->datum, sizeof(reply->datum)); + else + (void)memcpy(params, xcb_glx_get_query_objectiv_data(reply), xcb_glx_get_query_objectiv_data_length(reply) * sizeof(GLint)); + free(reply); +#else + GLubyte const * pc = __glXSetupSingleRequest(gc, X_GLsop_GetQueryObjectiv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 0), (void *)(&id), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 4), (void *)(&pname), 4); + (void) __glXReadReply(dpy, 4, params, GL_FALSE); + UnlockDisplay(dpy); SyncHandle(); +#endif /* USE_XCB */ + } + return; +} + +#define X_GLsop_GetQueryObjectuiv 166 +void __indirect_glGetQueryObjectuiv(GLuint id, GLenum pname, GLuint * params) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + Display * const dpy = gc->currentDpy; +#ifndef USE_XCB + const GLuint cmdlen = 8; +#endif + if (__builtin_expect(dpy != NULL, 1)) { +#ifdef USE_XCB + xcb_connection_t *c = XGetXCBConnection(dpy); + (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); + xcb_glx_get_query_objectuiv_reply_t *reply = xcb_glx_get_query_objectuiv_reply(c, xcb_glx_get_query_objectuiv(c, gc->currentContextTag, id, pname), NULL); + /* the XXX_data_length() xcb function name is misleading, it returns the number */ + /* of elements, not the length of the data part. A single element is embedded. */ + if (xcb_glx_get_query_objectuiv_data_length(reply) == 1) + (void)memcpy(params, &reply->datum, sizeof(reply->datum)); + else + (void)memcpy(params, xcb_glx_get_query_objectuiv_data(reply), xcb_glx_get_query_objectuiv_data_length(reply) * sizeof(GLuint)); + free(reply); +#else + GLubyte const * pc = __glXSetupSingleRequest(gc, X_GLsop_GetQueryObjectuiv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 0), (void *)(&id), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 4), (void *)(&pname), 4); + (void) __glXReadReply(dpy, 4, params, GL_FALSE); + UnlockDisplay(dpy); SyncHandle(); +#endif /* USE_XCB */ + } + return; +} + +#define X_GLsop_GetQueryiv 164 +void __indirect_glGetQueryiv(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint * params) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + Display * const dpy = gc->currentDpy; +#ifndef USE_XCB + const GLuint cmdlen = 8; +#endif + if (__builtin_expect(dpy != NULL, 1)) { +#ifdef USE_XCB + xcb_connection_t *c = XGetXCBConnection(dpy); + (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); + xcb_glx_get_queryiv_reply_t *reply = xcb_glx_get_queryiv_reply(c, xcb_glx_get_queryiv(c, gc->currentContextTag, target, pname), NULL); + /* the XXX_data_length() xcb function name is misleading, it returns the number */ + /* of elements, not the length of the data part. A single element is embedded. */ + if (xcb_glx_get_queryiv_data_length(reply) == 1) + (void)memcpy(params, &reply->datum, sizeof(reply->datum)); + else + (void)memcpy(params, xcb_glx_get_queryiv_data(reply), xcb_glx_get_queryiv_data_length(reply) * sizeof(GLint)); + free(reply); +#else + GLubyte const * pc = __glXSetupSingleRequest(gc, X_GLsop_GetQueryiv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 0), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 4), (void *)(&pname), 4); + (void) __glXReadReply(dpy, 4, params, GL_FALSE); + UnlockDisplay(dpy); SyncHandle(); +#endif /* USE_XCB */ + } + return; +} + +#define X_GLsop_IsQuery 163 +GLboolean __indirect_glIsQuery(GLuint id) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + Display * const dpy = gc->currentDpy; + GLboolean retval = (GLboolean) 0; +#ifndef USE_XCB + const GLuint cmdlen = 4; +#endif + if (__builtin_expect(dpy != NULL, 1)) { +#ifdef USE_XCB + xcb_connection_t *c = XGetXCBConnection(dpy); + (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); + xcb_glx_is_query_reply_t *reply = xcb_glx_is_query_reply(c, xcb_glx_is_query(c, gc->currentContextTag, id), NULL); + retval = reply->ret_val; + free(reply); +#else + GLubyte const * pc = __glXSetupSingleRequest(gc, X_GLsop_IsQuery, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 0), (void *)(&id), 4); + retval = (GLboolean) __glXReadReply(dpy, 0, NULL, GL_FALSE); + UnlockDisplay(dpy); SyncHandle(); +#endif /* USE_XCB */ + } + return retval; +} + +#define X_GLrop_BlendEquationSeparate 4228 +void __indirect_glBlendEquationSeparate(GLenum modeRGB, GLenum modeA) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 12; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_BlendEquationSeparate, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&modeRGB), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&modeA), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_DrawBuffers 233 +void __indirect_glDrawBuffers(GLsizei n, const GLenum * bufs) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 8 + __GLX_PAD((n * 4)); + if (n < 0) { + __glXSetError(gc, GL_INVALID_VALUE); + return; + } + if (__builtin_expect((n >= 0) && (gc->currentDpy != NULL), 1)) { +if (cmdlen <= gc->maxSmallRenderCommandSize) { + if ( (gc->pc + cmdlen) > gc->bufEnd ) { + (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); + } +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_DrawBuffers, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&n), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(bufs), (n * 4)); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} +else { +const GLint op = X_GLrop_DrawBuffers; +const GLuint cmdlenLarge = cmdlen + 4; +GLubyte * const pc = __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 0), (void *)(&cmdlenLarge), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 4), (void *)(&op), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 8), (void *)(&n), 4); + __glXSendLargeCommand(gc, pc, 12, bufs, (n * 4)); +} + } +} + +#define X_GLrop_VertexAttrib1dv 4197 +void __indirect_glVertexAttrib1d(GLuint index, GLdouble x) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 16; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_VertexAttrib1dv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&index), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&x), 8); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_VertexAttrib1dv 4197 +void __indirect_glVertexAttrib1dv(GLuint index, const GLdouble * v) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 16; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_VertexAttrib1dv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&index), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(v), 8); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_VertexAttrib1sv 4189 +void __indirect_glVertexAttrib1s(GLuint index, GLshort x) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 12; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_VertexAttrib1sv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&index), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&x), 2); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_VertexAttrib1sv 4189 +void __indirect_glVertexAttrib1sv(GLuint index, const GLshort * v) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 12; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_VertexAttrib1sv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&index), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(v), 2); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_VertexAttrib2dv 4198 +void __indirect_glVertexAttrib2d(GLuint index, GLdouble x, GLdouble y) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 24; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_VertexAttrib2dv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&index), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&x), 8); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 16), (void *)(&y), 8); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_VertexAttrib2dv 4198 +void __indirect_glVertexAttrib2dv(GLuint index, const GLdouble * v) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 24; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_VertexAttrib2dv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&index), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(v), 16); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_VertexAttrib2sv 4190 +void __indirect_glVertexAttrib2s(GLuint index, GLshort x, GLshort y) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 12; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_VertexAttrib2sv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&index), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&x), 2); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 10), (void *)(&y), 2); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_VertexAttrib2sv 4190 +void __indirect_glVertexAttrib2sv(GLuint index, const GLshort * v) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 12; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_VertexAttrib2sv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&index), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(v), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_VertexAttrib3dv 4199 +void __indirect_glVertexAttrib3d(GLuint index, GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 32; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_VertexAttrib3dv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&index), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&x), 8); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 16), (void *)(&y), 8); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 24), (void *)(&z), 8); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_VertexAttrib3dv 4199 +void __indirect_glVertexAttrib3dv(GLuint index, const GLdouble * v) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 32; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_VertexAttrib3dv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&index), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(v), 24); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_VertexAttrib3sv 4191 +void __indirect_glVertexAttrib3s(GLuint index, GLshort x, GLshort y, GLshort z) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 16; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_VertexAttrib3sv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&index), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&x), 2); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 10), (void *)(&y), 2); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(&z), 2); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_VertexAttrib3sv 4191 +void __indirect_glVertexAttrib3sv(GLuint index, const GLshort * v) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 16; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_VertexAttrib3sv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&index), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(v), 6); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_VertexAttrib4Nbv 4235 +void __indirect_glVertexAttrib4Nbv(GLuint index, const GLbyte * v) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 12; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_VertexAttrib4Nbv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&index), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(v), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_VertexAttrib4Niv 4237 +void __indirect_glVertexAttrib4Niv(GLuint index, const GLint * v) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 24; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_VertexAttrib4Niv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&index), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(v), 16); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_VertexAttrib4Nsv 4236 +void __indirect_glVertexAttrib4Nsv(GLuint index, const GLshort * v) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 16; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_VertexAttrib4Nsv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&index), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(v), 8); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_VertexAttrib4Nubv 4201 +void __indirect_glVertexAttrib4Nub(GLuint index, GLubyte x, GLubyte y, GLubyte z, GLubyte w) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 12; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_VertexAttrib4Nubv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&index), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&x), 1); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 9), (void *)(&y), 1); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 10), (void *)(&z), 1); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 11), (void *)(&w), 1); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_VertexAttrib4Nubv 4201 +void __indirect_glVertexAttrib4Nubv(GLuint index, const GLubyte * v) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 12; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_VertexAttrib4Nubv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&index), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(v), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_VertexAttrib4Nuiv 4239 +void __indirect_glVertexAttrib4Nuiv(GLuint index, const GLuint * v) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 24; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_VertexAttrib4Nuiv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&index), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(v), 16); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_VertexAttrib4Nusv 4238 +void __indirect_glVertexAttrib4Nusv(GLuint index, const GLushort * v) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 16; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_VertexAttrib4Nusv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&index), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(v), 8); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_VertexAttrib4bv 4230 +void __indirect_glVertexAttrib4bv(GLuint index, const GLbyte * v) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 12; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_VertexAttrib4bv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&index), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(v), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_VertexAttrib4dv 4200 +void __indirect_glVertexAttrib4d(GLuint index, GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z, GLdouble w) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 40; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_VertexAttrib4dv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&index), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&x), 8); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 16), (void *)(&y), 8); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 24), (void *)(&z), 8); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 32), (void *)(&w), 8); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_VertexAttrib4dv 4200 +void __indirect_glVertexAttrib4dv(GLuint index, const GLdouble * v) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 40; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_VertexAttrib4dv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&index), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(v), 32); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_VertexAttrib4iv 4231 +void __indirect_glVertexAttrib4iv(GLuint index, const GLint * v) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 24; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_VertexAttrib4iv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&index), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(v), 16); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_VertexAttrib4sv 4192 +void __indirect_glVertexAttrib4s(GLuint index, GLshort x, GLshort y, GLshort z, GLshort w) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 16; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_VertexAttrib4sv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&index), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&x), 2); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 10), (void *)(&y), 2); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(&z), 2); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 14), (void *)(&w), 2); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_VertexAttrib4sv 4192 +void __indirect_glVertexAttrib4sv(GLuint index, const GLshort * v) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 16; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_VertexAttrib4sv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&index), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(v), 8); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_VertexAttrib4ubv 4232 +void __indirect_glVertexAttrib4ubv(GLuint index, const GLubyte * v) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 12; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_VertexAttrib4ubv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&index), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(v), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_VertexAttrib4uiv 4234 +void __indirect_glVertexAttrib4uiv(GLuint index, const GLuint * v) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 24; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_VertexAttrib4uiv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&index), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(v), 16); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_VertexAttrib4usv 4233 +void __indirect_glVertexAttrib4usv(GLuint index, const GLushort * v) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 16; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_VertexAttrib4usv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&index), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(v), 8); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_ClampColor 234 +void __indirect_glClampColor(GLenum target, GLenum clamp) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 12; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_ClampColor, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&clamp), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_BindProgramARB 4180 +void __indirect_glBindProgramARB(GLenum target, GLuint program) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 12; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_BindProgramARB, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&program), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLvop_DeleteProgramsARB 1294 +void __indirect_glDeleteProgramsARB(GLsizei n, const GLuint * programs) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + Display * const dpy = gc->currentDpy; + const GLuint cmdlen = 4 + __GLX_PAD((n * 4)); + if (n < 0) { + __glXSetError(gc, GL_INVALID_VALUE); + return; + } + if (__builtin_expect((n >= 0) && (dpy != NULL), 1)) { + GLubyte const * pc = __glXSetupVendorRequest(gc, X_GLXVendorPrivate, X_GLvop_DeleteProgramsARB, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 0), (void *)(&n), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 4), (void *)(programs), (n * 4)); + UnlockDisplay(dpy); SyncHandle(); + } + return; +} + +#define X_GLvop_GenProgramsARB 1295 +void __indirect_glGenProgramsARB(GLsizei n, GLuint * programs) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + Display * const dpy = gc->currentDpy; + const GLuint cmdlen = 4; + if (n < 0) { + __glXSetError(gc, GL_INVALID_VALUE); + return; + } + if (__builtin_expect((n >= 0) && (dpy != NULL), 1)) { + GLubyte const * pc = __glXSetupVendorRequest(gc, X_GLXVendorPrivateWithReply, X_GLvop_GenProgramsARB, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 0), (void *)(&n), 4); + (void) __glXReadReply(dpy, 4, programs, GL_TRUE); + UnlockDisplay(dpy); SyncHandle(); + } + return; +} + +#define X_GLvop_GetProgramStringARB 1308 +void __indirect_glGetProgramStringARB(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLvoid * string) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + Display * const dpy = gc->currentDpy; + const GLuint cmdlen = 8; + if (__builtin_expect(dpy != NULL, 1)) { + GLubyte const * pc = __glXSetupVendorRequest(gc, X_GLXVendorPrivateWithReply, X_GLvop_GetProgramStringARB, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 0), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 4), (void *)(&pname), 4); + (void) __glXReadReply(dpy, 1, string, GL_TRUE); + UnlockDisplay(dpy); SyncHandle(); + } + return; +} + +#define X_GLvop_GetProgramivARB 1307 +void __indirect_glGetProgramivARB(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint * params) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + Display * const dpy = gc->currentDpy; + const GLuint cmdlen = 8; + if (__builtin_expect(dpy != NULL, 1)) { + GLubyte const * pc = __glXSetupVendorRequest(gc, X_GLXVendorPrivateWithReply, X_GLvop_GetProgramivARB, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 0), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 4), (void *)(&pname), 4); + (void) __glXReadReply(dpy, 4, params, GL_FALSE); + UnlockDisplay(dpy); SyncHandle(); + } + return; +} + +#define X_GLvop_IsProgramARB 1304 +GLboolean __indirect_glIsProgramARB(GLuint program) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + Display * const dpy = gc->currentDpy; + GLboolean retval = (GLboolean) 0; + const GLuint cmdlen = 4; + if (__builtin_expect(dpy != NULL, 1)) { + GLubyte const * pc = __glXSetupVendorRequest(gc, X_GLXVendorPrivateWithReply, X_GLvop_IsProgramARB, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 0), (void *)(&program), 4); + retval = (GLboolean) __glXReadReply(dpy, 0, NULL, GL_FALSE); + UnlockDisplay(dpy); SyncHandle(); + } + return retval; +} + +#define X_GLrop_ProgramEnvParameter4dvARB 4185 +void __indirect_glProgramEnvParameter4dARB(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z, GLdouble w) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 44; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_ProgramEnvParameter4dvARB, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&index), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(&x), 8); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 20), (void *)(&y), 8); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 28), (void *)(&z), 8); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 36), (void *)(&w), 8); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_ProgramEnvParameter4dvARB 4185 +void __indirect_glProgramEnvParameter4dvARB(GLenum target, GLuint index, const GLdouble * params) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 44; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_ProgramEnvParameter4dvARB, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&index), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(params), 32); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_ProgramEnvParameter4fvARB 4184 +void __indirect_glProgramEnvParameter4fARB(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z, GLfloat w) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 28; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_ProgramEnvParameter4fvARB, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&index), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(&x), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 16), (void *)(&y), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 20), (void *)(&z), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 24), (void *)(&w), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_ProgramEnvParameter4fvARB 4184 +void __indirect_glProgramEnvParameter4fvARB(GLenum target, GLuint index, const GLfloat * params) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 28; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_ProgramEnvParameter4fvARB, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&index), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(params), 16); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_ProgramLocalParameter4dvARB 4216 +void __indirect_glProgramLocalParameter4dARB(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z, GLdouble w) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 44; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_ProgramLocalParameter4dvARB, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&index), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(&x), 8); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 20), (void *)(&y), 8); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 28), (void *)(&z), 8); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 36), (void *)(&w), 8); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_ProgramLocalParameter4dvARB 4216 +void __indirect_glProgramLocalParameter4dvARB(GLenum target, GLuint index, const GLdouble * params) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 44; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_ProgramLocalParameter4dvARB, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&index), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(params), 32); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_ProgramLocalParameter4fvARB 4215 +void __indirect_glProgramLocalParameter4fARB(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z, GLfloat w) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 28; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_ProgramLocalParameter4fvARB, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&index), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(&x), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 16), (void *)(&y), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 20), (void *)(&z), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 24), (void *)(&w), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_ProgramLocalParameter4fvARB 4215 +void __indirect_glProgramLocalParameter4fvARB(GLenum target, GLuint index, const GLfloat * params) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 28; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_ProgramLocalParameter4fvARB, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&index), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(params), 16); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_ProgramStringARB 4217 +void __indirect_glProgramStringARB(GLenum target, GLenum format, GLsizei len, const GLvoid * string) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 16 + __GLX_PAD(len); + if (len < 0) { + __glXSetError(gc, GL_INVALID_VALUE); + return; + } + if (__builtin_expect((len >= 0) && (gc->currentDpy != NULL), 1)) { +if (cmdlen <= gc->maxSmallRenderCommandSize) { + if ( (gc->pc + cmdlen) > gc->bufEnd ) { + (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); + } +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_ProgramStringARB, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&format), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(&len), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 16), (void *)(string), len); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} +else { +const GLint op = X_GLrop_ProgramStringARB; +const GLuint cmdlenLarge = cmdlen + 4; +GLubyte * const pc = __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 0), (void *)(&cmdlenLarge), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 4), (void *)(&op), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 8), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 12), (void *)(&format), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 16), (void *)(&len), 4); + __glXSendLargeCommand(gc, pc, 20, string, len); +} + } +} + +#define X_GLrop_VertexAttrib1fvARB 4193 +void __indirect_glVertexAttrib1fARB(GLuint index, GLfloat x) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 12; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_VertexAttrib1fvARB, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&index), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&x), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_VertexAttrib1fvARB 4193 +void __indirect_glVertexAttrib1fvARB(GLuint index, const GLfloat * v) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 12; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_VertexAttrib1fvARB, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&index), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(v), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_VertexAttrib2fvARB 4194 +void __indirect_glVertexAttrib2fARB(GLuint index, GLfloat x, GLfloat y) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 16; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_VertexAttrib2fvARB, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&index), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&x), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(&y), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_VertexAttrib2fvARB 4194 +void __indirect_glVertexAttrib2fvARB(GLuint index, const GLfloat * v) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 16; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_VertexAttrib2fvARB, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&index), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(v), 8); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_VertexAttrib3fvARB 4195 +void __indirect_glVertexAttrib3fARB(GLuint index, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 20; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_VertexAttrib3fvARB, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&index), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&x), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(&y), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 16), (void *)(&z), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_VertexAttrib3fvARB 4195 +void __indirect_glVertexAttrib3fvARB(GLuint index, const GLfloat * v) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 20; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_VertexAttrib3fvARB, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&index), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(v), 12); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_VertexAttrib4fvARB 4196 +void __indirect_glVertexAttrib4fARB(GLuint index, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z, GLfloat w) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 24; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_VertexAttrib4fvARB, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&index), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&x), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(&y), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 16), (void *)(&z), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 20), (void *)(&w), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_VertexAttrib4fvARB 4196 +void __indirect_glVertexAttrib4fvARB(GLuint index, const GLfloat * v) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 24; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_VertexAttrib4fvARB, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&index), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(v), 16); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_BindFramebuffer 4319 +void __indirect_glBindFramebuffer(GLenum target, GLuint framebuffer) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 12; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_BindFramebuffer, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&framebuffer), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_BindRenderbuffer 4316 +void __indirect_glBindRenderbuffer(GLenum target, GLuint renderbuffer) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 12; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_BindRenderbuffer, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&renderbuffer), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_BlitFramebuffer 4330 +void __indirect_glBlitFramebuffer(GLint srcX0, GLint srcY0, GLint srcX1, GLint srcY1, GLint dstX0, GLint dstY0, GLint dstX1, GLint dstY1, GLbitfield mask, GLenum filter) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 44; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_BlitFramebuffer, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&srcX0), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&srcY0), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(&srcX1), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 16), (void *)(&srcY1), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 20), (void *)(&dstX0), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 24), (void *)(&dstY0), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 28), (void *)(&dstX1), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 32), (void *)(&dstY1), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 36), (void *)(&mask), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 40), (void *)(&filter), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLvop_CheckFramebufferStatus 1427 +GLenum __indirect_glCheckFramebufferStatus(GLenum target) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + Display * const dpy = gc->currentDpy; + GLenum retval = (GLenum) 0; + const GLuint cmdlen = 4; + if (__builtin_expect(dpy != NULL, 1)) { + GLubyte const * pc = __glXSetupVendorRequest(gc, X_GLXVendorPrivateWithReply, X_GLvop_CheckFramebufferStatus, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 0), (void *)(&target), 4); + retval = (GLenum) __glXReadReply(dpy, 0, NULL, GL_FALSE); + UnlockDisplay(dpy); SyncHandle(); + } + return retval; +} + +#define X_GLrop_DeleteFramebuffers 4320 +void __indirect_glDeleteFramebuffers(GLsizei n, const GLuint * framebuffers) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 8 + __GLX_PAD((n * 4)); + if (n < 0) { + __glXSetError(gc, GL_INVALID_VALUE); + return; + } + if (__builtin_expect(n >= 0, 1)) { +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_DeleteFramebuffers, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&n), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(framebuffers), (n * 4)); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } + } +} + +#define X_GLrop_DeleteRenderbuffers 4317 +void __indirect_glDeleteRenderbuffers(GLsizei n, const GLuint * renderbuffers) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 8 + __GLX_PAD((n * 4)); + if (n < 0) { + __glXSetError(gc, GL_INVALID_VALUE); + return; + } + if (__builtin_expect(n >= 0, 1)) { +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_DeleteRenderbuffers, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&n), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(renderbuffers), (n * 4)); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } + } +} + +#define X_GLrop_FramebufferRenderbuffer 4324 +void __indirect_glFramebufferRenderbuffer(GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLenum renderbuffertarget, GLuint renderbuffer) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 20; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_FramebufferRenderbuffer, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&attachment), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(&renderbuffertarget), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 16), (void *)(&renderbuffer), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_FramebufferTexture1D 4321 +void __indirect_glFramebufferTexture1D(GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLenum textarget, GLuint texture, GLint level) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 24; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_FramebufferTexture1D, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&attachment), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(&textarget), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 16), (void *)(&texture), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 20), (void *)(&level), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_FramebufferTexture2D 4322 +void __indirect_glFramebufferTexture2D(GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLenum textarget, GLuint texture, GLint level) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 24; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_FramebufferTexture2D, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&attachment), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(&textarget), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 16), (void *)(&texture), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 20), (void *)(&level), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_FramebufferTexture3D 4323 +void __indirect_glFramebufferTexture3D(GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLenum textarget, GLuint texture, GLint level, GLint zoffset) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 28; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_FramebufferTexture3D, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&attachment), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(&textarget), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 16), (void *)(&texture), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 20), (void *)(&level), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 24), (void *)(&zoffset), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_FramebufferTextureLayer 237 +void __indirect_glFramebufferTextureLayer(GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLuint texture, GLint level, GLint layer) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 24; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_FramebufferTextureLayer, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&attachment), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(&texture), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 16), (void *)(&level), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 20), (void *)(&layer), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLvop_GenFramebuffers 1426 +void __indirect_glGenFramebuffers(GLsizei n, GLuint * framebuffers) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + Display * const dpy = gc->currentDpy; + const GLuint cmdlen = 4; + if (n < 0) { + __glXSetError(gc, GL_INVALID_VALUE); + return; + } + if (__builtin_expect((n >= 0) && (dpy != NULL), 1)) { + GLubyte const * pc = __glXSetupVendorRequest(gc, X_GLXVendorPrivateWithReply, X_GLvop_GenFramebuffers, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 0), (void *)(&n), 4); + (void) __glXReadReply(dpy, 4, framebuffers, GL_TRUE); + UnlockDisplay(dpy); SyncHandle(); + } + return; +} + +#define X_GLvop_GenRenderbuffers 1423 +void __indirect_glGenRenderbuffers(GLsizei n, GLuint * renderbuffers) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + Display * const dpy = gc->currentDpy; + const GLuint cmdlen = 4; + if (n < 0) { + __glXSetError(gc, GL_INVALID_VALUE); + return; + } + if (__builtin_expect((n >= 0) && (dpy != NULL), 1)) { + GLubyte const * pc = __glXSetupVendorRequest(gc, X_GLXVendorPrivateWithReply, X_GLvop_GenRenderbuffers, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 0), (void *)(&n), 4); + (void) __glXReadReply(dpy, 4, renderbuffers, GL_TRUE); + UnlockDisplay(dpy); SyncHandle(); + } + return; +} + +#define X_GLrop_GenerateMipmap 4325 +void __indirect_glGenerateMipmap(GLenum target) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 8; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_GenerateMipmap, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&target), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLvop_GetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv 1428 +void __indirect_glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv(GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLenum pname, GLint * params) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + Display * const dpy = gc->currentDpy; + const GLuint cmdlen = 12; + if (__builtin_expect(dpy != NULL, 1)) { + GLubyte const * pc = __glXSetupVendorRequest(gc, X_GLXVendorPrivateWithReply, X_GLvop_GetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 0), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 4), (void *)(&attachment), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 8), (void *)(&pname), 4); + (void) __glXReadReply(dpy, 4, params, GL_FALSE); + UnlockDisplay(dpy); SyncHandle(); + } + return; +} + +#define X_GLvop_GetRenderbufferParameteriv 1424 +void __indirect_glGetRenderbufferParameteriv(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint * params) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + Display * const dpy = gc->currentDpy; + const GLuint cmdlen = 8; + if (__builtin_expect(dpy != NULL, 1)) { + GLubyte const * pc = __glXSetupVendorRequest(gc, X_GLXVendorPrivateWithReply, X_GLvop_GetRenderbufferParameteriv, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 0), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 4), (void *)(&pname), 4); + (void) __glXReadReply(dpy, 4, params, GL_FALSE); + UnlockDisplay(dpy); SyncHandle(); + } + return; +} + +#define X_GLvop_IsFramebuffer 1425 +GLboolean __indirect_glIsFramebuffer(GLuint framebuffer) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + Display * const dpy = gc->currentDpy; + GLboolean retval = (GLboolean) 0; + const GLuint cmdlen = 4; + if (__builtin_expect(dpy != NULL, 1)) { + GLubyte const * pc = __glXSetupVendorRequest(gc, X_GLXVendorPrivateWithReply, X_GLvop_IsFramebuffer, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 0), (void *)(&framebuffer), 4); + retval = (GLboolean) __glXReadReply(dpy, 0, NULL, GL_FALSE); + UnlockDisplay(dpy); SyncHandle(); + } + return retval; +} + +#define X_GLvop_IsRenderbuffer 1422 +GLboolean __indirect_glIsRenderbuffer(GLuint renderbuffer) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + Display * const dpy = gc->currentDpy; + GLboolean retval = (GLboolean) 0; + const GLuint cmdlen = 4; + if (__builtin_expect(dpy != NULL, 1)) { + GLubyte const * pc = __glXSetupVendorRequest(gc, X_GLXVendorPrivateWithReply, X_GLvop_IsRenderbuffer, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 0), (void *)(&renderbuffer), 4); + retval = (GLboolean) __glXReadReply(dpy, 0, NULL, GL_FALSE); + UnlockDisplay(dpy); SyncHandle(); + } + return retval; +} + +#define X_GLrop_RenderbufferStorage 4318 +void __indirect_glRenderbufferStorage(GLenum target, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 20; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_RenderbufferStorage, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&internalformat), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(&width), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 16), (void *)(&height), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_RenderbufferStorageMultisample 4331 +void __indirect_glRenderbufferStorageMultisample(GLenum target, GLsizei samples, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 24; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_RenderbufferStorageMultisample, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&samples), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(&internalformat), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 16), (void *)(&width), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 20), (void *)(&height), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_SampleMaskSGIS 2048 +void __indirect_glSampleMaskSGIS(GLclampf value, GLboolean invert) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 12; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_SampleMaskSGIS, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&value), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&invert), 1); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_SamplePatternSGIS 2049 +void __indirect_glSamplePatternSGIS(GLenum pattern) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 8; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_SamplePatternSGIS, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&pattern), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_SecondaryColor3fvEXT 4129 +void __indirect_glSecondaryColor3fEXT(GLfloat red, GLfloat green, GLfloat blue) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 16; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_SecondaryColor3fvEXT, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&red), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&green), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(&blue), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_SecondaryColor3fvEXT 4129 +void __indirect_glSecondaryColor3fvEXT(const GLfloat * v) +{ + generic_12_byte( X_GLrop_SecondaryColor3fvEXT, v ); +} + +#define X_GLrop_FogCoordfvEXT 4124 +void __indirect_glFogCoordfEXT(GLfloat coord) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 8; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_FogCoordfvEXT, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&coord), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_FogCoordfvEXT 4124 +void __indirect_glFogCoordfvEXT(const GLfloat * coord) +{ + generic_4_byte( X_GLrop_FogCoordfvEXT, coord ); +} + +#define X_GLvop_AreProgramsResidentNV 1293 +GLboolean __indirect_glAreProgramsResidentNV(GLsizei n, const GLuint * ids, GLboolean * residences) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + Display * const dpy = gc->currentDpy; + GLboolean retval = (GLboolean) 0; + const GLuint cmdlen = 4 + __GLX_PAD((n * 4)); + if (n < 0) { + __glXSetError(gc, GL_INVALID_VALUE); + return 0; + } + if (__builtin_expect((n >= 0) && (dpy != NULL), 1)) { + GLubyte const * pc = __glXSetupVendorRequest(gc, X_GLXVendorPrivateWithReply, X_GLvop_AreProgramsResidentNV, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 0), (void *)(&n), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 4), (void *)(ids), (n * 4)); + retval = (GLboolean) __glXReadReply(dpy, 1, residences, GL_FALSE); + UnlockDisplay(dpy); SyncHandle(); + } + return retval; +} + +#define X_GLrop_ExecuteProgramNV 4181 +void __indirect_glExecuteProgramNV(GLenum target, GLuint id, const GLfloat * params) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 28; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_ExecuteProgramNV, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&id), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(params), 16); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLvop_GetProgramParameterdvNV 1297 +void __indirect_glGetProgramParameterdvNV(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLdouble * params) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + Display * const dpy = gc->currentDpy; + const GLuint cmdlen = 12; + if (__builtin_expect(dpy != NULL, 1)) { + GLubyte const * pc = __glXSetupVendorRequest(gc, X_GLXVendorPrivateWithReply, X_GLvop_GetProgramParameterdvNV, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 0), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 4), (void *)(&index), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 8), (void *)(&pname), 4); + (void) __glXReadReply(dpy, 8, params, GL_FALSE); + UnlockDisplay(dpy); SyncHandle(); + } + return; +} + +#define X_GLvop_GetProgramParameterfvNV 1296 +void __indirect_glGetProgramParameterfvNV(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLfloat * params) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + Display * const dpy = gc->currentDpy; + const GLuint cmdlen = 12; + if (__builtin_expect(dpy != NULL, 1)) { + GLubyte const * pc = __glXSetupVendorRequest(gc, X_GLXVendorPrivateWithReply, X_GLvop_GetProgramParameterfvNV, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 0), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 4), (void *)(&index), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 8), (void *)(&pname), 4); + (void) __glXReadReply(dpy, 4, params, GL_FALSE); + UnlockDisplay(dpy); SyncHandle(); + } + return; +} + +#define X_GLvop_GetProgramStringNV 1299 +void __indirect_glGetProgramStringNV(GLuint id, GLenum pname, GLubyte * program) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + Display * const dpy = gc->currentDpy; + const GLuint cmdlen = 8; + if (__builtin_expect(dpy != NULL, 1)) { + GLubyte const * pc = __glXSetupVendorRequest(gc, X_GLXVendorPrivateWithReply, X_GLvop_GetProgramStringNV, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 0), (void *)(&id), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 4), (void *)(&pname), 4); + (void) __glXReadReply(dpy, 1, program, GL_TRUE); + UnlockDisplay(dpy); SyncHandle(); + } + return; +} + +#define X_GLvop_GetProgramivNV 1298 +void __indirect_glGetProgramivNV(GLuint id, GLenum pname, GLint * params) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + Display * const dpy = gc->currentDpy; + const GLuint cmdlen = 8; + if (__builtin_expect(dpy != NULL, 1)) { + GLubyte const * pc = __glXSetupVendorRequest(gc, X_GLXVendorPrivateWithReply, X_GLvop_GetProgramivNV, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 0), (void *)(&id), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 4), (void *)(&pname), 4); + (void) __glXReadReply(dpy, 4, params, GL_FALSE); + UnlockDisplay(dpy); SyncHandle(); + } + return; +} + +#define X_GLvop_GetTrackMatrixivNV 1300 +void __indirect_glGetTrackMatrixivNV(GLenum target, GLuint address, GLenum pname, GLint * params) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + Display * const dpy = gc->currentDpy; + const GLuint cmdlen = 12; + if (__builtin_expect(dpy != NULL, 1)) { + GLubyte const * pc = __glXSetupVendorRequest(gc, X_GLXVendorPrivateWithReply, X_GLvop_GetTrackMatrixivNV, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 0), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 4), (void *)(&address), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 8), (void *)(&pname), 4); + (void) __glXReadReply(dpy, 4, params, GL_FALSE); + UnlockDisplay(dpy); SyncHandle(); + } + return; +} + +#define X_GLvop_GetVertexAttribdvNV 1301 +void __indirect_glGetVertexAttribdvNV(GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLdouble * params) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + Display * const dpy = gc->currentDpy; + const GLuint cmdlen = 8; + if (__builtin_expect(dpy != NULL, 1)) { + GLubyte const * pc = __glXSetupVendorRequest(gc, X_GLXVendorPrivateWithReply, X_GLvop_GetVertexAttribdvNV, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 0), (void *)(&index), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 4), (void *)(&pname), 4); + (void) __glXReadReply(dpy, 8, params, GL_FALSE); + UnlockDisplay(dpy); SyncHandle(); + } + return; +} + +#define X_GLvop_GetVertexAttribfvNV 1302 +void __indirect_glGetVertexAttribfvNV(GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLfloat * params) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + Display * const dpy = gc->currentDpy; + const GLuint cmdlen = 8; + if (__builtin_expect(dpy != NULL, 1)) { + GLubyte const * pc = __glXSetupVendorRequest(gc, X_GLXVendorPrivateWithReply, X_GLvop_GetVertexAttribfvNV, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 0), (void *)(&index), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 4), (void *)(&pname), 4); + (void) __glXReadReply(dpy, 4, params, GL_FALSE); + UnlockDisplay(dpy); SyncHandle(); + } + return; +} + +#define X_GLvop_GetVertexAttribivNV 1303 +void __indirect_glGetVertexAttribivNV(GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLint * params) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + Display * const dpy = gc->currentDpy; + const GLuint cmdlen = 8; + if (__builtin_expect(dpy != NULL, 1)) { + GLubyte const * pc = __glXSetupVendorRequest(gc, X_GLXVendorPrivateWithReply, X_GLvop_GetVertexAttribivNV, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 0), (void *)(&index), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 4), (void *)(&pname), 4); + (void) __glXReadReply(dpy, 4, params, GL_FALSE); + UnlockDisplay(dpy); SyncHandle(); + } + return; +} + +#define X_GLrop_LoadProgramNV 4183 +void __indirect_glLoadProgramNV(GLenum target, GLuint id, GLsizei len, const GLubyte * program) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 16 + __GLX_PAD(len); + if (len < 0) { + __glXSetError(gc, GL_INVALID_VALUE); + return; + } + if (__builtin_expect(len >= 0, 1)) { +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_LoadProgramNV, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&id), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(&len), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 16), (void *)(program), len); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } + } +} + +#define X_GLrop_ProgramParameters4dvNV 4187 +void __indirect_glProgramParameters4dvNV(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLsizei num, const GLdouble * params) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 16 + __GLX_PAD((num * 32)); + if (num < 0) { + __glXSetError(gc, GL_INVALID_VALUE); + return; + } + if (__builtin_expect(num >= 0, 1)) { +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_ProgramParameters4dvNV, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&index), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(&num), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 16), (void *)(params), (num * 32)); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } + } +} + +#define X_GLrop_ProgramParameters4fvNV 4186 +void __indirect_glProgramParameters4fvNV(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLsizei num, const GLfloat * params) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 16 + __GLX_PAD((num * 16)); + if (num < 0) { + __glXSetError(gc, GL_INVALID_VALUE); + return; + } + if (__builtin_expect(num >= 0, 1)) { +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_ProgramParameters4fvNV, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&index), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(&num), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 16), (void *)(params), (num * 16)); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } + } +} + +#define X_GLrop_RequestResidentProgramsNV 4182 +void __indirect_glRequestResidentProgramsNV(GLsizei n, const GLuint * ids) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 8 + __GLX_PAD((n * 4)); + if (n < 0) { + __glXSetError(gc, GL_INVALID_VALUE); + return; + } + if (__builtin_expect(n >= 0, 1)) { +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_RequestResidentProgramsNV, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&n), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(ids), (n * 4)); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } + } +} + +#define X_GLrop_TrackMatrixNV 4188 +void __indirect_glTrackMatrixNV(GLenum target, GLuint address, GLenum matrix, GLenum transform) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 20; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_TrackMatrixNV, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&target), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&address), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(&matrix), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 16), (void *)(&transform), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_VertexAttrib1dvNV 4273 +void __indirect_glVertexAttrib1dNV(GLuint index, GLdouble x) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 16; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_VertexAttrib1dvNV, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&index), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&x), 8); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_VertexAttrib1dvNV 4273 +void __indirect_glVertexAttrib1dvNV(GLuint index, const GLdouble * v) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 16; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_VertexAttrib1dvNV, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&index), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(v), 8); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_VertexAttrib1fvNV 4269 +void __indirect_glVertexAttrib1fNV(GLuint index, GLfloat x) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 12; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_VertexAttrib1fvNV, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&index), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&x), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_VertexAttrib1fvNV 4269 +void __indirect_glVertexAttrib1fvNV(GLuint index, const GLfloat * v) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 12; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_VertexAttrib1fvNV, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&index), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(v), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_VertexAttrib1svNV 4265 +void __indirect_glVertexAttrib1sNV(GLuint index, GLshort x) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 12; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_VertexAttrib1svNV, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&index), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&x), 2); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_VertexAttrib1svNV 4265 +void __indirect_glVertexAttrib1svNV(GLuint index, const GLshort * v) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 12; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_VertexAttrib1svNV, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&index), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(v), 2); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_VertexAttrib2dvNV 4274 +void __indirect_glVertexAttrib2dNV(GLuint index, GLdouble x, GLdouble y) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 24; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_VertexAttrib2dvNV, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&index), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&x), 8); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 16), (void *)(&y), 8); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_VertexAttrib2dvNV 4274 +void __indirect_glVertexAttrib2dvNV(GLuint index, const GLdouble * v) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 24; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_VertexAttrib2dvNV, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&index), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(v), 16); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_VertexAttrib2fvNV 4270 +void __indirect_glVertexAttrib2fNV(GLuint index, GLfloat x, GLfloat y) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 16; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_VertexAttrib2fvNV, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&index), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&x), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(&y), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_VertexAttrib2fvNV 4270 +void __indirect_glVertexAttrib2fvNV(GLuint index, const GLfloat * v) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 16; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_VertexAttrib2fvNV, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&index), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(v), 8); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_VertexAttrib2svNV 4266 +void __indirect_glVertexAttrib2sNV(GLuint index, GLshort x, GLshort y) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 12; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_VertexAttrib2svNV, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&index), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&x), 2); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 10), (void *)(&y), 2); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_VertexAttrib2svNV 4266 +void __indirect_glVertexAttrib2svNV(GLuint index, const GLshort * v) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 12; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_VertexAttrib2svNV, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&index), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(v), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_VertexAttrib3dvNV 4275 +void __indirect_glVertexAttrib3dNV(GLuint index, GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 32; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_VertexAttrib3dvNV, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&index), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&x), 8); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 16), (void *)(&y), 8); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 24), (void *)(&z), 8); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_VertexAttrib3dvNV 4275 +void __indirect_glVertexAttrib3dvNV(GLuint index, const GLdouble * v) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 32; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_VertexAttrib3dvNV, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&index), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(v), 24); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_VertexAttrib3fvNV 4271 +void __indirect_glVertexAttrib3fNV(GLuint index, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 20; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_VertexAttrib3fvNV, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&index), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&x), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(&y), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 16), (void *)(&z), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_VertexAttrib3fvNV 4271 +void __indirect_glVertexAttrib3fvNV(GLuint index, const GLfloat * v) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 20; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_VertexAttrib3fvNV, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&index), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(v), 12); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_VertexAttrib3svNV 4267 +void __indirect_glVertexAttrib3sNV(GLuint index, GLshort x, GLshort y, GLshort z) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 16; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_VertexAttrib3svNV, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&index), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&x), 2); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 10), (void *)(&y), 2); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(&z), 2); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_VertexAttrib3svNV 4267 +void __indirect_glVertexAttrib3svNV(GLuint index, const GLshort * v) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 16; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_VertexAttrib3svNV, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&index), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(v), 6); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_VertexAttrib4dvNV 4276 +void __indirect_glVertexAttrib4dNV(GLuint index, GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z, GLdouble w) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 40; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_VertexAttrib4dvNV, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&index), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&x), 8); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 16), (void *)(&y), 8); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 24), (void *)(&z), 8); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 32), (void *)(&w), 8); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_VertexAttrib4dvNV 4276 +void __indirect_glVertexAttrib4dvNV(GLuint index, const GLdouble * v) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 40; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_VertexAttrib4dvNV, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&index), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(v), 32); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_VertexAttrib4fvNV 4272 +void __indirect_glVertexAttrib4fNV(GLuint index, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z, GLfloat w) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 24; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_VertexAttrib4fvNV, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&index), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&x), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(&y), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 16), (void *)(&z), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 20), (void *)(&w), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_VertexAttrib4fvNV 4272 +void __indirect_glVertexAttrib4fvNV(GLuint index, const GLfloat * v) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 24; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_VertexAttrib4fvNV, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&index), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(v), 16); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_VertexAttrib4svNV 4268 +void __indirect_glVertexAttrib4sNV(GLuint index, GLshort x, GLshort y, GLshort z, GLshort w) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 16; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_VertexAttrib4svNV, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&index), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&x), 2); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 10), (void *)(&y), 2); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(&z), 2); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 14), (void *)(&w), 2); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_VertexAttrib4svNV 4268 +void __indirect_glVertexAttrib4svNV(GLuint index, const GLshort * v) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 16; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_VertexAttrib4svNV, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&index), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(v), 8); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_VertexAttrib4ubvNV 4277 +void __indirect_glVertexAttrib4ubNV(GLuint index, GLubyte x, GLubyte y, GLubyte z, GLubyte w) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 12; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_VertexAttrib4ubvNV, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&index), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&x), 1); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 9), (void *)(&y), 1); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 10), (void *)(&z), 1); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 11), (void *)(&w), 1); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_VertexAttrib4ubvNV 4277 +void __indirect_glVertexAttrib4ubvNV(GLuint index, const GLubyte * v) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 12; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_VertexAttrib4ubvNV, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&index), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(v), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLrop_VertexAttribs1dvNV 4210 +void __indirect_glVertexAttribs1dvNV(GLuint index, GLsizei n, const GLdouble * v) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 12 + __GLX_PAD((n * 8)); + if (n < 0) { + __glXSetError(gc, GL_INVALID_VALUE); + return; + } + if (__builtin_expect(n >= 0, 1)) { +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_VertexAttribs1dvNV, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&index), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&n), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(v), (n * 8)); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } + } +} + +#define X_GLrop_VertexAttribs1fvNV 4206 +void __indirect_glVertexAttribs1fvNV(GLuint index, GLsizei n, const GLfloat * v) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 12 + __GLX_PAD((n * 4)); + if (n < 0) { + __glXSetError(gc, GL_INVALID_VALUE); + return; + } + if (__builtin_expect(n >= 0, 1)) { +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_VertexAttribs1fvNV, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&index), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&n), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(v), (n * 4)); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } + } +} + +#define X_GLrop_VertexAttribs1svNV 4202 +void __indirect_glVertexAttribs1svNV(GLuint index, GLsizei n, const GLshort * v) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 12 + __GLX_PAD((n * 2)); + if (n < 0) { + __glXSetError(gc, GL_INVALID_VALUE); + return; + } + if (__builtin_expect(n >= 0, 1)) { +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_VertexAttribs1svNV, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&index), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&n), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(v), (n * 2)); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } + } +} + +#define X_GLrop_VertexAttribs2dvNV 4211 +void __indirect_glVertexAttribs2dvNV(GLuint index, GLsizei n, const GLdouble * v) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 12 + __GLX_PAD((n * 16)); + if (n < 0) { + __glXSetError(gc, GL_INVALID_VALUE); + return; + } + if (__builtin_expect(n >= 0, 1)) { +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_VertexAttribs2dvNV, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&index), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&n), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(v), (n * 16)); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } + } +} + +#define X_GLrop_VertexAttribs2fvNV 4207 +void __indirect_glVertexAttribs2fvNV(GLuint index, GLsizei n, const GLfloat * v) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 12 + __GLX_PAD((n * 8)); + if (n < 0) { + __glXSetError(gc, GL_INVALID_VALUE); + return; + } + if (__builtin_expect(n >= 0, 1)) { +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_VertexAttribs2fvNV, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&index), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&n), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(v), (n * 8)); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } + } +} + +#define X_GLrop_VertexAttribs2svNV 4203 +void __indirect_glVertexAttribs2svNV(GLuint index, GLsizei n, const GLshort * v) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 12 + __GLX_PAD((n * 4)); + if (n < 0) { + __glXSetError(gc, GL_INVALID_VALUE); + return; + } + if (__builtin_expect(n >= 0, 1)) { +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_VertexAttribs2svNV, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&index), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&n), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(v), (n * 4)); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } + } +} + +#define X_GLrop_VertexAttribs3dvNV 4212 +void __indirect_glVertexAttribs3dvNV(GLuint index, GLsizei n, const GLdouble * v) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 12 + __GLX_PAD((n * 24)); + if (n < 0) { + __glXSetError(gc, GL_INVALID_VALUE); + return; + } + if (__builtin_expect(n >= 0, 1)) { +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_VertexAttribs3dvNV, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&index), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&n), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(v), (n * 24)); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } + } +} + +#define X_GLrop_VertexAttribs3fvNV 4208 +void __indirect_glVertexAttribs3fvNV(GLuint index, GLsizei n, const GLfloat * v) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 12 + __GLX_PAD((n * 12)); + if (n < 0) { + __glXSetError(gc, GL_INVALID_VALUE); + return; + } + if (__builtin_expect(n >= 0, 1)) { +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_VertexAttribs3fvNV, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&index), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&n), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(v), (n * 12)); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } + } +} + +#define X_GLrop_VertexAttribs3svNV 4204 +void __indirect_glVertexAttribs3svNV(GLuint index, GLsizei n, const GLshort * v) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 12 + __GLX_PAD((n * 6)); + if (n < 0) { + __glXSetError(gc, GL_INVALID_VALUE); + return; + } + if (__builtin_expect(n >= 0, 1)) { +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_VertexAttribs3svNV, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&index), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&n), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(v), (n * 6)); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } + } +} + +#define X_GLrop_VertexAttribs4dvNV 4213 +void __indirect_glVertexAttribs4dvNV(GLuint index, GLsizei n, const GLdouble * v) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 12 + __GLX_PAD((n * 32)); + if (n < 0) { + __glXSetError(gc, GL_INVALID_VALUE); + return; + } + if (__builtin_expect(n >= 0, 1)) { +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_VertexAttribs4dvNV, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&index), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&n), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(v), (n * 32)); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } + } +} + +#define X_GLrop_VertexAttribs4fvNV 4209 +void __indirect_glVertexAttribs4fvNV(GLuint index, GLsizei n, const GLfloat * v) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 12 + __GLX_PAD((n * 16)); + if (n < 0) { + __glXSetError(gc, GL_INVALID_VALUE); + return; + } + if (__builtin_expect(n >= 0, 1)) { +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_VertexAttribs4fvNV, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&index), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&n), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(v), (n * 16)); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } + } +} + +#define X_GLrop_VertexAttribs4svNV 4205 +void __indirect_glVertexAttribs4svNV(GLuint index, GLsizei n, const GLshort * v) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 12 + __GLX_PAD((n * 8)); + if (n < 0) { + __glXSetError(gc, GL_INVALID_VALUE); + return; + } + if (__builtin_expect(n >= 0, 1)) { +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_VertexAttribs4svNV, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&index), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&n), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(v), (n * 8)); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } + } +} + +#define X_GLrop_VertexAttribs4ubvNV 4214 +void __indirect_glVertexAttribs4ubvNV(GLuint index, GLsizei n, const GLubyte * v) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 12 + __GLX_PAD((n * 4)); + if (n < 0) { + __glXSetError(gc, GL_INVALID_VALUE); + return; + } + if (__builtin_expect(n >= 0, 1)) { +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_VertexAttribs4ubvNV, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&index), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&n), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(v), (n * 4)); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } + } +} + +#define X_GLrop_ActiveStencilFaceEXT 4220 +void __indirect_glActiveStencilFaceEXT(GLenum face) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 8; +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_ActiveStencilFaceEXT, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&face), 4); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } +} + +#define X_GLvop_GetProgramNamedParameterdvNV 1311 +void __indirect_glGetProgramNamedParameterdvNV(GLuint id, GLsizei len, const GLubyte * name, GLdouble * params) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + Display * const dpy = gc->currentDpy; + const GLuint cmdlen = 8 + __GLX_PAD(len); + if (len < 0) { + __glXSetError(gc, GL_INVALID_VALUE); + return; + } + if (__builtin_expect((len >= 0) && (dpy != NULL), 1)) { + GLubyte const * pc = __glXSetupVendorRequest(gc, X_GLXVendorPrivateWithReply, X_GLvop_GetProgramNamedParameterdvNV, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 0), (void *)(&id), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 4), (void *)(&len), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 8), (void *)(name), len); + (void) __glXReadReply(dpy, 8, params, GL_TRUE); + UnlockDisplay(dpy); SyncHandle(); + } + return; +} + +#define X_GLvop_GetProgramNamedParameterfvNV 1310 +void __indirect_glGetProgramNamedParameterfvNV(GLuint id, GLsizei len, const GLubyte * name, GLfloat * params) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + Display * const dpy = gc->currentDpy; + const GLuint cmdlen = 8 + __GLX_PAD(len); + if (len < 0) { + __glXSetError(gc, GL_INVALID_VALUE); + return; + } + if (__builtin_expect((len >= 0) && (dpy != NULL), 1)) { + GLubyte const * pc = __glXSetupVendorRequest(gc, X_GLXVendorPrivateWithReply, X_GLvop_GetProgramNamedParameterfvNV, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 0), (void *)(&id), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 4), (void *)(&len), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(pc + 8), (void *)(name), len); + (void) __glXReadReply(dpy, 4, params, GL_TRUE); + UnlockDisplay(dpy); SyncHandle(); + } + return; +} + +#define X_GLrop_ProgramNamedParameter4dvNV 4219 +void __indirect_glProgramNamedParameter4dNV(GLuint id, GLsizei len, const GLubyte * name, GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z, GLdouble w) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 44 + __GLX_PAD(len); + if (len < 0) { + __glXSetError(gc, GL_INVALID_VALUE); + return; + } + if (__builtin_expect(len >= 0, 1)) { +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_ProgramNamedParameter4dvNV, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&x), 8); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(&y), 8); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 20), (void *)(&z), 8); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 28), (void *)(&w), 8); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 36), (void *)(&id), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 40), (void *)(&len), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 44), (void *)(name), len); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } + } +} + +#define X_GLrop_ProgramNamedParameter4dvNV 4219 +void __indirect_glProgramNamedParameter4dvNV(GLuint id, GLsizei len, const GLubyte * name, const GLdouble * v) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 44 + __GLX_PAD(len); + if (len < 0) { + __glXSetError(gc, GL_INVALID_VALUE); + return; + } + if (__builtin_expect(len >= 0, 1)) { +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_ProgramNamedParameter4dvNV, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(v), 32); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 36), (void *)(&id), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 40), (void *)(&len), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 44), (void *)(name), len); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } + } +} + +#define X_GLrop_ProgramNamedParameter4fvNV 4218 +void __indirect_glProgramNamedParameter4fNV(GLuint id, GLsizei len, const GLubyte * name, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z, GLfloat w) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 28 + __GLX_PAD(len); + if (len < 0) { + __glXSetError(gc, GL_INVALID_VALUE); + return; + } + if (__builtin_expect(len >= 0, 1)) { +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_ProgramNamedParameter4fvNV, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&id), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&len), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(&x), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 16), (void *)(&y), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 20), (void *)(&z), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 24), (void *)(&w), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 28), (void *)(name), len); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } + } +} + +#define X_GLrop_ProgramNamedParameter4fvNV 4218 +void __indirect_glProgramNamedParameter4fvNV(GLuint id, GLsizei len, const GLubyte * name, const GLfloat * v) +{ + struct glx_context * const gc = __glXGetCurrentContext(); + const GLuint cmdlen = 28 + __GLX_PAD(len); + if (len < 0) { + __glXSetError(gc, GL_INVALID_VALUE); + return; + } + if (__builtin_expect(len >= 0, 1)) { +emit_header(gc->pc, X_GLrop_ProgramNamedParameter4fvNV, cmdlen); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 4), (void *)(&id), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 8), (void *)(&len), 4); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 12), (void *)(v), 16); +(void) memcpy((void *)(gc->pc + 28), (void *)(name), len); +gc->pc += cmdlen; +if (__builtin_expect(gc->pc > gc->limit, 0)) { (void) __glXFlushRenderBuffer(gc, gc->pc); } + } +} + + +#ifdef GLX_SHARED_GLAPI + +static const struct proc_pair +{ + const char *name; + _glapi_proc proc; +} proc_pairs[20] = { + { "AreTexturesResidentEXT", (_glapi_proc) glAreTexturesResidentEXT }, + { "DeleteTexturesEXT", (_glapi_proc) glDeleteTexturesEXT }, + { "GenTexturesEXT", (_glapi_proc) glGenTexturesEXT }, + { "GetColorTableEXT", (_glapi_proc) glGetColorTableEXT }, + { "GetColorTableParameterfvEXT", (_glapi_proc) glGetColorTableParameterfvEXT }, + { "GetColorTableParameterfvSGI", (_glapi_proc) glGetColorTableParameterfvEXT }, + { "GetColorTableParameterivEXT", (_glapi_proc) glGetColorTableParameterivEXT }, + { "GetColorTableParameterivSGI", (_glapi_proc) glGetColorTableParameterivEXT }, + { "GetColorTableSGI", (_glapi_proc) glGetColorTableEXT }, + { "GetConvolutionFilterEXT", (_glapi_proc) gl_dispatch_stub_356 }, + { "GetConvolutionParameterfvEXT", (_glapi_proc) gl_dispatch_stub_357 }, + { "GetConvolutionParameterivEXT", (_glapi_proc) gl_dispatch_stub_358 }, + { "GetHistogramEXT", (_glapi_proc) gl_dispatch_stub_361 }, + { "GetHistogramParameterfvEXT", (_glapi_proc) gl_dispatch_stub_362 }, + { "GetHistogramParameterivEXT", (_glapi_proc) gl_dispatch_stub_363 }, + { "GetMinmaxEXT", (_glapi_proc) gl_dispatch_stub_364 }, + { "GetMinmaxParameterfvEXT", (_glapi_proc) gl_dispatch_stub_365 }, + { "GetMinmaxParameterivEXT", (_glapi_proc) gl_dispatch_stub_366 }, + { "GetSeparableFilterEXT", (_glapi_proc) gl_dispatch_stub_359 }, + { "IsTextureEXT", (_glapi_proc) glIsTextureEXT } +}; + +static int +__indirect_get_proc_compare(const void *key, const void *memb) +{ + const struct proc_pair *pair = (const struct proc_pair *) memb; + return strcmp((const char *) key, pair->name); +} + +_glapi_proc +__indirect_get_proc_address(const char *name) +{ + const struct proc_pair *pair; + + /* skip "gl" */ + name += 2; + + pair = (const struct proc_pair *) bsearch((const void *) name, + (const void *) proc_pairs, ARRAY_SIZE(proc_pairs), sizeof(proc_pairs[0]), + __indirect_get_proc_compare); + + return (pair) ? pair->proc : NULL; +} + +#endif /* GLX_SHARED_GLAPI */ + + +# undef FASTCALL +# undef NOINLINE --- mesa-9.1.4.orig/src/glx/indirect_size.h +++ mesa-9.1.4/src/glx/indirect_size.h @@ -0,0 +1,83 @@ +/* DO NOT EDIT - This file generated automatically by glX_proto_size.py (from Mesa) script */ + +/* + * (C) Copyright IBM Corporation 2004 + * All Rights Reserved. + * + * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a + * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), + * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation + * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sub license, + * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the + * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + * + * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next + * paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the + * Software. + * + * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR + * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL + * IBM, + * AND/OR THEIR SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, + * WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF + * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE + * SOFTWARE. + */ + +#if !defined( _INDIRECT_SIZE_H_ ) +# define _INDIRECT_SIZE_H_ + +/** + * \file + * Prototypes for functions used to determine the number of data elements in + * various GLX protocol messages. + * + * \author Ian Romanick + */ + +#include + +# if defined(__GNUC__) || (defined(__SUNPRO_C) && (__SUNPRO_C >= 0x590)) +# define PURE __attribute__((pure)) +# else +# define PURE +# endif + +# if defined(__i386__) && defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__CYGWIN__) && !defined(__MINGW32__) +# define FASTCALL __attribute__((fastcall)) +# else +# define FASTCALL +# endif + +extern _X_INTERNAL PURE FASTCALL GLint __glCallLists_size(GLenum); +extern _X_INTERNAL PURE FASTCALL GLint __glFogfv_size(GLenum); +extern _X_INTERNAL PURE FASTCALL GLint __glFogiv_size(GLenum); +extern _X_INTERNAL PURE FASTCALL GLint __glLightfv_size(GLenum); +extern _X_INTERNAL PURE FASTCALL GLint __glLightiv_size(GLenum); +extern _X_INTERNAL PURE FASTCALL GLint __glLightModelfv_size(GLenum); +extern _X_INTERNAL PURE FASTCALL GLint __glLightModeliv_size(GLenum); +extern _X_INTERNAL PURE FASTCALL GLint __glMaterialfv_size(GLenum); +extern _X_INTERNAL PURE FASTCALL GLint __glMaterialiv_size(GLenum); +extern _X_INTERNAL PURE FASTCALL GLint __glTexParameterfv_size(GLenum); +extern _X_INTERNAL PURE FASTCALL GLint __glTexParameteriv_size(GLenum); +extern _X_INTERNAL PURE FASTCALL GLint __glTexEnvfv_size(GLenum); +extern _X_INTERNAL PURE FASTCALL GLint __glTexEnviv_size(GLenum); +extern _X_INTERNAL PURE FASTCALL GLint __glTexGendv_size(GLenum); +extern _X_INTERNAL PURE FASTCALL GLint __glTexGenfv_size(GLenum); +extern _X_INTERNAL PURE FASTCALL GLint __glTexGeniv_size(GLenum); +extern _X_INTERNAL PURE FASTCALL GLint __glMap1d_size(GLenum); +extern _X_INTERNAL PURE FASTCALL GLint __glMap1f_size(GLenum); +extern _X_INTERNAL PURE FASTCALL GLint __glMap2d_size(GLenum); +extern _X_INTERNAL PURE FASTCALL GLint __glMap2f_size(GLenum); +extern _X_INTERNAL PURE FASTCALL GLint __glColorTableParameterfv_size(GLenum); +extern _X_INTERNAL PURE FASTCALL GLint __glColorTableParameteriv_size(GLenum); +extern _X_INTERNAL PURE FASTCALL GLint __glConvolutionParameterfv_size(GLenum); +extern _X_INTERNAL PURE FASTCALL GLint __glConvolutionParameteriv_size(GLenum); +extern _X_INTERNAL PURE FASTCALL GLint __glPointParameterfv_size(GLenum); +extern _X_INTERNAL PURE FASTCALL GLint __glPointParameteriv_size(GLenum); + +# undef PURE +# undef FASTCALL + +#endif /* !defined( _INDIRECT_SIZE_H_ ) */ --- mesa-9.1.4.orig/src/glx/indirect_init.c +++ mesa-9.1.4/src/glx/indirect_init.c @@ -0,0 +1,1201 @@ +/* DO NOT EDIT - This file generated automatically by glX_proto_send.py (from Mesa) script */ + +/* + * Copyright 1998-1999 Precision Insight, Inc., Cedar Park, Texas. + * (C) Copyright IBM Corporation 2004 + * All Rights Reserved. + * + * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a + * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), + * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation + * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sub license, + * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the + * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + * + * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next + * paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the + * Software. + * + * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR + * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL + * PRECISION INSIGHT, IBM, + * AND/OR THEIR SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, + * WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF + * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE + * SOFTWARE. + */ + +/** + * \file indirect_init.c + * Initialize indirect rendering dispatch table. + * + * \author Kevin E. Martin + * \author Brian Paul + * \author Ian Romanick + */ + +#include "indirect_init.h" +#include "indirect.h" +#include "glapi.h" +#include + + +/** + * No-op function used to initialize functions that have no GLX protocol + * support. + */ +static int NoOp(void) +{ + return 0; +} + +/** + * Create and initialize a new GL dispatch table. The table is initialized + * with GLX indirect rendering protocol functions. + */ +struct _glapi_table * __glXNewIndirectAPI( void ) +{ + _glapi_proc *table; + unsigned entries; + unsigned i; + int o; + + entries = _glapi_get_dispatch_table_size(); + table = malloc(entries * sizeof(_glapi_proc)); + + /* first, set all entries to point to no-op functions */ + for (i = 0; i < entries; i++) { + table[i] = (_glapi_proc) NoOp; + } + + /* now, initialize the entries we understand */ + + /* 1.0 */ + + table[213] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glAccum; + table[240] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glAlphaFunc; + table[7] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glBegin; + table[8] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glBitmap; + table[241] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glBlendFunc; + table[2] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glCallList; + table[3] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glCallLists; + table[203] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glClear; + table[204] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glClearAccum; + table[206] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glClearColor; + table[208] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glClearDepth; + table[205] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glClearIndex; + table[207] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glClearStencil; + table[150] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glClipPlane; + table[9] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glColor3b; + table[10] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glColor3bv; + table[11] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glColor3d; + table[12] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glColor3dv; + table[13] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glColor3f; + table[14] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glColor3fv; + table[15] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glColor3i; + table[16] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glColor3iv; + table[17] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glColor3s; + table[18] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glColor3sv; + table[19] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glColor3ub; + table[20] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glColor3ubv; + table[21] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glColor3ui; + table[22] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glColor3uiv; + table[23] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glColor3us; + table[24] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glColor3usv; + table[25] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glColor4b; + table[26] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glColor4bv; + table[27] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glColor4d; + table[28] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glColor4dv; + table[29] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glColor4f; + table[30] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glColor4fv; + table[31] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glColor4i; + table[32] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glColor4iv; + table[33] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glColor4s; + table[34] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glColor4sv; + table[35] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glColor4ub; + table[36] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glColor4ubv; + table[37] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glColor4ui; + table[38] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glColor4uiv; + table[39] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glColor4us; + table[40] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glColor4usv; + table[210] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glColorMask; + table[151] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glColorMaterial; + table[255] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glCopyPixels; + table[152] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glCullFace; + table[4] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glDeleteLists; + table[245] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glDepthFunc; + table[211] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glDepthMask; + table[288] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glDepthRange; + table[214] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glDisable; + table[202] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glDrawBuffer; + table[257] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glDrawPixels; + table[41] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glEdgeFlag; + table[42] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glEdgeFlagv; + table[215] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glEnable; + table[43] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glEnd; + table[1] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glEndList; + table[228] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glEvalCoord1d; + table[229] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glEvalCoord1dv; + table[230] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glEvalCoord1f; + table[231] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glEvalCoord1fv; + table[232] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glEvalCoord2d; + table[233] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glEvalCoord2dv; + table[234] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glEvalCoord2f; + table[235] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glEvalCoord2fv; + table[236] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glEvalMesh1; + table[238] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glEvalMesh2; + table[237] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glEvalPoint1; + table[239] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glEvalPoint2; + table[194] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glFeedbackBuffer; + table[216] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glFinish; + table[217] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glFlush; + table[153] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glFogf; + table[154] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glFogfv; + table[155] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glFogi; + table[156] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glFogiv; + table[157] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glFrontFace; + table[289] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glFrustum; + table[5] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glGenLists; + table[258] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glGetBooleanv; + table[259] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glGetClipPlane; + table[260] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glGetDoublev; + table[261] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glGetError; + table[262] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glGetFloatv; + table[263] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glGetIntegerv; + table[264] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glGetLightfv; + table[265] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glGetLightiv; + table[266] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glGetMapdv; + table[267] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glGetMapfv; + table[268] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glGetMapiv; + table[269] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glGetMaterialfv; + table[270] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glGetMaterialiv; + table[271] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glGetPixelMapfv; + table[272] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glGetPixelMapuiv; + table[273] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glGetPixelMapusv; + table[274] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glGetPolygonStipple; + table[275] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glGetString; + table[276] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glGetTexEnvfv; + table[277] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glGetTexEnviv; + table[278] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glGetTexGendv; + table[279] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glGetTexGenfv; + table[280] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glGetTexGeniv; + table[281] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glGetTexImage; + table[284] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glGetTexLevelParameterfv; + table[285] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glGetTexLevelParameteriv; + table[282] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glGetTexParameterfv; + table[283] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glGetTexParameteriv; + table[158] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glHint; + table[212] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glIndexMask; + table[44] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glIndexd; + table[45] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glIndexdv; + table[46] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glIndexf; + table[47] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glIndexfv; + table[48] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glIndexi; + table[49] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glIndexiv; + table[50] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glIndexs; + table[51] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glIndexsv; + table[197] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glInitNames; + table[286] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glIsEnabled; + table[287] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glIsList; + table[163] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glLightModelf; + table[164] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glLightModelfv; + table[165] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glLightModeli; + table[166] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glLightModeliv; + table[159] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glLightf; + table[160] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glLightfv; + table[161] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glLighti; + table[162] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glLightiv; + table[167] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glLineStipple; + table[168] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glLineWidth; + table[6] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glListBase; + table[290] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glLoadIdentity; + table[292] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glLoadMatrixd; + table[291] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glLoadMatrixf; + table[198] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glLoadName; + table[242] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glLogicOp; + table[220] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glMap1d; + table[221] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glMap1f; + table[222] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glMap2d; + table[223] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glMap2f; + table[224] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glMapGrid1d; + table[225] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glMapGrid1f; + table[226] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glMapGrid2d; + table[227] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glMapGrid2f; + table[169] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glMaterialf; + table[170] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glMaterialfv; + table[171] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glMateriali; + table[172] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glMaterialiv; + table[293] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glMatrixMode; + table[295] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glMultMatrixd; + table[294] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glMultMatrixf; + table[0] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glNewList; + table[52] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glNormal3b; + table[53] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glNormal3bv; + table[54] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glNormal3d; + table[55] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glNormal3dv; + table[56] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glNormal3f; + table[57] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glNormal3fv; + table[58] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glNormal3i; + table[59] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glNormal3iv; + table[60] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glNormal3s; + table[61] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glNormal3sv; + table[296] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glOrtho; + table[199] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glPassThrough; + table[251] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glPixelMapfv; + table[252] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glPixelMapuiv; + table[253] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glPixelMapusv; + table[249] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glPixelStoref; + table[250] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glPixelStorei; + table[247] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glPixelTransferf; + table[248] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glPixelTransferi; + table[246] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glPixelZoom; + table[173] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glPointSize; + table[174] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glPolygonMode; + table[175] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glPolygonStipple; + table[218] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glPopAttrib; + table[297] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glPopMatrix; + table[200] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glPopName; + table[219] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glPushAttrib; + table[298] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glPushMatrix; + table[201] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glPushName; + table[62] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glRasterPos2d; + table[63] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glRasterPos2dv; + table[64] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glRasterPos2f; + table[65] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glRasterPos2fv; + table[66] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glRasterPos2i; + table[67] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glRasterPos2iv; + table[68] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glRasterPos2s; + table[69] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glRasterPos2sv; + table[70] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glRasterPos3d; + table[71] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glRasterPos3dv; + table[72] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glRasterPos3f; + table[73] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glRasterPos3fv; + table[74] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glRasterPos3i; + table[75] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glRasterPos3iv; + table[76] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glRasterPos3s; + table[77] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glRasterPos3sv; + table[78] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glRasterPos4d; + table[79] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glRasterPos4dv; + table[80] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glRasterPos4f; + table[81] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glRasterPos4fv; + table[82] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glRasterPos4i; + table[83] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glRasterPos4iv; + table[84] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glRasterPos4s; + table[85] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glRasterPos4sv; + table[254] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glReadBuffer; + table[256] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glReadPixels; + table[86] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glRectd; + table[87] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glRectdv; + table[88] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glRectf; + table[89] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glRectfv; + table[90] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glRecti; + table[91] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glRectiv; + table[92] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glRects; + table[93] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glRectsv; + table[196] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glRenderMode; + table[299] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glRotated; + table[300] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glRotatef; + table[301] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glScaled; + table[302] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glScalef; + table[176] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glScissor; + table[195] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glSelectBuffer; + table[177] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glShadeModel; + table[243] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glStencilFunc; + table[209] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glStencilMask; + table[244] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glStencilOp; + table[94] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glTexCoord1d; + table[95] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glTexCoord1dv; + table[96] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glTexCoord1f; + table[97] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glTexCoord1fv; + table[98] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glTexCoord1i; + table[99] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glTexCoord1iv; + table[100] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glTexCoord1s; + table[101] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glTexCoord1sv; + table[102] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glTexCoord2d; + table[103] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glTexCoord2dv; + table[104] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glTexCoord2f; + table[105] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glTexCoord2fv; + table[106] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glTexCoord2i; + table[107] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glTexCoord2iv; + table[108] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glTexCoord2s; + table[109] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glTexCoord2sv; + table[110] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glTexCoord3d; + table[111] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glTexCoord3dv; + table[112] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glTexCoord3f; + table[113] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glTexCoord3fv; + table[114] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glTexCoord3i; + table[115] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glTexCoord3iv; + table[116] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glTexCoord3s; + table[117] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glTexCoord3sv; + table[118] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glTexCoord4d; + table[119] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glTexCoord4dv; + table[120] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glTexCoord4f; + table[121] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glTexCoord4fv; + table[122] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glTexCoord4i; + table[123] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glTexCoord4iv; + table[124] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glTexCoord4s; + table[125] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glTexCoord4sv; + table[184] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glTexEnvf; + table[185] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glTexEnvfv; + table[186] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glTexEnvi; + table[187] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glTexEnviv; + table[188] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glTexGend; + table[189] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glTexGendv; + table[190] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glTexGenf; + table[191] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glTexGenfv; + table[192] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glTexGeni; + table[193] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glTexGeniv; + table[182] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glTexImage1D; + table[183] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glTexImage2D; + table[178] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glTexParameterf; + table[179] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glTexParameterfv; + table[180] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glTexParameteri; + table[181] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glTexParameteriv; + table[303] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glTranslated; + table[304] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glTranslatef; + table[126] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glVertex2d; + table[127] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glVertex2dv; + table[128] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glVertex2f; + table[129] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glVertex2fv; + table[130] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glVertex2i; + table[131] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glVertex2iv; + table[132] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glVertex2s; + table[133] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glVertex2sv; + table[134] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glVertex3d; + table[135] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glVertex3dv; + table[136] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glVertex3f; + table[137] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glVertex3fv; + table[138] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glVertex3i; + table[139] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glVertex3iv; + table[140] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glVertex3s; + table[141] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glVertex3sv; + table[142] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glVertex4d; + table[143] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glVertex4dv; + table[144] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glVertex4f; + table[145] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glVertex4fv; + table[146] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glVertex4i; + table[147] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glVertex4iv; + table[148] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glVertex4s; + table[149] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glVertex4sv; + table[305] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glViewport; + + /* 1.1 */ + + table[322] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glAreTexturesResident; + table[306] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glArrayElement; + table[307] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glBindTexture; + table[308] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glColorPointer; + table[323] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glCopyTexImage1D; + table[324] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glCopyTexImage2D; + table[325] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glCopyTexSubImage1D; + table[326] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glCopyTexSubImage2D; + table[327] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glDeleteTextures; + table[309] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glDisableClientState; + table[310] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glDrawArrays; + table[311] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glDrawElements; + table[312] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glEdgeFlagPointer; + table[313] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glEnableClientState; + table[328] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glGenTextures; + table[329] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glGetPointerv; + table[314] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glIndexPointer; + table[315] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glIndexub; + table[316] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glIndexubv; + table[317] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glInterleavedArrays; + table[330] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glIsTexture; + table[318] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glNormalPointer; + table[319] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glPolygonOffset; + table[334] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glPopClientAttrib; + table[331] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glPrioritizeTextures; + table[335] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glPushClientAttrib; + table[320] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glTexCoordPointer; + table[332] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glTexSubImage1D; + table[333] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glTexSubImage2D; + table[321] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glVertexPointer; + + /* 1.2 */ + + table[336] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glBlendColor; + table[337] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glBlendEquation; + table[346] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glColorSubTable; + table[339] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glColorTable; + table[340] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glColorTableParameterfv; + table[341] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glColorTableParameteriv; + table[348] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glConvolutionFilter1D; + table[349] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glConvolutionFilter2D; + table[350] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glConvolutionParameterf; + table[351] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glConvolutionParameterfv; + table[352] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glConvolutionParameteri; + table[353] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glConvolutionParameteriv; + table[347] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glCopyColorSubTable; + table[342] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glCopyColorTable; + table[354] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glCopyConvolutionFilter1D; + table[355] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glCopyConvolutionFilter2D; + table[373] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glCopyTexSubImage3D; + table[338] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glDrawRangeElements; + table[343] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glGetColorTable; + table[344] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glGetColorTableParameterfv; + table[345] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glGetColorTableParameteriv; + table[356] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glGetConvolutionFilter; + table[357] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glGetConvolutionParameterfv; + table[358] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glGetConvolutionParameteriv; + table[361] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glGetHistogram; + table[362] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glGetHistogramParameterfv; + table[363] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glGetHistogramParameteriv; + table[364] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glGetMinmax; + table[365] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glGetMinmaxParameterfv; + table[366] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glGetMinmaxParameteriv; + table[359] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glGetSeparableFilter; + table[367] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glHistogram; + table[368] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glMinmax; + table[369] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glResetHistogram; + table[370] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glResetMinmax; + table[360] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glSeparableFilter2D; + table[371] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glTexImage3D; + table[372] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glTexSubImage3D; + + /* 1.3 */ + + table[374] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glActiveTexture; + table[375] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glClientActiveTexture; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glCompressedTexImage1D"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glCompressedTexImage1D; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glCompressedTexImage2D"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glCompressedTexImage2D; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glCompressedTexImage3D"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glCompressedTexImage3D; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glCompressedTexSubImage1D"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glCompressedTexSubImage1D; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glCompressedTexSubImage2D"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glCompressedTexSubImage2D; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glCompressedTexSubImage3D"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glCompressedTexSubImage3D; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glGetCompressedTexImage"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glGetCompressedTexImage; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glLoadTransposeMatrixd"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glLoadTransposeMatrixd; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glLoadTransposeMatrixf"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glLoadTransposeMatrixf; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glMultTransposeMatrixd"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glMultTransposeMatrixd; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glMultTransposeMatrixf"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glMultTransposeMatrixf; + table[376] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glMultiTexCoord1d; + table[377] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glMultiTexCoord1dv; + table[380] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glMultiTexCoord1i; + table[381] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glMultiTexCoord1iv; + table[382] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glMultiTexCoord1s; + table[383] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glMultiTexCoord1sv; + table[384] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glMultiTexCoord2d; + table[385] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glMultiTexCoord2dv; + table[388] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glMultiTexCoord2i; + table[389] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glMultiTexCoord2iv; + table[390] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glMultiTexCoord2s; + table[391] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glMultiTexCoord2sv; + table[392] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glMultiTexCoord3d; + table[393] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glMultiTexCoord3dv; + table[396] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glMultiTexCoord3i; + table[397] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glMultiTexCoord3iv; + table[398] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glMultiTexCoord3s; + table[399] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glMultiTexCoord3sv; + table[400] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glMultiTexCoord4d; + table[401] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glMultiTexCoord4dv; + table[404] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glMultiTexCoord4i; + table[405] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glMultiTexCoord4iv; + table[406] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glMultiTexCoord4s; + table[407] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glMultiTexCoord4sv; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glSampleCoverage"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glSampleCoverage; + + /* 1.4 */ + + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glBlendFuncSeparate"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glBlendFuncSeparate; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glFogCoordPointer"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glFogCoordPointer; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glFogCoordd"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glFogCoordd; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glFogCoorddv"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glFogCoorddv; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glMultiDrawArrays"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glMultiDrawArrays; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glPointParameterf"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glPointParameterf; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glPointParameterfv"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glPointParameterfv; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glPointParameteri"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glPointParameteri; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glPointParameteriv"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glPointParameteriv; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glSecondaryColor3b"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glSecondaryColor3b; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glSecondaryColor3bv"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glSecondaryColor3bv; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glSecondaryColor3d"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glSecondaryColor3d; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glSecondaryColor3dv"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glSecondaryColor3dv; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glSecondaryColor3i"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glSecondaryColor3i; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glSecondaryColor3iv"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glSecondaryColor3iv; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glSecondaryColor3s"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glSecondaryColor3s; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glSecondaryColor3sv"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glSecondaryColor3sv; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glSecondaryColor3ub"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glSecondaryColor3ub; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glSecondaryColor3ubv"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glSecondaryColor3ubv; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glSecondaryColor3ui"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glSecondaryColor3ui; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glSecondaryColor3uiv"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glSecondaryColor3uiv; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glSecondaryColor3us"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glSecondaryColor3us; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glSecondaryColor3usv"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glSecondaryColor3usv; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glSecondaryColorPointer"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glSecondaryColorPointer; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glWindowPos2d"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glWindowPos2d; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glWindowPos2dv"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glWindowPos2dv; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glWindowPos2f"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glWindowPos2f; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glWindowPos2fv"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glWindowPos2fv; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glWindowPos2i"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glWindowPos2i; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glWindowPos2iv"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glWindowPos2iv; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glWindowPos2s"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glWindowPos2s; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glWindowPos2sv"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glWindowPos2sv; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glWindowPos3d"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glWindowPos3d; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glWindowPos3dv"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glWindowPos3dv; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glWindowPos3f"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glWindowPos3f; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glWindowPos3fv"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glWindowPos3fv; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glWindowPos3i"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glWindowPos3i; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glWindowPos3iv"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glWindowPos3iv; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glWindowPos3s"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glWindowPos3s; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glWindowPos3sv"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glWindowPos3sv; + + /* 1.5 */ + + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glBeginQuery"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glBeginQuery; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glDeleteQueries"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glDeleteQueries; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glEndQuery"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glEndQuery; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glGenQueries"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glGenQueries; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glGetQueryObjectiv"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glGetQueryObjectiv; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glGetQueryObjectuiv"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glGetQueryObjectuiv; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glGetQueryiv"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glGetQueryiv; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glIsQuery"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glIsQuery; + + /* 2.0 */ + + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glBlendEquationSeparate"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glBlendEquationSeparate; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glDisableVertexAttribArray"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glDisableVertexAttribArray; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glDrawBuffers"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glDrawBuffers; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glEnableVertexAttribArray"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glEnableVertexAttribArray; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glGetVertexAttribPointerv"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glGetVertexAttribPointerv; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glGetVertexAttribdv"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glGetVertexAttribdv; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glGetVertexAttribfv"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glGetVertexAttribfv; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glGetVertexAttribiv"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glGetVertexAttribiv; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glVertexAttrib1d"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glVertexAttrib1d; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glVertexAttrib1dv"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glVertexAttrib1dv; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glVertexAttrib1s"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glVertexAttrib1s; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glVertexAttrib1sv"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glVertexAttrib1sv; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glVertexAttrib2d"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glVertexAttrib2d; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glVertexAttrib2dv"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glVertexAttrib2dv; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glVertexAttrib2s"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glVertexAttrib2s; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glVertexAttrib2sv"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glVertexAttrib2sv; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glVertexAttrib3d"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glVertexAttrib3d; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glVertexAttrib3dv"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glVertexAttrib3dv; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glVertexAttrib3s"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glVertexAttrib3s; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glVertexAttrib3sv"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glVertexAttrib3sv; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glVertexAttrib4Nbv"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glVertexAttrib4Nbv; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glVertexAttrib4Niv"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glVertexAttrib4Niv; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glVertexAttrib4Nsv"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glVertexAttrib4Nsv; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glVertexAttrib4Nub"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glVertexAttrib4Nub; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glVertexAttrib4Nubv"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glVertexAttrib4Nubv; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glVertexAttrib4Nuiv"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glVertexAttrib4Nuiv; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glVertexAttrib4Nusv"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glVertexAttrib4Nusv; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glVertexAttrib4bv"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glVertexAttrib4bv; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glVertexAttrib4d"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glVertexAttrib4d; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glVertexAttrib4dv"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glVertexAttrib4dv; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glVertexAttrib4iv"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glVertexAttrib4iv; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glVertexAttrib4s"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glVertexAttrib4s; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glVertexAttrib4sv"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glVertexAttrib4sv; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glVertexAttrib4ubv"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glVertexAttrib4ubv; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glVertexAttrib4uiv"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glVertexAttrib4uiv; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glVertexAttrib4usv"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glVertexAttrib4usv; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glVertexAttribPointer"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glVertexAttribPointer; + + /* 3.0 */ + + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glClampColor"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glClampColor; + + /* 1. GL_ARB_multitexture */ + + table[378] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glMultiTexCoord1fARB; + table[379] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glMultiTexCoord1fvARB; + table[386] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glMultiTexCoord2fARB; + table[387] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glMultiTexCoord2fvARB; + table[394] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glMultiTexCoord3fARB; + table[395] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glMultiTexCoord3fvARB; + table[402] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glMultiTexCoord4fARB; + table[403] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glMultiTexCoord4fvARB; + + /* 26. GL_ARB_vertex_program */ + + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glBindProgramARB"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glBindProgramARB; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glDeleteProgramsARB"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glDeleteProgramsARB; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glGenProgramsARB"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glGenProgramsARB; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glGetProgramEnvParameterdvARB"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glGetProgramEnvParameterdvARB; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glGetProgramEnvParameterfvARB"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glGetProgramEnvParameterfvARB; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glGetProgramLocalParameterdvARB"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glGetProgramLocalParameterdvARB; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glGetProgramLocalParameterfvARB"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glGetProgramLocalParameterfvARB; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glGetProgramStringARB"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glGetProgramStringARB; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glGetProgramivARB"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glGetProgramivARB; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glIsProgramARB"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glIsProgramARB; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glProgramEnvParameter4dARB"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glProgramEnvParameter4dARB; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glProgramEnvParameter4dvARB"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glProgramEnvParameter4dvARB; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glProgramEnvParameter4fARB"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glProgramEnvParameter4fARB; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glProgramEnvParameter4fvARB"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glProgramEnvParameter4fvARB; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glProgramLocalParameter4dARB"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glProgramLocalParameter4dARB; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glProgramLocalParameter4dvARB"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glProgramLocalParameter4dvARB; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glProgramLocalParameter4fARB"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glProgramLocalParameter4fARB; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glProgramLocalParameter4fvARB"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glProgramLocalParameter4fvARB; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glProgramStringARB"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glProgramStringARB; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glVertexAttrib1fARB"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glVertexAttrib1fARB; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glVertexAttrib1fvARB"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glVertexAttrib1fvARB; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glVertexAttrib2fARB"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glVertexAttrib2fARB; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glVertexAttrib2fvARB"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glVertexAttrib2fvARB; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glVertexAttrib3fARB"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glVertexAttrib3fARB; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glVertexAttrib3fvARB"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glVertexAttrib3fvARB; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glVertexAttrib4fARB"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glVertexAttrib4fARB; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glVertexAttrib4fvARB"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glVertexAttrib4fvARB; + + /* 45. GL_ARB_framebuffer_object */ + + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glBindFramebuffer"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glBindFramebuffer; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glBindRenderbuffer"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glBindRenderbuffer; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glBlitFramebuffer"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glBlitFramebuffer; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glCheckFramebufferStatus"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glCheckFramebufferStatus; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glDeleteFramebuffers"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glDeleteFramebuffers; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glDeleteRenderbuffers"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glDeleteRenderbuffers; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glFramebufferRenderbuffer"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glFramebufferRenderbuffer; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glFramebufferTexture1D"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glFramebufferTexture1D; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glFramebufferTexture2D"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glFramebufferTexture2D; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glFramebufferTexture3D"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glFramebufferTexture3D; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glFramebufferTextureLayer"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glFramebufferTextureLayer; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glGenFramebuffers"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glGenFramebuffers; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glGenRenderbuffers"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glGenRenderbuffers; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glGenerateMipmap"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glGenerateMipmap; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glGetRenderbufferParameteriv"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glGetRenderbufferParameteriv; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glIsFramebuffer"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glIsFramebuffer; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glIsRenderbuffer"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glIsRenderbuffer; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glRenderbufferStorage"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glRenderbufferStorage; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glRenderbufferStorageMultisample"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glRenderbufferStorageMultisample; + + /* 25. GL_SGIS_multisample */ + + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glSampleMaskSGIS"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glSampleMaskSGIS; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glSamplePatternSGIS"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glSamplePatternSGIS; + + /* 30. GL_EXT_vertex_array */ + + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glColorPointerEXT"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glColorPointerEXT; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glEdgeFlagPointerEXT"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glEdgeFlagPointerEXT; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glIndexPointerEXT"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glIndexPointerEXT; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glNormalPointerEXT"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glNormalPointerEXT; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glTexCoordPointerEXT"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glTexCoordPointerEXT; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glVertexPointerEXT"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glVertexPointerEXT; + + /* 145. GL_EXT_secondary_color */ + + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glSecondaryColor3fEXT"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glSecondaryColor3fEXT; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glSecondaryColor3fvEXT"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glSecondaryColor3fvEXT; + + /* 148. GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays */ + + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glMultiDrawElementsEXT"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glMultiDrawElementsEXT; + + /* 149. GL_EXT_fog_coord */ + + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glFogCoordfEXT"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glFogCoordfEXT; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glFogCoordfvEXT"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glFogCoordfvEXT; + + /* 233. GL_NV_vertex_program */ + + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glAreProgramsResidentNV"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glAreProgramsResidentNV; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glExecuteProgramNV"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glExecuteProgramNV; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glGetProgramParameterdvNV"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glGetProgramParameterdvNV; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glGetProgramParameterfvNV"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glGetProgramParameterfvNV; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glGetProgramStringNV"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glGetProgramStringNV; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glGetProgramivNV"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glGetProgramivNV; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glGetTrackMatrixivNV"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glGetTrackMatrixivNV; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glGetVertexAttribdvNV"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glGetVertexAttribdvNV; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glGetVertexAttribfvNV"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glGetVertexAttribfvNV; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glGetVertexAttribivNV"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glGetVertexAttribivNV; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glLoadProgramNV"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glLoadProgramNV; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glProgramParameters4dvNV"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glProgramParameters4dvNV; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glProgramParameters4fvNV"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glProgramParameters4fvNV; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glRequestResidentProgramsNV"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glRequestResidentProgramsNV; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glTrackMatrixNV"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glTrackMatrixNV; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glVertexAttrib1dNV"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glVertexAttrib1dNV; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glVertexAttrib1dvNV"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glVertexAttrib1dvNV; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glVertexAttrib1fNV"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glVertexAttrib1fNV; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glVertexAttrib1fvNV"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glVertexAttrib1fvNV; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glVertexAttrib1sNV"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glVertexAttrib1sNV; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glVertexAttrib1svNV"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glVertexAttrib1svNV; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glVertexAttrib2dNV"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glVertexAttrib2dNV; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glVertexAttrib2dvNV"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glVertexAttrib2dvNV; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glVertexAttrib2fNV"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glVertexAttrib2fNV; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glVertexAttrib2fvNV"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glVertexAttrib2fvNV; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glVertexAttrib2sNV"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glVertexAttrib2sNV; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glVertexAttrib2svNV"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glVertexAttrib2svNV; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glVertexAttrib3dNV"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glVertexAttrib3dNV; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glVertexAttrib3dvNV"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glVertexAttrib3dvNV; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glVertexAttrib3fNV"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glVertexAttrib3fNV; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glVertexAttrib3fvNV"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glVertexAttrib3fvNV; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glVertexAttrib3sNV"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glVertexAttrib3sNV; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glVertexAttrib3svNV"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glVertexAttrib3svNV; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glVertexAttrib4dNV"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glVertexAttrib4dNV; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glVertexAttrib4dvNV"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glVertexAttrib4dvNV; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glVertexAttrib4fNV"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glVertexAttrib4fNV; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glVertexAttrib4fvNV"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glVertexAttrib4fvNV; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glVertexAttrib4sNV"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glVertexAttrib4sNV; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glVertexAttrib4svNV"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glVertexAttrib4svNV; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glVertexAttrib4ubNV"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glVertexAttrib4ubNV; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glVertexAttrib4ubvNV"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glVertexAttrib4ubvNV; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glVertexAttribPointerNV"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glVertexAttribPointerNV; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glVertexAttribs1dvNV"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glVertexAttribs1dvNV; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glVertexAttribs1fvNV"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glVertexAttribs1fvNV; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glVertexAttribs1svNV"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glVertexAttribs1svNV; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glVertexAttribs2dvNV"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glVertexAttribs2dvNV; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glVertexAttribs2fvNV"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glVertexAttribs2fvNV; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glVertexAttribs2svNV"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glVertexAttribs2svNV; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glVertexAttribs3dvNV"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glVertexAttribs3dvNV; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glVertexAttribs3fvNV"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glVertexAttribs3fvNV; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glVertexAttribs3svNV"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glVertexAttribs3svNV; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glVertexAttribs4dvNV"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glVertexAttribs4dvNV; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glVertexAttribs4fvNV"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glVertexAttribs4fvNV; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glVertexAttribs4svNV"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glVertexAttribs4svNV; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glVertexAttribs4ubvNV"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glVertexAttribs4ubvNV; + + /* 268. GL_EXT_stencil_two_side */ + + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glActiveStencilFaceEXT"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glActiveStencilFaceEXT; + + /* 282. GL_NV_fragment_program */ + + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glGetProgramNamedParameterdvNV"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glGetProgramNamedParameterdvNV; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glGetProgramNamedParameterfvNV"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glGetProgramNamedParameterfvNV; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glProgramNamedParameter4dNV"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glProgramNamedParameter4dNV; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glProgramNamedParameter4dvNV"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glProgramNamedParameter4dvNV; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glProgramNamedParameter4fNV"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glProgramNamedParameter4fNV; + o = _glapi_get_proc_offset("glProgramNamedParameter4fvNV"); + assert(o > 0); + table[o] = (_glapi_proc) __indirect_glProgramNamedParameter4fvNV; + + return (struct _glapi_table *) table; +} + --- mesa-9.1.4.orig/src/mesa/main/remap_helper.h +++ mesa-9.1.4/src/mesa/main/remap_helper.h @@ -0,0 +1,6262 @@ +/* DO NOT EDIT - This file generated automatically by remap_helper.py (from Mesa) script */ + +/* + * Copyright (C) 2009 Chia-I Wu + * All Rights Reserved. + * + * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a + * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), + * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation + * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sub license, + * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the + * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + * + * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next + * paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the + * Software. + * + * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR + * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL + * Chia-I Wu, + * AND/OR THEIR SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, + * WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF + * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE + * SOFTWARE. + */ + +#include "main/dispatch.h" +#include "main/remap.h" + +/* this is internal to remap.c */ +#ifndef need_MESA_remap_table +#error Only remap.c should include this file! +#endif /* need_MESA_remap_table */ + + +static const char _mesa_function_pool[] = + /* _mesa_function_pool[0]: MapGrid1d (offset 224) */ + "idd\0" + "glMapGrid1d\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[17]: MapGrid1f (offset 225) */ + "iff\0" + "glMapGrid1f\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[34]: RasterPos4i (offset 82) */ + "iiii\0" + "glRasterPos4i\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[54]: VertexAttribI4uiEXT (will be remapped) */ + "iiiii\0" + "glVertexAttribI4uiEXT\0" + "glVertexAttribI4ui\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[102]: RasterPos4d (offset 78) */ + "dddd\0" + "glRasterPos4d\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[122]: NewList (dynamic) */ + "ii\0" + "glNewList\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[136]: RasterPos4f (offset 80) */ + "ffff\0" + "glRasterPos4f\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[156]: LoadIdentity (offset 290) */ + "\0" + "glLoadIdentity\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[173]: VertexAttribI4iEXT (will be remapped) */ + "iiiii\0" + "glVertexAttribI4iEXT\0" + "glVertexAttribI4i\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[219]: ConvolutionFilter1D (offset 348) */ + "iiiiip\0" + "glConvolutionFilter1D\0" + "glConvolutionFilter1DEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[274]: GetQueryIndexediv (will be remapped) */ + "iiip\0" + "glGetQueryIndexediv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[300]: RasterPos3dv (offset 71) */ + "p\0" + "glRasterPos3dv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[318]: GetProgramiv (will be remapped) */ + "iip\0" + "glGetProgramiv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[338]: GetQueryObjectui64v (will be remapped) */ + "iip\0" + "glGetQueryObjectui64v\0" + "glGetQueryObjectui64vEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[390]: TexBuffer (will be remapped) */ + "iii\0" + "glTexBufferARB\0" + "glTexBuffer\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[422]: TexCoord1iv (offset 99) */ + "p\0" + "glTexCoord1iv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[439]: TexCoord4sv (offset 125) */ + "p\0" + "glTexCoord4sv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[456]: RasterPos4s (offset 84) */ + "iiii\0" + "glRasterPos4s\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[476]: PixelTexGenParameterfvSGIS (dynamic) */ + "ip\0" + "glPixelTexGenParameterfvSGIS\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[509]: TrackMatrixNV (will be remapped) */ + "iiii\0" + "glTrackMatrixNV\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[531]: VertexAttrib3dv (will be remapped) */ + "ip\0" + "glVertexAttrib3dv\0" + "glVertexAttrib3dvARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[574]: TexCoord1f (offset 96) */ + "f\0" + "glTexCoord1f\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[590]: Tangent3bvEXT (dynamic) */ + "p\0" + "glTangent3bvEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[609]: TexCoord1d (offset 94) */ + "d\0" + "glTexCoord1d\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[625]: VertexAttrib4ubvNV (will be remapped) */ + "ip\0" + "glVertexAttrib4ubvNV\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[650]: TexCoord1i (offset 98) */ + "i\0" + "glTexCoord1i\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[666]: GetProgramNamedParameterdvNV (will be remapped) */ + "iipp\0" + "glGetProgramNamedParameterdvNV\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[703]: Histogram (offset 367) */ + "iiii\0" + "glHistogram\0" + "glHistogramEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[736]: TexCoord1s (offset 100) */ + "i\0" + "glTexCoord1s\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[752]: GetMapfv (offset 267) */ + "iip\0" + "glGetMapfv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[768]: EvalCoord1f (offset 230) */ + "f\0" + "glEvalCoord1f\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[785]: Uniform2fv (will be remapped) */ + "iip\0" + "glUniform2fv\0" + "glUniform2fvARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[819]: TexCoordP1ui (will be remapped) */ + "ii\0" + "glTexCoordP1ui\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[838]: TexImage4DSGIS (dynamic) */ + "iiiiiiiiiip\0" + "glTexImage4DSGIS\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[868]: PolygonStipple (offset 175) */ + "p\0" + "glPolygonStipple\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[888]: WeightPointerARB (dynamic) */ + "iiip\0" + "glWeightPointerARB\0" + "glWeightPointerOES\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[932]: ListParameterfSGIX (dynamic) */ + "iif\0" + "glListParameterfSGIX\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[958]: MultiTexCoord1dv (offset 377) */ + "ip\0" + "glMultiTexCoord1dv\0" + "glMultiTexCoord1dvARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[1003]: TexStorage1D (will be remapped) */ + "iiii\0" + "glTexStorage1D\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[1024]: TexCoord4fColor4fNormal3fVertex4fvSUN (dynamic) */ + "pppp\0" + "glTexCoord4fColor4fNormal3fVertex4fvSUN\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[1070]: GetnPolygonStippleARB (will be remapped) */ + "ip\0" + "glGetnPolygonStippleARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[1098]: GetPixelMapfv (offset 271) */ + "ip\0" + "glGetPixelMapfv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[1118]: Color3uiv (offset 22) */ + "p\0" + "glColor3uiv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[1133]: IsEnabled (offset 286) */ + "i\0" + "glIsEnabled\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[1148]: DebugMessageCallbackARB (will be remapped) */ + "pp\0" + "glDebugMessageCallbackARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[1178]: VertexAttrib4svNV (will be remapped) */ + "ip\0" + "glVertexAttrib4svNV\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[1202]: EvalCoord2fv (offset 235) */ + "p\0" + "glEvalCoord2fv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[1220]: TexCoord2fColor4ubVertex3fvSUN (dynamic) */ + "ppp\0" + "glTexCoord2fColor4ubVertex3fvSUN\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[1258]: TexCoord2fColor4fNormal3fVertex3fSUN (dynamic) */ + "ffffffffffff\0" + "glTexCoord2fColor4fNormal3fVertex3fSUN\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[1311]: AttachShader (will be remapped) */ + "ii\0" + "glAttachShader\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[1330]: TextureStorage3DEXT (will be remapped) */ + "iiiiiii\0" + "glTextureStorage3DEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[1361]: FramebufferTexture1D (will be remapped) */ + "iiiii\0" + "glFramebufferTexture1D\0" + "glFramebufferTexture1DEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[1417]: VertexAttrib2fARB (will be remapped) */ + "iff\0" + "glVertexAttrib2f\0" + "glVertexAttrib2fARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[1459]: DrawTexxOES (will be remapped) */ + "iiiii\0" + "glDrawTexxOES\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[1480]: GetDebugLogLengthMESA (dynamic) */ + "iii\0" + "glGetDebugLogLengthMESA\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[1509]: GetMapiv (offset 268) */ + "iip\0" + "glGetMapiv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[1525]: VertexAttrib3fARB (will be remapped) */ + "ifff\0" + "glVertexAttrib3f\0" + "glVertexAttrib3fARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[1568]: WindowPos2fv (will be remapped) */ + "p\0" + "glWindowPos2fv\0" + "glWindowPos2fvARB\0" + "glWindowPos2fvMESA\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[1623]: Indexubv (offset 316) */ + "p\0" + "glIndexubv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[1637]: GetShaderiv (will be remapped) */ + "iip\0" + "glGetShaderiv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[1656]: TexImage3D (offset 371) */ + "iiiiiiiiip\0" + "glTexImage3D\0" + "glTexImage3DEXT\0" + "glTexImage3DOES\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[1713]: TexCoordP4ui (will be remapped) */ + "ii\0" + "glTexCoordP4ui\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[1732]: ReplacementCodeuiVertex3fvSUN (dynamic) */ + "pp\0" + "glReplacementCodeuiVertex3fvSUN\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[1768]: VertexAttrib1sv (will be remapped) */ + "ip\0" + "glVertexAttrib1sv\0" + "glVertexAttrib1svARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[1811]: BindFragDataLocation (will be remapped) */ + "iip\0" + "glBindFragDataLocationEXT\0" + "glBindFragDataLocation\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[1865]: VertexAttribI4usv (will be remapped) */ + "ip\0" + "glVertexAttribI4usvEXT\0" + "glVertexAttribI4usv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[1912]: EdgeFlagPointer (offset 312) */ + "ip\0" + "glEdgeFlagPointer\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[1934]: Color3ubv (offset 20) */ + "p\0" + "glColor3ubv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[1949]: Vertex3dv (offset 135) */ + "p\0" + "glVertex3dv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[1964]: ReplacementCodeuiTexCoord2fVertex3fvSUN (dynamic) */ + "ppp\0" + "glReplacementCodeuiTexCoord2fVertex3fvSUN\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[2011]: CreateShaderProgramEXT (will be remapped) */ + "ip\0" + "glCreateShaderProgramEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[2040]: GetnMapivARB (will be remapped) */ + "iiip\0" + "glGetnMapivARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[2061]: Binormal3ivEXT (dynamic) */ + "p\0" + "glBinormal3ivEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[2081]: WindowPos2f (will be remapped) */ + "ff\0" + "glWindowPos2f\0" + "glWindowPos2fARB\0" + "glWindowPos2fMESA\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[2134]: LightModeliv (offset 166) */ + "ip\0" + "glLightModeliv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[2153]: WindowPos2d (will be remapped) */ + "dd\0" + "glWindowPos2d\0" + "glWindowPos2dARB\0" + "glWindowPos2dMESA\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[2206]: VertexAttribs1dvNV (will be remapped) */ + "iip\0" + "glVertexAttribs1dvNV\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[2232]: GetVertexAttribfv (will be remapped) */ + "iip\0" + "glGetVertexAttribfv\0" + "glGetVertexAttribfvARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[2280]: GetImageTransformParameterfvHP (dynamic) */ + "iip\0" + "glGetImageTransformParameterfvHP\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[2318]: Normal3bv (offset 53) */ + "p\0" + "glNormal3bv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[2333]: PointSizePointerOES (will be remapped) */ + "iip\0" + "glPointSizePointerOES\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[2360]: Color3fVertex3fSUN (dynamic) */ + "ffffff\0" + "glColor3fVertex3fSUN\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[2389]: TexGeniv (offset 193) */ + "iip\0" + "glTexGeniv\0" + "glTexGenivOES\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[2419]: TexCoordP1uiv (will be remapped) */ + "ip\0" + "glTexCoordP1uiv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[2439]: BeginQueryIndexed (will be remapped) */ + "iii\0" + "glBeginQueryIndexed\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[2464]: WeightubvARB (dynamic) */ + "ip\0" + "glWeightubvARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[2483]: WindowPos2s (will be remapped) */ + "ii\0" + "glWindowPos2s\0" + "glWindowPos2sARB\0" + "glWindowPos2sMESA\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[2536]: Vertex3iv (offset 139) */ + "p\0" + "glVertex3iv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[2551]: RenderbufferStorage (will be remapped) */ + "iiii\0" + "glRenderbufferStorage\0" + "glRenderbufferStorageEXT\0" + "glRenderbufferStorageOES\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[2629]: CopyConvolutionFilter1D (offset 354) */ + "iiiii\0" + "glCopyConvolutionFilter1D\0" + "glCopyConvolutionFilter1DEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[2691]: VertexAttribI1uiEXT (will be remapped) */ + "ii\0" + "glVertexAttribI1uiEXT\0" + "glVertexAttribI1ui\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[2736]: ReplacementCodeuiNormal3fVertex3fSUN (dynamic) */ + "iffffff\0" + "glReplacementCodeuiNormal3fVertex3fSUN\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[2784]: DeleteSync (will be remapped) */ + "i\0" + "glDeleteSync\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[2800]: GenQueries (will be remapped) */ + "ip\0" + "glGenQueries\0" + "glGenQueriesARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[2833]: BlendColor (offset 336) */ + "ffff\0" + "glBlendColor\0" + "glBlendColorEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[2868]: GetVertexAttribIuiv (will be remapped) */ + "iip\0" + "glGetVertexAttribIuivEXT\0" + "glGetVertexAttribIuiv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[2920]: TexCoord2fVertex3fvSUN (dynamic) */ + "pp\0" + "glTexCoord2fVertex3fvSUN\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[2949]: CompressedTexImage3D (will be remapped) */ + "iiiiiiiip\0" + "glCompressedTexImage3D\0" + "glCompressedTexImage3DARB\0" + "glCompressedTexImage3DOES\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[3035]: GetDebugMessageLogARB (will be remapped) */ + "iipppppp\0" + "glGetDebugMessageLogARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[3069]: ReadInstrumentsSGIX (dynamic) */ + "i\0" + "glReadInstrumentsSGIX\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[3094]: CallLists (offset 3) */ + "iip\0" + "glCallLists\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[3111]: Uniform3f (will be remapped) */ + "ifff\0" + "glUniform3f\0" + "glUniform3fARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[3144]: UniformMatrix2fv (will be remapped) */ + "iiip\0" + "glUniformMatrix2fv\0" + "glUniformMatrix2fvARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[3191]: ReadnPixelsARB (will be remapped) */ + "iiiiiiip\0" + "glReadnPixelsARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[3218]: Color4ubVertex3fvSUN (dynamic) */ + "pp\0" + "glColor4ubVertex3fvSUN\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[3245]: Normal3iv (offset 59) */ + "p\0" + "glNormal3iv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[3260]: SecondaryColor3dv (will be remapped) */ + "p\0" + "glSecondaryColor3dv\0" + "glSecondaryColor3dvEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[3306]: DrawTexiOES (will be remapped) */ + "iiiii\0" + "glDrawTexiOES\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[3327]: PassThrough (offset 199) */ + "f\0" + "glPassThrough\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[3344]: VertexP3ui (will be remapped) */ + "ii\0" + "glVertexP3ui\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[3361]: GetListParameterfvSGIX (dynamic) */ + "iip\0" + "glGetListParameterfvSGIX\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[3391]: Viewport (offset 305) */ + "iiii\0" + "glViewport\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[3408]: ReplacementCodeuiTexCoord2fNormal3fVertex3fvSUN (dynamic) */ + "pppp\0" + "glReplacementCodeuiTexCoord2fNormal3fVertex3fvSUN\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[3464]: WindowPos4svMESA (will be remapped) */ + "p\0" + "glWindowPos4svMESA\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[3486]: CreateProgramObjectARB (will be remapped) */ + "\0" + "glCreateProgramObjectARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[3513]: UniformMatrix3fv (will be remapped) */ + "iiip\0" + "glUniformMatrix3fv\0" + "glUniformMatrix3fvARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[3560]: FragmentLightModelivSGIX (dynamic) */ + "ip\0" + "glFragmentLightModelivSGIX\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[3591]: UniformMatrix4x3fv (will be remapped) */ + "iiip\0" + "glUniformMatrix4x3fv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[3618]: PrioritizeTextures (offset 331) */ + "ipp\0" + "glPrioritizeTextures\0" + "glPrioritizeTexturesEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[3668]: VertexAttribI3uiEXT (will be remapped) */ + "iiii\0" + "glVertexAttribI3uiEXT\0" + "glVertexAttribI3ui\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[3715]: VertexAttribDivisor (will be remapped) */ + "ii\0" + "glVertexAttribDivisorARB\0" + "glVertexAttribDivisor\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[3766]: AsyncMarkerSGIX (dynamic) */ + "i\0" + "glAsyncMarkerSGIX\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[3787]: GetQueryiv (will be remapped) */ + "iip\0" + "glGetQueryiv\0" + "glGetQueryivARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[3821]: ClearColorIuiEXT (will be remapped) */ + "iiii\0" + "glClearColorIuiEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[3846]: VertexAttrib3d (will be remapped) */ + "iddd\0" + "glVertexAttrib3d\0" + "glVertexAttrib3dARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[3889]: Frustumx (will be remapped) */ + "iiiiii\0" + "glFrustumxOES\0" + "glFrustumx\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[3922]: ResetHistogram (offset 369) */ + "i\0" + "glResetHistogram\0" + "glResetHistogramEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[3962]: GetProgramNamedParameterfvNV (will be remapped) */ + "iipp\0" + "glGetProgramNamedParameterfvNV\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[3999]: CompressedTexSubImage2D (will be remapped) */ + "iiiiiiiip\0" + "glCompressedTexSubImage2D\0" + "glCompressedTexSubImage2DARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[4065]: GenFencesNV (dynamic) */ + "ip\0" + "glGenFencesNV\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[4083]: GetMaterialxv (will be remapped) */ + "iip\0" + "glGetMaterialxvOES\0" + "glGetMaterialxv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[4123]: ImageTransformParameterfHP (dynamic) */ + "iif\0" + "glImageTransformParameterfHP\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[4157]: MatrixIndexusvARB (dynamic) */ + "ip\0" + "glMatrixIndexusvARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[4181]: SecondaryColor3uiv (will be remapped) */ + "p\0" + "glSecondaryColor3uiv\0" + "glSecondaryColor3uivEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[4229]: GetnConvolutionFilterARB (will be remapped) */ + "iiiip\0" + "glGetnConvolutionFilterARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[4263]: TexCoord2sv (offset 109) */ + "p\0" + "glTexCoord2sv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[4280]: GetClipPlanex (will be remapped) */ + "ip\0" + "glGetClipPlanexOES\0" + "glGetClipPlanex\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[4319]: Vertex4dv (offset 143) */ + "p\0" + "glVertex4dv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[4334]: StencilMaskSeparate (will be remapped) */ + "ii\0" + "glStencilMaskSeparate\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[4360]: MapBuffer (will be remapped) */ + "ii\0" + "glMapBuffer\0" + "glMapBufferARB\0" + "glMapBufferOES\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[4406]: PolygonOffsetx (will be remapped) */ + "ii\0" + "glPolygonOffsetxOES\0" + "glPolygonOffsetx\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[4447]: VertexAttrib4Nbv (will be remapped) */ + "ip\0" + "glVertexAttrib4Nbv\0" + "glVertexAttrib4NbvARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[4492]: ProgramLocalParameter4dARB (will be remapped) */ + "iidddd\0" + "glProgramLocalParameter4dARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[4529]: ProgramBinary (will be remapped) */ + "iipi\0" + "glProgramBinary\0" + "glProgramBinaryOES\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[4570]: InvalidateTexImage (will be remapped) */ + "ii\0" + "glInvalidateTexImage\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[4595]: Uniform4ui (will be remapped) */ + "iiiii\0" + "glUniform4uiEXT\0" + "glUniform4ui\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[4631]: VertexAttribs2svNV (will be remapped) */ + "iip\0" + "glVertexAttribs2svNV\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[4657]: Color3sv (offset 18) */ + "p\0" + "glColor3sv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[4671]: GetLightxv (will be remapped) */ + "iip\0" + "glGetLightxvOES\0" + "glGetLightxv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[4705]: GetConvolutionParameteriv (offset 358) */ + "iip\0" + "glGetConvolutionParameteriv\0" + "glGetConvolutionParameterivEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[4769]: DeleteSamplers (will be remapped) */ + "ip\0" + "glDeleteSamplers\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[4790]: VertexAttrib1fARB (will be remapped) */ + "if\0" + "glVertexAttrib1f\0" + "glVertexAttrib1fARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[4831]: Vertex2dv (offset 127) */ + "p\0" + "glVertex2dv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[4846]: TestFenceNV (dynamic) */ + "i\0" + "glTestFenceNV\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[4863]: DeleteRenderbuffers (will be remapped) */ + "ip\0" + "glDeleteRenderbuffers\0" + "glDeleteRenderbuffersEXT\0" + "glDeleteRenderbuffersOES\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[4939]: MultiTexCoord1fvARB (offset 379) */ + "ip\0" + "glMultiTexCoord1fv\0" + "glMultiTexCoord1fvARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[4984]: VertexAttribI4bv (will be remapped) */ + "ip\0" + "glVertexAttribI4bvEXT\0" + "glVertexAttribI4bv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[5029]: TexCoord3iv (offset 115) */ + "p\0" + "glTexCoord3iv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[5046]: TexStorage2D (will be remapped) */ + "iiiii\0" + "glTexStorage2D\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[5068]: LoadPaletteFromModelViewMatrixOES (dynamic) */ + "\0" + "glLoadPaletteFromModelViewMatrixOES\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[5106]: ProgramParameteri (will be remapped) */ + "iii\0" + "glProgramParameteriARB\0" + "glProgramParameteri\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[5154]: VertexAttrib4usv (will be remapped) */ + "ip\0" + "glVertexAttrib4usv\0" + "glVertexAttrib4usvARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[5199]: FragmentLightfvSGIX (dynamic) */ + "iip\0" + "glFragmentLightfvSGIX\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[5226]: GetPixelTexGenParameterivSGIS (dynamic) */ + "ip\0" + "glGetPixelTexGenParameterivSGIS\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[5262]: Color3fv (offset 14) */ + "p\0" + "glColor3fv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[5276]: VertexAttrib4fNV (will be remapped) */ + "iffff\0" + "glVertexAttrib4fNV\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[5302]: MultiTexCoord4sv (offset 407) */ + "ip\0" + "glMultiTexCoord4sv\0" + "glMultiTexCoord4svARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[5347]: TextureStorage1DEXT (will be remapped) */ + "iiiii\0" + "glTextureStorage1DEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[5376]: ReplacementCodeubSUN (dynamic) */ + "i\0" + "glReplacementCodeubSUN\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[5402]: VertexAttrib4Nub (will be remapped) */ + "iiiii\0" + "glVertexAttrib4Nub\0" + "glVertexAttrib4NubARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[5450]: PointParameterx (will be remapped) */ + "ii\0" + "glPointParameterxOES\0" + "glPointParameterx\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[5493]: VertexAttribP3ui (will be remapped) */ + "iiii\0" + "glVertexAttribP3ui\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[5518]: GetDebugLogMESA (dynamic) */ + "iiiipp\0" + "glGetDebugLogMESA\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[5544]: Uniform4fv (will be remapped) */ + "iip\0" + "glUniform4fv\0" + "glUniform4fvARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[5578]: Color4ubVertex3fSUN (dynamic) */ + "iiiifff\0" + "glColor4ubVertex3fSUN\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[5609]: FogCoordfEXT (will be remapped) */ + "f\0" + "glFogCoordf\0" + "glFogCoordfEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[5639]: PointSize (offset 173) */ + "f\0" + "glPointSize\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[5654]: MultiTexCoord2i (offset 388) */ + "iii\0" + "glMultiTexCoord2i\0" + "glMultiTexCoord2iARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[5698]: TexCoord2fVertex3fSUN (dynamic) */ + "fffff\0" + "glTexCoord2fVertex3fSUN\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[5729]: GetTransformFeedbackVarying (will be remapped) */ + "iiipppp\0" + "glGetTransformFeedbackVarying\0" + "glGetTransformFeedbackVaryingEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[5801]: MultiTexCoord2d (offset 384) */ + "idd\0" + "glMultiTexCoord2d\0" + "glMultiTexCoord2dARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[5845]: UniformBlockBinding (will be remapped) */ + "iii\0" + "glUniformBlockBinding\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[5872]: PopName (offset 200) */ + "\0" + "glPopName\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[5884]: GetSamplerParameterfv (will be remapped) */ + "iip\0" + "glGetSamplerParameterfv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[5913]: VertexAttrib2dv (will be remapped) */ + "ip\0" + "glVertexAttrib2dv\0" + "glVertexAttrib2dvARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[5956]: VertexAttrib4Nusv (will be remapped) */ + "ip\0" + "glVertexAttrib4Nusv\0" + "glVertexAttrib4NusvARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[6003]: VertexAttrib2dNV (will be remapped) */ + "idd\0" + "glVertexAttrib2dNV\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[6027]: GetProgramInfoLog (will be remapped) */ + "iipp\0" + "glGetProgramInfoLog\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[6053]: VertexP2ui (will be remapped) */ + "ii\0" + "glVertexP2ui\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[6070]: SamplerParameterIuiv (will be remapped) */ + "iip\0" + "glSamplerParameterIuiv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[6098]: TexParameterx (will be remapped) */ + "iii\0" + "glTexParameterxOES\0" + "glTexParameterx\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[6138]: Vertex4sv (offset 149) */ + "p\0" + "glVertex4sv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[6153]: FramebufferTexture (will be remapped) */ + "iiii\0" + "glFramebufferTextureARB\0" + "glFramebufferTexture\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[6204]: GetQueryObjecti64v (will be remapped) */ + "iip\0" + "glGetQueryObjecti64v\0" + "glGetQueryObjecti64vEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[6254]: GetActiveUniformBlockiv (will be remapped) */ + "iiip\0" + "glGetActiveUniformBlockiv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[6286]: VertexAttrib4ubNV (will be remapped) */ + "iiiii\0" + "glVertexAttrib4ubNV\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[6313]: MultiTexCoord2s (offset 390) */ + "iii\0" + "glMultiTexCoord2s\0" + "glMultiTexCoord2sARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[6357]: ClampColor (will be remapped) */ + "ii\0" + "glClampColorARB\0" + "glClampColor\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[6390]: TexCoord2fNormal3fVertex3fvSUN (dynamic) */ + "ppp\0" + "glTexCoord2fNormal3fVertex3fvSUN\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[6428]: GetTexEnvfv (offset 276) */ + "iip\0" + "glGetTexEnvfv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[6447]: BindAttribLocation (will be remapped) */ + "iip\0" + "glBindAttribLocation\0" + "glBindAttribLocationARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[6497]: BindFragDataLocationIndexed (will be remapped) */ + "iiip\0" + "glBindFragDataLocationIndexed\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[6533]: BindTransformFeedback (will be remapped) */ + "ii\0" + "glBindTransformFeedback\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[6561]: TextureStorage2DEXT (will be remapped) */ + "iiiiii\0" + "glTextureStorage2DEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[6591]: BindBufferBase (will be remapped) */ + "iii\0" + "glBindBufferBase\0" + "glBindBufferBaseEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[6633]: Indexub (offset 315) */ + "i\0" + "glIndexub\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[6646]: TexEnvi (offset 186) */ + "iii\0" + "glTexEnvi\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[6661]: GetClipPlane (offset 259) */ + "ip\0" + "glGetClipPlane\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[6680]: CombinerParameterfvNV (dynamic) */ + "ip\0" + "glCombinerParameterfvNV\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[6708]: TexCoordP4uiv (will be remapped) */ + "ip\0" + "glTexCoordP4uiv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[6728]: VertexAttribs3dvNV (will be remapped) */ + "iip\0" + "glVertexAttribs3dvNV\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[6754]: VertexAttribs4fvNV (will be remapped) */ + "iip\0" + "glVertexAttribs4fvNV\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[6780]: VertexArrayRangeNV (dynamic) */ + "ip\0" + "glVertexArrayRangeNV\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[6805]: FragmentLightiSGIX (dynamic) */ + "iii\0" + "glFragmentLightiSGIX\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[6831]: ClearBufferfi (will be remapped) */ + "iifi\0" + "glClearBufferfi\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[6853]: DrawTransformFeedbackInstanced (will be remapped) */ + "iii\0" + "glDrawTransformFeedbackInstanced\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[6891]: TexGenxOES (will be remapped) */ + "iii\0" + "glTexGenxOES\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[6909]: PolygonOffsetEXT (will be remapped) */ + "ff\0" + "glPolygonOffsetEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[6932]: VertexAttribI4uivEXT (will be remapped) */ + "ip\0" + "glVertexAttribI4uivEXT\0" + "glVertexAttribI4uiv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[6979]: Scalex (will be remapped) */ + "iii\0" + "glScalexOES\0" + "glScalex\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[7005]: PollAsyncSGIX (dynamic) */ + "p\0" + "glPollAsyncSGIX\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[7024]: WindowPos3sv (will be remapped) */ + "p\0" + "glWindowPos3sv\0" + "glWindowPos3svARB\0" + "glWindowPos3svMESA\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[7079]: DeleteFragmentShaderATI (will be remapped) */ + "i\0" + "glDeleteFragmentShaderATI\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[7108]: Scaled (offset 301) */ + "ddd\0" + "glScaled\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[7122]: TangentPointerEXT (dynamic) */ + "iip\0" + "glTangentPointerEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[7147]: Scalef (offset 302) */ + "fff\0" + "glScalef\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[7161]: IndexPointerEXT (will be remapped) */ + "iiip\0" + "glIndexPointerEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[7185]: VertexAttribI1iv (will be remapped) */ + "ip\0" + "glVertexAttribI1ivEXT\0" + "glVertexAttribI1iv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[7230]: ListParameterfvSGIX (dynamic) */ + "iip\0" + "glListParameterfvSGIX\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[7257]: ColorFragmentOp1ATI (will be remapped) */ + "iiiiiii\0" + "glColorFragmentOp1ATI\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[7288]: GetUniformfv (will be remapped) */ + "iip\0" + "glGetUniformfv\0" + "glGetUniformfvARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[7326]: ObjectUnpurgeableAPPLE (will be remapped) */ + "iii\0" + "glObjectUnpurgeableAPPLE\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[7356]: AlphaFunc (offset 240) */ + "if\0" + "glAlphaFunc\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[7372]: ColorFragmentOp2ATI (will be remapped) */ + "iiiiiiiiii\0" + "glColorFragmentOp2ATI\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[7406]: IsShader (will be remapped) */ + "i\0" + "glIsShader\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[7420]: EdgeFlag (offset 41) */ + "i\0" + "glEdgeFlag\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[7434]: TexCoord2iv (offset 107) */ + "p\0" + "glTexCoord2iv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[7451]: SetFragmentShaderConstantATI (will be remapped) */ + "ip\0" + "glSetFragmentShaderConstantATI\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[7486]: Rotated (offset 299) */ + "dddd\0" + "glRotated\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[7502]: VertexAttrib2sNV (will be remapped) */ + "iii\0" + "glVertexAttrib2sNV\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[7526]: ReadPixels (offset 256) */ + "iiiiiip\0" + "glReadPixels\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[7548]: EdgeFlagv (offset 42) */ + "p\0" + "glEdgeFlagv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[7563]: NormalPointerListIBM (dynamic) */ + "iipi\0" + "glNormalPointerListIBM\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[7592]: CompressedTexSubImage1D (will be remapped) */ + "iiiiiip\0" + "glCompressedTexSubImage1D\0" + "glCompressedTexSubImage1DARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[7656]: QueryCounter (will be remapped) */ + "ii\0" + "glQueryCounter\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[7675]: Color4iv (offset 32) */ + "p\0" + "glColor4iv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[7689]: TexParameterf (offset 178) */ + "iif\0" + "glTexParameterf\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[7710]: TexParameteri (offset 180) */ + "iii\0" + "glTexParameteri\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[7731]: NormalPointerEXT (will be remapped) */ + "iiip\0" + "glNormalPointerEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[7756]: GetUniformiv (will be remapped) */ + "iip\0" + "glGetUniformiv\0" + "glGetUniformivARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[7794]: DrawPixels (offset 257) */ + "iiiip\0" + "glDrawPixels\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[7814]: ReplacementCodeuiTexCoord2fNormal3fVertex3fSUN (dynamic) */ + "iffffffff\0" + "glReplacementCodeuiTexCoord2fNormal3fVertex3fSUN\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[7874]: DepthRangex (will be remapped) */ + "ii\0" + "glDepthRangexOES\0" + "glDepthRangex\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[7909]: ImageTransformParameterivHP (dynamic) */ + "iip\0" + "glImageTransformParameterivHP\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[7944]: MultMatrixx (will be remapped) */ + "p\0" + "glMultMatrixxOES\0" + "glMultMatrixx\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[7978]: DrawTransformFeedback (will be remapped) */ + "ii\0" + "glDrawTransformFeedback\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[8006]: DrawElementsInstancedARB (will be remapped) */ + "iiipi\0" + "glDrawElementsInstancedARB\0" + "glDrawElementsInstancedEXT\0" + "glDrawElementsInstanced\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[8091]: MultiTexCoord3sv (offset 399) */ + "ip\0" + "glMultiTexCoord3sv\0" + "glMultiTexCoord3svARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[8136]: EndConditionalRender (will be remapped) */ + "\0" + "glEndConditionalRender\0" + "glEndConditionalRenderNV\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[8186]: WeightivARB (dynamic) */ + "ip\0" + "glWeightivARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[8204]: GlobalAlphaFactordSUN (dynamic) */ + "d\0" + "glGlobalAlphaFactordSUN\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[8231]: GetFinalCombinerInputParameterfvNV (dynamic) */ + "iip\0" + "glGetFinalCombinerInputParameterfvNV\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[8273]: GenLists (offset 5) */ + "i\0" + "glGenLists\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[8287]: DepthRangef (will be remapped) */ + "ff\0" + "glDepthRangef\0" + "glDepthRangefOES\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[8322]: Color3fVertex3fvSUN (dynamic) */ + "pp\0" + "glColor3fVertex3fvSUN\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[8348]: SampleCoveragex (will be remapped) */ + "ii\0" + "glSampleCoveragexOES\0" + "glSampleCoveragex\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[8391]: GetMapAttribParameterivNV (dynamic) */ + "iiip\0" + "glGetMapAttribParameterivNV\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[8425]: GetCombinerInputParameterfvNV (dynamic) */ + "iiiip\0" + "glGetCombinerInputParameterfvNV\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[8464]: GetSharpenTexFuncSGIS (dynamic) */ + "ip\0" + "glGetSharpenTexFuncSGIS\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[8492]: PixelTransformParameterfvEXT (dynamic) */ + "iip\0" + "glPixelTransformParameterfvEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[8528]: MapGrid2d (offset 226) */ + "iddidd\0" + "glMapGrid2d\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[8548]: MapGrid2f (offset 227) */ + "iffiff\0" + "glMapGrid2f\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[8568]: SampleMapATI (will be remapped) */ + "iii\0" + "glSampleMapATI\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[8588]: ValidateProgram (will be remapped) */ + "i\0" + "glValidateProgram\0" + "glValidateProgramARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[8630]: VertexPointerEXT (will be remapped) */ + "iiiip\0" + "glVertexPointerEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[8656]: GetTexFilterFuncSGIS (dynamic) */ + "iip\0" + "glGetTexFilterFuncSGIS\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[8684]: VertexAttribI4sv (will be remapped) */ + "ip\0" + "glVertexAttribI4svEXT\0" + "glVertexAttribI4sv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[8729]: Scissor (offset 176) */ + "iiii\0" + "glScissor\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[8745]: Fogf (offset 153) */ + "if\0" + "glFogf\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[8756]: ReplacementCodeubvSUN (dynamic) */ + "p\0" + "glReplacementCodeubvSUN\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[8783]: TexSubImage1D (offset 332) */ + "iiiiiip\0" + "glTexSubImage1D\0" + "glTexSubImage1DEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[8827]: BeginTransformFeedback (will be remapped) */ + "i\0" + "glBeginTransformFeedback\0" + "glBeginTransformFeedbackEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[8883]: FenceSync (will be remapped) */ + "ii\0" + "glFenceSync\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[8899]: Color4usv (offset 40) */ + "p\0" + "glColor4usv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[8914]: GetnUniformfvARB (will be remapped) */ + "iiip\0" + "glGetnUniformfvARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[8939]: Fogi (offset 155) */ + "ii\0" + "glFogi\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[8950]: DepthRange (offset 288) */ + "dd\0" + "glDepthRange\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[8967]: RasterPos3iv (offset 75) */ + "p\0" + "glRasterPos3iv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[8985]: ColorMaski (will be remapped) */ + "iiiii\0" + "glColorMaskIndexedEXT\0" + "glColorMaski\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[9027]: GetActiveAttrib (will be remapped) */ + "iiipppp\0" + "glGetActiveAttrib\0" + "glGetActiveAttribARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[9075]: TexCoord2i (offset 106) */ + "ii\0" + "glTexCoord2i\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[9092]: PixelMapfv (offset 251) */ + "iip\0" + "glPixelMapfv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[9110]: Color4ui (offset 37) */ + "iiii\0" + "glColor4ui\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[9127]: RasterPos3s (offset 76) */ + "iii\0" + "glRasterPos3s\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[9146]: Color3usv (offset 24) */ + "p\0" + "glColor3usv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[9161]: MultiTexCoord2iv (offset 389) */ + "ip\0" + "glMultiTexCoord2iv\0" + "glMultiTexCoord2ivARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[9206]: TexCoord2f (offset 104) */ + "ff\0" + "glTexCoord2f\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[9223]: ReplacementCodeuiTexCoord2fVertex3fSUN (dynamic) */ + "ifffff\0" + "glReplacementCodeuiTexCoord2fVertex3fSUN\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[9272]: TexCoord2d (offset 102) */ + "dd\0" + "glTexCoord2d\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[9289]: RasterPos3d (offset 70) */ + "ddd\0" + "glRasterPos3d\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[9308]: RasterPos3f (offset 72) */ + "fff\0" + "glRasterPos3f\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[9327]: AreTexturesResident (offset 322) */ + "ipp\0" + "glAreTexturesResident\0" + "glAreTexturesResidentEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[9379]: DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance (will be remapped) */ + "iiipiii\0" + "glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[9434]: TexCoord2s (offset 108) */ + "ii\0" + "glTexCoord2s\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[9451]: StencilOpSeparate (will be remapped) */ + "iiii\0" + "glStencilOpSeparate\0" + "glStencilOpSeparateATI\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[9500]: ColorTableParameteriv (offset 341) */ + "iip\0" + "glColorTableParameteriv\0" + "glColorTableParameterivSGI\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[9556]: VertexAttribP2ui (will be remapped) */ + "iiii\0" + "glVertexAttribP2ui\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[9581]: GenSamplers (will be remapped) */ + "ip\0" + "glGenSamplers\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[9599]: Color4us (offset 39) */ + "iiii\0" + "glColor4us\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[9616]: Color3bv (offset 10) */ + "p\0" + "glColor3bv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[9630]: GetnCompressedTexImageARB (will be remapped) */ + "iiip\0" + "glGetnCompressedTexImageARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[9664]: DrawTransformFeedbackStreamInstanced (will be remapped) */ + "iiii\0" + "glDrawTransformFeedbackStreamInstanced\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[9709]: VertexAttrib2fvARB (will be remapped) */ + "ip\0" + "glVertexAttrib2fv\0" + "glVertexAttrib2fvARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[9752]: VertexPointerListIBM (dynamic) */ + "iiipi\0" + "glVertexPointerListIBM\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[9782]: GetProgramLocalParameterfvARB (will be remapped) */ + "iip\0" + "glGetProgramLocalParameterfvARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[9819]: FragmentMaterialfSGIX (dynamic) */ + "iif\0" + "glFragmentMaterialfSGIX\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[9848]: BindSampler (will be remapped) */ + "ii\0" + "glBindSampler\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[9866]: GetUniformuiv (will be remapped) */ + "iip\0" + "glGetUniformuivEXT\0" + "glGetUniformuiv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[9906]: BindBufferOffsetEXT (will be remapped) */ + "iiii\0" + "glBindBufferOffsetEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[9934]: IsFenceNV (dynamic) */ + "i\0" + "glIsFenceNV\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[9949]: ColorPointerListIBM (dynamic) */ + "iiipi\0" + "glColorPointerListIBM\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[9978]: AttachObjectARB (will be remapped) */ + "ii\0" + "glAttachObjectARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[10000]: GetFragmentLightivSGIX (dynamic) */ + "iip\0" + "glGetFragmentLightivSGIX\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[10030]: MultiTexCoord2fARB (offset 386) */ + "iff\0" + "glMultiTexCoord2f\0" + "glMultiTexCoord2fARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[10074]: ColorTable (offset 339) */ + "iiiiip\0" + "glColorTable\0" + "glColorTableSGI\0" + "glColorTableEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[10127]: IndexPointer (offset 314) */ + "iip\0" + "glIndexPointer\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[10147]: Accum (offset 213) */ + "if\0" + "glAccum\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[10159]: GetTexImage (offset 281) */ + "iiiip\0" + "glGetTexImage\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[10180]: MapControlPointsNV (dynamic) */ + "iiiiiiiip\0" + "glMapControlPointsNV\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[10212]: ConvolutionFilter2D (offset 349) */ + "iiiiiip\0" + "glConvolutionFilter2D\0" + "glConvolutionFilter2DEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[10268]: TexParameterIiv (will be remapped) */ + "iip\0" + "glTexParameterIivEXT\0" + "glTexParameterIiv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[10312]: Finish (offset 216) */ + "\0" + "glFinish\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[10323]: MapParameterfvNV (dynamic) */ + "iip\0" + "glMapParameterfvNV\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[10347]: ClearStencil (offset 207) */ + "i\0" + "glClearStencil\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[10365]: Color4x (will be remapped) */ + "iiii\0" + "glColor4xOES\0" + "glColor4x\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[10394]: HintPGI (dynamic) */ + "ii\0" + "glHintPGI\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[10408]: ConvolutionParameteriv (offset 353) */ + "iip\0" + "glConvolutionParameteriv\0" + "glConvolutionParameterivEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[10466]: Color4s (offset 33) */ + "iiii\0" + "glColor4s\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[10482]: InterleavedArrays (offset 317) */ + "iip\0" + "glInterleavedArrays\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[10507]: RasterPos2fv (offset 65) */ + "p\0" + "glRasterPos2fv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[10525]: TexCoord1fv (offset 97) */ + "p\0" + "glTexCoord1fv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[10542]: Vertex2d (offset 126) */ + "dd\0" + "glVertex2d\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[10557]: CullParameterdvEXT (dynamic) */ + "ip\0" + "glCullParameterdvEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[10582]: ProgramNamedParameter4fNV (will be remapped) */ + "iipffff\0" + "glProgramNamedParameter4fNV\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[10619]: Orthof (will be remapped) */ + "ffffff\0" + "glOrthofOES\0" + "glOrthof\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[10648]: MultiTexCoord4dv (offset 401) */ + "ip\0" + "glMultiTexCoord4dv\0" + "glMultiTexCoord4dvARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[10693]: ProgramEnvParameter4fvARB (will be remapped) */ + "iip\0" + "glProgramEnvParameter4fvARB\0" + "glProgramParameter4fvNV\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[10750]: Color4i (offset 31) */ + "iiii\0" + "glColor4i\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[10766]: Color4f (offset 29) */ + "ffff\0" + "glColor4f\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[10782]: RasterPos4fv (offset 81) */ + "p\0" + "glRasterPos4fv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[10800]: Color4d (offset 27) */ + "dddd\0" + "glColor4d\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[10816]: ClearIndex (offset 205) */ + "f\0" + "glClearIndex\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[10832]: Color4b (offset 25) */ + "iiii\0" + "glColor4b\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[10848]: LoadMatrixd (offset 292) */ + "p\0" + "glLoadMatrixd\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[10865]: FragmentLightModeliSGIX (dynamic) */ + "ii\0" + "glFragmentLightModeliSGIX\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[10895]: RasterPos2dv (offset 63) */ + "p\0" + "glRasterPos2dv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[10913]: ConvolutionParameterfv (offset 351) */ + "iip\0" + "glConvolutionParameterfv\0" + "glConvolutionParameterfvEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[10971]: TbufferMask3DFX (dynamic) */ + "i\0" + "glTbufferMask3DFX\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[10992]: GetTexGendv (offset 278) */ + "iip\0" + "glGetTexGendv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[11011]: LoadProgramNV (will be remapped) */ + "iiip\0" + "glLoadProgramNV\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[11033]: EndList (offset 1) */ + "\0" + "glEndList\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[11045]: VertexP4ui (will be remapped) */ + "ii\0" + "glVertexP4ui\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[11062]: MultiTexCoordP1ui (will be remapped) */ + "iii\0" + "glMultiTexCoordP1ui\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[11087]: GetAttachedObjectsARB (will be remapped) */ + "iipp\0" + "glGetAttachedObjectsARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[11117]: EvalCoord1fv (offset 231) */ + "p\0" + "glEvalCoord1fv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[11135]: DrawRangeElements (offset 338) */ + "iiiiip\0" + "glDrawRangeElements\0" + "glDrawRangeElementsEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[11186]: EvalMesh2 (offset 238) */ + "iiiii\0" + "glEvalMesh2\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[11205]: TexCoordPointerListIBM (dynamic) */ + "iiipi\0" + "glTexCoordPointerListIBM\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[11237]: Vertex4fv (offset 145) */ + "p\0" + "glVertex4fv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[11252]: GenTransformFeedbacks (will be remapped) */ + "ip\0" + "glGenTransformFeedbacks\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[11280]: SpriteParameterfvSGIX (dynamic) */ + "ip\0" + "glSpriteParameterfvSGIX\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[11308]: VertexAttribs3fvNV (will be remapped) */ + "iip\0" + "glVertexAttribs3fvNV\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[11334]: GlobalAlphaFactoruiSUN (dynamic) */ + "i\0" + "glGlobalAlphaFactoruiSUN\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[11362]: GetHandleARB (will be remapped) */ + "i\0" + "glGetHandleARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[11380]: DebugMessageControlARB (will be remapped) */ + "iiiipi\0" + "glDebugMessageControlARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[11413]: DrawTexfvOES (will be remapped) */ + "p\0" + "glDrawTexfvOES\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[11431]: BlendFunciARB (will be remapped) */ + "iii\0" + "glBlendFunciARB\0" + "glBlendFuncIndexedAMD\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[11474]: GetProgramEnvParameterdvARB (will be remapped) */ + "iip\0" + "glGetProgramEnvParameterdvARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[11509]: GetnUniformivARB (will be remapped) */ + "iiip\0" + "glGetnUniformivARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[11534]: BindFramebuffer (will be remapped) */ + "ii\0" + "glBindFramebuffer\0" + "glBindFramebufferEXT\0" + "glBindFramebufferOES\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[11598]: CreateProgram (will be remapped) */ + "\0" + "glCreateProgram\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[11616]: ReleaseShaderCompiler (will be remapped) */ + "\0" + "glReleaseShaderCompiler\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[11642]: GetMinmax (offset 364) */ + "iiiip\0" + "glGetMinmax\0" + "glGetMinmaxEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[11676]: BlendFuncSeparate (will be remapped) */ + "iiii\0" + "glBlendFuncSeparate\0" + "glBlendFuncSeparateEXT\0" + "glBlendFuncSeparateINGR\0" + "glBlendFuncSeparateOES\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[11772]: StencilFuncSeparate (will be remapped) */ + "iiii\0" + "glStencilFuncSeparate\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[11800]: ShaderSource (will be remapped) */ + "iipp\0" + "glShaderSource\0" + "glShaderSourceARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[11839]: GetInteger64i_v (will be remapped) */ + "iip\0" + "glGetInteger64i_v\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[11862]: GetVertexAttribdvNV (will be remapped) */ + "iip\0" + "glGetVertexAttribdvNV\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[11889]: DeleteTransformFeedbacks (will be remapped) */ + "ip\0" + "glDeleteTransformFeedbacks\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[11920]: Normal3fv (offset 57) */ + "p\0" + "glNormal3fv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[11935]: GlobalAlphaFactorbSUN (dynamic) */ + "i\0" + "glGlobalAlphaFactorbSUN\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[11962]: Color3us (offset 23) */ + "iii\0" + "glColor3us\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[11978]: ImageTransformParameterfvHP (dynamic) */ + "iip\0" + "glImageTransformParameterfvHP\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[12013]: NormalP3ui (will be remapped) */ + "ii\0" + "glNormalP3ui\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[12030]: End (offset 43) */ + "\0" + "glEnd\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[12038]: VertexAttribs3svNV (will be remapped) */ + "iip\0" + "glVertexAttribs3svNV\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[12064]: MultiTexCoordP3uiv (will be remapped) */ + "iip\0" + "glMultiTexCoordP3uiv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[12090]: VertexAttribs2dvNV (will be remapped) */ + "iip\0" + "glVertexAttribs2dvNV\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[12116]: VertexAttribI4ivEXT (will be remapped) */ + "ip\0" + "glVertexAttribI4ivEXT\0" + "glVertexAttribI4iv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[12161]: MultiTexCoord3fvARB (offset 395) */ + "ip\0" + "glMultiTexCoord3fv\0" + "glMultiTexCoord3fvARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[12206]: Color3ub (offset 19) */ + "iii\0" + "glColor3ub\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[12222]: GetProgramParameterfvNV (will be remapped) */ + "iiip\0" + "glGetProgramParameterfvNV\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[12254]: GetActiveUniformsiv (will be remapped) */ + "iipip\0" + "glGetActiveUniformsiv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[12283]: BindBuffer (will be remapped) */ + "ii\0" + "glBindBuffer\0" + "glBindBufferARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[12316]: GetInstrumentsSGIX (dynamic) */ + "\0" + "glGetInstrumentsSGIX\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[12339]: VertexAttrib2sv (will be remapped) */ + "ip\0" + "glVertexAttrib2sv\0" + "glVertexAttrib2svARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[12382]: Color3ui (offset 21) */ + "iii\0" + "glColor3ui\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[12398]: EvalMapsNV (dynamic) */ + "ii\0" + "glEvalMapsNV\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[12415]: DrawTexxvOES (will be remapped) */ + "p\0" + "glDrawTexxvOES\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[12433]: TexSubImage2D (offset 333) */ + "iiiiiiiip\0" + "glTexSubImage2D\0" + "glTexSubImage2DEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[12479]: FragmentLightivSGIX (dynamic) */ + "iip\0" + "glFragmentLightivSGIX\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[12506]: IndexPointerListIBM (dynamic) */ + "iipi\0" + "glIndexPointerListIBM\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[12534]: GetTexParameterPointervAPPLE (dynamic) */ + "iip\0" + "glGetTexParameterPointervAPPLE\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[12570]: TexGenfv (offset 191) */ + "iip\0" + "glTexGenfv\0" + "glTexGenfvOES\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[12600]: VertexAttrib1dNV (will be remapped) */ + "id\0" + "glVertexAttrib1dNV\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[12623]: VertexAttrib4dvNV (will be remapped) */ + "ip\0" + "glVertexAttrib4dvNV\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[12647]: GetVertexAttribiv (will be remapped) */ + "iip\0" + "glGetVertexAttribiv\0" + "glGetVertexAttribivARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[12695]: QueryMatrixxOES (will be remapped) */ + "pp\0" + "glQueryMatrixxOES\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[12717]: ShaderBinary (will be remapped) */ + "ipipi\0" + "glShaderBinary\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[12739]: TexCoordP2uiv (will be remapped) */ + "ip\0" + "glTexCoordP2uiv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[12759]: FragmentMaterialfvSGIX (dynamic) */ + "iip\0" + "glFragmentMaterialfvSGIX\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[12789]: GetFragmentMaterialivSGIX (dynamic) */ + "iip\0" + "glGetFragmentMaterialivSGIX\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[12822]: WindowPos4dMESA (will be remapped) */ + "dddd\0" + "glWindowPos4dMESA\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[12846]: DrawBuffers (will be remapped) */ + "ip\0" + "glDrawBuffers\0" + "glDrawBuffersARB\0" + "glDrawBuffersATI\0" + "glDrawBuffersNV\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[12914]: Lightxv (will be remapped) */ + "iip\0" + "glLightxvOES\0" + "glLightxv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[12942]: Uniform3fv (will be remapped) */ + "iip\0" + "glUniform3fv\0" + "glUniform3fvARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[12976]: BlendEquation (offset 337) */ + "i\0" + "glBlendEquation\0" + "glBlendEquationEXT\0" + "glBlendEquationOES\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[13033]: VertexAttrib3dNV (will be remapped) */ + "iddd\0" + "glVertexAttrib3dNV\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[13058]: Normal3x (will be remapped) */ + "iii\0" + "glNormal3xOES\0" + "glNormal3x\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[13088]: ReplacementCodeuiTexCoord2fColor4fNormal3fVertex3fvSUN (dynamic) */ + "ppppp\0" + "glReplacementCodeuiTexCoord2fColor4fNormal3fVertex3fvSUN\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[13152]: VertexAttrib4fARB (will be remapped) */ + "iffff\0" + "glVertexAttrib4f\0" + "glVertexAttrib4fARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[13196]: GetError (offset 261) */ + "\0" + "glGetError\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[13209]: IndexFuncEXT (dynamic) */ + "if\0" + "glIndexFuncEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[13228]: TexCoord3dv (offset 111) */ + "p\0" + "glTexCoord3dv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[13245]: Indexdv (offset 45) */ + "p\0" + "glIndexdv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[13258]: InvalidateTexSubImage (will be remapped) */ + "iiiiiiii\0" + "glInvalidateTexSubImage\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[13292]: Normal3s (offset 60) */ + "iii\0" + "glNormal3s\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[13308]: GetObjectParameterivAPPLE (will be remapped) */ + "iiip\0" + "glGetObjectParameterivAPPLE\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[13342]: PushName (offset 201) */ + "i\0" + "glPushName\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[13356]: GetTexParameterIuiv (will be remapped) */ + "iip\0" + "glGetTexParameterIuivEXT\0" + "glGetTexParameterIuiv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[13408]: GetActiveUniformBlockName (will be remapped) */ + "iiipp\0" + "glGetActiveUniformBlockName\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[13443]: CullParameterfvEXT (dynamic) */ + "ip\0" + "glCullParameterfvEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[13468]: Normal3i (offset 58) */ + "iii\0" + "glNormal3i\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[13484]: ProgramNamedParameter4fvNV (will be remapped) */ + "iipp\0" + "glProgramNamedParameter4fvNV\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[13519]: VertexAttrib4fvARB (will be remapped) */ + "ip\0" + "glVertexAttrib4fv\0" + "glVertexAttrib4fvARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[13562]: VertexAttrib1dv (will be remapped) */ + "ip\0" + "glVertexAttrib1dv\0" + "glVertexAttrib1dvARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[13605]: PixelTexGenSGIX (dynamic) */ + "i\0" + "glPixelTexGenSGIX\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[13626]: GetnPixelMapfvARB (will be remapped) */ + "iip\0" + "glGetnPixelMapfvARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[13651]: ImageTransformParameteriHP (dynamic) */ + "iii\0" + "glImageTransformParameteriHP\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[13685]: Normal3b (offset 52) */ + "iii\0" + "glNormal3b\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[13701]: WindowPos3dv (will be remapped) */ + "p\0" + "glWindowPos3dv\0" + "glWindowPos3dvARB\0" + "glWindowPos3dvMESA\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[13756]: Normal3d (offset 54) */ + "ddd\0" + "glNormal3d\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[13772]: PointParameterxv (will be remapped) */ + "ip\0" + "glPointParameterxvOES\0" + "glPointParameterxv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[13817]: Normal3f (offset 56) */ + "fff\0" + "glNormal3f\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[13833]: FogCoordPointer (will be remapped) */ + "iip\0" + "glFogCoordPointer\0" + "glFogCoordPointerEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[13877]: Indexi (offset 48) */ + "i\0" + "glIndexi\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[13889]: EGLImageTargetTexture2DOES (will be remapped) */ + "ip\0" + "glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOES\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[13922]: VertexAttribI2uiEXT (will be remapped) */ + "iii\0" + "glVertexAttribI2uiEXT\0" + "glVertexAttribI2ui\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[13968]: DeleteFencesNV (dynamic) */ + "ip\0" + "glDeleteFencesNV\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[13989]: IsRenderbuffer (will be remapped) */ + "i\0" + "glIsRenderbuffer\0" + "glIsRenderbufferEXT\0" + "glIsRenderbufferOES\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[14049]: DepthMask (offset 211) */ + "i\0" + "glDepthMask\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[14064]: SecondaryColor3us (will be remapped) */ + "iii\0" + "glSecondaryColor3us\0" + "glSecondaryColor3usEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[14112]: Indexf (offset 46) */ + "f\0" + "glIndexf\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[14124]: GetImageTransformParameterivHP (dynamic) */ + "iip\0" + "glGetImageTransformParameterivHP\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[14162]: Indexd (offset 44) */ + "d\0" + "glIndexd\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[14174]: GetMaterialiv (offset 270) */ + "iip\0" + "glGetMaterialiv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[14195]: StencilOp (offset 244) */ + "iii\0" + "glStencilOp\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[14212]: WindowPos4ivMESA (will be remapped) */ + "p\0" + "glWindowPos4ivMESA\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[14234]: FramebufferTextureLayer (will be remapped) */ + "iiiii\0" + "glFramebufferTextureLayer\0" + "glFramebufferTextureLayerARB\0" + "glFramebufferTextureLayerEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[14325]: GetShaderInfoLog (will be remapped) */ + "iipp\0" + "glGetShaderInfoLog\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[14350]: TexEnvfv (offset 185) */ + "iip\0" + "glTexEnvfv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[14366]: DrawTexfOES (will be remapped) */ + "fffff\0" + "glDrawTexfOES\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[14387]: Indexs (offset 50) */ + "i\0" + "glIndexs\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[14399]: TexCoordP3ui (will be remapped) */ + "ii\0" + "glTexCoordP3ui\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[14418]: ResizeBuffersMESA (will be remapped) */ + "\0" + "glResizeBuffersMESA\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[14440]: MultiTexCoordP1uiv (will be remapped) */ + "iip\0" + "glMultiTexCoordP1uiv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[14466]: BlendFuncSeparateiARB (will be remapped) */ + "iiiii\0" + "glBlendFuncSeparateiARB\0" + "glBlendFuncSeparateIndexedAMD\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[14527]: PixelTexGenParameteriSGIS (dynamic) */ + "ii\0" + "glPixelTexGenParameteriSGIS\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[14559]: MultiTexCoordP2uiv (will be remapped) */ + "iip\0" + "glMultiTexCoordP2uiv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[14585]: VertexPointervINTEL (dynamic) */ + "iip\0" + "glVertexPointervINTEL\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[14612]: Vertex2i (offset 130) */ + "ii\0" + "glVertex2i\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[14627]: GetFragDataIndex (will be remapped) */ + "ip\0" + "glGetFragDataIndex\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[14650]: LoadMatrixf (offset 291) */ + "p\0" + "glLoadMatrixf\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[14667]: Vertex2f (offset 128) */ + "ff\0" + "glVertex2f\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[14682]: ReplacementCodeuiColor4fNormal3fVertex3fvSUN (dynamic) */ + "pppp\0" + "glReplacementCodeuiColor4fNormal3fVertex3fvSUN\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[14735]: Color4bv (offset 26) */ + "p\0" + "glColor4bv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[14749]: VertexPointer (offset 321) */ + "iiip\0" + "glVertexPointer\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[14771]: VertexAttribP1ui (will be remapped) */ + "iiii\0" + "glVertexAttribP1ui\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[14796]: StartInstrumentsSGIX (dynamic) */ + "\0" + "glStartInstrumentsSGIX\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[14821]: LoadMatrixx (will be remapped) */ + "p\0" + "glLoadMatrixxOES\0" + "glLoadMatrixx\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[14855]: GetCompressedTexImage (will be remapped) */ + "iip\0" + "glGetCompressedTexImage\0" + "glGetCompressedTexImageARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[14911]: VertexAttrib2fvNV (will be remapped) */ + "ip\0" + "glVertexAttrib2fvNV\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[14935]: ProgramLocalParameter4dvARB (will be remapped) */ + "iip\0" + "glProgramLocalParameter4dvARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[14970]: DeleteLists (offset 4) */ + "ii\0" + "glDeleteLists\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[14988]: LogicOp (offset 242) */ + "i\0" + "glLogicOp\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[15001]: MatrixIndexuivARB (dynamic) */ + "ip\0" + "glMatrixIndexuivARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[15025]: Vertex2s (offset 132) */ + "ii\0" + "glVertex2s\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[15040]: RenderbufferStorageMultisample (will be remapped) */ + "iiiii\0" + "glRenderbufferStorageMultisample\0" + "glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[15116]: TexCoord4fv (offset 121) */ + "p\0" + "glTexCoord4fv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[15133]: ActiveTexture (offset 374) */ + "i\0" + "glActiveTexture\0" + "glActiveTextureARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[15171]: GlobalAlphaFactorfSUN (dynamic) */ + "f\0" + "glGlobalAlphaFactorfSUN\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[15198]: VertexAttribP1uiv (will be remapped) */ + "iiip\0" + "glVertexAttribP1uiv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[15224]: IsProgram (will be remapped) */ + "i\0" + "glIsProgram\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[15239]: SecondaryColor3bv (will be remapped) */ + "p\0" + "glSecondaryColor3bv\0" + "glSecondaryColor3bvEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[15285]: GlobalAlphaFactorusSUN (dynamic) */ + "i\0" + "glGlobalAlphaFactorusSUN\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[15313]: Uniform2uiv (will be remapped) */ + "iip\0" + "glUniform2uivEXT\0" + "glUniform2uiv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[15349]: ColorP4uiv (will be remapped) */ + "ip\0" + "glColorP4uiv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[15366]: TextureRangeAPPLE (dynamic) */ + "iip\0" + "glTextureRangeAPPLE\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[15391]: ClearBufferuiv (will be remapped) */ + "iip\0" + "glClearBufferuiv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[15413]: VertexAttrib1dvNV (will be remapped) */ + "ip\0" + "glVertexAttrib1dvNV\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[15437]: Uniform1ui (will be remapped) */ + "ii\0" + "glUniform1uiEXT\0" + "glUniform1ui\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[15470]: GenTextures (offset 328) */ + "ip\0" + "glGenTextures\0" + "glGenTexturesEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[15505]: MultiTexCoordP4uiv (will be remapped) */ + "iip\0" + "glMultiTexCoordP4uiv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[15531]: GetCombinerOutputParameterivNV (dynamic) */ + "iiip\0" + "glGetCombinerOutputParameterivNV\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[15570]: PixelTexGenParameterivSGIS (dynamic) */ + "ip\0" + "glPixelTexGenParameterivSGIS\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[15603]: TextureNormalEXT (dynamic) */ + "i\0" + "glTextureNormalEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[15625]: WindowPos3d (will be remapped) */ + "ddd\0" + "glWindowPos3d\0" + "glWindowPos3dARB\0" + "glWindowPos3dMESA\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[15679]: Enablei (will be remapped) */ + "ii\0" + "glEnableIndexedEXT\0" + "glEnablei\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[15712]: WindowPos3f (will be remapped) */ + "fff\0" + "glWindowPos3f\0" + "glWindowPos3fARB\0" + "glWindowPos3fMESA\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[15766]: SecondaryColor3ub (will be remapped) */ + "iii\0" + "glSecondaryColor3ub\0" + "glSecondaryColor3ubEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[15814]: FinalCombinerInputNV (dynamic) */ + "iiii\0" + "glFinalCombinerInputNV\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[15843]: GenProgramsARB (will be remapped) */ + "ip\0" + "glGenProgramsARB\0" + "glGenProgramsNV\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[15880]: MultiTexCoordP3ui (will be remapped) */ + "iii\0" + "glMultiTexCoordP3ui\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[15905]: ClearDebugLogMESA (dynamic) */ + "iii\0" + "glClearDebugLogMESA\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[15930]: RasterPos2sv (offset 69) */ + "p\0" + "glRasterPos2sv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[15948]: Color4ubv (offset 36) */ + "p\0" + "glColor4ubv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[15963]: DrawBuffer (offset 202) */ + "i\0" + "glDrawBuffer\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[15979]: TexCoord2fv (offset 105) */ + "p\0" + "glTexCoord2fv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[15996]: BeginFragmentShaderATI (will be remapped) */ + "\0" + "glBeginFragmentShaderATI\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[16023]: WindowPos4fMESA (will be remapped) */ + "ffff\0" + "glWindowPos4fMESA\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[16047]: MultiTexCoord4iv (offset 405) */ + "ip\0" + "glMultiTexCoord4iv\0" + "glMultiTexCoord4ivARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[16092]: TexCoord1sv (offset 101) */ + "p\0" + "glTexCoord1sv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[16109]: WindowPos2i (will be remapped) */ + "ii\0" + "glWindowPos2i\0" + "glWindowPos2iARB\0" + "glWindowPos2iMESA\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[16162]: WindowPos3s (will be remapped) */ + "iii\0" + "glWindowPos3s\0" + "glWindowPos3sARB\0" + "glWindowPos3sMESA\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[16216]: VertexAttribP4ui (will be remapped) */ + "iiii\0" + "glVertexAttribP4ui\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[16241]: DepthFunc (offset 245) */ + "i\0" + "glDepthFunc\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[16256]: PixelMapusv (offset 253) */ + "iip\0" + "glPixelMapusv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[16275]: GetSamplerParameterIiv (will be remapped) */ + "iip\0" + "glGetSamplerParameterIiv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[16305]: IsSampler (will be remapped) */ + "i\0" + "glIsSampler\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[16320]: BlendFunc (offset 241) */ + "ii\0" + "glBlendFunc\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[16336]: Uniform4i (will be remapped) */ + "iiiii\0" + "glUniform4i\0" + "glUniform4iARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[16370]: ColorP3ui (will be remapped) */ + "ii\0" + "glColorP3ui\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[16386]: BufferParameteriAPPLE (will be remapped) */ + "iii\0" + "glBufferParameteriAPPLE\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[16415]: CompressedTexImage2D (will be remapped) */ + "iiiiiiip\0" + "glCompressedTexImage2D\0" + "glCompressedTexImage2DARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[16474]: DeleteObjectARB (will be remapped) */ + "i\0" + "glDeleteObjectARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[16495]: GetShaderPrecisionFormat (will be remapped) */ + "iipp\0" + "glGetShaderPrecisionFormat\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[16528]: TextureBarrierNV (will be remapped) */ + "\0" + "glTextureBarrierNV\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[16549]: GetBooleani_v (will be remapped) */ + "iip\0" + "glGetBooleanIndexedvEXT\0" + "glGetBooleani_v\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[16594]: ProgramNamedParameter4dvNV (will be remapped) */ + "iipp\0" + "glProgramNamedParameter4dvNV\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[16629]: Tangent3fvEXT (dynamic) */ + "p\0" + "glTangent3fvEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[16648]: Flush (offset 217) */ + "\0" + "glFlush\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[16658]: Color4uiv (offset 38) */ + "p\0" + "glColor4uiv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[16673]: MultiTexCoord1sv (offset 383) */ + "ip\0" + "glMultiTexCoord1sv\0" + "glMultiTexCoord1svARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[16718]: FogCoordd (will be remapped) */ + "d\0" + "glFogCoordd\0" + "glFogCoorddEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[16748]: RasterPos3sv (offset 77) */ + "p\0" + "glRasterPos3sv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[16766]: TexCoordP2ui (will be remapped) */ + "ii\0" + "glTexCoordP2ui\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[16785]: Uniform1uiv (will be remapped) */ + "iip\0" + "glUniform1uivEXT\0" + "glUniform1uiv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[16821]: ReferencePlaneSGIX (dynamic) */ + "p\0" + "glReferencePlaneSGIX\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[16845]: PushAttrib (offset 219) */ + "i\0" + "glPushAttrib\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[16861]: RasterPos2i (offset 66) */ + "ii\0" + "glRasterPos2i\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[16879]: Uniform3iv (will be remapped) */ + "iip\0" + "glUniform3iv\0" + "glUniform3ivARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[16913]: SamplerParameteriv (will be remapped) */ + "iip\0" + "glSamplerParameteriv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[16939]: TexParameteriv (offset 181) */ + "iip\0" + "glTexParameteriv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[16961]: GetAttribLocation (will be remapped) */ + "ip\0" + "glGetAttribLocation\0" + "glGetAttribLocationARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[17008]: TexCoord2fColor3fVertex3fSUN (dynamic) */ + "ffffffff\0" + "glTexCoord2fColor3fVertex3fSUN\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[17049]: DeleteAsyncMarkersSGIX (dynamic) */ + "ii\0" + "glDeleteAsyncMarkersSGIX\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[17078]: RasterPos2f (offset 64) */ + "ff\0" + "glRasterPos2f\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[17096]: TexCoord4fVertex4fSUN (dynamic) */ + "ffffffff\0" + "glTexCoord4fVertex4fSUN\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[17130]: RasterPos2d (offset 62) */ + "dd\0" + "glRasterPos2d\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[17148]: VertexAttrib4iv (will be remapped) */ + "ip\0" + "glVertexAttrib4iv\0" + "glVertexAttrib4ivARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[17191]: RasterPos3fv (offset 73) */ + "p\0" + "glRasterPos3fv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[17209]: CopyTexSubImage3D (offset 373) */ + "iiiiiiiii\0" + "glCopyTexSubImage3D\0" + "glCopyTexSubImage3DEXT\0" + "glCopyTexSubImage3DOES\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[17286]: Color4ub (offset 35) */ + "iiii\0" + "glColor4ub\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[17303]: GetInteger64v (will be remapped) */ + "ip\0" + "glGetInteger64v\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[17323]: TextureColorMaskSGIS (dynamic) */ + "iiii\0" + "glTextureColorMaskSGIS\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[17352]: RasterPos2s (offset 68) */ + "ii\0" + "glRasterPos2s\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[17370]: GetColorTable (offset 343) */ + "iiip\0" + "glGetColorTable\0" + "glGetColorTableSGI\0" + "glGetColorTableEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[17430]: EndQueryIndexed (will be remapped) */ + "ii\0" + "glEndQueryIndexed\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[17452]: SelectBuffer (offset 195) */ + "ip\0" + "glSelectBuffer\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[17471]: Indexiv (offset 49) */ + "p\0" + "glIndexiv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[17484]: TexCoord3i (offset 114) */ + "iii\0" + "glTexCoord3i\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[17502]: CopyColorTable (offset 342) */ + "iiiii\0" + "glCopyColorTable\0" + "glCopyColorTableSGI\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[17546]: PointParameterfv (will be remapped) */ + "ip\0" + "glPointParameterfv\0" + "glPointParameterfvARB\0" + "glPointParameterfvEXT\0" + "glPointParameterfvSGIS\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[17636]: GetHistogramParameterfv (offset 362) */ + "iip\0" + "glGetHistogramParameterfv\0" + "glGetHistogramParameterfvEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[17696]: Frustum (offset 289) */ + "dddddd\0" + "glFrustum\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[17714]: GetString (offset 275) */ + "i\0" + "glGetString\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[17729]: ColorPointervINTEL (dynamic) */ + "iip\0" + "glColorPointervINTEL\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[17755]: TexEnvf (offset 184) */ + "iif\0" + "glTexEnvf\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[17770]: GetTexGenxvOES (will be remapped) */ + "iip\0" + "glGetTexGenxvOES\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[17792]: TexCoord3d (offset 110) */ + "ddd\0" + "glTexCoord3d\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[17810]: AlphaFragmentOp1ATI (will be remapped) */ + "iiiiii\0" + "glAlphaFragmentOp1ATI\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[17840]: TexCoord3f (offset 112) */ + "fff\0" + "glTexCoord3f\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[17858]: GetnHistogramARB (will be remapped) */ + "iiiiip\0" + "glGetnHistogramARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[17885]: DeleteTextures (offset 327) */ + "ip\0" + "glDeleteTextures\0" + "glDeleteTexturesEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[17926]: TexCoordPointerEXT (will be remapped) */ + "iiiip\0" + "glTexCoordPointerEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[17954]: TexSubImage4DSGIS (dynamic) */ + "iiiiiiiiiiiip\0" + "glTexSubImage4DSGIS\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[17989]: TexCoord3s (offset 116) */ + "iii\0" + "glTexCoord3s\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[18007]: GetTexLevelParameteriv (offset 285) */ + "iiip\0" + "glGetTexLevelParameteriv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[18038]: GetClipPlanef (will be remapped) */ + "ip\0" + "glGetClipPlanefOES\0" + "glGetClipPlanef\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[18077]: VertexAttribPointer (will be remapped) */ + "iiiiip\0" + "glVertexAttribPointer\0" + "glVertexAttribPointerARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[18132]: CombinerStageParameterfvNV (dynamic) */ + "iip\0" + "glCombinerStageParameterfvNV\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[18166]: VertexAttribP4uiv (will be remapped) */ + "iiip\0" + "glVertexAttribP4uiv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[18192]: StopInstrumentsSGIX (dynamic) */ + "i\0" + "glStopInstrumentsSGIX\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[18217]: SecondaryColor3s (will be remapped) */ + "iii\0" + "glSecondaryColor3s\0" + "glSecondaryColor3sEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[18263]: ClearAccum (offset 204) */ + "ffff\0" + "glClearAccum\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[18282]: DeformSGIX (dynamic) */ + "i\0" + "glDeformSGIX\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[18298]: InvalidateBufferSubData (will be remapped) */ + "iii\0" + "glInvalidateBufferSubData\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[18329]: Uniform3i (will be remapped) */ + "iiii\0" + "glUniform3i\0" + "glUniform3iARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[18362]: TexCoord4iv (offset 123) */ + "p\0" + "glTexCoord4iv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[18379]: TexStorage3D (will be remapped) */ + "iiiiii\0" + "glTexStorage3D\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[18402]: UniformMatrix4x2fv (will be remapped) */ + "iiip\0" + "glUniformMatrix4x2fv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[18429]: GetDetailTexFuncSGIS (dynamic) */ + "ip\0" + "glGetDetailTexFuncSGIS\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[18456]: WindowPos3i (will be remapped) */ + "iii\0" + "glWindowPos3i\0" + "glWindowPos3iARB\0" + "glWindowPos3iMESA\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[18510]: SecondaryColor3b (will be remapped) */ + "iii\0" + "glSecondaryColor3b\0" + "glSecondaryColor3bEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[18556]: FramebufferTexture3D (will be remapped) */ + "iiiiii\0" + "glFramebufferTexture3D\0" + "glFramebufferTexture3DEXT\0" + "glFramebufferTexture3DOES\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[18639]: SamplerParameterIiv (will be remapped) */ + "iip\0" + "glSamplerParameterIiv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[18666]: PolygonOffset (offset 319) */ + "ff\0" + "glPolygonOffset\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[18686]: BindVertexArray (will be remapped) */ + "i\0" + "glBindVertexArray\0" + "glBindVertexArrayOES\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[18728]: Color4ubVertex2fvSUN (dynamic) */ + "pp\0" + "glColor4ubVertex2fvSUN\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[18755]: GetProgramBinary (will be remapped) */ + "iippp\0" + "glGetProgramBinary\0" + "glGetProgramBinaryOES\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[18803]: GetBufferParameteriv (will be remapped) */ + "iip\0" + "glGetBufferParameteriv\0" + "glGetBufferParameterivARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[18857]: Rectd (offset 86) */ + "dddd\0" + "glRectd\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[18871]: TexFilterFuncSGIS (dynamic) */ + "iiip\0" + "glTexFilterFuncSGIS\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[18897]: NormalPointervINTEL (dynamic) */ + "ip\0" + "glNormalPointervINTEL\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[18923]: ProvokingVertex (will be remapped) */ + "i\0" + "glProvokingVertexEXT\0" + "glProvokingVertex\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[18965]: SamplerParameterfv (will be remapped) */ + "iip\0" + "glSamplerParameterfv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[18991]: MultiTexCoord1i (offset 380) */ + "ii\0" + "glMultiTexCoord1i\0" + "glMultiTexCoord1iARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[19034]: WindowPos2dv (will be remapped) */ + "p\0" + "glWindowPos2dv\0" + "glWindowPos2dvARB\0" + "glWindowPos2dvMESA\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[19089]: GetProgramParameterdvNV (will be remapped) */ + "iiip\0" + "glGetProgramParameterdvNV\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[19121]: VertexAttrib3fNV (will be remapped) */ + "ifff\0" + "glVertexAttrib3fNV\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[19146]: RasterPos3i (offset 74) */ + "iii\0" + "glRasterPos3i\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[19165]: GetFragmentLightfvSGIX (dynamic) */ + "iip\0" + "glGetFragmentLightfvSGIX\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[19195]: MultiTexCoord1d (offset 376) */ + "id\0" + "glMultiTexCoord1d\0" + "glMultiTexCoord1dARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[19238]: DetailTexFuncSGIS (dynamic) */ + "iip\0" + "glDetailTexFuncSGIS\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[19263]: Normal3fVertex3fSUN (dynamic) */ + "ffffff\0" + "glNormal3fVertex3fSUN\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[19293]: CopyTexImage2D (offset 324) */ + "iiiiiiii\0" + "glCopyTexImage2D\0" + "glCopyTexImage2DEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[19340]: FlushMappedBufferRange (will be remapped) */ + "iii\0" + "glFlushMappedBufferRange\0" + "glFlushMappedBufferRangeEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[19398]: MultiTexCoord2dv (offset 385) */ + "ip\0" + "glMultiTexCoord2dv\0" + "glMultiTexCoord2dvARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[19443]: ProgramEnvParameter4fARB (will be remapped) */ + "iiffff\0" + "glProgramEnvParameter4fARB\0" + "glProgramParameter4fNV\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[19501]: GenVertexArraysAPPLE (will be remapped) */ + "ip\0" + "glGenVertexArraysAPPLE\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[19528]: Lightfv (offset 160) */ + "iip\0" + "glLightfv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[19543]: GetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv (will be remapped) */ + "iiip\0" + "glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv\0" + "glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivEXT\0" + "glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivOES\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[19669]: MultiTexCoord1s (offset 382) */ + "ii\0" + "glMultiTexCoord1s\0" + "glMultiTexCoord1sARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[19712]: ClearDepth (offset 208) */ + "d\0" + "glClearDepth\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[19728]: GetFenceivNV (dynamic) */ + "iip\0" + "glGetFenceivNV\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[19748]: GetVertexAttribPointerv (will be remapped) */ + "iip\0" + "glGetVertexAttribPointerv\0" + "glGetVertexAttribPointervARB\0" + "glGetVertexAttribPointervNV\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[19836]: ColorSubTable (offset 346) */ + "iiiiip\0" + "glColorSubTable\0" + "glColorSubTableEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[19879]: Color4fv (offset 30) */ + "p\0" + "glColor4fv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[19893]: GetnMinmaxARB (will be remapped) */ + "iiiiip\0" + "glGetnMinmaxARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[19917]: ProgramLocalParameters4fvEXT (will be remapped) */ + "iiip\0" + "glProgramLocalParameters4fvEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[19954]: BeginConditionalRender (will be remapped) */ + "ii\0" + "glBeginConditionalRender\0" + "glBeginConditionalRenderNV\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[20010]: TexCoord4fColor4fNormal3fVertex4fSUN (dynamic) */ + "fffffffffffffff\0" + "glTexCoord4fColor4fNormal3fVertex4fSUN\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[20066]: VertexAttribI1uiv (will be remapped) */ + "ip\0" + "glVertexAttribI1uivEXT\0" + "glVertexAttribI1uiv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[20113]: ColorPointer (offset 308) */ + "iiip\0" + "glColorPointer\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[20134]: Rects (offset 92) */ + "iiii\0" + "glRects\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[20148]: GetMapAttribParameterfvNV (dynamic) */ + "iiip\0" + "glGetMapAttribParameterfvNV\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[20182]: ClearColorx (will be remapped) */ + "iiii\0" + "glClearColorxOES\0" + "glClearColorx\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[20219]: MultiTexCoordP2ui (will be remapped) */ + "iii\0" + "glMultiTexCoordP2ui\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[20244]: ActiveProgramEXT (will be remapped) */ + "i\0" + "glActiveProgramEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[20266]: Lightiv (offset 162) */ + "iip\0" + "glLightiv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[20281]: Tangent3svEXT (dynamic) */ + "p\0" + "glTangent3svEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[20300]: TexCoordPointervINTEL (dynamic) */ + "iip\0" + "glTexCoordPointervINTEL\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[20329]: GetTexParameteriv (offset 283) */ + "iip\0" + "glGetTexParameteriv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[20354]: MapParameterivNV (dynamic) */ + "iip\0" + "glMapParameterivNV\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[20378]: TransformFeedbackVaryings (will be remapped) */ + "iipi\0" + "glTransformFeedbackVaryings\0" + "glTransformFeedbackVaryingsEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[20443]: VertexAttrib3sv (will be remapped) */ + "ip\0" + "glVertexAttrib3sv\0" + "glVertexAttrib3svARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[20486]: IsQuery (will be remapped) */ + "i\0" + "glIsQuery\0" + "glIsQueryARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[20512]: ClearBufferfv (will be remapped) */ + "iip\0" + "glClearBufferfv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[20533]: PrimitiveRestartNV (will be remapped) */ + "\0" + "glPrimitiveRestartNV\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[20556]: EdgeFlagPointerEXT (will be remapped) */ + "iip\0" + "glEdgeFlagPointerEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[20582]: IsVertexArray (will be remapped) */ + "i\0" + "glIsVertexArray\0" + "glIsVertexArrayAPPLE\0" + "glIsVertexArrayOES\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[20641]: WeightbvARB (dynamic) */ + "ip\0" + "glWeightbvARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[20659]: Rectdv (offset 87) */ + "pp\0" + "glRectdv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[20672]: ListParameteriSGIX (dynamic) */ + "iii\0" + "glListParameteriSGIX\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[20698]: BlendEquationiARB (will be remapped) */ + "ii\0" + "glBlendEquationiARB\0" + "glBlendEquationIndexedAMD\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[20748]: ReplacementCodeuiColor4fNormal3fVertex3fSUN (dynamic) */ + "iffffffffff\0" + "glReplacementCodeuiColor4fNormal3fVertex3fSUN\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[20807]: VertexAttrib4dv (will be remapped) */ + "ip\0" + "glVertexAttrib4dv\0" + "glVertexAttrib4dvARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[20850]: InstrumentsBufferSGIX (dynamic) */ + "ip\0" + "glInstrumentsBufferSGIX\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[20878]: SharpenTexFuncSGIS (dynamic) */ + "iip\0" + "glSharpenTexFuncSGIS\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[20904]: DrawArraysInstancedARB (will be remapped) */ + "iiii\0" + "glDrawArraysInstancedARB\0" + "glDrawArraysInstancedEXT\0" + "glDrawArraysInstanced\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[20982]: GetTexParameterxv (will be remapped) */ + "iip\0" + "glGetTexParameterxvOES\0" + "glGetTexParameterxv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[21030]: GetAttachedShaders (will be remapped) */ + "iipp\0" + "glGetAttachedShaders\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[21057]: SamplePatternSGIS (will be remapped) */ + "i\0" + "glSamplePatternSGIS\0" + "glSamplePatternEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[21099]: Materialiv (offset 172) */ + "iip\0" + "glMaterialiv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[21117]: PushClientAttrib (offset 335) */ + "i\0" + "glPushClientAttrib\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[21139]: ProgramEnvParameters4fvEXT (will be remapped) */ + "iiip\0" + "glProgramEnvParameters4fvEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[21174]: TexCoord2fColor4fNormal3fVertex3fvSUN (dynamic) */ + "pppp\0" + "glTexCoord2fColor4fNormal3fVertex3fvSUN\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[21220]: LineWidthx (will be remapped) */ + "i\0" + "glLineWidthxOES\0" + "glLineWidthx\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[21252]: SecondaryColor3fvEXT (will be remapped) */ + "p\0" + "glSecondaryColor3fv\0" + "glSecondaryColor3fvEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[21298]: PolygonMode (offset 174) */ + "ii\0" + "glPolygonMode\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[21316]: SecondaryColor3iv (will be remapped) */ + "p\0" + "glSecondaryColor3iv\0" + "glSecondaryColor3ivEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[21362]: DrawTexivOES (will be remapped) */ + "p\0" + "glDrawTexivOES\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[21380]: VertexAttribI1iEXT (will be remapped) */ + "ii\0" + "glVertexAttribI1iEXT\0" + "glVertexAttribI1i\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[21423]: VertexAttrib4Niv (will be remapped) */ + "ip\0" + "glVertexAttrib4Niv\0" + "glVertexAttrib4NivARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[21468]: GetVertexAttribivNV (will be remapped) */ + "iip\0" + "glGetVertexAttribivNV\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[21495]: GetProgramStringARB (will be remapped) */ + "iip\0" + "glGetProgramStringARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[21522]: GetnUniformdvARB (will be remapped) */ + "iiip\0" + "glGetnUniformdvARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[21547]: DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex (will be remapped) */ + "iiipii\0" + "glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[21589]: LinkProgram (will be remapped) */ + "i\0" + "glLinkProgram\0" + "glLinkProgramARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[21623]: TexBumpParameterfvATI (will be remapped) */ + "ip\0" + "glTexBumpParameterfvATI\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[21651]: Tangent3ivEXT (dynamic) */ + "p\0" + "glTangent3ivEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[21670]: Uniform1f (will be remapped) */ + "if\0" + "glUniform1f\0" + "glUniform1fARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[21701]: DisableClientState (offset 309) */ + "i\0" + "glDisableClientState\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[21725]: TexGeni (offset 192) */ + "iii\0" + "glTexGeni\0" + "glTexGeniOES\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[21753]: TexGenf (offset 190) */ + "iif\0" + "glTexGenf\0" + "glTexGenfOES\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[21781]: TexGend (offset 188) */ + "iid\0" + "glTexGend\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[21796]: Uniform1i (will be remapped) */ + "ii\0" + "glUniform1i\0" + "glUniform1iARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[21827]: GetPolygonStipple (offset 274) */ + "p\0" + "glGetPolygonStipple\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[21850]: Orthox (will be remapped) */ + "iiiiii\0" + "glOrthoxOES\0" + "glOrthox\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[21879]: VertexAttrib4d (will be remapped) */ + "idddd\0" + "glVertexAttrib4d\0" + "glVertexAttrib4dARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[21923]: GetVertexAttribfvNV (will be remapped) */ + "iip\0" + "glGetVertexAttribfvNV\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[21950]: DrawArraysInstancedBaseInstance (will be remapped) */ + "iiiii\0" + "glDrawArraysInstancedBaseInstance\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[21991]: VertexAttrib2svNV (will be remapped) */ + "ip\0" + "glVertexAttrib2svNV\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[22015]: NormalP3uiv (will be remapped) */ + "ip\0" + "glNormalP3uiv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[22033]: SecondaryColorP3uiv (will be remapped) */ + "ip\0" + "glSecondaryColorP3uiv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[22059]: VertexAttribs1fvNV (will be remapped) */ + "iip\0" + "glVertexAttribs1fvNV\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[22085]: DrawTexsvOES (will be remapped) */ + "p\0" + "glDrawTexsvOES\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[22103]: WindowPos4sMESA (will be remapped) */ + "iiii\0" + "glWindowPos4sMESA\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[22127]: GetnPixelMapuivARB (will be remapped) */ + "iip\0" + "glGetnPixelMapuivARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[22153]: VertexAttrib4s (will be remapped) */ + "iiiii\0" + "glVertexAttrib4s\0" + "glVertexAttrib4sARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[22197]: GetSamplerParameterIuiv (will be remapped) */ + "iip\0" + "glGetSamplerParameterIuiv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[22228]: ReplacementCodeusvSUN (dynamic) */ + "p\0" + "glReplacementCodeusvSUN\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[22255]: VertexAttrib2dvNV (will be remapped) */ + "ip\0" + "glVertexAttrib2dvNV\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[22279]: UseProgram (will be remapped) */ + "i\0" + "glUseProgram\0" + "glUseProgramObjectARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[22317]: GlobalAlphaFactoriSUN (dynamic) */ + "i\0" + "glGlobalAlphaFactoriSUN\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[22344]: CompileShader (will be remapped) */ + "i\0" + "glCompileShader\0" + "glCompileShaderARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[22382]: Color4sv (offset 34) */ + "p\0" + "glColor4sv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[22396]: MultiModeDrawArraysIBM (will be remapped) */ + "pppii\0" + "glMultiModeDrawArraysIBM\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[22428]: MultiTexCoord3d (offset 392) */ + "iddd\0" + "glMultiTexCoord3d\0" + "glMultiTexCoord3dARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[22473]: LoadTransposeMatrixf (will be remapped) */ + "p\0" + "glLoadTransposeMatrixf\0" + "glLoadTransposeMatrixfARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[22525]: LoadTransposeMatrixd (will be remapped) */ + "p\0" + "glLoadTransposeMatrixd\0" + "glLoadTransposeMatrixdARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[22577]: FlushMappedBufferRangeAPPLE (will be remapped) */ + "iii\0" + "glFlushMappedBufferRangeAPPLE\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[22612]: PixelZoom (offset 246) */ + "ff\0" + "glPixelZoom\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[22628]: ReplacementCodePointerSUN (dynamic) */ + "iip\0" + "glReplacementCodePointerSUN\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[22661]: ProgramEnvParameter4dARB (will be remapped) */ + "iidddd\0" + "glProgramEnvParameter4dARB\0" + "glProgramParameter4dNV\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[22719]: ColorTableParameterfv (offset 340) */ + "iip\0" + "glColorTableParameterfv\0" + "glColorTableParameterfvSGI\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[22775]: GetFragDataLocation (will be remapped) */ + "ip\0" + "glGetFragDataLocationEXT\0" + "glGetFragDataLocation\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[22826]: FragmentLightModelfSGIX (dynamic) */ + "if\0" + "glFragmentLightModelfSGIX\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[22856]: Binormal3bvEXT (dynamic) */ + "p\0" + "glBinormal3bvEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[22876]: PixelMapuiv (offset 252) */ + "iip\0" + "glPixelMapuiv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[22895]: Color3dv (offset 12) */ + "p\0" + "glColor3dv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[22909]: IsTexture (offset 330) */ + "i\0" + "glIsTexture\0" + "glIsTextureEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[22939]: VertexAttrib4fvNV (will be remapped) */ + "ip\0" + "glVertexAttrib4fvNV\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[22963]: BeginQuery (will be remapped) */ + "ii\0" + "glBeginQuery\0" + "glBeginQueryARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[22996]: ColorPointerEXT (will be remapped) */ + "iiiip\0" + "glColorPointerEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[23021]: VertexWeightfvEXT (dynamic) */ + "p\0" + "glVertexWeightfvEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[23044]: VertexP3uiv (will be remapped) */ + "ip\0" + "glVertexP3uiv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[23062]: VertexAttrib3s (will be remapped) */ + "iiii\0" + "glVertexAttrib3s\0" + "glVertexAttrib3sARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[23105]: GetCombinerStageParameterfvNV (dynamic) */ + "iip\0" + "glGetCombinerStageParameterfvNV\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[23142]: TexCoord4i (offset 122) */ + "iiii\0" + "glTexCoord4i\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[23161]: Color4ubVertex2fSUN (dynamic) */ + "iiiiff\0" + "glColor4ubVertex2fSUN\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[23191]: FragmentColorMaterialSGIX (dynamic) */ + "ii\0" + "glFragmentColorMaterialSGIX\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[23223]: CurrentPaletteMatrixARB (dynamic) */ + "i\0" + "glCurrentPaletteMatrixARB\0" + "glCurrentPaletteMatrixOES\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[23278]: GetMapdv (offset 266) */ + "iip\0" + "glGetMapdv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[23294]: Color4fNormal3fVertex3fvSUN (dynamic) */ + "ppp\0" + "glColor4fNormal3fVertex3fvSUN\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[23329]: GetStringi (will be remapped) */ + "ii\0" + "glGetStringi\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[23346]: MultiTexCoord3iv (offset 397) */ + "ip\0" + "glMultiTexCoord3iv\0" + "glMultiTexCoord3ivARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[23391]: GetUniformLocation (will be remapped) */ + "ip\0" + "glGetUniformLocation\0" + "glGetUniformLocationARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[23440]: PixelStoref (offset 249) */ + "if\0" + "glPixelStoref\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[23458]: WindowPos2iv (will be remapped) */ + "p\0" + "glWindowPos2iv\0" + "glWindowPos2ivARB\0" + "glWindowPos2ivMESA\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[23513]: Binormal3dEXT (dynamic) */ + "ddd\0" + "glBinormal3dEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[23534]: ReplacementCodeuiColor4ubVertex3fSUN (dynamic) */ + "iiiiifff\0" + "glReplacementCodeuiColor4ubVertex3fSUN\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[23583]: PixelStorei (offset 250) */ + "ii\0" + "glPixelStorei\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[23601]: IsBuffer (will be remapped) */ + "i\0" + "glIsBuffer\0" + "glIsBufferARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[23629]: VertexAttrib2fNV (will be remapped) */ + "iff\0" + "glVertexAttrib2fNV\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[23653]: FragmentMaterialiSGIX (dynamic) */ + "iii\0" + "glFragmentMaterialiSGIX\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[23682]: VertexAttribI4ubv (will be remapped) */ + "ip\0" + "glVertexAttribI4ubvEXT\0" + "glVertexAttribI4ubv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[23729]: EvalCoord2dv (offset 233) */ + "p\0" + "glEvalCoord2dv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[23747]: GenVertexArrays (will be remapped) */ + "ip\0" + "glGenVertexArrays\0" + "glGenVertexArraysOES\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[23790]: ColorMaterial (offset 151) */ + "ii\0" + "glColorMaterial\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[23810]: InvalidateSubFramebuffer (will be remapped) */ + "iipiiii\0" + "glInvalidateSubFramebuffer\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[23846]: ColorP4ui (will be remapped) */ + "ii\0" + "glColorP4ui\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[23862]: VertexAttribs1svNV (will be remapped) */ + "iip\0" + "glVertexAttribs1svNV\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[23888]: DrawTexsOES (will be remapped) */ + "iiiii\0" + "glDrawTexsOES\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[23909]: Uniform2ui (will be remapped) */ + "iii\0" + "glUniform2uiEXT\0" + "glUniform2ui\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[23943]: VertexAttrib1fvNV (will be remapped) */ + "ip\0" + "glVertexAttrib1fvNV\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[23967]: TexBumpParameterivATI (will be remapped) */ + "ip\0" + "glTexBumpParameterivATI\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[23995]: GetSeparableFilter (offset 359) */ + "iiippp\0" + "glGetSeparableFilter\0" + "glGetSeparableFilterEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[24048]: DeleteVertexArrays (will be remapped) */ + "ip\0" + "glDeleteVertexArrays\0" + "glDeleteVertexArraysAPPLE\0" + "glDeleteVertexArraysOES\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[24123]: SpriteParameteriSGIX (dynamic) */ + "ii\0" + "glSpriteParameteriSGIX\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[24150]: RequestResidentProgramsNV (will be remapped) */ + "ip\0" + "glRequestResidentProgramsNV\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[24182]: TexCoordP3uiv (will be remapped) */ + "ip\0" + "glTexCoordP3uiv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[24202]: ReplacementCodeusSUN (dynamic) */ + "i\0" + "glReplacementCodeusSUN\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[24228]: FeedbackBuffer (offset 194) */ + "iip\0" + "glFeedbackBuffer\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[24250]: RasterPos2iv (offset 67) */ + "p\0" + "glRasterPos2iv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[24268]: TexImage1D (offset 182) */ + "iiiiiiip\0" + "glTexImage1D\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[24291]: TexEnvxv (will be remapped) */ + "iip\0" + "glTexEnvxvOES\0" + "glTexEnvxv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[24321]: ListParameterivSGIX (dynamic) */ + "iip\0" + "glListParameterivSGIX\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[24348]: MultiDrawElementsEXT (will be remapped) */ + "ipipi\0" + "glMultiDrawElements\0" + "glMultiDrawElementsEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[24398]: Color3s (offset 17) */ + "iii\0" + "glColor3s\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[24413]: MultiTexCoord3s (offset 398) */ + "iiii\0" + "glMultiTexCoord3s\0" + "glMultiTexCoord3sARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[24458]: WeightusvARB (dynamic) */ + "ip\0" + "glWeightusvARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[24477]: TexCoordPointer (offset 320) */ + "iiip\0" + "glTexCoordPointer\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[24501]: GetnSeparableFilterARB (will be remapped) */ + "iiiipipp\0" + "glGetnSeparableFilterARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[24536]: InvalidateBufferData (will be remapped) */ + "i\0" + "glInvalidateBufferData\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[24562]: Color3i (offset 15) */ + "iii\0" + "glColor3i\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[24577]: FrontFace (offset 157) */ + "i\0" + "glFrontFace\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[24592]: EvalCoord2d (offset 232) */ + "dd\0" + "glEvalCoord2d\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[24610]: EvalCoord2f (offset 234) */ + "ff\0" + "glEvalCoord2f\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[24628]: Color3b (offset 9) */ + "iii\0" + "glColor3b\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[24643]: ExecuteProgramNV (will be remapped) */ + "iip\0" + "glExecuteProgramNV\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[24667]: Color3f (offset 13) */ + "fff\0" + "glColor3f\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[24682]: LightEnviSGIX (dynamic) */ + "ii\0" + "glLightEnviSGIX\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[24702]: Color3d (offset 11) */ + "ddd\0" + "glColor3d\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[24717]: GetVertexAttribdv (will be remapped) */ + "iip\0" + "glGetVertexAttribdv\0" + "glGetVertexAttribdvARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[24765]: Normal3dv (offset 55) */ + "p\0" + "glNormal3dv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[24780]: Lightf (offset 159) */ + "iif\0" + "glLightf\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[24794]: FinishTextureSUNX (dynamic) */ + "\0" + "glFinishTextureSUNX\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[24816]: MatrixMode (offset 293) */ + "i\0" + "glMatrixMode\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[24832]: GetPixelMapusv (offset 273) */ + "ip\0" + "glGetPixelMapusv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[24853]: Lighti (offset 161) */ + "iii\0" + "glLighti\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[24867]: VertexAttribPointerNV (will be remapped) */ + "iiiip\0" + "glVertexAttribPointerNV\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[24898]: GenFramebuffers (will be remapped) */ + "ip\0" + "glGenFramebuffers\0" + "glGenFramebuffersEXT\0" + "glGenFramebuffersOES\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[24962]: GenBuffers (will be remapped) */ + "ip\0" + "glGenBuffers\0" + "glGenBuffersARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[24995]: ClearDepthx (will be remapped) */ + "i\0" + "glClearDepthxOES\0" + "glClearDepthx\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[25029]: Uniform4uiv (will be remapped) */ + "iip\0" + "glUniform4uivEXT\0" + "glUniform4uiv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[25065]: IsFramebuffer (will be remapped) */ + "i\0" + "glIsFramebuffer\0" + "glIsFramebufferEXT\0" + "glIsFramebufferOES\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[25122]: PixelTransformParameterfEXT (dynamic) */ + "iif\0" + "glPixelTransformParameterfEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[25157]: BlendEquationSeparate (will be remapped) */ + "ii\0" + "glBlendEquationSeparate\0" + "glBlendEquationSeparateEXT\0" + "glBlendEquationSeparateATI\0" + "glBlendEquationSeparateOES\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[25266]: Lightx (will be remapped) */ + "iii\0" + "glLightxOES\0" + "glLightx\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[25292]: PixelTransformParameteriEXT (dynamic) */ + "iii\0" + "glPixelTransformParameteriEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[25327]: GetDoublev (offset 260) */ + "ip\0" + "glGetDoublev\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[25344]: MultiTexCoordP4ui (will be remapped) */ + "iii\0" + "glMultiTexCoordP4ui\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[25369]: MultMatrixd (offset 295) */ + "p\0" + "glMultMatrixd\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[25386]: MultMatrixf (offset 294) */ + "p\0" + "glMultMatrixf\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[25403]: TextureMaterialEXT (dynamic) */ + "ii\0" + "glTextureMaterialEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[25428]: TexCoord2fColor4ubVertex3fSUN (dynamic) */ + "ffiiiifff\0" + "glTexCoord2fColor4ubVertex3fSUN\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[25471]: VertexAttrib1d (will be remapped) */ + "id\0" + "glVertexAttrib1d\0" + "glVertexAttrib1dARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[25512]: CompressedTexImage1D (will be remapped) */ + "iiiiiip\0" + "glCompressedTexImage1D\0" + "glCompressedTexImage1DARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[25570]: UnlockArraysEXT (will be remapped) */ + "\0" + "glUnlockArraysEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[25590]: FragmentLightfSGIX (dynamic) */ + "iif\0" + "glFragmentLightfSGIX\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[25616]: MultiTexCoord4fvARB (offset 403) */ + "ip\0" + "glMultiTexCoord4fv\0" + "glMultiTexCoord4fvARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[25661]: TagSampleBufferSGIX (dynamic) */ + "\0" + "glTagSampleBufferSGIX\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[25685]: UniformMatrix2x3fv (will be remapped) */ + "iiip\0" + "glUniformMatrix2x3fv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[25712]: SamplerParameteri (will be remapped) */ + "iii\0" + "glSamplerParameteri\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[25737]: SamplerParameterf (will be remapped) */ + "iif\0" + "glSamplerParameterf\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[25762]: CombinerParameteriNV (dynamic) */ + "ii\0" + "glCombinerParameteriNV\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[25789]: VertexAttrib1s (will be remapped) */ + "ii\0" + "glVertexAttrib1s\0" + "glVertexAttrib1sARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[25830]: EnableVertexAttribArray (will be remapped) */ + "i\0" + "glEnableVertexAttribArray\0" + "glEnableVertexAttribArrayARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[25888]: FrameZoomSGIX (dynamic) */ + "i\0" + "glFrameZoomSGIX\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[25907]: Normal3fVertex3fvSUN (dynamic) */ + "pp\0" + "glNormal3fVertex3fvSUN\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[25934]: Tangent3dvEXT (dynamic) */ + "p\0" + "glTangent3dvEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[25953]: GetnUniformuivARB (will be remapped) */ + "iiip\0" + "glGetnUniformuivARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[25979]: RasterPos4sv (offset 85) */ + "p\0" + "glRasterPos4sv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[25997]: VertexAttrib3fvARB (will be remapped) */ + "ip\0" + "glVertexAttrib3fv\0" + "glVertexAttrib3fvARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[26040]: ClearColor (offset 206) */ + "ffff\0" + "glClearColor\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[26059]: Materialx (will be remapped) */ + "iii\0" + "glMaterialxOES\0" + "glMaterialx\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[26091]: GetSynciv (will be remapped) */ + "iiipp\0" + "glGetSynciv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[26110]: VertexAttrib1svNV (will be remapped) */ + "ip\0" + "glVertexAttrib1svNV\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[26134]: SecondaryColor3ubv (will be remapped) */ + "p\0" + "glSecondaryColor3ubv\0" + "glSecondaryColor3ubvEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[26182]: PointParameteri (will be remapped) */ + "ii\0" + "glPointParameteri\0" + "glPointParameteriNV\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[26224]: PointParameterf (will be remapped) */ + "if\0" + "glPointParameterf\0" + "glPointParameterfARB\0" + "glPointParameterfEXT\0" + "glPointParameterfSGIS\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[26310]: GlobalAlphaFactorsSUN (dynamic) */ + "i\0" + "glGlobalAlphaFactorsSUN\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[26337]: TexEnviv (offset 187) */ + "iip\0" + "glTexEnviv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[26353]: TexSubImage3D (offset 372) */ + "iiiiiiiiiip\0" + "glTexSubImage3D\0" + "glTexSubImage3DEXT\0" + "glTexSubImage3DOES\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[26420]: Tangent3fEXT (dynamic) */ + "fff\0" + "glTangent3fEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[26440]: DeformationMap3fSGIX (dynamic) */ + "iffiiffiiffiip\0" + "glDeformationMap3fSGIX\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[26479]: MatrixIndexubvARB (dynamic) */ + "ip\0" + "glMatrixIndexubvARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[26503]: Color4fNormal3fVertex3fSUN (dynamic) */ + "ffffffffff\0" + "glColor4fNormal3fVertex3fSUN\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[26544]: PixelTexGenParameterfSGIS (dynamic) */ + "if\0" + "glPixelTexGenParameterfSGIS\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[26576]: CreateShader (will be remapped) */ + "i\0" + "glCreateShader\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[26594]: GetColorTableParameterfv (offset 344) */ + "iip\0" + "glGetColorTableParameterfv\0" + "glGetColorTableParameterfvSGI\0" + "glGetColorTableParameterfvEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[26686]: FragmentLightModelfvSGIX (dynamic) */ + "ip\0" + "glFragmentLightModelfvSGIX\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[26717]: FramebufferTexture2D (will be remapped) */ + "iiiii\0" + "glFramebufferTexture2D\0" + "glFramebufferTexture2DEXT\0" + "glFramebufferTexture2DOES\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[26799]: Bitmap (offset 8) */ + "iiffffp\0" + "glBitmap\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[26817]: MultiTexCoord3fARB (offset 394) */ + "ifff\0" + "glMultiTexCoord3f\0" + "glMultiTexCoord3fARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[26862]: GetTexLevelParameterfv (offset 284) */ + "iiip\0" + "glGetTexLevelParameterfv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[26893]: GetPixelTexGenParameterfvSGIS (dynamic) */ + "ip\0" + "glGetPixelTexGenParameterfvSGIS\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[26929]: CheckFramebufferStatus (will be remapped) */ + "i\0" + "glCheckFramebufferStatus\0" + "glCheckFramebufferStatusEXT\0" + "glCheckFramebufferStatusOES\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[27013]: DrawTransformFeedbackStream (will be remapped) */ + "iii\0" + "glDrawTransformFeedbackStream\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[27048]: Vertex2sv (offset 133) */ + "p\0" + "glVertex2sv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[27063]: GetIntegerv (offset 263) */ + "ip\0" + "glGetIntegerv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[27081]: GenFragmentShadersATI (will be remapped) */ + "i\0" + "glGenFragmentShadersATI\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[27108]: GetShaderSource (will be remapped) */ + "iipp\0" + "glGetShaderSource\0" + "glGetShaderSourceARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[27153]: BindProgramARB (will be remapped) */ + "ii\0" + "glBindProgramARB\0" + "glBindProgramNV\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[27190]: GetnMapdvARB (will be remapped) */ + "iiip\0" + "glGetnMapdvARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[27211]: VertexAttrib3sNV (will be remapped) */ + "iiii\0" + "glVertexAttrib3sNV\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[27236]: VertexAttribI2uivEXT (will be remapped) */ + "ip\0" + "glVertexAttribI2uivEXT\0" + "glVertexAttribI2uiv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[27283]: GetProgramEnvParameterfvARB (will be remapped) */ + "iip\0" + "glGetProgramEnvParameterfvARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[27318]: GetTrackMatrixivNV (will be remapped) */ + "iiip\0" + "glGetTrackMatrixivNV\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[27345]: VertexAttrib3svNV (will be remapped) */ + "ip\0" + "glVertexAttrib3svNV\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[27369]: GetActiveUniform (will be remapped) */ + "iiipppp\0" + "glGetActiveUniform\0" + "glGetActiveUniformARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[27419]: DeleteBuffers (will be remapped) */ + "ip\0" + "glDeleteBuffers\0" + "glDeleteBuffersARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[27458]: AlphaFuncx (will be remapped) */ + "ii\0" + "glAlphaFuncxOES\0" + "glAlphaFuncx\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[27491]: TexCoord2fNormal3fVertex3fSUN (dynamic) */ + "ffffffff\0" + "glTexCoord2fNormal3fVertex3fSUN\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[27533]: GetTexEnviv (offset 277) */ + "iip\0" + "glGetTexEnviv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[27552]: GetBufferSubData (will be remapped) */ + "iiip\0" + "glGetBufferSubData\0" + "glGetBufferSubDataARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[27599]: EGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOES (will be remapped) */ + "ip\0" + "glEGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOES\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[27642]: VertexAttribI2ivEXT (will be remapped) */ + "ip\0" + "glVertexAttribI2ivEXT\0" + "glVertexAttribI2iv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[27687]: PopClientAttrib (offset 334) */ + "\0" + "glPopClientAttrib\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[27707]: ReplacementCodeuiTexCoord2fColor4fNormal3fVertex3fSUN (dynamic) */ + "iffffffffffff\0" + "glReplacementCodeuiTexCoord2fColor4fNormal3fVertex3fSUN\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[27778]: DetachObjectARB (will be remapped) */ + "ii\0" + "glDetachObjectARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[27800]: VertexBlendARB (dynamic) */ + "i\0" + "glVertexBlendARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[27820]: EndTransformFeedback (will be remapped) */ + "\0" + "glEndTransformFeedback\0" + "glEndTransformFeedbackEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[27871]: SeparableFilter2D (offset 360) */ + "iiiiiipp\0" + "glSeparableFilter2D\0" + "glSeparableFilter2DEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[27924]: GetQueryObjectuiv (will be remapped) */ + "iip\0" + "glGetQueryObjectuiv\0" + "glGetQueryObjectuivARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[27972]: ReplacementCodeuiColor4ubVertex3fvSUN (dynamic) */ + "ppp\0" + "glReplacementCodeuiColor4ubVertex3fvSUN\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[28017]: Map1d (offset 220) */ + "iddiip\0" + "glMap1d\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[28033]: Map1f (offset 221) */ + "iffiip\0" + "glMap1f\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[28049]: FlushRasterSGIX (dynamic) */ + "\0" + "glFlushRasterSGIX\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[28069]: ArrayElement (offset 306) */ + "i\0" + "glArrayElement\0" + "glArrayElementEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[28105]: TexImage2D (offset 183) */ + "iiiiiiiip\0" + "glTexImage2D\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[28129]: DepthBoundsEXT (will be remapped) */ + "dd\0" + "glDepthBoundsEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[28150]: GetProgramivNV (will be remapped) */ + "iip\0" + "glGetProgramivNV\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[28172]: GetMinmaxParameteriv (offset 366) */ + "iip\0" + "glGetMinmaxParameteriv\0" + "glGetMinmaxParameterivEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[28226]: PixelTransferf (offset 247) */ + "if\0" + "glPixelTransferf\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[28247]: CopyTexImage1D (offset 323) */ + "iiiiiii\0" + "glCopyTexImage1D\0" + "glCopyTexImage1DEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[28293]: PushMatrix (offset 298) */ + "\0" + "glPushMatrix\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[28308]: Fogiv (offset 156) */ + "ip\0" + "glFogiv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[28320]: EndQuery (will be remapped) */ + "i\0" + "glEndQuery\0" + "glEndQueryARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[28348]: TexCoord1dv (offset 95) */ + "p\0" + "glTexCoord1dv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[28365]: AlphaFragmentOp3ATI (will be remapped) */ + "iiiiiiiiiiii\0" + "glAlphaFragmentOp3ATI\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[28401]: PixelTransferi (offset 248) */ + "ii\0" + "glPixelTransferi\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[28422]: GetnColorTableARB (will be remapped) */ + "iiiip\0" + "glGetnColorTableARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[28449]: VertexAttrib3fvNV (will be remapped) */ + "ip\0" + "glVertexAttrib3fvNV\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[28473]: Rotatef (offset 300) */ + "ffff\0" + "glRotatef\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[28489]: GetFinalCombinerInputParameterivNV (dynamic) */ + "iip\0" + "glGetFinalCombinerInputParameterivNV\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[28531]: Vertex3i (offset 138) */ + "iii\0" + "glVertex3i\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[28547]: GetTexEnvxv (will be remapped) */ + "iip\0" + "glGetTexEnvxvOES\0" + "glGetTexEnvxv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[28583]: SecondaryColorP3ui (will be remapped) */ + "ii\0" + "glSecondaryColorP3ui\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[28608]: Vertex3f (offset 136) */ + "fff\0" + "glVertex3f\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[28624]: Clear (offset 203) */ + "i\0" + "glClear\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[28635]: Vertex3d (offset 134) */ + "ddd\0" + "glVertex3d\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[28651]: GetMapParameterivNV (dynamic) */ + "iip\0" + "glGetMapParameterivNV\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[28678]: IndexMaterialEXT (dynamic) */ + "ii\0" + "glIndexMaterialEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[28701]: Disablei (will be remapped) */ + "ii\0" + "glDisableIndexedEXT\0" + "glDisablei\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[28736]: ReadBuffer (offset 254) */ + "i\0" + "glReadBuffer\0" + "glReadBufferNV\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[28767]: ConvolutionParameteri (offset 352) */ + "iii\0" + "glConvolutionParameteri\0" + "glConvolutionParameteriEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[28823]: VertexAttrib4sv (will be remapped) */ + "ip\0" + "glVertexAttrib4sv\0" + "glVertexAttrib4svARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[28866]: Ortho (offset 296) */ + "dddddd\0" + "glOrtho\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[28882]: Binormal3sEXT (dynamic) */ + "iii\0" + "glBinormal3sEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[28903]: ListBase (offset 6) */ + "i\0" + "glListBase\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[28917]: GetTexParameterIiv (will be remapped) */ + "iip\0" + "glGetTexParameterIivEXT\0" + "glGetTexParameterIiv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[28967]: Tangent3sEXT (dynamic) */ + "iii\0" + "glTangent3sEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[28987]: Vertex3s (offset 140) */ + "iii\0" + "glVertex3s\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[29003]: ConvolutionParameterf (offset 350) */ + "iif\0" + "glConvolutionParameterf\0" + "glConvolutionParameterfEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[29059]: GetColorTableParameteriv (offset 345) */ + "iip\0" + "glGetColorTableParameteriv\0" + "glGetColorTableParameterivSGI\0" + "glGetColorTableParameterivEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[29151]: ProgramEnvParameter4dvARB (will be remapped) */ + "iip\0" + "glProgramEnvParameter4dvARB\0" + "glProgramParameter4dvNV\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[29208]: ShadeModel (offset 177) */ + "i\0" + "glShadeModel\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[29224]: Uniform3uiv (will be remapped) */ + "iip\0" + "glUniform3uivEXT\0" + "glUniform3uiv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[29260]: GenerateMipmap (will be remapped) */ + "i\0" + "glGenerateMipmap\0" + "glGenerateMipmapEXT\0" + "glGenerateMipmapOES\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[29320]: Rectiv (offset 91) */ + "pp\0" + "glRectiv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[29333]: MatrixIndexPointerARB (dynamic) */ + "iiip\0" + "glMatrixIndexPointerARB\0" + "glMatrixIndexPointerOES\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[29387]: GetMapParameterfvNV (dynamic) */ + "iip\0" + "glGetMapParameterfvNV\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[29414]: MultiTexCoord1iv (offset 381) */ + "ip\0" + "glMultiTexCoord1iv\0" + "glMultiTexCoord1ivARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[29459]: PassTexCoordATI (will be remapped) */ + "iii\0" + "glPassTexCoordATI\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[29482]: DeleteProgram (will be remapped) */ + "i\0" + "glDeleteProgram\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[29501]: GetSamplerParameteriv (will be remapped) */ + "iip\0" + "glGetSamplerParameteriv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[29530]: BindBufferRange (will be remapped) */ + "iiiii\0" + "glBindBufferRange\0" + "glBindBufferRangeEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[29576]: Tangent3dEXT (dynamic) */ + "ddd\0" + "glTangent3dEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[29596]: TexParameterxv (will be remapped) */ + "iip\0" + "glTexParameterxvOES\0" + "glTexParameterxv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[29638]: BlendEquationSeparateiARB (will be remapped) */ + "iii\0" + "glBlendEquationSeparateiARB\0" + "glBlendEquationSeparateIndexedAMD\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[29705]: AlphaFragmentOp2ATI (will be remapped) */ + "iiiiiiiii\0" + "glAlphaFragmentOp2ATI\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[29738]: Vertex2fv (offset 129) */ + "p\0" + "glVertex2fv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[29753]: SampleMaskSGIS (will be remapped) */ + "fi\0" + "glSampleMaskSGIS\0" + "glSampleMaskEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[29790]: VertexAttrib1fNV (will be remapped) */ + "if\0" + "glVertexAttrib1fNV\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[29813]: Rotatex (will be remapped) */ + "iiii\0" + "glRotatexOES\0" + "glRotatex\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[29842]: FramebufferTextureFaceARB (will be remapped) */ + "iiiii\0" + "glFramebufferTextureFaceARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[29877]: Vertex3sv (offset 141) */ + "p\0" + "glVertex3sv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[29892]: GetQueryObjectiv (will be remapped) */ + "iip\0" + "glGetQueryObjectiv\0" + "glGetQueryObjectivARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[29938]: VertexAttrib2s (will be remapped) */ + "iii\0" + "glVertexAttrib2s\0" + "glVertexAttrib2sARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[29980]: ProgramLocalParameter4fvARB (will be remapped) */ + "iip\0" + "glProgramLocalParameter4fvARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[30015]: EvalMesh1 (offset 236) */ + "iii\0" + "glEvalMesh1\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[30032]: PauseTransformFeedback (will be remapped) */ + "\0" + "glPauseTransformFeedback\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[30059]: DeleteShader (will be remapped) */ + "i\0" + "glDeleteShader\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[30077]: ReplacementCodeuiColor3fVertex3fSUN (dynamic) */ + "iffffff\0" + "glReplacementCodeuiColor3fVertex3fSUN\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[30124]: Uniform2f (will be remapped) */ + "iff\0" + "glUniform2f\0" + "glUniform2fARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[30156]: VertexAttrib2d (will be remapped) */ + "idd\0" + "glVertexAttrib2d\0" + "glVertexAttrib2dARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[30198]: CompressedTexSubImage3D (will be remapped) */ + "iiiiiiiiiip\0" + "glCompressedTexSubImage3D\0" + "glCompressedTexSubImage3DARB\0" + "glCompressedTexSubImage3DOES\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[30295]: Vertex2iv (offset 131) */ + "p\0" + "glVertex2iv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[30310]: GetProgramStringNV (will be remapped) */ + "iip\0" + "glGetProgramStringNV\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[30336]: VertexAttribP3uiv (will be remapped) */ + "iiip\0" + "glVertexAttribP3uiv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[30362]: LineWidth (offset 168) */ + "f\0" + "glLineWidth\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[30377]: Uniform2i (will be remapped) */ + "iii\0" + "glUniform2i\0" + "glUniform2iARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[30409]: MultiDrawElementsBaseVertex (will be remapped) */ + "ipipip\0" + "glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[30447]: FogFuncSGIS (dynamic) */ + "ip\0" + "glFogFuncSGIS\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[30465]: Binormal3svEXT (dynamic) */ + "p\0" + "glBinormal3svEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[30485]: GetBufferParameteri64v (will be remapped) */ + "iip\0" + "glGetBufferParameteri64v\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[30515]: TexGendv (offset 189) */ + "iip\0" + "glTexGendv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[30531]: Uniform1fv (will be remapped) */ + "iip\0" + "glUniform1fv\0" + "glUniform1fvARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[30565]: LightModelx (will be remapped) */ + "ii\0" + "glLightModelxOES\0" + "glLightModelx\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[30600]: VertexAttribI3iEXT (will be remapped) */ + "iiii\0" + "glVertexAttribI3iEXT\0" + "glVertexAttribI3i\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[30645]: GetBufferPointerv (will be remapped) */ + "iip\0" + "glGetBufferPointerv\0" + "glGetBufferPointervARB\0" + "glGetBufferPointervOES\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[30716]: TextureLightEXT (dynamic) */ + "i\0" + "glTextureLightEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[30737]: ResetMinmax (offset 370) */ + "i\0" + "glResetMinmax\0" + "glResetMinmaxEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[30771]: SpriteParameterfSGIX (dynamic) */ + "if\0" + "glSpriteParameterfSGIX\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[30798]: EnableClientState (offset 313) */ + "i\0" + "glEnableClientState\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[30821]: VertexAttrib4sNV (will be remapped) */ + "iiiii\0" + "glVertexAttrib4sNV\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[30847]: GetConvolutionParameterfv (offset 357) */ + "iip\0" + "glGetConvolutionParameterfv\0" + "glGetConvolutionParameterfvEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[30911]: GetActiveUniformName (will be remapped) */ + "iiipp\0" + "glGetActiveUniformName\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[30941]: Uniform1iv (will be remapped) */ + "iip\0" + "glUniform1iv\0" + "glUniform1ivARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[30975]: MultiTexCoord4i (offset 404) */ + "iiiii\0" + "glMultiTexCoord4i\0" + "glMultiTexCoord4iARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[31021]: GetTexBumpParameterfvATI (will be remapped) */ + "ip\0" + "glGetTexBumpParameterfvATI\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[31052]: ProgramNamedParameter4dNV (will be remapped) */ + "iipdddd\0" + "glProgramNamedParameter4dNV\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[31089]: GetMaterialfv (offset 269) */ + "iip\0" + "glGetMaterialfv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[31110]: WindowPos3fv (will be remapped) */ + "p\0" + "glWindowPos3fv\0" + "glWindowPos3fvARB\0" + "glWindowPos3fvMESA\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[31165]: SecondaryColorPointerListIBM (dynamic) */ + "iiipi\0" + "glSecondaryColorPointerListIBM\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[31203]: DeleteProgramsARB (will be remapped) */ + "ip\0" + "glDeleteProgramsARB\0" + "glDeleteProgramsNV\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[31246]: TexEnvx (will be remapped) */ + "iii\0" + "glTexEnvxOES\0" + "glTexEnvx\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[31274]: Binormal3fEXT (dynamic) */ + "fff\0" + "glBinormal3fEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[31295]: CallList (offset 2) */ + "i\0" + "glCallList\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[31309]: Materialfv (offset 170) */ + "iip\0" + "glMaterialfv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[31327]: TexCoord3fv (offset 113) */ + "p\0" + "glTexCoord3fv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[31344]: WeightfvARB (dynamic) */ + "ip\0" + "glWeightfvARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[31362]: GetUniformBlockIndex (will be remapped) */ + "ip\0" + "glGetUniformBlockIndex\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[31389]: FogCoordfvEXT (will be remapped) */ + "p\0" + "glFogCoordfv\0" + "glFogCoordfvEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[31421]: DetachShader (will be remapped) */ + "ii\0" + "glDetachShader\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[31440]: ClearDepthf (will be remapped) */ + "f\0" + "glClearDepthf\0" + "glClearDepthfOES\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[31474]: CopyTexSubImage2D (offset 326) */ + "iiiiiiii\0" + "glCopyTexSubImage2D\0" + "glCopyTexSubImage2DEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[31527]: SampleCoverage (will be remapped) */ + "fi\0" + "glSampleCoverage\0" + "glSampleCoverageARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[31568]: GetObjectParameterivARB (will be remapped) */ + "iip\0" + "glGetObjectParameterivARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[31599]: Color3iv (offset 16) */ + "p\0" + "glColor3iv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[31613]: GlobalAlphaFactorubSUN (dynamic) */ + "i\0" + "glGlobalAlphaFactorubSUN\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[31641]: VertexAttrib4ubv (will be remapped) */ + "ip\0" + "glVertexAttrib4ubv\0" + "glVertexAttrib4ubvARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[31686]: MultiDrawArrays (will be remapped) */ + "ippi\0" + "glMultiDrawArrays\0" + "glMultiDrawArraysEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[31731]: DrawElements (offset 311) */ + "iiip\0" + "glDrawElements\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[31752]: BindVertexArrayAPPLE (will be remapped) */ + "i\0" + "glBindVertexArrayAPPLE\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[31778]: GetProgramLocalParameterdvARB (will be remapped) */ + "iip\0" + "glGetProgramLocalParameterdvARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[31815]: GetHistogramParameteriv (offset 363) */ + "iip\0" + "glGetHistogramParameteriv\0" + "glGetHistogramParameterivEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[31875]: TexGenxvOES (will be remapped) */ + "iip\0" + "glTexGenxvOES\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[31894]: PointParameteriv (will be remapped) */ + "ip\0" + "glPointParameteriv\0" + "glPointParameterivNV\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[31938]: UniformMatrix2x4fv (will be remapped) */ + "iiip\0" + "glUniformMatrix2x4fv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[31965]: SecondaryColor3d (will be remapped) */ + "ddd\0" + "glSecondaryColor3d\0" + "glSecondaryColor3dEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[32011]: GetConvolutionFilter (offset 356) */ + "iiip\0" + "glGetConvolutionFilter\0" + "glGetConvolutionFilterEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[32066]: GetProgramivARB (will be remapped) */ + "iip\0" + "glGetProgramivARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[32089]: FlushVertexArrayRangeNV (dynamic) */ + "\0" + "glFlushVertexArrayRangeNV\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[32117]: Uniform2iv (will be remapped) */ + "iip\0" + "glUniform2iv\0" + "glUniform2ivARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[32151]: GetFixedv (will be remapped) */ + "ip\0" + "glGetFixedvOES\0" + "glGetFixedv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[32182]: BindRenderbuffer (will be remapped) */ + "ii\0" + "glBindRenderbuffer\0" + "glBindRenderbufferEXT\0" + "glBindRenderbufferOES\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[32249]: ProgramParameters4dvNV (will be remapped) */ + "iiip\0" + "glProgramParameters4dvNV\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[32280]: TexCoord2fColor3fVertex3fvSUN (dynamic) */ + "ppp\0" + "glTexCoord2fColor3fVertex3fvSUN\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[32317]: EvalPoint2 (offset 239) */ + "ii\0" + "glEvalPoint2\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[32334]: EvalPoint1 (offset 237) */ + "i\0" + "glEvalPoint1\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[32350]: Binormal3dvEXT (dynamic) */ + "p\0" + "glBinormal3dvEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[32370]: PopMatrix (offset 297) */ + "\0" + "glPopMatrix\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[32384]: FinishFenceNV (dynamic) */ + "i\0" + "glFinishFenceNV\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[32403]: GetFogFuncSGIS (dynamic) */ + "p\0" + "glGetFogFuncSGIS\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[32423]: DeleteFramebuffers (will be remapped) */ + "ip\0" + "glDeleteFramebuffers\0" + "glDeleteFramebuffersEXT\0" + "glDeleteFramebuffersOES\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[32496]: SecondaryColor3fEXT (will be remapped) */ + "fff\0" + "glSecondaryColor3f\0" + "glSecondaryColor3fEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[32542]: GetTexGeniv (offset 280) */ + "iip\0" + "glGetTexGeniv\0" + "glGetTexGenivOES\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[32578]: CombinerInputNV (dynamic) */ + "iiiiii\0" + "glCombinerInputNV\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[32604]: FinishAsyncSGIX (dynamic) */ + "p\0" + "glFinishAsyncSGIX\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[32625]: FramebufferRenderbuffer (will be remapped) */ + "iiii\0" + "glFramebufferRenderbuffer\0" + "glFramebufferRenderbufferEXT\0" + "glFramebufferRenderbufferOES\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[32715]: IsProgramARB (will be remapped) */ + "i\0" + "glIsProgramARB\0" + "glIsProgramNV\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[32747]: VertexAttrib4uiv (will be remapped) */ + "ip\0" + "glVertexAttrib4uiv\0" + "glVertexAttrib4uivARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[32792]: VertexAttrib4Nsv (will be remapped) */ + "ip\0" + "glVertexAttrib4Nsv\0" + "glVertexAttrib4NsvARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[32837]: Map2d (offset 222) */ + "iddiiddiip\0" + "glMap2d\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[32857]: Map2f (offset 223) */ + "iffiiffiip\0" + "glMap2f\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[32877]: ProgramStringARB (will be remapped) */ + "iiip\0" + "glProgramStringARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[32902]: MultiTexCoord4x (will be remapped) */ + "iiiii\0" + "glMultiTexCoord4xOES\0" + "glMultiTexCoord4x\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[32948]: Vertex4s (offset 148) */ + "iiii\0" + "glVertex4s\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[32965]: TexCoord4fVertex4fvSUN (dynamic) */ + "pp\0" + "glTexCoord4fVertex4fvSUN\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[32994]: UnmapBuffer (will be remapped) */ + "i\0" + "glUnmapBuffer\0" + "glUnmapBufferARB\0" + "glUnmapBufferOES\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[33045]: MultiTexCoord4s (offset 406) */ + "iiiii\0" + "glMultiTexCoord4s\0" + "glMultiTexCoord4sARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[33091]: VertexAttribI2iEXT (will be remapped) */ + "iii\0" + "glVertexAttribI2iEXT\0" + "glVertexAttribI2i\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[33135]: Vertex4f (offset 144) */ + "ffff\0" + "glVertex4f\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[33152]: EvalCoord1d (offset 228) */ + "d\0" + "glEvalCoord1d\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[33169]: Vertex4d (offset 142) */ + "dddd\0" + "glVertex4d\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[33186]: RasterPos4dv (offset 79) */ + "p\0" + "glRasterPos4dv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[33204]: GetGraphicsResetStatusARB (will be remapped) */ + "\0" + "glGetGraphicsResetStatusARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[33234]: UseShaderProgramEXT (will be remapped) */ + "ii\0" + "glUseShaderProgramEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[33260]: VertexAttribP2uiv (will be remapped) */ + "iiip\0" + "glVertexAttribP2uiv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[33286]: VertexAttrib4bv (will be remapped) */ + "ip\0" + "glVertexAttrib4bv\0" + "glVertexAttrib4bvARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[33329]: VertexAttribs4dvNV (will be remapped) */ + "iip\0" + "glVertexAttribs4dvNV\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[33355]: GetTexGenfv (offset 279) */ + "iip\0" + "glGetTexGenfv\0" + "glGetTexGenfvOES\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[33391]: MultiTexCoord4d (offset 400) */ + "idddd\0" + "glMultiTexCoord4d\0" + "glMultiTexCoord4dARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[33437]: Vertex4i (offset 146) */ + "iiii\0" + "glVertex4i\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[33454]: VertexWeightPointerEXT (dynamic) */ + "iiip\0" + "glVertexWeightPointerEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[33485]: GetHistogram (offset 361) */ + "iiiip\0" + "glGetHistogram\0" + "glGetHistogramEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[33525]: ActiveStencilFaceEXT (will be remapped) */ + "i\0" + "glActiveStencilFaceEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[33551]: Translatex (will be remapped) */ + "iii\0" + "glTranslatexOES\0" + "glTranslatex\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[33585]: StencilFuncSeparateATI (will be remapped) */ + "iiii\0" + "glStencilFuncSeparateATI\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[33616]: Materialf (offset 169) */ + "iif\0" + "glMaterialf\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[33633]: GetnMapfvARB (will be remapped) */ + "iiip\0" + "glGetnMapfvARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[33654]: IglooInterfaceSGIX (dynamic) */ + "ip\0" + "glIglooInterfaceSGIX\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[33679]: Materiali (offset 171) */ + "iii\0" + "glMateriali\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[33696]: VertexAttrib4dNV (will be remapped) */ + "idddd\0" + "glVertexAttrib4dNV\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[33722]: MultiModeDrawElementsIBM (will be remapped) */ + "ppipii\0" + "glMultiModeDrawElementsIBM\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[33757]: Indexsv (offset 51) */ + "p\0" + "glIndexsv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[33770]: VertexAttrib1fvARB (will be remapped) */ + "ip\0" + "glVertexAttrib1fv\0" + "glVertexAttrib1fvARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[33813]: LightModelfv (offset 164) */ + "ip\0" + "glLightModelfv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[33832]: TexCoord2dv (offset 103) */ + "p\0" + "glTexCoord2dv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[33849]: ProgramParameters4fvNV (will be remapped) */ + "iiip\0" + "glProgramParameters4fvNV\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[33880]: EvalCoord1dv (offset 229) */ + "p\0" + "glEvalCoord1dv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[33898]: ReplacementCodeuiVertex3fSUN (dynamic) */ + "ifff\0" + "glReplacementCodeuiVertex3fSUN\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[33935]: MapBufferRange (will be remapped) */ + "iiii\0" + "glMapBufferRange\0" + "glMapBufferRangeEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[33978]: Translated (offset 303) */ + "ddd\0" + "glTranslated\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[33996]: Translatef (offset 304) */ + "fff\0" + "glTranslatef\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[34014]: StencilMask (offset 209) */ + "i\0" + "glStencilMask\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[34031]: Tangent3iEXT (dynamic) */ + "iii\0" + "glTangent3iEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[34051]: MultTransposeMatrixd (will be remapped) */ + "p\0" + "glMultTransposeMatrixd\0" + "glMultTransposeMatrixdARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[34103]: MultTransposeMatrixf (will be remapped) */ + "p\0" + "glMultTransposeMatrixf\0" + "glMultTransposeMatrixfARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[34155]: GetLightiv (offset 265) */ + "iip\0" + "glGetLightiv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[34173]: DrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance (will be remapped) */ + "iiipii\0" + "glDrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[34217]: IsList (offset 287) */ + "i\0" + "glIsList\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[34229]: PointSizex (will be remapped) */ + "i\0" + "glPointSizexOES\0" + "glPointSizex\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[34261]: GetnPixelMapusvARB (will be remapped) */ + "iip\0" + "glGetnPixelMapusvARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[34287]: IsSync (will be remapped) */ + "i\0" + "glIsSync\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[34299]: RenderMode (offset 196) */ + "i\0" + "glRenderMode\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[34315]: PrimitiveRestartIndex (will be remapped) */ + "i\0" + "glPrimitiveRestartIndex\0" + "glPrimitiveRestartIndexNV\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[34368]: GetMapControlPointsNV (dynamic) */ + "iiiiiip\0" + "glGetMapControlPointsNV\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[34401]: ClearBufferiv (will be remapped) */ + "iip\0" + "glClearBufferiv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[34422]: ProgramLocalParameter4fARB (will be remapped) */ + "iiffff\0" + "glProgramLocalParameter4fARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[34459]: SpriteParameterivSGIX (dynamic) */ + "ip\0" + "glSpriteParameterivSGIX\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[34487]: MultiTexCoord1fARB (offset 378) */ + "if\0" + "glMultiTexCoord1f\0" + "glMultiTexCoord1fARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[34530]: LoadName (offset 198) */ + "i\0" + "glLoadName\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[34544]: GetInternalformativ (will be remapped) */ + "iiiip\0" + "glGetInternalformativ\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[34573]: VertexAttribs4ubvNV (will be remapped) */ + "iip\0" + "glVertexAttribs4ubvNV\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[34600]: Frustumf (will be remapped) */ + "ffffff\0" + "glFrustumfOES\0" + "glFrustumf\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[34633]: WeightsvARB (dynamic) */ + "ip\0" + "glWeightsvARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[34651]: GetIntegeri_v (will be remapped) */ + "iip\0" + "glGetIntegerIndexedvEXT\0" + "glGetIntegeri_v\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[34696]: LightModelxv (will be remapped) */ + "ip\0" + "glLightModelxvOES\0" + "glLightModelxv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[34733]: IsTransformFeedback (will be remapped) */ + "i\0" + "glIsTransformFeedback\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[34758]: CopyTexSubImage1D (offset 325) */ + "iiiiii\0" + "glCopyTexSubImage1D\0" + "glCopyTexSubImage1DEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[34809]: ReplacementCodeuiColor3fVertex3fvSUN (dynamic) */ + "ppp\0" + "glReplacementCodeuiColor3fVertex3fvSUN\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[34853]: CullFace (offset 152) */ + "i\0" + "glCullFace\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[34867]: BindTexture (offset 307) */ + "ii\0" + "glBindTexture\0" + "glBindTextureEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[34902]: VertexAttribs2fvNV (will be remapped) */ + "iip\0" + "glVertexAttribs2fvNV\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[34928]: MultiTexCoord4fARB (offset 402) */ + "iffff\0" + "glMultiTexCoord4f\0" + "glMultiTexCoord4fARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[34974]: ResumeTransformFeedback (will be remapped) */ + "\0" + "glResumeTransformFeedback\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[35002]: DrawMeshArraysSUN (dynamic) */ + "iiii\0" + "glDrawMeshArraysSUN\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[35028]: SecondaryColor3i (will be remapped) */ + "iii\0" + "glSecondaryColor3i\0" + "glSecondaryColor3iEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[35074]: StencilFunc (offset 243) */ + "iii\0" + "glStencilFunc\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[35093]: CopyPixels (offset 255) */ + "iiiii\0" + "glCopyPixels\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[35113]: Rectsv (offset 93) */ + "pp\0" + "glRectsv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[35126]: WindowPos3iv (will be remapped) */ + "p\0" + "glWindowPos3iv\0" + "glWindowPos3ivARB\0" + "glWindowPos3ivMESA\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[35181]: ReplacementCodeuivSUN (dynamic) */ + "p\0" + "glReplacementCodeuivSUN\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[35208]: DrawElementsBaseVertex (will be remapped) */ + "iiipi\0" + "glDrawElementsBaseVertex\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[35240]: CopyConvolutionFilter2D (offset 355) */ + "iiiiii\0" + "glCopyConvolutionFilter2D\0" + "glCopyConvolutionFilter2DEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[35303]: ApplyTextureEXT (dynamic) */ + "i\0" + "glApplyTextureEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[35324]: CopyBufferSubData (will be remapped) */ + "iiiii\0" + "glCopyBufferSubData\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[35351]: NormalPointer (offset 318) */ + "iip\0" + "glNormalPointer\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[35372]: TexParameterfv (offset 179) */ + "iip\0" + "glTexParameterfv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[35394]: ReplacementCodeuiNormal3fVertex3fvSUN (dynamic) */ + "ppp\0" + "glReplacementCodeuiNormal3fVertex3fvSUN\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[35439]: GetCombinerOutputParameterfvNV (dynamic) */ + "iiip\0" + "glGetCombinerOutputParameterfvNV\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[35478]: WindowPos4iMESA (will be remapped) */ + "iiii\0" + "glWindowPos4iMESA\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[35502]: VertexAttrib4Nubv (will be remapped) */ + "ip\0" + "glVertexAttrib4Nubv\0" + "glVertexAttrib4NubvARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[35549]: SecondaryColor3ui (will be remapped) */ + "iii\0" + "glSecondaryColor3ui\0" + "glSecondaryColor3uiEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[35597]: VertexAttribI3uivEXT (will be remapped) */ + "ip\0" + "glVertexAttribI3uivEXT\0" + "glVertexAttribI3uiv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[35644]: UniformMatrix3x4fv (will be remapped) */ + "iiip\0" + "glUniformMatrix3x4fv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[35671]: ClipPlane (offset 150) */ + "ip\0" + "glClipPlane\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[35687]: Recti (offset 90) */ + "iiii\0" + "glRecti\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[35701]: VertexAttribI3ivEXT (will be remapped) */ + "ip\0" + "glVertexAttribI3ivEXT\0" + "glVertexAttribI3iv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[35746]: DrawRangeElementsBaseVertex (will be remapped) */ + "iiiiipi\0" + "glDrawRangeElementsBaseVertex\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[35785]: VertexAttribIPointer (will be remapped) */ + "iiiip\0" + "glVertexAttribIPointerEXT\0" + "glVertexAttribIPointer\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[35841]: SecondaryColor3usv (will be remapped) */ + "p\0" + "glSecondaryColor3usv\0" + "glSecondaryColor3usvEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[35889]: VertexP2uiv (will be remapped) */ + "ip\0" + "glVertexP2uiv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[35907]: Fogxv (will be remapped) */ + "ip\0" + "glFogxvOES\0" + "glFogxv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[35930]: MultiTexCoord3dv (offset 393) */ + "ip\0" + "glMultiTexCoord3dv\0" + "glMultiTexCoord3dvARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[35975]: WindowPos4fvMESA (will be remapped) */ + "p\0" + "glWindowPos4fvMESA\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[35997]: GetPixelMapuiv (offset 272) */ + "ip\0" + "glGetPixelMapuiv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[36018]: Rectf (offset 88) */ + "ffff\0" + "glRectf\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[36032]: VertexAttrib1sNV (will be remapped) */ + "ii\0" + "glVertexAttrib1sNV\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[36055]: Indexfv (offset 47) */ + "p\0" + "glIndexfv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[36068]: ColorP3uiv (will be remapped) */ + "ip\0" + "glColorP3uiv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[36085]: TexParameterIuiv (will be remapped) */ + "iip\0" + "glTexParameterIuivEXT\0" + "glTexParameterIuiv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[36131]: BlitFramebuffer (will be remapped) */ + "iiiiiiiiii\0" + "glBlitFramebuffer\0" + "glBlitFramebufferEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[36182]: GetPointerv (offset 329) */ + "ip\0" + "glGetPointerv\0" + "glGetPointervEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[36217]: Tangent3bEXT (dynamic) */ + "iii\0" + "glTangent3bEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[36237]: CombinerParameterfNV (dynamic) */ + "if\0" + "glCombinerParameterfNV\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[36264]: IndexMask (offset 212) */ + "i\0" + "glIndexMask\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[36279]: CreateShaderObjectARB (will be remapped) */ + "i\0" + "glCreateShaderObjectARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[36306]: ReplacementCodeuiSUN (dynamic) */ + "i\0" + "glReplacementCodeuiSUN\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[36332]: GetFloatv (offset 262) */ + "ip\0" + "glGetFloatv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[36348]: CreateDebugObjectMESA (dynamic) */ + "\0" + "glCreateDebugObjectMESA\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[36374]: CombinerOutputNV (dynamic) */ + "iiiiiiiiii\0" + "glCombinerOutputNV\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[36405]: MultiTexCoord3i (offset 396) */ + "iiii\0" + "glMultiTexCoord3i\0" + "glMultiTexCoord3iARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[36450]: GetVertexAttribIiv (will be remapped) */ + "iip\0" + "glGetVertexAttribIivEXT\0" + "glGetVertexAttribIiv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[36500]: ClientWaitSync (will be remapped) */ + "iii\0" + "glClientWaitSync\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[36522]: TexCoord4s (offset 124) */ + "iiii\0" + "glTexCoord4s\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[36541]: TexCoord3sv (offset 117) */ + "p\0" + "glTexCoord3sv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[36558]: BindFragmentShaderATI (will be remapped) */ + "i\0" + "glBindFragmentShaderATI\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[36585]: FogCoorddv (will be remapped) */ + "p\0" + "glFogCoorddv\0" + "glFogCoorddvEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[36617]: PopAttrib (offset 218) */ + "\0" + "glPopAttrib\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[36631]: Fogfv (offset 154) */ + "ip\0" + "glFogfv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[36643]: ObjectPurgeableAPPLE (will be remapped) */ + "iii\0" + "glObjectPurgeableAPPLE\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[36671]: InitNames (offset 197) */ + "\0" + "glInitNames\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[36685]: Normal3sv (offset 61) */ + "p\0" + "glNormal3sv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[36700]: Minmax (offset 368) */ + "iii\0" + "glMinmax\0" + "glMinmaxEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[36726]: BufferData (will be remapped) */ + "iipi\0" + "glBufferData\0" + "glBufferDataARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[36761]: DeleteQueries (will be remapped) */ + "ip\0" + "glDeleteQueries\0" + "glDeleteQueriesARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[36800]: TexCoord4d (offset 118) */ + "dddd\0" + "glTexCoord4d\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[36819]: IsEnabledi (will be remapped) */ + "ii\0" + "glIsEnabledIndexedEXT\0" + "glIsEnabledi\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[36858]: TexCoord4f (offset 120) */ + "ffff\0" + "glTexCoord4f\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[36877]: Uniform3ui (will be remapped) */ + "iiii\0" + "glUniform3uiEXT\0" + "glUniform3ui\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[36912]: InvalidateFramebuffer (will be remapped) */ + "iip\0" + "glInvalidateFramebuffer\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[36941]: GetFragmentMaterialfvSGIX (dynamic) */ + "iip\0" + "glGetFragmentMaterialfvSGIX\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[36974]: Binormal3fvEXT (dynamic) */ + "p\0" + "glBinormal3fvEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[36994]: GetBooleanv (offset 258) */ + "ip\0" + "glGetBooleanv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[37012]: ColorFragmentOp3ATI (will be remapped) */ + "iiiiiiiiiiiii\0" + "glColorFragmentOp3ATI\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[37049]: Hint (offset 158) */ + "ii\0" + "glHint\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[37060]: LoadIdentityDeformationMapSGIX (dynamic) */ + "i\0" + "glLoadIdentityDeformationMapSGIX\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[37096]: Color4dv (offset 28) */ + "p\0" + "glColor4dv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[37110]: IsAsyncMarkerSGIX (dynamic) */ + "i\0" + "glIsAsyncMarkerSGIX\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[37133]: AreProgramsResidentNV (will be remapped) */ + "ipp\0" + "glAreProgramsResidentNV\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[37162]: DisableVertexAttribArray (will be remapped) */ + "i\0" + "glDisableVertexAttribArray\0" + "glDisableVertexAttribArrayARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[37222]: CopyColorSubTable (offset 347) */ + "iiiii\0" + "glCopyColorSubTable\0" + "glCopyColorSubTableEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[37272]: WeightdvARB (dynamic) */ + "ip\0" + "glWeightdvARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[37290]: PollInstrumentsSGIX (dynamic) */ + "p\0" + "glPollInstrumentsSGIX\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[37315]: VertexAttrib3dvNV (will be remapped) */ + "ip\0" + "glVertexAttrib3dvNV\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[37339]: GetObjectParameterfvARB (will be remapped) */ + "iip\0" + "glGetObjectParameterfvARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[37370]: Vertex4iv (offset 147) */ + "p\0" + "glVertex4iv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[37385]: BufferSubData (will be remapped) */ + "iiip\0" + "glBufferSubData\0" + "glBufferSubDataARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[37426]: TexCoord4dv (offset 119) */ + "p\0" + "glTexCoord4dv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[37443]: LockArraysEXT (will be remapped) */ + "ii\0" + "glLockArraysEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[37463]: Begin (offset 7) */ + "i\0" + "glBegin\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[37474]: LightModeli (offset 165) */ + "ii\0" + "glLightModeli\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[37492]: FogCoordPointerListIBM (dynamic) */ + "iipi\0" + "glFogCoordPointerListIBM\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[37523]: ClearColorIiEXT (will be remapped) */ + "iiii\0" + "glClearColorIiEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[37547]: Rectfv (offset 89) */ + "pp\0" + "glRectfv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[37560]: ClipPlanex (will be remapped) */ + "ip\0" + "glClipPlanexOES\0" + "glClipPlanex\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[37593]: Uniform4f (will be remapped) */ + "iffff\0" + "glUniform4f\0" + "glUniform4fARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[37627]: LightModelf (offset 163) */ + "if\0" + "glLightModelf\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[37645]: GetTexParameterfv (offset 282) */ + "iip\0" + "glGetTexParameterfv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[37670]: GetLightfv (offset 264) */ + "iip\0" + "glGetLightfv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[37688]: PixelTransformParameterivEXT (dynamic) */ + "iip\0" + "glPixelTransformParameterivEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[37724]: BinormalPointerEXT (dynamic) */ + "iip\0" + "glBinormalPointerEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[37750]: VertexP4uiv (will be remapped) */ + "ip\0" + "glVertexP4uiv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[37768]: GetCombinerInputParameterivNV (dynamic) */ + "iiiip\0" + "glGetCombinerInputParameterivNV\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[37807]: Disable (offset 214) */ + "i\0" + "glDisable\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[37820]: ClipPlanef (will be remapped) */ + "ip\0" + "glClipPlanefOES\0" + "glClipPlanef\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[37853]: MultiTexCoord2fvARB (offset 387) */ + "ip\0" + "glMultiTexCoord2fv\0" + "glMultiTexCoord2fvARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[37898]: SecondaryColorPointer (will be remapped) */ + "iiip\0" + "glSecondaryColorPointer\0" + "glSecondaryColorPointerEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[37955]: DrawArrays (offset 310) */ + "iii\0" + "glDrawArrays\0" + "glDrawArraysEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[37989]: WeightuivARB (dynamic) */ + "ip\0" + "glWeightuivARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[38008]: GetnTexImageARB (will be remapped) */ + "iiiiip\0" + "glGetnTexImageARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[38034]: ColorMask (offset 210) */ + "iiii\0" + "glColorMask\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[38052]: GenAsyncMarkersSGIX (dynamic) */ + "i\0" + "glGenAsyncMarkersSGIX\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[38077]: Materialxv (will be remapped) */ + "iip\0" + "glMaterialxvOES\0" + "glMaterialxv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[38111]: DebugMessageInsertARB (will be remapped) */ + "iiiiip\0" + "glDebugMessageInsertARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[38143]: GetListParameterivSGIX (dynamic) */ + "iip\0" + "glGetListParameterivSGIX\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[38173]: GetInfoLogARB (will be remapped) */ + "iipp\0" + "glGetInfoLogARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[38195]: RasterPos4iv (offset 83) */ + "p\0" + "glRasterPos4iv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[38213]: Enable (offset 215) */ + "i\0" + "glEnable\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[38225]: GetRenderbufferParameteriv (will be remapped) */ + "iip\0" + "glGetRenderbufferParameteriv\0" + "glGetRenderbufferParameterivEXT\0" + "glGetRenderbufferParameterivOES\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[38323]: LineStipple (offset 167) */ + "ii\0" + "glLineStipple\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[38341]: VertexWeightfEXT (dynamic) */ + "f\0" + "glVertexWeightfEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[38363]: SetFenceNV (dynamic) */ + "ii\0" + "glSetFenceNV\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[38380]: VertexAttribs4svNV (will be remapped) */ + "iip\0" + "glVertexAttribs4svNV\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[38406]: GenRenderbuffers (will be remapped) */ + "ip\0" + "glGenRenderbuffers\0" + "glGenRenderbuffersEXT\0" + "glGenRenderbuffersOES\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[38473]: EdgeFlagPointerListIBM (dynamic) */ + "ipi\0" + "glEdgeFlagPointerListIBM\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[38503]: UniformMatrix4fv (will be remapped) */ + "iiip\0" + "glUniformMatrix4fv\0" + "glUniformMatrix4fvARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[38550]: UniformMatrix3x2fv (will be remapped) */ + "iiip\0" + "glUniformMatrix3x2fv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[38577]: GetMinmaxParameterfv (offset 365) */ + "iip\0" + "glGetMinmaxParameterfv\0" + "glGetMinmaxParameterfvEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[38631]: VertexAttrib4Nuiv (will be remapped) */ + "ip\0" + "glVertexAttrib4Nuiv\0" + "glVertexAttrib4NuivARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[38678]: ClientActiveTexture (offset 375) */ + "i\0" + "glClientActiveTexture\0" + "glClientActiveTextureARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[38728]: WindowPos2sv (will be remapped) */ + "p\0" + "glWindowPos2sv\0" + "glWindowPos2svARB\0" + "glWindowPos2svMESA\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[38783]: Vertex3fv (offset 137) */ + "p\0" + "glVertex3fv\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[38798]: GetUniformIndices (will be remapped) */ + "iipp\0" + "glGetUniformIndices\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[38824]: GetTexBumpParameterivATI (will be remapped) */ + "ip\0" + "glGetTexBumpParameterivATI\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[38855]: SecondaryColor3sv (will be remapped) */ + "p\0" + "glSecondaryColor3sv\0" + "glSecondaryColor3svEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[38901]: Fogx (will be remapped) */ + "ii\0" + "glFogxOES\0" + "glFogx\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[38922]: Binormal3bEXT (dynamic) */ + "iii\0" + "glBinormal3bEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[38943]: FragmentMaterialivSGIX (dynamic) */ + "iip\0" + "glFragmentMaterialivSGIX\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[38973]: WaitSync (will be remapped) */ + "iii\0" + "glWaitSync\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[38989]: CombinerParameterivNV (dynamic) */ + "ip\0" + "glCombinerParameterivNV\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[39017]: WindowPos4dvMESA (will be remapped) */ + "p\0" + "glWindowPos4dvMESA\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[39039]: MultiTexCoord2sv (offset 391) */ + "ip\0" + "glMultiTexCoord2sv\0" + "glMultiTexCoord2svARB\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[39084]: DeformationMap3dSGIX (dynamic) */ + "iddiiddiiddiip\0" + "glDeformationMap3dSGIX\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[39123]: EndFragmentShaderATI (will be remapped) */ + "\0" + "glEndFragmentShaderATI\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[39148]: Binormal3iEXT (dynamic) */ + "iii\0" + "glBinormal3iEXT\0" + "\0" + /* _mesa_function_pool[39169]: Uniform4iv (will be remapped) */ + "iip\0" + "glUniform4iv\0" + "glUniform4ivARB\0" + "\0" + ; + +/* these functions need to be remapped */ +static const struct gl_function_pool_remap MESA_remap_table_functions[] = { + { 25512, CompressedTexImage1D_remap_index }, + { 16415, CompressedTexImage2D_remap_index }, + { 2949, CompressedTexImage3D_remap_index }, + { 7592, CompressedTexSubImage1D_remap_index }, + { 3999, CompressedTexSubImage2D_remap_index }, + { 30198, CompressedTexSubImage3D_remap_index }, + { 14855, GetCompressedTexImage_remap_index }, + { 22525, LoadTransposeMatrixd_remap_index }, + { 22473, LoadTransposeMatrixf_remap_index }, + { 34051, MultTransposeMatrixd_remap_index }, + { 34103, MultTransposeMatrixf_remap_index }, + { 31527, SampleCoverage_remap_index }, + { 11676, BlendFuncSeparate_remap_index }, + { 13833, FogCoordPointer_remap_index }, + { 16718, FogCoordd_remap_index }, + { 36585, FogCoorddv_remap_index }, + { 31686, MultiDrawArrays_remap_index }, + { 26224, PointParameterf_remap_index }, + { 17546, PointParameterfv_remap_index }, + { 26182, PointParameteri_remap_index }, + { 31894, PointParameteriv_remap_index }, + { 18510, SecondaryColor3b_remap_index }, + { 15239, SecondaryColor3bv_remap_index }, + { 31965, SecondaryColor3d_remap_index }, + { 3260, SecondaryColor3dv_remap_index }, + { 35028, SecondaryColor3i_remap_index }, + { 21316, SecondaryColor3iv_remap_index }, + { 18217, SecondaryColor3s_remap_index }, + { 38855, SecondaryColor3sv_remap_index }, + { 15766, SecondaryColor3ub_remap_index }, + { 26134, SecondaryColor3ubv_remap_index }, + { 35549, SecondaryColor3ui_remap_index }, + { 4181, SecondaryColor3uiv_remap_index }, + { 14064, SecondaryColor3us_remap_index }, + { 35841, SecondaryColor3usv_remap_index }, + { 37898, SecondaryColorPointer_remap_index }, + { 2153, WindowPos2d_remap_index }, + { 19034, WindowPos2dv_remap_index }, + { 2081, WindowPos2f_remap_index }, + { 1568, WindowPos2fv_remap_index }, + { 16109, WindowPos2i_remap_index }, + { 23458, WindowPos2iv_remap_index }, + { 2483, WindowPos2s_remap_index }, + { 38728, WindowPos2sv_remap_index }, + { 15625, WindowPos3d_remap_index }, + { 13701, WindowPos3dv_remap_index }, + { 15712, WindowPos3f_remap_index }, + { 31110, WindowPos3fv_remap_index }, + { 18456, WindowPos3i_remap_index }, + { 35126, WindowPos3iv_remap_index }, + { 16162, WindowPos3s_remap_index }, + { 7024, WindowPos3sv_remap_index }, + { 22963, BeginQuery_remap_index }, + { 12283, BindBuffer_remap_index }, + { 36726, BufferData_remap_index }, + { 37385, BufferSubData_remap_index }, + { 27419, DeleteBuffers_remap_index }, + { 36761, DeleteQueries_remap_index }, + { 28320, EndQuery_remap_index }, + { 24962, GenBuffers_remap_index }, + { 2800, GenQueries_remap_index }, + { 18803, GetBufferParameteriv_remap_index }, + { 30645, GetBufferPointerv_remap_index }, + { 27552, GetBufferSubData_remap_index }, + { 29892, GetQueryObjectiv_remap_index }, + { 27924, GetQueryObjectuiv_remap_index }, + { 3787, GetQueryiv_remap_index }, + { 23601, IsBuffer_remap_index }, + { 20486, IsQuery_remap_index }, + { 4360, MapBuffer_remap_index }, + { 32994, UnmapBuffer_remap_index }, + { 1311, AttachShader_remap_index }, + { 6447, BindAttribLocation_remap_index }, + { 25157, BlendEquationSeparate_remap_index }, + { 22344, CompileShader_remap_index }, + { 11598, CreateProgram_remap_index }, + { 26576, CreateShader_remap_index }, + { 29482, DeleteProgram_remap_index }, + { 30059, DeleteShader_remap_index }, + { 31421, DetachShader_remap_index }, + { 37162, DisableVertexAttribArray_remap_index }, + { 12846, DrawBuffers_remap_index }, + { 25830, EnableVertexAttribArray_remap_index }, + { 9027, GetActiveAttrib_remap_index }, + { 27369, GetActiveUniform_remap_index }, + { 21030, GetAttachedShaders_remap_index }, + { 16961, GetAttribLocation_remap_index }, + { 6027, GetProgramInfoLog_remap_index }, + { 318, GetProgramiv_remap_index }, + { 14325, GetShaderInfoLog_remap_index }, + { 27108, GetShaderSource_remap_index }, + { 1637, GetShaderiv_remap_index }, + { 23391, GetUniformLocation_remap_index }, + { 7288, GetUniformfv_remap_index }, + { 7756, GetUniformiv_remap_index }, + { 19748, GetVertexAttribPointerv_remap_index }, + { 24717, GetVertexAttribdv_remap_index }, + { 2232, GetVertexAttribfv_remap_index }, + { 12647, GetVertexAttribiv_remap_index }, + { 15224, IsProgram_remap_index }, + { 7406, IsShader_remap_index }, + { 21589, LinkProgram_remap_index }, + { 11800, ShaderSource_remap_index }, + { 11772, StencilFuncSeparate_remap_index }, + { 4334, StencilMaskSeparate_remap_index }, + { 9451, StencilOpSeparate_remap_index }, + { 21670, Uniform1f_remap_index }, + { 30531, Uniform1fv_remap_index }, + { 21796, Uniform1i_remap_index }, + { 30941, Uniform1iv_remap_index }, + { 30124, Uniform2f_remap_index }, + { 785, Uniform2fv_remap_index }, + { 30377, Uniform2i_remap_index }, + { 32117, Uniform2iv_remap_index }, + { 3111, Uniform3f_remap_index }, + { 12942, Uniform3fv_remap_index }, + { 18329, Uniform3i_remap_index }, + { 16879, Uniform3iv_remap_index }, + { 37593, Uniform4f_remap_index }, + { 5544, Uniform4fv_remap_index }, + { 16336, Uniform4i_remap_index }, + { 39169, Uniform4iv_remap_index }, + { 3144, UniformMatrix2fv_remap_index }, + { 3513, UniformMatrix3fv_remap_index }, + { 38503, UniformMatrix4fv_remap_index }, + { 22279, UseProgram_remap_index }, + { 8588, ValidateProgram_remap_index }, + { 25471, VertexAttrib1d_remap_index }, + { 13562, VertexAttrib1dv_remap_index }, + { 25789, VertexAttrib1s_remap_index }, + { 1768, VertexAttrib1sv_remap_index }, + { 30156, VertexAttrib2d_remap_index }, + { 5913, VertexAttrib2dv_remap_index }, + { 29938, VertexAttrib2s_remap_index }, + { 12339, VertexAttrib2sv_remap_index }, + { 3846, VertexAttrib3d_remap_index }, + { 531, VertexAttrib3dv_remap_index }, + { 23062, VertexAttrib3s_remap_index }, + { 20443, VertexAttrib3sv_remap_index }, + { 4447, VertexAttrib4Nbv_remap_index }, + { 21423, VertexAttrib4Niv_remap_index }, + { 32792, VertexAttrib4Nsv_remap_index }, + { 5402, VertexAttrib4Nub_remap_index }, + { 35502, VertexAttrib4Nubv_remap_index }, + { 38631, VertexAttrib4Nuiv_remap_index }, + { 5956, VertexAttrib4Nusv_remap_index }, + { 33286, VertexAttrib4bv_remap_index }, + { 21879, VertexAttrib4d_remap_index }, + { 20807, VertexAttrib4dv_remap_index }, + { 17148, VertexAttrib4iv_remap_index }, + { 22153, VertexAttrib4s_remap_index }, + { 28823, VertexAttrib4sv_remap_index }, + { 31641, VertexAttrib4ubv_remap_index }, + { 32747, VertexAttrib4uiv_remap_index }, + { 5154, VertexAttrib4usv_remap_index }, + { 18077, VertexAttribPointer_remap_index }, + { 25685, UniformMatrix2x3fv_remap_index }, + { 31938, UniformMatrix2x4fv_remap_index }, + { 38550, UniformMatrix3x2fv_remap_index }, + { 35644, UniformMatrix3x4fv_remap_index }, + { 18402, UniformMatrix4x2fv_remap_index }, + { 3591, UniformMatrix4x3fv_remap_index }, + { 19954, BeginConditionalRender_remap_index }, + { 8827, BeginTransformFeedback_remap_index }, + { 6591, BindBufferBase_remap_index }, + { 29530, BindBufferRange_remap_index }, + { 1811, BindFragDataLocation_remap_index }, + { 6357, ClampColor_remap_index }, + { 6831, ClearBufferfi_remap_index }, + { 20512, ClearBufferfv_remap_index }, + { 34401, ClearBufferiv_remap_index }, + { 15391, ClearBufferuiv_remap_index }, + { 8985, ColorMaski_remap_index }, + { 28701, Disablei_remap_index }, + { 15679, Enablei_remap_index }, + { 8136, EndConditionalRender_remap_index }, + { 27820, EndTransformFeedback_remap_index }, + { 16549, GetBooleani_v_remap_index }, + { 22775, GetFragDataLocation_remap_index }, + { 34651, GetIntegeri_v_remap_index }, + { 23329, GetStringi_remap_index }, + { 28917, GetTexParameterIiv_remap_index }, + { 13356, GetTexParameterIuiv_remap_index }, + { 5729, GetTransformFeedbackVarying_remap_index }, + { 9866, GetUniformuiv_remap_index }, + { 36450, GetVertexAttribIiv_remap_index }, + { 2868, GetVertexAttribIuiv_remap_index }, + { 36819, IsEnabledi_remap_index }, + { 10268, TexParameterIiv_remap_index }, + { 36085, TexParameterIuiv_remap_index }, + { 20378, TransformFeedbackVaryings_remap_index }, + { 15437, Uniform1ui_remap_index }, + { 16785, Uniform1uiv_remap_index }, + { 23909, Uniform2ui_remap_index }, + { 15313, Uniform2uiv_remap_index }, + { 36877, Uniform3ui_remap_index }, + { 29224, Uniform3uiv_remap_index }, + { 4595, Uniform4ui_remap_index }, + { 25029, Uniform4uiv_remap_index }, + { 7185, VertexAttribI1iv_remap_index }, + { 20066, VertexAttribI1uiv_remap_index }, + { 4984, VertexAttribI4bv_remap_index }, + { 8684, VertexAttribI4sv_remap_index }, + { 23682, VertexAttribI4ubv_remap_index }, + { 1865, VertexAttribI4usv_remap_index }, + { 35785, VertexAttribIPointer_remap_index }, + { 34315, PrimitiveRestartIndex_remap_index }, + { 390, TexBuffer_remap_index }, + { 6153, FramebufferTexture_remap_index }, + { 30485, GetBufferParameteri64v_remap_index }, + { 11839, GetInteger64i_v_remap_index }, + { 3715, VertexAttribDivisor_remap_index }, + { 27153, BindProgramARB_remap_index }, + { 31203, DeleteProgramsARB_remap_index }, + { 15843, GenProgramsARB_remap_index }, + { 11474, GetProgramEnvParameterdvARB_remap_index }, + { 27283, GetProgramEnvParameterfvARB_remap_index }, + { 31778, GetProgramLocalParameterdvARB_remap_index }, + { 9782, GetProgramLocalParameterfvARB_remap_index }, + { 21495, GetProgramStringARB_remap_index }, + { 32066, GetProgramivARB_remap_index }, + { 32715, IsProgramARB_remap_index }, + { 22661, ProgramEnvParameter4dARB_remap_index }, + { 29151, ProgramEnvParameter4dvARB_remap_index }, + { 19443, ProgramEnvParameter4fARB_remap_index }, + { 10693, ProgramEnvParameter4fvARB_remap_index }, + { 4492, ProgramLocalParameter4dARB_remap_index }, + { 14935, ProgramLocalParameter4dvARB_remap_index }, + { 34422, ProgramLocalParameter4fARB_remap_index }, + { 29980, ProgramLocalParameter4fvARB_remap_index }, + { 32877, ProgramStringARB_remap_index }, + { 4790, VertexAttrib1fARB_remap_index }, + { 33770, VertexAttrib1fvARB_remap_index }, + { 1417, VertexAttrib2fARB_remap_index }, + { 9709, VertexAttrib2fvARB_remap_index }, + { 1525, VertexAttrib3fARB_remap_index }, + { 25997, VertexAttrib3fvARB_remap_index }, + { 13152, VertexAttrib4fARB_remap_index }, + { 13519, VertexAttrib4fvARB_remap_index }, + { 9978, AttachObjectARB_remap_index }, + { 3486, CreateProgramObjectARB_remap_index }, + { 36279, CreateShaderObjectARB_remap_index }, + { 16474, DeleteObjectARB_remap_index }, + { 27778, DetachObjectARB_remap_index }, + { 11087, GetAttachedObjectsARB_remap_index }, + { 11362, GetHandleARB_remap_index }, + { 38173, GetInfoLogARB_remap_index }, + { 37339, GetObjectParameterfvARB_remap_index }, + { 31568, GetObjectParameterivARB_remap_index }, + { 20904, DrawArraysInstancedARB_remap_index }, + { 8006, DrawElementsInstancedARB_remap_index }, + { 11534, BindFramebuffer_remap_index }, + { 32182, BindRenderbuffer_remap_index }, + { 36131, BlitFramebuffer_remap_index }, + { 26929, CheckFramebufferStatus_remap_index }, + { 32423, DeleteFramebuffers_remap_index }, + { 4863, DeleteRenderbuffers_remap_index }, + { 32625, FramebufferRenderbuffer_remap_index }, + { 1361, FramebufferTexture1D_remap_index }, + { 26717, FramebufferTexture2D_remap_index }, + { 18556, FramebufferTexture3D_remap_index }, + { 14234, FramebufferTextureLayer_remap_index }, + { 24898, GenFramebuffers_remap_index }, + { 38406, GenRenderbuffers_remap_index }, + { 29260, GenerateMipmap_remap_index }, + { 19543, GetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv_remap_index }, + { 38225, GetRenderbufferParameteriv_remap_index }, + { 25065, IsFramebuffer_remap_index }, + { 13989, IsRenderbuffer_remap_index }, + { 2551, RenderbufferStorage_remap_index }, + { 15040, RenderbufferStorageMultisample_remap_index }, + { 29842, FramebufferTextureFaceARB_remap_index }, + { 19340, FlushMappedBufferRange_remap_index }, + { 33935, MapBufferRange_remap_index }, + { 18686, BindVertexArray_remap_index }, + { 24048, DeleteVertexArrays_remap_index }, + { 23747, GenVertexArrays_remap_index }, + { 20582, IsVertexArray_remap_index }, + { 13408, GetActiveUniformBlockName_remap_index }, + { 6254, GetActiveUniformBlockiv_remap_index }, + { 30911, GetActiveUniformName_remap_index }, + { 12254, GetActiveUniformsiv_remap_index }, + { 31362, GetUniformBlockIndex_remap_index }, + { 38798, GetUniformIndices_remap_index }, + { 5845, UniformBlockBinding_remap_index }, + { 35324, CopyBufferSubData_remap_index }, + { 36500, ClientWaitSync_remap_index }, + { 2784, DeleteSync_remap_index }, + { 8883, FenceSync_remap_index }, + { 17303, GetInteger64v_remap_index }, + { 26091, GetSynciv_remap_index }, + { 34287, IsSync_remap_index }, + { 38973, WaitSync_remap_index }, + { 35208, DrawElementsBaseVertex_remap_index }, + { 21547, DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex_remap_index }, + { 35746, DrawRangeElementsBaseVertex_remap_index }, + { 30409, MultiDrawElementsBaseVertex_remap_index }, + { 18923, ProvokingVertex_remap_index }, + { 29638, BlendEquationSeparateiARB_remap_index }, + { 20698, BlendEquationiARB_remap_index }, + { 14466, BlendFuncSeparateiARB_remap_index }, + { 11431, BlendFunciARB_remap_index }, + { 6497, BindFragDataLocationIndexed_remap_index }, + { 14627, GetFragDataIndex_remap_index }, + { 9848, BindSampler_remap_index }, + { 4769, DeleteSamplers_remap_index }, + { 9581, GenSamplers_remap_index }, + { 16275, GetSamplerParameterIiv_remap_index }, + { 22197, GetSamplerParameterIuiv_remap_index }, + { 5884, GetSamplerParameterfv_remap_index }, + { 29501, GetSamplerParameteriv_remap_index }, + { 16305, IsSampler_remap_index }, + { 18639, SamplerParameterIiv_remap_index }, + { 6070, SamplerParameterIuiv_remap_index }, + { 25737, SamplerParameterf_remap_index }, + { 18965, SamplerParameterfv_remap_index }, + { 25712, SamplerParameteri_remap_index }, + { 16913, SamplerParameteriv_remap_index }, + { 6204, GetQueryObjecti64v_remap_index }, + { 338, GetQueryObjectui64v_remap_index }, + { 7656, QueryCounter_remap_index }, + { 16370, ColorP3ui_remap_index }, + { 36068, ColorP3uiv_remap_index }, + { 23846, ColorP4ui_remap_index }, + { 15349, ColorP4uiv_remap_index }, + { 11062, MultiTexCoordP1ui_remap_index }, + { 14440, MultiTexCoordP1uiv_remap_index }, + { 20219, MultiTexCoordP2ui_remap_index }, + { 14559, MultiTexCoordP2uiv_remap_index }, + { 15880, MultiTexCoordP3ui_remap_index }, + { 12064, MultiTexCoordP3uiv_remap_index }, + { 25344, MultiTexCoordP4ui_remap_index }, + { 15505, MultiTexCoordP4uiv_remap_index }, + { 12013, NormalP3ui_remap_index }, + { 22015, NormalP3uiv_remap_index }, + { 28583, SecondaryColorP3ui_remap_index }, + { 22033, SecondaryColorP3uiv_remap_index }, + { 819, TexCoordP1ui_remap_index }, + { 2419, TexCoordP1uiv_remap_index }, + { 16766, TexCoordP2ui_remap_index }, + { 12739, TexCoordP2uiv_remap_index }, + { 14399, TexCoordP3ui_remap_index }, + { 24182, TexCoordP3uiv_remap_index }, + { 1713, TexCoordP4ui_remap_index }, + { 6708, TexCoordP4uiv_remap_index }, + { 14771, VertexAttribP1ui_remap_index }, + { 15198, VertexAttribP1uiv_remap_index }, + { 9556, VertexAttribP2ui_remap_index }, + { 33260, VertexAttribP2uiv_remap_index }, + { 5493, VertexAttribP3ui_remap_index }, + { 30336, VertexAttribP3uiv_remap_index }, + { 16216, VertexAttribP4ui_remap_index }, + { 18166, VertexAttribP4uiv_remap_index }, + { 6053, VertexP2ui_remap_index }, + { 35889, VertexP2uiv_remap_index }, + { 3344, VertexP3ui_remap_index }, + { 23044, VertexP3uiv_remap_index }, + { 11045, VertexP4ui_remap_index }, + { 37750, VertexP4uiv_remap_index }, + { 6533, BindTransformFeedback_remap_index }, + { 11889, DeleteTransformFeedbacks_remap_index }, + { 7978, DrawTransformFeedback_remap_index }, + { 11252, GenTransformFeedbacks_remap_index }, + { 34733, IsTransformFeedback_remap_index }, + { 30032, PauseTransformFeedback_remap_index }, + { 34974, ResumeTransformFeedback_remap_index }, + { 2439, BeginQueryIndexed_remap_index }, + { 27013, DrawTransformFeedbackStream_remap_index }, + { 17430, EndQueryIndexed_remap_index }, + { 274, GetQueryIndexediv_remap_index }, + { 31440, ClearDepthf_remap_index }, + { 8287, DepthRangef_remap_index }, + { 16495, GetShaderPrecisionFormat_remap_index }, + { 11616, ReleaseShaderCompiler_remap_index }, + { 12717, ShaderBinary_remap_index }, + { 18755, GetProgramBinary_remap_index }, + { 4529, ProgramBinary_remap_index }, + { 5106, ProgramParameteri_remap_index }, + { 1148, DebugMessageCallbackARB_remap_index }, + { 11380, DebugMessageControlARB_remap_index }, + { 38111, DebugMessageInsertARB_remap_index }, + { 3035, GetDebugMessageLogARB_remap_index }, + { 33204, GetGraphicsResetStatusARB_remap_index }, + { 28422, GetnColorTableARB_remap_index }, + { 9630, GetnCompressedTexImageARB_remap_index }, + { 4229, GetnConvolutionFilterARB_remap_index }, + { 17858, GetnHistogramARB_remap_index }, + { 27190, GetnMapdvARB_remap_index }, + { 33633, GetnMapfvARB_remap_index }, + { 2040, GetnMapivARB_remap_index }, + { 19893, GetnMinmaxARB_remap_index }, + { 13626, GetnPixelMapfvARB_remap_index }, + { 22127, GetnPixelMapuivARB_remap_index }, + { 34261, GetnPixelMapusvARB_remap_index }, + { 1070, GetnPolygonStippleARB_remap_index }, + { 24501, GetnSeparableFilterARB_remap_index }, + { 38008, GetnTexImageARB_remap_index }, + { 21522, GetnUniformdvARB_remap_index }, + { 8914, GetnUniformfvARB_remap_index }, + { 11509, GetnUniformivARB_remap_index }, + { 25953, GetnUniformuivARB_remap_index }, + { 3191, ReadnPixelsARB_remap_index }, + { 21950, DrawArraysInstancedBaseInstance_remap_index }, + { 34173, DrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance_remap_index }, + { 9379, DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance_remap_index }, + { 6853, DrawTransformFeedbackInstanced_remap_index }, + { 9664, DrawTransformFeedbackStreamInstanced_remap_index }, + { 34544, GetInternalformativ_remap_index }, + { 1003, TexStorage1D_remap_index }, + { 5046, TexStorage2D_remap_index }, + { 18379, TexStorage3D_remap_index }, + { 5347, TextureStorage1DEXT_remap_index }, + { 6561, TextureStorage2DEXT_remap_index }, + { 1330, TextureStorage3DEXT_remap_index }, + { 24536, InvalidateBufferData_remap_index }, + { 18298, InvalidateBufferSubData_remap_index }, + { 36912, InvalidateFramebuffer_remap_index }, + { 23810, InvalidateSubFramebuffer_remap_index }, + { 4570, InvalidateTexImage_remap_index }, + { 13258, InvalidateTexSubImage_remap_index }, + { 6909, PolygonOffsetEXT_remap_index }, + { 14366, DrawTexfOES_remap_index }, + { 11413, DrawTexfvOES_remap_index }, + { 3306, DrawTexiOES_remap_index }, + { 21362, DrawTexivOES_remap_index }, + { 23888, DrawTexsOES_remap_index }, + { 22085, DrawTexsvOES_remap_index }, + { 1459, DrawTexxOES_remap_index }, + { 12415, DrawTexxvOES_remap_index }, + { 2333, PointSizePointerOES_remap_index }, + { 12695, QueryMatrixxOES_remap_index }, + { 29753, SampleMaskSGIS_remap_index }, + { 21057, SamplePatternSGIS_remap_index }, + { 22996, ColorPointerEXT_remap_index }, + { 20556, EdgeFlagPointerEXT_remap_index }, + { 7161, IndexPointerEXT_remap_index }, + { 7731, NormalPointerEXT_remap_index }, + { 17926, TexCoordPointerEXT_remap_index }, + { 8630, VertexPointerEXT_remap_index }, + { 37443, LockArraysEXT_remap_index }, + { 25570, UnlockArraysEXT_remap_index }, + { 32496, SecondaryColor3fEXT_remap_index }, + { 21252, SecondaryColor3fvEXT_remap_index }, + { 24348, MultiDrawElementsEXT_remap_index }, + { 5609, FogCoordfEXT_remap_index }, + { 31389, FogCoordfvEXT_remap_index }, + { 14418, ResizeBuffersMESA_remap_index }, + { 12822, WindowPos4dMESA_remap_index }, + { 39017, WindowPos4dvMESA_remap_index }, + { 16023, WindowPos4fMESA_remap_index }, + { 35975, WindowPos4fvMESA_remap_index }, + { 35478, WindowPos4iMESA_remap_index }, + { 14212, WindowPos4ivMESA_remap_index }, + { 22103, WindowPos4sMESA_remap_index }, + { 3464, WindowPos4svMESA_remap_index }, + { 22396, MultiModeDrawArraysIBM_remap_index }, + { 33722, MultiModeDrawElementsIBM_remap_index }, + { 37133, AreProgramsResidentNV_remap_index }, + { 24643, ExecuteProgramNV_remap_index }, + { 19089, GetProgramParameterdvNV_remap_index }, + { 12222, GetProgramParameterfvNV_remap_index }, + { 30310, GetProgramStringNV_remap_index }, + { 28150, GetProgramivNV_remap_index }, + { 27318, GetTrackMatrixivNV_remap_index }, + { 11862, GetVertexAttribdvNV_remap_index }, + { 21923, GetVertexAttribfvNV_remap_index }, + { 21468, GetVertexAttribivNV_remap_index }, + { 11011, LoadProgramNV_remap_index }, + { 32249, ProgramParameters4dvNV_remap_index }, + { 33849, ProgramParameters4fvNV_remap_index }, + { 24150, RequestResidentProgramsNV_remap_index }, + { 509, TrackMatrixNV_remap_index }, + { 12600, VertexAttrib1dNV_remap_index }, + { 15413, VertexAttrib1dvNV_remap_index }, + { 29790, VertexAttrib1fNV_remap_index }, + { 23943, VertexAttrib1fvNV_remap_index }, + { 36032, VertexAttrib1sNV_remap_index }, + { 26110, VertexAttrib1svNV_remap_index }, + { 6003, VertexAttrib2dNV_remap_index }, + { 22255, VertexAttrib2dvNV_remap_index }, + { 23629, VertexAttrib2fNV_remap_index }, + { 14911, VertexAttrib2fvNV_remap_index }, + { 7502, VertexAttrib2sNV_remap_index }, + { 21991, VertexAttrib2svNV_remap_index }, + { 13033, VertexAttrib3dNV_remap_index }, + { 37315, VertexAttrib3dvNV_remap_index }, + { 19121, VertexAttrib3fNV_remap_index }, + { 28449, VertexAttrib3fvNV_remap_index }, + { 27211, VertexAttrib3sNV_remap_index }, + { 27345, VertexAttrib3svNV_remap_index }, + { 33696, VertexAttrib4dNV_remap_index }, + { 12623, VertexAttrib4dvNV_remap_index }, + { 5276, VertexAttrib4fNV_remap_index }, + { 22939, VertexAttrib4fvNV_remap_index }, + { 30821, VertexAttrib4sNV_remap_index }, + { 1178, VertexAttrib4svNV_remap_index }, + { 6286, VertexAttrib4ubNV_remap_index }, + { 625, VertexAttrib4ubvNV_remap_index }, + { 24867, VertexAttribPointerNV_remap_index }, + { 2206, VertexAttribs1dvNV_remap_index }, + { 22059, VertexAttribs1fvNV_remap_index }, + { 23862, VertexAttribs1svNV_remap_index }, + { 12090, VertexAttribs2dvNV_remap_index }, + { 34902, VertexAttribs2fvNV_remap_index }, + { 4631, VertexAttribs2svNV_remap_index }, + { 6728, VertexAttribs3dvNV_remap_index }, + { 11308, VertexAttribs3fvNV_remap_index }, + { 12038, VertexAttribs3svNV_remap_index }, + { 33329, VertexAttribs4dvNV_remap_index }, + { 6754, VertexAttribs4fvNV_remap_index }, + { 38380, VertexAttribs4svNV_remap_index }, + { 34573, VertexAttribs4ubvNV_remap_index }, + { 31021, GetTexBumpParameterfvATI_remap_index }, + { 38824, GetTexBumpParameterivATI_remap_index }, + { 21623, TexBumpParameterfvATI_remap_index }, + { 23967, TexBumpParameterivATI_remap_index }, + { 17810, AlphaFragmentOp1ATI_remap_index }, + { 29705, AlphaFragmentOp2ATI_remap_index }, + { 28365, AlphaFragmentOp3ATI_remap_index }, + { 15996, BeginFragmentShaderATI_remap_index }, + { 36558, BindFragmentShaderATI_remap_index }, + { 7257, ColorFragmentOp1ATI_remap_index }, + { 7372, ColorFragmentOp2ATI_remap_index }, + { 37012, ColorFragmentOp3ATI_remap_index }, + { 7079, DeleteFragmentShaderATI_remap_index }, + { 39123, EndFragmentShaderATI_remap_index }, + { 27081, GenFragmentShadersATI_remap_index }, + { 29459, PassTexCoordATI_remap_index }, + { 8568, SampleMapATI_remap_index }, + { 7451, SetFragmentShaderConstantATI_remap_index }, + { 33525, ActiveStencilFaceEXT_remap_index }, + { 31752, BindVertexArrayAPPLE_remap_index }, + { 19501, GenVertexArraysAPPLE_remap_index }, + { 666, GetProgramNamedParameterdvNV_remap_index }, + { 3962, GetProgramNamedParameterfvNV_remap_index }, + { 31052, ProgramNamedParameter4dNV_remap_index }, + { 16594, ProgramNamedParameter4dvNV_remap_index }, + { 10582, ProgramNamedParameter4fNV_remap_index }, + { 13484, ProgramNamedParameter4fvNV_remap_index }, + { 20533, PrimitiveRestartNV_remap_index }, + { 17770, GetTexGenxvOES_remap_index }, + { 6891, TexGenxOES_remap_index }, + { 31875, TexGenxvOES_remap_index }, + { 28129, DepthBoundsEXT_remap_index }, + { 16386, BufferParameteriAPPLE_remap_index }, + { 22577, FlushMappedBufferRangeAPPLE_remap_index }, + { 21380, VertexAttribI1iEXT_remap_index }, + { 2691, VertexAttribI1uiEXT_remap_index }, + { 33091, VertexAttribI2iEXT_remap_index }, + { 27642, VertexAttribI2ivEXT_remap_index }, + { 13922, VertexAttribI2uiEXT_remap_index }, + { 27236, VertexAttribI2uivEXT_remap_index }, + { 30600, VertexAttribI3iEXT_remap_index }, + { 35701, VertexAttribI3ivEXT_remap_index }, + { 3668, VertexAttribI3uiEXT_remap_index }, + { 35597, VertexAttribI3uivEXT_remap_index }, + { 173, VertexAttribI4iEXT_remap_index }, + { 12116, VertexAttribI4ivEXT_remap_index }, + { 54, VertexAttribI4uiEXT_remap_index }, + { 6932, VertexAttribI4uivEXT_remap_index }, + { 37523, ClearColorIiEXT_remap_index }, + { 3821, ClearColorIuiEXT_remap_index }, + { 9906, BindBufferOffsetEXT_remap_index }, + { 13308, GetObjectParameterivAPPLE_remap_index }, + { 36643, ObjectPurgeableAPPLE_remap_index }, + { 7326, ObjectUnpurgeableAPPLE_remap_index }, + { 20244, ActiveProgramEXT_remap_index }, + { 2011, CreateShaderProgramEXT_remap_index }, + { 33234, UseShaderProgramEXT_remap_index }, + { 16528, TextureBarrierNV_remap_index }, + { 33585, StencilFuncSeparateATI_remap_index }, + { 21139, ProgramEnvParameters4fvEXT_remap_index }, + { 19917, ProgramLocalParameters4fvEXT_remap_index }, + { 27599, EGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOES_remap_index }, + { 13889, EGLImageTargetTexture2DOES_remap_index }, + { 27458, AlphaFuncx_remap_index }, + { 20182, ClearColorx_remap_index }, + { 24995, ClearDepthx_remap_index }, + { 10365, Color4x_remap_index }, + { 7874, DepthRangex_remap_index }, + { 38901, Fogx_remap_index }, + { 35907, Fogxv_remap_index }, + { 34600, Frustumf_remap_index }, + { 3889, Frustumx_remap_index }, + { 30565, LightModelx_remap_index }, + { 34696, LightModelxv_remap_index }, + { 25266, Lightx_remap_index }, + { 12914, Lightxv_remap_index }, + { 21220, LineWidthx_remap_index }, + { 14821, LoadMatrixx_remap_index }, + { 26059, Materialx_remap_index }, + { 38077, Materialxv_remap_index }, + { 7944, MultMatrixx_remap_index }, + { 32902, MultiTexCoord4x_remap_index }, + { 13058, Normal3x_remap_index }, + { 10619, Orthof_remap_index }, + { 21850, Orthox_remap_index }, + { 34229, PointSizex_remap_index }, + { 4406, PolygonOffsetx_remap_index }, + { 29813, Rotatex_remap_index }, + { 8348, SampleCoveragex_remap_index }, + { 6979, Scalex_remap_index }, + { 31246, TexEnvx_remap_index }, + { 24291, TexEnvxv_remap_index }, + { 6098, TexParameterx_remap_index }, + { 33551, Translatex_remap_index }, + { 37820, ClipPlanef_remap_index }, + { 37560, ClipPlanex_remap_index }, + { 18038, GetClipPlanef_remap_index }, + { 4280, GetClipPlanex_remap_index }, + { 32151, GetFixedv_remap_index }, + { 4671, GetLightxv_remap_index }, + { 4083, GetMaterialxv_remap_index }, + { 28547, GetTexEnvxv_remap_index }, + { 20982, GetTexParameterxv_remap_index }, + { 5450, PointParameterx_remap_index }, + { 13772, PointParameterxv_remap_index }, + { 29596, TexParameterxv_remap_index }, + { -1, -1 } +}; + +/* these functions are in the ABI, but have alternative names */ +static const struct gl_function_remap MESA_alt_functions[] = { + /* from GL_EXT_blend_color */ + { 2833, _gloffset_BlendColor }, + /* from GL_EXT_blend_minmax */ + { 12976, _gloffset_BlendEquation }, + /* from GL_EXT_color_subtable */ + { 19836, _gloffset_ColorSubTable }, + { 37222, _gloffset_CopyColorSubTable }, + /* from GL_EXT_convolution */ + { 219, _gloffset_ConvolutionFilter1D }, + { 2629, _gloffset_CopyConvolutionFilter1D }, + { 4705, _gloffset_GetConvolutionParameteriv }, + { 10212, _gloffset_ConvolutionFilter2D }, + { 10408, _gloffset_ConvolutionParameteriv }, + { 10913, _gloffset_ConvolutionParameterfv }, + { 23995, _gloffset_GetSeparableFilter }, + { 27871, _gloffset_SeparableFilter2D }, + { 28767, _gloffset_ConvolutionParameteri }, + { 29003, _gloffset_ConvolutionParameterf }, + { 30847, _gloffset_GetConvolutionParameterfv }, + { 32011, _gloffset_GetConvolutionFilter }, + { 35240, _gloffset_CopyConvolutionFilter2D }, + /* from GL_EXT_copy_texture */ + { 17209, _gloffset_CopyTexSubImage3D }, + { 19293, _gloffset_CopyTexImage2D }, + { 28247, _gloffset_CopyTexImage1D }, + { 31474, _gloffset_CopyTexSubImage2D }, + { 34758, _gloffset_CopyTexSubImage1D }, + /* from GL_EXT_draw_range_elements */ + { 11135, _gloffset_DrawRangeElements }, + /* from GL_EXT_histogram */ + { 703, _gloffset_Histogram }, + { 3922, _gloffset_ResetHistogram }, + { 11642, _gloffset_GetMinmax }, + { 17636, _gloffset_GetHistogramParameterfv }, + { 28172, _gloffset_GetMinmaxParameteriv }, + { 30737, _gloffset_ResetMinmax }, + { 31815, _gloffset_GetHistogramParameteriv }, + { 33485, _gloffset_GetHistogram }, + { 36700, _gloffset_Minmax }, + { 38577, _gloffset_GetMinmaxParameterfv }, + /* from GL_EXT_paletted_texture */ + { 10074, _gloffset_ColorTable }, + { 17370, _gloffset_GetColorTable }, + { 26594, _gloffset_GetColorTableParameterfv }, + { 29059, _gloffset_GetColorTableParameteriv }, + /* from GL_EXT_subtexture */ + { 8783, _gloffset_TexSubImage1D }, + { 12433, _gloffset_TexSubImage2D }, + /* from GL_EXT_texture3D */ + { 1656, _gloffset_TexImage3D }, + { 26353, _gloffset_TexSubImage3D }, + /* from GL_EXT_texture_object */ + { 3618, _gloffset_PrioritizeTextures }, + { 9327, _gloffset_AreTexturesResident }, + { 15470, _gloffset_GenTextures }, + { 17885, _gloffset_DeleteTextures }, + { 22909, _gloffset_IsTexture }, + { 34867, _gloffset_BindTexture }, + /* from GL_EXT_vertex_array */ + { 28069, _gloffset_ArrayElement }, + { 36182, _gloffset_GetPointerv }, + { 37955, _gloffset_DrawArrays }, + /* from GL_NV_read_buffer */ + { 28736, _gloffset_ReadBuffer }, + /* from GL_OES_blend_subtract */ + { 12976, _gloffset_BlendEquation }, + /* from GL_OES_texture_3D */ + { 1656, _gloffset_TexImage3D }, + { 17209, _gloffset_CopyTexSubImage3D }, + { 26353, _gloffset_TexSubImage3D }, + /* from GL_OES_texture_cube_map */ + { 2389, _gloffset_TexGeniv }, + { 12570, _gloffset_TexGenfv }, + { 21725, _gloffset_TexGeni }, + { 21753, _gloffset_TexGenf }, + { 32542, _gloffset_GetTexGeniv }, + { 33355, _gloffset_GetTexGenfv }, + /* from GL_SGI_color_table */ + { 9500, _gloffset_ColorTableParameteriv }, + { 10074, _gloffset_ColorTable }, + { 17370, _gloffset_GetColorTable }, + { 17502, _gloffset_CopyColorTable }, + { 22719, _gloffset_ColorTableParameterfv }, + { 26594, _gloffset_GetColorTableParameterfv }, + { 29059, _gloffset_GetColorTableParameteriv }, + { -1, -1 } +}; + --- mesa-9.1.4.orig/src/mesa/main/api_exec.c +++ mesa-9.1.4/src/mesa/main/api_exec.c @@ -0,0 +1,1004 @@ +/* DO NOT EDIT - This file generated automatically by gl_genexec.py script */ + +/* + * Copyright (C) 2012 Intel Corporation + * All Rights Reserved. + * + * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a + * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), + * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation + * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sub license, + * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the + * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + * + * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next + * paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the + * Software. + * + * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR + * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL + * Intel Corporation, + * AND/OR THEIR SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, + * WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF + * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE + * SOFTWARE. + */ + +/** + * \file api_exec.c + * Initialize dispatch table. + */ + + +#include "main/mfeatures.h" +#include "main/accum.h" +#include "main/api_loopback.h" +#include "main/api_exec.h" +#include "main/arbprogram.h" +#include "main/atifragshader.h" +#include "main/attrib.h" +#include "main/blend.h" +#include "main/bufferobj.h" +#include "main/arrayobj.h" +#include "main/buffers.h" +#include "main/clear.h" +#include "main/clip.h" +#include "main/colortab.h" +#include "main/condrender.h" +#include "main/context.h" +#include "main/convolve.h" +#include "main/depth.h" +#include "main/dlist.h" +#include "main/drawpix.h" +#include "main/drawtex.h" +#include "main/rastpos.h" +#include "main/enable.h" +#include "main/errors.h" +#include "main/es1_conversion.h" +#include "main/eval.h" +#include "main/get.h" +#include "main/feedback.h" +#include "main/fog.h" +#include "main/fbobject.h" +#include "main/framebuffer.h" +#include "main/hint.h" +#include "main/histogram.h" +#include "main/imports.h" +#include "main/light.h" +#include "main/lines.h" +#include "main/matrix.h" +#include "main/multisample.h" +#include "main/pixel.h" +#include "main/pixelstore.h" +#include "main/points.h" +#include "main/polygon.h" +#include "main/querymatrix.h" +#include "main/queryobj.h" +#include "main/readpix.h" +#include "main/samplerobj.h" +#include "main/scissor.h" +#include "main/stencil.h" +#include "main/texenv.h" +#include "main/texgetimage.h" +#include "main/teximage.h" +#include "main/texgen.h" +#include "main/texobj.h" +#include "main/texparam.h" +#include "main/texstate.h" +#include "main/texstorage.h" +#include "main/texturebarrier.h" +#include "main/transformfeedback.h" +#include "main/mtypes.h" +#include "main/varray.h" +#include "main/viewport.h" +#include "main/shaderapi.h" +#include "main/uniforms.h" +#include "main/syncobj.h" +#include "main/formatquery.h" +#include "main/dispatch.h" + + +/** + * Initialize a context's exec table with pointers to Mesa's supported + * GL functions. + * + * This function depends on ctx->Version. + * + * \param ctx GL context to which \c exec belongs. + */ +void +_mesa_initialize_exec_table(struct gl_context *ctx) +{ + struct _glapi_table *exec; + + exec = ctx->Exec; + assert(exec != NULL); + + assert(ctx->Version > 0); + + if (_mesa_is_desktop_gl(ctx)) { + SET_AttachObjectARB(exec, _mesa_AttachObjectARB); + SET_BeginConditionalRender(exec, _mesa_BeginConditionalRender); + SET_BeginQueryIndexed(exec, _mesa_BeginQueryIndexed); + SET_BindBufferOffsetEXT(exec, _mesa_BindBufferOffsetEXT); + SET_BindFragDataLocation(exec, _mesa_BindFragDataLocation); + SET_BindFragDataLocationIndexed(exec, _mesa_BindFragDataLocationIndexed); + SET_BlendEquationSeparateiARB(exec, _mesa_BlendEquationSeparateiARB); + SET_BlendEquationiARB(exec, _mesa_BlendEquationiARB); + SET_BlendFuncSeparateiARB(exec, _mesa_BlendFuncSeparateiARB); + SET_BlendFunciARB(exec, _mesa_BlendFunciARB); + SET_ClampColor(exec, _mesa_ClampColor); + SET_ClearColorIiEXT(exec, _mesa_ClearColorIiEXT); + SET_ClearColorIuiEXT(exec, _mesa_ClearColorIuiEXT); + SET_ClearDepth(exec, _mesa_ClearDepth); + SET_ColorMaski(exec, _mesa_ColorMaski); + SET_CompressedTexImage1D(exec, _mesa_CompressedTexImage1D); + SET_CompressedTexSubImage1D(exec, _mesa_CompressedTexSubImage1D); + SET_CopyTexImage1D(exec, _mesa_CopyTexImage1D); + SET_CopyTexSubImage1D(exec, _mesa_CopyTexSubImage1D); + SET_CreateProgramObjectARB(exec, _mesa_CreateProgramObjectARB); + SET_CreateShaderObjectARB(exec, _mesa_CreateShaderObjectARB); + SET_DebugMessageCallbackARB(exec, _mesa_DebugMessageCallbackARB); + SET_DebugMessageControlARB(exec, _mesa_DebugMessageControlARB); + SET_DebugMessageInsertARB(exec, _mesa_DebugMessageInsertARB); + SET_DeleteObjectARB(exec, _mesa_DeleteObjectARB); + SET_DepthBoundsEXT(exec, _mesa_DepthBoundsEXT); + SET_DepthRange(exec, _mesa_DepthRange); + SET_DetachObjectARB(exec, _mesa_DetachObjectARB); + SET_Disablei(exec, _mesa_Disablei); + SET_DrawBuffer(exec, _mesa_DrawBuffer); + SET_Enablei(exec, _mesa_Enablei); + SET_EndConditionalRender(exec, _mesa_EndConditionalRender); + SET_EndQueryIndexed(exec, _mesa_EndQueryIndexed); + SET_FramebufferTexture1D(exec, _mesa_FramebufferTexture1D); + SET_GetActiveUniformName(exec, _mesa_GetActiveUniformName); + SET_GetAttachedObjectsARB(exec, _mesa_GetAttachedObjectsARB); + SET_GetBooleani_v(exec, _mesa_GetBooleani_v); + SET_GetBufferSubData(exec, _mesa_GetBufferSubData); + SET_GetCompressedTexImage(exec, _mesa_GetCompressedTexImage); + SET_GetDebugMessageLogARB(exec, _mesa_GetDebugMessageLogARB); + SET_GetDoublev(exec, _mesa_GetDoublev); + SET_GetFragDataIndex(exec, _mesa_GetFragDataIndex); + SET_GetGraphicsResetStatusARB(exec, _mesa_GetGraphicsResetStatusARB); + SET_GetHandleARB(exec, _mesa_GetHandleARB); + SET_GetInfoLogARB(exec, _mesa_GetInfoLogARB); + SET_GetObjectParameterfvARB(exec, _mesa_GetObjectParameterfvARB); + SET_GetObjectParameterivAPPLE(exec, _mesa_GetObjectParameterivAPPLE); + SET_GetObjectParameterivARB(exec, _mesa_GetObjectParameterivARB); + SET_GetQueryIndexediv(exec, _mesa_GetQueryIndexediv); + SET_GetQueryObjecti64v(exec, _mesa_GetQueryObjecti64v); + SET_GetQueryObjectiv(exec, _mesa_GetQueryObjectiv); + SET_GetQueryObjectui64v(exec, _mesa_GetQueryObjectui64v); + SET_GetSamplerParameterIiv(exec, _mesa_GetSamplerParameterIiv); + SET_GetSamplerParameterIuiv(exec, _mesa_GetSamplerParameterIuiv); + SET_GetTexImage(exec, _mesa_GetTexImage); + SET_GetTexLevelParameterfv(exec, _mesa_GetTexLevelParameterfv); + SET_GetTexLevelParameteriv(exec, _mesa_GetTexLevelParameteriv); + SET_GetTexParameterIiv(exec, _mesa_GetTexParameterIiv); + SET_GetTexParameterIuiv(exec, _mesa_GetTexParameterIuiv); + SET_GetVertexAttribdv(exec, _mesa_GetVertexAttribdv); + SET_GetnCompressedTexImageARB(exec, _mesa_GetnCompressedTexImageARB); + SET_GetnPolygonStippleARB(exec, _mesa_GetnPolygonStippleARB); + SET_GetnTexImageARB(exec, _mesa_GetnTexImageARB); + SET_GetnUniformdvARB(exec, _mesa_GetnUniformdvARB); + SET_GetnUniformfvARB(exec, _mesa_GetnUniformfvARB); + SET_GetnUniformivARB(exec, _mesa_GetnUniformivARB); + SET_GetnUniformuivARB(exec, _mesa_GetnUniformuivARB); + SET_InvalidateBufferData(exec, _mesa_InvalidateBufferData); + SET_InvalidateBufferSubData(exec, _mesa_InvalidateBufferSubData); + SET_InvalidateTexImage(exec, _mesa_InvalidateTexImage); + SET_InvalidateTexSubImage(exec, _mesa_InvalidateTexSubImage); + SET_IsEnabledi(exec, _mesa_IsEnabledi); + SET_MultiModeDrawArraysIBM(exec, _mesa_MultiModeDrawArraysIBM); + SET_MultiModeDrawElementsIBM(exec, _mesa_MultiModeDrawElementsIBM); + SET_ObjectPurgeableAPPLE(exec, _mesa_ObjectPurgeableAPPLE); + SET_ObjectUnpurgeableAPPLE(exec, _mesa_ObjectUnpurgeableAPPLE); + SET_PixelStoref(exec, _mesa_PixelStoref); + SET_PointParameteri(exec, _mesa_PointParameteri); + SET_PointParameteriv(exec, _mesa_PointParameteriv); + SET_PolygonMode(exec, _mesa_PolygonMode); + SET_PrimitiveRestartIndex(exec, _mesa_PrimitiveRestartIndex); + SET_ProvokingVertex(exec, _mesa_ProvokingVertex); + SET_QueryCounter(exec, _mesa_QueryCounter); + SET_ReadnPixelsARB(exec, _mesa_ReadnPixelsARB); + SET_ResizeBuffersMESA(exec, _mesa_ResizeBuffersMESA); + SET_SamplerParameterIiv(exec, _mesa_SamplerParameterIiv); + SET_SamplerParameterIuiv(exec, _mesa_SamplerParameterIuiv); + SET_TexBuffer(exec, _mesa_TexBuffer); + SET_TexImage1D(exec, _mesa_TexImage1D); + SET_TexParameterIiv(exec, _mesa_TexParameterIiv); + SET_TexParameterIuiv(exec, _mesa_TexParameterIuiv); + SET_TexStorage1D(exec, _mesa_TexStorage1D); + SET_TexSubImage1D(exec, _mesa_TexSubImage1D); + SET_TextureBarrierNV(exec, _mesa_TextureBarrierNV); + SET_TextureStorage1DEXT(exec, _mesa_TextureStorage1DEXT); + SET_TextureStorage2DEXT(exec, _mesa_TextureStorage2DEXT); + SET_TextureStorage3DEXT(exec, _mesa_TextureStorage3DEXT); + SET_VertexAttrib1d(exec, _mesa_VertexAttrib1d); + SET_VertexAttrib1dv(exec, _mesa_VertexAttrib1dv); + SET_VertexAttrib1s(exec, _mesa_VertexAttrib1s); + SET_VertexAttrib1sv(exec, _mesa_VertexAttrib1sv); + SET_VertexAttrib2d(exec, _mesa_VertexAttrib2d); + SET_VertexAttrib2dv(exec, _mesa_VertexAttrib2dv); + SET_VertexAttrib2s(exec, _mesa_VertexAttrib2s); + SET_VertexAttrib2sv(exec, _mesa_VertexAttrib2sv); + SET_VertexAttrib3d(exec, _mesa_VertexAttrib3d); + SET_VertexAttrib3dv(exec, _mesa_VertexAttrib3dv); + SET_VertexAttrib3s(exec, _mesa_VertexAttrib3s); + SET_VertexAttrib3sv(exec, _mesa_VertexAttrib3sv); + SET_VertexAttrib4Nbv(exec, _mesa_VertexAttrib4Nbv); + SET_VertexAttrib4Niv(exec, _mesa_VertexAttrib4Niv); + SET_VertexAttrib4Nsv(exec, _mesa_VertexAttrib4Nsv); + SET_VertexAttrib4Nub(exec, _mesa_VertexAttrib4Nub); + SET_VertexAttrib4Nubv(exec, _mesa_VertexAttrib4Nubv); + SET_VertexAttrib4Nuiv(exec, _mesa_VertexAttrib4Nuiv); + SET_VertexAttrib4Nusv(exec, _mesa_VertexAttrib4Nusv); + SET_VertexAttrib4bv(exec, _mesa_VertexAttrib4bv); + SET_VertexAttrib4d(exec, _mesa_VertexAttrib4d); + SET_VertexAttrib4dv(exec, _mesa_VertexAttrib4dv); + SET_VertexAttrib4iv(exec, _mesa_VertexAttrib4iv); + SET_VertexAttrib4s(exec, _mesa_VertexAttrib4s); + SET_VertexAttrib4sv(exec, _mesa_VertexAttrib4sv); + SET_VertexAttrib4ubv(exec, _mesa_VertexAttrib4ubv); + SET_VertexAttrib4uiv(exec, _mesa_VertexAttrib4uiv); + SET_VertexAttrib4usv(exec, _mesa_VertexAttrib4usv); + SET_VertexAttribI1iv(exec, _mesa_VertexAttribI1iv); + SET_VertexAttribI1uiv(exec, _mesa_VertexAttribI1uiv); + SET_VertexAttribI4bv(exec, _mesa_VertexAttribI4bv); + SET_VertexAttribI4sv(exec, _mesa_VertexAttribI4sv); + SET_VertexAttribI4ubv(exec, _mesa_VertexAttribI4ubv); + SET_VertexAttribI4usv(exec, _mesa_VertexAttribI4usv); + } + if (_mesa_is_desktop_gl(ctx) || _mesa_is_gles3(ctx)) { + SET_BeginQuery(exec, _mesa_BeginQuery); + SET_BeginTransformFeedback(exec, _mesa_BeginTransformFeedback); + SET_BindBufferBase(exec, _mesa_BindBufferBase); + SET_BindBufferRange(exec, _mesa_BindBufferRange); + SET_BindSampler(exec, _mesa_BindSampler); + SET_BindTransformFeedback(exec, _mesa_BindTransformFeedback); + SET_BlitFramebuffer(exec, _mesa_BlitFramebuffer); + SET_ClearBufferfi(exec, _mesa_ClearBufferfi); + SET_ClearBufferfv(exec, _mesa_ClearBufferfv); + SET_ClearBufferiv(exec, _mesa_ClearBufferiv); + SET_ClearBufferuiv(exec, _mesa_ClearBufferuiv); + SET_ClientWaitSync(exec, _mesa_ClientWaitSync); + SET_CopyBufferSubData(exec, _mesa_CopyBufferSubData); + SET_DeleteQueries(exec, _mesa_DeleteQueries); + SET_DeleteSamplers(exec, _mesa_DeleteSamplers); + SET_DeleteSync(exec, _mesa_DeleteSync); + SET_DeleteTransformFeedbacks(exec, _mesa_DeleteTransformFeedbacks); + SET_EndQuery(exec, _mesa_EndQuery); + SET_EndTransformFeedback(exec, _mesa_EndTransformFeedback); + SET_FenceSync(exec, _mesa_FenceSync); + SET_FramebufferTextureLayer(exec, _mesa_FramebufferTextureLayer); + SET_GenQueries(exec, _mesa_GenQueries); + SET_GenSamplers(exec, _mesa_GenSamplers); + SET_GenTransformFeedbacks(exec, _mesa_GenTransformFeedbacks); + SET_GetActiveUniformBlockName(exec, _mesa_GetActiveUniformBlockName); + SET_GetActiveUniformBlockiv(exec, _mesa_GetActiveUniformBlockiv); + SET_GetActiveUniformsiv(exec, _mesa_GetActiveUniformsiv); + SET_GetBufferParameteri64v(exec, _mesa_GetBufferParameteri64v); + SET_GetFragDataLocation(exec, _mesa_GetFragDataLocation); + SET_GetInteger64i_v(exec, _mesa_GetInteger64i_v); + SET_GetInteger64v(exec, _mesa_GetInteger64v); + SET_GetIntegeri_v(exec, _mesa_GetIntegeri_v); + SET_GetInternalformativ(exec, _mesa_GetInternalformativ); + SET_GetQueryObjectuiv(exec, _mesa_GetQueryObjectuiv); + SET_GetQueryiv(exec, _mesa_GetQueryiv); + SET_GetSamplerParameterfv(exec, _mesa_GetSamplerParameterfv); + SET_GetSamplerParameteriv(exec, _mesa_GetSamplerParameteriv); + SET_GetStringi(exec, _mesa_GetStringi); + SET_GetSynciv(exec, _mesa_GetSynciv); + SET_GetTransformFeedbackVarying(exec, _mesa_GetTransformFeedbackVarying); + SET_GetUniformBlockIndex(exec, _mesa_GetUniformBlockIndex); + SET_GetUniformIndices(exec, _mesa_GetUniformIndices); + SET_GetUniformuiv(exec, _mesa_GetUniformuiv); + SET_GetVertexAttribIiv(exec, _mesa_GetVertexAttribIiv); + SET_GetVertexAttribIuiv(exec, _mesa_GetVertexAttribIuiv); + SET_InvalidateFramebuffer(exec, _mesa_InvalidateFramebuffer); + SET_InvalidateSubFramebuffer(exec, _mesa_InvalidateSubFramebuffer); + SET_IsQuery(exec, _mesa_IsQuery); + SET_IsSampler(exec, _mesa_IsSampler); + SET_IsSync(exec, _mesa_IsSync); + SET_IsTransformFeedback(exec, _mesa_IsTransformFeedback); + SET_PauseTransformFeedback(exec, _mesa_PauseTransformFeedback); + SET_ProgramParameteri(exec, _mesa_ProgramParameteri); + SET_RenderbufferStorageMultisample(exec, _mesa_RenderbufferStorageMultisample); + SET_ResumeTransformFeedback(exec, _mesa_ResumeTransformFeedback); + SET_SamplerParameterf(exec, _mesa_SamplerParameterf); + SET_SamplerParameterfv(exec, _mesa_SamplerParameterfv); + SET_SamplerParameteri(exec, _mesa_SamplerParameteri); + SET_SamplerParameteriv(exec, _mesa_SamplerParameteriv); + SET_TexStorage2D(exec, _mesa_TexStorage2D); + SET_TexStorage3D(exec, _mesa_TexStorage3D); + SET_TransformFeedbackVaryings(exec, _mesa_TransformFeedbackVaryings); + SET_Uniform1ui(exec, _mesa_Uniform1ui); + SET_Uniform1uiv(exec, _mesa_Uniform1uiv); + SET_Uniform2ui(exec, _mesa_Uniform2ui); + SET_Uniform2uiv(exec, _mesa_Uniform2uiv); + SET_Uniform3ui(exec, _mesa_Uniform3ui); + SET_Uniform3uiv(exec, _mesa_Uniform3uiv); + SET_Uniform4ui(exec, _mesa_Uniform4ui); + SET_Uniform4uiv(exec, _mesa_Uniform4uiv); + SET_UniformBlockBinding(exec, _mesa_UniformBlockBinding); + SET_UniformMatrix2x3fv(exec, _mesa_UniformMatrix2x3fv); + SET_UniformMatrix2x4fv(exec, _mesa_UniformMatrix2x4fv); + SET_UniformMatrix3x2fv(exec, _mesa_UniformMatrix3x2fv); + SET_UniformMatrix3x4fv(exec, _mesa_UniformMatrix3x4fv); + SET_UniformMatrix4x2fv(exec, _mesa_UniformMatrix4x2fv); + SET_UniformMatrix4x3fv(exec, _mesa_UniformMatrix4x3fv); + SET_VertexAttribDivisor(exec, _mesa_VertexAttribDivisor); + SET_VertexAttribIPointer(exec, _mesa_VertexAttribIPointer); + SET_WaitSync(exec, _mesa_WaitSync); + } + if (_mesa_is_desktop_gl(ctx) || ctx->API == API_OPENGLES) { + SET_GetPointerv(exec, _mesa_GetPointerv); + SET_LogicOp(exec, _mesa_LogicOp); + SET_PointParameterf(exec, _mesa_PointParameterf); + SET_PointParameterfv(exec, _mesa_PointParameterfv); + SET_PointSize(exec, _mesa_PointSize); + } + if (_mesa_is_desktop_gl(ctx) || ctx->API == API_OPENGLES || ctx->API == API_OPENGLES2) { + SET_ActiveTexture(exec, _mesa_ActiveTexture); + SET_BindBuffer(exec, _mesa_BindBuffer); + SET_BindFramebuffer(exec, _mesa_BindFramebuffer); + SET_BindRenderbuffer(exec, _mesa_BindRenderbuffer); + SET_BindTexture(exec, _mesa_BindTexture); + SET_BlendEquation(exec, _mesa_BlendEquation); + SET_BlendEquationSeparate(exec, _mesa_BlendEquationSeparate); + SET_BlendFunc(exec, _mesa_BlendFunc); + SET_BlendFuncSeparate(exec, _mesa_BlendFuncSeparate); + SET_BufferData(exec, _mesa_BufferData); + SET_BufferSubData(exec, _mesa_BufferSubData); + SET_CheckFramebufferStatus(exec, _mesa_CheckFramebufferStatus); + SET_Clear(exec, _mesa_Clear); + SET_ClearColor(exec, _mesa_ClearColor); + SET_ClearDepthf(exec, _mesa_ClearDepthf); + SET_ClearStencil(exec, _mesa_ClearStencil); + SET_ColorMask(exec, _mesa_ColorMask); + SET_CompressedTexImage2D(exec, _mesa_CompressedTexImage2D); + SET_CompressedTexSubImage2D(exec, _mesa_CompressedTexSubImage2D); + SET_CopyTexImage2D(exec, _mesa_CopyTexImage2D); + SET_CopyTexSubImage2D(exec, _mesa_CopyTexSubImage2D); + SET_CullFace(exec, _mesa_CullFace); + SET_DeleteBuffers(exec, _mesa_DeleteBuffers); + SET_DeleteFramebuffers(exec, _mesa_DeleteFramebuffers); + SET_DeleteRenderbuffers(exec, _mesa_DeleteRenderbuffers); + SET_DeleteTextures(exec, _mesa_DeleteTextures); + SET_DepthFunc(exec, _mesa_DepthFunc); + SET_DepthMask(exec, _mesa_DepthMask); + SET_DepthRangef(exec, _mesa_DepthRangef); + SET_Disable(exec, _mesa_Disable); + SET_EGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOES(exec, _mesa_EGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOES); + SET_EGLImageTargetTexture2DOES(exec, _mesa_EGLImageTargetTexture2DOES); + SET_Enable(exec, _mesa_Enable); + SET_Finish(exec, _mesa_Finish); + SET_Flush(exec, _mesa_Flush); + SET_FlushMappedBufferRange(exec, _mesa_FlushMappedBufferRange); + SET_FramebufferRenderbuffer(exec, _mesa_FramebufferRenderbuffer); + SET_FramebufferTexture2D(exec, _mesa_FramebufferTexture2D); + SET_FrontFace(exec, _mesa_FrontFace); + SET_GenBuffers(exec, _mesa_GenBuffers); + SET_GenFramebuffers(exec, _mesa_GenFramebuffers); + SET_GenRenderbuffers(exec, _mesa_GenRenderbuffers); + SET_GenTextures(exec, _mesa_GenTextures); + SET_GenerateMipmap(exec, _mesa_GenerateMipmap); + SET_GetBooleanv(exec, _mesa_GetBooleanv); + SET_GetBufferParameteriv(exec, _mesa_GetBufferParameteriv); + SET_GetBufferPointerv(exec, _mesa_GetBufferPointerv); + SET_GetError(exec, _mesa_GetError); + SET_GetFloatv(exec, _mesa_GetFloatv); + SET_GetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv(exec, _mesa_GetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv); + SET_GetIntegerv(exec, _mesa_GetIntegerv); + SET_GetRenderbufferParameteriv(exec, _mesa_GetRenderbufferParameteriv); + SET_GetString(exec, _mesa_GetString); + SET_GetTexParameterfv(exec, _mesa_GetTexParameterfv); + SET_GetTexParameteriv(exec, _mesa_GetTexParameteriv); + SET_Hint(exec, _mesa_Hint); + SET_IsBuffer(exec, _mesa_IsBuffer); + SET_IsEnabled(exec, _mesa_IsEnabled); + SET_IsFramebuffer(exec, _mesa_IsFramebuffer); + SET_IsRenderbuffer(exec, _mesa_IsRenderbuffer); + SET_IsTexture(exec, _mesa_IsTexture); + SET_LineWidth(exec, _mesa_LineWidth); + SET_MapBuffer(exec, _mesa_MapBuffer); + SET_MapBufferRange(exec, _mesa_MapBufferRange); + SET_MultiDrawArrays(exec, _mesa_MultiDrawArrays); + SET_PixelStorei(exec, _mesa_PixelStorei); + SET_PolygonOffset(exec, _mesa_PolygonOffset); + SET_ReadPixels(exec, _mesa_ReadPixels); + SET_RenderbufferStorage(exec, _mesa_RenderbufferStorage); + SET_SampleCoverage(exec, _mesa_SampleCoverage); + SET_Scissor(exec, _mesa_Scissor); + SET_StencilFunc(exec, _mesa_StencilFunc); + SET_StencilMask(exec, _mesa_StencilMask); + SET_StencilOp(exec, _mesa_StencilOp); + SET_TexImage2D(exec, _mesa_TexImage2D); + SET_TexParameterf(exec, _mesa_TexParameterf); + SET_TexParameterfv(exec, _mesa_TexParameterfv); + SET_TexParameteri(exec, _mesa_TexParameteri); + SET_TexParameteriv(exec, _mesa_TexParameteriv); + SET_TexSubImage2D(exec, _mesa_TexSubImage2D); + SET_UnmapBuffer(exec, _mesa_UnmapBuffer); + SET_Viewport(exec, _mesa_Viewport); + } + if (_mesa_is_desktop_gl(ctx) || ctx->API == API_OPENGLES2) { + SET_AttachShader(exec, _mesa_AttachShader); + SET_BindAttribLocation(exec, _mesa_BindAttribLocation); + SET_BindVertexArray(exec, _mesa_BindVertexArray); + SET_BlendColor(exec, _mesa_BlendColor); + SET_CompileShader(exec, _mesa_CompileShader); + SET_CompressedTexImage3D(exec, _mesa_CompressedTexImage3D); + SET_CompressedTexSubImage3D(exec, _mesa_CompressedTexSubImage3D); + SET_CopyTexSubImage3D(exec, _mesa_CopyTexSubImage3D); + SET_CreateProgram(exec, _mesa_CreateProgram); + SET_CreateShader(exec, _mesa_CreateShader); + SET_DeleteProgram(exec, _mesa_DeleteProgram); + SET_DeleteShader(exec, _mesa_DeleteShader); + SET_DeleteVertexArrays(exec, _mesa_DeleteVertexArrays); + SET_DetachShader(exec, _mesa_DetachShader); + SET_DisableVertexAttribArray(exec, _mesa_DisableVertexAttribArray); + SET_DrawBuffers(exec, _mesa_DrawBuffers); + SET_EnableVertexAttribArray(exec, _mesa_EnableVertexAttribArray); + SET_FramebufferTexture3D(exec, _mesa_FramebufferTexture3D); + SET_GenVertexArrays(exec, _mesa_GenVertexArrays); + SET_GetActiveAttrib(exec, _mesa_GetActiveAttrib); + SET_GetActiveUniform(exec, _mesa_GetActiveUniform); + SET_GetAttachedShaders(exec, _mesa_GetAttachedShaders); + SET_GetAttribLocation(exec, _mesa_GetAttribLocation); + SET_GetProgramBinary(exec, _mesa_GetProgramBinary); + SET_GetProgramInfoLog(exec, _mesa_GetProgramInfoLog); + SET_GetProgramiv(exec, _mesa_GetProgramiv); + SET_GetShaderInfoLog(exec, _mesa_GetShaderInfoLog); + SET_GetShaderPrecisionFormat(exec, _mesa_GetShaderPrecisionFormat); + SET_GetShaderSource(exec, _mesa_GetShaderSource); + SET_GetShaderiv(exec, _mesa_GetShaderiv); + SET_GetUniformLocation(exec, _mesa_GetUniformLocation); + SET_GetUniformfv(exec, _mesa_GetUniformfv); + SET_GetUniformiv(exec, _mesa_GetUniformiv); + SET_GetVertexAttribPointerv(exec, _mesa_GetVertexAttribPointerv); + SET_GetVertexAttribfv(exec, _mesa_GetVertexAttribfv); + SET_GetVertexAttribiv(exec, _mesa_GetVertexAttribiv); + SET_IsProgram(exec, _mesa_IsProgram); + SET_IsShader(exec, _mesa_IsShader); + SET_IsVertexArray(exec, _mesa_IsVertexArray); + SET_LinkProgram(exec, _mesa_LinkProgram); + SET_ProgramBinary(exec, _mesa_ProgramBinary); + SET_ReadBuffer(exec, _mesa_ReadBuffer); + SET_ReleaseShaderCompiler(exec, _mesa_ReleaseShaderCompiler); + SET_ShaderBinary(exec, _mesa_ShaderBinary); + SET_ShaderSource(exec, _mesa_ShaderSource); + SET_StencilFuncSeparate(exec, _mesa_StencilFuncSeparate); + SET_StencilMaskSeparate(exec, _mesa_StencilMaskSeparate); + SET_StencilOpSeparate(exec, _mesa_StencilOpSeparate); + SET_TexImage3D(exec, _mesa_TexImage3D); + SET_TexSubImage3D(exec, _mesa_TexSubImage3D); + SET_Uniform1f(exec, _mesa_Uniform1f); + SET_Uniform1fv(exec, _mesa_Uniform1fv); + SET_Uniform1i(exec, _mesa_Uniform1i); + SET_Uniform1iv(exec, _mesa_Uniform1iv); + SET_Uniform2f(exec, _mesa_Uniform2f); + SET_Uniform2fv(exec, _mesa_Uniform2fv); + SET_Uniform2i(exec, _mesa_Uniform2i); + SET_Uniform2iv(exec, _mesa_Uniform2iv); + SET_Uniform3f(exec, _mesa_Uniform3f); + SET_Uniform3fv(exec, _mesa_Uniform3fv); + SET_Uniform3i(exec, _mesa_Uniform3i); + SET_Uniform3iv(exec, _mesa_Uniform3iv); + SET_Uniform4f(exec, _mesa_Uniform4f); + SET_Uniform4fv(exec, _mesa_Uniform4fv); + SET_Uniform4i(exec, _mesa_Uniform4i); + SET_Uniform4iv(exec, _mesa_Uniform4iv); + SET_UniformMatrix2fv(exec, _mesa_UniformMatrix2fv); + SET_UniformMatrix3fv(exec, _mesa_UniformMatrix3fv); + SET_UniformMatrix4fv(exec, _mesa_UniformMatrix4fv); + SET_UseProgram(exec, _mesa_UseProgram); + SET_ValidateProgram(exec, _mesa_ValidateProgram); + SET_VertexAttribPointer(exec, _mesa_VertexAttribPointer); + } + if (ctx->API == API_OPENGLES) { + SET_AlphaFuncx(exec, _mesa_AlphaFuncx); + SET_ClearColorx(exec, _mesa_ClearColorx); + SET_ClearDepthx(exec, _mesa_ClearDepthx); + SET_ClipPlanef(exec, _mesa_ClipPlanef); + SET_ClipPlanex(exec, _mesa_ClipPlanex); + SET_Color4x(exec, _mesa_Color4x); + SET_DepthRangex(exec, _mesa_DepthRangex); + SET_DrawTexfOES(exec, _mesa_DrawTexfOES); + SET_DrawTexfvOES(exec, _mesa_DrawTexfvOES); + SET_DrawTexiOES(exec, _mesa_DrawTexiOES); + SET_DrawTexivOES(exec, _mesa_DrawTexivOES); + SET_DrawTexsOES(exec, _mesa_DrawTexsOES); + SET_DrawTexsvOES(exec, _mesa_DrawTexsvOES); + SET_DrawTexxOES(exec, _mesa_DrawTexxOES); + SET_DrawTexxvOES(exec, _mesa_DrawTexxvOES); + SET_Fogx(exec, _mesa_Fogx); + SET_Fogxv(exec, _mesa_Fogxv); + SET_Frustumf(exec, _mesa_Frustumf); + SET_Frustumx(exec, _mesa_Frustumx); + SET_GetClipPlanef(exec, _mesa_GetClipPlanef); + SET_GetClipPlanex(exec, _mesa_GetClipPlanex); + SET_GetFixedv(exec, _mesa_GetFixedv); + SET_GetLightxv(exec, _mesa_GetLightxv); + SET_GetMaterialxv(exec, _mesa_GetMaterialxv); + SET_GetTexEnvxv(exec, _mesa_GetTexEnvxv); + SET_GetTexGenxvOES(exec, _mesa_GetTexGenxvOES); + SET_GetTexParameterxv(exec, _mesa_GetTexParameterxv); + SET_LightModelx(exec, _mesa_LightModelx); + SET_LightModelxv(exec, _mesa_LightModelxv); + SET_Lightx(exec, _mesa_Lightx); + SET_Lightxv(exec, _mesa_Lightxv); + SET_LineWidthx(exec, _mesa_LineWidthx); + SET_LoadMatrixx(exec, _mesa_LoadMatrixx); + SET_Materialx(exec, _mesa_Materialx); + SET_Materialxv(exec, _mesa_Materialxv); + SET_MultMatrixx(exec, _mesa_MultMatrixx); + SET_MultiTexCoord4x(exec, _mesa_MultiTexCoord4x); + SET_Normal3x(exec, _mesa_Normal3x); + SET_Orthof(exec, _mesa_Orthof); + SET_Orthox(exec, _mesa_Orthox); + SET_PointParameterx(exec, _mesa_PointParameterx); + SET_PointParameterxv(exec, _mesa_PointParameterxv); + SET_PointSizePointerOES(exec, _mesa_PointSizePointerOES); + SET_PointSizex(exec, _mesa_PointSizex); + SET_PolygonOffsetx(exec, _mesa_PolygonOffsetx); + SET_QueryMatrixxOES(exec, _mesa_QueryMatrixxOES); + SET_Rotatex(exec, _mesa_Rotatex); + SET_SampleCoveragex(exec, _mesa_SampleCoveragex); + SET_Scalex(exec, _mesa_Scalex); + SET_TexEnvx(exec, _mesa_TexEnvx); + SET_TexEnvxv(exec, _mesa_TexEnvxv); + SET_TexGenxOES(exec, _mesa_TexGenxOES); + SET_TexGenxvOES(exec, _mesa_TexGenxvOES); + SET_TexParameterx(exec, _mesa_TexParameterx); + SET_TexParameterxv(exec, _mesa_TexParameterxv); + SET_Translatex(exec, _mesa_Translatex); + } + if (ctx->API == API_OPENGL_COMPAT) { + SET_Accum(exec, _mesa_Accum); + SET_ActiveProgramEXT(exec, _mesa_ActiveProgramEXT); + SET_ActiveStencilFaceEXT(exec, _mesa_ActiveStencilFaceEXT); + SET_AlphaFragmentOp1ATI(exec, _mesa_AlphaFragmentOp1ATI); + SET_AlphaFragmentOp2ATI(exec, _mesa_AlphaFragmentOp2ATI); + SET_AlphaFragmentOp3ATI(exec, _mesa_AlphaFragmentOp3ATI); + SET_AreTexturesResident(exec, _mesa_AreTexturesResident); + SET_BeginFragmentShaderATI(exec, _mesa_BeginFragmentShaderATI); + SET_BindFragmentShaderATI(exec, _mesa_BindFragmentShaderATI); + SET_BindProgramARB(exec, _mesa_BindProgramARB); + SET_BindVertexArrayAPPLE(exec, _mesa_BindVertexArrayAPPLE); + SET_Bitmap(exec, _mesa_Bitmap); + SET_CallList(exec, _mesa_CallList); + SET_CallLists(exec, _mesa_CallLists); + SET_ClearAccum(exec, _mesa_ClearAccum); + SET_ClearIndex(exec, _mesa_ClearIndex); + SET_ClipPlane(exec, _mesa_ClipPlane); + SET_Color3b(exec, _mesa_Color3b); + SET_Color3bv(exec, _mesa_Color3bv); + SET_Color3d(exec, _mesa_Color3d); + SET_Color3dv(exec, _mesa_Color3dv); + SET_Color3i(exec, _mesa_Color3i); + SET_Color3iv(exec, _mesa_Color3iv); + SET_Color3s(exec, _mesa_Color3s); + SET_Color3sv(exec, _mesa_Color3sv); + SET_Color3ub(exec, _mesa_Color3ub); + SET_Color3ubv(exec, _mesa_Color3ubv); + SET_Color3ui(exec, _mesa_Color3ui); + SET_Color3uiv(exec, _mesa_Color3uiv); + SET_Color3us(exec, _mesa_Color3us); + SET_Color3usv(exec, _mesa_Color3usv); + SET_Color4b(exec, _mesa_Color4b); + SET_Color4bv(exec, _mesa_Color4bv); + SET_Color4d(exec, _mesa_Color4d); + SET_Color4dv(exec, _mesa_Color4dv); + SET_Color4i(exec, _mesa_Color4i); + SET_Color4iv(exec, _mesa_Color4iv); + SET_Color4s(exec, _mesa_Color4s); + SET_Color4sv(exec, _mesa_Color4sv); + SET_Color4ubv(exec, _mesa_Color4ubv); + SET_Color4ui(exec, _mesa_Color4ui); + SET_Color4uiv(exec, _mesa_Color4uiv); + SET_Color4us(exec, _mesa_Color4us); + SET_Color4usv(exec, _mesa_Color4usv); + SET_ColorFragmentOp1ATI(exec, _mesa_ColorFragmentOp1ATI); + SET_ColorFragmentOp2ATI(exec, _mesa_ColorFragmentOp2ATI); + SET_ColorFragmentOp3ATI(exec, _mesa_ColorFragmentOp3ATI); + SET_ColorMaterial(exec, _mesa_ColorMaterial); + SET_ColorPointerEXT(exec, _mesa_ColorPointerEXT); + SET_ColorSubTable(exec, _mesa_ColorSubTable); + SET_ColorTable(exec, _mesa_ColorTable); + SET_ColorTableParameterfv(exec, _mesa_ColorTableParameterfv); + SET_ColorTableParameteriv(exec, _mesa_ColorTableParameteriv); + SET_ConvolutionFilter1D(exec, _mesa_ConvolutionFilter1D); + SET_ConvolutionFilter2D(exec, _mesa_ConvolutionFilter2D); + SET_ConvolutionParameterf(exec, _mesa_ConvolutionParameterf); + SET_ConvolutionParameterfv(exec, _mesa_ConvolutionParameterfv); + SET_ConvolutionParameteri(exec, _mesa_ConvolutionParameteri); + SET_ConvolutionParameteriv(exec, _mesa_ConvolutionParameteriv); + SET_CopyColorSubTable(exec, _mesa_CopyColorSubTable); + SET_CopyColorTable(exec, _mesa_CopyColorTable); + SET_CopyConvolutionFilter1D(exec, _mesa_CopyConvolutionFilter1D); + SET_CopyConvolutionFilter2D(exec, _mesa_CopyConvolutionFilter2D); + SET_CopyPixels(exec, _mesa_CopyPixels); + SET_CreateShaderProgramEXT(exec, _mesa_CreateShaderProgramEXT); + SET_DeleteFragmentShaderATI(exec, _mesa_DeleteFragmentShaderATI); + SET_DeleteLists(exec, _mesa_DeleteLists); + SET_DeleteProgramsARB(exec, _mesa_DeleteProgramsARB); + SET_DrawPixels(exec, _mesa_DrawPixels); + SET_EdgeFlagPointer(exec, _mesa_EdgeFlagPointer); + SET_EdgeFlagPointerEXT(exec, _mesa_EdgeFlagPointerEXT); + SET_EdgeFlagv(exec, _mesa_EdgeFlagv); + SET_EndFragmentShaderATI(exec, _mesa_EndFragmentShaderATI); + SET_EndList(exec, _mesa_EndList); + SET_EvalCoord1d(exec, _mesa_EvalCoord1d); + SET_EvalCoord1dv(exec, _mesa_EvalCoord1dv); + SET_EvalCoord1fv(exec, _mesa_EvalCoord1fv); + SET_EvalCoord2d(exec, _mesa_EvalCoord2d); + SET_EvalCoord2dv(exec, _mesa_EvalCoord2dv); + SET_EvalCoord2fv(exec, _mesa_EvalCoord2fv); + SET_FeedbackBuffer(exec, _mesa_FeedbackBuffer); + SET_FogCoordPointer(exec, _mesa_FogCoordPointer); + SET_FogCoordd(exec, _mesa_FogCoordd); + SET_FogCoorddv(exec, _mesa_FogCoorddv); + SET_Fogi(exec, _mesa_Fogi); + SET_Fogiv(exec, _mesa_Fogiv); + SET_Frustum(exec, _mesa_Frustum); + SET_GenFragmentShadersATI(exec, _mesa_GenFragmentShadersATI); + SET_GenLists(exec, _mesa_GenLists); + SET_GenProgramsARB(exec, _mesa_GenProgramsARB); + SET_GenVertexArraysAPPLE(exec, _mesa_GenVertexArraysAPPLE); + SET_GetClipPlane(exec, _mesa_GetClipPlane); + SET_GetColorTable(exec, _mesa_GetColorTable); + SET_GetColorTableParameterfv(exec, _mesa_GetColorTableParameterfv); + SET_GetColorTableParameteriv(exec, _mesa_GetColorTableParameteriv); + SET_GetConvolutionFilter(exec, _mesa_GetConvolutionFilter); + SET_GetConvolutionParameterfv(exec, _mesa_GetConvolutionParameterfv); + SET_GetConvolutionParameteriv(exec, _mesa_GetConvolutionParameteriv); + SET_GetHistogram(exec, _mesa_GetHistogram); + SET_GetHistogramParameterfv(exec, _mesa_GetHistogramParameterfv); + SET_GetHistogramParameteriv(exec, _mesa_GetHistogramParameteriv); + SET_GetLightiv(exec, _mesa_GetLightiv); + SET_GetMapdv(exec, _mesa_GetMapdv); + SET_GetMapfv(exec, _mesa_GetMapfv); + SET_GetMapiv(exec, _mesa_GetMapiv); + SET_GetMaterialiv(exec, _mesa_GetMaterialiv); + SET_GetMinmax(exec, _mesa_GetMinmax); + SET_GetMinmaxParameterfv(exec, _mesa_GetMinmaxParameterfv); + SET_GetMinmaxParameteriv(exec, _mesa_GetMinmaxParameteriv); + SET_GetPixelMapfv(exec, _mesa_GetPixelMapfv); + SET_GetPixelMapuiv(exec, _mesa_GetPixelMapuiv); + SET_GetPixelMapusv(exec, _mesa_GetPixelMapusv); + SET_GetPolygonStipple(exec, _mesa_GetPolygonStipple); + SET_GetProgramEnvParameterdvARB(exec, _mesa_GetProgramEnvParameterdvARB); + SET_GetProgramEnvParameterfvARB(exec, _mesa_GetProgramEnvParameterfvARB); + SET_GetProgramLocalParameterdvARB(exec, _mesa_GetProgramLocalParameterdvARB); + SET_GetProgramLocalParameterfvARB(exec, _mesa_GetProgramLocalParameterfvARB); + SET_GetProgramStringARB(exec, _mesa_GetProgramStringARB); + SET_GetProgramivARB(exec, _mesa_GetProgramivARB); + SET_GetSeparableFilter(exec, _mesa_GetSeparableFilter); + SET_GetTexBumpParameterfvATI(exec, _mesa_GetTexBumpParameterfvATI); + SET_GetTexBumpParameterivATI(exec, _mesa_GetTexBumpParameterivATI); + SET_GetTexGendv(exec, _mesa_GetTexGendv); + SET_GetnColorTableARB(exec, _mesa_GetnColorTableARB); + SET_GetnConvolutionFilterARB(exec, _mesa_GetnConvolutionFilterARB); + SET_GetnHistogramARB(exec, _mesa_GetnHistogramARB); + SET_GetnMapdvARB(exec, _mesa_GetnMapdvARB); + SET_GetnMapfvARB(exec, _mesa_GetnMapfvARB); + SET_GetnMapivARB(exec, _mesa_GetnMapivARB); + SET_GetnMinmaxARB(exec, _mesa_GetnMinmaxARB); + SET_GetnPixelMapfvARB(exec, _mesa_GetnPixelMapfvARB); + SET_GetnPixelMapuivARB(exec, _mesa_GetnPixelMapuivARB); + SET_GetnPixelMapusvARB(exec, _mesa_GetnPixelMapusvARB); + SET_GetnSeparableFilterARB(exec, _mesa_GetnSeparableFilterARB); + SET_Histogram(exec, _mesa_Histogram); + SET_IndexMask(exec, _mesa_IndexMask); + SET_IndexPointer(exec, _mesa_IndexPointer); + SET_IndexPointerEXT(exec, _mesa_IndexPointerEXT); + SET_Indexd(exec, _mesa_Indexd); + SET_Indexdv(exec, _mesa_Indexdv); + SET_Indexi(exec, _mesa_Indexi); + SET_Indexiv(exec, _mesa_Indexiv); + SET_Indexs(exec, _mesa_Indexs); + SET_Indexsv(exec, _mesa_Indexsv); + SET_Indexub(exec, _mesa_Indexub); + SET_Indexubv(exec, _mesa_Indexubv); + SET_InitNames(exec, _mesa_InitNames); + SET_InterleavedArrays(exec, _mesa_InterleavedArrays); + SET_IsList(exec, _mesa_IsList); + SET_IsProgramARB(exec, _mesa_IsProgramARB); + SET_LightModeli(exec, _mesa_LightModeli); + SET_LightModeliv(exec, _mesa_LightModeliv); + SET_Lighti(exec, _mesa_Lighti); + SET_Lightiv(exec, _mesa_Lightiv); + SET_LineStipple(exec, _mesa_LineStipple); + SET_ListBase(exec, _mesa_ListBase); + SET_LoadMatrixd(exec, _mesa_LoadMatrixd); + SET_LoadName(exec, _mesa_LoadName); + SET_LoadTransposeMatrixd(exec, _mesa_LoadTransposeMatrixd); + SET_LoadTransposeMatrixf(exec, _mesa_LoadTransposeMatrixf); + SET_LockArraysEXT(exec, _mesa_LockArraysEXT); + SET_Map1d(exec, _mesa_Map1d); + SET_Map1f(exec, _mesa_Map1f); + SET_Map2d(exec, _mesa_Map2d); + SET_Map2f(exec, _mesa_Map2f); + SET_MapGrid1d(exec, _mesa_MapGrid1d); + SET_MapGrid1f(exec, _mesa_MapGrid1f); + SET_MapGrid2d(exec, _mesa_MapGrid2d); + SET_MapGrid2f(exec, _mesa_MapGrid2f); + SET_Materiali(exec, _mesa_Materiali); + SET_Materialiv(exec, _mesa_Materialiv); + SET_Minmax(exec, _mesa_Minmax); + SET_MultMatrixd(exec, _mesa_MultMatrixd); + SET_MultTransposeMatrixd(exec, _mesa_MultTransposeMatrixd); + SET_MultTransposeMatrixf(exec, _mesa_MultTransposeMatrixf); + SET_MultiTexCoord1d(exec, _mesa_MultiTexCoord1d); + SET_MultiTexCoord1dv(exec, _mesa_MultiTexCoord1dv); + SET_MultiTexCoord1i(exec, _mesa_MultiTexCoord1i); + SET_MultiTexCoord1iv(exec, _mesa_MultiTexCoord1iv); + SET_MultiTexCoord1s(exec, _mesa_MultiTexCoord1s); + SET_MultiTexCoord1sv(exec, _mesa_MultiTexCoord1sv); + SET_MultiTexCoord2d(exec, _mesa_MultiTexCoord2d); + SET_MultiTexCoord2dv(exec, _mesa_MultiTexCoord2dv); + SET_MultiTexCoord2i(exec, _mesa_MultiTexCoord2i); + SET_MultiTexCoord2iv(exec, _mesa_MultiTexCoord2iv); + SET_MultiTexCoord2s(exec, _mesa_MultiTexCoord2s); + SET_MultiTexCoord2sv(exec, _mesa_MultiTexCoord2sv); + SET_MultiTexCoord3d(exec, _mesa_MultiTexCoord3d); + SET_MultiTexCoord3dv(exec, _mesa_MultiTexCoord3dv); + SET_MultiTexCoord3i(exec, _mesa_MultiTexCoord3i); + SET_MultiTexCoord3iv(exec, _mesa_MultiTexCoord3iv); + SET_MultiTexCoord3s(exec, _mesa_MultiTexCoord3s); + SET_MultiTexCoord3sv(exec, _mesa_MultiTexCoord3sv); + SET_MultiTexCoord4d(exec, _mesa_MultiTexCoord4d); + SET_MultiTexCoord4dv(exec, _mesa_MultiTexCoord4dv); + SET_MultiTexCoord4i(exec, _mesa_MultiTexCoord4i); + SET_MultiTexCoord4iv(exec, _mesa_MultiTexCoord4iv); + SET_MultiTexCoord4s(exec, _mesa_MultiTexCoord4s); + SET_MultiTexCoord4sv(exec, _mesa_MultiTexCoord4sv); + SET_NewList(exec, _mesa_NewList); + SET_Normal3b(exec, _mesa_Normal3b); + SET_Normal3bv(exec, _mesa_Normal3bv); + SET_Normal3d(exec, _mesa_Normal3d); + SET_Normal3dv(exec, _mesa_Normal3dv); + SET_Normal3i(exec, _mesa_Normal3i); + SET_Normal3iv(exec, _mesa_Normal3iv); + SET_Normal3s(exec, _mesa_Normal3s); + SET_Normal3sv(exec, _mesa_Normal3sv); + SET_NormalPointerEXT(exec, _mesa_NormalPointerEXT); + SET_Ortho(exec, _mesa_Ortho); + SET_PassTexCoordATI(exec, _mesa_PassTexCoordATI); + SET_PassThrough(exec, _mesa_PassThrough); + SET_PixelMapfv(exec, _mesa_PixelMapfv); + SET_PixelMapuiv(exec, _mesa_PixelMapuiv); + SET_PixelMapusv(exec, _mesa_PixelMapusv); + SET_PixelTransferf(exec, _mesa_PixelTransferf); + SET_PixelTransferi(exec, _mesa_PixelTransferi); + SET_PixelZoom(exec, _mesa_PixelZoom); + SET_PolygonOffsetEXT(exec, _mesa_PolygonOffsetEXT); + SET_PolygonStipple(exec, _mesa_PolygonStipple); + SET_PopAttrib(exec, _mesa_PopAttrib); + SET_PopClientAttrib(exec, _mesa_PopClientAttrib); + SET_PopName(exec, _mesa_PopName); + SET_PrioritizeTextures(exec, _mesa_PrioritizeTextures); + SET_ProgramEnvParameter4dARB(exec, _mesa_ProgramEnvParameter4dARB); + SET_ProgramEnvParameter4dvARB(exec, _mesa_ProgramEnvParameter4dvARB); + SET_ProgramEnvParameter4fARB(exec, _mesa_ProgramEnvParameter4fARB); + SET_ProgramEnvParameter4fvARB(exec, _mesa_ProgramEnvParameter4fvARB); + SET_ProgramEnvParameters4fvEXT(exec, _mesa_ProgramEnvParameters4fvEXT); + SET_ProgramLocalParameter4dARB(exec, _mesa_ProgramLocalParameter4dARB); + SET_ProgramLocalParameter4dvARB(exec, _mesa_ProgramLocalParameter4dvARB); + SET_ProgramLocalParameter4fARB(exec, _mesa_ProgramLocalParameter4fARB); + SET_ProgramLocalParameter4fvARB(exec, _mesa_ProgramLocalParameter4fvARB); + SET_ProgramLocalParameters4fvEXT(exec, _mesa_ProgramLocalParameters4fvEXT); + SET_ProgramStringARB(exec, _mesa_ProgramStringARB); + SET_PushAttrib(exec, _mesa_PushAttrib); + SET_PushClientAttrib(exec, _mesa_PushClientAttrib); + SET_PushName(exec, _mesa_PushName); + SET_RasterPos2d(exec, _mesa_RasterPos2d); + SET_RasterPos2dv(exec, _mesa_RasterPos2dv); + SET_RasterPos2f(exec, _mesa_RasterPos2f); + SET_RasterPos2fv(exec, _mesa_RasterPos2fv); + SET_RasterPos2i(exec, _mesa_RasterPos2i); + SET_RasterPos2iv(exec, _mesa_RasterPos2iv); + SET_RasterPos2s(exec, _mesa_RasterPos2s); + SET_RasterPos2sv(exec, _mesa_RasterPos2sv); + SET_RasterPos3d(exec, _mesa_RasterPos3d); + SET_RasterPos3dv(exec, _mesa_RasterPos3dv); + SET_RasterPos3f(exec, _mesa_RasterPos3f); + SET_RasterPos3fv(exec, _mesa_RasterPos3fv); + SET_RasterPos3i(exec, _mesa_RasterPos3i); + SET_RasterPos3iv(exec, _mesa_RasterPos3iv); + SET_RasterPos3s(exec, _mesa_RasterPos3s); + SET_RasterPos3sv(exec, _mesa_RasterPos3sv); + SET_RasterPos4d(exec, _mesa_RasterPos4d); + SET_RasterPos4dv(exec, _mesa_RasterPos4dv); + SET_RasterPos4f(exec, _mesa_RasterPos4f); + SET_RasterPos4fv(exec, _mesa_RasterPos4fv); + SET_RasterPos4i(exec, _mesa_RasterPos4i); + SET_RasterPos4iv(exec, _mesa_RasterPos4iv); + SET_RasterPos4s(exec, _mesa_RasterPos4s); + SET_RasterPos4sv(exec, _mesa_RasterPos4sv); + SET_Rectd(exec, _mesa_Rectd); + SET_Rectdv(exec, _mesa_Rectdv); + SET_Rectfv(exec, _mesa_Rectfv); + SET_Recti(exec, _mesa_Recti); + SET_Rectiv(exec, _mesa_Rectiv); + SET_Rects(exec, _mesa_Rects); + SET_Rectsv(exec, _mesa_Rectsv); + SET_RenderMode(exec, _mesa_RenderMode); + SET_ResetHistogram(exec, _mesa_ResetHistogram); + SET_ResetMinmax(exec, _mesa_ResetMinmax); + SET_Rotated(exec, _mesa_Rotated); + SET_SampleMapATI(exec, _mesa_SampleMapATI); + SET_Scaled(exec, _mesa_Scaled); + SET_SecondaryColor3b(exec, _mesa_SecondaryColor3b); + SET_SecondaryColor3bv(exec, _mesa_SecondaryColor3bv); + SET_SecondaryColor3d(exec, _mesa_SecondaryColor3d); + SET_SecondaryColor3dv(exec, _mesa_SecondaryColor3dv); + SET_SecondaryColor3i(exec, _mesa_SecondaryColor3i); + SET_SecondaryColor3iv(exec, _mesa_SecondaryColor3iv); + SET_SecondaryColor3s(exec, _mesa_SecondaryColor3s); + SET_SecondaryColor3sv(exec, _mesa_SecondaryColor3sv); + SET_SecondaryColor3ub(exec, _mesa_SecondaryColor3ub); + SET_SecondaryColor3ubv(exec, _mesa_SecondaryColor3ubv); + SET_SecondaryColor3ui(exec, _mesa_SecondaryColor3ui); + SET_SecondaryColor3uiv(exec, _mesa_SecondaryColor3uiv); + SET_SecondaryColor3us(exec, _mesa_SecondaryColor3us); + SET_SecondaryColor3usv(exec, _mesa_SecondaryColor3usv); + SET_SecondaryColorPointer(exec, _mesa_SecondaryColorPointer); + SET_SelectBuffer(exec, _mesa_SelectBuffer); + SET_SeparableFilter2D(exec, _mesa_SeparableFilter2D); + SET_SetFragmentShaderConstantATI(exec, _mesa_SetFragmentShaderConstantATI); + SET_StencilFuncSeparateATI(exec, _mesa_StencilFuncSeparateATI); + SET_TexBumpParameterfvATI(exec, _mesa_TexBumpParameterfvATI); + SET_TexBumpParameterivATI(exec, _mesa_TexBumpParameterivATI); + SET_TexCoord1d(exec, _mesa_TexCoord1d); + SET_TexCoord1dv(exec, _mesa_TexCoord1dv); + SET_TexCoord1i(exec, _mesa_TexCoord1i); + SET_TexCoord1iv(exec, _mesa_TexCoord1iv); + SET_TexCoord1s(exec, _mesa_TexCoord1s); + SET_TexCoord1sv(exec, _mesa_TexCoord1sv); + SET_TexCoord2d(exec, _mesa_TexCoord2d); + SET_TexCoord2dv(exec, _mesa_TexCoord2dv); + SET_TexCoord2i(exec, _mesa_TexCoord2i); + SET_TexCoord2iv(exec, _mesa_TexCoord2iv); + SET_TexCoord2s(exec, _mesa_TexCoord2s); + SET_TexCoord2sv(exec, _mesa_TexCoord2sv); + SET_TexCoord3d(exec, _mesa_TexCoord3d); + SET_TexCoord3dv(exec, _mesa_TexCoord3dv); + SET_TexCoord3i(exec, _mesa_TexCoord3i); + SET_TexCoord3iv(exec, _mesa_TexCoord3iv); + SET_TexCoord3s(exec, _mesa_TexCoord3s); + SET_TexCoord3sv(exec, _mesa_TexCoord3sv); + SET_TexCoord4d(exec, _mesa_TexCoord4d); + SET_TexCoord4dv(exec, _mesa_TexCoord4dv); + SET_TexCoord4i(exec, _mesa_TexCoord4i); + SET_TexCoord4iv(exec, _mesa_TexCoord4iv); + SET_TexCoord4s(exec, _mesa_TexCoord4s); + SET_TexCoord4sv(exec, _mesa_TexCoord4sv); + SET_TexCoordPointerEXT(exec, _mesa_TexCoordPointerEXT); + SET_TexGend(exec, _mesa_TexGend); + SET_TexGendv(exec, _mesa_TexGendv); + SET_Translated(exec, _mesa_Translated); + SET_UnlockArraysEXT(exec, _mesa_UnlockArraysEXT); + SET_UseShaderProgramEXT(exec, _mesa_UseShaderProgramEXT); + SET_Vertex2d(exec, _mesa_Vertex2d); + SET_Vertex2dv(exec, _mesa_Vertex2dv); + SET_Vertex2i(exec, _mesa_Vertex2i); + SET_Vertex2iv(exec, _mesa_Vertex2iv); + SET_Vertex2s(exec, _mesa_Vertex2s); + SET_Vertex2sv(exec, _mesa_Vertex2sv); + SET_Vertex3d(exec, _mesa_Vertex3d); + SET_Vertex3dv(exec, _mesa_Vertex3dv); + SET_Vertex3i(exec, _mesa_Vertex3i); + SET_Vertex3iv(exec, _mesa_Vertex3iv); + SET_Vertex3s(exec, _mesa_Vertex3s); + SET_Vertex3sv(exec, _mesa_Vertex3sv); + SET_Vertex4d(exec, _mesa_Vertex4d); + SET_Vertex4dv(exec, _mesa_Vertex4dv); + SET_Vertex4i(exec, _mesa_Vertex4i); + SET_Vertex4iv(exec, _mesa_Vertex4iv); + SET_Vertex4s(exec, _mesa_Vertex4s); + SET_Vertex4sv(exec, _mesa_Vertex4sv); + SET_VertexAttrib1dNV(exec, _mesa_VertexAttrib1dNV); + SET_VertexAttrib1dvNV(exec, _mesa_VertexAttrib1dvNV); + SET_VertexAttrib1sNV(exec, _mesa_VertexAttrib1sNV); + SET_VertexAttrib1svNV(exec, _mesa_VertexAttrib1svNV); + SET_VertexAttrib2dNV(exec, _mesa_VertexAttrib2dNV); + SET_VertexAttrib2dvNV(exec, _mesa_VertexAttrib2dvNV); + SET_VertexAttrib2sNV(exec, _mesa_VertexAttrib2sNV); + SET_VertexAttrib2svNV(exec, _mesa_VertexAttrib2svNV); + SET_VertexAttrib3dNV(exec, _mesa_VertexAttrib3dNV); + SET_VertexAttrib3dvNV(exec, _mesa_VertexAttrib3dvNV); + SET_VertexAttrib3sNV(exec, _mesa_VertexAttrib3sNV); + SET_VertexAttrib3svNV(exec, _mesa_VertexAttrib3svNV); + SET_VertexAttrib4dNV(exec, _mesa_VertexAttrib4dNV); + SET_VertexAttrib4dvNV(exec, _mesa_VertexAttrib4dvNV); + SET_VertexAttrib4sNV(exec, _mesa_VertexAttrib4sNV); + SET_VertexAttrib4svNV(exec, _mesa_VertexAttrib4svNV); + SET_VertexAttrib4ubNV(exec, _mesa_VertexAttrib4ubNV); + SET_VertexAttrib4ubvNV(exec, _mesa_VertexAttrib4ubvNV); + SET_VertexAttribs1dvNV(exec, _mesa_VertexAttribs1dvNV); + SET_VertexAttribs1fvNV(exec, _mesa_VertexAttribs1fvNV); + SET_VertexAttribs1svNV(exec, _mesa_VertexAttribs1svNV); + SET_VertexAttribs2dvNV(exec, _mesa_VertexAttribs2dvNV); + SET_VertexAttribs2fvNV(exec, _mesa_VertexAttribs2fvNV); + SET_VertexAttribs2svNV(exec, _mesa_VertexAttribs2svNV); + SET_VertexAttribs3dvNV(exec, _mesa_VertexAttribs3dvNV); + SET_VertexAttribs3fvNV(exec, _mesa_VertexAttribs3fvNV); + SET_VertexAttribs3svNV(exec, _mesa_VertexAttribs3svNV); + SET_VertexAttribs4dvNV(exec, _mesa_VertexAttribs4dvNV); + SET_VertexAttribs4fvNV(exec, _mesa_VertexAttribs4fvNV); + SET_VertexAttribs4svNV(exec, _mesa_VertexAttribs4svNV); + SET_VertexAttribs4ubvNV(exec, _mesa_VertexAttribs4ubvNV); + SET_VertexPointerEXT(exec, _mesa_VertexPointerEXT); + SET_WindowPos2d(exec, _mesa_WindowPos2d); + SET_WindowPos2dv(exec, _mesa_WindowPos2dv); + SET_WindowPos2f(exec, _mesa_WindowPos2f); + SET_WindowPos2fv(exec, _mesa_WindowPos2fv); + SET_WindowPos2i(exec, _mesa_WindowPos2i); + SET_WindowPos2iv(exec, _mesa_WindowPos2iv); + SET_WindowPos2s(exec, _mesa_WindowPos2s); + SET_WindowPos2sv(exec, _mesa_WindowPos2sv); + SET_WindowPos3d(exec, _mesa_WindowPos3d); + SET_WindowPos3dv(exec, _mesa_WindowPos3dv); + SET_WindowPos3f(exec, _mesa_WindowPos3f); + SET_WindowPos3fv(exec, _mesa_WindowPos3fv); + SET_WindowPos3i(exec, _mesa_WindowPos3i); + SET_WindowPos3iv(exec, _mesa_WindowPos3iv); + SET_WindowPos3s(exec, _mesa_WindowPos3s); + SET_WindowPos3sv(exec, _mesa_WindowPos3sv); + SET_WindowPos4dMESA(exec, _mesa_WindowPos4dMESA); + SET_WindowPos4dvMESA(exec, _mesa_WindowPos4dvMESA); + SET_WindowPos4fMESA(exec, _mesa_WindowPos4fMESA); + SET_WindowPos4fvMESA(exec, _mesa_WindowPos4fvMESA); + SET_WindowPos4iMESA(exec, _mesa_WindowPos4iMESA); + SET_WindowPos4ivMESA(exec, _mesa_WindowPos4ivMESA); + SET_WindowPos4sMESA(exec, _mesa_WindowPos4sMESA); + SET_WindowPos4svMESA(exec, _mesa_WindowPos4svMESA); + } + if (ctx->API == API_OPENGL_COMPAT || ctx->API == API_OPENGLES) { + SET_AlphaFunc(exec, _mesa_AlphaFunc); + SET_ClientActiveTexture(exec, _mesa_ClientActiveTexture); + SET_Color4ub(exec, _mesa_Color4ub); + SET_ColorPointer(exec, _mesa_ColorPointer); + SET_DisableClientState(exec, _mesa_DisableClientState); + SET_EnableClientState(exec, _mesa_EnableClientState); + SET_Fogf(exec, _mesa_Fogf); + SET_Fogfv(exec, _mesa_Fogfv); + SET_GetLightfv(exec, _mesa_GetLightfv); + SET_GetMaterialfv(exec, _mesa_GetMaterialfv); + SET_GetTexEnvfv(exec, _mesa_GetTexEnvfv); + SET_GetTexEnviv(exec, _mesa_GetTexEnviv); + SET_GetTexGenfv(exec, _mesa_GetTexGenfv); + SET_GetTexGeniv(exec, _mesa_GetTexGeniv); + SET_LightModelf(exec, _mesa_LightModelf); + SET_LightModelfv(exec, _mesa_LightModelfv); + SET_Lightf(exec, _mesa_Lightf); + SET_Lightfv(exec, _mesa_Lightfv); + SET_LoadIdentity(exec, _mesa_LoadIdentity); + SET_LoadMatrixf(exec, _mesa_LoadMatrixf); + SET_Materialf(exec, _mesa_Materialf); + SET_MatrixMode(exec, _mesa_MatrixMode); + SET_MultMatrixf(exec, _mesa_MultMatrixf); + SET_NormalPointer(exec, _mesa_NormalPointer); + SET_PopMatrix(exec, _mesa_PopMatrix); + SET_PushMatrix(exec, _mesa_PushMatrix); + SET_Rotatef(exec, _mesa_Rotatef); + SET_Scalef(exec, _mesa_Scalef); + SET_ShadeModel(exec, _mesa_ShadeModel); + SET_TexCoordPointer(exec, _mesa_TexCoordPointer); + SET_TexEnvf(exec, _mesa_TexEnvf); + SET_TexEnvfv(exec, _mesa_TexEnvfv); + SET_TexEnvi(exec, _mesa_TexEnvi); + SET_TexEnviv(exec, _mesa_TexEnviv); + SET_TexGenf(exec, _mesa_TexGenf); + SET_TexGenfv(exec, _mesa_TexGenfv); + SET_TexGeni(exec, _mesa_TexGeni); + SET_TexGeniv(exec, _mesa_TexGeniv); + SET_Translatef(exec, _mesa_Translatef); + SET_VertexPointer(exec, _mesa_VertexPointer); + } + +} + --- mesa-9.1.4.orig/src/mesa/main/enums.c +++ mesa-9.1.4/src/mesa/main/enums.c @@ -0,0 +1,7200 @@ +/* DO NOT EDIT - This file generated automatically by gl_enums.py (from Mesa) script */ + +/* + * Copyright (C) 1999-2005 Brian Paul All Rights Reserved. + * All Rights Reserved. + * + * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a + * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), + * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation + * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sub license, + * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the + * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + * + * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next + * paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the + * Software. + * + * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR + * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL + * BRIAN PAUL, + * AND/OR THEIR SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, + * WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF + * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE + * SOFTWARE. + */ + +#include "main/glheader.h" +#include "main/mfeatures.h" +#include "main/enums.h" +#include "main/imports.h" +#include "main/mtypes.h" + +typedef struct { + size_t offset; + int n; +} enum_elt; + +LONGSTRING static const char enum_string_table[] = + "GL_2D\0" + "GL_2_BYTES\0" + "GL_3D\0" + "GL_3D_COLOR\0" + "GL_3D_COLOR_TEXTURE\0" + "GL_3_BYTES\0" + "GL_4D_COLOR_TEXTURE\0" + "GL_4_BYTES\0" + "GL_ACCUM\0" + "GL_ACCUM_ALPHA_BITS\0" + "GL_ACCUM_BLUE_BITS\0" + "GL_ACCUM_BUFFER_BIT\0" + "GL_ACCUM_CLEAR_VALUE\0" + "GL_ACCUM_GREEN_BITS\0" + "GL_ACCUM_RED_BITS\0" + "GL_ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTES\0" + "GL_ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTE_MAX_LENGTH\0" + "GL_ACTIVE_PROGRAM_EXT\0" + "GL_ACTIVE_STENCIL_FACE_EXT\0" + "GL_ACTIVE_TEXTURE\0" + "GL_ACTIVE_TEXTURE_ARB\0" + "GL_ACTIVE_UNIFORMS\0" + "GL_ACTIVE_UNIFORM_BLOCKS\0" + "GL_ACTIVE_UNIFORM_BLOCK_MAX_NAME_LENGTH\0" + "GL_ACTIVE_UNIFORM_MAX_LENGTH\0" + "GL_ACTIVE_VERTEX_UNITS_ARB\0" + "GL_ADD\0" + "GL_ADD_ATI\0" + "GL_ADD_SIGNED\0" + "GL_ADD_SIGNED_ARB\0" + "GL_ADD_SIGNED_EXT\0" + "GL_ALIASED_LINE_WIDTH_RANGE\0" + "GL_ALIASED_POINT_SIZE_RANGE\0" + "GL_ALL_ATTRIB_BITS\0" + "GL_ALL_CLIENT_ATTRIB_BITS\0" + "GL_ALPHA\0" + "GL_ALPHA12\0" + "GL_ALPHA12_EXT\0" + "GL_ALPHA16\0" + "GL_ALPHA16F_ARB\0" + "GL_ALPHA16I_EXT\0" + "GL_ALPHA16UI_EXT\0" + "GL_ALPHA16_EXT\0" + "GL_ALPHA32F_ARB\0" + "GL_ALPHA32I_EXT\0" + "GL_ALPHA32UI_EXT\0" + "GL_ALPHA4\0" + "GL_ALPHA4_EXT\0" + "GL_ALPHA8\0" + "GL_ALPHA8I_EXT\0" + "GL_ALPHA8UI_EXT\0" + "GL_ALPHA8_EXT\0" + "GL_ALPHA_BIAS\0" + "GL_ALPHA_BITS\0" + "GL_ALPHA_INTEGER_EXT\0" + "GL_ALPHA_SCALE\0" + "GL_ALPHA_TEST\0" + "GL_ALPHA_TEST_FUNC\0" + "GL_ALPHA_TEST_REF\0" + "GL_ALREADY_SIGNALED\0" + "GL_ALWAYS\0" + "GL_AMBIENT\0" + "GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE\0" + "GL_AND\0" + "GL_AND_INVERTED\0" + "GL_AND_REVERSE\0" + "GL_ANY_SAMPLES_PASSED\0" + "GL_ANY_SAMPLES_PASSED_CONSERVATIVE\0" + "GL_ARRAY_BUFFER\0" + "GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING\0" + "GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING_ARB\0" + "GL_ARRAY_ELEMENT_LOCK_COUNT_EXT\0" + "GL_ARRAY_ELEMENT_LOCK_FIRST_EXT\0" + "GL_ATTACHED_SHADERS\0" + "GL_ATTRIB_ARRAY_POINTER_NV\0" + "GL_ATTRIB_ARRAY_SIZE_NV\0" + "GL_ATTRIB_ARRAY_STRIDE_NV\0" + "GL_ATTRIB_ARRAY_TYPE_NV\0" + "GL_ATTRIB_STACK_DEPTH\0" + "GL_AUTO_NORMAL\0" + "GL_AUX0\0" + "GL_AUX1\0" + "GL_AUX2\0" + "GL_AUX3\0" + "GL_AUX_BUFFERS\0" + "GL_BACK\0" + "GL_BACK_LEFT\0" + "GL_BACK_RIGHT\0" + "GL_BGR\0" + "GL_BGRA\0" + "GL_BGRA_EXT\0" + "GL_BGRA_INTEGER\0" + "GL_BGRA_INTEGER_EXT\0" + "GL_BGR_INTEGER\0" + "GL_BGR_INTEGER_EXT\0" + "GL_BITMAP\0" + "GL_BITMAP_TOKEN\0" + "GL_BLEND\0" + "GL_BLEND_COLOR\0" + "GL_BLEND_COLOR_EXT\0" + "GL_BLEND_DST\0" + "GL_BLEND_DST_ALPHA\0" + "GL_BLEND_DST_ALPHA_OES\0" + "GL_BLEND_DST_RGB\0" + "GL_BLEND_DST_RGB_OES\0" + "GL_BLEND_EQUATION\0" + "GL_BLEND_EQUATION_ALPHA\0" + "GL_BLEND_EQUATION_ALPHA_EXT\0" + "GL_BLEND_EQUATION_ALPHA_OES\0" + "GL_BLEND_EQUATION_EXT\0" + "GL_BLEND_EQUATION_OES\0" + "GL_BLEND_EQUATION_RGB\0" + "GL_BLEND_EQUATION_RGB_EXT\0" + "GL_BLEND_EQUATION_RGB_OES\0" + "GL_BLEND_SRC\0" + "GL_BLEND_SRC_ALPHA\0" + "GL_BLEND_SRC_ALPHA_OES\0" + "GL_BLEND_SRC_RGB\0" + "GL_BLEND_SRC_RGB_OES\0" + "GL_BLUE\0" + "GL_BLUE_BIAS\0" + "GL_BLUE_BITS\0" + "GL_BLUE_INTEGER\0" + "GL_BLUE_INTEGER_EXT\0" + "GL_BLUE_SCALE\0" + "GL_BOOL\0" + "GL_BOOL_ARB\0" + "GL_BOOL_VEC2\0" + "GL_BOOL_VEC2_ARB\0" + "GL_BOOL_VEC3\0" + "GL_BOOL_VEC3_ARB\0" + "GL_BOOL_VEC4\0" + "GL_BOOL_VEC4_ARB\0" + "GL_BUFFER_ACCESS\0" + "GL_BUFFER_ACCESS_ARB\0" + "GL_BUFFER_ACCESS_FLAGS\0" + "GL_BUFFER_ACCESS_OES\0" + "GL_BUFFER_FLUSHING_UNMAP_APPLE\0" + "GL_BUFFER_MAPPED\0" + "GL_BUFFER_MAPPED_ARB\0" + "GL_BUFFER_MAPPED_OES\0" + "GL_BUFFER_MAP_LENGTH\0" + "GL_BUFFER_MAP_OFFSET\0" + "GL_BUFFER_MAP_POINTER\0" + "GL_BUFFER_MAP_POINTER_ARB\0" + "GL_BUFFER_MAP_POINTER_OES\0" + "GL_BUFFER_OBJECT_APPLE\0" + "GL_BUFFER_SERIALIZED_MODIFY_APPLE\0" + "GL_BUFFER_SIZE\0" + "GL_BUFFER_SIZE_ARB\0" + "GL_BUFFER_USAGE\0" + "GL_BUFFER_USAGE_ARB\0" + "GL_BUMP_ENVMAP_ATI\0" + "GL_BUMP_NUM_TEX_UNITS_ATI\0" + "GL_BUMP_ROT_MATRIX_ATI\0" + "GL_BUMP_ROT_MATRIX_SIZE_ATI\0" + "GL_BUMP_TARGET_ATI\0" + "GL_BUMP_TEX_UNITS_ATI\0" + "GL_BYTE\0" + "GL_C3F_V3F\0" + "GL_C4F_N3F_V3F\0" + "GL_C4UB_V2F\0" + "GL_C4UB_V3F\0" + "GL_CCW\0" + "GL_CLAMP\0" + "GL_CLAMP_FRAGMENT_COLOR\0" + "GL_CLAMP_FRAGMENT_COLOR_ARB\0" + "GL_CLAMP_READ_COLOR\0" + "GL_CLAMP_READ_COLOR_ARB\0" + "GL_CLAMP_TO_BORDER\0" + "GL_CLAMP_TO_BORDER_ARB\0" + "GL_CLAMP_TO_BORDER_SGIS\0" + "GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE\0" + "GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE_SGIS\0" + "GL_CLAMP_VERTEX_COLOR\0" + "GL_CLAMP_VERTEX_COLOR_ARB\0" + "GL_CLEAR\0" + "GL_CLIENT_ACTIVE_TEXTURE\0" + "GL_CLIENT_ACTIVE_TEXTURE_ARB\0" + "GL_CLIENT_ALL_ATTRIB_BITS\0" + "GL_CLIENT_ATTRIB_STACK_DEPTH\0" + "GL_CLIENT_PIXEL_STORE_BIT\0" + "GL_CLIENT_VERTEX_ARRAY_BIT\0" + "GL_CLIP_DISTANCE0\0" + "GL_CLIP_DISTANCE1\0" + "GL_CLIP_DISTANCE2\0" + "GL_CLIP_DISTANCE3\0" + "GL_CLIP_DISTANCE4\0" + "GL_CLIP_DISTANCE5\0" + "GL_CLIP_DISTANCE6\0" + "GL_CLIP_DISTANCE7\0" + "GL_CLIP_PLANE0\0" + "GL_CLIP_PLANE1\0" + "GL_CLIP_PLANE2\0" + "GL_CLIP_PLANE3\0" + "GL_CLIP_PLANE4\0" + "GL_CLIP_PLANE5\0" + "GL_CLIP_VOLUME_CLIPPING_HINT_EXT\0" + "GL_CND0_ATI\0" + "GL_CND_ATI\0" + "GL_COEFF\0" + "GL_COLOR\0" + "GL_COLOR_ALPHA_PAIRING_ATI\0" + "GL_COLOR_ARRAY\0" + "GL_COLOR_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING\0" + "GL_COLOR_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING_ARB\0" + "GL_COLOR_ARRAY_COUNT_EXT\0" + "GL_COLOR_ARRAY_POINTER\0" + "GL_COLOR_ARRAY_SIZE\0" + "GL_COLOR_ARRAY_STRIDE\0" + "GL_COLOR_ARRAY_TYPE\0" + "GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0\0" + "GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0_EXT\0" + "GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0_OES\0" + "GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT1\0" + "GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT10\0" + "GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT10_EXT\0" + "GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT11\0" + "GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT11_EXT\0" + "GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT12\0" + "GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT12_EXT\0" + "GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT13\0" + "GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT13_EXT\0" + "GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT14\0" + "GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT14_EXT\0" + "GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT15\0" + "GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT15_EXT\0" + "GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT1_EXT\0" + "GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT2\0" + "GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT2_EXT\0" + "GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT3\0" + "GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT3_EXT\0" + "GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT4\0" + "GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT4_EXT\0" + "GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT5\0" + "GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT5_EXT\0" + "GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT6\0" + "GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT6_EXT\0" + "GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT7\0" + "GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT7_EXT\0" + "GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT8\0" + "GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT8_EXT\0" + "GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT9\0" + "GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT9_EXT\0" + "GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT\0" + "GL_COLOR_CLEAR_VALUE\0" + "GL_COLOR_INDEX\0" + "GL_COLOR_INDEXES\0" + "GL_COLOR_LOGIC_OP\0" + "GL_COLOR_MATERIAL\0" + "GL_COLOR_MATERIAL_FACE\0" + "GL_COLOR_MATERIAL_PARAMETER\0" + "GL_COLOR_MATRIX\0" + "GL_COLOR_MATRIX_SGI\0" + "GL_COLOR_MATRIX_STACK_DEPTH\0" + "GL_COLOR_MATRIX_STACK_DEPTH_SGI\0" + "GL_COLOR_SUM\0" + "GL_COLOR_SUM_ARB\0" + "GL_COLOR_TABLE\0" + "GL_COLOR_TABLE_ALPHA_SIZE\0" + "GL_COLOR_TABLE_ALPHA_SIZE_EXT\0" + "GL_COLOR_TABLE_ALPHA_SIZE_SGI\0" + "GL_COLOR_TABLE_BIAS\0" + "GL_COLOR_TABLE_BIAS_SGI\0" + "GL_COLOR_TABLE_BLUE_SIZE\0" + "GL_COLOR_TABLE_BLUE_SIZE_EXT\0" + "GL_COLOR_TABLE_BLUE_SIZE_SGI\0" + "GL_COLOR_TABLE_FORMAT\0" + "GL_COLOR_TABLE_FORMAT_EXT\0" + "GL_COLOR_TABLE_FORMAT_SGI\0" + "GL_COLOR_TABLE_GREEN_SIZE\0" + "GL_COLOR_TABLE_GREEN_SIZE_EXT\0" + "GL_COLOR_TABLE_GREEN_SIZE_SGI\0" + "GL_COLOR_TABLE_INTENSITY_SIZE\0" + "GL_COLOR_TABLE_INTENSITY_SIZE_EXT\0" + "GL_COLOR_TABLE_INTENSITY_SIZE_SGI\0" + "GL_COLOR_TABLE_LUMINANCE_SIZE\0" + "GL_COLOR_TABLE_LUMINANCE_SIZE_EXT\0" + "GL_COLOR_TABLE_LUMINANCE_SIZE_SGI\0" + "GL_COLOR_TABLE_RED_SIZE\0" + "GL_COLOR_TABLE_RED_SIZE_EXT\0" + "GL_COLOR_TABLE_RED_SIZE_SGI\0" + "GL_COLOR_TABLE_SCALE\0" + "GL_COLOR_TABLE_SCALE_SGI\0" + "GL_COLOR_TABLE_WIDTH\0" + "GL_COLOR_TABLE_WIDTH_EXT\0" + "GL_COLOR_TABLE_WIDTH_SGI\0" + "GL_COLOR_WRITEMASK\0" + "GL_COMBINE\0" + "GL_COMBINE4_NV\0" + "GL_COMBINE_ALPHA\0" + "GL_COMBINE_ALPHA_ARB\0" + "GL_COMBINE_ALPHA_EXT\0" + "GL_COMBINE_ARB\0" + "GL_COMBINE_EXT\0" + "GL_COMBINE_RGB\0" + "GL_COMBINE_RGB_ARB\0" + "GL_COMBINE_RGB_EXT\0" + "GL_COMPARE_REF_DEPTH_TO_TEXTURE_EXT\0" + "GL_COMPARE_REF_TO_TEXTURE\0" + "GL_COMPARE_R_TO_TEXTURE\0" + "GL_COMPARE_R_TO_TEXTURE_ARB\0" + "GL_COMPILE\0" + "GL_COMPILE_AND_EXECUTE\0" + "GL_COMPILE_STATUS\0" + "GL_COMPRESSED_ALPHA\0" + "GL_COMPRESSED_ALPHA_ARB\0" + "GL_COMPRESSED_INTENSITY\0" + "GL_COMPRESSED_INTENSITY_ARB\0" + "GL_COMPRESSED_LUMINANCE\0" + "GL_COMPRESSED_LUMINANCE_ALPHA\0" + "GL_COMPRESSED_LUMINANCE_ALPHA_ARB\0" + "GL_COMPRESSED_LUMINANCE_ARB\0" + "GL_COMPRESSED_R11_EAC\0" + "GL_COMPRESSED_RED\0" + "GL_COMPRESSED_RED_RGTC1\0" + "GL_COMPRESSED_RG\0" + "GL_COMPRESSED_RG11_EAC\0" + "GL_COMPRESSED_RGB\0" + "GL_COMPRESSED_RGB8_ETC2\0" + 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"GL_UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_BUFFER\0" + "GL_UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_BUFFER_EXT\0" + "GL_UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_CUBE\0" + "GL_UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_CUBE_EXT\0" + "GL_UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_CUBE_MAP_ARRAY_ARB\0" + "GL_UNSIGNED_INT_VEC2\0" + "GL_UNSIGNED_INT_VEC2_EXT\0" + "GL_UNSIGNED_INT_VEC3\0" + "GL_UNSIGNED_INT_VEC3_EXT\0" + "GL_UNSIGNED_INT_VEC4\0" + "GL_UNSIGNED_INT_VEC4_EXT\0" + "GL_UNSIGNED_NORMALIZED\0" + "GL_UNSIGNED_NORMALIZED_ARB\0" + "GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT\0" + "GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_1_5_5_5_REV\0" + "GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_1_5_5_5_REV_EXT\0" + "GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4\0" + "GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4_REV\0" + "GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4_REV_EXT\0" + "GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_5_5_1\0" + "GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5\0" + "GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5_REV\0" + "GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_8_8_APPLE\0" + "GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_8_8_MESA\0" + "GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_8_8_REV_APPLE\0" + "GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_8_8_REV_MESA\0" + "GL_UPPER_LEFT\0" + "GL_V2F\0" + "GL_V3F\0" + "GL_VALIDATE_STATUS\0" + "GL_VENDOR\0" + "GL_VERSION\0" + "GL_VERTEX_ARRAY\0" + "GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_BINDING\0" + "GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_BINDING_APPLE\0" + "GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_BINDING_OES\0" + "GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING\0" + "GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING_ARB\0" + "GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_COUNT_EXT\0" + "GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_POINTER\0" + "GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_SIZE\0" + "GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_STRIDE\0" + "GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_TYPE\0" + "GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY0_NV\0" + "GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY10_NV\0" + "GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY11_NV\0" + "GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY12_NV\0" + "GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY13_NV\0" + "GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY14_NV\0" + "GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY15_NV\0" + "GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY1_NV\0" + "GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY2_NV\0" + "GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY3_NV\0" + "GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY4_NV\0" + "GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY5_NV\0" + "GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY6_NV\0" + "GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY7_NV\0" + "GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY8_NV\0" + "GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY9_NV\0" + "GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING\0" + "GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING_ARB\0" + "GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_DIVISOR_ARB\0" + "GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_ENABLED\0" + "GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_ENABLED_ARB\0" + "GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_INTEGER\0" + "GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_INTEGER_EXT\0" + "GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_NORMALIZED\0" + "GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_NORMALIZED_ARB\0" + "GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_POINTER\0" + "GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_POINTER_ARB\0" + "GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_SIZE\0" + "GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_SIZE_ARB\0" + "GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_STRIDE\0" + "GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_STRIDE_ARB\0" + "GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_TYPE\0" + "GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_TYPE_ARB\0" + "GL_VERTEX_BLEND_ARB\0" + "GL_VERTEX_PROGRAM_ARB\0" + "GL_VERTEX_PROGRAM_BINDING_NV\0" + "GL_VERTEX_PROGRAM_NV\0" + "GL_VERTEX_PROGRAM_POINT_SIZE\0" + "GL_VERTEX_PROGRAM_POINT_SIZE_ARB\0" + "GL_VERTEX_PROGRAM_POINT_SIZE_NV\0" + "GL_VERTEX_PROGRAM_TWO_SIDE\0" + "GL_VERTEX_PROGRAM_TWO_SIDE_ARB\0" + "GL_VERTEX_PROGRAM_TWO_SIDE_NV\0" + "GL_VERTEX_SHADER\0" + "GL_VERTEX_SHADER_ARB\0" + "GL_VERTEX_STATE_PROGRAM_NV\0" + "GL_VIEWPORT\0" + "GL_VIEWPORT_BIT\0" + "GL_VOLATILE_APPLE\0" + "GL_WAIT_FAILED\0" + "GL_WEIGHT_ARRAY_ARB\0" + "GL_WEIGHT_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING\0" + "GL_WEIGHT_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING_ARB\0" + "GL_WEIGHT_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING_OES\0" + "GL_WEIGHT_ARRAY_OES\0" + "GL_WEIGHT_ARRAY_POINTER_ARB\0" + "GL_WEIGHT_ARRAY_POINTER_OES\0" + "GL_WEIGHT_ARRAY_SIZE_ARB\0" + "GL_WEIGHT_ARRAY_SIZE_OES\0" + "GL_WEIGHT_ARRAY_STRIDE_ARB\0" + "GL_WEIGHT_ARRAY_STRIDE_OES\0" + "GL_WEIGHT_ARRAY_TYPE_ARB\0" + "GL_WEIGHT_ARRAY_TYPE_OES\0" + "GL_WEIGHT_SUM_UNITY_ARB\0" + "GL_WRAP_BORDER_SUN\0" + "GL_WRITE_ONLY\0" + "GL_WRITE_ONLY_ARB\0" + "GL_WRITE_ONLY_OES\0" + "GL_XOR\0" + "GL_YCBCR_422_APPLE\0" + "GL_YCBCR_MESA\0" + "GL_ZERO\0" + "GL_ZOOM_X\0" + "GL_ZOOM_Y\0" + ; + +static const enum_elt all_enums[2617] = +{ + { 0, 0x00000600 }, /* GL_2D */ + { 6, 0x00001407 }, /* GL_2_BYTES */ + { 17, 0x00000601 }, /* GL_3D */ + { 23, 0x00000602 }, /* GL_3D_COLOR */ + { 35, 0x00000603 }, /* GL_3D_COLOR_TEXTURE */ + { 55, 0x00001408 }, /* GL_3_BYTES */ + { 66, 0x00000604 }, /* GL_4D_COLOR_TEXTURE */ + { 86, 0x00001409 }, /* GL_4_BYTES */ + { 97, 0x00000100 }, /* GL_ACCUM */ + { 106, 0x00000D5B }, /* GL_ACCUM_ALPHA_BITS */ + { 126, 0x00000D5A }, /* GL_ACCUM_BLUE_BITS */ + { 145, 0x00000200 }, /* GL_ACCUM_BUFFER_BIT */ + { 165, 0x00000B80 }, /* GL_ACCUM_CLEAR_VALUE */ + { 186, 0x00000D59 }, /* GL_ACCUM_GREEN_BITS */ + { 206, 0x00000D58 }, /* GL_ACCUM_RED_BITS */ + { 224, 0x00008B89 }, /* GL_ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTES */ + { 245, 0x00008B8A }, /* GL_ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTE_MAX_LENGTH */ + { 276, 0x00008B8D }, /* GL_ACTIVE_PROGRAM_EXT */ + { 298, 0x00008911 }, /* GL_ACTIVE_STENCIL_FACE_EXT */ + { 325, 0x000084E0 }, /* GL_ACTIVE_TEXTURE */ + { 343, 0x000084E0 }, /* GL_ACTIVE_TEXTURE_ARB */ + { 365, 0x00008B86 }, /* GL_ACTIVE_UNIFORMS */ + { 384, 0x00008A36 }, /* GL_ACTIVE_UNIFORM_BLOCKS */ + { 409, 0x00008A35 }, /* GL_ACTIVE_UNIFORM_BLOCK_MAX_NAME_LENGTH */ + { 449, 0x00008B87 }, /* GL_ACTIVE_UNIFORM_MAX_LENGTH */ + { 478, 0x000086A5 }, /* GL_ACTIVE_VERTEX_UNITS_ARB */ + { 505, 0x00000104 }, /* GL_ADD */ + { 512, 0x00008963 }, /* GL_ADD_ATI */ + { 523, 0x00008574 }, /* GL_ADD_SIGNED */ + { 537, 0x00008574 }, /* GL_ADD_SIGNED_ARB */ + { 555, 0x00008574 }, /* GL_ADD_SIGNED_EXT */ + { 573, 0x0000846E }, /* GL_ALIASED_LINE_WIDTH_RANGE */ + { 601, 0x0000846D }, /* GL_ALIASED_POINT_SIZE_RANGE */ + { 629, 0x000FFFFF }, /* GL_ALL_ATTRIB_BITS */ + { 648, 0xFFFFFFFF }, /* GL_ALL_CLIENT_ATTRIB_BITS */ + { 674, 0x00001906 }, /* GL_ALPHA */ + { 683, 0x0000803D }, /* GL_ALPHA12 */ + { 694, 0x0000803D }, /* GL_ALPHA12_EXT */ + { 709, 0x0000803E }, /* GL_ALPHA16 */ + { 720, 0x0000881C }, /* GL_ALPHA16F_ARB */ + { 736, 0x00008D8A }, /* GL_ALPHA16I_EXT */ + { 752, 0x00008D78 }, /* GL_ALPHA16UI_EXT */ + { 769, 0x0000803E }, /* GL_ALPHA16_EXT */ + { 784, 0x00008816 }, /* GL_ALPHA32F_ARB */ + { 800, 0x00008D84 }, /* GL_ALPHA32I_EXT */ + { 816, 0x00008D72 }, /* GL_ALPHA32UI_EXT */ + { 833, 0x0000803B }, /* GL_ALPHA4 */ + { 843, 0x0000803B }, /* GL_ALPHA4_EXT */ + { 857, 0x0000803C }, /* GL_ALPHA8 */ + { 867, 0x00008D90 }, /* GL_ALPHA8I_EXT */ + { 882, 0x00008D7E }, /* GL_ALPHA8UI_EXT */ + { 898, 0x0000803C }, /* GL_ALPHA8_EXT */ + { 912, 0x00000D1D }, /* GL_ALPHA_BIAS */ + { 926, 0x00000D55 }, /* GL_ALPHA_BITS */ + { 940, 0x00008D97 }, /* GL_ALPHA_INTEGER_EXT */ + { 961, 0x00000D1C }, /* GL_ALPHA_SCALE */ + { 976, 0x00000BC0 }, /* GL_ALPHA_TEST */ + { 990, 0x00000BC1 }, /* GL_ALPHA_TEST_FUNC */ + { 1009, 0x00000BC2 }, /* GL_ALPHA_TEST_REF */ + { 1027, 0x0000911A }, /* GL_ALREADY_SIGNALED */ + { 1047, 0x00000207 }, /* GL_ALWAYS */ + { 1057, 0x00001200 }, /* GL_AMBIENT */ + { 1068, 0x00001602 }, /* GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE */ + { 1091, 0x00001501 }, /* GL_AND */ + { 1098, 0x00001504 }, /* GL_AND_INVERTED */ + { 1114, 0x00001502 }, /* GL_AND_REVERSE */ + { 1129, 0x00008C2F }, /* GL_ANY_SAMPLES_PASSED */ + { 1151, 0x00008D6A }, /* GL_ANY_SAMPLES_PASSED_CONSERVATIVE */ + { 1186, 0x00008892 }, /* GL_ARRAY_BUFFER */ + { 1202, 0x00008894 }, /* GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING */ + { 1226, 0x00008894 }, /* GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING_ARB */ + { 1254, 0x000081A9 }, /* GL_ARRAY_ELEMENT_LOCK_COUNT_EXT */ + { 1286, 0x000081A8 }, /* GL_ARRAY_ELEMENT_LOCK_FIRST_EXT */ + { 1318, 0x00008B85 }, /* GL_ATTACHED_SHADERS */ + { 1338, 0x00008645 }, /* GL_ATTRIB_ARRAY_POINTER_NV */ + { 1365, 0x00008623 }, /* GL_ATTRIB_ARRAY_SIZE_NV */ + { 1389, 0x00008624 }, /* GL_ATTRIB_ARRAY_STRIDE_NV */ + { 1415, 0x00008625 }, /* GL_ATTRIB_ARRAY_TYPE_NV */ + { 1439, 0x00000BB0 }, /* GL_ATTRIB_STACK_DEPTH */ + { 1461, 0x00000D80 }, /* GL_AUTO_NORMAL */ + { 1476, 0x00000409 }, /* GL_AUX0 */ + { 1484, 0x0000040A }, /* GL_AUX1 */ + { 1492, 0x0000040B }, /* GL_AUX2 */ + { 1500, 0x0000040C }, /* GL_AUX3 */ + { 1508, 0x00000C00 }, /* GL_AUX_BUFFERS */ + { 1523, 0x00000405 }, /* GL_BACK */ + { 1531, 0x00000402 }, /* GL_BACK_LEFT */ + { 1544, 0x00000403 }, /* GL_BACK_RIGHT */ + { 1558, 0x000080E0 }, /* GL_BGR */ + { 1565, 0x000080E1 }, /* GL_BGRA */ + { 1573, 0x000080E1 }, /* GL_BGRA_EXT */ + { 1585, 0x00008D9B }, /* GL_BGRA_INTEGER */ + { 1601, 0x00008D9B }, /* GL_BGRA_INTEGER_EXT */ + { 1621, 0x00008D9A }, /* GL_BGR_INTEGER */ + { 1636, 0x00008D9A }, /* GL_BGR_INTEGER_EXT */ + { 1655, 0x00001A00 }, /* GL_BITMAP */ + { 1665, 0x00000704 }, /* GL_BITMAP_TOKEN */ + { 1681, 0x00000BE2 }, /* GL_BLEND */ + { 1690, 0x00008005 }, /* GL_BLEND_COLOR */ + { 1705, 0x00008005 }, /* GL_BLEND_COLOR_EXT */ + { 1724, 0x00000BE0 }, /* GL_BLEND_DST */ + { 1737, 0x000080CA }, /* GL_BLEND_DST_ALPHA */ + { 1756, 0x000080CA }, /* GL_BLEND_DST_ALPHA_OES */ + { 1779, 0x000080C8 }, /* GL_BLEND_DST_RGB */ + { 1796, 0x000080C8 }, /* GL_BLEND_DST_RGB_OES */ + { 1817, 0x00008009 }, /* GL_BLEND_EQUATION */ + { 1835, 0x0000883D }, /* GL_BLEND_EQUATION_ALPHA */ + { 1859, 0x0000883D }, /* GL_BLEND_EQUATION_ALPHA_EXT */ + { 1887, 0x0000883D }, /* GL_BLEND_EQUATION_ALPHA_OES */ + { 1915, 0x00008009 }, /* GL_BLEND_EQUATION_EXT */ + { 1937, 0x00008009 }, /* GL_BLEND_EQUATION_OES */ + { 1959, 0x00008009 }, /* GL_BLEND_EQUATION_RGB */ + { 1981, 0x00008009 }, /* GL_BLEND_EQUATION_RGB_EXT */ + { 2007, 0x00008009 }, /* GL_BLEND_EQUATION_RGB_OES */ + { 2033, 0x00000BE1 }, /* GL_BLEND_SRC */ + { 2046, 0x000080CB }, /* GL_BLEND_SRC_ALPHA */ + { 2065, 0x000080CB }, /* GL_BLEND_SRC_ALPHA_OES */ + { 2088, 0x000080C9 }, /* GL_BLEND_SRC_RGB */ + { 2105, 0x000080C9 }, /* GL_BLEND_SRC_RGB_OES */ + { 2126, 0x00001905 }, /* GL_BLUE */ + { 2134, 0x00000D1B }, /* GL_BLUE_BIAS */ + { 2147, 0x00000D54 }, /* GL_BLUE_BITS */ + { 2160, 0x00008D96 }, /* GL_BLUE_INTEGER */ + { 2176, 0x00008D96 }, /* GL_BLUE_INTEGER_EXT */ + { 2196, 0x00000D1A }, /* GL_BLUE_SCALE */ + { 2210, 0x00008B56 }, /* GL_BOOL */ + { 2218, 0x00008B56 }, /* GL_BOOL_ARB */ + { 2230, 0x00008B57 }, /* GL_BOOL_VEC2 */ + { 2243, 0x00008B57 }, /* GL_BOOL_VEC2_ARB */ + { 2260, 0x00008B58 }, /* GL_BOOL_VEC3 */ + { 2273, 0x00008B58 }, /* GL_BOOL_VEC3_ARB */ + { 2290, 0x00008B59 }, /* GL_BOOL_VEC4 */ + { 2303, 0x00008B59 }, /* GL_BOOL_VEC4_ARB */ + { 2320, 0x000088BB }, /* GL_BUFFER_ACCESS */ + { 2337, 0x000088BB }, /* GL_BUFFER_ACCESS_ARB */ + { 2358, 0x0000911F }, /* GL_BUFFER_ACCESS_FLAGS */ + { 2381, 0x000088BB }, /* GL_BUFFER_ACCESS_OES */ + { 2402, 0x00008A13 }, /* GL_BUFFER_FLUSHING_UNMAP_APPLE */ + { 2433, 0x000088BC }, /* GL_BUFFER_MAPPED */ + { 2450, 0x000088BC }, /* GL_BUFFER_MAPPED_ARB */ + { 2471, 0x000088BC }, /* GL_BUFFER_MAPPED_OES */ + { 2492, 0x00009120 }, /* GL_BUFFER_MAP_LENGTH */ + { 2513, 0x00009121 }, /* GL_BUFFER_MAP_OFFSET */ + { 2534, 0x000088BD }, /* GL_BUFFER_MAP_POINTER */ + { 2556, 0x000088BD }, /* GL_BUFFER_MAP_POINTER_ARB */ + { 2582, 0x000088BD }, /* GL_BUFFER_MAP_POINTER_OES */ + { 2608, 0x000085B3 }, /* GL_BUFFER_OBJECT_APPLE */ + { 2631, 0x00008A12 }, /* GL_BUFFER_SERIALIZED_MODIFY_APPLE */ + { 2665, 0x00008764 }, /* GL_BUFFER_SIZE */ + { 2680, 0x00008764 }, /* GL_BUFFER_SIZE_ARB */ + { 2699, 0x00008765 }, /* GL_BUFFER_USAGE */ + { 2715, 0x00008765 }, /* GL_BUFFER_USAGE_ARB */ + { 2735, 0x0000877B }, /* GL_BUMP_ENVMAP_ATI */ + { 2754, 0x00008777 }, /* GL_BUMP_NUM_TEX_UNITS_ATI */ + { 2780, 0x00008775 }, /* GL_BUMP_ROT_MATRIX_ATI */ + { 2803, 0x00008776 }, /* GL_BUMP_ROT_MATRIX_SIZE_ATI */ + { 2831, 0x0000877C }, /* GL_BUMP_TARGET_ATI */ + { 2850, 0x00008778 }, /* GL_BUMP_TEX_UNITS_ATI */ + { 2872, 0x00001400 }, /* GL_BYTE */ + { 2880, 0x00002A24 }, /* GL_C3F_V3F */ + { 2891, 0x00002A26 }, /* GL_C4F_N3F_V3F */ + { 2906, 0x00002A22 }, /* GL_C4UB_V2F */ + { 2918, 0x00002A23 }, /* GL_C4UB_V3F */ + { 2930, 0x00000901 }, /* GL_CCW */ + { 2937, 0x00002900 }, /* GL_CLAMP */ + { 2946, 0x0000891B }, /* GL_CLAMP_FRAGMENT_COLOR */ + { 2970, 0x0000891B }, /* GL_CLAMP_FRAGMENT_COLOR_ARB */ + { 2998, 0x0000891C }, /* GL_CLAMP_READ_COLOR */ + { 3018, 0x0000891C }, /* GL_CLAMP_READ_COLOR_ARB */ + { 3042, 0x0000812D }, /* GL_CLAMP_TO_BORDER */ + { 3061, 0x0000812D }, /* GL_CLAMP_TO_BORDER_ARB */ + { 3084, 0x0000812D }, /* GL_CLAMP_TO_BORDER_SGIS */ + { 3108, 0x0000812F }, /* GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE */ + { 3125, 0x0000812F }, /* GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE_SGIS */ + { 3147, 0x0000891A }, /* GL_CLAMP_VERTEX_COLOR */ + { 3169, 0x0000891A }, /* GL_CLAMP_VERTEX_COLOR_ARB */ + { 3195, 0x00001500 }, /* GL_CLEAR */ + { 3204, 0x000084E1 }, /* GL_CLIENT_ACTIVE_TEXTURE */ + { 3229, 0x000084E1 }, /* GL_CLIENT_ACTIVE_TEXTURE_ARB */ + { 3258, 0xFFFFFFFF }, /* GL_CLIENT_ALL_ATTRIB_BITS */ + { 3284, 0x00000BB1 }, /* GL_CLIENT_ATTRIB_STACK_DEPTH */ + { 3313, 0x00000001 }, /* GL_CLIENT_PIXEL_STORE_BIT */ + { 3339, 0x00000002 }, /* GL_CLIENT_VERTEX_ARRAY_BIT */ + { 3366, 0x00003000 }, /* GL_CLIP_DISTANCE0 */ + { 3384, 0x00003001 }, /* GL_CLIP_DISTANCE1 */ + { 3402, 0x00003002 }, /* GL_CLIP_DISTANCE2 */ + { 3420, 0x00003003 }, /* GL_CLIP_DISTANCE3 */ + { 3438, 0x00003004 }, /* GL_CLIP_DISTANCE4 */ + { 3456, 0x00003005 }, /* GL_CLIP_DISTANCE5 */ + { 3474, 0x00003006 }, /* GL_CLIP_DISTANCE6 */ + { 3492, 0x00003007 }, /* GL_CLIP_DISTANCE7 */ + { 3510, 0x00003000 }, /* GL_CLIP_PLANE0 */ + { 3525, 0x00003001 }, /* GL_CLIP_PLANE1 */ + { 3540, 0x00003002 }, /* GL_CLIP_PLANE2 */ + { 3555, 0x00003003 }, /* GL_CLIP_PLANE3 */ + { 3570, 0x00003004 }, /* GL_CLIP_PLANE4 */ + { 3585, 0x00003005 }, /* GL_CLIP_PLANE5 */ + { 3600, 0x000080F0 }, /* GL_CLIP_VOLUME_CLIPPING_HINT_EXT */ + { 3633, 0x0000896B }, /* GL_CND0_ATI */ + { 3645, 0x0000896A }, /* GL_CND_ATI */ + { 3656, 0x00000A00 }, /* GL_COEFF */ + { 3665, 0x00001800 }, /* GL_COLOR */ + { 3674, 0x00008975 }, /* GL_COLOR_ALPHA_PAIRING_ATI */ + { 3701, 0x00008076 }, /* GL_COLOR_ARRAY */ + { 3716, 0x00008898 }, /* GL_COLOR_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING */ + { 3746, 0x00008898 }, /* GL_COLOR_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING_ARB */ + { 3780, 0x00008084 }, /* GL_COLOR_ARRAY_COUNT_EXT */ + { 3805, 0x00008090 }, /* GL_COLOR_ARRAY_POINTER */ + { 3828, 0x00008081 }, /* GL_COLOR_ARRAY_SIZE */ + { 3848, 0x00008083 }, /* GL_COLOR_ARRAY_STRIDE */ + { 3870, 0x00008082 }, /* GL_COLOR_ARRAY_TYPE */ + { 3890, 0x00008CE0 }, /* GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 */ + { 3911, 0x00008CE0 }, /* GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0_EXT */ + { 3936, 0x00008CE0 }, /* GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0_OES */ + { 3961, 0x00008CE1 }, /* GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT1 */ + { 3982, 0x00008CEA }, /* GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT10 */ + { 4004, 0x00008CEA }, /* GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT10_EXT */ + { 4030, 0x00008CEB }, /* GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT11 */ + { 4052, 0x00008CEB }, /* GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT11_EXT */ + { 4078, 0x00008CEC }, /* GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT12 */ + { 4100, 0x00008CEC }, /* GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT12_EXT */ + { 4126, 0x00008CED }, /* GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT13 */ + { 4148, 0x00008CED }, /* GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT13_EXT */ + { 4174, 0x00008CEE }, /* GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT14 */ + { 4196, 0x00008CEE }, /* GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT14_EXT */ + { 4222, 0x00008CEF }, /* GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT15 */ + { 4244, 0x00008CEF }, /* GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT15_EXT */ + { 4270, 0x00008CE1 }, /* GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT1_EXT */ + { 4295, 0x00008CE2 }, /* GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT2 */ + { 4316, 0x00008CE2 }, /* GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT2_EXT */ + { 4341, 0x00008CE3 }, /* GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT3 */ + { 4362, 0x00008CE3 }, /* GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT3_EXT */ + { 4387, 0x00008CE4 }, /* GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT4 */ + { 4408, 0x00008CE4 }, /* GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT4_EXT */ + { 4433, 0x00008CE5 }, /* GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT5 */ + { 4454, 0x00008CE5 }, /* GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT5_EXT */ + { 4479, 0x00008CE6 }, /* GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT6 */ + { 4500, 0x00008CE6 }, /* GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT6_EXT */ + { 4525, 0x00008CE7 }, /* GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT7 */ + { 4546, 0x00008CE7 }, /* GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT7_EXT */ + { 4571, 0x00008CE8 }, /* GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT8 */ + { 4592, 0x00008CE8 }, /* GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT8_EXT */ + { 4617, 0x00008CE9 }, /* GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT9 */ + { 4638, 0x00008CE9 }, /* GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT9_EXT */ + { 4663, 0x00004000 }, /* GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT */ + { 4683, 0x00000C22 }, /* GL_COLOR_CLEAR_VALUE */ + { 4704, 0x00001900 }, /* GL_COLOR_INDEX */ + { 4719, 0x00001603 }, /* GL_COLOR_INDEXES */ + { 4736, 0x00000BF2 }, /* GL_COLOR_LOGIC_OP */ + { 4754, 0x00000B57 }, /* GL_COLOR_MATERIAL */ + { 4772, 0x00000B55 }, /* GL_COLOR_MATERIAL_FACE */ + { 4795, 0x00000B56 }, /* GL_COLOR_MATERIAL_PARAMETER */ + { 4823, 0x000080B1 }, /* GL_COLOR_MATRIX */ + { 4839, 0x000080B1 }, /* GL_COLOR_MATRIX_SGI */ + { 4859, 0x000080B2 }, /* GL_COLOR_MATRIX_STACK_DEPTH */ + { 4887, 0x000080B2 }, /* GL_COLOR_MATRIX_STACK_DEPTH_SGI */ + { 4919, 0x00008458 }, /* GL_COLOR_SUM */ + { 4932, 0x00008458 }, /* GL_COLOR_SUM_ARB */ + { 4949, 0x000080D0 }, /* GL_COLOR_TABLE */ + { 4964, 0x000080DD }, /* GL_COLOR_TABLE_ALPHA_SIZE */ + { 4990, 0x000080DD }, /* GL_COLOR_TABLE_ALPHA_SIZE_EXT */ + { 5020, 0x000080DD }, /* GL_COLOR_TABLE_ALPHA_SIZE_SGI */ + { 5050, 0x000080D7 }, /* GL_COLOR_TABLE_BIAS */ + { 5070, 0x000080D7 }, /* GL_COLOR_TABLE_BIAS_SGI */ + { 5094, 0x000080DC }, /* GL_COLOR_TABLE_BLUE_SIZE */ + { 5119, 0x000080DC }, /* GL_COLOR_TABLE_BLUE_SIZE_EXT */ + { 5148, 0x000080DC }, /* GL_COLOR_TABLE_BLUE_SIZE_SGI */ + { 5177, 0x000080D8 }, /* GL_COLOR_TABLE_FORMAT */ + { 5199, 0x000080D8 }, /* GL_COLOR_TABLE_FORMAT_EXT */ + { 5225, 0x000080D8 }, /* GL_COLOR_TABLE_FORMAT_SGI */ + { 5251, 0x000080DB }, /* GL_COLOR_TABLE_GREEN_SIZE */ + { 5277, 0x000080DB }, /* GL_COLOR_TABLE_GREEN_SIZE_EXT */ + { 5307, 0x000080DB }, /* GL_COLOR_TABLE_GREEN_SIZE_SGI */ + { 5337, 0x000080DF }, /* GL_COLOR_TABLE_INTENSITY_SIZE */ + { 5367, 0x000080DF }, /* GL_COLOR_TABLE_INTENSITY_SIZE_EXT */ + { 5401, 0x000080DF }, /* GL_COLOR_TABLE_INTENSITY_SIZE_SGI */ + { 5435, 0x000080DE }, /* GL_COLOR_TABLE_LUMINANCE_SIZE */ + { 5465, 0x000080DE }, /* GL_COLOR_TABLE_LUMINANCE_SIZE_EXT */ + { 5499, 0x000080DE }, /* GL_COLOR_TABLE_LUMINANCE_SIZE_SGI */ + { 5533, 0x000080DA }, /* GL_COLOR_TABLE_RED_SIZE */ + { 5557, 0x000080DA }, /* GL_COLOR_TABLE_RED_SIZE_EXT */ + { 5585, 0x000080DA }, /* GL_COLOR_TABLE_RED_SIZE_SGI */ + { 5613, 0x000080D6 }, /* GL_COLOR_TABLE_SCALE */ + { 5634, 0x000080D6 }, /* GL_COLOR_TABLE_SCALE_SGI */ + { 5659, 0x000080D9 }, /* GL_COLOR_TABLE_WIDTH */ + { 5680, 0x000080D9 }, /* GL_COLOR_TABLE_WIDTH_EXT */ + { 5705, 0x000080D9 }, /* GL_COLOR_TABLE_WIDTH_SGI */ + { 5730, 0x00000C23 }, /* GL_COLOR_WRITEMASK */ + { 5749, 0x00008570 }, /* GL_COMBINE */ + { 5760, 0x00008503 }, /* GL_COMBINE4_NV */ + { 5775, 0x00008572 }, /* GL_COMBINE_ALPHA */ + { 5792, 0x00008572 }, /* GL_COMBINE_ALPHA_ARB */ + { 5813, 0x00008572 }, /* GL_COMBINE_ALPHA_EXT */ + { 5834, 0x00008570 }, /* GL_COMBINE_ARB */ + { 5849, 0x00008570 }, /* GL_COMBINE_EXT */ + { 5864, 0x00008571 }, /* GL_COMBINE_RGB */ + { 5879, 0x00008571 }, /* GL_COMBINE_RGB_ARB */ + { 5898, 0x00008571 }, /* GL_COMBINE_RGB_EXT */ + { 5917, 0x0000884E }, /* GL_COMPARE_REF_DEPTH_TO_TEXTURE_EXT */ + { 5953, 0x0000884E }, /* GL_COMPARE_REF_TO_TEXTURE */ + { 5979, 0x0000884E }, /* GL_COMPARE_R_TO_TEXTURE */ + { 6003, 0x0000884E }, /* GL_COMPARE_R_TO_TEXTURE_ARB */ + { 6031, 0x00001300 }, /* GL_COMPILE */ + { 6042, 0x00001301 }, /* GL_COMPILE_AND_EXECUTE */ + { 6065, 0x00008B81 }, /* GL_COMPILE_STATUS */ + { 6083, 0x000084E9 }, /* GL_COMPRESSED_ALPHA */ + { 6103, 0x000084E9 }, /* GL_COMPRESSED_ALPHA_ARB */ + { 6127, 0x000084EC }, /* GL_COMPRESSED_INTENSITY */ + { 6151, 0x000084EC }, /* GL_COMPRESSED_INTENSITY_ARB */ + { 6179, 0x000084EA }, /* GL_COMPRESSED_LUMINANCE */ + { 6203, 0x000084EB }, /* GL_COMPRESSED_LUMINANCE_ALPHA */ + { 6233, 0x000084EB }, /* GL_COMPRESSED_LUMINANCE_ALPHA_ARB */ + { 6267, 0x000084EA }, /* GL_COMPRESSED_LUMINANCE_ARB */ + { 6295, 0x00009270 }, /* GL_COMPRESSED_R11_EAC */ + { 6317, 0x00008225 }, /* GL_COMPRESSED_RED */ + { 6335, 0x00008DBB }, /* GL_COMPRESSED_RED_RGTC1 */ + { 6359, 0x00008226 }, /* GL_COMPRESSED_RG */ + { 6376, 0x00009272 }, /* GL_COMPRESSED_RG11_EAC */ + { 6399, 0x000084ED }, /* GL_COMPRESSED_RGB */ + { 6417, 0x00009274 }, /* GL_COMPRESSED_RGB8_ETC2 */ + { 6441, 0x00009276 }, /* GL_COMPRESSED_RGB8_PUNCHTHROUGH_ALPHA1_ETC2 */ + { 6485, 0x000084EE }, /* GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA */ + { 6504, 0x00009278 }, /* GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA8_ETC2_EAC */ + { 6533, 0x000084EE }, /* GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_ARB */ + { 6556, 0x000086B1 }, /* GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_FXT1_3DFX */ + { 6585, 0x000083F1 }, /* GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT1_EXT */ + { 6618, 0x000083F2 }, /* GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT3_ANGLE */ + { 6653, 0x000083F2 }, /* GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT3_EXT */ + { 6686, 0x000083F3 }, /* GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT5_ANGLE */ + { 6721, 0x000083F3 }, /* GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT5_EXT */ + { 6754, 0x000084ED }, /* GL_COMPRESSED_RGB_ARB */ + { 6776, 0x000086B0 }, /* GL_COMPRESSED_RGB_FXT1_3DFX */ + { 6804, 0x000083F0 }, /* GL_COMPRESSED_RGB_S3TC_DXT1_EXT */ + { 6836, 0x00008DBD }, /* GL_COMPRESSED_RG_RGTC2 */ + { 6859, 0x00009271 }, /* GL_COMPRESSED_SIGNED_R11_EAC */ + { 6888, 0x00008DBC }, /* GL_COMPRESSED_SIGNED_RED_RGTC1 */ + { 6919, 0x00009273 }, /* GL_COMPRESSED_SIGNED_RG11_EAC */ + { 6949, 0x00008DBE }, /* GL_COMPRESSED_SIGNED_RG_RGTC2 */ + { 6979, 0x00008C4A }, /* GL_COMPRESSED_SLUMINANCE */ + { 7004, 0x00008C4B }, /* GL_COMPRESSED_SLUMINANCE_ALPHA */ + { 7035, 0x00008C48 }, /* GL_COMPRESSED_SRGB */ + { 7054, 0x00009279 }, /* GL_COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ETC2_EAC */ + { 7090, 0x00009275 }, /* GL_COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ETC2 */ + { 7115, 0x00009277 }, /* GL_COMPRESSED_SRGB8_PUNCHTHROUGH_ALPHA1_ETC2 */ + { 7160, 0x00008C49 }, /* GL_COMPRESSED_SRGB_ALPHA */ + { 7185, 0x000086A3 }, /* GL_COMPRESSED_TEXTURE_FORMATS */ + { 7215, 0x0000911C }, /* GL_CONDITION_SATISFIED */ + { 7238, 0x00008576 }, /* GL_CONSTANT */ + { 7250, 0x00008003 }, /* GL_CONSTANT_ALPHA */ + { 7268, 0x00008003 }, /* GL_CONSTANT_ALPHA_EXT */ + { 7290, 0x00008576 }, /* GL_CONSTANT_ARB */ + { 7306, 0x00001207 }, /* GL_CONSTANT_ATTENUATION */ + { 7330, 0x00008151 }, /* GL_CONSTANT_BORDER_HP */ + { 7352, 0x00008001 }, /* GL_CONSTANT_COLOR */ + { 7370, 0x00008001 }, /* GL_CONSTANT_COLOR_EXT */ + { 7392, 0x00008576 }, /* GL_CONSTANT_EXT */ + { 7408, 0x00000002 }, /* GL_CONTEXT_COMPATIBILITY_PROFILE_BIT */ + { 7445, 0x00000001 }, /* GL_CONTEXT_CORE_PROFILE_BIT */ + { 7473, 0x0000821E }, /* GL_CONTEXT_FLAGS */ + { 7490, 0x00000001 }, /* GL_CONTEXT_FLAG_FORWARD_COMPATIBLE_BIT */ + { 7529, 0x00000004 }, /* GL_CONTEXT_FLAG_ROBUST_ACCESS_BIT_ARB */ + { 7567, 0x00009126 }, /* GL_CONTEXT_PROFILE_MASK */ + { 7591, 0x00008010 }, /* GL_CONVOLUTION_1D */ + { 7609, 0x00008011 }, /* GL_CONVOLUTION_2D */ + { 7627, 0x00008154 }, /* GL_CONVOLUTION_BORDER_COLOR */ + { 7655, 0x00008154 }, /* GL_CONVOLUTION_BORDER_COLOR_HP */ + { 7686, 0x00008013 }, /* GL_CONVOLUTION_BORDER_MODE */ + { 7713, 0x00008013 }, /* GL_CONVOLUTION_BORDER_MODE_EXT */ + { 7744, 0x00008015 }, /* GL_CONVOLUTION_FILTER_BIAS */ + { 7771, 0x00008015 }, /* GL_CONVOLUTION_FILTER_BIAS_EXT */ + { 7802, 0x00008014 }, /* GL_CONVOLUTION_FILTER_SCALE */ + { 7830, 0x00008014 }, /* GL_CONVOLUTION_FILTER_SCALE_EXT */ + { 7862, 0x00008017 }, /* GL_CONVOLUTION_FORMAT */ + { 7884, 0x00008017 }, /* GL_CONVOLUTION_FORMAT_EXT */ + { 7910, 0x00008019 }, /* GL_CONVOLUTION_HEIGHT */ + { 7932, 0x00008019 }, /* GL_CONVOLUTION_HEIGHT_EXT */ + { 7958, 0x00008018 }, /* GL_CONVOLUTION_WIDTH */ + { 7979, 0x00008018 }, /* GL_CONVOLUTION_WIDTH_EXT */ + { 8004, 0x00008941 }, /* GL_CON_0_ATI */ + { 8017, 0x0000894B }, /* GL_CON_10_ATI */ + { 8031, 0x0000894C }, /* GL_CON_11_ATI */ + { 8045, 0x0000894D }, /* GL_CON_12_ATI */ + { 8059, 0x0000894E }, /* GL_CON_13_ATI */ + { 8073, 0x0000894F }, /* GL_CON_14_ATI */ + { 8087, 0x00008950 }, /* GL_CON_15_ATI */ + { 8101, 0x00008951 }, /* GL_CON_16_ATI */ + { 8115, 0x00008952 }, /* GL_CON_17_ATI */ + { 8129, 0x00008953 }, /* GL_CON_18_ATI */ + { 8143, 0x00008954 }, /* GL_CON_19_ATI */ + { 8157, 0x00008942 }, /* GL_CON_1_ATI */ + { 8170, 0x00008955 }, /* GL_CON_20_ATI */ + { 8184, 0x00008956 }, /* GL_CON_21_ATI */ + { 8198, 0x00008957 }, /* GL_CON_22_ATI */ + { 8212, 0x00008958 }, /* GL_CON_23_ATI */ + { 8226, 0x00008959 }, /* GL_CON_24_ATI */ + { 8240, 0x0000895A }, /* GL_CON_25_ATI */ + { 8254, 0x0000895B }, /* GL_CON_26_ATI */ + { 8268, 0x0000895C }, /* GL_CON_27_ATI */ + { 8282, 0x0000895D }, /* GL_CON_28_ATI */ + { 8296, 0x0000895E }, /* GL_CON_29_ATI */ + { 8310, 0x00008943 }, /* GL_CON_2_ATI */ + { 8323, 0x0000895F }, /* GL_CON_30_ATI */ + { 8337, 0x00008960 }, /* GL_CON_31_ATI */ + { 8351, 0x00008944 }, /* GL_CON_3_ATI */ + { 8364, 0x00008945 }, /* GL_CON_4_ATI */ + { 8377, 0x00008946 }, /* GL_CON_5_ATI */ + { 8390, 0x00008947 }, /* GL_CON_6_ATI */ + { 8403, 0x00008948 }, /* GL_CON_7_ATI */ + { 8416, 0x00008949 }, /* GL_CON_8_ATI */ + { 8429, 0x0000894A }, /* GL_CON_9_ATI */ + { 8442, 0x00008862 }, /* GL_COORD_REPLACE */ + { 8459, 0x00008862 }, /* GL_COORD_REPLACE_ARB */ + { 8480, 0x00008862 }, /* GL_COORD_REPLACE_NV */ + { 8500, 0x00008862 }, /* GL_COORD_REPLACE_OES */ + { 8521, 0x00001503 }, /* GL_COPY */ + { 8529, 0x0000150C }, /* GL_COPY_INVERTED */ + { 8546, 0x00000706 }, /* GL_COPY_PIXEL_TOKEN */ + { 8566, 0x00008F36 }, /* GL_COPY_READ_BUFFER */ + { 8586, 0x00008F37 }, /* GL_COPY_WRITE_BUFFER */ + { 8607, 0x00000B44 }, /* GL_CULL_FACE */ + { 8620, 0x00000B45 }, /* GL_CULL_FACE_MODE */ + { 8638, 0x000081AA }, /* GL_CULL_VERTEX_EXT */ + { 8657, 0x000081AC }, /* GL_CULL_VERTEX_EYE_POSITION_EXT */ + { 8689, 0x000081AB }, /* GL_CULL_VERTEX_OBJECT_POSITION_EXT */ + { 8724, 0x00008626 }, /* GL_CURRENT_ATTRIB_NV */ + { 8745, 0x00000001 }, /* GL_CURRENT_BIT */ + { 8760, 0x00000B00 }, /* GL_CURRENT_COLOR */ + { 8777, 0x00008453 }, /* GL_CURRENT_FOG_COORD */ + { 8798, 0x00008453 }, /* GL_CURRENT_FOG_COORDINATE */ + { 8824, 0x00000B01 }, /* GL_CURRENT_INDEX */ + { 8841, 0x00008641 }, /* GL_CURRENT_MATRIX_ARB */ + { 8863, 0x00008845 }, /* GL_CURRENT_MATRIX_INDEX_ARB */ + { 8891, 0x00008641 }, /* GL_CURRENT_MATRIX_NV */ + { 8912, 0x00008640 }, /* GL_CURRENT_MATRIX_STACK_DEPTH_ARB */ + { 8946, 0x00008640 }, /* GL_CURRENT_MATRIX_STACK_DEPTH_NV */ + { 8979, 0x00000B02 }, /* GL_CURRENT_NORMAL */ + { 8997, 0x00008843 }, /* GL_CURRENT_PALETTE_MATRIX_ARB */ + { 9027, 0x00008843 }, /* GL_CURRENT_PALETTE_MATRIX_OES */ + { 9057, 0x00008B8D }, /* GL_CURRENT_PROGRAM */ + { 9076, 0x00008865 }, /* GL_CURRENT_QUERY */ + { 9093, 0x00008865 }, /* GL_CURRENT_QUERY_ARB */ + { 9114, 0x00000B04 }, /* GL_CURRENT_RASTER_COLOR */ + { 9138, 0x00000B09 }, /* GL_CURRENT_RASTER_DISTANCE */ + { 9165, 0x00000B05 }, /* GL_CURRENT_RASTER_INDEX */ + { 9189, 0x00000B07 }, /* GL_CURRENT_RASTER_POSITION */ + { 9216, 0x00000B08 }, /* GL_CURRENT_RASTER_POSITION_VALID */ + { 9249, 0x0000845F }, /* GL_CURRENT_RASTER_SECONDARY_COLOR */ + { 9283, 0x00000B06 }, /* GL_CURRENT_RASTER_TEXTURE_COORDS */ + { 9316, 0x00008459 }, /* GL_CURRENT_SECONDARY_COLOR */ + { 9343, 0x00000B03 }, /* GL_CURRENT_TEXTURE_COORDS */ + { 9369, 0x00008626 }, /* GL_CURRENT_VERTEX_ATTRIB */ + { 9394, 0x00008626 }, /* GL_CURRENT_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARB */ + { 9423, 0x000086A8 }, /* GL_CURRENT_WEIGHT_ARB */ + { 9445, 0x00000900 }, /* GL_CW */ + { 9451, 0x0000875B }, /* GL_DEBUG_ASSERT_MESA */ + { 9472, 0x00008244 }, /* GL_DEBUG_CALLBACK_FUNCTION_ARB */ + { 9503, 0x00008245 }, /* GL_DEBUG_CALLBACK_USER_PARAM_ARB */ + { 9536, 0x00009145 }, /* GL_DEBUG_LOGGED_MESSAGES_ARB */ + { 9565, 0x00008243 }, /* GL_DEBUG_NEXT_LOGGED_MESSAGE_LENGTH_ARB */ + { 9605, 0x00008759 }, /* GL_DEBUG_OBJECT_MESA */ + { 9626, 0x00008242 }, /* GL_DEBUG_OUTPUT_SYNCHRONOUS_ARB */ + { 9658, 0x0000875A }, /* GL_DEBUG_PRINT_MESA */ + { 9678, 0x00009146 }, /* GL_DEBUG_SEVERITY_HIGH_ARB */ + { 9705, 0x00009148 }, /* GL_DEBUG_SEVERITY_LOW_ARB */ + { 9731, 0x00009147 }, /* GL_DEBUG_SEVERITY_MEDIUM_ARB */ + { 9760, 0x00008246 }, /* GL_DEBUG_SOURCE_API_ARB */ + { 9784, 0x0000824A }, /* GL_DEBUG_SOURCE_APPLICATION_ARB */ + { 9816, 0x0000824B }, /* GL_DEBUG_SOURCE_OTHER_ARB */ + { 9842, 0x00008248 }, /* GL_DEBUG_SOURCE_SHADER_COMPILER_ARB */ + { 9878, 0x00008249 }, /* GL_DEBUG_SOURCE_THIRD_PARTY_ARB */ + { 9910, 0x00008247 }, /* GL_DEBUG_SOURCE_WINDOW_SYSTEM_ARB */ + { 9944, 0x0000824D }, /* GL_DEBUG_TYPE_DEPRECATED_BEHAVIOR_ARB */ + { 9982, 0x0000824C }, /* GL_DEBUG_TYPE_ERROR_ARB */ + { 10006, 0x00008251 }, /* GL_DEBUG_TYPE_OTHER_ARB */ + { 10030, 0x00008250 }, /* GL_DEBUG_TYPE_PERFORMANCE_ARB */ + { 10060, 0x0000824F }, /* GL_DEBUG_TYPE_PORTABILITY_ARB */ + { 10090, 0x0000824E }, /* GL_DEBUG_TYPE_UNDEFINED_BEHAVIOR_ARB */ + { 10127, 0x00002101 }, /* GL_DECAL */ + { 10136, 0x00008A49 }, /* GL_DECODE_EXT */ + { 10150, 0x00001E03 }, /* GL_DECR */ + { 10158, 0x00008508 }, /* GL_DECR_WRAP */ + { 10171, 0x00008508 }, /* GL_DECR_WRAP_EXT */ + { 10188, 0x00008B80 }, /* GL_DELETE_STATUS */ + { 10205, 0x00001801 }, /* GL_DEPTH */ + { 10214, 0x000088F0 }, /* GL_DEPTH24_STENCIL8 */ + { 10234, 0x000088F0 }, /* GL_DEPTH24_STENCIL8_EXT */ + { 10258, 0x000088F0 }, /* GL_DEPTH24_STENCIL8_OES */ + { 10282, 0x00008CAD }, /* GL_DEPTH32F_STENCIL8 */ + { 10303, 0x00008D00 }, /* GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT */ + { 10323, 0x00008D00 }, /* GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT_EXT */ + { 10347, 0x00008D00 }, /* GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT_OES */ + { 10371, 0x00000D1F }, /* GL_DEPTH_BIAS */ + { 10385, 0x00000D56 }, /* GL_DEPTH_BITS */ + { 10399, 0x00008891 }, /* GL_DEPTH_BOUNDS_EXT */ + { 10419, 0x00008890 }, /* GL_DEPTH_BOUNDS_TEST_EXT */ + { 10444, 0x00008223 }, /* GL_DEPTH_BUFFER */ + { 10460, 0x00000100 }, /* GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT */ + { 10480, 0x0000864F }, /* GL_DEPTH_CLAMP */ + { 10495, 0x0000864F }, /* GL_DEPTH_CLAMP_NV */ + { 10513, 0x00000B73 }, /* GL_DEPTH_CLEAR_VALUE */ + { 10534, 0x00001902 }, /* GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT */ + { 10553, 0x000081A5 }, /* GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT16 */ + { 10574, 0x000081A5 }, /* GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT16_ARB */ + { 10599, 0x000081A5 }, /* GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT16_OES */ + { 10624, 0x000081A5 }, /* GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT16_SGIX */ + { 10650, 0x000081A6 }, /* GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT24 */ + { 10671, 0x000081A6 }, /* GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT24_ARB */ + { 10696, 0x000081A6 }, /* GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT24_OES */ + { 10721, 0x000081A6 }, /* GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT24_SGIX */ + { 10747, 0x000081A7 }, /* GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT32 */ + { 10768, 0x00008CAC }, /* GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT32F */ + { 10790, 0x000081A7 }, /* GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT32_ARB */ + { 10815, 0x000081A7 }, /* GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT32_OES */ + { 10840, 0x000081A7 }, /* GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT32_SGIX */ + { 10866, 0x00000B74 }, /* GL_DEPTH_FUNC */ + { 10880, 0x00000B70 }, /* GL_DEPTH_RANGE */ + { 10895, 0x00000D1E }, /* GL_DEPTH_SCALE */ + { 10910, 0x000084F9 }, /* GL_DEPTH_STENCIL */ + { 10927, 0x0000821A }, /* GL_DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT */ + { 10955, 0x000084F9 }, /* GL_DEPTH_STENCIL_EXT */ + { 10976, 0x000084F9 }, /* GL_DEPTH_STENCIL_NV */ + { 10996, 0x000084F9 }, /* GL_DEPTH_STENCIL_OES */ + { 11017, 0x0000886F }, /* GL_DEPTH_STENCIL_TO_BGRA_NV */ + { 11045, 0x0000886E }, /* GL_DEPTH_STENCIL_TO_RGBA_NV */ + { 11073, 0x00000B71 }, /* GL_DEPTH_TEST */ + { 11087, 0x0000884B }, /* GL_DEPTH_TEXTURE_MODE */ + { 11109, 0x0000884B }, /* GL_DEPTH_TEXTURE_MODE_ARB */ + { 11135, 0x00000B72 }, /* GL_DEPTH_WRITEMASK */ + { 11154, 0x00001201 }, /* GL_DIFFUSE */ + { 11165, 0x00000BD0 }, /* GL_DITHER */ + { 11175, 0x00000A02 }, /* GL_DOMAIN */ + { 11185, 0x00001100 }, /* GL_DONT_CARE */ + { 11198, 0x0000896C }, /* GL_DOT2_ADD_ATI */ + { 11214, 0x00008966 }, /* GL_DOT3_ATI */ + { 11226, 0x000086AE }, /* GL_DOT3_RGB */ + { 11238, 0x000086AF }, /* GL_DOT3_RGBA */ + { 11251, 0x000086AF }, /* GL_DOT3_RGBA_ARB */ + { 11268, 0x00008741 }, /* GL_DOT3_RGBA_EXT */ + { 11285, 0x000086AE }, /* GL_DOT3_RGB_ARB */ + { 11301, 0x00008740 }, /* GL_DOT3_RGB_EXT */ + { 11317, 0x00008967 }, /* GL_DOT4_ATI */ + { 11329, 0x0000140A }, /* GL_DOUBLE */ + { 11339, 0x00000C32 }, /* GL_DOUBLEBUFFER */ + { 11355, 0x00000C01 }, /* GL_DRAW_BUFFER */ + { 11370, 0x00008825 }, /* GL_DRAW_BUFFER0 */ + { 11386, 0x00008825 }, /* GL_DRAW_BUFFER0_ARB */ + { 11406, 0x00008825 }, /* GL_DRAW_BUFFER0_ATI */ + { 11426, 0x00008825 }, /* GL_DRAW_BUFFER0_NV */ + { 11445, 0x00008826 }, /* GL_DRAW_BUFFER1 */ + { 11461, 0x0000882F }, /* GL_DRAW_BUFFER10 */ + { 11478, 0x0000882F }, /* GL_DRAW_BUFFER10_ARB */ + { 11499, 0x0000882F }, /* GL_DRAW_BUFFER10_ATI */ + { 11520, 0x0000882F }, /* GL_DRAW_BUFFER10_NV */ + { 11540, 0x00008830 }, /* GL_DRAW_BUFFER11 */ + { 11557, 0x00008830 }, /* GL_DRAW_BUFFER11_ARB */ + { 11578, 0x00008830 }, /* GL_DRAW_BUFFER11_ATI */ + { 11599, 0x00008830 }, /* GL_DRAW_BUFFER11_NV */ + { 11619, 0x00008831 }, /* GL_DRAW_BUFFER12 */ + { 11636, 0x00008831 }, /* GL_DRAW_BUFFER12_ARB */ + { 11657, 0x00008831 }, /* GL_DRAW_BUFFER12_ATI */ + { 11678, 0x00008831 }, /* GL_DRAW_BUFFER12_NV */ + { 11698, 0x00008832 }, /* GL_DRAW_BUFFER13 */ + { 11715, 0x00008832 }, /* GL_DRAW_BUFFER13_ARB */ + { 11736, 0x00008832 }, /* GL_DRAW_BUFFER13_ATI */ + { 11757, 0x00008832 }, /* GL_DRAW_BUFFER13_NV */ + { 11777, 0x00008833 }, /* GL_DRAW_BUFFER14 */ + { 11794, 0x00008833 }, /* GL_DRAW_BUFFER14_ARB */ + { 11815, 0x00008833 }, /* GL_DRAW_BUFFER14_ATI */ + { 11836, 0x00008833 }, /* GL_DRAW_BUFFER14_NV */ + { 11856, 0x00008834 }, /* GL_DRAW_BUFFER15 */ + { 11873, 0x00008834 }, /* GL_DRAW_BUFFER15_ARB */ + { 11894, 0x00008834 }, /* GL_DRAW_BUFFER15_ATI */ + { 11915, 0x00008834 }, /* GL_DRAW_BUFFER15_NV */ + { 11935, 0x00008826 }, /* GL_DRAW_BUFFER1_ARB */ + { 11955, 0x00008826 }, /* GL_DRAW_BUFFER1_ATI */ + { 11975, 0x00008826 }, /* GL_DRAW_BUFFER1_NV */ + { 11994, 0x00008827 }, /* GL_DRAW_BUFFER2 */ + { 12010, 0x00008827 }, /* GL_DRAW_BUFFER2_ARB */ + { 12030, 0x00008827 }, /* GL_DRAW_BUFFER2_ATI */ + { 12050, 0x00008827 }, /* GL_DRAW_BUFFER2_NV */ + { 12069, 0x00008828 }, /* GL_DRAW_BUFFER3 */ + { 12085, 0x00008828 }, /* GL_DRAW_BUFFER3_ARB */ + { 12105, 0x00008828 }, /* GL_DRAW_BUFFER3_ATI */ + { 12125, 0x00008828 }, /* GL_DRAW_BUFFER3_NV */ + { 12144, 0x00008829 }, /* GL_DRAW_BUFFER4 */ + { 12160, 0x00008829 }, /* GL_DRAW_BUFFER4_ARB */ + { 12180, 0x00008829 }, /* GL_DRAW_BUFFER4_ATI */ + { 12200, 0x00008829 }, /* GL_DRAW_BUFFER4_NV */ + { 12219, 0x0000882A }, /* GL_DRAW_BUFFER5 */ + { 12235, 0x0000882A }, /* GL_DRAW_BUFFER5_ARB */ + { 12255, 0x0000882A }, /* GL_DRAW_BUFFER5_ATI */ + { 12275, 0x0000882A }, /* GL_DRAW_BUFFER5_NV */ + { 12294, 0x0000882B }, /* GL_DRAW_BUFFER6 */ + { 12310, 0x0000882B }, /* GL_DRAW_BUFFER6_ARB */ + { 12330, 0x0000882B }, /* GL_DRAW_BUFFER6_ATI */ + { 12350, 0x0000882B }, /* GL_DRAW_BUFFER6_NV */ + { 12369, 0x0000882C }, /* GL_DRAW_BUFFER7 */ + { 12385, 0x0000882C }, /* GL_DRAW_BUFFER7_ARB */ + { 12405, 0x0000882C }, /* GL_DRAW_BUFFER7_ATI */ + { 12425, 0x0000882C }, /* GL_DRAW_BUFFER7_NV */ + { 12444, 0x0000882D }, /* GL_DRAW_BUFFER8 */ + { 12460, 0x0000882D }, /* GL_DRAW_BUFFER8_ARB */ + { 12480, 0x0000882D }, /* GL_DRAW_BUFFER8_ATI */ + { 12500, 0x0000882D }, /* GL_DRAW_BUFFER8_NV */ + { 12519, 0x0000882E }, /* GL_DRAW_BUFFER9 */ + { 12535, 0x0000882E }, /* GL_DRAW_BUFFER9_ARB */ + { 12555, 0x0000882E }, /* GL_DRAW_BUFFER9_ATI */ + { 12575, 0x0000882E }, /* GL_DRAW_BUFFER9_NV */ + { 12594, 0x00008CA9 }, /* GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER */ + { 12614, 0x00008CA6 }, /* GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING */ + { 12642, 0x00008CA6 }, /* GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING_EXT */ + { 12674, 0x00008CA9 }, /* GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT */ + { 12698, 0x00000705 }, /* GL_DRAW_PIXEL_TOKEN */ + { 12718, 0x00000304 }, /* GL_DST_ALPHA */ + { 12731, 0x00000306 }, /* GL_DST_COLOR */ + { 12744, 0x0000877A }, /* GL_DU8DV8_ATI */ + { 12758, 0x00008779 }, /* GL_DUDV_ATI */ + { 12770, 0x000088EA }, /* GL_DYNAMIC_COPY */ + { 12786, 0x000088EA }, /* GL_DYNAMIC_COPY_ARB */ + { 12806, 0x000088E8 }, /* GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW */ + { 12822, 0x000088E8 }, /* GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW_ARB */ + { 12842, 0x000088E9 }, /* GL_DYNAMIC_READ */ + { 12858, 0x000088E9 }, /* GL_DYNAMIC_READ_ARB */ + { 12878, 0x00000B43 }, /* GL_EDGE_FLAG */ + { 12891, 0x00008079 }, /* GL_EDGE_FLAG_ARRAY */ + { 12910, 0x0000889B }, /* GL_EDGE_FLAG_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING */ + { 12944, 0x0000889B }, /* GL_EDGE_FLAG_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING_ARB */ + { 12982, 0x0000808D }, /* GL_EDGE_FLAG_ARRAY_COUNT_EXT */ + { 13011, 0x00008093 }, /* GL_EDGE_FLAG_ARRAY_POINTER */ + { 13038, 0x0000808C }, /* GL_EDGE_FLAG_ARRAY_STRIDE */ + { 13064, 0x00008893 }, /* GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER */ + { 13088, 0x00008895 }, /* GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING */ + { 13120, 0x00008895 }, /* GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING_ARB */ + { 13156, 0x00001600 }, /* GL_EMISSION */ + { 13168, 0x00002000 }, /* GL_ENABLE_BIT */ + { 13182, 0x00000202 }, /* GL_EQUAL */ + { 13191, 0x00001509 }, /* GL_EQUIV */ + { 13200, 0x00008D64 }, /* GL_ETC1_RGB8_OES */ + { 13217, 0x00010000 }, /* GL_EVAL_BIT */ + { 13229, 0x00000800 }, /* GL_EXP */ + { 13236, 0x00000801 }, /* GL_EXP2 */ + { 13244, 0x00001F03 }, /* GL_EXTENSIONS */ + { 13258, 0x00002400 }, /* GL_EYE_LINEAR */ + { 13272, 0x00002502 }, /* GL_EYE_PLANE */ + { 13285, 0x0000855C }, /* GL_EYE_PLANE_ABSOLUTE_NV */ + { 13310, 0x0000855B }, /* GL_EYE_RADIAL_NV */ + { 13327, 0x00000000 }, /* GL_FALSE */ + { 13336, 0x00001101 }, /* GL_FASTEST */ + { 13347, 0x00001C01 }, /* GL_FEEDBACK */ + { 13359, 0x00000DF0 }, /* GL_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_POINTER */ + { 13386, 0x00000DF1 }, /* GL_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_SIZE */ + { 13410, 0x00000DF2 }, /* GL_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_TYPE */ + { 13434, 0x00001B02 }, /* GL_FILL */ + { 13442, 0x00008E4D }, /* GL_FIRST_VERTEX_CONVENTION */ + { 13469, 0x00008E4D }, /* GL_FIRST_VERTEX_CONVENTION_EXT */ + { 13500, 0x0000140C }, /* GL_FIXED */ + { 13509, 0x0000140C }, /* GL_FIXED_OES */ + { 13522, 0x0000891D }, /* GL_FIXED_ONLY */ + { 13536, 0x0000891D }, /* GL_FIXED_ONLY_ARB */ + { 13554, 0x00001D00 }, /* GL_FLAT */ + { 13562, 0x00001406 }, /* GL_FLOAT */ + { 13571, 0x00008DAD }, /* GL_FLOAT_32_UNSIGNED_INT_24_8_REV */ + { 13605, 0x00008B5A }, /* GL_FLOAT_MAT2 */ + { 13619, 0x00008B5A }, /* GL_FLOAT_MAT2_ARB */ + { 13637, 0x00008B65 }, /* GL_FLOAT_MAT2x3 */ + { 13653, 0x00008B66 }, /* GL_FLOAT_MAT2x4 */ + { 13669, 0x00008B5B }, /* GL_FLOAT_MAT3 */ + { 13683, 0x00008B5B }, /* GL_FLOAT_MAT3_ARB */ + { 13701, 0x00008B67 }, /* GL_FLOAT_MAT3x2 */ + { 13717, 0x00008B68 }, /* GL_FLOAT_MAT3x4 */ + { 13733, 0x00008B5C }, /* GL_FLOAT_MAT4 */ + { 13747, 0x00008B5C }, /* GL_FLOAT_MAT4_ARB */ + { 13765, 0x00008B69 }, /* GL_FLOAT_MAT4x2 */ + { 13781, 0x00008B6A }, /* GL_FLOAT_MAT4x3 */ + { 13797, 0x00008B50 }, /* GL_FLOAT_VEC2 */ + { 13811, 0x00008B50 }, /* GL_FLOAT_VEC2_ARB */ + { 13829, 0x00008B51 }, /* GL_FLOAT_VEC3 */ + { 13843, 0x00008B51 }, /* GL_FLOAT_VEC3_ARB */ + { 13861, 0x00008B52 }, /* GL_FLOAT_VEC4 */ + { 13875, 0x00008B52 }, /* GL_FLOAT_VEC4_ARB */ + { 13893, 0x00000B60 }, /* GL_FOG */ + { 13900, 0x00000080 }, /* GL_FOG_BIT */ + { 13911, 0x00000B66 }, /* GL_FOG_COLOR */ + { 13924, 0x00008451 }, /* GL_FOG_COORD */ + { 13937, 0x00008451 }, /* GL_FOG_COORDINATE */ + { 13955, 0x00008457 }, /* GL_FOG_COORDINATE_ARRAY */ + { 13979, 0x0000889D }, /* GL_FOG_COORDINATE_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING */ + { 14018, 0x0000889D }, /* GL_FOG_COORDINATE_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING_ARB */ + { 14061, 0x00008456 }, /* GL_FOG_COORDINATE_ARRAY_POINTER */ + { 14093, 0x00008455 }, /* GL_FOG_COORDINATE_ARRAY_STRIDE */ + { 14124, 0x00008454 }, /* GL_FOG_COORDINATE_ARRAY_TYPE */ + { 14153, 0x00008450 }, /* GL_FOG_COORDINATE_SOURCE */ + { 14178, 0x00008457 }, /* GL_FOG_COORD_ARRAY */ + { 14197, 0x0000889D }, /* GL_FOG_COORD_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING */ + { 14231, 0x00008456 }, /* GL_FOG_COORD_ARRAY_POINTER */ + { 14258, 0x00008455 }, /* GL_FOG_COORD_ARRAY_STRIDE */ + { 14284, 0x00008454 }, /* GL_FOG_COORD_ARRAY_TYPE */ + { 14308, 0x00008450 }, /* GL_FOG_COORD_SRC */ + { 14325, 0x00000B62 }, /* GL_FOG_DENSITY */ + { 14340, 0x0000855A }, /* GL_FOG_DISTANCE_MODE_NV */ + { 14364, 0x00000B64 }, /* GL_FOG_END */ + { 14375, 0x00000C54 }, /* GL_FOG_HINT */ + { 14387, 0x00000B61 }, /* GL_FOG_INDEX */ + { 14400, 0x00000B65 }, /* GL_FOG_MODE */ + { 14412, 0x00008198 }, /* GL_FOG_OFFSET_SGIX */ + { 14431, 0x00008199 }, /* GL_FOG_OFFSET_VALUE_SGIX */ + { 14456, 0x00000B63 }, /* GL_FOG_START */ + { 14469, 0x00008452 }, /* GL_FRAGMENT_DEPTH */ + { 14487, 0x00008804 }, /* GL_FRAGMENT_PROGRAM_ARB */ + { 14511, 0x00008873 }, /* GL_FRAGMENT_PROGRAM_BINDING_NV */ + { 14542, 0x00008870 }, /* GL_FRAGMENT_PROGRAM_NV */ + { 14565, 0x00008B30 }, /* GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER */ + { 14584, 0x00008B30 }, /* GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER_ARB */ + { 14607, 0x00008920 }, /* GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER_ATI */ + { 14630, 0x00008B8B }, /* GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER_DERIVATIVE_HINT */ + { 14665, 0x00008B8B }, /* GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER_DERIVATIVE_HINT_OES */ + { 14704, 0x00008D40 }, /* GL_FRAMEBUFFER */ + { 14719, 0x00008215 }, /* GL_FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_ALPHA_SIZE */ + { 14756, 0x00008214 }, /* GL_FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_BLUE_SIZE */ + { 14792, 0x00008210 }, /* GL_FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_COLOR_ENCODING */ + { 14833, 0x00008211 }, /* GL_FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_COMPONENT_TYPE */ + { 14874, 0x00008216 }, /* GL_FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_DEPTH_SIZE */ + { 14911, 0x00008213 }, /* GL_FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_GREEN_SIZE */ + { 14948, 0x00008DA7 }, /* GL_FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_LAYERED */ + { 14982, 0x00008DA7 }, /* GL_FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_LAYERED_ARB */ + { 15020, 0x00008CD1 }, /* GL_FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_OBJECT_NAME */ + { 15058, 0x00008CD1 }, /* GL_FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_OBJECT_NAME_EXT */ + { 15100, 0x00008CD1 }, /* GL_FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_OBJECT_NAME_OES */ + { 15142, 0x00008CD0 }, /* GL_FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_OBJECT_TYPE */ + { 15180, 0x00008CD0 }, /* GL_FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_OBJECT_TYPE_EXT */ + { 15222, 0x00008CD0 }, /* GL_FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_OBJECT_TYPE_OES */ + { 15264, 0x00008212 }, /* GL_FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_RED_SIZE */ + { 15299, 0x00008217 }, /* GL_FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_STENCIL_SIZE */ + { 15338, 0x00008CD4 }, /* GL_FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_TEXTURE_3D_ZOFFSET_EXT */ + { 15387, 0x00008CD4 }, /* GL_FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_TEXTURE_3D_ZOFFSET_OES */ + { 15436, 0x00008CD3 }, /* GL_FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_FACE */ + { 15484, 0x00008CD3 }, /* GL_FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_FACE_EXT */ + { 15536, 0x00008CD3 }, /* GL_FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_FACE_OES */ + { 15588, 0x00008CD4 }, /* GL_FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_TEXTURE_LAYER */ + { 15628, 0x00008CD4 }, /* GL_FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_TEXTURE_LAYER_EXT */ + { 15672, 0x00008CD2 }, /* GL_FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_TEXTURE_LEVEL */ + { 15712, 0x00008CD2 }, /* GL_FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_TEXTURE_LEVEL_EXT */ + { 15756, 0x00008CD2 }, /* GL_FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_TEXTURE_LEVEL_OES */ + { 15800, 0x00008CA6 }, /* GL_FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING */ + { 15823, 0x00008CA6 }, /* GL_FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING_EXT */ + { 15850, 0x00008CA6 }, /* GL_FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING_OES */ + { 15877, 0x00008CD5 }, /* GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE */ + { 15901, 0x00008CD5 }, /* GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE_EXT */ + { 15929, 0x00008CD5 }, /* GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE_OES */ + { 15957, 0x00008218 }, /* GL_FRAMEBUFFER_DEFAULT */ + { 15980, 0x00008D40 }, /* GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT */ + { 15999, 0x00008CD6 }, /* GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_ATTACHMENT */ + { 16036, 0x00008CD6 }, /* GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_ATTACHMENT_EXT */ + { 16077, 0x00008CD6 }, /* GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_ATTACHMENT_OES */ + { 16118, 0x00008CD9 }, /* GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_DIMENSIONS */ + { 16155, 0x00008CD9 }, /* GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_DIMENSIONS_EXT */ + { 16196, 0x00008CD9 }, /* GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_DIMENSIONS_OES */ + { 16237, 0x00008CDB }, /* GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_DRAW_BUFFER */ + { 16275, 0x00008CDB }, /* GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_DRAW_BUFFER_EXT */ + { 16317, 0x00008CDB }, /* GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_DRAW_BUFFER_OES */ + { 16359, 0x00008CD8 }, /* GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_DUPLICATE_ATTACHMENT_EXT */ + { 16410, 0x00008CDA }, /* GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_FORMATS_EXT */ + { 16448, 0x00008CDA }, /* GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_FORMATS_OES */ + { 16486, 0x00008DA9 }, /* GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_LAYER_COUNT_ARB */ + { 16528, 0x00008DA8 }, /* GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_LAYER_TARGETS */ + { 16568, 0x00008DA8 }, /* GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_LAYER_TARGETS_ARB */ + { 16612, 0x00008CD7 }, /* GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_MISSING_ATTACHMENT */ + { 16657, 0x00008CD7 }, /* GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_MISSING_ATTACHMENT_EXT */ + { 16706, 0x00008CD7 }, /* GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_MISSING_ATTACHMENT_OES */ + { 16755, 0x00008D56 }, /* GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_MULTISAMPLE */ + { 16793, 0x00008D56 }, /* GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_MULTISAMPLE_EXT */ + { 16835, 0x00008CDC }, /* GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_READ_BUFFER */ + { 16873, 0x00008CDC }, /* GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_READ_BUFFER_EXT */ + { 16915, 0x00008CDC }, /* GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_READ_BUFFER_OES */ + { 16957, 0x00008D40 }, /* GL_FRAMEBUFFER_OES */ + { 16976, 0x00008DB9 }, /* GL_FRAMEBUFFER_SRGB */ + { 16996, 0x00008DBA }, /* GL_FRAMEBUFFER_SRGB_CAPABLE_EXT */ + { 17028, 0x00008DB9 }, /* GL_FRAMEBUFFER_SRGB_EXT */ + { 17052, 0x00008CDE }, /* GL_FRAMEBUFFER_STATUS_ERROR_EXT */ + { 17084, 0x00008219 }, /* GL_FRAMEBUFFER_UNDEFINED */ + { 17109, 0x00008CDD }, /* GL_FRAMEBUFFER_UNSUPPORTED */ + { 17136, 0x00008CDD }, /* GL_FRAMEBUFFER_UNSUPPORTED_EXT */ + { 17167, 0x00008CDD }, /* GL_FRAMEBUFFER_UNSUPPORTED_OES */ + { 17198, 0x00000404 }, /* GL_FRONT */ + { 17207, 0x00000408 }, /* GL_FRONT_AND_BACK */ + { 17225, 0x00000B46 }, /* GL_FRONT_FACE */ + { 17239, 0x00000400 }, /* GL_FRONT_LEFT */ + { 17253, 0x00000401 }, /* GL_FRONT_RIGHT */ + { 17268, 0x00008006 }, /* GL_FUNC_ADD */ + { 17280, 0x00008006 }, /* GL_FUNC_ADD_EXT */ + { 17296, 0x00008006 }, /* GL_FUNC_ADD_OES */ + { 17312, 0x0000800B }, /* GL_FUNC_REVERSE_SUBTRACT */ + { 17337, 0x0000800B }, /* GL_FUNC_REVERSE_SUBTRACT_EXT */ + { 17366, 0x0000800B }, /* GL_FUNC_REVERSE_SUBTRACT_OES */ + { 17395, 0x0000800A }, /* GL_FUNC_SUBTRACT */ + { 17412, 0x0000800A }, /* GL_FUNC_SUBTRACT_EXT */ + { 17433, 0x0000800A }, /* GL_FUNC_SUBTRACT_OES */ + { 17454, 0x00008191 }, /* GL_GENERATE_MIPMAP */ + { 17473, 0x00008192 }, /* GL_GENERATE_MIPMAP_HINT */ + { 17497, 0x00008192 }, /* GL_GENERATE_MIPMAP_HINT_SGIS */ + { 17526, 0x00008191 }, /* GL_GENERATE_MIPMAP_SGIS */ + { 17550, 0x00008917 }, /* GL_GEOMETRY_INPUT_TYPE */ + { 17573, 0x00008DDB }, /* GL_GEOMETRY_INPUT_TYPE_ARB */ + { 17600, 0x00008918 }, /* GL_GEOMETRY_OUTPUT_TYPE */ + { 17624, 0x00008DDC }, /* GL_GEOMETRY_OUTPUT_TYPE_ARB */ + { 17652, 0x00008DD9 }, /* GL_GEOMETRY_SHADER */ + { 17671, 0x00008DD9 }, /* GL_GEOMETRY_SHADER_ARB */ + { 17694, 0x00008916 }, /* GL_GEOMETRY_VERTICES_OUT */ + { 17719, 0x00008DDA }, /* GL_GEOMETRY_VERTICES_OUT_ARB */ + { 17748, 0x00000206 }, /* GL_GEQUAL */ + { 17758, 0x00000204 }, /* GL_GREATER */ + { 17769, 0x00001904 }, /* GL_GREEN */ + { 17778, 0x00000D19 }, /* GL_GREEN_BIAS */ + { 17792, 0x00000D53 }, /* GL_GREEN_BITS */ + { 17806, 0x00008D95 }, /* GL_GREEN_INTEGER */ + { 17823, 0x00008D95 }, /* GL_GREEN_INTEGER_EXT */ + { 17844, 0x00000D18 }, /* GL_GREEN_SCALE */ + { 17859, 0x00008253 }, /* GL_GUILTY_CONTEXT_RESET_ARB */ + { 17887, 0x0000140B }, /* GL_HALF_FLOAT */ + { 17901, 0x00008D61 }, /* GL_HALF_FLOAT_OES */ + { 17919, 0x00008DF2 }, /* GL_HIGH_FLOAT */ + { 17933, 0x00008DF5 }, /* GL_HIGH_INT */ + { 17945, 0x00008000 }, /* GL_HINT_BIT */ + { 17957, 0x00008024 }, /* GL_HISTOGRAM */ + { 17970, 0x0000802B }, /* GL_HISTOGRAM_ALPHA_SIZE */ + { 17994, 0x0000802B }, /* GL_HISTOGRAM_ALPHA_SIZE_EXT */ + { 18022, 0x0000802A }, /* GL_HISTOGRAM_BLUE_SIZE */ + { 18045, 0x0000802A }, /* GL_HISTOGRAM_BLUE_SIZE_EXT */ + { 18072, 0x00008024 }, /* GL_HISTOGRAM_EXT */ + { 18089, 0x00008027 }, /* GL_HISTOGRAM_FORMAT */ + { 18109, 0x00008027 }, /* GL_HISTOGRAM_FORMAT_EXT */ + { 18133, 0x00008029 }, /* GL_HISTOGRAM_GREEN_SIZE */ + { 18157, 0x00008029 }, /* GL_HISTOGRAM_GREEN_SIZE_EXT */ + { 18185, 0x0000802C }, /* GL_HISTOGRAM_LUMINANCE_SIZE */ + { 18213, 0x0000802C }, /* GL_HISTOGRAM_LUMINANCE_SIZE_EXT */ + { 18245, 0x00008028 }, /* GL_HISTOGRAM_RED_SIZE */ + { 18267, 0x00008028 }, /* GL_HISTOGRAM_RED_SIZE_EXT */ + { 18293, 0x0000802D }, /* GL_HISTOGRAM_SINK */ + { 18311, 0x0000802D }, /* GL_HISTOGRAM_SINK_EXT */ + { 18333, 0x00008026 }, /* GL_HISTOGRAM_WIDTH */ + { 18352, 0x00008026 }, /* GL_HISTOGRAM_WIDTH_EXT */ + { 18375, 0x0000862A }, /* GL_IDENTITY_NV */ + { 18390, 0x00008150 }, /* GL_IGNORE_BORDER_HP */ + { 18410, 0x00008B9B }, /* GL_IMPLEMENTATION_COLOR_READ_FORMAT */ + { 18446, 0x00008B9B }, /* GL_IMPLEMENTATION_COLOR_READ_FORMAT_OES */ + { 18486, 0x00008B9A }, /* GL_IMPLEMENTATION_COLOR_READ_TYPE */ + { 18520, 0x00008B9A }, /* GL_IMPLEMENTATION_COLOR_READ_TYPE_OES */ + { 18558, 0x00001E02 }, /* GL_INCR */ + { 18566, 0x00008507 }, /* GL_INCR_WRAP */ + { 18579, 0x00008507 }, /* GL_INCR_WRAP_EXT */ + { 18596, 0x00008222 }, /* GL_INDEX */ + { 18605, 0x00008077 }, /* GL_INDEX_ARRAY */ + { 18620, 0x00008899 }, /* GL_INDEX_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING */ + { 18650, 0x00008899 }, /* GL_INDEX_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING_ARB */ + { 18684, 0x00008087 }, /* GL_INDEX_ARRAY_COUNT_EXT */ + { 18709, 0x00008091 }, /* GL_INDEX_ARRAY_POINTER */ + { 18732, 0x00008086 }, /* GL_INDEX_ARRAY_STRIDE */ + { 18754, 0x00008085 }, /* GL_INDEX_ARRAY_TYPE */ + { 18774, 0x00000D51 }, /* GL_INDEX_BITS */ + { 18788, 0x00000C20 }, /* GL_INDEX_CLEAR_VALUE */ + { 18809, 0x00000BF1 }, /* GL_INDEX_LOGIC_OP */ + { 18827, 0x00000C30 }, /* GL_INDEX_MODE */ + { 18841, 0x00000D13 }, /* GL_INDEX_OFFSET */ + { 18857, 0x00000D12 }, /* GL_INDEX_SHIFT */ + { 18872, 0x00000C21 }, /* GL_INDEX_WRITEMASK */ + { 18891, 0x00008B84 }, /* GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH */ + { 18910, 0x00008254 }, /* GL_INNOCENT_CONTEXT_RESET_ARB */ + { 18940, 0x00001404 }, /* GL_INT */ + { 18947, 0x00008049 }, /* GL_INTENSITY */ + { 18960, 0x0000804C }, /* GL_INTENSITY12 */ + { 18975, 0x0000804C }, /* GL_INTENSITY12_EXT */ + { 18994, 0x0000804D }, /* GL_INTENSITY16 */ + { 19009, 0x0000881D }, /* GL_INTENSITY16F_ARB */ + { 19029, 0x00008D8B }, /* GL_INTENSITY16I_EXT */ + { 19049, 0x00008D79 }, /* GL_INTENSITY16UI_EXT */ + { 19070, 0x0000804D }, /* GL_INTENSITY16_EXT */ + { 19089, 0x00008817 }, /* GL_INTENSITY32F_ARB */ + { 19109, 0x00008D85 }, /* GL_INTENSITY32I_EXT */ + { 19129, 0x00008D73 }, /* GL_INTENSITY32UI_EXT */ + { 19150, 0x0000804A }, /* GL_INTENSITY4 */ + { 19164, 0x0000804A }, /* GL_INTENSITY4_EXT */ + { 19182, 0x0000804B }, /* GL_INTENSITY8 */ + { 19196, 0x00008D91 }, /* GL_INTENSITY8I_EXT */ + { 19215, 0x00008D7F }, /* GL_INTENSITY8UI_EXT */ + { 19235, 0x0000804B }, /* GL_INTENSITY8_EXT */ + { 19253, 0x00008049 }, /* GL_INTENSITY_EXT */ + { 19270, 0x00008C8C }, /* GL_INTERLEAVED_ATTRIBS */ + { 19293, 0x00008C8C }, /* GL_INTERLEAVED_ATTRIBS_EXT */ + { 19320, 0x00008575 }, /* GL_INTERPOLATE */ + { 19335, 0x00008575 }, /* GL_INTERPOLATE_ARB */ + { 19354, 0x00008575 }, /* GL_INTERPOLATE_EXT */ + { 19373, 0x00008DF7 }, /* GL_INT_10_10_10_2_OES */ + { 19395, 0x00008D9F }, /* GL_INT_2_10_10_10_REV */ + { 19417, 0x00008DC9 }, /* GL_INT_SAMPLER_1D */ + { 19435, 0x00008DCE }, /* GL_INT_SAMPLER_1D_ARRAY */ + { 19459, 0x00008DCE }, /* GL_INT_SAMPLER_1D_ARRAY_EXT */ + { 19487, 0x00008DC9 }, /* GL_INT_SAMPLER_1D_EXT */ + { 19509, 0x00008DCA }, /* GL_INT_SAMPLER_2D */ + { 19527, 0x00008DCF }, /* GL_INT_SAMPLER_2D_ARRAY */ + { 19551, 0x00008DCF }, /* GL_INT_SAMPLER_2D_ARRAY_EXT */ + { 19579, 0x00008DCA }, /* GL_INT_SAMPLER_2D_EXT */ + { 19601, 0x00008DCD }, /* GL_INT_SAMPLER_2D_RECT */ + { 19624, 0x00008DCD }, /* GL_INT_SAMPLER_2D_RECT_EXT */ + { 19651, 0x00008DCB }, /* GL_INT_SAMPLER_3D */ + { 19669, 0x00008DCB }, /* GL_INT_SAMPLER_3D_EXT */ + { 19691, 0x00008DD0 }, /* GL_INT_SAMPLER_BUFFER */ + { 19713, 0x00008DD0 }, /* GL_INT_SAMPLER_BUFFER_EXT */ + { 19739, 0x00008DCC }, /* GL_INT_SAMPLER_CUBE */ + { 19759, 0x00008DCC }, /* GL_INT_SAMPLER_CUBE_EXT */ + { 19783, 0x0000900E }, /* GL_INT_SAMPLER_CUBE_MAP_ARRAY_ARB */ + { 19817, 0x00008B53 }, /* GL_INT_VEC2 */ + { 19829, 0x00008B53 }, /* GL_INT_VEC2_ARB */ + { 19845, 0x00008B54 }, /* GL_INT_VEC3 */ + { 19857, 0x00008B54 }, /* GL_INT_VEC3_ARB */ + { 19873, 0x00008B55 }, /* GL_INT_VEC4 */ + { 19885, 0x00008B55 }, /* GL_INT_VEC4_ARB */ + { 19901, 0x00000500 }, /* GL_INVALID_ENUM */ + { 19917, 0x00000506 }, /* GL_INVALID_FRAMEBUFFER_OPERATION */ + { 19950, 0x00000506 }, /* GL_INVALID_FRAMEBUFFER_OPERATION_EXT */ + { 19987, 0x00000506 }, /* GL_INVALID_FRAMEBUFFER_OPERATION_OES */ + { 20024, 0xFFFFFFFF }, /* GL_INVALID_INDEX */ + { 20041, 0x00000502 }, /* GL_INVALID_OPERATION */ + { 20062, 0x00000501 }, /* GL_INVALID_VALUE */ + { 20079, 0x0000862B }, /* GL_INVERSE_NV */ + { 20093, 0x0000862D }, /* GL_INVERSE_TRANSPOSE_NV */ + { 20117, 0x0000150A }, /* GL_INVERT */ + { 20127, 0x00001E00 }, /* GL_KEEP */ + { 20135, 0x00008E4E }, /* GL_LAST_VERTEX_CONVENTION */ + { 20161, 0x00008E4E }, /* GL_LAST_VERTEX_CONVENTION_EXT */ + { 20191, 0x00000406 }, /* GL_LEFT */ + { 20199, 0x00000203 }, /* GL_LEQUAL */ + { 20209, 0x00008969 }, /* GL_LERP_ATI */ + { 20221, 0x00000201 }, /* GL_LESS */ + { 20229, 0x00004000 }, /* GL_LIGHT0 */ + { 20239, 0x00004001 }, /* GL_LIGHT1 */ + { 20249, 0x00004002 }, /* GL_LIGHT2 */ + { 20259, 0x00004003 }, /* GL_LIGHT3 */ + { 20269, 0x00004004 }, /* GL_LIGHT4 */ + { 20279, 0x00004005 }, /* GL_LIGHT5 */ + { 20289, 0x00004006 }, /* GL_LIGHT6 */ + { 20299, 0x00004007 }, /* GL_LIGHT7 */ + { 20309, 0x00000B50 }, /* GL_LIGHTING */ + { 20321, 0x00000040 }, /* GL_LIGHTING_BIT */ + { 20337, 0x00000B53 }, /* GL_LIGHT_MODEL_AMBIENT */ + { 20360, 0x000081F8 }, /* GL_LIGHT_MODEL_COLOR_CONTROL */ + { 20389, 0x000081F8 }, /* GL_LIGHT_MODEL_COLOR_CONTROL_EXT */ + { 20422, 0x00000B51 }, /* GL_LIGHT_MODEL_LOCAL_VIEWER */ + { 20450, 0x00000B52 }, /* GL_LIGHT_MODEL_TWO_SIDE */ + { 20474, 0x00001B01 }, /* GL_LINE */ + { 20482, 0x00002601 }, /* GL_LINEAR */ + { 20492, 0x00001208 }, /* GL_LINEAR_ATTENUATION */ + { 20514, 0x00008170 }, /* GL_LINEAR_CLIPMAP_LINEAR_SGIX */ + { 20544, 0x0000844F }, /* GL_LINEAR_CLIPMAP_NEAREST_SGIX */ + { 20575, 0x00002703 }, /* GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR */ + { 20599, 0x00002701 }, /* GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST */ + { 20624, 0x00000001 }, /* GL_LINES */ + { 20633, 0x0000000A }, /* GL_LINES_ADJACENCY */ + { 20652, 0x0000000A }, /* GL_LINES_ADJACENCY_ARB */ + { 20675, 0x00000004 }, /* GL_LINE_BIT */ + { 20687, 0x00000002 }, /* GL_LINE_LOOP */ + { 20700, 0x00000707 }, /* GL_LINE_RESET_TOKEN */ + { 20720, 0x00000B20 }, /* GL_LINE_SMOOTH */ + { 20735, 0x00000C52 }, /* GL_LINE_SMOOTH_HINT */ + { 20755, 0x00000B24 }, /* GL_LINE_STIPPLE */ + { 20771, 0x00000B25 }, /* GL_LINE_STIPPLE_PATTERN */ + { 20795, 0x00000B26 }, /* GL_LINE_STIPPLE_REPEAT */ + { 20818, 0x00000003 }, /* GL_LINE_STRIP */ + { 20832, 0x0000000B }, /* GL_LINE_STRIP_ADJACENCY */ + { 20856, 0x0000000B }, /* GL_LINE_STRIP_ADJACENCY_ARB */ + { 20884, 0x00000702 }, /* GL_LINE_TOKEN */ + { 20898, 0x00000B21 }, /* GL_LINE_WIDTH */ + { 20912, 0x00000B23 }, /* GL_LINE_WIDTH_GRANULARITY */ + { 20938, 0x00000B22 }, /* GL_LINE_WIDTH_RANGE */ + { 20958, 0x00008B82 }, /* GL_LINK_STATUS */ + { 20973, 0x00000B32 }, /* GL_LIST_BASE */ + { 20986, 0x00020000 }, /* GL_LIST_BIT */ + { 20998, 0x00000B33 }, /* GL_LIST_INDEX */ + { 21012, 0x00000B30 }, /* GL_LIST_MODE */ + { 21025, 0x00000101 }, /* GL_LOAD */ + { 21033, 0x00000BF1 }, /* GL_LOGIC_OP */ + { 21045, 0x00000BF0 }, /* GL_LOGIC_OP_MODE */ + { 21062, 0x00008252 }, /* GL_LOSE_CONTEXT_ON_RESET_ARB */ + { 21091, 0x00008CA1 }, /* GL_LOWER_LEFT */ + { 21105, 0x00008DF0 }, /* GL_LOW_FLOAT */ + { 21118, 0x00008DF3 }, /* GL_LOW_INT */ + { 21129, 0x00001909 }, /* GL_LUMINANCE */ + { 21142, 0x00008041 }, /* GL_LUMINANCE12 */ + { 21157, 0x00008047 }, /* GL_LUMINANCE12_ALPHA12 */ + { 21180, 0x00008047 }, /* GL_LUMINANCE12_ALPHA12_EXT */ + { 21207, 0x00008046 }, /* GL_LUMINANCE12_ALPHA4 */ + { 21229, 0x00008046 }, /* GL_LUMINANCE12_ALPHA4_EXT */ + { 21255, 0x00008041 }, /* GL_LUMINANCE12_EXT */ + { 21274, 0x00008042 }, /* GL_LUMINANCE16 */ + { 21289, 0x0000881E }, /* GL_LUMINANCE16F_ARB */ + { 21309, 0x00008D8C }, /* GL_LUMINANCE16I_EXT */ + { 21329, 0x00008D7A }, /* GL_LUMINANCE16UI_EXT */ + { 21350, 0x00008048 }, /* GL_LUMINANCE16_ALPHA16 */ + { 21373, 0x00008048 }, /* GL_LUMINANCE16_ALPHA16_EXT */ + { 21400, 0x00008042 }, /* GL_LUMINANCE16_EXT */ + { 21419, 0x00008818 }, /* GL_LUMINANCE32F_ARB */ + { 21439, 0x00008D86 }, /* GL_LUMINANCE32I_EXT */ + { 21459, 0x00008D74 }, /* GL_LUMINANCE32UI_EXT */ + { 21480, 0x0000803F }, /* GL_LUMINANCE4 */ + { 21494, 0x00008043 }, /* GL_LUMINANCE4_ALPHA4 */ + { 21515, 0x00008043 }, /* GL_LUMINANCE4_ALPHA4_EXT */ + { 21540, 0x0000803F }, /* GL_LUMINANCE4_EXT */ + { 21558, 0x00008044 }, /* GL_LUMINANCE6_ALPHA2 */ + { 21579, 0x00008044 }, /* GL_LUMINANCE6_ALPHA2_EXT */ + { 21604, 0x00008040 }, /* GL_LUMINANCE8 */ + { 21618, 0x00008D92 }, /* GL_LUMINANCE8I_EXT */ + { 21637, 0x00008D80 }, /* GL_LUMINANCE8UI_EXT */ + { 21657, 0x00008045 }, /* GL_LUMINANCE8_ALPHA8 */ + { 21678, 0x00008045 }, /* GL_LUMINANCE8_ALPHA8_EXT */ + { 21703, 0x00008040 }, /* GL_LUMINANCE8_EXT */ + { 21721, 0x0000190A }, /* GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA */ + { 21740, 0x0000881F }, /* GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA16F_ARB */ + { 21766, 0x00008D8D }, /* GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA16I_EXT */ + { 21792, 0x00008D7B }, /* GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA16UI_EXT */ + { 21819, 0x00008819 }, /* GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA32F_ARB */ + { 21845, 0x00008D87 }, /* GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA32I_EXT */ + { 21871, 0x00008D75 }, /* GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA32UI_EXT */ + { 21898, 0x00008D93 }, /* GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA8I_EXT */ + { 21923, 0x00008D81 }, /* GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA8UI_EXT */ + { 21949, 0x00008D9D }, /* GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA_INTEGER_EXT */ + { 21980, 0x00008D9C }, /* GL_LUMINANCE_INTEGER_EXT */ + { 22005, 0x00008968 }, /* GL_MAD_ATI */ + { 22016, 0x0000821B }, /* GL_MAJOR_VERSION */ + { 22033, 0x00000D90 }, /* GL_MAP1_COLOR_4 */ + { 22049, 0x00000DD0 }, /* GL_MAP1_GRID_DOMAIN */ + { 22069, 0x00000DD1 }, /* GL_MAP1_GRID_SEGMENTS */ + { 22091, 0x00000D91 }, /* GL_MAP1_INDEX */ + { 22105, 0x00000D92 }, /* GL_MAP1_NORMAL */ + { 22120, 0x00000D93 }, /* GL_MAP1_TEXTURE_COORD_1 */ + { 22144, 0x00000D94 }, /* GL_MAP1_TEXTURE_COORD_2 */ + { 22168, 0x00000D95 }, /* GL_MAP1_TEXTURE_COORD_3 */ + { 22192, 0x00000D96 }, /* GL_MAP1_TEXTURE_COORD_4 */ + { 22216, 0x00000D97 }, /* GL_MAP1_VERTEX_3 */ + { 22233, 0x00000D98 }, /* GL_MAP1_VERTEX_4 */ + { 22250, 0x00008660 }, /* GL_MAP1_VERTEX_ATTRIB0_4_NV */ + { 22278, 0x0000866A }, /* GL_MAP1_VERTEX_ATTRIB10_4_NV */ + { 22307, 0x0000866B }, /* GL_MAP1_VERTEX_ATTRIB11_4_NV */ + { 22336, 0x0000866C }, /* GL_MAP1_VERTEX_ATTRIB12_4_NV */ + { 22365, 0x0000866D }, /* GL_MAP1_VERTEX_ATTRIB13_4_NV */ + { 22394, 0x0000866E }, /* GL_MAP1_VERTEX_ATTRIB14_4_NV */ + { 22423, 0x0000866F }, /* GL_MAP1_VERTEX_ATTRIB15_4_NV */ + { 22452, 0x00008661 }, /* GL_MAP1_VERTEX_ATTRIB1_4_NV */ + { 22480, 0x00008662 }, /* GL_MAP1_VERTEX_ATTRIB2_4_NV */ + { 22508, 0x00008663 }, /* GL_MAP1_VERTEX_ATTRIB3_4_NV */ + { 22536, 0x00008664 }, /* GL_MAP1_VERTEX_ATTRIB4_4_NV */ + { 22564, 0x00008665 }, /* GL_MAP1_VERTEX_ATTRIB5_4_NV */ + { 22592, 0x00008666 }, /* GL_MAP1_VERTEX_ATTRIB6_4_NV */ + { 22620, 0x00008667 }, /* GL_MAP1_VERTEX_ATTRIB7_4_NV */ + { 22648, 0x00008668 }, /* GL_MAP1_VERTEX_ATTRIB8_4_NV */ + { 22676, 0x00008669 }, /* GL_MAP1_VERTEX_ATTRIB9_4_NV */ + { 22704, 0x00000DB0 }, /* GL_MAP2_COLOR_4 */ + { 22720, 0x00000DD2 }, /* GL_MAP2_GRID_DOMAIN */ + { 22740, 0x00000DD3 }, /* GL_MAP2_GRID_SEGMENTS */ + { 22762, 0x00000DB1 }, /* GL_MAP2_INDEX */ + { 22776, 0x00000DB2 }, /* GL_MAP2_NORMAL */ + { 22791, 0x00000DB3 }, /* GL_MAP2_TEXTURE_COORD_1 */ + { 22815, 0x00000DB4 }, /* GL_MAP2_TEXTURE_COORD_2 */ + { 22839, 0x00000DB5 }, /* GL_MAP2_TEXTURE_COORD_3 */ + { 22863, 0x00000DB6 }, /* GL_MAP2_TEXTURE_COORD_4 */ + { 22887, 0x00000DB7 }, /* GL_MAP2_VERTEX_3 */ + { 22904, 0x00000DB8 }, /* GL_MAP2_VERTEX_4 */ + { 22921, 0x00008670 }, /* GL_MAP2_VERTEX_ATTRIB0_4_NV */ + { 22949, 0x0000867A }, /* GL_MAP2_VERTEX_ATTRIB10_4_NV */ + { 22978, 0x0000867B }, /* GL_MAP2_VERTEX_ATTRIB11_4_NV */ + { 23007, 0x0000867C }, /* GL_MAP2_VERTEX_ATTRIB12_4_NV */ + { 23036, 0x0000867D }, /* GL_MAP2_VERTEX_ATTRIB13_4_NV */ + { 23065, 0x0000867E }, /* GL_MAP2_VERTEX_ATTRIB14_4_NV */ + { 23094, 0x0000867F }, /* GL_MAP2_VERTEX_ATTRIB15_4_NV */ + { 23123, 0x00008671 }, /* GL_MAP2_VERTEX_ATTRIB1_4_NV */ + { 23151, 0x00008672 }, /* GL_MAP2_VERTEX_ATTRIB2_4_NV */ + { 23179, 0x00008673 }, /* GL_MAP2_VERTEX_ATTRIB3_4_NV */ + { 23207, 0x00008674 }, /* GL_MAP2_VERTEX_ATTRIB4_4_NV */ + { 23235, 0x00008675 }, /* GL_MAP2_VERTEX_ATTRIB5_4_NV */ + { 23263, 0x00008676 }, /* GL_MAP2_VERTEX_ATTRIB6_4_NV */ + { 23291, 0x00008677 }, /* GL_MAP2_VERTEX_ATTRIB7_4_NV */ + { 23319, 0x00008678 }, /* GL_MAP2_VERTEX_ATTRIB8_4_NV */ + { 23347, 0x00008679 }, /* GL_MAP2_VERTEX_ATTRIB9_4_NV */ + { 23375, 0x00000D10 }, /* GL_MAP_COLOR */ + { 23388, 0x00000010 }, /* GL_MAP_FLUSH_EXPLICIT_BIT */ + { 23414, 0x00000010 }, /* GL_MAP_FLUSH_EXPLICIT_BIT_EXT */ + { 23444, 0x00000008 }, /* GL_MAP_INVALIDATE_BUFFER_BIT */ + { 23473, 0x00000008 }, /* GL_MAP_INVALIDATE_BUFFER_BIT_EXT */ + { 23506, 0x00000004 }, /* GL_MAP_INVALIDATE_RANGE_BIT */ + { 23534, 0x00000004 }, /* GL_MAP_INVALIDATE_RANGE_BIT_EXT */ + { 23566, 0x00000001 }, /* GL_MAP_READ_BIT */ + { 23582, 0x00000001 }, /* GL_MAP_READ_BIT_EXT */ + { 23602, 0x00000D11 }, /* GL_MAP_STENCIL */ + { 23617, 0x00000020 }, /* GL_MAP_UNSYNCHRONIZED_BIT */ + { 23643, 0x00000020 }, /* GL_MAP_UNSYNCHRONIZED_BIT_EXT */ + { 23673, 0x00000002 }, /* GL_MAP_WRITE_BIT */ + { 23690, 0x00000002 }, /* GL_MAP_WRITE_BIT_EXT */ + { 23711, 0x000088C0 }, /* GL_MATRIX0_ARB */ + { 23726, 0x00008630 }, /* GL_MATRIX0_NV */ + { 23740, 0x000088CA }, /* GL_MATRIX10_ARB */ + { 23756, 0x000088CB }, /* GL_MATRIX11_ARB */ + { 23772, 0x000088CC }, /* GL_MATRIX12_ARB */ + { 23788, 0x000088CD }, /* GL_MATRIX13_ARB */ + { 23804, 0x000088CE }, /* GL_MATRIX14_ARB */ + { 23820, 0x000088CF }, /* GL_MATRIX15_ARB */ + { 23836, 0x000088D0 }, /* GL_MATRIX16_ARB */ + { 23852, 0x000088D1 }, /* GL_MATRIX17_ARB */ + { 23868, 0x000088D2 }, /* GL_MATRIX18_ARB */ + { 23884, 0x000088D3 }, /* GL_MATRIX19_ARB */ + { 23900, 0x000088C1 }, /* GL_MATRIX1_ARB */ + { 23915, 0x00008631 }, /* GL_MATRIX1_NV */ + { 23929, 0x000088D4 }, /* GL_MATRIX20_ARB */ + { 23945, 0x000088D5 }, /* GL_MATRIX21_ARB */ + { 23961, 0x000088D6 }, /* GL_MATRIX22_ARB */ + { 23977, 0x000088D7 }, /* GL_MATRIX23_ARB */ + { 23993, 0x000088D8 }, /* GL_MATRIX24_ARB */ + { 24009, 0x000088D9 }, /* GL_MATRIX25_ARB */ + { 24025, 0x000088DA }, /* GL_MATRIX26_ARB */ + { 24041, 0x000088DB }, /* GL_MATRIX27_ARB */ + { 24057, 0x000088DC }, /* GL_MATRIX28_ARB */ + { 24073, 0x000088DD }, /* GL_MATRIX29_ARB */ + { 24089, 0x000088C2 }, /* GL_MATRIX2_ARB */ + { 24104, 0x00008632 }, /* GL_MATRIX2_NV */ + { 24118, 0x000088DE }, /* GL_MATRIX30_ARB */ + { 24134, 0x000088DF }, /* GL_MATRIX31_ARB */ + { 24150, 0x000088C3 }, /* GL_MATRIX3_ARB */ + { 24165, 0x00008633 }, /* GL_MATRIX3_NV */ + { 24179, 0x000088C4 }, /* GL_MATRIX4_ARB */ + { 24194, 0x00008634 }, /* GL_MATRIX4_NV */ + { 24208, 0x000088C5 }, /* GL_MATRIX5_ARB */ + { 24223, 0x00008635 }, /* GL_MATRIX5_NV */ + { 24237, 0x000088C6 }, /* GL_MATRIX6_ARB */ + { 24252, 0x00008636 }, /* GL_MATRIX6_NV */ + { 24266, 0x000088C7 }, /* GL_MATRIX7_ARB */ + { 24281, 0x00008637 }, /* GL_MATRIX7_NV */ + { 24295, 0x000088C8 }, /* GL_MATRIX8_ARB */ + { 24310, 0x000088C9 }, /* GL_MATRIX9_ARB */ + { 24325, 0x00008844 }, /* GL_MATRIX_INDEX_ARRAY_ARB */ + { 24351, 0x00008B9E }, /* GL_MATRIX_INDEX_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING_OES */ + { 24392, 0x00008844 }, /* GL_MATRIX_INDEX_ARRAY_OES */ + { 24418, 0x00008849 }, /* GL_MATRIX_INDEX_ARRAY_POINTER_ARB */ + { 24452, 0x00008849 }, /* GL_MATRIX_INDEX_ARRAY_POINTER_OES */ + { 24486, 0x00008846 }, /* GL_MATRIX_INDEX_ARRAY_SIZE_ARB */ + { 24517, 0x00008846 }, /* GL_MATRIX_INDEX_ARRAY_SIZE_OES */ + { 24548, 0x00008848 }, /* GL_MATRIX_INDEX_ARRAY_STRIDE_ARB */ + { 24581, 0x00008848 }, /* GL_MATRIX_INDEX_ARRAY_STRIDE_OES */ + { 24614, 0x00008847 }, /* GL_MATRIX_INDEX_ARRAY_TYPE_ARB */ + { 24645, 0x00008847 }, /* GL_MATRIX_INDEX_ARRAY_TYPE_OES */ + { 24676, 0x00000BA0 }, /* GL_MATRIX_MODE */ + { 24691, 0x00008840 }, /* GL_MATRIX_PALETTE_ARB */ + { 24713, 0x00008840 }, /* GL_MATRIX_PALETTE_OES */ + { 24735, 0x00008008 }, /* GL_MAX */ + { 24742, 0x00008073 }, /* GL_MAX_3D_TEXTURE_SIZE */ + { 24765, 0x00008073 }, /* GL_MAX_3D_TEXTURE_SIZE_OES */ + { 24792, 0x000088FF }, /* GL_MAX_ARRAY_TEXTURE_LAYERS */ + { 24820, 0x000088FF }, /* GL_MAX_ARRAY_TEXTURE_LAYERS_EXT */ + { 24852, 0x00000D35 }, /* GL_MAX_ATTRIB_STACK_DEPTH */ + { 24878, 0x00000D3B }, /* GL_MAX_CLIENT_ATTRIB_STACK_DEPTH */ + { 24911, 0x00008177 }, /* GL_MAX_CLIPMAP_DEPTH_SGIX */ + { 24937, 0x00008178 }, /* GL_MAX_CLIPMAP_VIRTUAL_DEPTH_SGIX */ + { 24971, 0x00000D32 }, /* GL_MAX_CLIP_DISTANCES */ + { 24993, 0x00000D32 }, /* GL_MAX_CLIP_PLANES */ + { 25012, 0x00008CDF }, /* GL_MAX_COLOR_ATTACHMENTS */ + { 25037, 0x00008CDF }, /* GL_MAX_COLOR_ATTACHMENTS_EXT */ + { 25066, 0x000080B3 }, /* GL_MAX_COLOR_MATRIX_STACK_DEPTH */ + { 25098, 0x000080B3 }, /* GL_MAX_COLOR_MATRIX_STACK_DEPTH_SGI */ + { 25134, 0x00008A33 }, /* GL_MAX_COMBINED_FRAGMENT_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS */ + { 25178, 0x00008A32 }, /* GL_MAX_COMBINED_GEOMETRY_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS */ + { 25222, 0x00008B4D }, /* GL_MAX_COMBINED_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS */ + { 25258, 0x00008B4D }, /* GL_MAX_COMBINED_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS_ARB */ + { 25298, 0x00008A2E }, /* GL_MAX_COMBINED_UNIFORM_BLOCKS */ + { 25329, 0x00008A31 }, /* GL_MAX_COMBINED_VERTEX_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS */ + { 25371, 0x0000801B }, /* GL_MAX_CONVOLUTION_HEIGHT */ + { 25397, 0x0000801B }, /* GL_MAX_CONVOLUTION_HEIGHT_EXT */ + { 25427, 0x0000801A }, /* GL_MAX_CONVOLUTION_WIDTH */ + { 25452, 0x0000801A }, /* GL_MAX_CONVOLUTION_WIDTH_EXT */ + { 25481, 0x0000851C }, /* GL_MAX_CUBE_MAP_TEXTURE_SIZE */ + { 25510, 0x0000851C }, /* GL_MAX_CUBE_MAP_TEXTURE_SIZE_ARB */ + { 25543, 0x0000851C }, /* GL_MAX_CUBE_MAP_TEXTURE_SIZE_OES */ + { 25576, 0x00009144 }, /* GL_MAX_DEBUG_LOGGED_MESSAGES_ARB */ + { 25609, 0x00009143 }, /* GL_MAX_DEBUG_MESSAGE_LENGTH_ARB */ + { 25641, 0x00008824 }, /* GL_MAX_DRAW_BUFFERS */ + { 25661, 0x00008824 }, /* GL_MAX_DRAW_BUFFERS_ARB */ + { 25685, 0x00008824 }, /* GL_MAX_DRAW_BUFFERS_ATI */ + { 25709, 0x00008824 }, /* GL_MAX_DRAW_BUFFERS_NV */ + { 25732, 0x000088FC }, /* GL_MAX_DUAL_SOURCE_DRAW_BUFFERS */ + { 25764, 0x000080E9 }, /* GL_MAX_ELEMENTS_INDICES */ + { 25788, 0x000080E8 }, /* GL_MAX_ELEMENTS_VERTICES */ + { 25813, 0x00008D6B }, /* GL_MAX_ELEMENT_INDEX */ + { 25834, 0x00000D30 }, /* GL_MAX_EVAL_ORDER */ + { 25852, 0x00008008 }, /* GL_MAX_EXT */ + { 25863, 0x00009125 }, /* GL_MAX_FRAGMENT_INPUT_COMPONENTS */ + { 25896, 0x00008868 }, /* GL_MAX_FRAGMENT_PROGRAM_LOCAL_PARAMETERS_NV */ + { 25940, 0x00008A2D }, /* GL_MAX_FRAGMENT_UNIFORM_BLOCKS */ + { 25971, 0x00008B49 }, /* GL_MAX_FRAGMENT_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS */ + { 26006, 0x00008B49 }, /* GL_MAX_FRAGMENT_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS_ARB */ + { 26045, 0x00008DFD }, /* GL_MAX_FRAGMENT_UNIFORM_VECTORS */ + { 26077, 0x00009123 }, /* GL_MAX_GEOMETRY_INPUT_COMPONENTS */ + { 26110, 0x00009124 }, /* GL_MAX_GEOMETRY_OUTPUT_COMPONENTS */ + { 26144, 0x00008DE0 }, /* GL_MAX_GEOMETRY_OUTPUT_VERTICES */ + { 26176, 0x00008DE0 }, /* GL_MAX_GEOMETRY_OUTPUT_VERTICES_ARB */ + { 26212, 0x00008C29 }, /* GL_MAX_GEOMETRY_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS */ + { 26248, 0x00008C29 }, /* GL_MAX_GEOMETRY_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS_ARB */ + { 26288, 0x00008DE1 }, /* GL_MAX_GEOMETRY_TOTAL_OUTPUT_COMPONENTS */ + { 26328, 0x00008DE1 }, /* GL_MAX_GEOMETRY_TOTAL_OUTPUT_COMPONENTS_ARB */ + { 26372, 0x00008A2C }, /* GL_MAX_GEOMETRY_UNIFORM_BLOCKS */ + { 26403, 0x00008DDF }, /* GL_MAX_GEOMETRY_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS */ + { 26438, 0x00008DDF }, /* GL_MAX_GEOMETRY_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS_ARB */ + { 26477, 0x00008DDD }, /* GL_MAX_GEOMETRY_VARYING_COMPONENTS_ARB */ + { 26516, 0x00000D31 }, /* GL_MAX_LIGHTS */ + { 26530, 0x00000B31 }, /* GL_MAX_LIST_NESTING */ + { 26550, 0x00008841 }, /* GL_MAX_MATRIX_PALETTE_STACK_DEPTH_ARB */ + { 26588, 0x00000D36 }, /* GL_MAX_MODELVIEW_STACK_DEPTH */ + { 26617, 0x00000D37 }, /* GL_MAX_NAME_STACK_DEPTH */ + { 26641, 0x00008842 }, /* GL_MAX_PALETTE_MATRICES_ARB */ + { 26669, 0x00008842 }, /* GL_MAX_PALETTE_MATRICES_OES */ + { 26697, 0x00000D34 }, /* GL_MAX_PIXEL_MAP_TABLE */ + { 26720, 0x000088B1 }, /* GL_MAX_PROGRAM_ADDRESS_REGISTERS_ARB */ + { 26757, 0x0000880B }, /* GL_MAX_PROGRAM_ALU_INSTRUCTIONS_ARB */ + { 26793, 0x000088AD }, /* GL_MAX_PROGRAM_ATTRIBS_ARB */ + { 26820, 0x000088F5 }, /* GL_MAX_PROGRAM_CALL_DEPTH_NV */ + { 26849, 0x000088B5 }, /* GL_MAX_PROGRAM_ENV_PARAMETERS_ARB */ + { 26883, 0x000088F4 }, /* GL_MAX_PROGRAM_EXEC_INSTRUCTIONS_NV */ + { 26919, 0x000088F6 }, /* GL_MAX_PROGRAM_IF_DEPTH_NV */ + { 26946, 0x000088A1 }, /* GL_MAX_PROGRAM_INSTRUCTIONS_ARB */ + { 26978, 0x000088B4 }, /* GL_MAX_PROGRAM_LOCAL_PARAMETERS_ARB */ + { 27014, 0x000088F8 }, /* GL_MAX_PROGRAM_LOOP_COUNT_NV */ + { 27043, 0x000088F7 }, /* GL_MAX_PROGRAM_LOOP_DEPTH_NV */ + { 27072, 0x0000862F }, /* GL_MAX_PROGRAM_MATRICES_ARB */ + { 27100, 0x0000862E }, /* GL_MAX_PROGRAM_MATRIX_STACK_DEPTH_ARB */ + { 27138, 0x000088B3 }, /* GL_MAX_PROGRAM_NATIVE_ADDRESS_REGISTERS_ARB */ + { 27182, 0x0000880E }, /* GL_MAX_PROGRAM_NATIVE_ALU_INSTRUCTIONS_ARB */ + { 27225, 0x000088AF }, /* GL_MAX_PROGRAM_NATIVE_ATTRIBS_ARB */ + { 27259, 0x000088A3 }, /* GL_MAX_PROGRAM_NATIVE_INSTRUCTIONS_ARB */ + { 27298, 0x000088AB }, /* GL_MAX_PROGRAM_NATIVE_PARAMETERS_ARB */ + { 27335, 0x000088A7 }, /* GL_MAX_PROGRAM_NATIVE_TEMPORARIES_ARB */ + { 27373, 0x00008810 }, /* GL_MAX_PROGRAM_NATIVE_TEX_INDIRECTIONS_ARB */ + { 27416, 0x0000880F }, /* GL_MAX_PROGRAM_NATIVE_TEX_INSTRUCTIONS_ARB */ + { 27459, 0x000088A9 }, /* GL_MAX_PROGRAM_PARAMETERS_ARB */ + { 27489, 0x000088A5 }, /* GL_MAX_PROGRAM_TEMPORARIES_ARB */ + { 27520, 0x00008905 }, /* GL_MAX_PROGRAM_TEXEL_OFFSET */ + { 27548, 0x0000880D }, /* GL_MAX_PROGRAM_TEX_INDIRECTIONS_ARB */ + { 27584, 0x0000880C }, /* GL_MAX_PROGRAM_TEX_INSTRUCTIONS_ARB */ + { 27620, 0x00000D38 }, /* GL_MAX_PROJECTION_STACK_DEPTH */ + { 27650, 0x000084F8 }, /* GL_MAX_RECTANGLE_TEXTURE_SIZE */ + { 27680, 0x000084F8 }, /* GL_MAX_RECTANGLE_TEXTURE_SIZE_ARB */ + { 27714, 0x000084F8 }, /* GL_MAX_RECTANGLE_TEXTURE_SIZE_NV */ + { 27747, 0x000084E8 }, /* GL_MAX_RENDERBUFFER_SIZE */ + { 27772, 0x000084E8 }, /* GL_MAX_RENDERBUFFER_SIZE_EXT */ + { 27801, 0x000084E8 }, /* GL_MAX_RENDERBUFFER_SIZE_OES */ + { 27830, 0x00008D57 }, /* GL_MAX_SAMPLES */ + { 27845, 0x00008D57 }, /* GL_MAX_SAMPLES_EXT */ + { 27864, 0x00009111 }, /* GL_MAX_SERVER_WAIT_TIMEOUT */ + { 27891, 0x00008504 }, /* GL_MAX_SHININESS_NV */ + { 27911, 0x00008505 }, /* GL_MAX_SPOT_EXPONENT_NV */ + { 27935, 0x00008C2B }, /* GL_MAX_TEXTURE_BUFFER_SIZE */ + { 27962, 0x00008C2B }, /* GL_MAX_TEXTURE_BUFFER_SIZE_ARB */ + { 27993, 0x00008871 }, /* GL_MAX_TEXTURE_COORDS */ + { 28015, 0x00008871 }, /* GL_MAX_TEXTURE_COORDS_ARB */ + { 28041, 0x00008871 }, /* GL_MAX_TEXTURE_COORDS_NV */ + { 28066, 0x00008872 }, /* GL_MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS */ + { 28093, 0x00008872 }, /* GL_MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS_ARB */ + { 28124, 0x00008872 }, /* GL_MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS_NV */ + { 28154, 0x000084FD }, /* GL_MAX_TEXTURE_LOD_BIAS */ + { 28178, 0x000084FD }, /* GL_MAX_TEXTURE_LOD_BIAS_EXT */ + { 28206, 0x000084FF }, /* GL_MAX_TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT */ + { 28240, 0x00000D33 }, /* GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE */ + { 28260, 0x00000D39 }, /* GL_MAX_TEXTURE_STACK_DEPTH */ + { 28287, 0x000084E2 }, /* GL_MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS */ + { 28308, 0x000084E2 }, /* GL_MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS_ARB */ + { 28333, 0x0000862F }, /* GL_MAX_TRACK_MATRICES_NV */ + { 28358, 0x0000862E }, /* GL_MAX_TRACK_MATRIX_STACK_DEPTH_NV */ + { 28393, 0x00008E70 }, /* GL_MAX_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFERS */ + { 28427, 0x00008C8A }, /* GL_MAX_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_INTERLEAVED_COMPONENTS */ + { 28476, 0x00008C8A }, /* GL_MAX_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_INTERLEAVED_COMPONENTS_EXT */ + { 28529, 0x00008C8B }, /* GL_MAX_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_SEPARATE_ATTRIBS */ + { 28572, 0x00008C8B }, /* GL_MAX_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_SEPARATE_ATTRIBS_EXT */ + { 28619, 0x00008C80 }, /* GL_MAX_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_SEPARATE_COMPONENTS */ + { 28665, 0x00008C80 }, /* GL_MAX_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_SEPARATE_COMPONENTS_EXT */ + { 28715, 0x00008A30 }, /* GL_MAX_UNIFORM_BLOCK_SIZE */ + { 28741, 0x00008A2F }, /* GL_MAX_UNIFORM_BUFFER_BINDINGS */ + { 28772, 0x00008B4B }, /* GL_MAX_VARYING_COMPONENTS */ + { 28798, 0x00008B4B }, /* GL_MAX_VARYING_FLOATS */ + { 28820, 0x00008B4B }, /* GL_MAX_VARYING_FLOATS_ARB */ + { 28846, 0x00008DFC }, /* GL_MAX_VARYING_VECTORS */ + { 28869, 0x00008869 }, /* GL_MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS */ + { 28891, 0x00008869 }, /* GL_MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS_ARB */ + { 28917, 0x00009122 }, /* GL_MAX_VERTEX_OUTPUT_COMPONENTS */ + { 28949, 0x00008E71 }, /* GL_MAX_VERTEX_STREAMS */ + { 28971, 0x00008B4C }, /* GL_MAX_VERTEX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS */ + { 29005, 0x00008B4C }, /* GL_MAX_VERTEX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS_ARB */ + { 29043, 0x00008A2B }, /* GL_MAX_VERTEX_UNIFORM_BLOCKS */ + { 29072, 0x00008B4A }, /* GL_MAX_VERTEX_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS */ + { 29105, 0x00008B4A }, /* GL_MAX_VERTEX_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS_ARB */ + { 29142, 0x00008DFB }, /* GL_MAX_VERTEX_UNIFORM_VECTORS */ + { 29172, 0x000086A4 }, /* GL_MAX_VERTEX_UNITS_ARB */ + { 29196, 0x000086A4 }, /* GL_MAX_VERTEX_UNITS_OES */ + { 29220, 0x00008DDE }, /* GL_MAX_VERTEX_VARYING_COMPONENTS_ARB */ + { 29257, 0x00000D3A }, /* GL_MAX_VIEWPORT_DIMS */ + { 29278, 0x00008DF1 }, /* GL_MEDIUM_FLOAT */ + { 29294, 0x00008DF4 }, /* GL_MEDIUM_INT */ + { 29308, 0x00008007 }, /* GL_MIN */ + { 29315, 0x0000802E }, /* GL_MINMAX */ + { 29325, 0x0000802E }, /* GL_MINMAX_EXT */ + { 29339, 0x0000802F }, /* GL_MINMAX_FORMAT */ + { 29356, 0x0000802F }, /* GL_MINMAX_FORMAT_EXT */ + { 29377, 0x00008030 }, /* GL_MINMAX_SINK */ + { 29392, 0x00008030 }, /* GL_MINMAX_SINK_EXT */ + { 29411, 0x0000821C }, /* GL_MINOR_VERSION */ + { 29428, 0x00008007 }, /* GL_MIN_EXT */ + { 29439, 0x000090BC }, /* GL_MIN_MAP_BUFFER_ALIGNMENT */ + { 29467, 0x00008904 }, /* GL_MIN_PROGRAM_TEXEL_OFFSET */ + { 29495, 0x00008370 }, /* GL_MIRRORED_REPEAT */ + { 29514, 0x00008370 }, /* GL_MIRRORED_REPEAT_ARB */ + { 29537, 0x00008370 }, /* GL_MIRRORED_REPEAT_IBM */ + { 29560, 0x00008742 }, /* GL_MIRROR_CLAMP_ATI */ + { 29580, 0x00008742 }, /* GL_MIRROR_CLAMP_EXT */ + { 29600, 0x00008912 }, /* GL_MIRROR_CLAMP_TO_BORDER_EXT */ + { 29630, 0x00008743 }, /* GL_MIRROR_CLAMP_TO_EDGE_ATI */ + { 29658, 0x00008743 }, /* GL_MIRROR_CLAMP_TO_EDGE_EXT */ + { 29686, 0x00001700 }, /* GL_MODELVIEW */ + { 29699, 0x00001700 }, /* GL_MODELVIEW0_ARB */ + { 29717, 0x0000872A }, /* GL_MODELVIEW10_ARB */ + { 29736, 0x0000872B }, /* GL_MODELVIEW11_ARB */ + { 29755, 0x0000872C }, /* GL_MODELVIEW12_ARB */ + { 29774, 0x0000872D }, /* GL_MODELVIEW13_ARB */ + { 29793, 0x0000872E }, /* GL_MODELVIEW14_ARB */ + { 29812, 0x0000872F }, /* GL_MODELVIEW15_ARB */ + { 29831, 0x00008730 }, /* GL_MODELVIEW16_ARB */ + { 29850, 0x00008731 }, /* GL_MODELVIEW17_ARB */ + { 29869, 0x00008732 }, /* GL_MODELVIEW18_ARB */ + { 29888, 0x00008733 }, /* GL_MODELVIEW19_ARB */ + { 29907, 0x0000850A }, /* GL_MODELVIEW1_ARB */ + { 29925, 0x00008734 }, /* GL_MODELVIEW20_ARB */ + { 29944, 0x00008735 }, /* GL_MODELVIEW21_ARB */ + { 29963, 0x00008736 }, /* GL_MODELVIEW22_ARB */ + { 29982, 0x00008737 }, /* GL_MODELVIEW23_ARB */ + { 30001, 0x00008738 }, /* GL_MODELVIEW24_ARB */ + { 30020, 0x00008739 }, /* GL_MODELVIEW25_ARB */ + { 30039, 0x0000873A }, /* GL_MODELVIEW26_ARB */ + { 30058, 0x0000873B }, /* GL_MODELVIEW27_ARB */ + { 30077, 0x0000873C }, /* GL_MODELVIEW28_ARB */ + { 30096, 0x0000873D }, /* GL_MODELVIEW29_ARB */ + { 30115, 0x00008722 }, /* GL_MODELVIEW2_ARB */ + { 30133, 0x0000873E }, /* GL_MODELVIEW30_ARB */ + { 30152, 0x0000873F }, /* GL_MODELVIEW31_ARB */ + { 30171, 0x00008723 }, /* GL_MODELVIEW3_ARB */ + { 30189, 0x00008724 }, /* GL_MODELVIEW4_ARB */ + { 30207, 0x00008725 }, /* GL_MODELVIEW5_ARB */ + { 30225, 0x00008726 }, /* GL_MODELVIEW6_ARB */ + { 30243, 0x00008727 }, /* GL_MODELVIEW7_ARB */ + { 30261, 0x00008728 }, /* GL_MODELVIEW8_ARB */ + { 30279, 0x00008729 }, /* GL_MODELVIEW9_ARB */ + { 30297, 0x00000BA6 }, /* GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX */ + { 30317, 0x0000898D }, /* GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX_FLOAT_AS_INT_BITS_OES */ + { 30359, 0x00008629 }, /* GL_MODELVIEW_PROJECTION_NV */ + { 30386, 0x00000BA3 }, /* GL_MODELVIEW_STACK_DEPTH */ + { 30411, 0x00002100 }, /* GL_MODULATE */ + { 30423, 0x00008744 }, /* GL_MODULATE_ADD_ATI */ + { 30443, 0x00008745 }, /* GL_MODULATE_SIGNED_ADD_ATI */ + { 30470, 0x00008746 }, /* GL_MODULATE_SUBTRACT_ATI */ + { 30495, 0x00008961 }, /* GL_MOV_ATI */ + { 30506, 0x00000103 }, /* GL_MULT */ + { 30514, 0x0000809D }, /* GL_MULTISAMPLE */ + { 30529, 0x000086B2 }, /* GL_MULTISAMPLE_3DFX */ + { 30549, 0x0000809D }, /* GL_MULTISAMPLE_ARB */ + { 30568, 0x20000000 }, /* GL_MULTISAMPLE_BIT */ + { 30587, 0x20000000 }, /* GL_MULTISAMPLE_BIT_3DFX */ + { 30611, 0x20000000 }, /* GL_MULTISAMPLE_BIT_ARB */ + { 30634, 0x00008534 }, /* GL_MULTISAMPLE_FILTER_HINT_NV */ + { 30664, 0x00008964 }, /* GL_MUL_ATI */ + { 30675, 0x00002A25 }, /* GL_N3F_V3F */ + { 30686, 0x00000D70 }, /* GL_NAME_STACK_DEPTH */ + { 30706, 0x0000150E }, /* GL_NAND */ + { 30714, 0x00002600 }, /* GL_NEAREST */ + { 30725, 0x0000844E }, /* GL_NEAREST_CLIPMAP_LINEAR_SGIX */ + { 30756, 0x0000844D }, /* GL_NEAREST_CLIPMAP_NEAREST_SGIX */ + { 30788, 0x00002702 }, /* GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR */ + { 30813, 0x00002700 }, /* GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST */ + { 30839, 0x00000200 }, /* GL_NEVER */ + { 30848, 0x00001102 }, /* GL_NICEST */ + { 30858, 0x00000000 }, /* GL_NONE */ + { 30866, 0x00000000 }, /* GL_NONE_OES */ + { 30878, 0x00001505 }, /* GL_NOOP */ + { 30886, 0x00001508 }, /* GL_NOR */ + { 30893, 0x00000BA1 }, /* GL_NORMALIZE */ + { 30906, 0x00008075 }, /* GL_NORMAL_ARRAY */ + { 30922, 0x00008897 }, /* GL_NORMAL_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING */ + { 30953, 0x00008897 }, /* GL_NORMAL_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING_ARB */ + { 30988, 0x00008080 }, /* GL_NORMAL_ARRAY_COUNT_EXT */ + { 31014, 0x0000808F }, /* GL_NORMAL_ARRAY_POINTER */ + { 31038, 0x0000807F }, /* GL_NORMAL_ARRAY_STRIDE */ + { 31061, 0x0000807E }, /* GL_NORMAL_ARRAY_TYPE */ + { 31082, 0x00008511 }, /* GL_NORMAL_MAP */ + { 31096, 0x00008511 }, /* GL_NORMAL_MAP_ARB */ + { 31114, 0x00008511 }, /* GL_NORMAL_MAP_NV */ + { 31131, 0x00008511 }, /* GL_NORMAL_MAP_OES */ + { 31149, 0x00000205 }, /* GL_NOTEQUAL */ + { 31161, 0x00000000 }, /* GL_NO_ERROR */ + { 31173, 0x00008261 }, /* GL_NO_RESET_NOTIFICATION_ARB */ + { 31202, 0x000086A2 }, /* GL_NUM_COMPRESSED_TEXTURE_FORMATS */ + { 31236, 0x000086A2 }, /* GL_NUM_COMPRESSED_TEXTURE_FORMATS_ARB */ + { 31274, 0x0000821D }, /* GL_NUM_EXTENSIONS */ + { 31292, 0x0000896F }, /* GL_NUM_FRAGMENT_CONSTANTS_ATI */ + { 31322, 0x0000896E }, /* GL_NUM_FRAGMENT_REGISTERS_ATI */ + { 31352, 0x00008973 }, /* GL_NUM_INPUT_INTERPOLATOR_COMPONENTS_ATI */ + { 31393, 0x00008971 }, /* GL_NUM_INSTRUCTIONS_PER_PASS_ATI */ + { 31426, 0x00008972 }, /* GL_NUM_INSTRUCTIONS_TOTAL_ATI */ + { 31456, 0x00008974 }, /* GL_NUM_LOOPBACK_COMPONENTS_ATI */ + { 31487, 0x00008970 }, /* GL_NUM_PASSES_ATI */ + { 31505, 0x000087FE }, /* GL_NUM_PROGRAM_BINARY_FORMATS */ + { 31535, 0x000087FE }, /* GL_NUM_PROGRAM_BINARY_FORMATS_OES */ + { 31569, 0x00009380 }, /* GL_NUM_SAMPLE_COUNTS */ + { 31590, 0x00008DF9 }, /* GL_NUM_SHADER_BINARY_FORMATS */ + { 31619, 0x00008B89 }, /* GL_OBJECT_ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTES_ARB */ + { 31651, 0x00008B8A }, /* GL_OBJECT_ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTE_MAX_LENGTH_ARB */ + { 31693, 0x00008B86 }, /* GL_OBJECT_ACTIVE_UNIFORMS_ARB */ + { 31723, 0x00008B87 }, /* GL_OBJECT_ACTIVE_UNIFORM_MAX_LENGTH_ARB */ + { 31763, 0x00008B85 }, /* GL_OBJECT_ATTACHED_OBJECTS_ARB */ + { 31794, 0x00008B81 }, /* GL_OBJECT_COMPILE_STATUS_ARB */ + { 31823, 0x00008B80 }, /* GL_OBJECT_DELETE_STATUS_ARB */ + { 31851, 0x00008B84 }, /* GL_OBJECT_INFO_LOG_LENGTH_ARB */ + { 31881, 0x00002401 }, /* GL_OBJECT_LINEAR */ + { 31898, 0x00008B82 }, /* GL_OBJECT_LINK_STATUS_ARB */ + { 31924, 0x00002501 }, /* GL_OBJECT_PLANE */ + { 31940, 0x00008B88 }, /* GL_OBJECT_SHADER_SOURCE_LENGTH_ARB */ + { 31975, 0x00008B4F }, /* GL_OBJECT_SUBTYPE_ARB */ + { 31997, 0x00009112 }, /* GL_OBJECT_TYPE */ + { 32012, 0x00008B4E }, /* GL_OBJECT_TYPE_ARB */ + { 32031, 0x00008B83 }, /* GL_OBJECT_VALIDATE_STATUS_ARB */ + { 32061, 0x00008165 }, /* GL_OCCLUSION_TEST_HP */ + { 32082, 0x00008166 }, /* GL_OCCLUSION_TEST_RESULT_HP */ + { 32110, 0x00000001 }, /* GL_ONE */ + { 32117, 0x00008004 }, /* GL_ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_ALPHA */ + { 32145, 0x00008004 }, /* GL_ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_ALPHA_EXT */ + { 32177, 0x00008002 }, /* GL_ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_COLOR */ + { 32205, 0x00008002 }, /* GL_ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_COLOR_EXT */ + { 32237, 0x00000305 }, /* GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA */ + { 32260, 0x00000307 }, /* GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_COLOR */ + { 32283, 0x000088FB }, /* GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC1_ALPHA */ + { 32307, 0x000088FA }, /* GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC1_COLOR */ + { 32331, 0x00000303 }, /* GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA */ + { 32354, 0x00000301 }, /* GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR */ + { 32377, 0x00008598 }, /* GL_OPERAND0_ALPHA */ + { 32395, 0x00008598 }, /* GL_OPERAND0_ALPHA_ARB */ + { 32417, 0x00008598 }, /* GL_OPERAND0_ALPHA_EXT */ + { 32439, 0x00008590 }, /* GL_OPERAND0_RGB */ + { 32455, 0x00008590 }, /* GL_OPERAND0_RGB_ARB */ + { 32475, 0x00008590 }, /* GL_OPERAND0_RGB_EXT */ + { 32495, 0x00008599 }, /* GL_OPERAND1_ALPHA */ + { 32513, 0x00008599 }, /* GL_OPERAND1_ALPHA_ARB */ + { 32535, 0x00008599 }, /* GL_OPERAND1_ALPHA_EXT */ + { 32557, 0x00008591 }, /* GL_OPERAND1_RGB */ + { 32573, 0x00008591 }, /* GL_OPERAND1_RGB_ARB */ + { 32593, 0x00008591 }, /* GL_OPERAND1_RGB_EXT */ + { 32613, 0x0000859A }, /* GL_OPERAND2_ALPHA */ + { 32631, 0x0000859A }, /* GL_OPERAND2_ALPHA_ARB */ + { 32653, 0x0000859A }, /* GL_OPERAND2_ALPHA_EXT */ + { 32675, 0x00008592 }, /* GL_OPERAND2_RGB */ + { 32691, 0x00008592 }, /* GL_OPERAND2_RGB_ARB */ + { 32711, 0x00008592 }, /* GL_OPERAND2_RGB_EXT */ + { 32731, 0x0000859B }, /* GL_OPERAND3_ALPHA_NV */ + { 32752, 0x00008593 }, /* GL_OPERAND3_RGB_NV */ + { 32771, 0x00001507 }, /* GL_OR */ + { 32777, 0x00000A01 }, /* GL_ORDER */ + { 32786, 0x0000150D }, /* GL_OR_INVERTED */ + { 32801, 0x0000150B }, /* GL_OR_REVERSE */ + { 32815, 0x00000505 }, /* GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY */ + { 32832, 0x00000D05 }, /* GL_PACK_ALIGNMENT */ + { 32850, 0x0000806C }, /* GL_PACK_IMAGE_HEIGHT */ + { 32871, 0x00008758 }, /* GL_PACK_INVERT_MESA */ + { 32891, 0x00000D01 }, /* GL_PACK_LSB_FIRST */ + { 32909, 0x00000D02 }, /* GL_PACK_ROW_LENGTH */ + { 32928, 0x0000806B }, /* GL_PACK_SKIP_IMAGES */ + { 32948, 0x00000D04 }, /* GL_PACK_SKIP_PIXELS */ + { 32968, 0x00000D03 }, /* GL_PACK_SKIP_ROWS */ + { 32986, 0x00000D00 }, /* GL_PACK_SWAP_BYTES */ + { 33005, 0x00008B92 }, /* GL_PALETTE4_R5_G6_B5_OES */ + { 33030, 0x00008B94 }, /* GL_PALETTE4_RGB5_A1_OES */ + { 33054, 0x00008B90 }, /* GL_PALETTE4_RGB8_OES */ + { 33075, 0x00008B93 }, /* GL_PALETTE4_RGBA4_OES */ + { 33097, 0x00008B91 }, /* GL_PALETTE4_RGBA8_OES */ + { 33119, 0x00008B97 }, /* GL_PALETTE8_R5_G6_B5_OES */ + { 33144, 0x00008B99 }, /* GL_PALETTE8_RGB5_A1_OES */ + { 33168, 0x00008B95 }, /* GL_PALETTE8_RGB8_OES */ + { 33189, 0x00008B98 }, /* GL_PALETTE8_RGBA4_OES */ + { 33211, 0x00008B96 }, /* GL_PALETTE8_RGBA8_OES */ + { 33233, 0x00000700 }, /* GL_PASS_THROUGH_TOKEN */ + { 33255, 0x00000C50 }, /* GL_PERSPECTIVE_CORRECTION_HINT */ + { 33286, 0x00000C79 }, /* GL_PIXEL_MAP_A_TO_A */ + { 33306, 0x00000CB9 }, /* GL_PIXEL_MAP_A_TO_A_SIZE */ + { 33331, 0x00000C78 }, /* GL_PIXEL_MAP_B_TO_B */ + { 33351, 0x00000CB8 }, /* GL_PIXEL_MAP_B_TO_B_SIZE */ + { 33376, 0x00000C77 }, /* GL_PIXEL_MAP_G_TO_G */ + { 33396, 0x00000CB7 }, /* GL_PIXEL_MAP_G_TO_G_SIZE */ + { 33421, 0x00000C75 }, /* GL_PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_A */ + { 33441, 0x00000CB5 }, /* GL_PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_A_SIZE */ + { 33466, 0x00000C74 }, /* GL_PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_B */ + { 33486, 0x00000CB4 }, /* GL_PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_B_SIZE */ + { 33511, 0x00000C73 }, /* GL_PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_G */ + { 33531, 0x00000CB3 }, /* GL_PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_G_SIZE */ + { 33556, 0x00000C70 }, /* GL_PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_I */ + { 33576, 0x00000CB0 }, /* GL_PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_I_SIZE */ + { 33601, 0x00000C72 }, /* GL_PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_R */ + { 33621, 0x00000CB2 }, /* GL_PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_R_SIZE */ + { 33646, 0x00000C76 }, /* GL_PIXEL_MAP_R_TO_R */ + { 33666, 0x00000CB6 }, /* GL_PIXEL_MAP_R_TO_R_SIZE */ + { 33691, 0x00000C71 }, /* GL_PIXEL_MAP_S_TO_S */ + { 33711, 0x00000CB1 }, /* GL_PIXEL_MAP_S_TO_S_SIZE */ + { 33736, 0x00000020 }, /* GL_PIXEL_MODE_BIT */ + { 33754, 0x000088EB }, /* GL_PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER */ + { 33775, 0x000088ED }, /* GL_PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER_BINDING */ + { 33804, 0x000088ED }, /* GL_PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER_BINDING_EXT */ + { 33837, 0x000088EB }, /* GL_PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER_EXT */ + { 33862, 0x000088EC }, /* GL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER */ + { 33885, 0x000088EF }, /* GL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER_BINDING */ + { 33916, 0x000088EF }, /* GL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER_BINDING_EXT */ + { 33951, 0x000088EC }, /* GL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER_EXT */ + { 33978, 0x00001B00 }, /* GL_POINT */ + { 33987, 0x00000000 }, /* GL_POINTS */ + { 33997, 0x00000002 }, /* GL_POINT_BIT */ + { 34010, 0x00008129 }, /* GL_POINT_DISTANCE_ATTENUATION */ + { 34040, 0x00008129 }, /* GL_POINT_DISTANCE_ATTENUATION_ARB */ + { 34074, 0x00008129 }, /* GL_POINT_DISTANCE_ATTENUATION_EXT */ + { 34108, 0x00008129 }, /* GL_POINT_DISTANCE_ATTENUATION_SGIS */ + { 34143, 0x00008128 }, /* GL_POINT_FADE_THRESHOLD_SIZE */ + { 34172, 0x00008128 }, /* GL_POINT_FADE_THRESHOLD_SIZE_ARB */ + { 34205, 0x00008128 }, /* GL_POINT_FADE_THRESHOLD_SIZE_EXT */ + { 34238, 0x00008128 }, /* GL_POINT_FADE_THRESHOLD_SIZE_SGIS */ + { 34272, 0x00000B11 }, /* GL_POINT_SIZE */ + { 34286, 0x00008B9F }, /* GL_POINT_SIZE_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING_OES */ + { 34325, 0x00008B9C }, /* GL_POINT_SIZE_ARRAY_OES */ + { 34349, 0x0000898C }, /* GL_POINT_SIZE_ARRAY_POINTER_OES */ + { 34381, 0x0000898B }, /* GL_POINT_SIZE_ARRAY_STRIDE_OES */ + { 34412, 0x0000898A }, /* GL_POINT_SIZE_ARRAY_TYPE_OES */ + { 34441, 0x00000B13 }, /* GL_POINT_SIZE_GRANULARITY */ + { 34467, 0x00008127 }, /* GL_POINT_SIZE_MAX */ + { 34485, 0x00008127 }, /* GL_POINT_SIZE_MAX_ARB */ + { 34507, 0x00008127 }, /* GL_POINT_SIZE_MAX_EXT */ + { 34529, 0x00008127 }, /* GL_POINT_SIZE_MAX_SGIS */ + { 34552, 0x00008126 }, /* GL_POINT_SIZE_MIN */ + { 34570, 0x00008126 }, /* GL_POINT_SIZE_MIN_ARB */ + { 34592, 0x00008126 }, /* GL_POINT_SIZE_MIN_EXT */ + { 34614, 0x00008126 }, /* GL_POINT_SIZE_MIN_SGIS */ + { 34637, 0x00000B12 }, /* GL_POINT_SIZE_RANGE */ + { 34657, 0x00000B10 }, /* GL_POINT_SMOOTH */ + { 34673, 0x00000C51 }, /* GL_POINT_SMOOTH_HINT */ + { 34694, 0x00008861 }, /* GL_POINT_SPRITE */ + { 34710, 0x00008861 }, /* GL_POINT_SPRITE_ARB */ + { 34730, 0x00008CA0 }, /* GL_POINT_SPRITE_COORD_ORIGIN */ + { 34759, 0x00008861 }, /* GL_POINT_SPRITE_NV */ + { 34778, 0x00008861 }, /* GL_POINT_SPRITE_OES */ + { 34798, 0x00008863 }, /* GL_POINT_SPRITE_R_MODE_NV */ + { 34824, 0x00000701 }, /* GL_POINT_TOKEN */ + { 34839, 0x00000009 }, /* GL_POLYGON */ + { 34850, 0x00000008 }, /* GL_POLYGON_BIT */ + { 34865, 0x00000B40 }, /* GL_POLYGON_MODE */ + { 34881, 0x00008039 }, /* GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_BIAS_EXT */ + { 34908, 0x00008038 }, /* GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FACTOR */ + { 34933, 0x00008037 }, /* GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL */ + { 34956, 0x00002A02 }, /* GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_LINE */ + { 34979, 0x00002A01 }, /* GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_POINT */ + { 35003, 0x00002A00 }, /* GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_UNITS */ + { 35027, 0x00000B41 }, /* GL_POLYGON_SMOOTH */ + { 35045, 0x00000C53 }, /* GL_POLYGON_SMOOTH_HINT */ + { 35068, 0x00000B42 }, /* GL_POLYGON_STIPPLE */ + { 35087, 0x00000010 }, /* GL_POLYGON_STIPPLE_BIT */ + { 35110, 0x00000703 }, /* GL_POLYGON_TOKEN */ + { 35127, 0x00001203 }, /* GL_POSITION */ + { 35139, 0x000080BB }, /* GL_POST_COLOR_MATRIX_ALPHA_BIAS */ + { 35171, 0x000080BB }, /* GL_POST_COLOR_MATRIX_ALPHA_BIAS_SGI */ + { 35207, 0x000080B7 }, /* GL_POST_COLOR_MATRIX_ALPHA_SCALE */ + { 35240, 0x000080B7 }, /* GL_POST_COLOR_MATRIX_ALPHA_SCALE_SGI */ + { 35277, 0x000080BA }, /* GL_POST_COLOR_MATRIX_BLUE_BIAS */ + { 35308, 0x000080BA }, /* GL_POST_COLOR_MATRIX_BLUE_BIAS_SGI */ + { 35343, 0x000080B6 }, /* GL_POST_COLOR_MATRIX_BLUE_SCALE */ + { 35375, 0x000080B6 }, /* GL_POST_COLOR_MATRIX_BLUE_SCALE_SGI */ + { 35411, 0x000080D2 }, /* GL_POST_COLOR_MATRIX_COLOR_TABLE */ + { 35444, 0x000080B9 }, /* GL_POST_COLOR_MATRIX_GREEN_BIAS */ + { 35476, 0x000080B9 }, /* GL_POST_COLOR_MATRIX_GREEN_BIAS_SGI */ + { 35512, 0x000080B5 }, /* GL_POST_COLOR_MATRIX_GREEN_SCALE */ + { 35545, 0x000080B5 }, /* GL_POST_COLOR_MATRIX_GREEN_SCALE_SGI */ + { 35582, 0x000080B8 }, /* GL_POST_COLOR_MATRIX_RED_BIAS */ + { 35612, 0x000080B8 }, /* GL_POST_COLOR_MATRIX_RED_BIAS_SGI */ + { 35646, 0x000080B4 }, /* GL_POST_COLOR_MATRIX_RED_SCALE */ + { 35677, 0x000080B4 }, /* GL_POST_COLOR_MATRIX_RED_SCALE_SGI */ + { 35712, 0x00008023 }, /* GL_POST_CONVOLUTION_ALPHA_BIAS */ + { 35743, 0x00008023 }, /* GL_POST_CONVOLUTION_ALPHA_BIAS_EXT */ + { 35778, 0x0000801F }, /* GL_POST_CONVOLUTION_ALPHA_SCALE */ + { 35810, 0x0000801F }, /* GL_POST_CONVOLUTION_ALPHA_SCALE_EXT */ + { 35846, 0x00008022 }, /* GL_POST_CONVOLUTION_BLUE_BIAS */ + { 35876, 0x00008022 }, /* GL_POST_CONVOLUTION_BLUE_BIAS_EXT */ + { 35910, 0x0000801E }, /* GL_POST_CONVOLUTION_BLUE_SCALE */ + { 35941, 0x0000801E }, /* GL_POST_CONVOLUTION_BLUE_SCALE_EXT */ + { 35976, 0x000080D1 }, /* GL_POST_CONVOLUTION_COLOR_TABLE */ + { 36008, 0x00008021 }, /* GL_POST_CONVOLUTION_GREEN_BIAS */ + { 36039, 0x00008021 }, /* GL_POST_CONVOLUTION_GREEN_BIAS_EXT */ + { 36074, 0x0000801D }, /* GL_POST_CONVOLUTION_GREEN_SCALE */ + { 36106, 0x0000801D }, /* GL_POST_CONVOLUTION_GREEN_SCALE_EXT */ + { 36142, 0x00008020 }, /* GL_POST_CONVOLUTION_RED_BIAS */ + { 36171, 0x00008020 }, /* GL_POST_CONVOLUTION_RED_BIAS_EXT */ + { 36204, 0x0000801C }, /* GL_POST_CONVOLUTION_RED_SCALE */ + { 36234, 0x0000801C }, /* GL_POST_CONVOLUTION_RED_SCALE_EXT */ + { 36268, 0x0000817B }, /* GL_POST_TEXTURE_FILTER_BIAS_RANGE_SGIX */ + { 36307, 0x00008179 }, /* GL_POST_TEXTURE_FILTER_BIAS_SGIX */ + { 36340, 0x0000817C }, /* GL_POST_TEXTURE_FILTER_SCALE_RANGE_SGIX */ + { 36380, 0x0000817A }, /* GL_POST_TEXTURE_FILTER_SCALE_SGIX */ + { 36414, 0x00008578 }, /* GL_PREVIOUS */ + { 36426, 0x00008578 }, /* GL_PREVIOUS_ARB */ + { 36442, 0x00008578 }, /* GL_PREVIOUS_EXT */ + { 36458, 0x00008577 }, /* GL_PRIMARY_COLOR */ + { 36475, 0x00008577 }, /* GL_PRIMARY_COLOR_ARB */ + { 36496, 0x00008577 }, /* GL_PRIMARY_COLOR_EXT */ + { 36517, 0x00008C87 }, /* GL_PRIMITIVES_GENERATED */ + { 36541, 0x00008C87 }, /* GL_PRIMITIVES_GENERATED_EXT */ + { 36569, 0x00008F9D }, /* GL_PRIMITIVE_RESTART */ + { 36590, 0x00008D69 }, /* GL_PRIMITIVE_RESTART_FIXED_INDEX */ + { 36623, 0x00008F9E }, /* GL_PRIMITIVE_RESTART_INDEX */ + { 36650, 0x00008559 }, /* GL_PRIMITIVE_RESTART_INDEX_NV */ + { 36680, 0x00008558 }, /* GL_PRIMITIVE_RESTART_NV */ + { 36704, 0x000088B0 }, /* GL_PROGRAM_ADDRESS_REGISTERS_ARB */ + { 36737, 0x00008805 }, /* GL_PROGRAM_ALU_INSTRUCTIONS_ARB */ + { 36769, 0x000088AC }, /* GL_PROGRAM_ATTRIBS_ARB */ + { 36792, 0x000087FF }, /* GL_PROGRAM_BINARY_FORMATS */ + { 36818, 0x000087FF }, /* GL_PROGRAM_BINARY_FORMATS_OES */ + { 36848, 0x00008741 }, /* GL_PROGRAM_BINARY_LENGTH */ + { 36873, 0x00008741 }, /* GL_PROGRAM_BINARY_LENGTH_OES */ + { 36902, 0x00008257 }, /* GL_PROGRAM_BINARY_RETRIEVABLE_HINT */ + { 36937, 0x00008677 }, /* GL_PROGRAM_BINDING_ARB */ + { 36960, 0x0000864B }, /* GL_PROGRAM_ERROR_POSITION_ARB */ + { 36990, 0x0000864B }, /* GL_PROGRAM_ERROR_POSITION_NV */ + { 37019, 0x00008874 }, /* GL_PROGRAM_ERROR_STRING_ARB */ + { 37047, 0x00008874 }, /* GL_PROGRAM_ERROR_STRING_NV */ + { 37074, 0x00008876 }, /* GL_PROGRAM_FORMAT_ARB */ + { 37096, 0x00008875 }, /* GL_PROGRAM_FORMAT_ASCII_ARB */ + { 37124, 0x000088A0 }, /* GL_PROGRAM_INSTRUCTIONS_ARB */ + { 37152, 0x00008627 }, /* GL_PROGRAM_LENGTH_ARB */ + { 37174, 0x00008627 }, /* GL_PROGRAM_LENGTH_NV */ + { 37195, 0x000088B2 }, /* GL_PROGRAM_NATIVE_ADDRESS_REGISTERS_ARB */ + { 37235, 0x00008808 }, /* GL_PROGRAM_NATIVE_ALU_INSTRUCTIONS_ARB */ + { 37274, 0x000088AE }, /* GL_PROGRAM_NATIVE_ATTRIBS_ARB */ + { 37304, 0x000088A2 }, /* GL_PROGRAM_NATIVE_INSTRUCTIONS_ARB */ + { 37339, 0x000088AA }, /* GL_PROGRAM_NATIVE_PARAMETERS_ARB */ + { 37372, 0x000088A6 }, /* GL_PROGRAM_NATIVE_TEMPORARIES_ARB */ + { 37406, 0x0000880A }, /* GL_PROGRAM_NATIVE_TEX_INDIRECTIONS_ARB */ + { 37445, 0x00008809 }, /* GL_PROGRAM_NATIVE_TEX_INSTRUCTIONS_ARB */ + { 37484, 0x00008B40 }, /* GL_PROGRAM_OBJECT_ARB */ + { 37506, 0x000088A8 }, /* GL_PROGRAM_PARAMETERS_ARB */ + { 37532, 0x00008644 }, /* GL_PROGRAM_PARAMETER_NV */ + { 37556, 0x00008642 }, /* GL_PROGRAM_POINT_SIZE */ + { 37578, 0x00008642 }, /* GL_PROGRAM_POINT_SIZE_ARB */ + { 37604, 0x00008647 }, /* GL_PROGRAM_RESIDENT_NV */ + { 37627, 0x00008628 }, /* GL_PROGRAM_STRING_ARB */ + { 37649, 0x00008628 }, /* GL_PROGRAM_STRING_NV */ + { 37670, 0x00008646 }, /* GL_PROGRAM_TARGET_NV */ + { 37691, 0x000088A4 }, /* GL_PROGRAM_TEMPORARIES_ARB */ + { 37718, 0x00008807 }, /* GL_PROGRAM_TEX_INDIRECTIONS_ARB */ + { 37750, 0x00008806 }, /* GL_PROGRAM_TEX_INSTRUCTIONS_ARB */ + { 37782, 0x000088B6 }, /* GL_PROGRAM_UNDER_NATIVE_LIMITS_ARB */ + { 37817, 0x00001701 }, /* GL_PROJECTION */ + { 37831, 0x00000BA7 }, /* GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX */ + { 37852, 0x0000898E }, /* GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX_FLOAT_AS_INT_BITS_OES */ + { 37895, 0x00000BA4 }, /* GL_PROJECTION_STACK_DEPTH */ + { 37921, 0x00008E4F }, /* GL_PROVOKING_VERTEX */ + { 37941, 0x00008E4F }, /* GL_PROVOKING_VERTEX_EXT */ + { 37965, 0x000080D3 }, /* GL_PROXY_COLOR_TABLE */ + { 37986, 0x00008025 }, /* GL_PROXY_HISTOGRAM */ + { 38005, 0x00008025 }, /* GL_PROXY_HISTOGRAM_EXT */ + { 38028, 0x000080D5 }, /* GL_PROXY_POST_COLOR_MATRIX_COLOR_TABLE */ + { 38067, 0x000080D4 }, /* GL_PROXY_POST_CONVOLUTION_COLOR_TABLE */ + { 38105, 0x00008063 }, /* GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_1D */ + { 38125, 0x00008C19 }, /* GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_1D_ARRAY */ + { 38151, 0x00008C19 }, /* GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_1D_ARRAY_EXT */ + { 38181, 0x00008063 }, /* GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_1D_EXT */ + { 38205, 0x00008064 }, /* GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_2D */ + { 38225, 0x00008C1B }, /* GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY */ + { 38251, 0x00008C1B }, /* GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY_EXT */ + { 38281, 0x00008064 }, /* GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_2D_EXT */ + { 38305, 0x00008070 }, /* GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_3D */ + { 38325, 0x000080BD }, /* GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_COLOR_TABLE_SGI */ + { 38358, 0x0000851B }, /* GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP */ + { 38384, 0x0000851B }, /* GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_ARB */ + { 38414, 0x0000900B }, /* GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_ARRAY_ARB */ + { 38450, 0x000084F7 }, /* GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE */ + { 38477, 0x000084F7 }, /* GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_ARB */ + { 38508, 0x000084F7 }, /* GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_NV */ + { 38538, 0x00008A1D }, /* GL_PURGEABLE_APPLE */ + { 38557, 0x00002003 }, /* GL_Q */ + { 38562, 0x00001209 }, /* GL_QUADRATIC_ATTENUATION */ + { 38587, 0x00000007 }, /* GL_QUADS */ + { 38596, 0x00008E4C }, /* GL_QUADS_FOLLOW_PROVOKING_VERTEX_CONVENTION */ + { 38640, 0x00008E4C }, /* GL_QUADS_FOLLOW_PROVOKING_VERTEX_CONVENTION_EXT */ + { 38688, 0x00008614 }, /* GL_QUAD_MESH_SUN */ + { 38705, 0x00000008 }, /* GL_QUAD_STRIP */ + { 38719, 0x00008E16 }, /* GL_QUERY_BY_REGION_NO_WAIT */ + { 38746, 0x00008E16 }, /* GL_QUERY_BY_REGION_NO_WAIT_NV */ + { 38776, 0x00008E15 }, /* GL_QUERY_BY_REGION_WAIT */ + { 38800, 0x00008E15 }, /* GL_QUERY_BY_REGION_WAIT_NV */ + { 38827, 0x00008864 }, /* GL_QUERY_COUNTER_BITS */ + { 38849, 0x00008864 }, /* GL_QUERY_COUNTER_BITS_ARB */ + { 38875, 0x00008E14 }, /* GL_QUERY_NO_WAIT */ + { 38892, 0x00008E14 }, /* GL_QUERY_NO_WAIT_NV */ + { 38912, 0x00008866 }, /* GL_QUERY_RESULT */ + { 38928, 0x00008866 }, /* GL_QUERY_RESULT_ARB */ + { 38948, 0x00008867 }, /* GL_QUERY_RESULT_AVAILABLE */ + { 38974, 0x00008867 }, /* GL_QUERY_RESULT_AVAILABLE_ARB */ + { 39004, 0x00008E13 }, /* GL_QUERY_WAIT */ + { 39018, 0x00008E13 }, /* GL_QUERY_WAIT_NV */ + { 39035, 0x00002002 }, /* GL_R */ + { 39040, 0x00008C3A }, /* GL_R11F_G11F_B10F */ + { 39058, 0x00008C3A }, /* GL_R11F_G11F_B10F_EXT */ + { 39080, 0x0000822A }, /* GL_R16 */ + { 39087, 0x0000822D }, /* GL_R16F */ + { 39095, 0x00008233 }, /* GL_R16I */ + { 39103, 0x00008234 }, /* GL_R16UI */ + { 39112, 0x00008F98 }, /* GL_R16_SNORM */ + { 39125, 0x0000822E }, /* GL_R32F */ + { 39133, 0x00008235 }, /* GL_R32I */ + { 39141, 0x00008236 }, /* GL_R32UI */ + { 39150, 0x00002A10 }, /* GL_R3_G3_B2 */ + { 39162, 0x00008229 }, /* GL_R8 */ + { 39168, 0x00008231 }, /* GL_R8I */ + { 39175, 0x00008232 }, /* GL_R8UI */ + { 39183, 0x00008229 }, /* GL_R8_EXT */ + { 39193, 0x00008F94 }, /* GL_R8_SNORM */ + { 39205, 0x00008C89 }, /* GL_RASTERIZER_DISCARD */ + { 39227, 0x00008C89 }, /* GL_RASTERIZER_DISCARD_EXT */ + { 39253, 0x00019262 }, /* GL_RASTER_POSITION_UNCLIPPED_IBM */ + { 39286, 0x00000C02 }, /* GL_READ_BUFFER */ + { 39301, 0x00008CA8 }, /* GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER */ + { 39321, 0x00008CAA }, /* GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING */ + { 39349, 0x00008CAA }, /* GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING_EXT */ + { 39381, 0x00008CA8 }, /* GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT */ + { 39405, 0x000088B8 }, /* GL_READ_ONLY */ + { 39418, 0x000088B8 }, /* GL_READ_ONLY_ARB */ + { 39435, 0x000088BA }, /* GL_READ_WRITE */ + { 39449, 0x000088BA }, /* GL_READ_WRITE_ARB */ + { 39467, 0x00001903 }, /* GL_RED */ + { 39474, 0x00008016 }, /* GL_REDUCE */ + { 39484, 0x00008016 }, /* GL_REDUCE_EXT */ + { 39498, 0x00000D15 }, /* GL_RED_BIAS */ + { 39510, 0x00000D52 }, /* GL_RED_BITS */ + { 39522, 0x00001903 }, /* GL_RED_EXT */ + { 39533, 0x00008D94 }, /* GL_RED_INTEGER */ + { 39548, 0x00008D94 }, /* GL_RED_INTEGER_EXT */ + { 39567, 0x00000D14 }, /* GL_RED_SCALE */ + { 39580, 0x00008F90 }, /* GL_RED_SNORM */ + { 39593, 0x00008512 }, /* GL_REFLECTION_MAP */ + { 39611, 0x00008512 }, /* GL_REFLECTION_MAP_ARB */ + { 39633, 0x00008512 }, /* GL_REFLECTION_MAP_NV */ + { 39654, 0x00008512 }, /* GL_REFLECTION_MAP_OES */ + { 39676, 0x00008921 }, /* GL_REG_0_ATI */ + { 39689, 0x0000892B }, /* GL_REG_10_ATI */ + { 39703, 0x0000892C }, /* GL_REG_11_ATI */ + { 39717, 0x0000892D }, /* GL_REG_12_ATI */ + { 39731, 0x0000892E }, /* GL_REG_13_ATI */ + { 39745, 0x0000892F }, /* GL_REG_14_ATI */ + { 39759, 0x00008930 }, /* GL_REG_15_ATI */ + { 39773, 0x00008931 }, /* GL_REG_16_ATI */ + { 39787, 0x00008932 }, /* GL_REG_17_ATI */ + { 39801, 0x00008933 }, /* GL_REG_18_ATI */ + { 39815, 0x00008934 }, /* GL_REG_19_ATI */ + { 39829, 0x00008922 }, /* GL_REG_1_ATI */ + { 39842, 0x00008935 }, /* GL_REG_20_ATI */ + { 39856, 0x00008936 }, /* GL_REG_21_ATI */ + { 39870, 0x00008937 }, /* GL_REG_22_ATI */ + { 39884, 0x00008938 }, /* GL_REG_23_ATI */ + { 39898, 0x00008939 }, /* GL_REG_24_ATI */ + { 39912, 0x0000893A }, /* GL_REG_25_ATI */ + { 39926, 0x0000893B }, /* GL_REG_26_ATI */ + { 39940, 0x0000893C }, /* GL_REG_27_ATI */ + { 39954, 0x0000893D }, /* GL_REG_28_ATI */ + { 39968, 0x0000893E }, /* GL_REG_29_ATI */ + { 39982, 0x00008923 }, /* GL_REG_2_ATI */ + { 39995, 0x0000893F }, /* GL_REG_30_ATI */ + { 40009, 0x00008940 }, /* GL_REG_31_ATI */ + { 40023, 0x00008924 }, /* GL_REG_3_ATI */ + { 40036, 0x00008925 }, /* GL_REG_4_ATI */ + { 40049, 0x00008926 }, /* GL_REG_5_ATI */ + { 40062, 0x00008927 }, /* GL_REG_6_ATI */ + { 40075, 0x00008928 }, /* GL_REG_7_ATI */ + { 40088, 0x00008929 }, /* GL_REG_8_ATI */ + { 40101, 0x0000892A }, /* GL_REG_9_ATI */ + { 40114, 0x00008A19 }, /* GL_RELEASED_APPLE */ + { 40132, 0x00001C00 }, /* GL_RENDER */ + { 40142, 0x00008D41 }, /* GL_RENDERBUFFER */ + { 40158, 0x00008D53 }, /* GL_RENDERBUFFER_ALPHA_SIZE */ + { 40185, 0x00008D53 }, /* GL_RENDERBUFFER_ALPHA_SIZE_OES */ + { 40216, 0x00008CA7 }, /* GL_RENDERBUFFER_BINDING */ + { 40240, 0x00008CA7 }, /* GL_RENDERBUFFER_BINDING_EXT */ + { 40268, 0x00008CA7 }, /* GL_RENDERBUFFER_BINDING_OES */ + { 40296, 0x00008D52 }, /* GL_RENDERBUFFER_BLUE_SIZE */ + { 40322, 0x00008D52 }, /* GL_RENDERBUFFER_BLUE_SIZE_OES */ + { 40352, 0x00008D54 }, /* GL_RENDERBUFFER_DEPTH_SIZE */ + { 40379, 0x00008D54 }, /* GL_RENDERBUFFER_DEPTH_SIZE_OES */ + { 40410, 0x00008D41 }, /* GL_RENDERBUFFER_EXT */ + { 40430, 0x00008D51 }, /* GL_RENDERBUFFER_GREEN_SIZE */ + { 40457, 0x00008D51 }, /* GL_RENDERBUFFER_GREEN_SIZE_OES */ + { 40488, 0x00008D43 }, /* GL_RENDERBUFFER_HEIGHT */ + { 40511, 0x00008D43 }, /* GL_RENDERBUFFER_HEIGHT_EXT */ + { 40538, 0x00008D43 }, /* GL_RENDERBUFFER_HEIGHT_OES */ + { 40565, 0x00008D44 }, /* GL_RENDERBUFFER_INTERNAL_FORMAT */ + { 40597, 0x00008D44 }, /* GL_RENDERBUFFER_INTERNAL_FORMAT_EXT */ + { 40633, 0x00008D44 }, /* GL_RENDERBUFFER_INTERNAL_FORMAT_OES */ + { 40669, 0x00008D41 }, /* GL_RENDERBUFFER_OES */ + { 40689, 0x00008D50 }, /* GL_RENDERBUFFER_RED_SIZE */ + { 40714, 0x00008D50 }, /* GL_RENDERBUFFER_RED_SIZE_OES */ + { 40743, 0x00008CAB }, /* GL_RENDERBUFFER_SAMPLES */ + { 40767, 0x00008CAB }, /* GL_RENDERBUFFER_SAMPLES_EXT */ + { 40795, 0x00008D55 }, /* GL_RENDERBUFFER_STENCIL_SIZE */ + { 40824, 0x00008D55 }, /* GL_RENDERBUFFER_STENCIL_SIZE_OES */ + { 40857, 0x00008D42 }, /* GL_RENDERBUFFER_WIDTH */ + { 40879, 0x00008D42 }, /* GL_RENDERBUFFER_WIDTH_EXT */ + { 40905, 0x00008D42 }, /* GL_RENDERBUFFER_WIDTH_OES */ + { 40931, 0x00001F01 }, /* GL_RENDERER */ + { 40943, 0x00000C40 }, /* GL_RENDER_MODE */ + { 40958, 0x00002901 }, /* GL_REPEAT */ + { 40968, 0x00001E01 }, /* GL_REPLACE */ + { 40979, 0x00008062 }, /* GL_REPLACE_EXT */ + { 40994, 0x00008153 }, /* GL_REPLICATE_BORDER_HP */ + { 41017, 0x00008D68 }, /* GL_REQUIRED_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS_OES */ + { 41053, 0x0000803A }, /* GL_RESCALE_NORMAL */ + { 41071, 0x0000803A }, /* GL_RESCALE_NORMAL_EXT */ + { 41093, 0x00008256 }, /* GL_RESET_NOTIFICATION_STRATEGY_ARB */ + { 41128, 0x00008A1B }, /* GL_RETAINED_APPLE */ + { 41146, 0x00000102 }, /* GL_RETURN */ + { 41156, 0x00008227 }, /* GL_RG */ + { 41162, 0x0000822C }, /* GL_RG16 */ + { 41170, 0x0000822F }, /* GL_RG16F */ + { 41179, 0x00008239 }, /* GL_RG16I */ + { 41188, 0x0000823A }, /* GL_RG16UI */ + { 41198, 0x00008F99 }, /* GL_RG16_SNORM */ + { 41212, 0x00008230 }, /* GL_RG32F */ + { 41221, 0x0000823B }, /* GL_RG32I */ + { 41230, 0x0000823C }, /* GL_RG32UI */ + { 41240, 0x0000822B }, /* GL_RG8 */ + { 41247, 0x00008237 }, /* GL_RG8I */ + { 41255, 0x00008238 }, /* GL_RG8UI */ + { 41264, 0x0000822B }, /* GL_RG8_EXT */ + { 41275, 0x00008F95 }, /* GL_RG8_SNORM */ + { 41288, 0x00001907 }, /* GL_RGB */ + { 41295, 0x00008052 }, /* GL_RGB10 */ + { 41304, 0x00008059 }, /* GL_RGB10_A2 */ + { 41316, 0x0000906F }, /* GL_RGB10_A2UI */ + { 41330, 0x00008059 }, /* GL_RGB10_A2_EXT */ + { 41346, 0x00008052 }, /* GL_RGB10_EXT */ + { 41359, 0x00008053 }, /* GL_RGB12 */ + { 41368, 0x00008053 }, /* GL_RGB12_EXT */ + { 41381, 0x00008054 }, /* GL_RGB16 */ + { 41390, 0x0000881B }, /* GL_RGB16F */ + { 41400, 0x0000881B }, /* GL_RGB16F_ARB */ + { 41414, 0x00008D89 }, /* GL_RGB16I */ + { 41424, 0x00008D89 }, /* GL_RGB16I_EXT */ + { 41438, 0x00008D77 }, /* GL_RGB16UI */ + { 41449, 0x00008D77 }, /* GL_RGB16UI_EXT */ + { 41464, 0x00008054 }, /* GL_RGB16_EXT */ + { 41477, 0x00008F9A }, /* GL_RGB16_SNORM */ + { 41492, 0x0000804E }, /* GL_RGB2_EXT */ + { 41504, 0x00008815 }, /* GL_RGB32F */ + { 41514, 0x00008815 }, /* GL_RGB32F_ARB */ + { 41528, 0x00008D83 }, /* GL_RGB32I */ + { 41538, 0x00008D83 }, /* GL_RGB32I_EXT */ + { 41552, 0x00008D71 }, /* GL_RGB32UI */ + { 41563, 0x00008D71 }, /* GL_RGB32UI_EXT */ + { 41578, 0x0000804F }, /* GL_RGB4 */ + { 41586, 0x0000804F }, /* GL_RGB4_EXT */ + { 41598, 0x000083A1 }, /* GL_RGB4_S3TC */ + { 41611, 0x00008050 }, /* GL_RGB5 */ + { 41619, 0x00008D62 }, /* GL_RGB565 */ + { 41629, 0x00008D62 }, /* GL_RGB565_OES */ + { 41643, 0x00008057 }, /* GL_RGB5_A1 */ + { 41654, 0x00008057 }, /* GL_RGB5_A1_EXT */ + { 41669, 0x00008057 }, /* GL_RGB5_A1_OES */ + { 41684, 0x00008050 }, /* GL_RGB5_EXT */ + { 41696, 0x00008051 }, /* GL_RGB8 */ + { 41704, 0x00008D8F }, /* GL_RGB8I */ + { 41713, 0x00008D8F }, /* GL_RGB8I_EXT */ + { 41726, 0x00008D7D }, /* GL_RGB8UI */ + { 41736, 0x00008D7D }, /* GL_RGB8UI_EXT */ + { 41750, 0x00008051 }, /* GL_RGB8_EXT */ + { 41762, 0x00008051 }, /* GL_RGB8_OES */ + { 41774, 0x00008F96 }, /* GL_RGB8_SNORM */ + { 41788, 0x00008C3D }, /* GL_RGB9_E5 */ + { 41799, 0x00001908 }, /* GL_RGBA */ + { 41807, 0x0000805A }, /* GL_RGBA12 */ + { 41817, 0x0000805A }, /* GL_RGBA12_EXT */ + { 41831, 0x0000805B }, /* GL_RGBA16 */ + { 41841, 0x0000881A }, /* GL_RGBA16F */ + { 41852, 0x0000881A }, /* GL_RGBA16F_ARB */ + { 41867, 0x00008D88 }, /* GL_RGBA16I */ + { 41878, 0x00008D88 }, /* GL_RGBA16I_EXT */ + { 41893, 0x00008D76 }, /* GL_RGBA16UI */ + { 41905, 0x00008D76 }, /* GL_RGBA16UI_EXT */ + { 41921, 0x0000805B }, /* GL_RGBA16_EXT */ + { 41935, 0x00008F9B }, /* GL_RGBA16_SNORM */ + { 41951, 0x00008055 }, /* GL_RGBA2 */ + { 41960, 0x00008055 }, /* GL_RGBA2_EXT */ + { 41973, 0x00008814 }, /* GL_RGBA32F */ + { 41984, 0x00008814 }, /* GL_RGBA32F_ARB */ + { 41999, 0x00008D82 }, /* GL_RGBA32I */ + { 42010, 0x00008D82 }, /* GL_RGBA32I_EXT */ + { 42025, 0x00008D70 }, /* GL_RGBA32UI */ + { 42037, 0x00008D70 }, /* GL_RGBA32UI_EXT */ + { 42053, 0x00008056 }, /* GL_RGBA4 */ + { 42062, 0x000083A5 }, /* GL_RGBA4_DXT5_S3TC */ + { 42081, 0x00008056 }, /* GL_RGBA4_EXT */ + { 42094, 0x00008056 }, /* GL_RGBA4_OES */ + { 42107, 0x000083A3 }, /* GL_RGBA4_S3TC */ + { 42121, 0x00008058 }, /* GL_RGBA8 */ + { 42130, 0x00008D8E }, /* GL_RGBA8I */ + { 42140, 0x00008D8E }, /* GL_RGBA8I_EXT */ + { 42154, 0x00008D7C }, /* GL_RGBA8UI */ + { 42165, 0x00008D7C }, /* GL_RGBA8UI_EXT */ + { 42180, 0x00008058 }, /* GL_RGBA8_EXT */ + { 42193, 0x00008058 }, /* GL_RGBA8_OES */ + { 42206, 0x00008F97 }, /* GL_RGBA8_SNORM */ + { 42221, 0x000083A4 }, /* GL_RGBA_DXT5_S3TC */ + { 42239, 0x00008820 }, /* GL_RGBA_FLOAT_MODE_ARB */ + { 42262, 0x00008D99 }, /* GL_RGBA_INTEGER */ + { 42278, 0x00008D99 }, /* GL_RGBA_INTEGER_EXT */ + { 42298, 0x00008D9E }, /* GL_RGBA_INTEGER_MODE_EXT */ + { 42323, 0x00000C31 }, /* GL_RGBA_MODE */ + { 42336, 0x000083A2 }, /* GL_RGBA_S3TC */ + { 42349, 0x00008C3C }, /* GL_RGBA_SIGNED_COMPONENTS_EXT */ + { 42379, 0x00008F93 }, /* GL_RGBA_SNORM */ + { 42393, 0x00008D98 }, /* GL_RGB_INTEGER */ + { 42408, 0x00008D98 }, /* GL_RGB_INTEGER_EXT */ + { 42427, 0x000083A0 }, /* GL_RGB_S3TC */ + { 42439, 0x00008573 }, /* GL_RGB_SCALE */ + { 42452, 0x00008573 }, /* GL_RGB_SCALE_ARB */ + { 42469, 0x00008573 }, /* GL_RGB_SCALE_EXT */ + { 42486, 0x00008F92 }, /* GL_RGB_SNORM */ + { 42499, 0x00008227 }, /* GL_RG_EXT */ + { 42509, 0x00008228 }, /* GL_RG_INTEGER */ + { 42523, 0x00008F91 }, /* GL_RG_SNORM */ + { 42535, 0x00000407 }, /* GL_RIGHT */ + { 42544, 0x00002000 }, /* GL_S */ + { 42549, 0x00008B5D }, /* GL_SAMPLER_1D */ + { 42563, 0x00008DC0 }, /* GL_SAMPLER_1D_ARRAY */ + { 42583, 0x00008DC0 }, /* GL_SAMPLER_1D_ARRAY_EXT */ + { 42607, 0x00008DC3 }, /* GL_SAMPLER_1D_ARRAY_SHADOW */ + { 42634, 0x00008DC3 }, /* GL_SAMPLER_1D_ARRAY_SHADOW_EXT */ + { 42665, 0x00008B61 }, /* GL_SAMPLER_1D_SHADOW */ + { 42686, 0x00008B5E }, /* GL_SAMPLER_2D */ + { 42700, 0x00008DC1 }, /* GL_SAMPLER_2D_ARRAY */ + { 42720, 0x00008DC1 }, /* GL_SAMPLER_2D_ARRAY_EXT */ + { 42744, 0x00008DC4 }, /* GL_SAMPLER_2D_ARRAY_SHADOW */ + { 42771, 0x00008DC4 }, /* GL_SAMPLER_2D_ARRAY_SHADOW_EXT */ + { 42802, 0x00008B63 }, /* GL_SAMPLER_2D_RECT */ + { 42821, 0x00008B64 }, /* GL_SAMPLER_2D_RECT_SHADOW */ + { 42847, 0x00008B62 }, /* GL_SAMPLER_2D_SHADOW */ + { 42868, 0x00008B5F }, /* GL_SAMPLER_3D */ + { 42882, 0x00008B5F }, /* GL_SAMPLER_3D_OES */ + { 42900, 0x00008919 }, /* GL_SAMPLER_BINDING */ + { 42919, 0x00008DC2 }, /* GL_SAMPLER_BUFFER */ + { 42937, 0x00008DC2 }, /* GL_SAMPLER_BUFFER_EXT */ + { 42959, 0x00008B60 }, /* GL_SAMPLER_CUBE */ + { 42975, 0x0000900C }, /* GL_SAMPLER_CUBE_MAP_ARRAY_ARB */ + { 43005, 0x0000900D }, /* GL_SAMPLER_CUBE_MAP_ARRAY_SHADOW_ARB */ + { 43042, 0x00008DC5 }, /* GL_SAMPLER_CUBE_SHADOW */ + { 43065, 0x00008DC5 }, /* GL_SAMPLER_CUBE_SHADOW_EXT */ + { 43092, 0x00008D66 }, /* GL_SAMPLER_EXTERNAL_OES */ + { 43116, 0x000080A9 }, /* GL_SAMPLES */ + { 43127, 0x000086B4 }, /* GL_SAMPLES_3DFX */ + { 43143, 0x000080A9 }, /* GL_SAMPLES_ARB */ + { 43158, 0x00008914 }, /* GL_SAMPLES_PASSED */ + { 43176, 0x00008914 }, /* GL_SAMPLES_PASSED_ARB */ + { 43198, 0x0000809E }, /* GL_SAMPLE_ALPHA_TO_COVERAGE */ + { 43226, 0x0000809E }, /* GL_SAMPLE_ALPHA_TO_COVERAGE_ARB */ + { 43258, 0x0000809F }, /* GL_SAMPLE_ALPHA_TO_ONE */ + { 43281, 0x0000809F }, /* GL_SAMPLE_ALPHA_TO_ONE_ARB */ + { 43308, 0x000080A8 }, /* GL_SAMPLE_BUFFERS */ + { 43326, 0x000086B3 }, /* GL_SAMPLE_BUFFERS_3DFX */ + { 43349, 0x000080A8 }, /* GL_SAMPLE_BUFFERS_ARB */ + { 43371, 0x000080A0 }, /* GL_SAMPLE_COVERAGE */ + { 43390, 0x000080A0 }, /* GL_SAMPLE_COVERAGE_ARB */ + { 43413, 0x000080AB }, /* GL_SAMPLE_COVERAGE_INVERT */ + { 43439, 0x000080AB }, /* GL_SAMPLE_COVERAGE_INVERT_ARB */ + { 43469, 0x000080AA }, /* GL_SAMPLE_COVERAGE_VALUE */ + { 43494, 0x000080AA }, /* GL_SAMPLE_COVERAGE_VALUE_ARB */ + { 43523, 0x00080000 }, /* GL_SCISSOR_BIT */ + { 43538, 0x00000C10 }, /* GL_SCISSOR_BOX */ + { 43553, 0x00000C11 }, /* GL_SCISSOR_TEST */ + { 43569, 0x0000845E }, /* GL_SECONDARY_COLOR_ARRAY */ + { 43594, 0x0000889C }, /* GL_SECONDARY_COLOR_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING */ + { 43634, 0x0000889C }, /* GL_SECONDARY_COLOR_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING_ARB */ + { 43678, 0x0000845D }, /* GL_SECONDARY_COLOR_ARRAY_POINTER */ + { 43711, 0x0000845A }, /* GL_SECONDARY_COLOR_ARRAY_SIZE */ + { 43741, 0x0000845C }, /* GL_SECONDARY_COLOR_ARRAY_STRIDE */ + { 43773, 0x0000845B }, /* GL_SECONDARY_COLOR_ARRAY_TYPE */ + { 43803, 0x0000896D }, /* GL_SECONDARY_INTERPOLATOR_ATI */ + { 43833, 0x00001C02 }, /* GL_SELECT */ + { 43843, 0x00000DF3 }, /* GL_SELECTION_BUFFER_POINTER */ + { 43871, 0x00000DF4 }, /* GL_SELECTION_BUFFER_SIZE */ + { 43896, 0x00008012 }, /* GL_SEPARABLE_2D */ + { 43912, 0x00008C8D }, /* GL_SEPARATE_ATTRIBS */ + { 43932, 0x00008C8D }, /* GL_SEPARATE_ATTRIBS_EXT */ + { 43956, 0x000081FA }, /* GL_SEPARATE_SPECULAR_COLOR */ + { 43983, 0x000081FA }, /* GL_SEPARATE_SPECULAR_COLOR_EXT */ + { 44014, 0x0000150F }, /* GL_SET */ + { 44021, 0x00008DF8 }, /* GL_SHADER_BINARY_FORMATS */ + { 44046, 0x00008DFA }, /* GL_SHADER_COMPILER */ + { 44065, 0x00008B48 }, /* GL_SHADER_OBJECT_ARB */ + { 44086, 0x00008B88 }, /* GL_SHADER_SOURCE_LENGTH */ + { 44110, 0x00008B4F }, /* GL_SHADER_TYPE */ + { 44125, 0x00000B54 }, /* GL_SHADE_MODEL */ + { 44140, 0x00008B8C }, /* GL_SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION */ + { 44168, 0x000080BF }, /* GL_SHADOW_AMBIENT_SGIX */ + { 44191, 0x000081FB }, /* GL_SHARED_TEXTURE_PALETTE_EXT */ + { 44221, 0x00001601 }, /* GL_SHININESS */ + { 44234, 0x00001402 }, /* GL_SHORT */ + { 44243, 0x00009119 }, /* GL_SIGNALED */ + { 44255, 0x00008F9C }, /* GL_SIGNED_NORMALIZED */ + { 44276, 0x000081F9 }, /* GL_SINGLE_COLOR */ + { 44292, 0x000081F9 }, /* GL_SINGLE_COLOR_EXT */ + { 44312, 0x00008A4A }, /* GL_SKIP_DECODE_EXT */ + { 44331, 0x000085CC }, /* GL_SLICE_ACCUM_SUN */ + { 44350, 0x00008C46 }, /* GL_SLUMINANCE */ + { 44364, 0x00008C47 }, /* GL_SLUMINANCE8 */ + { 44379, 0x00008C45 }, /* GL_SLUMINANCE8_ALPHA8 */ + { 44401, 0x00008C44 }, /* GL_SLUMINANCE_ALPHA */ + { 44421, 0x00001D01 }, /* GL_SMOOTH */ + { 44431, 0x00000B23 }, /* GL_SMOOTH_LINE_WIDTH_GRANULARITY */ + { 44464, 0x00000B22 }, /* GL_SMOOTH_LINE_WIDTH_RANGE */ + { 44491, 0x00000B13 }, /* GL_SMOOTH_POINT_SIZE_GRANULARITY */ + { 44524, 0x00000B12 }, /* GL_SMOOTH_POINT_SIZE_RANGE */ + { 44551, 0x00008588 }, /* GL_SOURCE0_ALPHA */ + { 44568, 0x00008588 }, /* GL_SOURCE0_ALPHA_ARB */ + { 44589, 0x00008588 }, /* GL_SOURCE0_ALPHA_EXT */ + { 44610, 0x00008580 }, /* GL_SOURCE0_RGB */ + { 44625, 0x00008580 }, /* GL_SOURCE0_RGB_ARB */ + { 44644, 0x00008580 }, /* GL_SOURCE0_RGB_EXT */ + { 44663, 0x00008589 }, /* GL_SOURCE1_ALPHA */ + { 44680, 0x00008589 }, /* GL_SOURCE1_ALPHA_ARB */ + { 44701, 0x00008589 }, /* GL_SOURCE1_ALPHA_EXT */ + { 44722, 0x00008581 }, /* GL_SOURCE1_RGB */ + { 44737, 0x00008581 }, /* GL_SOURCE1_RGB_ARB */ + { 44756, 0x00008581 }, /* GL_SOURCE1_RGB_EXT */ + { 44775, 0x0000858A }, /* GL_SOURCE2_ALPHA */ + { 44792, 0x0000858A }, /* GL_SOURCE2_ALPHA_ARB */ + { 44813, 0x0000858A }, /* GL_SOURCE2_ALPHA_EXT */ + { 44834, 0x00008582 }, /* GL_SOURCE2_RGB */ + { 44849, 0x00008582 }, /* GL_SOURCE2_RGB_ARB */ + { 44868, 0x00008582 }, /* GL_SOURCE2_RGB_EXT */ + { 44887, 0x0000858B }, /* GL_SOURCE3_ALPHA_NV */ + { 44907, 0x00008583 }, /* GL_SOURCE3_RGB_NV */ + { 44925, 0x00001202 }, /* GL_SPECULAR */ + { 44937, 0x00002402 }, /* GL_SPHERE_MAP */ + { 44951, 0x00001206 }, /* GL_SPOT_CUTOFF */ + { 44966, 0x00001204 }, /* GL_SPOT_DIRECTION */ + { 44984, 0x00001205 }, /* GL_SPOT_EXPONENT */ + { 45001, 0x00008588 }, /* GL_SRC0_ALPHA */ + { 45015, 0x00008580 }, /* GL_SRC0_RGB */ + { 45027, 0x00008589 }, /* GL_SRC1_ALPHA */ + { 45041, 0x000088F9 }, /* GL_SRC1_COLOR */ + { 45055, 0x00008581 }, /* GL_SRC1_RGB */ + { 45067, 0x0000858A }, /* GL_SRC2_ALPHA */ + { 45081, 0x00008582 }, /* GL_SRC2_RGB */ + { 45093, 0x00000302 }, /* GL_SRC_ALPHA */ + { 45106, 0x00000308 }, /* GL_SRC_ALPHA_SATURATE */ + { 45128, 0x00000300 }, /* GL_SRC_COLOR */ + { 45141, 0x00008C40 }, /* GL_SRGB */ + { 45149, 0x00008C41 }, /* GL_SRGB8 */ + { 45158, 0x00008C43 }, /* GL_SRGB8_ALPHA8 */ + { 45174, 0x00008C42 }, /* GL_SRGB_ALPHA */ + { 45188, 0x00000503 }, /* GL_STACK_OVERFLOW */ + { 45206, 0x00000504 }, /* GL_STACK_UNDERFLOW */ + { 45225, 0x000088E6 }, /* GL_STATIC_COPY */ + { 45240, 0x000088E6 }, /* GL_STATIC_COPY_ARB */ + { 45259, 0x000088E4 }, /* GL_STATIC_DRAW */ + { 45274, 0x000088E4 }, /* GL_STATIC_DRAW_ARB */ + { 45293, 0x000088E5 }, /* GL_STATIC_READ */ + { 45308, 0x000088E5 }, /* GL_STATIC_READ_ARB */ + { 45327, 0x00001802 }, /* GL_STENCIL */ + { 45338, 0x00008D20 }, /* GL_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT */ + { 45360, 0x00008D20 }, /* GL_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT_EXT */ + { 45386, 0x00008D20 }, /* GL_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT_OES */ + { 45412, 0x00008801 }, /* GL_STENCIL_BACK_FAIL */ + { 45433, 0x00008801 }, /* GL_STENCIL_BACK_FAIL_ATI */ + { 45458, 0x00008800 }, /* GL_STENCIL_BACK_FUNC */ + { 45479, 0x00008800 }, /* GL_STENCIL_BACK_FUNC_ATI */ + { 45504, 0x00008802 }, /* GL_STENCIL_BACK_PASS_DEPTH_FAIL */ + { 45536, 0x00008802 }, /* GL_STENCIL_BACK_PASS_DEPTH_FAIL_ATI */ + { 45572, 0x00008803 }, /* GL_STENCIL_BACK_PASS_DEPTH_PASS */ + { 45604, 0x00008803 }, /* GL_STENCIL_BACK_PASS_DEPTH_PASS_ATI */ + { 45640, 0x00008CA3 }, /* GL_STENCIL_BACK_REF */ + { 45660, 0x00008CA4 }, /* GL_STENCIL_BACK_VALUE_MASK */ + { 45687, 0x00008CA5 }, /* GL_STENCIL_BACK_WRITEMASK */ + { 45713, 0x00000D57 }, /* GL_STENCIL_BITS */ + { 45729, 0x00008224 }, /* GL_STENCIL_BUFFER */ + { 45747, 0x00000400 }, /* GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT */ + { 45769, 0x00000B91 }, /* GL_STENCIL_CLEAR_VALUE */ + { 45792, 0x00000B94 }, /* GL_STENCIL_FAIL */ + { 45808, 0x00000B92 }, /* GL_STENCIL_FUNC */ + { 45824, 0x00001901 }, /* GL_STENCIL_INDEX */ + { 45841, 0x00008D46 }, /* GL_STENCIL_INDEX1 */ + { 45859, 0x00008D49 }, /* GL_STENCIL_INDEX16 */ + { 45878, 0x00008D49 }, /* GL_STENCIL_INDEX16_EXT */ + { 45901, 0x00008D46 }, /* GL_STENCIL_INDEX1_EXT */ + { 45923, 0x00008D46 }, /* GL_STENCIL_INDEX1_OES */ + { 45945, 0x00008D47 }, /* GL_STENCIL_INDEX4 */ + { 45963, 0x00008D47 }, /* GL_STENCIL_INDEX4_EXT */ + { 45985, 0x00008D47 }, /* GL_STENCIL_INDEX4_OES */ + { 46007, 0x00008D48 }, /* GL_STENCIL_INDEX8 */ + { 46025, 0x00008D48 }, /* GL_STENCIL_INDEX8_EXT */ + { 46047, 0x00008D48 }, /* GL_STENCIL_INDEX8_OES */ + { 46069, 0x00008D45 }, /* GL_STENCIL_INDEX_EXT */ + { 46090, 0x00000B95 }, /* GL_STENCIL_PASS_DEPTH_FAIL */ + { 46117, 0x00000B96 }, /* GL_STENCIL_PASS_DEPTH_PASS */ + { 46144, 0x00000B97 }, /* GL_STENCIL_REF */ + { 46159, 0x00000B90 }, /* GL_STENCIL_TEST */ + { 46175, 0x00008910 }, /* GL_STENCIL_TEST_TWO_SIDE_EXT */ + { 46204, 0x00000B93 }, /* GL_STENCIL_VALUE_MASK */ + { 46226, 0x00000B98 }, /* GL_STENCIL_WRITEMASK */ + { 46247, 0x00000C33 }, /* GL_STEREO */ + { 46257, 0x000085BE }, /* GL_STORAGE_CACHED_APPLE */ + { 46281, 0x000085BD }, /* GL_STORAGE_PRIVATE_APPLE */ + { 46306, 0x000085BF }, /* GL_STORAGE_SHARED_APPLE */ + { 46330, 0x000088E2 }, /* GL_STREAM_COPY */ + { 46345, 0x000088E2 }, /* GL_STREAM_COPY_ARB */ + { 46364, 0x000088E0 }, /* GL_STREAM_DRAW */ + { 46379, 0x000088E0 }, /* GL_STREAM_DRAW_ARB */ + { 46398, 0x000088E1 }, /* GL_STREAM_READ */ + { 46413, 0x000088E1 }, /* GL_STREAM_READ_ARB */ + { 46432, 0x00000D50 }, /* GL_SUBPIXEL_BITS */ + { 46449, 0x000084E7 }, /* GL_SUBTRACT */ + { 46461, 0x000084E7 }, /* GL_SUBTRACT_ARB */ + { 46477, 0x00008965 }, /* GL_SUB_ATI */ + { 46488, 0x00008977 }, /* GL_SWIZZLE_STQ_ATI */ + { 46507, 0x00008979 }, /* GL_SWIZZLE_STQ_DQ_ATI */ + { 46529, 0x0000897A }, /* GL_SWIZZLE_STRQ_ATI */ + { 46549, 0x0000897B }, /* GL_SWIZZLE_STRQ_DQ_ATI */ + { 46572, 0x00008976 }, /* GL_SWIZZLE_STR_ATI */ + { 46591, 0x00008978 }, /* GL_SWIZZLE_STR_DR_ATI */ + { 46613, 0x00009113 }, /* GL_SYNC_CONDITION */ + { 46631, 0x00009116 }, /* GL_SYNC_FENCE */ + { 46645, 0x00009115 }, /* GL_SYNC_FLAGS */ + { 46659, 0x00000001 }, /* GL_SYNC_FLUSH_COMMANDS_BIT */ + { 46686, 0x00009117 }, /* GL_SYNC_GPU_COMMANDS_COMPLETE */ + { 46716, 0x00009114 }, /* GL_SYNC_STATUS */ + { 46731, 0x00002001 }, /* GL_T */ + { 46736, 0x00002A2A }, /* GL_T2F_C3F_V3F */ + { 46751, 0x00002A2C }, /* GL_T2F_C4F_N3F_V3F */ + { 46770, 0x00002A29 }, /* GL_T2F_C4UB_V3F */ + { 46786, 0x00002A2B }, /* GL_T2F_N3F_V3F */ + { 46801, 0x00002A27 }, /* GL_T2F_V3F */ + { 46812, 0x00002A2D }, /* GL_T4F_C4F_N3F_V4F */ + { 46831, 0x00002A28 }, /* GL_T4F_V4F */ + { 46842, 0x00008031 }, /* GL_TABLE_TOO_LARGE_EXT */ + { 46865, 0x00001702 }, /* GL_TEXTURE */ + { 46876, 0x000084C0 }, /* GL_TEXTURE0 */ + { 46888, 0x000084C0 }, /* GL_TEXTURE0_ARB */ + { 46904, 0x000084C1 }, /* GL_TEXTURE1 */ + { 46916, 0x000084CA }, /* GL_TEXTURE10 */ + { 46929, 0x000084CA }, /* GL_TEXTURE10_ARB */ + { 46946, 0x000084CB }, /* GL_TEXTURE11 */ + { 46959, 0x000084CB }, /* GL_TEXTURE11_ARB */ + { 46976, 0x000084CC }, /* GL_TEXTURE12 */ + { 46989, 0x000084CC }, /* GL_TEXTURE12_ARB */ + { 47006, 0x000084CD }, /* GL_TEXTURE13 */ + { 47019, 0x000084CD }, /* GL_TEXTURE13_ARB */ + { 47036, 0x000084CE }, /* GL_TEXTURE14 */ + { 47049, 0x000084CE }, /* GL_TEXTURE14_ARB */ + { 47066, 0x000084CF }, /* GL_TEXTURE15 */ + { 47079, 0x000084CF }, /* GL_TEXTURE15_ARB */ + { 47096, 0x000084D0 }, /* GL_TEXTURE16 */ + { 47109, 0x000084D0 }, /* GL_TEXTURE16_ARB */ + { 47126, 0x000084D1 }, /* GL_TEXTURE17 */ + { 47139, 0x000084D1 }, /* GL_TEXTURE17_ARB */ + { 47156, 0x000084D2 }, /* GL_TEXTURE18 */ + { 47169, 0x000084D2 }, /* GL_TEXTURE18_ARB */ + { 47186, 0x000084D3 }, /* GL_TEXTURE19 */ + { 47199, 0x000084D3 }, /* GL_TEXTURE19_ARB */ + { 47216, 0x000084C1 }, /* GL_TEXTURE1_ARB */ + { 47232, 0x000084C2 }, /* GL_TEXTURE2 */ + { 47244, 0x000084D4 }, /* GL_TEXTURE20 */ + { 47257, 0x000084D4 }, /* GL_TEXTURE20_ARB */ + { 47274, 0x000084D5 }, /* GL_TEXTURE21 */ + { 47287, 0x000084D5 }, /* GL_TEXTURE21_ARB */ + { 47304, 0x000084D6 }, /* GL_TEXTURE22 */ + { 47317, 0x000084D6 }, /* GL_TEXTURE22_ARB */ + { 47334, 0x000084D7 }, /* GL_TEXTURE23 */ + { 47347, 0x000084D7 }, /* GL_TEXTURE23_ARB */ + { 47364, 0x000084D8 }, /* GL_TEXTURE24 */ + { 47377, 0x000084D8 }, /* GL_TEXTURE24_ARB */ + { 47394, 0x000084D9 }, /* GL_TEXTURE25 */ + { 47407, 0x000084D9 }, /* GL_TEXTURE25_ARB */ + { 47424, 0x000084DA }, /* GL_TEXTURE26 */ + { 47437, 0x000084DA }, /* GL_TEXTURE26_ARB */ + { 47454, 0x000084DB }, /* GL_TEXTURE27 */ + { 47467, 0x000084DB }, /* GL_TEXTURE27_ARB */ + { 47484, 0x000084DC }, /* GL_TEXTURE28 */ + { 47497, 0x000084DC }, /* GL_TEXTURE28_ARB */ + { 47514, 0x000084DD }, /* GL_TEXTURE29 */ + { 47527, 0x000084DD }, /* GL_TEXTURE29_ARB */ + { 47544, 0x000084C2 }, /* GL_TEXTURE2_ARB */ + { 47560, 0x000084C3 }, /* GL_TEXTURE3 */ + { 47572, 0x000084DE }, /* GL_TEXTURE30 */ + { 47585, 0x000084DE }, /* GL_TEXTURE30_ARB */ + { 47602, 0x000084DF }, /* GL_TEXTURE31 */ + { 47615, 0x000084DF }, /* GL_TEXTURE31_ARB */ + { 47632, 0x000084C3 }, /* GL_TEXTURE3_ARB */ + { 47648, 0x000084C4 }, /* GL_TEXTURE4 */ + { 47660, 0x000084C4 }, /* GL_TEXTURE4_ARB */ + { 47676, 0x000084C5 }, /* GL_TEXTURE5 */ + { 47688, 0x000084C5 }, /* GL_TEXTURE5_ARB */ + { 47704, 0x000084C6 }, /* GL_TEXTURE6 */ + { 47716, 0x000084C6 }, /* GL_TEXTURE6_ARB */ + { 47732, 0x000084C7 }, /* GL_TEXTURE7 */ + { 47744, 0x000084C7 }, /* GL_TEXTURE7_ARB */ + { 47760, 0x000084C8 }, /* GL_TEXTURE8 */ + { 47772, 0x000084C8 }, /* GL_TEXTURE8_ARB */ + { 47788, 0x000084C9 }, /* GL_TEXTURE9 */ + { 47800, 0x000084C9 }, /* GL_TEXTURE9_ARB */ + { 47816, 0x00000DE0 }, /* GL_TEXTURE_1D */ + { 47830, 0x00008C18 }, /* GL_TEXTURE_1D_ARRAY */ + { 47850, 0x00008C18 }, /* GL_TEXTURE_1D_ARRAY_EXT */ + { 47874, 0x00000DE1 }, /* GL_TEXTURE_2D */ + { 47888, 0x00008C1A }, /* GL_TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY */ + { 47908, 0x00008C1A }, /* GL_TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY_EXT */ + { 47932, 0x0000806F }, /* GL_TEXTURE_3D */ + { 47946, 0x0000806F }, /* GL_TEXTURE_3D_OES */ + { 47964, 0x0000805F }, /* GL_TEXTURE_ALPHA_SIZE */ + { 47986, 0x0000805F }, /* GL_TEXTURE_ALPHA_SIZE_EXT */ + { 48012, 0x00008C13 }, /* GL_TEXTURE_ALPHA_TYPE */ + { 48034, 0x00008C13 }, /* GL_TEXTURE_ALPHA_TYPE_ARB */ + { 48060, 0x0000813C }, /* GL_TEXTURE_BASE_LEVEL */ + { 48082, 0x00008068 }, /* GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_1D */ + { 48104, 0x00008C1C }, /* GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_1D_ARRAY */ + { 48132, 0x00008C1C }, /* GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_1D_ARRAY_EXT */ + { 48164, 0x00008069 }, /* GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_2D */ + { 48186, 0x00008C1D }, /* GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_2D_ARRAY */ + { 48214, 0x00008C1D }, /* GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_2D_ARRAY_EXT */ + { 48246, 0x0000806A }, /* GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_3D */ + { 48268, 0x0000806A }, /* GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_3D_OES */ + { 48294, 0x00008C2C }, /* GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_BUFFER */ + { 48320, 0x00008C2C }, /* GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_BUFFER_ARB */ + { 48350, 0x00008514 }, /* GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_CUBE_MAP */ + { 48378, 0x00008514 }, /* GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_CUBE_MAP_ARB */ + { 48410, 0x0000900A }, /* GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_CUBE_MAP_ARRAY_ARB */ + { 48448, 0x00008514 }, /* GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_CUBE_MAP_OES */ + { 48480, 0x00008D67 }, /* GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_EXTERNAL_OES */ + { 48512, 0x000084F6 }, /* GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_RECTANGLE */ + { 48541, 0x000084F6 }, /* GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_RECTANGLE_ARB */ + { 48574, 0x000084F6 }, /* GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_RECTANGLE_NV */ + { 48606, 0x00040000 }, /* GL_TEXTURE_BIT */ + { 48621, 0x0000805E }, /* GL_TEXTURE_BLUE_SIZE */ + { 48642, 0x0000805E }, /* GL_TEXTURE_BLUE_SIZE_EXT */ + { 48667, 0x00008C12 }, /* GL_TEXTURE_BLUE_TYPE */ + { 48688, 0x00008C12 }, /* GL_TEXTURE_BLUE_TYPE_ARB */ + { 48713, 0x00001005 }, /* GL_TEXTURE_BORDER */ + { 48731, 0x00001004 }, /* GL_TEXTURE_BORDER_COLOR */ + { 48755, 0x00008C2A }, /* GL_TEXTURE_BUFFER */ + { 48773, 0x00008C2A }, /* GL_TEXTURE_BUFFER_ARB */ + { 48795, 0x00008C2D }, /* GL_TEXTURE_BUFFER_DATA_STORE_BINDING */ + { 48832, 0x00008C2D }, /* GL_TEXTURE_BUFFER_DATA_STORE_BINDING_ARB */ + { 48873, 0x00008C2E }, /* GL_TEXTURE_BUFFER_FORMAT */ + { 48898, 0x00008C2E }, /* GL_TEXTURE_BUFFER_FORMAT_ARB */ + { 48927, 0x00008171 }, /* GL_TEXTURE_CLIPMAP_CENTER_SGIX */ + { 48958, 0x00008176 }, /* GL_TEXTURE_CLIPMAP_DEPTH_SGIX */ + { 48988, 0x00008172 }, /* GL_TEXTURE_CLIPMAP_FRAME_SGIX */ + { 49018, 0x00008175 }, /* GL_TEXTURE_CLIPMAP_LOD_OFFSET_SGIX */ + { 49053, 0x00008173 }, /* GL_TEXTURE_CLIPMAP_OFFSET_SGIX */ + { 49084, 0x00008174 }, /* GL_TEXTURE_CLIPMAP_VIRTUAL_DEPTH_SGIX */ + { 49122, 0x000080BC }, /* GL_TEXTURE_COLOR_TABLE_SGI */ + { 49149, 0x000081EF }, /* GL_TEXTURE_COLOR_WRITEMASK_SGIS */ + { 49181, 0x000080BF }, /* GL_TEXTURE_COMPARE_FAIL_VALUE_ARB */ + { 49215, 0x0000884D }, /* GL_TEXTURE_COMPARE_FUNC */ + { 49239, 0x0000884D }, /* GL_TEXTURE_COMPARE_FUNC_ARB */ + { 49267, 0x0000884C }, /* GL_TEXTURE_COMPARE_MODE */ + { 49291, 0x0000884C }, /* GL_TEXTURE_COMPARE_MODE_ARB */ + { 49319, 0x0000819B }, /* GL_TEXTURE_COMPARE_OPERATOR_SGIX */ + { 49352, 0x0000819A }, /* GL_TEXTURE_COMPARE_SGIX */ + { 49376, 0x00001003 }, /* GL_TEXTURE_COMPONENTS */ + { 49398, 0x000086A1 }, /* GL_TEXTURE_COMPRESSED */ + { 49420, 0x000086A1 }, /* GL_TEXTURE_COMPRESSED_ARB */ + { 49446, 0x000086A3 }, /* GL_TEXTURE_COMPRESSED_FORMATS_ARB */ + { 49480, 0x000086A0 }, /* GL_TEXTURE_COMPRESSED_IMAGE_SIZE */ + { 49513, 0x000086A0 }, /* GL_TEXTURE_COMPRESSED_IMAGE_SIZE_ARB */ + { 49550, 0x000084EF }, /* GL_TEXTURE_COMPRESSION_HINT */ + { 49578, 0x000084EF }, /* GL_TEXTURE_COMPRESSION_HINT_ARB */ + { 49610, 0x00008078 }, /* GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY */ + { 49633, 0x0000889A }, /* GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING */ + { 49671, 0x0000889A }, /* GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING_ARB */ + { 49713, 0x0000808B }, /* GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY_COUNT_EXT */ + { 49746, 0x00008092 }, /* GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY_POINTER */ + { 49777, 0x00008088 }, /* GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY_SIZE */ + { 49805, 0x0000808A }, /* GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY_STRIDE */ + { 49835, 0x00008089 }, /* GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY_TYPE */ + { 49863, 0x00008B9D }, /* GL_TEXTURE_CROP_RECT_OES */ + { 49888, 0x00008513 }, /* GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP */ + { 49908, 0x00008513 }, /* GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_ARB */ + { 49932, 0x00009009 }, /* GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_ARRAY_ARB */ + { 49962, 0x00008516 }, /* GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_X */ + { 49993, 0x00008516 }, /* GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_X_ARB */ + { 50028, 0x00008516 }, /* GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_X_OES */ + { 50063, 0x00008518 }, /* GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Y */ + { 50094, 0x00008518 }, /* GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Y_ARB */ + { 50129, 0x00008518 }, /* GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Y_OES */ + { 50164, 0x0000851A }, /* GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Z */ + { 50195, 0x0000851A }, /* GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Z_ARB */ + { 50230, 0x0000851A }, /* GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Z_OES */ + { 50265, 0x00008513 }, /* GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_OES */ + { 50289, 0x00008515 }, /* GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X */ + { 50320, 0x00008515 }, /* GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X_ARB */ + { 50355, 0x00008515 }, /* GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X_OES */ + { 50390, 0x00008517 }, /* GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Y */ + { 50421, 0x00008517 }, /* GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Y_ARB */ + { 50456, 0x00008517 }, /* GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Y_OES */ + { 50491, 0x00008519 }, /* GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Z */ + { 50522, 0x00008519 }, /* GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Z_ARB */ + { 50557, 0x00008519 }, /* GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Z_OES */ + { 50592, 0x0000884F }, /* GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_SEAMLESS */ + { 50621, 0x00008071 }, /* GL_TEXTURE_DEPTH */ + { 50638, 0x0000884A }, /* GL_TEXTURE_DEPTH_SIZE */ + { 50660, 0x0000884A }, /* GL_TEXTURE_DEPTH_SIZE_ARB */ + { 50686, 0x00008C16 }, /* GL_TEXTURE_DEPTH_TYPE */ + { 50708, 0x00008C16 }, /* GL_TEXTURE_DEPTH_TYPE_ARB */ + { 50734, 0x00002300 }, /* GL_TEXTURE_ENV */ + { 50749, 0x00002201 }, /* GL_TEXTURE_ENV_COLOR */ + { 50770, 0x00002200 }, /* GL_TEXTURE_ENV_MODE */ + { 50790, 0x00008D65 }, /* GL_TEXTURE_EXTERNAL_OES */ + { 50814, 0x00008500 }, /* GL_TEXTURE_FILTER_CONTROL */ + { 50840, 0x00008500 }, /* GL_TEXTURE_FILTER_CONTROL_EXT */ + { 50870, 0x00002500 }, /* GL_TEXTURE_GEN_MODE */ + { 50890, 0x00002500 }, /* GL_TEXTURE_GEN_MODE_OES */ + { 50914, 0x00000C63 }, /* GL_TEXTURE_GEN_Q */ + { 50931, 0x00000C62 }, /* GL_TEXTURE_GEN_R */ + { 50948, 0x00000C60 }, /* GL_TEXTURE_GEN_S */ + { 50965, 0x00008D60 }, /* GL_TEXTURE_GEN_STR_OES */ + { 50988, 0x00000C61 }, /* GL_TEXTURE_GEN_T */ + { 51005, 0x0000819D }, /* GL_TEXTURE_GEQUAL_R_SGIX */ + { 51030, 0x0000805D }, /* GL_TEXTURE_GREEN_SIZE */ + { 51052, 0x0000805D }, /* GL_TEXTURE_GREEN_SIZE_EXT */ + { 51078, 0x00008C11 }, /* GL_TEXTURE_GREEN_TYPE */ + { 51100, 0x00008C11 }, /* GL_TEXTURE_GREEN_TYPE_ARB */ + { 51126, 0x00001001 }, /* GL_TEXTURE_HEIGHT */ + { 51144, 0x0000912F }, /* GL_TEXTURE_IMMUTABLE_FORMAT */ + { 51172, 0x000082DF }, /* GL_TEXTURE_IMMUTABLE_LEVELS */ + { 51200, 0x000080ED }, /* GL_TEXTURE_INDEX_SIZE_EXT */ + { 51226, 0x00008061 }, /* GL_TEXTURE_INTENSITY_SIZE */ + { 51252, 0x00008061 }, /* GL_TEXTURE_INTENSITY_SIZE_EXT */ + { 51282, 0x00008C15 }, /* GL_TEXTURE_INTENSITY_TYPE */ + { 51308, 0x00008C15 }, /* GL_TEXTURE_INTENSITY_TYPE_ARB */ + { 51338, 0x00001003 }, /* GL_TEXTURE_INTERNAL_FORMAT */ + { 51365, 0x0000819C }, /* GL_TEXTURE_LEQUAL_R_SGIX */ + { 51390, 0x00008501 }, /* GL_TEXTURE_LOD_BIAS */ + { 51410, 0x00008501 }, /* GL_TEXTURE_LOD_BIAS_EXT */ + { 51434, 0x00008190 }, /* GL_TEXTURE_LOD_BIAS_R_SGIX */ + { 51461, 0x0000818E }, /* GL_TEXTURE_LOD_BIAS_S_SGIX */ + { 51488, 0x0000818F }, /* GL_TEXTURE_LOD_BIAS_T_SGIX */ + { 51515, 0x00008060 }, /* GL_TEXTURE_LUMINANCE_SIZE */ + { 51541, 0x00008060 }, /* GL_TEXTURE_LUMINANCE_SIZE_EXT */ + { 51571, 0x00008C14 }, /* GL_TEXTURE_LUMINANCE_TYPE */ + { 51597, 0x00008C14 }, /* GL_TEXTURE_LUMINANCE_TYPE_ARB */ + { 51627, 0x00002800 }, /* GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER */ + { 51649, 0x00000BA8 }, /* GL_TEXTURE_MATRIX */ + { 51667, 0x0000898F }, /* GL_TEXTURE_MATRIX_FLOAT_AS_INT_BITS_OES */ + { 51707, 0x000084FE }, /* GL_TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT */ + { 51737, 0x0000836B }, /* GL_TEXTURE_MAX_CLAMP_R_SGIX */ + { 51765, 0x00008369 }, /* GL_TEXTURE_MAX_CLAMP_S_SGIX */ + { 51793, 0x0000836A }, /* GL_TEXTURE_MAX_CLAMP_T_SGIX */ + { 51821, 0x0000813D }, /* GL_TEXTURE_MAX_LEVEL */ + { 51842, 0x0000813B }, /* GL_TEXTURE_MAX_LOD */ + { 51861, 0x00002801 }, /* GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER */ + { 51883, 0x0000813A }, /* GL_TEXTURE_MIN_LOD */ + { 51902, 0x00008066 }, /* GL_TEXTURE_PRIORITY */ + { 51922, 0x000085B7 }, /* GL_TEXTURE_RANGE_LENGTH_APPLE */ + { 51952, 0x000085B8 }, /* GL_TEXTURE_RANGE_POINTER_APPLE */ + { 51983, 0x000084F5 }, /* GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE */ + { 52004, 0x000084F5 }, /* GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_ARB */ + { 52029, 0x000084F5 }, /* GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_NV */ + { 52053, 0x0000805C }, /* GL_TEXTURE_RED_SIZE */ + { 52073, 0x0000805C }, /* GL_TEXTURE_RED_SIZE_EXT */ + { 52097, 0x00008C10 }, /* GL_TEXTURE_RED_TYPE */ + { 52117, 0x00008C10 }, /* GL_TEXTURE_RED_TYPE_ARB */ + { 52141, 0x00008067 }, /* GL_TEXTURE_RESIDENT */ + { 52161, 0x00008C3F }, /* GL_TEXTURE_SHARED_SIZE */ + { 52184, 0x00008A48 }, /* GL_TEXTURE_SRGB_DECODE_EXT */ + { 52211, 0x00000BA5 }, /* GL_TEXTURE_STACK_DEPTH */ + { 52234, 0x000088F1 }, /* GL_TEXTURE_STENCIL_SIZE */ + { 52258, 0x000088F1 }, /* GL_TEXTURE_STENCIL_SIZE_EXT */ + { 52286, 0x000085BC }, /* GL_TEXTURE_STORAGE_HINT_APPLE */ + { 52316, 0x00008E45 }, /* GL_TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_A */ + { 52337, 0x00008E44 }, /* GL_TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_B */ + { 52358, 0x00008E43 }, /* GL_TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_G */ + { 52379, 0x00008E42 }, /* GL_TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_R */ + { 52400, 0x00008E46 }, /* GL_TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_RGBA */ + { 52424, 0x00008065 }, /* GL_TEXTURE_TOO_LARGE_EXT */ + { 52449, 0x0000888F }, /* GL_TEXTURE_UNSIGNED_REMAP_MODE_NV */ + { 52483, 0x00001000 }, /* GL_TEXTURE_WIDTH */ + { 52500, 0x00008072 }, /* GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_R */ + { 52518, 0x00008072 }, /* GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_R_OES */ + { 52540, 0x00002802 }, /* GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S */ + { 52558, 0x00002803 }, /* GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T */ + { 52576, 0x0000911B }, /* GL_TIMEOUT_EXPIRED */ + { 52595, 0x00008E28 }, /* GL_TIMESTAMP */ + { 52608, 0x000088BF }, /* GL_TIME_ELAPSED */ + { 52624, 0x000088BF }, /* GL_TIME_ELAPSED_EXT */ + { 52644, 0x00008648 }, /* GL_TRACK_MATRIX_NV */ + { 52663, 0x00008649 }, /* GL_TRACK_MATRIX_TRANSFORM_NV */ + { 52692, 0x00001000 }, /* GL_TRANSFORM_BIT */ + { 52709, 0x00008E22 }, /* GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK */ + { 52731, 0x00008E25 }, /* GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BINDING */ + { 52761, 0x00008C8E }, /* GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER */ + { 52790, 0x00008E24 }, /* GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_ACTIVE */ + { 52826, 0x00008C8F }, /* GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_BINDING */ + { 52863, 0x00008C8F }, /* GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_BINDING_EXT */ + { 52904, 0x00008C8E }, /* GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_EXT */ + { 52937, 0x00008C7F }, /* GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_MODE */ + { 52971, 0x00008C7F }, /* GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_MODE_EXT */ + { 53009, 0x00008E23 }, /* GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_PAUSED */ + { 53045, 0x00008C85 }, /* GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_SIZE */ + { 53079, 0x00008C85 }, /* GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_SIZE_EXT */ + { 53117, 0x00008C84 }, /* GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_START */ + { 53152, 0x00008C84 }, /* GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_START_EXT */ + { 53191, 0x00008C88 }, /* GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_PRIMITIVES_WRITTEN */ + { 53232, 0x00008C88 }, /* GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_PRIMITIVES_WRITTEN_EXT */ + { 53277, 0x00008C83 }, /* GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_VARYINGS */ + { 53308, 0x00008C83 }, /* GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_VARYINGS_EXT */ + { 53343, 0x00008C76 }, /* GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_VARYING_MAX_LENGTH */ + { 53384, 0x00008C76 }, /* GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_VARYING_MAX_LENGTH_EXT */ + { 53429, 0x000084E6 }, /* GL_TRANSPOSE_COLOR_MATRIX */ + { 53455, 0x000084E6 }, /* GL_TRANSPOSE_COLOR_MATRIX_ARB */ + { 53485, 0x000088B7 }, /* GL_TRANSPOSE_CURRENT_MATRIX_ARB */ + { 53517, 0x000084E3 }, /* GL_TRANSPOSE_MODELVIEW_MATRIX */ + { 53547, 0x000084E3 }, /* GL_TRANSPOSE_MODELVIEW_MATRIX_ARB */ + { 53581, 0x0000862C }, /* GL_TRANSPOSE_NV */ + { 53597, 0x000084E4 }, /* GL_TRANSPOSE_PROJECTION_MATRIX */ + { 53628, 0x000084E4 }, /* GL_TRANSPOSE_PROJECTION_MATRIX_ARB */ + { 53663, 0x000084E5 }, /* GL_TRANSPOSE_TEXTURE_MATRIX */ + { 53691, 0x000084E5 }, /* GL_TRANSPOSE_TEXTURE_MATRIX_ARB */ + { 53723, 0x00000004 }, /* GL_TRIANGLES */ + { 53736, 0x0000000C }, /* GL_TRIANGLES_ADJACENCY */ + { 53759, 0x0000000C }, /* GL_TRIANGLES_ADJACENCY_ARB */ + { 53786, 0x00000006 }, /* GL_TRIANGLE_FAN */ + { 53802, 0x00008615 }, /* GL_TRIANGLE_MESH_SUN */ + { 53823, 0x00000005 }, /* GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP */ + { 53841, 0x0000000D }, /* GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP_ADJACENCY */ + { 53869, 0x0000000D }, /* GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP_ADJACENCY_ARB */ + { 53901, 0x00000001 }, /* GL_TRUE */ + { 53909, 0x00008A1C }, /* GL_UNDEFINED_APPLE */ + { 53928, 0x00008A41 }, /* GL_UNFIROM_BLOCK_NAME_LENGTH */ + { 53957, 0x00008A3C }, /* GL_UNIFORM_ARRAY_STRIDE */ + { 53981, 0x00008A42 }, /* GL_UNIFORM_BLOCK_ACTIVE_UNIFORMS */ + { 54014, 0x00008A43 }, /* GL_UNIFORM_BLOCK_ACTIVE_UNIFORM_INDICES */ + { 54054, 0x00008A3F }, /* GL_UNIFORM_BLOCK_BINDING */ + { 54079, 0x00008A40 }, /* GL_UNIFORM_BLOCK_DATA_SIZE */ + { 54106, 0x00008A3A }, /* GL_UNIFORM_BLOCK_INDEX */ + { 54129, 0x00008A41 }, /* GL_UNIFORM_BLOCK_NAME_LENGTH */ + { 54158, 0x00008A46 }, /* GL_UNIFORM_BLOCK_REFERENCED_BY_FRAGMENT_SHADER */ + { 54205, 0x00008A45 }, /* GL_UNIFORM_BLOCK_REFERENCED_BY_GEOMETRY_SHADER */ + { 54252, 0x00008A44 }, /* GL_UNIFORM_BLOCK_REFERENCED_BY_VERTEX_SHADER */ + { 54297, 0x00008A11 }, /* GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER */ + { 54315, 0x00008A28 }, /* GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER_BINDING */ + { 54341, 0x00008A34 }, /* GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER_OFFSET_ALIGNMENT */ + { 54376, 0x00008A2A }, /* GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER_SIZE */ + { 54399, 0x00008A29 }, /* GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER_START */ + { 54423, 0x00008A3E }, /* GL_UNIFORM_IS_ROW_MAJOR */ + { 54447, 0x00008A3D }, /* GL_UNIFORM_MATRIX_STRIDE */ + { 54472, 0x00008A39 }, /* GL_UNIFORM_NAME_LENGTH */ + { 54495, 0x00008A3B }, /* GL_UNIFORM_OFFSET */ + { 54513, 0x00008A38 }, /* GL_UNIFORM_SIZE */ + { 54529, 0x00008A37 }, /* GL_UNIFORM_TYPE */ + { 54545, 0x00008255 }, /* GL_UNKNOWN_CONTEXT_RESET_ARB */ + { 54574, 0x00000CF5 }, /* GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT */ + { 54594, 0x0000806E }, /* GL_UNPACK_IMAGE_HEIGHT */ + { 54617, 0x00000CF1 }, /* GL_UNPACK_LSB_FIRST */ + { 54637, 0x00000CF2 }, /* GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH */ + { 54658, 0x0000806D }, /* GL_UNPACK_SKIP_IMAGES */ + { 54680, 0x00000CF4 }, /* GL_UNPACK_SKIP_PIXELS */ + { 54702, 0x00000CF3 }, /* GL_UNPACK_SKIP_ROWS */ + { 54722, 0x00000CF0 }, /* GL_UNPACK_SWAP_BYTES */ + { 54743, 0x00009118 }, /* GL_UNSIGNALED */ + { 54757, 0x00001401 }, /* GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE */ + { 54774, 0x00008362 }, /* GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE_2_3_3_REV */ + { 54801, 0x00008032 }, /* GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE_3_3_2 */ + { 54824, 0x00001405 }, /* GL_UNSIGNED_INT */ + { 54840, 0x00008C3B }, /* GL_UNSIGNED_INT_10F_11F_11F_REV */ + { 54872, 0x00008036 }, /* GL_UNSIGNED_INT_10_10_10_2 */ + { 54899, 0x00008DF6 }, /* GL_UNSIGNED_INT_10_10_10_2_OES */ + { 54930, 0x000084FA }, /* GL_UNSIGNED_INT_24_8 */ + { 54951, 0x000084FA }, /* GL_UNSIGNED_INT_24_8_EXT */ + { 54976, 0x000084FA }, /* GL_UNSIGNED_INT_24_8_NV */ + { 55000, 0x000084FA }, /* GL_UNSIGNED_INT_24_8_OES */ + { 55025, 0x00008368 }, /* GL_UNSIGNED_INT_2_10_10_10_REV */ + { 55056, 0x00008368 }, /* GL_UNSIGNED_INT_2_10_10_10_REV_EXT */ + { 55091, 0x00008C3E }, /* GL_UNSIGNED_INT_5_9_9_9_REV */ + { 55119, 0x00008035 }, /* GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8 */ + { 55143, 0x00008367 }, /* GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8_REV */ + { 55171, 0x00008DD1 }, /* GL_UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_1D */ + { 55198, 0x00008DD6 }, /* GL_UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_1D_ARRAY */ + { 55231, 0x00008DD6 }, /* GL_UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_1D_ARRAY_EXT */ + { 55268, 0x00008DD1 }, /* GL_UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_1D_EXT */ + { 55299, 0x00008DD2 }, /* GL_UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_2D */ + { 55326, 0x00008DD7 }, /* GL_UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_2D_ARRAY */ + { 55359, 0x00008DD7 }, /* GL_UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_2D_ARRAY_EXT */ + { 55396, 0x00008DD2 }, /* GL_UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_2D_EXT */ + { 55427, 0x00008DD5 }, /* GL_UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_2D_RECT */ + { 55459, 0x00008DD5 }, /* GL_UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_2D_RECT_EXT */ + { 55495, 0x00008DD3 }, /* GL_UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_3D */ + { 55522, 0x00008DD3 }, /* GL_UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_3D_EXT */ + { 55553, 0x00008DD8 }, /* GL_UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_BUFFER */ + { 55584, 0x00008DD8 }, /* GL_UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_BUFFER_EXT */ + { 55619, 0x00008DD4 }, /* GL_UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_CUBE */ + { 55648, 0x00008DD4 }, /* GL_UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_CUBE_EXT */ + { 55681, 0x0000900F }, /* GL_UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_CUBE_MAP_ARRAY_ARB */ + { 55724, 0x00008DC6 }, /* GL_UNSIGNED_INT_VEC2 */ + { 55745, 0x00008DC6 }, /* GL_UNSIGNED_INT_VEC2_EXT */ + { 55770, 0x00008DC7 }, /* GL_UNSIGNED_INT_VEC3 */ + { 55791, 0x00008DC7 }, /* GL_UNSIGNED_INT_VEC3_EXT */ + { 55816, 0x00008DC8 }, /* GL_UNSIGNED_INT_VEC4 */ + { 55837, 0x00008DC8 }, /* GL_UNSIGNED_INT_VEC4_EXT */ + { 55862, 0x00008C17 }, /* GL_UNSIGNED_NORMALIZED */ + { 55885, 0x00008C17 }, /* GL_UNSIGNED_NORMALIZED_ARB */ + { 55912, 0x00001403 }, /* GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT */ + { 55930, 0x00008366 }, /* GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_1_5_5_5_REV */ + { 55960, 0x00008366 }, /* GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_1_5_5_5_REV_EXT */ + { 55994, 0x00008033 }, /* GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4 */ + { 56020, 0x00008365 }, /* GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4_REV */ + { 56050, 0x00008365 }, /* GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4_REV_EXT */ + { 56084, 0x00008034 }, /* GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_5_5_1 */ + { 56110, 0x00008363 }, /* GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5 */ + { 56134, 0x00008364 }, /* GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5_REV */ + { 56162, 0x000085BA }, /* GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_8_8_APPLE */ + { 56190, 0x000085BA }, /* GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_8_8_MESA */ + { 56217, 0x000085BB }, /* GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_8_8_REV_APPLE */ + { 56249, 0x000085BB }, /* GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_8_8_REV_MESA */ + { 56280, 0x00008CA2 }, /* GL_UPPER_LEFT */ + { 56294, 0x00002A20 }, /* GL_V2F */ + { 56301, 0x00002A21 }, /* GL_V3F */ + { 56308, 0x00008B83 }, /* GL_VALIDATE_STATUS */ + { 56327, 0x00001F00 }, /* GL_VENDOR */ + { 56337, 0x00001F02 }, /* GL_VERSION */ + { 56348, 0x00008074 }, /* GL_VERTEX_ARRAY */ + { 56364, 0x000085B5 }, /* GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_BINDING */ + { 56388, 0x000085B5 }, /* GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_BINDING_APPLE */ + { 56418, 0x000085B5 }, /* GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_BINDING_OES */ + { 56446, 0x00008896 }, /* GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING */ + { 56477, 0x00008896 }, /* GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING_ARB */ + { 56512, 0x0000807D }, /* GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_COUNT_EXT */ + { 56538, 0x0000808E }, /* GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_POINTER */ + { 56562, 0x0000807A }, /* GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_SIZE */ + { 56583, 0x0000807C }, /* GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_STRIDE */ + { 56606, 0x0000807B }, /* GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_TYPE */ + { 56627, 0x00008650 }, /* GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY0_NV */ + { 56654, 0x0000865A }, /* GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY10_NV */ + { 56682, 0x0000865B }, /* GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY11_NV */ + { 56710, 0x0000865C }, /* GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY12_NV */ + { 56738, 0x0000865D }, /* GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY13_NV */ + { 56766, 0x0000865E }, /* GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY14_NV */ + { 56794, 0x0000865F }, /* GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY15_NV */ + { 56822, 0x00008651 }, /* GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY1_NV */ + { 56849, 0x00008652 }, /* GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY2_NV */ + { 56876, 0x00008653 }, /* GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY3_NV */ + { 56903, 0x00008654 }, /* GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY4_NV */ + { 56930, 0x00008655 }, /* GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY5_NV */ + { 56957, 0x00008656 }, /* GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY6_NV */ + { 56984, 0x00008657 }, /* GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY7_NV */ + { 57011, 0x00008658 }, /* GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY8_NV */ + { 57038, 0x00008659 }, /* GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY9_NV */ + { 57065, 0x0000889F }, /* GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING */ + { 57103, 0x0000889F }, /* GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING_ARB */ + { 57145, 0x000088FE }, /* GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_DIVISOR_ARB */ + { 57180, 0x00008622 }, /* GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_ENABLED */ + { 57211, 0x00008622 }, /* GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_ENABLED_ARB */ + { 57246, 0x000088FD }, /* GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_INTEGER */ + { 57277, 0x000088FD }, /* GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_INTEGER_EXT */ + { 57312, 0x0000886A }, /* GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_NORMALIZED */ + { 57346, 0x0000886A }, /* GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_NORMALIZED_ARB */ + { 57384, 0x00008645 }, /* GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_POINTER */ + { 57415, 0x00008645 }, /* GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_POINTER_ARB */ + { 57450, 0x00008623 }, /* GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_SIZE */ + { 57478, 0x00008623 }, /* GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_SIZE_ARB */ + { 57510, 0x00008624 }, /* GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_STRIDE */ + { 57540, 0x00008624 }, /* GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_STRIDE_ARB */ + { 57574, 0x00008625 }, /* GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_TYPE */ + { 57602, 0x00008625 }, /* GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_TYPE_ARB */ + { 57634, 0x000086A7 }, /* GL_VERTEX_BLEND_ARB */ + { 57654, 0x00008620 }, /* GL_VERTEX_PROGRAM_ARB */ + { 57676, 0x0000864A }, /* GL_VERTEX_PROGRAM_BINDING_NV */ + { 57705, 0x00008620 }, /* GL_VERTEX_PROGRAM_NV */ + { 57726, 0x00008642 }, /* GL_VERTEX_PROGRAM_POINT_SIZE */ + { 57755, 0x00008642 }, /* GL_VERTEX_PROGRAM_POINT_SIZE_ARB */ + { 57788, 0x00008642 }, /* GL_VERTEX_PROGRAM_POINT_SIZE_NV */ + { 57820, 0x00008643 }, /* GL_VERTEX_PROGRAM_TWO_SIDE */ + { 57847, 0x00008643 }, /* GL_VERTEX_PROGRAM_TWO_SIDE_ARB */ + { 57878, 0x00008643 }, /* GL_VERTEX_PROGRAM_TWO_SIDE_NV */ + { 57908, 0x00008B31 }, /* GL_VERTEX_SHADER */ + { 57925, 0x00008B31 }, /* GL_VERTEX_SHADER_ARB */ + { 57946, 0x00008621 }, /* GL_VERTEX_STATE_PROGRAM_NV */ + { 57973, 0x00000BA2 }, /* GL_VIEWPORT */ + { 57985, 0x00000800 }, /* GL_VIEWPORT_BIT */ + { 58001, 0x00008A1A }, /* GL_VOLATILE_APPLE */ + { 58019, 0x0000911D }, /* GL_WAIT_FAILED */ + { 58034, 0x000086AD }, /* GL_WEIGHT_ARRAY_ARB */ + { 58054, 0x0000889E }, /* GL_WEIGHT_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING */ + { 58085, 0x0000889E }, /* GL_WEIGHT_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING_ARB */ + { 58120, 0x0000889E }, /* GL_WEIGHT_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING_OES */ + { 58155, 0x000086AD }, /* GL_WEIGHT_ARRAY_OES */ + { 58175, 0x000086AC }, /* GL_WEIGHT_ARRAY_POINTER_ARB */ + { 58203, 0x000086AC }, /* GL_WEIGHT_ARRAY_POINTER_OES */ + { 58231, 0x000086AB }, /* GL_WEIGHT_ARRAY_SIZE_ARB */ + { 58256, 0x000086AB }, /* GL_WEIGHT_ARRAY_SIZE_OES */ + { 58281, 0x000086AA }, /* GL_WEIGHT_ARRAY_STRIDE_ARB */ + { 58308, 0x000086AA }, /* GL_WEIGHT_ARRAY_STRIDE_OES */ + { 58335, 0x000086A9 }, /* GL_WEIGHT_ARRAY_TYPE_ARB */ + { 58360, 0x000086A9 }, /* GL_WEIGHT_ARRAY_TYPE_OES */ + { 58385, 0x000086A6 }, /* GL_WEIGHT_SUM_UNITY_ARB */ + { 58409, 0x000081D4 }, /* GL_WRAP_BORDER_SUN */ + { 58428, 0x000088B9 }, /* GL_WRITE_ONLY */ + { 58442, 0x000088B9 }, /* GL_WRITE_ONLY_ARB */ + { 58460, 0x000088B9 }, /* GL_WRITE_ONLY_OES */ + { 58478, 0x00001506 }, /* GL_XOR */ + { 58485, 0x000085B9 }, /* GL_YCBCR_422_APPLE */ + { 58504, 0x00008757 }, /* GL_YCBCR_MESA */ + { 58518, 0x00000000 }, /* GL_ZERO */ + { 58526, 0x00000D16 }, /* GL_ZOOM_X */ + { 58536, 0x00000D17 }, /* GL_ZOOM_Y */ +}; + +static const unsigned reduced_enums[1814] = +{ + 646, /* GL_FALSE */ + 955, /* GL_LINES */ + 959, /* GL_LINE_LOOP */ + 966, /* GL_LINE_STRIP */ + 2430, /* GL_TRIANGLES */ + 2435, /* GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP */ + 2433, /* GL_TRIANGLE_FAN */ + 1687, /* GL_QUADS */ + 1691, /* GL_QUAD_STRIP */ + 1552, /* GL_POLYGON */ + 956, /* GL_LINES_ADJACENCY */ + 967, /* GL_LINE_STRIP_ADJACENCY */ + 2431, /* GL_TRIANGLES_ADJACENCY */ + 2436, /* GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP_ADJACENCY */ + 1564, /* GL_POLYGON_STIPPLE_BIT */ + 1507, /* GL_PIXEL_MODE_BIT */ + 942, /* GL_LIGHTING_BIT */ + 681, /* GL_FOG_BIT */ + 8, /* GL_ACCUM */ + 978, /* GL_LOAD */ + 1823, /* GL_RETURN */ + 1360, /* GL_MULT */ + 26, /* GL_ADD */ + 1377, /* GL_NEVER */ + 932, /* GL_LESS */ + 635, /* GL_EQUAL */ + 930, /* GL_LEQUAL */ + 810, /* GL_GREATER */ + 1395, /* GL_NOTEQUAL */ + 809, /* GL_GEQUAL */ + 60, /* GL_ALWAYS */ + 2058, /* GL_SRC_COLOR */ + 1440, /* GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR */ + 2056, /* GL_SRC_ALPHA */ + 1439, /* GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA */ + 613, /* GL_DST_ALPHA */ + 1435, /* GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA */ + 614, /* GL_DST_COLOR */ + 1436, /* GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_COLOR */ + 2057, /* GL_SRC_ALPHA_SATURATE */ + 786, /* GL_FRONT_LEFT */ + 787, /* GL_FRONT_RIGHT */ + 86, /* GL_BACK_LEFT */ + 87, /* GL_BACK_RIGHT */ + 783, /* GL_FRONT */ + 85, /* GL_BACK */ + 929, /* GL_LEFT */ + 1933, /* GL_RIGHT */ + 784, /* GL_FRONT_AND_BACK */ + 80, /* GL_AUX0 */ + 81, /* GL_AUX1 */ + 82, /* GL_AUX2 */ + 83, /* GL_AUX3 */ + 916, /* GL_INVALID_ENUM */ + 922, /* GL_INVALID_VALUE */ + 921, /* GL_INVALID_OPERATION */ + 2063, /* GL_STACK_OVERFLOW */ + 2064, /* GL_STACK_UNDERFLOW */ + 1465, /* GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY */ + 917, /* GL_INVALID_FRAMEBUFFER_OPERATION */ + 0, /* GL_2D */ + 2, /* GL_3D */ + 3, /* GL_3D_COLOR */ + 4, /* GL_3D_COLOR_TEXTURE */ + 6, /* GL_4D_COLOR_TEXTURE */ + 1485, /* GL_PASS_THROUGH_TOKEN */ + 1551, /* GL_POINT_TOKEN */ + 969, /* GL_LINE_TOKEN */ + 1565, /* GL_POLYGON_TOKEN */ + 96, /* GL_BITMAP_TOKEN */ + 612, /* GL_DRAW_PIXEL_TOKEN */ + 416, /* GL_COPY_PIXEL_TOKEN */ + 960, /* GL_LINE_RESET_TOKEN */ + 639, /* GL_EXP */ + 640, /* GL_EXP2 */ + 453, /* GL_CW */ + 163, /* GL_CCW */ + 200, /* GL_COEFF */ + 1462, /* GL_ORDER */ + 530, /* GL_DOMAIN */ + 426, /* GL_CURRENT_COLOR */ + 429, /* GL_CURRENT_INDEX */ + 435, /* GL_CURRENT_NORMAL */ + 449, /* GL_CURRENT_TEXTURE_COORDS */ + 441, /* GL_CURRENT_RASTER_COLOR */ + 443, /* GL_CURRENT_RASTER_INDEX */ + 447, /* GL_CURRENT_RASTER_TEXTURE_COORDS */ + 444, /* GL_CURRENT_RASTER_POSITION */ + 445, /* GL_CURRENT_RASTER_POSITION_VALID */ + 442, /* GL_CURRENT_RASTER_DISTANCE */ + 1543, /* GL_POINT_SMOOTH */ + 1527, /* GL_POINT_SIZE */ + 1542, /* GL_POINT_SIZE_RANGE */ + 1533, /* GL_POINT_SIZE_GRANULARITY */ + 961, /* GL_LINE_SMOOTH */ + 970, /* GL_LINE_WIDTH */ + 972, /* GL_LINE_WIDTH_RANGE */ + 971, /* GL_LINE_WIDTH_GRANULARITY */ + 963, /* GL_LINE_STIPPLE */ + 964, /* GL_LINE_STIPPLE_PATTERN */ + 965, /* GL_LINE_STIPPLE_REPEAT */ + 977, /* GL_LIST_MODE */ + 1208, /* GL_MAX_LIST_NESTING */ + 974, /* GL_LIST_BASE */ + 976, /* GL_LIST_INDEX */ + 1554, /* GL_POLYGON_MODE */ + 1561, /* GL_POLYGON_SMOOTH */ + 1563, /* GL_POLYGON_STIPPLE */ + 623, /* GL_EDGE_FLAG */ + 419, /* GL_CULL_FACE */ + 420, /* GL_CULL_FACE_MODE */ + 785, /* GL_FRONT_FACE */ + 941, /* GL_LIGHTING */ + 946, /* GL_LIGHT_MODEL_LOCAL_VIEWER */ + 947, /* GL_LIGHT_MODEL_TWO_SIDE */ + 943, /* GL_LIGHT_MODEL_AMBIENT */ + 2003, /* GL_SHADE_MODEL */ + 250, /* GL_COLOR_MATERIAL_FACE */ + 251, /* GL_COLOR_MATERIAL_PARAMETER */ + 249, /* GL_COLOR_MATERIAL */ + 680, /* GL_FOG */ + 702, /* GL_FOG_INDEX */ + 698, /* GL_FOG_DENSITY */ + 706, /* GL_FOG_START */ + 700, /* GL_FOG_END */ + 703, /* GL_FOG_MODE */ + 682, /* GL_FOG_COLOR */ + 515, /* GL_DEPTH_RANGE */ + 524, /* GL_DEPTH_TEST */ + 527, /* GL_DEPTH_WRITEMASK */ + 499, /* GL_DEPTH_CLEAR_VALUE */ + 514, /* GL_DEPTH_FUNC */ + 12, /* GL_ACCUM_CLEAR_VALUE */ + 2108, /* GL_STENCIL_TEST */ + 2089, /* GL_STENCIL_CLEAR_VALUE */ + 2091, /* GL_STENCIL_FUNC */ + 2110, /* GL_STENCIL_VALUE_MASK */ + 2090, /* GL_STENCIL_FAIL */ + 2105, /* GL_STENCIL_PASS_DEPTH_FAIL */ + 2106, /* GL_STENCIL_PASS_DEPTH_PASS */ + 2107, /* GL_STENCIL_REF */ + 2111, /* GL_STENCIL_WRITEMASK */ + 1146, /* GL_MATRIX_MODE */ + 1383, /* GL_NORMALIZE */ + 2589, /* GL_VIEWPORT */ + 1354, /* GL_MODELVIEW_STACK_DEPTH */ + 1660, /* GL_PROJECTION_STACK_DEPTH */ + 2377, /* GL_TEXTURE_STACK_DEPTH */ + 1351, /* GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX */ + 1658, /* GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX */ + 2354, /* GL_TEXTURE_MATRIX */ + 78, /* GL_ATTRIB_STACK_DEPTH */ + 180, /* GL_CLIENT_ATTRIB_STACK_DEPTH */ + 56, /* GL_ALPHA_TEST */ + 57, /* GL_ALPHA_TEST_FUNC */ + 58, /* GL_ALPHA_TEST_REF */ + 529, /* GL_DITHER */ + 100, /* GL_BLEND_DST */ + 114, /* GL_BLEND_SRC */ + 97, /* GL_BLEND */ + 980, /* GL_LOGIC_OP_MODE */ + 860, /* GL_INDEX_LOGIC_OP */ + 248, /* GL_COLOR_LOGIC_OP */ + 84, /* GL_AUX_BUFFERS */ + 543, /* GL_DRAW_BUFFER */ + 1726, /* GL_READ_BUFFER */ + 1979, /* GL_SCISSOR_BOX */ + 1980, /* GL_SCISSOR_TEST */ + 859, /* GL_INDEX_CLEAR_VALUE */ + 864, /* GL_INDEX_WRITEMASK */ + 245, /* GL_COLOR_CLEAR_VALUE */ + 287, /* GL_COLOR_WRITEMASK */ + 861, /* GL_INDEX_MODE */ + 1919, /* GL_RGBA_MODE */ + 542, /* GL_DOUBLEBUFFER */ + 2112, /* GL_STEREO */ + 1813, /* GL_RENDER_MODE */ + 1486, /* GL_PERSPECTIVE_CORRECTION_HINT */ + 1544, /* GL_POINT_SMOOTH_HINT */ + 962, /* GL_LINE_SMOOTH_HINT */ + 1562, /* GL_POLYGON_SMOOTH_HINT */ + 701, /* GL_FOG_HINT */ + 2326, /* GL_TEXTURE_GEN_S */ + 2328, /* GL_TEXTURE_GEN_T */ + 2325, /* GL_TEXTURE_GEN_R */ + 2324, /* GL_TEXTURE_GEN_Q */ + 1499, /* GL_PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_I */ + 1505, /* GL_PIXEL_MAP_S_TO_S */ + 1501, /* GL_PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_R */ + 1497, /* GL_PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_G */ + 1495, /* GL_PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_B */ + 1493, /* GL_PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_A */ + 1503, /* GL_PIXEL_MAP_R_TO_R */ + 1491, /* GL_PIXEL_MAP_G_TO_G */ + 1489, /* GL_PIXEL_MAP_B_TO_B */ + 1487, /* GL_PIXEL_MAP_A_TO_A */ + 1500, /* GL_PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_I_SIZE */ + 1506, /* GL_PIXEL_MAP_S_TO_S_SIZE */ + 1502, /* GL_PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_R_SIZE */ + 1498, /* GL_PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_G_SIZE */ + 1496, /* GL_PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_B_SIZE */ + 1494, /* GL_PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_A_SIZE */ + 1504, /* GL_PIXEL_MAP_R_TO_R_SIZE */ + 1492, /* GL_PIXEL_MAP_G_TO_G_SIZE */ + 1490, /* GL_PIXEL_MAP_B_TO_B_SIZE */ + 1488, /* GL_PIXEL_MAP_A_TO_A_SIZE */ + 2470, /* GL_UNPACK_SWAP_BYTES */ + 2465, /* GL_UNPACK_LSB_FIRST */ + 2466, /* GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH */ + 2469, /* GL_UNPACK_SKIP_ROWS */ + 2468, /* GL_UNPACK_SKIP_PIXELS */ + 2463, /* GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT */ + 1474, /* GL_PACK_SWAP_BYTES */ + 1469, /* GL_PACK_LSB_FIRST */ + 1470, /* GL_PACK_ROW_LENGTH */ + 1473, /* GL_PACK_SKIP_ROWS */ + 1472, /* GL_PACK_SKIP_PIXELS */ + 1466, /* GL_PACK_ALIGNMENT */ + 1081, /* GL_MAP_COLOR */ + 1090, /* GL_MAP_STENCIL */ + 863, /* GL_INDEX_SHIFT */ + 862, /* GL_INDEX_OFFSET */ + 1743, /* GL_RED_SCALE */ + 1738, /* GL_RED_BIAS */ + 2615, /* GL_ZOOM_X */ + 2616, /* GL_ZOOM_Y */ + 816, /* GL_GREEN_SCALE */ + 812, /* GL_GREEN_BIAS */ + 124, /* GL_BLUE_SCALE */ + 120, /* GL_BLUE_BIAS */ + 55, /* GL_ALPHA_SCALE */ + 52, /* GL_ALPHA_BIAS */ + 516, /* GL_DEPTH_SCALE */ + 491, /* GL_DEPTH_BIAS */ + 1187, /* GL_MAX_EVAL_ORDER */ + 1207, /* GL_MAX_LIGHTS */ + 1158, /* GL_MAX_CLIP_DISTANCES */ + 1264, /* GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE */ + 1214, /* GL_MAX_PIXEL_MAP_TABLE */ + 1154, /* GL_MAX_ATTRIB_STACK_DEPTH */ + 1210, /* GL_MAX_MODELVIEW_STACK_DEPTH */ + 1211, /* GL_MAX_NAME_STACK_DEPTH */ + 1241, /* GL_MAX_PROJECTION_STACK_DEPTH */ + 1265, /* GL_MAX_TEXTURE_STACK_DEPTH */ + 1296, /* GL_MAX_VIEWPORT_DIMS */ + 1155, /* GL_MAX_CLIENT_ATTRIB_STACK_DEPTH */ + 2122, /* GL_SUBPIXEL_BITS */ + 858, /* GL_INDEX_BITS */ + 1739, /* GL_RED_BITS */ + 813, /* GL_GREEN_BITS */ + 121, /* GL_BLUE_BITS */ + 53, /* GL_ALPHA_BITS */ + 492, /* GL_DEPTH_BITS */ + 2086, /* GL_STENCIL_BITS */ + 14, /* GL_ACCUM_RED_BITS */ + 13, /* GL_ACCUM_GREEN_BITS */ + 10, /* GL_ACCUM_BLUE_BITS */ + 9, /* GL_ACCUM_ALPHA_BITS */ + 1370, /* GL_NAME_STACK_DEPTH */ + 79, /* GL_AUTO_NORMAL */ + 1027, /* GL_MAP1_COLOR_4 */ + 1030, /* GL_MAP1_INDEX */ + 1031, /* GL_MAP1_NORMAL */ + 1032, /* GL_MAP1_TEXTURE_COORD_1 */ + 1033, /* GL_MAP1_TEXTURE_COORD_2 */ + 1034, /* GL_MAP1_TEXTURE_COORD_3 */ + 1035, /* GL_MAP1_TEXTURE_COORD_4 */ + 1036, /* GL_MAP1_VERTEX_3 */ + 1037, /* GL_MAP1_VERTEX_4 */ + 1054, /* GL_MAP2_COLOR_4 */ + 1057, /* GL_MAP2_INDEX */ + 1058, /* GL_MAP2_NORMAL */ + 1059, /* GL_MAP2_TEXTURE_COORD_1 */ + 1060, /* GL_MAP2_TEXTURE_COORD_2 */ + 1061, /* GL_MAP2_TEXTURE_COORD_3 */ + 1062, /* GL_MAP2_TEXTURE_COORD_4 */ + 1063, /* GL_MAP2_VERTEX_3 */ + 1064, /* GL_MAP2_VERTEX_4 */ + 1028, /* GL_MAP1_GRID_DOMAIN */ + 1029, /* GL_MAP1_GRID_SEGMENTS */ + 1055, /* GL_MAP2_GRID_DOMAIN */ + 1056, /* GL_MAP2_GRID_SEGMENTS */ + 2212, /* GL_TEXTURE_1D */ + 2215, /* GL_TEXTURE_2D */ + 649, /* GL_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_POINTER */ + 650, /* GL_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_SIZE */ + 651, /* GL_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_TYPE */ + 1990, /* GL_SELECTION_BUFFER_POINTER */ + 1991, /* GL_SELECTION_BUFFER_SIZE */ + 2388, /* GL_TEXTURE_WIDTH */ + 2334, /* GL_TEXTURE_HEIGHT */ + 2271, /* GL_TEXTURE_COMPONENTS */ + 2249, /* GL_TEXTURE_BORDER_COLOR */ + 2248, /* GL_TEXTURE_BORDER */ + 531, /* GL_DONT_CARE */ + 647, /* GL_FASTEST */ + 1378, /* GL_NICEST */ + 61, /* GL_AMBIENT */ + 528, /* GL_DIFFUSE */ + 2044, /* GL_SPECULAR */ + 1566, /* GL_POSITION */ + 2047, /* GL_SPOT_DIRECTION */ + 2048, /* GL_SPOT_EXPONENT */ + 2046, /* GL_SPOT_CUTOFF */ + 351, /* GL_CONSTANT_ATTENUATION */ + 950, /* GL_LINEAR_ATTENUATION */ + 1686, /* GL_QUADRATIC_ATTENUATION */ + 302, /* GL_COMPILE */ + 303, /* GL_COMPILE_AND_EXECUTE */ + 158, /* GL_BYTE */ + 2472, /* GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE */ + 2008, /* GL_SHORT */ + 2513, /* GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT */ + 867, /* GL_INT */ + 2475, /* GL_UNSIGNED_INT */ + 660, /* GL_FLOAT */ + 1, /* GL_2_BYTES */ + 5, /* GL_3_BYTES */ + 7, /* GL_4_BYTES */ + 541, /* GL_DOUBLE */ + 818, /* GL_HALF_FLOAT */ + 655, /* GL_FIXED */ + 176, /* GL_CLEAR */ + 63, /* GL_AND */ + 65, /* GL_AND_REVERSE */ + 414, /* GL_COPY */ + 64, /* GL_AND_INVERTED */ + 1381, /* GL_NOOP */ + 2611, /* GL_XOR */ + 1461, /* GL_OR */ + 1382, /* GL_NOR */ + 636, /* GL_EQUIV */ + 925, /* GL_INVERT */ + 1464, /* GL_OR_REVERSE */ + 415, /* GL_COPY_INVERTED */ + 1463, /* GL_OR_INVERTED */ + 1371, /* GL_NAND */ + 1997, /* GL_SET */ + 633, /* GL_EMISSION */ + 2007, /* GL_SHININESS */ + 62, /* GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE */ + 247, /* GL_COLOR_INDEXES */ + 1318, /* GL_MODELVIEW */ + 1657, /* GL_PROJECTION */ + 2147, /* GL_TEXTURE */ + 201, /* GL_COLOR */ + 483, /* GL_DEPTH */ + 2071, /* GL_STENCIL */ + 246, /* GL_COLOR_INDEX */ + 2092, /* GL_STENCIL_INDEX */ + 500, /* GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT */ + 1735, /* GL_RED */ + 811, /* GL_GREEN */ + 119, /* GL_BLUE */ + 35, /* GL_ALPHA */ + 1838, /* GL_RGB */ + 1881, /* GL_RGBA */ + 985, /* GL_LUMINANCE */ + 1014, /* GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA */ + 95, /* GL_BITMAP */ + 1516, /* GL_POINT */ + 948, /* GL_LINE */ + 652, /* GL_FILL */ + 1782, /* GL_RENDER */ + 648, /* GL_FEEDBACK */ + 1989, /* GL_SELECT */ + 659, /* GL_FLAT */ + 2019, /* GL_SMOOTH */ + 926, /* GL_KEEP */ + 1815, /* GL_REPLACE */ + 847, /* GL_INCR */ + 479, /* GL_DECR */ + 2530, /* GL_VENDOR */ + 1812, /* GL_RENDERER */ + 2531, /* GL_VERSION */ + 641, /* GL_EXTENSIONS */ + 1934, /* GL_S */ + 2138, /* GL_T */ + 1706, /* GL_R */ + 1685, /* GL_Q */ + 1355, /* GL_MODULATE */ + 477, /* GL_DECAL */ + 2318, /* GL_TEXTURE_ENV_MODE */ + 2317, /* GL_TEXTURE_ENV_COLOR */ + 2316, /* GL_TEXTURE_ENV */ + 642, /* GL_EYE_LINEAR */ + 1420, /* GL_OBJECT_LINEAR */ + 2045, /* GL_SPHERE_MAP */ + 2322, /* GL_TEXTURE_GEN_MODE */ + 1422, /* GL_OBJECT_PLANE */ + 643, /* GL_EYE_PLANE */ + 1372, /* GL_NEAREST */ + 949, /* GL_LINEAR */ + 1376, /* GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST */ + 954, /* GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST */ + 1375, /* GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR */ + 953, /* GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR */ + 2353, /* GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER */ + 2362, /* GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER */ + 2391, /* GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S */ + 2392, /* GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T */ + 164, /* GL_CLAMP */ + 1814, /* GL_REPEAT */ + 1560, /* GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_UNITS */ + 1559, /* GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_POINT */ + 1558, /* GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_LINE */ + 1717, /* GL_R3_G3_B2 */ + 2527, /* GL_V2F */ + 2528, /* GL_V3F */ + 161, /* GL_C4UB_V2F */ + 162, /* GL_C4UB_V3F */ + 159, /* GL_C3F_V3F */ + 1369, /* GL_N3F_V3F */ + 160, /* GL_C4F_N3F_V3F */ + 2143, /* GL_T2F_V3F */ + 2145, /* GL_T4F_V4F */ + 2141, /* GL_T2F_C4UB_V3F */ + 2139, /* GL_T2F_C3F_V3F */ + 2142, /* GL_T2F_N3F_V3F */ + 2140, /* GL_T2F_C4F_N3F_V3F */ + 2144, /* GL_T4F_C4F_N3F_V4F */ + 183, /* GL_CLIP_DISTANCE0 */ + 184, /* GL_CLIP_DISTANCE1 */ + 185, /* GL_CLIP_DISTANCE2 */ + 186, /* GL_CLIP_DISTANCE3 */ + 187, /* GL_CLIP_DISTANCE4 */ + 188, /* GL_CLIP_DISTANCE5 */ + 189, /* GL_CLIP_DISTANCE6 */ + 190, /* GL_CLIP_DISTANCE7 */ + 933, /* GL_LIGHT0 */ + 934, /* GL_LIGHT1 */ + 935, /* GL_LIGHT2 */ + 936, /* GL_LIGHT3 */ + 937, /* GL_LIGHT4 */ + 938, /* GL_LIGHT5 */ + 939, /* GL_LIGHT6 */ + 940, /* GL_LIGHT7 */ + 822, /* GL_HINT_BIT */ + 353, /* GL_CONSTANT_COLOR */ + 1433, /* GL_ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_COLOR */ + 348, /* GL_CONSTANT_ALPHA */ + 1431, /* GL_ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_ALPHA */ + 98, /* GL_BLEND_COLOR */ + 788, /* GL_FUNC_ADD */ + 1299, /* GL_MIN */ + 1149, /* GL_MAX */ + 105, /* GL_BLEND_EQUATION */ + 794, /* GL_FUNC_SUBTRACT */ + 791, /* GL_FUNC_REVERSE_SUBTRACT */ + 362, /* GL_CONVOLUTION_1D */ + 363, /* GL_CONVOLUTION_2D */ + 1992, /* GL_SEPARABLE_2D */ + 366, /* GL_CONVOLUTION_BORDER_MODE */ + 370, /* GL_CONVOLUTION_FILTER_SCALE */ + 368, /* GL_CONVOLUTION_FILTER_BIAS */ + 1736, /* GL_REDUCE */ + 372, /* GL_CONVOLUTION_FORMAT */ + 376, /* GL_CONVOLUTION_WIDTH */ + 374, /* GL_CONVOLUTION_HEIGHT */ + 1172, /* GL_MAX_CONVOLUTION_WIDTH */ + 1170, /* GL_MAX_CONVOLUTION_HEIGHT */ + 1599, /* GL_POST_CONVOLUTION_RED_SCALE */ + 1595, /* GL_POST_CONVOLUTION_GREEN_SCALE */ + 1590, /* GL_POST_CONVOLUTION_BLUE_SCALE */ + 1586, /* GL_POST_CONVOLUTION_ALPHA_SCALE */ + 1597, /* GL_POST_CONVOLUTION_RED_BIAS */ + 1593, /* GL_POST_CONVOLUTION_GREEN_BIAS */ + 1588, /* GL_POST_CONVOLUTION_BLUE_BIAS */ + 1584, /* GL_POST_CONVOLUTION_ALPHA_BIAS */ + 823, /* GL_HISTOGRAM */ + 1664, /* GL_PROXY_HISTOGRAM */ + 839, /* GL_HISTOGRAM_WIDTH */ + 829, /* GL_HISTOGRAM_FORMAT */ + 835, /* GL_HISTOGRAM_RED_SIZE */ + 831, /* GL_HISTOGRAM_GREEN_SIZE */ + 826, /* GL_HISTOGRAM_BLUE_SIZE */ + 824, /* GL_HISTOGRAM_ALPHA_SIZE */ + 833, /* GL_HISTOGRAM_LUMINANCE_SIZE */ + 837, /* GL_HISTOGRAM_SINK */ + 1300, /* GL_MINMAX */ + 1302, /* GL_MINMAX_FORMAT */ + 1304, /* GL_MINMAX_SINK */ + 2146, /* GL_TABLE_TOO_LARGE_EXT */ + 2474, /* GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE_3_3_2 */ + 2516, /* GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4 */ + 2519, /* GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_5_5_1 */ + 2486, /* GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8 */ + 2477, /* GL_UNSIGNED_INT_10_10_10_2 */ + 1557, /* GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL */ + 1556, /* GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FACTOR */ + 1555, /* GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_BIAS_EXT */ + 1819, /* GL_RESCALE_NORMAL */ + 46, /* GL_ALPHA4 */ + 48, /* GL_ALPHA8 */ + 36, /* GL_ALPHA12 */ + 38, /* GL_ALPHA16 */ + 1002, /* GL_LUMINANCE4 */ + 1008, /* GL_LUMINANCE8 */ + 986, /* GL_LUMINANCE12 */ + 992, /* GL_LUMINANCE16 */ + 1003, /* GL_LUMINANCE4_ALPHA4 */ + 1006, /* GL_LUMINANCE6_ALPHA2 */ + 1011, /* GL_LUMINANCE8_ALPHA8 */ + 989, /* GL_LUMINANCE12_ALPHA4 */ + 987, /* GL_LUMINANCE12_ALPHA12 */ + 996, /* GL_LUMINANCE16_ALPHA16 */ + 868, /* GL_INTENSITY */ + 879, /* GL_INTENSITY4 */ + 881, /* GL_INTENSITY8 */ + 869, /* GL_INTENSITY12 */ + 871, /* GL_INTENSITY16 */ + 1855, /* GL_RGB2_EXT */ + 1862, /* GL_RGB4 */ + 1865, /* GL_RGB5 */ + 1872, /* GL_RGB8 */ + 1839, /* GL_RGB10 */ + 1844, /* GL_RGB12 */ + 1846, /* GL_RGB16 */ + 1893, /* GL_RGBA2 */ + 1901, /* GL_RGBA4 */ + 1868, /* GL_RGB5_A1 */ + 1906, /* GL_RGBA8 */ + 1840, /* GL_RGB10_A2 */ + 1882, /* GL_RGBA12 */ + 1884, /* GL_RGBA16 */ + 2370, /* GL_TEXTURE_RED_SIZE */ + 2330, /* GL_TEXTURE_GREEN_SIZE */ + 2244, /* GL_TEXTURE_BLUE_SIZE */ + 2220, /* GL_TEXTURE_ALPHA_SIZE */ + 2349, /* GL_TEXTURE_LUMINANCE_SIZE */ + 2338, /* GL_TEXTURE_INTENSITY_SIZE */ + 1816, /* GL_REPLACE_EXT */ + 1668, /* GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_1D */ + 1672, /* GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_2D */ + 2386, /* GL_TEXTURE_TOO_LARGE_EXT */ + 2364, /* GL_TEXTURE_PRIORITY */ + 2374, /* GL_TEXTURE_RESIDENT */ + 2225, /* GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_1D */ + 2228, /* GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_2D */ + 2231, /* GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_3D */ + 1471, /* GL_PACK_SKIP_IMAGES */ + 1467, /* GL_PACK_IMAGE_HEIGHT */ + 2467, /* GL_UNPACK_SKIP_IMAGES */ + 2464, /* GL_UNPACK_IMAGE_HEIGHT */ + 2218, /* GL_TEXTURE_3D */ + 1676, /* GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_3D */ + 2311, /* GL_TEXTURE_DEPTH */ + 2389, /* GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_R */ + 1150, /* GL_MAX_3D_TEXTURE_SIZE */ + 2532, /* GL_VERTEX_ARRAY */ + 1384, /* GL_NORMAL_ARRAY */ + 203, /* GL_COLOR_ARRAY */ + 851, /* GL_INDEX_ARRAY */ + 2279, /* GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY */ + 624, /* GL_EDGE_FLAG_ARRAY */ + 2540, /* GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_SIZE */ + 2542, /* GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_TYPE */ + 2541, /* GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_STRIDE */ + 2538, /* GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_COUNT_EXT */ + 1390, /* GL_NORMAL_ARRAY_TYPE */ + 1389, /* GL_NORMAL_ARRAY_STRIDE */ + 1387, /* GL_NORMAL_ARRAY_COUNT_EXT */ + 208, /* GL_COLOR_ARRAY_SIZE */ + 210, /* GL_COLOR_ARRAY_TYPE */ + 209, /* GL_COLOR_ARRAY_STRIDE */ + 206, /* GL_COLOR_ARRAY_COUNT_EXT */ + 857, /* GL_INDEX_ARRAY_TYPE */ + 856, /* GL_INDEX_ARRAY_STRIDE */ + 854, /* GL_INDEX_ARRAY_COUNT_EXT */ + 2284, /* GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY_SIZE */ + 2286, /* GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY_TYPE */ + 2285, /* GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY_STRIDE */ + 2282, /* GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY_COUNT_EXT */ + 629, /* GL_EDGE_FLAG_ARRAY_STRIDE */ + 627, /* GL_EDGE_FLAG_ARRAY_COUNT_EXT */ + 2539, /* GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_POINTER */ + 1388, /* GL_NORMAL_ARRAY_POINTER */ + 207, /* GL_COLOR_ARRAY_POINTER */ + 855, /* GL_INDEX_ARRAY_POINTER */ + 2283, /* GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY_POINTER */ + 628, /* GL_EDGE_FLAG_ARRAY_POINTER */ + 1361, /* GL_MULTISAMPLE */ + 1965, /* GL_SAMPLE_ALPHA_TO_COVERAGE */ + 1967, /* GL_SAMPLE_ALPHA_TO_ONE */ + 1972, /* GL_SAMPLE_COVERAGE */ + 1969, /* GL_SAMPLE_BUFFERS */ + 1960, /* GL_SAMPLES */ + 1976, /* GL_SAMPLE_COVERAGE_VALUE */ + 1974, /* GL_SAMPLE_COVERAGE_INVERT */ + 252, /* GL_COLOR_MATRIX */ + 254, /* GL_COLOR_MATRIX_STACK_DEPTH */ + 1162, /* GL_MAX_COLOR_MATRIX_STACK_DEPTH */ + 1582, /* GL_POST_COLOR_MATRIX_RED_SCALE */ + 1578, /* GL_POST_COLOR_MATRIX_GREEN_SCALE */ + 1573, /* GL_POST_COLOR_MATRIX_BLUE_SCALE */ + 1569, /* GL_POST_COLOR_MATRIX_ALPHA_SCALE */ + 1580, /* GL_POST_COLOR_MATRIX_RED_BIAS */ + 1576, /* GL_POST_COLOR_MATRIX_GREEN_BIAS */ + 1571, /* GL_POST_COLOR_MATRIX_BLUE_BIAS */ + 1567, /* GL_POST_COLOR_MATRIX_ALPHA_BIAS */ + 2262, /* GL_TEXTURE_COLOR_TABLE_SGI */ + 1677, /* GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_COLOR_TABLE_SGI */ + 2264, /* GL_TEXTURE_COMPARE_FAIL_VALUE_ARB */ + 103, /* GL_BLEND_DST_RGB */ + 117, /* GL_BLEND_SRC_RGB */ + 101, /* GL_BLEND_DST_ALPHA */ + 115, /* GL_BLEND_SRC_ALPHA */ + 258, /* GL_COLOR_TABLE */ + 1592, /* GL_POST_CONVOLUTION_COLOR_TABLE */ + 1575, /* GL_POST_COLOR_MATRIX_COLOR_TABLE */ + 1663, /* GL_PROXY_COLOR_TABLE */ + 1667, /* GL_PROXY_POST_CONVOLUTION_COLOR_TABLE */ + 1666, /* GL_PROXY_POST_COLOR_MATRIX_COLOR_TABLE */ + 282, /* GL_COLOR_TABLE_SCALE */ + 262, /* GL_COLOR_TABLE_BIAS */ + 267, /* GL_COLOR_TABLE_FORMAT */ + 284, /* GL_COLOR_TABLE_WIDTH */ + 279, /* GL_COLOR_TABLE_RED_SIZE */ + 270, /* GL_COLOR_TABLE_GREEN_SIZE */ + 264, /* GL_COLOR_TABLE_BLUE_SIZE */ + 259, /* GL_COLOR_TABLE_ALPHA_SIZE */ + 276, /* GL_COLOR_TABLE_LUMINANCE_SIZE */ + 273, /* GL_COLOR_TABLE_INTENSITY_SIZE */ + 88, /* GL_BGR */ + 89, /* GL_BGRA */ + 1185, /* GL_MAX_ELEMENTS_VERTICES */ + 1184, /* GL_MAX_ELEMENTS_INDICES */ + 2337, /* GL_TEXTURE_INDEX_SIZE_EXT */ + 197, /* GL_CLIP_VOLUME_CLIPPING_HINT_EXT */ + 1538, /* GL_POINT_SIZE_MIN */ + 1534, /* GL_POINT_SIZE_MAX */ + 1523, /* GL_POINT_FADE_THRESHOLD_SIZE */ + 1519, /* GL_POINT_DISTANCE_ATTENUATION */ + 169, /* GL_CLAMP_TO_BORDER */ + 172, /* GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE */ + 2363, /* GL_TEXTURE_MIN_LOD */ + 2361, /* GL_TEXTURE_MAX_LOD */ + 2224, /* GL_TEXTURE_BASE_LEVEL */ + 2360, /* GL_TEXTURE_MAX_LEVEL */ + 842, /* GL_IGNORE_BORDER_HP */ + 352, /* GL_CONSTANT_BORDER_HP */ + 1817, /* GL_REPLICATE_BORDER_HP */ + 364, /* GL_CONVOLUTION_BORDER_COLOR */ + 1428, /* GL_OCCLUSION_TEST_HP */ + 1429, /* GL_OCCLUSION_TEST_RESULT_HP */ + 951, /* GL_LINEAR_CLIPMAP_LINEAR_SGIX */ + 2256, /* GL_TEXTURE_CLIPMAP_CENTER_SGIX */ + 2258, /* GL_TEXTURE_CLIPMAP_FRAME_SGIX */ + 2260, /* GL_TEXTURE_CLIPMAP_OFFSET_SGIX */ + 2261, /* GL_TEXTURE_CLIPMAP_VIRTUAL_DEPTH_SGIX */ + 2259, /* GL_TEXTURE_CLIPMAP_LOD_OFFSET_SGIX */ + 2257, /* GL_TEXTURE_CLIPMAP_DEPTH_SGIX */ + 1156, /* GL_MAX_CLIPMAP_DEPTH_SGIX */ + 1157, /* GL_MAX_CLIPMAP_VIRTUAL_DEPTH_SGIX */ + 1602, /* GL_POST_TEXTURE_FILTER_BIAS_SGIX */ + 1604, /* GL_POST_TEXTURE_FILTER_SCALE_SGIX */ + 1601, /* GL_POST_TEXTURE_FILTER_BIAS_RANGE_SGIX */ + 1603, /* GL_POST_TEXTURE_FILTER_SCALE_RANGE_SGIX */ + 2347, /* GL_TEXTURE_LOD_BIAS_S_SGIX */ + 2348, /* GL_TEXTURE_LOD_BIAS_T_SGIX */ + 2346, /* GL_TEXTURE_LOD_BIAS_R_SGIX */ + 797, /* GL_GENERATE_MIPMAP */ + 798, /* GL_GENERATE_MIPMAP_HINT */ + 704, /* GL_FOG_OFFSET_SGIX */ + 705, /* GL_FOG_OFFSET_VALUE_SGIX */ + 2270, /* GL_TEXTURE_COMPARE_SGIX */ + 2269, /* GL_TEXTURE_COMPARE_OPERATOR_SGIX */ + 2343, /* GL_TEXTURE_LEQUAL_R_SGIX */ + 2329, /* GL_TEXTURE_GEQUAL_R_SGIX */ + 501, /* GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT16 */ + 505, /* GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT24 */ + 509, /* GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT32 */ + 72, /* GL_ARRAY_ELEMENT_LOCK_FIRST_EXT */ + 71, /* GL_ARRAY_ELEMENT_LOCK_COUNT_EXT */ + 421, /* GL_CULL_VERTEX_EXT */ + 423, /* GL_CULL_VERTEX_OBJECT_POSITION_EXT */ + 422, /* GL_CULL_VERTEX_EYE_POSITION_EXT */ + 2607, /* GL_WRAP_BORDER_SUN */ + 2263, /* GL_TEXTURE_COLOR_WRITEMASK_SGIS */ + 944, /* GL_LIGHT_MODEL_COLOR_CONTROL */ + 2011, /* GL_SINGLE_COLOR */ + 1995, /* GL_SEPARATE_SPECULAR_COLOR */ + 2006, /* GL_SHARED_TEXTURE_PALETTE_EXT */ + 719, /* GL_FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_COLOR_ENCODING */ + 720, /* GL_FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_COMPONENT_TYPE */ + 731, /* GL_FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_RED_SIZE */ + 722, /* GL_FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_GREEN_SIZE */ + 718, /* GL_FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_BLUE_SIZE */ + 717, /* GL_FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_ALPHA_SIZE */ + 721, /* GL_FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_DEPTH_SIZE */ + 732, /* GL_FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_STENCIL_SIZE */ + 749, /* GL_FRAMEBUFFER_DEFAULT */ + 779, /* GL_FRAMEBUFFER_UNDEFINED */ + 518, /* GL_DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT */ + 1026, /* GL_MAJOR_VERSION */ + 1306, /* GL_MINOR_VERSION */ + 1400, /* GL_NUM_EXTENSIONS */ + 358, /* GL_CONTEXT_FLAGS */ + 850, /* GL_INDEX */ + 495, /* GL_DEPTH_BUFFER */ + 2087, /* GL_STENCIL_BUFFER */ + 314, /* GL_COMPRESSED_RED */ + 316, /* GL_COMPRESSED_RG */ + 1824, /* GL_RG */ + 1931, /* GL_RG_INTEGER */ + 1718, /* GL_R8 */ + 1709, /* GL_R16 */ + 1833, /* GL_RG8 */ + 1825, /* GL_RG16 */ + 1710, /* GL_R16F */ + 1714, /* GL_R32F */ + 1826, /* GL_RG16F */ + 1830, /* GL_RG32F */ + 1719, /* GL_R8I */ + 1720, /* GL_R8UI */ + 1711, /* GL_R16I */ + 1712, /* GL_R16UI */ + 1715, /* GL_R32I */ + 1716, /* GL_R32UI */ + 1834, /* GL_RG8I */ + 1835, /* GL_RG8UI */ + 1827, /* GL_RG16I */ + 1828, /* GL_RG16UI */ + 1831, /* GL_RG32I */ + 1832, /* GL_RG32UI */ + 460, /* GL_DEBUG_OUTPUT_SYNCHRONOUS_ARB */ + 458, /* GL_DEBUG_NEXT_LOGGED_MESSAGE_LENGTH_ARB */ + 455, /* GL_DEBUG_CALLBACK_FUNCTION_ARB */ + 456, /* GL_DEBUG_CALLBACK_USER_PARAM_ARB */ + 465, /* GL_DEBUG_SOURCE_API_ARB */ + 470, /* GL_DEBUG_SOURCE_WINDOW_SYSTEM_ARB */ + 468, /* GL_DEBUG_SOURCE_SHADER_COMPILER_ARB */ + 469, /* GL_DEBUG_SOURCE_THIRD_PARTY_ARB */ + 466, /* GL_DEBUG_SOURCE_APPLICATION_ARB */ + 467, /* GL_DEBUG_SOURCE_OTHER_ARB */ + 472, /* GL_DEBUG_TYPE_ERROR_ARB */ + 471, /* GL_DEBUG_TYPE_DEPRECATED_BEHAVIOR_ARB */ + 476, /* GL_DEBUG_TYPE_UNDEFINED_BEHAVIOR_ARB */ + 475, /* GL_DEBUG_TYPE_PORTABILITY_ARB */ + 474, /* GL_DEBUG_TYPE_PERFORMANCE_ARB */ + 473, /* GL_DEBUG_TYPE_OTHER_ARB */ + 981, /* GL_LOSE_CONTEXT_ON_RESET_ARB */ + 817, /* GL_GUILTY_CONTEXT_RESET_ARB */ + 866, /* GL_INNOCENT_CONTEXT_RESET_ARB */ + 2462, /* GL_UNKNOWN_CONTEXT_RESET_ARB */ + 1821, /* GL_RESET_NOTIFICATION_STRATEGY_ARB */ + 1625, /* GL_PROGRAM_BINARY_RETRIEVABLE_HINT */ + 1397, /* GL_NO_RESET_NOTIFICATION_ARB */ + 2336, /* GL_TEXTURE_IMMUTABLE_LEVELS */ + 2473, /* GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE_2_3_3_REV */ + 2520, /* GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5 */ + 2521, /* GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5_REV */ + 2517, /* GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4_REV */ + 2514, /* GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_1_5_5_5_REV */ + 2487, /* GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8_REV */ + 2483, /* GL_UNSIGNED_INT_2_10_10_10_REV */ + 2358, /* GL_TEXTURE_MAX_CLAMP_S_SGIX */ + 2359, /* GL_TEXTURE_MAX_CLAMP_T_SGIX */ + 2357, /* GL_TEXTURE_MAX_CLAMP_R_SGIX */ + 1310, /* GL_MIRRORED_REPEAT */ + 1925, /* GL_RGB_S3TC */ + 1864, /* GL_RGB4_S3TC */ + 1920, /* GL_RGBA_S3TC */ + 1905, /* GL_RGBA4_S3TC */ + 1914, /* GL_RGBA_DXT5_S3TC */ + 1902, /* GL_RGBA4_DXT5_S3TC */ + 332, /* GL_COMPRESSED_RGB_S3TC_DXT1_EXT */ + 325, /* GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT1_EXT */ + 326, /* GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT3_ANGLE */ + 328, /* GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT5_ANGLE */ + 1374, /* GL_NEAREST_CLIPMAP_NEAREST_SGIX */ + 1373, /* GL_NEAREST_CLIPMAP_LINEAR_SGIX */ + 952, /* GL_LINEAR_CLIPMAP_NEAREST_SGIX */ + 691, /* GL_FOG_COORDINATE_SOURCE */ + 683, /* GL_FOG_COORD */ + 707, /* GL_FRAGMENT_DEPTH */ + 427, /* GL_CURRENT_FOG_COORD */ + 690, /* GL_FOG_COORDINATE_ARRAY_TYPE */ + 689, /* GL_FOG_COORDINATE_ARRAY_STRIDE */ + 688, /* GL_FOG_COORDINATE_ARRAY_POINTER */ + 685, /* GL_FOG_COORDINATE_ARRAY */ + 256, /* GL_COLOR_SUM */ + 448, /* GL_CURRENT_SECONDARY_COLOR */ + 1985, /* GL_SECONDARY_COLOR_ARRAY_SIZE */ + 1987, /* GL_SECONDARY_COLOR_ARRAY_TYPE */ + 1986, /* GL_SECONDARY_COLOR_ARRAY_STRIDE */ + 1984, /* GL_SECONDARY_COLOR_ARRAY_POINTER */ + 1981, /* GL_SECONDARY_COLOR_ARRAY */ + 446, /* GL_CURRENT_RASTER_SECONDARY_COLOR */ + 32, /* GL_ALIASED_POINT_SIZE_RANGE */ + 31, /* GL_ALIASED_LINE_WIDTH_RANGE */ + 2148, /* GL_TEXTURE0 */ + 2150, /* GL_TEXTURE1 */ + 2172, /* GL_TEXTURE2 */ + 2194, /* GL_TEXTURE3 */ + 2200, /* GL_TEXTURE4 */ + 2202, /* GL_TEXTURE5 */ + 2204, /* GL_TEXTURE6 */ + 2206, /* GL_TEXTURE7 */ + 2208, /* GL_TEXTURE8 */ + 2210, /* GL_TEXTURE9 */ + 2151, /* GL_TEXTURE10 */ + 2153, /* GL_TEXTURE11 */ + 2155, /* GL_TEXTURE12 */ + 2157, /* GL_TEXTURE13 */ + 2159, /* GL_TEXTURE14 */ + 2161, /* GL_TEXTURE15 */ + 2163, /* GL_TEXTURE16 */ + 2165, /* GL_TEXTURE17 */ + 2167, /* GL_TEXTURE18 */ + 2169, /* GL_TEXTURE19 */ + 2173, /* GL_TEXTURE20 */ + 2175, /* GL_TEXTURE21 */ + 2177, /* GL_TEXTURE22 */ + 2179, /* GL_TEXTURE23 */ + 2181, /* GL_TEXTURE24 */ + 2183, /* GL_TEXTURE25 */ + 2185, /* GL_TEXTURE26 */ + 2187, /* GL_TEXTURE27 */ + 2189, /* GL_TEXTURE28 */ + 2191, /* GL_TEXTURE29 */ + 2195, /* GL_TEXTURE30 */ + 2197, /* GL_TEXTURE31 */ + 19, /* GL_ACTIVE_TEXTURE */ + 177, /* GL_CLIENT_ACTIVE_TEXTURE */ + 1266, /* GL_MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS */ + 2423, /* GL_TRANSPOSE_MODELVIEW_MATRIX */ + 2426, /* GL_TRANSPOSE_PROJECTION_MATRIX */ + 2428, /* GL_TRANSPOSE_TEXTURE_MATRIX */ + 2420, /* GL_TRANSPOSE_COLOR_MATRIX */ + 2123, /* GL_SUBTRACT */ + 1245, /* GL_MAX_RENDERBUFFER_SIZE */ + 305, /* GL_COMPRESSED_ALPHA */ + 309, /* GL_COMPRESSED_LUMINANCE */ + 310, /* GL_COMPRESSED_LUMINANCE_ALPHA */ + 307, /* GL_COMPRESSED_INTENSITY */ + 318, /* GL_COMPRESSED_RGB */ + 321, /* GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA */ + 2277, /* GL_TEXTURE_COMPRESSION_HINT */ + 2367, /* GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE */ + 2240, /* GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_RECTANGLE */ + 1681, /* GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE */ + 1242, /* GL_MAX_RECTANGLE_TEXTURE_SIZE */ + 517, /* GL_DEPTH_STENCIL */ + 2479, /* GL_UNSIGNED_INT_24_8 */ + 1261, /* GL_MAX_TEXTURE_LOD_BIAS */ + 2356, /* GL_TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT */ + 1263, /* GL_MAX_TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT */ + 2320, /* GL_TEXTURE_FILTER_CONTROL */ + 2344, /* GL_TEXTURE_LOD_BIAS */ + 289, /* GL_COMBINE4_NV */ + 1251, /* GL_MAX_SHININESS_NV */ + 1252, /* GL_MAX_SPOT_EXPONENT_NV */ + 848, /* GL_INCR_WRAP */ + 480, /* GL_DECR_WRAP */ + 1330, /* GL_MODELVIEW1_ARB */ + 1391, /* GL_NORMAL_MAP */ + 1745, /* GL_REFLECTION_MAP */ + 2288, /* GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP */ + 2235, /* GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_CUBE_MAP */ + 2301, /* GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X */ + 2291, /* GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_X */ + 2304, /* GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Y */ + 2294, /* GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Y */ + 2307, /* GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Z */ + 2297, /* GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Z */ + 1678, /* GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP */ + 1174, /* GL_MAX_CUBE_MAP_TEXTURE_SIZE */ + 1367, /* GL_MULTISAMPLE_FILTER_HINT_NV */ + 1617, /* GL_PRIMITIVE_RESTART_NV */ + 1616, /* GL_PRIMITIVE_RESTART_INDEX_NV */ + 699, /* GL_FOG_DISTANCE_MODE_NV */ + 645, /* GL_EYE_RADIAL_NV */ + 644, /* GL_EYE_PLANE_ABSOLUTE_NV */ + 288, /* GL_COMBINE */ + 295, /* GL_COMBINE_RGB */ + 290, /* GL_COMBINE_ALPHA */ + 1926, /* GL_RGB_SCALE */ + 28, /* GL_ADD_SIGNED */ + 888, /* GL_INTERPOLATE */ + 347, /* GL_CONSTANT */ + 1608, /* GL_PRIMARY_COLOR */ + 1605, /* GL_PREVIOUS */ + 2027, /* GL_SOURCE0_RGB */ + 2033, /* GL_SOURCE1_RGB */ + 2039, /* GL_SOURCE2_RGB */ + 2043, /* GL_SOURCE3_RGB_NV */ + 2024, /* GL_SOURCE0_ALPHA */ + 2030, /* GL_SOURCE1_ALPHA */ + 2036, /* GL_SOURCE2_ALPHA */ + 2042, /* GL_SOURCE3_ALPHA_NV */ + 1444, /* GL_OPERAND0_RGB */ + 1450, /* GL_OPERAND1_RGB */ + 1456, /* GL_OPERAND2_RGB */ + 1460, /* GL_OPERAND3_RGB_NV */ + 1441, /* GL_OPERAND0_ALPHA */ + 1447, /* GL_OPERAND1_ALPHA */ + 1453, /* GL_OPERAND2_ALPHA */ + 1459, /* GL_OPERAND3_ALPHA_NV */ + 146, /* GL_BUFFER_OBJECT_APPLE */ + 2533, /* GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_BINDING */ + 2365, /* GL_TEXTURE_RANGE_LENGTH_APPLE */ + 2366, /* GL_TEXTURE_RANGE_POINTER_APPLE */ + 2612, /* GL_YCBCR_422_APPLE */ + 2522, /* GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_8_8_APPLE */ + 2524, /* GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_8_8_REV_APPLE */ + 2380, /* GL_TEXTURE_STORAGE_HINT_APPLE */ + 2114, /* GL_STORAGE_PRIVATE_APPLE */ + 2113, /* GL_STORAGE_CACHED_APPLE */ + 2115, /* GL_STORAGE_SHARED_APPLE */ + 2014, /* GL_SLICE_ACCUM_SUN */ + 1690, /* GL_QUAD_MESH_SUN */ + 2434, /* GL_TRIANGLE_MESH_SUN */ + 2577, /* GL_VERTEX_PROGRAM_ARB */ + 2588, /* GL_VERTEX_STATE_PROGRAM_NV */ + 2562, /* GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_ENABLED */ + 2570, /* GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_SIZE */ + 2572, /* GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_STRIDE */ + 2574, /* GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_TYPE */ + 450, /* GL_CURRENT_VERTEX_ATTRIB */ + 1634, /* GL_PROGRAM_LENGTH_ARB */ + 1650, /* GL_PROGRAM_STRING_ARB */ + 1353, /* GL_MODELVIEW_PROJECTION_NV */ + 841, /* GL_IDENTITY_NV */ + 923, /* GL_INVERSE_NV */ + 2425, /* GL_TRANSPOSE_NV */ + 924, /* GL_INVERSE_TRANSPOSE_NV */ + 1227, /* GL_MAX_PROGRAM_MATRIX_STACK_DEPTH_ARB */ + 1226, /* GL_MAX_PROGRAM_MATRICES_ARB */ + 1096, /* GL_MATRIX0_NV */ + 1108, /* GL_MATRIX1_NV */ + 1120, /* GL_MATRIX2_NV */ + 1124, /* GL_MATRIX3_NV */ + 1126, /* GL_MATRIX4_NV */ + 1128, /* GL_MATRIX5_NV */ + 1130, /* GL_MATRIX6_NV */ + 1132, /* GL_MATRIX7_NV */ + 433, /* GL_CURRENT_MATRIX_STACK_DEPTH_ARB */ + 430, /* GL_CURRENT_MATRIX_ARB */ + 1647, /* GL_PROGRAM_POINT_SIZE */ + 2583, /* GL_VERTEX_PROGRAM_TWO_SIDE */ + 1646, /* GL_PROGRAM_PARAMETER_NV */ + 2568, /* GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_POINTER */ + 1652, /* GL_PROGRAM_TARGET_NV */ + 1649, /* GL_PROGRAM_RESIDENT_NV */ + 2397, /* GL_TRACK_MATRIX_NV */ + 2398, /* GL_TRACK_MATRIX_TRANSFORM_NV */ + 2578, /* GL_VERTEX_PROGRAM_BINDING_NV */ + 1627, /* GL_PROGRAM_ERROR_POSITION_ARB */ + 497, /* GL_DEPTH_CLAMP */ + 2543, /* GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY0_NV */ + 2550, /* GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY1_NV */ + 2551, /* GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY2_NV */ + 2552, /* GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY3_NV */ + 2553, /* GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY4_NV */ + 2554, /* GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY5_NV */ + 2555, /* GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY6_NV */ + 2556, /* GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY7_NV */ + 2557, /* GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY8_NV */ + 2558, /* GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY9_NV */ + 2544, /* GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY10_NV */ + 2545, /* GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY11_NV */ + 2546, /* GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY12_NV */ + 2547, /* GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY13_NV */ + 2548, /* GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY14_NV */ + 2549, /* GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY15_NV */ + 1038, /* GL_MAP1_VERTEX_ATTRIB0_4_NV */ + 1045, /* GL_MAP1_VERTEX_ATTRIB1_4_NV */ + 1046, /* GL_MAP1_VERTEX_ATTRIB2_4_NV */ + 1047, /* GL_MAP1_VERTEX_ATTRIB3_4_NV */ + 1048, /* GL_MAP1_VERTEX_ATTRIB4_4_NV */ + 1049, /* GL_MAP1_VERTEX_ATTRIB5_4_NV */ + 1050, /* GL_MAP1_VERTEX_ATTRIB6_4_NV */ + 1051, /* GL_MAP1_VERTEX_ATTRIB7_4_NV */ + 1052, /* GL_MAP1_VERTEX_ATTRIB8_4_NV */ + 1053, /* GL_MAP1_VERTEX_ATTRIB9_4_NV */ + 1039, /* GL_MAP1_VERTEX_ATTRIB10_4_NV */ + 1040, /* GL_MAP1_VERTEX_ATTRIB11_4_NV */ + 1041, /* GL_MAP1_VERTEX_ATTRIB12_4_NV */ + 1042, /* GL_MAP1_VERTEX_ATTRIB13_4_NV */ + 1043, /* GL_MAP1_VERTEX_ATTRIB14_4_NV */ + 1044, /* GL_MAP1_VERTEX_ATTRIB15_4_NV */ + 1065, /* GL_MAP2_VERTEX_ATTRIB0_4_NV */ + 1072, /* GL_MAP2_VERTEX_ATTRIB1_4_NV */ + 1073, /* GL_MAP2_VERTEX_ATTRIB2_4_NV */ + 1074, /* GL_MAP2_VERTEX_ATTRIB3_4_NV */ + 1075, /* GL_MAP2_VERTEX_ATTRIB4_4_NV */ + 1076, /* GL_MAP2_VERTEX_ATTRIB5_4_NV */ + 1077, /* GL_MAP2_VERTEX_ATTRIB6_4_NV */ + 1626, /* GL_PROGRAM_BINDING_ARB */ + 1079, /* GL_MAP2_VERTEX_ATTRIB8_4_NV */ + 1080, /* GL_MAP2_VERTEX_ATTRIB9_4_NV */ + 1066, /* GL_MAP2_VERTEX_ATTRIB10_4_NV */ + 1067, /* GL_MAP2_VERTEX_ATTRIB11_4_NV */ + 1068, /* GL_MAP2_VERTEX_ATTRIB12_4_NV */ + 1069, /* GL_MAP2_VERTEX_ATTRIB13_4_NV */ + 1070, /* GL_MAP2_VERTEX_ATTRIB14_4_NV */ + 1071, /* GL_MAP2_VERTEX_ATTRIB15_4_NV */ + 2275, /* GL_TEXTURE_COMPRESSED_IMAGE_SIZE */ + 2272, /* GL_TEXTURE_COMPRESSED */ + 1398, /* GL_NUM_COMPRESSED_TEXTURE_FORMATS */ + 345, /* GL_COMPRESSED_TEXTURE_FORMATS */ + 1293, /* GL_MAX_VERTEX_UNITS_ARB */ + 25, /* GL_ACTIVE_VERTEX_UNITS_ARB */ + 2606, /* GL_WEIGHT_SUM_UNITY_ARB */ + 2576, /* GL_VERTEX_BLEND_ARB */ + 452, /* GL_CURRENT_WEIGHT_ARB */ + 2604, /* GL_WEIGHT_ARRAY_TYPE_ARB */ + 2602, /* GL_WEIGHT_ARRAY_STRIDE_ARB */ + 2600, /* GL_WEIGHT_ARRAY_SIZE_ARB */ + 2598, /* GL_WEIGHT_ARRAY_POINTER_ARB */ + 2593, /* GL_WEIGHT_ARRAY_ARB */ + 534, /* GL_DOT3_RGB */ + 535, /* GL_DOT3_RGBA */ + 331, /* GL_COMPRESSED_RGB_FXT1_3DFX */ + 324, /* GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_FXT1_3DFX */ + 1362, /* GL_MULTISAMPLE_3DFX */ + 1970, /* GL_SAMPLE_BUFFERS_3DFX */ + 1961, /* GL_SAMPLES_3DFX */ + 1341, /* GL_MODELVIEW2_ARB */ + 1344, /* GL_MODELVIEW3_ARB */ + 1345, /* GL_MODELVIEW4_ARB */ + 1346, /* GL_MODELVIEW5_ARB */ + 1347, /* GL_MODELVIEW6_ARB */ + 1348, /* GL_MODELVIEW7_ARB */ + 1349, /* GL_MODELVIEW8_ARB */ + 1350, /* GL_MODELVIEW9_ARB */ + 1320, /* GL_MODELVIEW10_ARB */ + 1321, /* GL_MODELVIEW11_ARB */ + 1322, /* GL_MODELVIEW12_ARB */ + 1323, /* GL_MODELVIEW13_ARB */ + 1324, /* GL_MODELVIEW14_ARB */ + 1325, /* GL_MODELVIEW15_ARB */ + 1326, /* GL_MODELVIEW16_ARB */ + 1327, /* GL_MODELVIEW17_ARB */ + 1328, /* GL_MODELVIEW18_ARB */ + 1329, /* GL_MODELVIEW19_ARB */ + 1331, /* GL_MODELVIEW20_ARB */ + 1332, /* GL_MODELVIEW21_ARB */ + 1333, /* GL_MODELVIEW22_ARB */ + 1334, /* GL_MODELVIEW23_ARB */ + 1335, /* GL_MODELVIEW24_ARB */ + 1336, /* GL_MODELVIEW25_ARB */ + 1337, /* GL_MODELVIEW26_ARB */ + 1338, /* GL_MODELVIEW27_ARB */ + 1339, /* GL_MODELVIEW28_ARB */ + 1340, /* GL_MODELVIEW29_ARB */ + 1342, /* GL_MODELVIEW30_ARB */ + 1343, /* GL_MODELVIEW31_ARB */ + 539, /* GL_DOT3_RGB_EXT */ + 1623, /* GL_PROGRAM_BINARY_LENGTH */ + 1314, /* GL_MIRROR_CLAMP_EXT */ + 1317, /* GL_MIRROR_CLAMP_TO_EDGE_EXT */ + 1356, /* GL_MODULATE_ADD_ATI */ + 1357, /* GL_MODULATE_SIGNED_ADD_ATI */ + 1358, /* GL_MODULATE_SUBTRACT_ATI */ + 2613, /* GL_YCBCR_MESA */ + 1468, /* GL_PACK_INVERT_MESA */ + 459, /* GL_DEBUG_OBJECT_MESA */ + 461, /* GL_DEBUG_PRINT_MESA */ + 454, /* GL_DEBUG_ASSERT_MESA */ + 148, /* GL_BUFFER_SIZE */ + 150, /* GL_BUFFER_USAGE */ + 154, /* GL_BUMP_ROT_MATRIX_ATI */ + 155, /* GL_BUMP_ROT_MATRIX_SIZE_ATI */ + 153, /* GL_BUMP_NUM_TEX_UNITS_ATI */ + 157, /* GL_BUMP_TEX_UNITS_ATI */ + 616, /* GL_DUDV_ATI */ + 615, /* GL_DU8DV8_ATI */ + 152, /* GL_BUMP_ENVMAP_ATI */ + 156, /* GL_BUMP_TARGET_ATI */ + 1408, /* GL_NUM_PROGRAM_BINARY_FORMATS */ + 1621, /* GL_PROGRAM_BINARY_FORMATS */ + 2077, /* GL_STENCIL_BACK_FUNC */ + 2075, /* GL_STENCIL_BACK_FAIL */ + 2079, /* GL_STENCIL_BACK_PASS_DEPTH_FAIL */ + 2081, /* GL_STENCIL_BACK_PASS_DEPTH_PASS */ + 708, /* GL_FRAGMENT_PROGRAM_ARB */ + 1619, /* GL_PROGRAM_ALU_INSTRUCTIONS_ARB */ + 1655, /* GL_PROGRAM_TEX_INSTRUCTIONS_ARB */ + 1654, /* GL_PROGRAM_TEX_INDIRECTIONS_ARB */ + 1637, /* GL_PROGRAM_NATIVE_ALU_INSTRUCTIONS_ARB */ + 1643, /* GL_PROGRAM_NATIVE_TEX_INSTRUCTIONS_ARB */ + 1642, /* GL_PROGRAM_NATIVE_TEX_INDIRECTIONS_ARB */ + 1216, /* GL_MAX_PROGRAM_ALU_INSTRUCTIONS_ARB */ + 1240, /* GL_MAX_PROGRAM_TEX_INSTRUCTIONS_ARB */ + 1239, /* GL_MAX_PROGRAM_TEX_INDIRECTIONS_ARB */ + 1229, /* GL_MAX_PROGRAM_NATIVE_ALU_INSTRUCTIONS_ARB */ + 1235, /* GL_MAX_PROGRAM_NATIVE_TEX_INSTRUCTIONS_ARB */ + 1234, /* GL_MAX_PROGRAM_NATIVE_TEX_INDIRECTIONS_ARB */ + 1895, /* GL_RGBA32F */ + 1856, /* GL_RGB32F */ + 43, /* GL_ALPHA32F_ARB */ + 876, /* GL_INTENSITY32F_ARB */ + 999, /* GL_LUMINANCE32F_ARB */ + 1018, /* GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA32F_ARB */ + 1885, /* GL_RGBA16F */ + 1847, /* GL_RGB16F */ + 39, /* GL_ALPHA16F_ARB */ + 872, /* GL_INTENSITY16F_ARB */ + 993, /* GL_LUMINANCE16F_ARB */ + 1015, /* GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA16F_ARB */ + 1915, /* GL_RGBA_FLOAT_MODE_ARB */ + 1179, /* GL_MAX_DRAW_BUFFERS */ + 544, /* GL_DRAW_BUFFER0 */ + 548, /* GL_DRAW_BUFFER1 */ + 576, /* GL_DRAW_BUFFER2 */ + 580, /* GL_DRAW_BUFFER3 */ + 584, /* GL_DRAW_BUFFER4 */ + 588, /* GL_DRAW_BUFFER5 */ + 592, /* GL_DRAW_BUFFER6 */ + 596, /* GL_DRAW_BUFFER7 */ + 600, /* GL_DRAW_BUFFER8 */ + 604, /* GL_DRAW_BUFFER9 */ + 549, /* GL_DRAW_BUFFER10 */ + 553, /* GL_DRAW_BUFFER11 */ + 557, /* GL_DRAW_BUFFER12 */ + 561, /* GL_DRAW_BUFFER13 */ + 565, /* GL_DRAW_BUFFER14 */ + 569, /* GL_DRAW_BUFFER15 */ + 106, /* GL_BLEND_EQUATION_ALPHA */ + 1147, /* GL_MATRIX_PALETTE_ARB */ + 1209, /* GL_MAX_MATRIX_PALETTE_STACK_DEPTH_ARB */ + 1212, /* GL_MAX_PALETTE_MATRICES_ARB */ + 436, /* GL_CURRENT_PALETTE_MATRIX_ARB */ + 1135, /* GL_MATRIX_INDEX_ARRAY_ARB */ + 431, /* GL_CURRENT_MATRIX_INDEX_ARB */ + 1140, /* GL_MATRIX_INDEX_ARRAY_SIZE_ARB */ + 1144, /* GL_MATRIX_INDEX_ARRAY_TYPE_ARB */ + 1142, /* GL_MATRIX_INDEX_ARRAY_STRIDE_ARB */ + 1138, /* GL_MATRIX_INDEX_ARRAY_POINTER_ARB */ + 2312, /* GL_TEXTURE_DEPTH_SIZE */ + 525, /* GL_DEPTH_TEXTURE_MODE */ + 2267, /* GL_TEXTURE_COMPARE_MODE */ + 2265, /* GL_TEXTURE_COMPARE_FUNC */ + 299, /* GL_COMPARE_REF_TO_TEXTURE */ + 2310, /* GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_SEAMLESS */ + 1545, /* GL_POINT_SPRITE */ + 410, /* GL_COORD_REPLACE */ + 1550, /* GL_POINT_SPRITE_R_MODE_NV */ + 1696, /* GL_QUERY_COUNTER_BITS */ + 439, /* GL_CURRENT_QUERY */ + 1700, /* GL_QUERY_RESULT */ + 1702, /* GL_QUERY_RESULT_AVAILABLE */ + 1190, /* GL_MAX_FRAGMENT_PROGRAM_LOCAL_PARAMETERS_NV */ + 1283, /* GL_MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS */ + 2566, /* GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_NORMALIZED */ + 523, /* GL_DEPTH_STENCIL_TO_RGBA_NV */ + 522, /* GL_DEPTH_STENCIL_TO_BGRA_NV */ + 710, /* GL_FRAGMENT_PROGRAM_NV */ + 1255, /* GL_MAX_TEXTURE_COORDS */ + 1258, /* GL_MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS */ + 709, /* GL_FRAGMENT_PROGRAM_BINDING_NV */ + 1629, /* GL_PROGRAM_ERROR_STRING_ARB */ + 1632, /* GL_PROGRAM_FORMAT_ASCII_ARB */ + 1631, /* GL_PROGRAM_FORMAT_ARB */ + 2387, /* GL_TEXTURE_UNSIGNED_REMAP_MODE_NV */ + 494, /* GL_DEPTH_BOUNDS_TEST_EXT */ + 493, /* GL_DEPTH_BOUNDS_EXT */ + 68, /* GL_ARRAY_BUFFER */ + 630, /* GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER */ + 69, /* GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING */ + 631, /* GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING */ + 2536, /* GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING */ + 1385, /* GL_NORMAL_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING */ + 204, /* GL_COLOR_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING */ + 852, /* GL_INDEX_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING */ + 2280, /* GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING */ + 625, /* GL_EDGE_FLAG_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING */ + 1982, /* GL_SECONDARY_COLOR_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING */ + 686, /* GL_FOG_COORDINATE_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING */ + 2594, /* GL_WEIGHT_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING */ + 2559, /* GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING */ + 1633, /* GL_PROGRAM_INSTRUCTIONS_ARB */ + 1222, /* GL_MAX_PROGRAM_INSTRUCTIONS_ARB */ + 1639, /* GL_PROGRAM_NATIVE_INSTRUCTIONS_ARB */ + 1231, /* GL_MAX_PROGRAM_NATIVE_INSTRUCTIONS_ARB */ + 1653, /* GL_PROGRAM_TEMPORARIES_ARB */ + 1237, /* GL_MAX_PROGRAM_TEMPORARIES_ARB */ + 1641, /* GL_PROGRAM_NATIVE_TEMPORARIES_ARB */ + 1233, /* GL_MAX_PROGRAM_NATIVE_TEMPORARIES_ARB */ + 1645, /* GL_PROGRAM_PARAMETERS_ARB */ + 1236, /* GL_MAX_PROGRAM_PARAMETERS_ARB */ + 1640, /* GL_PROGRAM_NATIVE_PARAMETERS_ARB */ + 1232, /* GL_MAX_PROGRAM_NATIVE_PARAMETERS_ARB */ + 1620, /* GL_PROGRAM_ATTRIBS_ARB */ + 1217, /* GL_MAX_PROGRAM_ATTRIBS_ARB */ + 1638, /* GL_PROGRAM_NATIVE_ATTRIBS_ARB */ + 1230, /* GL_MAX_PROGRAM_NATIVE_ATTRIBS_ARB */ + 1618, /* GL_PROGRAM_ADDRESS_REGISTERS_ARB */ + 1215, /* GL_MAX_PROGRAM_ADDRESS_REGISTERS_ARB */ + 1636, /* GL_PROGRAM_NATIVE_ADDRESS_REGISTERS_ARB */ + 1228, /* GL_MAX_PROGRAM_NATIVE_ADDRESS_REGISTERS_ARB */ + 1223, /* GL_MAX_PROGRAM_LOCAL_PARAMETERS_ARB */ + 1219, /* GL_MAX_PROGRAM_ENV_PARAMETERS_ARB */ + 1656, /* GL_PROGRAM_UNDER_NATIVE_LIMITS_ARB */ + 2422, /* GL_TRANSPOSE_CURRENT_MATRIX_ARB */ + 1731, /* GL_READ_ONLY */ + 2608, /* GL_WRITE_ONLY */ + 1733, /* GL_READ_WRITE */ + 133, /* GL_BUFFER_ACCESS */ + 138, /* GL_BUFFER_MAPPED */ + 143, /* GL_BUFFER_MAP_POINTER */ + 2395, /* GL_TIME_ELAPSED */ + 1095, /* GL_MATRIX0_ARB */ + 1107, /* GL_MATRIX1_ARB */ + 1119, /* GL_MATRIX2_ARB */ + 1123, /* GL_MATRIX3_ARB */ + 1125, /* GL_MATRIX4_ARB */ + 1127, /* GL_MATRIX5_ARB */ + 1129, /* GL_MATRIX6_ARB */ + 1131, /* GL_MATRIX7_ARB */ + 1133, /* GL_MATRIX8_ARB */ + 1134, /* GL_MATRIX9_ARB */ + 1097, /* GL_MATRIX10_ARB */ + 1098, /* GL_MATRIX11_ARB */ + 1099, /* GL_MATRIX12_ARB */ + 1100, /* GL_MATRIX13_ARB */ + 1101, /* GL_MATRIX14_ARB */ + 1102, /* GL_MATRIX15_ARB */ + 1103, /* GL_MATRIX16_ARB */ + 1104, /* GL_MATRIX17_ARB */ + 1105, /* GL_MATRIX18_ARB */ + 1106, /* GL_MATRIX19_ARB */ + 1109, /* GL_MATRIX20_ARB */ + 1110, /* GL_MATRIX21_ARB */ + 1111, /* GL_MATRIX22_ARB */ + 1112, /* GL_MATRIX23_ARB */ + 1113, /* GL_MATRIX24_ARB */ + 1114, /* GL_MATRIX25_ARB */ + 1115, /* GL_MATRIX26_ARB */ + 1116, /* GL_MATRIX27_ARB */ + 1117, /* GL_MATRIX28_ARB */ + 1118, /* GL_MATRIX29_ARB */ + 1121, /* GL_MATRIX30_ARB */ + 1122, /* GL_MATRIX31_ARB */ + 2118, /* GL_STREAM_DRAW */ + 2120, /* GL_STREAM_READ */ + 2116, /* GL_STREAM_COPY */ + 2067, /* GL_STATIC_DRAW */ + 2069, /* GL_STATIC_READ */ + 2065, /* GL_STATIC_COPY */ + 619, /* GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW */ + 621, /* GL_DYNAMIC_READ */ + 617, /* GL_DYNAMIC_COPY */ + 1508, /* GL_PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER */ + 1512, /* GL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER */ + 1509, /* GL_PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER_BINDING */ + 1513, /* GL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER_BINDING */ + 484, /* GL_DEPTH24_STENCIL8 */ + 2378, /* GL_TEXTURE_STENCIL_SIZE */ + 1220, /* GL_MAX_PROGRAM_EXEC_INSTRUCTIONS_NV */ + 1218, /* GL_MAX_PROGRAM_CALL_DEPTH_NV */ + 1221, /* GL_MAX_PROGRAM_IF_DEPTH_NV */ + 1225, /* GL_MAX_PROGRAM_LOOP_DEPTH_NV */ + 1224, /* GL_MAX_PROGRAM_LOOP_COUNT_NV */ + 2052, /* GL_SRC1_COLOR */ + 1438, /* GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC1_COLOR */ + 1437, /* GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC1_ALPHA */ + 1183, /* GL_MAX_DUAL_SOURCE_DRAW_BUFFERS */ + 2564, /* GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_INTEGER */ + 2561, /* GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_DIVISOR_ARB */ + 1152, /* GL_MAX_ARRAY_TEXTURE_LAYERS */ + 1309, /* GL_MIN_PROGRAM_TEXEL_OFFSET */ + 1238, /* GL_MAX_PROGRAM_TEXEL_OFFSET */ + 2109, /* GL_STENCIL_TEST_TWO_SIDE_EXT */ + 18, /* GL_ACTIVE_STENCIL_FACE_EXT */ + 1315, /* GL_MIRROR_CLAMP_TO_BORDER_EXT */ + 1963, /* GL_SAMPLES_PASSED */ + 807, /* GL_GEOMETRY_VERTICES_OUT */ + 801, /* GL_GEOMETRY_INPUT_TYPE */ + 803, /* GL_GEOMETRY_OUTPUT_TYPE */ + 1951, /* GL_SAMPLER_BINDING */ + 174, /* GL_CLAMP_VERTEX_COLOR */ + 165, /* GL_CLAMP_FRAGMENT_COLOR */ + 167, /* GL_CLAMP_READ_COLOR */ + 657, /* GL_FIXED_ONLY */ + 713, /* GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER_ATI */ + 1749, /* GL_REG_0_ATI */ + 1760, /* GL_REG_1_ATI */ + 1771, /* GL_REG_2_ATI */ + 1774, /* GL_REG_3_ATI */ + 1775, /* GL_REG_4_ATI */ + 1776, /* GL_REG_5_ATI */ + 1777, /* GL_REG_6_ATI */ + 1778, /* GL_REG_7_ATI */ + 1779, /* GL_REG_8_ATI */ + 1780, /* GL_REG_9_ATI */ + 1750, /* GL_REG_10_ATI */ + 1751, /* GL_REG_11_ATI */ + 1752, /* GL_REG_12_ATI */ + 1753, /* GL_REG_13_ATI */ + 1754, /* GL_REG_14_ATI */ + 1755, /* GL_REG_15_ATI */ + 1756, /* GL_REG_16_ATI */ + 1757, /* GL_REG_17_ATI */ + 1758, /* GL_REG_18_ATI */ + 1759, /* GL_REG_19_ATI */ + 1761, /* GL_REG_20_ATI */ + 1762, /* GL_REG_21_ATI */ + 1763, /* GL_REG_22_ATI */ + 1764, /* GL_REG_23_ATI */ + 1765, /* GL_REG_24_ATI */ + 1766, /* GL_REG_25_ATI */ + 1767, /* GL_REG_26_ATI */ + 1768, /* GL_REG_27_ATI */ + 1769, /* GL_REG_28_ATI */ + 1770, /* GL_REG_29_ATI */ + 1772, /* GL_REG_30_ATI */ + 1773, /* GL_REG_31_ATI */ + 378, /* GL_CON_0_ATI */ + 389, /* GL_CON_1_ATI */ + 400, /* GL_CON_2_ATI */ + 403, /* GL_CON_3_ATI */ + 404, /* GL_CON_4_ATI */ + 405, /* GL_CON_5_ATI */ + 406, /* GL_CON_6_ATI */ + 407, /* GL_CON_7_ATI */ + 408, /* GL_CON_8_ATI */ + 409, /* GL_CON_9_ATI */ + 379, /* GL_CON_10_ATI */ + 380, /* GL_CON_11_ATI */ + 381, /* GL_CON_12_ATI */ + 382, /* GL_CON_13_ATI */ + 383, /* GL_CON_14_ATI */ + 384, /* GL_CON_15_ATI */ + 385, /* GL_CON_16_ATI */ + 386, /* GL_CON_17_ATI */ + 387, /* GL_CON_18_ATI */ + 388, /* GL_CON_19_ATI */ + 390, /* GL_CON_20_ATI */ + 391, /* GL_CON_21_ATI */ + 392, /* GL_CON_22_ATI */ + 393, /* GL_CON_23_ATI */ + 394, /* GL_CON_24_ATI */ + 395, /* GL_CON_25_ATI */ + 396, /* GL_CON_26_ATI */ + 397, /* GL_CON_27_ATI */ + 398, /* GL_CON_28_ATI */ + 399, /* GL_CON_29_ATI */ + 401, /* GL_CON_30_ATI */ + 402, /* GL_CON_31_ATI */ + 1359, /* GL_MOV_ATI */ + 27, /* GL_ADD_ATI */ + 1368, /* GL_MUL_ATI */ + 2125, /* GL_SUB_ATI */ + 533, /* GL_DOT3_ATI */ + 540, /* GL_DOT4_ATI */ + 1025, /* GL_MAD_ATI */ + 931, /* GL_LERP_ATI */ + 199, /* GL_CND_ATI */ + 198, /* GL_CND0_ATI */ + 532, /* GL_DOT2_ADD_ATI */ + 1988, /* GL_SECONDARY_INTERPOLATOR_ATI */ + 1402, /* GL_NUM_FRAGMENT_REGISTERS_ATI */ + 1401, /* GL_NUM_FRAGMENT_CONSTANTS_ATI */ + 1407, /* GL_NUM_PASSES_ATI */ + 1404, /* GL_NUM_INSTRUCTIONS_PER_PASS_ATI */ + 1405, /* GL_NUM_INSTRUCTIONS_TOTAL_ATI */ + 1403, /* GL_NUM_INPUT_INTERPOLATOR_COMPONENTS_ATI */ + 1406, /* GL_NUM_LOOPBACK_COMPONENTS_ATI */ + 202, /* GL_COLOR_ALPHA_PAIRING_ATI */ + 2130, /* GL_SWIZZLE_STR_ATI */ + 2126, /* GL_SWIZZLE_STQ_ATI */ + 2131, /* GL_SWIZZLE_STR_DR_ATI */ + 2127, /* GL_SWIZZLE_STQ_DQ_ATI */ + 2128, /* GL_SWIZZLE_STRQ_ATI */ + 2129, /* GL_SWIZZLE_STRQ_DQ_ATI */ + 1532, /* GL_POINT_SIZE_ARRAY_TYPE_OES */ + 1531, /* GL_POINT_SIZE_ARRAY_STRIDE_OES */ + 1530, /* GL_POINT_SIZE_ARRAY_POINTER_OES */ + 1352, /* GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX_FLOAT_AS_INT_BITS_OES */ + 1659, /* GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX_FLOAT_AS_INT_BITS_OES */ + 2355, /* GL_TEXTURE_MATRIX_FLOAT_AS_INT_BITS_OES */ + 2451, /* GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER */ + 147, /* GL_BUFFER_SERIALIZED_MODIFY_APPLE */ + 137, /* GL_BUFFER_FLUSHING_UNMAP_APPLE */ + 1781, /* GL_RELEASED_APPLE */ + 2591, /* GL_VOLATILE_APPLE */ + 1822, /* GL_RETAINED_APPLE */ + 2439, /* GL_UNDEFINED_APPLE */ + 1684, /* GL_PURGEABLE_APPLE */ + 2452, /* GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER_BINDING */ + 2455, /* GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER_START */ + 2454, /* GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER_SIZE */ + 1289, /* GL_MAX_VERTEX_UNIFORM_BLOCKS */ + 1203, /* GL_MAX_GEOMETRY_UNIFORM_BLOCKS */ + 1191, /* GL_MAX_FRAGMENT_UNIFORM_BLOCKS */ + 1168, /* GL_MAX_COMBINED_UNIFORM_BLOCKS */ + 1278, /* GL_MAX_UNIFORM_BUFFER_BINDINGS */ + 1277, /* GL_MAX_UNIFORM_BLOCK_SIZE */ + 1169, /* GL_MAX_COMBINED_VERTEX_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS */ + 1165, /* GL_MAX_COMBINED_GEOMETRY_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS */ + 1164, /* GL_MAX_COMBINED_FRAGMENT_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS */ + 2453, /* GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER_OFFSET_ALIGNMENT */ + 23, /* GL_ACTIVE_UNIFORM_BLOCK_MAX_NAME_LENGTH */ + 22, /* GL_ACTIVE_UNIFORM_BLOCKS */ + 2461, /* GL_UNIFORM_TYPE */ + 2460, /* GL_UNIFORM_SIZE */ + 2458, /* GL_UNIFORM_NAME_LENGTH */ + 2446, /* GL_UNIFORM_BLOCK_INDEX */ + 2459, /* GL_UNIFORM_OFFSET */ + 2441, /* GL_UNIFORM_ARRAY_STRIDE */ + 2457, /* GL_UNIFORM_MATRIX_STRIDE */ + 2456, /* GL_UNIFORM_IS_ROW_MAJOR */ + 2444, /* GL_UNIFORM_BLOCK_BINDING */ + 2445, /* GL_UNIFORM_BLOCK_DATA_SIZE */ + 2447, /* GL_UNIFORM_BLOCK_NAME_LENGTH */ + 2442, /* GL_UNIFORM_BLOCK_ACTIVE_UNIFORMS */ + 2443, /* GL_UNIFORM_BLOCK_ACTIVE_UNIFORM_INDICES */ + 2450, /* GL_UNIFORM_BLOCK_REFERENCED_BY_VERTEX_SHADER */ + 2449, /* GL_UNIFORM_BLOCK_REFERENCED_BY_GEOMETRY_SHADER */ + 2448, /* GL_UNIFORM_BLOCK_REFERENCED_BY_FRAGMENT_SHADER */ + 2376, /* GL_TEXTURE_SRGB_DECODE_EXT */ + 478, /* GL_DECODE_EXT */ + 2013, /* GL_SKIP_DECODE_EXT */ + 711, /* GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER */ + 2586, /* GL_VERTEX_SHADER */ + 1644, /* GL_PROGRAM_OBJECT_ARB */ + 2000, /* GL_SHADER_OBJECT_ARB */ + 1192, /* GL_MAX_FRAGMENT_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS */ + 1290, /* GL_MAX_VERTEX_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS */ + 1279, /* GL_MAX_VARYING_COMPONENTS */ + 1287, /* GL_MAX_VERTEX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS */ + 1166, /* GL_MAX_COMBINED_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS */ + 1426, /* GL_OBJECT_TYPE_ARB */ + 2002, /* GL_SHADER_TYPE */ + 674, /* GL_FLOAT_VEC2 */ + 676, /* GL_FLOAT_VEC3 */ + 678, /* GL_FLOAT_VEC4 */ + 910, /* GL_INT_VEC2 */ + 912, /* GL_INT_VEC3 */ + 914, /* GL_INT_VEC4 */ + 125, /* GL_BOOL */ + 127, /* GL_BOOL_VEC2 */ + 129, /* GL_BOOL_VEC3 */ + 131, /* GL_BOOL_VEC4 */ + 662, /* GL_FLOAT_MAT2 */ + 666, /* GL_FLOAT_MAT3 */ + 670, /* GL_FLOAT_MAT4 */ + 1935, /* GL_SAMPLER_1D */ + 1941, /* GL_SAMPLER_2D */ + 1949, /* GL_SAMPLER_3D */ + 1954, /* GL_SAMPLER_CUBE */ + 1940, /* GL_SAMPLER_1D_SHADOW */ + 1948, /* GL_SAMPLER_2D_SHADOW */ + 1946, /* GL_SAMPLER_2D_RECT */ + 1947, /* GL_SAMPLER_2D_RECT_SHADOW */ + 664, /* GL_FLOAT_MAT2x3 */ + 665, /* GL_FLOAT_MAT2x4 */ + 668, /* GL_FLOAT_MAT3x2 */ + 669, /* GL_FLOAT_MAT3x4 */ + 672, /* GL_FLOAT_MAT4x2 */ + 673, /* GL_FLOAT_MAT4x3 */ + 482, /* GL_DELETE_STATUS */ + 304, /* GL_COMPILE_STATUS */ + 973, /* GL_LINK_STATUS */ + 2529, /* GL_VALIDATE_STATUS */ + 865, /* GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH */ + 73, /* GL_ATTACHED_SHADERS */ + 21, /* GL_ACTIVE_UNIFORMS */ + 24, /* GL_ACTIVE_UNIFORM_MAX_LENGTH */ + 2001, /* GL_SHADER_SOURCE_LENGTH */ + 15, /* GL_ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTES */ + 16, /* GL_ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTE_MAX_LENGTH */ + 714, /* GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER_DERIVATIVE_HINT */ + 2004, /* GL_SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION */ + 438, /* GL_CURRENT_PROGRAM */ + 1477, /* GL_PALETTE4_RGB8_OES */ + 1479, /* GL_PALETTE4_RGBA8_OES */ + 1475, /* GL_PALETTE4_R5_G6_B5_OES */ + 1478, /* GL_PALETTE4_RGBA4_OES */ + 1476, /* GL_PALETTE4_RGB5_A1_OES */ + 1482, /* GL_PALETTE8_RGB8_OES */ + 1484, /* GL_PALETTE8_RGBA8_OES */ + 1480, /* GL_PALETTE8_R5_G6_B5_OES */ + 1483, /* GL_PALETTE8_RGBA4_OES */ + 1481, /* GL_PALETTE8_RGB5_A1_OES */ + 845, /* GL_IMPLEMENTATION_COLOR_READ_TYPE */ + 843, /* GL_IMPLEMENTATION_COLOR_READ_FORMAT */ + 1529, /* GL_POINT_SIZE_ARRAY_OES */ + 2287, /* GL_TEXTURE_CROP_RECT_OES */ + 1136, /* GL_MATRIX_INDEX_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING_OES */ + 1528, /* GL_POINT_SIZE_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING_OES */ + 2372, /* GL_TEXTURE_RED_TYPE */ + 2332, /* GL_TEXTURE_GREEN_TYPE */ + 2246, /* GL_TEXTURE_BLUE_TYPE */ + 2222, /* GL_TEXTURE_ALPHA_TYPE */ + 2351, /* GL_TEXTURE_LUMINANCE_TYPE */ + 2340, /* GL_TEXTURE_INTENSITY_TYPE */ + 2314, /* GL_TEXTURE_DEPTH_TYPE */ + 2511, /* GL_UNSIGNED_NORMALIZED */ + 2213, /* GL_TEXTURE_1D_ARRAY */ + 1669, /* GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_1D_ARRAY */ + 2216, /* GL_TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY */ + 1673, /* GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY */ + 2226, /* GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_1D_ARRAY */ + 2229, /* GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_2D_ARRAY */ + 1199, /* GL_MAX_GEOMETRY_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS */ + 2250, /* GL_TEXTURE_BUFFER */ + 1253, /* GL_MAX_TEXTURE_BUFFER_SIZE */ + 2233, /* GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_BUFFER */ + 2252, /* GL_TEXTURE_BUFFER_DATA_STORE_BINDING */ + 2254, /* GL_TEXTURE_BUFFER_FORMAT */ + 66, /* GL_ANY_SAMPLES_PASSED */ + 1707, /* GL_R11F_G11F_B10F */ + 2476, /* GL_UNSIGNED_INT_10F_11F_11F_REV */ + 1921, /* GL_RGBA_SIGNED_COMPONENTS_EXT */ + 1880, /* GL_RGB9_E5 */ + 2485, /* GL_UNSIGNED_INT_5_9_9_9_REV */ + 2375, /* GL_TEXTURE_SHARED_SIZE */ + 2059, /* GL_SRGB */ + 2060, /* GL_SRGB8 */ + 2062, /* GL_SRGB_ALPHA */ + 2061, /* GL_SRGB8_ALPHA8 */ + 2018, /* GL_SLUMINANCE_ALPHA */ + 2017, /* GL_SLUMINANCE8_ALPHA8 */ + 2015, /* GL_SLUMINANCE */ + 2016, /* GL_SLUMINANCE8 */ + 340, /* GL_COMPRESSED_SRGB */ + 344, /* GL_COMPRESSED_SRGB_ALPHA */ + 338, /* GL_COMPRESSED_SLUMINANCE */ + 339, /* GL_COMPRESSED_SLUMINANCE_ALPHA */ + 2418, /* GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_VARYING_MAX_LENGTH */ + 2407, /* GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_MODE */ + 1275, /* GL_MAX_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_SEPARATE_COMPONENTS */ + 2416, /* GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_VARYINGS */ + 2412, /* GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_START */ + 2410, /* GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_SIZE */ + 1611, /* GL_PRIMITIVES_GENERATED */ + 2414, /* GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_PRIMITIVES_WRITTEN */ + 1723, /* GL_RASTERIZER_DISCARD */ + 1271, /* GL_MAX_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_INTERLEAVED_COMPONENTS */ + 1273, /* GL_MAX_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_SEPARATE_ATTRIBS */ + 886, /* GL_INTERLEAVED_ATTRIBS */ + 1993, /* GL_SEPARATE_ATTRIBS */ + 2402, /* GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER */ + 2404, /* GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_BINDING */ + 1547, /* GL_POINT_SPRITE_COORD_ORIGIN */ + 982, /* GL_LOWER_LEFT */ + 2526, /* GL_UPPER_LEFT */ + 2083, /* GL_STENCIL_BACK_REF */ + 2084, /* GL_STENCIL_BACK_VALUE_MASK */ + 2085, /* GL_STENCIL_BACK_WRITEMASK */ + 609, /* GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING */ + 1786, /* GL_RENDERBUFFER_BINDING */ + 1727, /* GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER */ + 608, /* GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER */ + 1728, /* GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING */ + 1805, /* GL_RENDERBUFFER_SAMPLES */ + 510, /* GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT32F */ + 487, /* GL_DEPTH32F_STENCIL8 */ + 728, /* GL_FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_OBJECT_TYPE */ + 725, /* GL_FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_OBJECT_NAME */ + 740, /* GL_FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_TEXTURE_LEVEL */ + 735, /* GL_FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_FACE */ + 738, /* GL_FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_TEXTURE_LAYER */ + 746, /* GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE */ + 751, /* GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_ATTACHMENT */ + 766, /* GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_MISSING_ATTACHMENT */ + 760, /* GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_DUPLICATE_ATTACHMENT_EXT */ + 755, /* GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_DIMENSIONS_EXT */ + 761, /* GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_FORMATS_EXT */ + 757, /* GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_DRAW_BUFFER */ + 771, /* GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_READ_BUFFER */ + 780, /* GL_FRAMEBUFFER_UNSUPPORTED */ + 778, /* GL_FRAMEBUFFER_STATUS_ERROR_EXT */ + 1160, /* GL_MAX_COLOR_ATTACHMENTS */ + 211, /* GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 */ + 214, /* GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT1 */ + 228, /* GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT2 */ + 230, /* GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT3 */ + 232, /* GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT4 */ + 234, /* GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT5 */ + 236, /* GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT6 */ + 238, /* GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT7 */ + 240, /* GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT8 */ + 242, /* GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT9 */ + 215, /* GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT10 */ + 217, /* GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT11 */ + 219, /* GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT12 */ + 221, /* GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT13 */ + 223, /* GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT14 */ + 225, /* GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT15 */ + 488, /* GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT */ + 2072, /* GL_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT */ + 716, /* GL_FRAMEBUFFER */ + 1783, /* GL_RENDERBUFFER */ + 1809, /* GL_RENDERBUFFER_WIDTH */ + 1796, /* GL_RENDERBUFFER_HEIGHT */ + 1799, /* GL_RENDERBUFFER_INTERNAL_FORMAT */ + 2104, /* GL_STENCIL_INDEX_EXT */ + 2093, /* GL_STENCIL_INDEX1 */ + 2098, /* GL_STENCIL_INDEX4 */ + 2101, /* GL_STENCIL_INDEX8 */ + 2094, /* GL_STENCIL_INDEX16 */ + 1803, /* GL_RENDERBUFFER_RED_SIZE */ + 1794, /* GL_RENDERBUFFER_GREEN_SIZE */ + 1789, /* GL_RENDERBUFFER_BLUE_SIZE */ + 1784, /* GL_RENDERBUFFER_ALPHA_SIZE */ + 1791, /* GL_RENDERBUFFER_DEPTH_SIZE */ + 1807, /* GL_RENDERBUFFER_STENCIL_SIZE */ + 769, /* GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_MULTISAMPLE */ + 1248, /* GL_MAX_SAMPLES */ + 2327, /* GL_TEXTURE_GEN_STR_OES */ + 819, /* GL_HALF_FLOAT_OES */ + 1866, /* GL_RGB565 */ + 637, /* GL_ETC1_RGB8_OES */ + 2319, /* GL_TEXTURE_EXTERNAL_OES */ + 1959, /* GL_SAMPLER_EXTERNAL_OES */ + 2239, /* GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_EXTERNAL_OES */ + 1818, /* GL_REQUIRED_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS_OES */ + 1614, /* GL_PRIMITIVE_RESTART_FIXED_INDEX */ + 67, /* GL_ANY_SAMPLES_PASSED_CONSERVATIVE */ + 1186, /* GL_MAX_ELEMENT_INDEX */ + 1899, /* GL_RGBA32UI */ + 1860, /* GL_RGB32UI */ + 45, /* GL_ALPHA32UI_EXT */ + 878, /* GL_INTENSITY32UI_EXT */ + 1001, /* GL_LUMINANCE32UI_EXT */ + 1020, /* GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA32UI_EXT */ + 1889, /* GL_RGBA16UI */ + 1851, /* GL_RGB16UI */ + 41, /* GL_ALPHA16UI_EXT */ + 874, /* GL_INTENSITY16UI_EXT */ + 995, /* GL_LUMINANCE16UI_EXT */ + 1017, /* GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA16UI_EXT */ + 1909, /* GL_RGBA8UI */ + 1875, /* GL_RGB8UI */ + 50, /* GL_ALPHA8UI_EXT */ + 883, /* GL_INTENSITY8UI_EXT */ + 1010, /* GL_LUMINANCE8UI_EXT */ + 1022, /* GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA8UI_EXT */ + 1897, /* GL_RGBA32I */ + 1858, /* GL_RGB32I */ + 44, /* GL_ALPHA32I_EXT */ + 877, /* GL_INTENSITY32I_EXT */ + 1000, /* GL_LUMINANCE32I_EXT */ + 1019, /* GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA32I_EXT */ + 1887, /* GL_RGBA16I */ + 1849, /* GL_RGB16I */ + 40, /* GL_ALPHA16I_EXT */ + 873, /* GL_INTENSITY16I_EXT */ + 994, /* GL_LUMINANCE16I_EXT */ + 1016, /* GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA16I_EXT */ + 1907, /* GL_RGBA8I */ + 1873, /* GL_RGB8I */ + 49, /* GL_ALPHA8I_EXT */ + 882, /* GL_INTENSITY8I_EXT */ + 1009, /* GL_LUMINANCE8I_EXT */ + 1021, /* GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA8I_EXT */ + 1741, /* GL_RED_INTEGER */ + 814, /* GL_GREEN_INTEGER */ + 122, /* GL_BLUE_INTEGER */ + 54, /* GL_ALPHA_INTEGER_EXT */ + 1923, /* GL_RGB_INTEGER */ + 1916, /* GL_RGBA_INTEGER */ + 93, /* GL_BGR_INTEGER */ + 91, /* GL_BGRA_INTEGER */ + 1024, /* GL_LUMINANCE_INTEGER_EXT */ + 1023, /* GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA_INTEGER_EXT */ + 1918, /* GL_RGBA_INTEGER_MODE_EXT */ + 892, /* GL_INT_2_10_10_10_REV */ + 723, /* GL_FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_LAYERED */ + 764, /* GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_LAYER_TARGETS */ + 763, /* GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_LAYER_COUNT_ARB */ + 661, /* GL_FLOAT_32_UNSIGNED_INT_24_8_REV */ + 775, /* GL_FRAMEBUFFER_SRGB */ + 776, /* GL_FRAMEBUFFER_SRGB_CAPABLE_EXT */ + 315, /* GL_COMPRESSED_RED_RGTC1 */ + 335, /* GL_COMPRESSED_SIGNED_RED_RGTC1 */ + 333, /* GL_COMPRESSED_RG_RGTC2 */ + 337, /* GL_COMPRESSED_SIGNED_RG_RGTC2 */ + 1936, /* GL_SAMPLER_1D_ARRAY */ + 1942, /* GL_SAMPLER_2D_ARRAY */ + 1952, /* GL_SAMPLER_BUFFER */ + 1938, /* GL_SAMPLER_1D_ARRAY_SHADOW */ + 1944, /* GL_SAMPLER_2D_ARRAY_SHADOW */ + 1957, /* GL_SAMPLER_CUBE_SHADOW */ + 2505, /* GL_UNSIGNED_INT_VEC2 */ + 2507, /* GL_UNSIGNED_INT_VEC3 */ + 2509, /* GL_UNSIGNED_INT_VEC4 */ + 893, /* GL_INT_SAMPLER_1D */ + 897, /* GL_INT_SAMPLER_2D */ + 903, /* GL_INT_SAMPLER_3D */ + 907, /* GL_INT_SAMPLER_CUBE */ + 901, /* GL_INT_SAMPLER_2D_RECT */ + 894, /* GL_INT_SAMPLER_1D_ARRAY */ + 898, /* GL_INT_SAMPLER_2D_ARRAY */ + 905, /* GL_INT_SAMPLER_BUFFER */ + 2488, /* GL_UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_1D */ + 2492, /* GL_UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_2D */ + 2498, /* GL_UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_3D */ + 2502, /* GL_UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_CUBE */ + 2496, /* GL_UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_2D_RECT */ + 2489, /* GL_UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_1D_ARRAY */ + 2493, /* GL_UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_2D_ARRAY */ + 2500, /* GL_UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_BUFFER */ + 805, /* GL_GEOMETRY_SHADER */ + 808, /* GL_GEOMETRY_VERTICES_OUT_ARB */ + 802, /* GL_GEOMETRY_INPUT_TYPE_ARB */ + 804, /* GL_GEOMETRY_OUTPUT_TYPE_ARB */ + 1206, /* GL_MAX_GEOMETRY_VARYING_COMPONENTS_ARB */ + 1295, /* GL_MAX_VERTEX_VARYING_COMPONENTS_ARB */ + 1204, /* GL_MAX_GEOMETRY_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS */ + 1197, /* GL_MAX_GEOMETRY_OUTPUT_VERTICES */ + 1201, /* GL_MAX_GEOMETRY_TOTAL_OUTPUT_COMPONENTS */ + 983, /* GL_LOW_FLOAT */ + 1297, /* GL_MEDIUM_FLOAT */ + 820, /* GL_HIGH_FLOAT */ + 984, /* GL_LOW_INT */ + 1298, /* GL_MEDIUM_INT */ + 821, /* GL_HIGH_INT */ + 2478, /* GL_UNSIGNED_INT_10_10_10_2_OES */ + 891, /* GL_INT_10_10_10_2_OES */ + 1998, /* GL_SHADER_BINARY_FORMATS */ + 1411, /* GL_NUM_SHADER_BINARY_FORMATS */ + 1999, /* GL_SHADER_COMPILER */ + 1292, /* GL_MAX_VERTEX_UNIFORM_VECTORS */ + 1282, /* GL_MAX_VARYING_VECTORS */ + 1194, /* GL_MAX_FRAGMENT_UNIFORM_VECTORS */ + 1704, /* GL_QUERY_WAIT */ + 1698, /* GL_QUERY_NO_WAIT */ + 1694, /* GL_QUERY_BY_REGION_WAIT */ + 1692, /* GL_QUERY_BY_REGION_NO_WAIT */ + 2400, /* GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK */ + 2409, /* GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_PAUSED */ + 2403, /* GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_ACTIVE */ + 2401, /* GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BINDING */ + 2394, /* GL_TIMESTAMP */ + 2384, /* GL_TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_R */ + 2383, /* GL_TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_G */ + 2382, /* GL_TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_B */ + 2381, /* GL_TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_A */ + 2385, /* GL_TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_RGBA */ + 1688, /* GL_QUADS_FOLLOW_PROVOKING_VERTEX_CONVENTION */ + 653, /* GL_FIRST_VERTEX_CONVENTION */ + 927, /* GL_LAST_VERTEX_CONVENTION */ + 1661, /* GL_PROVOKING_VERTEX */ + 1270, /* GL_MAX_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFERS */ + 1286, /* GL_MAX_VERTEX_STREAMS */ + 417, /* GL_COPY_READ_BUFFER */ + 418, /* GL_COPY_WRITE_BUFFER */ + 1744, /* GL_RED_SNORM */ + 1932, /* GL_RG_SNORM */ + 1929, /* GL_RGB_SNORM */ + 1922, /* GL_RGBA_SNORM */ + 1722, /* GL_R8_SNORM */ + 1837, /* GL_RG8_SNORM */ + 1879, /* GL_RGB8_SNORM */ + 1913, /* GL_RGBA8_SNORM */ + 1713, /* GL_R16_SNORM */ + 1829, /* GL_RG16_SNORM */ + 1854, /* GL_RGB16_SNORM */ + 1892, /* GL_RGBA16_SNORM */ + 2010, /* GL_SIGNED_NORMALIZED */ + 1613, /* GL_PRIMITIVE_RESTART */ + 1615, /* GL_PRIMITIVE_RESTART_INDEX */ + 2290, /* GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_ARRAY_ARB */ + 2237, /* GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_CUBE_MAP_ARRAY_ARB */ + 1680, /* GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_ARRAY_ARB */ + 1955, /* GL_SAMPLER_CUBE_MAP_ARRAY_ARB */ + 1956, /* GL_SAMPLER_CUBE_MAP_ARRAY_SHADOW_ARB */ + 909, /* GL_INT_SAMPLER_CUBE_MAP_ARRAY_ARB */ + 2504, /* GL_UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_CUBE_MAP_ARRAY_ARB */ + 1841, /* GL_RGB10_A2UI */ + 1308, /* GL_MIN_MAP_BUFFER_ALIGNMENT */ + 1250, /* GL_MAX_SERVER_WAIT_TIMEOUT */ + 1425, /* GL_OBJECT_TYPE */ + 2132, /* GL_SYNC_CONDITION */ + 2137, /* GL_SYNC_STATUS */ + 2134, /* GL_SYNC_FLAGS */ + 2133, /* GL_SYNC_FENCE */ + 2136, /* GL_SYNC_GPU_COMMANDS_COMPLETE */ + 2471, /* GL_UNSIGNALED */ + 2009, /* GL_SIGNALED */ + 59, /* GL_ALREADY_SIGNALED */ + 2393, /* GL_TIMEOUT_EXPIRED */ + 346, /* GL_CONDITION_SATISFIED */ + 2592, /* GL_WAIT_FAILED */ + 135, /* GL_BUFFER_ACCESS_FLAGS */ + 141, /* GL_BUFFER_MAP_LENGTH */ + 142, /* GL_BUFFER_MAP_OFFSET */ + 1285, /* GL_MAX_VERTEX_OUTPUT_COMPONENTS */ + 1195, /* GL_MAX_GEOMETRY_INPUT_COMPONENTS */ + 1196, /* GL_MAX_GEOMETRY_OUTPUT_COMPONENTS */ + 1189, /* GL_MAX_FRAGMENT_INPUT_COMPONENTS */ + 361, /* GL_CONTEXT_PROFILE_MASK */ + 2335, /* GL_TEXTURE_IMMUTABLE_FORMAT */ + 1178, /* GL_MAX_DEBUG_MESSAGE_LENGTH_ARB */ + 1177, /* GL_MAX_DEBUG_LOGGED_MESSAGES_ARB */ + 457, /* GL_DEBUG_LOGGED_MESSAGES_ARB */ + 462, /* GL_DEBUG_SEVERITY_HIGH_ARB */ + 464, /* GL_DEBUG_SEVERITY_MEDIUM_ARB */ + 463, /* GL_DEBUG_SEVERITY_LOW_ARB */ + 313, /* GL_COMPRESSED_R11_EAC */ + 334, /* GL_COMPRESSED_SIGNED_R11_EAC */ + 317, /* GL_COMPRESSED_RG11_EAC */ + 336, /* GL_COMPRESSED_SIGNED_RG11_EAC */ + 319, /* GL_COMPRESSED_RGB8_ETC2 */ + 342, /* GL_COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ETC2 */ + 320, /* GL_COMPRESSED_RGB8_PUNCHTHROUGH_ALPHA1_ETC2 */ + 343, /* GL_COMPRESSED_SRGB8_PUNCHTHROUGH_ALPHA1_ETC2 */ + 322, /* GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA8_ETC2_EAC */ + 341, /* GL_COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ETC2_EAC */ + 1410, /* GL_NUM_SAMPLE_COUNTS */ + 638, /* GL_EVAL_BIT */ + 1725, /* GL_RASTER_POSITION_UNCLIPPED_IBM */ + 975, /* GL_LIST_BIT */ + 2243, /* GL_TEXTURE_BIT */ + 1978, /* GL_SCISSOR_BIT */ + 33, /* GL_ALL_ATTRIB_BITS */ + 1364, /* GL_MULTISAMPLE_BIT */ + 34, /* GL_ALL_CLIENT_ATTRIB_BITS */ +}; + +typedef int (*cfunc)(const void *, const void *); + +/** + * Compare a key name to an element in the \c all_enums array. + * + * \c bsearch always passes the key as the first parameter and the pointer + * to the array element as the second parameter. We can elimiate some + * extra work by taking advantage of that fact. + * + * \param a Pointer to the desired enum name. + * \param b Pointer to an element of the \c all_enums array. + */ +static int compar_name( const char *a, const enum_elt *b ) +{ + return strcmp( a, & enum_string_table[ b->offset ] ); +} + +/** + * Compare a key enum value to an element in the \c all_enums array. + * + * \c bsearch always passes the key as the first parameter and the pointer + * to the array element as the second parameter. We can elimiate some + * extra work by taking advantage of that fact. + * + * \param a Pointer to the desired enum name. + * \param b Pointer to an index into the \c all_enums array. + */ +static int compar_nr( const int *a, const unsigned *b ) +{ + return a[0] - all_enums[*b].n; +} + + +static char token_tmp[20]; + +const char *_mesa_lookup_enum_by_nr( int nr ) +{ + unsigned * i; + + i = (unsigned *) _mesa_bsearch(& nr, reduced_enums, + Elements(reduced_enums), + sizeof(reduced_enums[0]), + (cfunc) compar_nr); + + if ( i != NULL ) { + return & enum_string_table[ all_enums[ *i ].offset ]; + } + else { + /* this is not re-entrant safe, no big deal here */ + _mesa_snprintf(token_tmp, sizeof(token_tmp) - 1, "0x%x", nr); + token_tmp[sizeof(token_tmp) - 1] = '\0'; + return token_tmp; + } +} + +/** + * Primitive names + */ +static const char *prim_names[PRIM_UNKNOWN + 1] = { + "GL_POINTS", + "GL_LINES", + "GL_LINE_LOOP", + "GL_LINE_STRIP", + "GL_TRIANGLES", + "GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP", + "GL_TRIANGLE_FAN", + "GL_QUADS", + "GL_QUAD_STRIP", + "GL_POLYGON", + "outside begin/end", + "inside unknown primitive", + "unknown state" +}; + + +/* Get the name of an enum given that it is a primitive type. Avoids + * GL_FALSE/GL_POINTS ambiguity and others. + */ +const char * +_mesa_lookup_prim_by_nr(GLuint nr) +{ + if (nr < Elements(prim_names)) + return prim_names[nr]; + else + return "invalid mode"; +} + + +int _mesa_lookup_enum_by_name( const char *symbol ) +{ + enum_elt * f = NULL; + + if ( symbol != NULL ) { + f = (enum_elt *) _mesa_bsearch(symbol, all_enums, + Elements(all_enums), + sizeof( enum_elt ), + (cfunc) compar_name); + } + + return (f != NULL) ? f->n : -1; +} + + --- mesa-9.1.4.orig/src/mesa/main/dispatch.h +++ mesa-9.1.4/src/mesa/main/dispatch.h @@ -0,0 +1,13630 @@ +/* DO NOT EDIT - This file generated automatically by gl_table.py (from Mesa) script */ + +/* + * (C) Copyright IBM Corporation 2005 + * All Rights Reserved. + * + * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a + * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), + * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation + * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sub license, + * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the + * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + * + * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next + * paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the + * Software. + * + * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR + * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL + * IBM, + * AND/OR THEIR SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, + * WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF + * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE + * SOFTWARE. + */ + +#if !defined( _DISPATCH_H_ ) +# define _DISPATCH_H_ + + +/** + * \file main/dispatch.h + * Macros for handling GL dispatch tables. + * + * For each known GL function, there are 3 macros in this file. The first + * macro is named CALL_FuncName and is used to call that GL function using + * the specified dispatch table. The other 2 macros, called GET_FuncName + * can SET_FuncName, are used to get and set the dispatch pointer for the + * named function in the specified dispatch table. + */ + +/* GLXEXT is defined when building the GLX extension in the xserver. + */ +#if !defined(GLXEXT) +#include "main/mfeatures.h" +#endif + +#define CALL_by_offset(disp, cast, offset, parameters) \ + (*(cast (GET_by_offset(disp, offset)))) parameters +#define GET_by_offset(disp, offset) \ + (offset >= 0) ? (((_glapi_proc *)(disp))[offset]) : NULL +#define SET_by_offset(disp, offset, fn) \ + do { \ + if ( (offset) < 0 ) { \ + /* fprintf( stderr, "[%s:%u] SET_by_offset(%p, %d, %s)!\n", */ \ + /* __func__, __LINE__, disp, offset, # fn); */ \ + /* abort(); */ \ + } \ + else { \ + ( (_glapi_proc *) (disp) )[offset] = (_glapi_proc) fn; \ + } \ + } while(0) + +/* total number of offsets below */ +#define _gloffset_COUNT 1026 + +#define _gloffset_NewList 0 +#define _gloffset_EndList 1 +#define _gloffset_CallList 2 +#define _gloffset_CallLists 3 +#define _gloffset_DeleteLists 4 +#define _gloffset_GenLists 5 +#define _gloffset_ListBase 6 +#define _gloffset_Begin 7 +#define _gloffset_Bitmap 8 +#define _gloffset_Color3b 9 +#define _gloffset_Color3bv 10 +#define _gloffset_Color3d 11 +#define _gloffset_Color3dv 12 +#define _gloffset_Color3f 13 +#define _gloffset_Color3fv 14 +#define _gloffset_Color3i 15 +#define _gloffset_Color3iv 16 +#define _gloffset_Color3s 17 +#define _gloffset_Color3sv 18 +#define _gloffset_Color3ub 19 +#define _gloffset_Color3ubv 20 +#define _gloffset_Color3ui 21 +#define _gloffset_Color3uiv 22 +#define _gloffset_Color3us 23 +#define _gloffset_Color3usv 24 +#define _gloffset_Color4b 25 +#define _gloffset_Color4bv 26 +#define _gloffset_Color4d 27 +#define _gloffset_Color4dv 28 +#define _gloffset_Color4f 29 +#define _gloffset_Color4fv 30 +#define _gloffset_Color4i 31 +#define _gloffset_Color4iv 32 +#define _gloffset_Color4s 33 +#define _gloffset_Color4sv 34 +#define _gloffset_Color4ub 35 +#define _gloffset_Color4ubv 36 +#define _gloffset_Color4ui 37 +#define _gloffset_Color4uiv 38 +#define _gloffset_Color4us 39 +#define _gloffset_Color4usv 40 +#define _gloffset_EdgeFlag 41 +#define _gloffset_EdgeFlagv 42 +#define _gloffset_End 43 +#define _gloffset_Indexd 44 +#define _gloffset_Indexdv 45 +#define _gloffset_Indexf 46 +#define _gloffset_Indexfv 47 +#define _gloffset_Indexi 48 +#define _gloffset_Indexiv 49 +#define _gloffset_Indexs 50 +#define _gloffset_Indexsv 51 +#define _gloffset_Normal3b 52 +#define _gloffset_Normal3bv 53 +#define _gloffset_Normal3d 54 +#define _gloffset_Normal3dv 55 +#define _gloffset_Normal3f 56 +#define _gloffset_Normal3fv 57 +#define _gloffset_Normal3i 58 +#define _gloffset_Normal3iv 59 +#define _gloffset_Normal3s 60 +#define _gloffset_Normal3sv 61 +#define _gloffset_RasterPos2d 62 +#define _gloffset_RasterPos2dv 63 +#define _gloffset_RasterPos2f 64 +#define _gloffset_RasterPos2fv 65 +#define _gloffset_RasterPos2i 66 +#define _gloffset_RasterPos2iv 67 +#define _gloffset_RasterPos2s 68 +#define _gloffset_RasterPos2sv 69 +#define _gloffset_RasterPos3d 70 +#define _gloffset_RasterPos3dv 71 +#define _gloffset_RasterPos3f 72 +#define _gloffset_RasterPos3fv 73 +#define _gloffset_RasterPos3i 74 +#define _gloffset_RasterPos3iv 75 +#define _gloffset_RasterPos3s 76 +#define _gloffset_RasterPos3sv 77 +#define _gloffset_RasterPos4d 78 +#define _gloffset_RasterPos4dv 79 +#define _gloffset_RasterPos4f 80 +#define _gloffset_RasterPos4fv 81 +#define _gloffset_RasterPos4i 82 +#define _gloffset_RasterPos4iv 83 +#define _gloffset_RasterPos4s 84 +#define _gloffset_RasterPos4sv 85 +#define _gloffset_Rectd 86 +#define _gloffset_Rectdv 87 +#define _gloffset_Rectf 88 +#define _gloffset_Rectfv 89 +#define _gloffset_Recti 90 +#define _gloffset_Rectiv 91 +#define _gloffset_Rects 92 +#define _gloffset_Rectsv 93 +#define _gloffset_TexCoord1d 94 +#define _gloffset_TexCoord1dv 95 +#define _gloffset_TexCoord1f 96 +#define _gloffset_TexCoord1fv 97 +#define _gloffset_TexCoord1i 98 +#define _gloffset_TexCoord1iv 99 +#define _gloffset_TexCoord1s 100 +#define _gloffset_TexCoord1sv 101 +#define _gloffset_TexCoord2d 102 +#define _gloffset_TexCoord2dv 103 +#define _gloffset_TexCoord2f 104 +#define _gloffset_TexCoord2fv 105 +#define _gloffset_TexCoord2i 106 +#define _gloffset_TexCoord2iv 107 +#define _gloffset_TexCoord2s 108 +#define _gloffset_TexCoord2sv 109 +#define _gloffset_TexCoord3d 110 +#define _gloffset_TexCoord3dv 111 +#define _gloffset_TexCoord3f 112 +#define _gloffset_TexCoord3fv 113 +#define _gloffset_TexCoord3i 114 +#define _gloffset_TexCoord3iv 115 +#define _gloffset_TexCoord3s 116 +#define _gloffset_TexCoord3sv 117 +#define _gloffset_TexCoord4d 118 +#define _gloffset_TexCoord4dv 119 +#define _gloffset_TexCoord4f 120 +#define _gloffset_TexCoord4fv 121 +#define _gloffset_TexCoord4i 122 +#define _gloffset_TexCoord4iv 123 +#define _gloffset_TexCoord4s 124 +#define _gloffset_TexCoord4sv 125 +#define _gloffset_Vertex2d 126 +#define _gloffset_Vertex2dv 127 +#define _gloffset_Vertex2f 128 +#define _gloffset_Vertex2fv 129 +#define _gloffset_Vertex2i 130 +#define _gloffset_Vertex2iv 131 +#define _gloffset_Vertex2s 132 +#define _gloffset_Vertex2sv 133 +#define _gloffset_Vertex3d 134 +#define _gloffset_Vertex3dv 135 +#define _gloffset_Vertex3f 136 +#define _gloffset_Vertex3fv 137 +#define _gloffset_Vertex3i 138 +#define _gloffset_Vertex3iv 139 +#define _gloffset_Vertex3s 140 +#define _gloffset_Vertex3sv 141 +#define _gloffset_Vertex4d 142 +#define _gloffset_Vertex4dv 143 +#define _gloffset_Vertex4f 144 +#define _gloffset_Vertex4fv 145 +#define _gloffset_Vertex4i 146 +#define _gloffset_Vertex4iv 147 +#define _gloffset_Vertex4s 148 +#define _gloffset_Vertex4sv 149 +#define _gloffset_ClipPlane 150 +#define _gloffset_ColorMaterial 151 +#define _gloffset_CullFace 152 +#define _gloffset_Fogf 153 +#define _gloffset_Fogfv 154 +#define _gloffset_Fogi 155 +#define _gloffset_Fogiv 156 +#define _gloffset_FrontFace 157 +#define _gloffset_Hint 158 +#define _gloffset_Lightf 159 +#define _gloffset_Lightfv 160 +#define _gloffset_Lighti 161 +#define _gloffset_Lightiv 162 +#define _gloffset_LightModelf 163 +#define _gloffset_LightModelfv 164 +#define _gloffset_LightModeli 165 +#define _gloffset_LightModeliv 166 +#define _gloffset_LineStipple 167 +#define _gloffset_LineWidth 168 +#define _gloffset_Materialf 169 +#define _gloffset_Materialfv 170 +#define _gloffset_Materiali 171 +#define _gloffset_Materialiv 172 +#define _gloffset_PointSize 173 +#define _gloffset_PolygonMode 174 +#define _gloffset_PolygonStipple 175 +#define _gloffset_Scissor 176 +#define _gloffset_ShadeModel 177 +#define _gloffset_TexParameterf 178 +#define _gloffset_TexParameterfv 179 +#define _gloffset_TexParameteri 180 +#define _gloffset_TexParameteriv 181 +#define _gloffset_TexImage1D 182 +#define _gloffset_TexImage2D 183 +#define _gloffset_TexEnvf 184 +#define _gloffset_TexEnvfv 185 +#define _gloffset_TexEnvi 186 +#define _gloffset_TexEnviv 187 +#define _gloffset_TexGend 188 +#define _gloffset_TexGendv 189 +#define _gloffset_TexGenf 190 +#define _gloffset_TexGenfv 191 +#define _gloffset_TexGeni 192 +#define _gloffset_TexGeniv 193 +#define _gloffset_FeedbackBuffer 194 +#define _gloffset_SelectBuffer 195 +#define _gloffset_RenderMode 196 +#define _gloffset_InitNames 197 +#define _gloffset_LoadName 198 +#define _gloffset_PassThrough 199 +#define _gloffset_PopName 200 +#define _gloffset_PushName 201 +#define _gloffset_DrawBuffer 202 +#define _gloffset_Clear 203 +#define _gloffset_ClearAccum 204 +#define _gloffset_ClearIndex 205 +#define _gloffset_ClearColor 206 +#define _gloffset_ClearStencil 207 +#define _gloffset_ClearDepth 208 +#define _gloffset_StencilMask 209 +#define _gloffset_ColorMask 210 +#define _gloffset_DepthMask 211 +#define _gloffset_IndexMask 212 +#define _gloffset_Accum 213 +#define _gloffset_Disable 214 +#define _gloffset_Enable 215 +#define _gloffset_Finish 216 +#define _gloffset_Flush 217 +#define _gloffset_PopAttrib 218 +#define _gloffset_PushAttrib 219 +#define _gloffset_Map1d 220 +#define _gloffset_Map1f 221 +#define _gloffset_Map2d 222 +#define _gloffset_Map2f 223 +#define _gloffset_MapGrid1d 224 +#define _gloffset_MapGrid1f 225 +#define _gloffset_MapGrid2d 226 +#define _gloffset_MapGrid2f 227 +#define _gloffset_EvalCoord1d 228 +#define _gloffset_EvalCoord1dv 229 +#define _gloffset_EvalCoord1f 230 +#define _gloffset_EvalCoord1fv 231 +#define _gloffset_EvalCoord2d 232 +#define _gloffset_EvalCoord2dv 233 +#define _gloffset_EvalCoord2f 234 +#define _gloffset_EvalCoord2fv 235 +#define _gloffset_EvalMesh1 236 +#define _gloffset_EvalPoint1 237 +#define _gloffset_EvalMesh2 238 +#define _gloffset_EvalPoint2 239 +#define _gloffset_AlphaFunc 240 +#define _gloffset_BlendFunc 241 +#define _gloffset_LogicOp 242 +#define _gloffset_StencilFunc 243 +#define _gloffset_StencilOp 244 +#define _gloffset_DepthFunc 245 +#define _gloffset_PixelZoom 246 +#define _gloffset_PixelTransferf 247 +#define _gloffset_PixelTransferi 248 +#define _gloffset_PixelStoref 249 +#define _gloffset_PixelStorei 250 +#define _gloffset_PixelMapfv 251 +#define _gloffset_PixelMapuiv 252 +#define _gloffset_PixelMapusv 253 +#define _gloffset_ReadBuffer 254 +#define _gloffset_CopyPixels 255 +#define _gloffset_ReadPixels 256 +#define _gloffset_DrawPixels 257 +#define _gloffset_GetBooleanv 258 +#define _gloffset_GetClipPlane 259 +#define _gloffset_GetDoublev 260 +#define _gloffset_GetError 261 +#define _gloffset_GetFloatv 262 +#define _gloffset_GetIntegerv 263 +#define _gloffset_GetLightfv 264 +#define _gloffset_GetLightiv 265 +#define _gloffset_GetMapdv 266 +#define _gloffset_GetMapfv 267 +#define _gloffset_GetMapiv 268 +#define _gloffset_GetMaterialfv 269 +#define _gloffset_GetMaterialiv 270 +#define _gloffset_GetPixelMapfv 271 +#define _gloffset_GetPixelMapuiv 272 +#define _gloffset_GetPixelMapusv 273 +#define _gloffset_GetPolygonStipple 274 +#define _gloffset_GetString 275 +#define _gloffset_GetTexEnvfv 276 +#define _gloffset_GetTexEnviv 277 +#define _gloffset_GetTexGendv 278 +#define _gloffset_GetTexGenfv 279 +#define _gloffset_GetTexGeniv 280 +#define _gloffset_GetTexImage 281 +#define _gloffset_GetTexParameterfv 282 +#define _gloffset_GetTexParameteriv 283 +#define _gloffset_GetTexLevelParameterfv 284 +#define _gloffset_GetTexLevelParameteriv 285 +#define _gloffset_IsEnabled 286 +#define _gloffset_IsList 287 +#define _gloffset_DepthRange 288 +#define _gloffset_Frustum 289 +#define _gloffset_LoadIdentity 290 +#define _gloffset_LoadMatrixf 291 +#define _gloffset_LoadMatrixd 292 +#define _gloffset_MatrixMode 293 +#define _gloffset_MultMatrixf 294 +#define _gloffset_MultMatrixd 295 +#define _gloffset_Ortho 296 +#define _gloffset_PopMatrix 297 +#define _gloffset_PushMatrix 298 +#define _gloffset_Rotated 299 +#define _gloffset_Rotatef 300 +#define _gloffset_Scaled 301 +#define _gloffset_Scalef 302 +#define _gloffset_Translated 303 +#define _gloffset_Translatef 304 +#define _gloffset_Viewport 305 +#define _gloffset_ArrayElement 306 +#define _gloffset_BindTexture 307 +#define _gloffset_ColorPointer 308 +#define _gloffset_DisableClientState 309 +#define _gloffset_DrawArrays 310 +#define _gloffset_DrawElements 311 +#define _gloffset_EdgeFlagPointer 312 +#define _gloffset_EnableClientState 313 +#define _gloffset_IndexPointer 314 +#define _gloffset_Indexub 315 +#define _gloffset_Indexubv 316 +#define _gloffset_InterleavedArrays 317 +#define _gloffset_NormalPointer 318 +#define _gloffset_PolygonOffset 319 +#define _gloffset_TexCoordPointer 320 +#define _gloffset_VertexPointer 321 +#define _gloffset_AreTexturesResident 322 +#define _gloffset_CopyTexImage1D 323 +#define _gloffset_CopyTexImage2D 324 +#define _gloffset_CopyTexSubImage1D 325 +#define _gloffset_CopyTexSubImage2D 326 +#define _gloffset_DeleteTextures 327 +#define _gloffset_GenTextures 328 +#define _gloffset_GetPointerv 329 +#define _gloffset_IsTexture 330 +#define _gloffset_PrioritizeTextures 331 +#define _gloffset_TexSubImage1D 332 +#define _gloffset_TexSubImage2D 333 +#define _gloffset_PopClientAttrib 334 +#define _gloffset_PushClientAttrib 335 +#define _gloffset_BlendColor 336 +#define _gloffset_BlendEquation 337 +#define _gloffset_DrawRangeElements 338 +#define _gloffset_ColorTable 339 +#define _gloffset_ColorTableParameterfv 340 +#define _gloffset_ColorTableParameteriv 341 +#define _gloffset_CopyColorTable 342 +#define _gloffset_GetColorTable 343 +#define _gloffset_GetColorTableParameterfv 344 +#define _gloffset_GetColorTableParameteriv 345 +#define _gloffset_ColorSubTable 346 +#define _gloffset_CopyColorSubTable 347 +#define _gloffset_ConvolutionFilter1D 348 +#define _gloffset_ConvolutionFilter2D 349 +#define _gloffset_ConvolutionParameterf 350 +#define _gloffset_ConvolutionParameterfv 351 +#define _gloffset_ConvolutionParameteri 352 +#define _gloffset_ConvolutionParameteriv 353 +#define _gloffset_CopyConvolutionFilter1D 354 +#define _gloffset_CopyConvolutionFilter2D 355 +#define _gloffset_GetConvolutionFilter 356 +#define _gloffset_GetConvolutionParameterfv 357 +#define _gloffset_GetConvolutionParameteriv 358 +#define _gloffset_GetSeparableFilter 359 +#define _gloffset_SeparableFilter2D 360 +#define _gloffset_GetHistogram 361 +#define _gloffset_GetHistogramParameterfv 362 +#define _gloffset_GetHistogramParameteriv 363 +#define _gloffset_GetMinmax 364 +#define _gloffset_GetMinmaxParameterfv 365 +#define _gloffset_GetMinmaxParameteriv 366 +#define _gloffset_Histogram 367 +#define _gloffset_Minmax 368 +#define _gloffset_ResetHistogram 369 +#define _gloffset_ResetMinmax 370 +#define _gloffset_TexImage3D 371 +#define _gloffset_TexSubImage3D 372 +#define _gloffset_CopyTexSubImage3D 373 +#define _gloffset_ActiveTexture 374 +#define _gloffset_ClientActiveTexture 375 +#define _gloffset_MultiTexCoord1d 376 +#define _gloffset_MultiTexCoord1dv 377 +#define _gloffset_MultiTexCoord1fARB 378 +#define _gloffset_MultiTexCoord1fvARB 379 +#define _gloffset_MultiTexCoord1i 380 +#define _gloffset_MultiTexCoord1iv 381 +#define _gloffset_MultiTexCoord1s 382 +#define _gloffset_MultiTexCoord1sv 383 +#define _gloffset_MultiTexCoord2d 384 +#define _gloffset_MultiTexCoord2dv 385 +#define _gloffset_MultiTexCoord2fARB 386 +#define _gloffset_MultiTexCoord2fvARB 387 +#define _gloffset_MultiTexCoord2i 388 +#define _gloffset_MultiTexCoord2iv 389 +#define _gloffset_MultiTexCoord2s 390 +#define _gloffset_MultiTexCoord2sv 391 +#define _gloffset_MultiTexCoord3d 392 +#define _gloffset_MultiTexCoord3dv 393 +#define _gloffset_MultiTexCoord3fARB 394 +#define _gloffset_MultiTexCoord3fvARB 395 +#define _gloffset_MultiTexCoord3i 396 +#define _gloffset_MultiTexCoord3iv 397 +#define _gloffset_MultiTexCoord3s 398 +#define _gloffset_MultiTexCoord3sv 399 +#define _gloffset_MultiTexCoord4d 400 +#define _gloffset_MultiTexCoord4dv 401 +#define _gloffset_MultiTexCoord4fARB 402 +#define _gloffset_MultiTexCoord4fvARB 403 +#define _gloffset_MultiTexCoord4i 404 +#define _gloffset_MultiTexCoord4iv 405 +#define _gloffset_MultiTexCoord4s 406 +#define _gloffset_MultiTexCoord4sv 407 + +#if !FEATURE_remap_table + +#define _gloffset_CompressedTexImage1D 408 +#define _gloffset_CompressedTexImage2D 409 +#define _gloffset_CompressedTexImage3D 410 +#define _gloffset_CompressedTexSubImage1D 411 +#define _gloffset_CompressedTexSubImage2D 412 +#define _gloffset_CompressedTexSubImage3D 413 +#define _gloffset_GetCompressedTexImage 414 +#define _gloffset_LoadTransposeMatrixd 415 +#define _gloffset_LoadTransposeMatrixf 416 +#define _gloffset_MultTransposeMatrixd 417 +#define _gloffset_MultTransposeMatrixf 418 +#define _gloffset_SampleCoverage 419 +#define _gloffset_BlendFuncSeparate 420 +#define _gloffset_FogCoordPointer 421 +#define _gloffset_FogCoordd 422 +#define _gloffset_FogCoorddv 423 +#define _gloffset_MultiDrawArrays 424 +#define _gloffset_PointParameterf 425 +#define _gloffset_PointParameterfv 426 +#define _gloffset_PointParameteri 427 +#define _gloffset_PointParameteriv 428 +#define _gloffset_SecondaryColor3b 429 +#define _gloffset_SecondaryColor3bv 430 +#define _gloffset_SecondaryColor3d 431 +#define _gloffset_SecondaryColor3dv 432 +#define _gloffset_SecondaryColor3i 433 +#define _gloffset_SecondaryColor3iv 434 +#define _gloffset_SecondaryColor3s 435 +#define _gloffset_SecondaryColor3sv 436 +#define _gloffset_SecondaryColor3ub 437 +#define _gloffset_SecondaryColor3ubv 438 +#define _gloffset_SecondaryColor3ui 439 +#define _gloffset_SecondaryColor3uiv 440 +#define _gloffset_SecondaryColor3us 441 +#define _gloffset_SecondaryColor3usv 442 +#define _gloffset_SecondaryColorPointer 443 +#define _gloffset_WindowPos2d 444 +#define _gloffset_WindowPos2dv 445 +#define _gloffset_WindowPos2f 446 +#define _gloffset_WindowPos2fv 447 +#define _gloffset_WindowPos2i 448 +#define _gloffset_WindowPos2iv 449 +#define _gloffset_WindowPos2s 450 +#define _gloffset_WindowPos2sv 451 +#define _gloffset_WindowPos3d 452 +#define _gloffset_WindowPos3dv 453 +#define _gloffset_WindowPos3f 454 +#define _gloffset_WindowPos3fv 455 +#define _gloffset_WindowPos3i 456 +#define _gloffset_WindowPos3iv 457 +#define _gloffset_WindowPos3s 458 +#define _gloffset_WindowPos3sv 459 +#define _gloffset_BeginQuery 460 +#define _gloffset_BindBuffer 461 +#define _gloffset_BufferData 462 +#define _gloffset_BufferSubData 463 +#define _gloffset_DeleteBuffers 464 +#define _gloffset_DeleteQueries 465 +#define _gloffset_EndQuery 466 +#define _gloffset_GenBuffers 467 +#define _gloffset_GenQueries 468 +#define _gloffset_GetBufferParameteriv 469 +#define _gloffset_GetBufferPointerv 470 +#define _gloffset_GetBufferSubData 471 +#define _gloffset_GetQueryObjectiv 472 +#define _gloffset_GetQueryObjectuiv 473 +#define _gloffset_GetQueryiv 474 +#define _gloffset_IsBuffer 475 +#define _gloffset_IsQuery 476 +#define _gloffset_MapBuffer 477 +#define _gloffset_UnmapBuffer 478 +#define _gloffset_AttachShader 479 +#define _gloffset_BindAttribLocation 480 +#define _gloffset_BlendEquationSeparate 481 +#define _gloffset_CompileShader 482 +#define _gloffset_CreateProgram 483 +#define _gloffset_CreateShader 484 +#define _gloffset_DeleteProgram 485 +#define _gloffset_DeleteShader 486 +#define _gloffset_DetachShader 487 +#define _gloffset_DisableVertexAttribArray 488 +#define _gloffset_DrawBuffers 489 +#define _gloffset_EnableVertexAttribArray 490 +#define _gloffset_GetActiveAttrib 491 +#define _gloffset_GetActiveUniform 492 +#define _gloffset_GetAttachedShaders 493 +#define _gloffset_GetAttribLocation 494 +#define _gloffset_GetProgramInfoLog 495 +#define _gloffset_GetProgramiv 496 +#define _gloffset_GetShaderInfoLog 497 +#define _gloffset_GetShaderSource 498 +#define _gloffset_GetShaderiv 499 +#define _gloffset_GetUniformLocation 500 +#define _gloffset_GetUniformfv 501 +#define _gloffset_GetUniformiv 502 +#define _gloffset_GetVertexAttribPointerv 503 +#define _gloffset_GetVertexAttribdv 504 +#define _gloffset_GetVertexAttribfv 505 +#define _gloffset_GetVertexAttribiv 506 +#define _gloffset_IsProgram 507 +#define _gloffset_IsShader 508 +#define _gloffset_LinkProgram 509 +#define _gloffset_ShaderSource 510 +#define _gloffset_StencilFuncSeparate 511 +#define _gloffset_StencilMaskSeparate 512 +#define _gloffset_StencilOpSeparate 513 +#define _gloffset_Uniform1f 514 +#define _gloffset_Uniform1fv 515 +#define _gloffset_Uniform1i 516 +#define _gloffset_Uniform1iv 517 +#define _gloffset_Uniform2f 518 +#define _gloffset_Uniform2fv 519 +#define _gloffset_Uniform2i 520 +#define _gloffset_Uniform2iv 521 +#define _gloffset_Uniform3f 522 +#define _gloffset_Uniform3fv 523 +#define _gloffset_Uniform3i 524 +#define _gloffset_Uniform3iv 525 +#define _gloffset_Uniform4f 526 +#define _gloffset_Uniform4fv 527 +#define _gloffset_Uniform4i 528 +#define _gloffset_Uniform4iv 529 +#define _gloffset_UniformMatrix2fv 530 +#define _gloffset_UniformMatrix3fv 531 +#define _gloffset_UniformMatrix4fv 532 +#define _gloffset_UseProgram 533 +#define _gloffset_ValidateProgram 534 +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib1d 535 +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib1dv 536 +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib1s 537 +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib1sv 538 +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib2d 539 +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib2dv 540 +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib2s 541 +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib2sv 542 +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib3d 543 +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib3dv 544 +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib3s 545 +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib3sv 546 +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib4Nbv 547 +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib4Niv 548 +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib4Nsv 549 +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib4Nub 550 +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib4Nubv 551 +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib4Nuiv 552 +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib4Nusv 553 +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib4bv 554 +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib4d 555 +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib4dv 556 +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib4iv 557 +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib4s 558 +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib4sv 559 +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib4ubv 560 +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib4uiv 561 +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib4usv 562 +#define _gloffset_VertexAttribPointer 563 +#define _gloffset_UniformMatrix2x3fv 564 +#define _gloffset_UniformMatrix2x4fv 565 +#define _gloffset_UniformMatrix3x2fv 566 +#define _gloffset_UniformMatrix3x4fv 567 +#define _gloffset_UniformMatrix4x2fv 568 +#define _gloffset_UniformMatrix4x3fv 569 +#define _gloffset_BeginConditionalRender 570 +#define _gloffset_BeginTransformFeedback 571 +#define _gloffset_BindBufferBase 572 +#define _gloffset_BindBufferRange 573 +#define _gloffset_BindFragDataLocation 574 +#define _gloffset_ClampColor 575 +#define _gloffset_ClearBufferfi 576 +#define _gloffset_ClearBufferfv 577 +#define _gloffset_ClearBufferiv 578 +#define _gloffset_ClearBufferuiv 579 +#define _gloffset_ColorMaski 580 +#define _gloffset_Disablei 581 +#define _gloffset_Enablei 582 +#define _gloffset_EndConditionalRender 583 +#define _gloffset_EndTransformFeedback 584 +#define _gloffset_GetBooleani_v 585 +#define _gloffset_GetFragDataLocation 586 +#define _gloffset_GetIntegeri_v 587 +#define _gloffset_GetStringi 588 +#define _gloffset_GetTexParameterIiv 589 +#define _gloffset_GetTexParameterIuiv 590 +#define _gloffset_GetTransformFeedbackVarying 591 +#define _gloffset_GetUniformuiv 592 +#define _gloffset_GetVertexAttribIiv 593 +#define _gloffset_GetVertexAttribIuiv 594 +#define _gloffset_IsEnabledi 595 +#define _gloffset_TexParameterIiv 596 +#define _gloffset_TexParameterIuiv 597 +#define _gloffset_TransformFeedbackVaryings 598 +#define _gloffset_Uniform1ui 599 +#define _gloffset_Uniform1uiv 600 +#define _gloffset_Uniform2ui 601 +#define _gloffset_Uniform2uiv 602 +#define _gloffset_Uniform3ui 603 +#define _gloffset_Uniform3uiv 604 +#define _gloffset_Uniform4ui 605 +#define _gloffset_Uniform4uiv 606 +#define _gloffset_VertexAttribI1iv 607 +#define _gloffset_VertexAttribI1uiv 608 +#define _gloffset_VertexAttribI4bv 609 +#define _gloffset_VertexAttribI4sv 610 +#define _gloffset_VertexAttribI4ubv 611 +#define _gloffset_VertexAttribI4usv 612 +#define _gloffset_VertexAttribIPointer 613 +#define _gloffset_PrimitiveRestartIndex 614 +#define _gloffset_TexBuffer 615 +#define _gloffset_FramebufferTexture 616 +#define _gloffset_GetBufferParameteri64v 617 +#define _gloffset_GetInteger64i_v 618 +#define _gloffset_VertexAttribDivisor 619 +#define _gloffset_BindProgramARB 620 +#define _gloffset_DeleteProgramsARB 621 +#define _gloffset_GenProgramsARB 622 +#define _gloffset_GetProgramEnvParameterdvARB 623 +#define _gloffset_GetProgramEnvParameterfvARB 624 +#define _gloffset_GetProgramLocalParameterdvARB 625 +#define _gloffset_GetProgramLocalParameterfvARB 626 +#define _gloffset_GetProgramStringARB 627 +#define _gloffset_GetProgramivARB 628 +#define _gloffset_IsProgramARB 629 +#define _gloffset_ProgramEnvParameter4dARB 630 +#define _gloffset_ProgramEnvParameter4dvARB 631 +#define _gloffset_ProgramEnvParameter4fARB 632 +#define _gloffset_ProgramEnvParameter4fvARB 633 +#define _gloffset_ProgramLocalParameter4dARB 634 +#define _gloffset_ProgramLocalParameter4dvARB 635 +#define _gloffset_ProgramLocalParameter4fARB 636 +#define _gloffset_ProgramLocalParameter4fvARB 637 +#define _gloffset_ProgramStringARB 638 +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib1fARB 639 +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib1fvARB 640 +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib2fARB 641 +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib2fvARB 642 +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib3fARB 643 +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib3fvARB 644 +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib4fARB 645 +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib4fvARB 646 +#define _gloffset_AttachObjectARB 647 +#define _gloffset_CreateProgramObjectARB 648 +#define _gloffset_CreateShaderObjectARB 649 +#define _gloffset_DeleteObjectARB 650 +#define _gloffset_DetachObjectARB 651 +#define _gloffset_GetAttachedObjectsARB 652 +#define _gloffset_GetHandleARB 653 +#define _gloffset_GetInfoLogARB 654 +#define _gloffset_GetObjectParameterfvARB 655 +#define _gloffset_GetObjectParameterivARB 656 +#define _gloffset_DrawArraysInstancedARB 657 +#define _gloffset_DrawElementsInstancedARB 658 +#define _gloffset_BindFramebuffer 659 +#define _gloffset_BindRenderbuffer 660 +#define _gloffset_BlitFramebuffer 661 +#define _gloffset_CheckFramebufferStatus 662 +#define _gloffset_DeleteFramebuffers 663 +#define _gloffset_DeleteRenderbuffers 664 +#define _gloffset_FramebufferRenderbuffer 665 +#define _gloffset_FramebufferTexture1D 666 +#define _gloffset_FramebufferTexture2D 667 +#define _gloffset_FramebufferTexture3D 668 +#define _gloffset_FramebufferTextureLayer 669 +#define _gloffset_GenFramebuffers 670 +#define _gloffset_GenRenderbuffers 671 +#define _gloffset_GenerateMipmap 672 +#define _gloffset_GetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv 673 +#define _gloffset_GetRenderbufferParameteriv 674 +#define _gloffset_IsFramebuffer 675 +#define _gloffset_IsRenderbuffer 676 +#define _gloffset_RenderbufferStorage 677 +#define _gloffset_RenderbufferStorageMultisample 678 +#define _gloffset_FramebufferTextureFaceARB 679 +#define _gloffset_FlushMappedBufferRange 680 +#define _gloffset_MapBufferRange 681 +#define _gloffset_BindVertexArray 682 +#define _gloffset_DeleteVertexArrays 683 +#define _gloffset_GenVertexArrays 684 +#define _gloffset_IsVertexArray 685 +#define _gloffset_GetActiveUniformBlockName 686 +#define _gloffset_GetActiveUniformBlockiv 687 +#define _gloffset_GetActiveUniformName 688 +#define _gloffset_GetActiveUniformsiv 689 +#define _gloffset_GetUniformBlockIndex 690 +#define _gloffset_GetUniformIndices 691 +#define _gloffset_UniformBlockBinding 692 +#define _gloffset_CopyBufferSubData 693 +#define _gloffset_ClientWaitSync 694 +#define _gloffset_DeleteSync 695 +#define _gloffset_FenceSync 696 +#define _gloffset_GetInteger64v 697 +#define _gloffset_GetSynciv 698 +#define _gloffset_IsSync 699 +#define _gloffset_WaitSync 700 +#define _gloffset_DrawElementsBaseVertex 701 +#define _gloffset_DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex 702 +#define _gloffset_DrawRangeElementsBaseVertex 703 +#define _gloffset_MultiDrawElementsBaseVertex 704 +#define _gloffset_ProvokingVertex 705 +#define _gloffset_BlendEquationSeparateiARB 706 +#define _gloffset_BlendEquationiARB 707 +#define _gloffset_BlendFuncSeparateiARB 708 +#define _gloffset_BlendFunciARB 709 +#define _gloffset_BindFragDataLocationIndexed 710 +#define _gloffset_GetFragDataIndex 711 +#define _gloffset_BindSampler 712 +#define _gloffset_DeleteSamplers 713 +#define _gloffset_GenSamplers 714 +#define _gloffset_GetSamplerParameterIiv 715 +#define _gloffset_GetSamplerParameterIuiv 716 +#define _gloffset_GetSamplerParameterfv 717 +#define _gloffset_GetSamplerParameteriv 718 +#define _gloffset_IsSampler 719 +#define _gloffset_SamplerParameterIiv 720 +#define _gloffset_SamplerParameterIuiv 721 +#define _gloffset_SamplerParameterf 722 +#define _gloffset_SamplerParameterfv 723 +#define _gloffset_SamplerParameteri 724 +#define _gloffset_SamplerParameteriv 725 +#define _gloffset_GetQueryObjecti64v 726 +#define _gloffset_GetQueryObjectui64v 727 +#define _gloffset_QueryCounter 728 +#define _gloffset_ColorP3ui 729 +#define _gloffset_ColorP3uiv 730 +#define _gloffset_ColorP4ui 731 +#define _gloffset_ColorP4uiv 732 +#define _gloffset_MultiTexCoordP1ui 733 +#define _gloffset_MultiTexCoordP1uiv 734 +#define _gloffset_MultiTexCoordP2ui 735 +#define _gloffset_MultiTexCoordP2uiv 736 +#define _gloffset_MultiTexCoordP3ui 737 +#define _gloffset_MultiTexCoordP3uiv 738 +#define _gloffset_MultiTexCoordP4ui 739 +#define _gloffset_MultiTexCoordP4uiv 740 +#define _gloffset_NormalP3ui 741 +#define _gloffset_NormalP3uiv 742 +#define _gloffset_SecondaryColorP3ui 743 +#define _gloffset_SecondaryColorP3uiv 744 +#define _gloffset_TexCoordP1ui 745 +#define _gloffset_TexCoordP1uiv 746 +#define _gloffset_TexCoordP2ui 747 +#define _gloffset_TexCoordP2uiv 748 +#define _gloffset_TexCoordP3ui 749 +#define _gloffset_TexCoordP3uiv 750 +#define _gloffset_TexCoordP4ui 751 +#define _gloffset_TexCoordP4uiv 752 +#define _gloffset_VertexAttribP1ui 753 +#define _gloffset_VertexAttribP1uiv 754 +#define _gloffset_VertexAttribP2ui 755 +#define _gloffset_VertexAttribP2uiv 756 +#define _gloffset_VertexAttribP3ui 757 +#define _gloffset_VertexAttribP3uiv 758 +#define _gloffset_VertexAttribP4ui 759 +#define _gloffset_VertexAttribP4uiv 760 +#define _gloffset_VertexP2ui 761 +#define _gloffset_VertexP2uiv 762 +#define _gloffset_VertexP3ui 763 +#define _gloffset_VertexP3uiv 764 +#define _gloffset_VertexP4ui 765 +#define _gloffset_VertexP4uiv 766 +#define _gloffset_BindTransformFeedback 767 +#define _gloffset_DeleteTransformFeedbacks 768 +#define _gloffset_DrawTransformFeedback 769 +#define _gloffset_GenTransformFeedbacks 770 +#define _gloffset_IsTransformFeedback 771 +#define _gloffset_PauseTransformFeedback 772 +#define _gloffset_ResumeTransformFeedback 773 +#define _gloffset_BeginQueryIndexed 774 +#define _gloffset_DrawTransformFeedbackStream 775 +#define _gloffset_EndQueryIndexed 776 +#define _gloffset_GetQueryIndexediv 777 +#define _gloffset_ClearDepthf 778 +#define _gloffset_DepthRangef 779 +#define _gloffset_GetShaderPrecisionFormat 780 +#define _gloffset_ReleaseShaderCompiler 781 +#define _gloffset_ShaderBinary 782 +#define _gloffset_GetProgramBinary 783 +#define _gloffset_ProgramBinary 784 +#define _gloffset_ProgramParameteri 785 +#define _gloffset_DebugMessageCallbackARB 786 +#define _gloffset_DebugMessageControlARB 787 +#define _gloffset_DebugMessageInsertARB 788 +#define _gloffset_GetDebugMessageLogARB 789 +#define _gloffset_GetGraphicsResetStatusARB 790 +#define _gloffset_GetnColorTableARB 791 +#define _gloffset_GetnCompressedTexImageARB 792 +#define _gloffset_GetnConvolutionFilterARB 793 +#define _gloffset_GetnHistogramARB 794 +#define _gloffset_GetnMapdvARB 795 +#define _gloffset_GetnMapfvARB 796 +#define _gloffset_GetnMapivARB 797 +#define _gloffset_GetnMinmaxARB 798 +#define _gloffset_GetnPixelMapfvARB 799 +#define _gloffset_GetnPixelMapuivARB 800 +#define _gloffset_GetnPixelMapusvARB 801 +#define _gloffset_GetnPolygonStippleARB 802 +#define _gloffset_GetnSeparableFilterARB 803 +#define _gloffset_GetnTexImageARB 804 +#define _gloffset_GetnUniformdvARB 805 +#define _gloffset_GetnUniformfvARB 806 +#define _gloffset_GetnUniformivARB 807 +#define _gloffset_GetnUniformuivARB 808 +#define _gloffset_ReadnPixelsARB 809 +#define _gloffset_DrawArraysInstancedBaseInstance 810 +#define _gloffset_DrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance 811 +#define _gloffset_DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance 812 +#define _gloffset_DrawTransformFeedbackInstanced 813 +#define _gloffset_DrawTransformFeedbackStreamInstanced 814 +#define _gloffset_GetInternalformativ 815 +#define _gloffset_TexStorage1D 816 +#define _gloffset_TexStorage2D 817 +#define _gloffset_TexStorage3D 818 +#define _gloffset_TextureStorage1DEXT 819 +#define _gloffset_TextureStorage2DEXT 820 +#define _gloffset_TextureStorage3DEXT 821 +#define _gloffset_InvalidateBufferData 822 +#define _gloffset_InvalidateBufferSubData 823 +#define _gloffset_InvalidateFramebuffer 824 +#define _gloffset_InvalidateSubFramebuffer 825 +#define _gloffset_InvalidateTexImage 826 +#define _gloffset_InvalidateTexSubImage 827 +#define _gloffset_PolygonOffsetEXT 828 +#define _gloffset_DrawTexfOES 829 +#define _gloffset_DrawTexfvOES 830 +#define _gloffset_DrawTexiOES 831 +#define _gloffset_DrawTexivOES 832 +#define _gloffset_DrawTexsOES 833 +#define _gloffset_DrawTexsvOES 834 +#define _gloffset_DrawTexxOES 835 +#define _gloffset_DrawTexxvOES 836 +#define _gloffset_PointSizePointerOES 837 +#define _gloffset_QueryMatrixxOES 838 +#define _gloffset_SampleMaskSGIS 839 +#define _gloffset_SamplePatternSGIS 840 +#define _gloffset_ColorPointerEXT 841 +#define _gloffset_EdgeFlagPointerEXT 842 +#define _gloffset_IndexPointerEXT 843 +#define _gloffset_NormalPointerEXT 844 +#define _gloffset_TexCoordPointerEXT 845 +#define _gloffset_VertexPointerEXT 846 +#define _gloffset_LockArraysEXT 847 +#define _gloffset_UnlockArraysEXT 848 +#define _gloffset_SecondaryColor3fEXT 849 +#define _gloffset_SecondaryColor3fvEXT 850 +#define _gloffset_MultiDrawElementsEXT 851 +#define _gloffset_FogCoordfEXT 852 +#define _gloffset_FogCoordfvEXT 853 +#define _gloffset_ResizeBuffersMESA 854 +#define _gloffset_WindowPos4dMESA 855 +#define _gloffset_WindowPos4dvMESA 856 +#define _gloffset_WindowPos4fMESA 857 +#define _gloffset_WindowPos4fvMESA 858 +#define _gloffset_WindowPos4iMESA 859 +#define _gloffset_WindowPos4ivMESA 860 +#define _gloffset_WindowPos4sMESA 861 +#define _gloffset_WindowPos4svMESA 862 +#define _gloffset_MultiModeDrawArraysIBM 863 +#define _gloffset_MultiModeDrawElementsIBM 864 +#define _gloffset_AreProgramsResidentNV 865 +#define _gloffset_ExecuteProgramNV 866 +#define _gloffset_GetProgramParameterdvNV 867 +#define _gloffset_GetProgramParameterfvNV 868 +#define _gloffset_GetProgramStringNV 869 +#define _gloffset_GetProgramivNV 870 +#define _gloffset_GetTrackMatrixivNV 871 +#define _gloffset_GetVertexAttribdvNV 872 +#define _gloffset_GetVertexAttribfvNV 873 +#define _gloffset_GetVertexAttribivNV 874 +#define _gloffset_LoadProgramNV 875 +#define _gloffset_ProgramParameters4dvNV 876 +#define _gloffset_ProgramParameters4fvNV 877 +#define _gloffset_RequestResidentProgramsNV 878 +#define _gloffset_TrackMatrixNV 879 +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib1dNV 880 +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib1dvNV 881 +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib1fNV 882 +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib1fvNV 883 +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib1sNV 884 +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib1svNV 885 +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib2dNV 886 +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib2dvNV 887 +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib2fNV 888 +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib2fvNV 889 +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib2sNV 890 +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib2svNV 891 +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib3dNV 892 +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib3dvNV 893 +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib3fNV 894 +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib3fvNV 895 +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib3sNV 896 +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib3svNV 897 +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib4dNV 898 +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib4dvNV 899 +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib4fNV 900 +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib4fvNV 901 +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib4sNV 902 +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib4svNV 903 +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib4ubNV 904 +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib4ubvNV 905 +#define _gloffset_VertexAttribPointerNV 906 +#define _gloffset_VertexAttribs1dvNV 907 +#define _gloffset_VertexAttribs1fvNV 908 +#define _gloffset_VertexAttribs1svNV 909 +#define _gloffset_VertexAttribs2dvNV 910 +#define _gloffset_VertexAttribs2fvNV 911 +#define _gloffset_VertexAttribs2svNV 912 +#define _gloffset_VertexAttribs3dvNV 913 +#define _gloffset_VertexAttribs3fvNV 914 +#define _gloffset_VertexAttribs3svNV 915 +#define _gloffset_VertexAttribs4dvNV 916 +#define _gloffset_VertexAttribs4fvNV 917 +#define _gloffset_VertexAttribs4svNV 918 +#define _gloffset_VertexAttribs4ubvNV 919 +#define _gloffset_GetTexBumpParameterfvATI 920 +#define _gloffset_GetTexBumpParameterivATI 921 +#define _gloffset_TexBumpParameterfvATI 922 +#define _gloffset_TexBumpParameterivATI 923 +#define _gloffset_AlphaFragmentOp1ATI 924 +#define _gloffset_AlphaFragmentOp2ATI 925 +#define _gloffset_AlphaFragmentOp3ATI 926 +#define _gloffset_BeginFragmentShaderATI 927 +#define _gloffset_BindFragmentShaderATI 928 +#define _gloffset_ColorFragmentOp1ATI 929 +#define _gloffset_ColorFragmentOp2ATI 930 +#define _gloffset_ColorFragmentOp3ATI 931 +#define _gloffset_DeleteFragmentShaderATI 932 +#define _gloffset_EndFragmentShaderATI 933 +#define _gloffset_GenFragmentShadersATI 934 +#define _gloffset_PassTexCoordATI 935 +#define _gloffset_SampleMapATI 936 +#define _gloffset_SetFragmentShaderConstantATI 937 +#define _gloffset_ActiveStencilFaceEXT 938 +#define _gloffset_BindVertexArrayAPPLE 939 +#define _gloffset_GenVertexArraysAPPLE 940 +#define _gloffset_GetProgramNamedParameterdvNV 941 +#define _gloffset_GetProgramNamedParameterfvNV 942 +#define _gloffset_ProgramNamedParameter4dNV 943 +#define _gloffset_ProgramNamedParameter4dvNV 944 +#define _gloffset_ProgramNamedParameter4fNV 945 +#define _gloffset_ProgramNamedParameter4fvNV 946 +#define _gloffset_PrimitiveRestartNV 947 +#define _gloffset_GetTexGenxvOES 948 +#define _gloffset_TexGenxOES 949 +#define _gloffset_TexGenxvOES 950 +#define _gloffset_DepthBoundsEXT 951 +#define _gloffset_BufferParameteriAPPLE 952 +#define _gloffset_FlushMappedBufferRangeAPPLE 953 +#define _gloffset_VertexAttribI1iEXT 954 +#define _gloffset_VertexAttribI1uiEXT 955 +#define _gloffset_VertexAttribI2iEXT 956 +#define _gloffset_VertexAttribI2ivEXT 957 +#define _gloffset_VertexAttribI2uiEXT 958 +#define _gloffset_VertexAttribI2uivEXT 959 +#define _gloffset_VertexAttribI3iEXT 960 +#define _gloffset_VertexAttribI3ivEXT 961 +#define _gloffset_VertexAttribI3uiEXT 962 +#define _gloffset_VertexAttribI3uivEXT 963 +#define _gloffset_VertexAttribI4iEXT 964 +#define _gloffset_VertexAttribI4ivEXT 965 +#define _gloffset_VertexAttribI4uiEXT 966 +#define _gloffset_VertexAttribI4uivEXT 967 +#define _gloffset_ClearColorIiEXT 968 +#define _gloffset_ClearColorIuiEXT 969 +#define _gloffset_BindBufferOffsetEXT 970 +#define _gloffset_GetObjectParameterivAPPLE 971 +#define _gloffset_ObjectPurgeableAPPLE 972 +#define _gloffset_ObjectUnpurgeableAPPLE 973 +#define _gloffset_ActiveProgramEXT 974 +#define _gloffset_CreateShaderProgramEXT 975 +#define _gloffset_UseShaderProgramEXT 976 +#define _gloffset_TextureBarrierNV 977 +#define _gloffset_StencilFuncSeparateATI 978 +#define _gloffset_ProgramEnvParameters4fvEXT 979 +#define _gloffset_ProgramLocalParameters4fvEXT 980 +#define _gloffset_EGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOES 981 +#define _gloffset_EGLImageTargetTexture2DOES 982 +#define _gloffset_AlphaFuncx 983 +#define _gloffset_ClearColorx 984 +#define _gloffset_ClearDepthx 985 +#define _gloffset_Color4x 986 +#define _gloffset_DepthRangex 987 +#define _gloffset_Fogx 988 +#define _gloffset_Fogxv 989 +#define _gloffset_Frustumf 990 +#define _gloffset_Frustumx 991 +#define _gloffset_LightModelx 992 +#define _gloffset_LightModelxv 993 +#define _gloffset_Lightx 994 +#define _gloffset_Lightxv 995 +#define _gloffset_LineWidthx 996 +#define _gloffset_LoadMatrixx 997 +#define _gloffset_Materialx 998 +#define _gloffset_Materialxv 999 +#define _gloffset_MultMatrixx 1000 +#define _gloffset_MultiTexCoord4x 1001 +#define _gloffset_Normal3x 1002 +#define _gloffset_Orthof 1003 +#define _gloffset_Orthox 1004 +#define _gloffset_PointSizex 1005 +#define _gloffset_PolygonOffsetx 1006 +#define _gloffset_Rotatex 1007 +#define _gloffset_SampleCoveragex 1008 +#define _gloffset_Scalex 1009 +#define _gloffset_TexEnvx 1010 +#define _gloffset_TexEnvxv 1011 +#define _gloffset_TexParameterx 1012 +#define _gloffset_Translatex 1013 +#define _gloffset_ClipPlanef 1014 +#define _gloffset_ClipPlanex 1015 +#define _gloffset_GetClipPlanef 1016 +#define _gloffset_GetClipPlanex 1017 +#define _gloffset_GetFixedv 1018 +#define _gloffset_GetLightxv 1019 +#define _gloffset_GetMaterialxv 1020 +#define _gloffset_GetTexEnvxv 1021 +#define _gloffset_GetTexParameterxv 1022 +#define _gloffset_PointParameterx 1023 +#define _gloffset_PointParameterxv 1024 +#define _gloffset_TexParameterxv 1025 + +#else /* !FEATURE_remap_table */ + +#define driDispatchRemapTable_size 618 +extern int driDispatchRemapTable[ driDispatchRemapTable_size ]; + +#define CompressedTexImage1D_remap_index 0 +#define CompressedTexImage2D_remap_index 1 +#define CompressedTexImage3D_remap_index 2 +#define CompressedTexSubImage1D_remap_index 3 +#define CompressedTexSubImage2D_remap_index 4 +#define CompressedTexSubImage3D_remap_index 5 +#define GetCompressedTexImage_remap_index 6 +#define LoadTransposeMatrixd_remap_index 7 +#define LoadTransposeMatrixf_remap_index 8 +#define MultTransposeMatrixd_remap_index 9 +#define MultTransposeMatrixf_remap_index 10 +#define SampleCoverage_remap_index 11 +#define BlendFuncSeparate_remap_index 12 +#define FogCoordPointer_remap_index 13 +#define FogCoordd_remap_index 14 +#define FogCoorddv_remap_index 15 +#define MultiDrawArrays_remap_index 16 +#define PointParameterf_remap_index 17 +#define PointParameterfv_remap_index 18 +#define PointParameteri_remap_index 19 +#define PointParameteriv_remap_index 20 +#define SecondaryColor3b_remap_index 21 +#define SecondaryColor3bv_remap_index 22 +#define SecondaryColor3d_remap_index 23 +#define SecondaryColor3dv_remap_index 24 +#define SecondaryColor3i_remap_index 25 +#define SecondaryColor3iv_remap_index 26 +#define SecondaryColor3s_remap_index 27 +#define SecondaryColor3sv_remap_index 28 +#define SecondaryColor3ub_remap_index 29 +#define SecondaryColor3ubv_remap_index 30 +#define SecondaryColor3ui_remap_index 31 +#define SecondaryColor3uiv_remap_index 32 +#define SecondaryColor3us_remap_index 33 +#define SecondaryColor3usv_remap_index 34 +#define SecondaryColorPointer_remap_index 35 +#define WindowPos2d_remap_index 36 +#define WindowPos2dv_remap_index 37 +#define WindowPos2f_remap_index 38 +#define WindowPos2fv_remap_index 39 +#define WindowPos2i_remap_index 40 +#define WindowPos2iv_remap_index 41 +#define WindowPos2s_remap_index 42 +#define WindowPos2sv_remap_index 43 +#define WindowPos3d_remap_index 44 +#define WindowPos3dv_remap_index 45 +#define WindowPos3f_remap_index 46 +#define WindowPos3fv_remap_index 47 +#define WindowPos3i_remap_index 48 +#define WindowPos3iv_remap_index 49 +#define WindowPos3s_remap_index 50 +#define WindowPos3sv_remap_index 51 +#define BeginQuery_remap_index 52 +#define BindBuffer_remap_index 53 +#define BufferData_remap_index 54 +#define BufferSubData_remap_index 55 +#define DeleteBuffers_remap_index 56 +#define DeleteQueries_remap_index 57 +#define EndQuery_remap_index 58 +#define GenBuffers_remap_index 59 +#define GenQueries_remap_index 60 +#define GetBufferParameteriv_remap_index 61 +#define GetBufferPointerv_remap_index 62 +#define GetBufferSubData_remap_index 63 +#define GetQueryObjectiv_remap_index 64 +#define GetQueryObjectuiv_remap_index 65 +#define GetQueryiv_remap_index 66 +#define IsBuffer_remap_index 67 +#define IsQuery_remap_index 68 +#define MapBuffer_remap_index 69 +#define UnmapBuffer_remap_index 70 +#define AttachShader_remap_index 71 +#define BindAttribLocation_remap_index 72 +#define BlendEquationSeparate_remap_index 73 +#define CompileShader_remap_index 74 +#define CreateProgram_remap_index 75 +#define CreateShader_remap_index 76 +#define DeleteProgram_remap_index 77 +#define DeleteShader_remap_index 78 +#define DetachShader_remap_index 79 +#define DisableVertexAttribArray_remap_index 80 +#define DrawBuffers_remap_index 81 +#define EnableVertexAttribArray_remap_index 82 +#define GetActiveAttrib_remap_index 83 +#define GetActiveUniform_remap_index 84 +#define GetAttachedShaders_remap_index 85 +#define GetAttribLocation_remap_index 86 +#define GetProgramInfoLog_remap_index 87 +#define GetProgramiv_remap_index 88 +#define GetShaderInfoLog_remap_index 89 +#define GetShaderSource_remap_index 90 +#define GetShaderiv_remap_index 91 +#define GetUniformLocation_remap_index 92 +#define GetUniformfv_remap_index 93 +#define GetUniformiv_remap_index 94 +#define GetVertexAttribPointerv_remap_index 95 +#define GetVertexAttribdv_remap_index 96 +#define GetVertexAttribfv_remap_index 97 +#define GetVertexAttribiv_remap_index 98 +#define IsProgram_remap_index 99 +#define IsShader_remap_index 100 +#define LinkProgram_remap_index 101 +#define ShaderSource_remap_index 102 +#define StencilFuncSeparate_remap_index 103 +#define StencilMaskSeparate_remap_index 104 +#define StencilOpSeparate_remap_index 105 +#define Uniform1f_remap_index 106 +#define Uniform1fv_remap_index 107 +#define Uniform1i_remap_index 108 +#define Uniform1iv_remap_index 109 +#define Uniform2f_remap_index 110 +#define Uniform2fv_remap_index 111 +#define Uniform2i_remap_index 112 +#define Uniform2iv_remap_index 113 +#define Uniform3f_remap_index 114 +#define Uniform3fv_remap_index 115 +#define Uniform3i_remap_index 116 +#define Uniform3iv_remap_index 117 +#define Uniform4f_remap_index 118 +#define Uniform4fv_remap_index 119 +#define Uniform4i_remap_index 120 +#define Uniform4iv_remap_index 121 +#define UniformMatrix2fv_remap_index 122 +#define UniformMatrix3fv_remap_index 123 +#define UniformMatrix4fv_remap_index 124 +#define UseProgram_remap_index 125 +#define ValidateProgram_remap_index 126 +#define VertexAttrib1d_remap_index 127 +#define VertexAttrib1dv_remap_index 128 +#define VertexAttrib1s_remap_index 129 +#define VertexAttrib1sv_remap_index 130 +#define VertexAttrib2d_remap_index 131 +#define VertexAttrib2dv_remap_index 132 +#define VertexAttrib2s_remap_index 133 +#define VertexAttrib2sv_remap_index 134 +#define VertexAttrib3d_remap_index 135 +#define VertexAttrib3dv_remap_index 136 +#define VertexAttrib3s_remap_index 137 +#define VertexAttrib3sv_remap_index 138 +#define VertexAttrib4Nbv_remap_index 139 +#define VertexAttrib4Niv_remap_index 140 +#define VertexAttrib4Nsv_remap_index 141 +#define VertexAttrib4Nub_remap_index 142 +#define VertexAttrib4Nubv_remap_index 143 +#define VertexAttrib4Nuiv_remap_index 144 +#define VertexAttrib4Nusv_remap_index 145 +#define VertexAttrib4bv_remap_index 146 +#define VertexAttrib4d_remap_index 147 +#define VertexAttrib4dv_remap_index 148 +#define VertexAttrib4iv_remap_index 149 +#define VertexAttrib4s_remap_index 150 +#define VertexAttrib4sv_remap_index 151 +#define VertexAttrib4ubv_remap_index 152 +#define VertexAttrib4uiv_remap_index 153 +#define VertexAttrib4usv_remap_index 154 +#define VertexAttribPointer_remap_index 155 +#define UniformMatrix2x3fv_remap_index 156 +#define UniformMatrix2x4fv_remap_index 157 +#define UniformMatrix3x2fv_remap_index 158 +#define UniformMatrix3x4fv_remap_index 159 +#define UniformMatrix4x2fv_remap_index 160 +#define UniformMatrix4x3fv_remap_index 161 +#define BeginConditionalRender_remap_index 162 +#define BeginTransformFeedback_remap_index 163 +#define BindBufferBase_remap_index 164 +#define BindBufferRange_remap_index 165 +#define BindFragDataLocation_remap_index 166 +#define ClampColor_remap_index 167 +#define ClearBufferfi_remap_index 168 +#define ClearBufferfv_remap_index 169 +#define ClearBufferiv_remap_index 170 +#define ClearBufferuiv_remap_index 171 +#define ColorMaski_remap_index 172 +#define Disablei_remap_index 173 +#define Enablei_remap_index 174 +#define EndConditionalRender_remap_index 175 +#define EndTransformFeedback_remap_index 176 +#define GetBooleani_v_remap_index 177 +#define GetFragDataLocation_remap_index 178 +#define GetIntegeri_v_remap_index 179 +#define GetStringi_remap_index 180 +#define GetTexParameterIiv_remap_index 181 +#define GetTexParameterIuiv_remap_index 182 +#define GetTransformFeedbackVarying_remap_index 183 +#define GetUniformuiv_remap_index 184 +#define GetVertexAttribIiv_remap_index 185 +#define GetVertexAttribIuiv_remap_index 186 +#define IsEnabledi_remap_index 187 +#define TexParameterIiv_remap_index 188 +#define TexParameterIuiv_remap_index 189 +#define TransformFeedbackVaryings_remap_index 190 +#define Uniform1ui_remap_index 191 +#define Uniform1uiv_remap_index 192 +#define Uniform2ui_remap_index 193 +#define Uniform2uiv_remap_index 194 +#define Uniform3ui_remap_index 195 +#define Uniform3uiv_remap_index 196 +#define Uniform4ui_remap_index 197 +#define Uniform4uiv_remap_index 198 +#define VertexAttribI1iv_remap_index 199 +#define VertexAttribI1uiv_remap_index 200 +#define VertexAttribI4bv_remap_index 201 +#define VertexAttribI4sv_remap_index 202 +#define VertexAttribI4ubv_remap_index 203 +#define VertexAttribI4usv_remap_index 204 +#define VertexAttribIPointer_remap_index 205 +#define PrimitiveRestartIndex_remap_index 206 +#define TexBuffer_remap_index 207 +#define FramebufferTexture_remap_index 208 +#define GetBufferParameteri64v_remap_index 209 +#define GetInteger64i_v_remap_index 210 +#define VertexAttribDivisor_remap_index 211 +#define BindProgramARB_remap_index 212 +#define DeleteProgramsARB_remap_index 213 +#define GenProgramsARB_remap_index 214 +#define GetProgramEnvParameterdvARB_remap_index 215 +#define GetProgramEnvParameterfvARB_remap_index 216 +#define GetProgramLocalParameterdvARB_remap_index 217 +#define GetProgramLocalParameterfvARB_remap_index 218 +#define GetProgramStringARB_remap_index 219 +#define GetProgramivARB_remap_index 220 +#define IsProgramARB_remap_index 221 +#define ProgramEnvParameter4dARB_remap_index 222 +#define ProgramEnvParameter4dvARB_remap_index 223 +#define ProgramEnvParameter4fARB_remap_index 224 +#define ProgramEnvParameter4fvARB_remap_index 225 +#define ProgramLocalParameter4dARB_remap_index 226 +#define ProgramLocalParameter4dvARB_remap_index 227 +#define ProgramLocalParameter4fARB_remap_index 228 +#define ProgramLocalParameter4fvARB_remap_index 229 +#define ProgramStringARB_remap_index 230 +#define VertexAttrib1fARB_remap_index 231 +#define VertexAttrib1fvARB_remap_index 232 +#define VertexAttrib2fARB_remap_index 233 +#define VertexAttrib2fvARB_remap_index 234 +#define VertexAttrib3fARB_remap_index 235 +#define VertexAttrib3fvARB_remap_index 236 +#define VertexAttrib4fARB_remap_index 237 +#define VertexAttrib4fvARB_remap_index 238 +#define AttachObjectARB_remap_index 239 +#define CreateProgramObjectARB_remap_index 240 +#define CreateShaderObjectARB_remap_index 241 +#define DeleteObjectARB_remap_index 242 +#define DetachObjectARB_remap_index 243 +#define GetAttachedObjectsARB_remap_index 244 +#define GetHandleARB_remap_index 245 +#define GetInfoLogARB_remap_index 246 +#define GetObjectParameterfvARB_remap_index 247 +#define GetObjectParameterivARB_remap_index 248 +#define DrawArraysInstancedARB_remap_index 249 +#define DrawElementsInstancedARB_remap_index 250 +#define BindFramebuffer_remap_index 251 +#define BindRenderbuffer_remap_index 252 +#define BlitFramebuffer_remap_index 253 +#define CheckFramebufferStatus_remap_index 254 +#define DeleteFramebuffers_remap_index 255 +#define DeleteRenderbuffers_remap_index 256 +#define FramebufferRenderbuffer_remap_index 257 +#define FramebufferTexture1D_remap_index 258 +#define FramebufferTexture2D_remap_index 259 +#define FramebufferTexture3D_remap_index 260 +#define FramebufferTextureLayer_remap_index 261 +#define GenFramebuffers_remap_index 262 +#define GenRenderbuffers_remap_index 263 +#define GenerateMipmap_remap_index 264 +#define GetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv_remap_index 265 +#define GetRenderbufferParameteriv_remap_index 266 +#define IsFramebuffer_remap_index 267 +#define IsRenderbuffer_remap_index 268 +#define RenderbufferStorage_remap_index 269 +#define RenderbufferStorageMultisample_remap_index 270 +#define FramebufferTextureFaceARB_remap_index 271 +#define FlushMappedBufferRange_remap_index 272 +#define MapBufferRange_remap_index 273 +#define BindVertexArray_remap_index 274 +#define DeleteVertexArrays_remap_index 275 +#define GenVertexArrays_remap_index 276 +#define IsVertexArray_remap_index 277 +#define GetActiveUniformBlockName_remap_index 278 +#define GetActiveUniformBlockiv_remap_index 279 +#define GetActiveUniformName_remap_index 280 +#define GetActiveUniformsiv_remap_index 281 +#define GetUniformBlockIndex_remap_index 282 +#define GetUniformIndices_remap_index 283 +#define UniformBlockBinding_remap_index 284 +#define CopyBufferSubData_remap_index 285 +#define ClientWaitSync_remap_index 286 +#define DeleteSync_remap_index 287 +#define FenceSync_remap_index 288 +#define GetInteger64v_remap_index 289 +#define GetSynciv_remap_index 290 +#define IsSync_remap_index 291 +#define WaitSync_remap_index 292 +#define DrawElementsBaseVertex_remap_index 293 +#define DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex_remap_index 294 +#define DrawRangeElementsBaseVertex_remap_index 295 +#define MultiDrawElementsBaseVertex_remap_index 296 +#define ProvokingVertex_remap_index 297 +#define BlendEquationSeparateiARB_remap_index 298 +#define BlendEquationiARB_remap_index 299 +#define BlendFuncSeparateiARB_remap_index 300 +#define BlendFunciARB_remap_index 301 +#define BindFragDataLocationIndexed_remap_index 302 +#define GetFragDataIndex_remap_index 303 +#define BindSampler_remap_index 304 +#define DeleteSamplers_remap_index 305 +#define GenSamplers_remap_index 306 +#define GetSamplerParameterIiv_remap_index 307 +#define GetSamplerParameterIuiv_remap_index 308 +#define GetSamplerParameterfv_remap_index 309 +#define GetSamplerParameteriv_remap_index 310 +#define IsSampler_remap_index 311 +#define SamplerParameterIiv_remap_index 312 +#define SamplerParameterIuiv_remap_index 313 +#define SamplerParameterf_remap_index 314 +#define SamplerParameterfv_remap_index 315 +#define SamplerParameteri_remap_index 316 +#define SamplerParameteriv_remap_index 317 +#define GetQueryObjecti64v_remap_index 318 +#define GetQueryObjectui64v_remap_index 319 +#define QueryCounter_remap_index 320 +#define ColorP3ui_remap_index 321 +#define ColorP3uiv_remap_index 322 +#define ColorP4ui_remap_index 323 +#define ColorP4uiv_remap_index 324 +#define MultiTexCoordP1ui_remap_index 325 +#define MultiTexCoordP1uiv_remap_index 326 +#define MultiTexCoordP2ui_remap_index 327 +#define MultiTexCoordP2uiv_remap_index 328 +#define MultiTexCoordP3ui_remap_index 329 +#define MultiTexCoordP3uiv_remap_index 330 +#define MultiTexCoordP4ui_remap_index 331 +#define MultiTexCoordP4uiv_remap_index 332 +#define NormalP3ui_remap_index 333 +#define NormalP3uiv_remap_index 334 +#define SecondaryColorP3ui_remap_index 335 +#define SecondaryColorP3uiv_remap_index 336 +#define TexCoordP1ui_remap_index 337 +#define TexCoordP1uiv_remap_index 338 +#define TexCoordP2ui_remap_index 339 +#define TexCoordP2uiv_remap_index 340 +#define TexCoordP3ui_remap_index 341 +#define TexCoordP3uiv_remap_index 342 +#define TexCoordP4ui_remap_index 343 +#define TexCoordP4uiv_remap_index 344 +#define VertexAttribP1ui_remap_index 345 +#define VertexAttribP1uiv_remap_index 346 +#define VertexAttribP2ui_remap_index 347 +#define VertexAttribP2uiv_remap_index 348 +#define VertexAttribP3ui_remap_index 349 +#define VertexAttribP3uiv_remap_index 350 +#define VertexAttribP4ui_remap_index 351 +#define VertexAttribP4uiv_remap_index 352 +#define VertexP2ui_remap_index 353 +#define VertexP2uiv_remap_index 354 +#define VertexP3ui_remap_index 355 +#define VertexP3uiv_remap_index 356 +#define VertexP4ui_remap_index 357 +#define VertexP4uiv_remap_index 358 +#define BindTransformFeedback_remap_index 359 +#define DeleteTransformFeedbacks_remap_index 360 +#define DrawTransformFeedback_remap_index 361 +#define GenTransformFeedbacks_remap_index 362 +#define IsTransformFeedback_remap_index 363 +#define PauseTransformFeedback_remap_index 364 +#define ResumeTransformFeedback_remap_index 365 +#define BeginQueryIndexed_remap_index 366 +#define DrawTransformFeedbackStream_remap_index 367 +#define EndQueryIndexed_remap_index 368 +#define GetQueryIndexediv_remap_index 369 +#define ClearDepthf_remap_index 370 +#define DepthRangef_remap_index 371 +#define GetShaderPrecisionFormat_remap_index 372 +#define ReleaseShaderCompiler_remap_index 373 +#define ShaderBinary_remap_index 374 +#define GetProgramBinary_remap_index 375 +#define ProgramBinary_remap_index 376 +#define ProgramParameteri_remap_index 377 +#define DebugMessageCallbackARB_remap_index 378 +#define DebugMessageControlARB_remap_index 379 +#define DebugMessageInsertARB_remap_index 380 +#define GetDebugMessageLogARB_remap_index 381 +#define GetGraphicsResetStatusARB_remap_index 382 +#define GetnColorTableARB_remap_index 383 +#define GetnCompressedTexImageARB_remap_index 384 +#define GetnConvolutionFilterARB_remap_index 385 +#define GetnHistogramARB_remap_index 386 +#define GetnMapdvARB_remap_index 387 +#define GetnMapfvARB_remap_index 388 +#define GetnMapivARB_remap_index 389 +#define GetnMinmaxARB_remap_index 390 +#define GetnPixelMapfvARB_remap_index 391 +#define GetnPixelMapuivARB_remap_index 392 +#define GetnPixelMapusvARB_remap_index 393 +#define GetnPolygonStippleARB_remap_index 394 +#define GetnSeparableFilterARB_remap_index 395 +#define GetnTexImageARB_remap_index 396 +#define GetnUniformdvARB_remap_index 397 +#define GetnUniformfvARB_remap_index 398 +#define GetnUniformivARB_remap_index 399 +#define GetnUniformuivARB_remap_index 400 +#define ReadnPixelsARB_remap_index 401 +#define DrawArraysInstancedBaseInstance_remap_index 402 +#define DrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance_remap_index 403 +#define DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance_remap_index 404 +#define DrawTransformFeedbackInstanced_remap_index 405 +#define DrawTransformFeedbackStreamInstanced_remap_index 406 +#define GetInternalformativ_remap_index 407 +#define TexStorage1D_remap_index 408 +#define TexStorage2D_remap_index 409 +#define TexStorage3D_remap_index 410 +#define TextureStorage1DEXT_remap_index 411 +#define TextureStorage2DEXT_remap_index 412 +#define TextureStorage3DEXT_remap_index 413 +#define InvalidateBufferData_remap_index 414 +#define InvalidateBufferSubData_remap_index 415 +#define InvalidateFramebuffer_remap_index 416 +#define InvalidateSubFramebuffer_remap_index 417 +#define InvalidateTexImage_remap_index 418 +#define InvalidateTexSubImage_remap_index 419 +#define PolygonOffsetEXT_remap_index 420 +#define DrawTexfOES_remap_index 421 +#define DrawTexfvOES_remap_index 422 +#define DrawTexiOES_remap_index 423 +#define DrawTexivOES_remap_index 424 +#define DrawTexsOES_remap_index 425 +#define DrawTexsvOES_remap_index 426 +#define DrawTexxOES_remap_index 427 +#define DrawTexxvOES_remap_index 428 +#define PointSizePointerOES_remap_index 429 +#define QueryMatrixxOES_remap_index 430 +#define SampleMaskSGIS_remap_index 431 +#define SamplePatternSGIS_remap_index 432 +#define ColorPointerEXT_remap_index 433 +#define EdgeFlagPointerEXT_remap_index 434 +#define IndexPointerEXT_remap_index 435 +#define NormalPointerEXT_remap_index 436 +#define TexCoordPointerEXT_remap_index 437 +#define VertexPointerEXT_remap_index 438 +#define LockArraysEXT_remap_index 439 +#define UnlockArraysEXT_remap_index 440 +#define SecondaryColor3fEXT_remap_index 441 +#define SecondaryColor3fvEXT_remap_index 442 +#define MultiDrawElementsEXT_remap_index 443 +#define FogCoordfEXT_remap_index 444 +#define FogCoordfvEXT_remap_index 445 +#define ResizeBuffersMESA_remap_index 446 +#define WindowPos4dMESA_remap_index 447 +#define WindowPos4dvMESA_remap_index 448 +#define WindowPos4fMESA_remap_index 449 +#define WindowPos4fvMESA_remap_index 450 +#define WindowPos4iMESA_remap_index 451 +#define WindowPos4ivMESA_remap_index 452 +#define WindowPos4sMESA_remap_index 453 +#define WindowPos4svMESA_remap_index 454 +#define MultiModeDrawArraysIBM_remap_index 455 +#define MultiModeDrawElementsIBM_remap_index 456 +#define AreProgramsResidentNV_remap_index 457 +#define ExecuteProgramNV_remap_index 458 +#define GetProgramParameterdvNV_remap_index 459 +#define GetProgramParameterfvNV_remap_index 460 +#define GetProgramStringNV_remap_index 461 +#define GetProgramivNV_remap_index 462 +#define GetTrackMatrixivNV_remap_index 463 +#define GetVertexAttribdvNV_remap_index 464 +#define GetVertexAttribfvNV_remap_index 465 +#define GetVertexAttribivNV_remap_index 466 +#define LoadProgramNV_remap_index 467 +#define ProgramParameters4dvNV_remap_index 468 +#define ProgramParameters4fvNV_remap_index 469 +#define RequestResidentProgramsNV_remap_index 470 +#define TrackMatrixNV_remap_index 471 +#define VertexAttrib1dNV_remap_index 472 +#define VertexAttrib1dvNV_remap_index 473 +#define VertexAttrib1fNV_remap_index 474 +#define VertexAttrib1fvNV_remap_index 475 +#define VertexAttrib1sNV_remap_index 476 +#define VertexAttrib1svNV_remap_index 477 +#define VertexAttrib2dNV_remap_index 478 +#define VertexAttrib2dvNV_remap_index 479 +#define VertexAttrib2fNV_remap_index 480 +#define VertexAttrib2fvNV_remap_index 481 +#define VertexAttrib2sNV_remap_index 482 +#define VertexAttrib2svNV_remap_index 483 +#define VertexAttrib3dNV_remap_index 484 +#define VertexAttrib3dvNV_remap_index 485 +#define VertexAttrib3fNV_remap_index 486 +#define VertexAttrib3fvNV_remap_index 487 +#define VertexAttrib3sNV_remap_index 488 +#define VertexAttrib3svNV_remap_index 489 +#define VertexAttrib4dNV_remap_index 490 +#define VertexAttrib4dvNV_remap_index 491 +#define VertexAttrib4fNV_remap_index 492 +#define VertexAttrib4fvNV_remap_index 493 +#define VertexAttrib4sNV_remap_index 494 +#define VertexAttrib4svNV_remap_index 495 +#define VertexAttrib4ubNV_remap_index 496 +#define VertexAttrib4ubvNV_remap_index 497 +#define VertexAttribPointerNV_remap_index 498 +#define VertexAttribs1dvNV_remap_index 499 +#define VertexAttribs1fvNV_remap_index 500 +#define VertexAttribs1svNV_remap_index 501 +#define VertexAttribs2dvNV_remap_index 502 +#define VertexAttribs2fvNV_remap_index 503 +#define VertexAttribs2svNV_remap_index 504 +#define VertexAttribs3dvNV_remap_index 505 +#define VertexAttribs3fvNV_remap_index 506 +#define VertexAttribs3svNV_remap_index 507 +#define VertexAttribs4dvNV_remap_index 508 +#define VertexAttribs4fvNV_remap_index 509 +#define VertexAttribs4svNV_remap_index 510 +#define VertexAttribs4ubvNV_remap_index 511 +#define GetTexBumpParameterfvATI_remap_index 512 +#define GetTexBumpParameterivATI_remap_index 513 +#define TexBumpParameterfvATI_remap_index 514 +#define TexBumpParameterivATI_remap_index 515 +#define AlphaFragmentOp1ATI_remap_index 516 +#define AlphaFragmentOp2ATI_remap_index 517 +#define AlphaFragmentOp3ATI_remap_index 518 +#define BeginFragmentShaderATI_remap_index 519 +#define BindFragmentShaderATI_remap_index 520 +#define ColorFragmentOp1ATI_remap_index 521 +#define ColorFragmentOp2ATI_remap_index 522 +#define ColorFragmentOp3ATI_remap_index 523 +#define DeleteFragmentShaderATI_remap_index 524 +#define EndFragmentShaderATI_remap_index 525 +#define GenFragmentShadersATI_remap_index 526 +#define PassTexCoordATI_remap_index 527 +#define SampleMapATI_remap_index 528 +#define SetFragmentShaderConstantATI_remap_index 529 +#define ActiveStencilFaceEXT_remap_index 530 +#define BindVertexArrayAPPLE_remap_index 531 +#define GenVertexArraysAPPLE_remap_index 532 +#define GetProgramNamedParameterdvNV_remap_index 533 +#define GetProgramNamedParameterfvNV_remap_index 534 +#define ProgramNamedParameter4dNV_remap_index 535 +#define ProgramNamedParameter4dvNV_remap_index 536 +#define ProgramNamedParameter4fNV_remap_index 537 +#define ProgramNamedParameter4fvNV_remap_index 538 +#define PrimitiveRestartNV_remap_index 539 +#define GetTexGenxvOES_remap_index 540 +#define TexGenxOES_remap_index 541 +#define TexGenxvOES_remap_index 542 +#define DepthBoundsEXT_remap_index 543 +#define BufferParameteriAPPLE_remap_index 544 +#define FlushMappedBufferRangeAPPLE_remap_index 545 +#define VertexAttribI1iEXT_remap_index 546 +#define VertexAttribI1uiEXT_remap_index 547 +#define VertexAttribI2iEXT_remap_index 548 +#define VertexAttribI2ivEXT_remap_index 549 +#define VertexAttribI2uiEXT_remap_index 550 +#define VertexAttribI2uivEXT_remap_index 551 +#define VertexAttribI3iEXT_remap_index 552 +#define VertexAttribI3ivEXT_remap_index 553 +#define VertexAttribI3uiEXT_remap_index 554 +#define VertexAttribI3uivEXT_remap_index 555 +#define VertexAttribI4iEXT_remap_index 556 +#define VertexAttribI4ivEXT_remap_index 557 +#define VertexAttribI4uiEXT_remap_index 558 +#define VertexAttribI4uivEXT_remap_index 559 +#define ClearColorIiEXT_remap_index 560 +#define ClearColorIuiEXT_remap_index 561 +#define BindBufferOffsetEXT_remap_index 562 +#define GetObjectParameterivAPPLE_remap_index 563 +#define ObjectPurgeableAPPLE_remap_index 564 +#define ObjectUnpurgeableAPPLE_remap_index 565 +#define ActiveProgramEXT_remap_index 566 +#define CreateShaderProgramEXT_remap_index 567 +#define UseShaderProgramEXT_remap_index 568 +#define TextureBarrierNV_remap_index 569 +#define StencilFuncSeparateATI_remap_index 570 +#define ProgramEnvParameters4fvEXT_remap_index 571 +#define ProgramLocalParameters4fvEXT_remap_index 572 +#define EGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOES_remap_index 573 +#define EGLImageTargetTexture2DOES_remap_index 574 +#define AlphaFuncx_remap_index 575 +#define ClearColorx_remap_index 576 +#define ClearDepthx_remap_index 577 +#define Color4x_remap_index 578 +#define DepthRangex_remap_index 579 +#define Fogx_remap_index 580 +#define Fogxv_remap_index 581 +#define Frustumf_remap_index 582 +#define Frustumx_remap_index 583 +#define LightModelx_remap_index 584 +#define LightModelxv_remap_index 585 +#define Lightx_remap_index 586 +#define Lightxv_remap_index 587 +#define LineWidthx_remap_index 588 +#define LoadMatrixx_remap_index 589 +#define Materialx_remap_index 590 +#define Materialxv_remap_index 591 +#define MultMatrixx_remap_index 592 +#define MultiTexCoord4x_remap_index 593 +#define Normal3x_remap_index 594 +#define Orthof_remap_index 595 +#define Orthox_remap_index 596 +#define PointSizex_remap_index 597 +#define PolygonOffsetx_remap_index 598 +#define Rotatex_remap_index 599 +#define SampleCoveragex_remap_index 600 +#define Scalex_remap_index 601 +#define TexEnvx_remap_index 602 +#define TexEnvxv_remap_index 603 +#define TexParameterx_remap_index 604 +#define Translatex_remap_index 605 +#define ClipPlanef_remap_index 606 +#define ClipPlanex_remap_index 607 +#define GetClipPlanef_remap_index 608 +#define GetClipPlanex_remap_index 609 +#define GetFixedv_remap_index 610 +#define GetLightxv_remap_index 611 +#define GetMaterialxv_remap_index 612 +#define GetTexEnvxv_remap_index 613 +#define GetTexParameterxv_remap_index 614 +#define PointParameterx_remap_index 615 +#define PointParameterxv_remap_index 616 +#define TexParameterxv_remap_index 617 + +#define _gloffset_CompressedTexImage1D driDispatchRemapTable[CompressedTexImage1D_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_CompressedTexImage2D driDispatchRemapTable[CompressedTexImage2D_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_CompressedTexImage3D driDispatchRemapTable[CompressedTexImage3D_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_CompressedTexSubImage1D driDispatchRemapTable[CompressedTexSubImage1D_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_CompressedTexSubImage2D driDispatchRemapTable[CompressedTexSubImage2D_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_CompressedTexSubImage3D driDispatchRemapTable[CompressedTexSubImage3D_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_GetCompressedTexImage driDispatchRemapTable[GetCompressedTexImage_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_LoadTransposeMatrixd driDispatchRemapTable[LoadTransposeMatrixd_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_LoadTransposeMatrixf driDispatchRemapTable[LoadTransposeMatrixf_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_MultTransposeMatrixd driDispatchRemapTable[MultTransposeMatrixd_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_MultTransposeMatrixf driDispatchRemapTable[MultTransposeMatrixf_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_SampleCoverage driDispatchRemapTable[SampleCoverage_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_BlendFuncSeparate driDispatchRemapTable[BlendFuncSeparate_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_FogCoordPointer driDispatchRemapTable[FogCoordPointer_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_FogCoordd driDispatchRemapTable[FogCoordd_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_FogCoorddv driDispatchRemapTable[FogCoorddv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_MultiDrawArrays driDispatchRemapTable[MultiDrawArrays_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_PointParameterf driDispatchRemapTable[PointParameterf_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_PointParameterfv driDispatchRemapTable[PointParameterfv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_PointParameteri driDispatchRemapTable[PointParameteri_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_PointParameteriv driDispatchRemapTable[PointParameteriv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_SecondaryColor3b driDispatchRemapTable[SecondaryColor3b_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_SecondaryColor3bv driDispatchRemapTable[SecondaryColor3bv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_SecondaryColor3d driDispatchRemapTable[SecondaryColor3d_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_SecondaryColor3dv driDispatchRemapTable[SecondaryColor3dv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_SecondaryColor3i driDispatchRemapTable[SecondaryColor3i_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_SecondaryColor3iv driDispatchRemapTable[SecondaryColor3iv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_SecondaryColor3s driDispatchRemapTable[SecondaryColor3s_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_SecondaryColor3sv driDispatchRemapTable[SecondaryColor3sv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_SecondaryColor3ub driDispatchRemapTable[SecondaryColor3ub_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_SecondaryColor3ubv driDispatchRemapTable[SecondaryColor3ubv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_SecondaryColor3ui driDispatchRemapTable[SecondaryColor3ui_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_SecondaryColor3uiv driDispatchRemapTable[SecondaryColor3uiv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_SecondaryColor3us driDispatchRemapTable[SecondaryColor3us_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_SecondaryColor3usv driDispatchRemapTable[SecondaryColor3usv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_SecondaryColorPointer driDispatchRemapTable[SecondaryColorPointer_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_WindowPos2d driDispatchRemapTable[WindowPos2d_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_WindowPos2dv driDispatchRemapTable[WindowPos2dv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_WindowPos2f driDispatchRemapTable[WindowPos2f_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_WindowPos2fv driDispatchRemapTable[WindowPos2fv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_WindowPos2i driDispatchRemapTable[WindowPos2i_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_WindowPos2iv driDispatchRemapTable[WindowPos2iv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_WindowPos2s driDispatchRemapTable[WindowPos2s_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_WindowPos2sv driDispatchRemapTable[WindowPos2sv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_WindowPos3d driDispatchRemapTable[WindowPos3d_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_WindowPos3dv driDispatchRemapTable[WindowPos3dv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_WindowPos3f driDispatchRemapTable[WindowPos3f_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_WindowPos3fv driDispatchRemapTable[WindowPos3fv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_WindowPos3i driDispatchRemapTable[WindowPos3i_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_WindowPos3iv driDispatchRemapTable[WindowPos3iv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_WindowPos3s driDispatchRemapTable[WindowPos3s_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_WindowPos3sv driDispatchRemapTable[WindowPos3sv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_BeginQuery driDispatchRemapTable[BeginQuery_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_BindBuffer driDispatchRemapTable[BindBuffer_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_BufferData driDispatchRemapTable[BufferData_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_BufferSubData driDispatchRemapTable[BufferSubData_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_DeleteBuffers driDispatchRemapTable[DeleteBuffers_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_DeleteQueries driDispatchRemapTable[DeleteQueries_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_EndQuery driDispatchRemapTable[EndQuery_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_GenBuffers driDispatchRemapTable[GenBuffers_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_GenQueries driDispatchRemapTable[GenQueries_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_GetBufferParameteriv driDispatchRemapTable[GetBufferParameteriv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_GetBufferPointerv driDispatchRemapTable[GetBufferPointerv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_GetBufferSubData driDispatchRemapTable[GetBufferSubData_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_GetQueryObjectiv driDispatchRemapTable[GetQueryObjectiv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_GetQueryObjectuiv driDispatchRemapTable[GetQueryObjectuiv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_GetQueryiv driDispatchRemapTable[GetQueryiv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_IsBuffer driDispatchRemapTable[IsBuffer_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_IsQuery driDispatchRemapTable[IsQuery_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_MapBuffer driDispatchRemapTable[MapBuffer_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_UnmapBuffer driDispatchRemapTable[UnmapBuffer_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_AttachShader driDispatchRemapTable[AttachShader_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_BindAttribLocation driDispatchRemapTable[BindAttribLocation_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_BlendEquationSeparate driDispatchRemapTable[BlendEquationSeparate_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_CompileShader driDispatchRemapTable[CompileShader_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_CreateProgram driDispatchRemapTable[CreateProgram_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_CreateShader driDispatchRemapTable[CreateShader_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_DeleteProgram driDispatchRemapTable[DeleteProgram_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_DeleteShader driDispatchRemapTable[DeleteShader_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_DetachShader driDispatchRemapTable[DetachShader_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_DisableVertexAttribArray driDispatchRemapTable[DisableVertexAttribArray_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_DrawBuffers driDispatchRemapTable[DrawBuffers_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_EnableVertexAttribArray driDispatchRemapTable[EnableVertexAttribArray_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_GetActiveAttrib driDispatchRemapTable[GetActiveAttrib_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_GetActiveUniform driDispatchRemapTable[GetActiveUniform_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_GetAttachedShaders driDispatchRemapTable[GetAttachedShaders_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_GetAttribLocation driDispatchRemapTable[GetAttribLocation_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_GetProgramInfoLog driDispatchRemapTable[GetProgramInfoLog_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_GetProgramiv driDispatchRemapTable[GetProgramiv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_GetShaderInfoLog driDispatchRemapTable[GetShaderInfoLog_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_GetShaderSource driDispatchRemapTable[GetShaderSource_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_GetShaderiv driDispatchRemapTable[GetShaderiv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_GetUniformLocation driDispatchRemapTable[GetUniformLocation_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_GetUniformfv driDispatchRemapTable[GetUniformfv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_GetUniformiv driDispatchRemapTable[GetUniformiv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_GetVertexAttribPointerv driDispatchRemapTable[GetVertexAttribPointerv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_GetVertexAttribdv driDispatchRemapTable[GetVertexAttribdv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_GetVertexAttribfv driDispatchRemapTable[GetVertexAttribfv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_GetVertexAttribiv driDispatchRemapTable[GetVertexAttribiv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_IsProgram driDispatchRemapTable[IsProgram_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_IsShader driDispatchRemapTable[IsShader_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_LinkProgram driDispatchRemapTable[LinkProgram_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_ShaderSource driDispatchRemapTable[ShaderSource_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_StencilFuncSeparate driDispatchRemapTable[StencilFuncSeparate_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_StencilMaskSeparate driDispatchRemapTable[StencilMaskSeparate_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_StencilOpSeparate driDispatchRemapTable[StencilOpSeparate_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_Uniform1f driDispatchRemapTable[Uniform1f_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_Uniform1fv driDispatchRemapTable[Uniform1fv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_Uniform1i driDispatchRemapTable[Uniform1i_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_Uniform1iv driDispatchRemapTable[Uniform1iv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_Uniform2f driDispatchRemapTable[Uniform2f_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_Uniform2fv driDispatchRemapTable[Uniform2fv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_Uniform2i driDispatchRemapTable[Uniform2i_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_Uniform2iv driDispatchRemapTable[Uniform2iv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_Uniform3f driDispatchRemapTable[Uniform3f_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_Uniform3fv driDispatchRemapTable[Uniform3fv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_Uniform3i driDispatchRemapTable[Uniform3i_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_Uniform3iv driDispatchRemapTable[Uniform3iv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_Uniform4f driDispatchRemapTable[Uniform4f_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_Uniform4fv driDispatchRemapTable[Uniform4fv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_Uniform4i driDispatchRemapTable[Uniform4i_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_Uniform4iv driDispatchRemapTable[Uniform4iv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_UniformMatrix2fv driDispatchRemapTable[UniformMatrix2fv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_UniformMatrix3fv driDispatchRemapTable[UniformMatrix3fv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_UniformMatrix4fv driDispatchRemapTable[UniformMatrix4fv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_UseProgram driDispatchRemapTable[UseProgram_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_ValidateProgram driDispatchRemapTable[ValidateProgram_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib1d driDispatchRemapTable[VertexAttrib1d_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib1dv driDispatchRemapTable[VertexAttrib1dv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib1s driDispatchRemapTable[VertexAttrib1s_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib1sv driDispatchRemapTable[VertexAttrib1sv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib2d driDispatchRemapTable[VertexAttrib2d_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib2dv driDispatchRemapTable[VertexAttrib2dv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib2s driDispatchRemapTable[VertexAttrib2s_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib2sv driDispatchRemapTable[VertexAttrib2sv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib3d driDispatchRemapTable[VertexAttrib3d_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib3dv driDispatchRemapTable[VertexAttrib3dv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib3s driDispatchRemapTable[VertexAttrib3s_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib3sv driDispatchRemapTable[VertexAttrib3sv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib4Nbv driDispatchRemapTable[VertexAttrib4Nbv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib4Niv driDispatchRemapTable[VertexAttrib4Niv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib4Nsv driDispatchRemapTable[VertexAttrib4Nsv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib4Nub driDispatchRemapTable[VertexAttrib4Nub_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib4Nubv driDispatchRemapTable[VertexAttrib4Nubv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib4Nuiv driDispatchRemapTable[VertexAttrib4Nuiv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib4Nusv driDispatchRemapTable[VertexAttrib4Nusv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib4bv driDispatchRemapTable[VertexAttrib4bv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib4d driDispatchRemapTable[VertexAttrib4d_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib4dv driDispatchRemapTable[VertexAttrib4dv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib4iv driDispatchRemapTable[VertexAttrib4iv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib4s driDispatchRemapTable[VertexAttrib4s_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib4sv driDispatchRemapTable[VertexAttrib4sv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib4ubv driDispatchRemapTable[VertexAttrib4ubv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib4uiv driDispatchRemapTable[VertexAttrib4uiv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib4usv driDispatchRemapTable[VertexAttrib4usv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_VertexAttribPointer driDispatchRemapTable[VertexAttribPointer_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_UniformMatrix2x3fv driDispatchRemapTable[UniformMatrix2x3fv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_UniformMatrix2x4fv driDispatchRemapTable[UniformMatrix2x4fv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_UniformMatrix3x2fv driDispatchRemapTable[UniformMatrix3x2fv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_UniformMatrix3x4fv driDispatchRemapTable[UniformMatrix3x4fv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_UniformMatrix4x2fv driDispatchRemapTable[UniformMatrix4x2fv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_UniformMatrix4x3fv driDispatchRemapTable[UniformMatrix4x3fv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_BeginConditionalRender driDispatchRemapTable[BeginConditionalRender_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_BeginTransformFeedback driDispatchRemapTable[BeginTransformFeedback_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_BindBufferBase driDispatchRemapTable[BindBufferBase_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_BindBufferRange driDispatchRemapTable[BindBufferRange_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_BindFragDataLocation driDispatchRemapTable[BindFragDataLocation_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_ClampColor driDispatchRemapTable[ClampColor_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_ClearBufferfi driDispatchRemapTable[ClearBufferfi_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_ClearBufferfv driDispatchRemapTable[ClearBufferfv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_ClearBufferiv driDispatchRemapTable[ClearBufferiv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_ClearBufferuiv driDispatchRemapTable[ClearBufferuiv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_ColorMaski driDispatchRemapTable[ColorMaski_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_Disablei driDispatchRemapTable[Disablei_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_Enablei driDispatchRemapTable[Enablei_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_EndConditionalRender driDispatchRemapTable[EndConditionalRender_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_EndTransformFeedback driDispatchRemapTable[EndTransformFeedback_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_GetBooleani_v driDispatchRemapTable[GetBooleani_v_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_GetFragDataLocation driDispatchRemapTable[GetFragDataLocation_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_GetIntegeri_v driDispatchRemapTable[GetIntegeri_v_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_GetStringi driDispatchRemapTable[GetStringi_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_GetTexParameterIiv driDispatchRemapTable[GetTexParameterIiv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_GetTexParameterIuiv driDispatchRemapTable[GetTexParameterIuiv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_GetTransformFeedbackVarying driDispatchRemapTable[GetTransformFeedbackVarying_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_GetUniformuiv driDispatchRemapTable[GetUniformuiv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_GetVertexAttribIiv driDispatchRemapTable[GetVertexAttribIiv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_GetVertexAttribIuiv driDispatchRemapTable[GetVertexAttribIuiv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_IsEnabledi driDispatchRemapTable[IsEnabledi_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_TexParameterIiv driDispatchRemapTable[TexParameterIiv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_TexParameterIuiv driDispatchRemapTable[TexParameterIuiv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_TransformFeedbackVaryings driDispatchRemapTable[TransformFeedbackVaryings_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_Uniform1ui driDispatchRemapTable[Uniform1ui_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_Uniform1uiv driDispatchRemapTable[Uniform1uiv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_Uniform2ui driDispatchRemapTable[Uniform2ui_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_Uniform2uiv driDispatchRemapTable[Uniform2uiv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_Uniform3ui driDispatchRemapTable[Uniform3ui_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_Uniform3uiv driDispatchRemapTable[Uniform3uiv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_Uniform4ui driDispatchRemapTable[Uniform4ui_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_Uniform4uiv driDispatchRemapTable[Uniform4uiv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_VertexAttribI1iv driDispatchRemapTable[VertexAttribI1iv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_VertexAttribI1uiv driDispatchRemapTable[VertexAttribI1uiv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_VertexAttribI4bv driDispatchRemapTable[VertexAttribI4bv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_VertexAttribI4sv driDispatchRemapTable[VertexAttribI4sv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_VertexAttribI4ubv driDispatchRemapTable[VertexAttribI4ubv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_VertexAttribI4usv driDispatchRemapTable[VertexAttribI4usv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_VertexAttribIPointer driDispatchRemapTable[VertexAttribIPointer_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_PrimitiveRestartIndex driDispatchRemapTable[PrimitiveRestartIndex_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_TexBuffer driDispatchRemapTable[TexBuffer_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_FramebufferTexture driDispatchRemapTable[FramebufferTexture_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_GetBufferParameteri64v driDispatchRemapTable[GetBufferParameteri64v_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_GetInteger64i_v driDispatchRemapTable[GetInteger64i_v_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_VertexAttribDivisor driDispatchRemapTable[VertexAttribDivisor_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_BindProgramARB driDispatchRemapTable[BindProgramARB_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_DeleteProgramsARB driDispatchRemapTable[DeleteProgramsARB_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_GenProgramsARB driDispatchRemapTable[GenProgramsARB_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_GetProgramEnvParameterdvARB driDispatchRemapTable[GetProgramEnvParameterdvARB_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_GetProgramEnvParameterfvARB driDispatchRemapTable[GetProgramEnvParameterfvARB_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_GetProgramLocalParameterdvARB driDispatchRemapTable[GetProgramLocalParameterdvARB_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_GetProgramLocalParameterfvARB driDispatchRemapTable[GetProgramLocalParameterfvARB_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_GetProgramStringARB driDispatchRemapTable[GetProgramStringARB_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_GetProgramivARB driDispatchRemapTable[GetProgramivARB_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_IsProgramARB driDispatchRemapTable[IsProgramARB_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_ProgramEnvParameter4dARB driDispatchRemapTable[ProgramEnvParameter4dARB_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_ProgramEnvParameter4dvARB driDispatchRemapTable[ProgramEnvParameter4dvARB_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_ProgramEnvParameter4fARB driDispatchRemapTable[ProgramEnvParameter4fARB_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_ProgramEnvParameter4fvARB driDispatchRemapTable[ProgramEnvParameter4fvARB_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_ProgramLocalParameter4dARB driDispatchRemapTable[ProgramLocalParameter4dARB_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_ProgramLocalParameter4dvARB driDispatchRemapTable[ProgramLocalParameter4dvARB_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_ProgramLocalParameter4fARB driDispatchRemapTable[ProgramLocalParameter4fARB_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_ProgramLocalParameter4fvARB driDispatchRemapTable[ProgramLocalParameter4fvARB_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_ProgramStringARB driDispatchRemapTable[ProgramStringARB_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib1fARB driDispatchRemapTable[VertexAttrib1fARB_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib1fvARB driDispatchRemapTable[VertexAttrib1fvARB_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib2fARB driDispatchRemapTable[VertexAttrib2fARB_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib2fvARB driDispatchRemapTable[VertexAttrib2fvARB_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib3fARB driDispatchRemapTable[VertexAttrib3fARB_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib3fvARB driDispatchRemapTable[VertexAttrib3fvARB_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib4fARB driDispatchRemapTable[VertexAttrib4fARB_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib4fvARB driDispatchRemapTable[VertexAttrib4fvARB_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_AttachObjectARB driDispatchRemapTable[AttachObjectARB_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_CreateProgramObjectARB driDispatchRemapTable[CreateProgramObjectARB_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_CreateShaderObjectARB driDispatchRemapTable[CreateShaderObjectARB_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_DeleteObjectARB driDispatchRemapTable[DeleteObjectARB_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_DetachObjectARB driDispatchRemapTable[DetachObjectARB_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_GetAttachedObjectsARB driDispatchRemapTable[GetAttachedObjectsARB_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_GetHandleARB driDispatchRemapTable[GetHandleARB_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_GetInfoLogARB driDispatchRemapTable[GetInfoLogARB_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_GetObjectParameterfvARB driDispatchRemapTable[GetObjectParameterfvARB_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_GetObjectParameterivARB driDispatchRemapTable[GetObjectParameterivARB_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_DrawArraysInstancedARB driDispatchRemapTable[DrawArraysInstancedARB_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_DrawElementsInstancedARB driDispatchRemapTable[DrawElementsInstancedARB_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_BindFramebuffer driDispatchRemapTable[BindFramebuffer_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_BindRenderbuffer driDispatchRemapTable[BindRenderbuffer_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_BlitFramebuffer driDispatchRemapTable[BlitFramebuffer_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_CheckFramebufferStatus driDispatchRemapTable[CheckFramebufferStatus_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_DeleteFramebuffers driDispatchRemapTable[DeleteFramebuffers_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_DeleteRenderbuffers driDispatchRemapTable[DeleteRenderbuffers_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_FramebufferRenderbuffer driDispatchRemapTable[FramebufferRenderbuffer_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_FramebufferTexture1D driDispatchRemapTable[FramebufferTexture1D_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_FramebufferTexture2D driDispatchRemapTable[FramebufferTexture2D_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_FramebufferTexture3D driDispatchRemapTable[FramebufferTexture3D_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_FramebufferTextureLayer driDispatchRemapTable[FramebufferTextureLayer_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_GenFramebuffers driDispatchRemapTable[GenFramebuffers_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_GenRenderbuffers driDispatchRemapTable[GenRenderbuffers_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_GenerateMipmap driDispatchRemapTable[GenerateMipmap_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_GetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv driDispatchRemapTable[GetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_GetRenderbufferParameteriv driDispatchRemapTable[GetRenderbufferParameteriv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_IsFramebuffer driDispatchRemapTable[IsFramebuffer_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_IsRenderbuffer driDispatchRemapTable[IsRenderbuffer_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_RenderbufferStorage driDispatchRemapTable[RenderbufferStorage_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_RenderbufferStorageMultisample driDispatchRemapTable[RenderbufferStorageMultisample_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_FramebufferTextureFaceARB driDispatchRemapTable[FramebufferTextureFaceARB_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_FlushMappedBufferRange driDispatchRemapTable[FlushMappedBufferRange_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_MapBufferRange driDispatchRemapTable[MapBufferRange_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_BindVertexArray driDispatchRemapTable[BindVertexArray_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_DeleteVertexArrays driDispatchRemapTable[DeleteVertexArrays_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_GenVertexArrays driDispatchRemapTable[GenVertexArrays_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_IsVertexArray driDispatchRemapTable[IsVertexArray_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_GetActiveUniformBlockName driDispatchRemapTable[GetActiveUniformBlockName_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_GetActiveUniformBlockiv driDispatchRemapTable[GetActiveUniformBlockiv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_GetActiveUniformName driDispatchRemapTable[GetActiveUniformName_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_GetActiveUniformsiv driDispatchRemapTable[GetActiveUniformsiv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_GetUniformBlockIndex driDispatchRemapTable[GetUniformBlockIndex_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_GetUniformIndices driDispatchRemapTable[GetUniformIndices_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_UniformBlockBinding driDispatchRemapTable[UniformBlockBinding_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_CopyBufferSubData driDispatchRemapTable[CopyBufferSubData_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_ClientWaitSync driDispatchRemapTable[ClientWaitSync_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_DeleteSync driDispatchRemapTable[DeleteSync_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_FenceSync driDispatchRemapTable[FenceSync_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_GetInteger64v driDispatchRemapTable[GetInteger64v_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_GetSynciv driDispatchRemapTable[GetSynciv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_IsSync driDispatchRemapTable[IsSync_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_WaitSync driDispatchRemapTable[WaitSync_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_DrawElementsBaseVertex driDispatchRemapTable[DrawElementsBaseVertex_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex driDispatchRemapTable[DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_DrawRangeElementsBaseVertex driDispatchRemapTable[DrawRangeElementsBaseVertex_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_MultiDrawElementsBaseVertex driDispatchRemapTable[MultiDrawElementsBaseVertex_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_ProvokingVertex driDispatchRemapTable[ProvokingVertex_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_BlendEquationSeparateiARB driDispatchRemapTable[BlendEquationSeparateiARB_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_BlendEquationiARB driDispatchRemapTable[BlendEquationiARB_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_BlendFuncSeparateiARB driDispatchRemapTable[BlendFuncSeparateiARB_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_BlendFunciARB driDispatchRemapTable[BlendFunciARB_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_BindFragDataLocationIndexed driDispatchRemapTable[BindFragDataLocationIndexed_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_GetFragDataIndex driDispatchRemapTable[GetFragDataIndex_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_BindSampler driDispatchRemapTable[BindSampler_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_DeleteSamplers driDispatchRemapTable[DeleteSamplers_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_GenSamplers driDispatchRemapTable[GenSamplers_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_GetSamplerParameterIiv driDispatchRemapTable[GetSamplerParameterIiv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_GetSamplerParameterIuiv driDispatchRemapTable[GetSamplerParameterIuiv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_GetSamplerParameterfv driDispatchRemapTable[GetSamplerParameterfv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_GetSamplerParameteriv driDispatchRemapTable[GetSamplerParameteriv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_IsSampler driDispatchRemapTable[IsSampler_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_SamplerParameterIiv driDispatchRemapTable[SamplerParameterIiv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_SamplerParameterIuiv driDispatchRemapTable[SamplerParameterIuiv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_SamplerParameterf driDispatchRemapTable[SamplerParameterf_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_SamplerParameterfv driDispatchRemapTable[SamplerParameterfv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_SamplerParameteri driDispatchRemapTable[SamplerParameteri_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_SamplerParameteriv driDispatchRemapTable[SamplerParameteriv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_GetQueryObjecti64v driDispatchRemapTable[GetQueryObjecti64v_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_GetQueryObjectui64v driDispatchRemapTable[GetQueryObjectui64v_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_QueryCounter driDispatchRemapTable[QueryCounter_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_ColorP3ui driDispatchRemapTable[ColorP3ui_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_ColorP3uiv driDispatchRemapTable[ColorP3uiv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_ColorP4ui driDispatchRemapTable[ColorP4ui_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_ColorP4uiv driDispatchRemapTable[ColorP4uiv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_MultiTexCoordP1ui driDispatchRemapTable[MultiTexCoordP1ui_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_MultiTexCoordP1uiv driDispatchRemapTable[MultiTexCoordP1uiv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_MultiTexCoordP2ui driDispatchRemapTable[MultiTexCoordP2ui_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_MultiTexCoordP2uiv driDispatchRemapTable[MultiTexCoordP2uiv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_MultiTexCoordP3ui driDispatchRemapTable[MultiTexCoordP3ui_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_MultiTexCoordP3uiv driDispatchRemapTable[MultiTexCoordP3uiv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_MultiTexCoordP4ui driDispatchRemapTable[MultiTexCoordP4ui_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_MultiTexCoordP4uiv driDispatchRemapTable[MultiTexCoordP4uiv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_NormalP3ui driDispatchRemapTable[NormalP3ui_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_NormalP3uiv driDispatchRemapTable[NormalP3uiv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_SecondaryColorP3ui driDispatchRemapTable[SecondaryColorP3ui_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_SecondaryColorP3uiv driDispatchRemapTable[SecondaryColorP3uiv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_TexCoordP1ui driDispatchRemapTable[TexCoordP1ui_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_TexCoordP1uiv driDispatchRemapTable[TexCoordP1uiv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_TexCoordP2ui driDispatchRemapTable[TexCoordP2ui_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_TexCoordP2uiv driDispatchRemapTable[TexCoordP2uiv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_TexCoordP3ui driDispatchRemapTable[TexCoordP3ui_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_TexCoordP3uiv driDispatchRemapTable[TexCoordP3uiv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_TexCoordP4ui driDispatchRemapTable[TexCoordP4ui_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_TexCoordP4uiv driDispatchRemapTable[TexCoordP4uiv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_VertexAttribP1ui driDispatchRemapTable[VertexAttribP1ui_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_VertexAttribP1uiv driDispatchRemapTable[VertexAttribP1uiv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_VertexAttribP2ui driDispatchRemapTable[VertexAttribP2ui_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_VertexAttribP2uiv driDispatchRemapTable[VertexAttribP2uiv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_VertexAttribP3ui driDispatchRemapTable[VertexAttribP3ui_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_VertexAttribP3uiv driDispatchRemapTable[VertexAttribP3uiv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_VertexAttribP4ui driDispatchRemapTable[VertexAttribP4ui_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_VertexAttribP4uiv driDispatchRemapTable[VertexAttribP4uiv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_VertexP2ui driDispatchRemapTable[VertexP2ui_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_VertexP2uiv driDispatchRemapTable[VertexP2uiv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_VertexP3ui driDispatchRemapTable[VertexP3ui_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_VertexP3uiv driDispatchRemapTable[VertexP3uiv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_VertexP4ui driDispatchRemapTable[VertexP4ui_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_VertexP4uiv driDispatchRemapTable[VertexP4uiv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_BindTransformFeedback driDispatchRemapTable[BindTransformFeedback_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_DeleteTransformFeedbacks driDispatchRemapTable[DeleteTransformFeedbacks_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_DrawTransformFeedback driDispatchRemapTable[DrawTransformFeedback_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_GenTransformFeedbacks driDispatchRemapTable[GenTransformFeedbacks_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_IsTransformFeedback driDispatchRemapTable[IsTransformFeedback_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_PauseTransformFeedback driDispatchRemapTable[PauseTransformFeedback_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_ResumeTransformFeedback driDispatchRemapTable[ResumeTransformFeedback_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_BeginQueryIndexed driDispatchRemapTable[BeginQueryIndexed_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_DrawTransformFeedbackStream driDispatchRemapTable[DrawTransformFeedbackStream_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_EndQueryIndexed driDispatchRemapTable[EndQueryIndexed_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_GetQueryIndexediv driDispatchRemapTable[GetQueryIndexediv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_ClearDepthf driDispatchRemapTable[ClearDepthf_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_DepthRangef driDispatchRemapTable[DepthRangef_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_GetShaderPrecisionFormat driDispatchRemapTable[GetShaderPrecisionFormat_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_ReleaseShaderCompiler driDispatchRemapTable[ReleaseShaderCompiler_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_ShaderBinary driDispatchRemapTable[ShaderBinary_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_GetProgramBinary driDispatchRemapTable[GetProgramBinary_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_ProgramBinary driDispatchRemapTable[ProgramBinary_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_ProgramParameteri driDispatchRemapTable[ProgramParameteri_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_DebugMessageCallbackARB driDispatchRemapTable[DebugMessageCallbackARB_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_DebugMessageControlARB driDispatchRemapTable[DebugMessageControlARB_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_DebugMessageInsertARB driDispatchRemapTable[DebugMessageInsertARB_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_GetDebugMessageLogARB driDispatchRemapTable[GetDebugMessageLogARB_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_GetGraphicsResetStatusARB driDispatchRemapTable[GetGraphicsResetStatusARB_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_GetnColorTableARB driDispatchRemapTable[GetnColorTableARB_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_GetnCompressedTexImageARB driDispatchRemapTable[GetnCompressedTexImageARB_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_GetnConvolutionFilterARB driDispatchRemapTable[GetnConvolutionFilterARB_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_GetnHistogramARB driDispatchRemapTable[GetnHistogramARB_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_GetnMapdvARB driDispatchRemapTable[GetnMapdvARB_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_GetnMapfvARB driDispatchRemapTable[GetnMapfvARB_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_GetnMapivARB driDispatchRemapTable[GetnMapivARB_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_GetnMinmaxARB driDispatchRemapTable[GetnMinmaxARB_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_GetnPixelMapfvARB driDispatchRemapTable[GetnPixelMapfvARB_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_GetnPixelMapuivARB driDispatchRemapTable[GetnPixelMapuivARB_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_GetnPixelMapusvARB driDispatchRemapTable[GetnPixelMapusvARB_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_GetnPolygonStippleARB driDispatchRemapTable[GetnPolygonStippleARB_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_GetnSeparableFilterARB driDispatchRemapTable[GetnSeparableFilterARB_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_GetnTexImageARB driDispatchRemapTable[GetnTexImageARB_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_GetnUniformdvARB driDispatchRemapTable[GetnUniformdvARB_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_GetnUniformfvARB driDispatchRemapTable[GetnUniformfvARB_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_GetnUniformivARB driDispatchRemapTable[GetnUniformivARB_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_GetnUniformuivARB driDispatchRemapTable[GetnUniformuivARB_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_ReadnPixelsARB driDispatchRemapTable[ReadnPixelsARB_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_DrawArraysInstancedBaseInstance driDispatchRemapTable[DrawArraysInstancedBaseInstance_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_DrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance driDispatchRemapTable[DrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance driDispatchRemapTable[DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_DrawTransformFeedbackInstanced driDispatchRemapTable[DrawTransformFeedbackInstanced_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_DrawTransformFeedbackStreamInstanced driDispatchRemapTable[DrawTransformFeedbackStreamInstanced_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_GetInternalformativ driDispatchRemapTable[GetInternalformativ_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_TexStorage1D driDispatchRemapTable[TexStorage1D_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_TexStorage2D driDispatchRemapTable[TexStorage2D_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_TexStorage3D driDispatchRemapTable[TexStorage3D_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_TextureStorage1DEXT driDispatchRemapTable[TextureStorage1DEXT_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_TextureStorage2DEXT driDispatchRemapTable[TextureStorage2DEXT_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_TextureStorage3DEXT driDispatchRemapTable[TextureStorage3DEXT_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_InvalidateBufferData driDispatchRemapTable[InvalidateBufferData_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_InvalidateBufferSubData driDispatchRemapTable[InvalidateBufferSubData_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_InvalidateFramebuffer driDispatchRemapTable[InvalidateFramebuffer_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_InvalidateSubFramebuffer driDispatchRemapTable[InvalidateSubFramebuffer_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_InvalidateTexImage driDispatchRemapTable[InvalidateTexImage_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_InvalidateTexSubImage driDispatchRemapTable[InvalidateTexSubImage_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_PolygonOffsetEXT driDispatchRemapTable[PolygonOffsetEXT_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_DrawTexfOES driDispatchRemapTable[DrawTexfOES_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_DrawTexfvOES driDispatchRemapTable[DrawTexfvOES_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_DrawTexiOES driDispatchRemapTable[DrawTexiOES_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_DrawTexivOES driDispatchRemapTable[DrawTexivOES_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_DrawTexsOES driDispatchRemapTable[DrawTexsOES_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_DrawTexsvOES driDispatchRemapTable[DrawTexsvOES_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_DrawTexxOES driDispatchRemapTable[DrawTexxOES_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_DrawTexxvOES driDispatchRemapTable[DrawTexxvOES_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_PointSizePointerOES driDispatchRemapTable[PointSizePointerOES_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_QueryMatrixxOES driDispatchRemapTable[QueryMatrixxOES_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_SampleMaskSGIS driDispatchRemapTable[SampleMaskSGIS_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_SamplePatternSGIS driDispatchRemapTable[SamplePatternSGIS_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_ColorPointerEXT driDispatchRemapTable[ColorPointerEXT_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_EdgeFlagPointerEXT driDispatchRemapTable[EdgeFlagPointerEXT_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_IndexPointerEXT driDispatchRemapTable[IndexPointerEXT_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_NormalPointerEXT driDispatchRemapTable[NormalPointerEXT_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_TexCoordPointerEXT driDispatchRemapTable[TexCoordPointerEXT_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_VertexPointerEXT driDispatchRemapTable[VertexPointerEXT_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_LockArraysEXT driDispatchRemapTable[LockArraysEXT_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_UnlockArraysEXT driDispatchRemapTable[UnlockArraysEXT_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_SecondaryColor3fEXT driDispatchRemapTable[SecondaryColor3fEXT_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_SecondaryColor3fvEXT driDispatchRemapTable[SecondaryColor3fvEXT_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_MultiDrawElementsEXT driDispatchRemapTable[MultiDrawElementsEXT_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_FogCoordfEXT driDispatchRemapTable[FogCoordfEXT_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_FogCoordfvEXT driDispatchRemapTable[FogCoordfvEXT_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_ResizeBuffersMESA driDispatchRemapTable[ResizeBuffersMESA_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_WindowPos4dMESA driDispatchRemapTable[WindowPos4dMESA_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_WindowPos4dvMESA driDispatchRemapTable[WindowPos4dvMESA_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_WindowPos4fMESA driDispatchRemapTable[WindowPos4fMESA_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_WindowPos4fvMESA driDispatchRemapTable[WindowPos4fvMESA_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_WindowPos4iMESA driDispatchRemapTable[WindowPos4iMESA_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_WindowPos4ivMESA driDispatchRemapTable[WindowPos4ivMESA_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_WindowPos4sMESA driDispatchRemapTable[WindowPos4sMESA_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_WindowPos4svMESA driDispatchRemapTable[WindowPos4svMESA_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_MultiModeDrawArraysIBM driDispatchRemapTable[MultiModeDrawArraysIBM_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_MultiModeDrawElementsIBM driDispatchRemapTable[MultiModeDrawElementsIBM_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_AreProgramsResidentNV driDispatchRemapTable[AreProgramsResidentNV_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_ExecuteProgramNV driDispatchRemapTable[ExecuteProgramNV_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_GetProgramParameterdvNV driDispatchRemapTable[GetProgramParameterdvNV_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_GetProgramParameterfvNV driDispatchRemapTable[GetProgramParameterfvNV_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_GetProgramStringNV driDispatchRemapTable[GetProgramStringNV_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_GetProgramivNV driDispatchRemapTable[GetProgramivNV_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_GetTrackMatrixivNV driDispatchRemapTable[GetTrackMatrixivNV_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_GetVertexAttribdvNV driDispatchRemapTable[GetVertexAttribdvNV_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_GetVertexAttribfvNV driDispatchRemapTable[GetVertexAttribfvNV_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_GetVertexAttribivNV driDispatchRemapTable[GetVertexAttribivNV_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_LoadProgramNV driDispatchRemapTable[LoadProgramNV_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_ProgramParameters4dvNV driDispatchRemapTable[ProgramParameters4dvNV_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_ProgramParameters4fvNV driDispatchRemapTable[ProgramParameters4fvNV_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_RequestResidentProgramsNV driDispatchRemapTable[RequestResidentProgramsNV_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_TrackMatrixNV driDispatchRemapTable[TrackMatrixNV_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib1dNV driDispatchRemapTable[VertexAttrib1dNV_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib1dvNV driDispatchRemapTable[VertexAttrib1dvNV_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib1fNV driDispatchRemapTable[VertexAttrib1fNV_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib1fvNV driDispatchRemapTable[VertexAttrib1fvNV_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib1sNV driDispatchRemapTable[VertexAttrib1sNV_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib1svNV driDispatchRemapTable[VertexAttrib1svNV_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib2dNV driDispatchRemapTable[VertexAttrib2dNV_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib2dvNV driDispatchRemapTable[VertexAttrib2dvNV_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib2fNV driDispatchRemapTable[VertexAttrib2fNV_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib2fvNV driDispatchRemapTable[VertexAttrib2fvNV_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib2sNV driDispatchRemapTable[VertexAttrib2sNV_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib2svNV driDispatchRemapTable[VertexAttrib2svNV_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib3dNV driDispatchRemapTable[VertexAttrib3dNV_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib3dvNV driDispatchRemapTable[VertexAttrib3dvNV_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib3fNV driDispatchRemapTable[VertexAttrib3fNV_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib3fvNV driDispatchRemapTable[VertexAttrib3fvNV_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib3sNV driDispatchRemapTable[VertexAttrib3sNV_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib3svNV driDispatchRemapTable[VertexAttrib3svNV_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib4dNV driDispatchRemapTable[VertexAttrib4dNV_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib4dvNV driDispatchRemapTable[VertexAttrib4dvNV_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib4fNV driDispatchRemapTable[VertexAttrib4fNV_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib4fvNV driDispatchRemapTable[VertexAttrib4fvNV_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib4sNV driDispatchRemapTable[VertexAttrib4sNV_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib4svNV driDispatchRemapTable[VertexAttrib4svNV_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib4ubNV driDispatchRemapTable[VertexAttrib4ubNV_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_VertexAttrib4ubvNV driDispatchRemapTable[VertexAttrib4ubvNV_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_VertexAttribPointerNV driDispatchRemapTable[VertexAttribPointerNV_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_VertexAttribs1dvNV driDispatchRemapTable[VertexAttribs1dvNV_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_VertexAttribs1fvNV driDispatchRemapTable[VertexAttribs1fvNV_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_VertexAttribs1svNV driDispatchRemapTable[VertexAttribs1svNV_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_VertexAttribs2dvNV driDispatchRemapTable[VertexAttribs2dvNV_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_VertexAttribs2fvNV driDispatchRemapTable[VertexAttribs2fvNV_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_VertexAttribs2svNV driDispatchRemapTable[VertexAttribs2svNV_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_VertexAttribs3dvNV driDispatchRemapTable[VertexAttribs3dvNV_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_VertexAttribs3fvNV driDispatchRemapTable[VertexAttribs3fvNV_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_VertexAttribs3svNV driDispatchRemapTable[VertexAttribs3svNV_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_VertexAttribs4dvNV driDispatchRemapTable[VertexAttribs4dvNV_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_VertexAttribs4fvNV driDispatchRemapTable[VertexAttribs4fvNV_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_VertexAttribs4svNV driDispatchRemapTable[VertexAttribs4svNV_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_VertexAttribs4ubvNV driDispatchRemapTable[VertexAttribs4ubvNV_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_GetTexBumpParameterfvATI driDispatchRemapTable[GetTexBumpParameterfvATI_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_GetTexBumpParameterivATI driDispatchRemapTable[GetTexBumpParameterivATI_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_TexBumpParameterfvATI driDispatchRemapTable[TexBumpParameterfvATI_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_TexBumpParameterivATI driDispatchRemapTable[TexBumpParameterivATI_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_AlphaFragmentOp1ATI driDispatchRemapTable[AlphaFragmentOp1ATI_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_AlphaFragmentOp2ATI driDispatchRemapTable[AlphaFragmentOp2ATI_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_AlphaFragmentOp3ATI driDispatchRemapTable[AlphaFragmentOp3ATI_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_BeginFragmentShaderATI driDispatchRemapTable[BeginFragmentShaderATI_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_BindFragmentShaderATI driDispatchRemapTable[BindFragmentShaderATI_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_ColorFragmentOp1ATI driDispatchRemapTable[ColorFragmentOp1ATI_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_ColorFragmentOp2ATI driDispatchRemapTable[ColorFragmentOp2ATI_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_ColorFragmentOp3ATI driDispatchRemapTable[ColorFragmentOp3ATI_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_DeleteFragmentShaderATI driDispatchRemapTable[DeleteFragmentShaderATI_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_EndFragmentShaderATI driDispatchRemapTable[EndFragmentShaderATI_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_GenFragmentShadersATI driDispatchRemapTable[GenFragmentShadersATI_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_PassTexCoordATI driDispatchRemapTable[PassTexCoordATI_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_SampleMapATI driDispatchRemapTable[SampleMapATI_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_SetFragmentShaderConstantATI driDispatchRemapTable[SetFragmentShaderConstantATI_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_ActiveStencilFaceEXT driDispatchRemapTable[ActiveStencilFaceEXT_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_BindVertexArrayAPPLE driDispatchRemapTable[BindVertexArrayAPPLE_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_GenVertexArraysAPPLE driDispatchRemapTable[GenVertexArraysAPPLE_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_GetProgramNamedParameterdvNV driDispatchRemapTable[GetProgramNamedParameterdvNV_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_GetProgramNamedParameterfvNV driDispatchRemapTable[GetProgramNamedParameterfvNV_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_ProgramNamedParameter4dNV driDispatchRemapTable[ProgramNamedParameter4dNV_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_ProgramNamedParameter4dvNV driDispatchRemapTable[ProgramNamedParameter4dvNV_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_ProgramNamedParameter4fNV driDispatchRemapTable[ProgramNamedParameter4fNV_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_ProgramNamedParameter4fvNV driDispatchRemapTable[ProgramNamedParameter4fvNV_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_PrimitiveRestartNV driDispatchRemapTable[PrimitiveRestartNV_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_GetTexGenxvOES driDispatchRemapTable[GetTexGenxvOES_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_TexGenxOES driDispatchRemapTable[TexGenxOES_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_TexGenxvOES driDispatchRemapTable[TexGenxvOES_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_DepthBoundsEXT driDispatchRemapTable[DepthBoundsEXT_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_BufferParameteriAPPLE driDispatchRemapTable[BufferParameteriAPPLE_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_FlushMappedBufferRangeAPPLE driDispatchRemapTable[FlushMappedBufferRangeAPPLE_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_VertexAttribI1iEXT driDispatchRemapTable[VertexAttribI1iEXT_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_VertexAttribI1uiEXT driDispatchRemapTable[VertexAttribI1uiEXT_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_VertexAttribI2iEXT driDispatchRemapTable[VertexAttribI2iEXT_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_VertexAttribI2ivEXT driDispatchRemapTable[VertexAttribI2ivEXT_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_VertexAttribI2uiEXT driDispatchRemapTable[VertexAttribI2uiEXT_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_VertexAttribI2uivEXT driDispatchRemapTable[VertexAttribI2uivEXT_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_VertexAttribI3iEXT driDispatchRemapTable[VertexAttribI3iEXT_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_VertexAttribI3ivEXT driDispatchRemapTable[VertexAttribI3ivEXT_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_VertexAttribI3uiEXT driDispatchRemapTable[VertexAttribI3uiEXT_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_VertexAttribI3uivEXT driDispatchRemapTable[VertexAttribI3uivEXT_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_VertexAttribI4iEXT driDispatchRemapTable[VertexAttribI4iEXT_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_VertexAttribI4ivEXT driDispatchRemapTable[VertexAttribI4ivEXT_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_VertexAttribI4uiEXT driDispatchRemapTable[VertexAttribI4uiEXT_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_VertexAttribI4uivEXT driDispatchRemapTable[VertexAttribI4uivEXT_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_ClearColorIiEXT driDispatchRemapTable[ClearColorIiEXT_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_ClearColorIuiEXT driDispatchRemapTable[ClearColorIuiEXT_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_BindBufferOffsetEXT driDispatchRemapTable[BindBufferOffsetEXT_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_GetObjectParameterivAPPLE driDispatchRemapTable[GetObjectParameterivAPPLE_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_ObjectPurgeableAPPLE driDispatchRemapTable[ObjectPurgeableAPPLE_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_ObjectUnpurgeableAPPLE driDispatchRemapTable[ObjectUnpurgeableAPPLE_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_ActiveProgramEXT driDispatchRemapTable[ActiveProgramEXT_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_CreateShaderProgramEXT driDispatchRemapTable[CreateShaderProgramEXT_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_UseShaderProgramEXT driDispatchRemapTable[UseShaderProgramEXT_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_TextureBarrierNV driDispatchRemapTable[TextureBarrierNV_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_StencilFuncSeparateATI driDispatchRemapTable[StencilFuncSeparateATI_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_ProgramEnvParameters4fvEXT driDispatchRemapTable[ProgramEnvParameters4fvEXT_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_ProgramLocalParameters4fvEXT driDispatchRemapTable[ProgramLocalParameters4fvEXT_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_EGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOES driDispatchRemapTable[EGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOES_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_EGLImageTargetTexture2DOES driDispatchRemapTable[EGLImageTargetTexture2DOES_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_AlphaFuncx driDispatchRemapTable[AlphaFuncx_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_ClearColorx driDispatchRemapTable[ClearColorx_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_ClearDepthx driDispatchRemapTable[ClearDepthx_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_Color4x driDispatchRemapTable[Color4x_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_DepthRangex driDispatchRemapTable[DepthRangex_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_Fogx driDispatchRemapTable[Fogx_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_Fogxv driDispatchRemapTable[Fogxv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_Frustumf driDispatchRemapTable[Frustumf_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_Frustumx driDispatchRemapTable[Frustumx_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_LightModelx driDispatchRemapTable[LightModelx_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_LightModelxv driDispatchRemapTable[LightModelxv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_Lightx driDispatchRemapTable[Lightx_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_Lightxv driDispatchRemapTable[Lightxv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_LineWidthx driDispatchRemapTable[LineWidthx_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_LoadMatrixx driDispatchRemapTable[LoadMatrixx_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_Materialx driDispatchRemapTable[Materialx_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_Materialxv driDispatchRemapTable[Materialxv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_MultMatrixx driDispatchRemapTable[MultMatrixx_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_MultiTexCoord4x driDispatchRemapTable[MultiTexCoord4x_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_Normal3x driDispatchRemapTable[Normal3x_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_Orthof driDispatchRemapTable[Orthof_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_Orthox driDispatchRemapTable[Orthox_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_PointSizex driDispatchRemapTable[PointSizex_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_PolygonOffsetx driDispatchRemapTable[PolygonOffsetx_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_Rotatex driDispatchRemapTable[Rotatex_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_SampleCoveragex driDispatchRemapTable[SampleCoveragex_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_Scalex driDispatchRemapTable[Scalex_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_TexEnvx driDispatchRemapTable[TexEnvx_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_TexEnvxv driDispatchRemapTable[TexEnvxv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_TexParameterx driDispatchRemapTable[TexParameterx_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_Translatex driDispatchRemapTable[Translatex_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_ClipPlanef driDispatchRemapTable[ClipPlanef_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_ClipPlanex driDispatchRemapTable[ClipPlanex_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_GetClipPlanef driDispatchRemapTable[GetClipPlanef_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_GetClipPlanex driDispatchRemapTable[GetClipPlanex_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_GetFixedv driDispatchRemapTable[GetFixedv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_GetLightxv driDispatchRemapTable[GetLightxv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_GetMaterialxv driDispatchRemapTable[GetMaterialxv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_GetTexEnvxv driDispatchRemapTable[GetTexEnvxv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_GetTexParameterxv driDispatchRemapTable[GetTexParameterxv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_PointParameterx driDispatchRemapTable[PointParameterx_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_PointParameterxv driDispatchRemapTable[PointParameterxv_remap_index] +#define _gloffset_TexParameterxv driDispatchRemapTable[TexParameterxv_remap_index] + +#endif /* !FEATURE_remap_table */ + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_NewList)(GLuint, GLenum); +#define CALL_NewList(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_NewList(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_NewList GET_NewList(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_NewList) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_NewList)); +} + +static inline void SET_NewList(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLenum)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_NewList, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_EndList)(void); +#define CALL_EndList(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_EndList(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_EndList GET_EndList(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_EndList) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_EndList)); +} + +static inline void SET_EndList(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(void)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_EndList, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_CallList)(GLuint); +#define CALL_CallList(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_CallList(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_CallList GET_CallList(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_CallList) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_CallList)); +} + +static inline void SET_CallList(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_CallList, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_CallLists)(GLsizei, GLenum, const GLvoid *); +#define CALL_CallLists(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_CallLists(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_CallLists GET_CallLists(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_CallLists) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_CallLists)); +} + +static inline void SET_CallLists(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLsizei, GLenum, const GLvoid *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_CallLists, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_DeleteLists)(GLuint, GLsizei); +#define CALL_DeleteLists(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_DeleteLists(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_DeleteLists GET_DeleteLists(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_DeleteLists) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_DeleteLists)); +} + +static inline void SET_DeleteLists(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLsizei)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_DeleteLists, fn); +} + +typedef GLuint (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GenLists)(GLsizei); +#define CALL_GenLists(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GenLists(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GenLists GET_GenLists(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GenLists) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GenLists)); +} + +static inline void SET_GenLists(struct _glapi_table *disp, GLuint (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLsizei)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GenLists, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_ListBase)(GLuint); +#define CALL_ListBase(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_ListBase(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_ListBase GET_ListBase(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_ListBase) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ListBase)); +} + +static inline void SET_ListBase(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ListBase, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Begin)(GLenum); +#define CALL_Begin(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Begin(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Begin GET_Begin(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Begin) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Begin)); +} + +static inline void SET_Begin(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Begin, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Bitmap)(GLsizei, GLsizei, GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat, const GLubyte *); +#define CALL_Bitmap(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Bitmap(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Bitmap GET_Bitmap(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Bitmap) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Bitmap)); +} + +static inline void SET_Bitmap(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLsizei, GLsizei, GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat, const GLubyte *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Bitmap, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Color3b)(GLbyte, GLbyte, GLbyte); +#define CALL_Color3b(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Color3b(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Color3b GET_Color3b(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Color3b) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Color3b)); +} + +static inline void SET_Color3b(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLbyte, GLbyte, GLbyte)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Color3b, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Color3bv)(const GLbyte *); +#define CALL_Color3bv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Color3bv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Color3bv GET_Color3bv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Color3bv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Color3bv)); +} + +static inline void SET_Color3bv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(const GLbyte *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Color3bv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Color3d)(GLdouble, GLdouble, GLdouble); +#define CALL_Color3d(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Color3d(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Color3d GET_Color3d(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Color3d) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Color3d)); +} + +static inline void SET_Color3d(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLdouble, GLdouble, GLdouble)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Color3d, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Color3dv)(const GLdouble *); +#define CALL_Color3dv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Color3dv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Color3dv GET_Color3dv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Color3dv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Color3dv)); +} + +static inline void SET_Color3dv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(const GLdouble *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Color3dv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Color3f)(GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat); +#define CALL_Color3f(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Color3f(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Color3f GET_Color3f(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Color3f) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Color3f)); +} + +static inline void SET_Color3f(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Color3f, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Color3fv)(const GLfloat *); +#define CALL_Color3fv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Color3fv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Color3fv GET_Color3fv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Color3fv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Color3fv)); +} + +static inline void SET_Color3fv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(const GLfloat *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Color3fv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Color3i)(GLint, GLint, GLint); +#define CALL_Color3i(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Color3i(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Color3i GET_Color3i(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Color3i) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Color3i)); +} + +static inline void SET_Color3i(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLint, GLint, GLint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Color3i, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Color3iv)(const GLint *); +#define CALL_Color3iv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Color3iv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Color3iv GET_Color3iv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Color3iv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Color3iv)); +} + +static inline void SET_Color3iv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(const GLint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Color3iv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Color3s)(GLshort, GLshort, GLshort); +#define CALL_Color3s(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Color3s(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Color3s GET_Color3s(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Color3s) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Color3s)); +} + +static inline void SET_Color3s(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLshort, GLshort, GLshort)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Color3s, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Color3sv)(const GLshort *); +#define CALL_Color3sv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Color3sv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Color3sv GET_Color3sv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Color3sv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Color3sv)); +} + +static inline void SET_Color3sv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(const GLshort *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Color3sv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Color3ub)(GLubyte, GLubyte, GLubyte); +#define CALL_Color3ub(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Color3ub(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Color3ub GET_Color3ub(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Color3ub) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Color3ub)); +} + +static inline void SET_Color3ub(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLubyte, GLubyte, GLubyte)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Color3ub, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Color3ubv)(const GLubyte *); +#define CALL_Color3ubv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Color3ubv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Color3ubv GET_Color3ubv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Color3ubv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Color3ubv)); +} + +static inline void SET_Color3ubv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(const GLubyte *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Color3ubv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Color3ui)(GLuint, GLuint, GLuint); +#define CALL_Color3ui(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Color3ui(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Color3ui GET_Color3ui(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Color3ui) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Color3ui)); +} + +static inline void SET_Color3ui(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLuint, GLuint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Color3ui, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Color3uiv)(const GLuint *); +#define CALL_Color3uiv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Color3uiv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Color3uiv GET_Color3uiv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Color3uiv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Color3uiv)); +} + +static inline void SET_Color3uiv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(const GLuint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Color3uiv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Color3us)(GLushort, GLushort, GLushort); +#define CALL_Color3us(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Color3us(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Color3us GET_Color3us(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Color3us) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Color3us)); +} + +static inline void SET_Color3us(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLushort, GLushort, GLushort)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Color3us, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Color3usv)(const GLushort *); +#define CALL_Color3usv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Color3usv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Color3usv GET_Color3usv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Color3usv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Color3usv)); +} + +static inline void SET_Color3usv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(const GLushort *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Color3usv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Color4b)(GLbyte, GLbyte, GLbyte, GLbyte); +#define CALL_Color4b(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Color4b(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Color4b GET_Color4b(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Color4b) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Color4b)); +} + +static inline void SET_Color4b(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLbyte, GLbyte, GLbyte, GLbyte)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Color4b, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Color4bv)(const GLbyte *); +#define CALL_Color4bv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Color4bv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Color4bv GET_Color4bv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Color4bv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Color4bv)); +} + +static inline void SET_Color4bv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(const GLbyte *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Color4bv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Color4d)(GLdouble, GLdouble, GLdouble, GLdouble); +#define CALL_Color4d(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Color4d(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Color4d GET_Color4d(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Color4d) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Color4d)); +} + +static inline void SET_Color4d(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLdouble, GLdouble, GLdouble, GLdouble)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Color4d, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Color4dv)(const GLdouble *); +#define CALL_Color4dv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Color4dv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Color4dv GET_Color4dv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Color4dv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Color4dv)); +} + +static inline void SET_Color4dv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(const GLdouble *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Color4dv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Color4f)(GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat); +#define CALL_Color4f(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Color4f(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Color4f GET_Color4f(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Color4f) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Color4f)); +} + +static inline void SET_Color4f(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Color4f, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Color4fv)(const GLfloat *); +#define CALL_Color4fv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Color4fv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Color4fv GET_Color4fv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Color4fv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Color4fv)); +} + +static inline void SET_Color4fv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(const GLfloat *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Color4fv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Color4i)(GLint, GLint, GLint, GLint); +#define CALL_Color4i(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Color4i(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Color4i GET_Color4i(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Color4i) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Color4i)); +} + +static inline void SET_Color4i(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLint, GLint, GLint, GLint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Color4i, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Color4iv)(const GLint *); +#define CALL_Color4iv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Color4iv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Color4iv GET_Color4iv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Color4iv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Color4iv)); +} + +static inline void SET_Color4iv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(const GLint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Color4iv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Color4s)(GLshort, GLshort, GLshort, GLshort); +#define CALL_Color4s(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Color4s(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Color4s GET_Color4s(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Color4s) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Color4s)); +} + +static inline void SET_Color4s(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLshort, GLshort, GLshort, GLshort)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Color4s, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Color4sv)(const GLshort *); +#define CALL_Color4sv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Color4sv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Color4sv GET_Color4sv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Color4sv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Color4sv)); +} + +static inline void SET_Color4sv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(const GLshort *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Color4sv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Color4ub)(GLubyte, GLubyte, GLubyte, GLubyte); +#define CALL_Color4ub(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Color4ub(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Color4ub GET_Color4ub(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Color4ub) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Color4ub)); +} + +static inline void SET_Color4ub(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLubyte, GLubyte, GLubyte, GLubyte)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Color4ub, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Color4ubv)(const GLubyte *); +#define CALL_Color4ubv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Color4ubv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Color4ubv GET_Color4ubv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Color4ubv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Color4ubv)); +} + +static inline void SET_Color4ubv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(const GLubyte *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Color4ubv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Color4ui)(GLuint, GLuint, GLuint, GLuint); +#define CALL_Color4ui(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Color4ui(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Color4ui GET_Color4ui(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Color4ui) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Color4ui)); +} + +static inline void SET_Color4ui(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLuint, GLuint, GLuint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Color4ui, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Color4uiv)(const GLuint *); +#define CALL_Color4uiv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Color4uiv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Color4uiv GET_Color4uiv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Color4uiv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Color4uiv)); +} + +static inline void SET_Color4uiv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(const GLuint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Color4uiv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Color4us)(GLushort, GLushort, GLushort, GLushort); +#define CALL_Color4us(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Color4us(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Color4us GET_Color4us(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Color4us) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Color4us)); +} + +static inline void SET_Color4us(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLushort, GLushort, GLushort, GLushort)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Color4us, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Color4usv)(const GLushort *); +#define CALL_Color4usv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Color4usv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Color4usv GET_Color4usv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Color4usv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Color4usv)); +} + +static inline void SET_Color4usv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(const GLushort *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Color4usv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_EdgeFlag)(GLboolean); +#define CALL_EdgeFlag(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_EdgeFlag(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_EdgeFlag GET_EdgeFlag(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_EdgeFlag) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_EdgeFlag)); +} + +static inline void SET_EdgeFlag(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLboolean)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_EdgeFlag, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_EdgeFlagv)(const GLboolean *); +#define CALL_EdgeFlagv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_EdgeFlagv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_EdgeFlagv GET_EdgeFlagv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_EdgeFlagv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_EdgeFlagv)); +} + +static inline void SET_EdgeFlagv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(const GLboolean *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_EdgeFlagv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_End)(void); +#define CALL_End(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_End(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_End GET_End(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_End) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_End)); +} + +static inline void SET_End(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(void)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_End, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Indexd)(GLdouble); +#define CALL_Indexd(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Indexd(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Indexd GET_Indexd(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Indexd) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Indexd)); +} + +static inline void SET_Indexd(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLdouble)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Indexd, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Indexdv)(const GLdouble *); +#define CALL_Indexdv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Indexdv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Indexdv GET_Indexdv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Indexdv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Indexdv)); +} + +static inline void SET_Indexdv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(const GLdouble *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Indexdv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Indexf)(GLfloat); +#define CALL_Indexf(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Indexf(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Indexf GET_Indexf(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Indexf) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Indexf)); +} + +static inline void SET_Indexf(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLfloat)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Indexf, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Indexfv)(const GLfloat *); +#define CALL_Indexfv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Indexfv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Indexfv GET_Indexfv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Indexfv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Indexfv)); +} + +static inline void SET_Indexfv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(const GLfloat *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Indexfv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Indexi)(GLint); +#define CALL_Indexi(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Indexi(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Indexi GET_Indexi(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Indexi) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Indexi)); +} + +static inline void SET_Indexi(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Indexi, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Indexiv)(const GLint *); +#define CALL_Indexiv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Indexiv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Indexiv GET_Indexiv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Indexiv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Indexiv)); +} + +static inline void SET_Indexiv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(const GLint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Indexiv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Indexs)(GLshort); +#define CALL_Indexs(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Indexs(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Indexs GET_Indexs(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Indexs) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Indexs)); +} + +static inline void SET_Indexs(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLshort)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Indexs, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Indexsv)(const GLshort *); +#define CALL_Indexsv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Indexsv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Indexsv GET_Indexsv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Indexsv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Indexsv)); +} + +static inline void SET_Indexsv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(const GLshort *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Indexsv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Normal3b)(GLbyte, GLbyte, GLbyte); +#define CALL_Normal3b(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Normal3b(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Normal3b GET_Normal3b(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Normal3b) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Normal3b)); +} + +static inline void SET_Normal3b(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLbyte, GLbyte, GLbyte)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Normal3b, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Normal3bv)(const GLbyte *); +#define CALL_Normal3bv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Normal3bv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Normal3bv GET_Normal3bv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Normal3bv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Normal3bv)); +} + +static inline void SET_Normal3bv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(const GLbyte *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Normal3bv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Normal3d)(GLdouble, GLdouble, GLdouble); +#define CALL_Normal3d(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Normal3d(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Normal3d GET_Normal3d(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Normal3d) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Normal3d)); +} + +static inline void SET_Normal3d(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLdouble, GLdouble, GLdouble)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Normal3d, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Normal3dv)(const GLdouble *); +#define CALL_Normal3dv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Normal3dv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Normal3dv GET_Normal3dv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Normal3dv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Normal3dv)); +} + +static inline void SET_Normal3dv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(const GLdouble *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Normal3dv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Normal3f)(GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat); +#define CALL_Normal3f(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Normal3f(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Normal3f GET_Normal3f(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Normal3f) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Normal3f)); +} + +static inline void SET_Normal3f(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Normal3f, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Normal3fv)(const GLfloat *); +#define CALL_Normal3fv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Normal3fv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Normal3fv GET_Normal3fv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Normal3fv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Normal3fv)); +} + +static inline void SET_Normal3fv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(const GLfloat *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Normal3fv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Normal3i)(GLint, GLint, GLint); +#define CALL_Normal3i(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Normal3i(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Normal3i GET_Normal3i(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Normal3i) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Normal3i)); +} + +static inline void SET_Normal3i(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLint, GLint, GLint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Normal3i, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Normal3iv)(const GLint *); +#define CALL_Normal3iv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Normal3iv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Normal3iv GET_Normal3iv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Normal3iv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Normal3iv)); +} + +static inline void SET_Normal3iv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(const GLint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Normal3iv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Normal3s)(GLshort, GLshort, GLshort); +#define CALL_Normal3s(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Normal3s(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Normal3s GET_Normal3s(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Normal3s) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Normal3s)); +} + +static inline void SET_Normal3s(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLshort, GLshort, GLshort)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Normal3s, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Normal3sv)(const GLshort *); +#define CALL_Normal3sv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Normal3sv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Normal3sv GET_Normal3sv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Normal3sv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Normal3sv)); +} + +static inline void SET_Normal3sv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(const GLshort *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Normal3sv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_RasterPos2d)(GLdouble, GLdouble); +#define CALL_RasterPos2d(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_RasterPos2d(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_RasterPos2d GET_RasterPos2d(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_RasterPos2d) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_RasterPos2d)); +} + +static inline void SET_RasterPos2d(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLdouble, GLdouble)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_RasterPos2d, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_RasterPos2dv)(const GLdouble *); +#define CALL_RasterPos2dv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_RasterPos2dv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_RasterPos2dv GET_RasterPos2dv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_RasterPos2dv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_RasterPos2dv)); +} + +static inline void SET_RasterPos2dv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(const GLdouble *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_RasterPos2dv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_RasterPos2f)(GLfloat, GLfloat); +#define CALL_RasterPos2f(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_RasterPos2f(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_RasterPos2f GET_RasterPos2f(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_RasterPos2f) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_RasterPos2f)); +} + +static inline void SET_RasterPos2f(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLfloat, GLfloat)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_RasterPos2f, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_RasterPos2fv)(const GLfloat *); +#define CALL_RasterPos2fv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_RasterPos2fv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_RasterPos2fv GET_RasterPos2fv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_RasterPos2fv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_RasterPos2fv)); +} + +static inline void SET_RasterPos2fv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(const GLfloat *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_RasterPos2fv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_RasterPos2i)(GLint, GLint); +#define CALL_RasterPos2i(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_RasterPos2i(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_RasterPos2i GET_RasterPos2i(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_RasterPos2i) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_RasterPos2i)); +} + +static inline void SET_RasterPos2i(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLint, GLint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_RasterPos2i, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_RasterPos2iv)(const GLint *); +#define CALL_RasterPos2iv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_RasterPos2iv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_RasterPos2iv GET_RasterPos2iv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_RasterPos2iv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_RasterPos2iv)); +} + +static inline void SET_RasterPos2iv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(const GLint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_RasterPos2iv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_RasterPos2s)(GLshort, GLshort); +#define CALL_RasterPos2s(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_RasterPos2s(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_RasterPos2s GET_RasterPos2s(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_RasterPos2s) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_RasterPos2s)); +} + +static inline void SET_RasterPos2s(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLshort, GLshort)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_RasterPos2s, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_RasterPos2sv)(const GLshort *); +#define CALL_RasterPos2sv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_RasterPos2sv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_RasterPos2sv GET_RasterPos2sv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_RasterPos2sv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_RasterPos2sv)); +} + +static inline void SET_RasterPos2sv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(const GLshort *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_RasterPos2sv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_RasterPos3d)(GLdouble, GLdouble, GLdouble); +#define CALL_RasterPos3d(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_RasterPos3d(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_RasterPos3d GET_RasterPos3d(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_RasterPos3d) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_RasterPos3d)); +} + +static inline void SET_RasterPos3d(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLdouble, GLdouble, GLdouble)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_RasterPos3d, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_RasterPos3dv)(const GLdouble *); +#define CALL_RasterPos3dv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_RasterPos3dv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_RasterPos3dv GET_RasterPos3dv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_RasterPos3dv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_RasterPos3dv)); +} + +static inline void SET_RasterPos3dv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(const GLdouble *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_RasterPos3dv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_RasterPos3f)(GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat); +#define CALL_RasterPos3f(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_RasterPos3f(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_RasterPos3f GET_RasterPos3f(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_RasterPos3f) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_RasterPos3f)); +} + +static inline void SET_RasterPos3f(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_RasterPos3f, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_RasterPos3fv)(const GLfloat *); +#define CALL_RasterPos3fv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_RasterPos3fv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_RasterPos3fv GET_RasterPos3fv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_RasterPos3fv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_RasterPos3fv)); +} + +static inline void SET_RasterPos3fv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(const GLfloat *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_RasterPos3fv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_RasterPos3i)(GLint, GLint, GLint); +#define CALL_RasterPos3i(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_RasterPos3i(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_RasterPos3i GET_RasterPos3i(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_RasterPos3i) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_RasterPos3i)); +} + +static inline void SET_RasterPos3i(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLint, GLint, GLint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_RasterPos3i, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_RasterPos3iv)(const GLint *); +#define CALL_RasterPos3iv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_RasterPos3iv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_RasterPos3iv GET_RasterPos3iv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_RasterPos3iv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_RasterPos3iv)); +} + +static inline void SET_RasterPos3iv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(const GLint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_RasterPos3iv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_RasterPos3s)(GLshort, GLshort, GLshort); +#define CALL_RasterPos3s(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_RasterPos3s(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_RasterPos3s GET_RasterPos3s(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_RasterPos3s) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_RasterPos3s)); +} + +static inline void SET_RasterPos3s(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLshort, GLshort, GLshort)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_RasterPos3s, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_RasterPos3sv)(const GLshort *); +#define CALL_RasterPos3sv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_RasterPos3sv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_RasterPos3sv GET_RasterPos3sv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_RasterPos3sv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_RasterPos3sv)); +} + +static inline void SET_RasterPos3sv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(const GLshort *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_RasterPos3sv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_RasterPos4d)(GLdouble, GLdouble, GLdouble, GLdouble); +#define CALL_RasterPos4d(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_RasterPos4d(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_RasterPos4d GET_RasterPos4d(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_RasterPos4d) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_RasterPos4d)); +} + +static inline void SET_RasterPos4d(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLdouble, GLdouble, GLdouble, GLdouble)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_RasterPos4d, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_RasterPos4dv)(const GLdouble *); +#define CALL_RasterPos4dv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_RasterPos4dv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_RasterPos4dv GET_RasterPos4dv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_RasterPos4dv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_RasterPos4dv)); +} + +static inline void SET_RasterPos4dv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(const GLdouble *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_RasterPos4dv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_RasterPos4f)(GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat); +#define CALL_RasterPos4f(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_RasterPos4f(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_RasterPos4f GET_RasterPos4f(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_RasterPos4f) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_RasterPos4f)); +} + +static inline void SET_RasterPos4f(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_RasterPos4f, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_RasterPos4fv)(const GLfloat *); +#define CALL_RasterPos4fv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_RasterPos4fv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_RasterPos4fv GET_RasterPos4fv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_RasterPos4fv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_RasterPos4fv)); +} + +static inline void SET_RasterPos4fv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(const GLfloat *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_RasterPos4fv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_RasterPos4i)(GLint, GLint, GLint, GLint); +#define CALL_RasterPos4i(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_RasterPos4i(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_RasterPos4i GET_RasterPos4i(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_RasterPos4i) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_RasterPos4i)); +} + +static inline void SET_RasterPos4i(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLint, GLint, GLint, GLint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_RasterPos4i, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_RasterPos4iv)(const GLint *); +#define CALL_RasterPos4iv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_RasterPos4iv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_RasterPos4iv GET_RasterPos4iv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_RasterPos4iv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_RasterPos4iv)); +} + +static inline void SET_RasterPos4iv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(const GLint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_RasterPos4iv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_RasterPos4s)(GLshort, GLshort, GLshort, GLshort); +#define CALL_RasterPos4s(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_RasterPos4s(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_RasterPos4s GET_RasterPos4s(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_RasterPos4s) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_RasterPos4s)); +} + +static inline void SET_RasterPos4s(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLshort, GLshort, GLshort, GLshort)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_RasterPos4s, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_RasterPos4sv)(const GLshort *); +#define CALL_RasterPos4sv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_RasterPos4sv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_RasterPos4sv GET_RasterPos4sv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_RasterPos4sv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_RasterPos4sv)); +} + +static inline void SET_RasterPos4sv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(const GLshort *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_RasterPos4sv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Rectd)(GLdouble, GLdouble, GLdouble, GLdouble); +#define CALL_Rectd(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Rectd(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Rectd GET_Rectd(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Rectd) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Rectd)); +} + +static inline void SET_Rectd(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLdouble, GLdouble, GLdouble, GLdouble)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Rectd, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Rectdv)(const GLdouble *, const GLdouble *); +#define CALL_Rectdv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Rectdv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Rectdv GET_Rectdv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Rectdv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Rectdv)); +} + +static inline void SET_Rectdv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(const GLdouble *, const GLdouble *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Rectdv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Rectf)(GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat); +#define CALL_Rectf(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Rectf(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Rectf GET_Rectf(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Rectf) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Rectf)); +} + +static inline void SET_Rectf(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Rectf, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Rectfv)(const GLfloat *, const GLfloat *); +#define CALL_Rectfv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Rectfv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Rectfv GET_Rectfv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Rectfv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Rectfv)); +} + +static inline void SET_Rectfv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(const GLfloat *, const GLfloat *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Rectfv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Recti)(GLint, GLint, GLint, GLint); +#define CALL_Recti(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Recti(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Recti GET_Recti(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Recti) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Recti)); +} + +static inline void SET_Recti(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLint, GLint, GLint, GLint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Recti, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Rectiv)(const GLint *, const GLint *); +#define CALL_Rectiv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Rectiv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Rectiv GET_Rectiv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Rectiv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Rectiv)); +} + +static inline void SET_Rectiv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(const GLint *, const GLint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Rectiv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Rects)(GLshort, GLshort, GLshort, GLshort); +#define CALL_Rects(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Rects(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Rects GET_Rects(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Rects) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Rects)); +} + +static inline void SET_Rects(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLshort, GLshort, GLshort, GLshort)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Rects, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Rectsv)(const GLshort *, const GLshort *); +#define CALL_Rectsv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Rectsv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Rectsv GET_Rectsv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Rectsv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Rectsv)); +} + +static inline void SET_Rectsv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(const GLshort *, const GLshort *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Rectsv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_TexCoord1d)(GLdouble); +#define CALL_TexCoord1d(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_TexCoord1d(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_TexCoord1d GET_TexCoord1d(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_TexCoord1d) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexCoord1d)); +} + +static inline void SET_TexCoord1d(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLdouble)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexCoord1d, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_TexCoord1dv)(const GLdouble *); +#define CALL_TexCoord1dv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_TexCoord1dv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_TexCoord1dv GET_TexCoord1dv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_TexCoord1dv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexCoord1dv)); +} + +static inline void SET_TexCoord1dv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(const GLdouble *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexCoord1dv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_TexCoord1f)(GLfloat); +#define CALL_TexCoord1f(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_TexCoord1f(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_TexCoord1f GET_TexCoord1f(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_TexCoord1f) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexCoord1f)); +} + +static inline void SET_TexCoord1f(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLfloat)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexCoord1f, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_TexCoord1fv)(const GLfloat *); +#define CALL_TexCoord1fv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_TexCoord1fv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_TexCoord1fv GET_TexCoord1fv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_TexCoord1fv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexCoord1fv)); +} + +static inline void SET_TexCoord1fv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(const GLfloat *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexCoord1fv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_TexCoord1i)(GLint); +#define CALL_TexCoord1i(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_TexCoord1i(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_TexCoord1i GET_TexCoord1i(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_TexCoord1i) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexCoord1i)); +} + +static inline void SET_TexCoord1i(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexCoord1i, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_TexCoord1iv)(const GLint *); +#define CALL_TexCoord1iv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_TexCoord1iv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_TexCoord1iv GET_TexCoord1iv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_TexCoord1iv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexCoord1iv)); +} + +static inline void SET_TexCoord1iv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(const GLint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexCoord1iv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_TexCoord1s)(GLshort); +#define CALL_TexCoord1s(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_TexCoord1s(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_TexCoord1s GET_TexCoord1s(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_TexCoord1s) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexCoord1s)); +} + +static inline void SET_TexCoord1s(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLshort)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexCoord1s, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_TexCoord1sv)(const GLshort *); +#define CALL_TexCoord1sv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_TexCoord1sv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_TexCoord1sv GET_TexCoord1sv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_TexCoord1sv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexCoord1sv)); +} + +static inline void SET_TexCoord1sv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(const GLshort *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexCoord1sv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_TexCoord2d)(GLdouble, GLdouble); +#define CALL_TexCoord2d(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_TexCoord2d(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_TexCoord2d GET_TexCoord2d(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_TexCoord2d) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexCoord2d)); +} + +static inline void SET_TexCoord2d(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLdouble, GLdouble)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexCoord2d, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_TexCoord2dv)(const GLdouble *); +#define CALL_TexCoord2dv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_TexCoord2dv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_TexCoord2dv GET_TexCoord2dv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_TexCoord2dv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexCoord2dv)); +} + +static inline void SET_TexCoord2dv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(const GLdouble *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexCoord2dv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_TexCoord2f)(GLfloat, GLfloat); +#define CALL_TexCoord2f(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_TexCoord2f(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_TexCoord2f GET_TexCoord2f(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_TexCoord2f) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexCoord2f)); +} + +static inline void SET_TexCoord2f(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLfloat, GLfloat)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexCoord2f, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_TexCoord2fv)(const GLfloat *); +#define CALL_TexCoord2fv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_TexCoord2fv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_TexCoord2fv GET_TexCoord2fv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_TexCoord2fv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexCoord2fv)); +} + +static inline void SET_TexCoord2fv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(const GLfloat *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexCoord2fv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_TexCoord2i)(GLint, GLint); +#define CALL_TexCoord2i(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_TexCoord2i(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_TexCoord2i GET_TexCoord2i(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_TexCoord2i) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexCoord2i)); +} + +static inline void SET_TexCoord2i(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLint, GLint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexCoord2i, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_TexCoord2iv)(const GLint *); +#define CALL_TexCoord2iv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_TexCoord2iv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_TexCoord2iv GET_TexCoord2iv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_TexCoord2iv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexCoord2iv)); +} + +static inline void SET_TexCoord2iv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(const GLint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexCoord2iv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_TexCoord2s)(GLshort, GLshort); +#define CALL_TexCoord2s(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_TexCoord2s(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_TexCoord2s GET_TexCoord2s(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_TexCoord2s) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexCoord2s)); +} + +static inline void SET_TexCoord2s(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLshort, GLshort)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexCoord2s, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_TexCoord2sv)(const GLshort *); +#define CALL_TexCoord2sv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_TexCoord2sv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_TexCoord2sv GET_TexCoord2sv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_TexCoord2sv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexCoord2sv)); +} + +static inline void SET_TexCoord2sv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(const GLshort *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexCoord2sv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_TexCoord3d)(GLdouble, GLdouble, GLdouble); +#define CALL_TexCoord3d(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_TexCoord3d(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_TexCoord3d GET_TexCoord3d(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_TexCoord3d) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexCoord3d)); +} + +static inline void SET_TexCoord3d(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLdouble, GLdouble, GLdouble)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexCoord3d, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_TexCoord3dv)(const GLdouble *); +#define CALL_TexCoord3dv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_TexCoord3dv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_TexCoord3dv GET_TexCoord3dv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_TexCoord3dv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexCoord3dv)); +} + +static inline void SET_TexCoord3dv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(const GLdouble *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexCoord3dv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_TexCoord3f)(GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat); +#define CALL_TexCoord3f(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_TexCoord3f(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_TexCoord3f GET_TexCoord3f(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_TexCoord3f) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexCoord3f)); +} + +static inline void SET_TexCoord3f(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexCoord3f, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_TexCoord3fv)(const GLfloat *); +#define CALL_TexCoord3fv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_TexCoord3fv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_TexCoord3fv GET_TexCoord3fv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_TexCoord3fv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexCoord3fv)); +} + +static inline void SET_TexCoord3fv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(const GLfloat *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexCoord3fv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_TexCoord3i)(GLint, GLint, GLint); +#define CALL_TexCoord3i(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_TexCoord3i(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_TexCoord3i GET_TexCoord3i(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_TexCoord3i) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexCoord3i)); +} + +static inline void SET_TexCoord3i(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLint, GLint, GLint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexCoord3i, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_TexCoord3iv)(const GLint *); +#define CALL_TexCoord3iv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_TexCoord3iv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_TexCoord3iv GET_TexCoord3iv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_TexCoord3iv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexCoord3iv)); +} + +static inline void SET_TexCoord3iv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(const GLint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexCoord3iv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_TexCoord3s)(GLshort, GLshort, GLshort); +#define CALL_TexCoord3s(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_TexCoord3s(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_TexCoord3s GET_TexCoord3s(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_TexCoord3s) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexCoord3s)); +} + +static inline void SET_TexCoord3s(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLshort, GLshort, GLshort)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexCoord3s, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_TexCoord3sv)(const GLshort *); +#define CALL_TexCoord3sv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_TexCoord3sv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_TexCoord3sv GET_TexCoord3sv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_TexCoord3sv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexCoord3sv)); +} + +static inline void SET_TexCoord3sv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(const GLshort *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexCoord3sv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_TexCoord4d)(GLdouble, GLdouble, GLdouble, GLdouble); +#define CALL_TexCoord4d(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_TexCoord4d(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_TexCoord4d GET_TexCoord4d(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_TexCoord4d) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexCoord4d)); +} + +static inline void SET_TexCoord4d(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLdouble, GLdouble, GLdouble, GLdouble)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexCoord4d, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_TexCoord4dv)(const GLdouble *); +#define CALL_TexCoord4dv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_TexCoord4dv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_TexCoord4dv GET_TexCoord4dv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_TexCoord4dv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexCoord4dv)); +} + +static inline void SET_TexCoord4dv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(const GLdouble *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexCoord4dv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_TexCoord4f)(GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat); +#define CALL_TexCoord4f(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_TexCoord4f(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_TexCoord4f GET_TexCoord4f(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_TexCoord4f) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexCoord4f)); +} + +static inline void SET_TexCoord4f(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexCoord4f, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_TexCoord4fv)(const GLfloat *); +#define CALL_TexCoord4fv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_TexCoord4fv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_TexCoord4fv GET_TexCoord4fv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_TexCoord4fv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexCoord4fv)); +} + +static inline void SET_TexCoord4fv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(const GLfloat *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexCoord4fv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_TexCoord4i)(GLint, GLint, GLint, GLint); +#define CALL_TexCoord4i(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_TexCoord4i(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_TexCoord4i GET_TexCoord4i(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_TexCoord4i) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexCoord4i)); +} + +static inline void SET_TexCoord4i(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLint, GLint, GLint, GLint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexCoord4i, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_TexCoord4iv)(const GLint *); +#define CALL_TexCoord4iv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_TexCoord4iv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_TexCoord4iv GET_TexCoord4iv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_TexCoord4iv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexCoord4iv)); +} + +static inline void SET_TexCoord4iv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(const GLint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexCoord4iv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_TexCoord4s)(GLshort, GLshort, GLshort, GLshort); +#define CALL_TexCoord4s(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_TexCoord4s(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_TexCoord4s GET_TexCoord4s(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_TexCoord4s) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexCoord4s)); +} + +static inline void SET_TexCoord4s(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLshort, GLshort, GLshort, GLshort)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexCoord4s, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_TexCoord4sv)(const GLshort *); +#define CALL_TexCoord4sv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_TexCoord4sv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_TexCoord4sv GET_TexCoord4sv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_TexCoord4sv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexCoord4sv)); +} + +static inline void SET_TexCoord4sv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(const GLshort *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexCoord4sv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Vertex2d)(GLdouble, GLdouble); +#define CALL_Vertex2d(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Vertex2d(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Vertex2d GET_Vertex2d(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Vertex2d) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Vertex2d)); +} + +static inline void SET_Vertex2d(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLdouble, GLdouble)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Vertex2d, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Vertex2dv)(const GLdouble *); +#define CALL_Vertex2dv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Vertex2dv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Vertex2dv GET_Vertex2dv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Vertex2dv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Vertex2dv)); +} + +static inline void SET_Vertex2dv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(const GLdouble *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Vertex2dv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Vertex2f)(GLfloat, GLfloat); +#define CALL_Vertex2f(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Vertex2f(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Vertex2f GET_Vertex2f(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Vertex2f) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Vertex2f)); +} + +static inline void SET_Vertex2f(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLfloat, GLfloat)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Vertex2f, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Vertex2fv)(const GLfloat *); +#define CALL_Vertex2fv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Vertex2fv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Vertex2fv GET_Vertex2fv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Vertex2fv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Vertex2fv)); +} + +static inline void SET_Vertex2fv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(const GLfloat *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Vertex2fv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Vertex2i)(GLint, GLint); +#define CALL_Vertex2i(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Vertex2i(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Vertex2i GET_Vertex2i(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Vertex2i) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Vertex2i)); +} + +static inline void SET_Vertex2i(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLint, GLint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Vertex2i, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Vertex2iv)(const GLint *); +#define CALL_Vertex2iv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Vertex2iv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Vertex2iv GET_Vertex2iv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Vertex2iv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Vertex2iv)); +} + +static inline void SET_Vertex2iv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(const GLint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Vertex2iv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Vertex2s)(GLshort, GLshort); +#define CALL_Vertex2s(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Vertex2s(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Vertex2s GET_Vertex2s(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Vertex2s) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Vertex2s)); +} + +static inline void SET_Vertex2s(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLshort, GLshort)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Vertex2s, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Vertex2sv)(const GLshort *); +#define CALL_Vertex2sv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Vertex2sv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Vertex2sv GET_Vertex2sv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Vertex2sv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Vertex2sv)); +} + +static inline void SET_Vertex2sv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(const GLshort *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Vertex2sv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Vertex3d)(GLdouble, GLdouble, GLdouble); +#define CALL_Vertex3d(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Vertex3d(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Vertex3d GET_Vertex3d(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Vertex3d) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Vertex3d)); +} + +static inline void SET_Vertex3d(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLdouble, GLdouble, GLdouble)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Vertex3d, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Vertex3dv)(const GLdouble *); +#define CALL_Vertex3dv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Vertex3dv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Vertex3dv GET_Vertex3dv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Vertex3dv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Vertex3dv)); +} + +static inline void SET_Vertex3dv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(const GLdouble *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Vertex3dv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Vertex3f)(GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat); +#define CALL_Vertex3f(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Vertex3f(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Vertex3f GET_Vertex3f(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Vertex3f) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Vertex3f)); +} + +static inline void SET_Vertex3f(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Vertex3f, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Vertex3fv)(const GLfloat *); +#define CALL_Vertex3fv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Vertex3fv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Vertex3fv GET_Vertex3fv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Vertex3fv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Vertex3fv)); +} + +static inline void SET_Vertex3fv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(const GLfloat *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Vertex3fv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Vertex3i)(GLint, GLint, GLint); +#define CALL_Vertex3i(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Vertex3i(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Vertex3i GET_Vertex3i(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Vertex3i) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Vertex3i)); +} + +static inline void SET_Vertex3i(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLint, GLint, GLint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Vertex3i, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Vertex3iv)(const GLint *); +#define CALL_Vertex3iv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Vertex3iv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Vertex3iv GET_Vertex3iv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Vertex3iv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Vertex3iv)); +} + +static inline void SET_Vertex3iv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(const GLint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Vertex3iv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Vertex3s)(GLshort, GLshort, GLshort); +#define CALL_Vertex3s(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Vertex3s(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Vertex3s GET_Vertex3s(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Vertex3s) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Vertex3s)); +} + +static inline void SET_Vertex3s(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLshort, GLshort, GLshort)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Vertex3s, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Vertex3sv)(const GLshort *); +#define CALL_Vertex3sv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Vertex3sv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Vertex3sv GET_Vertex3sv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Vertex3sv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Vertex3sv)); +} + +static inline void SET_Vertex3sv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(const GLshort *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Vertex3sv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Vertex4d)(GLdouble, GLdouble, GLdouble, GLdouble); +#define CALL_Vertex4d(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Vertex4d(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Vertex4d GET_Vertex4d(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Vertex4d) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Vertex4d)); +} + +static inline void SET_Vertex4d(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLdouble, GLdouble, GLdouble, GLdouble)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Vertex4d, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Vertex4dv)(const GLdouble *); +#define CALL_Vertex4dv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Vertex4dv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Vertex4dv GET_Vertex4dv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Vertex4dv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Vertex4dv)); +} + +static inline void SET_Vertex4dv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(const GLdouble *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Vertex4dv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Vertex4f)(GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat); +#define CALL_Vertex4f(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Vertex4f(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Vertex4f GET_Vertex4f(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Vertex4f) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Vertex4f)); +} + +static inline void SET_Vertex4f(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Vertex4f, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Vertex4fv)(const GLfloat *); +#define CALL_Vertex4fv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Vertex4fv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Vertex4fv GET_Vertex4fv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Vertex4fv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Vertex4fv)); +} + +static inline void SET_Vertex4fv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(const GLfloat *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Vertex4fv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Vertex4i)(GLint, GLint, GLint, GLint); +#define CALL_Vertex4i(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Vertex4i(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Vertex4i GET_Vertex4i(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Vertex4i) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Vertex4i)); +} + +static inline void SET_Vertex4i(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLint, GLint, GLint, GLint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Vertex4i, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Vertex4iv)(const GLint *); +#define CALL_Vertex4iv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Vertex4iv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Vertex4iv GET_Vertex4iv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Vertex4iv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Vertex4iv)); +} + +static inline void SET_Vertex4iv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(const GLint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Vertex4iv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Vertex4s)(GLshort, GLshort, GLshort, GLshort); +#define CALL_Vertex4s(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Vertex4s(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Vertex4s GET_Vertex4s(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Vertex4s) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Vertex4s)); +} + +static inline void SET_Vertex4s(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLshort, GLshort, GLshort, GLshort)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Vertex4s, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Vertex4sv)(const GLshort *); +#define CALL_Vertex4sv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Vertex4sv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Vertex4sv GET_Vertex4sv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Vertex4sv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Vertex4sv)); +} + +static inline void SET_Vertex4sv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(const GLshort *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Vertex4sv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_ClipPlane)(GLenum, const GLdouble *); +#define CALL_ClipPlane(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_ClipPlane(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_ClipPlane GET_ClipPlane(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_ClipPlane) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ClipPlane)); +} + +static inline void SET_ClipPlane(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, const GLdouble *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ClipPlane, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_ColorMaterial)(GLenum, GLenum); +#define CALL_ColorMaterial(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_ColorMaterial(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_ColorMaterial GET_ColorMaterial(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_ColorMaterial) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ColorMaterial)); +} + +static inline void SET_ColorMaterial(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ColorMaterial, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_CullFace)(GLenum); +#define CALL_CullFace(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_CullFace(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_CullFace GET_CullFace(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_CullFace) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_CullFace)); +} + +static inline void SET_CullFace(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_CullFace, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Fogf)(GLenum, GLfloat); +#define CALL_Fogf(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Fogf(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Fogf GET_Fogf(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Fogf) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Fogf)); +} + +static inline void SET_Fogf(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLfloat)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Fogf, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Fogfv)(GLenum, const GLfloat *); +#define CALL_Fogfv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Fogfv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Fogfv GET_Fogfv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Fogfv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Fogfv)); +} + +static inline void SET_Fogfv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, const GLfloat *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Fogfv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Fogi)(GLenum, GLint); +#define CALL_Fogi(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Fogi(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Fogi GET_Fogi(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Fogi) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Fogi)); +} + +static inline void SET_Fogi(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Fogi, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Fogiv)(GLenum, const GLint *); +#define CALL_Fogiv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Fogiv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Fogiv GET_Fogiv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Fogiv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Fogiv)); +} + +static inline void SET_Fogiv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, const GLint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Fogiv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_FrontFace)(GLenum); +#define CALL_FrontFace(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_FrontFace(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_FrontFace GET_FrontFace(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_FrontFace) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_FrontFace)); +} + +static inline void SET_FrontFace(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_FrontFace, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Hint)(GLenum, GLenum); +#define CALL_Hint(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Hint(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Hint GET_Hint(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Hint) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Hint)); +} + +static inline void SET_Hint(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Hint, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Lightf)(GLenum, GLenum, GLfloat); +#define CALL_Lightf(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Lightf(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Lightf GET_Lightf(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Lightf) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Lightf)); +} + +static inline void SET_Lightf(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, GLfloat)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Lightf, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Lightfv)(GLenum, GLenum, const GLfloat *); +#define CALL_Lightfv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Lightfv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Lightfv GET_Lightfv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Lightfv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Lightfv)); +} + +static inline void SET_Lightfv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, const GLfloat *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Lightfv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Lighti)(GLenum, GLenum, GLint); +#define CALL_Lighti(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Lighti(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Lighti GET_Lighti(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Lighti) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Lighti)); +} + +static inline void SET_Lighti(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, GLint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Lighti, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Lightiv)(GLenum, GLenum, const GLint *); +#define CALL_Lightiv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Lightiv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Lightiv GET_Lightiv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Lightiv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Lightiv)); +} + +static inline void SET_Lightiv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, const GLint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Lightiv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_LightModelf)(GLenum, GLfloat); +#define CALL_LightModelf(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_LightModelf(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_LightModelf GET_LightModelf(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_LightModelf) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_LightModelf)); +} + +static inline void SET_LightModelf(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLfloat)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_LightModelf, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_LightModelfv)(GLenum, const GLfloat *); +#define CALL_LightModelfv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_LightModelfv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_LightModelfv GET_LightModelfv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_LightModelfv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_LightModelfv)); +} + +static inline void SET_LightModelfv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, const GLfloat *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_LightModelfv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_LightModeli)(GLenum, GLint); +#define CALL_LightModeli(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_LightModeli(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_LightModeli GET_LightModeli(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_LightModeli) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_LightModeli)); +} + +static inline void SET_LightModeli(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_LightModeli, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_LightModeliv)(GLenum, const GLint *); +#define CALL_LightModeliv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_LightModeliv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_LightModeliv GET_LightModeliv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_LightModeliv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_LightModeliv)); +} + +static inline void SET_LightModeliv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, const GLint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_LightModeliv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_LineStipple)(GLint, GLushort); +#define CALL_LineStipple(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_LineStipple(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_LineStipple GET_LineStipple(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_LineStipple) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_LineStipple)); +} + +static inline void SET_LineStipple(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLint, GLushort)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_LineStipple, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_LineWidth)(GLfloat); +#define CALL_LineWidth(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_LineWidth(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_LineWidth GET_LineWidth(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_LineWidth) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_LineWidth)); +} + +static inline void SET_LineWidth(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLfloat)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_LineWidth, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Materialf)(GLenum, GLenum, GLfloat); +#define