gconf profiles broken?

Asked by Donat

When I try to invoke gnome-terminal profiles as described in the man page I get an error message:

donat@donat-one:~$ terminator --profile=transparent
Usage: terminator [options]
terminator: error: --profile option does not take a value

this goes against what is said in the man page, so I am wondering if the fundtion is not yet properly implemented?

I run Crunchbang version 8.10 with terminator 0.11

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English Edit question
Terminator Edit question
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Solved by:
Chris Jones
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Revision history for this message
Best Chris Jones (cmsj) said :

This should be fixed in 0.12. I have linked the relevant bug report to this question.

Revision history for this message
Donat (duffnut) said :

Thanks for the swift reply, and having installed 0.12, the problem seems to be fixed.

However I think the Man page needs to be updated as the correct syntax appears to be:
as opposed to
which still returns the error message from above.

Revision history for this message
Donat (duffnut) said :

Thanks Chris Jones, that solved my question.

Revision history for this message
Chris Jones (cmsj) said :

Donat: Thanks, that's a good point, I'll get that fixed up.