TORCH: Installation on Linux

Created by Tim Cook

 Copyright (c) 2002-2009 Timothy Cook. Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; A copy of the license is included in the section entitled "License".

Installing TORCH 1.3.2

These instructions only consider installing TORCH on the Linux operating system.

Technically there should be very little difference if you wish to install on another OS that is supported by Zope. The possible exception is that the spellchecker may or may not be supported.

torch_ 131_linux2.tgz contains a binary distribution of Zope-2.6.1 with some additional support files and a modified logging system. Other Zope products such as CMF, Plone, BtreeFolder, LocalFS, Formulator & Spellchecker are used.

Installation Sequence:

1. Unpack the archive into the directory /opt/op/torch. You 'can' install it into a different directory if you wish but if you do then look up in the mailing list archives about how to repair a moved Plone site.

2. There is an initial Manager user included in this version of TORCH. The username is 'torch_admin' with a password of 'abc123'. Therefore you should IMMEDIATELY change this password upon logging in.

3. The script torch_start contains what we suggest as your startup script. You may review it and change the start script that was created during installation or you may just start Zope by running "./start_torch &" at a commandline.

4. The first time you start TORCH it will take several minutes to actually be up and running. Use top to monitor the python threads and wait for usage to drop off to near zero. You will only see the process id appear in the terminal window.

5. Once Zope is running you can log in as 'torch_admin' from a browser pointed to "http://:8080" If you are running a browser on the server and you used the sample start script, you can use "http://localhost:8080".

6. Read this initial Zope information page. Near the bottom is a link to the Zope Management Interface (ZMI) click on this link and you should be prompted to log in.

7. Navigate to the acl_users folder and change your torch_admin password.

8. Close your browser, re-open your browser and point it to http://:8080/intranet. Login as 'ddoctor' with a password of 'abc123' This is the demo physician. You should now click on the tab labeled 'torch'. This will take you into the EHR application TORCH.

9. If you are wanting to provide external access to your TORCH installation you will need to verify that there is a Virtual Host Monster in your Zope Root Folder (named 'VHM') and then setup Apache/SSL as a frontend. This is beyond the scope of this install guide. There is more information about this subject on the Zope site at

10. DO NOT DELETE THE torch_admin userid. Doing this will mess up your installation since this user owns your data. Simply change the password to the torch_admin user if you want to protect against unautorized usage!!

Please read the default front page for instructions on navigating from the intranet to TORCH proper.

The proper way to add users is to have them log in and Join the intranet. Once this is complete, the site Manager can navigate to the intranet/acl_users folder and add any local roles that are required. Such as Physician & Provider or Nurse & Provider in order to enter items into the EHR.

If you have any problems with your install and / or initial use please post your questions to the TORCH mailing list. If you are not yet a member of the TORCH open source community then go to for information on the mailing list.

Thank You,

Tim Cook