CALL_Materialf(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Materialf(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Materialf GET_Materialf(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Materialf) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Materialf)); +} + +static inline void SET_Materialf(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, GLfloat)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Materialf, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Materialfv)(GLenum, GLenum, const GLfloat *); +#define CALL_Materialfv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Materialfv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Materialfv GET_Materialfv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Materialfv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Materialfv)); +} + +static inline void SET_Materialfv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, const GLfloat *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Materialfv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Materiali)(GLenum, GLenum, GLint); +#define CALL_Materiali(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Materiali(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Materiali GET_Materiali(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Materiali) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Materiali)); +} + +static inline void SET_Materiali(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, GLint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Materiali, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Materialiv)(GLenum, GLenum, const GLint *); +#define CALL_Materialiv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Materialiv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Materialiv GET_Materialiv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Materialiv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Materialiv)); +} + +static inline void SET_Materialiv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, const GLint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Materialiv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_PointSize)(GLfloat); +#define CALL_PointSize(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_PointSize(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_PointSize GET_PointSize(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_PointSize) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_PointSize)); +} + +static inline void SET_PointSize(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLfloat)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_PointSize, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_PolygonMode)(GLenum, GLenum); +#define CALL_PolygonMode(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_PolygonMode(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_PolygonMode GET_PolygonMode(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_PolygonMode) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_PolygonMode)); +} + +static inline void SET_PolygonMode(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_PolygonMode, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_PolygonStipple)(const GLubyte *); +#define CALL_PolygonStipple(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_PolygonStipple(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_PolygonStipple GET_PolygonStipple(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_PolygonStipple) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_PolygonStipple)); +} + +static inline void SET_PolygonStipple(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(const GLubyte *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_PolygonStipple, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Scissor)(GLint, GLint, GLsizei, GLsizei); +#define CALL_Scissor(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Scissor(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Scissor GET_Scissor(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Scissor) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Scissor)); +} + +static inline void SET_Scissor(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLint, GLint, GLsizei, GLsizei)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Scissor, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_ShadeModel)(GLenum); +#define CALL_ShadeModel(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_ShadeModel(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_ShadeModel GET_ShadeModel(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_ShadeModel) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ShadeModel)); +} + +static inline void SET_ShadeModel(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ShadeModel, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_TexParameterf)(GLenum, GLenum, GLfloat); +#define CALL_TexParameterf(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_TexParameterf(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_TexParameterf GET_TexParameterf(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_TexParameterf) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexParameterf)); +} + +static inline void SET_TexParameterf(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, GLfloat)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexParameterf, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_TexParameterfv)(GLenum, GLenum, const GLfloat *); +#define CALL_TexParameterfv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_TexParameterfv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_TexParameterfv GET_TexParameterfv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_TexParameterfv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexParameterfv)); +} + +static inline void SET_TexParameterfv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, const GLfloat *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexParameterfv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_TexParameteri)(GLenum, GLenum, GLint); +#define CALL_TexParameteri(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_TexParameteri(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_TexParameteri GET_TexParameteri(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_TexParameteri) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexParameteri)); +} + +static inline void SET_TexParameteri(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, GLint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexParameteri, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_TexParameteriv)(GLenum, GLenum, const GLint *); +#define CALL_TexParameteriv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_TexParameteriv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_TexParameteriv GET_TexParameteriv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_TexParameteriv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexParameteriv)); +} + +static inline void SET_TexParameteriv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, const GLint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexParameteriv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_TexImage1D)(GLenum, GLint, GLint, GLsizei, GLint, GLenum, GLenum, const GLvoid *); +#define CALL_TexImage1D(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_TexImage1D(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_TexImage1D GET_TexImage1D(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_TexImage1D) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexImage1D)); +} + +static inline void SET_TexImage1D(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLint, GLint, GLsizei, GLint, GLenum, GLenum, const GLvoid *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexImage1D, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_TexImage2D)(GLenum, GLint, GLint, GLsizei, GLsizei, GLint, GLenum, GLenum, const GLvoid *); +#define CALL_TexImage2D(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_TexImage2D(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_TexImage2D GET_TexImage2D(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_TexImage2D) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexImage2D)); +} + +static inline void SET_TexImage2D(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLint, GLint, GLsizei, GLsizei, GLint, GLenum, GLenum, const GLvoid *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexImage2D, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_TexEnvf)(GLenum, GLenum, GLfloat); +#define CALL_TexEnvf(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_TexEnvf(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_TexEnvf GET_TexEnvf(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_TexEnvf) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexEnvf)); +} + +static inline void SET_TexEnvf(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, GLfloat)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexEnvf, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_TexEnvfv)(GLenum, GLenum, const GLfloat *); +#define CALL_TexEnvfv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_TexEnvfv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_TexEnvfv GET_TexEnvfv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_TexEnvfv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexEnvfv)); +} + +static inline void SET_TexEnvfv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, const GLfloat *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexEnvfv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_TexEnvi)(GLenum, GLenum, GLint); +#define CALL_TexEnvi(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_TexEnvi(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_TexEnvi GET_TexEnvi(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_TexEnvi) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexEnvi)); +} + +static inline void SET_TexEnvi(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, GLint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexEnvi, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_TexEnviv)(GLenum, GLenum, const GLint *); +#define CALL_TexEnviv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_TexEnviv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_TexEnviv GET_TexEnviv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_TexEnviv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexEnviv)); +} + +static inline void SET_TexEnviv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, const GLint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexEnviv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_TexGend)(GLenum, GLenum, GLdouble); +#define CALL_TexGend(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_TexGend(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_TexGend GET_TexGend(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_TexGend) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexGend)); +} + +static inline void SET_TexGend(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, GLdouble)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexGend, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_TexGendv)(GLenum, GLenum, const GLdouble *); +#define CALL_TexGendv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_TexGendv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_TexGendv GET_TexGendv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_TexGendv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexGendv)); +} + +static inline void SET_TexGendv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, const GLdouble *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexGendv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_TexGenf)(GLenum, GLenum, GLfloat); +#define CALL_TexGenf(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_TexGenf(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_TexGenf GET_TexGenf(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_TexGenf) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexGenf)); +} + +static inline void SET_TexGenf(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, GLfloat)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexGenf, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_TexGenfv)(GLenum, GLenum, const GLfloat *); +#define CALL_TexGenfv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_TexGenfv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_TexGenfv GET_TexGenfv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_TexGenfv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexGenfv)); +} + +static inline void SET_TexGenfv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, const GLfloat *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexGenfv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_TexGeni)(GLenum, GLenum, GLint); +#define CALL_TexGeni(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_TexGeni(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_TexGeni GET_TexGeni(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_TexGeni) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexGeni)); +} + +static inline void SET_TexGeni(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, GLint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexGeni, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_TexGeniv)(GLenum, GLenum, const GLint *); +#define CALL_TexGeniv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_TexGeniv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_TexGeniv GET_TexGeniv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_TexGeniv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexGeniv)); +} + +static inline void SET_TexGeniv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, const GLint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexGeniv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_FeedbackBuffer)(GLsizei, GLenum, GLfloat *); +#define CALL_FeedbackBuffer(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_FeedbackBuffer(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_FeedbackBuffer GET_FeedbackBuffer(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_FeedbackBuffer) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_FeedbackBuffer)); +} + +static inline void SET_FeedbackBuffer(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLsizei, GLenum, GLfloat *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_FeedbackBuffer, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_SelectBuffer)(GLsizei, GLuint *); +#define CALL_SelectBuffer(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_SelectBuffer(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_SelectBuffer GET_SelectBuffer(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_SelectBuffer) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_SelectBuffer)); +} + +static inline void SET_SelectBuffer(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLsizei, GLuint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_SelectBuffer, fn); +} + +typedef GLint (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_RenderMode)(GLenum); +#define CALL_RenderMode(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_RenderMode(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_RenderMode GET_RenderMode(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_RenderMode) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_RenderMode)); +} + +static inline void SET_RenderMode(struct _glapi_table *disp, GLint (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_RenderMode, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_InitNames)(void); +#define CALL_InitNames(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_InitNames(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_InitNames GET_InitNames(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_InitNames) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_InitNames)); +} + +static inline void SET_InitNames(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(void)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_InitNames, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_LoadName)(GLuint); +#define CALL_LoadName(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_LoadName(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_LoadName GET_LoadName(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_LoadName) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_LoadName)); +} + +static inline void SET_LoadName(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_LoadName, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_PassThrough)(GLfloat); +#define CALL_PassThrough(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_PassThrough(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_PassThrough GET_PassThrough(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_PassThrough) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_PassThrough)); +} + +static inline void SET_PassThrough(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLfloat)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_PassThrough, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_PopName)(void); +#define CALL_PopName(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_PopName(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_PopName GET_PopName(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_PopName) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_PopName)); +} + +static inline void SET_PopName(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(void)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_PopName, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_PushName)(GLuint); +#define CALL_PushName(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_PushName(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_PushName GET_PushName(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_PushName) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_PushName)); +} + +static inline void SET_PushName(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_PushName, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_DrawBuffer)(GLenum); +#define CALL_DrawBuffer(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_DrawBuffer(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_DrawBuffer GET_DrawBuffer(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_DrawBuffer) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_DrawBuffer)); +} + +static inline void SET_DrawBuffer(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_DrawBuffer, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Clear)(GLbitfield); +#define CALL_Clear(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Clear(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Clear GET_Clear(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Clear) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Clear)); +} + +static inline void SET_Clear(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLbitfield)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Clear, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_ClearAccum)(GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat); +#define CALL_ClearAccum(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_ClearAccum(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_ClearAccum GET_ClearAccum(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_ClearAccum) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ClearAccum)); +} + +static inline void SET_ClearAccum(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ClearAccum, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_ClearIndex)(GLfloat); +#define CALL_ClearIndex(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_ClearIndex(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_ClearIndex GET_ClearIndex(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_ClearIndex) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ClearIndex)); +} + +static inline void SET_ClearIndex(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLfloat)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ClearIndex, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_ClearColor)(GLclampf, GLclampf, GLclampf, GLclampf); +#define CALL_ClearColor(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_ClearColor(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_ClearColor GET_ClearColor(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_ClearColor) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ClearColor)); +} + +static inline void SET_ClearColor(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLclampf, GLclampf, GLclampf, GLclampf)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ClearColor, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_ClearStencil)(GLint); +#define CALL_ClearStencil(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_ClearStencil(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_ClearStencil GET_ClearStencil(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_ClearStencil) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ClearStencil)); +} + +static inline void SET_ClearStencil(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ClearStencil, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_ClearDepth)(GLclampd); +#define CALL_ClearDepth(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_ClearDepth(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_ClearDepth GET_ClearDepth(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_ClearDepth) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ClearDepth)); +} + +static inline void SET_ClearDepth(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLclampd)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ClearDepth, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_StencilMask)(GLuint); +#define CALL_StencilMask(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_StencilMask(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_StencilMask GET_StencilMask(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_StencilMask) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_StencilMask)); +} + +static inline void SET_StencilMask(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_StencilMask, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_ColorMask)(GLboolean, GLboolean, GLboolean, GLboolean); +#define CALL_ColorMask(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_ColorMask(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_ColorMask GET_ColorMask(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_ColorMask) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ColorMask)); +} + +static inline void SET_ColorMask(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLboolean, GLboolean, GLboolean, GLboolean)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ColorMask, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_DepthMask)(GLboolean); +#define CALL_DepthMask(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_DepthMask(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_DepthMask GET_DepthMask(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_DepthMask) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_DepthMask)); +} + +static inline void SET_DepthMask(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLboolean)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_DepthMask, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_IndexMask)(GLuint); +#define CALL_IndexMask(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_IndexMask(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_IndexMask GET_IndexMask(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_IndexMask) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_IndexMask)); +} + +static inline void SET_IndexMask(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_IndexMask, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Accum)(GLenum, GLfloat); +#define CALL_Accum(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Accum(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Accum GET_Accum(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Accum) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Accum)); +} + +static inline void SET_Accum(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLfloat)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Accum, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Disable)(GLenum); +#define CALL_Disable(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Disable(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Disable GET_Disable(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Disable) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Disable)); +} + +static inline void SET_Disable(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Disable, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Enable)(GLenum); +#define CALL_Enable(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Enable(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Enable GET_Enable(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Enable) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Enable)); +} + +static inline void SET_Enable(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Enable, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Finish)(void); +#define CALL_Finish(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Finish(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Finish GET_Finish(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Finish) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Finish)); +} + +static inline void SET_Finish(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(void)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Finish, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Flush)(void); +#define CALL_Flush(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Flush(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Flush GET_Flush(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Flush) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Flush)); +} + +static inline void SET_Flush(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(void)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Flush, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_PopAttrib)(void); +#define CALL_PopAttrib(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_PopAttrib(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_PopAttrib GET_PopAttrib(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_PopAttrib) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_PopAttrib)); +} + +static inline void SET_PopAttrib(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(void)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_PopAttrib, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_PushAttrib)(GLbitfield); +#define CALL_PushAttrib(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_PushAttrib(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_PushAttrib GET_PushAttrib(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_PushAttrib) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_PushAttrib)); +} + +static inline void SET_PushAttrib(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLbitfield)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_PushAttrib, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Map1d)(GLenum, GLdouble, GLdouble, GLint, GLint, const GLdouble *); +#define CALL_Map1d(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Map1d(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Map1d GET_Map1d(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Map1d) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Map1d)); +} + +static inline void SET_Map1d(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLdouble, GLdouble, GLint, GLint, const GLdouble *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Map1d, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Map1f)(GLenum, GLfloat, GLfloat, GLint, GLint, const GLfloat *); +#define CALL_Map1f(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Map1f(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Map1f GET_Map1f(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Map1f) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Map1f)); +} + +static inline void SET_Map1f(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLfloat, GLfloat, GLint, GLint, const GLfloat *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Map1f, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Map2d)(GLenum, GLdouble, GLdouble, GLint, GLint, GLdouble, GLdouble, GLint, GLint, const GLdouble *); +#define CALL_Map2d(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Map2d(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Map2d GET_Map2d(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Map2d) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Map2d)); +} + +static inline void SET_Map2d(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLdouble, GLdouble, GLint, GLint, GLdouble, GLdouble, GLint, GLint, const GLdouble *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Map2d, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Map2f)(GLenum, GLfloat, GLfloat, GLint, GLint, GLfloat, GLfloat, GLint, GLint, const GLfloat *); +#define CALL_Map2f(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Map2f(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Map2f GET_Map2f(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Map2f) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Map2f)); +} + +static inline void SET_Map2f(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLfloat, GLfloat, GLint, GLint, GLfloat, GLfloat, GLint, GLint, const GLfloat *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Map2f, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_MapGrid1d)(GLint, GLdouble, GLdouble); +#define CALL_MapGrid1d(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_MapGrid1d(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_MapGrid1d GET_MapGrid1d(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_MapGrid1d) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_MapGrid1d)); +} + +static inline void SET_MapGrid1d(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLint, GLdouble, GLdouble)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_MapGrid1d, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_MapGrid1f)(GLint, GLfloat, GLfloat); +#define CALL_MapGrid1f(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_MapGrid1f(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_MapGrid1f GET_MapGrid1f(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_MapGrid1f) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_MapGrid1f)); +} + +static inline void SET_MapGrid1f(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLint, GLfloat, GLfloat)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_MapGrid1f, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_MapGrid2d)(GLint, GLdouble, GLdouble, GLint, GLdouble, GLdouble); +#define CALL_MapGrid2d(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_MapGrid2d(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_MapGrid2d GET_MapGrid2d(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_MapGrid2d) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_MapGrid2d)); +} + +static inline void SET_MapGrid2d(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLint, GLdouble, GLdouble, GLint, GLdouble, GLdouble)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_MapGrid2d, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_MapGrid2f)(GLint, GLfloat, GLfloat, GLint, GLfloat, GLfloat); +#define CALL_MapGrid2f(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_MapGrid2f(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_MapGrid2f GET_MapGrid2f(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_MapGrid2f) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_MapGrid2f)); +} + +static inline void SET_MapGrid2f(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLint, GLfloat, GLfloat, GLint, GLfloat, GLfloat)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_MapGrid2f, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_EvalCoord1d)(GLdouble); +#define CALL_EvalCoord1d(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_EvalCoord1d(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_EvalCoord1d GET_EvalCoord1d(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_EvalCoord1d) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_EvalCoord1d)); +} + +static inline void SET_EvalCoord1d(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLdouble)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_EvalCoord1d, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_EvalCoord1dv)(const GLdouble *); +#define CALL_EvalCoord1dv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_EvalCoord1dv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_EvalCoord1dv GET_EvalCoord1dv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_EvalCoord1dv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_EvalCoord1dv)); +} + +static inline void SET_EvalCoord1dv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(const GLdouble *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_EvalCoord1dv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_EvalCoord1f)(GLfloat); +#define CALL_EvalCoord1f(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_EvalCoord1f(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_EvalCoord1f GET_EvalCoord1f(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_EvalCoord1f) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_EvalCoord1f)); +} + +static inline void SET_EvalCoord1f(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLfloat)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_EvalCoord1f, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_EvalCoord1fv)(const GLfloat *); +#define CALL_EvalCoord1fv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_EvalCoord1fv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_EvalCoord1fv GET_EvalCoord1fv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_EvalCoord1fv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_EvalCoord1fv)); +} + +static inline void SET_EvalCoord1fv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(const GLfloat *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_EvalCoord1fv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_EvalCoord2d)(GLdouble, GLdouble); +#define CALL_EvalCoord2d(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_EvalCoord2d(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_EvalCoord2d GET_EvalCoord2d(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_EvalCoord2d) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_EvalCoord2d)); +} + +static inline void SET_EvalCoord2d(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLdouble, GLdouble)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_EvalCoord2d, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_EvalCoord2dv)(const GLdouble *); +#define CALL_EvalCoord2dv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_EvalCoord2dv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_EvalCoord2dv GET_EvalCoord2dv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_EvalCoord2dv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_EvalCoord2dv)); +} + +static inline void SET_EvalCoord2dv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(const GLdouble *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_EvalCoord2dv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_EvalCoord2f)(GLfloat, GLfloat); +#define CALL_EvalCoord2f(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_EvalCoord2f(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_EvalCoord2f GET_EvalCoord2f(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_EvalCoord2f) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_EvalCoord2f)); +} + +static inline void SET_EvalCoord2f(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLfloat, GLfloat)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_EvalCoord2f, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_EvalCoord2fv)(const GLfloat *); +#define CALL_EvalCoord2fv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_EvalCoord2fv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_EvalCoord2fv GET_EvalCoord2fv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_EvalCoord2fv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_EvalCoord2fv)); +} + +static inline void SET_EvalCoord2fv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(const GLfloat *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_EvalCoord2fv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_EvalMesh1)(GLenum, GLint, GLint); +#define CALL_EvalMesh1(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_EvalMesh1(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_EvalMesh1 GET_EvalMesh1(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_EvalMesh1) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_EvalMesh1)); +} + +static inline void SET_EvalMesh1(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLint, GLint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_EvalMesh1, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_EvalPoint1)(GLint); +#define CALL_EvalPoint1(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_EvalPoint1(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_EvalPoint1 GET_EvalPoint1(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_EvalPoint1) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_EvalPoint1)); +} + +static inline void SET_EvalPoint1(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_EvalPoint1, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_EvalMesh2)(GLenum, GLint, GLint, GLint, GLint); +#define CALL_EvalMesh2(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_EvalMesh2(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_EvalMesh2 GET_EvalMesh2(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_EvalMesh2) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_EvalMesh2)); +} + +static inline void SET_EvalMesh2(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLint, GLint, GLint, GLint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_EvalMesh2, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_EvalPoint2)(GLint, GLint); +#define CALL_EvalPoint2(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_EvalPoint2(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_EvalPoint2 GET_EvalPoint2(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_EvalPoint2) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_EvalPoint2)); +} + +static inline void SET_EvalPoint2(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLint, GLint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_EvalPoint2, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_AlphaFunc)(GLenum, GLclampf); +#define CALL_AlphaFunc(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_AlphaFunc(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_AlphaFunc GET_AlphaFunc(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_AlphaFunc) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_AlphaFunc)); +} + +static inline void SET_AlphaFunc(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLclampf)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_AlphaFunc, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_BlendFunc)(GLenum, GLenum); +#define CALL_BlendFunc(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_BlendFunc(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_BlendFunc GET_BlendFunc(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_BlendFunc) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_BlendFunc)); +} + +static inline void SET_BlendFunc(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_BlendFunc, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_LogicOp)(GLenum); +#define CALL_LogicOp(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_LogicOp(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_LogicOp GET_LogicOp(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_LogicOp) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_LogicOp)); +} + +static inline void SET_LogicOp(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_LogicOp, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_StencilFunc)(GLenum, GLint, GLuint); +#define CALL_StencilFunc(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_StencilFunc(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_StencilFunc GET_StencilFunc(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_StencilFunc) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_StencilFunc)); +} + +static inline void SET_StencilFunc(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLint, GLuint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_StencilFunc, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_StencilOp)(GLenum, GLenum, GLenum); +#define CALL_StencilOp(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_StencilOp(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_StencilOp GET_StencilOp(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_StencilOp) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_StencilOp)); +} + +static inline void SET_StencilOp(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, GLenum)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_StencilOp, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_DepthFunc)(GLenum); +#define CALL_DepthFunc(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_DepthFunc(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_DepthFunc GET_DepthFunc(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_DepthFunc) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_DepthFunc)); +} + +static inline void SET_DepthFunc(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_DepthFunc, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_PixelZoom)(GLfloat, GLfloat); +#define CALL_PixelZoom(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_PixelZoom(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_PixelZoom GET_PixelZoom(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_PixelZoom) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_PixelZoom)); +} + +static inline void SET_PixelZoom(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLfloat, GLfloat)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_PixelZoom, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_PixelTransferf)(GLenum, GLfloat); +#define CALL_PixelTransferf(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_PixelTransferf(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_PixelTransferf GET_PixelTransferf(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_PixelTransferf) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_PixelTransferf)); +} + +static inline void SET_PixelTransferf(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLfloat)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_PixelTransferf, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_PixelTransferi)(GLenum, GLint); +#define CALL_PixelTransferi(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_PixelTransferi(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_PixelTransferi GET_PixelTransferi(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_PixelTransferi) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_PixelTransferi)); +} + +static inline void SET_PixelTransferi(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_PixelTransferi, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_PixelStoref)(GLenum, GLfloat); +#define CALL_PixelStoref(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_PixelStoref(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_PixelStoref GET_PixelStoref(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_PixelStoref) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_PixelStoref)); +} + +static inline void SET_PixelStoref(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLfloat)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_PixelStoref, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_PixelStorei)(GLenum, GLint); +#define CALL_PixelStorei(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_PixelStorei(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_PixelStorei GET_PixelStorei(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_PixelStorei) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_PixelStorei)); +} + +static inline void SET_PixelStorei(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_PixelStorei, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_PixelMapfv)(GLenum, GLsizei, const GLfloat *); +#define CALL_PixelMapfv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_PixelMapfv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_PixelMapfv GET_PixelMapfv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_PixelMapfv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_PixelMapfv)); +} + +static inline void SET_PixelMapfv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLsizei, const GLfloat *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_PixelMapfv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_PixelMapuiv)(GLenum, GLsizei, const GLuint *); +#define CALL_PixelMapuiv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_PixelMapuiv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_PixelMapuiv GET_PixelMapuiv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_PixelMapuiv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_PixelMapuiv)); +} + +static inline void SET_PixelMapuiv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLsizei, const GLuint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_PixelMapuiv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_PixelMapusv)(GLenum, GLsizei, const GLushort *); +#define CALL_PixelMapusv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_PixelMapusv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_PixelMapusv GET_PixelMapusv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_PixelMapusv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_PixelMapusv)); +} + +static inline void SET_PixelMapusv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLsizei, const GLushort *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_PixelMapusv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_ReadBuffer)(GLenum); +#define CALL_ReadBuffer(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_ReadBuffer(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_ReadBuffer GET_ReadBuffer(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_ReadBuffer) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ReadBuffer)); +} + +static inline void SET_ReadBuffer(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ReadBuffer, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_CopyPixels)(GLint, GLint, GLsizei, GLsizei, GLenum); +#define CALL_CopyPixels(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_CopyPixels(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_CopyPixels GET_CopyPixels(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_CopyPixels) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_CopyPixels)); +} + +static inline void SET_CopyPixels(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLint, GLint, GLsizei, GLsizei, GLenum)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_CopyPixels, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_ReadPixels)(GLint, GLint, GLsizei, GLsizei, GLenum, GLenum, GLvoid *); +#define CALL_ReadPixels(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_ReadPixels(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_ReadPixels GET_ReadPixels(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_ReadPixels) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ReadPixels)); +} + +static inline void SET_ReadPixels(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLint, GLint, GLsizei, GLsizei, GLenum, GLenum, GLvoid *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ReadPixels, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_DrawPixels)(GLsizei, GLsizei, GLenum, GLenum, const GLvoid *); +#define CALL_DrawPixels(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_DrawPixels(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_DrawPixels GET_DrawPixels(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_DrawPixels) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_DrawPixels)); +} + +static inline void SET_DrawPixels(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLsizei, GLsizei, GLenum, GLenum, const GLvoid *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_DrawPixels, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetBooleanv)(GLenum, GLboolean *); +#define CALL_GetBooleanv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetBooleanv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetBooleanv GET_GetBooleanv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetBooleanv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetBooleanv)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetBooleanv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLboolean *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetBooleanv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetClipPlane)(GLenum, GLdouble *); +#define CALL_GetClipPlane(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetClipPlane(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetClipPlane GET_GetClipPlane(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetClipPlane) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetClipPlane)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetClipPlane(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLdouble *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetClipPlane, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetDoublev)(GLenum, GLdouble *); +#define CALL_GetDoublev(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetDoublev(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetDoublev GET_GetDoublev(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetDoublev) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetDoublev)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetDoublev(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLdouble *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetDoublev, fn); +} + +typedef GLenum (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetError)(void); +#define CALL_GetError(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetError(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetError GET_GetError(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetError) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetError)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetError(struct _glapi_table *disp, GLenum (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(void)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetError, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetFloatv)(GLenum, GLfloat *); +#define CALL_GetFloatv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetFloatv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetFloatv GET_GetFloatv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetFloatv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetFloatv)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetFloatv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLfloat *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetFloatv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetIntegerv)(GLenum, GLint *); +#define CALL_GetIntegerv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetIntegerv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetIntegerv GET_GetIntegerv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetIntegerv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetIntegerv)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetIntegerv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetIntegerv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetLightfv)(GLenum, GLenum, GLfloat *); +#define CALL_GetLightfv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetLightfv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetLightfv GET_GetLightfv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetLightfv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetLightfv)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetLightfv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, GLfloat *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetLightfv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetLightiv)(GLenum, GLenum, GLint *); +#define CALL_GetLightiv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetLightiv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetLightiv GET_GetLightiv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetLightiv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetLightiv)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetLightiv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, GLint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetLightiv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetMapdv)(GLenum, GLenum, GLdouble *); +#define CALL_GetMapdv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetMapdv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetMapdv GET_GetMapdv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetMapdv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetMapdv)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetMapdv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, GLdouble *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetMapdv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetMapfv)(GLenum, GLenum, GLfloat *); +#define CALL_GetMapfv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetMapfv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetMapfv GET_GetMapfv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetMapfv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetMapfv)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetMapfv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, GLfloat *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetMapfv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetMapiv)(GLenum, GLenum, GLint *); +#define CALL_GetMapiv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetMapiv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetMapiv GET_GetMapiv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetMapiv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetMapiv)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetMapiv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, GLint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetMapiv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetMaterialfv)(GLenum, GLenum, GLfloat *); +#define CALL_GetMaterialfv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetMaterialfv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetMaterialfv GET_GetMaterialfv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetMaterialfv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetMaterialfv)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetMaterialfv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, GLfloat *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetMaterialfv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetMaterialiv)(GLenum, GLenum, GLint *); +#define CALL_GetMaterialiv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetMaterialiv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetMaterialiv GET_GetMaterialiv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetMaterialiv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetMaterialiv)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetMaterialiv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, GLint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetMaterialiv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetPixelMapfv)(GLenum, GLfloat *); +#define CALL_GetPixelMapfv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetPixelMapfv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetPixelMapfv GET_GetPixelMapfv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetPixelMapfv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetPixelMapfv)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetPixelMapfv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLfloat *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetPixelMapfv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetPixelMapuiv)(GLenum, GLuint *); +#define CALL_GetPixelMapuiv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetPixelMapuiv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetPixelMapuiv GET_GetPixelMapuiv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetPixelMapuiv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetPixelMapuiv)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetPixelMapuiv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLuint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetPixelMapuiv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetPixelMapusv)(GLenum, GLushort *); +#define CALL_GetPixelMapusv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetPixelMapusv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetPixelMapusv GET_GetPixelMapusv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetPixelMapusv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetPixelMapusv)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetPixelMapusv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLushort *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetPixelMapusv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetPolygonStipple)(GLubyte *); +#define CALL_GetPolygonStipple(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetPolygonStipple(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetPolygonStipple GET_GetPolygonStipple(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetPolygonStipple) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetPolygonStipple)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetPolygonStipple(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLubyte *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetPolygonStipple, fn); +} + +typedef const GLubyte * (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetString)(GLenum); +#define CALL_GetString(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetString(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetString GET_GetString(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetString) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetString)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetString(struct _glapi_table *disp, const GLubyte * (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetString, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetTexEnvfv)(GLenum, GLenum, GLfloat *); +#define CALL_GetTexEnvfv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetTexEnvfv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetTexEnvfv GET_GetTexEnvfv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetTexEnvfv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetTexEnvfv)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetTexEnvfv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, GLfloat *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetTexEnvfv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetTexEnviv)(GLenum, GLenum, GLint *); +#define CALL_GetTexEnviv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetTexEnviv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetTexEnviv GET_GetTexEnviv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetTexEnviv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetTexEnviv)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetTexEnviv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, GLint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetTexEnviv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetTexGendv)(GLenum, GLenum, GLdouble *); +#define CALL_GetTexGendv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetTexGendv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetTexGendv GET_GetTexGendv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetTexGendv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetTexGendv)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetTexGendv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, GLdouble *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetTexGendv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetTexGenfv)(GLenum, GLenum, GLfloat *); +#define CALL_GetTexGenfv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetTexGenfv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetTexGenfv GET_GetTexGenfv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetTexGenfv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetTexGenfv)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetTexGenfv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, GLfloat *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetTexGenfv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetTexGeniv)(GLenum, GLenum, GLint *); +#define CALL_GetTexGeniv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetTexGeniv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetTexGeniv GET_GetTexGeniv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetTexGeniv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetTexGeniv)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetTexGeniv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, GLint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetTexGeniv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetTexImage)(GLenum, GLint, GLenum, GLenum, GLvoid *); +#define CALL_GetTexImage(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetTexImage(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetTexImage GET_GetTexImage(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetTexImage) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetTexImage)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetTexImage(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLint, GLenum, GLenum, GLvoid *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetTexImage, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetTexParameterfv)(GLenum, GLenum, GLfloat *); +#define CALL_GetTexParameterfv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetTexParameterfv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetTexParameterfv GET_GetTexParameterfv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetTexParameterfv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetTexParameterfv)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetTexParameterfv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, GLfloat *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetTexParameterfv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetTexParameteriv)(GLenum, GLenum, GLint *); +#define CALL_GetTexParameteriv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetTexParameteriv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetTexParameteriv GET_GetTexParameteriv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetTexParameteriv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetTexParameteriv)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetTexParameteriv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, GLint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetTexParameteriv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetTexLevelParameterfv)(GLenum, GLint, GLenum, GLfloat *); +#define CALL_GetTexLevelParameterfv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetTexLevelParameterfv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetTexLevelParameterfv GET_GetTexLevelParameterfv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetTexLevelParameterfv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetTexLevelParameterfv)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetTexLevelParameterfv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLint, GLenum, GLfloat *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetTexLevelParameterfv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetTexLevelParameteriv)(GLenum, GLint, GLenum, GLint *); +#define CALL_GetTexLevelParameteriv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetTexLevelParameteriv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetTexLevelParameteriv GET_GetTexLevelParameteriv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetTexLevelParameteriv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetTexLevelParameteriv)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetTexLevelParameteriv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLint, GLenum, GLint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetTexLevelParameteriv, fn); +} + +typedef GLboolean (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_IsEnabled)(GLenum); +#define CALL_IsEnabled(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_IsEnabled(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_IsEnabled GET_IsEnabled(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_IsEnabled) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_IsEnabled)); +} + +static inline void SET_IsEnabled(struct _glapi_table *disp, GLboolean (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_IsEnabled, fn); +} + +typedef GLboolean (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_IsList)(GLuint); +#define CALL_IsList(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_IsList(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_IsList GET_IsList(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_IsList) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_IsList)); +} + +static inline void SET_IsList(struct _glapi_table *disp, GLboolean (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_IsList, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_DepthRange)(GLclampd, GLclampd); +#define CALL_DepthRange(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_DepthRange(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_DepthRange GET_DepthRange(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_DepthRange) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_DepthRange)); +} + +static inline void SET_DepthRange(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLclampd, GLclampd)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_DepthRange, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Frustum)(GLdouble, GLdouble, GLdouble, GLdouble, GLdouble, GLdouble); +#define CALL_Frustum(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Frustum(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Frustum GET_Frustum(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Frustum) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Frustum)); +} + +static inline void SET_Frustum(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLdouble, GLdouble, GLdouble, GLdouble, GLdouble, GLdouble)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Frustum, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_LoadIdentity)(void); +#define CALL_LoadIdentity(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_LoadIdentity(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_LoadIdentity GET_LoadIdentity(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_LoadIdentity) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_LoadIdentity)); +} + +static inline void SET_LoadIdentity(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(void)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_LoadIdentity, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_LoadMatrixf)(const GLfloat *); +#define CALL_LoadMatrixf(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_LoadMatrixf(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_LoadMatrixf GET_LoadMatrixf(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_LoadMatrixf) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_LoadMatrixf)); +} + +static inline void SET_LoadMatrixf(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(const GLfloat *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_LoadMatrixf, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_LoadMatrixd)(const GLdouble *); +#define CALL_LoadMatrixd(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_LoadMatrixd(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_LoadMatrixd GET_LoadMatrixd(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_LoadMatrixd) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_LoadMatrixd)); +} + +static inline void SET_LoadMatrixd(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(const GLdouble *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_LoadMatrixd, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_MatrixMode)(GLenum); +#define CALL_MatrixMode(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_MatrixMode(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_MatrixMode GET_MatrixMode(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_MatrixMode) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_MatrixMode)); +} + +static inline void SET_MatrixMode(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_MatrixMode, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_MultMatrixf)(const GLfloat *); +#define CALL_MultMatrixf(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_MultMatrixf(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_MultMatrixf GET_MultMatrixf(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_MultMatrixf) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_MultMatrixf)); +} + +static inline void SET_MultMatrixf(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(const GLfloat *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_MultMatrixf, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_MultMatrixd)(const GLdouble *); +#define CALL_MultMatrixd(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_MultMatrixd(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_MultMatrixd GET_MultMatrixd(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_MultMatrixd) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_MultMatrixd)); +} + +static inline void SET_MultMatrixd(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(const GLdouble *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_MultMatrixd, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Ortho)(GLdouble, GLdouble, GLdouble, GLdouble, GLdouble, GLdouble); +#define CALL_Ortho(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Ortho(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Ortho GET_Ortho(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Ortho) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Ortho)); +} + +static inline void SET_Ortho(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLdouble, GLdouble, GLdouble, GLdouble, GLdouble, GLdouble)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Ortho, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_PopMatrix)(void); +#define CALL_PopMatrix(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_PopMatrix(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_PopMatrix GET_PopMatrix(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_PopMatrix) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_PopMatrix)); +} + +static inline void SET_PopMatrix(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(void)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_PopMatrix, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_PushMatrix)(void); +#define CALL_PushMatrix(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_PushMatrix(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_PushMatrix GET_PushMatrix(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_PushMatrix) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_PushMatrix)); +} + +static inline void SET_PushMatrix(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(void)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_PushMatrix, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Rotated)(GLdouble, GLdouble, GLdouble, GLdouble); +#define CALL_Rotated(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Rotated(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Rotated GET_Rotated(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Rotated) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Rotated)); +} + +static inline void SET_Rotated(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLdouble, GLdouble, GLdouble, GLdouble)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Rotated, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Rotatef)(GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat); +#define CALL_Rotatef(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Rotatef(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Rotatef GET_Rotatef(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Rotatef) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Rotatef)); +} + +static inline void SET_Rotatef(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Rotatef, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Scaled)(GLdouble, GLdouble, GLdouble); +#define CALL_Scaled(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Scaled(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Scaled GET_Scaled(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Scaled) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Scaled)); +} + +static inline void SET_Scaled(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLdouble, GLdouble, GLdouble)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Scaled, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Scalef)(GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat); +#define CALL_Scalef(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Scalef(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Scalef GET_Scalef(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Scalef) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Scalef)); +} + +static inline void SET_Scalef(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Scalef, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Translated)(GLdouble, GLdouble, GLdouble); +#define CALL_Translated(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Translated(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Translated GET_Translated(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Translated) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Translated)); +} + +static inline void SET_Translated(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLdouble, GLdouble, GLdouble)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Translated, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Translatef)(GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat); +#define CALL_Translatef(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Translatef(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Translatef GET_Translatef(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Translatef) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Translatef)); +} + +static inline void SET_Translatef(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Translatef, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Viewport)(GLint, GLint, GLsizei, GLsizei); +#define CALL_Viewport(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Viewport(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Viewport GET_Viewport(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Viewport) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Viewport)); +} + +static inline void SET_Viewport(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLint, GLint, GLsizei, GLsizei)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Viewport, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_ArrayElement)(GLint); +#define CALL_ArrayElement(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_ArrayElement(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_ArrayElement GET_ArrayElement(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_ArrayElement) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ArrayElement)); +} + +static inline void SET_ArrayElement(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ArrayElement, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_BindTexture)(GLenum, GLuint); +#define CALL_BindTexture(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_BindTexture(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_BindTexture GET_BindTexture(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_BindTexture) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_BindTexture)); +} + +static inline void SET_BindTexture(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLuint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_BindTexture, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_ColorPointer)(GLint, GLenum, GLsizei, const GLvoid *); +#define CALL_ColorPointer(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_ColorPointer(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_ColorPointer GET_ColorPointer(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_ColorPointer) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ColorPointer)); +} + +static inline void SET_ColorPointer(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLint, GLenum, GLsizei, const GLvoid *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ColorPointer, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_DisableClientState)(GLenum); +#define CALL_DisableClientState(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_DisableClientState(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_DisableClientState GET_DisableClientState(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_DisableClientState) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_DisableClientState)); +} + +static inline void SET_DisableClientState(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_DisableClientState, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_DrawArrays)(GLenum, GLint, GLsizei); +#define CALL_DrawArrays(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_DrawArrays(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_DrawArrays GET_DrawArrays(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_DrawArrays) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_DrawArrays)); +} + +static inline void SET_DrawArrays(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLint, GLsizei)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_DrawArrays, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_DrawElements)(GLenum, GLsizei, GLenum, const GLvoid *); +#define CALL_DrawElements(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_DrawElements(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_DrawElements GET_DrawElements(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_DrawElements) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_DrawElements)); +} + +static inline void SET_DrawElements(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLsizei, GLenum, const GLvoid *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_DrawElements, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_EdgeFlagPointer)(GLsizei, const GLvoid *); +#define CALL_EdgeFlagPointer(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_EdgeFlagPointer(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_EdgeFlagPointer GET_EdgeFlagPointer(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_EdgeFlagPointer) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_EdgeFlagPointer)); +} + +static inline void SET_EdgeFlagPointer(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLsizei, const GLvoid *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_EdgeFlagPointer, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_EnableClientState)(GLenum); +#define CALL_EnableClientState(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_EnableClientState(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_EnableClientState GET_EnableClientState(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_EnableClientState) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_EnableClientState)); +} + +static inline void SET_EnableClientState(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_EnableClientState, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_IndexPointer)(GLenum, GLsizei, const GLvoid *); +#define CALL_IndexPointer(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_IndexPointer(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_IndexPointer GET_IndexPointer(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_IndexPointer) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_IndexPointer)); +} + +static inline void SET_IndexPointer(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLsizei, const GLvoid *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_IndexPointer, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Indexub)(GLubyte); +#define CALL_Indexub(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Indexub(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Indexub GET_Indexub(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Indexub) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Indexub)); +} + +static inline void SET_Indexub(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLubyte)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Indexub, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Indexubv)(const GLubyte *); +#define CALL_Indexubv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Indexubv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Indexubv GET_Indexubv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Indexubv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Indexubv)); +} + +static inline void SET_Indexubv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(const GLubyte *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Indexubv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_InterleavedArrays)(GLenum, GLsizei, const GLvoid *); +#define CALL_InterleavedArrays(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_InterleavedArrays(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_InterleavedArrays GET_InterleavedArrays(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_InterleavedArrays) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_InterleavedArrays)); +} + +static inline void SET_InterleavedArrays(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLsizei, const GLvoid *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_InterleavedArrays, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_NormalPointer)(GLenum, GLsizei, const GLvoid *); +#define CALL_NormalPointer(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_NormalPointer(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_NormalPointer GET_NormalPointer(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_NormalPointer) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_NormalPointer)); +} + +static inline void SET_NormalPointer(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLsizei, const GLvoid *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_NormalPointer, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_PolygonOffset)(GLfloat, GLfloat); +#define CALL_PolygonOffset(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_PolygonOffset(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_PolygonOffset GET_PolygonOffset(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_PolygonOffset) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_PolygonOffset)); +} + +static inline void SET_PolygonOffset(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLfloat, GLfloat)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_PolygonOffset, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_TexCoordPointer)(GLint, GLenum, GLsizei, const GLvoid *); +#define CALL_TexCoordPointer(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_TexCoordPointer(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_TexCoordPointer GET_TexCoordPointer(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_TexCoordPointer) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexCoordPointer)); +} + +static inline void SET_TexCoordPointer(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLint, GLenum, GLsizei, const GLvoid *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexCoordPointer, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_VertexPointer)(GLint, GLenum, GLsizei, const GLvoid *); +#define CALL_VertexPointer(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_VertexPointer(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_VertexPointer GET_VertexPointer(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_VertexPointer) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexPointer)); +} + +static inline void SET_VertexPointer(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLint, GLenum, GLsizei, const GLvoid *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexPointer, fn); +} + +typedef GLboolean (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_AreTexturesResident)(GLsizei, const GLuint *, GLboolean *); +#define CALL_AreTexturesResident(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_AreTexturesResident(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_AreTexturesResident GET_AreTexturesResident(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_AreTexturesResident) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_AreTexturesResident)); +} + +static inline void SET_AreTexturesResident(struct _glapi_table *disp, GLboolean (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLsizei, const GLuint *, GLboolean *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_AreTexturesResident, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_CopyTexImage1D)(GLenum, GLint, GLenum, GLint, GLint, GLsizei, GLint); +#define CALL_CopyTexImage1D(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_CopyTexImage1D(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_CopyTexImage1D GET_CopyTexImage1D(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_CopyTexImage1D) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_CopyTexImage1D)); +} + +static inline void SET_CopyTexImage1D(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLint, GLenum, GLint, GLint, GLsizei, GLint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_CopyTexImage1D, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_CopyTexImage2D)(GLenum, GLint, GLenum, GLint, GLint, GLsizei, GLsizei, GLint); +#define CALL_CopyTexImage2D(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_CopyTexImage2D(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_CopyTexImage2D GET_CopyTexImage2D(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_CopyTexImage2D) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_CopyTexImage2D)); +} + +static inline void SET_CopyTexImage2D(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLint, GLenum, GLint, GLint, GLsizei, GLsizei, GLint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_CopyTexImage2D, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_CopyTexSubImage1D)(GLenum, GLint, GLint, GLint, GLint, GLsizei); +#define CALL_CopyTexSubImage1D(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_CopyTexSubImage1D(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_CopyTexSubImage1D GET_CopyTexSubImage1D(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_CopyTexSubImage1D) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_CopyTexSubImage1D)); +} + +static inline void SET_CopyTexSubImage1D(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLint, GLint, GLint, GLint, GLsizei)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_CopyTexSubImage1D, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_CopyTexSubImage2D)(GLenum, GLint, GLint, GLint, GLint, GLint, GLsizei, GLsizei); +#define CALL_CopyTexSubImage2D(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_CopyTexSubImage2D(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_CopyTexSubImage2D GET_CopyTexSubImage2D(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_CopyTexSubImage2D) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_CopyTexSubImage2D)); +} + +static inline void SET_CopyTexSubImage2D(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLint, GLint, GLint, GLint, GLint, GLsizei, GLsizei)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_CopyTexSubImage2D, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_DeleteTextures)(GLsizei, const GLuint *); +#define CALL_DeleteTextures(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_DeleteTextures(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_DeleteTextures GET_DeleteTextures(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_DeleteTextures) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_DeleteTextures)); +} + +static inline void SET_DeleteTextures(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLsizei, const GLuint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_DeleteTextures, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GenTextures)(GLsizei, GLuint *); +#define CALL_GenTextures(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GenTextures(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GenTextures GET_GenTextures(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GenTextures) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GenTextures)); +} + +static inline void SET_GenTextures(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLsizei, GLuint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GenTextures, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetPointerv)(GLenum, GLvoid **); +#define CALL_GetPointerv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetPointerv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetPointerv GET_GetPointerv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetPointerv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetPointerv)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetPointerv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLvoid **)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetPointerv, fn); +} + +typedef GLboolean (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_IsTexture)(GLuint); +#define CALL_IsTexture(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_IsTexture(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_IsTexture GET_IsTexture(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_IsTexture) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_IsTexture)); +} + +static inline void SET_IsTexture(struct _glapi_table *disp, GLboolean (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_IsTexture, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_PrioritizeTextures)(GLsizei, const GLuint *, const GLclampf *); +#define CALL_PrioritizeTextures(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_PrioritizeTextures(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_PrioritizeTextures GET_PrioritizeTextures(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_PrioritizeTextures) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_PrioritizeTextures)); +} + +static inline void SET_PrioritizeTextures(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLsizei, const GLuint *, const GLclampf *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_PrioritizeTextures, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_TexSubImage1D)(GLenum, GLint, GLint, GLsizei, GLenum, GLenum, const GLvoid *); +#define CALL_TexSubImage1D(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_TexSubImage1D(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_TexSubImage1D GET_TexSubImage1D(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_TexSubImage1D) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexSubImage1D)); +} + +static inline void SET_TexSubImage1D(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLint, GLint, GLsizei, GLenum, GLenum, const GLvoid *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexSubImage1D, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_TexSubImage2D)(GLenum, GLint, GLint, GLint, GLsizei, GLsizei, GLenum, GLenum, const GLvoid *); +#define CALL_TexSubImage2D(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_TexSubImage2D(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_TexSubImage2D GET_TexSubImage2D(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_TexSubImage2D) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexSubImage2D)); +} + +static inline void SET_TexSubImage2D(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLint, GLint, GLint, GLsizei, GLsizei, GLenum, GLenum, const GLvoid *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexSubImage2D, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_PopClientAttrib)(void); +#define CALL_PopClientAttrib(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_PopClientAttrib(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_PopClientAttrib GET_PopClientAttrib(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_PopClientAttrib) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_PopClientAttrib)); +} + +static inline void SET_PopClientAttrib(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(void)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_PopClientAttrib, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_PushClientAttrib)(GLbitfield); +#define CALL_PushClientAttrib(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_PushClientAttrib(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_PushClientAttrib GET_PushClientAttrib(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_PushClientAttrib) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_PushClientAttrib)); +} + +static inline void SET_PushClientAttrib(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLbitfield)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_PushClientAttrib, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_BlendColor)(GLclampf, GLclampf, GLclampf, GLclampf); +#define CALL_BlendColor(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_BlendColor(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_BlendColor GET_BlendColor(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_BlendColor) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_BlendColor)); +} + +static inline void SET_BlendColor(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLclampf, GLclampf, GLclampf, GLclampf)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_BlendColor, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_BlendEquation)(GLenum); +#define CALL_BlendEquation(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_BlendEquation(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_BlendEquation GET_BlendEquation(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_BlendEquation) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_BlendEquation)); +} + +static inline void SET_BlendEquation(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_BlendEquation, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_DrawRangeElements)(GLenum, GLuint, GLuint, GLsizei, GLenum, const GLvoid *); +#define CALL_DrawRangeElements(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_DrawRangeElements(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_DrawRangeElements GET_DrawRangeElements(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_DrawRangeElements) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_DrawRangeElements)); +} + +static inline void SET_DrawRangeElements(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLuint, GLuint, GLsizei, GLenum, const GLvoid *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_DrawRangeElements, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_ColorTable)(GLenum, GLenum, GLsizei, GLenum, GLenum, const GLvoid *); +#define CALL_ColorTable(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_ColorTable(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_ColorTable GET_ColorTable(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_ColorTable) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ColorTable)); +} + +static inline void SET_ColorTable(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, GLsizei, GLenum, GLenum, const GLvoid *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ColorTable, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_ColorTableParameterfv)(GLenum, GLenum, const GLfloat *); +#define CALL_ColorTableParameterfv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_ColorTableParameterfv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_ColorTableParameterfv GET_ColorTableParameterfv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_ColorTableParameterfv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ColorTableParameterfv)); +} + +static inline void SET_ColorTableParameterfv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, const GLfloat *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ColorTableParameterfv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_ColorTableParameteriv)(GLenum, GLenum, const GLint *); +#define CALL_ColorTableParameteriv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_ColorTableParameteriv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_ColorTableParameteriv GET_ColorTableParameteriv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_ColorTableParameteriv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ColorTableParameteriv)); +} + +static inline void SET_ColorTableParameteriv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, const GLint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ColorTableParameteriv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_CopyColorTable)(GLenum, GLenum, GLint, GLint, GLsizei); +#define CALL_CopyColorTable(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_CopyColorTable(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_CopyColorTable GET_CopyColorTable(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_CopyColorTable) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_CopyColorTable)); +} + +static inline void SET_CopyColorTable(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, GLint, GLint, GLsizei)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_CopyColorTable, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetColorTable)(GLenum, GLenum, GLenum, GLvoid *); +#define CALL_GetColorTable(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetColorTable(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetColorTable GET_GetColorTable(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetColorTable) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetColorTable)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetColorTable(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, GLenum, GLvoid *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetColorTable, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetColorTableParameterfv)(GLenum, GLenum, GLfloat *); +#define CALL_GetColorTableParameterfv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetColorTableParameterfv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetColorTableParameterfv GET_GetColorTableParameterfv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetColorTableParameterfv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetColorTableParameterfv)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetColorTableParameterfv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, GLfloat *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetColorTableParameterfv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetColorTableParameteriv)(GLenum, GLenum, GLint *); +#define CALL_GetColorTableParameteriv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetColorTableParameteriv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetColorTableParameteriv GET_GetColorTableParameteriv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetColorTableParameteriv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetColorTableParameteriv)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetColorTableParameteriv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, GLint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetColorTableParameteriv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_ColorSubTable)(GLenum, GLsizei, GLsizei, GLenum, GLenum, const GLvoid *); +#define CALL_ColorSubTable(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_ColorSubTable(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_ColorSubTable GET_ColorSubTable(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_ColorSubTable) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ColorSubTable)); +} + +static inline void SET_ColorSubTable(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLsizei, GLsizei, GLenum, GLenum, const GLvoid *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ColorSubTable, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_CopyColorSubTable)(GLenum, GLsizei, GLint, GLint, GLsizei); +#define CALL_CopyColorSubTable(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_CopyColorSubTable(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_CopyColorSubTable GET_CopyColorSubTable(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_CopyColorSubTable) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_CopyColorSubTable)); +} + +static inline void SET_CopyColorSubTable(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLsizei, GLint, GLint, GLsizei)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_CopyColorSubTable, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_ConvolutionFilter1D)(GLenum, GLenum, GLsizei, GLenum, GLenum, const GLvoid *); +#define CALL_ConvolutionFilter1D(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_ConvolutionFilter1D(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_ConvolutionFilter1D GET_ConvolutionFilter1D(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_ConvolutionFilter1D) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ConvolutionFilter1D)); +} + +static inline void SET_ConvolutionFilter1D(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, GLsizei, GLenum, GLenum, const GLvoid *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ConvolutionFilter1D, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_ConvolutionFilter2D)(GLenum, GLenum, GLsizei, GLsizei, GLenum, GLenum, const GLvoid *); +#define CALL_ConvolutionFilter2D(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_ConvolutionFilter2D(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_ConvolutionFilter2D GET_ConvolutionFilter2D(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_ConvolutionFilter2D) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ConvolutionFilter2D)); +} + +static inline void SET_ConvolutionFilter2D(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, GLsizei, GLsizei, GLenum, GLenum, const GLvoid *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ConvolutionFilter2D, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_ConvolutionParameterf)(GLenum, GLenum, GLfloat); +#define CALL_ConvolutionParameterf(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_ConvolutionParameterf(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_ConvolutionParameterf GET_ConvolutionParameterf(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_ConvolutionParameterf) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ConvolutionParameterf)); +} + +static inline void SET_ConvolutionParameterf(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, GLfloat)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ConvolutionParameterf, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_ConvolutionParameterfv)(GLenum, GLenum, const GLfloat *); +#define CALL_ConvolutionParameterfv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_ConvolutionParameterfv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_ConvolutionParameterfv GET_ConvolutionParameterfv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_ConvolutionParameterfv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ConvolutionParameterfv)); +} + +static inline void SET_ConvolutionParameterfv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, const GLfloat *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ConvolutionParameterfv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_ConvolutionParameteri)(GLenum, GLenum, GLint); +#define CALL_ConvolutionParameteri(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_ConvolutionParameteri(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_ConvolutionParameteri GET_ConvolutionParameteri(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_ConvolutionParameteri) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ConvolutionParameteri)); +} + +static inline void SET_ConvolutionParameteri(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, GLint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ConvolutionParameteri, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_ConvolutionParameteriv)(GLenum, GLenum, const GLint *); +#define CALL_ConvolutionParameteriv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_ConvolutionParameteriv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_ConvolutionParameteriv GET_ConvolutionParameteriv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_ConvolutionParameteriv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ConvolutionParameteriv)); +} + +static inline void SET_ConvolutionParameteriv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, const GLint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ConvolutionParameteriv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_CopyConvolutionFilter1D)(GLenum, GLenum, GLint, GLint, GLsizei); +#define CALL_CopyConvolutionFilter1D(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_CopyConvolutionFilter1D(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_CopyConvolutionFilter1D GET_CopyConvolutionFilter1D(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_CopyConvolutionFilter1D) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_CopyConvolutionFilter1D)); +} + +static inline void SET_CopyConvolutionFilter1D(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, GLint, GLint, GLsizei)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_CopyConvolutionFilter1D, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_CopyConvolutionFilter2D)(GLenum, GLenum, GLint, GLint, GLsizei, GLsizei); +#define CALL_CopyConvolutionFilter2D(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_CopyConvolutionFilter2D(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_CopyConvolutionFilter2D GET_CopyConvolutionFilter2D(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_CopyConvolutionFilter2D) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_CopyConvolutionFilter2D)); +} + +static inline void SET_CopyConvolutionFilter2D(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, GLint, GLint, GLsizei, GLsizei)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_CopyConvolutionFilter2D, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetConvolutionFilter)(GLenum, GLenum, GLenum, GLvoid *); +#define CALL_GetConvolutionFilter(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetConvolutionFilter(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetConvolutionFilter GET_GetConvolutionFilter(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetConvolutionFilter) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetConvolutionFilter)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetConvolutionFilter(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, GLenum, GLvoid *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetConvolutionFilter, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetConvolutionParameterfv)(GLenum, GLenum, GLfloat *); +#define CALL_GetConvolutionParameterfv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetConvolutionParameterfv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetConvolutionParameterfv GET_GetConvolutionParameterfv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetConvolutionParameterfv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetConvolutionParameterfv)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetConvolutionParameterfv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, GLfloat *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetConvolutionParameterfv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetConvolutionParameteriv)(GLenum, GLenum, GLint *); +#define CALL_GetConvolutionParameteriv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetConvolutionParameteriv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetConvolutionParameteriv GET_GetConvolutionParameteriv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetConvolutionParameteriv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetConvolutionParameteriv)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetConvolutionParameteriv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, GLint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetConvolutionParameteriv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetSeparableFilter)(GLenum, GLenum, GLenum, GLvoid *, GLvoid *, GLvoid *); +#define CALL_GetSeparableFilter(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetSeparableFilter(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetSeparableFilter GET_GetSeparableFilter(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetSeparableFilter) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetSeparableFilter)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetSeparableFilter(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, GLenum, GLvoid *, GLvoid *, GLvoid *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetSeparableFilter, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_SeparableFilter2D)(GLenum, GLenum, GLsizei, GLsizei, GLenum, GLenum, const GLvoid *, const GLvoid *); +#define CALL_SeparableFilter2D(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_SeparableFilter2D(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_SeparableFilter2D GET_SeparableFilter2D(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_SeparableFilter2D) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_SeparableFilter2D)); +} + +static inline void SET_SeparableFilter2D(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, GLsizei, GLsizei, GLenum, GLenum, const GLvoid *, const GLvoid *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_SeparableFilter2D, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetHistogram)(GLenum, GLboolean, GLenum, GLenum, GLvoid *); +#define CALL_GetHistogram(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetHistogram(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetHistogram GET_GetHistogram(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetHistogram) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetHistogram)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetHistogram(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLboolean, GLenum, GLenum, GLvoid *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetHistogram, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetHistogramParameterfv)(GLenum, GLenum, GLfloat *); +#define CALL_GetHistogramParameterfv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetHistogramParameterfv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetHistogramParameterfv GET_GetHistogramParameterfv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetHistogramParameterfv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetHistogramParameterfv)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetHistogramParameterfv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, GLfloat *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetHistogramParameterfv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetHistogramParameteriv)(GLenum, GLenum, GLint *); +#define CALL_GetHistogramParameteriv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetHistogramParameteriv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetHistogramParameteriv GET_GetHistogramParameteriv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetHistogramParameteriv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetHistogramParameteriv)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetHistogramParameteriv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, GLint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetHistogramParameteriv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetMinmax)(GLenum, GLboolean, GLenum, GLenum, GLvoid *); +#define CALL_GetMinmax(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetMinmax(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetMinmax GET_GetMinmax(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetMinmax) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetMinmax)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetMinmax(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLboolean, GLenum, GLenum, GLvoid *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetMinmax, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetMinmaxParameterfv)(GLenum, GLenum, GLfloat *); +#define CALL_GetMinmaxParameterfv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetMinmaxParameterfv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetMinmaxParameterfv GET_GetMinmaxParameterfv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetMinmaxParameterfv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetMinmaxParameterfv)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetMinmaxParameterfv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, GLfloat *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetMinmaxParameterfv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetMinmaxParameteriv)(GLenum, GLenum, GLint *); +#define CALL_GetMinmaxParameteriv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetMinmaxParameteriv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetMinmaxParameteriv GET_GetMinmaxParameteriv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetMinmaxParameteriv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetMinmaxParameteriv)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetMinmaxParameteriv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, GLint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetMinmaxParameteriv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Histogram)(GLenum, GLsizei, GLenum, GLboolean); +#define CALL_Histogram(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Histogram(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Histogram GET_Histogram(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Histogram) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Histogram)); +} + +static inline void SET_Histogram(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLsizei, GLenum, GLboolean)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Histogram, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Minmax)(GLenum, GLenum, GLboolean); +#define CALL_Minmax(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Minmax(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Minmax GET_Minmax(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Minmax) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Minmax)); +} + +static inline void SET_Minmax(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, GLboolean)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Minmax, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_ResetHistogram)(GLenum); +#define CALL_ResetHistogram(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_ResetHistogram(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_ResetHistogram GET_ResetHistogram(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_ResetHistogram) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ResetHistogram)); +} + +static inline void SET_ResetHistogram(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ResetHistogram, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_ResetMinmax)(GLenum); +#define CALL_ResetMinmax(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_ResetMinmax(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_ResetMinmax GET_ResetMinmax(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_ResetMinmax) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ResetMinmax)); +} + +static inline void SET_ResetMinmax(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ResetMinmax, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_TexImage3D)(GLenum, GLint, GLint, GLsizei, GLsizei, GLsizei, GLint, GLenum, GLenum, const GLvoid *); +#define CALL_TexImage3D(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_TexImage3D(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_TexImage3D GET_TexImage3D(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_TexImage3D) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexImage3D)); +} + +static inline void SET_TexImage3D(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLint, GLint, GLsizei, GLsizei, GLsizei, GLint, GLenum, GLenum, const GLvoid *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexImage3D, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_TexSubImage3D)(GLenum, GLint, GLint, GLint, GLint, GLsizei, GLsizei, GLsizei, GLenum, GLenum, const GLvoid *); +#define CALL_TexSubImage3D(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_TexSubImage3D(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_TexSubImage3D GET_TexSubImage3D(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_TexSubImage3D) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexSubImage3D)); +} + +static inline void SET_TexSubImage3D(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLint, GLint, GLint, GLint, GLsizei, GLsizei, GLsizei, GLenum, GLenum, const GLvoid *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexSubImage3D, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_CopyTexSubImage3D)(GLenum, GLint, GLint, GLint, GLint, GLint, GLint, GLsizei, GLsizei); +#define CALL_CopyTexSubImage3D(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_CopyTexSubImage3D(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_CopyTexSubImage3D GET_CopyTexSubImage3D(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_CopyTexSubImage3D) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_CopyTexSubImage3D)); +} + +static inline void SET_CopyTexSubImage3D(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLint, GLint, GLint, GLint, GLint, GLint, GLsizei, GLsizei)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_CopyTexSubImage3D, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_ActiveTexture)(GLenum); +#define CALL_ActiveTexture(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_ActiveTexture(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_ActiveTexture GET_ActiveTexture(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_ActiveTexture) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ActiveTexture)); +} + +static inline void SET_ActiveTexture(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ActiveTexture, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_ClientActiveTexture)(GLenum); +#define CALL_ClientActiveTexture(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_ClientActiveTexture(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_ClientActiveTexture GET_ClientActiveTexture(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_ClientActiveTexture) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ClientActiveTexture)); +} + +static inline void SET_ClientActiveTexture(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ClientActiveTexture, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_MultiTexCoord1d)(GLenum, GLdouble); +#define CALL_MultiTexCoord1d(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_MultiTexCoord1d(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_MultiTexCoord1d GET_MultiTexCoord1d(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_MultiTexCoord1d) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_MultiTexCoord1d)); +} + +static inline void SET_MultiTexCoord1d(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLdouble)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_MultiTexCoord1d, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_MultiTexCoord1dv)(GLenum, const GLdouble *); +#define CALL_MultiTexCoord1dv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_MultiTexCoord1dv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_MultiTexCoord1dv GET_MultiTexCoord1dv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_MultiTexCoord1dv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_MultiTexCoord1dv)); +} + +static inline void SET_MultiTexCoord1dv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, const GLdouble *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_MultiTexCoord1dv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_MultiTexCoord1fARB)(GLenum, GLfloat); +#define CALL_MultiTexCoord1fARB(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_MultiTexCoord1fARB(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_MultiTexCoord1fARB GET_MultiTexCoord1fARB(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_MultiTexCoord1fARB) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_MultiTexCoord1fARB)); +} + +static inline void SET_MultiTexCoord1fARB(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLfloat)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_MultiTexCoord1fARB, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_MultiTexCoord1fvARB)(GLenum, const GLfloat *); +#define CALL_MultiTexCoord1fvARB(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_MultiTexCoord1fvARB(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_MultiTexCoord1fvARB GET_MultiTexCoord1fvARB(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_MultiTexCoord1fvARB) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_MultiTexCoord1fvARB)); +} + +static inline void SET_MultiTexCoord1fvARB(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, const GLfloat *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_MultiTexCoord1fvARB, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_MultiTexCoord1i)(GLenum, GLint); +#define CALL_MultiTexCoord1i(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_MultiTexCoord1i(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_MultiTexCoord1i GET_MultiTexCoord1i(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_MultiTexCoord1i) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_MultiTexCoord1i)); +} + +static inline void SET_MultiTexCoord1i(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_MultiTexCoord1i, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_MultiTexCoord1iv)(GLenum, const GLint *); +#define CALL_MultiTexCoord1iv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_MultiTexCoord1iv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_MultiTexCoord1iv GET_MultiTexCoord1iv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_MultiTexCoord1iv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_MultiTexCoord1iv)); +} + +static inline void SET_MultiTexCoord1iv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, const GLint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_MultiTexCoord1iv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_MultiTexCoord1s)(GLenum, GLshort); +#define CALL_MultiTexCoord1s(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_MultiTexCoord1s(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_MultiTexCoord1s GET_MultiTexCoord1s(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_MultiTexCoord1s) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_MultiTexCoord1s)); +} + +static inline void SET_MultiTexCoord1s(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLshort)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_MultiTexCoord1s, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_MultiTexCoord1sv)(GLenum, const GLshort *); +#define CALL_MultiTexCoord1sv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_MultiTexCoord1sv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_MultiTexCoord1sv GET_MultiTexCoord1sv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_MultiTexCoord1sv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_MultiTexCoord1sv)); +} + +static inline void SET_MultiTexCoord1sv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, const GLshort *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_MultiTexCoord1sv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_MultiTexCoord2d)(GLenum, GLdouble, GLdouble); +#define CALL_MultiTexCoord2d(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_MultiTexCoord2d(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_MultiTexCoord2d GET_MultiTexCoord2d(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_MultiTexCoord2d) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_MultiTexCoord2d)); +} + +static inline void SET_MultiTexCoord2d(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLdouble, GLdouble)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_MultiTexCoord2d, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_MultiTexCoord2dv)(GLenum, const GLdouble *); +#define CALL_MultiTexCoord2dv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_MultiTexCoord2dv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_MultiTexCoord2dv GET_MultiTexCoord2dv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_MultiTexCoord2dv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_MultiTexCoord2dv)); +} + +static inline void SET_MultiTexCoord2dv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, const GLdouble *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_MultiTexCoord2dv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_MultiTexCoord2fARB)(GLenum, GLfloat, GLfloat); +#define CALL_MultiTexCoord2fARB(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_MultiTexCoord2fARB(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_MultiTexCoord2fARB GET_MultiTexCoord2fARB(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_MultiTexCoord2fARB) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_MultiTexCoord2fARB)); +} + +static inline void SET_MultiTexCoord2fARB(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLfloat, GLfloat)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_MultiTexCoord2fARB, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_MultiTexCoord2fvARB)(GLenum, const GLfloat *); +#define CALL_MultiTexCoord2fvARB(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_MultiTexCoord2fvARB(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_MultiTexCoord2fvARB GET_MultiTexCoord2fvARB(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_MultiTexCoord2fvARB) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_MultiTexCoord2fvARB)); +} + +static inline void SET_MultiTexCoord2fvARB(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, const GLfloat *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_MultiTexCoord2fvARB, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_MultiTexCoord2i)(GLenum, GLint, GLint); +#define CALL_MultiTexCoord2i(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_MultiTexCoord2i(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_MultiTexCoord2i GET_MultiTexCoord2i(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_MultiTexCoord2i) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_MultiTexCoord2i)); +} + +static inline void SET_MultiTexCoord2i(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLint, GLint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_MultiTexCoord2i, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_MultiTexCoord2iv)(GLenum, const GLint *); +#define CALL_MultiTexCoord2iv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_MultiTexCoord2iv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_MultiTexCoord2iv GET_MultiTexCoord2iv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_MultiTexCoord2iv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_MultiTexCoord2iv)); +} + +static inline void SET_MultiTexCoord2iv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, const GLint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_MultiTexCoord2iv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_MultiTexCoord2s)(GLenum, GLshort, GLshort); +#define CALL_MultiTexCoord2s(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_MultiTexCoord2s(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_MultiTexCoord2s GET_MultiTexCoord2s(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_MultiTexCoord2s) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_MultiTexCoord2s)); +} + +static inline void SET_MultiTexCoord2s(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLshort, GLshort)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_MultiTexCoord2s, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_MultiTexCoord2sv)(GLenum, const GLshort *); +#define CALL_MultiTexCoord2sv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_MultiTexCoord2sv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_MultiTexCoord2sv GET_MultiTexCoord2sv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_MultiTexCoord2sv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_MultiTexCoord2sv)); +} + +static inline void SET_MultiTexCoord2sv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, const GLshort *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_MultiTexCoord2sv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_MultiTexCoord3d)(GLenum, GLdouble, GLdouble, GLdouble); +#define CALL_MultiTexCoord3d(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_MultiTexCoord3d(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_MultiTexCoord3d GET_MultiTexCoord3d(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_MultiTexCoord3d) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_MultiTexCoord3d)); +} + +static inline void SET_MultiTexCoord3d(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLdouble, GLdouble, GLdouble)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_MultiTexCoord3d, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_MultiTexCoord3dv)(GLenum, const GLdouble *); +#define CALL_MultiTexCoord3dv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_MultiTexCoord3dv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_MultiTexCoord3dv GET_MultiTexCoord3dv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_MultiTexCoord3dv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_MultiTexCoord3dv)); +} + +static inline void SET_MultiTexCoord3dv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, const GLdouble *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_MultiTexCoord3dv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_MultiTexCoord3fARB)(GLenum, GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat); +#define CALL_MultiTexCoord3fARB(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_MultiTexCoord3fARB(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_MultiTexCoord3fARB GET_MultiTexCoord3fARB(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_MultiTexCoord3fARB) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_MultiTexCoord3fARB)); +} + +static inline void SET_MultiTexCoord3fARB(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_MultiTexCoord3fARB, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_MultiTexCoord3fvARB)(GLenum, const GLfloat *); +#define CALL_MultiTexCoord3fvARB(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_MultiTexCoord3fvARB(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_MultiTexCoord3fvARB GET_MultiTexCoord3fvARB(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_MultiTexCoord3fvARB) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_MultiTexCoord3fvARB)); +} + +static inline void SET_MultiTexCoord3fvARB(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, const GLfloat *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_MultiTexCoord3fvARB, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_MultiTexCoord3i)(GLenum, GLint, GLint, GLint); +#define CALL_MultiTexCoord3i(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_MultiTexCoord3i(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_MultiTexCoord3i GET_MultiTexCoord3i(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_MultiTexCoord3i) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_MultiTexCoord3i)); +} + +static inline void SET_MultiTexCoord3i(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLint, GLint, GLint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_MultiTexCoord3i, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_MultiTexCoord3iv)(GLenum, const GLint *); +#define CALL_MultiTexCoord3iv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_MultiTexCoord3iv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_MultiTexCoord3iv GET_MultiTexCoord3iv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_MultiTexCoord3iv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_MultiTexCoord3iv)); +} + +static inline void SET_MultiTexCoord3iv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, const GLint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_MultiTexCoord3iv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_MultiTexCoord3s)(GLenum, GLshort, GLshort, GLshort); +#define CALL_MultiTexCoord3s(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_MultiTexCoord3s(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_MultiTexCoord3s GET_MultiTexCoord3s(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_MultiTexCoord3s) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_MultiTexCoord3s)); +} + +static inline void SET_MultiTexCoord3s(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLshort, GLshort, GLshort)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_MultiTexCoord3s, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_MultiTexCoord3sv)(GLenum, const GLshort *); +#define CALL_MultiTexCoord3sv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_MultiTexCoord3sv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_MultiTexCoord3sv GET_MultiTexCoord3sv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_MultiTexCoord3sv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_MultiTexCoord3sv)); +} + +static inline void SET_MultiTexCoord3sv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, const GLshort *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_MultiTexCoord3sv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_MultiTexCoord4d)(GLenum, GLdouble, GLdouble, GLdouble, GLdouble); +#define CALL_MultiTexCoord4d(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_MultiTexCoord4d(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_MultiTexCoord4d GET_MultiTexCoord4d(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_MultiTexCoord4d) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_MultiTexCoord4d)); +} + +static inline void SET_MultiTexCoord4d(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLdouble, GLdouble, GLdouble, GLdouble)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_MultiTexCoord4d, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_MultiTexCoord4dv)(GLenum, const GLdouble *); +#define CALL_MultiTexCoord4dv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_MultiTexCoord4dv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_MultiTexCoord4dv GET_MultiTexCoord4dv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_MultiTexCoord4dv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_MultiTexCoord4dv)); +} + +static inline void SET_MultiTexCoord4dv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, const GLdouble *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_MultiTexCoord4dv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_MultiTexCoord4fARB)(GLenum, GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat); +#define CALL_MultiTexCoord4fARB(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_MultiTexCoord4fARB(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_MultiTexCoord4fARB GET_MultiTexCoord4fARB(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_MultiTexCoord4fARB) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_MultiTexCoord4fARB)); +} + +static inline void SET_MultiTexCoord4fARB(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_MultiTexCoord4fARB, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_MultiTexCoord4fvARB)(GLenum, const GLfloat *); +#define CALL_MultiTexCoord4fvARB(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_MultiTexCoord4fvARB(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_MultiTexCoord4fvARB GET_MultiTexCoord4fvARB(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_MultiTexCoord4fvARB) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_MultiTexCoord4fvARB)); +} + +static inline void SET_MultiTexCoord4fvARB(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, const GLfloat *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_MultiTexCoord4fvARB, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_MultiTexCoord4i)(GLenum, GLint, GLint, GLint, GLint); +#define CALL_MultiTexCoord4i(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_MultiTexCoord4i(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_MultiTexCoord4i GET_MultiTexCoord4i(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_MultiTexCoord4i) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_MultiTexCoord4i)); +} + +static inline void SET_MultiTexCoord4i(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLint, GLint, GLint, GLint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_MultiTexCoord4i, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_MultiTexCoord4iv)(GLenum, const GLint *); +#define CALL_MultiTexCoord4iv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_MultiTexCoord4iv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_MultiTexCoord4iv GET_MultiTexCoord4iv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_MultiTexCoord4iv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_MultiTexCoord4iv)); +} + +static inline void SET_MultiTexCoord4iv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, const GLint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_MultiTexCoord4iv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_MultiTexCoord4s)(GLenum, GLshort, GLshort, GLshort, GLshort); +#define CALL_MultiTexCoord4s(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_MultiTexCoord4s(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_MultiTexCoord4s GET_MultiTexCoord4s(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_MultiTexCoord4s) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_MultiTexCoord4s)); +} + +static inline void SET_MultiTexCoord4s(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLshort, GLshort, GLshort, GLshort)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_MultiTexCoord4s, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_MultiTexCoord4sv)(GLenum, const GLshort *); +#define CALL_MultiTexCoord4sv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_MultiTexCoord4sv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_MultiTexCoord4sv GET_MultiTexCoord4sv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_MultiTexCoord4sv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_MultiTexCoord4sv)); +} + +static inline void SET_MultiTexCoord4sv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, const GLshort *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_MultiTexCoord4sv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_CompressedTexImage1D)(GLenum, GLint, GLenum, GLsizei, GLint, GLsizei, const GLvoid *); +#define CALL_CompressedTexImage1D(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_CompressedTexImage1D(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_CompressedTexImage1D GET_CompressedTexImage1D(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_CompressedTexImage1D) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_CompressedTexImage1D)); +} + +static inline void SET_CompressedTexImage1D(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLint, GLenum, GLsizei, GLint, GLsizei, const GLvoid *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_CompressedTexImage1D, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_CompressedTexImage2D)(GLenum, GLint, GLenum, GLsizei, GLsizei, GLint, GLsizei, const GLvoid *); +#define CALL_CompressedTexImage2D(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_CompressedTexImage2D(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_CompressedTexImage2D GET_CompressedTexImage2D(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_CompressedTexImage2D) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_CompressedTexImage2D)); +} + +static inline void SET_CompressedTexImage2D(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLint, GLenum, GLsizei, GLsizei, GLint, GLsizei, const GLvoid *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_CompressedTexImage2D, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_CompressedTexImage3D)(GLenum, GLint, GLenum, GLsizei, GLsizei, GLsizei, GLint, GLsizei, const GLvoid *); +#define CALL_CompressedTexImage3D(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_CompressedTexImage3D(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_CompressedTexImage3D GET_CompressedTexImage3D(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_CompressedTexImage3D) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_CompressedTexImage3D)); +} + +static inline void SET_CompressedTexImage3D(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLint, GLenum, GLsizei, GLsizei, GLsizei, GLint, GLsizei, const GLvoid *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_CompressedTexImage3D, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_CompressedTexSubImage1D)(GLenum, GLint, GLint, GLsizei, GLenum, GLsizei, const GLvoid *); +#define CALL_CompressedTexSubImage1D(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_CompressedTexSubImage1D(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_CompressedTexSubImage1D GET_CompressedTexSubImage1D(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_CompressedTexSubImage1D) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_CompressedTexSubImage1D)); +} + +static inline void SET_CompressedTexSubImage1D(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLint, GLint, GLsizei, GLenum, GLsizei, const GLvoid *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_CompressedTexSubImage1D, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_CompressedTexSubImage2D)(GLenum, GLint, GLint, GLint, GLsizei, GLsizei, GLenum, GLsizei, const GLvoid *); +#define CALL_CompressedTexSubImage2D(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_CompressedTexSubImage2D(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_CompressedTexSubImage2D GET_CompressedTexSubImage2D(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_CompressedTexSubImage2D) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_CompressedTexSubImage2D)); +} + +static inline void SET_CompressedTexSubImage2D(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLint, GLint, GLint, GLsizei, GLsizei, GLenum, GLsizei, const GLvoid *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_CompressedTexSubImage2D, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_CompressedTexSubImage3D)(GLenum, GLint, GLint, GLint, GLint, GLsizei, GLsizei, GLsizei, GLenum, GLsizei, const GLvoid *); +#define CALL_CompressedTexSubImage3D(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_CompressedTexSubImage3D(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_CompressedTexSubImage3D GET_CompressedTexSubImage3D(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_CompressedTexSubImage3D) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_CompressedTexSubImage3D)); +} + +static inline void SET_CompressedTexSubImage3D(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLint, GLint, GLint, GLint, GLsizei, GLsizei, GLsizei, GLenum, GLsizei, const GLvoid *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_CompressedTexSubImage3D, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetCompressedTexImage)(GLenum, GLint, GLvoid *); +#define CALL_GetCompressedTexImage(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetCompressedTexImage(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetCompressedTexImage GET_GetCompressedTexImage(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetCompressedTexImage) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetCompressedTexImage)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetCompressedTexImage(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLint, GLvoid *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetCompressedTexImage, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_LoadTransposeMatrixd)(const GLdouble *); +#define CALL_LoadTransposeMatrixd(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_LoadTransposeMatrixd(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_LoadTransposeMatrixd GET_LoadTransposeMatrixd(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_LoadTransposeMatrixd) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_LoadTransposeMatrixd)); +} + +static inline void SET_LoadTransposeMatrixd(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(const GLdouble *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_LoadTransposeMatrixd, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_LoadTransposeMatrixf)(const GLfloat *); +#define CALL_LoadTransposeMatrixf(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_LoadTransposeMatrixf(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_LoadTransposeMatrixf GET_LoadTransposeMatrixf(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_LoadTransposeMatrixf) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_LoadTransposeMatrixf)); +} + +static inline void SET_LoadTransposeMatrixf(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(const GLfloat *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_LoadTransposeMatrixf, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_MultTransposeMatrixd)(const GLdouble *); +#define CALL_MultTransposeMatrixd(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_MultTransposeMatrixd(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_MultTransposeMatrixd GET_MultTransposeMatrixd(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_MultTransposeMatrixd) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_MultTransposeMatrixd)); +} + +static inline void SET_MultTransposeMatrixd(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(const GLdouble *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_MultTransposeMatrixd, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_MultTransposeMatrixf)(const GLfloat *); +#define CALL_MultTransposeMatrixf(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_MultTransposeMatrixf(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_MultTransposeMatrixf GET_MultTransposeMatrixf(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_MultTransposeMatrixf) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_MultTransposeMatrixf)); +} + +static inline void SET_MultTransposeMatrixf(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(const GLfloat *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_MultTransposeMatrixf, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_SampleCoverage)(GLclampf, GLboolean); +#define CALL_SampleCoverage(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_SampleCoverage(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_SampleCoverage GET_SampleCoverage(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_SampleCoverage) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_SampleCoverage)); +} + +static inline void SET_SampleCoverage(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLclampf, GLboolean)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_SampleCoverage, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_BlendFuncSeparate)(GLenum, GLenum, GLenum, GLenum); +#define CALL_BlendFuncSeparate(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_BlendFuncSeparate(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_BlendFuncSeparate GET_BlendFuncSeparate(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_BlendFuncSeparate) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_BlendFuncSeparate)); +} + +static inline void SET_BlendFuncSeparate(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, GLenum, GLenum)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_BlendFuncSeparate, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_FogCoordPointer)(GLenum, GLsizei, const GLvoid *); +#define CALL_FogCoordPointer(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_FogCoordPointer(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_FogCoordPointer GET_FogCoordPointer(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_FogCoordPointer) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_FogCoordPointer)); +} + +static inline void SET_FogCoordPointer(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLsizei, const GLvoid *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_FogCoordPointer, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_FogCoordd)(GLdouble); +#define CALL_FogCoordd(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_FogCoordd(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_FogCoordd GET_FogCoordd(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_FogCoordd) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_FogCoordd)); +} + +static inline void SET_FogCoordd(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLdouble)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_FogCoordd, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_FogCoorddv)(const GLdouble *); +#define CALL_FogCoorddv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_FogCoorddv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_FogCoorddv GET_FogCoorddv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_FogCoorddv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_FogCoorddv)); +} + +static inline void SET_FogCoorddv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(const GLdouble *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_FogCoorddv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_MultiDrawArrays)(GLenum, const GLint *, const GLsizei *, GLsizei); +#define CALL_MultiDrawArrays(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_MultiDrawArrays(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_MultiDrawArrays GET_MultiDrawArrays(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_MultiDrawArrays) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_MultiDrawArrays)); +} + +static inline void SET_MultiDrawArrays(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, const GLint *, const GLsizei *, GLsizei)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_MultiDrawArrays, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_PointParameterf)(GLenum, GLfloat); +#define CALL_PointParameterf(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_PointParameterf(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_PointParameterf GET_PointParameterf(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_PointParameterf) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_PointParameterf)); +} + +static inline void SET_PointParameterf(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLfloat)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_PointParameterf, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_PointParameterfv)(GLenum, const GLfloat *); +#define CALL_PointParameterfv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_PointParameterfv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_PointParameterfv GET_PointParameterfv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_PointParameterfv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_PointParameterfv)); +} + +static inline void SET_PointParameterfv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, const GLfloat *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_PointParameterfv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_PointParameteri)(GLenum, GLint); +#define CALL_PointParameteri(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_PointParameteri(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_PointParameteri GET_PointParameteri(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_PointParameteri) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_PointParameteri)); +} + +static inline void SET_PointParameteri(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_PointParameteri, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_PointParameteriv)(GLenum, const GLint *); +#define CALL_PointParameteriv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_PointParameteriv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_PointParameteriv GET_PointParameteriv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_PointParameteriv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_PointParameteriv)); +} + +static inline void SET_PointParameteriv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, const GLint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_PointParameteriv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_SecondaryColor3b)(GLbyte, GLbyte, GLbyte); +#define CALL_SecondaryColor3b(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_SecondaryColor3b(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_SecondaryColor3b GET_SecondaryColor3b(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_SecondaryColor3b) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_SecondaryColor3b)); +} + +static inline void SET_SecondaryColor3b(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLbyte, GLbyte, GLbyte)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_SecondaryColor3b, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_SecondaryColor3bv)(const GLbyte *); +#define CALL_SecondaryColor3bv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_SecondaryColor3bv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_SecondaryColor3bv GET_SecondaryColor3bv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_SecondaryColor3bv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_SecondaryColor3bv)); +} + +static inline void SET_SecondaryColor3bv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(const GLbyte *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_SecondaryColor3bv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_SecondaryColor3d)(GLdouble, GLdouble, GLdouble); +#define CALL_SecondaryColor3d(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_SecondaryColor3d(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_SecondaryColor3d GET_SecondaryColor3d(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_SecondaryColor3d) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_SecondaryColor3d)); +} + +static inline void SET_SecondaryColor3d(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLdouble, GLdouble, GLdouble)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_SecondaryColor3d, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_SecondaryColor3dv)(const GLdouble *); +#define CALL_SecondaryColor3dv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_SecondaryColor3dv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_SecondaryColor3dv GET_SecondaryColor3dv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_SecondaryColor3dv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_SecondaryColor3dv)); +} + +static inline void SET_SecondaryColor3dv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(const GLdouble *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_SecondaryColor3dv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_SecondaryColor3i)(GLint, GLint, GLint); +#define CALL_SecondaryColor3i(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_SecondaryColor3i(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_SecondaryColor3i GET_SecondaryColor3i(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_SecondaryColor3i) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_SecondaryColor3i)); +} + +static inline void SET_SecondaryColor3i(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLint, GLint, GLint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_SecondaryColor3i, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_SecondaryColor3iv)(const GLint *); +#define CALL_SecondaryColor3iv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_SecondaryColor3iv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_SecondaryColor3iv GET_SecondaryColor3iv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_SecondaryColor3iv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_SecondaryColor3iv)); +} + +static inline void SET_SecondaryColor3iv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(const GLint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_SecondaryColor3iv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_SecondaryColor3s)(GLshort, GLshort, GLshort); +#define CALL_SecondaryColor3s(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_SecondaryColor3s(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_SecondaryColor3s GET_SecondaryColor3s(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_SecondaryColor3s) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_SecondaryColor3s)); +} + +static inline void SET_SecondaryColor3s(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLshort, GLshort, GLshort)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_SecondaryColor3s, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_SecondaryColor3sv)(const GLshort *); +#define CALL_SecondaryColor3sv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_SecondaryColor3sv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_SecondaryColor3sv GET_SecondaryColor3sv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_SecondaryColor3sv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_SecondaryColor3sv)); +} + +static inline void SET_SecondaryColor3sv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(const GLshort *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_SecondaryColor3sv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_SecondaryColor3ub)(GLubyte, GLubyte, GLubyte); +#define CALL_SecondaryColor3ub(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_SecondaryColor3ub(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_SecondaryColor3ub GET_SecondaryColor3ub(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_SecondaryColor3ub) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_SecondaryColor3ub)); +} + +static inline void SET_SecondaryColor3ub(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLubyte, GLubyte, GLubyte)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_SecondaryColor3ub, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_SecondaryColor3ubv)(const GLubyte *); +#define CALL_SecondaryColor3ubv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_SecondaryColor3ubv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_SecondaryColor3ubv GET_SecondaryColor3ubv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_SecondaryColor3ubv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_SecondaryColor3ubv)); +} + +static inline void SET_SecondaryColor3ubv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(const GLubyte *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_SecondaryColor3ubv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_SecondaryColor3ui)(GLuint, GLuint, GLuint); +#define CALL_SecondaryColor3ui(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_SecondaryColor3ui(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_SecondaryColor3ui GET_SecondaryColor3ui(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_SecondaryColor3ui) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_SecondaryColor3ui)); +} + +static inline void SET_SecondaryColor3ui(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLuint, GLuint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_SecondaryColor3ui, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_SecondaryColor3uiv)(const GLuint *); +#define CALL_SecondaryColor3uiv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_SecondaryColor3uiv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_SecondaryColor3uiv GET_SecondaryColor3uiv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_SecondaryColor3uiv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_SecondaryColor3uiv)); +} + +static inline void SET_SecondaryColor3uiv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(const GLuint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_SecondaryColor3uiv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_SecondaryColor3us)(GLushort, GLushort, GLushort); +#define CALL_SecondaryColor3us(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_SecondaryColor3us(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_SecondaryColor3us GET_SecondaryColor3us(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_SecondaryColor3us) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_SecondaryColor3us)); +} + +static inline void SET_SecondaryColor3us(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLushort, GLushort, GLushort)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_SecondaryColor3us, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_SecondaryColor3usv)(const GLushort *); +#define CALL_SecondaryColor3usv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_SecondaryColor3usv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_SecondaryColor3usv GET_SecondaryColor3usv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_SecondaryColor3usv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_SecondaryColor3usv)); +} + +static inline void SET_SecondaryColor3usv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(const GLushort *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_SecondaryColor3usv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_SecondaryColorPointer)(GLint, GLenum, GLsizei, const GLvoid *); +#define CALL_SecondaryColorPointer(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_SecondaryColorPointer(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_SecondaryColorPointer GET_SecondaryColorPointer(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_SecondaryColorPointer) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_SecondaryColorPointer)); +} + +static inline void SET_SecondaryColorPointer(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLint, GLenum, GLsizei, const GLvoid *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_SecondaryColorPointer, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_WindowPos2d)(GLdouble, GLdouble); +#define CALL_WindowPos2d(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_WindowPos2d(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_WindowPos2d GET_WindowPos2d(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_WindowPos2d) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_WindowPos2d)); +} + +static inline void SET_WindowPos2d(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLdouble, GLdouble)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_WindowPos2d, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_WindowPos2dv)(const GLdouble *); +#define CALL_WindowPos2dv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_WindowPos2dv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_WindowPos2dv GET_WindowPos2dv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_WindowPos2dv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_WindowPos2dv)); +} + +static inline void SET_WindowPos2dv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(const GLdouble *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_WindowPos2dv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_WindowPos2f)(GLfloat, GLfloat); +#define CALL_WindowPos2f(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_WindowPos2f(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_WindowPos2f GET_WindowPos2f(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_WindowPos2f) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_WindowPos2f)); +} + +static inline void SET_WindowPos2f(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLfloat, GLfloat)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_WindowPos2f, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_WindowPos2fv)(const GLfloat *); +#define CALL_WindowPos2fv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_WindowPos2fv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_WindowPos2fv GET_WindowPos2fv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_WindowPos2fv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_WindowPos2fv)); +} + +static inline void SET_WindowPos2fv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(const GLfloat *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_WindowPos2fv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_WindowPos2i)(GLint, GLint); +#define CALL_WindowPos2i(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_WindowPos2i(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_WindowPos2i GET_WindowPos2i(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_WindowPos2i) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_WindowPos2i)); +} + +static inline void SET_WindowPos2i(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLint, GLint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_WindowPos2i, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_WindowPos2iv)(const GLint *); +#define CALL_WindowPos2iv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_WindowPos2iv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_WindowPos2iv GET_WindowPos2iv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_WindowPos2iv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_WindowPos2iv)); +} + +static inline void SET_WindowPos2iv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(const GLint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_WindowPos2iv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_WindowPos2s)(GLshort, GLshort); +#define CALL_WindowPos2s(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_WindowPos2s(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_WindowPos2s GET_WindowPos2s(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_WindowPos2s) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_WindowPos2s)); +} + +static inline void SET_WindowPos2s(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLshort, GLshort)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_WindowPos2s, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_WindowPos2sv)(const GLshort *); +#define CALL_WindowPos2sv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_WindowPos2sv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_WindowPos2sv GET_WindowPos2sv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_WindowPos2sv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_WindowPos2sv)); +} + +static inline void SET_WindowPos2sv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(const GLshort *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_WindowPos2sv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_WindowPos3d)(GLdouble, GLdouble, GLdouble); +#define CALL_WindowPos3d(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_WindowPos3d(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_WindowPos3d GET_WindowPos3d(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_WindowPos3d) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_WindowPos3d)); +} + +static inline void SET_WindowPos3d(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLdouble, GLdouble, GLdouble)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_WindowPos3d, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_WindowPos3dv)(const GLdouble *); +#define CALL_WindowPos3dv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_WindowPos3dv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_WindowPos3dv GET_WindowPos3dv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_WindowPos3dv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_WindowPos3dv)); +} + +static inline void SET_WindowPos3dv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(const GLdouble *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_WindowPos3dv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_WindowPos3f)(GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat); +#define CALL_WindowPos3f(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_WindowPos3f(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_WindowPos3f GET_WindowPos3f(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_WindowPos3f) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_WindowPos3f)); +} + +static inline void SET_WindowPos3f(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_WindowPos3f, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_WindowPos3fv)(const GLfloat *); +#define CALL_WindowPos3fv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_WindowPos3fv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_WindowPos3fv GET_WindowPos3fv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_WindowPos3fv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_WindowPos3fv)); +} + +static inline void SET_WindowPos3fv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(const GLfloat *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_WindowPos3fv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_WindowPos3i)(GLint, GLint, GLint); +#define CALL_WindowPos3i(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_WindowPos3i(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_WindowPos3i GET_WindowPos3i(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_WindowPos3i) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_WindowPos3i)); +} + +static inline void SET_WindowPos3i(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLint, GLint, GLint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_WindowPos3i, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_WindowPos3iv)(const GLint *); +#define CALL_WindowPos3iv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_WindowPos3iv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_WindowPos3iv GET_WindowPos3iv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_WindowPos3iv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_WindowPos3iv)); +} + +static inline void SET_WindowPos3iv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(const GLint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_WindowPos3iv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_WindowPos3s)(GLshort, GLshort, GLshort); +#define CALL_WindowPos3s(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_WindowPos3s(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_WindowPos3s GET_WindowPos3s(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_WindowPos3s) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_WindowPos3s)); +} + +static inline void SET_WindowPos3s(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLshort, GLshort, GLshort)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_WindowPos3s, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_WindowPos3sv)(const GLshort *); +#define CALL_WindowPos3sv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_WindowPos3sv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_WindowPos3sv GET_WindowPos3sv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_WindowPos3sv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_WindowPos3sv)); +} + +static inline void SET_WindowPos3sv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(const GLshort *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_WindowPos3sv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_BeginQuery)(GLenum, GLuint); +#define CALL_BeginQuery(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_BeginQuery(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_BeginQuery GET_BeginQuery(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_BeginQuery) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_BeginQuery)); +} + +static inline void SET_BeginQuery(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLuint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_BeginQuery, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_BindBuffer)(GLenum, GLuint); +#define CALL_BindBuffer(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_BindBuffer(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_BindBuffer GET_BindBuffer(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_BindBuffer) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_BindBuffer)); +} + +static inline void SET_BindBuffer(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLuint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_BindBuffer, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_BufferData)(GLenum, GLsizeiptr, const GLvoid *, GLenum); +#define CALL_BufferData(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_BufferData(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_BufferData GET_BufferData(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_BufferData) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_BufferData)); +} + +static inline void SET_BufferData(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLsizeiptr, const GLvoid *, GLenum)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_BufferData, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_BufferSubData)(GLenum, GLintptr, GLsizeiptr, const GLvoid *); +#define CALL_BufferSubData(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_BufferSubData(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_BufferSubData GET_BufferSubData(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_BufferSubData) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_BufferSubData)); +} + +static inline void SET_BufferSubData(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLintptr, GLsizeiptr, const GLvoid *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_BufferSubData, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_DeleteBuffers)(GLsizei, const GLuint *); +#define CALL_DeleteBuffers(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_DeleteBuffers(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_DeleteBuffers GET_DeleteBuffers(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_DeleteBuffers) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_DeleteBuffers)); +} + +static inline void SET_DeleteBuffers(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLsizei, const GLuint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_DeleteBuffers, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_DeleteQueries)(GLsizei, const GLuint *); +#define CALL_DeleteQueries(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_DeleteQueries(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_DeleteQueries GET_DeleteQueries(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_DeleteQueries) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_DeleteQueries)); +} + +static