Can I have a global hotkey to enter new tasks?

Created by Frank Niessink
Last updated by:
Jérôme Laheurte

On Windows, install AutoHotkey (see, it's open source and free) and put this in your AutoHotKey.ahk script:

IfWinExist Task Coach
    WinActivate Task Coach
    Run %A_ProgramFiles%\TaskCoach\taskcoach.exe
WinWaitActive Task Coach
WinMenuSelectItem Task Coach,, Task, New task...

Starting with version 1.4, use the following:

;global hotkey to enter new tasks in TaskCoach
IfWinExist Task Coach
WinActivate Task Coach
Run %A_ProgramFiles%\TaskCoach\taskcoach.exe
WinWaitActive Task Coach
WinMenuSelectItem Task Coach,, New, New task...

This will register Control-Alt-N as global hotkey for entering a new task. Task Coach will be started if necessary. If you use a translation, you need to change 'Task, New task...' into your language.


Kristijan Lenac provides this solution for Linux: make a bash script, containing these lines:

wmctrl -a "Task Coach" && xvkbd -xsendevent -text "\[Insert]"

and assign it to a keyboard shortcut using xbindkeys. For example, put these two lines in the .xbindkeysrc file:


Of course you need to install xbindkeys, xvkbd and wmctrl.

In this way it is also possible to remap existing keyboard shortcuts in Task Coach. This feature is currently lacking, but can be simply
achieved using another shortcut key in .xbindkeysrc.

Note that this solution only works if the Task Coach window is not minimized. A solution is to keep the window open in another workspace and use keystrokes to automatically switch to it (wmctrl -a "Task Coach" does that part).


We'd appreciate suggestions for other platforms...