maven-repo-helper source package in 14.09-factory

maven-repo-helper: Helper tools for including Maven metadata in Debian packages

Versions published


The package versions that were published when the distribution release was made.

maven-repo-helper information

Current version:
Medium Urgency

Upstream connections

Maven Packaging Supporttrunk

Utilities for building a Maven project using the Debian rules and packaging it into a Debian package.

Bug supervisor: no
Bug tracker: yes
Branch: yes

There are no registered releases for the Maven Packaging Support ⇒ trunk.

Releases in Ubuntu RTM

Binary packages

Download files from current release (1.8.8)

File Size SHA-256 Checksum
maven-repo-helper_1.8.8.dsc 1.9 KiB b9377d20224dd7ea7d559748617b24cfba2638f3f1aaf49068d45eae661c0a6b
maven-repo-helper_1.8.8.tar.xz 100.8 KiB 5703632b1a0267a86743b605d91a3bf2dfe5c91e814740e9f09b940aed715fff

Package relationships

Build dependencies

Platform-independent build dependencies

Platform-dependent build dependencies

Build conflicts

Platform-independent build dependencies

Platform-dependent build dependencies