inline void SET_DeleteQueries(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLsizei, const GLuint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_DeleteQueries, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_EndQuery)(GLenum); +#define CALL_EndQuery(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_EndQuery(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_EndQuery GET_EndQuery(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_EndQuery) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_EndQuery)); +} + +static inline void SET_EndQuery(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_EndQuery, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GenBuffers)(GLsizei, GLuint *); +#define CALL_GenBuffers(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GenBuffers(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GenBuffers GET_GenBuffers(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GenBuffers) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GenBuffers)); +} + +static inline void SET_GenBuffers(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLsizei, GLuint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GenBuffers, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GenQueries)(GLsizei, GLuint *); +#define CALL_GenQueries(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GenQueries(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GenQueries GET_GenQueries(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GenQueries) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GenQueries)); +} + +static inline void SET_GenQueries(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLsizei, GLuint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GenQueries, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetBufferParameteriv)(GLenum, GLenum, GLint *); +#define CALL_GetBufferParameteriv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetBufferParameteriv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetBufferParameteriv GET_GetBufferParameteriv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetBufferParameteriv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetBufferParameteriv)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetBufferParameteriv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, GLint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetBufferParameteriv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetBufferPointerv)(GLenum, GLenum, GLvoid **); +#define CALL_GetBufferPointerv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetBufferPointerv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetBufferPointerv GET_GetBufferPointerv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetBufferPointerv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetBufferPointerv)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetBufferPointerv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, GLvoid **)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetBufferPointerv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetBufferSubData)(GLenum, GLintptr, GLsizeiptr, GLvoid *); +#define CALL_GetBufferSubData(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetBufferSubData(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetBufferSubData GET_GetBufferSubData(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetBufferSubData) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetBufferSubData)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetBufferSubData(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLintptr, GLsizeiptr, GLvoid *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetBufferSubData, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetQueryObjectiv)(GLuint, GLenum, GLint *); +#define CALL_GetQueryObjectiv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetQueryObjectiv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetQueryObjectiv GET_GetQueryObjectiv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetQueryObjectiv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetQueryObjectiv)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetQueryObjectiv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLenum, GLint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetQueryObjectiv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetQueryObjectuiv)(GLuint, GLenum, GLuint *); +#define CALL_GetQueryObjectuiv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetQueryObjectuiv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetQueryObjectuiv GET_GetQueryObjectuiv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetQueryObjectuiv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetQueryObjectuiv)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetQueryObjectuiv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLenum, GLuint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetQueryObjectuiv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetQueryiv)(GLenum, GLenum, GLint *); +#define CALL_GetQueryiv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetQueryiv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetQueryiv GET_GetQueryiv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetQueryiv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetQueryiv)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetQueryiv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, GLint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetQueryiv, fn); +} + +typedef GLboolean (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_IsBuffer)(GLuint); +#define CALL_IsBuffer(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_IsBuffer(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_IsBuffer GET_IsBuffer(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_IsBuffer) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_IsBuffer)); +} + +static inline void SET_IsBuffer(struct _glapi_table *disp, GLboolean (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_IsBuffer, fn); +} + +typedef GLboolean (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_IsQuery)(GLuint); +#define CALL_IsQuery(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_IsQuery(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_IsQuery GET_IsQuery(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_IsQuery) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_IsQuery)); +} + +static inline void SET_IsQuery(struct _glapi_table *disp, GLboolean (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_IsQuery, fn); +} + +typedef GLvoid * (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_MapBuffer)(GLenum, GLenum); +#define CALL_MapBuffer(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_MapBuffer(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_MapBuffer GET_MapBuffer(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_MapBuffer) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_MapBuffer)); +} + +static inline void SET_MapBuffer(struct _glapi_table *disp, GLvoid * (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_MapBuffer, fn); +} + +typedef GLboolean (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_UnmapBuffer)(GLenum); +#define CALL_UnmapBuffer(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_UnmapBuffer(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_UnmapBuffer GET_UnmapBuffer(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_UnmapBuffer) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_UnmapBuffer)); +} + +static inline void SET_UnmapBuffer(struct _glapi_table *disp, GLboolean (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_UnmapBuffer, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_AttachShader)(GLuint, GLuint); +#define CALL_AttachShader(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_AttachShader(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_AttachShader GET_AttachShader(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_AttachShader) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_AttachShader)); +} + +static inline void SET_AttachShader(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLuint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_AttachShader, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_BindAttribLocation)(GLuint, GLuint, const GLchar *); +#define CALL_BindAttribLocation(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_BindAttribLocation(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_BindAttribLocation GET_BindAttribLocation(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_BindAttribLocation) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_BindAttribLocation)); +} + +static inline void SET_BindAttribLocation(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLuint, const GLchar *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_BindAttribLocation, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_BlendEquationSeparate)(GLenum, GLenum); +#define CALL_BlendEquationSeparate(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_BlendEquationSeparate(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_BlendEquationSeparate GET_BlendEquationSeparate(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_BlendEquationSeparate) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_BlendEquationSeparate)); +} + +static inline void SET_BlendEquationSeparate(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_BlendEquationSeparate, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_CompileShader)(GLuint); +#define CALL_CompileShader(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_CompileShader(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_CompileShader GET_CompileShader(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_CompileShader) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_CompileShader)); +} + +static inline void SET_CompileShader(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_CompileShader, fn); +} + +typedef GLuint (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_CreateProgram)(void); +#define CALL_CreateProgram(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_CreateProgram(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_CreateProgram GET_CreateProgram(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_CreateProgram) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_CreateProgram)); +} + +static inline void SET_CreateProgram(struct _glapi_table *disp, GLuint (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(void)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_CreateProgram, fn); +} + +typedef GLuint (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_CreateShader)(GLenum); +#define CALL_CreateShader(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_CreateShader(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_CreateShader GET_CreateShader(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_CreateShader) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_CreateShader)); +} + +static inline void SET_CreateShader(struct _glapi_table *disp, GLuint (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_CreateShader, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_DeleteProgram)(GLuint); +#define CALL_DeleteProgram(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_DeleteProgram(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_DeleteProgram GET_DeleteProgram(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_DeleteProgram) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_DeleteProgram)); +} + +static inline void SET_DeleteProgram(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_DeleteProgram, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_DeleteShader)(GLuint); +#define CALL_DeleteShader(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_DeleteShader(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_DeleteShader GET_DeleteShader(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_DeleteShader) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_DeleteShader)); +} + +static inline void SET_DeleteShader(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_DeleteShader, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_DetachShader)(GLuint, GLuint); +#define CALL_DetachShader(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_DetachShader(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_DetachShader GET_DetachShader(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_DetachShader) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_DetachShader)); +} + +static inline void SET_DetachShader(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLuint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_DetachShader, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_DisableVertexAttribArray)(GLuint); +#define CALL_DisableVertexAttribArray(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_DisableVertexAttribArray(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_DisableVertexAttribArray GET_DisableVertexAttribArray(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_DisableVertexAttribArray) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_DisableVertexAttribArray)); +} + +static inline void SET_DisableVertexAttribArray(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_DisableVertexAttribArray, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_DrawBuffers)(GLsizei, const GLenum *); +#define CALL_DrawBuffers(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_DrawBuffers(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_DrawBuffers GET_DrawBuffers(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_DrawBuffers) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_DrawBuffers)); +} + +static inline void SET_DrawBuffers(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLsizei, const GLenum *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_DrawBuffers, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_EnableVertexAttribArray)(GLuint); +#define CALL_EnableVertexAttribArray(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_EnableVertexAttribArray(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_EnableVertexAttribArray GET_EnableVertexAttribArray(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_EnableVertexAttribArray) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_EnableVertexAttribArray)); +} + +static inline void SET_EnableVertexAttribArray(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_EnableVertexAttribArray, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetActiveAttrib)(GLuint, GLuint, GLsizei , GLsizei *, GLint *, GLenum *, GLchar *); +#define CALL_GetActiveAttrib(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetActiveAttrib(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetActiveAttrib GET_GetActiveAttrib(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetActiveAttrib) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetActiveAttrib)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetActiveAttrib(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLuint, GLsizei , GLsizei *, GLint *, GLenum *, GLchar *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetActiveAttrib, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetActiveUniform)(GLuint, GLuint, GLsizei, GLsizei *, GLint *, GLenum *, GLchar *); +#define CALL_GetActiveUniform(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetActiveUniform(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetActiveUniform GET_GetActiveUniform(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetActiveUniform) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetActiveUniform)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetActiveUniform(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLuint, GLsizei, GLsizei *, GLint *, GLenum *, GLchar *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetActiveUniform, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetAttachedShaders)(GLuint, GLsizei, GLsizei *, GLuint *); +#define CALL_GetAttachedShaders(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetAttachedShaders(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetAttachedShaders GET_GetAttachedShaders(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetAttachedShaders) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetAttachedShaders)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetAttachedShaders(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLsizei, GLsizei *, GLuint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetAttachedShaders, fn); +} + +typedef GLint (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetAttribLocation)(GLuint, const GLchar *); +#define CALL_GetAttribLocation(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetAttribLocation(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetAttribLocation GET_GetAttribLocation(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetAttribLocation) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetAttribLocation)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetAttribLocation(struct _glapi_table *disp, GLint (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, const GLchar *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetAttribLocation, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetProgramInfoLog)(GLuint, GLsizei, GLsizei *, GLchar *); +#define CALL_GetProgramInfoLog(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetProgramInfoLog(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetProgramInfoLog GET_GetProgramInfoLog(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetProgramInfoLog) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetProgramInfoLog)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetProgramInfoLog(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLsizei, GLsizei *, GLchar *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetProgramInfoLog, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetProgramiv)(GLuint, GLenum, GLint *); +#define CALL_GetProgramiv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetProgramiv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetProgramiv GET_GetProgramiv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetProgramiv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetProgramiv)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetProgramiv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLenum, GLint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetProgramiv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetShaderInfoLog)(GLuint, GLsizei, GLsizei *, GLchar *); +#define CALL_GetShaderInfoLog(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetShaderInfoLog(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetShaderInfoLog GET_GetShaderInfoLog(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetShaderInfoLog) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetShaderInfoLog)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetShaderInfoLog(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLsizei, GLsizei *, GLchar *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetShaderInfoLog, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetShaderSource)(GLuint, GLsizei, GLsizei *, GLchar *); +#define CALL_GetShaderSource(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetShaderSource(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetShaderSource GET_GetShaderSource(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetShaderSource) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetShaderSource)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetShaderSource(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLsizei, GLsizei *, GLchar *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetShaderSource, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetShaderiv)(GLuint, GLenum, GLint *); +#define CALL_GetShaderiv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetShaderiv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetShaderiv GET_GetShaderiv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetShaderiv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetShaderiv)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetShaderiv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLenum, GLint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetShaderiv, fn); +} + +typedef GLint (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetUniformLocation)(GLuint, const GLchar *); +#define CALL_GetUniformLocation(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetUniformLocation(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetUniformLocation GET_GetUniformLocation(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetUniformLocation) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetUniformLocation)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetUniformLocation(struct _glapi_table *disp, GLint (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, const GLchar *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetUniformLocation, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetUniformfv)(GLuint, GLint, GLfloat *); +#define CALL_GetUniformfv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetUniformfv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetUniformfv GET_GetUniformfv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetUniformfv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetUniformfv)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetUniformfv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLint, GLfloat *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetUniformfv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetUniformiv)(GLuint, GLint, GLint *); +#define CALL_GetUniformiv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetUniformiv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetUniformiv GET_GetUniformiv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetUniformiv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetUniformiv)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetUniformiv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLint, GLint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetUniformiv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetVertexAttribPointerv)(GLuint, GLenum, GLvoid **); +#define CALL_GetVertexAttribPointerv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetVertexAttribPointerv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetVertexAttribPointerv GET_GetVertexAttribPointerv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetVertexAttribPointerv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetVertexAttribPointerv)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetVertexAttribPointerv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLenum, GLvoid **)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetVertexAttribPointerv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetVertexAttribdv)(GLuint, GLenum, GLdouble *); +#define CALL_GetVertexAttribdv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetVertexAttribdv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetVertexAttribdv GET_GetVertexAttribdv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetVertexAttribdv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetVertexAttribdv)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetVertexAttribdv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLenum, GLdouble *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetVertexAttribdv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetVertexAttribfv)(GLuint, GLenum, GLfloat *); +#define CALL_GetVertexAttribfv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetVertexAttribfv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetVertexAttribfv GET_GetVertexAttribfv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetVertexAttribfv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetVertexAttribfv)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetVertexAttribfv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLenum, GLfloat *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetVertexAttribfv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetVertexAttribiv)(GLuint, GLenum, GLint *); +#define CALL_GetVertexAttribiv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetVertexAttribiv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetVertexAttribiv GET_GetVertexAttribiv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetVertexAttribiv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetVertexAttribiv)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetVertexAttribiv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLenum, GLint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetVertexAttribiv, fn); +} + +typedef GLboolean (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_IsProgram)(GLuint); +#define CALL_IsProgram(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_IsProgram(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_IsProgram GET_IsProgram(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_IsProgram) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_IsProgram)); +} + +static inline void SET_IsProgram(struct _glapi_table *disp, GLboolean (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_IsProgram, fn); +} + +typedef GLboolean (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_IsShader)(GLuint); +#define CALL_IsShader(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_IsShader(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_IsShader GET_IsShader(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_IsShader) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_IsShader)); +} + +static inline void SET_IsShader(struct _glapi_table *disp, GLboolean (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_IsShader, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_LinkProgram)(GLuint); +#define CALL_LinkProgram(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_LinkProgram(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_LinkProgram GET_LinkProgram(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_LinkProgram) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_LinkProgram)); +} + +static inline void SET_LinkProgram(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_LinkProgram, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_ShaderSource)(GLuint, GLsizei, const GLchar * const *, const GLint *); +#define CALL_ShaderSource(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_ShaderSource(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_ShaderSource GET_ShaderSource(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_ShaderSource) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ShaderSource)); +} + +static inline void SET_ShaderSource(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLsizei, const GLchar * const *, const GLint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ShaderSource, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_StencilFuncSeparate)(GLenum, GLenum, GLint, GLuint); +#define CALL_StencilFuncSeparate(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_StencilFuncSeparate(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_StencilFuncSeparate GET_StencilFuncSeparate(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_StencilFuncSeparate) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_StencilFuncSeparate)); +} + +static inline void SET_StencilFuncSeparate(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, GLint, GLuint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_StencilFuncSeparate, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_StencilMaskSeparate)(GLenum, GLuint); +#define CALL_StencilMaskSeparate(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_StencilMaskSeparate(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_StencilMaskSeparate GET_StencilMaskSeparate(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_StencilMaskSeparate) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_StencilMaskSeparate)); +} + +static inline void SET_StencilMaskSeparate(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLuint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_StencilMaskSeparate, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_StencilOpSeparate)(GLenum, GLenum, GLenum, GLenum); +#define CALL_StencilOpSeparate(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_StencilOpSeparate(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_StencilOpSeparate GET_StencilOpSeparate(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_StencilOpSeparate) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_StencilOpSeparate)); +} + +static inline void SET_StencilOpSeparate(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, GLenum, GLenum)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_StencilOpSeparate, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Uniform1f)(GLint, GLfloat); +#define CALL_Uniform1f(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Uniform1f(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Uniform1f GET_Uniform1f(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Uniform1f) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Uniform1f)); +} + +static inline void SET_Uniform1f(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLint, GLfloat)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Uniform1f, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Uniform1fv)(GLint, GLsizei, const GLfloat *); +#define CALL_Uniform1fv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Uniform1fv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Uniform1fv GET_Uniform1fv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Uniform1fv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Uniform1fv)); +} + +static inline void SET_Uniform1fv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLint, GLsizei, const GLfloat *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Uniform1fv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Uniform1i)(GLint, GLint); +#define CALL_Uniform1i(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Uniform1i(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Uniform1i GET_Uniform1i(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Uniform1i) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Uniform1i)); +} + +static inline void SET_Uniform1i(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLint, GLint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Uniform1i, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Uniform1iv)(GLint, GLsizei, const GLint *); +#define CALL_Uniform1iv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Uniform1iv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Uniform1iv GET_Uniform1iv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Uniform1iv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Uniform1iv)); +} + +static inline void SET_Uniform1iv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLint, GLsizei, const GLint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Uniform1iv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Uniform2f)(GLint, GLfloat, GLfloat); +#define CALL_Uniform2f(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Uniform2f(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Uniform2f GET_Uniform2f(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Uniform2f) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Uniform2f)); +} + +static inline void SET_Uniform2f(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLint, GLfloat, GLfloat)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Uniform2f, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Uniform2fv)(GLint, GLsizei, const GLfloat *); +#define CALL_Uniform2fv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Uniform2fv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Uniform2fv GET_Uniform2fv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Uniform2fv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Uniform2fv)); +} + +static inline void SET_Uniform2fv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLint, GLsizei, const GLfloat *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Uniform2fv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Uniform2i)(GLint, GLint, GLint); +#define CALL_Uniform2i(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Uniform2i(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Uniform2i GET_Uniform2i(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Uniform2i) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Uniform2i)); +} + +static inline void SET_Uniform2i(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLint, GLint, GLint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Uniform2i, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Uniform2iv)(GLint, GLsizei, const GLint *); +#define CALL_Uniform2iv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Uniform2iv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Uniform2iv GET_Uniform2iv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Uniform2iv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Uniform2iv)); +} + +static inline void SET_Uniform2iv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLint, GLsizei, const GLint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Uniform2iv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Uniform3f)(GLint, GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat); +#define CALL_Uniform3f(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Uniform3f(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Uniform3f GET_Uniform3f(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Uniform3f) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Uniform3f)); +} + +static inline void SET_Uniform3f(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLint, GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Uniform3f, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Uniform3fv)(GLint, GLsizei, const GLfloat *); +#define CALL_Uniform3fv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Uniform3fv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Uniform3fv GET_Uniform3fv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Uniform3fv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Uniform3fv)); +} + +static inline void SET_Uniform3fv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLint, GLsizei, const GLfloat *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Uniform3fv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Uniform3i)(GLint, GLint, GLint, GLint); +#define CALL_Uniform3i(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Uniform3i(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Uniform3i GET_Uniform3i(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Uniform3i) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Uniform3i)); +} + +static inline void SET_Uniform3i(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLint, GLint, GLint, GLint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Uniform3i, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Uniform3iv)(GLint, GLsizei, const GLint *); +#define CALL_Uniform3iv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Uniform3iv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Uniform3iv GET_Uniform3iv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Uniform3iv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Uniform3iv)); +} + +static inline void SET_Uniform3iv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLint, GLsizei, const GLint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Uniform3iv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Uniform4f)(GLint, GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat); +#define CALL_Uniform4f(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Uniform4f(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Uniform4f GET_Uniform4f(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Uniform4f) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Uniform4f)); +} + +static inline void SET_Uniform4f(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLint, GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Uniform4f, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Uniform4fv)(GLint, GLsizei, const GLfloat *); +#define CALL_Uniform4fv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Uniform4fv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Uniform4fv GET_Uniform4fv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Uniform4fv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Uniform4fv)); +} + +static inline void SET_Uniform4fv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLint, GLsizei, const GLfloat *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Uniform4fv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Uniform4i)(GLint, GLint, GLint, GLint, GLint); +#define CALL_Uniform4i(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Uniform4i(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Uniform4i GET_Uniform4i(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Uniform4i) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Uniform4i)); +} + +static inline void SET_Uniform4i(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLint, GLint, GLint, GLint, GLint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Uniform4i, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Uniform4iv)(GLint, GLsizei, const GLint *); +#define CALL_Uniform4iv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Uniform4iv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Uniform4iv GET_Uniform4iv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Uniform4iv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Uniform4iv)); +} + +static inline void SET_Uniform4iv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLint, GLsizei, const GLint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Uniform4iv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_UniformMatrix2fv)(GLint, GLsizei, GLboolean, const GLfloat *); +#define CALL_UniformMatrix2fv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_UniformMatrix2fv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_UniformMatrix2fv GET_UniformMatrix2fv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_UniformMatrix2fv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_UniformMatrix2fv)); +} + +static inline void SET_UniformMatrix2fv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLint, GLsizei, GLboolean, const GLfloat *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_UniformMatrix2fv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_UniformMatrix3fv)(GLint, GLsizei, GLboolean, const GLfloat *); +#define CALL_UniformMatrix3fv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_UniformMatrix3fv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_UniformMatrix3fv GET_UniformMatrix3fv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_UniformMatrix3fv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_UniformMatrix3fv)); +} + +static inline void SET_UniformMatrix3fv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLint, GLsizei, GLboolean, const GLfloat *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_UniformMatrix3fv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_UniformMatrix4fv)(GLint, GLsizei, GLboolean, const GLfloat *); +#define CALL_UniformMatrix4fv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_UniformMatrix4fv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_UniformMatrix4fv GET_UniformMatrix4fv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_UniformMatrix4fv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_UniformMatrix4fv)); +} + +static inline void SET_UniformMatrix4fv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLint, GLsizei, GLboolean, const GLfloat *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_UniformMatrix4fv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_UseProgram)(GLuint); +#define CALL_UseProgram(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_UseProgram(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_UseProgram GET_UseProgram(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_UseProgram) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_UseProgram)); +} + +static inline void SET_UseProgram(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_UseProgram, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_ValidateProgram)(GLuint); +#define CALL_ValidateProgram(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_ValidateProgram(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_ValidateProgram GET_ValidateProgram(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_ValidateProgram) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ValidateProgram)); +} + +static inline void SET_ValidateProgram(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ValidateProgram, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_VertexAttrib1d)(GLuint, GLdouble); +#define CALL_VertexAttrib1d(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_VertexAttrib1d(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_VertexAttrib1d GET_VertexAttrib1d(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_VertexAttrib1d) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib1d)); +} + +static inline void SET_VertexAttrib1d(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLdouble)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib1d, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_VertexAttrib1dv)(GLuint, const GLdouble *); +#define CALL_VertexAttrib1dv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_VertexAttrib1dv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_VertexAttrib1dv GET_VertexAttrib1dv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_VertexAttrib1dv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib1dv)); +} + +static inline void SET_VertexAttrib1dv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, const GLdouble *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib1dv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_VertexAttrib1s)(GLuint, GLshort); +#define CALL_VertexAttrib1s(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_VertexAttrib1s(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_VertexAttrib1s GET_VertexAttrib1s(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_VertexAttrib1s) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib1s)); +} + +static inline void SET_VertexAttrib1s(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLshort)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib1s, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_VertexAttrib1sv)(GLuint, const GLshort *); +#define CALL_VertexAttrib1sv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_VertexAttrib1sv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_VertexAttrib1sv GET_VertexAttrib1sv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_VertexAttrib1sv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib1sv)); +} + +static inline void SET_VertexAttrib1sv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, const GLshort *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib1sv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_VertexAttrib2d)(GLuint, GLdouble, GLdouble); +#define CALL_VertexAttrib2d(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_VertexAttrib2d(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_VertexAttrib2d GET_VertexAttrib2d(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_VertexAttrib2d) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib2d)); +} + +static inline void SET_VertexAttrib2d(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLdouble, GLdouble)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib2d, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_VertexAttrib2dv)(GLuint, const GLdouble *); +#define CALL_VertexAttrib2dv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_VertexAttrib2dv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_VertexAttrib2dv GET_VertexAttrib2dv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_VertexAttrib2dv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib2dv)); +} + +static inline void SET_VertexAttrib2dv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, const GLdouble *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib2dv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_VertexAttrib2s)(GLuint, GLshort, GLshort); +#define CALL_VertexAttrib2s(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_VertexAttrib2s(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_VertexAttrib2s GET_VertexAttrib2s(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_VertexAttrib2s) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib2s)); +} + +static inline void SET_VertexAttrib2s(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLshort, GLshort)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib2s, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_VertexAttrib2sv)(GLuint, const GLshort *); +#define CALL_VertexAttrib2sv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_VertexAttrib2sv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_VertexAttrib2sv GET_VertexAttrib2sv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_VertexAttrib2sv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib2sv)); +} + +static inline void SET_VertexAttrib2sv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, const GLshort *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib2sv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_VertexAttrib3d)(GLuint, GLdouble, GLdouble, GLdouble); +#define CALL_VertexAttrib3d(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_VertexAttrib3d(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_VertexAttrib3d GET_VertexAttrib3d(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_VertexAttrib3d) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib3d)); +} + +static inline void SET_VertexAttrib3d(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLdouble, GLdouble, GLdouble)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib3d, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_VertexAttrib3dv)(GLuint, const GLdouble *); +#define CALL_VertexAttrib3dv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_VertexAttrib3dv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_VertexAttrib3dv GET_VertexAttrib3dv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_VertexAttrib3dv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib3dv)); +} + +static inline void SET_VertexAttrib3dv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, const GLdouble *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib3dv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_VertexAttrib3s)(GLuint, GLshort, GLshort, GLshort); +#define CALL_VertexAttrib3s(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_VertexAttrib3s(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_VertexAttrib3s GET_VertexAttrib3s(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_VertexAttrib3s) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib3s)); +} + +static inline void SET_VertexAttrib3s(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLshort, GLshort, GLshort)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib3s, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_VertexAttrib3sv)(GLuint, const GLshort *); +#define CALL_VertexAttrib3sv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_VertexAttrib3sv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_VertexAttrib3sv GET_VertexAttrib3sv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_VertexAttrib3sv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib3sv)); +} + +static inline void SET_VertexAttrib3sv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, const GLshort *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib3sv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_VertexAttrib4Nbv)(GLuint, const GLbyte *); +#define CALL_VertexAttrib4Nbv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_VertexAttrib4Nbv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_VertexAttrib4Nbv GET_VertexAttrib4Nbv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_VertexAttrib4Nbv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib4Nbv)); +} + +static inline void SET_VertexAttrib4Nbv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, const GLbyte *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib4Nbv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_VertexAttrib4Niv)(GLuint, const GLint *); +#define CALL_VertexAttrib4Niv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_VertexAttrib4Niv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_VertexAttrib4Niv GET_VertexAttrib4Niv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_VertexAttrib4Niv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib4Niv)); +} + +static inline void SET_VertexAttrib4Niv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, const GLint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib4Niv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_VertexAttrib4Nsv)(GLuint, const GLshort *); +#define CALL_VertexAttrib4Nsv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_VertexAttrib4Nsv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_VertexAttrib4Nsv GET_VertexAttrib4Nsv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_VertexAttrib4Nsv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib4Nsv)); +} + +static inline void SET_VertexAttrib4Nsv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, const GLshort *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib4Nsv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_VertexAttrib4Nub)(GLuint, GLubyte, GLubyte, GLubyte, GLubyte); +#define CALL_VertexAttrib4Nub(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_VertexAttrib4Nub(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_VertexAttrib4Nub GET_VertexAttrib4Nub(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_VertexAttrib4Nub) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib4Nub)); +} + +static inline void SET_VertexAttrib4Nub(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLubyte, GLubyte, GLubyte, GLubyte)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib4Nub, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_VertexAttrib4Nubv)(GLuint, const GLubyte *); +#define CALL_VertexAttrib4Nubv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_VertexAttrib4Nubv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_VertexAttrib4Nubv GET_VertexAttrib4Nubv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_VertexAttrib4Nubv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib4Nubv)); +} + +static inline void SET_VertexAttrib4Nubv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, const GLubyte *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib4Nubv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_VertexAttrib4Nuiv)(GLuint, const GLuint *); +#define CALL_VertexAttrib4Nuiv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_VertexAttrib4Nuiv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_VertexAttrib4Nuiv GET_VertexAttrib4Nuiv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_VertexAttrib4Nuiv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib4Nuiv)); +} + +static inline void SET_VertexAttrib4Nuiv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, const GLuint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib4Nuiv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_VertexAttrib4Nusv)(GLuint, const GLushort *); +#define CALL_VertexAttrib4Nusv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_VertexAttrib4Nusv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_VertexAttrib4Nusv GET_VertexAttrib4Nusv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_VertexAttrib4Nusv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib4Nusv)); +} + +static inline void SET_VertexAttrib4Nusv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, const GLushort *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib4Nusv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_VertexAttrib4bv)(GLuint, const GLbyte *); +#define CALL_VertexAttrib4bv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_VertexAttrib4bv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_VertexAttrib4bv GET_VertexAttrib4bv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_VertexAttrib4bv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib4bv)); +} + +static inline void SET_VertexAttrib4bv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, const GLbyte *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib4bv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_VertexAttrib4d)(GLuint, GLdouble, GLdouble, GLdouble, GLdouble); +#define CALL_VertexAttrib4d(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_VertexAttrib4d(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_VertexAttrib4d GET_VertexAttrib4d(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_VertexAttrib4d) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib4d)); +} + +static inline void SET_VertexAttrib4d(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLdouble, GLdouble, GLdouble, GLdouble)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib4d, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_VertexAttrib4dv)(GLuint, const GLdouble *); +#define CALL_VertexAttrib4dv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_VertexAttrib4dv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_VertexAttrib4dv GET_VertexAttrib4dv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_VertexAttrib4dv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib4dv)); +} + +static inline void SET_VertexAttrib4dv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, const GLdouble *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib4dv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_VertexAttrib4iv)(GLuint, const GLint *); +#define CALL_VertexAttrib4iv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_VertexAttrib4iv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_VertexAttrib4iv GET_VertexAttrib4iv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_VertexAttrib4iv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib4iv)); +} + +static inline void SET_VertexAttrib4iv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, const GLint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib4iv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_VertexAttrib4s)(GLuint, GLshort, GLshort, GLshort, GLshort); +#define CALL_VertexAttrib4s(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_VertexAttrib4s(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_VertexAttrib4s GET_VertexAttrib4s(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_VertexAttrib4s) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib4s)); +} + +static inline void SET_VertexAttrib4s(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLshort, GLshort, GLshort, GLshort)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib4s, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_VertexAttrib4sv)(GLuint, const GLshort *); +#define CALL_VertexAttrib4sv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_VertexAttrib4sv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_VertexAttrib4sv GET_VertexAttrib4sv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_VertexAttrib4sv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib4sv)); +} + +static inline void SET_VertexAttrib4sv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, const GLshort *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib4sv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_VertexAttrib4ubv)(GLuint, const GLubyte *); +#define CALL_VertexAttrib4ubv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_VertexAttrib4ubv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_VertexAttrib4ubv GET_VertexAttrib4ubv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_VertexAttrib4ubv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib4ubv)); +} + +static inline void SET_VertexAttrib4ubv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, const GLubyte *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib4ubv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_VertexAttrib4uiv)(GLuint, const GLuint *); +#define CALL_VertexAttrib4uiv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_VertexAttrib4uiv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_VertexAttrib4uiv GET_VertexAttrib4uiv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_VertexAttrib4uiv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib4uiv)); +} + +static inline void SET_VertexAttrib4uiv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, const GLuint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib4uiv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_VertexAttrib4usv)(GLuint, const GLushort *); +#define CALL_VertexAttrib4usv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_VertexAttrib4usv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_VertexAttrib4usv GET_VertexAttrib4usv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_VertexAttrib4usv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib4usv)); +} + +static inline void SET_VertexAttrib4usv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, const GLushort *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib4usv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_VertexAttribPointer)(GLuint, GLint, GLenum, GLboolean, GLsizei, const GLvoid *); +#define CALL_VertexAttribPointer(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_VertexAttribPointer(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_VertexAttribPointer GET_VertexAttribPointer(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_VertexAttribPointer) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttribPointer)); +} + +static inline void SET_VertexAttribPointer(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLint, GLenum, GLboolean, GLsizei, const GLvoid *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttribPointer, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_UniformMatrix2x3fv)(GLint, GLsizei, GLboolean, const GLfloat *); +#define CALL_UniformMatrix2x3fv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_UniformMatrix2x3fv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_UniformMatrix2x3fv GET_UniformMatrix2x3fv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_UniformMatrix2x3fv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_UniformMatrix2x3fv)); +} + +static inline void SET_UniformMatrix2x3fv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLint, GLsizei, GLboolean, const GLfloat *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_UniformMatrix2x3fv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_UniformMatrix2x4fv)(GLint, GLsizei, GLboolean, const GLfloat *); +#define CALL_UniformMatrix2x4fv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_UniformMatrix2x4fv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_UniformMatrix2x4fv GET_UniformMatrix2x4fv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_UniformMatrix2x4fv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_UniformMatrix2x4fv)); +} + +static inline void SET_UniformMatrix2x4fv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLint, GLsizei, GLboolean, const GLfloat *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_UniformMatrix2x4fv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_UniformMatrix3x2fv)(GLint, GLsizei, GLboolean, const GLfloat *); +#define CALL_UniformMatrix3x2fv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_UniformMatrix3x2fv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_UniformMatrix3x2fv GET_UniformMatrix3x2fv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_UniformMatrix3x2fv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_UniformMatrix3x2fv)); +} + +static inline void SET_UniformMatrix3x2fv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLint, GLsizei, GLboolean, const GLfloat *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_UniformMatrix3x2fv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_UniformMatrix3x4fv)(GLint, GLsizei, GLboolean, const GLfloat *); +#define CALL_UniformMatrix3x4fv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_UniformMatrix3x4fv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_UniformMatrix3x4fv GET_UniformMatrix3x4fv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_UniformMatrix3x4fv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_UniformMatrix3x4fv)); +} + +static inline void SET_UniformMatrix3x4fv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLint, GLsizei, GLboolean, const GLfloat *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_UniformMatrix3x4fv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_UniformMatrix4x2fv)(GLint, GLsizei, GLboolean, const GLfloat *); +#define CALL_UniformMatrix4x2fv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_UniformMatrix4x2fv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_UniformMatrix4x2fv GET_UniformMatrix4x2fv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_UniformMatrix4x2fv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_UniformMatrix4x2fv)); +} + +static inline void SET_UniformMatrix4x2fv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLint, GLsizei, GLboolean, const GLfloat *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_UniformMatrix4x2fv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_UniformMatrix4x3fv)(GLint, GLsizei, GLboolean, const GLfloat *); +#define CALL_UniformMatrix4x3fv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_UniformMatrix4x3fv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_UniformMatrix4x3fv GET_UniformMatrix4x3fv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_UniformMatrix4x3fv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_UniformMatrix4x3fv)); +} + +static inline void SET_UniformMatrix4x3fv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLint, GLsizei, GLboolean, const GLfloat *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_UniformMatrix4x3fv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_BeginConditionalRender)(GLuint, GLenum); +#define CALL_BeginConditionalRender(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_BeginConditionalRender(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_BeginConditionalRender GET_BeginConditionalRender(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_BeginConditionalRender) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_BeginConditionalRender)); +} + +static inline void SET_BeginConditionalRender(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLenum)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_BeginConditionalRender, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_BeginTransformFeedback)(GLenum); +#define CALL_BeginTransformFeedback(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_BeginTransformFeedback(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_BeginTransformFeedback GET_BeginTransformFeedback(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_BeginTransformFeedback) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_BeginTransformFeedback)); +} + +static inline void SET_BeginTransformFeedback(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_BeginTransformFeedback, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_BindBufferBase)(GLenum, GLuint, GLuint); +#define CALL_BindBufferBase(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_BindBufferBase(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_BindBufferBase GET_BindBufferBase(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_BindBufferBase) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_BindBufferBase)); +} + +static inline void SET_BindBufferBase(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLuint, GLuint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_BindBufferBase, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_BindBufferRange)(GLenum, GLuint, GLuint, GLintptr, GLsizeiptr); +#define CALL_BindBufferRange(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_BindBufferRange(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_BindBufferRange GET_BindBufferRange(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_BindBufferRange) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_BindBufferRange)); +} + +static inline void SET_BindBufferRange(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLuint, GLuint, GLintptr, GLsizeiptr)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_BindBufferRange, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_BindFragDataLocation)(GLuint, GLuint, const GLchar *); +#define CALL_BindFragDataLocation(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_BindFragDataLocation(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_BindFragDataLocation GET_BindFragDataLocation(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_BindFragDataLocation) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_BindFragDataLocation)); +} + +static inline void SET_BindFragDataLocation(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLuint, const GLchar *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_BindFragDataLocation, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_ClampColor)(GLenum, GLenum); +#define CALL_ClampColor(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_ClampColor(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_ClampColor GET_ClampColor(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_ClampColor) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ClampColor)); +} + +static inline void SET_ClampColor(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ClampColor, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_ClearBufferfi)(GLenum, GLint, GLfloat, GLint); +#define CALL_ClearBufferfi(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_ClearBufferfi(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_ClearBufferfi GET_ClearBufferfi(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_ClearBufferfi) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ClearBufferfi)); +} + +static inline void SET_ClearBufferfi(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLint, GLfloat, GLint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ClearBufferfi, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_ClearBufferfv)(GLenum, GLint, const GLfloat *); +#define CALL_ClearBufferfv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_ClearBufferfv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_ClearBufferfv GET_ClearBufferfv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_ClearBufferfv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ClearBufferfv)); +} + +static inline void SET_ClearBufferfv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLint, const GLfloat *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ClearBufferfv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_ClearBufferiv)(GLenum, GLint, const GLint *); +#define CALL_ClearBufferiv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_ClearBufferiv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_ClearBufferiv GET_ClearBufferiv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_ClearBufferiv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ClearBufferiv)); +} + +static inline void SET_ClearBufferiv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLint, const GLint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ClearBufferiv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_ClearBufferuiv)(GLenum, GLint, const GLuint *); +#define CALL_ClearBufferuiv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_ClearBufferuiv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_ClearBufferuiv GET_ClearBufferuiv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_ClearBufferuiv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ClearBufferuiv)); +} + +static inline void SET_ClearBufferuiv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLint, const GLuint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ClearBufferuiv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_ColorMaski)(GLuint, GLboolean, GLboolean, GLboolean, GLboolean); +#define CALL_ColorMaski(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_ColorMaski(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_ColorMaski GET_ColorMaski(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_ColorMaski) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ColorMaski)); +} + +static inline void SET_ColorMaski(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLboolean, GLboolean, GLboolean, GLboolean)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ColorMaski, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Disablei)(GLenum, GLuint); +#define CALL_Disablei(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Disablei(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Disablei GET_Disablei(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Disablei) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Disablei)); +} + +static inline void SET_Disablei(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLuint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Disablei, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Enablei)(GLenum, GLuint); +#define CALL_Enablei(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Enablei(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Enablei GET_Enablei(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Enablei) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Enablei)); +} + +static inline void SET_Enablei(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLuint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Enablei, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_EndConditionalRender)(void); +#define CALL_EndConditionalRender(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_EndConditionalRender(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_EndConditionalRender GET_EndConditionalRender(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_EndConditionalRender) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_EndConditionalRender)); +} + +static inline void SET_EndConditionalRender(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(void)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_EndConditionalRender, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_EndTransformFeedback)(void); +#define CALL_EndTransformFeedback(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_EndTransformFeedback(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_EndTransformFeedback GET_EndTransformFeedback(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_EndTransformFeedback) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_EndTransformFeedback)); +} + +static inline void SET_EndTransformFeedback(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(void)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_EndTransformFeedback, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetBooleani_v)(GLenum, GLuint, GLboolean *); +#define CALL_GetBooleani_v(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetBooleani_v(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetBooleani_v GET_GetBooleani_v(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetBooleani_v) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetBooleani_v)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetBooleani_v(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLuint, GLboolean *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetBooleani_v, fn); +} + +typedef GLint (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetFragDataLocation)(GLuint, const GLchar *); +#define CALL_GetFragDataLocation(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetFragDataLocation(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetFragDataLocation GET_GetFragDataLocation(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetFragDataLocation) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetFragDataLocation)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetFragDataLocation(struct _glapi_table *disp, GLint (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, const GLchar *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetFragDataLocation, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetIntegeri_v)(GLenum, GLuint, GLint *); +#define CALL_GetIntegeri_v(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetIntegeri_v(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetIntegeri_v GET_GetIntegeri_v(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetIntegeri_v) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetIntegeri_v)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetIntegeri_v(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLuint, GLint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetIntegeri_v, fn); +} + +typedef const GLubyte * (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetStringi)(GLenum, GLuint); +#define CALL_GetStringi(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetStringi(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetStringi GET_GetStringi(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetStringi) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetStringi)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetStringi(struct _glapi_table *disp, const GLubyte * (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLuint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetStringi, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetTexParameterIiv)(GLenum, GLenum, GLint *); +#define CALL_GetTexParameterIiv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetTexParameterIiv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetTexParameterIiv GET_GetTexParameterIiv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetTexParameterIiv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetTexParameterIiv)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetTexParameterIiv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, GLint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetTexParameterIiv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetTexParameterIuiv)(GLenum, GLenum, GLuint *); +#define CALL_GetTexParameterIuiv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetTexParameterIuiv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetTexParameterIuiv GET_GetTexParameterIuiv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetTexParameterIuiv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetTexParameterIuiv)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetTexParameterIuiv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, GLuint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetTexParameterIuiv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetTransformFeedbackVarying)(GLuint, GLuint, GLsizei, GLsizei *, GLsizei *, GLenum *, GLchar *); +#define CALL_GetTransformFeedbackVarying(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetTransformFeedbackVarying(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetTransformFeedbackVarying GET_GetTransformFeedbackVarying(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetTransformFeedbackVarying) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetTransformFeedbackVarying)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetTransformFeedbackVarying(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLuint, GLsizei, GLsizei *, GLsizei *, GLenum *, GLchar *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetTransformFeedbackVarying, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetUniformuiv)(GLuint, GLint, GLuint *); +#define CALL_GetUniformuiv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetUniformuiv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetUniformuiv GET_GetUniformuiv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetUniformuiv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetUniformuiv)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetUniformuiv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLint, GLuint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetUniformuiv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetVertexAttribIiv)(GLuint, GLenum, GLint *); +#define CALL_GetVertexAttribIiv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetVertexAttribIiv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetVertexAttribIiv GET_GetVertexAttribIiv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetVertexAttribIiv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetVertexAttribIiv)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetVertexAttribIiv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLenum, GLint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetVertexAttribIiv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetVertexAttribIuiv)(GLuint, GLenum, GLuint *); +#define CALL_GetVertexAttribIuiv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetVertexAttribIuiv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetVertexAttribIuiv GET_GetVertexAttribIuiv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetVertexAttribIuiv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetVertexAttribIuiv)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetVertexAttribIuiv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLenum, GLuint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetVertexAttribIuiv, fn); +} + +typedef GLboolean (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_IsEnabledi)(GLenum, GLuint); +#define CALL_IsEnabledi(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_IsEnabledi(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_IsEnabledi GET_IsEnabledi(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_IsEnabledi) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_IsEnabledi)); +} + +static inline void SET_IsEnabledi(struct _glapi_table *disp, GLboolean (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLuint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_IsEnabledi, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_TexParameterIiv)(GLenum, GLenum, const GLint *); +#define CALL_TexParameterIiv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_TexParameterIiv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_TexParameterIiv GET_TexParameterIiv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_TexParameterIiv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexParameterIiv)); +} + +static inline void SET_TexParameterIiv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, const GLint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexParameterIiv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_TexParameterIuiv)(GLenum, GLenum, const GLuint *); +#define CALL_TexParameterIuiv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_TexParameterIuiv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_TexParameterIuiv GET_TexParameterIuiv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_TexParameterIuiv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexParameterIuiv)); +} + +static inline void SET_TexParameterIuiv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, const GLuint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexParameterIuiv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_TransformFeedbackVaryings)(GLuint, GLsizei, const GLchar * const *, GLenum); +#define CALL_TransformFeedbackVaryings(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_TransformFeedbackVaryings(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_TransformFeedbackVaryings GET_TransformFeedbackVaryings(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_TransformFeedbackVaryings) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TransformFeedbackVaryings)); +} + +static inline void SET_TransformFeedbackVaryings(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLsizei, const GLchar * const *, GLenum)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TransformFeedbackVaryings, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Uniform1ui)(GLint, GLuint); +#define CALL_Uniform1ui(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Uniform1ui(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Uniform1ui GET_Uniform1ui(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Uniform1ui) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Uniform1ui)); +} + +static inline void SET_Uniform1ui(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLint, GLuint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Uniform1ui, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Uniform1uiv)(GLint, GLsizei, const GLuint *); +#define CALL_Uniform1uiv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Uniform1uiv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Uniform1uiv GET_Uniform1uiv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Uniform1uiv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Uniform1uiv)); +} + +static inline void SET_Uniform1uiv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLint, GLsizei, const GLuint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Uniform1uiv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Uniform2ui)(GLint, GLuint, GLuint); +#define CALL_Uniform2ui(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Uniform2ui(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Uniform2ui GET_Uniform2ui(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Uniform2ui) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Uniform2ui)); +} + +static inline void SET_Uniform2ui(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLint, GLuint, GLuint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Uniform2ui, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Uniform2uiv)(GLint, GLsizei, const GLuint *); +#define CALL_Uniform2uiv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Uniform2uiv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Uniform2uiv GET_Uniform2uiv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Uniform2uiv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Uniform2uiv)); +} + +static inline void SET_Uniform2uiv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLint, GLsizei, const GLuint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Uniform2uiv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Uniform3ui)(GLint, GLuint, GLuint, GLuint); +#define CALL_Uniform3ui(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Uniform3ui(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Uniform3ui GET_Uniform3ui(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Uniform3ui) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Uniform3ui)); +} + +static inline void SET_Uniform3ui(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLint, GLuint, GLuint, GLuint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Uniform3ui, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Uniform3uiv)(GLint, GLsizei, const GLuint *); +#define CALL_Uniform3uiv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Uniform3uiv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Uniform3uiv GET_Uniform3uiv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Uniform3uiv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Uniform3uiv)); +} + +static inline void SET_Uniform3uiv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLint, GLsizei, const GLuint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Uniform3uiv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Uniform4ui)(GLint, GLuint, GLuint, GLuint, GLuint); +#define CALL_Uniform4ui(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Uniform4ui(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Uniform4ui GET_Uniform4ui(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Uniform4ui) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Uniform4ui)); +} + +static inline void SET_Uniform4ui(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLint, GLuint, GLuint, GLuint, GLuint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Uniform4ui, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Uniform4uiv)(GLint, GLsizei, const GLuint *); +#define CALL_Uniform4uiv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Uniform4uiv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Uniform4uiv GET_Uniform4uiv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Uniform4uiv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Uniform4uiv)); +} + +static inline void SET_Uniform4uiv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLint, GLsizei, const GLuint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Uniform4uiv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_VertexAttribI1iv)(GLuint, const GLint *); +#define CALL_VertexAttribI1iv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_VertexAttribI1iv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_VertexAttribI1iv GET_VertexAttribI1iv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_VertexAttribI1iv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttribI1iv)); +} + +static inline void SET_VertexAttribI1iv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, const GLint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttribI1iv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_VertexAttribI1uiv)(GLuint, const GLuint *); +#define CALL_VertexAttribI1uiv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_VertexAttribI1uiv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_VertexAttribI1uiv GET_VertexAttribI1uiv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_VertexAttribI1uiv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttribI1uiv)); +} + +static inline void SET_VertexAttribI1uiv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, const GLuint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttribI1uiv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_VertexAttribI4bv)(GLuint, const GLbyte *); +#define CALL_VertexAttribI4bv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_VertexAttribI4bv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_VertexAttribI4bv GET_VertexAttribI4bv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_VertexAttribI4bv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttribI4bv)); +} + +static inline void SET_VertexAttribI4bv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, const GLbyte *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttribI4bv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_VertexAttribI4sv)(GLuint, const GLshort *); +#define CALL_VertexAttribI4sv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_VertexAttribI4sv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_VertexAttribI4sv GET_VertexAttribI4sv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_VertexAttribI4sv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttribI4sv)); +} + +static inline void SET_VertexAttribI4sv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, const GLshort *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttribI4sv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_VertexAttribI4ubv)(GLuint, const GLubyte *); +#define CALL_VertexAttribI4ubv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_VertexAttribI4ubv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_VertexAttribI4ubv GET_VertexAttribI4ubv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_VertexAttribI4ubv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttribI4ubv)); +} + +static inline void SET_VertexAttribI4ubv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, const GLubyte *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttribI4ubv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_VertexAttribI4usv)(GLuint, const GLushort *); +#define CALL_VertexAttribI4usv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_VertexAttribI4usv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_VertexAttribI4usv GET_VertexAttribI4usv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_VertexAttribI4usv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttribI4usv)); +} + +static inline void SET_VertexAttribI4usv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, const GLushort *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttribI4usv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_VertexAttribIPointer)(GLuint, GLint, GLenum, GLsizei, const GLvoid *); +#define CALL_VertexAttribIPointer(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_VertexAttribIPointer(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_VertexAttribIPointer GET_VertexAttribIPointer(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_VertexAttribIPointer) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttribIPointer)); +} + +static inline void SET_VertexAttribIPointer(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLint, GLenum, GLsizei, const GLvoid *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttribIPointer, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_PrimitiveRestartIndex)(GLuint); +#define CALL_PrimitiveRestartIndex(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_PrimitiveRestartIndex(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_PrimitiveRestartIndex GET_PrimitiveRestartIndex(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_PrimitiveRestartIndex) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_PrimitiveRestartIndex)); +} + +static inline void SET_PrimitiveRestartIndex(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_PrimitiveRestartIndex, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_TexBuffer)(GLenum, GLenum, GLuint); +#define CALL_TexBuffer(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_TexBuffer(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_TexBuffer GET_TexBuffer(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_TexBuffer) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexBuffer)); +} + +static inline void SET_TexBuffer(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, GLuint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexBuffer, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_FramebufferTexture)(GLenum, GLenum, GLuint, GLint); +#define CALL_FramebufferTexture(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_FramebufferTexture(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_FramebufferTexture GET_FramebufferTexture(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_FramebufferTexture) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_FramebufferTexture)); +} + +static inline void SET_FramebufferTexture(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, GLuint, GLint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_FramebufferTexture, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetBufferParameteri64v)(GLenum, GLenum, GLint64 *); +#define CALL_GetBufferParameteri64v(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetBufferParameteri64v(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetBufferParameteri64v GET_GetBufferParameteri64v(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetBufferParameteri64v) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetBufferParameteri64v)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetBufferParameteri64v(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, GLint64 *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetBufferParameteri64v, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetInteger64i_v)(GLenum, GLuint, GLint64 *); +#define CALL_GetInteger64i_v(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetInteger64i_v(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetInteger64i_v GET_GetInteger64i_v(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetInteger64i_v) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetInteger64i_v)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetInteger64i_v(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLuint, GLint64 *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetInteger64i_v, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_VertexAttribDivisor)(GLuint, GLuint); +#define CALL_VertexAttribDivisor(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_VertexAttribDivisor(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_VertexAttribDivisor GET_VertexAttribDivisor(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_VertexAttribDivisor) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttribDivisor)); +} + +static inline void SET_VertexAttribDivisor(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLuint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttribDivisor, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_BindProgramARB)(GLenum, GLuint); +#define CALL_BindProgramARB(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_BindProgramARB(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_BindProgramARB GET_BindProgramARB(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_BindProgramARB) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_BindProgramARB)); +} + +static inline void SET_BindProgramARB(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLuint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_BindProgramARB, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_DeleteProgramsARB)(GLsizei, const GLuint *); +#define CALL_DeleteProgramsARB(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_DeleteProgramsARB(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_DeleteProgramsARB GET_DeleteProgramsARB(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_DeleteProgramsARB) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_DeleteProgramsARB)); +} + +static inline void SET_DeleteProgramsARB(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLsizei, const GLuint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_DeleteProgramsARB, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GenProgramsARB)(GLsizei, GLuint *); +#define CALL_GenProgramsARB(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GenProgramsARB(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GenProgramsARB GET_GenProgramsARB(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GenProgramsARB) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GenProgramsARB)); +} + +static inline void SET_GenProgramsARB(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLsizei, GLuint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GenProgramsARB, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetProgramEnvParameterdvARB)(GLenum, GLuint, GLdouble *); +#define CALL_GetProgramEnvParameterdvARB(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetProgramEnvParameterdvARB(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetProgramEnvParameterdvARB GET_GetProgramEnvParameterdvARB(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetProgramEnvParameterdvARB) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetProgramEnvParameterdvARB)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetProgramEnvParameterdvARB(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLuint, GLdouble *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetProgramEnvParameterdvARB, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetProgramEnvParameterfvARB)(GLenum, GLuint, GLfloat *); +#define CALL_GetProgramEnvParameterfvARB(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetProgramEnvParameterfvARB(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetProgramEnvParameterfvARB GET_GetProgramEnvParameterfvARB(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetProgramEnvParameterfvARB) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetProgramEnvParameterfvARB)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetProgramEnvParameterfvARB(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLuint, GLfloat *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetProgramEnvParameterfvARB, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetProgramLocalParameterdvARB)(GLenum, GLuint, GLdouble *); +#define CALL_GetProgramLocalParameterdvARB(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetProgramLocalParameterdvARB(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetProgramLocalParameterdvARB GET_GetProgramLocalParameterdvARB(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetProgramLocalParameterdvARB) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetProgramLocalParameterdvARB)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetProgramLocalParameterdvARB(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLuint, GLdouble *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetProgramLocalParameterdvARB, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetProgramLocalParameterfvARB)(GLenum, GLuint, GLfloat *); +#define CALL_GetProgramLocalParameterfvARB(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetProgramLocalParameterfvARB(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetProgramLocalParameterfvARB GET_GetProgramLocalParameterfvARB(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetProgramLocalParameterfvARB) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetProgramLocalParameterfvARB)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetProgramLocalParameterfvARB(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLuint, GLfloat *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetProgramLocalParameterfvARB, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetProgramStringARB)(GLenum, GLenum, GLvoid *); +#define CALL_GetProgramStringARB(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetProgramStringARB(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetProgramStringARB GET_GetProgramStringARB(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetProgramStringARB) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetProgramStringARB)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetProgramStringARB(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, GLvoid *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetProgramStringARB, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetProgramivARB)(GLenum, GLenum, GLint *); +#define CALL_GetProgramivARB(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetProgramivARB(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetProgramivARB GET_GetProgramivARB(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetProgramivARB) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetProgramivARB)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetProgramivARB(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, GLint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetProgramivARB, fn); +} + +typedef GLboolean (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_IsProgramARB)(GLuint); +#define CALL_IsProgramARB(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_IsProgramARB(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_IsProgramARB GET_IsProgramARB(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_IsProgramARB) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_IsProgramARB)); +} + +static inline void SET_IsProgramARB(struct _glapi_table *disp, GLboolean (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_IsProgramARB, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_ProgramEnvParameter4dARB)(GLenum, GLuint, GLdouble, GLdouble, GLdouble, GLdouble); +#define CALL_ProgramEnvParameter4dARB(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_ProgramEnvParameter4dARB(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_ProgramEnvParameter4dARB GET_ProgramEnvParameter4dARB(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_ProgramEnvParameter4dARB) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ProgramEnvParameter4dARB)); +} + +static inline void SET_ProgramEnvParameter4dARB(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLuint, GLdouble, GLdouble, GLdouble, GLdouble)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ProgramEnvParameter4dARB, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_ProgramEnvParameter4dvARB)(GLenum, GLuint, const GLdouble *); +#define CALL_ProgramEnvParameter4dvARB(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_ProgramEnvParameter4dvARB(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_ProgramEnvParameter4dvARB GET_ProgramEnvParameter4dvARB(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_ProgramEnvParameter4dvARB) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ProgramEnvParameter4dvARB)); +} + +static inline void SET_ProgramEnvParameter4dvARB(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLuint, const GLdouble *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ProgramEnvParameter4dvARB, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_ProgramEnvParameter4fARB)(GLenum, GLuint, GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat); +#define CALL_ProgramEnvParameter4fARB(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_ProgramEnvParameter4fARB(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_ProgramEnvParameter4fARB GET_ProgramEnvParameter4fARB(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_ProgramEnvParameter4fARB) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ProgramEnvParameter4fARB)); +} + +static inline void SET_ProgramEnvParameter4fARB(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLuint, GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ProgramEnvParameter4fARB, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_ProgramEnvParameter4fvARB)(GLenum, GLuint, const GLfloat *); +#define CALL_ProgramEnvParameter4fvARB(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_ProgramEnvParameter4fvARB(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_ProgramEnvParameter4fvARB GET_ProgramEnvParameter4fvARB(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_ProgramEnvParameter4fvARB) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ProgramEnvParameter4fvARB)); +} + +static inline void SET_ProgramEnvParameter4fvARB(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLuint, const GLfloat *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ProgramEnvParameter4fvARB, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_ProgramLocalParameter4dARB)(GLenum, GLuint, GLdouble, GLdouble, GLdouble, GLdouble); +#define CALL_ProgramLocalParameter4dARB(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_ProgramLocalParameter4dARB(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_ProgramLocalParameter4dARB GET_ProgramLocalParameter4dARB(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_ProgramLocalParameter4dARB) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ProgramLocalParameter4dARB)); +} + +static inline void SET_ProgramLocalParameter4dARB(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLuint, GLdouble, GLdouble, GLdouble, GLdouble)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ProgramLocalParameter4dARB, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_ProgramLocalParameter4dvARB)(GLenum, GLuint, const GLdouble *); +#define CALL_ProgramLocalParameter4dvARB(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_ProgramLocalParameter4dvARB(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_ProgramLocalParameter4dvARB GET_ProgramLocalParameter4dvARB(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_ProgramLocalParameter4dvARB) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ProgramLocalParameter4dvARB)); +} + +static inline void SET_ProgramLocalParameter4dvARB(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLuint, const GLdouble *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ProgramLocalParameter4dvARB, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_ProgramLocalParameter4fARB)(GLenum, GLuint, GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat); +#define CALL_ProgramLocalParameter4fARB(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_ProgramLocalParameter4fARB(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_ProgramLocalParameter4fARB GET_ProgramLocalParameter4fARB(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_ProgramLocalParameter4fARB) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ProgramLocalParameter4fARB)); +} + +static inline void SET_ProgramLocalParameter4fARB(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLuint, GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ProgramLocalParameter4fARB, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_ProgramLocalParameter4fvARB)(GLenum, GLuint, const GLfloat *); +#define CALL_ProgramLocalParameter4fvARB(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_ProgramLocalParameter4fvARB(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_ProgramLocalParameter4fvARB GET_ProgramLocalParameter4fvARB(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_ProgramLocalParameter4fvARB) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ProgramLocalParameter4fvARB)); +} + +static inline void SET_ProgramLocalParameter4fvARB(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLuint, const GLfloat *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ProgramLocalParameter4fvARB, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_ProgramStringARB)(GLenum, GLenum, GLsizei, const GLvoid *); +#define CALL_ProgramStringARB(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_ProgramStringARB(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_ProgramStringARB GET_ProgramStringARB(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_ProgramStringARB) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ProgramStringARB)); +} + +static inline void SET_ProgramStringARB(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, GLsizei, const GLvoid *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ProgramStringARB, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_VertexAttrib1fARB)(GLuint, GLfloat); +#define CALL_VertexAttrib1fARB(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_VertexAttrib1fARB(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_VertexAttrib1fARB GET_VertexAttrib1fARB(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_VertexAttrib1fARB) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib1fARB)); +} + +static inline void SET_VertexAttrib1fARB(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLfloat)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib1fARB, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_VertexAttrib1fvARB)(GLuint, const GLfloat *); +#define CALL_VertexAttrib1fvARB(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_VertexAttrib1fvARB(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_VertexAttrib1fvARB GET_VertexAttrib1fvARB(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_VertexAttrib1fvARB) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib1fvARB)); +} + +static inline void SET_VertexAttrib1fvARB(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, const GLfloat *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib1fvARB, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_VertexAttrib2fARB)(GLuint, GLfloat, GLfloat); +#define CALL_VertexAttrib2fARB(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_VertexAttrib2fARB(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_VertexAttrib2fARB GET_VertexAttrib2fARB(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_VertexAttrib2fARB) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib2fARB)); +} + +static inline void SET_VertexAttrib2fARB(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLfloat, GLfloat)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib2fARB, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_VertexAttrib2fvARB)(GLuint, const GLfloat *); +#define CALL_VertexAttrib2fvARB(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_VertexAttrib2fvARB(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_VertexAttrib2fvARB GET_VertexAttrib2fvARB(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_VertexAttrib2fvARB) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib2fvARB)); +} + +static inline void SET_VertexAttrib2fvARB(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, const GLfloat *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib2fvARB, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_VertexAttrib3fARB)(GLuint, GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat); +#define CALL_VertexAttrib3fARB(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_VertexAttrib3fARB(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_VertexAttrib3fARB GET_VertexAttrib3fARB(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_VertexAttrib3fARB) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib3fARB)); +} + +static inline void SET_VertexAttrib3fARB(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib3fARB, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_VertexAttrib3fvARB)(GLuint, const GLfloat *); +#define CALL_VertexAttrib3fvARB(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_VertexAttrib3fvARB(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_VertexAttrib3fvARB GET_VertexAttrib3fvARB(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_VertexAttrib3fvARB) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib3fvARB)); +} + +static inline void SET_VertexAttrib3fvARB(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, const GLfloat *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib3fvARB, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_VertexAttrib4fARB)(GLuint, GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat); +#define CALL_VertexAttrib4fARB(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_VertexAttrib4fARB(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_VertexAttrib4fARB GET_VertexAttrib4fARB(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_VertexAttrib4fARB) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib4fARB)); +} + +static inline void SET_VertexAttrib4fARB(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib4fARB, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_VertexAttrib4fvARB)(GLuint, const GLfloat *); +#define CALL_VertexAttrib4fvARB(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_VertexAttrib4fvARB(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_VertexAttrib4fvARB GET_VertexAttrib4fvARB(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_VertexAttrib4fvARB) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib4fvARB)); +} + +static inline void SET_VertexAttrib4fvARB(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, const GLfloat *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib4fvARB, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_AttachObjectARB)(GLhandleARB, GLhandleARB); +#define CALL_AttachObjectARB(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_AttachObjectARB(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_AttachObjectARB GET_AttachObjectARB(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_AttachObjectARB) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_AttachObjectARB)); +} + +static inline void SET_AttachObjectARB(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLhandleARB, GLhandleARB)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_AttachObjectARB, fn); +} + +typedef GLhandleARB (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_CreateProgramObjectARB)(void); +#define CALL_CreateProgramObjectARB(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_CreateProgramObjectARB(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_CreateProgramObjectARB GET_CreateProgramObjectARB(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_CreateProgramObjectARB) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_CreateProgramObjectARB)); +} + +static inline void SET_CreateProgramObjectARB(struct _glapi_table *disp, GLhandleARB (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(void)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_CreateProgramObjectARB, fn); +} + +typedef GLhandleARB (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_CreateShaderObjectARB)(GLenum); +#define CALL_CreateShaderObjectARB(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_CreateShaderObjectARB(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_CreateShaderObjectARB GET_CreateShaderObjectARB(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_CreateShaderObjectARB) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_CreateShaderObjectARB)); +} + +static inline void SET_CreateShaderObjectARB(struct _glapi_table *disp, GLhandleARB (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_CreateShaderObjectARB, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_DeleteObjectARB)(GLhandleARB); +#define CALL_DeleteObjectARB(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_DeleteObjectARB(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_DeleteObjectARB GET_DeleteObjectARB(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_DeleteObjectARB) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_DeleteObjectARB)); +} + +static inline void SET_DeleteObjectARB(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLhandleARB)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_DeleteObjectARB, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_DetachObjectARB)(GLhandleARB, GLhandleARB); +#define CALL_DetachObjectARB(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_DetachObjectARB(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_DetachObjectARB GET_DetachObjectARB(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_DetachObjectARB) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_DetachObjectARB)); +} + +static inline void SET_DetachObjectARB(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLhandleARB, GLhandleARB)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_DetachObjectARB, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetAttachedObjectsARB)(GLhandleARB, GLsizei, GLsizei *, GLhandleARB *); +#define CALL_GetAttachedObjectsARB(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetAttachedObjectsARB(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetAttachedObjectsARB GET_GetAttachedObjectsARB(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetAttachedObjectsARB) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetAttachedObjectsARB)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetAttachedObjectsARB(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLhandleARB, GLsizei, GLsizei *, GLhandleARB *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetAttachedObjectsARB, fn); +} + +typedef GLhandleARB (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetHandleARB)(GLenum); +#define CALL_GetHandleARB(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetHandleARB(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetHandleARB GET_GetHandleARB(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetHandleARB) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetHandleARB)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetHandleARB(struct _glapi_table *disp, GLhandleARB (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetHandleARB, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetInfoLogARB)(GLhandleARB, GLsizei, GLsizei *, GLcharARB *); +#define CALL_GetInfoLogARB(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetInfoLogARB(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetInfoLogARB GET_GetInfoLogARB(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetInfoLogARB) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetInfoLogARB)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetInfoLogARB(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLhandleARB, GLsizei, GLsizei *, GLcharARB *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetInfoLogARB, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetObjectParameterfvARB)(GLhandleARB, GLenum, GLfloat *); +#define CALL_GetObjectParameterfvARB(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetObjectParameterfvARB(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetObjectParameterfvARB GET_GetObjectParameterfvARB(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetObjectParameterfvARB) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetObjectParameterfvARB)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetObjectParameterfvARB(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLhandleARB, GLenum, GLfloat *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetObjectParameterfvARB, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetObjectParameterivARB)(GLhandleARB, GLenum, GLint *); +#define CALL_GetObjectParameterivARB(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetObjectParameterivARB(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetObjectParameterivARB GET_GetObjectParameterivARB(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetObjectParameterivARB) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetObjectParameterivARB)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetObjectParameterivARB(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLhandleARB, GLenum, GLint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetObjectParameterivARB, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_DrawArraysInstancedARB)(GLenum, GLint, GLsizei, GLsizei); +#define CALL_DrawArraysInstancedARB(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_DrawArraysInstancedARB(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_DrawArraysInstancedARB GET_DrawArraysInstancedARB(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_DrawArraysInstancedARB) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_DrawArraysInstancedARB)); +} + +static inline void SET_DrawArraysInstancedARB(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLint, GLsizei, GLsizei)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_DrawArraysInstancedARB, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_DrawElementsInstancedARB)(GLenum, GLsizei, GLenum, const GLvoid *, GLsizei); +#define CALL_DrawElementsInstancedARB(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_DrawElementsInstancedARB(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_DrawElementsInstancedARB GET_DrawElementsInstancedARB(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_DrawElementsInstancedARB) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_DrawElementsInstancedARB)); +} + +static inline void SET_DrawElementsInstancedARB(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLsizei, GLenum, const GLvoid *, GLsizei)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_DrawElementsInstancedARB, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_BindFramebuffer)(GLenum, GLuint); +#define CALL_BindFramebuffer(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_BindFramebuffer(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_BindFramebuffer GET_BindFramebuffer(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_BindFramebuffer) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_BindFramebuffer)); +} + +static inline void SET_BindFramebuffer(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLuint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_BindFramebuffer, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_BindRenderbuffer)(GLenum, GLuint); +#define CALL_BindRenderbuffer(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_BindRenderbuffer(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_BindRenderbuffer GET_BindRenderbuffer(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_BindRenderbuffer) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_BindRenderbuffer)); +} + +static inline void SET_BindRenderbuffer(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLuint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_BindRenderbuffer, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_BlitFramebuffer)(GLint, GLint, GLint, GLint, GLint, GLint, GLint, GLint, GLbitfield, GLenum); +#define CALL_BlitFramebuffer(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_BlitFramebuffer(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_BlitFramebuffer GET_BlitFramebuffer(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_BlitFramebuffer) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_BlitFramebuffer)); +} + +static inline void SET_BlitFramebuffer(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLint, GLint, GLint, GLint, GLint, GLint, GLint, GLint, GLbitfield, GLenum)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_BlitFramebuffer, fn); +} + +typedef GLenum (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_CheckFramebufferStatus)(GLenum); +#define CALL_CheckFramebufferStatus(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_CheckFramebufferStatus(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_CheckFramebufferStatus GET_CheckFramebufferStatus(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_CheckFramebufferStatus) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_CheckFramebufferStatus)); +} + +static inline void SET_CheckFramebufferStatus(struct _glapi_table *disp, GLenum (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_CheckFramebufferStatus, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_DeleteFramebuffers)(GLsizei, const GLuint *); +#define CALL_DeleteFramebuffers(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_DeleteFramebuffers(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_DeleteFramebuffers GET_DeleteFramebuffers(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_DeleteFramebuffers) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_DeleteFramebuffers)); +} + +static inline void SET_DeleteFramebuffers(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLsizei, const GLuint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_DeleteFramebuffers, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_DeleteRenderbuffers)(GLsizei, const GLuint *); +#define CALL_DeleteRenderbuffers(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_DeleteRenderbuffers(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_DeleteRenderbuffers GET_DeleteRenderbuffers(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_DeleteRenderbuffers) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_DeleteRenderbuffers)); +} + +static inline void SET_DeleteRenderbuffers(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLsizei, const GLuint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_DeleteRenderbuffers, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_FramebufferRenderbuffer)(GLenum, GLenum, GLenum, GLuint); +#define CALL_FramebufferRenderbuffer(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_FramebufferRenderbuffer(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_FramebufferRenderbuffer GET_FramebufferRenderbuffer(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_FramebufferRenderbuffer) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_FramebufferRenderbuffer)); +} + +static inline void SET_FramebufferRenderbuffer(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, GLenum, GLuint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_FramebufferRenderbuffer, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_FramebufferTexture1D)(GLenum, GLenum, GLenum, GLuint, GLint); +#define CALL_FramebufferTexture1D(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_FramebufferTexture1D(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_FramebufferTexture1D GET_FramebufferTexture1D(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_FramebufferTexture1D) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_FramebufferTexture1D)); +} + +static inline void SET_FramebufferTexture1D(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, GLenum, GLuint, GLint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_FramebufferTexture1D, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_FramebufferTexture2D)(GLenum, GLenum, GLenum, GLuint, GLint); +#define CALL_FramebufferTexture2D(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_FramebufferTexture2D(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_FramebufferTexture2D GET_FramebufferTexture2D(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_FramebufferTexture2D) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_FramebufferTexture2D)); +} + +static inline void SET_FramebufferTexture2D(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, GLenum, GLuint, GLint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_FramebufferTexture2D, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_FramebufferTexture3D)(GLenum, GLenum, GLenum, GLuint, GLint, GLint); +#define CALL_FramebufferTexture3D(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_FramebufferTexture3D(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_FramebufferTexture3D GET_FramebufferTexture3D(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_FramebufferTexture3D) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_FramebufferTexture3D)); +} + +static inline void SET_FramebufferTexture3D(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, GLenum, GLuint, GLint, GLint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_FramebufferTexture3D, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_FramebufferTextureLayer)(GLenum, GLenum, GLuint, GLint, GLint); +#define CALL_FramebufferTextureLayer(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_FramebufferTextureLayer(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_FramebufferTextureLayer GET_FramebufferTextureLayer(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_FramebufferTextureLayer) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_FramebufferTextureLayer)); +} + +static inline void SET_FramebufferTextureLayer(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, GLuint, GLint, GLint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_FramebufferTextureLayer, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GenFramebuffers)(GLsizei, GLuint *); +#define CALL_GenFramebuffers(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GenFramebuffers(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GenFramebuffers GET_GenFramebuffers(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GenFramebuffers) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GenFramebuffers)); +} + +static inline void SET_GenFramebuffers(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLsizei, GLuint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GenFramebuffers, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GenRenderbuffers)(GLsizei, GLuint *); +#define CALL_GenRenderbuffers(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GenRenderbuffers(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GenRenderbuffers GET_GenRenderbuffers(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GenRenderbuffers) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GenRenderbuffers)); +} + +static inline void SET_GenRenderbuffers(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLsizei, GLuint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GenRenderbuffers, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GenerateMipmap)(GLenum); +#define CALL_GenerateMipmap(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GenerateMipmap(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GenerateMipmap GET_GenerateMipmap(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GenerateMipmap) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GenerateMipmap)); +} + +static inline void SET_GenerateMipmap(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GenerateMipmap, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv)(GLenum, GLenum, GLenum, GLint *); +#define CALL_GetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv GET_GetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, GLenum, GLint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetRenderbufferParameteriv)(GLenum, GLenum, GLint *); +#define CALL_GetRenderbufferParameteriv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetRenderbufferParameteriv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetRenderbufferParameteriv GET_GetRenderbufferParameteriv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetRenderbufferParameteriv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetRenderbufferParameteriv)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetRenderbufferParameteriv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, GLint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetRenderbufferParameteriv, fn); +} + +typedef GLboolean (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_IsFramebuffer)(GLuint); +#define CALL_IsFramebuffer(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_IsFramebuffer(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_IsFramebuffer GET_IsFramebuffer(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_IsFramebuffer) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_IsFramebuffer)); +} + +static inline void SET_IsFramebuffer(struct _glapi_table *disp, GLboolean (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_IsFramebuffer, fn); +} + +typedef GLboolean (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_IsRenderbuffer)(GLuint); +#define CALL_IsRenderbuffer(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_IsRenderbuffer(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_IsRenderbuffer GET_IsRenderbuffer(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_IsRenderbuffer) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_IsRenderbuffer)); +} + +static inline void SET_IsRenderbuffer(struct _glapi_table *disp, GLboolean (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_IsRenderbuffer, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_RenderbufferStorage)(GLenum, GLenum, GLsizei, GLsizei); +#define CALL_RenderbufferStorage(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_RenderbufferStorage(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_RenderbufferStorage GET_RenderbufferStorage(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_RenderbufferStorage) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_RenderbufferStorage)); +} + +static inline void SET_RenderbufferStorage(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, GLsizei, GLsizei)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_RenderbufferStorage, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_RenderbufferStorageMultisample)(GLenum, GLsizei, GLenum, GLsizei, GLsizei); +#define CALL_RenderbufferStorageMultisample(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_RenderbufferStorageMultisample(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_RenderbufferStorageMultisample GET_RenderbufferStorageMultisample(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_RenderbufferStorageMultisample) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_RenderbufferStorageMultisample)); +} + +static inline void SET_RenderbufferStorageMultisample(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLsizei, GLenum, GLsizei, GLsizei)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_RenderbufferStorageMultisample, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_FramebufferTextureFaceARB)(GLenum, GLenum, GLuint, GLint, GLenum); +#define CALL_FramebufferTextureFaceARB(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_FramebufferTextureFaceARB(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_FramebufferTextureFaceARB GET_FramebufferTextureFaceARB(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_FramebufferTextureFaceARB) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_FramebufferTextureFaceARB)); +} + +static inline void SET_FramebufferTextureFaceARB(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, GLuint, GLint, GLenum)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_FramebufferTextureFaceARB, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_FlushMappedBufferRange)(GLenum, GLintptr, GLsizeiptr); +#define CALL_FlushMappedBufferRange(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_FlushMappedBufferRange(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_FlushMappedBufferRange GET_FlushMappedBufferRange(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_FlushMappedBufferRange) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_FlushMappedBufferRange)); +} + +static inline void SET_FlushMappedBufferRange(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLintptr, GLsizeiptr)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_FlushMappedBufferRange, fn); +} + +typedef GLvoid * (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_MapBufferRange)(GLenum, GLintptr, GLsizeiptr, GLbitfield); +#define CALL_MapBufferRange(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_MapBufferRange(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_MapBufferRange GET_MapBufferRange(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_MapBufferRange) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_MapBufferRange)); +} + +static inline void SET_MapBufferRange(struct _glapi_table *disp, GLvoid * (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLintptr, GLsizeiptr, GLbitfield)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_MapBufferRange, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_BindVertexArray)(GLuint); +#define CALL_BindVertexArray(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_BindVertexArray(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_BindVertexArray GET_BindVertexArray(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_BindVertexArray) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_BindVertexArray)); +} + +static inline void SET_BindVertexArray(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_BindVertexArray, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_DeleteVertexArrays)(GLsizei, const GLuint *); +#define CALL_DeleteVertexArrays(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_DeleteVertexArrays(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_DeleteVertexArrays GET_DeleteVertexArrays(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_DeleteVertexArrays) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_DeleteVertexArrays)); +} + +static inline void SET_DeleteVertexArrays(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLsizei, const GLuint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_DeleteVertexArrays, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GenVertexArrays)(GLsizei, GLuint *); +#define CALL_GenVertexArrays(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GenVertexArrays(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GenVertexArrays GET_GenVertexArrays(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GenVertexArrays) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GenVertexArrays)); +} + +static inline void SET_GenVertexArrays(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLsizei, GLuint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GenVertexArrays, fn); +} + +typedef GLboolean (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_IsVertexArray)(GLuint); +#define CALL_IsVertexArray(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_IsVertexArray(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_IsVertexArray GET_IsVertexArray(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_IsVertexArray) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_IsVertexArray)); +} + +static inline void SET_IsVertexArray(struct _glapi_table *disp, GLboolean (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_IsVertexArray, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetActiveUniformBlockName)(GLuint, GLuint, GLsizei, GLsizei *, GLchar *); +#define CALL_GetActiveUniformBlockName(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetActiveUniformBlockName(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetActiveUniformBlockName GET_GetActiveUniformBlockName(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetActiveUniformBlockName) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetActiveUniformBlockName)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetActiveUniformBlockName(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLuint, GLsizei, GLsizei *, GLchar *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetActiveUniformBlockName, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetActiveUniformBlockiv)(GLuint, GLuint, GLenum, GLint *); +#define CALL_GetActiveUniformBlockiv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetActiveUniformBlockiv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetActiveUniformBlockiv GET_GetActiveUniformBlockiv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetActiveUniformBlockiv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetActiveUniformBlockiv)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetActiveUniformBlockiv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLuint, GLenum, GLint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetActiveUniformBlockiv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetActiveUniformName)(GLuint, GLuint, GLsizei, GLsizei *, GLchar *); +#define CALL_GetActiveUniformName(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetActiveUniformName(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetActiveUniformName GET_GetActiveUniformName(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetActiveUniformName) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetActiveUniformName)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetActiveUniformName(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLuint, GLsizei, GLsizei *, GLchar *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetActiveUniformName, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetActiveUniformsiv)(GLuint, GLsizei, const GLuint *, GLenum, GLint *); +#define CALL_GetActiveUniformsiv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetActiveUniformsiv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetActiveUniformsiv GET_GetActiveUniformsiv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetActiveUniformsiv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetActiveUniformsiv)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetActiveUniformsiv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLsizei, const GLuint *, GLenum, GLint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetActiveUniformsiv, fn); +} + +typedef GLuint (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetUniformBlockIndex)(GLuint, const GLchar *); +#define CALL_GetUniformBlockIndex(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetUniformBlockIndex(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetUniformBlockIndex GET_GetUniformBlockIndex(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetUniformBlockIndex) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetUniformBlockIndex)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetUniformBlockIndex(struct _glapi_table *disp, GLuint (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, const GLchar *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetUniformBlockIndex, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetUniformIndices)(GLuint, GLsizei, const GLchar * const *, GLuint *); +#define CALL_GetUniformIndices(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetUniformIndices(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetUniformIndices GET_GetUniformIndices(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetUniformIndices) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetUniformIndices)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetUniformIndices(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLsizei, const GLchar * const *, GLuint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetUniformIndices, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_UniformBlockBinding)(GLuint, GLuint, GLuint); +#define CALL_UniformBlockBinding(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_UniformBlockBinding(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_UniformBlockBinding GET_UniformBlockBinding(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_UniformBlockBinding) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_UniformBlockBinding)); +} + +static inline void SET_UniformBlockBinding(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLuint, GLuint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_UniformBlockBinding, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_CopyBufferSubData)(GLenum, GLenum, GLintptr, GLintptr, GLsizeiptr); +#define CALL_CopyBufferSubData(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_CopyBufferSubData(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_CopyBufferSubData GET_CopyBufferSubData(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_CopyBufferSubData) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_CopyBufferSubData)); +} + +static inline void SET_CopyBufferSubData(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, GLintptr, GLintptr, GLsizeiptr)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_CopyBufferSubData, fn); +} + +typedef GLenum (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_ClientWaitSync)(GLsync, GLbitfield, GLuint64); +#define CALL_ClientWaitSync(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_ClientWaitSync(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_ClientWaitSync GET_ClientWaitSync(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_ClientWaitSync) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ClientWaitSync)); +} + +static inline void SET_ClientWaitSync(struct _glapi_table *disp, GLenum (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLsync, GLbitfield, GLuint64)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ClientWaitSync, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_DeleteSync)(GLsync); +#define CALL_DeleteSync(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_DeleteSync(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_DeleteSync GET_DeleteSync(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_DeleteSync) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_DeleteSync)); +} + +static inline void SET_DeleteSync(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLsync)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_DeleteSync, fn); +} + +typedef GLsync (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_FenceSync)(GLenum, GLbitfield); +#define CALL_FenceSync(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_FenceSync(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_FenceSync GET_FenceSync(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_FenceSync) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_FenceSync)); +} + +static inline void SET_FenceSync(struct _glapi_table *disp, GLsync (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLbitfield)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_FenceSync, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetInteger64v)(GLenum, GLint64 *); +#define CALL_GetInteger64v(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetInteger64v(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetInteger64v GET_GetInteger64v(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetInteger64v) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetInteger64v)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetInteger64v(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLint64 *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetInteger64v, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetSynciv)(GLsync, GLenum, GLsizei, GLsizei *, GLint *); +#define CALL_GetSynciv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetSynciv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetSynciv GET_GetSynciv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetSynciv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetSynciv)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetSynciv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLsync, GLenum, GLsizei, GLsizei *, GLint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetSynciv, fn); +} + +typedef GLboolean (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_IsSync)(GLsync); +#define CALL_IsSync(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_IsSync(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_IsSync GET_IsSync(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_IsSync) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_IsSync)); +} + +static inline void SET_IsSync(struct _glapi_table *disp, GLboolean (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLsync)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_IsSync, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_WaitSync)(GLsync, GLbitfield, GLuint64); +#define CALL_WaitSync(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_WaitSync(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_WaitSync GET_WaitSync(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_WaitSync) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_WaitSync)); +} + +static inline void SET_WaitSync(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLsync, GLbitfield, GLuint64)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_WaitSync, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_DrawElementsBaseVertex)(GLenum, GLsizei, GLenum, const GLvoid *, GLint); +#define CALL_DrawElementsBaseVertex(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_DrawElementsBaseVertex(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_DrawElementsBaseVertex GET_DrawElementsBaseVertex(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_DrawElementsBaseVertex) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_DrawElementsBaseVertex)); +} + +static inline void SET_DrawElementsBaseVertex(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLsizei, GLenum, const GLvoid *, GLint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_DrawElementsBaseVertex, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex)(GLenum, GLsizei, GLenum, const GLvoid *, GLsizei, GLint); +#define CALL_DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex GET_DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex)); +} + +static inline void SET_DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLsizei, GLenum, const GLvoid *, GLsizei, GLint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_DrawRangeElementsBaseVertex)(GLenum, GLuint, GLuint, GLsizei, GLenum, const GLvoid *, GLint); +#define CALL_DrawRangeElementsBaseVertex(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_DrawRangeElementsBaseVertex(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_DrawRangeElementsBaseVertex GET_DrawRangeElementsBaseVertex(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_DrawRangeElementsBaseVertex) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_DrawRangeElementsBaseVertex)); +} + +static inline void SET_DrawRangeElementsBaseVertex(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLuint, GLuint, GLsizei, GLenum, const GLvoid *, GLint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_DrawRangeElementsBaseVertex, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_MultiDrawElementsBaseVertex)(GLenum, const GLsizei *, GLenum, const GLvoid * const *, GLsizei, const GLint *); +#define CALL_MultiDrawElementsBaseVertex(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_MultiDrawElementsBaseVertex(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_MultiDrawElementsBaseVertex GET_MultiDrawElementsBaseVertex(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_MultiDrawElementsBaseVertex) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_MultiDrawElementsBaseVertex)); +} + +static inline void SET_MultiDrawElementsBaseVertex(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, const GLsizei *, GLenum, const GLvoid * const *, GLsizei, const GLint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_MultiDrawElementsBaseVertex, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_ProvokingVertex)(GLenum); +#define CALL_ProvokingVertex(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_ProvokingVertex(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_ProvokingVertex GET_ProvokingVertex(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_ProvokingVertex) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ProvokingVertex)); +} + +static inline void SET_ProvokingVertex(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ProvokingVertex, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_BlendEquationSeparateiARB)(GLuint, GLenum, GLenum); +#define CALL_BlendEquationSeparateiARB(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_BlendEquationSeparateiARB(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_BlendEquationSeparateiARB GET_BlendEquationSeparateiARB(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_BlendEquationSeparateiARB) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_BlendEquationSeparateiARB)); +} + +static inline void SET_BlendEquationSeparateiARB(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLenum, GLenum)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_BlendEquationSeparateiARB, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_BlendEquationiARB)(GLuint, GLenum); +#define CALL_BlendEquationiARB(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_BlendEquationiARB(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_BlendEquationiARB GET_BlendEquationiARB(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_BlendEquationiARB) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_BlendEquationiARB)); +} + +static inline void SET_BlendEquationiARB(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLenum)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_BlendEquationiARB, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_BlendFuncSeparateiARB)(GLuint, GLenum, GLenum, GLenum, GLenum); +#define CALL_BlendFuncSeparateiARB(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_BlendFuncSeparateiARB(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_BlendFuncSeparateiARB GET_BlendFuncSeparateiARB(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_BlendFuncSeparateiARB) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_BlendFuncSeparateiARB)); +} + +static inline void SET_BlendFuncSeparateiARB(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLenum, GLenum, GLenum, GLenum)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_BlendFuncSeparateiARB, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_BlendFunciARB)(GLuint, GLenum, GLenum); +#define CALL_BlendFunciARB(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_BlendFunciARB(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_BlendFunciARB GET_BlendFunciARB(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_BlendFunciARB) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_BlendFunciARB)); +} + +static inline void SET_BlendFunciARB(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLenum, GLenum)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_BlendFunciARB, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_BindFragDataLocationIndexed)(GLuint, GLuint, GLuint, const GLchar *); +#define CALL_BindFragDataLocationIndexed(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_BindFragDataLocationIndexed(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_BindFragDataLocationIndexed GET_BindFragDataLocationIndexed(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_BindFragDataLocationIndexed) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_BindFragDataLocationIndexed)); +} + +static inline void SET_BindFragDataLocationIndexed(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLuint, GLuint, const GLchar *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_BindFragDataLocationIndexed, fn); +} + +typedef GLint (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetFragDataIndex)(GLuint, const GLchar *); +#define CALL_GetFragDataIndex(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetFragDataIndex(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetFragDataIndex GET_GetFragDataIndex(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetFragDataIndex) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetFragDataIndex)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetFragDataIndex(struct _glapi_table *disp, GLint (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, const GLchar *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetFragDataIndex, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_BindSampler)(GLuint, GLuint); +#define CALL_BindSampler(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_BindSampler(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_BindSampler GET_BindSampler(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_BindSampler) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_BindSampler)); +} + +static inline void SET_BindSampler(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLuint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_BindSampler, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_DeleteSamplers)(GLsizei, const GLuint *); +#define CALL_DeleteSamplers(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_DeleteSamplers(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_DeleteSamplers GET_DeleteSamplers(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_DeleteSamplers) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_DeleteSamplers)); +} + +static inline void SET_DeleteSamplers(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLsizei, const GLuint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_DeleteSamplers, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GenSamplers)(GLsizei, GLuint *); +#define CALL_GenSamplers(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GenSamplers(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GenSamplers GET_GenSamplers(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GenSamplers) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GenSamplers)); +} + +static inline void SET_GenSamplers(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLsizei, GLuint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GenSamplers, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetSamplerParameterIiv)(GLuint, GLenum, GLint *); +#define CALL_GetSamplerParameterIiv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetSamplerParameterIiv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetSamplerParameterIiv GET_GetSamplerParameterIiv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetSamplerParameterIiv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetSamplerParameterIiv)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetSamplerParameterIiv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLenum, GLint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetSamplerParameterIiv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetSamplerParameterIuiv)(GLuint, GLenum, GLuint *); +#define CALL_GetSamplerParameterIuiv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetSamplerParameterIuiv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetSamplerParameterIuiv GET_GetSamplerParameterIuiv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetSamplerParameterIuiv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetSamplerParameterIuiv)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetSamplerParameterIuiv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLenum, GLuint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetSamplerParameterIuiv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetSamplerParameterfv)(GLuint, GLenum, GLfloat *); +#define CALL_GetSamplerParameterfv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetSamplerParameterfv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetSamplerParameterfv GET_GetSamplerParameterfv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetSamplerParameterfv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetSamplerParameterfv)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetSamplerParameterfv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLenum, GLfloat *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetSamplerParameterfv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetSamplerParameteriv)(GLuint, GLenum, GLint *); +#define CALL_GetSamplerParameteriv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetSamplerParameteriv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetSamplerParameteriv GET_GetSamplerParameteriv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetSamplerParameteriv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetSamplerParameteriv)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetSamplerParameteriv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLenum, GLint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetSamplerParameteriv, fn); +} + +typedef GLboolean (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_IsSampler)(GLuint); +#define CALL_IsSampler(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_IsSampler(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_IsSampler GET_IsSampler(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_IsSampler) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_IsSampler)); +} + +static inline void SET_IsSampler(struct _glapi_table *disp, GLboolean (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_IsSampler, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_SamplerParameterIiv)(GLuint, GLenum, const GLint *); +#define CALL_SamplerParameterIiv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_SamplerParameterIiv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_SamplerParameterIiv GET_SamplerParameterIiv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_SamplerParameterIiv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_SamplerParameterIiv)); +} + +static inline void SET_SamplerParameterIiv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLenum, const GLint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_SamplerParameterIiv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_SamplerParameterIuiv)(GLuint, GLenum, const GLuint *); +#define CALL_SamplerParameterIuiv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_SamplerParameterIuiv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_SamplerParameterIuiv GET_SamplerParameterIuiv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_SamplerParameterIuiv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_SamplerParameterIuiv)); +} + +static inline void SET_SamplerParameterIuiv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLenum, const GLuint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_SamplerParameterIuiv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_SamplerParameterf)(GLuint, GLenum, GLfloat); +#define CALL_SamplerParameterf(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_SamplerParameterf(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_SamplerParameterf GET_SamplerParameterf(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_SamplerParameterf) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_SamplerParameterf)); +} + +static inline void SET_SamplerParameterf(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLenum, GLfloat)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_SamplerParameterf, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_SamplerParameterfv)(GLuint, GLenum, const GLfloat *); +#define CALL_SamplerParameterfv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_SamplerParameterfv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_SamplerParameterfv GET_SamplerParameterfv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_SamplerParameterfv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_SamplerParameterfv)); +} + +static inline void SET_SamplerParameterfv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLenum, const GLfloat *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_SamplerParameterfv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_SamplerParameteri)(GLuint, GLenum, GLint); +#define CALL_SamplerParameteri(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_SamplerParameteri(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_SamplerParameteri GET_SamplerParameteri(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_SamplerParameteri) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_SamplerParameteri)); +} + +static inline void SET_SamplerParameteri(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLenum, GLint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_SamplerParameteri, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_SamplerParameteriv)(GLuint, GLenum, const GLint *); +#define CALL_SamplerParameteriv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_SamplerParameteriv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_SamplerParameteriv GET_SamplerParameteriv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_SamplerParameteriv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_SamplerParameteriv)); +} + +static inline void SET_SamplerParameteriv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLenum, const GLint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_SamplerParameteriv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetQueryObjecti64v)(GLuint, GLenum, GLint64 *); +#define CALL_GetQueryObjecti64v(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetQueryObjecti64v(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetQueryObjecti64v GET_GetQueryObjecti64v(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetQueryObjecti64v) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetQueryObjecti64v)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetQueryObjecti64v(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLenum, GLint64 *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetQueryObjecti64v, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetQueryObjectui64v)(GLuint, GLenum, GLuint64 *); +#define CALL_GetQueryObjectui64v(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetQueryObjectui64v(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetQueryObjectui64v GET_GetQueryObjectui64v(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetQueryObjectui64v) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetQueryObjectui64v)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetQueryObjectui64v(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLenum, GLuint64 *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetQueryObjectui64v, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_QueryCounter)(GLuint, GLenum); +#define CALL_QueryCounter(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_QueryCounter(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_QueryCounter GET_QueryCounter(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_QueryCounter) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_QueryCounter)); +} + +static inline void SET_QueryCounter(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLenum)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_QueryCounter, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_ColorP3ui)(GLenum, GLuint); +#define CALL_ColorP3ui(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_ColorP3ui(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_ColorP3ui GET_ColorP3ui(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_ColorP3ui) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ColorP3ui)); +} + +static inline void SET_ColorP3ui(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLuint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ColorP3ui, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_ColorP3uiv)(GLenum, const GLuint *); +#define CALL_ColorP3uiv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_ColorP3uiv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_ColorP3uiv GET_ColorP3uiv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_ColorP3uiv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ColorP3uiv)); +} + +static inline void SET_ColorP3uiv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, const GLuint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ColorP3uiv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_ColorP4ui)(GLenum, GLuint); +#define CALL_ColorP4ui(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_ColorP4ui(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_ColorP4ui GET_ColorP4ui(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_ColorP4ui) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ColorP4ui)); +} + +static inline void SET_ColorP4ui(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLuint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ColorP4ui, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_ColorP4uiv)(GLenum, const GLuint *); +#define CALL_ColorP4uiv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_ColorP4uiv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_ColorP4uiv GET_ColorP4uiv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_ColorP4uiv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ColorP4uiv)); +} + +static inline void SET_ColorP4uiv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, const GLuint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ColorP4uiv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_MultiTexCoordP1ui)(GLenum, GLenum, GLuint); +#define CALL_MultiTexCoordP1ui(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_MultiTexCoordP1ui(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_MultiTexCoordP1ui GET_MultiTexCoordP1ui(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_MultiTexCoordP1ui) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_MultiTexCoordP1ui)); +} + +static inline void SET_MultiTexCoordP1ui(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, GLuint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_MultiTexCoordP1ui, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_MultiTexCoordP1uiv)(GLenum, GLenum, const GLuint *); +#define CALL_MultiTexCoordP1uiv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_MultiTexCoordP1uiv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_MultiTexCoordP1uiv GET_MultiTexCoordP1uiv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_MultiTexCoordP1uiv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_MultiTexCoordP1uiv)); +} + +static inline void SET_MultiTexCoordP1uiv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, const GLuint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_MultiTexCoordP1uiv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_MultiTexCoordP2ui)(GLenum, GLenum, GLuint); +#define CALL_MultiTexCoordP2ui(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_MultiTexCoordP2ui(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_MultiTexCoordP2ui GET_MultiTexCoordP2ui(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_MultiTexCoordP2ui) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_MultiTexCoordP2ui)); +} + +static inline void SET_MultiTexCoordP2ui(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, GLuint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_MultiTexCoordP2ui, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_MultiTexCoordP2uiv)(GLenum, GLenum, const GLuint *); +#define CALL_MultiTexCoordP2uiv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_MultiTexCoordP2uiv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_MultiTexCoordP2uiv GET_MultiTexCoordP2uiv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_MultiTexCoordP2uiv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_MultiTexCoordP2uiv)); +} + +static inline void SET_MultiTexCoordP2uiv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, const GLuint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_MultiTexCoordP2uiv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_MultiTexCoordP3ui)(GLenum, GLenum, GLuint); +#define CALL_MultiTexCoordP3ui(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_MultiTexCoordP3ui(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_MultiTexCoordP3ui GET_MultiTexCoordP3ui(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_MultiTexCoordP3ui) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_MultiTexCoordP3ui)); +} + +static inline void SET_MultiTexCoordP3ui(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, GLuint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_MultiTexCoordP3ui, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_MultiTexCoordP3uiv)(GLenum, GLenum, const GLuint *); +#define CALL_MultiTexCoordP3uiv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_MultiTexCoordP3uiv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_MultiTexCoordP3uiv GET_MultiTexCoordP3uiv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_MultiTexCoordP3uiv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_MultiTexCoordP3uiv)); +} + +static inline void SET_MultiTexCoordP3uiv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, const GLuint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_MultiTexCoordP3uiv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_MultiTexCoordP4ui)(GLenum, GLenum, GLuint); +#define CALL_MultiTexCoordP4ui(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_MultiTexCoordP4ui(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_MultiTexCoordP4ui GET_MultiTexCoordP4ui(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_MultiTexCoordP4ui) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_MultiTexCoordP4ui)); +} + +static inline void SET_MultiTexCoordP4ui(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, GLuint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_MultiTexCoordP4ui, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_MultiTexCoordP4uiv)(GLenum, GLenum, const GLuint *); +#define CALL_MultiTexCoordP4uiv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_MultiTexCoordP4uiv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_MultiTexCoordP4uiv GET_MultiTexCoordP4uiv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_MultiTexCoordP4uiv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_MultiTexCoordP4uiv)); +} + +static inline void SET_MultiTexCoordP4uiv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, const GLuint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_MultiTexCoordP4uiv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_NormalP3ui)(GLenum, GLuint); +#define CALL_NormalP3ui(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_NormalP3ui(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_NormalP3ui GET_NormalP3ui(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_NormalP3ui) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_NormalP3ui)); +} + +static inline void SET_NormalP3ui(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLuint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_NormalP3ui, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_NormalP3uiv)(GLenum, const GLuint *); +#define CALL_NormalP3uiv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_NormalP3uiv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_NormalP3uiv GET_NormalP3uiv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_NormalP3uiv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_NormalP3uiv)); +} + +static inline void SET_NormalP3uiv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, const GLuint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_NormalP3uiv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_SecondaryColorP3ui)(GLenum, GLuint); +#define CALL_SecondaryColorP3ui(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_SecondaryColorP3ui(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_SecondaryColorP3ui GET_SecondaryColorP3ui(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_SecondaryColorP3ui) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_SecondaryColorP3ui)); +} + +static inline void SET_SecondaryColorP3ui(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLuint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_SecondaryColorP3ui, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_SecondaryColorP3uiv)(GLenum, const GLuint *); +#define CALL_SecondaryColorP3uiv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_SecondaryColorP3uiv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_SecondaryColorP3uiv GET_SecondaryColorP3uiv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_SecondaryColorP3uiv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_SecondaryColorP3uiv)); +} + +static inline void SET_SecondaryColorP3uiv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, const GLuint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_SecondaryColorP3uiv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_TexCoordP1ui)(GLenum, GLuint); +#define CALL_TexCoordP1ui(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_TexCoordP1ui(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_TexCoordP1ui GET_TexCoordP1ui(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_TexCoordP1ui) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexCoordP1ui)); +} + +static inline void SET_TexCoordP1ui(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLuint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexCoordP1ui, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_TexCoordP1uiv)(GLenum, const GLuint *); +#define CALL_TexCoordP1uiv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_TexCoordP1uiv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_TexCoordP1uiv GET_TexCoordP1uiv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_TexCoordP1uiv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexCoordP1uiv)); +} + +static inline void SET_TexCoordP1uiv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, const GLuint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexCoordP1uiv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_TexCoordP2ui)(GLenum, GLuint); +#define CALL_TexCoordP2ui(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_TexCoordP2ui(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_TexCoordP2ui GET_TexCoordP2ui(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_TexCoordP2ui) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexCoordP2ui)); +} + +static inline void SET_TexCoordP2ui(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLuint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexCoordP2ui, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_TexCoordP2uiv)(GLenum, const GLuint *); +#define CALL_TexCoordP2uiv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_TexCoordP2uiv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_TexCoordP2uiv GET_TexCoordP2uiv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_TexCoordP2uiv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexCoordP2uiv)); +} + +static inline void SET_TexCoordP2uiv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, const GLuint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexCoordP2uiv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_TexCoordP3ui)(GLenum, GLuint); +#define