Select Keyboard Layout by Country

Asked by reg

Right now Ubiquity (d-i actually) selects the "default" keyboard layout from the locale.
It would make more sense (to me at least) to "suggest" this default layout from the selected country (just got for time zone).


1. I launch installer/ubiquity
2. Language selection: there is no Farsi so I choose english
3. Time Zone selection: I choose Afghanistan
4. Keyboard layout.
    a. ubiquity suggest USA (current behavior)
    b. uiquity suggest Afghanistan (proposed behavior)

My point is that most people installing Ubuntu wants to be driven (that's the point of those suggestion and of the whole ubiquity).
They don't know that there is a layout available for their country because they are used to the poor ones from Windows and thus they end up looking in search engines for "how to type --country name-- characters in ubuntu ?" while the layout is just there, waiting for them.

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ubiquity Edit question
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