TORCH: General Notes

Created by Tim Cook

    * Windows may open behind current windows when a link or button is selected. If it appears that nothing happened after clicking a link or button, be sure to check the TaskBar (or other method for your operating system) to see if the window opened in the background.
    * Effort has been made to accomodate all browsers. This is not 100% successful. Often scrollbars may not appear when needed, minimizing and then selecting fullscreen again usually solves this problem.
    * Throughout the application and the documentation you may see EMR and EHR used interchangably. We do define the two differently and consider TORCH to be an EHR. The instances of 'EMR' are leftover from earlier versions and are being worked out of the application.
    * When you open a patient record it opens in a new browser window. This leaves the main application window open for selecting other records or performing other functions. There is intentionally no way to go from an EHR back to the main application screen. The only thing that should logically happen to an EHR when you are finished with it is for it to be put away.

Remember that YOU control how good or bad an application TORCH is through your contributions of time and feedback.

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