CALL_TexCoordP3ui(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_TexCoordP3ui(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_TexCoordP3ui GET_TexCoordP3ui(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_TexCoordP3ui) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexCoordP3ui)); +} + +static inline void SET_TexCoordP3ui(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLuint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexCoordP3ui, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_TexCoordP3uiv)(GLenum, const GLuint *); +#define CALL_TexCoordP3uiv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_TexCoordP3uiv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_TexCoordP3uiv GET_TexCoordP3uiv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_TexCoordP3uiv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexCoordP3uiv)); +} + +static inline void SET_TexCoordP3uiv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, const GLuint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexCoordP3uiv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_TexCoordP4ui)(GLenum, GLuint); +#define CALL_TexCoordP4ui(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_TexCoordP4ui(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_TexCoordP4ui GET_TexCoordP4ui(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_TexCoordP4ui) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexCoordP4ui)); +} + +static inline void SET_TexCoordP4ui(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLuint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexCoordP4ui, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_TexCoordP4uiv)(GLenum, const GLuint *); +#define CALL_TexCoordP4uiv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_TexCoordP4uiv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_TexCoordP4uiv GET_TexCoordP4uiv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_TexCoordP4uiv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexCoordP4uiv)); +} + +static inline void SET_TexCoordP4uiv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, const GLuint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexCoordP4uiv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_VertexAttribP1ui)(GLuint, GLenum, GLboolean, GLuint); +#define CALL_VertexAttribP1ui(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_VertexAttribP1ui(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_VertexAttribP1ui GET_VertexAttribP1ui(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_VertexAttribP1ui) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttribP1ui)); +} + +static inline void SET_VertexAttribP1ui(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLenum, GLboolean, GLuint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttribP1ui, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_VertexAttribP1uiv)(GLuint, GLenum, GLboolean, const GLuint *); +#define CALL_VertexAttribP1uiv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_VertexAttribP1uiv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_VertexAttribP1uiv GET_VertexAttribP1uiv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_VertexAttribP1uiv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttribP1uiv)); +} + +static inline void SET_VertexAttribP1uiv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLenum, GLboolean, const GLuint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttribP1uiv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_VertexAttribP2ui)(GLuint, GLenum, GLboolean, GLuint); +#define CALL_VertexAttribP2ui(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_VertexAttribP2ui(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_VertexAttribP2ui GET_VertexAttribP2ui(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_VertexAttribP2ui) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttribP2ui)); +} + +static inline void SET_VertexAttribP2ui(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLenum, GLboolean, GLuint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttribP2ui, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_VertexAttribP2uiv)(GLuint, GLenum, GLboolean, const GLuint *); +#define CALL_VertexAttribP2uiv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_VertexAttribP2uiv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_VertexAttribP2uiv GET_VertexAttribP2uiv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_VertexAttribP2uiv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttribP2uiv)); +} + +static inline void SET_VertexAttribP2uiv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLenum, GLboolean, const GLuint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttribP2uiv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_VertexAttribP3ui)(GLuint, GLenum, GLboolean, GLuint); +#define CALL_VertexAttribP3ui(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_VertexAttribP3ui(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_VertexAttribP3ui GET_VertexAttribP3ui(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_VertexAttribP3ui) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttribP3ui)); +} + +static inline void SET_VertexAttribP3ui(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLenum, GLboolean, GLuint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttribP3ui, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_VertexAttribP3uiv)(GLuint, GLenum, GLboolean, const GLuint *); +#define CALL_VertexAttribP3uiv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_VertexAttribP3uiv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_VertexAttribP3uiv GET_VertexAttribP3uiv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_VertexAttribP3uiv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttribP3uiv)); +} + +static inline void SET_VertexAttribP3uiv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLenum, GLboolean, const GLuint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttribP3uiv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_VertexAttribP4ui)(GLuint, GLenum, GLboolean, GLuint); +#define CALL_VertexAttribP4ui(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_VertexAttribP4ui(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_VertexAttribP4ui GET_VertexAttribP4ui(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_VertexAttribP4ui) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttribP4ui)); +} + +static inline void SET_VertexAttribP4ui(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLenum, GLboolean, GLuint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttribP4ui, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_VertexAttribP4uiv)(GLuint, GLenum, GLboolean, const GLuint *); +#define CALL_VertexAttribP4uiv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_VertexAttribP4uiv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_VertexAttribP4uiv GET_VertexAttribP4uiv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_VertexAttribP4uiv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttribP4uiv)); +} + +static inline void SET_VertexAttribP4uiv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLenum, GLboolean, const GLuint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttribP4uiv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_VertexP2ui)(GLenum, GLuint); +#define CALL_VertexP2ui(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_VertexP2ui(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_VertexP2ui GET_VertexP2ui(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_VertexP2ui) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexP2ui)); +} + +static inline void SET_VertexP2ui(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLuint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexP2ui, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_VertexP2uiv)(GLenum, const GLuint *); +#define CALL_VertexP2uiv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_VertexP2uiv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_VertexP2uiv GET_VertexP2uiv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_VertexP2uiv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexP2uiv)); +} + +static inline void SET_VertexP2uiv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, const GLuint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexP2uiv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_VertexP3ui)(GLenum, GLuint); +#define CALL_VertexP3ui(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_VertexP3ui(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_VertexP3ui GET_VertexP3ui(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_VertexP3ui) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexP3ui)); +} + +static inline void SET_VertexP3ui(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLuint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexP3ui, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_VertexP3uiv)(GLenum, const GLuint *); +#define CALL_VertexP3uiv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_VertexP3uiv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_VertexP3uiv GET_VertexP3uiv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_VertexP3uiv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexP3uiv)); +} + +static inline void SET_VertexP3uiv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, const GLuint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexP3uiv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_VertexP4ui)(GLenum, GLuint); +#define CALL_VertexP4ui(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_VertexP4ui(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_VertexP4ui GET_VertexP4ui(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_VertexP4ui) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexP4ui)); +} + +static inline void SET_VertexP4ui(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLuint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexP4ui, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_VertexP4uiv)(GLenum, const GLuint *); +#define CALL_VertexP4uiv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_VertexP4uiv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_VertexP4uiv GET_VertexP4uiv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_VertexP4uiv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexP4uiv)); +} + +static inline void SET_VertexP4uiv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, const GLuint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexP4uiv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_BindTransformFeedback)(GLenum, GLuint); +#define CALL_BindTransformFeedback(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_BindTransformFeedback(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_BindTransformFeedback GET_BindTransformFeedback(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_BindTransformFeedback) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_BindTransformFeedback)); +} + +static inline void SET_BindTransformFeedback(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLuint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_BindTransformFeedback, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_DeleteTransformFeedbacks)(GLsizei, const GLuint *); +#define CALL_DeleteTransformFeedbacks(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_DeleteTransformFeedbacks(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_DeleteTransformFeedbacks GET_DeleteTransformFeedbacks(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_DeleteTransformFeedbacks) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_DeleteTransformFeedbacks)); +} + +static inline void SET_DeleteTransformFeedbacks(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLsizei, const GLuint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_DeleteTransformFeedbacks, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_DrawTransformFeedback)(GLenum, GLuint); +#define CALL_DrawTransformFeedback(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_DrawTransformFeedback(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_DrawTransformFeedback GET_DrawTransformFeedback(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_DrawTransformFeedback) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_DrawTransformFeedback)); +} + +static inline void SET_DrawTransformFeedback(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLuint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_DrawTransformFeedback, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GenTransformFeedbacks)(GLsizei, GLuint *); +#define CALL_GenTransformFeedbacks(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GenTransformFeedbacks(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GenTransformFeedbacks GET_GenTransformFeedbacks(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GenTransformFeedbacks) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GenTransformFeedbacks)); +} + +static inline void SET_GenTransformFeedbacks(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLsizei, GLuint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GenTransformFeedbacks, fn); +} + +typedef GLboolean (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_IsTransformFeedback)(GLuint); +#define CALL_IsTransformFeedback(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_IsTransformFeedback(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_IsTransformFeedback GET_IsTransformFeedback(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_IsTransformFeedback) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_IsTransformFeedback)); +} + +static inline void SET_IsTransformFeedback(struct _glapi_table *disp, GLboolean (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_IsTransformFeedback, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_PauseTransformFeedback)(void); +#define CALL_PauseTransformFeedback(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_PauseTransformFeedback(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_PauseTransformFeedback GET_PauseTransformFeedback(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_PauseTransformFeedback) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_PauseTransformFeedback)); +} + +static inline void SET_PauseTransformFeedback(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(void)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_PauseTransformFeedback, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_ResumeTransformFeedback)(void); +#define CALL_ResumeTransformFeedback(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_ResumeTransformFeedback(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_ResumeTransformFeedback GET_ResumeTransformFeedback(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_ResumeTransformFeedback) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ResumeTransformFeedback)); +} + +static inline void SET_ResumeTransformFeedback(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(void)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ResumeTransformFeedback, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_BeginQueryIndexed)(GLenum, GLuint, GLuint); +#define CALL_BeginQueryIndexed(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_BeginQueryIndexed(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_BeginQueryIndexed GET_BeginQueryIndexed(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_BeginQueryIndexed) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_BeginQueryIndexed)); +} + +static inline void SET_BeginQueryIndexed(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLuint, GLuint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_BeginQueryIndexed, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_DrawTransformFeedbackStream)(GLenum, GLuint, GLuint); +#define CALL_DrawTransformFeedbackStream(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_DrawTransformFeedbackStream(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_DrawTransformFeedbackStream GET_DrawTransformFeedbackStream(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_DrawTransformFeedbackStream) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_DrawTransformFeedbackStream)); +} + +static inline void SET_DrawTransformFeedbackStream(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLuint, GLuint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_DrawTransformFeedbackStream, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_EndQueryIndexed)(GLenum, GLuint); +#define CALL_EndQueryIndexed(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_EndQueryIndexed(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_EndQueryIndexed GET_EndQueryIndexed(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_EndQueryIndexed) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_EndQueryIndexed)); +} + +static inline void SET_EndQueryIndexed(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLuint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_EndQueryIndexed, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetQueryIndexediv)(GLenum, GLuint, GLenum, GLint *); +#define CALL_GetQueryIndexediv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetQueryIndexediv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetQueryIndexediv GET_GetQueryIndexediv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetQueryIndexediv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetQueryIndexediv)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetQueryIndexediv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLuint, GLenum, GLint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetQueryIndexediv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_ClearDepthf)(GLclampf); +#define CALL_ClearDepthf(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_ClearDepthf(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_ClearDepthf GET_ClearDepthf(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_ClearDepthf) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ClearDepthf)); +} + +static inline void SET_ClearDepthf(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLclampf)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ClearDepthf, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_DepthRangef)(GLclampf, GLclampf); +#define CALL_DepthRangef(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_DepthRangef(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_DepthRangef GET_DepthRangef(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_DepthRangef) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_DepthRangef)); +} + +static inline void SET_DepthRangef(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLclampf, GLclampf)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_DepthRangef, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetShaderPrecisionFormat)(GLenum, GLenum, GLint *, GLint *); +#define CALL_GetShaderPrecisionFormat(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetShaderPrecisionFormat(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetShaderPrecisionFormat GET_GetShaderPrecisionFormat(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetShaderPrecisionFormat) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetShaderPrecisionFormat)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetShaderPrecisionFormat(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, GLint *, GLint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetShaderPrecisionFormat, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_ReleaseShaderCompiler)(void); +#define CALL_ReleaseShaderCompiler(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_ReleaseShaderCompiler(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_ReleaseShaderCompiler GET_ReleaseShaderCompiler(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_ReleaseShaderCompiler) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ReleaseShaderCompiler)); +} + +static inline void SET_ReleaseShaderCompiler(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(void)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ReleaseShaderCompiler, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_ShaderBinary)(GLsizei, const GLuint *, GLenum, const GLvoid *, GLsizei); +#define CALL_ShaderBinary(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_ShaderBinary(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_ShaderBinary GET_ShaderBinary(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_ShaderBinary) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ShaderBinary)); +} + +static inline void SET_ShaderBinary(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLsizei, const GLuint *, GLenum, const GLvoid *, GLsizei)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ShaderBinary, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetProgramBinary)(GLuint, GLsizei, GLsizei *, GLenum *, GLvoid *); +#define CALL_GetProgramBinary(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetProgramBinary(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetProgramBinary GET_GetProgramBinary(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetProgramBinary) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetProgramBinary)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetProgramBinary(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLsizei, GLsizei *, GLenum *, GLvoid *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetProgramBinary, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_ProgramBinary)(GLuint, GLenum, const GLvoid *, GLsizei); +#define CALL_ProgramBinary(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_ProgramBinary(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_ProgramBinary GET_ProgramBinary(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_ProgramBinary) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ProgramBinary)); +} + +static inline void SET_ProgramBinary(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLenum, const GLvoid *, GLsizei)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ProgramBinary, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_ProgramParameteri)(GLuint, GLenum, GLint); +#define CALL_ProgramParameteri(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_ProgramParameteri(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_ProgramParameteri GET_ProgramParameteri(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_ProgramParameteri) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ProgramParameteri)); +} + +static inline void SET_ProgramParameteri(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLenum, GLint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ProgramParameteri, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_DebugMessageCallbackARB)(GLDEBUGPROCARB, const GLvoid *); +#define CALL_DebugMessageCallbackARB(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_DebugMessageCallbackARB(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_DebugMessageCallbackARB GET_DebugMessageCallbackARB(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_DebugMessageCallbackARB) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_DebugMessageCallbackARB)); +} + +static inline void SET_DebugMessageCallbackARB(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLDEBUGPROCARB, const GLvoid *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_DebugMessageCallbackARB, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_DebugMessageControlARB)(GLenum, GLenum, GLenum, GLsizei, const GLuint *, GLboolean); +#define CALL_DebugMessageControlARB(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_DebugMessageControlARB(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_DebugMessageControlARB GET_DebugMessageControlARB(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_DebugMessageControlARB) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_DebugMessageControlARB)); +} + +static inline void SET_DebugMessageControlARB(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, GLenum, GLsizei, const GLuint *, GLboolean)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_DebugMessageControlARB, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_DebugMessageInsertARB)(GLenum, GLenum, GLuint, GLenum, GLsizei, const GLcharARB *); +#define CALL_DebugMessageInsertARB(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_DebugMessageInsertARB(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_DebugMessageInsertARB GET_DebugMessageInsertARB(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_DebugMessageInsertARB) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_DebugMessageInsertARB)); +} + +static inline void SET_DebugMessageInsertARB(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, GLuint, GLenum, GLsizei, const GLcharARB *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_DebugMessageInsertARB, fn); +} + +typedef GLuint (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetDebugMessageLogARB)(GLuint, GLsizei, GLenum *, GLenum *, GLuint *, GLenum *, GLsizei *, GLcharARB *); +#define CALL_GetDebugMessageLogARB(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetDebugMessageLogARB(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetDebugMessageLogARB GET_GetDebugMessageLogARB(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetDebugMessageLogARB) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetDebugMessageLogARB)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetDebugMessageLogARB(struct _glapi_table *disp, GLuint (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLsizei, GLenum *, GLenum *, GLuint *, GLenum *, GLsizei *, GLcharARB *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetDebugMessageLogARB, fn); +} + +typedef GLenum (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetGraphicsResetStatusARB)(void); +#define CALL_GetGraphicsResetStatusARB(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetGraphicsResetStatusARB(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetGraphicsResetStatusARB GET_GetGraphicsResetStatusARB(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetGraphicsResetStatusARB) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetGraphicsResetStatusARB)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetGraphicsResetStatusARB(struct _glapi_table *disp, GLenum (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(void)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetGraphicsResetStatusARB, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetnColorTableARB)(GLenum, GLenum, GLenum, GLsizei, GLvoid *); +#define CALL_GetnColorTableARB(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetnColorTableARB(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetnColorTableARB GET_GetnColorTableARB(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetnColorTableARB) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetnColorTableARB)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetnColorTableARB(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, GLenum, GLsizei, GLvoid *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetnColorTableARB, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetnCompressedTexImageARB)(GLenum, GLint, GLsizei, GLvoid *); +#define CALL_GetnCompressedTexImageARB(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetnCompressedTexImageARB(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetnCompressedTexImageARB GET_GetnCompressedTexImageARB(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetnCompressedTexImageARB) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetnCompressedTexImageARB)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetnCompressedTexImageARB(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLint, GLsizei, GLvoid *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetnCompressedTexImageARB, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetnConvolutionFilterARB)(GLenum, GLenum, GLenum, GLsizei, GLvoid *); +#define CALL_GetnConvolutionFilterARB(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetnConvolutionFilterARB(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetnConvolutionFilterARB GET_GetnConvolutionFilterARB(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetnConvolutionFilterARB) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetnConvolutionFilterARB)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetnConvolutionFilterARB(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, GLenum, GLsizei, GLvoid *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetnConvolutionFilterARB, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetnHistogramARB)(GLenum, GLboolean, GLenum, GLenum, GLsizei, GLvoid *); +#define CALL_GetnHistogramARB(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetnHistogramARB(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetnHistogramARB GET_GetnHistogramARB(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetnHistogramARB) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetnHistogramARB)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetnHistogramARB(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLboolean, GLenum, GLenum, GLsizei, GLvoid *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetnHistogramARB, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetnMapdvARB)(GLenum, GLenum, GLsizei, GLdouble *); +#define CALL_GetnMapdvARB(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetnMapdvARB(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetnMapdvARB GET_GetnMapdvARB(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetnMapdvARB) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetnMapdvARB)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetnMapdvARB(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, GLsizei, GLdouble *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetnMapdvARB, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetnMapfvARB)(GLenum, GLenum, GLsizei, GLfloat *); +#define CALL_GetnMapfvARB(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetnMapfvARB(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetnMapfvARB GET_GetnMapfvARB(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetnMapfvARB) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetnMapfvARB)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetnMapfvARB(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, GLsizei, GLfloat *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetnMapfvARB, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetnMapivARB)(GLenum, GLenum, GLsizei, GLint *); +#define CALL_GetnMapivARB(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetnMapivARB(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetnMapivARB GET_GetnMapivARB(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetnMapivARB) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetnMapivARB)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetnMapivARB(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, GLsizei, GLint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetnMapivARB, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetnMinmaxARB)(GLenum, GLboolean, GLenum, GLenum, GLsizei, GLvoid *); +#define CALL_GetnMinmaxARB(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetnMinmaxARB(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetnMinmaxARB GET_GetnMinmaxARB(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetnMinmaxARB) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetnMinmaxARB)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetnMinmaxARB(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLboolean, GLenum, GLenum, GLsizei, GLvoid *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetnMinmaxARB, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetnPixelMapfvARB)(GLenum, GLsizei, GLfloat *); +#define CALL_GetnPixelMapfvARB(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetnPixelMapfvARB(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetnPixelMapfvARB GET_GetnPixelMapfvARB(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetnPixelMapfvARB) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetnPixelMapfvARB)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetnPixelMapfvARB(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLsizei, GLfloat *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetnPixelMapfvARB, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetnPixelMapuivARB)(GLenum, GLsizei, GLuint *); +#define CALL_GetnPixelMapuivARB(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetnPixelMapuivARB(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetnPixelMapuivARB GET_GetnPixelMapuivARB(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetnPixelMapuivARB) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetnPixelMapuivARB)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetnPixelMapuivARB(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLsizei, GLuint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetnPixelMapuivARB, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetnPixelMapusvARB)(GLenum, GLsizei, GLushort *); +#define CALL_GetnPixelMapusvARB(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetnPixelMapusvARB(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetnPixelMapusvARB GET_GetnPixelMapusvARB(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetnPixelMapusvARB) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetnPixelMapusvARB)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetnPixelMapusvARB(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLsizei, GLushort *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetnPixelMapusvARB, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetnPolygonStippleARB)(GLsizei, GLubyte *); +#define CALL_GetnPolygonStippleARB(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetnPolygonStippleARB(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetnPolygonStippleARB GET_GetnPolygonStippleARB(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetnPolygonStippleARB) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetnPolygonStippleARB)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetnPolygonStippleARB(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLsizei, GLubyte *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetnPolygonStippleARB, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetnSeparableFilterARB)(GLenum, GLenum, GLenum, GLsizei, GLvoid *, GLsizei, GLvoid *, GLvoid *); +#define CALL_GetnSeparableFilterARB(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetnSeparableFilterARB(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetnSeparableFilterARB GET_GetnSeparableFilterARB(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetnSeparableFilterARB) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetnSeparableFilterARB)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetnSeparableFilterARB(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, GLenum, GLsizei, GLvoid *, GLsizei, GLvoid *, GLvoid *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetnSeparableFilterARB, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetnTexImageARB)(GLenum, GLint, GLenum, GLenum, GLsizei, GLvoid *); +#define CALL_GetnTexImageARB(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetnTexImageARB(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetnTexImageARB GET_GetnTexImageARB(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetnTexImageARB) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetnTexImageARB)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetnTexImageARB(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLint, GLenum, GLenum, GLsizei, GLvoid *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetnTexImageARB, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetnUniformdvARB)(GLhandleARB, GLint, GLsizei, GLdouble *); +#define CALL_GetnUniformdvARB(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetnUniformdvARB(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetnUniformdvARB GET_GetnUniformdvARB(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetnUniformdvARB) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetnUniformdvARB)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetnUniformdvARB(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLhandleARB, GLint, GLsizei, GLdouble *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetnUniformdvARB, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetnUniformfvARB)(GLhandleARB, GLint, GLsizei, GLfloat *); +#define CALL_GetnUniformfvARB(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetnUniformfvARB(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetnUniformfvARB GET_GetnUniformfvARB(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetnUniformfvARB) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetnUniformfvARB)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetnUniformfvARB(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLhandleARB, GLint, GLsizei, GLfloat *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetnUniformfvARB, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetnUniformivARB)(GLhandleARB, GLint, GLsizei, GLint *); +#define CALL_GetnUniformivARB(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetnUniformivARB(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetnUniformivARB GET_GetnUniformivARB(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetnUniformivARB) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetnUniformivARB)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetnUniformivARB(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLhandleARB, GLint, GLsizei, GLint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetnUniformivARB, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetnUniformuivARB)(GLhandleARB, GLint, GLsizei, GLuint *); +#define CALL_GetnUniformuivARB(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetnUniformuivARB(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetnUniformuivARB GET_GetnUniformuivARB(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetnUniformuivARB) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetnUniformuivARB)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetnUniformuivARB(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLhandleARB, GLint, GLsizei, GLuint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetnUniformuivARB, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_ReadnPixelsARB)(GLint, GLint, GLsizei, GLsizei, GLenum, GLenum, GLsizei, GLvoid *); +#define CALL_ReadnPixelsARB(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_ReadnPixelsARB(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_ReadnPixelsARB GET_ReadnPixelsARB(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_ReadnPixelsARB) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ReadnPixelsARB)); +} + +static inline void SET_ReadnPixelsARB(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLint, GLint, GLsizei, GLsizei, GLenum, GLenum, GLsizei, GLvoid *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ReadnPixelsARB, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_DrawArraysInstancedBaseInstance)(GLenum, GLint, GLsizei, GLsizei, GLuint); +#define CALL_DrawArraysInstancedBaseInstance(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_DrawArraysInstancedBaseInstance(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_DrawArraysInstancedBaseInstance GET_DrawArraysInstancedBaseInstance(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_DrawArraysInstancedBaseInstance) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_DrawArraysInstancedBaseInstance)); +} + +static inline void SET_DrawArraysInstancedBaseInstance(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLint, GLsizei, GLsizei, GLuint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_DrawArraysInstancedBaseInstance, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_DrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance)(GLenum, GLsizei, GLenum, const GLvoid *, GLsizei, GLuint); +#define CALL_DrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_DrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_DrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance GET_DrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_DrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_DrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance)); +} + +static inline void SET_DrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLsizei, GLenum, const GLvoid *, GLsizei, GLuint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_DrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance)(GLenum, GLsizei, GLenum, const GLvoid *, GLsizei, GLint, GLuint); +#define CALL_DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance GET_DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance)); +} + +static inline void SET_DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLsizei, GLenum, const GLvoid *, GLsizei, GLint, GLuint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_DrawTransformFeedbackInstanced)(GLenum, GLuint, GLsizei); +#define CALL_DrawTransformFeedbackInstanced(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_DrawTransformFeedbackInstanced(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_DrawTransformFeedbackInstanced GET_DrawTransformFeedbackInstanced(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_DrawTransformFeedbackInstanced) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_DrawTransformFeedbackInstanced)); +} + +static inline void SET_DrawTransformFeedbackInstanced(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLuint, GLsizei)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_DrawTransformFeedbackInstanced, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_DrawTransformFeedbackStreamInstanced)(GLenum, GLuint, GLuint, GLsizei); +#define CALL_DrawTransformFeedbackStreamInstanced(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_DrawTransformFeedbackStreamInstanced(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_DrawTransformFeedbackStreamInstanced GET_DrawTransformFeedbackStreamInstanced(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_DrawTransformFeedbackStreamInstanced) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_DrawTransformFeedbackStreamInstanced)); +} + +static inline void SET_DrawTransformFeedbackStreamInstanced(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLuint, GLuint, GLsizei)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_DrawTransformFeedbackStreamInstanced, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetInternalformativ)(GLenum, GLenum, GLenum, GLsizei, GLint *); +#define CALL_GetInternalformativ(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetInternalformativ(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetInternalformativ GET_GetInternalformativ(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetInternalformativ) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetInternalformativ)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetInternalformativ(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, GLenum, GLsizei, GLint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetInternalformativ, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_TexStorage1D)(GLenum, GLsizei, GLenum, GLsizei); +#define CALL_TexStorage1D(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_TexStorage1D(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_TexStorage1D GET_TexStorage1D(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_TexStorage1D) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexStorage1D)); +} + +static inline void SET_TexStorage1D(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLsizei, GLenum, GLsizei)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexStorage1D, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_TexStorage2D)(GLenum, GLsizei, GLenum, GLsizei, GLsizei); +#define CALL_TexStorage2D(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_TexStorage2D(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_TexStorage2D GET_TexStorage2D(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_TexStorage2D) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexStorage2D)); +} + +static inline void SET_TexStorage2D(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLsizei, GLenum, GLsizei, GLsizei)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexStorage2D, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_TexStorage3D)(GLenum, GLsizei, GLenum, GLsizei, GLsizei, GLsizei); +#define CALL_TexStorage3D(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_TexStorage3D(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_TexStorage3D GET_TexStorage3D(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_TexStorage3D) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexStorage3D)); +} + +static inline void SET_TexStorage3D(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLsizei, GLenum, GLsizei, GLsizei, GLsizei)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexStorage3D, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_TextureStorage1DEXT)(GLuint, GLenum, GLsizei, GLenum, GLsizei); +#define CALL_TextureStorage1DEXT(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_TextureStorage1DEXT(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_TextureStorage1DEXT GET_TextureStorage1DEXT(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_TextureStorage1DEXT) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TextureStorage1DEXT)); +} + +static inline void SET_TextureStorage1DEXT(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLenum, GLsizei, GLenum, GLsizei)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TextureStorage1DEXT, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_TextureStorage2DEXT)(GLuint, GLenum, GLsizei, GLenum, GLsizei, GLsizei); +#define CALL_TextureStorage2DEXT(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_TextureStorage2DEXT(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_TextureStorage2DEXT GET_TextureStorage2DEXT(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_TextureStorage2DEXT) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TextureStorage2DEXT)); +} + +static inline void SET_TextureStorage2DEXT(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLenum, GLsizei, GLenum, GLsizei, GLsizei)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TextureStorage2DEXT, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_TextureStorage3DEXT)(GLuint, GLenum, GLsizei, GLenum, GLsizei, GLsizei, GLsizei); +#define CALL_TextureStorage3DEXT(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_TextureStorage3DEXT(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_TextureStorage3DEXT GET_TextureStorage3DEXT(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_TextureStorage3DEXT) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TextureStorage3DEXT)); +} + +static inline void SET_TextureStorage3DEXT(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLenum, GLsizei, GLenum, GLsizei, GLsizei, GLsizei)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TextureStorage3DEXT, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_InvalidateBufferData)(GLuint); +#define CALL_InvalidateBufferData(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_InvalidateBufferData(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_InvalidateBufferData GET_InvalidateBufferData(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_InvalidateBufferData) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_InvalidateBufferData)); +} + +static inline void SET_InvalidateBufferData(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_InvalidateBufferData, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_InvalidateBufferSubData)(GLuint, GLintptr, GLsizeiptr); +#define CALL_InvalidateBufferSubData(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_InvalidateBufferSubData(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_InvalidateBufferSubData GET_InvalidateBufferSubData(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_InvalidateBufferSubData) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_InvalidateBufferSubData)); +} + +static inline void SET_InvalidateBufferSubData(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLintptr, GLsizeiptr)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_InvalidateBufferSubData, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_InvalidateFramebuffer)(GLenum, GLsizei, const GLenum *); +#define CALL_InvalidateFramebuffer(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_InvalidateFramebuffer(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_InvalidateFramebuffer GET_InvalidateFramebuffer(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_InvalidateFramebuffer) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_InvalidateFramebuffer)); +} + +static inline void SET_InvalidateFramebuffer(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLsizei, const GLenum *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_InvalidateFramebuffer, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_InvalidateSubFramebuffer)(GLenum, GLsizei, const GLenum *, GLint, GLint, GLsizei, GLsizei); +#define CALL_InvalidateSubFramebuffer(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_InvalidateSubFramebuffer(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_InvalidateSubFramebuffer GET_InvalidateSubFramebuffer(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_InvalidateSubFramebuffer) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_InvalidateSubFramebuffer)); +} + +static inline void SET_InvalidateSubFramebuffer(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLsizei, const GLenum *, GLint, GLint, GLsizei, GLsizei)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_InvalidateSubFramebuffer, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_InvalidateTexImage)(GLuint, GLint); +#define CALL_InvalidateTexImage(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_InvalidateTexImage(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_InvalidateTexImage GET_InvalidateTexImage(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_InvalidateTexImage) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_InvalidateTexImage)); +} + +static inline void SET_InvalidateTexImage(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_InvalidateTexImage, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_InvalidateTexSubImage)(GLuint, GLint, GLint, GLint, GLint, GLsizei, GLsizei, GLsizei); +#define CALL_InvalidateTexSubImage(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_InvalidateTexSubImage(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_InvalidateTexSubImage GET_InvalidateTexSubImage(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_InvalidateTexSubImage) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_InvalidateTexSubImage)); +} + +static inline void SET_InvalidateTexSubImage(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLint, GLint, GLint, GLint, GLsizei, GLsizei, GLsizei)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_InvalidateTexSubImage, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_PolygonOffsetEXT)(GLfloat, GLfloat); +#define CALL_PolygonOffsetEXT(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_PolygonOffsetEXT(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_PolygonOffsetEXT GET_PolygonOffsetEXT(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_PolygonOffsetEXT) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_PolygonOffsetEXT)); +} + +static inline void SET_PolygonOffsetEXT(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLfloat, GLfloat)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_PolygonOffsetEXT, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_DrawTexfOES)(GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat); +#define CALL_DrawTexfOES(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_DrawTexfOES(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_DrawTexfOES GET_DrawTexfOES(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_DrawTexfOES) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_DrawTexfOES)); +} + +static inline void SET_DrawTexfOES(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_DrawTexfOES, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_DrawTexfvOES)(const GLfloat *); +#define CALL_DrawTexfvOES(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_DrawTexfvOES(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_DrawTexfvOES GET_DrawTexfvOES(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_DrawTexfvOES) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_DrawTexfvOES)); +} + +static inline void SET_DrawTexfvOES(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(const GLfloat *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_DrawTexfvOES, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_DrawTexiOES)(GLint, GLint, GLint, GLint, GLint); +#define CALL_DrawTexiOES(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_DrawTexiOES(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_DrawTexiOES GET_DrawTexiOES(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_DrawTexiOES) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_DrawTexiOES)); +} + +static inline void SET_DrawTexiOES(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLint, GLint, GLint, GLint, GLint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_DrawTexiOES, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_DrawTexivOES)(const GLint *); +#define CALL_DrawTexivOES(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_DrawTexivOES(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_DrawTexivOES GET_DrawTexivOES(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_DrawTexivOES) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_DrawTexivOES)); +} + +static inline void SET_DrawTexivOES(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(const GLint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_DrawTexivOES, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_DrawTexsOES)(GLshort, GLshort, GLshort, GLshort, GLshort); +#define CALL_DrawTexsOES(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_DrawTexsOES(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_DrawTexsOES GET_DrawTexsOES(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_DrawTexsOES) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_DrawTexsOES)); +} + +static inline void SET_DrawTexsOES(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLshort, GLshort, GLshort, GLshort, GLshort)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_DrawTexsOES, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_DrawTexsvOES)(const GLshort *); +#define CALL_DrawTexsvOES(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_DrawTexsvOES(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_DrawTexsvOES GET_DrawTexsvOES(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_DrawTexsvOES) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_DrawTexsvOES)); +} + +static inline void SET_DrawTexsvOES(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(const GLshort *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_DrawTexsvOES, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_DrawTexxOES)(GLfixed, GLfixed, GLfixed, GLfixed, GLfixed); +#define CALL_DrawTexxOES(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_DrawTexxOES(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_DrawTexxOES GET_DrawTexxOES(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_DrawTexxOES) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_DrawTexxOES)); +} + +static inline void SET_DrawTexxOES(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLfixed, GLfixed, GLfixed, GLfixed, GLfixed)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_DrawTexxOES, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_DrawTexxvOES)(const GLfixed *); +#define CALL_DrawTexxvOES(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_DrawTexxvOES(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_DrawTexxvOES GET_DrawTexxvOES(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_DrawTexxvOES) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_DrawTexxvOES)); +} + +static inline void SET_DrawTexxvOES(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(const GLfixed *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_DrawTexxvOES, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_PointSizePointerOES)(GLenum, GLsizei, const GLvoid *); +#define CALL_PointSizePointerOES(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_PointSizePointerOES(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_PointSizePointerOES GET_PointSizePointerOES(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_PointSizePointerOES) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_PointSizePointerOES)); +} + +static inline void SET_PointSizePointerOES(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLsizei, const GLvoid *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_PointSizePointerOES, fn); +} + +typedef GLbitfield (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_QueryMatrixxOES)(GLfixed *, GLint *); +#define CALL_QueryMatrixxOES(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_QueryMatrixxOES(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_QueryMatrixxOES GET_QueryMatrixxOES(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_QueryMatrixxOES) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_QueryMatrixxOES)); +} + +static inline void SET_QueryMatrixxOES(struct _glapi_table *disp, GLbitfield (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLfixed *, GLint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_QueryMatrixxOES, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_SampleMaskSGIS)(GLclampf, GLboolean); +#define CALL_SampleMaskSGIS(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_SampleMaskSGIS(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_SampleMaskSGIS GET_SampleMaskSGIS(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_SampleMaskSGIS) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_SampleMaskSGIS)); +} + +static inline void SET_SampleMaskSGIS(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLclampf, GLboolean)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_SampleMaskSGIS, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_SamplePatternSGIS)(GLenum); +#define CALL_SamplePatternSGIS(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_SamplePatternSGIS(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_SamplePatternSGIS GET_SamplePatternSGIS(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_SamplePatternSGIS) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_SamplePatternSGIS)); +} + +static inline void SET_SamplePatternSGIS(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_SamplePatternSGIS, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_ColorPointerEXT)(GLint, GLenum, GLsizei, GLsizei, const GLvoid *); +#define CALL_ColorPointerEXT(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_ColorPointerEXT(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_ColorPointerEXT GET_ColorPointerEXT(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_ColorPointerEXT) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ColorPointerEXT)); +} + +static inline void SET_ColorPointerEXT(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLint, GLenum, GLsizei, GLsizei, const GLvoid *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ColorPointerEXT, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_EdgeFlagPointerEXT)(GLsizei, GLsizei, const GLboolean *); +#define CALL_EdgeFlagPointerEXT(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_EdgeFlagPointerEXT(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_EdgeFlagPointerEXT GET_EdgeFlagPointerEXT(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_EdgeFlagPointerEXT) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_EdgeFlagPointerEXT)); +} + +static inline void SET_EdgeFlagPointerEXT(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLsizei, GLsizei, const GLboolean *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_EdgeFlagPointerEXT, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_IndexPointerEXT)(GLenum, GLsizei, GLsizei, const GLvoid *); +#define CALL_IndexPointerEXT(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_IndexPointerEXT(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_IndexPointerEXT GET_IndexPointerEXT(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_IndexPointerEXT) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_IndexPointerEXT)); +} + +static inline void SET_IndexPointerEXT(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLsizei, GLsizei, const GLvoid *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_IndexPointerEXT, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_NormalPointerEXT)(GLenum, GLsizei, GLsizei, const GLvoid *); +#define CALL_NormalPointerEXT(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_NormalPointerEXT(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_NormalPointerEXT GET_NormalPointerEXT(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_NormalPointerEXT) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_NormalPointerEXT)); +} + +static inline void SET_NormalPointerEXT(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLsizei, GLsizei, const GLvoid *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_NormalPointerEXT, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_TexCoordPointerEXT)(GLint, GLenum, GLsizei, GLsizei, const GLvoid *); +#define CALL_TexCoordPointerEXT(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_TexCoordPointerEXT(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_TexCoordPointerEXT GET_TexCoordPointerEXT(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_TexCoordPointerEXT) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexCoordPointerEXT)); +} + +static inline void SET_TexCoordPointerEXT(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLint, GLenum, GLsizei, GLsizei, const GLvoid *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexCoordPointerEXT, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_VertexPointerEXT)(GLint, GLenum, GLsizei, GLsizei, const GLvoid *); +#define CALL_VertexPointerEXT(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_VertexPointerEXT(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_VertexPointerEXT GET_VertexPointerEXT(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_VertexPointerEXT) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexPointerEXT)); +} + +static inline void SET_VertexPointerEXT(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLint, GLenum, GLsizei, GLsizei, const GLvoid *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexPointerEXT, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_LockArraysEXT)(GLint, GLsizei); +#define CALL_LockArraysEXT(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_LockArraysEXT(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_LockArraysEXT GET_LockArraysEXT(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_LockArraysEXT) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_LockArraysEXT)); +} + +static inline void SET_LockArraysEXT(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLint, GLsizei)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_LockArraysEXT, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_UnlockArraysEXT)(void); +#define CALL_UnlockArraysEXT(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_UnlockArraysEXT(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_UnlockArraysEXT GET_UnlockArraysEXT(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_UnlockArraysEXT) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_UnlockArraysEXT)); +} + +static inline void SET_UnlockArraysEXT(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(void)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_UnlockArraysEXT, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_SecondaryColor3fEXT)(GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat); +#define CALL_SecondaryColor3fEXT(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_SecondaryColor3fEXT(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_SecondaryColor3fEXT GET_SecondaryColor3fEXT(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_SecondaryColor3fEXT) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_SecondaryColor3fEXT)); +} + +static inline void SET_SecondaryColor3fEXT(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_SecondaryColor3fEXT, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_SecondaryColor3fvEXT)(const GLfloat *); +#define CALL_SecondaryColor3fvEXT(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_SecondaryColor3fvEXT(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_SecondaryColor3fvEXT GET_SecondaryColor3fvEXT(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_SecondaryColor3fvEXT) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_SecondaryColor3fvEXT)); +} + +static inline void SET_SecondaryColor3fvEXT(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(const GLfloat *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_SecondaryColor3fvEXT, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_MultiDrawElementsEXT)(GLenum, const GLsizei *, GLenum, const GLvoid **, GLsizei); +#define CALL_MultiDrawElementsEXT(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_MultiDrawElementsEXT(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_MultiDrawElementsEXT GET_MultiDrawElementsEXT(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_MultiDrawElementsEXT) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_MultiDrawElementsEXT)); +} + +static inline void SET_MultiDrawElementsEXT(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, const GLsizei *, GLenum, const GLvoid **, GLsizei)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_MultiDrawElementsEXT, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_FogCoordfEXT)(GLfloat); +#define CALL_FogCoordfEXT(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_FogCoordfEXT(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_FogCoordfEXT GET_FogCoordfEXT(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_FogCoordfEXT) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_FogCoordfEXT)); +} + +static inline void SET_FogCoordfEXT(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLfloat)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_FogCoordfEXT, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_FogCoordfvEXT)(const GLfloat *); +#define CALL_FogCoordfvEXT(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_FogCoordfvEXT(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_FogCoordfvEXT GET_FogCoordfvEXT(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_FogCoordfvEXT) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_FogCoordfvEXT)); +} + +static inline void SET_FogCoordfvEXT(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(const GLfloat *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_FogCoordfvEXT, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_ResizeBuffersMESA)(void); +#define CALL_ResizeBuffersMESA(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_ResizeBuffersMESA(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_ResizeBuffersMESA GET_ResizeBuffersMESA(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_ResizeBuffersMESA) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ResizeBuffersMESA)); +} + +static inline void SET_ResizeBuffersMESA(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(void)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ResizeBuffersMESA, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_WindowPos4dMESA)(GLdouble, GLdouble, GLdouble, GLdouble); +#define CALL_WindowPos4dMESA(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_WindowPos4dMESA(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_WindowPos4dMESA GET_WindowPos4dMESA(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_WindowPos4dMESA) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_WindowPos4dMESA)); +} + +static inline void SET_WindowPos4dMESA(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLdouble, GLdouble, GLdouble, GLdouble)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_WindowPos4dMESA, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_WindowPos4dvMESA)(const GLdouble *); +#define CALL_WindowPos4dvMESA(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_WindowPos4dvMESA(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_WindowPos4dvMESA GET_WindowPos4dvMESA(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_WindowPos4dvMESA) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_WindowPos4dvMESA)); +} + +static inline void SET_WindowPos4dvMESA(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(const GLdouble *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_WindowPos4dvMESA, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_WindowPos4fMESA)(GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat); +#define CALL_WindowPos4fMESA(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_WindowPos4fMESA(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_WindowPos4fMESA GET_WindowPos4fMESA(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_WindowPos4fMESA) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_WindowPos4fMESA)); +} + +static inline void SET_WindowPos4fMESA(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_WindowPos4fMESA, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_WindowPos4fvMESA)(const GLfloat *); +#define CALL_WindowPos4fvMESA(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_WindowPos4fvMESA(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_WindowPos4fvMESA GET_WindowPos4fvMESA(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_WindowPos4fvMESA) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_WindowPos4fvMESA)); +} + +static inline void SET_WindowPos4fvMESA(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(const GLfloat *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_WindowPos4fvMESA, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_WindowPos4iMESA)(GLint, GLint, GLint, GLint); +#define CALL_WindowPos4iMESA(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_WindowPos4iMESA(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_WindowPos4iMESA GET_WindowPos4iMESA(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_WindowPos4iMESA) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_WindowPos4iMESA)); +} + +static inline void SET_WindowPos4iMESA(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLint, GLint, GLint, GLint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_WindowPos4iMESA, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_WindowPos4ivMESA)(const GLint *); +#define CALL_WindowPos4ivMESA(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_WindowPos4ivMESA(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_WindowPos4ivMESA GET_WindowPos4ivMESA(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_WindowPos4ivMESA) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_WindowPos4ivMESA)); +} + +static inline void SET_WindowPos4ivMESA(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(const GLint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_WindowPos4ivMESA, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_WindowPos4sMESA)(GLshort, GLshort, GLshort, GLshort); +#define CALL_WindowPos4sMESA(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_WindowPos4sMESA(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_WindowPos4sMESA GET_WindowPos4sMESA(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_WindowPos4sMESA) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_WindowPos4sMESA)); +} + +static inline void SET_WindowPos4sMESA(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLshort, GLshort, GLshort, GLshort)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_WindowPos4sMESA, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_WindowPos4svMESA)(const GLshort *); +#define CALL_WindowPos4svMESA(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_WindowPos4svMESA(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_WindowPos4svMESA GET_WindowPos4svMESA(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_WindowPos4svMESA) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_WindowPos4svMESA)); +} + +static inline void SET_WindowPos4svMESA(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(const GLshort *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_WindowPos4svMESA, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_MultiModeDrawArraysIBM)(const GLenum *, const GLint *, const GLsizei *, GLsizei, GLint); +#define CALL_MultiModeDrawArraysIBM(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_MultiModeDrawArraysIBM(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_MultiModeDrawArraysIBM GET_MultiModeDrawArraysIBM(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_MultiModeDrawArraysIBM) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_MultiModeDrawArraysIBM)); +} + +static inline void SET_MultiModeDrawArraysIBM(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(const GLenum *, const GLint *, const GLsizei *, GLsizei, GLint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_MultiModeDrawArraysIBM, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_MultiModeDrawElementsIBM)(const GLenum *, const GLsizei *, GLenum, const GLvoid * const *, GLsizei, GLint); +#define CALL_MultiModeDrawElementsIBM(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_MultiModeDrawElementsIBM(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_MultiModeDrawElementsIBM GET_MultiModeDrawElementsIBM(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_MultiModeDrawElementsIBM) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_MultiModeDrawElementsIBM)); +} + +static inline void SET_MultiModeDrawElementsIBM(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(const GLenum *, const GLsizei *, GLenum, const GLvoid * const *, GLsizei, GLint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_MultiModeDrawElementsIBM, fn); +} + +typedef GLboolean (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_AreProgramsResidentNV)(GLsizei, const GLuint *, GLboolean *); +#define CALL_AreProgramsResidentNV(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_AreProgramsResidentNV(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_AreProgramsResidentNV GET_AreProgramsResidentNV(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_AreProgramsResidentNV) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_AreProgramsResidentNV)); +} + +static inline void SET_AreProgramsResidentNV(struct _glapi_table *disp, GLboolean (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLsizei, const GLuint *, GLboolean *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_AreProgramsResidentNV, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_ExecuteProgramNV)(GLenum, GLuint, const GLfloat *); +#define CALL_ExecuteProgramNV(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_ExecuteProgramNV(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_ExecuteProgramNV GET_ExecuteProgramNV(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_ExecuteProgramNV) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ExecuteProgramNV)); +} + +static inline void SET_ExecuteProgramNV(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLuint, const GLfloat *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ExecuteProgramNV, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetProgramParameterdvNV)(GLenum, GLuint, GLenum, GLdouble *); +#define CALL_GetProgramParameterdvNV(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetProgramParameterdvNV(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetProgramParameterdvNV GET_GetProgramParameterdvNV(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetProgramParameterdvNV) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetProgramParameterdvNV)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetProgramParameterdvNV(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLuint, GLenum, GLdouble *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetProgramParameterdvNV, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetProgramParameterfvNV)(GLenum, GLuint, GLenum, GLfloat *); +#define CALL_GetProgramParameterfvNV(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetProgramParameterfvNV(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetProgramParameterfvNV GET_GetProgramParameterfvNV(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetProgramParameterfvNV) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetProgramParameterfvNV)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetProgramParameterfvNV(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLuint, GLenum, GLfloat *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetProgramParameterfvNV, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetProgramStringNV)(GLuint, GLenum, GLubyte *); +#define CALL_GetProgramStringNV(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetProgramStringNV(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetProgramStringNV GET_GetProgramStringNV(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetProgramStringNV) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetProgramStringNV)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetProgramStringNV(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLenum, GLubyte *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetProgramStringNV, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetProgramivNV)(GLuint, GLenum, GLint *); +#define CALL_GetProgramivNV(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetProgramivNV(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetProgramivNV GET_GetProgramivNV(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetProgramivNV) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetProgramivNV)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetProgramivNV(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLenum, GLint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetProgramivNV, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetTrackMatrixivNV)(GLenum, GLuint, GLenum, GLint *); +#define CALL_GetTrackMatrixivNV(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetTrackMatrixivNV(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetTrackMatrixivNV GET_GetTrackMatrixivNV(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetTrackMatrixivNV) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetTrackMatrixivNV)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetTrackMatrixivNV(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLuint, GLenum, GLint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetTrackMatrixivNV, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetVertexAttribdvNV)(GLuint, GLenum, GLdouble *); +#define CALL_GetVertexAttribdvNV(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetVertexAttribdvNV(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetVertexAttribdvNV GET_GetVertexAttribdvNV(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetVertexAttribdvNV) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetVertexAttribdvNV)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetVertexAttribdvNV(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLenum, GLdouble *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetVertexAttribdvNV, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetVertexAttribfvNV)(GLuint, GLenum, GLfloat *); +#define CALL_GetVertexAttribfvNV(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetVertexAttribfvNV(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetVertexAttribfvNV GET_GetVertexAttribfvNV(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetVertexAttribfvNV) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetVertexAttribfvNV)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetVertexAttribfvNV(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLenum, GLfloat *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetVertexAttribfvNV, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetVertexAttribivNV)(GLuint, GLenum, GLint *); +#define CALL_GetVertexAttribivNV(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetVertexAttribivNV(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetVertexAttribivNV GET_GetVertexAttribivNV(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetVertexAttribivNV) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetVertexAttribivNV)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetVertexAttribivNV(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLenum, GLint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetVertexAttribivNV, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_LoadProgramNV)(GLenum, GLuint, GLsizei, const GLubyte *); +#define CALL_LoadProgramNV(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_LoadProgramNV(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_LoadProgramNV GET_LoadProgramNV(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_LoadProgramNV) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_LoadProgramNV)); +} + +static inline void SET_LoadProgramNV(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLuint, GLsizei, const GLubyte *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_LoadProgramNV, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_ProgramParameters4dvNV)(GLenum, GLuint, GLsizei, const GLdouble *); +#define CALL_ProgramParameters4dvNV(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_ProgramParameters4dvNV(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_ProgramParameters4dvNV GET_ProgramParameters4dvNV(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_ProgramParameters4dvNV) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ProgramParameters4dvNV)); +} + +static inline void SET_ProgramParameters4dvNV(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLuint, GLsizei, const GLdouble *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ProgramParameters4dvNV, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_ProgramParameters4fvNV)(GLenum, GLuint, GLsizei, const GLfloat *); +#define CALL_ProgramParameters4fvNV(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_ProgramParameters4fvNV(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_ProgramParameters4fvNV GET_ProgramParameters4fvNV(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_ProgramParameters4fvNV) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ProgramParameters4fvNV)); +} + +static inline void SET_ProgramParameters4fvNV(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLuint, GLsizei, const GLfloat *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ProgramParameters4fvNV, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_RequestResidentProgramsNV)(GLsizei, const GLuint *); +#define CALL_RequestResidentProgramsNV(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_RequestResidentProgramsNV(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_RequestResidentProgramsNV GET_RequestResidentProgramsNV(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_RequestResidentProgramsNV) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_RequestResidentProgramsNV)); +} + +static inline void SET_RequestResidentProgramsNV(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLsizei, const GLuint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_RequestResidentProgramsNV, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_TrackMatrixNV)(GLenum, GLuint, GLenum, GLenum); +#define CALL_TrackMatrixNV(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_TrackMatrixNV(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_TrackMatrixNV GET_TrackMatrixNV(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_TrackMatrixNV) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TrackMatrixNV)); +} + +static inline void SET_TrackMatrixNV(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLuint, GLenum, GLenum)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TrackMatrixNV, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_VertexAttrib1dNV)(GLuint, GLdouble); +#define CALL_VertexAttrib1dNV(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_VertexAttrib1dNV(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_VertexAttrib1dNV GET_VertexAttrib1dNV(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_VertexAttrib1dNV) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib1dNV)); +} + +static inline void SET_VertexAttrib1dNV(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLdouble)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib1dNV, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_VertexAttrib1dvNV)(GLuint, const GLdouble *); +#define CALL_VertexAttrib1dvNV(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_VertexAttrib1dvNV(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_VertexAttrib1dvNV GET_VertexAttrib1dvNV(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_VertexAttrib1dvNV) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib1dvNV)); +} + +static inline void SET_VertexAttrib1dvNV(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, const GLdouble *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib1dvNV, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_VertexAttrib1fNV)(GLuint, GLfloat); +#define CALL_VertexAttrib1fNV(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_VertexAttrib1fNV(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_VertexAttrib1fNV GET_VertexAttrib1fNV(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_VertexAttrib1fNV) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib1fNV)); +} + +static inline void SET_VertexAttrib1fNV(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLfloat)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib1fNV, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_VertexAttrib1fvNV)(GLuint, const GLfloat *); +#define CALL_VertexAttrib1fvNV(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_VertexAttrib1fvNV(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_VertexAttrib1fvNV GET_VertexAttrib1fvNV(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_VertexAttrib1fvNV) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib1fvNV)); +} + +static inline void SET_VertexAttrib1fvNV(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, const GLfloat *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib1fvNV, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_VertexAttrib1sNV)(GLuint, GLshort); +#define CALL_VertexAttrib1sNV(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_VertexAttrib1sNV(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_VertexAttrib1sNV GET_VertexAttrib1sNV(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_VertexAttrib1sNV) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib1sNV)); +} + +static inline void SET_VertexAttrib1sNV(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLshort)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib1sNV, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_VertexAttrib1svNV)(GLuint, const GLshort *); +#define CALL_VertexAttrib1svNV(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_VertexAttrib1svNV(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_VertexAttrib1svNV GET_VertexAttrib1svNV(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_VertexAttrib1svNV) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib1svNV)); +} + +static inline void SET_VertexAttrib1svNV(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, const GLshort *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib1svNV, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_VertexAttrib2dNV)(GLuint, GLdouble, GLdouble); +#define CALL_VertexAttrib2dNV(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_VertexAttrib2dNV(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_VertexAttrib2dNV GET_VertexAttrib2dNV(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_VertexAttrib2dNV) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib2dNV)); +} + +static inline void SET_VertexAttrib2dNV(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLdouble, GLdouble)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib2dNV, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_VertexAttrib2dvNV)(GLuint, const GLdouble *); +#define CALL_VertexAttrib2dvNV(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_VertexAttrib2dvNV(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_VertexAttrib2dvNV GET_VertexAttrib2dvNV(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_VertexAttrib2dvNV) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib2dvNV)); +} + +static inline void SET_VertexAttrib2dvNV(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, const GLdouble *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib2dvNV, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_VertexAttrib2fNV)(GLuint, GLfloat, GLfloat); +#define CALL_VertexAttrib2fNV(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_VertexAttrib2fNV(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_VertexAttrib2fNV GET_VertexAttrib2fNV(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_VertexAttrib2fNV) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib2fNV)); +} + +static inline void SET_VertexAttrib2fNV(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLfloat, GLfloat)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib2fNV, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_VertexAttrib2fvNV)(GLuint, const GLfloat *); +#define CALL_VertexAttrib2fvNV(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_VertexAttrib2fvNV(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_VertexAttrib2fvNV GET_VertexAttrib2fvNV(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_VertexAttrib2fvNV) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib2fvNV)); +} + +static inline void SET_VertexAttrib2fvNV(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, const GLfloat *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib2fvNV, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_VertexAttrib2sNV)(GLuint, GLshort, GLshort); +#define CALL_VertexAttrib2sNV(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_VertexAttrib2sNV(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_VertexAttrib2sNV GET_VertexAttrib2sNV(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_VertexAttrib2sNV) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib2sNV)); +} + +static inline void SET_VertexAttrib2sNV(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLshort, GLshort)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib2sNV, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_VertexAttrib2svNV)(GLuint, const GLshort *); +#define CALL_VertexAttrib2svNV(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_VertexAttrib2svNV(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_VertexAttrib2svNV GET_VertexAttrib2svNV(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_VertexAttrib2svNV) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib2svNV)); +} + +static inline void SET_VertexAttrib2svNV(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, const GLshort *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib2svNV, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_VertexAttrib3dNV)(GLuint, GLdouble, GLdouble, GLdouble); +#define CALL_VertexAttrib3dNV(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_VertexAttrib3dNV(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_VertexAttrib3dNV GET_VertexAttrib3dNV(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_VertexAttrib3dNV) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib3dNV)); +} + +static inline void SET_VertexAttrib3dNV(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLdouble, GLdouble, GLdouble)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib3dNV, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_VertexAttrib3dvNV)(GLuint, const GLdouble *); +#define CALL_VertexAttrib3dvNV(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_VertexAttrib3dvNV(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_VertexAttrib3dvNV GET_VertexAttrib3dvNV(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_VertexAttrib3dvNV) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib3dvNV)); +} + +static inline void SET_VertexAttrib3dvNV(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, const GLdouble *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib3dvNV, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_VertexAttrib3fNV)(GLuint, GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat); +#define CALL_VertexAttrib3fNV(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_VertexAttrib3fNV(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_VertexAttrib3fNV GET_VertexAttrib3fNV(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_VertexAttrib3fNV) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib3fNV)); +} + +static inline void SET_VertexAttrib3fNV(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib3fNV, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_VertexAttrib3fvNV)(GLuint, const GLfloat *); +#define CALL_VertexAttrib3fvNV(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_VertexAttrib3fvNV(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_VertexAttrib3fvNV GET_VertexAttrib3fvNV(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_VertexAttrib3fvNV) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib3fvNV)); +} + +static inline void SET_VertexAttrib3fvNV(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, const GLfloat *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib3fvNV, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_VertexAttrib3sNV)(GLuint, GLshort, GLshort, GLshort); +#define CALL_VertexAttrib3sNV(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_VertexAttrib3sNV(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_VertexAttrib3sNV GET_VertexAttrib3sNV(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_VertexAttrib3sNV) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib3sNV)); +} + +static inline void SET_VertexAttrib3sNV(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLshort, GLshort, GLshort)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib3sNV, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_VertexAttrib3svNV)(GLuint, const GLshort *); +#define CALL_VertexAttrib3svNV(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_VertexAttrib3svNV(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_VertexAttrib3svNV GET_VertexAttrib3svNV(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_VertexAttrib3svNV) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib3svNV)); +} + +static inline void SET_VertexAttrib3svNV(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, const GLshort *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib3svNV, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_VertexAttrib4dNV)(GLuint, GLdouble, GLdouble, GLdouble, GLdouble); +#define CALL_VertexAttrib4dNV(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_VertexAttrib4dNV(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_VertexAttrib4dNV GET_VertexAttrib4dNV(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_VertexAttrib4dNV) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib4dNV)); +} + +static inline void SET_VertexAttrib4dNV(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLdouble, GLdouble, GLdouble, GLdouble)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib4dNV, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_VertexAttrib4dvNV)(GLuint, const GLdouble *); +#define CALL_VertexAttrib4dvNV(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_VertexAttrib4dvNV(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_VertexAttrib4dvNV GET_VertexAttrib4dvNV(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_VertexAttrib4dvNV) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib4dvNV)); +} + +static inline void SET_VertexAttrib4dvNV(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, const GLdouble *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib4dvNV, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_VertexAttrib4fNV)(GLuint, GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat); +#define CALL_VertexAttrib4fNV(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_VertexAttrib4fNV(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_VertexAttrib4fNV GET_VertexAttrib4fNV(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_VertexAttrib4fNV) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib4fNV)); +} + +static inline void SET_VertexAttrib4fNV(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib4fNV, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_VertexAttrib4fvNV)(GLuint, const GLfloat *); +#define CALL_VertexAttrib4fvNV(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_VertexAttrib4fvNV(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_VertexAttrib4fvNV GET_VertexAttrib4fvNV(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_VertexAttrib4fvNV) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib4fvNV)); +} + +static inline void SET_VertexAttrib4fvNV(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, const GLfloat *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib4fvNV, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_VertexAttrib4sNV)(GLuint, GLshort, GLshort, GLshort, GLshort); +#define CALL_VertexAttrib4sNV(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_VertexAttrib4sNV(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_VertexAttrib4sNV GET_VertexAttrib4sNV(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_VertexAttrib4sNV) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib4sNV)); +} + +static inline void SET_VertexAttrib4sNV(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLshort, GLshort, GLshort, GLshort)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib4sNV, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_VertexAttrib4svNV)(GLuint, const GLshort *); +#define CALL_VertexAttrib4svNV(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_VertexAttrib4svNV(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_VertexAttrib4svNV GET_VertexAttrib4svNV(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_VertexAttrib4svNV) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib4svNV)); +} + +static inline void SET_VertexAttrib4svNV(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, const GLshort *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib4svNV, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_VertexAttrib4ubNV)(GLuint, GLubyte, GLubyte, GLubyte, GLubyte); +#define CALL_VertexAttrib4ubNV(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_VertexAttrib4ubNV(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_VertexAttrib4ubNV GET_VertexAttrib4ubNV(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_VertexAttrib4ubNV) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib4ubNV)); +} + +static inline void SET_VertexAttrib4ubNV(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLubyte, GLubyte, GLubyte, GLubyte)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib4ubNV, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_VertexAttrib4ubvNV)(GLuint, const GLubyte *); +#define CALL_VertexAttrib4ubvNV(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_VertexAttrib4ubvNV(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_VertexAttrib4ubvNV GET_VertexAttrib4ubvNV(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_VertexAttrib4ubvNV) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib4ubvNV)); +} + +static inline void SET_VertexAttrib4ubvNV(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, const GLubyte *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttrib4ubvNV, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_VertexAttribPointerNV)(GLuint, GLint, GLenum, GLsizei, const GLvoid *); +#define CALL_VertexAttribPointerNV(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_VertexAttribPointerNV(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_VertexAttribPointerNV GET_VertexAttribPointerNV(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_VertexAttribPointerNV) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttribPointerNV)); +} + +static inline void SET_VertexAttribPointerNV(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLint, GLenum, GLsizei, const GLvoid *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttribPointerNV, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_VertexAttribs1dvNV)(GLuint, GLsizei, const GLdouble *); +#define CALL_VertexAttribs1dvNV(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_VertexAttribs1dvNV(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_VertexAttribs1dvNV GET_VertexAttribs1dvNV(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_VertexAttribs1dvNV) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttribs1dvNV)); +} + +static inline void SET_VertexAttribs1dvNV(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLsizei, const GLdouble *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttribs1dvNV, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_VertexAttribs1fvNV)(GLuint, GLsizei, const GLfloat *); +#define CALL_VertexAttribs1fvNV(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_VertexAttribs1fvNV(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_VertexAttribs1fvNV GET_VertexAttribs1fvNV(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_VertexAttribs1fvNV) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttribs1fvNV)); +} + +static inline void SET_VertexAttribs1fvNV(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLsizei, const GLfloat *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttribs1fvNV, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_VertexAttribs1svNV)(GLuint, GLsizei, const GLshort *); +#define CALL_VertexAttribs1svNV(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_VertexAttribs1svNV(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_VertexAttribs1svNV GET_VertexAttribs1svNV(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_VertexAttribs1svNV) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttribs1svNV)); +} + +static inline void SET_VertexAttribs1svNV(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLsizei, const GLshort *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttribs1svNV, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_VertexAttribs2dvNV)(GLuint, GLsizei, const GLdouble *); +#define CALL_VertexAttribs2dvNV(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_VertexAttribs2dvNV(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_VertexAttribs2dvNV GET_VertexAttribs2dvNV(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_VertexAttribs2dvNV) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttribs2dvNV)); +} + +static inline void SET_VertexAttribs2dvNV(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLsizei, const GLdouble *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttribs2dvNV, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_VertexAttribs2fvNV)(GLuint, GLsizei, const GLfloat *); +#define CALL_VertexAttribs2fvNV(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_VertexAttribs2fvNV(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_VertexAttribs2fvNV GET_VertexAttribs2fvNV(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_VertexAttribs2fvNV) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttribs2fvNV)); +} + +static inline void SET_VertexAttribs2fvNV(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLsizei, const GLfloat *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttribs2fvNV, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_VertexAttribs2svNV)(GLuint, GLsizei, const GLshort *); +#define CALL_VertexAttribs2svNV(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_VertexAttribs2svNV(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_VertexAttribs2svNV GET_VertexAttribs2svNV(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_VertexAttribs2svNV) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttribs2svNV)); +} + +static inline void SET_VertexAttribs2svNV(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLsizei, const GLshort *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttribs2svNV, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_VertexAttribs3dvNV)(GLuint, GLsizei, const GLdouble *); +#define CALL_VertexAttribs3dvNV(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_VertexAttribs3dvNV(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_VertexAttribs3dvNV GET_VertexAttribs3dvNV(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_VertexAttribs3dvNV) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttribs3dvNV)); +} + +static inline void SET_VertexAttribs3dvNV(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLsizei, const GLdouble *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttribs3dvNV, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_VertexAttribs3fvNV)(GLuint, GLsizei, const GLfloat *); +#define CALL_VertexAttribs3fvNV(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_VertexAttribs3fvNV(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_VertexAttribs3fvNV GET_VertexAttribs3fvNV(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_VertexAttribs3fvNV) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttribs3fvNV)); +} + +static inline void SET_VertexAttribs3fvNV(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLsizei, const GLfloat *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttribs3fvNV, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_VertexAttribs3svNV)(GLuint, GLsizei, const GLshort *); +#define CALL_VertexAttribs3svNV(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_VertexAttribs3svNV(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_VertexAttribs3svNV GET_VertexAttribs3svNV(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_VertexAttribs3svNV) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttribs3svNV)); +} + +static inline void SET_VertexAttribs3svNV(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLsizei, const GLshort *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttribs3svNV, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_VertexAttribs4dvNV)(GLuint, GLsizei, const GLdouble *); +#define CALL_VertexAttribs4dvNV(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_VertexAttribs4dvNV(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_VertexAttribs4dvNV GET_VertexAttribs4dvNV(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_VertexAttribs4dvNV) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttribs4dvNV)); +} + +static inline void SET_VertexAttribs4dvNV(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLsizei, const GLdouble *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttribs4dvNV, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_VertexAttribs4fvNV)(GLuint, GLsizei, const GLfloat *); +#define CALL_VertexAttribs4fvNV(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_VertexAttribs4fvNV(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_VertexAttribs4fvNV GET_VertexAttribs4fvNV(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_VertexAttribs4fvNV) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttribs4fvNV)); +} + +static inline void SET_VertexAttribs4fvNV(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLsizei, const GLfloat *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttribs4fvNV, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_VertexAttribs4svNV)(GLuint, GLsizei, const GLshort *); +#define CALL_VertexAttribs4svNV(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_VertexAttribs4svNV(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_VertexAttribs4svNV GET_VertexAttribs4svNV(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_VertexAttribs4svNV) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttribs4svNV)); +} + +static inline void SET_VertexAttribs4svNV(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLsizei, const GLshort *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttribs4svNV, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_VertexAttribs4ubvNV)(GLuint, GLsizei, const GLubyte *); +#define CALL_VertexAttribs4ubvNV(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_VertexAttribs4ubvNV(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_VertexAttribs4ubvNV GET_VertexAttribs4ubvNV(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_VertexAttribs4ubvNV) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttribs4ubvNV)); +} + +static inline void SET_VertexAttribs4ubvNV(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLsizei, const GLubyte *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttribs4ubvNV, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetTexBumpParameterfvATI)(GLenum, GLfloat *); +#define CALL_GetTexBumpParameterfvATI(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetTexBumpParameterfvATI(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetTexBumpParameterfvATI GET_GetTexBumpParameterfvATI(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetTexBumpParameterfvATI) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetTexBumpParameterfvATI)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetTexBumpParameterfvATI(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLfloat *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetTexBumpParameterfvATI, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetTexBumpParameterivATI)(GLenum, GLint *); +#define CALL_GetTexBumpParameterivATI(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetTexBumpParameterivATI(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetTexBumpParameterivATI GET_GetTexBumpParameterivATI(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetTexBumpParameterivATI) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetTexBumpParameterivATI)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetTexBumpParameterivATI(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetTexBumpParameterivATI, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_TexBumpParameterfvATI)(GLenum, const GLfloat *); +#define CALL_TexBumpParameterfvATI(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_TexBumpParameterfvATI(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_TexBumpParameterfvATI GET_TexBumpParameterfvATI(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_TexBumpParameterfvATI) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexBumpParameterfvATI)); +} + +static inline void SET_TexBumpParameterfvATI(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, const GLfloat *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexBumpParameterfvATI, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_TexBumpParameterivATI)(GLenum, const GLint *); +#define CALL_TexBumpParameterivATI(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_TexBumpParameterivATI(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_TexBumpParameterivATI GET_TexBumpParameterivATI(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_TexBumpParameterivATI) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexBumpParameterivATI)); +} + +static inline void SET_TexBumpParameterivATI(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, const GLint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexBumpParameterivATI, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_AlphaFragmentOp1ATI)(GLenum, GLuint, GLuint, GLuint, GLuint, GLuint); +#define CALL_AlphaFragmentOp1ATI(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_AlphaFragmentOp1ATI(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_AlphaFragmentOp1ATI GET_AlphaFragmentOp1ATI(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_AlphaFragmentOp1ATI) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_AlphaFragmentOp1ATI)); +} + +static inline void SET_AlphaFragmentOp1ATI(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLuint, GLuint, GLuint, GLuint, GLuint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_AlphaFragmentOp1ATI, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_AlphaFragmentOp2ATI)(GLenum, GLuint, GLuint, GLuint, GLuint, GLuint, GLuint, GLuint, GLuint); +#define CALL_AlphaFragmentOp2ATI(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_AlphaFragmentOp2ATI(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_AlphaFragmentOp2ATI GET_AlphaFragmentOp2ATI(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_AlphaFragmentOp2ATI) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_AlphaFragmentOp2ATI)); +} + +static inline void SET_AlphaFragmentOp2ATI(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLuint, GLuint, GLuint, GLuint, GLuint, GLuint, GLuint, GLuint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_AlphaFragmentOp2ATI, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_AlphaFragmentOp3ATI)(GLenum, GLuint, GLuint, GLuint, GLuint, GLuint, GLuint, GLuint, GLuint, GLuint, GLuint, GLuint); +#define CALL_AlphaFragmentOp3ATI(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_AlphaFragmentOp3ATI(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_AlphaFragmentOp3ATI GET_AlphaFragmentOp3ATI(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_AlphaFragmentOp3ATI) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_AlphaFragmentOp3ATI)); +} + +static inline void SET_AlphaFragmentOp3ATI(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLuint, GLuint, GLuint, GLuint, GLuint, GLuint, GLuint, GLuint, GLuint, GLuint, GLuint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_AlphaFragmentOp3ATI, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_BeginFragmentShaderATI)(void); +#define CALL_BeginFragmentShaderATI(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_BeginFragmentShaderATI(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_BeginFragmentShaderATI GET_BeginFragmentShaderATI(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_BeginFragmentShaderATI) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_BeginFragmentShaderATI)); +} + +static inline void SET_BeginFragmentShaderATI(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(void)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_BeginFragmentShaderATI, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_BindFragmentShaderATI)(GLuint); +#define CALL_BindFragmentShaderATI(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_BindFragmentShaderATI(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_BindFragmentShaderATI GET_BindFragmentShaderATI(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_BindFragmentShaderATI) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_BindFragmentShaderATI)); +} + +static inline void SET_BindFragmentShaderATI(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_BindFragmentShaderATI, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_ColorFragmentOp1ATI)(GLenum, GLuint, GLuint, GLuint, GLuint, GLuint, GLuint); +#define CALL_ColorFragmentOp1ATI(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_ColorFragmentOp1ATI(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_ColorFragmentOp1ATI GET_ColorFragmentOp1ATI(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_ColorFragmentOp1ATI) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ColorFragmentOp1ATI)); +} + +static inline void SET_ColorFragmentOp1ATI(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLuint, GLuint, GLuint, GLuint, GLuint, GLuint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ColorFragmentOp1ATI, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_ColorFragmentOp2ATI)(GLenum, GLuint, GLuint, GLuint, GLuint, GLuint, GLuint, GLuint, GLuint, GLuint); +#define CALL_ColorFragmentOp2ATI(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_ColorFragmentOp2ATI(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_ColorFragmentOp2ATI GET_ColorFragmentOp2ATI(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_ColorFragmentOp2ATI) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ColorFragmentOp2ATI)); +} + +static inline void SET_ColorFragmentOp2ATI(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLuint, GLuint, GLuint, GLuint, GLuint, GLuint, GLuint, GLuint, GLuint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ColorFragmentOp2ATI, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_ColorFragmentOp3ATI)(GLenum, GLuint, GLuint, GLuint, GLuint, GLuint, GLuint, GLuint, GLuint, GLuint, GLuint, GLuint, GLuint); +#define CALL_ColorFragmentOp3ATI(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_ColorFragmentOp3ATI(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_ColorFragmentOp3ATI GET_ColorFragmentOp3ATI(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_ColorFragmentOp3ATI) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ColorFragmentOp3ATI)); +} + +static inline void SET_ColorFragmentOp3ATI(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLuint, GLuint, GLuint, GLuint, GLuint, GLuint, GLuint, GLuint, GLuint, GLuint, GLuint, GLuint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ColorFragmentOp3ATI, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_DeleteFragmentShaderATI)(GLuint); +#define CALL_DeleteFragmentShaderATI(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_DeleteFragmentShaderATI(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_DeleteFragmentShaderATI GET_DeleteFragmentShaderATI(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_DeleteFragmentShaderATI) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_DeleteFragmentShaderATI)); +} + +static inline void SET_DeleteFragmentShaderATI(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_DeleteFragmentShaderATI, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_EndFragmentShaderATI)(void); +#define CALL_EndFragmentShaderATI(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_EndFragmentShaderATI(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_EndFragmentShaderATI GET_EndFragmentShaderATI(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_EndFragmentShaderATI) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_EndFragmentShaderATI)); +} + +static inline void SET_EndFragmentShaderATI(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(void)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_EndFragmentShaderATI, fn); +} + +typedef GLuint (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GenFragmentShadersATI)(GLuint); +#define CALL_GenFragmentShadersATI(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GenFragmentShadersATI(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GenFragmentShadersATI GET_GenFragmentShadersATI(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GenFragmentShadersATI) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GenFragmentShadersATI)); +} + +static inline void SET_GenFragmentShadersATI(struct _glapi_table *disp, GLuint (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GenFragmentShadersATI, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_PassTexCoordATI)(GLuint, GLuint, GLenum); +#define CALL_PassTexCoordATI(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_PassTexCoordATI(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_PassTexCoordATI GET_PassTexCoordATI(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_PassTexCoordATI) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_PassTexCoordATI)); +} + +static inline void SET_PassTexCoordATI(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLuint, GLenum)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_PassTexCoordATI, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_SampleMapATI)(GLuint, GLuint, GLenum); +#define CALL_SampleMapATI(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_SampleMapATI(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_SampleMapATI GET_SampleMapATI(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_SampleMapATI) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_SampleMapATI)); +} + +static inline void SET_SampleMapATI(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLuint, GLenum)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_SampleMapATI, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_SetFragmentShaderConstantATI)(GLuint, const GLfloat *); +#define CALL_SetFragmentShaderConstantATI(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_SetFragmentShaderConstantATI(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_SetFragmentShaderConstantATI GET_SetFragmentShaderConstantATI(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_SetFragmentShaderConstantATI) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_SetFragmentShaderConstantATI)); +} + +static inline void SET_SetFragmentShaderConstantATI(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, const GLfloat *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_SetFragmentShaderConstantATI, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_ActiveStencilFaceEXT)(GLenum); +#define CALL_ActiveStencilFaceEXT(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_ActiveStencilFaceEXT(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_ActiveStencilFaceEXT GET_ActiveStencilFaceEXT(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_ActiveStencilFaceEXT) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ActiveStencilFaceEXT)); +} + +static inline void SET_ActiveStencilFaceEXT(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ActiveStencilFaceEXT, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_BindVertexArrayAPPLE)(GLuint); +#define CALL_BindVertexArrayAPPLE(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_BindVertexArrayAPPLE(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_BindVertexArrayAPPLE GET_BindVertexArrayAPPLE(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_BindVertexArrayAPPLE) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_BindVertexArrayAPPLE)); +} + +static inline void SET_BindVertexArrayAPPLE(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_BindVertexArrayAPPLE, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GenVertexArraysAPPLE)(GLsizei, GLuint *); +#define CALL_GenVertexArraysAPPLE(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GenVertexArraysAPPLE(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GenVertexArraysAPPLE GET_GenVertexArraysAPPLE(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GenVertexArraysAPPLE) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GenVertexArraysAPPLE)); +} + +static inline void SET_GenVertexArraysAPPLE(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLsizei, GLuint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GenVertexArraysAPPLE, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetProgramNamedParameterdvNV)(GLuint, GLsizei, const GLubyte *, GLdouble *); +#define CALL_GetProgramNamedParameterdvNV(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetProgramNamedParameterdvNV(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetProgramNamedParameterdvNV GET_GetProgramNamedParameterdvNV(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetProgramNamedParameterdvNV) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetProgramNamedParameterdvNV)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetProgramNamedParameterdvNV(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLsizei, const GLubyte *, GLdouble *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetProgramNamedParameterdvNV, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetProgramNamedParameterfvNV)(GLuint, GLsizei, const GLubyte *, GLfloat *); +#define CALL_GetProgramNamedParameterfvNV(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetProgramNamedParameterfvNV(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetProgramNamedParameterfvNV GET_GetProgramNamedParameterfvNV(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetProgramNamedParameterfvNV) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetProgramNamedParameterfvNV)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetProgramNamedParameterfvNV(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLsizei, const GLubyte *, GLfloat *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetProgramNamedParameterfvNV, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_ProgramNamedParameter4dNV)(GLuint, GLsizei, const GLubyte *, GLdouble, GLdouble, GLdouble, GLdouble); +#define CALL_ProgramNamedParameter4dNV(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_ProgramNamedParameter4dNV(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_ProgramNamedParameter4dNV GET_ProgramNamedParameter4dNV(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_ProgramNamedParameter4dNV) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ProgramNamedParameter4dNV)); +} + +static inline void SET_ProgramNamedParameter4dNV(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLsizei, const GLubyte *, GLdouble, GLdouble, GLdouble, GLdouble)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ProgramNamedParameter4dNV, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_ProgramNamedParameter4dvNV)(GLuint, GLsizei, const GLubyte *, const GLdouble *); +#define CALL_ProgramNamedParameter4dvNV(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_ProgramNamedParameter4dvNV(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_ProgramNamedParameter4dvNV GET_ProgramNamedParameter4dvNV(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_ProgramNamedParameter4dvNV) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ProgramNamedParameter4dvNV)); +} + +static inline void SET_ProgramNamedParameter4dvNV(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLsizei, const GLubyte *, const GLdouble *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ProgramNamedParameter4dvNV, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_ProgramNamedParameter4fNV)(GLuint, GLsizei, const GLubyte *, GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat); +#define CALL_ProgramNamedParameter4fNV(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_ProgramNamedParameter4fNV(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_ProgramNamedParameter4fNV GET_ProgramNamedParameter4fNV(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_ProgramNamedParameter4fNV) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ProgramNamedParameter4fNV)); +} + +static inline void SET_ProgramNamedParameter4fNV(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLsizei, const GLubyte *, GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ProgramNamedParameter4fNV, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_ProgramNamedParameter4fvNV)(GLuint, GLsizei, const GLubyte *, const GLfloat *); +#define CALL_ProgramNamedParameter4fvNV(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_ProgramNamedParameter4fvNV(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_ProgramNamedParameter4fvNV GET_ProgramNamedParameter4fvNV(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_ProgramNamedParameter4fvNV) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ProgramNamedParameter4fvNV)); +} + +static inline void SET_ProgramNamedParameter4fvNV(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLsizei, const GLubyte *, const GLfloat *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ProgramNamedParameter4fvNV, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_PrimitiveRestartNV)(void); +#define CALL_PrimitiveRestartNV(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_PrimitiveRestartNV(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_PrimitiveRestartNV GET_PrimitiveRestartNV(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_PrimitiveRestartNV) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_PrimitiveRestartNV)); +} + +static inline void SET_PrimitiveRestartNV(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(void)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_PrimitiveRestartNV, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetTexGenxvOES)(GLenum, GLenum, GLfixed *); +#define CALL_GetTexGenxvOES(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetTexGenxvOES(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetTexGenxvOES GET_GetTexGenxvOES(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetTexGenxvOES) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetTexGenxvOES)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetTexGenxvOES(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, GLfixed *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetTexGenxvOES, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_TexGenxOES)(GLenum, GLenum, GLint); +#define CALL_TexGenxOES(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_TexGenxOES(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_TexGenxOES GET_TexGenxOES(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_TexGenxOES) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexGenxOES)); +} + +static inline void SET_TexGenxOES(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, GLint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexGenxOES, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_TexGenxvOES)(GLenum, GLenum, const GLfixed *); +#define CALL_TexGenxvOES(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_TexGenxvOES(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_TexGenxvOES GET_TexGenxvOES(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_TexGenxvOES) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexGenxvOES)); +} + +static inline void SET_TexGenxvOES(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, const GLfixed *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexGenxvOES, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_DepthBoundsEXT)(GLclampd, GLclampd); +#define CALL_DepthBoundsEXT(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_DepthBoundsEXT(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_DepthBoundsEXT GET_DepthBoundsEXT(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_DepthBoundsEXT) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_DepthBoundsEXT)); +} + +static inline void SET_DepthBoundsEXT(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLclampd, GLclampd)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_DepthBoundsEXT, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_BufferParameteriAPPLE)(GLenum, GLenum, GLint); +#define CALL_BufferParameteriAPPLE(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_BufferParameteriAPPLE(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_BufferParameteriAPPLE GET_BufferParameteriAPPLE(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_BufferParameteriAPPLE) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_BufferParameteriAPPLE)); +} + +static inline void SET_BufferParameteriAPPLE(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, GLint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_BufferParameteriAPPLE, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_FlushMappedBufferRangeAPPLE)(GLenum, GLintptr, GLsizeiptr); +#define CALL_FlushMappedBufferRangeAPPLE(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_FlushMappedBufferRangeAPPLE(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_FlushMappedBufferRangeAPPLE GET_FlushMappedBufferRangeAPPLE(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_FlushMappedBufferRangeAPPLE) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_FlushMappedBufferRangeAPPLE)); +} + +static inline void SET_FlushMappedBufferRangeAPPLE(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLintptr, GLsizeiptr)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_FlushMappedBufferRangeAPPLE, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_VertexAttribI1iEXT)(GLuint, GLint); +#define CALL_VertexAttribI1iEXT(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_VertexAttribI1iEXT(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_VertexAttribI1iEXT GET_VertexAttribI1iEXT(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_VertexAttribI1iEXT) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttribI1iEXT)); +} + +static inline void SET_VertexAttribI1iEXT(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttribI1iEXT, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_VertexAttribI1uiEXT)(GLuint, GLuint); +#define CALL_VertexAttribI1uiEXT(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_VertexAttribI1uiEXT(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_VertexAttribI1uiEXT GET_VertexAttribI1uiEXT(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_VertexAttribI1uiEXT) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttribI1uiEXT)); +} + +static inline void SET_VertexAttribI1uiEXT(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLuint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttribI1uiEXT, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_VertexAttribI2iEXT)(GLuint, GLint, GLint); +#define CALL_VertexAttribI2iEXT(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_VertexAttribI2iEXT(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_VertexAttribI2iEXT GET_VertexAttribI2iEXT(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_VertexAttribI2iEXT) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttribI2iEXT)); +} + +static inline void SET_VertexAttribI2iEXT(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLint, GLint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttribI2iEXT, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_VertexAttribI2ivEXT)(GLuint, const GLint *); +#define CALL_VertexAttribI2ivEXT(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_VertexAttribI2ivEXT(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_VertexAttribI2ivEXT GET_VertexAttribI2ivEXT(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_VertexAttribI2ivEXT) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttribI2ivEXT)); +} + +static inline void SET_VertexAttribI2ivEXT(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, const GLint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttribI2ivEXT, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_VertexAttribI2uiEXT)(GLuint, GLuint, GLuint); +#define CALL_VertexAttribI2uiEXT(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_VertexAttribI2uiEXT(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_VertexAttribI2uiEXT GET_VertexAttribI2uiEXT(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_VertexAttribI2uiEXT) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttribI2uiEXT)); +} + +static inline void SET_VertexAttribI2uiEXT(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLuint, GLuint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttribI2uiEXT, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_VertexAttribI2uivEXT)(GLuint, const GLuint *); +#define CALL_VertexAttribI2uivEXT(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_VertexAttribI2uivEXT(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_VertexAttribI2uivEXT GET_VertexAttribI2uivEXT(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_VertexAttribI2uivEXT) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttribI2uivEXT)); +} + +static inline void SET_VertexAttribI2uivEXT(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, const GLuint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttribI2uivEXT, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_VertexAttribI3iEXT)(GLuint, GLint, GLint, GLint); +#define CALL_VertexAttribI3iEXT(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_VertexAttribI3iEXT(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_VertexAttribI3iEXT GET_VertexAttribI3iEXT(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_VertexAttribI3iEXT) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttribI3iEXT)); +} + +static inline void SET_VertexAttribI3iEXT(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLint, GLint, GLint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttribI3iEXT, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_VertexAttribI3ivEXT)(GLuint, const GLint *); +#define CALL_VertexAttribI3ivEXT(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_VertexAttribI3ivEXT(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_VertexAttribI3ivEXT GET_VertexAttribI3ivEXT(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_VertexAttribI3ivEXT) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttribI3ivEXT)); +} + +static inline void SET_VertexAttribI3ivEXT(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, const GLint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttribI3ivEXT, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_VertexAttribI3uiEXT)(GLuint, GLuint, GLuint, GLuint); +#define CALL_VertexAttribI3uiEXT(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_VertexAttribI3uiEXT(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_VertexAttribI3uiEXT GET_VertexAttribI3uiEXT(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_VertexAttribI3uiEXT) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttribI3uiEXT)); +} + +static inline void SET_VertexAttribI3uiEXT(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLuint, GLuint, GLuint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttribI3uiEXT, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_VertexAttribI3uivEXT)(GLuint, const GLuint *); +#define CALL_VertexAttribI3uivEXT(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_VertexAttribI3uivEXT(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_VertexAttribI3uivEXT GET_VertexAttribI3uivEXT(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_VertexAttribI3uivEXT) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttribI3uivEXT)); +} + +static inline void SET_VertexAttribI3uivEXT(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, const GLuint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttribI3uivEXT, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_VertexAttribI4iEXT)(GLuint, GLint, GLint, GLint, GLint); +#define CALL_VertexAttribI4iEXT(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_VertexAttribI4iEXT(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_VertexAttribI4iEXT GET_VertexAttribI4iEXT(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_VertexAttribI4iEXT) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttribI4iEXT)); +} + +static inline void SET_VertexAttribI4iEXT(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLint, GLint, GLint, GLint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttribI4iEXT, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_VertexAttribI4ivEXT)(GLuint, const GLint *); +#define CALL_VertexAttribI4ivEXT(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_VertexAttribI4ivEXT(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_VertexAttribI4ivEXT GET_VertexAttribI4ivEXT(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_VertexAttribI4ivEXT) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttribI4ivEXT)); +} + +static inline void SET_VertexAttribI4ivEXT(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, const GLint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttribI4ivEXT, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_VertexAttribI4uiEXT)(GLuint, GLuint, GLuint, GLuint, GLuint); +#define CALL_VertexAttribI4uiEXT(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_VertexAttribI4uiEXT(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_VertexAttribI4uiEXT GET_VertexAttribI4uiEXT(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_VertexAttribI4uiEXT) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttribI4uiEXT)); +} + +static inline void SET_VertexAttribI4uiEXT(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLuint, GLuint, GLuint, GLuint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttribI4uiEXT, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_VertexAttribI4uivEXT)(GLuint, const GLuint *); +#define CALL_VertexAttribI4uivEXT(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_VertexAttribI4uivEXT(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_VertexAttribI4uivEXT GET_VertexAttribI4uivEXT(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_VertexAttribI4uivEXT) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttribI4uivEXT)); +} + +static inline void SET_VertexAttribI4uivEXT(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, const GLuint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_VertexAttribI4uivEXT, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_ClearColorIiEXT)(GLint, GLint, GLint, GLint); +#define CALL_ClearColorIiEXT(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_ClearColorIiEXT(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_ClearColorIiEXT GET_ClearColorIiEXT(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_ClearColorIiEXT) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ClearColorIiEXT)); +} + +static inline void SET_ClearColorIiEXT(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLint, GLint, GLint, GLint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ClearColorIiEXT, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_ClearColorIuiEXT)(GLuint, GLuint, GLuint, GLuint); +#define CALL_ClearColorIuiEXT(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_ClearColorIuiEXT(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_ClearColorIuiEXT GET_ClearColorIuiEXT(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_ClearColorIuiEXT) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ClearColorIuiEXT)); +} + +static inline void SET_ClearColorIuiEXT(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint, GLuint, GLuint, GLuint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ClearColorIuiEXT, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_BindBufferOffsetEXT)(GLenum, GLuint, GLuint, GLintptr); +#define CALL_BindBufferOffsetEXT(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_BindBufferOffsetEXT(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_BindBufferOffsetEXT GET_BindBufferOffsetEXT(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_BindBufferOffsetEXT) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_BindBufferOffsetEXT)); +} + +static inline void SET_BindBufferOffsetEXT(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLuint, GLuint, GLintptr)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_BindBufferOffsetEXT, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetObjectParameterivAPPLE)(GLenum, GLuint, GLenum, GLint *); +#define CALL_GetObjectParameterivAPPLE(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetObjectParameterivAPPLE(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetObjectParameterivAPPLE GET_GetObjectParameterivAPPLE(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetObjectParameterivAPPLE) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetObjectParameterivAPPLE)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetObjectParameterivAPPLE(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLuint, GLenum, GLint *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetObjectParameterivAPPLE, fn); +} + +typedef GLenum (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_ObjectPurgeableAPPLE)(GLenum, GLuint, GLenum); +#define CALL_ObjectPurgeableAPPLE(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_ObjectPurgeableAPPLE(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_ObjectPurgeableAPPLE GET_ObjectPurgeableAPPLE(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_ObjectPurgeableAPPLE) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ObjectPurgeableAPPLE)); +} + +static inline void SET_ObjectPurgeableAPPLE(struct _glapi_table *disp, GLenum (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLuint, GLenum)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ObjectPurgeableAPPLE, fn); +} + +typedef GLenum (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_ObjectUnpurgeableAPPLE)(GLenum, GLuint, GLenum); +#define CALL_ObjectUnpurgeableAPPLE(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_ObjectUnpurgeableAPPLE(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_ObjectUnpurgeableAPPLE GET_ObjectUnpurgeableAPPLE(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_ObjectUnpurgeableAPPLE) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ObjectUnpurgeableAPPLE)); +} + +static inline void SET_ObjectUnpurgeableAPPLE(struct _glapi_table *disp, GLenum (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLuint, GLenum)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ObjectUnpurgeableAPPLE, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_ActiveProgramEXT)(GLuint); +#define CALL_ActiveProgramEXT(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_ActiveProgramEXT(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_ActiveProgramEXT GET_ActiveProgramEXT(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_ActiveProgramEXT) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ActiveProgramEXT)); +} + +static inline void SET_ActiveProgramEXT(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLuint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ActiveProgramEXT, fn); +} + +typedef GLuint (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_CreateShaderProgramEXT)(GLenum, const GLchar *); +#define CALL_CreateShaderProgramEXT(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_CreateShaderProgramEXT(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_CreateShaderProgramEXT GET_CreateShaderProgramEXT(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_CreateShaderProgramEXT) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_CreateShaderProgramEXT)); +} + +static inline void SET_CreateShaderProgramEXT(struct _glapi_table *disp, GLuint (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, const GLchar *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_CreateShaderProgramEXT, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_UseShaderProgramEXT)(GLenum, GLuint); +#define CALL_UseShaderProgramEXT(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_UseShaderProgramEXT(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_UseShaderProgramEXT GET_UseShaderProgramEXT(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_UseShaderProgramEXT) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_UseShaderProgramEXT)); +} + +static inline void SET_UseShaderProgramEXT(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLuint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_UseShaderProgramEXT, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_TextureBarrierNV)(void); +#define CALL_TextureBarrierNV(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_TextureBarrierNV(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_TextureBarrierNV GET_TextureBarrierNV(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_TextureBarrierNV) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TextureBarrierNV)); +} + +static inline void SET_TextureBarrierNV(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(void)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TextureBarrierNV, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_StencilFuncSeparateATI)(GLenum, GLenum, GLint, GLuint); +#define CALL_StencilFuncSeparateATI(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_StencilFuncSeparateATI(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_StencilFuncSeparateATI GET_StencilFuncSeparateATI(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_StencilFuncSeparateATI) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_StencilFuncSeparateATI)); +} + +static inline void SET_StencilFuncSeparateATI(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, GLint, GLuint)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_StencilFuncSeparateATI, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_ProgramEnvParameters4fvEXT)(GLenum, GLuint, GLsizei, const GLfloat *); +#define CALL_ProgramEnvParameters4fvEXT(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_ProgramEnvParameters4fvEXT(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_ProgramEnvParameters4fvEXT GET_ProgramEnvParameters4fvEXT(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_ProgramEnvParameters4fvEXT) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ProgramEnvParameters4fvEXT)); +} + +static inline void SET_ProgramEnvParameters4fvEXT(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLuint, GLsizei, const GLfloat *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ProgramEnvParameters4fvEXT, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_ProgramLocalParameters4fvEXT)(GLenum, GLuint, GLsizei, const GLfloat *); +#define CALL_ProgramLocalParameters4fvEXT(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_ProgramLocalParameters4fvEXT(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_ProgramLocalParameters4fvEXT GET_ProgramLocalParameters4fvEXT(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_ProgramLocalParameters4fvEXT) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ProgramLocalParameters4fvEXT)); +} + +static inline void SET_ProgramLocalParameters4fvEXT(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLuint, GLsizei, const GLfloat *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ProgramLocalParameters4fvEXT, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_EGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOES)(GLenum, GLvoid *); +#define CALL_EGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOES(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_EGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOES(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_EGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOES GET_EGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOES(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_EGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOES) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_EGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOES)); +} + +static inline void SET_EGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOES(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLvoid *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_EGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOES, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_EGLImageTargetTexture2DOES)(GLenum, GLvoid *); +#define CALL_EGLImageTargetTexture2DOES(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_EGLImageTargetTexture2DOES(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_EGLImageTargetTexture2DOES GET_EGLImageTargetTexture2DOES(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_EGLImageTargetTexture2DOES) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_EGLImageTargetTexture2DOES)); +} + +static inline void SET_EGLImageTargetTexture2DOES(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLvoid *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_EGLImageTargetTexture2DOES, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_AlphaFuncx)(GLenum, GLclampx); +#define CALL_AlphaFuncx(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_AlphaFuncx(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_AlphaFuncx GET_AlphaFuncx(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_AlphaFuncx) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_AlphaFuncx)); +} + +static inline void SET_AlphaFuncx(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLclampx)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_AlphaFuncx, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_ClearColorx)(GLclampx, GLclampx, GLclampx, GLclampx); +#define CALL_ClearColorx(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_ClearColorx(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_ClearColorx GET_ClearColorx(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_ClearColorx) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ClearColorx)); +} + +static inline void SET_ClearColorx(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLclampx, GLclampx, GLclampx, GLclampx)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ClearColorx, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_ClearDepthx)(GLclampx); +#define CALL_ClearDepthx(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_ClearDepthx(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_ClearDepthx GET_ClearDepthx(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_ClearDepthx) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ClearDepthx)); +} + +static inline void SET_ClearDepthx(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLclampx)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ClearDepthx, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Color4x)(GLfixed, GLfixed, GLfixed, GLfixed); +#define CALL_Color4x(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Color4x(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Color4x GET_Color4x(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Color4x) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Color4x)); +} + +static inline void SET_Color4x(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLfixed, GLfixed, GLfixed, GLfixed)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Color4x, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_DepthRangex)(GLclampx, GLclampx); +#define CALL_DepthRangex(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_DepthRangex(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_DepthRangex GET_DepthRangex(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_DepthRangex) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_DepthRangex)); +} + +static inline void SET_DepthRangex(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLclampx, GLclampx)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_DepthRangex, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Fogx)(GLenum, GLfixed); +#define CALL_Fogx(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Fogx(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Fogx GET_Fogx(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Fogx) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Fogx)); +} + +static inline void SET_Fogx(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLfixed)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Fogx, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Fogxv)(GLenum, const GLfixed *); +#define CALL_Fogxv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Fogxv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Fogxv GET_Fogxv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Fogxv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Fogxv)); +} + +static inline void SET_Fogxv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, const GLfixed *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Fogxv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Frustumf)(GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat); +#define CALL_Frustumf(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Frustumf(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Frustumf GET_Frustumf(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Frustumf) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Frustumf)); +} + +static inline void SET_Frustumf(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Frustumf, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Frustumx)(GLfixed, GLfixed, GLfixed, GLfixed, GLfixed, GLfixed); +#define CALL_Frustumx(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Frustumx(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Frustumx GET_Frustumx(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Frustumx) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Frustumx)); +} + +static inline void SET_Frustumx(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLfixed, GLfixed, GLfixed, GLfixed, GLfixed, GLfixed)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Frustumx, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_LightModelx)(GLenum, GLfixed); +#define CALL_LightModelx(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_LightModelx(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_LightModelx GET_LightModelx(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_LightModelx) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_LightModelx)); +} + +static inline void SET_LightModelx(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLfixed)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_LightModelx, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_LightModelxv)(GLenum, const GLfixed *); +#define CALL_LightModelxv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_LightModelxv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_LightModelxv GET_LightModelxv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_LightModelxv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_LightModelxv)); +} + +static inline void SET_LightModelxv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, const GLfixed *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_LightModelxv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Lightx)(GLenum, GLenum, GLfixed); +#define CALL_Lightx(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Lightx(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Lightx GET_Lightx(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Lightx) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Lightx)); +} + +static inline void SET_Lightx(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, GLfixed)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Lightx, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Lightxv)(GLenum, GLenum, const GLfixed *); +#define CALL_Lightxv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Lightxv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Lightxv GET_Lightxv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Lightxv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Lightxv)); +} + +static inline void SET_Lightxv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, const GLfixed *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Lightxv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_LineWidthx)(GLfixed); +#define CALL_LineWidthx(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_LineWidthx(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_LineWidthx GET_LineWidthx(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_LineWidthx) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_LineWidthx)); +} + +static inline void SET_LineWidthx(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLfixed)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_LineWidthx, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_LoadMatrixx)(const GLfixed *); +#define CALL_LoadMatrixx(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_LoadMatrixx(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_LoadMatrixx GET_LoadMatrixx(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_LoadMatrixx) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_LoadMatrixx)); +} + +static inline void SET_LoadMatrixx(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(const GLfixed *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_LoadMatrixx, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Materialx)(GLenum, GLenum, GLfixed); +#define CALL_Materialx(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Materialx(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Materialx GET_Materialx(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Materialx) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Materialx)); +} + +static inline void SET_Materialx(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, GLfixed)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Materialx, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Materialxv)(GLenum, GLenum, const GLfixed *); +#define CALL_Materialxv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Materialxv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Materialxv GET_Materialxv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Materialxv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Materialxv)); +} + +static inline void SET_Materialxv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, const GLfixed *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Materialxv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_MultMatrixx)(const GLfixed *); +#define CALL_MultMatrixx(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_MultMatrixx(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_MultMatrixx GET_MultMatrixx(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_MultMatrixx) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_MultMatrixx)); +} + +static inline void SET_MultMatrixx(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(const GLfixed *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_MultMatrixx, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_MultiTexCoord4x)(GLenum, GLfixed, GLfixed, GLfixed, GLfixed); +#define CALL_MultiTexCoord4x(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_MultiTexCoord4x(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_MultiTexCoord4x GET_MultiTexCoord4x(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_MultiTexCoord4x) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_MultiTexCoord4x)); +} + +static inline void SET_MultiTexCoord4x(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLfixed, GLfixed, GLfixed, GLfixed)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_MultiTexCoord4x, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Normal3x)(GLfixed, GLfixed, GLfixed); +#define CALL_Normal3x(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Normal3x(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Normal3x GET_Normal3x(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Normal3x) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Normal3x)); +} + +static inline void SET_Normal3x(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLfixed, GLfixed, GLfixed)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Normal3x, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Orthof)(GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat); +#define CALL_Orthof(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Orthof(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Orthof GET_Orthof(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Orthof) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Orthof)); +} + +static inline void SET_Orthof(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Orthof, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Orthox)(GLfixed, GLfixed, GLfixed, GLfixed, GLfixed, GLfixed); +#define CALL_Orthox(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Orthox(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Orthox GET_Orthox(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Orthox) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Orthox)); +} + +static inline void SET_Orthox(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLfixed, GLfixed, GLfixed, GLfixed, GLfixed, GLfixed)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Orthox, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_PointSizex)(GLfixed); +#define CALL_PointSizex(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_PointSizex(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_PointSizex GET_PointSizex(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_PointSizex) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_PointSizex)); +} + +static inline void SET_PointSizex(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLfixed)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_PointSizex, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_PolygonOffsetx)(GLfixed, GLfixed); +#define CALL_PolygonOffsetx(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_PolygonOffsetx(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_PolygonOffsetx GET_PolygonOffsetx(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_PolygonOffsetx) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_PolygonOffsetx)); +} + +static inline void SET_PolygonOffsetx(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLfixed, GLfixed)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_PolygonOffsetx, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Rotatex)(GLfixed, GLfixed, GLfixed, GLfixed); +#define CALL_Rotatex(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Rotatex(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Rotatex GET_Rotatex(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Rotatex) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Rotatex)); +} + +static inline void SET_Rotatex(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLfixed, GLfixed, GLfixed, GLfixed)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Rotatex, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_SampleCoveragex)(GLclampx, GLboolean); +#define CALL_SampleCoveragex(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_SampleCoveragex(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_SampleCoveragex GET_SampleCoveragex(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_SampleCoveragex) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_SampleCoveragex)); +} + +static inline void SET_SampleCoveragex(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLclampx, GLboolean)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_SampleCoveragex, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Scalex)(GLfixed, GLfixed, GLfixed); +#define CALL_Scalex(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Scalex(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Scalex GET_Scalex(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Scalex) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Scalex)); +} + +static inline void SET_Scalex(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLfixed, GLfixed, GLfixed)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Scalex, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_TexEnvx)(GLenum, GLenum, GLfixed); +#define CALL_TexEnvx(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_TexEnvx(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_TexEnvx GET_TexEnvx(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_TexEnvx) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexEnvx)); +} + +static inline void SET_TexEnvx(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, GLfixed)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexEnvx, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_TexEnvxv)(GLenum, GLenum, const GLfixed *); +#define CALL_TexEnvxv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_TexEnvxv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_TexEnvxv GET_TexEnvxv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_TexEnvxv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexEnvxv)); +} + +static inline void SET_TexEnvxv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, const GLfixed *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexEnvxv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_TexParameterx)(GLenum, GLenum, GLfixed); +#define CALL_TexParameterx(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_TexParameterx(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_TexParameterx GET_TexParameterx(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_TexParameterx) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexParameterx)); +} + +static inline void SET_TexParameterx(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, GLfixed)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexParameterx, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_Translatex)(GLfixed, GLfixed, GLfixed); +#define CALL_Translatex(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_Translatex(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_Translatex GET_Translatex(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_Translatex) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Translatex)); +} + +static inline void SET_Translatex(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLfixed, GLfixed, GLfixed)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_Translatex, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_ClipPlanef)(GLenum, const GLfloat *); +#define CALL_ClipPlanef(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_ClipPlanef(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_ClipPlanef GET_ClipPlanef(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_ClipPlanef) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ClipPlanef)); +} + +static inline void SET_ClipPlanef(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, const GLfloat *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ClipPlanef, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_ClipPlanex)(GLenum, const GLfixed *); +#define CALL_ClipPlanex(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_ClipPlanex(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_ClipPlanex GET_ClipPlanex(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_ClipPlanex) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ClipPlanex)); +} + +static inline void SET_ClipPlanex(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, const GLfixed *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_ClipPlanex, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetClipPlanef)(GLenum, GLfloat *); +#define CALL_GetClipPlanef(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetClipPlanef(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetClipPlanef GET_GetClipPlanef(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetClipPlanef) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetClipPlanef)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetClipPlanef(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLfloat *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetClipPlanef, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetClipPlanex)(GLenum, GLfixed *); +#define CALL_GetClipPlanex(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetClipPlanex(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetClipPlanex GET_GetClipPlanex(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetClipPlanex) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetClipPlanex)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetClipPlanex(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLfixed *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetClipPlanex, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetFixedv)(GLenum, GLfixed *); +#define CALL_GetFixedv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetFixedv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetFixedv GET_GetFixedv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetFixedv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetFixedv)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetFixedv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLfixed *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetFixedv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetLightxv)(GLenum, GLenum, GLfixed *); +#define CALL_GetLightxv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetLightxv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetLightxv GET_GetLightxv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetLightxv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetLightxv)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetLightxv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, GLfixed *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetLightxv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetMaterialxv)(GLenum, GLenum, GLfixed *); +#define CALL_GetMaterialxv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetMaterialxv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetMaterialxv GET_GetMaterialxv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetMaterialxv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetMaterialxv)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetMaterialxv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, GLfixed *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetMaterialxv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetTexEnvxv)(GLenum, GLenum, GLfixed *); +#define CALL_GetTexEnvxv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetTexEnvxv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetTexEnvxv GET_GetTexEnvxv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetTexEnvxv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetTexEnvxv)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetTexEnvxv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, GLfixed *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetTexEnvxv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_GetTexParameterxv)(GLenum, GLenum, GLfixed *); +#define CALL_GetTexParameterxv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_GetTexParameterxv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_GetTexParameterxv GET_GetTexParameterxv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_GetTexParameterxv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetTexParameterxv)); +} + +static inline void SET_GetTexParameterxv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, GLfixed *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_GetTexParameterxv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_PointParameterx)(GLenum, GLfixed); +#define CALL_PointParameterx(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_PointParameterx(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_PointParameterx GET_PointParameterx(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_PointParameterx) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_PointParameterx)); +} + +static inline void SET_PointParameterx(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLfixed)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_PointParameterx, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_PointParameterxv)(GLenum, const GLfixed *); +#define CALL_PointParameterxv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_PointParameterxv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_PointParameterxv GET_PointParameterxv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_PointParameterxv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_PointParameterxv)); +} + +static inline void SET_PointParameterxv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, const GLfixed *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_PointParameterxv, fn); +} + +typedef void (GLAPIENTRYP _glptr_TexParameterxv)(GLenum, GLenum, const GLfixed *); +#define CALL_TexParameterxv(disp, parameters) \ + (* GET_TexParameterxv(disp)) parameters +static inline _glptr_TexParameterxv GET_TexParameterxv(struct _glapi_table *disp) { + return (_glptr_TexParameterxv) (GET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexParameterxv)); +} + +static inline void SET_TexParameterxv(struct _glapi_table *disp, void (GLAPIENTRYP fn)(GLenum, GLenum, const GLfixed *)) { + SET_by_offset(disp, _gloffset_TexParameterxv, fn); +} + + +#endif /* !defined( _DISPATCH_H_ ) */