Inicio automático de timekpr

Asked by WNino

En primer lugar deseo felicitarles por tan útil proyecto. He descargado la aplicación, la he mirado y me parece estupenda,
pero, no conozco la forma de hacer que la aplicación se ejecute por sí sola al inicio.
Es decir, he probado el software y trabaja correctamente pero es necesario ejecutar timekpr como administrador para que realice la tarea de limitar el tiempo que los usuarios permanecen ante el PC. Desconozco qué debo hacer para que timekpr se ejecute automáticamente al encender el computador.

Uso Ubunto 8.04 actualmente. Agradezco la ayuda que me puedan brindar.

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timekpr Edit question
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Solved by:
Even Nedberg
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Revision history for this message
crjackson (crjackson) said :

Una vez que el timekpr es instalado esto comienza un servicio que corren automáticamente para reanudar la computadora. Sólo esté seguro usted hacen instalar la versión newest. Una vez correctamente instalado, reanude su computadora y timekpr debería correr.

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Even Nedberg (nedberg) said :

I don't know about forger, but I don't speak spanish. If you want to ask the developers something please ask again in english.

Revision history for this message
crjackson (crjackson) said :

He was asking if the timekpr scrip would self intitate from a reboot, and how to make that happen if it didn't. I told him it should automatically load on reboot.

Revision history for this message
crjackson (crjackson) said :

Question from Inicio in English:
First of all I want to congratulate everyone on so useful a project. I have installed the application, looked at it and it seems to marvelous to me, but, I don't know how to make the application execute form reboot.

That is to say, I have tested the software and it works correctly but it is necessary to execute timekpr as an administrator so that it will limit the time that the users remain logged in. I do not know what I must do so that timekpr it is executed automatically on having rebooted the computer.

I Use Ubuntu 8.04 at present. I am grateful for the help that anyone can offer to me.


My Answer in English:
Once timekpr is installed it runs in the background like a service that gets loaded automatically every reboot. Make sure to install the newest version. Once correctly installed, reboot and timekpr should running.

Revision history for this message
crjackson (crjackson) said :

Almost forgot the title: Inicio automático de timekpr

It says: Automatic Start of timekpr

Revision history for this message
WNino (banderas) said :

Muchas gracias a cada una de las personas que han proporcionado alguna respuesta a mi pregunta. En especial a crjackson quien ha hecho posible mi comunicación con las demás personas que no hablan español.

Creo que he realizado mal los pasos para instalar timekpr:

Primero instalé libnotify-bin.
Después descargué el archivo desde
Le dí permisos de ejecución y lo ejecuté como administrador: (sudo ./
Con ello se descargaron algunos archivos.
Después, ejecuté la interface gráfica (sudo timekpr_gui) y configuré los usuarios.

Observo que copia diversos archivos pero no hace algo que ejecute timekpr al inicio de sesión.

Podría alguien orientarme sobre cómo debo hacer la instalación correctamente para que funcione?

Me interesa conocer la forma correcta de hacer la instalación de timekpr en Ubuntu porque sé que hay otros usuarios de la comunidad de Ubuntu interesados en hacer uso del mismo. Yo me encargaría de pasarles la información por ustedes proporcionada.

Una vez más agradezco a todos su ayuda.

Revision history for this message
crjackson (crjackson) said :

Wnino said:

Thank you very much to everyone who responded to my question. Especially to crjackson who has made it possible for me to communicate with other persons who do not speak Spanish.

I believe that I have misunderstood the steps to install timekpr:

First I installed libnotify-bin.
Later I downloaded the file from
http: // / ~ timekpr-maintainers/timekpr/trunk/files
I set permissions to execute and ran it as administrator: (sudo ./
and some files unarchived (downloaded).

Later, I executed the graphic interface (sudo timekpr_gui) and configured the users.

I observed that copies various files but does not do anything that executes timekpr from the starting boot process..

Will anybody tell me how I must do the installation correctly so that it works?

I need to know the correct way of doing the installation of timekpr in Ubuntu, because I know that many other users of the Ubuntu community would like to know, and use this program. I would be glad to pass along the information you have provided.

Once again I am grateful to all this help.

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crjackson (crjackson) said :


He traducido su pregunta al inglés para los reveladores. Cuando uno de ellos responde, seré feliz traducir al español para usted si es necesario.




I have translated your question to English for the developers. When one of them responds, I will be happy to translate to Spanish for you if it is needed.


Revision history for this message
Best Even Nedberg (nedberg) said :

Seem like WNino is using an old version of timekpr since he mentioned the

If he wants to use that one he should add /usr/local/ & to /etc/rc.local before exit.

The prefferd install method would be to dl the .deb file from the forums ( WNino should clear everything related to the old version before installing.

rm /usr/local/bin/timekpr* should do the trick!

Thanks for translating crjackson!

Revision history for this message
WNino (banderas) said :

Thanks Even Nedberg! I have looked the .deb file and I have installed it. timekpr is working in the computer of my child now.
Thanks crjackson one more time!